Rcgi? - Wellcome Trust

Rcgi? - Wellcome Trust

Rcgi? - Wellcome Trust


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<strong>Rcgi</strong>?irrdChrrily No: 210183 ISEN 1869835 158

~<br />

B O â R D O F T R U S T E E S<br />

Board O~TNS~XS<br />

Chairman<br />

RcgcrC Gibbs<br />

DeputyChainmn<br />

DrC E Gordon Smith. CE. MD. FRCI‘. FRCI’ath<br />

(until Augur 1991)<br />

Pmfwr Sir Sanlev Pnn. MD, FRCP. FRS<br />

TNItm<br />

J Juliin B Jack. BM. PhD<br />

Twentieth Report<br />

fir thr 9rar mdrd 30 Stptembrr 1991<br />

Sir Peter Guln<br />

Pmfaror Sir David Wearhcnli. MD, FRCP. FRS<br />

I’mfoMr Sir Him Kornbcrg. ScD, HonFRCP. FRS<br />

9<br />

1<br />

@<br />

>RUSi<br />

f<br />

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2 4 3<br />

i<br />

,I . -, . ,,

C O N T E N T S<br />

C H A I R M A N’S<br />

P I E F A C E<br />

Board ofTnutm .<br />

Chairman’s Prcfm ........................................................................ 5<br />

DirntoM Rrpri .....................................................<br />

Dr C E Gordon Smith ........... . 8<br />

.......................................................... 7<br />

I’rinciplc Rcrpdrch Fellowships and Senior Lectureships ................ 18<br />

Senior Baiic Biomedical Scicncc Fellowhips . 21<br />

Biomaihrmatical Scholmhipr and Fello\whipr . 23<br />

Prize Studentships ......................................................................... 24<br />

Scurerciencer .<br />

.\lolrcular and Cell Panel .<br />

Physiolog and Pharmacolom ...............<br />

Clinical Interest Gmup ................................................................ 102<br />

Tropical Alrdicine Intrrnr Group ............................................... 111<br />

Veicrinsry lmm Cmup ............................................................ 117<br />

European Programme .................................................................. 123<br />

Other Ownîar Awardr ................................................................ 136<br />

Svpn for [he History of Medicine ............................................ 142<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> InsiilUte for the History of Medicine . 157<br />

Wcllcomc Ccntre for Medical Science ......................................... 101<br />

The part year har ben one of change for the Wellcomc <strong>Trust</strong><br />

but also one ofmnrinued growth. For the current year. to<br />

Srptcmhrr 30th 1992. exprndirurc will e xcd LIW million.<br />

The ïmt’r reccntly annaunccd pmporcd international<br />

uffrring ofrhartr in Wdlcomr plc is cxpcrtcd to take place<br />

thirrummrrandifsurceüful willledtoa funhersharp<br />

incrmrr in thcTmirannual inmmc.<br />

Wewereallgrerlysddened hyrhedtath. in Augwt I991,of<br />

Dr C E Gordon Smith. Depury Chaiimm and Senior<br />

Scieniiïtcïrurrcr. Gardon Smith k m c as advisor to the<br />

Tnisim in 1970, was J Tmrtrcfmm 19?2, and Deputy<br />

Chairman fmm 1983. Ovcrthept wcnty ihmyen hc<br />

gave much of his rime and rncrg). to the Trurr and will be<br />

particularly wmcmùcred fer his contributions to bath tmpinl<br />

and Clinid rpidcmiology pmgramme, and more rmnily for<br />

wablirhing the Tmir inmm in l e support of march into<br />

halrh scwics. He har ken succeeded as Drpury Chairman<br />

by Sir Stanley l’an. A tribut< to Gordon Smiih appn on<br />

page nine afihir report.<br />

Dr Peter Williams, the <strong>Trust</strong>’s Dimor for the past twenty six<br />

yean, rcrirçd on 30 Scptcmber 1991. His reiircm~nr was<br />

nmkcd by3 numbrrofevcnrr. culminating with a latge<br />

gathering of his frirndr and collagua at Spcner Houw an 2<br />

October. It ii impoüiblr IO oveniate the pm Perer Williams<br />

harplaycdin ihcdrvelopmsnrofrh~l’nirraverihelssr thm<br />

OnrhefundingridroftheTnirt’~~,~ticr,irhrsbmi<br />

dccided to pmvide LIW million owr thc “OR fivc ypm, for<br />

major building dnùqnncnn in ihc univmitia and mcdial<br />

xhwlr,andthc6ntihrcramrdrundnihirvhnnrmr<br />

made to the Univcrriry ofGlugow. Univmiry GUrgc<br />

London. and the Rtyd Portgndiutc Mcdid Smml. London<br />

Thc Tnÿt’r npid gmmh ovcr the past icn ycrrr hÿ<br />

nrrcrritrtcd thcdwclopmcnrafnov mech& for the<br />

aüarmenr ofthe outcomc of in fundingmivirio. To [his<br />

end.nPolicyRd inSrirMcandMedirineunir.PRISM,<br />

has brcn arablirhcd and isworkingwith theraRofthcTnut<br />

and expcm ounide the Tm, m drvrlop mirabk &niqua<br />

for ihir pups.<br />

and timdy.<br />


D I R E C T OR 'S R E P O R 1 D I R E C T O R ' S R E P O R T<br />

part nvelve months, tvith rhr result that the TNS~CCJ agrccd<br />

IO make a diipmpanianatr increase in the share of the hudgrr<br />

faced by the academic insrirurianr, most oirhc scientists<br />

awdcd Srnior kmreships by theTm hewm I979 and<br />

history ofmedirine hn new bccn gmm. The mew inilUrNe<br />

in the hinoryofmenricihcuitu

OR C E G O R D O N $ W I T H D R H E N R Y F O Y<br />

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygirnc ofwhich hc<br />

was ptesidcni. and hr the \Vorld Health Organisation in a<br />

wide mriq of mie.<br />

Gardon Smith's influwe at thcTrun ws considerable. He<br />

Dr Henry Foy<br />

DrHrnryFoydiedonScprmbcr27 1991 in hirnincricrh<br />

year. The Tmrr has mcivrd tributes fmm Pmfcsror P C C<br />

Garnham, Dn G Timmr and J Roberts, and<br />

Dr Peter O William has wrirrrn rhc following sppreciarion.<br />

ntighbutinganinrrics,iddccided chu sWthM*.i<br />

hiNtco&rcd haiiiicrrhy&<br />

Onocaginrhy<br />

embarked for Durban, but this rime thy Vnvcd in Nairobi<br />

instead. A hrgc noy Nationil Horpiol, now the Kmpm<br />

Horpial, hrd j.«<br />

oped in dmm the mrdr mnnined a<br />

forred itsalready gimi inicresr in tropical medicine and<br />

wealth ofclinical ases mlatingro nutriiiod ~IUCIU~~<br />

worked hard to rnruie the highest standardr were maintained<br />

Vr Henry Fop' association with rhc WclkomeTmr goes<br />

kwashiorkor, splmomrgily and hcpatomrgily. many of&&<br />

throughout rhcTwr. HE was responrihlc for rhr<br />

dwelopmenr of the 'mist's interest in epidemialog. especially<br />

in rrhcmr of fellowships in clinical epidcmiabg. and more<br />

trrenilythrrrhemr mining Mlowrhipr in health rcrvico<br />

back to 1937atwhichrimchewuwor~nginrhc~gueof<br />

Narionr' Malarial Lbonrorin in Salonika. How he came IO<br />

chmg from being a ditmirrry master and then lmurer at the<br />

Imperial College ofTropical Agriculrure in Trinidad to<br />

formed the brrir ofmlltbmrivc mdics rn thcpn with<br />

the clinid depanmmn undm Dr Hiby OjLmbo. Dr<br />

Man--bhr.<br />

to mention but I fm.<br />

Vr ]mu Hanies .nd Dr Lam MrDn>grl.<br />

Dr C E Gordon Smith<br />

DrCordon SmirhdirdonAugusr4 1991. Hcwa

D R H E N R Y F O Y D R P E T E R W I L L I & U S<br />

After the RAMC, Puer Willhmr sw thrr in otùimry medid<br />

career was not idully suited to him, and k thnaor bid<br />

the headquanerr roffafrhe Medial Ranrrh Coumil. aking<br />

speck1 rcrpanribiliry for rmpid medicine nrardr He M<br />

found his mnier. and his carter sina thrn dned<br />

in rhc<br />

administration and lundingof m did rrrcUm<br />

In I9GO. ahcr four prson thcwaffafthe Council. hc n>med<br />

IO the Wcllmmr Tnÿt. At the time. some Tnÿmr 0 ; p d<br />

douhrahoutthcruinbiliryofthcMwmrnibnof~:th~r<br />

doubts were swn extinguished. On the mimmt of<br />

Dr FtankGreen in I965,hcwrr~ppintcdSmmryiorhc<br />

l’ni~trrsand Dimrafihe<strong>Trust</strong>, pirions he held until hii<br />

Dr Peter Williams C B E<br />

retircmmt. During this rime the Tnÿr grrw amund him h m<br />

Pctcr Williams retired on Ocmkr I 1991 aher more than<br />

a handfd ofreff in i tiny aRicc. to thc p mt mm of mwc<br />

thiqyeanan ihcrtaffofthcTmnirt, thclastwcnty-six yean<br />

than 180, swn to m m to their ncwly nfurbicù officu in<br />

as Dimtar.<br />

rhr Wcllcomc Building. Indccd. it is rhc +orne<br />

of hi<br />

achievement thZr. he hid rhc virion, many prr >ga to di<br />

Hc war horn in Trinidad. and educaced rhere at Queen’s<br />

that the Twr would aurgmw if. p-t<br />

&ice, and wdd<br />

Royal College and in England at Caterham School. He went<br />

need to m m into rhc huildingthat Hmry Wdlmmc hoped<br />

up t

O R P E T E ~ WILLIAMS<br />

M A N A G E M E N T S T A F F O F T H E T R U S T<br />

Pcier Williams’ own abiding intrrnt in the history of<br />

closely with five wry difFlrrni Chairmen; Sir Henry Dalc,<br />

Management Staff of the <strong>Trust</strong><br />

mcdicinc, nunumi by his wife Billic’s training in ihc subject,<br />

Lord Pisrcy, bid Franks. Sir David Steel and Mr Roger<br />

+Bride M Ogilvir, BRuISC.<br />

ScD. FIBiol, Dirmor<br />

mant that as Dimtor hc war ablr, with panicularauihority,<br />

Gibbs. To haw ken nunured by Sir Henry Dale and to have<br />

Chimm of Board ofMunagtmtnr.<br />

to promotr the rcquircmrni in Sir Henry Wrllcamc’r will thsr<br />

survived with ciedii is highly tele~m. His abiliry to stimulate<br />

Stmmr~ ro rirc Boardvf Tmstm<br />

thsmbpr be suppned. Funds for rhr romputcriution of<br />

his Trurrm by valuable ruggcrrions, to defend his mc<br />

Lynda Dowling, PA rn Dinrmr<br />

thc history of medicine library, dcwlopmcnt afa vidmdiic<br />

rrmngiy. yet to give w y gracefully on the fm occasions when<br />

mhivc of Wcllcome’r iconographic collection, and exin<br />

hc lost the qument. was outstanding. T N S knw. ~ ~<br />

raourccrforthcriudyaflhc hirtoryafnucntirih ccnniry<br />

however, that they muld disaggm forcefully with him yci<br />

mcdirinc were dl provided by ihc TNS~C~, stimulated hy his<br />

rctain his friendship, ar he rerained their rapecc and<br />

crhwism. ‘Ihc conrinuing vigaurof the Wcllromr Institute<br />

confidence. They knew that his dtimatt aim was to make the<br />

for the Histmy of Medicinc owm much to his &nr.<br />

Tmt of thcgrearcrr imponam for biomedical xientirtr, and<br />

IO incena with them in the bert püiblc ay. In this he has<br />

hrcr Williimr’ stylo 1s a colique has bccn to work thmugh<br />

sucçrpded magnificently.<br />

the spkcn rather ihan the written nord. bur not without<br />

wing carefully prepamd paprs to achieve progm and make<br />

dccirionr at the many mming that are nded to manage the<br />

Twt. His girt with thr spkcn word and his mdywir<br />

Prier Williams was active outside the TNSI in thc worlds of<br />

charitable foundations and ofiuppon far mcdid rncatch.<br />

The idea for many of the imponanr groupings in ihnc a m<br />

Unlt for Policy Raeuch In sdaa<br />

and Medldne (PRIM)<br />

Joc And-, BSc, PhD. Hdof Unir<br />

lightcned mceiings and formal occasions and were major<br />

Lion in his succes as Dirrrror. He has almys bccn in<br />

enthusiast for clw intrraciion benveen rhr Tnirt’r siilTuid<br />

wcrc Iqely his own, norably the Hague Club, a think-tank of<br />

the directors of most ofthe Iirgcrt Eumpn endowed<br />

foundations. and the Asociation of Medical Research<br />

t Mcmbm of thc Baud of Maigemcnt which d- du<br />

Dimtor ofthe Tm.<br />

the scientific community. whciher in #heTnids olFico. at<br />

Charitis. His ruaaincd intrmt in rrapical medicine led to<br />

scientific mnings, or on chr individual r-rch<br />

workeis<br />

home gmund in his or her I~boratory. He insisted on grm<br />

his involvement with the Royal Sociriy ofl‘ropical Medicine<br />

and Hygiene in srvrrai capacities: he is currently its President.<br />

catc always king taken to make the grant xckrr or holder feel<br />

at tax in his or her inrmmionr with the TN~<br />

rtalt .%is<br />

concern for the Tniris grant holdcrs ws matched by am equal<br />

Hirachicvcmentrin thismbjpn wmmognircdbythc<br />

award ofthe Mary Kingsley Medal by the Liverpool School<br />

ofTmpicaI Medicine in 1983. and by his election as an<br />

Hlstoy of Medlcine<br />

concm for his mil; they were always wppnrd, ~ncouraped<br />

and appreciated and only n dy chiwied!<br />

Honorary Fcllow ofthe London Schwl ofHygimc and<br />

Tropical Mcdicinc in 1986.<br />

tEric J Frrniw, BA, ALA. Dimror (HistarJafMrdicinr)<br />

David E Allen, MA, PhD, Co.ordinarorofrhc Hirmr~ of<br />

Miditint PmgrBmmr<br />

His reliions with his Tmnm. many with strong pnonal<br />

COnviCtiON abut most arpecs of TNS activity, and life<br />

His other amlids include honorary dcgrm from the<br />

Univcnitia of Birmingham, Nottingham and the Wat<br />

Wdim F Bpurn, MD. PhD. MRCP<br />

HradofAmdtmic Unir<br />

gcncnily, m led another impnrnt «rmpncnt of his<br />

Indies. In 1991 hewrappinred CBE in the Queen’s<br />

sum. During his twenty-six years ar Director, he umiked<br />

Birthday Honours.<br />

12<br />


F I N A N C E S U P P O R T F O R U E D l C A L R E S E A R C H<br />

Support for Hedlcal Research<br />

Analysis of Income by Source Flnancial Year 1990.91<br />

During the year the Tnirti commitment to medid rnarrh<br />

excluding the History of MdiBnc totalled G59m (54.5m for<br />

1989/90). The following rrctionr cxaminc nrh schemc and<br />

panel in detail. l'hc wbicqwm paser givean overview of thc<br />

work of the 'ïnut.<br />

Allappllsrionr 1983- lePl AmounaIW4uaaduld<br />

awarded<br />

Analysis of Expenditure Financlai Year i9VO.91<br />

Annual Expenditure 1966.91<br />

1 MlllID".<br />

801 I Mminiitn,k.n<br />

w<br />

A cotai of 2307 appliniiai~r wre miemi (compared\rith<br />

l9lbfor 1989/90).Ofthrre 1107,vcrrfundedinpanorin<br />

full. rtpmniing 48 pcr est of ml\~csts. The rod \uue of<br />

applications wz f204.3rn.<br />

All applicatlonr 1983 - 1991<br />

Amounts q uested md awarded<br />

14<br />


S U P P O R T F O R ~ E D I C A L R E S E A R C H S U P P O R T F O R ~ E D I C A L R E S E A R C H<br />

Support for MedM Research<br />

Support for Medical Research<br />

During I99üORI a mal ofï28.7m was award4 by the pan&<br />

for shon. term suppon. Thc allourion of funds by pncl is<br />

shown in fiplgurr 7.<br />

The Tmsirn plicy is IO YI aide up IO one-third of their<br />

income fer longer term ruppon. An analysis, by panel. a<br />

Research workers suppomd by the <strong>Wellcome</strong> True<br />

Grants awarded during l99Ol9l<br />

Thefollowingawardrarclirr4hrrearrheydonor Fit<br />

mnwnienrly under any of the Tmr pnrl or inrerest pup<br />


61 BI<br />

S d I H S 3 U n l l 3 1 U O I N 3 S ?<br />

S d l H S M 0 1 1 3 4 H l U V 3 5 3 U l V d l 3 N l U d<br />

s d i ~ s 3 u n ~ 3 3U i O I N ~ S v<br />

S d l H S M 0 1 1 3 4 H 3 U V 3 S 3 U l V d l 3 N l U d

P R I N C I P A L<br />

R E S E A R C H F E L L O W S H I P S<br />

6 S E N I O R L E C T U R E S H I P S<br />

S E N I O R<br />

B A S I C B I O M E D I C A L S C I E N C E<br />

F E L L O W S H I P S<br />

Dr M H N Golden<br />

Drputmrnt of Medicine, University afAbrrden: for<br />

addirioml rxpenrrr ditring his anior lcciiirnhip, uiider<br />

Pmhm R L Hirnrwrrh<br />

Dr Hazel C Jones<br />

Department of Physiology, King’s College London<br />

101 ll24~7~IlU).<br />

(KQC)rTrironr?ear.fornriudynfrhep~thog~ncrirof<br />

congenital IiyJroccphrlur in ihr tat<br />

DrJ S McBride<br />

(Oll527lZ9ilZ).<br />

Drpanmcnt of Zoology, University of Edinburgh: for thre<br />

?cm ten wonthr. for a stud? oirhc immiinohiolog~ of<br />

anripic diversity in human malaria. u,idcr<br />

1’rd-r \Y‘igplpir<br />

coinplex. niih DrJ XI Cnmpron<br />

&2/61<br />

(0177821Z9lfi).<br />

Senior Bark Biomedical Science Fellowships<br />

Senior Basic Biomedical Science Rlloivshipr we tenable for<br />

five years in (hc first iniranrc, with the poaihility ofan<br />

extension ofa furrhrr thrcc years. Awards include the exprnrrr<br />

oftheir rcrparch pmgnmmc in addition to ihcirralary. These<br />

awrdr arc the basic science quivalmi of the <strong>Trust</strong>’s<br />

long-standing &nical fellowship scheme.<br />

Dr J R P Arnold<br />

Deputment of Genetics, University of Lmfir fur additional<br />

equipment for his nuclear magnetic mwnance studies of<br />

ribnuclcic acid. under DIP G Srwkley<br />

Dr D E Arnot<br />

Dcpvtmenc of Genetics, University of Edinburgh for<br />

additional expense for his study of the genetic basis of<br />

chlomquinc resistanr malaria, under Dmferror D WalliBr.<br />

Dcpanmcnt of Biological Sciences<br />

Dr C R M Bangham<br />

(031259~iIA~. Dr E lane C Mellor<br />

(01953OD9IlA).<br />

N&dd Department of Clinid Medicine, Univmity of<br />

Oxford: for thrm years, incltiding additionsl expenses. for 3<br />

study ofthe cellular immune rnponre (U humînï-<br />

lymphurmpic virus Vpe 1 to include xddirional equipment<br />

and resmch cxpenws for a visiting worker fmni overseas,<br />

iindcr Profarat A J McMichd. lnitirute of Molecular<br />

hlcdicinr<br />

Dr K E Kadler<br />

Drpamncnt af Biochemistry and Molmilu Biology,<br />

Univenity of Manchatm for additional equipmînr for his<br />

mdy ofthe biorhemüityofmatiir in normal and d d<br />

~0l7019lD9UE~. for five )=m.<br />

connmive riüue, under Pmfaor M E Grant ~OI9512!~tlA).<br />

Dr A Martinez-Arias<br />

Dquimcnt of ïnolo&y, Univenity efCàmb*<br />

ihrce yam, for rhc mle of cell signalling in pnm fornution<br />

duiingcmbryogcnair under DrC M Bare (016987~3lA).<br />

Or M J McConville<br />

Department of Bmhnniry, Univmiry of Doadca for<br />

five yean, for a study of the structuw. funnion and<br />

biorynihsir of glymylatnl phorphatidylinorirolr in<br />

Leishmania, undcr Dr hl AJ Fmpson<br />

for<br />

(033328!2@1ZJ<br />

Depuimmr o f B i M i , UnivmityofW for<br />

zdJitioml ruppn far hrrchinm’sation d a DNA-biding<br />

protein, Itith multifunctional pmpmh in yeast and<br />

mammaliw cells and the isolation of new ta‘gct site, un&<br />

Pmf-rE hl Sourhem (Ot9294LU9IL4).<br />

Dr V H Perry<br />

Dcpanmmt of ErpenmcnUt p.i.bology, UniVnriy of<br />

Oxford: for three )an, for a study ofthe functions of<br />

macmphap in thc ~CIWUI ystcm, under<br />

Pmforor L Weirknnn<br />

Dr D J G Rees<br />

(01512OW9X?).<br />

Department of Chmiid Pybalogy, Unitnniyof (htord:<br />

for thc upgnding d a tfdtni0ui m mKiI<br />

asistanr. for the study of the mle aftdin in the cyrorlvlml<br />

riorgtnisation murring in T-lympharyre activariin, mdcr<br />

kol-r<br />

Paiholog<br />

G C Bmwle, Sir William h nn School of<br />

(019WItA).<br />


S E N I O R B A S I C B I O H E D I C A L<br />

S C I E N C E F E L L O W S H I P S<br />

B I O H A T H E ~ A T I C A L S C H O L A I S H I ~ S<br />


Dr R Williamron<br />

The Labnrntoty, Plymouth (UK Marine Biological<br />

Association): fix onc p r, for rddiiinnal eipcnsîr for his<br />

study of thc qiiilihriiim sptrm of cîphalopodr. under<br />

Dr hl \Yihitlicfd<br />

Dr D C Wraith<br />

~Ol5184IZJY/lA).<br />

Depanment of Pathology, University of Cambridge: for<br />

onc ynr, for additionri ulrty cms for his study on T-cell<br />

recognition rnd colerancc in ruroimmunity. under PmGsor<br />

H W’aldmann<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> Royal Society of<br />

Edinburgh Fellowship<br />

Dr J R Seck1<br />

Depanment of Mcdicinc, Unirrnity afEdinburghr for<br />

rddiiiund npiircr far his mnlcmlar biological studio of<br />

(0195Oôf~Y41R).<br />

conimrreroid ~ NC~~WS and rirrnid mîraholirni in bain. under<br />

rrotëiwir c I< \v F

P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H ~ P S ~ R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

Prize Studentships<br />

porrgraduare teaching. The Prize Srudcnrrhip scheme, like all<br />

Miss Rosfyn M Bill<br />

Miss joanna P Danes<br />

This xhrmc. in which mcpiiond students ulecied for<br />

pangraduate research training are paid a stipend equivdlpnt IO<br />

that d a research wiitanr. iogîrhcr with realistic laboratory<br />

<strong>Trust</strong> whema. iropcn IO madificarion and is roioucdannually.<br />

