Level 3 PSA - EDF Hinkley Point

Level 3 PSA - EDF Hinkley Point

Level 3 PSA - EDF Hinkley Point


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HPC-NNBOSL-U0-000-RES-000028 Version 1.0<br />

<strong>Level</strong> 3 <strong>PSA</strong><br />


Screen out initiating events which are assessed as low frequency (less than<br />

1E-06/ry) and hence are unlikely to affect the outcome of the assessment<br />

significantly.<br />

Group the remaining initiating events into broad consequence bins based on the<br />

available design basis analysis. In a process comparable to that used for the <strong>Level</strong> 1<br />

<strong>PSA</strong> success sequences, each consequence bin characterises the potential for<br />

off-site impact.<br />

Screen out initiating events which result in a deterministic off-site effective dose of<br />

less than 0.1 mSv, as this magnitude of release is sufficiently low to be discounted<br />

from this assessment. This may be done directly for DBA initiating events where<br />

detailed plant analysis is available. For those initiating events not considered in the<br />

DBA, the screening process is on the basis of similarity to DBA events and / or the<br />

Low Consequence Release Categories of Table 12.<br />

Allocate the remaining initiating events to off-site dose bands according to the<br />

release categories of Table 12. At this stage some consideration of the off-site<br />

consequences and conditional probabilities of partial failure of barriers to release is<br />

made.<br />

Two sequences remain after the frequency and consequence screening steps: fuel<br />

handling accident in the spent fuel pool and fuel assembly drop occurring in the reactor<br />

building.<br />

These sequences have been assessed individually, so they can be assigned to an<br />

appropriate dose band. This initial assessment uses the analysis results presented in<br />

Section 3.3 of this sub-chapter. Hence, particularly in the lowest dose bands, the<br />

assigned off-site consequences are likely to be upper bound estimates.<br />

Two further potential accidents in the spent fuel pool, loss of cooling and pool drainage,<br />

have been included in the analysis using results available in Sub-chapter 15.3 [Ref. 13].<br />

It should be noted that this latter sub-chapter does not cover fuel handling accidents.<br />

The frequency contribution to potential radioactive release from accidental aircraft crash<br />

has also been assessed and is shown in Table 16 [Ref. 14], the consequences of an<br />

accidental aircraft crash have also been assessed and has been assigned<br />

conservatively to dose band DB2 [AS-016].<br />

In addition, as part of the site specific assessment for <strong>Hinkley</strong> <strong>Point</strong> C (HPC), the risk<br />

due to turbine disintegration from both HPC and <strong>Hinkley</strong> <strong>Point</strong> B (HPB) has been<br />

assessed for each safety-related building. For all targets other than the contaminated<br />

tool storage building, the impact frequency is of the order of magnitude of 10 -7 per year<br />

and so can be screened out at this stage [Ref. 15]. The dose due to impact on the tool<br />

storage building has been assumed to be DB1 [AS-017].<br />

The results, in terms of the summated frequency contribution to the dose bands resulting<br />

from these additional sequences, are shown in Table 16.<br />

3.6 Combination of Results<br />

The results from the three strands of the assessment (the <strong>Level</strong> 1 <strong>PSA</strong>, the <strong>Level</strong> 2 <strong>PSA</strong><br />

and the additional non core damage sequences as described in sections 3.3 to 3.5 of<br />

this sub-chapter respectively) are presented in Table 17. In addition to the contributions<br />

from each strand, the total for each dose band is presented.<br />



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