CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011


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apply a specific procedure which evaluates this influence by adding or removing instruments in a given<br />

measurement network (possibly empty). That procedure using the Schur complement have been detailed in<br />

[DA22]. The study of various network configurations of instruments in the nuclear core establishes that the<br />

influence of the instruments depends both on the independent instrumentation location and on the chosen<br />

network.<br />

It was proven also that results are very different when instruments are added to a non instrumented system<br />

than to a partially (half) instrumented one. Such a non equivalence respect to starting point proves that<br />

building a complete instrumental system cannot be done iteratively. Such a system will have limited<br />

efficiency as each step is dependant upon the previous and not of the global situation. This implies that,<br />

in order to build an optimal measurement network in a nuclear core, it is necessary to be able to take into<br />

account all the instruments globally.<br />

Those results have been reposted in [DA22] and published in Nuclear Instrumentation and Method A [DA2].<br />

6.4 Optimisation of the instrument network for the nuclear core<br />

(B. Bouriquet, O. Thual)<br />

Knowing that an optimal network cannot be constructed iteratively we focused on solving the inverse<br />

problem of determining an optimal repartition of the measuring instruments within the core, to get the<br />

best possible results from the data assimilation reconstruction procedure. The position optimisation is<br />

realised using Simulated Annealing algorithm [22], based on the Metropolis-Hastings one. Moreover, in<br />

order to address the optimisation computing challenge, algebraic improvements of data assimilation have<br />

been developed and are presented here. Two main conclusions arises from those studies. The first one<br />

is that the standard PWR900 instruments repartition is characterized by an excitingly good quality. This<br />

instruments repartition is a priori the best we know, even if it was not originally designed using a data<br />

assimilation framework background. The second point is that the simulated annealing method can always<br />

find a ameliorated instrument locations set. Those results have been reported in [DA19] and was accepted<br />

for publication in Nuclear Instrumentation and Method A.<br />

6.5 Sensitivity of the data assimilation (B. Bouriquet, O. Thual)<br />

Some studies have been carried out on sensitivity of the analysis obtained by data assimilation. In order to<br />

obtain this sensitivity it has been determined the values that are conditioning the evolution of the analysis<br />

respect to a small change if the data assimilation component. Studies have been done for PWR900 and<br />

PWR1300. In order to synthesise sensitivity information as well as data assimilation sub product matrix<br />

(as analysis error matrix) several method of information reduction are used. Specially we focused on the<br />

MMSE (Minimal Mean Square Error) that allow to evaluate the extra diagonal information in a covariance<br />

matrix. Those results are reported in [DA21].<br />

6.6 Parameter estimation through data assimilation (B. Bouriquet,<br />

O. Thual)<br />

Another important point on data assimilation usage is the parameter adjustment. The aim is to find the<br />

best estimation of the parameter using the available data. Such studies have already done in [13] on one<br />

parameter with the COCCINELLE code. Then they have been extend with the use of COCAGNE in [14].<br />

In that report the first test on estimation of several parameter at one have been tried. From that experience<br />

some detail research on the assimilation of several parameter together have been performed. Those studies<br />

92 <strong>Jan</strong>. <strong>2010</strong> – <strong>Dec</strong>. <strong>2011</strong>

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