It should k smphairîd that the Prize Siudrntrhip are not<br />

%on Pminr Ubrptory, Oxford: for three years, for a<br />

study ofrhc rynthesir ofrhenpcutic nmgiympmrcinr with<br />

prolonged in tisw lifetime and the chemical glycorylarion of<br />

Dcpnrunmtofceanir* IdNteofeTnirtm<br />

an: diuppinled Io note wry fw ippliUtiLIN havî been<br />

nrîiwd from physical science gnduatn.<br />

three yean, for a study ofthe inrrncrion b emn<br />

thcrmoqulaiory and chernoreccpror reflcxcr in the conrml<br />

and breathing in the nîiubarn, under Dr M A Hanson<br />

(033G45la9lIz).<br />

Miss Katherine A Clark<br />

Drpvunrnt of Ph-ncology, Univdty of Birmingham:<br />

for three years, far a study drynaptic transmission and<br />

plasticity in thc rat hippocampus, under Pmfaror<br />

Mr A Devitt<br />

Depurmm1 of ClLual Cenn** UNrrniy of<br />

Binainghrm: for three p m for a molmlar genetic adysis<br />

ofhortmll responses to obliptc panrite infmion. undm Dr<br />

Thcm WCIP fmwr wiihdnwalr following awards made this<br />

Miss Clare V H Baker<br />

G L Collingridgç<br />

(033GlOl~9lE).<br />

PA Lund and Dr J H Pnrce, School of Biological Scirnas<br />

(033607WIR).<br />

ymr (ninearopprcdiooghreendilring 1988189) but ihir<br />

was unrelated IO the increard sripcnd.<br />

UnivcrsityofCambcidge forrhreeyîur, iorartudyofgcnes<br />

involved in ibe formation ofthe germ line in Xmopw htoij,<br />

Mr Robin K Cloues<br />

DcpPrtmonc of Pharmacology, University College and<br />

Mr D E K Ferrier<br />

Thcrignilicani mount ufronrch king undenaken in<br />

plpxhniu was rmogninl byalloitinga numkr of<br />

nomina&= IO thc mmmiitre ofl'ol~~echnic He& of<br />

Biologial Sciences 'lliir M y undrnaik pdiminrry<br />

wm-ningofapplieimniltom plpechninonourbehrlf<br />

and ionvardeda restricted number to theTms, mcnl of<br />

which wte a\\ardd.<br />

In the coming year, the rcbemr will again o h up to eighty<br />

studentships. lmr ynr. nominations w m alsa inviwd fmm<br />

under DrJanct Hearman<br />

(033595la9lIz).<br />

Miss Amanda J Barlow<br />

Deputment of Cell and SINCIUI~ Biology, University of<br />

Mmchester: far three years, far an idcntilicarion of<br />

downstream tatgctr ofHox gene arriviry, under<br />

Dr P T Sharpc<br />

~033G30la9llz).<br />

Mr A M Benham<br />

Deputment of GU and Molmilac Biology, Institute of<br />

ChildHnlth, London: forihreeynn,fara~rudyafthe<br />

Middlesex School of Medicine, Londoni for three yean, for<br />

a mdy of Ca-dcpcndcnr K-channdr mpnribir for<br />

controlling neumnal excitability and the idcniilicatian and<br />

mechanisms ofrnnrmiiier modulation, under<br />

Pmfnror D A Bmwn<br />

(033G43lZ9IlZ).<br />

Mm Frances A Connor<br />

Chuter buy iabontotiu, Gncer Ruesrch bp+.<br />

London: far three yeas, for a srudy oftnnxiiprion factors<br />

andrcxditcrminarion. under DrA Ashwonh<br />

(033697lZ'9ltZ).<br />

Univcrsiy of Gmbridg: for three years, for the analysis of<br />

hommticgcnc orpintion in Minma>rPana. undn<br />

DrMEAkam<br />

(033G01~1/zI.<br />

MID L Fisher<br />

Deputment of Microbiology, Uddtyof 0&d1 Tor<br />

three ynn. for thc biochcmiai and genetial analysis of +in<br />

funnion in cell cycle conrml. under Pmf-r P Nurrc<br />

(033G40WllZ).<br />

Wcllcomr <strong>Trust</strong> Units. Ptincipal Fcllaivrand postgraduate<br />

indirect pathway of allorecognition in ranrplanntion, under<br />

iniiituicr; previously rppiicaiionr weic la&<br />

uniwsiticr undmaking undrrgraduare ar well as<br />

confined IO<br />

I'rofksorj W Fabre<br />

(033G9WZWZ).<br />

24 25

P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

Mr I N Fleming<br />

Miss Yohko Haiada<br />

Ms Eleanor J Hughes<br />

Mr M M Kwende<br />

Deputment of Biochcrniiriy and Genetics, Univrnity of<br />

Deputment of Human Anatomy. University of Oxford:<br />

Deputment of Biocbrmkuy, Uniwrity of Bristol: for<br />

Depuanrnt of Hum- Aniloiny and Ou Biolqr,<br />

N-~tlcuponTynr;forihrpcyea,i,fara~iudyofihe<br />

control ofdirqlglyccrol mcisbolirm - its role in ceII<br />

signalling. undn Profersor S J ïmmnn (033597la711Z)<br />

far thrre years. for a snidy of ihc pmprrtier of Hrnren'r node<br />

which characicrisr it as the "'organiser" ofthc nemus system<br />

in the chick embryo, under DI C D Stern<br />

(03364llZJllZ).<br />

rhrre yean, for3 study ofihc mechanism ofactivationof<br />

phma memhnnr NADPH oxidare. under Professor OTG<br />

Jones, Drprrmenr of Pathology and Mirmbialogy<br />

Univenityoftivqmoh forihmynrsforastudyofihc<br />

biomechinia ofskeletal murdc pumps, under Pmfmor S<br />

Salmonrand DrJ C Jan.is<br />

(03367Ul9lE).<br />

~0336521~9IlZ).<br />

Mr S J Ford<br />

Miss Kate J Heesom<br />

Mr H G Laverty<br />

Dcputmcnt of Chemistry, Vnivcnity of Glugom for ihrm<br />

Deputmrnt of Biochemistry, Univmityaf BristaIr for<br />

Mr Z Hursain<br />

Drpurmrnr of &ni=, Univcniy of G+ for three<br />

yan, for novel nman Irudinofranformaiionandd~namiü<br />

ofbiolagial molecules. under Professor L D Barmn and<br />

Dr A Cmpcr<br />

(0336201~9llZ)<br />

ihm ymn. for a study of thr molecular haris of insulin actim<br />

on fatty acid synihair. tinder Profcsor R M Denion<br />

(033594lmlIz).<br />

DIputrncnt of Phunucology, University of Oxford, for<br />

thmyearr, foraauily ofibemn~crgcncc in limbir-motor<br />

pathways of the forrhnin, under Dr S Totrcrdell<br />

)ears, for a study ofrhc isolation and gcnnic chanorrintmn<br />

of I mammalian X-linked locus involved in palm formation,<br />

under DrJ B Wilson<br />

(0336fWïWl~.<br />

(033G5ll7~IlZ).<br />

Ms Rosemary A Fricker<br />

Mr C G Henderson<br />

Drputmrnt of Erpcrimcnd Psychology, University of<br />

Deputment of üiolc.gy urd Preclinical Medicine,<br />

MI Debbie C Jagers<br />

Gmbiidge: forthmytars. forastudy ofgrowth famorgcnr<br />

UnivcrrityofSrAndrnn,Fifc: for1hrrr)~ars. forastudy of<br />

Physiology Group, King's College London (KQCh for<br />

exprolion 2nd manipulation in nmal tnnrplantr. under<br />

the coanrriuction of mirroiuhular pillan in the mouse inncr<br />

thrceye3n.forarrudyofrhcmIcafLHandhrcinovarian<br />

Di S R Dunnat<br />

(033657lZ9Il%/<br />

ear. iindrr PraferrorJ R 'liickrr<br />

(033637la9lIz).<br />

3ngiogenrrir and wcular permeability, under DrS R Milligan<br />

and Pmfesor W I' Collins Depairment of Ohrtctkr and<br />

Miss Sandra Herrell<br />

Deputment of Pathology, Univenity of Gmbridser far<br />

Gynicçology, King's Collcgc School of Medicine and<br />

Dcnrirrry. London<br />

(0337OGlZJ9lZ).<br />

Mr K Lee<br />

Dcpurmmi of Phuinuology, Univ&ty of oibridec:<br />

three years, for 3 molecular analysis ofCpC islands associated<br />

for ihm years. for in invertigairion into the modulation of<br />

with potenriai gcne rîqurncer in Xp22.3-prer which acape X<br />

inactiïdiion, under Dr N A Affan<br />

(033GGlIZ7lZ).<br />

Miss Ki& A Joyce<br />

Oxford Polytrthnia for rhrre yean. for 3 study of rhe<br />

K+ATP channd amivity in the CNS via sulphonyluru<br />

recrprors, under Dr M 1. J Ashford (0336G3k%'lE).<br />

Mr S Gordon<br />

Drpnmeni of Microbiology, University of Lcicertcr. for<br />

Mr J M G Higint<br />

Depanrncnt of Biochemistry, Univenity of Oxford: far<br />

dcvelopmcnr ofmnrinuaur inwt cell lins for the expnüion<br />

md d~anu&ttion of human rereptor pmainr. undrr<br />

Dr Linda A King<br />

(03369Ol~9lIZ).<br />

Mr S Leihman<br />

Depuantnt ofComputing Scia. Univaiqof<br />

ihrçryczn. fnrr study ofihrcloningofihpnialragrncror<br />

rnyhai A J Parker<br />

(OI88271~881~).<br />

26<br />


P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

Miss Ltlian F C Leuns<br />

Depvtmrnt of Nwrachrmirtry. Institute af Neurology.<br />

London: forthree!nrr.fora riudyofthrinfluenccof<br />

thyroid siaius on cell signalling processes in the CNS. under<br />

l'rof-r<br />

J B Clark and Ilrofrüor E I l Sagcnon. I>epanment<br />


P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

P R I Z E S T U D E N T S H I P S<br />

Mis Lynn Tasker<br />

Ms Maria L Wau&<br />

Mr 5 Wiltshire<br />

Miss Amy Beth Zanuky<br />

Dcprnmrnt of Human hatomy and Ccll Biology,<br />

Dipmmrnt of Moledu Biology and Biotcchndogy,<br />

Drpanmcnt of Biochemistry, University ofoxford: for<br />

DLpuunentofEnginecringScia~ UnivaSydOdon&<br />

University of Liverpool: for three ycm, for an inwsigrion<br />

University of Shcffieldi for three yan. for srmctunl studies<br />

nine months, for an exremion ofhir S~NCIU~~I studies of the<br />

forthmyan, fornrrudyofthrgmm~rand mcchanicrof<br />

ofihr chrnrtcrirtirs and signd innrducing cspariiy d a B-<br />

ccll ~urfacr ilgndling mnlnulr. under Ilr S Mrnhrll-Clarke<br />

ofgrne meihylarion. under Dr D W Rice and Dr P J<br />

Aqmiuk<br />

domains ofthc complement proinre Cir and ihecomplmenr<br />

rcgiiiatory pmrrin Prapcrdin. undcr Dr I ü Gmphli and Dr<br />

rhc ligmcntr afihc human knee. under DrJ J O’Connor<br />

(033G5W.lm.<br />

(n33675l~7llz).<br />

(03366@ZJlIZj.<br />

K n M Reid<br />

(Ulûû3ZFJ88lB).<br />

Miss Michelle Turner<br />

Mr R Weaver<br />

Mr A A Woodail<br />

Dcpanmcnt of Experimental Psychology, University of<br />

Depanment of Chemistry, University of Letatm for three<br />

Dapanmcnt of Biorhemirtry, University of Liverpool: for<br />

Cambridge: Crrrrionof<br />

oh,sioiiil khisiour in childhuod autism, undm I>r J Riiuell<br />

polpmmoniuni conjiigam a< dnig delivery ryrrcmr. under<br />

mamnnlim ccll mcmhnnrr against oxidxivc dimage, under<br />

(0,?.?669ln9Ilz).<br />

l’mfnror I’ hl Ctillir and Profaror M C R Symonr<br />


N E U R Q S C ~ E N CPE<br />

A N E L<br />


Neurorcience Panel<br />

The Twsti Ncumrcience Rnrl mnridan all applications for<br />

mrch in basic and clinical ncumrcirncî. For the purporc of<br />

conridemion of gram, the Ncumxirncc Panel divider into<br />

WO gmupr: the Mend Hcdith and Neuroscirnre Granis<br />

Commitree. and thc Virion Kacarch Working l’atty. Thc<br />

names arrigned ro thne nvo gmupr signify rhc Tnirnn’<br />

continuing special intemi in dewloping m rch in<br />

psychiary. ophrhalmologv and rheother clininl neurorricncc<br />

subias, in 3 continuing symbiosis wirh high-quality basic<br />

xicniirtr in sub+ such 1~ pTchirrtymd ophthilmology.<br />

A toid of fifi-six Reorch Training Fcllmvrhip applications<br />

ISWC meiued, afwhich m«ity--nvo were awirded at a unal<br />

mstof&i.i miilion.’nir Reorch’ïraining Fclinwrhips in<br />

Mental Health haw now ben amilahle for more than z<br />

dde, md are a pandigm of the wly in which vlmion of<br />

highquality medial graduitrr. mmbined with 1 B ~NW<br />

xieniific training, can produce a nndy supply of indibiduals<br />

pmpdy qualified to rake wnior admic appointments and<br />

IO Ind -Eh in their chorn suhim.<br />

ncurarricnm rrrearch.<br />

In some clinid diriplincr, iherr is also a neod IO illwrratc to<br />

The’ïmrim were pinicularly plmed ta ~ycIcomc Piaffmr<br />

hlichd Cclderar the finr non-inirteeChairman of this<br />

Pand. Pmfcssnr Gelder is PmfrrsnrofPrychirrry in thc<br />

clinical tniiins rhe possibilirics of mrdi. Foi this purporc.<br />

in bth psychiatry and ophthalmolag thr Tn~t funds<br />

mnrch tuiningrcherno for qistnoan a dinid NUtiOU.<br />

University of Oxford, and ws<br />

for wmc ynn a member of the<br />

Tnut’r former Menel Halrh Pand. In thar apaciry he had<br />

conrribntcd gre3ily ru the ’Cmrnit’r developing plicy for<br />

ruppon of ‘encarch in psychiatry and rrlatcd ruhjrcrs. As wll<br />

31 Chairing the Pan4 Fmfnror Grldcr Chain the Menial<br />

Hnlth and t?eum$cienm Grants Cammitrce. ‘Ihc Virion<br />

Rrmrch Working Pany rcmainr under rhc Chairmanship of<br />

Pmfcaur Scmir Zcki.<br />

‘The nw Gram Gnnmirtcrs ronridned an UIIUIU~II~ large<br />

niimhrr ofapplicaiiotir. and the Tmx’s nrumxirnrî budget<br />

was undri Exceptional strain. Gnmr tadling 6.5 million<br />

wcx awarded. excluding longer-rcrm suppon and grants for<br />

rnnrch rraining.l’hirrrpr”t~~~~~~rdi~~g~~~~fZI%of<br />

Thc i>ancl is panicuhtiy plead 10 be ahle IO mmmcnd<br />

the Lin& requested. The total numbrrofappliraiionr for<br />

gnntr during ihr ynr under wiew was 370, a markcd<br />

incraseon thetonlaf288in rhepreccdingynr,and 133<br />

wre awarded in part or in full.<br />

An important artivityof the Ncumrrirncc Pancl is the<br />

rraining of mmrch workers. panicularly >mng clininl<br />

@ing thcm an npporruniry to rprnd an addition4 sir mnthr<br />

of their training entirely in resatch. The rim is so impan<br />

some of thc flavour of m rch work, and IO illwrrare the<br />

oppnunities. *U clinicians who mighr oihmise not mnrider<br />

rhir ar an option. Them is cvidcnre rhar therc training<br />

rrhemesarreffmiw. Fim. many trainta m inspiid toapply<br />

for pmpcr Rcseatch Training Fellowships in theirow right,<br />

and snmr have now mod on to nnhlishrd academic<br />

positions. S a d uhiatryar the lnaiiutcof<br />

Psychiatry. Dr Burns had. at &c timeofhir zppointmcnt.<br />

32 33

-<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E P b N E L N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

altndy made ourrtanding«>nrriburiotu to the understanding clinical qualification cuçntial if they wish te apply research Neurorcience<br />

DrPPDwidy<br />

I3mJ<br />

of the rpidcmiolw of prychimic diwax in iheelderly. The skills to furthrr oiipid inverriprions in appropriate patirntr.<br />

