August 2013 Newsletter - Poudre School District

August 2013 Newsletter - Poudre School District

August 2013 Newsletter - Poudre School District


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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong><br />

A U G U S T 2 0 1 3<br />

General Information<br />

Mission Statement<br />

“Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle<br />

<strong>School</strong> is a school where respect,<br />

rigor, relevance, responsibility<br />

and relationships drive<br />

learning.”<br />

Phone Numbers<br />

Front Desk 488-7400<br />

Attendance 490-3087<br />

Fax 488-7433<br />

Media Center 488-7409<br />

Principal<br />

Alicia Bono 488-7402<br />

Assistant Principal<br />

Abby Himlie 488-7403<br />

Counselor<br />

Cheryl Duke 488-7404<br />

Office Manager<br />

Cindy Cosmas 488-7401<br />

Address<br />

Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong><br />

Middle <strong>School</strong><br />

3515 W CR 54G<br />

LaPorte, CO 80535<br />

Website<br />

clpmiddleschool.com<br />

Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Principal’s Message<br />

Dear CLPMS Families,<br />

P A G E 1<br />

The journey of another school year is about to begin. The staff and I appreciate your<br />

dedication to embark with CLPMS and pledge to do the very best for your child. We<br />

are all energized and excited for the start of the school year!<br />

Most exciting is the fact that we are very close to achieving our goal of becoming a<br />

certified International Baccalaureate (IB) <strong>School</strong>. To do so is a tremendous<br />

undertaking that requires significant work and dedication on the part of the school<br />

staff. Our teachers have been tirelessly working to transform our school to meet the<br />

IB requirements. Updates will be posted in the monthly newsletter.1<br />

The newsletter is one medium we use to communicate with our stakeholders. We<br />

also share information in a number of other ways:<br />

Our school marquis<br />

The school website<br />

Mass emails (to receive those emails and the monthly newsletters you will need<br />

to sign up for the list serve through the PSD website)<br />

Automated phone calls from the phone numbers in our student information<br />

system. These are the numbers provided by you, so please help us ensure they<br />

are your current phone numbers.<br />

Facebook and Twitter<br />

Every student will receive the weekly announcements and monthly newsletter in<br />

their school emails every Friday.<br />

We are dedicated to the familial partnership we have with our community and<br />

parents. There are several ways to be involved as a part of the CLPMS team. If you<br />

would like to volunteer at any time during the year, please contact our Office<br />

Manager, Cindy Cosmas, to register. More information regarding specific volunteer<br />

opportunities will be communicated through the year.<br />

Continued<br />

Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by <strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>.

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

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Just as we welcome new students to our school every year, we also welcome new<br />

staff. This year joining our team are:<br />

7 th and 8 th Spanish - Ms. Cecilia Walter<br />

6 th and 7 th Geography - Mr. Stephen Springsteen<br />

6 th English - TBD<br />

We appreciate your support as together we continue the amazing educational<br />

experience that CLPMS provides. Together we display the 3 R’s as an entire school<br />

community: Respect for Ourselves, Respect for Others, and Respect for our<br />

Environment.<br />

New Traffic Flow Configuration<br />

In order to ensure greater safety before and after school, we have a new traffic flow<br />

configuration for this year. Parents dropping off and picking up students will drive<br />

around the parking lot and cue up on the west side of the building. Buses will drive<br />

around the building and cue up between the middle and elementary school. Please<br />

look for the new lines and signs. The first week there will be people out assisting<br />

students and drivers as we all learn our new system. Thank you in advance for your<br />

patience!<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Mrs. Bono<br />

Six Easy Ways to Help CLP<br />

Order new magazines and renew old subscriptions through<br />

our Magazine Sale<br />

Shop at Albertson’s and scan the free Community Card<br />

(available in our office)<br />

Cut out and save Box Tops for Education and turn them in to the front office<br />

Shop at Target with a Target “Red Card” and designate CLP Middle <strong>School</strong><br />

Bring in your used printer/toner cartridges and we recycle them for money<br />

that buys books for our Media Center<br />

Shop at Office Depot and give them CLP Middle <strong>School</strong>’s ID# 70018141

