Sumi Alpha Aluminium 1L Label - Nufarm

Sumi Alpha Aluminium 1L Label - Nufarm

Sumi Alpha Aluminium 1L Label - Nufarm


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WARNING – Combustible Liquid<br />



Active ingredient: 50g/litre esfenvalerate in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate.<br />

A synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for<br />

controlling cutworm and other pests<br />

in maize and vegetable crops.<br />

Net: 1 Litre<br />

9<br />


HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: 3.1D, 6.1D, 6.3B, 6.5B, 6.9B, 9.1A,<br />

9.3C, 9.4A<br />


This product must be under the control of an approved handler if<br />

applied in a wide dispersive manner, or used by a commercial<br />

contractor.<br />

This product must not be used for any purpose, or in any manner,<br />

contrary to this label unless authorized under appropriate<br />

legislation.<br />


• Warning – Combustible liquid. Keep away from sources of<br />

ignition.<br />


• Harmful - may be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed<br />

through the skin. May cause mild skin irritation. Facial skin<br />

contact may cause temporary facial numbness. May cause<br />

allergic skin reaction. May cause damage to the nervous system<br />

from repeated oral exposure at high doses.<br />


• Very toxic to aquatic organisms with long-lasting effects. Do<br />

NOT contaminate any water supply with product or empty<br />

container.<br />

• Harmful to terrestrial vertebrates.<br />

• Very toxic to terrestrial invertebrates. Toxic to bees. Spray must<br />

not contact plants in flower if they are likely to be visited by bees.<br />



• Do not store near heat or flame.<br />

• Store in original container tightly closed and in a locked dry cool<br />

place away from foodstuffs. Store in accordance with NZS 8409<br />

Management of Agrichemicals. Do not store with Class 1,2,3.2,4<br />

or 5 substances.<br />

• Stores containing 100 litres of <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> require secondary<br />

containment and are subject to signage, and more than 100 litres<br />

requires emergency response plans.<br />

• Stores containing more than 500 litres must have two fire<br />

extinguishers.<br />


• Avoid skin and eye contact and inhalation of spray mist.<br />

• When handling wear eye protection, waterproof gloves, boots<br />

and overalls.<br />

• Do not eat, drink or smoke while using.<br />

• Remove protective clothing and wash hands and face thoroughly<br />

before meals and after work.<br />


• Apply using accurately calibrated and well maintained equipment.<br />


• Dispose of product only by using according to the label, or at an<br />

approved landfill.<br />

• Triple rinse empty container and add rinsate to spray tank. Crush<br />

and bury in a suitable landfill.<br />

First Aid: If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. For advice, contact<br />

the National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON (0800 764 766) or a doctor<br />

immediately. Begin artificial respiration if the victim is not breathing.<br />

Use mouth-to-nose rather than mouth-to-mouth. Obtain medical<br />

attention. If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing<br />

and flush skin and hair with running water. If splashed in eyes, wash<br />

out immediately with water. If inhaled move the victim to fresh air<br />

immediately.<br />

Approved pursuant to the HSNO Act 1996, Approval Code<br />

HSR000320. See www.epa.govt.nz for approval controls.<br />

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. P3795. See<br />

www.foodsafety.govt.nz for registration conditions.<br />

Marketed by:<br />

<strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited, 6 Manu Street, Otahuhu, Auckland, NZ<br />

Telephone 0-9-270 4157<br />

www.nufarm.co.nz<br />

<strong>Nufarm</strong> Emergency Phonelink: 0800-651 911 toll free 24 hours<br />




LIQUID, N.O.S. (esfenvalerate)<br />


9 3082 3Z III<br />


Spillage: Wear appropriate protective clothing and prevent material from entering<br />

waterways. Absorb spills with inert material and place in waste containers. Wash area<br />

with water and absorb with further inert material. Dispose of waste safely in an approved<br />

landfill.<br />

Transport: Do not carry <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> on a passenger service vehicle.<br />

Record Keeping: Records of use as described in NZS 8409 Management of<br />

Agrichemicals, must be kept if using 3 litres or more of <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> within 24 hours.<br />

