SEC 3 ROCs - Methodist Girls' School
SEC 3 ROCs - Methodist Girls' School
SEC 3 ROCs - Methodist Girls' School
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<strong>SEC</strong> 3 <strong>ROCs</strong><br />
Highway<br />
to the TAIWAN World
3247km<br />
5 hours
345km<br />
Taiwan<br />
Highspeed<br />
Rail<br />
90 minutes
QUICK<br />
wiki<br />
Population: 23 million<br />
98% Han Chinese ethnicity<br />
2% Taiwanese aborigines
Language<br />
no worries … ☺
台 北<br />
Taipei<br />
高 雄<br />
MGS goes to…<br />
Wesley Girls<br />
High <strong>School</strong><br />
2 D<br />
Classroom<br />
CCA<br />
3D<br />
•Culture<br />
•History<br />
•Geography<br />
•Science &<br />
Every time we love,<br />
every time we give,<br />
it's Christmas.
Service<br />
Learning<br />
•places an emphasis on addressing community concerns<br />
•strives to achieve a balance between service and<br />
learning objectives - partners must negotiate the differences<br />
in their needs and expectations<br />
•emphasizes reciprocal learning - traditional definitions of<br />
"teacher" and "learner" are blurred. We all learn from each other.
Learn to Serve<br />
Serve to Learn
Community Concern<br />
Typhoon<br />
deadliest typhoon to impact Taiwan in recorded history<br />
wrought catastrophic damage in Taiwan<br />
Morakot landed in the midnight of August 8 2009,<br />
affecting the entire southern region of Taiwan<br />
extreme amount of rain triggered enormous mudslides<br />
and severe flooding throughout southern Taiwan<br />
at least 600 people were missing or dead throughout<br />
southern Taiwan. Most were residents of Xiaolinn ( 小 林<br />
村 ), a mountain village with 1,300 residents in Jiaxian<br />
Township, kaohsiung.<br />
roughly NT$110 billion ($3.3 billion USD) in damages
Sec 3 CIP Theme: Children
Achieve a Balance between Service and Learning objectives<br />
Reciprocal Learning<br />
Service<br />
5 D<br />
•Ownership<br />
•Teamwork<br />
•Leadership<br />
•Pre-tour Preparation<br />
•Service Learning<br />
Course • Actualization!!
Reflection<br />
5 D
Dwen An<br />
Welfare<br />
Queries<br />
2 D Immersion<br />
3 D Edu-tour<br />
5 D Service Learning<br />
10 D
Are you suitable?<br />
<strong>SEC</strong> 3 <strong>ROCs</strong><br />
Highway<br />