DcpMnlnt of Mulid I'hp#s USvcr6ty of(ioib

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

Dr C G Fairburn<br />

Depvtmrnt of Prydiiatry, Uniwnity of Ozfordi for<br />

f47 866<br />

DrKJSrnii<br />

Dcpuimcnt of NmIqy, Unimi Medid iad Dcad<br />

Professor D M Armstrong<br />

Dcprnment of Physiology, Unimnity of Biirtd: for<br />

DG922<br />

additional quipmrnt and rnrarch cxpenur far his study of<br />

additional rxpcnrn for his studies ofaeiiology, character.<br />

pre%alrnre and coune dating disorders<br />

(Ol8l57RJ7llA).<br />

Dr A Burns<br />

Depvtmcnt of Prychiruy, Initimte of Psycblatry,<br />

Londonr for five years, for an investigrion ofdininl<br />

Srtioolr of Guy's iad St Tbnau'r HapiPl Londotu for<br />

can, far molecular genetic riudirr ofinherited<br />

minal degenerationr<br />

DI8 262<br />

(033227lZl921Z).<br />

portsynapric inregrarian in pyramidal nrumnes of<br />

hippnampur and visual mncx, with Dr A U larkman and<br />

MI KJ Stratford<br />

(034204124ZE).<br />

Dr Usha Chakiavarthy<br />

Department of Ophtbdmology. Queen's University of<br />

Belhru foronc years fora studyofv.soac

F<br />

N E U R O P C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

MrPTKhaw<br />

Dcpuimrnt of Parhology, Inriirute of Ophthdmolagy.<br />

London: far additional C X ~ ~ far Shis K rrudy of ihc ciïwt of<br />

wlrcted chcmoihcrapuiic agents on rhrcellularromponemr<br />

ofnwund hiaiing in gburonia filtering surgery, under<br />

Proiruor I Griemn. Dcparrmenr ofClinira1 Sciences<br />

Mirs Suzanne Mitchell<br />

Depinment of Clinid Scicnm, Institute of<br />

(0304i.üD89iAI.<br />

Ophrhdrno~ogy, London: for [wu yes, for an inVKtigarion<br />

d ihc use of pol>mcarî chain rraçrion in thc diagnosis and<br />

ruhwqrqsenr managemçnr ofminitir in ihcaçquid immum<br />

drfidrnq syndrome. under Profersor Suun Lightman<br />

Dr J Pvdal<br />

(034i85ID9ilZ).<br />

Department of Physiology, University of Cambridge: for<br />

trio miinihr, form atension of his mùy of pmular tear<br />

film rhicknerr. under rmfcrsor F \V Camphii,<br />

Dr Ju&th Robinson<br />

Drputmrnt ofOphrhdmohgy, Univcnity of<br />

(Ol?iiiID87lQ.<br />

Birmingham, for ihrecymrs. for I study offighr and rhç<br />

developing vànal spcm. under Prnfeuor A U 1:iclder<br />

~a34li7lD9ll1/%1<br />

Dr Cam1 A Wesal1<br />

Dcparunent ef Opromory, University ofWdu Irutinite<br />

oîScicoto uid Technology, Wiii foriir months, for an<br />

esiension of her study of the role ofOKN in binocular<br />

xreening and in monitoring binocular function during<br />

onhopric trearmcnt, under Dr J Msrgaret Wwdhoure<br />

(Oi7i23IU8714.<br />

Dr G M Lees<br />

Depuuiimt of Pharmmlogy, Univeniv ofNdmi for<br />

one pr, for a study ofelmrophysiologid propsi- of human<br />

enteric ueurona, with panicuhr rcfrrenm to i&ammatory<br />

b~,forartudyofIIU IBZMlingk<br />

phaion cmiaion mmognphy characterising D2 doplmine<br />

rpccprorrrmr in xbtophrenia. under Pmfmor P WI.<br />

lnrrirure dNuclar Medicine, Univctsity Cdlcgeand<br />

MiddieKx Srhwl of hlnlinc. London and Dr R W k i n<br />

Dr Maureen C Roysmn<br />

(032B24i~).<br />

Depau~~eninfPyrbiray, UoRariryofWdUtUt for<br />

ten months, fori rnrdy ofglummate and ncumlcgrnm, DcpanmarofP~u~,<br />

Univeniry ofOxford<br />

(032bVWZWZ).<br />

38<br />


N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C l E N C E<br />

Mr T Dalgleish<br />

Institute of Psychiatry, London: for four yam. for an<br />

inwertipiian ofqnitivc fkon in p>rr-rnumatic rtrerr<br />

dirordcr. tinder DI C Rrn5,in<br />

Or P M 8 Cahvsac<br />

(033114l3911Z).<br />

Dcputmrnt of Psychology, University of Stirlingr for thrce<br />

Dr Hilary j Little<br />

yn. for a scud? of use-drpendrm rynrptir plrrticiiy in rat<br />

Dipartment of Pharmacology, University of BNtolr for<br />

primary romatorenmty cortex and il further ward for<br />

additional expense for a study aithc effects ofchronic<br />

rddiiionrl cxFns". undri I'mfnror I Xlatkova<br />

tmimcnt with hnzadiaxpincs and with ethanol; a<br />

~0~3514l~J9IlZ).<br />

pharmacological study using decrraphyriologiel mnhodr<br />

Mr P N Haggard<br />

Lbontcq of Physiology, University ofoxford: forihrce<br />

pn. fort rtudy ofiirunl rwrdinrrian ofmuhi-joint arm<br />

mowmcni. undr I>r J F Srcin<br />

Or R S G Jones<br />

~033092lZl911Z).<br />

Dcpnmmt of Pharmacology. Uniwniry of Oxford: for<br />

three ymrs for a ncw approach IO nudy ofrpilçptic<br />

phrnomelw in irmpnl lobr. under I'mfc~~orA I> Smith<br />

Dr K T Wann<br />

~0.3.33311~911Z).<br />

Deputmcnt of Physiology, Royd Free Hospid School of<br />

Medicine, London; for ihmycan. fora rtudgofthr<br />

proFrtics and malularion of ncuronal praüium rhrnnelr.<br />


N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

Universlty of Dundee<br />

Roiessor C P Domes<br />

DcpirMent of Biachcdm for three y-,<br />

197W2<br />

fora study of<br />

loalistion of agonisr-srimularcd inoritol phosphalipid<br />

hydrnly"i in the develaping ~ ~ORCX: idriitilicarionof<br />

responding cells wing nod autoradiographic and<br />

Or Sally N laman 16107<br />

immunohirrochrminl mcthodr, with Dr P R Lowcnrtein,<br />

Department of Phpiologyi for sn nienriai offour mmhr, for<br />

Depuimenr ofAnatomy and Physiology, with Dr M G<br />

University of Glirgow<br />

hcr audy afthc immunayioihcmial praprriics ofnt ptimary<br />

Gsrrn, Dcpmmrnr of Molcmkr and Life Sciences<br />

Professor AS G Curds<br />

fMw<br />

&rent<br />

neurones rcbtbnthip roflcreni function<br />

(033370ZYiIZ).<br />

Dcpprimmt OrOU Sielop For additional rorudt a pxs<br />

1030739%5'89lA).<br />

for hiraprrimcntal inintigriomofncunl funniDa using<br />

Dr R A Quinlan<br />

E113 577<br />

novel rnicmhbricatcd struc~m, uith Prnfessor C D W<br />

Dr ûridgec M Lumb<br />

f87467<br />

Dcputmuit of Bi0Cbsm;gl for three IS, for a sNdy of<br />

Wilkinson. Dcpinmcnt ofElmmnicr and Eirmipl<br />

Dcputment or Physiologyi for n w yean. for a audy of torrral<br />

rhc identiicarion, purifimion md chancrerirition of thc lm<br />

Engineering a d Dr J AT Dow. and Dr RtrirL Cnndy,<br />

h>pihnbrnic simiturn inwlvrd in th. irrgraiion of autonomic<br />

spitic, beaded filamcnr prntcins with Pmfnror P Cohen<br />

Drpanmrnt of Elmmnin and Elmrid Ens;n&ng<br />

2nd unrov funriionr induding pin<br />

(033944/mi/Z).<br />

and Dr N C Price, Department of Biological Scicnca,<br />

i03293WïZWA).<br />

Univcisiry ofStirling<br />

(03384m9lE).<br />

Brunel University<br />

Or M V Sofmniew 1133279<br />

University of Keeie<br />

Dr Colette J Ray<br />

f80596<br />

DtputmcniofAnimmy: forihrreyan, foriaudyof<br />

Universlty of Durham<br />

Professor E F Evans<br />

Ba429<br />

DIputmrnt oftiuniur %en=:<br />

for ihm prs. for a study of<br />

mollculardirrmion of funciion in ihccenrral nerwerryrtm<br />

DrJPAgsleron €78 6%<br />

ïkpatmmt ofCnmmani&n and N d br<br />

coping with chronic fariguc syndrome: the inilaence orpticnt's<br />

bc1irfrmdua)rofcopingon theimpact and courvofthc illam,<br />

with Vr U' U C Weir. ikpnmmr oflnfmiour D im, Ropi<br />

Fm limphi School of Mrdicinc. Landon<br />

(033207l39//.?~<br />

uringtnmgenicnrirr,wiihDri\.I HJohnron.withMrl'H<br />

Rabbins. libonto. ofhiolmtlar Biology. Mrdinl Rncarch<br />

Council. CamhGdgr<br />

(fl3273513901a.<br />

Dcpuuaüit of Psy&ol.m: far three yean, for a sNdy of the<br />

rhid corm and inrcmgradc memory in the nr<br />

(03392mviiz).<br />

threeyars~~orlp~mi~logid(ionmphomic)avdgof<br />

functionally @fit inhibitory mrrhnirm in audimiy<br />

bninrtcm<br />

(032B%7?%?Z).<br />

University of Cambridge<br />

Dr W F ûhkemon<br />

fâ8614<br />

Deputment of Clinical Veannvy Mrdirinc: for thrce yam.<br />

Toi I study ofdid pmgmirorr and CNS repair and I funhcr<br />

University College Dublin<br />

Dr Yvene W Kun2<br />

a547:'<br />

Deputment of Zaology: for nvo ycdn. for 3 study of rctinal<br />

changn in the Atlaniic simon during laml dwelopmcnt.<br />

University of Easi Anglia<br />

Dr G Duncan<br />

School of Biologid Sciences: for three yem, for a<br />

f I8458<br />

tluorimcrric dycrrudy of pH regulation in the mammalian<br />

lens, wirh Mr P D Dwies, Consulrant Ophthalmic Surgeon.<br />

University of Kent<br />

Dr Louise A Naylor<br />

BiikgidLpbontoyi forthreycrrs,forammre-<br />

function aml,vii ofthe nt 02 dopamine mxpror. With<br />

mow<br />

rwrd for additional rxpciire. with Dr Suan C Lrncit,<br />

ikprtmcni of Aldinl Onwhgy Uni~~trUlpofGlirgavattd Dr<br />

J W Fmmi. Ckpnmrnt ofFh)4ag- UnitrnivafGnrhriàgc<br />

sinaltifiutilon, desmalrifiution and xxui maruriry, with Dr<br />

G 1. Rumsey, Tuniuin Lbontaiy. Conland, Nnv York and<br />

Dr E R h w Dcpanmïnr of Physiology, Corneil Unive+,<br />

West Norwich Hospital, Norwich<br />

(0333G7ID9liZ).<br />

Dr P C Smngc<br />

(03315mI@.<br />

i034flZlV7fliiZi.<br />

Nexw York<br />

(033149~l/Zl<br />

42 43

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

University of Leeds<br />

DrAJKennt, 17166<br />

Dcputmrnt of Biothcmirty: for onc jar, for am amiion to<br />

his study of mcrnhrane pptidiur in thr cenid and pcriphrral<br />

nenmtii s pm. rirh Profeuor A J Turnrr, Ucprirnrnr of<br />

Hiorhrmirir). and Molrrulrr RioIoa.<br />

Dr Anne E King<br />

(01842j/Iuas/A),<br />

ll6357<br />

Department of Phy.iolw for additional expenses for her<br />

swdy rifimino acids and ncumprptidcs in romrtarrnuir).<br />

sptcmr in rhc mammalian spinal cad. and a funhrr award<br />

for addirional cquipmeni<br />

(03ii04k7901A).<br />

Dr P N McWilliam 119406<br />

Dep~rmcnt afçudiowoilnr Studies for three yurr, for a<br />

wdy of neural mcchinirmr ropanriblr for the cardiowirular<br />

rdiurimcntr tu wcrcise<br />

~033112In9il.?).<br />

DrJ H Walker 179874<br />

Deputmcnt ofBiochcminry and Molmilu Biology: far<br />

thrrr}~ri.f~r~study~fihemlr~fann~inrinihe<br />

mammalian nervous system. with Dr P F 'I' Vaughan.<br />

Dqmnmenr ofïardiovauubr Studio. with Dr A J ticmy,<br />

hpanmçnr of Riochrmirtty<br />

University of Leicester<br />

Or Marian E Annen<br />

(~WIVJWL).<br />

Department of Physiology: far rhrm)nn. fora SIU$ .f<br />

îj0545<br />

phunologiol and visimpztial pmroring 31 the Id and right<br />

ofthe larrnlity diiirihution<br />

(0323781~90lZ).<br />

Universlty of Loughborough<br />

Or J R Traynor<br />

D~p~rtmcnt of Chrmisuy: for three yam, for a study of in<br />

wirmchznnerktion of the delta-opioid recepiori rubtyper<br />

and interactions wiih mu-opioid mepion, with Profaor<br />

CJMdr<br />

University d Manchester<br />

Professor J F W Dakin<br />

162 533<br />

(033167LZ9iRI.<br />

Dcpumrent of Psychiauy: for WO yean, for a study of<br />

amino acid recepton and the pathogemis ofrrhizophrenia,<br />

with Dr T J Crow, Division ofPrychiatry, Clinical Rnmrch<br />

Centre, Harrow<br />

Pmfenor D P Goldberg<br />

Department ofrsychiatry: forthmyram, foi the<br />

development of academic psychiatry<br />

Dr Catherine R McCrohan<br />

f460.75<br />

(0339û712'9iEl<br />

1141 536<br />

(Oi3B41~84Mj<br />

Department of Physiological Sciences: far WO yeam, for a<br />

rtudyofihcmlcofcyclic AMPingencarionand<br />

maintenance of epilrptiform activity<br />

(03310ii2'9ilïh<br />

UMIST (University of Manchester lnstltute of<br />

Science and Technology)<br />

ProfesrarJJ Kulikowski<br />

l20 920<br />

Deputment ofophthaimic Dptiu: for t w months. foi an<br />

cxleukn ofhis study ofihc drficicncier in colour virion<br />

L2.5d3<br />

fullowing Inions in prntriatc visual conical areas in macaquri<br />

(014mas~t 1.<br />

University of Newcastle upon Tyne<br />

Dr S S Bhatcacharp<br />

Moleculv Grnetics Unin for onc year, for additional<br />

rcreaarch expcnser foi his study of thc kolation and<br />

idcniilication of undidaregenes for X-linked retinitis<br />

piguienrosaand fotorhsrX-linkedeyedis~s<br />

s9ow<br />

(017G9#.?787K).<br />

Dr C R Slater 14680<br />

Depunnrnt of Neumhiologyr for WO yam. for a study of<br />

the scciylcholinc recepprorgcnn in qmrnting rat muscle<br />

University of Nottingham<br />

Dr S J Hill<br />

(034233lZliEl<br />

Deputment of Physiology and Pharmamlogyi for thm<br />

yuo. for a nudy of the modularion of histamine reccpror-<br />

evoked phorphoinoritide rcrpanres by adenorine mpmr<br />

stimulation, with Dr D A Kendall<br />

Unlversity of Oxford<br />

Professor A J Bron<br />

1109 107<br />

(fl328fl91.?7WIZ).<br />

Nufficld hhoratory of Ophthalmology: foradditioml<br />

expenses far his study of human Meibomian gland secretion:<br />

iit Mimaÿayrnddinical impRaKC,with DrJ M Tiffiny<br />

Dr M C Brown<br />

f.3429<br />

(03112iIZl%~A).<br />

Laboratory of Physiologyr for three yean. for studies of<br />

€IO! 961<br />

axonal regrncrarion in the pcriphtral nervous system. with Dr<br />

VU Perry, Depanment of kperimrnral Psychology and<br />

Professor S Gordon, Sir William Dum School of Patholoc,<br />

University of Oxford<br />

(033299Ia9llZ).<br />

Dr J Catalan<br />

Depprmnatofmych*upi foradditionailquipmat fora<br />

U417<br />

pmpcctive study of HIV infection in haemophili ptirncE<br />

psychiamc, nampsychiarrir, clinical and immunol+d<br />

coum. with Ma I Klima<br />

Or N N Osborne<br />

Naffield ïaborn

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

University of Sheffield<br />

Dr G G 5 Collins<br />

15858<br />

hpuuncnt dnirnpcutio: for pw.Floprntyl-l. 3.diarbox).lare (ACPD)<br />

KCtplOrs<br />

(033348lZ7IlZ).<br />

Dr D Grundy<br />

1i05SO<br />

Dcpmmcnr of Biomrdid Sciences: for anc year. for a<br />

study ofthe rcgulation ofgamic corpus and antral motility by<br />

wgd inhibitory ncnu in the fcirct. with M r D Hutran<br />

fO33458LZJlIz).<br />

Dr H J 5gar<br />

175 O14<br />

Dcpmmmt of Neurology: for thrce years, for a study of the<br />

aiteniionil mntmi of mownenl: cognitivc-molar<br />

interaciioni in Parkinwin's dis-. with Dr A R Maycs and<br />

Dr P Mcudrll, Drpanmcnt of Psychology, Uniwaityof<br />

hlanchcser<br />

10334S~~7Il2).<br />

University of Southampton<br />

Dr H V Wheal I I34 267<br />

hpmwnt of Physiology and Phvmzmlogya far thrm<br />

years and four months. fora study nfqnaptic mtchnnirmr<br />

underlying the role of NMDA.rîccptorr in rpilcpiiform<br />

puyniptic preniiair in pyramidal cclillr in the hippocampus<br />

1033715m7i~Z).<br />

Dr R G Williams<br />

111 GO6<br />

Dcputlnrnt of Physiology and Phuntacology: for threc<br />

prs. for a study of the efftcz of lcvcùopa on gastric motiiiry<br />

in thr rat. with DI AG Rcnwirk 10331771Z711z).<br />

University of Strathclyde<br />

Dr j A Thomson<br />

Drp~cnt~fTkydi~Iogyiforrhmyean,forasrudyof<br />

,truorpatial<br />

drlicirr in hrkinron's direarc. with Dr A M<br />

Bakhnr, Department ofNcumlogy, University of Glasgow<br />

University of Warwick<br />

Dr C O'Kane<br />

(033852lD91lZ)<br />

1JM343<br />

Drputment of Biological Sciemai for thne years, for a<br />

study of the use of t«nprratun-inductblc cell ablation to<br />

identify neuronal pathways in DmmphtLi, wnh Di C P<br />

Kynzmn, Depanment of Gcncrtcr, University of Leiccstcr<br />

Blrkbeck College London<br />

Dr Helen R hbil<br />

(03432OlD7ilZ)<br />

f105 755<br />

Department of Crystallognphy: for three years, for a study<br />

of ihe SINCIWC<br />

and aucmhly ofvirual proteins. with Dr<br />

Chnstinc Slingrby and Dr S P Wood<br />

(033062/U91lZ)<br />

Charing Cross and Westminster Medlcal School<br />

Dr K J Johnson f10767:<br />

DepuuiirntofAnntomy:forthmyean,foramappingand<br />

hnkagc analpr ofcandidare genes for rpilepks. with Dr M<br />

Gardinrr, Depariment of Paediatrics, Univraity ofOxford<br />

and Dr 1 Sander, Department of Neurology, Fne Uniwniry<br />

ofBcrlin. IO00 Berlin 19<br />

Professor C Kennard<br />

(033781IZ71lZ)<br />

U8 67'<br />

Depinment of Clinid Ncurolagy; for one year, for an<br />

an+is<br />

afsacadic and rmwrh punun eye movcmenn in<br />

schizophrenia. with Dr M A Rwelry, Depanment of<br />

hchiarry, London Horpttai M rdd Collrgeand Pmfaer<br />

Hendenon. Depanment of Psychology, Hatlieid<br />

Polyttchntc<br />

(03458zlm1Iz)<br />

Professor C Kennard<br />

f50489 Inrtibite of Neumîogy<br />

Deputnielit of Cünical Ncumlogy: for m years. for a Profesor him E Harding<br />

XIS2 m<br />

study of the cortical control ofpursuit eye mowmenti with<br />

PmfPüar K H Ruddock. Department ofBiophysics, lmprrial<br />

611cge ofScience, Technology and Mcdicinr, London<br />

(032716!D!XIz).<br />

Dlpum~.tofCüaidN~forhpm,fo~<br />

genericand immunoiogid sdicr in Lbnr hercdiraryopk<br />

neuropathy. with Pmfcaor A H V Sdupin, Depmncnr of<br />

Ncumlogicai Scicncc, Royal Fm Hospid .Ghml of<br />

Mcdicinc. inndon<br />

(0340694391E).<br />

Professor 5 L Ughtman 172278<br />

Neumendmrinology Unit: form yean, foranudyofthe<br />

rpgulation of CRH grne expreüion (03277OlZ!XVZ). Dr A H ïullen<br />

ult 597<br />

SOM Dcpyrmrnr of NmphyJobgn for rhm pm for<br />

City University of London<br />

Pmierror j 1 Brbur<br />

1796%<br />

an invmigation ofthe tnns.synaptic intoxication of<br />

interncurona, with nfcnnœ to thc parhqg«itiir ofmomr<br />

Deparunent of Opmmmy and Vi$ .%en= foi thm neuronedi-<br />

(0339Wmlm.<br />

years. far a study of pupiilary taponxr as a maun ofccnrral<br />

pmmingof vimal information with cmpharir on new-born<br />

studies, with Dr A J Hobley<br />

(032780l~Z). Dr S D Showon<br />

fowo<br />

DcpyrmrniofCünidNmbwforrixmonthr.fora<br />

Dr G C L Davey 170926<br />

pilot study of magnaic nronrnœ in fmnd lobe epiiqny,<br />

Depmmrnr ofhid Sirnca: for thm years. for a study of<br />

UCS revaluation and models ofhuman far conditioning<br />

(032744lZ!XV2).<br />

witb Dr D R Fish<br />

Insîituîe of Ophthimology<br />

(0333@&791Z).<br />

Imperial College of Science, Technology<br />

Proiessor G B Arden €17657<br />

and Medicine<br />

Dr G P Wiikin<br />

€40 000<br />

Dlpum~.tofcüllidOpbpbl6ihmbMi foroncyur,for<br />

anatmrion ofhi.arulysirofmohlrb+risofn>cfomtof<br />

Depurmeni of Biochcmiruyi for thm years. for a sNdy of<br />

façtors diai gown inrcractionr bcruecn regcncrating axons<br />

minitir pigmmmm (Ushcir syndrome), with Dr S S<br />

Bhanachatp, Mohlar Gcnnicr Unit. Uniimity of<br />

and mctivc astmym in the injured œntnl ncwous ryrtem.<br />

with DrJ Cohen. Divirion of Anatomy and Cell Biology.<br />

Unitcd Mcdhi and Denmi Schoois of Guy's and St Thom's<br />

Hospiral, landon with Dr R J Keynn, Dcpartmcnr of<br />

Nmc-mIc upon Tyne<br />

Professor A C Bird<br />

(Ol657ïiB7IA).<br />

€5rn<br />

Anatomy. University of Cambridge and Professor M Berry,<br />

Division afAnitomy and O11 Biology, Unitcd Mcdicai and<br />

Dcpyrmrntd~dOph~~ foradditionai<br />

raarrhex~nrcrforhir-htniningnhoncforyounb<br />

Dental Srhwlr of Guys' and St 'Ihom*r Hospital. London ophthalmologists<br />

f033252iZ91E).<br />

~033451l~91lz~.<br />

4G<br />

. f.<br />

.-I<br />


'1<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

Dr V Crunelli 124 146<br />

Department ofVisual Science: for additional expcnrcs for<br />

his study of pctignicuhic IIUCILUI: inrrinrir mcmhnne<br />

cumnts and synaptic inpurr to and from ihr IitcnI gniruliir<br />

""ClCW<br />

Institute of Psychiatry<br />

Professor B H Andenon<br />

DcpmmuitoiNrurosrirnc~ far ihrcr yam. fora study of<br />

the identification ofriin al phorpholylaiion in thc<br />

mirraruhulr-arrociarcd pmtein. nu. with DrJ M Gallo.<br />

Depanment of Neurology with Dr N Totry, Uniwnity of<br />

London and Middlnrr School of Ycdirinc f0334471ZJ91lZ).<br />

Dr 5 A Checkley<br />

Deputment of Psychiatry for ni- )=K.<br />

~0191351~881A~. Dr Q Bone. Thc laboratory. Plymouth (UK Manne<br />

1171 745<br />

for an aimination<br />

afccntral mnmminrrgic hmctian ams<br />

die menstrual qdr in<br />

women mawrcd fmm il pueipnl mmic&pr&w<br />

Di R Kumar and Dr I C Gmpbcil, Dcpanment of<br />

Nmmwirnrr with Dr Anglih Wirck.<br />

Professor R M Murray<br />

f 137 438<br />

illnas, with<br />

(0333WZJ7IlZ).<br />

tkpmment of Psychiatry: far one year six months. far 30<br />

rpidcmiologiul invntigaiion of the rrlariondip brnveen<br />

prenatal pxporurc IO viral rpidmicr and iulnrabiliry IO adult<br />

jychoiir. with Dr E D OCallaghari, Drynmerir d<br />

UR 933<br />

Pyvhological hicdirinc. with Dr I'C Sham, Departmrnr of<br />


N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

N E U R O S C I E N C E<br />

Dr M D Kopehnan<br />

Academic Uni: of Plyrhiitryt for rhrccycarr, for<br />

ncump~rhologicd and nrurn.imaging die oforganic<br />

amnoia.wiib Dr J P H \Vade. Depanment of Ncumb@.<br />

Chzring Cross Hospital and Medical Lhml. London. and<br />

Dr R E Kendall, Depanmenr of Radiologq, Nlationsl Hospital,<br />

London with Dr R E Jonn. Depanmînt of Nuclor Medicine.<br />

Charing Cros and W’rstminsm Medical School. London<br />

1121 598<br />

(03.3189L?flIlZ).<br />

Dr M üdierth 181747<br />

Sherrington School of Physiologyi for ihmprr. for a<br />

study of rhr Cunm-olimiy n~nroncs in the nt<br />

Professor A G S iumsden<br />

(033957lZ9llZ).<br />

Dcputmcnt ofhatomy and GU Biology: foi ihrceyearr.<br />

fora study ofcîll linogr in iheotiychickanbiyo hindbrain<br />

determined by clonal analysis wing injected cell-autonomous<br />

markers with Dr K KNmld hboratuiy ofEukîqwic<br />

Molrcuhr Gcnriin. National Innitute far .\ledical<br />

Rnosh. London<br />

Dr I J Masan<br />

11222810<br />

(032733lïWûiZ).<br />

f4Z 03G<br />

Divirion ofhatomy and 0 11 Biology; for ihm}mn. for a<br />

study of lihmblirr gmvth facror expmGm in ihr dcvrloping<br />

mammalin ncnvus syricm. with Dr C Dichon. lmpcial<br />

Cncn Rnnrth Fund labonroia. landon<br />

(03Z82lUZ!WZ).<br />

Univeiiity College and Middlesex School of<br />

Medicine<br />

Professor D I Attwell<br />

1G935<br />

Depuiment of Phpiology: for addiriond mrch expenses<br />

for his study ofclmrinl proptier of retiwl Müllercellr<br />

(fl149E3~J85lB).<br />

Professor D A ûmwn 19635<br />

Dcpvtmrnt of Phumawlogy: ferrei-en months. for a study<br />

ofthc idrntification ofsinglc porasiium channels in<br />

mimmrlisn nwrnncs rnponriblc for the dow alriumdcprndcnt<br />

after-hypcrpalaizing (AHP) current<br />

(fl33402ZI91tZ).<br />

Professor G ûunutock<br />

XI03076<br />

Department ofhatomy and Developmental Biologyi for<br />

thm ynn for an immunohirtochrminl and<br />

immun~tochrmical study of mycnteric plcxus implants in<br />

adult nt brdin. wiih Dr P N Anderson (fl33155fZ91lZ).<br />

Dr B L üuttemorth<br />

€43 584<br />

Depinment of PsFhoiogy. for nw ynrs. for a study of rhc<br />

opniution of simple numb fans in memoiy<br />

(O33l6OlZ9llZ).<br />

Professor D T Deipy<br />

XI13 885<br />

Deputmm of Medical Phyrim and Bioeaginccring for<br />

ihnce yim. for a study of phare rmivcd oprial rp~trarcapy<br />

of tissue \\


I N F E C T I O N A N 0 I M M U N I T Y P A N E L<br />

Infection and Immunity Panel<br />

tC E Gordon Smith, CR. MD. FRCP. FRCPaih<br />

Clmiman. ivIurat,>r Tnsitt<br />

IVtlllnv~r Tnnt<br />

Infection and Immunity Panel<br />

The lnfmian and Immunity I'anrl considers proporals in thc<br />

wc'y bmad a m of rcrerch relating to infectious dim,<br />

ranging fmm the genetics ofdime rurcepiibilitylrefnc

I N F E C T I O N A N D I M N U N I T Y P A N E L<br />

I N F E C T I O N A N D I U N U N I T I<br />

A reviewofih~lirrofpmjccigranrsa~rded duringihe)ar<br />

pmgmr in pmgrm The dariwly Iw he1 ofawards for<br />

Infection and Immunity<br />

illurtnted that P conridrrable imbalanceexisred in the<br />

rmrch an viral infections other than HIV perhaps nflects<br />

demand for funding bewen diiTennr arcai of infkiour<br />

the gnvimtion of many vimlogirrs ro!vards AIDS nrtardt. Ar<br />

Professor R M Anderson 199900<br />

ducUe and pantiiologv rnnrch, which perhaps reikred the<br />

undrrlyinglwcls ofrernrch activity. The demand hasheen<br />

pnimlady low for rhcsuppn ofprojecrr or. vector biology,<br />

on dcrmatologvand infwriourdUnrr nlmnt 10 dcnriitry.<br />

Malaria -2s imongri the bnr-ruppned rwah amr. with a<br />

numhrofrrcellmi dinkal and labonrorybd rindin in<br />

year end, bowMcr. there IS no ara within the Pancl's nmtr<br />

ibhich might becanriderrd ourr-subrcribrd The tuturc<br />

pmgnmmc ofscientific meeringr supportcd through she<br />

Infectran and lnimuniry Panel will have a primary objective<br />

offonitingattentinn on ncglmtcd a m oftnfmrctiour dtrnse<br />

mrch<br />

Professor H H Reer<br />

Deputment ofüiachmttly, University of Liwrpool: for<br />

ri~myean, foradvancd mwrpPnmmerryquipmtfwth<br />

analysis ofbioiogiogial mareriaIr, with DrR P Evrnhed<br />

151 303<br />

(03313m9llZ).<br />

DcpvtmeDt of P m a d Applied Vi%, I+<br />

CallegcofScima,T~og)rotdMcdidac,la&far<br />

anc year, for addirional cxpnscs towards the Wrllmme Tnüt<br />

anriric Di-<br />

and S iah of Hclrnintk Unir, with Dr<br />

D A I' Bundy, Dr R M Maids, Dr M E sclkirk. Dcpuimnit<br />

of Biochemistry and Dr Debonh F Smirh<br />

(0312ô3EPi~).<br />


or 5 Knunon<br />

E219949<br />

Or M Arhbumer<br />

f2730<br />

Inrthteofçbild Heal&, Unidty o f û i i for<br />

Depurmm of Gmeticr, Uni-of<br />

cnntbidge for one<br />

Finmü<br />

month. towards rhcmrüofarrrndancear the WorldHralth<br />

diarrhon. with Dr I W Booth and Dr P H Willkmr,<br />

Opniration Sympsium on 'Pmipecrs forrn&ial mntml<br />

Depnmcni ofGennics Univcniryoflcimrcr<br />

by generic manipulation of irr vecron" to be held on January<br />

(0335l%WZ).<br />

27th and Fchruary 1st 1991 in Tuaon, Arizont. USA, with<br />

Dr J A Pickrtt, Dcpanmïnr of Insrnicides and Fungicida,<br />

Professr F Y üew<br />

m49<br />

Rothamrted Experimental Stirion. Hirpcndrn, Hcnfotdshire<br />

Dcpurmcnt of Immullology, UOinniry ofGhpw for<br />

@33313IZ9tE).<br />

Fiveprr, fora study ofrhc mleofcyokiner and nitricoxidc<br />

in ihc rrgulition ofaniimicmhid and autoimmune mp-<br />

Dr C I Newbold<br />

U3 WO<br />

by Tell ruhsen<br />

(0342477/z/9m).<br />

innitme ofMolmilm Medidie, University of orfoid: for<br />

one month, faraconrriburion rmvards thecousofa<br />

warkrhop on severe malaria to be held in Haslemrrc, Sunqi<br />

in Seprember 1991<br />

~033l4li~9IlZ~.<br />

Dr D J Rowlands<br />

.c2WO<br />

Wellmme R-ch Labommriia, &rkcnbm: foi a<br />

wnrriburion taudi the cois of Eumpic 91 -a mming of<br />

rhr European Study Group on the Molecular Biologyof<br />

Picornavimw IO be held ar Canrerbury on Augurt 24rh and<br />

31rtl991<br />

1034w7/u3112%<br />

Professor A Tait<br />

M~leculuP~~ûoIog)r Unit, Uoiwrrityof-<br />

11 SWWD<br />

one year, foramnrribution munrdr thcrdtouringofthc<br />

Wcllmmc Unir of Mdmilar Pwsitolagy<br />

for<br />

(03472fbW93E).<br />

54<br />



Professor G AT Targeu<br />

L607 941<br />

Deputment ofMedical Pamitolagy, London School of<br />

Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London: for one ymr. far<br />

