CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011


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and a model-independent objective analysis (Corre et al. <strong>2011</strong>). Several variables were used : the mean<br />

temperature above the 14 o C isotherm, its depth and a fixed depth mean temperature (250 m mean<br />

temperature). This choice of variables provides information about the local heat absorption, vertical<br />

distribution and horizontal redistribution of heat, this latter being suggestive of changes in ocean circulation.<br />

Use of the mean temperature above the 14 o C isotherm is a convenient, albeit simple, way to isolate<br />

thermodynamical changes by filtering out dynamical changes related to thermocline vertical displacements.<br />

We have found that the global upper ocean observations and reanalyses exhibit very similar warming trends<br />

(0.045 o C per decade) over the period 1965-2005, superimposed with marked decadal variability in the<br />

1970s and 1980s. The spatial patterns of the regression between indices (representative of anthropogenic<br />

changes and known modes of internal decadal variability), and the three variables associated with the ocean<br />

heat content are used as fingerprint to separate out the different contributions. Two robust findings result<br />

from our analysis : (1) the signature of anthropogenic changes is qualitatively different from those of the<br />

internal decadal variability associated to the Pacific Interdecadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Meridional<br />

Oscillation, and (2) the anthropogenic changes in ocean heat content do not only consist of local heat<br />

absorption, but are likely related with changes in the ocean circulation, with a clear shallowing of the<br />

tropical thermocline in the Pacific and Indian oceans.<br />

3.2 Statistical downscaling and impact studies<br />

The downscaling activities have been aimed toward application of the previously developed statistical<br />

downscaling methodology, using it for diversified climate change impact studies and research at regional to<br />

local scales. Some studies have also taken place to better understand the characteristics and the stochastic<br />

aspects of the methodology. In parallel, work has begun regarding the standardization of downscaled data,<br />

along with the development of user guidance aimed at the impact communities, as well as the development<br />

of new collaborative web portals to help dissemination.<br />

A summary of the main activities during the period <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> is given below.<br />

3.2.1 Impact of climate change on mountainous areas in France (C. Pagé,<br />

L. Terray, M. Piazza, E. Sanchez, J. Boé)<br />

Our main objective was to adapt the DSCLIM statistical downscaling methodology to study the impacts<br />

of climate change on the mountainous areas in France, in the context of the ANR/SCAMPEI project led<br />

by Météo-France CNRM. Several geographical domains for the large-scale circulation have been evaluated<br />

by comparing the performance of downscaled precipitation to the original configuration used previously,<br />

as well as the relevance of the generated weather types. The configuration has also been standardized<br />

among the different seasons (number of weather types, mask to use only data exclusively over France,<br />

random selection of analog day within closest days). After evaluation, it has been decided to keep the<br />

original geographical domain. This result is also confirmed by the thesis results of M. Lafaysse (Lafaysse,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>), which also stated the importance of taking into account the stochastic aspects of the methodology<br />

when working on quite small geographical domains. A new dataset have been generated given this new<br />

configuration, called SCRATCH<strong>2010</strong>, which improves DSCLIM results especially over southern Alps and<br />

along the Mediterranean coast (except for Roussillon). DSCLIM downscaled scenarios have also been<br />

compared to dynamically downscaled ARPEGE scenarios by Météo-France CNRM (using a bias correction<br />

quantile-quantile methodology). Surface feedbacks have also been studied for the present climate, and also<br />

in dynamically downscaled (non-corrected) scenarios, over the Alps and Pyrenees. Two hypothesis have<br />

resulted from this study : a) In the south, feedbacks between snow cover and temperature occur mainly in<br />

April (with a 2-month time lag), caused mostly by the generation of mist and fog which limits the solar<br />

radiation. b) In the north and east, the correlation time lag is of 6 months, and the physical process is related<br />

to the soil water content.<br />

122 <strong>Jan</strong>. <strong>2010</strong> – <strong>Dec</strong>. <strong>2011</strong>

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