Work Ethic 7-9.pdf - Let's Move In Point

Work Ethic 7-9.pdf - Let's Move In Point

Work Ethic 7-9.pdf - Let's Move In Point


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Stevens <strong>Point</strong> School District Behavior Basics Curriculum<br />

Content Area: Behavior Basics<br />

Content Theme//Strand: <strong>In</strong>dustriousness & <strong>Work</strong> <strong>Ethic</strong><br />

Sub-Theme/Strand Component: You Are What You Do<br />

Grade Level: 7-9 Designer(s):<br />

Stage 1 – Desired Results<br />


<strong>Work</strong> <strong>Ethic</strong> Benchmarks (7-9)<br />

Standard 1: Core Values<br />

Develop a variety of opportunities for students to learn and model the core values in and outside the<br />

school setting.<br />

Recognize and expect that students, staff, and community model core values.<br />

Standard 5: Positive Relationships<br />

Schools are places children can learn and practice positive interpersonal relationship skills<br />

Standard 6: Engage Students’ Minds<br />

Develop thoughtful, challenging tasks and learning experiences.<br />

<strong>In</strong>volve students in building connections between learning and everyday life.<br />

Offer students many different ways to learn and demonstrate learning.<br />

Enduring Understandings:<br />

Students will understand that…<br />

Their motivation will directly impact their success.<br />

Essential Questions:<br />

What is the relationship between motivation and success?<br />

Where does motivation come from?<br />

Knowledge:<br />

Students will know…<br />

• Persistence is necessary to succeed.<br />

• Being organized is valued in the world of work and necessary to succeed.<br />

• How to be self-motivated to complete tasks.

Skills:<br />

Students will be able to…<br />

Make the commitment to be a good student and school citizen.<br />

Affectively set goals.<br />

Prioritize personal interests.<br />

Students will be able to complete tasks even when challenging.<br />

Prioritize tasks<br />

Core Performance Task:<br />

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence<br />

Learning Activities/Lesson Plans:<br />

Stage 3 – Learning Activities<br />


Literacy Project<br />

Summer <strong>Work</strong>:<br />

Behavior Basics

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