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

IB-MYP Updates – <strong>August</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

P A G E 3<br />

Several exciting items are<br />

happening with IB-MYP<br />

this school year.<br />

1. IB-MYP Application for Authorization:<br />

On June 1, <strong>2013</strong>, Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> received approval to proceed with<br />

our APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION. This is the third key stage in<br />

becoming an authorized IB-MYP <strong>School</strong>. The Application for Authorization is<br />

due on October 1, 2103. During this school year we will continue to implement the<br />

program, train additional teachers and prepare for our IB-MYP Authorization visit in<br />

Spring 2014. The purpose of the IB-MYP Authorization visit is to:<br />

consult those who will be involved in the implementation of the programme,<br />

evaluate the school's preparedness to implement the programme, and<br />

complete a report on the school's commitment and ability to deliver the<br />

programme.<br />

We are currently on track to be a fully-authorized IB-MYP <strong>School</strong> starting Fall<br />

2014.<br />

2. <strong>School</strong> Innovation Program Grant:<br />

In May <strong>2013</strong>, CLPMS received $23,520.00 to focus on education of the” whole<br />

child” by developing a school-wide interdisciplinary project. The innovation is<br />

centered on the topic of GLOBAL WATER QUALITY, AVAILABILITY AND<br />

STEWARDSHIP. This proposal is innovative, as students will be developing a<br />

student and community-friendly expo, complete an interdisciplinary school-wide<br />

book study, and then raise funds to support local and global water education<br />

programs. This program will begin with a focus on local water quality, availability<br />

and stewardship, and, as the school year progresses, it will move to a more global<br />

perspective.<br />

For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit http://www.ibo.org.<br />

The IB-MYP site coordinator is Mary Richmond and her email is<br />

mrichmon@psdschools.org.<br />

Counseling News<br />

Sixth graders may pick up their schedules on Tuesday, <strong>August</strong> 13 th from 9:00 - 11:00<br />

a.m. Their locker number and combination will also be printed on the schedule. We<br />

will have students here to conduct tours and to help find your students’ classrooms<br />

and locker, and they will also be able to help students practice opening their lockers.<br />

Seventh and eighth grade students may pick up their schedule on Wednesday, <strong>August</strong><br />

14 th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. They may also find their lockers and check their combination.<br />


PARENT OR GUARDIAN. Students will be expected to bring their schedule with<br />

them on the first day of school. For questions about schedules, please contact Mrs.<br />

Duke for an appointment.

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

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<strong>Newsletter</strong> Advertisements<br />

Parents: we would like to encourage you to support the advertisers in our<br />

newsletters and consider using them as a primary resource for school information.<br />

These advertisers are supporting our school with their paid advertisements, and we<br />

want them to know how much we appreciate their investment in the CLP<br />

community!<br />

We wish you all a wonderful <strong>2013</strong>-14 school year!<br />

Europe Trip <strong>2013</strong><br />

On June 10 th , <strong>2013</strong>, twenty CLP Students and three<br />

CLP staff member set out on a transatlantic flight<br />

destined for a nine-day trip of Ireland. After landing in<br />

Dublin, we began touring the country in our private<br />

bus and with the help of our full time guide. We<br />

started in Dublin and, after viewing many of the<br />

historical sites in Dublin (including the 1200 year old<br />

Book of Kells), we headed west to Galway. Along the<br />

way we stopped at “Ireland’s Stonehenge” a 4,000<br />

year old structure that remains a mystery to this very<br />

day. When we reached Galway we had some time to<br />

explore that small city and then headed out to our hotel<br />

located right on Galway Bay. After spending the next<br />

day touring the Conemara region, including Kylemore<br />

Abbey, we headed south visiting the Cliffs of Moher<br />

and Bunratty Castle along the way. After spending the<br />

next night in Killarney and having a chance to see a<br />

traditional Irish band, we headed out to the Ring of<br />

CLP students get a lesson in<br />

the Irish language in a turn<br />

of the century one room<br />

school house run by a very<br />

Kerry. Along the way we had a nice visit to a mountain sheep farm and learned about<br />

the training of sheep dogs. Our last day we visited Blarney Castle where a lot of the<br />

students chose to kiss the Blarney Stone. At the end of the trip we were all very tired<br />

but really happy that we got to see and experience so much of Ireland!