a mdy into the immunabiology ofmual stages of<br />

P/amdium spi-, with Dr J 81 Krliy and Dr P L Chiodini<br />

(033763lz9Ilz).<br />

Professor H C Thomas<br />

I38 227<br />

Dipanmeni ofMcdirine, SI May's Horpid Medid<br />

School, London: for wen months. far a study ofthe<br />

moleculsr and immune biology ofrhe hepadna and delta<br />

vim. and the dadopmeni ofnewappmachrs to the<br />

ihrmpy. with PrufeüorJ R Iamb. Depnmrni of<br />

Immunology<br />

10l76051~llB).<br />

jar. far 3 study ofhost, and parasite, vartition U<br />

darrmmntr ofimmunc rapnnuenîir to infecrion. under ,<br />

Pmfrrror D Wakehn (03264llmIz) 24<br />

4<br />

,. a<br />

Dr G O Kokwam<br />

Deputment of Pharmacy, University of Naimbi: for t w<br />

)an, for a study afthe effect ofmalrr:a on drugdirpririon,<br />

under Dr I G Fdt-ardr, Dcpartmcni ofPharmawlogy and<br />

Theraptin, Unsrnuy of Liverpool<br />

.+<br />

,J<br />

3<br />

tit<br />

9 a<br />

:<br />

4<br />

'1<br />

i<br />

i:<br />

(033365W7liZ) ' g<br />

1<br />

Dr P M Brophy<br />

Deputment of ïkology, Univenlty ofNoninghami for<br />

three yeas. for the characrcrisation of parasitic helminth<br />

defence systems that protect againrr host immune attack.<br />

under Pmfrrior P N K Usherwood<br />

Dr Giilian D Ellion<br />

(0343W~7ll.Z).<br />

Diputment of Microbiology, University of Leeds: for<br />

three years, for a maiffularcharacterlarian ofhcQaviNr<br />

pmrcinr in the rçgulationofimmediatc-arly gene<br />

expreuion, under Dr D M Meredith<br />

(032837~90lD.<br />

Universlty of Bath<br />

Dr M j Danson<br />

U503<br />

Drpnrminit of WCmkttp for IWO FIS, for additid<br />

rerplrch expenses for hr study ofdihydmlipmidc<br />

dehydmgenvc fmm Afkaii trypanmm as a ugn for drug<br />

development<br />

(03il668W89IB).<br />

University of Birmingham<br />

Dr j Stephen<br />

LQG IW<br />

school of Bioiogril Sciences for nw FK, for a g ~ i c<br />

analysis of .%lmont/Lt yphuSum vindenœ in tbc mnmt of<br />

ptmcntcritir, wirh Pmfmor N L Brown f034175/ZnlE).<br />

Brighton Polytechnic<br />

Pmfesxlr S P Denyer a5 898<br />

DeputmentofPbamqt foroneyar, foranudyofaitfaCC<br />

Dr Karen P Day<br />

Deputment of Biology, lmpnid College ofSçiencc,<br />

Technology and Medicine, London: for fiw yam for<br />

molecular epidemiological studies afthe population dynamics<br />

of ~II,,I~;,,,,,~/~;~",", in Aladmg. Papua Nciv Guina.<br />

under I'mfcuor R hl Andrnon and Dr K XI Mai~lr<br />

Dr C Clare Blackburn<br />

Depanment of Eiochcmhtry, imperii Collge ofSience,<br />

Technology and Medicine, London$ far three yam, for a<br />

study all-crll rrtirntien and tolerance inducttan. under Dr<br />

M I:Selkirk<br />

University of Aberdeen<br />

LI5257<br />

Depvtmcnt of Genetics and Microbiology: for three ws<br />

foi adduional rerearch amrance for his study ofthe wnirol of<br />

Profrrror G W Goodry and Dr N A R Gmv (03lO97IDWlA).<br />

pmprnis and vimhce determinants afmguluc-niguivr<br />

rnphylcacci in wnrinuous mbuùtory peritonea! ddpk<br />

with Dr P Williams, Dcplnment ofi'hamiauutid kkncu,<br />

UnivcrtiryafNottingham, and Dr RG Finch, Depanment<br />

of Medicine<br />

Universlty of Bristol<br />

(OM~ZIMIE).<br />

Dr F K Addai<br />

. i.<br />

...<br />

lo3337alz7llz).<br />

Deputment OfhatQmy, Univcnity of hicester: far one<br />

yr. for studies on ihc miciorcopic SINCUE<br />

oftbe human<br />

Dr R E Tarcon Forem<br />

hbaratory for Leprosy and Micmbanerial Rucarrh,<br />

National Institute far Medical Research, London: for six<br />

months, for an extension afI>irrrudyofrhe65kDal antigen cf<br />

AI~ohct*iuvi ltpntc T-cell murine epirop and induction rl<br />

pmtectiw immunity, under Dr Al J Colstan<br />

Dr J M Sternberg<br />

f I2 575<br />

Depvunent of Zoologyi for one year, for srudia on the mle<br />

of epidermal growth factor in the regulation afiiypmommî<br />

pmiifcrarion. with Dr L H Chappe11 and DrG Hide.<br />

Depanment of Veterinary Parasitology, University of Glasgow<br />

and Dr K Keith<br />

(0337mz9Ilz)<br />

Professor E Beringer LI3 969<br />

Deputment of MiaDbiologyr for ILYC~ months, for<br />

additional -id npenror for hismmpuison ofthc goiomc<br />

wqurnm of feline infmiour peritonitis vim and feline<br />

mcnc wmnavims, with Di D A Harbour, Depanmat of<br />

Vcterinaiy Mnlicine<br />

(Ol67iûEB7lA).<br />

plamii in sickle crll disme. under Dr C D OcWrford<br />

~033059lz7llzl.<br />

(Ol8528lZ88fA!.<br />

University College of Wales, AbeystWth<br />

Profesxlr J Barren<br />

07 O92<br />

Dcprnment of Biological Sciences: for WO y(an, for a<br />

study of active site modification of hclminth enzymes<br />

(0335l8lZ9ll.Z).<br />

56<br />


F-<br />

I N F E C T I O N A N O t M M U N l T Y I N F E C T I O N A N D I M M U N l T l<br />

University of Cambridge<br />

Dr C E Homaeche<br />

Depariment of Pathology; foranîpr, for additional<br />

research e



University of Liverpool<br />

University of Manchester<br />

University of Nottingham<br />

Dr C I Newbdd 155 248<br />

Dr P 5 Cnig 1212390<br />

Deputment ofi'amitology: for three yars. for an immuna-<br />

Dr J E Hyde 044%<br />

Depvrmrnt if Biochemistry and Appiied Melemlu<br />

Dr D I Pritchard 03110<br />

Department of Zoologyi for one yar ten months. fora study<br />

InniNa of Mol&<br />

Medichiils for one p r, for an<br />

amrion afhir snidyofthc nil~dpa~idOiVcd d all<br />

epidrmiological approach for rho study ofrhr tranrmirrion of<br />

Biology: forancycar,for.iiudyofrhcdrvclopmenrofa<br />

ofthe molecular biologyand biochcmirtty ofhwkwormr.<br />

surfaceanrigens in thepmhophysiologyofind immunityto<br />

cesiodr zoomores. with Dr Juanira Hatthrr. lnrrrnational<br />

rransformntion sysrem for the human malaria Phmodim<br />

with Dr Anne E Keymer, Dcpanmrnr ofZoology, University<br />

maiaria infmion. wirh Dr K Mash. NuRdd Dcpmnmt of<br />

Cammunity Hnlih Dcpanmrnt. iivcrpool School of<br />

filiipmi>i, with Dr P F G Simr<br />

(033833ZWIZ).<br />

oforford<br />

(OI9404lZl89/C).<br />

Clinical Medicine<br />

(OIa3WWB).<br />

Trapinl Medicineand DrJ 81 Campion, Depanment of<br />

Medical Entomology<br />

Dr P T Sharpe<br />

169 12)<br />

Profesror D Wakelin 1119975<br />

DrGLSmith f108 113<br />

(032310lZl90lZ).<br />

Depvrmcnt of GI1 ad Smmd Biology: for IWO years,<br />

Depmment of Zoology: for three yeam. for a study ofthe<br />

Sir Wüliam Duan Scbd of Pubdogn for rhm >am. for<br />

DrJ M Crampton 113 058<br />

far the niolrcular anal+<br />

of Pageis disease of hone, with<br />

Pmfnsor D C Andmon, Depanment of Medicine<br />

genetic conrrol of nrumiphil raponw, with Dr N H Ruadl,<br />

Dcynmenr ofHacmatology<br />

(0341 ION91lZ).<br />

3 study of vacinia vim intedeukin-l and U reuptor<br />

homologuer<br />

1034û45miE).<br />

Dcpvrmrat ofMedicd Entomology: for nine mamhr. for<br />

preliminary studies to mamine ihr fparibility afcrpiouing<br />

(032529lïï5W2).<br />

Dr P Williams<br />

175 84G<br />

Professor D A Warrell<br />

f26 IW<br />

transmision-blmking antimalarial miMy genes in<br />

rranrgenic mosquitoer<br />

(034473lzJIl2).<br />

Dr G Edwards 147 457<br />

University of Newcastle upon Tyne<br />

Dr M J Carter<br />

W8 431<br />

Deputment ofvirology: for one yar. for an expression of<br />

human papillomavimr DNA in female gcnital tncr neoplasia,<br />

Deputmrnt of PhsrmtipI Scicncu: for ~m yeas. for a<br />

study of the surface pmpenies and virulence drtrrminane of<br />

coagulsrPnegative rraphylmxci in continuous ambulatory<br />

prrironnl dialysis, with Pmfaror S P Dcnyer. Dcpanmcnr of<br />

Nuffirld Drpnninrnt of Clinid Medichiils for nine<br />

months, to fiiliratr the suppon of the TNSIS ovasus unie<br />

forrhrpeiod Januaty 1st 1991 toSeptembcr3Oih 1 91<br />

(033265IZ9lE).<br />

Deputment of Phumdogy and Thcnputia: far thm<br />

p m for a study of the clinical phmmrology ofanrimilarial<br />

drugs 6th Dr SA \Vard and Profnror A X1 Brrckenridge<br />

10329l5I~90lZ~.<br />

with DrJ B Murdoch, Depanment ofGyniccology. Quem<br />

Elizabeth Harpital. Gareshcad. Tyne and \Var, and Dr J<br />

Sunier, Deparrmeni of Pathology<br />

Dr M Kehoe<br />

(0323921.Z9012~/z).<br />

11223s<br />

Pharmacy, Brighton Polytechnicand Dr RG Finch,<br />

Depanment of Medicine<br />

(034l32lAl9ilZ~.<br />

University of Oxford<br />

Professor G G Brownlee<br />

f7l909<br />

Professor Sir David Weatherall<br />

f77012<br />

N&dd DrpnrmKnt of Clinii M&m for one p r. ior<br />

n study ofthegmcria ofthe host mponrc to PhtmoaÏ.urn<br />

fi&iipan,nr malaria infmion<br />

(03Wl4RlBlA).<br />

F'mfessor CA Han U3 621<br />

Depvrmcnt ofMedicd Microbiology: for one ym, far the<br />

study ofcryptorporidioris in childrrn<br />

Dr M E Molyneux<br />

(033548/~9llZ).<br />

Drputnirnt ofTmpicd Medicine and lnfcniour Di-a:<br />

128 648<br />

far one year. for rtudicr in ihr pathophyriolaw and trammi<br />

of falcipanim malaria in African rhildrcn, aith Profnror 81<br />

Deputment of Microbiology: for ten months, for additional<br />

rararch npnser for an analysis ofthe relationship bcnvnn<br />

T and B lymphocyte dcrerminane required forthe daign of<br />

dciïned epitope immtmogrnr, with Dr J Robinson,<br />

Department ofAnaromy and Dr J A Gwdacm, Rhnimaralogr<br />

Lboratoty. Univcnity of Ncwrrrtlc Upon Tym<br />

(017702lZI87lA,.<br />

Sir William Dun" School of pathology: for nvo years, far a<br />

novel genericapproach IO identify the proteins required for<br />

the pnscnration ofinrracellularanrigenr to VotoxicT<br />

lymphorytn, with Dr D J G Rea, Depanmrnr ofChemical<br />

Pathology and Dr H E Ruley. Depanment of Biology.<br />

Masachurete lnrtiturr ofTcchnology, Cambridge,<br />

Maruchurrtrs<br />

(034025l7J!HE).<br />

Professor Yr David Weatherall 17211<br />

Nmffiùd Dcpinmmt ofCLinicdMedi-<br />

forddirionrl<br />

rrpcnws for studies on malaria, mdioidmis and IE*iilly<br />

transmitted di-<br />

DrNJWhite<br />

(0322OlüN9llB).<br />

.W8lI<br />

NvRirld Depinment of Cüiiial Medichc~ for IWO ycur,<br />

Hommrl 2nd Dr 'I' E'làylor. Depanmcm of Cammunity<br />

Holih Medicine, hlichigan Stair Uniwmity<br />

(03m2lmOl2).<br />

Dr J 5 Kroil<br />

il2 932<br />

Deputment of Paediatricr: for rhree years. for additional<br />

rucarch assistincc for his study of suprmxide dismurÿc by<br />

for a mmpariuin ofquinine and anmmhcr in ihc tmmcnt<br />

afwrvm malaris<br />

(033û4rnIE).<br />

Hamiophilur i@mmrmd its mlc in pathogcniity in upper<br />

respiratory and systemic infecrionr in man<br />

(03214UmlA).<br />


I N F E C T I O N A N D<br />

I M M U N I T Y<br />

I N F E C T I O N A N 0 t M U U N I T Y<br />

University of Salford<br />

Dr 5 Heath<br />

f40877<br />

Deputment of Biolngid Scienrrr: for one }mr, far a mdy<br />

of signal transduction and diffcrcntiarion in invcmhratr mge<br />

Lcishmmia pmmastignrn<br />

Universky of Sheffield<br />

Professor I R Peake<br />

~0348851D91tZ).<br />

Depmmmt of Mcdidnc nnd Dbrmrmlogy: for WO yu“.<br />

forariudyofrhe hiologyofhepa

I N F E C T I O N<br />

A N 0 I f l f l U N I T Y<br />

H O L E C U L A R ~ N CD<br />

E L L P A N E L<br />

St George’s Hospital Medical School<br />

Professor J Hermon-Taylor w7 109<br />

Dcputmclit of Surgery: for one year. for an cltrnrion ofhir<br />

dinon the myobwtcrial wtiolw afCrohn’r dis-.<br />

Dr J J hicl4ddcn. Depnntmt ofhlicrobiolcg. Uniwrity<br />

afSurrq; Guildford and Dr D I( Ilinrije. Drprtmmr of<br />

Mdinl Xii.<br />

St May’s Hospital Medical School<br />

with<br />

(016165/D%ibl).<br />

Dr C Greenfield Il53 372<br />

Depanment of hidirinr: for ihrct yarn, for a study IO<br />

chnmriwind donc ihî human mrpror for hrpuitir<br />

A vitus<br />

(033355la9Iln<br />

United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and<br />

St Thomas’s Hospital<br />

Dr J N W N Lrker<br />

Dipanment ofDermatoiogy; for WO )wm. for at<br />

f Z3 9ïG<br />

inwitipion into ihr mutlulatien oflicniiii~rdl?mphoc).ir<br />

iniencrionr in t,iioand in r h ~03.~x16/~91/z~.<br />

University College and Middlesex School of<br />

Medicine<br />

Dr 8 M Chain<br />

Deputment of Zoology: for four months far a study of<br />

mrmbnnr pmiarn in antigcn-presenting cells<br />

Dr C A King<br />

E6917<br />

(OlGl73lZ86fAl.<br />

Deputment of Biology: for six months, for I study afcrll<br />

motility of rpomman pmtozomr, with Dr T M Prerian<br />

Professor R 5 Tedder<br />

E2W<br />

(033551/~91/z).<br />

Depanment ofvirology for six months. for additional<br />

march cxpcnses for his studin of ihccpidemioiogy of<br />

humin hrrpnrirur ’)fe 6. with Dr Ruth B Ferns<br />

wm<br />

(018GGGf~88lB).<br />

Profuror J J T Owen. MA, BSc, MD. FRS<br />

Unim’y oJBinthgham<br />

PmfurarT F Slater, PhD, DSc, FRSChcm. FlBiol<br />

Bnwl Uiiivmiiy. Middicm<br />

Jean O Thomas. MA PhD, ScD. FRS<br />

Umimiy oJGmbridgt

M O L E C U L A R A N D<br />

C E L L P A N E L<br />

M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L<br />

P A N E L<br />

Molecular and Cell Panel<br />

Biminghm following his mow fmm Brirral. The mnoved<br />

computing moile for a m ro andcditingafthe Cenome<br />

Topiacoiwd included baricdl biilog): \mm design<br />

'Ihc Mulrmhr 2nd Cçil Ad&ry lincl cons& pmp~llr<br />

fundingof Pmfasor Rrkn Rurchcll'r pmgranimc an the<br />

Databax (GOB). The drtabvc is sited at xhc Johns Hopkins<br />

and rophirtiated tcmmbirunt DNA mnhds as well as<br />

inwlving h i c rnnrch in thr hmd a m afmolirularand cell<br />

malccularp~thnlogef inhcriied hepatic diresa IMI renaved.<br />

University in Baltimore and is funded through a gmnr from<br />

moilrl studies in animalr and humans aimed at WLFainng<br />

hiology (including hmhcmisity. dlular immunoleg,<br />

the Howard Hughes Mcdinl Instirutc.<br />

known gene ddcrn. There was also a bid, but spirited<br />

dwclapmrntd biology and gcnaics), rogrthcrwith the<br />

The blolecularand Cell h nd rook aver rcrponribiliry for the<br />

discussion ofhmadm issues rhrt may result from ihc<br />

appliniion ofthoe disciplines to thc dyofrliniml,<br />

Tmrr'r rchrmr to suppn indidduals wishing m pmuc<br />

Summer khoolr<br />

inimduttion ofsuch iherapy. Thc Tnirrcrs have agrml U)<br />

wtrrimtyand impical mdicinc.<br />

careers in mricoio@ by thc prouirion of portdoctoral m ich<br />

The TRut mntinued insuppm ofpmrdnaoral laboratmy<br />

mppn funhcr mecringr on ihir topic.<br />

frllowshipr riid Phi) mdrnrrhipr The rnponre to this<br />

mu-.<br />

Two hravily ovcr-subs~~bcd courses wre offired in<br />

Thm hundmt and fifipanc appliraiiour fargrnntr. nclnding<br />

longwtcrm ruppn. wrc considered during 19~ml91 of<br />

scheme was encouraging and IWO fellowship and six<br />

riiidrnirhipr were awarded.<br />

the Biochemistry Division ofthc United Medial and Drnal<br />

Schools (UMDS) of Guy's and SI Thomar's Hospitals. lhc<br />

In July, the TNSI~<br />

sponroml an Ando-Smin mming<br />

iointly with the Narioml Radiulogial Pmrmion Board. Thc<br />

which 137w~rc~~~~rdeddthcrinTidlorinpn. Ofthc<br />

i32.9m nyuested. f8.h (24.9%) wcre awrded. Mort of the<br />

Yeast Genetics Gmup<br />

ririh rrhaii in this seck- DNA Related Methods in Humm<br />

Ccneticr: YAC Cloning in Genomc Analysis was dimted by<br />

nuaday meering. oqsniscd by Professor John €dwatds,<br />

Dr BNC~ Gttnrmdi. DrJohn Srrattan and Dr + Gr<br />

support was for hasic amrth, alrhough filry-sci~n<br />

'The Trurtce~ funded theenablirhmenr ofagmup at the<br />

Dr David Llentlcy. Dr William Bmwn and Dr Tany Manam.<br />

dircurrrd cyogacricand molmlnr mrrhanismrdndiuion<br />

applications for clinical niidin wre comidemt, and sixteen of<br />

thwwre funded.<br />

Inrritim ofMulmilar Mcdicinc. Oxford, to apply ycart<br />

gcnrriu IO humin molecular pathology. Two young<br />

The sewnrh cwrre - Grnc Targcting and Homologous<br />

Recombination - war dimred by Dr Manin Evans. DrJohn<br />

mumgenair and mimd screening mahds ofinducd<br />

germlinc mutations. in light ofpossible appliatiins to a<br />

Amrrinn scientists, Drs Rhana Bons and Edivard la&.<br />

wcrc mniired from Bnndrir Uniwsity tu set up and lad<br />

Hcath and Dr Andnw Paner. Themurses ace coordinated<br />

by Dr Pclin Rik afthe Biorhemirtv Division at UMDS.<br />

siudy of paiblcgmetic mnaqucnmofthcChmobyl<br />

mmor accident.<br />

the gmup 'The piimaty emphasis will be 10 study<br />

The conrsn w ivc considerable material help fmm a wide<br />

rîcombinaiian in SRrrlnrninps cm-~is;mwich the long ruin<br />

range ofmmmrrcid equipmen< and consumable supplierrand<br />

July zlso saw thc lnauguml Symporium ofthe<br />

aim ofnudklng iherrm recombination in the acrialogy of<br />

human gcnciic disease and thedcvdapmcnr ofhuman<br />

artificial chmmoromcr as vectors for gcue therapy.<br />

Human Genome Pmject<br />

The Trus~ecs aggrrcd tu fund nw initiativn concerned iuirh<br />

thçarganiratian of human genamc remrch and iniernationd<br />

their suppan is ytefully acknowledged.<br />

Meetlngi<br />

A workshop on Gene Therapy in June brought Cony scientists<br />

fmm nmund the world to a ccsidrnrial nimingar Dorniy<br />

Hourc in thcCotswoldr. The chieforganirerr were Sir David<br />

\Vcaiherall, Dr Ted Frirdminn and Pmferror Ed Southern.<br />

WellmmelCRC lnrtirute in Cambridge. Thcmmonble<br />

aion bmughr a numherofdirtinguidicd wioirirn hom<br />

rhr UK ad overseas su addm a packcd ~diewr. lk<br />

rpcikcrs wcte Sir Aaron Klug. Bruce Alhm. David<br />

Baltimore. Alan Colma. Michial DCX~LT, Kirhard Hynrs.<br />

David Mdron. C Nwrlrin-Volhard and Jrnn Rossant.<br />


access to the data ohrained through the pmjccr. They<br />

provided an auad IO thc Human Gcnamc Organistion<br />

(HUGO) 10 consnlidarc the ertablirhmrnt ofa Eumpcan<br />

Oflm in Lundon. Onira arc pmvidcd by thcl'nisr in<br />

arcommal.vion vu Grnt i'onland Street. It is interesting to<br />

nore char thc Hoi%ard lnrriturr also pmrided funds CO HUGO<br />

10 ruppn an a& in Washington I>C.<br />


~ O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L<br />

M O L E C U L A R<br />

A N D C E L L<br />

Molecular and Cell<br />

Dr 5 R Bolsover<br />

Depanmeni oii'hysiology, Univmity College and<br />

Middlrrn School ofMcdirine, London: for ihm pm, for<br />

a cnnfocal microscope facility foi the qwmtitxiw<br />

mnsurcmm of local calcinni transimu in CCIII. with<br />

Dr hl j \Yliitakcr<br />

Dr A M ManinezArias<br />

f84 446<br />

~034/3OI~7/lZ).<br />

Depanmm ofZoalogy, University of Grnbridgc: for WO<br />

prr. ford study dcdl ititwtctiani and panrrn forniriion in<br />

ite üm~opti~hrmb~~. with DrC M Rîtr<br />

Mr D J Collier<br />

140 074<br />

(033/8/UZJ/E).<br />

fwo<br />

Depinmeni of Clinical Phaimiralogy, SI Banhalamm'r<br />

Hospital Medid Collegc, London; fnr six months, for<br />

mtch m k iindrrirlcn on thc Chamlang '>I lipeditinn<br />

di*ringrhrruiamnofI'MI,,~ilh i>r

M O L E C U L A R A N D C E L L<br />

H 0.L E C U L A R<br />

A N D C E L L<br />

DrJ M Hopkin f32 974<br />

Oder Chat Unit, University of Oxford: for one yar, for a<br />

supplrment to the mdy dthc molerulrr grnniuofaiapy<br />

~030137ln91/A).<br />

Professor J R Lamb<br />

14M7<br />

Depanment of lmmunolag; St Mary's Hospitzl Mcdinl<br />

Schod, London, for addirional rxpnsn for I mdy ofihc<br />

rdlulrr and molmular hiris ofthr induction of'ï-crll anew<br />

in thr agulniion ofallcrgirdiwsrr (032192f~91/A).<br />

Dr N J Proudfoot<br />

1465470<br />

Sir William Dum School of Pathology, Univrnity of<br />

Oxford: for five yan. for I wdy of transcriptional<br />

iciminîtinn ml pil)&nylaiion. with I>r U I) Gmphrll.<br />

i)qmrtnirnt ufliiochrminty and I'iorir



A N D C E L L<br />

Toxicology Awards<br />

Mr H 5 Minhar<br />

'The Tnistm rirh to promote rcrîarch in molecular and<br />

Department of Chemistry uid Biological Chemistry,<br />

Dr 5 R Pennington<br />

Depanment of Human Anatomy end Cell Biology,<br />

~cllular arpecir of toxicology, which far this puqme is drRnd<br />

as ihr riiidp of how chrminl and phyrial agwr cause<br />

University of k, Colchuter: for thm p~, for studies of<br />

ihc promion of oridative ioxicityby&rathionr<br />

University of Aberdeen<br />

Dr E R Skinner<br />

E59 989<br />

Univrnity of Liverpool: for I N O ~ R ihrw niouihr. for<br />

drlsciiour rtkü on liring systems. Thewfare, in addition IO<br />

n t ~ n ~ under ~ ~ Dr ~ P e J Thornalley ~ , and Dr P OShra<br />

Depumient of Molmilu md OLI Bmlogp for rhm }cam,<br />

rddiiiaiid m3tîri& 3ud wniumibler for Dr i'înnington'r<br />

funding projeci piits, thrï'nnterr support partdoctoral<br />

(0338G7IZ9112).<br />

for a study ofthc mlc ofplasma high-drnsity lipopmtcin<br />

\hlkomc I.cxiiirrrhip in ccII bioieg<br />

(014.395i~85H).<br />

felloi%hips and m tch studentships far tharr who wish to<br />

ruhmcrianr in thc preirntion ofmmnrry han di-<br />

àmelop cîrwn in rhir ara. The rerpnre to this rrhcme har<br />

Mr P B Simpson<br />

(033415mIE).<br />

been eucouragiiigand six siuilcnirliipr and RVO fellowships<br />

Depanment of Phirmsmlogy and Thrmpcutis,<br />

wre.nvardedin 1990171.<br />

I 1

M O L E C V L A R A N D C E L L<br />

~ O L E C U L A R A N D<br />

C E L L<br />

Dr M WhPatley f55 408<br />

Dr M j A Tanner f43 561<br />

Dr Anne Cooke<br />

f I05 627<br />

Dr M patterson fG9 013<br />

SrhwlofBiachcmiriry; fornvoymn. forrriudgofthr<br />

Departmeni of Biochemistry for one year six months, for an<br />

Department of Pathology: far three yean, far an milysir of<br />

Depmrnt of Pacdiuria: for MO )=K. for Che<br />

malecularcloningofthc \'la vasaprrüin mcprar.with Dr<br />

imrrtigrion of monoclonal mribodin and rynthctic pcptidn<br />

mechanisms oftalerancc induction in NOD mice<br />

chamcrisaiion of, candidarc gene for X&a<br />

R H hlichell. Dr CJ Kirk and Dr K Dmhrn). Dqmrrmrni of<br />

in ihrrtud?ofthcnmFiurr ofthccryhmyte anion<br />

(033023lZ790tZ).<br />

pig»>oilorrrinCro"p E<br />

(033ô27lZ79lE).<br />

hiedicior and I'rofnror A Colman<br />

(Oj40751D91tZ).<br />

rnnrprtcr, with Dr Hilary Muirhnd<br />

(034324lD9ït~1.<br />

Dr J M Edwardson<br />

f80 026<br />

Professor R N Perham<br />

414.526<br />

University of Bristol<br />

Dr D M Woolley 126853<br />

Department of Pharmscology: for ihm years. for a study of<br />

DepmentofBidcmUm forrix moahr, faran<br />

Dr M A Geeves<br />

172 931<br />

Department of Physiology; for one year, fur a mdy of<br />

molecular mechanisms in regulated exayroiis<br />

nrnüion afi study of DNA-pmtein intenaions in<br />

Department of Biochrmisiry; for thrîe yîaa bra study of<br />

ani\.atd dyncinr: clauifinrian ofimager from cryofiiicd<br />

(03259SlZ9ftZ).<br />

fibmrntour bartenophaga<br />

(0179I~~A).<br />

ihc dynamics of pmtcin-prorcin iutcractians in mu&<br />

