CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011

CERFACS CERFACS Scientific Activity Report Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011


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2.3.2 Simulations of the plume dilution and its impact on the atmosphere (D.<br />

Cariolle, O. Thouron, R. Paoli)<br />

The space industry now provides an important component of the societys infrastructure and economy.<br />

It plays a key role in several sectors such as telecommunications, broadcasting, or earth observation.<br />

Rockets are the vectors of space activities with the rocket launch being the most visible manifestation<br />

of a space mission. During a launch, the burning of massive amounts of propellants within minutes leads<br />

to vast emissions of chemically and/or climate-forcing (i.e. radiatively active) gases and particles into the<br />

atmosphere, resulting in perturbations of atmospheric chemical composition and radiative balance. Gases<br />

and particles are emitted either directly from engines or produced as secondary products of processes<br />

occurring in rocket plumes. The principal compounds emitted by the european launcher Ariane 5, Vega,<br />

Soyuz are carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water vapour (H 2 O), chlorine compounds (HCl, chlorine radicals)<br />

for Ariane and Vega, nitrogen oxides (NO and NO 2 , jointly referred to as NOx), carbon monoxide (CO),<br />

aluminium oxide (Al 2 O 3 ) particles for Ariane and Vega and soot particles for Soyuz.<br />

CO 2 and H 2 O are powerful greenhouse gases. The other exhaust products are not climate forcers but they<br />

play an influential role in atmospheric chemistry, especially chlorine and nitrogen oxides who are involved<br />

in the production and destruction of ozone, an important climate forcer.<br />

In a ’clean’ atmosphere without anthropogenic emissions, ozone is mainly produced by photodissociation<br />

of molecular oxygen and the main reactions that control its concentration are the following :<br />

O 2 + hν → O( 3 P) + O( 3 P) (λ < 242nm)<br />

O( 3 P) + O 2 → O 3<br />

O( 3 P) + O 3 → O 2 + O 2<br />

When reactive emissions are introduced, like the chlorine species from propergol combustion, the ozone<br />

content is reduced by the following catalytic cycle :<br />

Cl + O 3 → ClO + O 2<br />

ClO + O → Cl + O 2<br />

Bilan : O 3 + O → 2O 2<br />

In that context we have studied the impact on stratospheric ozone of a launch of a rocket using propergol,<br />

like Ariane, Vega or the U.S. Titan. Emphasis has been placed on the regional impact above the launch site<br />

and on the ozone destruction within a few hours after the launch. This period is critical since the rocket<br />

exhausts are still very large and their impact on ozone is maximum. To this end we have developed a<br />

transport-chemistry model which computes the chemical composition of the plumes during their dispersion<br />

phase. The transport is introduced with a diffusion model in cylindric geometry. The chemical scheme is<br />

composed of 29 species and about 80 reactions which account for the main reactions of the Ox, NOx, Clx<br />

and HOx species. The models solves the system :<br />

dC i /dt = ... − div(K.grad(C i )) − KC j C i + ... (2.1)<br />

where C i are the concentrations and K the diffusion coefficient. The resulting set of equations is integrated<br />

using the chemical solver described in section 3.1. Fig. 2.5 shows the ozone evolution after Titan 4 launch<br />

at midnight at 15 et 40 km. At sunrise, at 6 am, the ozone is rapidly destroyed within the launcher plume.<br />

The ozone destruction reaches about 70% at 15 km and almost all the ozone is removed within the plume at<br />

40 km. Those pictures are in good agreement with in-situ measurements in the lower stratosphere obtained<br />

by aircraft in the plume after a Titan 4 launch. The local ozone destruction persists over a day before it is<br />

completely mixed with the surrounding atmosphere.<br />

This work is still in development, next steps will focus on the initialisation of the radical concentration using<br />

outputs from the AVBP code (see section 2.3.1), on the atmospheric impact of rockets that use kerosene and<br />

on the improvement of the representation of transport processes by atmospheric turbulence.<br />

<strong>CERFACS</strong> ACTIVITY REPORT 185

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