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Assistant Principal’s Message<br />

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Welcome back! I can’t wait to see our new sixth graders and returning seventh and<br />

eighth graders in the halls and classrooms. As always, please call, email or stop by<br />

my office anytime. Please see reminders and changes below for this Fall.<br />

~Abby Himlie<br />

Student Handbook<br />

At the end of last school year, we conducted surveys with students, staff and families<br />

regarding student handbook procedures. After reviewing all input, we adjusted some<br />

school procedures and policies. These are described in pages six through twelve of<br />

your student’s planner. Please review these with your child. Your support is<br />

essential to our success.<br />

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)<br />

Our PBIS committee worked hard last year to define our school-wide expectations to<br />

align with our school mission statement and IB learner profiles. Throughout the<br />

school year, your child will be rewarded and recognized for making positive choices.<br />

Please remind him or her to demonstrate RESPECT in all actions!<br />

RRR!!!<br />

CLP Pirates...<br />

Respect Ourselves<br />





Respect Others<br />




Respect our Environment<br />




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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

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CLPMS Attendance Policy<br />

Students are required by State Law to attend school every day<br />

unless excused. Regular school attendance not only helps<br />

build good work and study habits, but also greatly benefits<br />

the student in relationship to the learning process. A student<br />

can never make up a day missed even though she or he may<br />

go over the assignments that were presented. The discussions and experiences that<br />

take place in the classroom are often more valuable than the written material.<br />

Please, if possible, do not schedule family vacations during the school year, as your<br />

son or daughter will be missing valuable instructional time that, once lost, cannot be<br />

regained. We also recognize that sometimes families do not have choices in<br />

vacation time, so we will certainly work with you if that is your situation.<br />

Excused Absences<br />

An excused absence is one deemed by the school to be legitimate. Make-up work<br />

will be allowed for an excused absence and credit will be given. Typically,<br />

absences shall be excused under the following conditions if (from <strong>District</strong> Policy):<br />

1. The student is ill or injured and may be expected to return to school within a<br />

reasonable length of time, as determined by the building principal, or for<br />

medical or dental appointments.<br />

2. The student receives approval from the principal or his/her designee in advance<br />

of the absence for good cause, or receives approval after the absence in the case<br />

of emergencies such as sudden illness or death within the family.<br />

3. The student is participating in religious observances as described in “Guidelines<br />

for Religious Observances,” published and approved by the school district.<br />

4. The student is attending a <strong>District</strong>-sponsored activity.<br />

5. The student is temporarily in the custody of the court or law enforcement<br />

authorities or is required to appear in court.<br />

6. The student has been suspended from school.<br />


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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

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Unexcused Absences/Truancy<br />

An Unexcused Absence is any absence that does not fall under the above<br />

qualifications for Excused Absences. Unexcused absences are subject to a variety of<br />

consequences and interventions. An unexcused absence, which may be from a single<br />

class or multiple classes, is one that the school does not approve but the<br />

parent/guardian knows about. Examples of absences which are unexcused include,<br />

but are not limited to such reasons as babysitting, oversleeping, working, a family<br />

trip, or missing the bus or ride. An absence not properly reported by the parent or<br />

guardian is unexcused unless circumstances warrant otherwise. Truancy is when<br />

neither school nor parents/guardians know of the absence. All Unexcused Absences<br />

will be recorded as such. Once a student exceeds 10% of their enrolled days, a letter<br />

of concern will be mailed home. If further unexcused absences persist, the student<br />

will be referred to the Attendance Review Team (ART). The purpose of the<br />

Attendance Review Team is to work with the student and parents to help find<br />

solutions to increase school attendance.<br />

Absences, Tardies, and Excuses<br />

When a student is absent from school for illness or for other reasons, a parent or<br />

guardian should inform the school by 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the absence. We<br />

have a recorder to handle your calls. You may call the school attendance number<br />