flagella using "mnrrpandcncr-~niiyrir", with Dr S D Dover,<br />

mntnctivn<br />

(03XS7tDP/Z).<br />

Urpanrnrnt of Rioph+,<br />

King's Collcge London<br />

Dr N Holmer €1004.37<br />

Professor R N Perham<br />

L25 771<br />

(03393ltL'9Iiz).<br />

Department of Pathology: for thm yean. for a study of the<br />

Deputmm of Bidemisty for ihm )-IS.<br />

for a nudy of<br />

Or C H Holmer<br />

f95oa<br />

control of class I MHC gene expression in uim, with Dr M H<br />

molecular mmhanirmrand mgdition ofcahhydnn<br />

Department of Ohsiettics and Gynaccalogy: for ihm ynrs.<br />

Brunet University<br />

Johnson. Depanment of Anatomy<br />

(03263UZm).<br />

rnnrpan in cntnic bacteria<br />

(03349%5?'1L?).<br />

for additional nprnsn for his study of ihc cxprssion of<br />

Professor T F Slater<br />

f I4 841<br />

mmplcmcnt qulatoq proteins in nornid human pqnanq<br />

and in pwpancy pathologies<br />

(032l971L'90M).<br />

Depanment of Biochemistry; for six months, for a riudy of<br />

fm ndical mcchniirmr in tiuw injuqtnd rLgencration<br />

Dr R j Jackson<br />

Department ofBidcmUuy; for six months, for an<br />

LI0 413<br />

University of Wales College of HedWne, cua(l<br />

Professor P S Harper<br />

f14W<br />

(015.395ta86tA).<br />

inwstigstion of the novel mechanism of initiation of<br />

For labratmy adaptation ruppan for a molmilir gcnnic<br />

Dr J O McGivan<br />

f50270<br />

Dcputmentof Biochmiriry: fornvoycan, fora study of<br />

Strangeways Research Laborator/, Cambridge<br />

picornaviral RNA translation: daerminints specifying the<br />

intcmal ribosome enrryrirc of cardio-, cntcm- and<br />

analysis of faciorapdohumenl muvuhr d)ïtrophy<br />

(03393WiRI.<br />

thc moleculir niishmirmr inwlvcd in thc short-rrrni and<br />

longtcrni r+wion of nt livcr glutaminm<br />

Dr Gillian Murphy 115019<br />

Depanment ofCeIl Physiology: for one monrh. for an<br />

rhinovinucr<br />

(03233OJZ90lA).<br />

Dr D J Shaw<br />

€49 145<br />

Dr J O McGivan<br />

(033546ID9lJZ).<br />

f77Ul4<br />

Deparimeni of Biochcmiriry: for th~m yam. for a study of<br />

the I~NC~UCC and molecular biolap of the major Na' -<br />

mwneni of the mle of two newly discowed matrix<br />

mrtrlloprotcinrrn and a spific inhibitor in connectiw riuui<br />

dc5rriictioii<br />

University of Cambridge<br />

(0322991~9OlA 1.<br />

Or M H Johnson<br />

Department ofhatomy: forcight months, for additional<br />

eiprnsn for in an+is<br />

of the effecn of rryopmtecrant and<br />

low icmperaturcon the wcyre afthe mouse<br />

U500<br />

(030554tZ99lA).<br />

For MW )an. for a study ofcandidatc ~ ncr for myotonic<br />

dystmphy<br />

Unlversity of Dundce<br />

DrljHolc<br />

(032449LZkW).<br />

fG5 M5<br />

dcpdrnt nrutnl amino atid rranrpon proirin in bovinr<br />

rînrl hmrh hordrr mrmbrancs, with Di hi J A'ïaiincr<br />

(O.?439llL'9ItZ),<br />

Or BA Callingham<br />

f16866<br />

Department ofi'harrnacology: for two pn, fora study to<br />

determine hw<br />

the Lrhymr factor inhibits lysyl oxidare and<br />

Dr A M L Lever<br />

Depamnrnt of Medicinei for three yam, for a stitdy of<br />

€113 104<br />

Deputinnit of Bidm'aJ M&n<br />

for MO yum. for a<br />

study ofihe molmbr basis of mirochendriil dvlvr<br />

(03413mIR).<br />

derrroys its rubstair in vim, with Dr C I Levînr and<br />

M~~~"-rfi~~~M~"k~Vinu*a<br />

retmvinlvectormrh DrE<br />

Dr D F Slwrman<br />

(033022IZWZ I<br />

Humer. Drpanmm of Microbiology, Univeniry of Alabama.<br />

Birmingham<br />

(034363tD91tZ).<br />

74<br />


M O L E C U L A R 4 N O C E L L M O L E C U L 4 R A H 0 C E L L<br />

University of Manchester<br />

Professor M E Grant<br />

197928<br />

University of Newcastle upon Tyne<br />

Dr R P bot-Handford<br />

€81 299<br />

Depanment of Biochcminry and Mdrmlv Biology: for<br />

Dr T jowett 198 050<br />

Depanment of Blochemisuy and Mol&<br />

Biolm. for<br />

thm ynrs. fort rrudy ofcollagen pmlyl I-hydmxylarcmd<br />

Deptmrnt d Eidaiwry and Gninics: for ihm ynn.<br />

thrceycan, for navclappmcha to thcssvmblyofthc<br />

dicionrrol ofcollagen synrhnis, with DrJ RaLimond md Dr<br />

for P study of gcnctargctcd mtitagcneilr of p n n inwlinl in<br />

trimeric collrgrn molecule: impliarions for corrmive tiwe<br />

N J Uullcid<br />

~033035l~?11zj.<br />

the early rnibqogmair in the rehnlish<br />

(03435lPJ9liZ).<br />

disrasa, with Dr K E Kadlcr and Pmfaror M E Gnnr<br />

(0327051~).<br />

Dr N J Bulleid<br />

f766S5<br />

Depanment of Biochemisuy and Moldu Biologyi for<br />

Professor M E Grant<br />

174694<br />

Depanment OF Biochemistry and Molmrlv Biologyi fur<br />

three yma, fora study ofsizeand form inasemblinof<br />

matrix malccula. with Dr j A Chapman. Dr K E Kadler and<br />

Dr C P F Redfern<br />

fW301<br />

Depanment ofDmatologyi far thmyean, for a stdyof<br />

the mlc ofrtrnmal- cpithdid interxtionr in tlredcvclopmcnt<br />

ofcndometiurn and the pathugennirofendotrim~. with<br />

thm )ran, fora study of the pt-translational modification<br />

DsJKPShwhan<br />

~0343151~91Z).<br />

Dr U H Hint, Dcprrmnir of l'hysiolngid Scicnar and<br />

ml assembly ofprmollagcn<br />

(0327û6'2BOE).<br />

Pmfamr E J Thomas, Dqatmmr of Human Urpmdtmion<br />

Dr M J Humphries<br />

LI13229<br />

and Obrtcrricr, Uniwnity of Southampton (O.i327lPBlL?).<br />

DrJ R E Davis<br />

Department ofMcdicine: for one scar, for addirional<br />

ctpnrcs for a study dthc rolc of pmmarer quenccr in<br />

iniracellular regulation ofths human pmhctin and gmwth<br />

hormonc gmcs<br />

DI- M J Dixon<br />

Wihm<br />

(0301nmâ?w.<br />

L79 Gi5<br />

Depmment of Cdl and Stmnural Biolapy: for rhm )ran.<br />

bi a molecular genetic iovmtigxion ofdentinupair<br />

impïrk~a, with Xlr J C hlurny, Univraity aflawa Hospiral<br />

Depmment of Biochemistry and Molrnilu Biologys for<br />

thm-ymrs, form invatigation ofrhertructurcmdw;trnt of<br />

uugc of"l.D\'" remgnition motifs by adhninn pmtcinr, d t<br />

DrA M liras, DrA Whiting, DrginmenrofChrmirtry and<br />

Dr Nancy Hoa, Macrophage laborarory, lmprrid Gnmr<br />

Uercarch Fund hboratorier, landon (03383WYflIlZ~.<br />

Dr W N Hunter<br />

175 514<br />

Drpmrnrnt of Chemistry for thte )mn. for IINCIUPd<br />

rnidia on nudcic acids, with DIT Hmwn, Depanment of<br />

Professor S j Yeaman<br />

L92 740<br />

Depurmmt ofEiorhemiwry and cCnc


~ O L E C U L A R A N O<br />

C E L L<br />

Dr Marianne ïillenr I17 937 Dr K I Welsh<br />

1M 53.<br />

Labontory of Phpialag: foronr)rar. for a study afthc Nuffield Department ofSurgeryi for one )var, for an<br />

marwemm ofgluiaminî with I nod enzyme elecrrork, s+is of gem involved in aniigcn processing and in<br />

with Dr EA Novsholmr. Dcpirmcnr oflliachcmirtr). prnrniaiian by MHC clas II nialrrulcr. with Dr j<br />

~033513l~71lZ~. Tmuwialn Human lmmunogrnriin Labantor): lmprrial<br />

Cancer Rernrch Fund Inhontories, London<br />

(032G03~ZJ<br />

Professor I R Peake<br />

fi1387<br />

Diputment ofMcdirine and Pharniamlogyi for two prs,<br />

fora study ofthc malmil~rpaihogcnairof,~n \Villehmnds<br />

ùimc. with Dr P U Winship, Professor F E Prrmn,<br />

Dcpsrrmenr of Hscmatology, with Dr I Joncs. University of<br />

Orford and Dr E Liddell. Ucpmmrnt offliochemirtr):<br />

Univcrsiiy afW&s Collegeof Medicine, Cinliff<br />

(033858I7fllIZ).<br />

Dr D C Wilton<br />

L73 724<br />

Department of Biochrmisny: for ihm years. for il study of<br />

ihe SIN~UW, hinaion and modifiarion ofcloneà liwrfatry<br />

acid.binding protein using direrd muirgenezis. with<br />

DrA F\Y'ornll<br />

(û3432YB91E).<br />

Charing Cross and Westminster Hedical School<br />

Dr D A Lane<br />

&75 869<br />

Portsmouth Polytechnic<br />

DepanmentefHaemat+ya foinvoyaa. fora study of<br />

Professor C Crane-Robinson<br />

f7107i<br />

Professor A P Weetman<br />

f60 747<br />

ihç molecular hasir of familial thrombotic d im, with Dr<br />

Biophysics Labontoris far ihrecynrs, fora study ofihc<br />

Depanment ofMedicina farthrrcyem, forsrudiesofthe<br />

Swc by 'Ihcin. Institute of Xlolrcular Medicine. Univeniry<br />

IINF11(1~mdf"ncrionofihc HMC bon, with DrG<br />

inimimoglobulin V gnr iPpcnoire of thyroid aumaniibodin,<br />

ofOxford<br />

(034364~9iIZ).<br />

Dr P C Newdl<br />

Depinmeni ofBiochrmiiir>l for ihm years. fora<br />

f 77 52G<br />

Goodwin. Chew Beatty hbaniorics, Gncer U-rch<br />

Gmpign. London and Dr I I) Campbell. lhpanmcnr of<br />

with Ur E Ghcnrdi, Medical Research Council, hbonruryof<br />

Molrcular Biology, Medird Uerraich Council Unin,<br />

Imperial College of Science, Technology and<br />

bioçhcmical and malca4ar grnriic an+ir<br />

afparirrn<br />

fliwhemisiry, Univerniiy of Oxford<br />

(a343i31mliz)<br />

Gmbridge<br />

(o332o5lmllz~.<br />

Medicine<br />

formation during dcvclopmrnr of Diqo,icIim, wing<br />

Professor C R Hopkins<br />

f20815<br />

Dr N J Proudfwt<br />

mutmir. wiih Dr J il Gmu<br />

(034138PJ7Il,?).<br />

Sir William Dunn School of Paihology: for thrcc monrhr.<br />

for hridgiog wppn Lr his mdy ofianxripiiond<br />

wrmimriori and intcrfcrmcc hmvrrn ruknryxir pw5<br />

tnnrrrihrl hy KNA poiymrnrr 1 I<br />

Dr J A Tald<br />

f 15 627<br />

~0163S4~87I,4J,<br />

fll8164<br />

Nufficld Dcpanmsnt ofSurger>. and Clinid hledirina:<br />

for thm ?cam. for a study ofihr Iwitliraiiun ofihr gcnron<br />

I~OUSL- chmm«u>me 4 and its human hun&gur ihrr<br />

dctcrminn iuxrpiibiliiy to inrulin-dcpîndrnt diktn<br />

Professor Sir David Weatherall<br />

(0325~OïJ901%%<br />

U48 262<br />

Nuffield Depanment of Clinid hicdicine: for rhrpr ya.rarr,<br />

for an ~nrlpir ofihr human alpha globin IWUI ro~~tml rqiuiun<br />

in innrgcnir miLe<br />

~o.i4179/7mlIz).<br />

Dr K Firman f20 226<br />

Depanment ofBiologid Sencrr. for ont p r six monihr,<br />

forait&<br />

ofrhr localiraiion ofihc DNA.bi"din~d~m~i"~~,~ Department ofMcdicine If: for nm years, for the itoieciihr<br />

thctyppc I DNA meihyliransfrnrcM.EUi24<br />

Dr G G Kneale<br />

(033177lmIlL~<br />

Biophpirr Lahontorirrr far three )mrn, fora study of<br />

E82297<br />

DNA-pmirin rrcognirinn and sprcifiriiy in EmRI24 DNA<br />

mîihylîx 10343121~1/; Y.<br />

University of Shemeid<br />

Professor J R Cues<<br />

Dcpanment of Molecular Biology and üiotechnolog: fat<br />

rhrrc years, for a snuiy ofpraicin lipoylation and iipic<br />

bimynihnir<br />

f85.?-9<br />

University of Southampton<br />

DrAJBone 152 047<br />

hsir ufirlcr tell rrpairand regcncntion in rype I diabrin:<br />

riudics in the rponraneowly diaktic Bfl mt<br />

Dr T P Fleming<br />

Drprnmuit of Biology: for ihrecynn, fora study of<br />

dermorome fommion and function in thc mouse early<br />

f I33 718<br />

embryo, with Dr R P Shams, Dcpanmcnt ofBiochemirtq'<br />

Dr A G Lee<br />

(03432@Al7IlZj.<br />

fll7310<br />

Depanmeni mf Biorhemisiry: far three yars, for 1 study of<br />

the mrrhanirm AnZdtim ion tmndoncion: rhe calcium<br />

pimp.wiih Ur j M East<br />

(032G07lZ%l,?).<br />

Department of Biochemirtryi forsix months. fora study of<br />

the mcchinirmr ofpwh facmrnnd mqwe mian in the<br />

coniml of nurmrl and nmpldtir cell pmlifmiion<br />

~017013GY87IA).<br />

institute of Child Health<br />

Dr Christine Kinnon mJ1 477<br />

Department of Intmunology for ihm y~a. for a study of<br />

rk mulmilar basis of X-linkcd dpha ganimaglabulinaeinia.<br />

with Dr Suen Malmlm rid Pmfcnor U J Lminsky<br />

(033349F??Ilf4.<br />

Dr Susan Malcolm<br />

f64819<br />

Drpamnrni of Cmaier: for nw pa. for 311 idmtifition<br />

ofgene diicli contrihure todrf~ lip (and plat). nith Dr I'J<br />

Sramblcr. Vcpanmenr of Biarhemirtry and Molmihr<br />

Gcnerin, St Mary's Hospital A4edinl Srnaal. london and Dr<br />

U h4 \Vinter, Kennedy Galron Gnire. Clinical Uernrch<br />

Ccntre, Hanow<br />

(03437lZlIE).<br />

80<br />


M O L E C U L A R A N 0 C E L L<br />

M O L E C U L A R<br />

& N D C E L L<br />

Institute of Dental Surgery<br />

Dr Pauim Ferreui<br />

f 101 705<br />

Dcputrncnt of Orai Biology: for rhrpe yun. for a study of<br />

keratin aprnsion in l c mmc and mncmhymc ofdorloping<br />

md icprniing new limbs in rchiion IO ncmc dcpdcnq<br />

King's College London (KQC)<br />

Dr J Allan<br />

(03275TdWZ).<br />

Dividnn afüiomolmilnr Scienteu forthrccyears. foro<br />

f I02 670<br />

smdy ofthe rnlr of phrcd nurlmroms in rcguhiing &hiil<br />

gene nprssim. with Dr N J Praedfmt, Sir Williim Dune<br />

Schwl dl'arhology. Uniwrsity of Oxford (0329801?B9OE).<br />

Dr M Cannon 197485<br />

Depnmeni of Biarkrmiaty: for ihwc yus. foi probing<br />

itru~iurc - function rclationihips in eukaryorir ribiaoms- 1<br />

study rmphying p st srnitu displaying high-leal rcsiitatlce<br />

IO antibiotics, with Dr P K Hmwn<br />

Dr R K Dudley<br />

(033170~J91L?).<br />

m577<br />

D&ion of Biomolcculrr Sciences: far thm ?cars, for an<br />

idcniifmtion of DNA binding iiim fera nmzinc finger<br />

pmteïn<br />

Dr R K Parient<br />

(033808lZJ9IlZ).<br />

Dcpirnnrn~ of Biophysi.x: for six months. for a study of<br />

mapping protcinr bound within hypcmmitivc iirîs in<br />

rnnsfccted DNA and ihrii role in hypscmirivc- site<br />

formaiin<br />

f I2 256<br />

(0184951Z881A).<br />

London Hospital Medical College<br />

DIG A Hiunan<br />

Medical Unit: for ihrcc prs. for a family rudy ofihe<br />

generics nfNIDDRI in South India, with Pmfcssor N E<br />

Morton. Dcpnnmrnt of Community Mdicinc. University af<br />

Sourhampion and DrV hlohsn. Diakrn Research Gnrre,<br />

Madnr<br />

f 70 520<br />

(032956lD90E).<br />

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine<br />

Or Bernadette Modell<br />

Dtpplnmcnt afÇammunity HIplthr for onc year six<br />

manrhr for rridics tdatcd to hacmoglobinopshy control<br />

National Heart and Lung Institute<br />

Or S B Marston<br />

Depanment of Cvdiic Midicine: for rhm yeaa for a<br />

f8226<br />

(OIMI~IZ~I~).<br />

mi>lmlrr biological invntigatioii of caldermon SINC~UK.<br />

a5399<br />

fmnciian, iraform diversity and cxprcssion in hliman times,<br />

with DIP Collins and Dr J Byn. Dcpanmrnr ofCeIl<br />

Riolog): Raylor Collcgc ofMedicine, Hourton<br />

Queen Mary and Westiield College<br />

(032443IZWL?).<br />

Dr Ann M C Burgess E22 427<br />

Depanment afhatomp for one year, far a srudy of the<br />

qumtitaiiucrnalysir of scxual dcvrlapmmi and<br />

rpermaiogcnais with Pmfcssor Ur& hlirnvwh<br />

Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine<br />

Prdessor D Chapman f57 I 3<br />

Dcpanmrnt of Protein pnd Molecular Biolngyr for nvo<br />

)an. for FI'IR rt>rrrroxopicsudicsofbiomemhane<br />

prorcinr. and signal and hiragcnic polypeptides<br />

Dr S J Perkins<br />

(LJ~OI~~AI~~II!). Or P N Strong<br />

Deprnncnt of Biochemhtrypnd Chemirtty: for rhre<br />

178 048<br />

years, for 3 sriidy ofpmrrin-protein inremrions brmen rhc<br />

danuiii structures ofcomponcntsofrhe complement cascade<br />

during activation<br />

Royal Postgraduate Medical School<br />

~0334l3la9IlZ).<br />

Or R I Lechler €3041<br />

Depanment of Immunology: For nvo months. for an sn~l>%is<br />

ofihc crprcsed rrpcnaire of HlA-D rrpion gcnc pmducrs,<br />

and their rrcognirion by Tccllr. using DNA-mdirtd p c<br />

tmnrfcr<br />

(Ol594lRJ86lE).<br />

Professor M 8 Pepys 116500<br />

Depanment ofhiedirine foroncyeapd'fo~~m~nths,fara<br />

rmdy ofthc Ionlirarian of scrum amyloid P roinponcnr in<br />

joinis it' nitm mcchnnirmr and significance (0305551n891A).<br />

Or C D Pusey<br />

Ocputment of Medicine: far LI~C ymedrrcuen monrhr, for<br />

study nfthc role of+ Iymphoqtn in exprrimental<br />

f5304<br />

umimtnme glomrrulomephririr in the at ~0312l71~90lA~. De-entofPhysblogy:<br />

Dr A K-L So<br />

Rheumatology Unit, Deputment of Medicine forane<br />

E29 656<br />

year. fat a study ofpepride binding hy H U dss II rnolcculrr<br />

(033818l~911Z).<br />

t28 B3<br />

Depanment of Paediatrirr and Nmnnrnl Medicine: for one<br />

pr, fora audydihe m~lccrilar~hanca~ntion ofraicium-<br />

nciivated potassium ion channels<br />

(017986l3881A).<br />

St Mary's Hospital Medical School<br />

DrJ P Benneu m 7<br />

Deparmat ofhatomy and G U Biology: for thm<br />

months. far a study oftbe lunlintion of mpin-hünl<br />

canrmctilr farts in moiilcccllr<br />

(Oi752YZB7fA).<br />

United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and<br />

St Thomas's Hospital<br />

Dr A H Fensom<br />

Depmmcni ofMediai and Mnl~uiu Cmnia: hir one<br />

yur. for ccll mliurc and biachmical mdia in Nimmdick<br />

dis-<br />

type C<br />

Univerrity College and Middlesex School of<br />

Medicine<br />

Dr P Babil<br />

a4 535<br />

i034087RJ91E).<br />

LI02495<br />

forthmyun,far~na~ulri.ol<br />

rrnwrh mude mjwin hcaq chain gcne pmmater and<br />

uprtmm regulrrory clcmentr<br />

(0332HLZBiE).<br />

(0326I51~901Zi%<br />


M O L E C U L A R A N 0 C E L l<br />

P H Y S I O L O G Y A N D P H A R M A C O L O G Y P A N E L<br />

Dr J Mowbray DI Profsror A W %gal i114M<br />

Physiology and Pharmacology Panel<br />

Dcpamncnt of 5iorhcmiriryr fer one ym, for 3 study of<br />

npid rccrpior-mcdiad contml of miiwhandnr by iniodoihpronine:<br />

thr mlr of ca&m madifcatinn<br />

(fl17SS!H287JA).<br />

Depanment of Medicine: for ihrcr ynn. for an invertigaiion<br />

of the bioclirmittty and molecular biology of p28.3 novly<br />

discovercd roinpnnent afihr NADPH oxidare with Dr N<br />

Toit>; Ludwig insiiturc, MiidIrsa Hospital (033259J2791fZ).<br />

J J E Jack BM, PhD. Tmm<br />

Unikniy ofOxfirâ

P H Y S ~ O L O G Y * N O P H ~ R H I C O L O G Y P A N E L<br />

P H Y S I O L O G Y au0 PHARI~COLOGY P A N E L<br />

Physiology and Pharmacology Panel<br />

The Physiology rnd Pharmrcolog PîncI has 3 wide remit. It<br />

ioiisidcn applications for ruppri for bath bric 3nd clinical<br />

march. whrrc the pmjrct is pmiculrrly mmrnd with<br />

integntd funrtionr. as oppsd to the study disolsied<br />

ipplid IO the cardio\~rcidar system, to studies of thc micro<br />

vmnilaturc in dirurc.<br />

Neglected Subjects<br />

1-he linel ccccivna nwnhcrof.y$icationr far rernrch in<br />

rpcnd their lives in the mouniainr me very differcnr fmm<br />

rhorc unured II> high altitude who display 'periodic<br />

hmaihing", with mnrtquentaneiial hyppaxia. More mrch<br />

is<br />

needed into the relationship hmwn drrp pararnr.<br />

cadiompintory function and altitude and this gmup has<br />

already mide mmrrkable idm- foraample, undauking<br />

iwropernidicrofmebi~~fl~"~~t~".~ly,~<br />

dmndng ninditinnr.<br />


niolcciilar and cellular phrnomcna. Although infmion.<br />

aras of physiology and pathophysiology where rercarch<br />

immunity and nruriirtirncc comc within ihc remit dother<br />

activity is nrglccid for 3i wide varicry ofrcaronr. It is plnasd<br />

gmupr ar thcTwt. thc mivitiîi rcmiin wry hroad. from<br />

to rmcomnicnd suitable applications in such arm for support,<br />

thcmrrlver has asumd pmminencî 35 a hdth<br />

demand is gra. In the year under miw, 277 CiiII<br />

prohlcm. hut has prowd unyidding zs n ruhjrcr for original<br />

îpplicationr for iupporr wrc

P H Y S I O L O G Y A N D P H A R M A C O L O G Y<br />


Physiology and Pharmacology<br />

Professor R D Burgoyne<br />

Depanment of Physiology, Univenity of Liverpool: for<br />

one y r . 10 Ciirhirh il research wing in the nç\v l’hysidoe<br />

Rnnrch Building at ihr Univcrrrity of I.irîrpiil. with<br />

I’rnfmar A Firnrr, lhpanrnrnr of Vwrimty Prmlinical<br />

Sricnm and I’mfcssar O H I’crctrïn. Dcpmmnii of<br />

l’hysiolqv and I’hsrmrcalogy<br />

Dr R P H Thompson<br />

f350 WO<br />

~lJ34~‘llI~!J2lZ).<br />

Depanmcnt of Gaslroeotcmlogy, United hkdical and<br />

Dcntd Srhoois of Gmfs and St Thom& Horpiisl,<br />

Lnndon: foronr ynr. fora mdy ofrluminiiim inprion.<br />

3brorpiion and fdintd ncrction<br />

f45 ow<br />

Dr G Warhurst<br />

~ü3.~2ff/~~i/~).<br />

LI7579<br />

Department of Medicine, University of Mmchuten for<br />

one pc. for 3 wdy of the intenaciions kriwn Ca-, and<br />

cr\biPrigding pathways in 1hc rîgulrtion ofcl- smrciion in<br />


P H Y S I O L O G ~ A N D P H A R H A C O L O G Y<br />

P H ~ S I O L O G A~<br />

N D P H A R M A C O L O G ~<br />

... . , .<br />

Dr Merceâes Acevedo<br />

Dr I: &%er-Riley<br />

~-<br />

University of Birmingham<br />

Dr lanice M Marshall 47374<br />

Drpvtmrnt of Physiology: for sir months ioantinur the<br />

DrAJLevi 153089<br />

Depanment of Physiologyi for ihm prr, fora rrudy aftlie<br />

sodium-poiaüium pump. inrtaccilulir wdium and<br />

Ocpartmeni ofilnaiomy and Phy&logy, Univrnity of<br />

Dundee: for IW years, rnrnahlc hrr to mntinuc herstndy af<br />

the rcguhtion ofrhe pH of rhr pricilirty lluid in ‘inmy<br />

cpiihclium.undcrDr.\l U \ï‘d<br />

(03l93lWZJ0I,),<br />

Dcpartment of Physiology, University ofAberdcrnr for ont<br />

pr. for an extension of his study into thc elfccrs of aired<br />

prcrrute and incrnred gr density on human cardiouarmlar<br />

and cadiorcrpintoty fiinaion, with Pmfeuor C Kidd with<br />

l’rofnror H G Schalrtall, GKSS Forwhung.zentrum<br />

Gccsihacht, 1)-2064 Gmthachr and Dr T Sheldr,<br />

Hjpobadic Aidicine Unit. Unirrrrity of Abcden<br />

mdy of pciipheral vascular rPrponrcs in sicklecell dirnse for<br />

.I further period ofrix months (032G28liY9itAl.<br />

DrJmice M Marshall w 252<br />

Department ofl’hysiologyi for two months. far an cxtcnsion<br />

of hcr rrudy ofthe mle of hormoiul and loal Fartors in<br />

dctrrniining the brlwiour ofthe micrwimularion durit18<br />

Contnction in single ccilr from rrntriculm muwle<br />

(033803279IZ).<br />

Professor B T Pickering<br />

fa664<br />

Department ofhatomy: forthmyna. faranvdy of<br />

testicularoxytocin: itsorigin and mle in paracrine mnrml.<br />

with Dr H Nt&olron. %\lth Mrs S D Birkst and Dr &4 P<br />

(OI4399Z/85lA).<br />

iyrirmic hypoxia<br />

~Ol75OOlZ87lA~.<br />

Hardy, Ccnrer for Biomdid Rcrnrch, Nov i’d<br />

(034lW29lZ).<br />

Dr lanice M Marshall fZ 801<br />

Dr Nanry Jane Lane<br />

Dcpanmrnt of Zaolag); Uniwrsity af Cmbiidgc: Tar onc<br />

>car sir monib.forrriudyofthert~wr, foran extension<br />

rhe mmhanismr hy which TRH and Dopamine rcgulate<br />

ofhis invcrtigition oftherontrolling mîrhanismraf<br />

cporolic frcc ralcium and membraivrcondiictanccs in hovine<br />

angiogencrir<br />

(01972lUD891A).<br />

mimior pituitaty cells<br />

(017379ZE7JR).<br />

Professor M G R Hull f40 954<br />

D~puuocnt of ûbrmis and Gyoiecology; for thm )‘ea=.<br />

fora study IO evaluate rheahility ofhuman spcrnt function<br />

Profesor C N Hales<br />

Drpvunrnr ofClinid BioCh.m;nY: foronc)wr, fori<br />

QI 10s<br />

rtudy ofrhctelirionrhipaftherulphon)~urn~torto the<br />

ISIS to predict frniliiy in asisred conception, with Dr W C L AlT-K* channel. with Dr M L J Arhford, Depanmat of<br />