Mixing and Compatibility: Half fill the spray tank and with the agitator operating add<br />

the required amount of <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong>. Continue to agitate while adding the remainder of<br />

the water, and during spraying. <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> is compatible with most fungicides and<br />

insecticides.<br />

Resistance Management: Resistance to this insecticide and related synthetic pyrethroid<br />

products could occur from repeated use. To minimise this risk use strictly in accordance<br />

with label instructions.<br />

Diamondback moth. To minimise the development of resistance to synthetic pyrethroids<br />

apply only in the period from mid-January to August. Use insecticides of a different<br />

mode of action outside this period. Maintain good cultural practices.<br />

Diamondback moth populations in some regions have shown a high level of resistance to<br />

other synthetic pyrethroid insecticides. If cross resistance to <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> is indicated by<br />

poor control, switch to an alternative chemical group to control the pest.<br />

Tomato fruitworm/corn earworm. Only apply synthetic pyrethroid insecticides after 7th<br />

January against second generation larvae. Avoid unnecessary spraying. Maintain good<br />

cultural practices.<br />

Directions for Use:<br />

Ensure thorough spray coverage of all plant foliage.<br />

Withholding Periods: Asparagus 24 hours; beans 7 days; brassicas 7 days; maize 14<br />

days; sweetcorn 7 days; tomatoes 3 days.<br />

Do not graze or feed maize or sweetcorn stubble to animals within 14 days of application.<br />

It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant<br />

MRL in the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food<br />

Standards.<br />

It is an offence to use this product on animals.<br />

CROP<br />

Asparagus<br />

Beans<br />

Brassicas<br />


Garden weevil<br />

Looper<br />

caterpillar,<br />

tomato<br />

fruitworm<br />

Diamondback<br />

moth, white<br />

butterfly<br />

caterpillars,<br />

tomato<br />

fruitworm<br />

375ml in<br />

300-500 litres of<br />

water/ha<br />

250ml in a<br />

minimum of 500<br />

litres of water /ha<br />

175ml in a<br />

minimum of 700<br />

litres of water/ha<br />

when applying on<br />

a 7 day schedule.<br />

375ml in a<br />

minimum of 700<br />

litres of water/<br />

ha when applying<br />

on a 14 day<br />

schedule<br />


Apply in the evening at first<br />

appearance of weevils and then<br />

weekly if weevils and spear damage<br />

recur. Under low insect pressure<br />

apply every 3 weeks until early<br />

December to reduce subsequent<br />

infestations.<br />

Apply at first sign of pests and repeat<br />

2-3 weeks later if necessary. See<br />

Resistance Management statement.<br />

As a resistance management<br />

strategy, do not apply <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong><br />

before mid January. Use in a<br />

programme with other insecticides<br />

having a different mode of action. As<br />

plants grow increase spray volume<br />

to ensure complete coverage of<br />

the foliage. The addition of Contact<br />

Low Foam wetter is recommended.<br />

If aphids are a problem apply a<br />

specific aphicide. See the Resistance<br />

Management statement.<br />

2 3

CROP<br />

Maize,<br />

Sweetcorn<br />

Tomatoes<br />

(Outdoor<br />

(Establishing<br />

plants)<br />

Cereals,<br />

Cucurbits,<br />

Maize,<br />

Onions,<br />

Potatoes,<br />

Sweetcorn,<br />

Tomatoes,<br />

Brassicas<br />

PEST<br />

Corn earworm,<br />

army caterpillar<br />

Tomato<br />

fruitworm<br />

Cutworm<br />

RATE<br />

Aerial application:<br />

250ml in 90-120<br />

litres of water/ha<br />

20ml per 100<br />

litres of water in<br />

640-1000 litres<br />

of water/ha<br />

250ml per<br />

hectare in a<br />

minimum of 300<br />

litres of water/ha<br />


Apply as soon as pests occur.<br />

Repeat 10-14 days later or as<br />

indicated by pest activity. Use a<br />

spray pressure of at least 280kPa to<br />

ensure good penetration. Increase<br />

water rate as crop matures to ensure<br />

thorough coverage of all foliage. See<br />

Resistance Management statement.<br />

Apply one application after 7th<br />

January where second generation<br />

fruitworm larvae are present.<br />

Increase water rate as crop matures<br />

to ensure thorough coverage of all<br />

foliage. See Resistance Management<br />

statement.<br />

Apply immediately damage occurs,<br />

preferably in the evening as a<br />

directed spray to thoroughly cover<br />

young plants and the surrounding<br />

soil. <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> will not control<br />

cutworm feeding below the soil<br />

surface.<br />

®<br />

<strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong> is a registered trademark of <strong>Sumi</strong>tomo Chemical Company, Tokyo, Japan<br />



