Nicholas Komodore: Amphoteric Poiesis - Left Curve

Nicholas Komodore: Amphoteric Poiesis - Left Curve

Nicholas Komodore: Amphoteric Poiesis - Left Curve


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<strong>Amphoteric</strong> <strong>Poiesis</strong> (selections)<br />

Published in <strong>Left</strong> <strong>Curve</strong> no. 37 (2013)<br />

www.leftcurve.org<br />

<strong>Nicholas</strong> <strong>Komodore</strong><br />

The word <strong>Amphoteric</strong> comes from the Greek word Amphoteros, which means “both”. The<br />

theory of <strong>Amphoteric</strong> <strong>Poiesis</strong> rejects the authoritarian-Aristotelian “final result” or/and the<br />

articulation of a simple-sole-binary effect. <strong>Amphoteric</strong> <strong>Poiesis</strong> is an amalgamation of<br />

Polydiabinaries (dynamic attributes) and Dialinguistic Geometries (substrata) that collaborate,<br />

functioning as a transitional force (poems as engines): from—political/philosophical/<br />

architectural—Ex/Capitalism (idealization of contradiction-private) to Exo/Demodome<br />

(Public: the main centrifugal/centripetal force). The creative process in this new category of<br />

multifarious formation is vital. Every poem is shaped according to what I call Trojan Horse<br />

Dialectics (embedded/grafted dialogical syllogisms/ascriptions), Metadomesis (evolving<br />

structure) and (E)TH(E)OLOGY (poems as ethical/maieutical tholoi/topoi). Every<br />

<strong>Amphoteric</strong> Poem is a pulsating “tiny eternity”, amphoterically imploding/exploding into<br />

knowledge and the overall construct a “dialogical evolving equation” that promotes/proposes<br />

an Architecture of Negative Entropy (storage/formation of structure towards progress). In<br />

the next decades I plan to compose thousands of <strong>Amphoteric</strong> Poems that will include (both in<br />

form and content) musical compositions, photography, films, text and building (or/and urban<br />

planning) designs, thus creating a manifold 4 dimensional space with the purpose of constructing<br />

a new lexicon/universe of poetics, architecture and philosophy, an open laboratory<br />

of ideas that can be implemented in political, philosophical, scientific, pedagogical, poetic discourse<br />

and praxis.<br />

Not a Hyperbole<br />


e-Fugue<br />

Circuit<br />

In between<br />

Insurrectionary Plateau and the Staircase Effect (on Perpetual Praxis)<br />


<strong>Nicholas</strong> <strong>Komodore</strong> is an experimental writer, poet, filmmaker and activist living in Oakland, CA.<br />


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