Ford and Dr P G Wardle<br />

~03309YZ9I~~. Phsrmamlogy<br />

(03253llZWE).<br />


f6<br />

26<br />

CINV<br />

A D O l O I S A H d

P H Y ~ I O L O G Y A N D P H A R ~ * C O L O G Y<br />

University of Liverpool<br />

DrJ I Gillespie 146401<br />

University of Oxford<br />

Professor R D Burgoyne 137572<br />

Dcpurment af Physiology: foronc >at, for an invnrigaiion<br />

of the mk ofalpactin in mucpair in adrenal chromallin<br />

cells<br />

(03305217BllZ).<br />

I<br />

Department of Physiological Sciences: for three years, fora<br />

study mtnlcd 'A malcl system to iniestipte the molccubr<br />

mmhanrsmr underlying himmine Hl.reccptor<br />

dersiririsation"<br />

Dr M j Dascombe<br />

(034lGlIa9leJ<br />

114043<br />

I<br />

I>rputmcnr of Physiological Scienm: for thrcc )ears, for 8<br />

Deputment of Phpioïopial Sicncu: for thm yean, for a<br />

study of the mechaniïmr undcrlying the excitability of the<br />

human myometrium ar term, with PmfRmr W Dunlop.<br />

Depanment ofOhsrerrics and Gynaecolugs and Dr 5<br />

Thorntan. Depanment of Gynaecology<br />

(03415917Bl/Z).<br />

DrC A R Eoyd<br />

fllOW0<br />

Department of Hunw Anatomy: forihrre yen. fora wudy<br />

ofpeprii tnnrpn in lungand intnrim, with PmfRwr<br />

j K Bmnk, Drpanmcnt of Diochemirrry. University of York<br />

(032s25r~m).<br />

Dr Aïin F Bnding<br />

178 G7.5<br />

mdy ofthc q~okrnemnrral offew and hyprrmrrabolim~.<br />

Dr E W Hillhouse<br />

f 73 754<br />

Department of Phumrcology: for thm years, for an<br />

wth I>r NancyJ Rorhwll and Dr S J Hophnr, Khrumatic<br />

DeprrtmentofClinid Biochemistry: forthmyvan, fora<br />

inwrrigation into the internal mal rphincier ml the diaaga<br />

DirraraCrntre<br />

(033233nBIlR<br />

riud~ into the rclationrhip brnurrn streü, corricotmpin-<br />

occurring in faRa1 imminence. with Mr N J M~Monrnun,<br />

rclearing factor, pmstagùndins and immunity, with PmfeDar<br />

NuRield Depanment of Suigey<br />

(033224lZ71R).<br />

Prafessor C A Finn<br />

Lkputmcnt ofVDniniry Picclinid Sciemm for ihrrr<br />

>am. fora riudyafihr~rniiii\iy~nd inrcnritiriyafihe<br />

LI (Mo<br />

Professor R Green<br />

x.50.599<br />

Dcpmment of Physiologid Scimm: for two >ran, for J<br />

siudrofrccietion b\ pancwticduct cptthclir, ~vsh Dr B ï<br />

C H Sdf, Dcpanment of Cliniral Biochemistry and Metabolic<br />

hlcdicinc<br />

(0331 7lI.mlE).<br />

Or A C Hall<br />

&YI510<br />

idontory of Physiology for one }ar, to mdy the dcmt<br />

tnerui during thc implantation ofblarroqrir: allulir change<br />

Awn:, Uni\ersiy ofNewrarrlr upon Tyne. Dr D Brown.<br />

ofhydrostatic pmureon m nd mmengcr levels in articular<br />

in éc nidomctrium and hormonal rnntml by iheowry<br />

Htnal Unn, Mamchurcttr Grnmi Horpnrl, CharIntom<br />

Dr G C Rodrigo<br />

LS7GG4<br />


P H Y S I O L O G Y A H 0 P H A R M A C O L O G Y<br />

P H Y S I O L O G Y A H 0 P H A R M A C O L O G Y<br />

University of Southampton<br />

Dr H T Delver<br />

v4 415<br />

Dcpmmrnt of Clinid Biochemistry; for thm yam. for P<br />

ntidp ufrhr nie ind mmhinirnl afinnrpon of 59 kiron<br />

.tnd ofrluminiitm into bnin and othec tissue ofthc =I and<br />

motm. x

P H Y S l O L O G Y A N 0 P H A R U A C O L O G Y<br />


Imperial College of Science, technology and<br />

Dr M lMng<br />

f I18 0?5<br />

Drl K M Monon<br />

f IO 754<br />

Dr W N Gardner<br />

f45 OOD<br />

Medicine<br />

Division of Biomalrculv Scicncerr for ihrcc ynm. for a<br />

Phumamlogy Gmvpt for six months, forpharmacaloginl<br />

DeputncntofTbo&cMdi&c<br />

farrhnrycann fora<br />

Dr R C Schrmer<br />

ffÏ 7i7<br />

wdy of cile molrctibr mcchinism of muscle contraction:<br />

analysis oithr port-junctional mppron and mcchanirmr<br />

study ofthe Contml ofhmiliingin prirnrr with wry ndy<br />

Iàr ihm yms. fora structural-mechanical antlyrir of<br />

lluornrsncc polarisxion studies on isolatcd mur& fihra<br />

involrd in ellercm function of sensory ncumnn. with Dr<br />

respiratory dirnre<br />

~0332751a91~).<br />

mammdian lung dveolurnnd alreirl~rduct. with<br />

wing pmim introduced by rnginccrcd mutants of myorin<br />

Suran D Brain and Pmicmr H P Rang, Sandoz lnrritvte for<br />

Dr I> I iitching5<br />

l0335531~911~l.<br />

light chain-2. with Dr A G Szent-Gyo+<br />

Depanmrnr of<br />

Medial Rsnrch. London and i’mfswr R C Hidcr. Chclrn<br />

Dr W N Gardner<br />

f4OWo<br />

Biology, Hnndrir Uniwniry. \Valtham, Marwchuscttr and<br />

Department ofpharmary, King’s College London (KQC)<br />

Depanment ofïüoncic Mdidne for MU pa. for I study<br />

Dr Y

P N Y L I O L O G Y A N 0<br />

P H Y l l O L O G Y<br />

A N D<br />

National Hean and Lung Institute<br />

Rofessor P J Barnes I89 624<br />

Depmrninr of Thonric Medicine: for ihw years. for a<br />

study of ,<br />

K I. Chung<br />

Queen Mary and Westiield College<br />

Professor W R Keatinge<br />

iO3.~80217~7/1ZJ. Dr R J Unwin f I54 454<br />

f7200<br />

Dcpnnrnrnt al Phyiiolog).: fur WO ycm. for il mdy of the<br />

pattrmraf Irrc.uhingand heart mc varizhilit? in ihc human<br />

fi"* and "'ï>"llP<br />

Royal College of Surgeons<br />

Professor Priscilla J Piper<br />

Dcpartment of Phamamlog).: fi,, thrcc y wr. for the<br />

i0169.35/ü/87/ZJ1.<br />

contrihuiiw ofwlhdar rdhi4un niidrridn. inflnmmatoy<br />

dlr 2nd miulimn of infl.mmarion to hyprrreaairiiy d'<br />

ihc ainm?s<br />

f8i 563<br />

Dr M H F Sullivan<br />

L5654l<br />

Institute of Obstetric. and Gynmology: for WO years, fora<br />

nud? ofthr ideiiiifiaiitrn of the inimallular mcrhinirmr<br />

through which K.1, IL4 3115 PAF rtimtilncdrridual XNmd<br />

d l pmrqiandin prodimion<br />

~034213I7~l~).<br />

Drpsnmrnt of Uininf Pharmacology: for thm yna. fora<br />

ntidy of the rpmncnr I'nlirric h'ephmlom. University<br />

of Naplcs<br />

School of Pharmacy<br />

Dr P T Peachell<br />

(032524lZ9LlZ).<br />

f862'{4<br />

iiJ.32579/~9O/ZJ. Department of Pharmaceutid Chemistry: for ihme yna.<br />

for a study ofihr dimctcriutioii and rob of<br />

phoiphndirrirnsi irwnrymrr in mast cells and hamphilr,<br />

eirh Dr hl hliinilqand LlrJnirAnile\V~incr, Dcpannicni<br />

dl'hy4olugyznd Ph3rnlamlogy. Uniirniry ofSouihaniptoii<br />

St George's Hospital Medical School<br />

[0342l9/7flIl~'~.<br />

Or Catherine A J Wilson 1712 7<br />

Dcpartmcnt of Obstctria and Gynaecology: far four ynn<br />

for I sndy of ihe mirmheterogciicit). of human chorionic<br />

pnadoiraphin (hCG) in nrly prsnsnq, with I'mfrmr W '<br />

Cellin$. I)tpnrnnrt d Ohtrrria and Gynnrrology, King's<br />

Cdlcgc School of Medicinesnd Dentiniy, London<br />

St Mary's Hospital Medical School<br />

Dr Victoria Canell<br />

Depanment of Pathology: for three years, for a study of<br />

nitric oxidc-glomenilac ryntherir and NIP in glomrrular<br />

inflammation<br />

f81419<br />

(032582IïJWlZ).<br />

Professor 5 Franks 15 677<br />

Deputment ofobstetrics and Gpr~alogy: for thicc<br />

months, for an excension of his study of the importance of<br />

pharpliolipare enzymes in #he aetiolon afd)&naional<br />

nierine hlrcding, with Dr R C Bonney, Department of<br />

Chemin1 Tathoingy<br />

Professor D J Sheridan<br />

(Ol!Xl93lïJ88JA).<br />

f77691<br />

Cardiology Uni


Clinical interest Group<br />

'ïhe main function of this Cmup is

C L ~ N ~ C AI L N T E R E S T<br />

G R O U P<br />


Dr B P Morgan<br />

Dr S H Ralston<br />

Research Training Fellowships<br />

Dr C Baynes<br />

Dcpnmrnt of Mdid Biarhcmirtry, Uniwsityd Wder<br />

Depanment of Onhopidic Surgery, University of<br />

for Medical and Dental Graduates<br />

Deputment of Clinid Endorrindogy, Si Muy’s HospiPl<br />

Gllrgcof hldirinc, Grdis fora wwkhop on<br />

Glasgow: fur additional nprnrer for his study of intmactioni<br />

‘The Txurrerr mgpd the rcrnrch tniningufpung nidical<br />

Mcdinl School, London, fora six-month nanrion ofhisstudy<br />

complrmm in dims. in relation to his study ofthc<br />

ptihugcnir mlc afprr-h>rming &ni of the immunr qxm.<br />

under I’mfmmr G H Elder<br />

(Oi666RlE7i/,i<br />

bniwrn sex hormones, the immune system and bone<br />

(Oi9445lZ9ilA).<br />

rnd dcnnl graduate as bring ofpnnrnaunr impmmce,and<br />

this scheme has expandrd rspidly since its incrpriui, in 1982.<br />

‘This genrral rchcmr coven all clinical ruhjccrr including the<br />

ofinrulin rnririviryznd lippmrein mriaholirm in type 11<br />

diahctrr. under Dr K S Elleles<br />

(01777~1an71~).<br />

Dr J S Savill<br />

Depanment ofMcdicine, Royal Postgnduite Mrdid<br />

.frurr’r hirmrr Rerc*rrh Tnining Fellowhip rchrmrr in<br />

surgery and pathology. A few rrlrctd SuhjKrr sucl> as<br />

Dr N J Bishop<br />

Depannient of Paediatrics, Uniwrityof hbridga for<br />

Dr Robp E OHehir<br />

School. London: far additional cquipmeiit for his study of<br />

psychiatry rnd ophthalmology arc rovcrcd hy repanic<br />

two prs. far clinimphologiul signifinice of aluminium<br />

Dcpanment of Immunology, Si Mary’s Hospital Mcdid<br />

c$Iuh ontm ml mechanisms iii ihc rmlution iud study of<br />

mrngcnienrr.<br />

exposure in nrlp cliildliual, undcr Pmfrüar I A Hughes<br />

School. London: for additional rquiprntnt kir hcr study of<br />

renil inflammatinn, under Ptofssnror Sir Colin Doller).<br />

(0325GYZWZ)).<br />

the rîgidation of human cclliilir immune rqxmsc IO<br />

(03i358lZ9ilA).<br />

Dtmztoplhpitt~ spp. (houx dust mitcl. under<br />

Mr J J W Bredton<br />

Pmfmr J K lamb<br />

(Oi%6iIZ’9ilA)<br />

Dr Pamela J Shaw<br />

Depinment ofonhodontia, Institute ofDcnPl Sugy,<br />

Division of Clinid Neumrciencr, University ofNewcytle<br />

London: for thm IS. furrhr mlî ofmîtallapmtcin.vsmd<br />

upon Tyne: Tor liw pms. fora study ofthc mrchanirmr of<br />

TlMP trime inhibirar of mndlopmrcinrxr) in cnniofarial<br />

ncurodrgrncraiian iii human motnr n~urnn~ dirnrc. under<br />

niorphogsnnir. undcr Dr M C Mcikie<br />

(032552~9OlZ).<br />

I>r I> ,\I‘Turnbull<br />

103373417~2lZ1<br />

Dr ludidi Allanson<br />

Mcdid Rarurh Council Molcnilu Nmmbialogy Unit,<br />

Dr W P Bmoksby<br />

Cambridge for nyo >cars, for a study of rhc rffmeclr of gluranirre<br />

Depanment of Physiology, University of Bristel: for nyo<br />

irrcprar miwion on gcncnpmrrion and allularorganiaiion in<br />

pars, for the physiological pmpmin of isolaid ranlitc<br />

Ihipiioornpl n~ioni, under Dr S I’ Him<br />

(03307O?ï9ilZ).<br />

mpqta fmm rhr spontanmusly hypcnrnrivc ni. under<br />

Dr P J M Openshaw<br />

UrAJLmi<br />

(03299I~9OlZ).<br />

Depanment of hicdirine, SI Mary’s Hospital Mdinl<br />

Dr Anne Campbell<br />

School, London: for rdditionil cxpnm for his rriidy of.1.<br />

Dr G W Stemm<br />

Nuffidd Depmmcnt of Pathdogy md Bincriolosy,<br />

2nd R-all mogniiitin of rnpintog. iinl rntigcnr. tinder<br />

Dcputmrnt of Ucdicint, Uniuenity Collcge and Middiaer<br />

Uniwaity of Oxford: for tnv )T”IS. for the adaptive mponv<br />

I’rof-ir H Cïhoinrr fOi8&92/~71/A),<br />

School of Medicine London: fur twyanrr. for an rrsnsion of<br />

ofrmall inratinal muma in pelvic ilnl pouches in ulmtiw<br />

his nudy of luiid 7 prowins and ion tnnrporr in hcredirary<br />

colitis and familid adcnomatour polyporis, undrr I’mfeüor<br />

Dr R E Phiilips<br />

NuAield Depanmm ofClinin1 Medicine, University of<br />

Oxford: for addiiiaiial quipmrnt for his mulccular rttidi~<br />

of HrLV-i in human dim*. dur rroTrüor<br />

niimaqrmir and for addiriand cxpccirrs. tinder I’mfsor<br />

A \v siwl<br />

(OiGb8il?ï9ZlA<br />

J 00 McGre<br />

Dr V Chowdhury<br />

(0329WZWLUZ).<br />

Institute of Molmilu Medicine, Uniwrrity of Oxford:<br />

for thrce yc-~n, for an invatipmion of the molmihrgnctics<br />

Sir David \Vnihrnll<br />

ioiw5ntn9it~).<br />

of familial ~TIIOUI ihmmbotic dironlcn. under<br />

Dr Swe Lay Tliein<br />


C L I N I C A L I N T E R E S T<br />

G R O U P<br />

C L I N I C A L<br />

I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

Or C F Gaddock<br />

Institute of hloliculu Medicine, University of Oxford: for<br />

twn yam for a molrriilrrhiractcrivtion ofan quid<br />

form<br />

of alpha-ihalzwemia, undcr Ur D K Higg (0334ôMflIiZ).<br />

Dr S Devereux<br />

ikpanmeol of Haematology, University College and<br />

Middleex School of Medicine, Londoni for two pn, for<br />

an iwntipation ofihe GWCSF wepior using rigr-diremrd<br />

mutigenesir undrr I'mfesor D C Linih<br />

Dr Elizabeth A Fagan<br />

(lS35G6tZ711Z).<br />

Depanment of Mrdirine, Royal Free Hospital School al<br />

Medicine, London: fur mc )er, fur cloning ofa nwd toga-<br />

like V iN5 - 'Hepiii

C L I N I C A L I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

C L I N I C A L I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

Dr Carol A Dezareux<br />

D~parimcni of Paediatric Epidemiology, Institute of Child<br />

iiraltli, Londaii: for ten years. for siudirs within the &Id of<br />

rcrpiratory cpidrmiology. tinder I'niicrrur<br />

Cnrhrrinc S I'dham<br />

(n344a~mr1z).<br />

Dr Hden Rodgen<br />

Depinment of Medicine, Universiry of Noswile upon<br />

Tyne: for additianrl eqxnres for hrr pKOSpecCiVecîrc<br />

cnnrmlld riudy ofrrrah disability, under I'nifrsror<br />

O F \V Jimcr<br />

(nxrnmmt).<br />

Dr Ruth Gilbert<br />

üepartmcnt of Paediatric Epidemiology, Inrtiiutc ofchild<br />

H&h, London; for rhrm years for a srndy of roxoplarmorir<br />

in prcgomn.. nnùrr l'roi-r Gihrrinc S P~kkrm<br />

(033530m~i~~.<br />

Dr J G Weil<br />

Dcpzrtment of Medicine, Univenity of Birmingham: for<br />

WO monrhr. for an îmniion ofhir siudy of the<br />

ctwiionmCnril factan predispporing IO ulcer mmplicxionr,<br />

unciCr rmfnror M J s Langman<br />

(01 W28l.389fB).<br />

fnining Fellowships in Hcalth Srwicci Rcmnh arc o p IO<br />

yaduaer in a wide range ofdircipiiiiry, including medicine,<br />

r~idihcT~~tenha~ebebrenencou~~I~prheIiigliqiialiryof<br />

inîny of the applicants. Thrce is illso a linritcd progr>minr of<br />

~iippon far [erarch projects in Hdih Service Ilcsrarcli.<br />

3r Ann E A Barden<br />

ihpmmrnt of Mental Health Sciences, St Georgeb<br />

!lospiml Medical School, Londanr for

C L l N l C h L I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

T R O P I C ~ L ~ E D I C I N E I N T E R E S T GR OU^<br />

MB-PHD Scheme<br />

Mr P P Jokhi<br />

Clinical Schml, University of Gnibridge: for rhm pm.<br />

ID invniigate the mie afcpkinn in human imphohlarr<br />

devrlopmrnr. under Dr Y W lakr, Depanrncni of Pathology<br />

~033885lzJ9llz~.<br />

Tropical Medicine Interest Group<br />

'CE Gordon Smith, Cû, MD, FRCP, FRCWth<br />

Chhnatr, IVilImmc Tnum<br />

lr4llm,,l, TiM<br />

MrRYKLai<br />

Clinical School, University ofCambridger for three yem.<br />

10 invsripre the rnolmular biology of Alzhcimcir disparc,<br />

under Dr M Goïdes. kdinl Rerparch Council Labontory<br />

of hlolcdar Riolog).. Cambridge (033886iD91iZ).<br />


T R O P I C â L M E D I C I N E I N T E R E S T G R O U P T R O P I C A L M E D I C I N E I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

Tropical Medicine Interest Gmup<br />

Dr W M Watkins 1 I W ~<br />

\Velllome <strong>Trust</strong> R-ch Labontorits, Nairobi: for two<br />

yrs. forscantrihutioii to rhccorirofdedoping the<br />

RliblRII\Vellcamr l'rur rnrwch briliiin 31 Kilifi, Kenya<br />

(033213lïï9ltZ).<br />

Thailand<br />

Dr P Charoenlarp<br />

t I4 WO<br />

Dcprnment ofClhical Tropical Medicine, MAidol<br />

University, Bangkok: faroite ymr. far qnipnwnr in<br />

mwiation wiih Dr N J \VhirPs ricearch into mlrir.<br />

mrlinidurir and xxirnlly tnnrniitrd disram<br />

(0348i2ff591E).<br />

Dr R G Feachem<br />

149920<br />

London School of Hygiene md Tmpial Mrdicim<br />

Londoni furonepr, forthçpc~ud0ctokr I 1991 IO<br />

Scpirnikr 30 1992. for alq CDIII amiaird irUh Pmfraor<br />

K Unwn'r rpidcmiolcgical rtudia on leirhmznnhsir<br />

(O34WYW2r2,k<br />

Dr A Mclntyre<br />

t540 WO<br />

The Rgiitry, Univcrsilirm Knarch Unit within rhc<br />

Uniwrsiry of zhc \Vm Indics<br />

(033029I~WiZ).<br />

m<br />

Belem, Erazll<br />

Professor AM Breckenridge<br />

1SG39l<br />

Depanmcnt of Phumacology and Thenpeuh<br />

üniicraity of Livrrpooi: for one yur, for il study afthe<br />

phsrmrcokinaio of 3ntimdirial d ~gr (03392@8flaZ).<br />

Profenor R Lainson<br />

Uniddede Fstvdor Espdairds Wdlmnit, Inniutut0<br />

Ewdm Chzp, him: for one >car six monihs, for<br />

cpiiniiologiul rtudin on leirlimmiaris<br />

Dr D W Macdonald<br />

149454<br />

~032201lAWA~.<br />

Drplrtment of hb~,<br />

Unkdiy efoxfordt for six<br />

ntonihs. for a study ofwild onidr s wum ofAmrrian<br />

vimnl leirhmaniarir<br />

111 802<br />

(03220i/FDIlZ).<br />

I I3

T R O P I C A L M E D I C I N E I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