(488-7405) 24/7. If we do not receive a call by 9:00 a.m., the school will be calling<br />

the parent/guardian to check on the reason for the absence. In addition, a written<br />

note excusing the absence may be requested.<br />

Tardy Policy<br />

Punctuality is a valuable life skill, and CLPMS students are expected to be on time.<br />

Any student who is late arriving to school in the morning or will be late to any class<br />

period, must report to the front/attendance office to receive a pass to class. Excused<br />

tardies may include: doctor or dental appointments, a late bus or other circumstances.<br />

Sleeping through an alarm, because one was up late the night before, running<br />

errands, missing the bus, babysitting, talking in the halls, etc. are not excused tardies.<br />

In order to receive an excused tardy pass, a student must have a written note signed<br />

by a parent or guardian, a phone call indicating the tardy is for an excusable reason,<br />

or a pass from a teacher. After every third unexcused tardy, the student will receive<br />

one lunch detention. After every 12 unexcused tardies, the student will receive after<br />

school detention on a Tuesday or Thursday 2:30-3:30PM. Further unexcused<br />

tardiness may result in a teacher/parent/guardian/administrator conference and a<br />

behavior contract. Tardies accumulate through a semester and reset at the beginning<br />

of second semester.<br />

Make-up Work<br />

Though the state only requires one day, because of our modified block schedule,<br />

students shall have two school days for every day of excused absence, generally not<br />

to exceed ten school days to make up any missed assignments. It is the student's<br />

responsibility to obtain make-up work.<br />

Pre-Arranged Absences<br />

Prior to a prearranged absence, a student must obtain a prearranged absence form<br />

from the Attendance Office and initiate a request for assignments from each teacher.<br />

Students shall have a choice of completing assignments prior to the prearranged<br />

absence, or have one day for each day absent to make up the work, generally not to<br />

exceed ten school days. We ask that you please make arrangements with specific<br />

teachers, especially if a long term project has been assigned to be worked on during<br />


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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

P A G E 8<br />

the absence. If the reason for an absence is a school-sponsored trip, work is<br />

expected to be turned in before the student leaves for the trip.<br />

Homework Requests<br />

For students who have been absent one or two days, teachers will provide makeup<br />

work upon the students’ return. For absences of three or more days, our preferred<br />

method for obtaining assignments is to first check the Black Board posting for<br />

teachers who utilize it, and e-mail those who do not. Teachers will be checking e-<br />

mail daily. For those without internet/e-mail access, contact the front office.<br />

Please give 24 hours advance notice to the office to allow adequate time to gather<br />

Immunization Requirements<br />

All students entering the 6 th grade for the <strong>2013</strong>-2014<br />

school year will be required to have proof of receiving the<br />

Tdap vaccine. This requirement is based on the Center for<br />

Disease Control recommendations to prevent cases of<br />

Pertussis (Whooping Cough).<br />

<br />

<br />

Consult with your health care provider about your student receiving the<br />

vaccines. Immunization Clinics are held regularly at the Larimer County Health<br />

Department - call 498-6700 for schedules and information.<br />

Documentation of your child’s entire immunization information should be<br />

provided to your school office to be part of his/her official school immunization<br />

record.<br />

The state of Colorado Immunization Law, allows Medical, Religious, and Personal<br />

Exemptions. In the event of an outbreak, exempted persons may be subject to<br />

exclusion from school and quarantined.<br />

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!<br />

Sign up to follow PSD and CLPMS on Facebook and Twitter. For<br />

PSD, the links are located at the top of the PSD home page at www.psdschools.org.<br />

For CLPMS, the links are located on the left side of the home page at<br />

http://schoolweb.psdschools.org/clpms/index.html. Check it out!<br />

Drug Dog Procedures<br />

The periodic use of the Larimer County Sheriff Department’s K-9 Patrol is necessary<br />

in order to maintain a school environment that is safe and free from drugs.<br />

These trained dogs will not disrupt the school learning environment, but will make<br />

searches of the school and grounds.