If you open this container you will be deemed to have accepted the conditions below.<br />

The results from use of this product may be affected by factors beyond <strong>Nufarm</strong>’s<br />

control, including mixing, use, climatic conditions, time of application, crop or crop<br />

stage and the possible development of resistance to the active ingredient, even though<br />

the product is reasonably fit for the purposes stated in this label, and even though label<br />

directions are followed. <strong>Nufarm</strong> will replace, free of charge, any product which is found<br />

to have a manufacturing defect. To the extent permitted by law, all other warranties,<br />

guarantees, representations and conditions, whether expressed or implied by law, trade,<br />

custom or otherwise are expressly excluded. When you use this product, you agree<br />

that neither <strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited nor any manufacturer of any component of the product<br />

will be liable for any damage, injury or loss including consequential loss which arises<br />

in any way from the storage, handling, or use of the product. This exclusion of liability<br />

includes loss caused by negligent acts or omissions of <strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited or any supplier<br />

or manufacturer of the product or any of their employees and agents.<br />

L56860713<br />

4 5


This product must be under the control of an<br />

approved handler if applied in a wide dispersive<br />

manner, or used by a commercial contractor.<br />

This product must not be used for any purpose, or<br />

in any manner, contrary to this label unless<br />

authorized under appropriate legislation.<br />


•Warning – Combustible liquid. Keep away from<br />

sources of ignition.<br />


•Harmful - may be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or<br />

absorbed through the skin. May cause mild skin<br />

irritation. Facial skin contact may cause temporary<br />

facial numbness. May cause allergic skin reaction.<br />

May cause damage to the nervous system from<br />

repeated oral exposure at high doses.<br />


•Very toxic to aquatic organisms with long-lasting<br />

effects. Do NOT contaminate any water supply<br />

with product or empty container.<br />

•Harmful to terrestrial vertebrates.<br />

•Very toxic to terrestrial invertebrates. Toxic to<br />

bees. Spray must not contact plants in flower if<br />

they are likely to be visited by bees.<br />



•Do not store near heat or flame.<br />

•Store in original container tightly closed and in a<br />

locked dry cool place away from foodstuffs.<br />

Store in accordance with NZS 8409 Management<br />

of Agrichemicals. Do not store with Class<br />

1,2,3.2,4 or 5 substances.<br />

•Stores containing 100 litres of <strong>Sumi</strong>-<strong>Alpha</strong><br />

require secondary containment and are subject to<br />

signage, and more than 100 litres requires<br />

emergency response plans.<br />

•Stores containing more than 500 litres must have<br />

two fire extinguishers.<br />


•Avoid skin and eye contact and inhalation of spray mist.<br />

•When handling wear eye protection, waterproof gloves,<br />

boots and overalls.<br />

•Do not eat, drink or smoke while using.<br />

•Remove protective clothing and wash hands and face<br />

thoroughly before meals and after work.<br />


•Apply using accurately calibrated and well maintained<br />

equipment.<br />


•Dispose of product only by using according to the label, or<br />

at an approved landfill.<br />

•Triple rinse empty container and add rinsate to spray tank.<br />

Crush and bury in a suitable landfill.<br />

First Aid: If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. For advice,<br />

contact the National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON (0800 764<br />

766) or a doctor immediately. Begin artificial respiration if the<br />

victim is not breathing. Use mouth-to-nose rather than<br />

mouth-to-mouth. Obtain medical attention. If skin or hair<br />

contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin<br />

and hair with running water. If splashed in eyes, wash out<br />

immediately with water. If inhaled move the victim to fresh air<br />

immediately.<br />

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. P3795. See<br />

www.foodsafety.govt.nz for registration conditions.<br />

Marketed by:<br />

<strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited, 6 Manu Street, Otahuhu, Auckland, NZ<br />

Telephone 0-9-270 4157, www.nufarm.co.nz<br />

<strong>Nufarm</strong> Emergency Phonelink: 0800-651 911 toll free 24 hours<br />


NAME<br />




N.O.S. (esfenvalerate)<br />

9 3082 3Z III<br />


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