CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011


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communication library and directly redistributed between the source and target parallel distribution without<br />

the need to gather the whole coupling field onto one OASIS3 process. One advantage of this solution is<br />

that it will be totally transparent for the OASIS3 user, in the sense that the current OASIS3 communication<br />

library API (Application Programming Interface) will not change.<br />

Technically, the two solutions described above, i.e. the OASIS4 user-defined regridding and the interfacing<br />

of MCT in OASIS3, are in principle equivalent. It will therefore be interesting to compare the two solutions<br />

and choose the most efficient one if they both prove to be valid options for massively parallel coupled<br />

simulations.<br />

2.5 References<br />

[1] A. P. Craig, M. Vertenstein, and R. Jacob, (<strong>2011</strong>), A new flexible coupler for earth system modeling<br />

developed for CCSM4 and CESM1, International Journal of High Performance Computing Application,<br />

doi :10.1177/109434<strong>2011</strong>428141.<br />

[2] J.-L. Dufresne, M.-A. Foujols, A. Denvil, S. Caubel, O. Marti, O. Aumont, Y. Balkanski, S. Bekki, H. Bellenger,<br />

R. Benshila, S. Bony, L. Bopp, P. Braconnot, P. Brockmann, P. Cadule, F. Cheruy, F. Codron, A. Cozic, D. Cugnet,<br />

N. de Noblet, J.-P. Duvel, C. Ethé, L. Fairhead, T. Fichefet, S. Flavoni, P. Friedlingstein, J.-Y. Grandpeix, L. Guez,<br />

E. Guilyardi, D. Hauglustaine, F. Hourdin, A. Idelkadi, J. Ghattas, S. Joussaume, M. Kageyama, G. Krinner,<br />

S. Labetoulle, A. Lahellec, M.-P. Lefebvre, F. Lefevre, C. Levy, Z. X. Li, J. Lloyd, F. Lott, G. Madec, M. Mancip,<br />

M. Marchand, S. Masson, Y. Meurdesoif, J. Mignot, I. Musat, S. Parouty, J. Polcher, C. Rio, M. Schulz,<br />

D. Swingedouw, S. Szopa, C. Talandier, P. Terray, and Viovy, (2012), Climate change projections using the IPSL-<br />

CM5 Earth System Model : from CMIP3 to CMIP5, Clim. Dyn. submitted.<br />

[3] W. Hazeleger, X. Wang, C. Severijns, S. Stefanescu, R. Bintanja, A. Sterl, K. Wyser, T. Semmler, Y. S., and<br />

B. van den Hurk, (<strong>2011</strong>), EC-Earth V2.2 : description and validation of a new seamless earth system prediction<br />

model, Clim. Dyn, DOI : 10.1007/s00382–011–1228–5.<br />

[4] E. Scoccimarro, S. Gualdi, A. Bellucci, A. Sanna, P. G. Fogli, E. Manzini, M. Vichi, P. Oddo, and A. Navarra,<br />

(<strong>2011</strong>), Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Ocean Heat Transport in a High Resolution Coupled General Circulation<br />

Model, Journal of Climate, 24, 4368–4384.<br />

[5] M. Vichi, E. Manzini, P. G. Fogli, A. Alessandri, L. Patara, E. Scoccimarro, M. S., and N. A., (<strong>2011</strong>), Global and<br />

regional ocean carbon uptake and climate change : sensitivity to a substantial mitigation scenario, Clim. Dyn, 37,<br />

DOI : 10.1007/s00382–011–1079–0.<br />

<strong>CERFACS</strong> ACTIVITY REPORT 103

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