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Supplies<br />

P A G E 9<br />

6 th Grade Supplies<br />

2” three-ring binder with eight to ten<br />

subject dividers<br />

Loose-leaf notebook paper and<br />

Graph paper<br />

1 spiral notebook for Geography<br />

1 composition book<br />

(100 sheets/200 pages) for Science<br />

2 3-hole punched two pocket folders<br />

Large pencil pouch<br />

3 boxes of #2 pencils (12 each)<br />

Pens for grading (black, blue or red)<br />


Colored Pencils (12)<br />

Glue Stick, Scissors, and Index<br />

Cards<br />

Ruler (12” standard and metric<br />

measurements)<br />

Planner (please purchase at CLPMS)<br />

1 box of facial tissue (Kleenex)<br />

1 ream of computer paper (optional)<br />

Spanish – Pocket folder and notebook<br />

6 th Grade Math Pocket Folder<br />

7 th Grade Supplies<br />

Loose leaf white lined paper<br />

Pencils (a box or two)<br />

Ball point pens(blue or black ink<br />

only<br />

Eraser<br />

3” three ring binder with at least 8<br />

subject dividers<br />

2 composition notebooks (one for<br />

Math and one for Science)<br />

2 spiral notebooks (one for Geography<br />

and one for English)<br />

each one subject or approximately<br />

70 pages<br />

Graph paper (for math)<br />

Planner (please purchase at<br />

CLPMS)<br />

One box of tissue (Kleenex)<br />

One ream of computer paper<br />

(optional)<br />

8 th Grade Supplies<br />

Loose-leaf lined notebook paper<br />

1 one-subject spiral notebook for<br />

History only<br />

1 one-subject spiral notebook for<br />

Science only<br />

1 one-subject spiral notebook for<br />

English only<br />

#2 pencils<br />

Ink pens (blue, black or red)<br />

Colored pens/pencils<br />

2 packages of lined 3x5 index cards<br />

for Science (vocab flashcards)<br />

1 small calculator (add, subtract,<br />

multiply and divide)<br />

Planner (please purchase at CLPMS)<br />

1 box of facial tissue (Kleenex)<br />

1 ream of computer paper (optional)<br />

All Math Classes<br />

1 composition notebook (math<br />

specific)<br />

Loose-leaf paper for homework<br />

and extra practice<br />

#2 pencil(s)<br />

Ink pen(s)<br />

(no black ink pen – any other<br />

color)<br />

Graph paper<br />

12” ruler<br />

Protractor<br />

Scissors<br />

Colored Pencils (12)<br />

Eraser<br />

Personal pencil sharpener

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Important Dates<br />

PLEASE NOTE: <strong>School</strong> hours for <strong>2013</strong>-14 are 7:25am – 2:15pm<br />

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Sports Physicals (@ CLPMS - $30):<br />

<strong>August</strong> 6 th (10:00am – 1:00pm)<br />

<strong>August</strong> 14 th (1-3pm)<br />

6 th Graders Pick Up Schedules: <strong>August</strong> 13 th (9-11am)<br />

7 th & 8 th Graders Pick Up Schedules: <strong>August</strong> 14 th (1-3pm)<br />

WEB Leader Training:<br />

First Day of <strong>School</strong> for 6 th graders-<br />

(WEB Orientation):<br />

All students attend:<br />

Back to <strong>School</strong> Night:<br />

Back to <strong>School</strong> BBQ<br />

<strong>August</strong> 16 th (7:25am-2:15pm)<br />

<strong>August</strong> 19 th<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 th<br />

<strong>August</strong> 29 th<br />

5:00 - 6:30pm<br />

6 th Grade Parent Orientation 6:00 - 6:30pm<br />

Meet the Teachers<br />

<strong>School</strong> Pictures:<br />

Magazine Sale Kickoff:<br />

River Week:<br />

6:30 - 8:00pm<br />

September 3 rd<br />

September 12 th<br />

September 23 rd - 27 th<br />

Sports Schedules<br />

Football Practice Begins:<br />

<strong>August</strong> 6 th<br />

Season (7 th Grade):<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 th – October 15 th<br />