T R O P I C A L M E D I C I N E I N T E R E S T G R O U ?<br />

Dr W M Watkins<br />

L21378<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> Tmi Research laboratories, Nairobi: fur thc<br />

pcriad October I I991 roJmurry 31 1992, fwadminiscntiw<br />

cow aüociirîd with the \Vcllclloimr Tnirr Hnrdrch<br />

Lhonrarin in Naimbi 2nd KiliG. Kenya<br />

(033Y271Al92lZ).<br />

Or N J White<br />

Weiimme h c h Unib Mahidd Uni*miiy, üqkokt<br />

for sdaries, ninningnlwnrer and quipnicnt for ihc prriad<br />

Octub I I991 IO Sqrmber 30 1972. for riudb on<br />

malaria, mrliiidaarir and scxudly mnrmitrîd di-<br />

il81 516<br />

(033%lüM2W.<br />

Professor D A Warrell<br />

Nuficld Drptnmrnt of Clinical Medicine, University of<br />

Oxford: for the period Octnl>cr I 1991 IO Scprrmùcr 30<br />

1/03 239<br />

1992. for ubrics md running rxprnrcr rrrociatîd with Dr<br />

\V .\I \Vdins' inirgurîd riudin ol'thr pthiiphyriology and<br />

rpidcinioloD of clinical nidwi., (0339241M7214<br />

Professor D A Warrell<br />

f463i9<br />

Nufield Departmeni of Clinid Medicine, Universityof<br />

Oxford: I facilirate ihc riippon of the ~l'msis ovmîîs unit<<br />

foi rhc prrid Oriohcr I 1991 to Srprcmbrr30 1992<br />

Dr W M Watkins<br />

(033843iïB2Iz').<br />

Wcllromc TNII Runmh Lbontodm, Ndrobii for<br />

salarie and running apcnrn for ilic period Octobrr I 1991<br />

roJaiiimry 31 1992. for intcgnred mdkofrhe<br />

pathi>physiolug 2nd cpidrmiology of rlininl milriia<br />

MI 9 JS<br />

(033724lAtl21~ 1.<br />

Or W M Watkins<br />

Wrllmmc Tnirt R-h<br />

Lbonmrim, Nairobi: far<br />

f89V<br />

salaries and niiiningrxpcnre forthcperiodOrrobrr I 1991<br />

toJanuary31 1992. lori study ofthc pliatmaclloikinïticrof<br />

anrimalarial dnigr<br />

Bangkok, Thailand<br />

Professor Sir David Weachetall<br />

(03j92UAi92lZ).<br />

Nufiield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of<br />

Oxford: Iiir the period July I tu Scptcmhrr 30 1991, Cor<br />

salary costs and rncarch crpcnrn asocPrcd with Or N J<br />

\Vhirc's mdin on nirlrria. mdioidorir and scruaily<br />

rniirmittd dirrarn<br />

Professor Sir David Wearhetall<br />

LI5 897<br />

~0~2200ltu911A~.<br />

LI97603<br />

NuRicld Department of Clinical Medicine, University of<br />

Oxford: for valmies, running wprnrn and r

T R O P I C A L ~ E O ~ C I NI E N T E R E S T<br />

G R O U P<br />

V E T E R I N A R Y I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

Dr P Nunn<br />

Depinmont of Clinid Tmpinl Mcdirinr, London<br />

School of Hygiene and Tiopid Mrdicinc. Landon: for<br />

iinc p r, fora iuhrrrulorirIiud?S, under<br />

I'rnfnsor K I' \VI AirAdriri<br />

Kenya<br />

Dr C U J C Newton<br />

(OI~~S~~.WI,I), Nuffirld Depanment of Clinid Biochemistry, University<br />

afDxford: forthrrrgmm. fora rtudyofrhemleof<br />

intncnnirl p nwc and mrrhrovanwular abnormaliricr in thr<br />

pathophysiology ofccrîhnl malîriî and xure Lrrcrial<br />

mcniiigitir. tinder Dr K iMmh, \Vdlcomc Tmrr Rrrramh<br />

I~bomorii~, Kilili and i'rafnror E R Moxon, Depanmenr of<br />

Pacdiatricr. Univcerriiy of Oxford<br />

(033568lZ!9Il~.<br />

t:tProfuror J Armour. CUE, PhD, Dr hc (Uimhr).<br />

. ., . .-..<br />

FUSE, hlUCVS<br />

0,zivtnip ofClmgou,<br />

116<br />


V E T E R I N A R Y I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />


rrrk ways to repinre the diffcreiit ccll iypm nnd study<br />

ihcir surface recîpiarr. The aim is IO And uui more ahnui<br />

how they stick togerhcr and what influcnces tlirir<br />

dirrggmgaiian.<br />

118<br />


V E T E R I N A R Y ~ N T E R E G~ RT<br />

O U P V E T E R I N A R Y I N T E R E S T G R O U P<br />

Veterinay Interest Group<br />

PGBtl<br />

Miss Laun E McCann<br />

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Univcrsity of Bristol:<br />

for six months. for an extension ofltrrriudy ofdirnrs in<br />

Mr C 5 Mason<br />

Dcpartment ofVrterinaty Clinid Studies, University of<br />

Edinburgh: for orieymr, form inirrnlîtd mum. in<br />

Mr D Tring<br />

Department ofVcterinq &licSana* Royal Vumimq<br />

Colkgc. London: for anr )nr. foi rn intrrahied BSEcmunc<br />

lanihr in ntly lambing Ilurb, under Ur K L Morgan<br />

biochcmirrry. undri Profnror R E \V Hîlliwll<br />

in veterinary mdicinc. under Profrrror D Mge<br />

(018262VJ88f&<br />

(034724fZ71fZ).<br />

(033~9~).<br />

Miss Natasha J Oiby<br />

Miss Emma j Marsey<br />

Department of Clinid Veterinary Medicine. University of<br />

Cambridge: for four ymrr, for 3 study ufglial ell<br />

Srhwl ofVetciinary Sciences, Univcnity of Bristol: for<br />

une year, for an intcrcalarîil mune in physiology. under<br />

Mr B Charleston<br />

rr~nr~ilrntîtiiin in ihcCNS. under Dr \Y, I: Hlakrmort<br />

I’rofrüor P BI Kmen<br />

(034727fZ9liZ).<br />

Depanment of +Anid<br />

Mdine, Roy.iVadiury<br />

(033R55VBlfZ).<br />

Gllcgc, Hifield, Henfordshire for thm-)wrr. for an<br />

Mr C D Porter<br />

inverrigaion ofthe rolcofimphohlast inrrrfmn WFN)<br />

School ofVctcrinuy Sciences, Univcnity ofBristol: for<br />

durhgnriy pmpiancy in thrmw, udrr I’NfWr<br />

Ms Paula L Bentley<br />

School of Vctcrinary Sciences, University ofBrid: for<br />

onç ymr, far an interalarrd COUSP is zoalogy. under<br />

I’mfnsor P M Kcrn<br />

(034729fZ9IfZ).<br />

UENmker<br />

(033~lK).<br />

one year. firr an inirrcîlnred mnnc in .mlngv, tinder<br />

~ M XI ~ K~~ ~ ~ ~ P<br />

f03472RfZ71fZ).<br />

Miss Gwen C Powell<br />

Depinment ofVetcrinary Basic Sciences, Royal Vetcrinq<br />

Mr A Carnell<br />

Drpsitment of Veterinary Medicine, Univenity of<br />

Glasgow far ont yw, form inicicalared counc in<br />

Gllegc, London: far onr ymr, for în intrmlarcd mume in<br />

rrpmduaiur. physidogy. rndorrinologv and inimal<br />

behaviour, under Proinsor D Lodge<br />

i03479ffZ9lIZ).<br />

panritologv. undcr Profsror N



Mr M A Cob<br />

Depanment ofSmail Animal Medicine and Surgery, Royal<br />

Vcterinvy College, Hatlidd. Henfordrhiw for four ymn.<br />

loir srudyofarpr,uthogrncrirafnniitr<br />

dilrtd cardiomppatlry. iindcr I'rofnror K XI Rm and Dr<br />

Srrini h Hrownlic<br />

~O.Z.3945l7flI/Z).<br />

Miss Suran E Grant<br />

Depanment of Veterinary Pathology, Univcnity of<br />

Glasgow for foiir p-m. for a study ofrhr pathogcnnir of<br />

aplartic anamiai and nïutropcnia, under I'rofnuli D E<br />

Onions and I'mfnrar N 1 Corinan, Vcpanmrnr of<br />

Mr B D Lascelles<br />

Dcpmmrnt ofVetednuy Surgery, University of Cirittel:<br />

for futir pa, for studin on the dcvrlopmcnr ofsenririution<br />

to acute sqical pin in the dog. d c r Dr AvA E \Vatcrmm<br />

and Dr A Livinpion, Dcpmmcnt of Pharmîdogy<br />

fo33838/n9l/z).<br />

Depanment of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of<br />

Cambridge: fur four ynn. for stndics in ccll and mulrciilar<br />

biology in clinical fimdicinc<br />

(03487llzl91lz).<br />

Faculty ofveterinary Science, University of Liverpool: for<br />

four)em, for studies in cell phpidogy (0348ï3lB9Ilil.<br />

Vmrinîr). Siwgcr).<br />

iamï21~~11z). Royal Veterinary College, University of London: far four<br />

years, fir studies in dinical immunology (0348ï4lD9lfl1.<br />

Internatlonal Programme<br />

'Shestaff mmben rnponsiblc for ihir pmgnmnre arc:<br />

Dr Michael J Mown<br />

Dr Ian G Smtt<br />

Mirs Kathryn D de<br />

The rnnrition fratn communism 2nd ccntral planning IO<br />

dcmncmy ad<br />

the frcc marker in the former Soviet Union and<br />

its rntivhileutdliie II~ICI has Icà to a markcd incrmc in<br />

rtyunrr for arriirlmçe fmm the TNSI~' hudger for Eump-in<br />

rcieniilir exchangedniing theycar under wicw. In<br />

anticipation ofthe ncrd forr highcr l ed ofincmationil<br />

ruppon forbiomcàiral mKhen in this qbn, thc1Nnirs<br />

4ocatcà 31 dditiond L500.000 to the Ettmpnn Prcgrammc<br />

bidget for the year 1990l9l.<br />

Amrdr made for frllawhip riid wll~bor~rkc suppn during<br />

the ycar tot&d tl GE6 500. As Zikh I page 24 illtlrtnrer,<br />

thc 37% ynnr.on.ynr incrase in the nunikrafseimiirrr<br />

viriiingthr UK is Iargdyattrihunblr iethcdramakincmse<br />

in applications fmm former Soviet. mainly Uurrian. seicntists.<br />

Gmwrh in demand formlliboatirîruppn Tnblr2prgr 137.<br />

hir a h ken fndlcd higcly by 3" incwzsc in rhc numlirr of<br />

rpplicaiionr for the suppnn of llurriin science.<br />

bilatrd undemrnding wsatrblishd duhg the jar<br />

bcnvsn rhe'fnisr and the Foundation pur la Rrchahcr<br />

MMidrr in P&.<br />

Foreign niio<br />

DI hiirhd Morgan viritd Russia in the autumn of 19M<br />

and mctaniorvicntirrr in Lrningnd. Siomwand<br />

Purchino. Helnrncd rhaioncoftliemoriproringnrrdrof<br />

Soviet march gmupr was for acmr IO match connimabla<br />

and quipmcnt that onlya Wnrîrn "hird"cnmnc). could<br />

by. Sincc Dr Morgan's ririr mrny of thc cnquincs<br />

conrîming cullaboniire ruppn oplmnunitim hrw rrircn<br />

dirsrly fmm ihs pcmnd mntm. In Nouemkr lr%o the<br />

'~'NWCCS jointly funded an inrrtnirional ivorkshopon<br />

devrlapmrmd biology, in Midrid. s4th the Fun&&n juan<br />

March. ïhc rniîring was ownid by Prnfcüor John<br />

Curdon and Dr Alfonro Maninn-Arias.<br />

'Thr 'fNr

I N T E R N A T I O N A L P R O G R A U U E<br />

Summary oiéuropean Fellowships Awarded<br />

on 88 ,O *p 89 Mi09 toslpw O" 9010slp91<br />

/run<br />

fim<br />

h m<br />

-<br />

-<br />

International Programme<br />

fama<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Professor A S V Burgen<br />

c2m<br />

Academia Eumpan, Lndonr for a contribution tmrardr rhc<br />

COSI of Aradernia Eumpan'r mecring on European Academies<br />

and Research Councils<br />

(03.Z935fa91JZ).<br />

Dr S Heptinrell<br />

CI5 fkm<br />

1<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

I<br />

9<br />

2<br />

5<br />

Or A Gondet<br />

DG95<br />

Drputmrnt of Medicine, Univdty of Nottingbuiu for<br />

ihm yair. for Follibratiir in,ntigationr includingsnidia<br />

an the mk ofmin in hlml plaida bthaviour. with DI<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

1<br />

I<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Fundarion Juan March, Mdridi far a mceting on thr role<br />

ofccll inwractiom in pattern formation duhgemblyo%enolir<br />

(033824&391E).<br />

I'Spangcnburg. Pmbr U Tilland Dr Whhcofthc<br />

hldinl Andcmy. Edurr<br />

(03384&%91E).<br />

i<br />

I<br />

2<br />

*.<br />

TA*,,<br />

cor1 (€1<br />

I<br />

2<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

I<br />

2 2<br />

2<br />

I<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3 2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

in<br />

I<br />

-.<br />

2239lO 415560 472 O80 721 440 397 580 1 I31101<br />

Professor H S Bachefard<br />

LlOOW<br />

Dcpmmcni ofPhyricr, UnivmityofNoninghm: for<br />

ihnr ycm, for in investigation of rholinrrgic mahanismr,<br />

with DrS Tucck, Deparunent of Neurarheniirtry.<br />

Cmharloi-dk Acadrmy of Scicnner, Prague (034245la91JZ).<br />

Dr A M Davies<br />

115 m<br />

Dqmment ofhiltomy, St George's Hospial Mdld<br />

School, Londonr for ihcee yem. fora study of the S~NRUCC<br />

and expression ofr navel dwclopmenwlly rrgulrrcd<br />

nntmrpxitic genc, with Dr \' L Buchnun of the lnrtirutc of<br />

klolcalar Biology, Russian Academy ofSriences. ktormw<br />

(034458KWZ).<br />

124<br />


t N T E R N A T l O N A L P R O G R I M M E<br />

I N T E R N A T l O N I L P R O G R A M M E<br />

Professor j R Parratt<br />

I7500<br />

Orpanment of Physiology and Pharmacology, University<br />

Dr S A Shea<br />

f I2 95s<br />

Deputment ofMcdicine, Wiarlng Cross and Westminster<br />

Travelling Research Fellowships<br />

Dr I Sebue<br />

Mdid Faculty, Chirkr Uniwdty, P ~ for thm s<br />

ofStnthrlyde, Glugam for rhrrc yen, for a study of<br />

Medid School. London: for thrm years, for a study of<br />

months, for a nu$ ef :he dnrlopmcnt and appliation of<br />

prwmJiriimiiiguf the irchacmir myonrdium - mlc of<br />

cndogenour nryaçzrdial pmtcctivc rubrranccr. with I>r 1.<br />

Lekerarnd I)rAgna\‘rgh.afthrS2cg‘rl Inriiimcuf<br />

Pharmamlog, and Ur Cherry I.\X’rimvright<br />

(033263lZl9IlZ).<br />

rerpintoty pcrranrlity - phpiologiwl rignifiwnrr. with Ur<br />

Gilî Bcnrhettit. Faculty afMcdicinc, Univerrity ofGmabh<br />

and Pioforor A Gui<br />

(034490L39llZj<br />

Dr C P Sibley<br />

il5039<br />

Dr G N Chaldakov<br />

Varna Institute ofMcdicine, Varna foronc ymr, fur an<br />

i~ltnrtnirrural study ofageing in thc hlod \~SSPI IMIJ and ils<br />

inncnmiun, imdrr U r1 Cowrn. Dcpmmcnt ofAnammy,<br />

Royal I:= Horpinl School afMcdicinc. iondon and<br />

xmning mcthudr for genetic dcfmr ofpurine. pyrimidine<br />

and picridine mctibalirm. including m rch into their<br />

metalwlic brrir. under Ur H AnncSimmondr. Putinc<br />

Rsearch Labonroty, Guy’s Hospital Mcdial School. landon<br />

(03443âEi9IRl.<br />

Dr C G Proud<br />

f4345<br />

Ocpartment of Child Hnlth. University of Manchutcc<br />

forrhrmy~~arr.fora~t~~dy~fth~m~hiniimiofchloridc<br />

I’rofrwr G Burnrtark. Department ufAnatomg and<br />

Uevdopmrntal Biology, Uniwrrity Collcgr md Middlm<br />

Depanment of Biochcmiar); Uniwrsity of Bristol: far onv<br />

pr, fora studyafthc mcçhrnirm of initiation ofproirin<br />

synrhcrir in mrtnmalirn cdlc ihr mir of initiation factor CIF-<br />

2 in mri Iitc s&tioo. with I>r I N Shanky. A N Hrlorrnky<br />

l~lmntoty. hiorcow Sraic Unirrniiy (034512~9IlZ).<br />

Dr P Rich<br />

il5 WO<br />

mnrfrr icms rhc rai placenta. with DrJ Stulc. Dcpartmrnt<br />

of I’harmaroliig. Chaila University, Prague 2<br />

(034483&391/21<br />

Dr j Singh<br />

f6825<br />

School ofApp1i.d Biology, iancashire Polytechnic,<br />

Pruton: far thm years, for il study of the cilma of hirraminc<br />

School of hlr

~ H T E R N A T I O N A L P R O G R A M M E<br />

1 N T E RN.A T I O N A L P R O G R A M M E<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> - Carkberg Fellowship<br />