(8 th Grade): <strong>August</strong> 21 st – October 16 th<br />

Softball Practice Begins:<br />

Season:<br />

Tennis Practice:<br />

Season:<br />

Cross-Country Practice:<br />

Season:<br />

<strong>August</strong> 21st (2:30 – 4:30pm)<br />

September 5 th – October 7 th<br />

<strong>August</strong> 20 th<br />

September 3 rd – October 1 st<br />

<strong>August</strong> 21st<br />

To be announced<br />

Additional <strong>School</strong> Information:<br />

<strong>School</strong> doors will be unlocked at 6:45am each day. When students arrive, they will<br />

be directed either to the main gym, the Media Center or to the cafeteria if they are<br />

having breakfast. When the first bell rings at 7:18am, students will be permitted to<br />

go to their lockers.<br />

<strong>School</strong> Resource Officer<br />

Our Resource Officer for the <strong>2013</strong> – 2014 school year will<br />

be Deputy Nancy Remington. The SRO Program is a<br />

partnership between the Larimer County Sheriff<br />

Department and PSD. Deputy Remington will rotate between CLP and Wellington<br />

MS. She can be reached at 566-0600. Guidelines for our <strong>School</strong> Resource Officer<br />

are available on the PSD website.

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Pirate Tutorial <strong>2013</strong>-2014<br />

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The purpose of Pirate Tutorial<br />

is to promote student learning and success<br />

by providing a productive time and place<br />

for students to work after school.<br />

Pirate Tutorial is for any student who would like to stay after school to study.<br />

Pirate Tutorial will begin September 3 rd and is held in the Media Center. A<br />

certified teacher is always present.<br />

Pirate Tutorial will be offered from 2:30pm to 4:30pm, Monday through Thursday,<br />

throughout the school year. There will be some exceptions, usually surrounding<br />

school holidays. These exceptions will be posted on the announcements.<br />

Pirate Tutorial Release forms can be obtained from the Front Office.<br />

Daily attendance will be tracked. Students utilizing Pirate Tutorial will be<br />

required to sign in by 2:45pm.<br />

Once signed in, students must remain in Pirate Tutorial until 4:30pm. Exceptions<br />

to this rule will be made if the parent comes to the Media Center to personally sign<br />

out their student, calls the Media Center, 488-7409 (student will be sent to the<br />

front of the building), or has submitted a signed release statement (see next page).<br />

Also, if the student has an elementary bus pass from the office, they will be<br />

allowed to leave at 3:30pm. They may not leave Pirate Tutorial to obtain this pass.<br />

They need to get the elementary bus pass prior to coming to Pirate Tutorial.<br />

All students must be responsible for bringing all of their homework every day.<br />

All CLPMS rules from the Parent/Student handbook will be in effect during Pirate<br />

Tutorial.<br />

CLPMS reserves the right to dismiss any student for any length of time for failure<br />

to comply with the rules.<br />

Back to <strong>School</strong> Night<br />

On <strong>August</strong> 29 th , CLPMS will be holding their annual Back to <strong>School</strong> Night.<br />

The schedule for the evening’s events is as follows:<br />

5:00 – 6:10pm Family Barbecue ($3 per plate)<br />

5:45 – 6:07pm 6 th grade / New student parent presentation in<br />

New Gym<br />

6:10 – 6:27pm 6 th grade visits Period 4 and 11 teachers<br />

6:15 – 6:27pm 7 th and 8 th grade parent presentation in<br />

New Gym<br />

6:30 – 8:00pm Meet the Teachers

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Athletics<br />

P A G E 12<br />

Fall sports are approaching quickly! We would like to welcome Steve Springsteen<br />

to our coaching staff, as he will be coaching football this Fall. Cross country and<br />

tennis are school sports rather than club this year, so we will have four Fall sports<br />

to participate in and support this year!<br />

Football: 7 th and 8 th grades<br />

Practice starts <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

Coaches: Steve Springsteen and TBD<br />

Cross Country: 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th grades<br />

Practice starts <strong>August</strong> 19<br />

Coach: Terri Berger<br />

Softball: 7 th and 8 th grades<br />

Practice starts <strong>August</strong> 19<br />

Coaches: Head Carla Bredehoft and Assistant Cheryl Duke<br />

Tennis: 7 th and 8 th grades<br />

Practice starts <strong>August</strong> 12<br />

Coaches: Eric Hermann and Dale Jackson<br />

Physicals are required to try out. We will offer them at CLPMS <strong>August</strong> 6 th from<br />

10am - 1pm and <strong>August</strong> 14 th from 9am - 11:30am for $30. Turn physical forms in<br />

to Peggy Simpson in the front office.<br />

An eligibility form and athletic fee are required to participate in the first<br />

competition. Turn both of these in to Cindy Cosmas in the front office. Athletic<br />

fees are $75 per sport. Sixth grade cross country and track are $35. PSD has a<br />

family maximum amount of $300.<br />

Middle school is the time to try new activities and sports. Please encourage your<br />

child to participate in school athletics!<br />

River Week<br />

CLPMS is once again excited to begin this year’s<br />

RIVER WEEK. Mrs. Banek, Mrs.Richmond and<br />

Mrs. Hicks are all planning fun activities for the<br />

week of September 23 – September 27, so come<br />

ready for all types of weather AND be ready for<br />

lots of excitement. In addition to River Week,<br />

each member of the Science Department is<br />

looking forward to a wonderful year of science<br />

fun. Sixth, 7 th and 8 th graders can all look forward to labs, activities, and interesting<br />

science content, with each grade level studying scientific processes, physical science,<br />

earth science and life science. So hang on tight while we pump you up for science<br />


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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Volunteer News<br />

P A G E 13<br />

Welcome back, parents, to what should be a great<br />

year at CLPMS! Part of what makes CLPMS a<br />

great place for our children is all of the parents and<br />

volunteers that help support our school and its staff<br />

all year long. In fact, without parent volunteers,<br />

our school would not be able to do many of the extra things that enhance our<br />

children’s education.<br />

We want to encourage you to make sure you are plugged in to our school’s volunteer<br />

database. If you are already registered, please check your profile and make sure it is<br />

current. If you have not registered to be a volunteer before, you must do so prior to<br />

volunteering in any way. The process is very quick, usually with a 24-hour turnaround<br />

time.<br />

To register, please follow these instructions:<br />

Go to www.psdschools.org<br />

Click on the “Parents” tab at the top of the page.<br />

Click on the “Email Alert Signup” link in the list on the left side of the page.<br />

Fill out your information and be sure to designate CLPMS.<br />

We will have a volunteer badge for you at the school once you are registered. We<br />

look forward to seeing you here at CLPMS throughout the <strong>2013</strong>-14 school year!<br />

Volunteer Opportunities for Parents<br />

We have 3 times during the school year that we provide dinner for our dedicated<br />

staff: during both conference times (Fall and Spring) and during Teacher<br />

Appreciation Week in May. The coordinator simply sends out an email two weeks<br />

prior to those who have already signed up to help with staff appreciation. They also<br />

coordinate setting up and cleaning up the staff lounge before and after each event.<br />

River Week:<br />

We have a need for volunteers to help the science classes set up for River Week.<br />

Volunteers will be needed throughout the week. It is a fun day outdoors by the<br />

river.<br />

Magazine Sales:<br />

We need parent volunteers to help count orders and money on the turn-in day. It<br />

goes faster with more people!<br />

Prize Day for Magazine Sales:<br />

We need volunteers to help hand out prizes during lunch one day only.<br />

Classroom Volunteers:<br />

Volunteers are needed mainly in the Media Center, but certain teachers request<br />

volunteers in their classrooms throughout the year. A list will be available at<br />

Back-to-<strong>School</strong> night.<br />

<strong>School</strong> Dances (4-5 dances during school year):<br />

2-liter bottles of soda and small (4 oz.) cup donations are appreciated throughout<br />

the year (should be dropped off in the front office). We also need some parent<br />

chaperones during the dances.

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P A G E 14<br />

Traffic Flow Diagram

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Attention Parents!<br />

P A G E 15<br />

We are in need of a Volunteer Building Coordinator! This position is essential to<br />

the Volunteer Program and the CLP community. This person should be familiar<br />

with the school and staff, have good organizational and time management skills, and<br />

have the ability to work well with people. The responsibilities of the Volunteer<br />

Building Coordinator include:<br />

Contacting and meeting with school staff to compile requests for volunteers.<br />

Managing recruitment, coordination and retention of volunteers.<br />

Communicating regularly with the school community through emails and<br />

newsletters.<br />

Being a liaison between the school and the Partnership Center.<br />

The best part about being the Volunteer Building Coordinator is meeting people!<br />

You would get to know CLP’s administration, office staff, and teachers. You would<br />

also meet many of the parents of CLP students. It is a great way to be connected to<br />

and involved in the community. If you are interested in this position, please contact<br />

Cindy Cosmas at 488-7401. Thank you!<br />

A Powerful Story of Love, Loss & Liberation<br />

PSD’s 8 th graders are extremely fortunate<br />

to have been invited, at no<br />

charge, to hear a powerful presentation<br />

by Gerda Weissman Klein on<br />

October 21 st at 10am. Deeply impacted<br />

by her experience as a Holocaust<br />

survivor, Mrs. Klein has dedicated<br />

her life to sharing a message of<br />

hope, tolerance, and inspiration, combined<br />

with appreciation for all that<br />

America offers. Among other accomplishments,<br />

Mrs. Klein has authored<br />

several books, was awarded<br />

the Presidential Medal of Freedom in<br />

2011, and won an Academy Award<br />

for the documentary of her life, One<br />

Survivor Remembers.<br />

The local Richardson Foundation is<br />

funding this event. PSD is collaborating<br />

with local organizations to determine<br />

whether the transportation<br />

costs may be covered as well. Please mark your calendar and stay tuned for more<br />

information about this incredible event!

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Cache La <strong>Poudre</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Student Handbooks<br />

P A G E 16<br />

Every CLP Middle <strong>School</strong> student should have a student handbook and carry it with<br />

them to all classes. Student handbooks will be available in the front office beginning<br />

<strong>August</strong> 12 th . They are priced at $8.00 and include information pertinent to CLP<br />

Middle <strong>School</strong>. This is the same price that we pay for the planners. We strongly<br />

encourage all students to purchase their handbooks through the Front Office before<br />

school starts.<br />

Meal Programs<br />

Meal prices for <strong>2013</strong>-14 are as follows:<br />

Lunch $2.50<br />

Reduced .40<br />

Milk .45<br />

Breakfast 1.25<br />

Adult Breakfast 1.75<br />

Adult Lunch 3.00<br />

It is the policy of <strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

that charging of meals or snacks is not allowed in secondary schools for any student.<br />

Meal payments can be dropped off in the Front Office as cash or a check. Payments<br />

can also be made by credit card online at schoolpaymentsolutions.com.<br />

To see if your family is eligible for free or reduced school meals, please fill out an<br />

application at no cost. Free and Reduced applications are available at your school, at<br />

Child Nutrition’s office (490-3557) or online at http://www.applyforlunch.com.<br />

Meal activity and low balance email notifications can be set up for each of<br />

your students at no charge by signing up at schoolpaymentsolutions.com.<br />

Should you have any questions about these procedures, contact your school or<br />

Child Nutrition at 490-3557.<br />

All 6th Grade Students<br />



MONDAY AUGUST 19, <strong>2013</strong><br />

7:25am-2:15pm<br />



The purpose of this orientation is to make the transition to middle school a positive<br />

one. 7 th and 8 th graders will be serving as leaders and mentors to 6 th graders. Large<br />

and small group activities will take place throughout the day including going<br />

through your entire schedule before everyone is in the school on the first day.<br />

Wear comfortable clothing and don’t bring all of your stuff.<br />

<br />

<br />

Lunch for this day will be provided at no cost.<br />

This is a 6 th grade student only function and encourage parents/guardians to let<br />

your child attend on their own.<br />

If you have any questions, email us @<br />

Tony Gezzi – agezzi@psdschools.org<br />

Cheryl Duke – cduke@psdschools.org<br />


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