Dr Karen A Him<br />

Depinment of Biochemistry, University College, London:<br />

for onr y-, for a study of genetic control of rîromhinnion<br />

bewren VNA regionsol limird homology in yeast. under<br />

Profaror M C Kicilmd-ilrmdr, Vepsnmrnr of Yair<br />

Grnnicr. Cadrbsrg Inhorator)., Crpannirn~ ~ ~ ~<br />

Immunology. Uniwçrrir). Collrgc and Slidàlesw Schwd of<br />

Medicine. London<br />

(03.37.30mJlJZ).<br />

Dr T E Pettersron<br />

Fourth Depanment of Mcdicint, Helsinki Uniwrity<br />

Ccntd Hospital: fnrunr year. fora study ofthrrigniiinnce<br />

of clonal hamogoirsir in haemamlogidly normal siibjectr.<br />

undrr III A Jambs, Vcpanincnt of Hfaemitology. University<br />


c<br />




Dr Catherine Venien-üryan<br />

Eusopean hlohular ümlogy Labontory, Heidelberg: for<br />

onryar. for .I study of 2-ùinirnrional crynalr oinirnibnnr<br />

prmrinr by clmron microxopy and iompuwr iinagc malysis,<br />

under l>r A \ï'atts, I>cpanmrnr uflliochcmisiv. Univcrrity<br />

stnricr and Cynam~logy.<br />

Royal Fm Hospital School afh~adiçinr. lanihii<br />

(U3324SlZ9Il%).<br />

Or M L Sampieua<br />

University of Milurt for six months, for an rxtcnrion to an<br />

andiroftls genetic fanon indvlJ in ihr pcrsirtmof<br />

frmd Iixmodobin rynihnis undcr Dr Swr lay 'Ihein.<br />

Inrrirutr of Molecular hliùicinc. Uniwmity uf Oxfod<br />

(031499RNIA).<br />

Dr I Nagy<br />

Deputment ofhatomy, University Medical School of<br />

Debmenr foranc ym, forïnudgofryiiiptir circuitry in the<br />

spinal mni, undm l'roIë5or C J \Vmlf, Dcpxtnirnt of<br />

Anatomy and Ilmclopm~nral Riolog, Univrrsiry Collty riid<br />

Middlesex Sdtoool of Mdiciac. I.ondori (U.Z2833lPBZ),<br />

Dr Anna Czyrak<br />

Innitutc of rh~uoiopy. Poli Academy of Sri-<br />

Knkan for rhn~ monila. for thc phrrnumlogial<br />

chînnrriition ei5Hï plientiatl qdic AMI' lormaiin in<br />

guinpa+g bnin. undn Pmfwr C A M dcn and DI DA<br />

Kcndrll. Uipnment of Physiology and I'lumamlug).,<br />

Uniienity of Nottiiighham<br />

(U3409IR~~lL?~.<br />

130<br />

13 I

I N T E R N A T I O N A L<br />

P R O G R A M M E<br />

I N T E R N A T I O N A L P R O G R A M M E<br />

Dr D C Gorecki<br />

Dr Maria A Pastor<br />

Dr A Hillarp<br />

Deprnment of Hiaalogr Medical Adrmy of Warsawi<br />

Depvtmrnt ofNeumlogy, Unlvenity ofNsvarra,<br />

Deputoicm of Clinid Chrmirtiy, University of Lu& for<br />

for onc ycw. for an rrrrniiun of 3i study of the q>pliwiion of<br />

rmplonar for one yar, for a rrudy ofporruel cotttml in<br />

one year. for the dcterminaiion ofthr SN RU^ rnd<br />

Or Virginija Meskenaite<br />

antihodin and ofdyrimphin DNA pmhcr to an analysis of<br />

Parkinson's Direarc, under Profesor C D Marsden,<br />

functiolwl role ofdifferent regions ofrhr Imkcqte integrin B<br />

Deparnent of NaNd Snmœs, VUur UNvenityt for<br />

dyiiruphin gcnpnprsrion in dcwlopinp murile and hnin of<br />

Depnmcni of Clinical Nriimlogy. Inrtitute of Newdog,<br />

subunit, under Dr K B M Reid, HRC Immunai.hcmirrry<br />

one pr, for a study of immunocywcheminry ofnormal and<br />

ihc mdx maux miumi. iindcr I'mbror E A Ilarnard. blUC<br />

I.""do"<br />

(0330?3flflliZ).<br />

Unir, ücpanmenr of Biochemirrry. Univcrriry of Oxford<br />

altered rmiiw-thalamic pmjcrtion in primits. under Dr P A<br />

hiolrriihr Ncurobidogv Unit. Uniwrsiry of Cambridge<br />

(03444liZ791iZ).<br />

Smogsi, MUC Anmmid Nmmpharmtrolagy Unit.<br />

Sldirîl Scho

I N T E R N A T I O N A L P R O G R A M M E<br />

I N T E R N A T I O N A L<br />

P R O G R A M M E<br />

Dr A M Klerchevnikov<br />

Brain Institute, Russian Andcmy ofMeclid Sricnm.<br />

himow br one ynt. Tr K hl Xlarchhrnks. Depnmînr of Nrumrrirnrc.<br />

lnriiturr of Psychiatry. loirdon<br />

Dr Y E Korchev<br />

(034019/n91~).<br />

Institute of Cytology, Russian Andrmy of Sciences, St<br />

Pnrnburg for onc ynr, for I study of the nature of<br />

nirmbnne Imiom fornicd by microbial toxin. nndcr PmTiuor<br />

CA Pastrrnik. Ikynmm dCdlularmJ hlolccular<br />

Scirncc. St Ginrgc’r Hospital Xldicîl School. landon<br />

Dr 5 Mdnikov<br />

~0335o8lzJllz).<br />

Immunopmpint, Morrow: for ihrrr months. for a stndy of<br />

tri\alcni inliurn,a imniiinoriiniiilnriiig coinplîx. under I h<br />

R E Randall. Dryrinient of Hiwlieminry and Xlicrohialogy,<br />

Univcrsiry of Sr Andrmr<br />

Dr V V Rawsky<br />

Institute of Higher Newour Activity and<br />

~0344slln9llzl.<br />

Neurophyrioiagy, Rusrian Academy of Sdrncer, Moscow:<br />

for ninc mumhr, for a mi~ro-ioiitol>horctir invntigation of<br />

ihrrlfrciroflrrionr ofthr nudçns b~~~lirriidofchnlinîrgic-<br />

rich hnin innspbnm on ihr arririty ofnt conical nwmnn.<br />

under Dr j I> Siclihrnron. llcprtmmt of Pharmacology and<br />

Ilr J D Sindcn. i>eprnmcni ofl’yhulogy, lnriiwc of<br />

Psychiatry. landon<br />

~0.3.3074ln91/z).<br />

Dr E Saenko<br />

AN Bach Institute of Biochemirtty, Rusrian Acadcmyaf<br />

Sciences, Morrow: far one ynr. for 3 study of pmtmiive and<br />

damaging pmperricr of thc copper-containing plarma protein<br />

nrruloplarmin. under Profaror J hl C Gutreridge. Oxygen<br />

Chemistry iahahnniory, National Han and Lnng Inrtitutî,<br />

lad””<br />

Dr E V Snezhkov<br />

Shcmyikin Institute, Rwian Andcmy ofkimce,<br />

Morrow: foroneynr, forartudyofthenprnsiDnof<br />

hpitir A vinil (HAW antigens in insm cdlr wing<br />

~o339l3la9llz).<br />

bciilovirur syssrrm as a bris to ami-HAV rccomhinant<br />

vaccinci under Dr E A Gould and Prafeaor D H L Bishop.<br />

NERC InrtitutcofVimlog. Oxford<br />

Dr lrina V Solovei<br />

(034497~lI~l.<br />

Institute ofBiology, Univrnity ofSt Pncnbq for thm<br />

months, for rrudier of a unique filamrntour complex<br />

arrwiated with Irmphnirh chmmoramn of chickens, undri<br />

Profnsor H C Macgregor. Depanmcnr ofZailogy,<br />

Univmicy of Lcicrrrcr<br />

Dr M M Soloviev<br />

(034374la9Ilzl<br />

Shemyakin Institute, Russian Andrmy ofscienrrs,<br />

Moscow; for six months, fora study afthe molecular hiolog<br />

ofihc NMDA rirrptor. nndcr Pmferror E A Barnard. MRC<br />

Malrrulrr Ncnrohiology Unit. Cîmbridgc MRC Crntre<br />

iü334~9lli 1.<br />

Dr lrina Surkova<br />

Shemyakin Innittue, Russian Academy ofSrienas,<br />

Moscow for one yac. for a study of the intcnrtionr of<br />

putative ~ulatary pmtcinr with ihrorqwricnppantur in<br />

adrenal chmmaan cells and s n urchin eggs. under Dr A4 J<br />

Wlhirakrr. Dcpnmrnt of Physiology, Uniwmiry Collrgeand<br />

Middlesex Schwl of Medicine, landon<br />

Dr A K Tsaturyan<br />

(û343411~9IlZ).<br />

inrtimte of Mcchanicr, Moscow State Uairenity: for six<br />

monrhr, for temperature-jump rrudin of the niecliafiiini of<br />

mude mntnction. under Proferor K bl Sirnmonr.<br />

Dcpanmrnr of Biophyria, King’s ColIrgr London (KQC)<br />

Dr V Zinkevich<br />

Institute of Biochemirtty and Physiology of<br />

(03382Yn9lIz).<br />

Microorganism, Ruarian Aradeky ofSriences, Pusrhino:<br />

far one ynr, for the ruhunir aücmhly of type I DNA<br />

incrliyltranrfcnrer, under Dr K Firman, Depanmenr of<br />

Iiiolupiel Science. Ponrmourh Polywhnic ~034092l~911Zl.<br />

Dr A Selyanko<br />

AA Bogomoletz inninite of Ph+iogy,<br />

ULaialli<br />

AdemyofSncnar, Kim foroncpr. for mcchanimsof<br />

contml ofh4-q~ K&nnclr<br />

curwnti. under Pmf-r<br />

has ~iudicron singlrdunnd<br />

DA Brnwn. Dcplnment of<br />

I’harmamlog. Uniwrsicy Collrgr and Middlax sdiml of<br />

hidicine, London<br />

(033432iZ9lE).<br />



In 1991 thcawrc fiir@al shcmcs in cxirtcnceforthc<br />

support of American. Aunmlian 2nd Nay Zealland wieniirtr,<br />

JI drraild hçlow. In i'r)? a &or fillowhip rchcme for lr<br />

itippri of South African wicntiiii. with aw-ardr rrnahlç .TI<br />

imivccnitin in South Africa. will heroine upemimd.<br />

Australian Senior Research Fellowshlps<br />

During the year nvo funhrr Atatdim wieitiinrwrc awarded<br />

\Vcllcamr Auriniian Senior Rcsrwch IUlowrhips rcnahle in<br />

Aurrnlian uniwrritiçr: Dr M F Crouch. far I study afthc tolr<br />

ofthr GIP-binding protcin, Ci. in gmwh factormntml of<br />

CCII prolifrntion nnd drdopment; and DrJ D Sdgwick, foi<br />

3 mdy ofantigm rsognirion and ï-lymphocye-mdiard<br />

damagc in thc crninl ncnwns syrtrm. A total ufrkreen<br />

sruardr haw Imn made tinder this schcmc since it was rcr up<br />

in 1984.<br />

New Zealand Research Fellowships<br />

In I984 thc \Vcllcnmc'T~rt niid ihc Neiv 7ralnnd Mcdical<br />

Rmah Council (now known as the Nnv Zealand Health<br />

Nrumch Council) iniiiated a scheme dcsipixd to ruppon Nw<br />

Zedand hieindical siîntirtr for two )ram î t an innirution in<br />

rhc UK, follow~d by ;I )wr hrk in NeivZalind. In the year<br />

undcr repn. two mwds WCTÎ nnde: to MrJ Dcnimrr, for a<br />

suùy ofthe idcntifiotion ofpmhctin rnponscclemenü in th?<br />

winc heii.lactnglohiiiin gene pmmorcr; and to Mr M Pîipe-<br />

Lacy, for a s~wly nfrhe mlcofpmein phorphor>iarian/<br />

dri>hnrpliorylziinn in exoqrosir A total oielorn awards hv<br />

hçcn m.t& iindcr this rrhrmcrincr is inmpiion.<br />

Summary 01 European Medical Research<br />

Collaborarion Granis Awarded.<br />

-<br />

0-88 mSpS9 0-69 tos

l N T E R N A T l O N A L P R O G R A M M E<br />

I N T E R N A T I O N A L P R O C R A M H E<br />

Overseas Fellowships<br />

Dr Y Zhang<br />

Research Institute of Surgey, Dnpiq Horpid,<br />

Chongqing; ior one year, for immunocylochemirri studiçr of<br />

cell adhcrion IIIOIC-CUICI in CNS regmeraiion. under Prafweuor<br />

A R Lieberman 2nd Ur P N Anderron. Ucpar~mm of<br />

Anatomy and Dmdopmcntd Biology, University Collcge rnd<br />

Middlesex School of Mdicine, London<br />

m<br />

Dr M J Soares<br />

(032697/7Z!OlZ).<br />

Depanment of Physiolûgy, SI John's Medial COUegc,<br />

BPII&OIC: for ODE year. for a mdy ofthe mlr plg.rd by a<br />

reduction in prorein tumovey in the CI rrau in the<br />

accommodation to chmnic encw deîlricncy: identification of<br />

a pool of pmreins showing lifetime kinetics. under Prokwr<br />

A A Jacksoil, Ucpanmsnt of Human Nutrition, Uniwrsity ai<br />

Southampton<br />

(032~~18!l01Z~.<br />


1 N T E R N A T I O N A L P R O G R A M H E<br />

I N T E R N A T I O N A L<br />

P R O G R A M H E<br />

Senlor Fellowships<br />

Dr ] D Fraser<br />

Lkpuimcnt of Molmilir Medidne, Uniwnity of Auckland:<br />

for fw )ran, fort mdy ofthelicdl mpnx 10 htrtrrial<br />

ruprnntigrnr, un& Pmfswr J D Watson (034253~1E).<br />

Hitching5 - Ellon (USA) Fellowships<br />

DrRHBom<br />

Nvffirld Drprnmint of Clinid Medicine, University of<br />

Oxfodi forfiveymn, fora rrudyofthcconrmlliiigdemcntr<br />

of y-<br />

meintic irmmhinatian: their mie in tidrliiy of<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> - Health Research Council<br />

Ur A A L4a$<br />

Orputmint of Medicine, Obaf'mi AmIopua Univrnity, lk.<br />

Ife: fm anc yar,for a s dy of the cffecr of hcparin on platelet<br />

behaviour in prgnanv, tinder Pmfawr P C Kubin. Dcpanmmi<br />

of Thrnpwicr. Uniwrsiry of Nottingham<br />

(033216!39llZt.<br />

chromosome innrmiaion, under Pmfmr Sir Dwid<br />

Wetherall. lnrtiturc of Molecular Mcdirinc<br />

Dr P A Felrs<br />

(033323/ZJ91/Z).<br />

Dtpwmnt ofNeumlogy, Yale iJnivurirs ofrhe Eighth lnremriiond<br />

Cangrra on Iiumiit Gene&. 10 h hdd in Washington DC.<br />

Dr Suan C Kiley<br />


S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y<br />

O F M E o i C I N E<br />

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E<br />

Support for the History of Medicine<br />

Support for the History of Medicine<br />

Ofrîvcnl milaimm pised hy thc Hirrary of Mcdicine<br />

Pmgrammc in I

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E O l C l N E<br />

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E O l C l N E<br />

Wellcorne Units for the Histor-, of Medicine<br />

University College and Middlesex School of<br />

Medicine, London<br />

Direcior Ur W F Bynurn<br />

University of Cambridge<br />

Dirmor Ur R K French<br />

University of Glasgow<br />

Dlmrior Ur Jahmna Gcyr-Kardmch<br />

1.1 I<br />


S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F H E O I C I N E S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R I O F R E D I C I N E<br />

'I'hc Unir's icaching now cxtcitds to an examined ~OIIOUR<br />

cunoc Cor undcrgraduairr on the Sncial History of Medicine<br />

in llritrin 1750 IO 1948 given hy I>r Uupac in the<br />

Drpirmcnr of Slodcm Hirior).. She meanwhile mittintics<br />

ID hr 3 mcnihcroftlie trarhingrtaff dthe DISH (Design<br />

and Implementation af Sofi,~arc in History) I'rojccr and its<br />

History Computing l~boratory, whilc Dr Nimlron and hlrr<br />

ljrenda \White îtc rimilrrly continuing B nrndulc cmme in<br />

the hinary ofpnhlic hcalih for ihc I>qnrtmcnt of Piihlic<br />

Health. Dr Gcycr-Kordcsch also tnchcr 2 cuunc tin rhc<br />

history iifmrdicinr fnr niedical sitidrnrr. Mcnihcn of staB<br />

supcmisc degrtc sindents as well.<br />

Ilir inrrrn;itinnal linkr of the Unit haw hccn strrngihcned<br />

hy helping to orgînisr thc joint British-Grrman cnnfr.rcnm<br />

31 Stistgari inmiand ahow rnd through Icctura 2nd sisin<br />

to rhc Institutes for rhc Hirrory of Medicine in Stuttgan,<br />

Hmuvcr, ücrlin and Freihnrg. the Institute for the History<br />

of I'harmdogy in ijrunrwick, and to thc Hcnog August<br />

llihlioihek in \Volfenhueiirl. Dr Niralron hïs also<br />

drrrlupd clore conit~is with the Dcpmcnt of Scicnce<br />

Dyeimicr of rhc Uniwerriiy of Amrrerdam. Meanwhile thc<br />

Unit looks fonvad to welcoming rhc intrmational C0nga.r<br />

for thc History of Xlcdiriiic to Glargaw in 1994.<br />

Othrr nctv tnching pmgnmmn are in pmy>rcr. The Uaii<br />

hopcr ru conitihutc to d ncw rchrmç of"optionr" in the fiAh<br />

p r ofthr mcdiol coum. which will îliow rtudciur rochomc<br />

tu rpmd one tcrm on hirrntinl rm-arch. Ir is also planning a<br />

ioinr Mr\ coune in thc Hirrory rnd Anthmpolog). of Science.<br />

Technology and bledirinc, in colhhoniion with ihr<br />

Urpnmcnt of Social Anthmpology.<br />

hlnniihile funhcr pmgrcvi has hccn made with the rs(3rch<br />

pmgramiiir. which is furused mosrlp on nitieiirnih 2nd<br />

iwnrimh-mntury mcdicinr. lhe Unit is rollabunring with<br />

Sixmillan to pmducc I series an 'Scirnw, Tmlinolog). alid<br />

blnlicine in Modern Hirrory" and thc fint of these voluntcs<br />

has now appeirrd Scvml other hooks, in rhir xrin nid<br />

uthen\,isc, will hc published in 1991-92.<br />

The Unir's inremsrional link alru mntinud to devdlup.<br />

rrpccidly with tht Unirenity of Primyivariia. I'mfm~r<br />

Kiiklick inaugurated an rxBmge uhrnie with a !.iiii io<br />

hlanclirrtet from there and Dr S Sturdy rccipmuted with<br />

several wekr in Philadelphia.<br />

University of Oxtord<br />

Dimtor ür R M Smith<br />

University of Manchester<br />

Director DrJ Y Pickstonc<br />

'lhc mrjar dcvclopment at rhir Unir was the intercakd<br />

IlSc in Iiiitury of Medicine. taught for the fint time this<br />

ym, with Ur S jacynr rcring ar m?irdinaror. For this<br />

several IICW module were producrd and Unit ruff aùo<br />

siip~i~~d the ruhriantial dirrrnationr. The six studcnrr<br />

dl cnioyed the course cnormindy and uhraincd<br />

rxdlrnr rendrr.<br />

146<br />


S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E<br />

S U P P O R T F O T~<br />

H E i i i s T o R v O F MEDICINE<br />

juined the Unit as a full-rime Rcrarch Arrociate. Dr Savagr-<br />

Smith’s rnnrrh interair are in mediml lrlamic anaromid<br />

and nitgin1 ihmry help to mainrain an inccmtin Islamic<br />

mdirinc thai had been derclopcd in the Unit hy the lire<br />

Ptofcrrur DaIr and Dr Nrwman. In April a cnliahontive<br />

pmiccr with the Cambridge Croup for the History of<br />

I’o~~ulation and Socùl Stnirrurc bep on Medical Research<br />

aiid the Crnrnl Rrgirtcr Ollirr. 1837-1920. Raarch into<br />

inrdinl pnctire in arly modern London, the origins of<br />

moclrrn immunology and inteinaiional health opnisrions in<br />

the intc~um prrial mranwhilr continues.<br />

Support for the History of Medicine<br />

Professor R M Acheson 12500<br />

Cambridge: forane year. for an cxttndon afhir biognphg of<br />

Wicklit% Rose and for anoristed tnwl com IO thc Uiired<br />

SIXN of Amerin and within the Unired Kitigdoni<br />

(0332niin!11i~).<br />

Professor H F Bradford<br />

WWO<br />

The Biochemid Society, London: for rhnr )vm, fora<br />

conrrihurinn towards thecartofa prognmmrofvidr

S U P P O R T F O R T H E n i r ~ o R v O F H E D I C I N E<br />

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E<br />

Dr J Tudor Han<br />

Mdid RuePrch Council Epidemiology and Medical<br />

Cam Unit, Clinid Runich Centre. Harrow; furunc<br />

month. for tddiiionrl L-IIWWS in pmerrig 3" imhivc of<br />

gmcnl pmctitionrr rirordr<br />

Dr R K French<br />

il670<br />

~OIM~~IZ~UA).<br />

L30<br />

Wcllcome Unit foi the History of Medicine, Univeniry of<br />

Cambridge: for iiippm d a mnierencî rniitld "hlidirinr in<br />

1 1 IAIC hliddlr Agci. opni4 jointly viih CSIC.<br />

Ibrcclwr. to hr. held in Crml>ridgc in I'J')L (0.3.30401~911Z).<br />

Professor R A Griffnhs<br />

f635<br />

Depinmm of History, University Glcgc ofSwanrrr: for<br />

one year, fora liirtoryof Mrdicinîsrmiiiarsenn to be held<br />

*I Usiwrrriiy Colkgc ofSwansa during 1991-92<br />

Dr J Henderson<br />

Dcpanmcnt of History and Philosophy afScirnce,<br />

(034330~flllZ).<br />

Univenity ofcambridge: far support ofa confrrence<br />

rntitlirl "I:mniine and Dirnx" IO be heid ar Cambridge in<br />

Jnly 1991<br />

Dr J M Landers<br />

ma<br />

(lI3291417flOlZ).<br />

British Sorirry far Population Studicrr far wppori ofihc<br />

Socicifr confcrenm cniiild "Hirroriul Epidemiology 2nd<br />

ihr Hdth 'Innsitinn" to hc held in Southampton in<br />

scptcnihcr 1991<br />

Professor J B Trapp<br />

fIOW<br />

(033801Ia91f.?i.<br />

kanado Da Vinci Society, Landan: for 3 contribution<br />

LlOOll<br />

tmud thr costs ofa colioquium on thc hiitory ofrhc book,<br />

IO br heid in I ondon in ïcbniq 1991<br />

Professor R I Woods<br />

(032986!.mOfZ<br />

Depanment of Geography. University ofliverpool: fori<br />

cantribritinn iowrdr the rxprnrcs ofn riinkrrnce on rhe<br />

hinor?. ofpublic hcaith mil prîwnrian to Lw hrld in<br />

Stwkliolm. Swcdrn in Scptrniber 1991<br />

Professor 5 J Woolf<br />

i63<br />

(034426J7flIlZ<br />

LI25<br />

Depanment of History, University of Erso, Colchute=<br />

iowrdr ihv r~pînrn of.," intcrnnimîl workshop on the<br />

drrlinr ofinbiii monaliiy in Eurupe, 1850-1950, to he heid<br />

at thc Innucemi Hospital in Florencr in Spring 1992<br />

(034340kï711Zi<br />

f 95 953<br />

Wellcomc Unit for the History of Midirine, Uniwnity of<br />

Cambridge: for one ymr, foralarirr and apnser ofrhr Unit<br />

fur I99II92<br />

(0.34195la9Zf.?~.<br />

f13W<br />

Wcllmme Unit for the Hutory ofMcdicine, Univcnityof<br />

Cambridge: for addiriord mm ofthe Unir for 1989190<br />

(03m4fam8).<br />

U33<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> Unit for the History ofMedicine, University of<br />

Glasgow for additional expense ofthe Unit for 1989190<br />

~030mim1a).<br />

f9475<br />

Wcllcomc Unit for the History of Medicine, University of<br />

Giugow: farddirional cxprnrer ofrhr Unit far 1990191<br />

(032259f~9IiA).<br />

1118653<br />

Wellmmc Unit for the History of Medicine. University of<br />

Glugow: foralarierand cxyinmsofthr Unit for l99ll92<br />

(Q3419717flZiZ).<br />

f84W<br />

Wellmme Unit for the History of Medicine, Udverriiy of<br />

Glupw: for rhç appointmînt aft umloguer IO rrorgdnire<br />

the Unii'r library<br />

(034197f7fl2IA).<br />

Wdlmmc Unit for

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E<br />

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E U I C I N E<br />

Dr N D Hopwood<br />

Sciencr and Tcchiiology Group, Imperial College of<br />

Science, 'I~climlogy and Medicine, London: fnronr par,<br />

lur .iiirodriire MI rhe .CI% course in chi. history ofmîdicinî.<br />

itiiilcr IhJ A Secuid<br />

1034.3.38/Zl91Ii%<br />

Professor G Y Larkin<br />

School of Health md Community Studier, SheRicld City<br />

Polpehnic: fur une ycu, ti>r a futrlicr inilyrir of rhr<br />

historical fimiration of Iinlih poKsioin lU.I2918lZl!JUI~l.<br />

1 i3

S U P P O R T F O R T H E H f S T O R I O F M E D l C t N E<br />

Dr Anne M Crowther<br />

f550<br />

Drprnmcnt of Economic History, University of Glasgow<br />

forrdditianîl cxpnrrrfar hprrrud?ofthcmlcofth~ mrrliml<br />

smictirs in thr Scottish mrdiral pmlfüian c. 1800-1939,<br />

with Dr Slsrgileritr \Y' ihpm. \Vcllmme Unir for the<br />

Hiiiory ufhlirlirinc<br />

Dr A R Cunningham<br />

(030323IZ'SWA).<br />

f69W<br />

Wrllcomc Unit for the History ofhicdicine, University of<br />

Cambridge: for ihnr p-m, fora study of mol~nhr biology<br />

in Gmhridge ihc mikingofa new rriencr, with<br />

I>r H Kamming<br />

(034035l7~lIz%<br />

Dr Johanna Geyer-Kordenh i43 289<br />

Wellmmc Unit for the History of Mcdicine, University of<br />

Glasgow: for t w ?cars. for 3 pilot pmjcct to dcirlop a<br />

uniplimg franc foi zhc pmwrwion ofhmpiral p rim car<br />


S U P P O R T F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E D ~ C I N E<br />


Dr D F Smith<br />

Wcllmme Unit for the History ofMedirine, University of<br />

Professor P Hagen 145881<br />

Dcputmcni of Gmgnphy, University of Bristol: for onc<br />

Dr K R Dronamnju<br />

UZWO DrSWSturdy 1m<br />

Grncticr Onter, Houston, T w for OM months. for Wellmme Unit for ihr History of Msdirinc, Uni-y d<br />

Glugow: fis three yam for a rindy of rhr dcvelapmrni of<br />

yar, for an Epidemic HistorylGmgraphical Information<br />

archival research into the hirroryofhuman genetics. with<br />

Manchesten far nvo months. for visits to \&us<br />

cemm in<br />



O F M E D I C I N E<br />



Professor P Thompson<br />

Ulm<br />

Dcpanmcnt of Sociology, University of Esex, Glchcricr;<br />

fur additional remah expscs far ihr coune on oml hirrory<br />

for hiirarians ofmdirinr hdd JI thc Uniwniiy of Fmx in<br />

Scprrmber 1990<br />

~0325I~~!JOlA).<br />

<strong>Wellcome</strong> Institute for the History of Medicine<br />

Management Committee<br />

E J Freeman, BA. AM. Cluinmw<br />

W F Bynum. hiD. PhD<br />

Mr D R Brothwdl<br />

123295<br />

Institute of Archîrolosy. University College and<br />

hliddlrrrx School of Medirino London: for onc ymr. form<br />

cxwnsion ofriippir far ilte hlSr cwrx in Arrhrmlogy and<br />

Ancimi Hirrnv of Ilirmrrai ihc Inrtirinç 0fAr~haralogy.<br />

Uniwsity Cdlege loiidon<br />

(03l043P?JO/A).<br />

Professor P Thompson<br />

UII<br />

Depanment of So&logy, University of Errer, Colchhuttn<br />

iu\rardrrhcroriofihcrrrond wuneonod hisrory for<br />

hirroiinr ofnidicine 10 he held at the Uniwnity ofhx in<br />

Sepremher 1971<br />

10334G@ZOiIZ).<br />


W E L L C O M E<br />

I N S T I T U T E<br />

F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E<br />

W E L L C O U E I N S T I T U T E<br />



<strong>Wellcome</strong> Institute<br />

for the Histoy of Medicine<br />

The Innitiiir romplricd iü fini eighteen months in<br />

temporary accommodarion: the Library at 200 Eurton Road<br />

(Renil? House) and the Academic Unir and Administration<br />

in'ïwirmck Houx Sourh.<br />

lhr dqurium ofSiephen Embenon IO manage rhcîmhryo<br />

Wellmmc Canire for Medical Science cniaiied a<br />

mnrganiuiian af the Inrtiruiir general adminiriniion. The<br />

Mmagemcnr Commirtrr w conwqurnrly reduced IO two<br />

(Dr W F Bynum and Eric Fmmm).<br />

Ovenll rrrpnrihiliry for non-academic adminimatiw maicm<br />

wb( auunied hy Eric Ficemin. and Philomîna Gihhnnr was<br />

rrïmircd in January I991 to shoulder mwi afthat hurdcn.<br />

The Libray<br />


W E L L C O H E<br />

I N S T I T U T E<br />

F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O F H E D I C I N E<br />

W E L L C O H E I N S T I T U T E<br />

F O R T H E H I S T O R Y O f UEDICIHB<br />

secking spcc in the porrgraduaie centre. Undergraduate<br />

tc~rl,iiig3rnngemenis hm hrrn Ipusatisfactory, and rhr<br />

acoustic^ ofihe reading room in Bentley House may be idal<br />

for lihnry ttsc. hut not for hraring seminar speakers. The<br />

various weniter far ihc all-day sympori3 have pmvd w&able.<br />

dthough thc rrhrdiile has had to hç arnngcd CO avoid the<br />

diniciilty afrrruring a nmrby lrriure thraire for a full day<br />

during tcrni-iinia.<br />

Academic Programme maintained iii loyal audienm. Ail-dîy<br />

symposia were hcld an thc following tupics: Sidicd jownh<br />

and Medical Knowldgc; Kwnlutiunr in Scimw, Cliriuty of<br />

Medial Ethics; Popdariraiion of Mdicine; Nrmtiir. DN~J<br />

and Mdicinr; Hirtotical Arpccir oftlic Nrumrciencrï<br />

Religion and Medicine in rhe Sixrenth Cei~uy,'ïhc iiisoy<br />

of h4did Airinida to Sfaualiry. l'lie IUCCPSS of ihc Iirrparcli<br />

Seminar Series on Medical Livs and I'nctirc in 1989-90<br />

dirtard an encore in 1990-91. The dicmaic seminar rericr<br />

\\as romplementcd by a murr gcnrd one. helù in Unirîniiy<br />

Collrgc. and a lcs formal \Vork-in-l'mgrîrr series which mtct<br />

in the Rockefeller Building. SrafFofihc Unir hdpl arpnirr<br />

md parkipad in rherrminia on the hirtoyufnin~ricrli-<br />

century medicine, held ar the Royal Cullcge of l'hpicianr<br />

under the rhaitrnanrhip ofsir Chrisroplier Buurh. In<br />

addition, Profmor Donald Light, of the Uniwrsity of<br />




T H E W E L L C O M E C E N T R E F O R M E D I C A L S C I E W C E<br />

Cmrr and PRISM IO drvelop their corponte identify in a<br />

way that would have been more difficult in the largcr<br />

building. An rnpanrion in rtiiTfrum lee en IO rereeniccnwas<br />

cnviragcd when thc Crntrc and I'RIShl wcre first apprnvd.<br />

and this ha, now Lm achieved.<br />

'lhc principal appoinrniem during ihr year was Dr Paul<br />

\Vpw io ihe p 5 i of Scientific Dwlopmrnr Manager.<br />

l'rcviowly Manager of rhc Iklurarion Dcpanment at ihc<br />

Scirncr. hltirnim, he will be rcrpanriblc for cxploitinç the<br />

Scientific Meetings Programme<br />

The refurbish& Wcllmmr. Building will hive ai, diroium<br />

capable ofrraiing 170 and il nunrber of meetings n:umr<br />

flarihly arrangcd IO acoiiiindat~ twenty to niticiy popIr.<br />

scientific rwmrms of the "Science for Life" ahibition 2nd<br />

ilcwloping the Sdrniific Mretingr Pragnmmc.<br />

Thac faciliiier will pm>ii the Ceiiirç IO develop a prugnmiiic<br />

which should help «O intem the public at largc in nirdical<br />

rsearrh 3s wcll as IO facilirair rcirniific commuiiicaioii.<br />

Drrelopmcni of rhr Scientific hlcïtingi I'rugnmnir is sill 21<br />

an early rngc but current plans include rhr folluwing typyçr<br />

of meeting:<br />

I64<br />


I37<br />

168<br />


a<br />

I 70<br />


172 173


I56<br />

176 177

I78<br />


R<br />

U<br />

El<br />

182<br />





192<br />



l9G<br />


661<br />

El<br />

U<br />

El<br />


200<br />

,i<br />


-<br />

i<br />

I<br />

j<br />

i<br />

I<br />

r<br />

I<br />

GnlbSrndn. 15% 162<br />

cwki sir. hi". 3<br />

Gnrra F. 41<br />

CbdJ L3l<br />

Chduirk D w, IW<br />

Cbitv.rxmhyU,hz. 37<br />

chùdilor C N. I27<br />

CtulliuUAJ.73<br />

Chunbrn Iiura. 65<br />

CkdkyA C 6S<br />

OupMn D. 8'<br />

CbpmJA.79<br />

UUppillL H. 57<br />

chaI.la> B. I21<br />

Chiornbip P. 113<br />

Chm& DG. 37<br />

Ch.nrrk 1' R K, I03<br />

ChrckkyS A. 45<br />

Chng RJ. 65.76 I38<br />

rhiii r L 5663<br />

Chipmnj K. 73<br />

ChiiholmPm. 67, I33<br />

G d i y Pltriri*<br />

Gnnor. Fi-n A. 25<br />

ConurnriA.42 I31<br />

cmli ru. 106<br />

cmkc iLinc. I I 75<br />

60l.G T. 106<br />

Firman I L 25<br />

lïrhnl. 27. 78<br />

FAO lutic, 77<br />

Firhci SI J, 78<br />

Fkhwkk C W C. 77<br />

Fiut Udxm 111.117<br />

Fiegdd G A. 89<br />

Firigibbon Danna 1, U<br />

Fitcpirid; D R. 1 6<br />

Flrnrgui B F, 76<br />

~b~~~~ r w, 92<br />

Fkminil N. 26<br />

FkmingKA, lüï<br />

Ficming~ r. 7a 81<br />

FlitschSL.25<br />

FbrrntcAT. 92<br />

Fon II<br />

Ford SJ. 26<br />

Ford WCL 91<br />

FargeA ,41<br />

FotrarcrJ V.32.41<br />

Fanuni Sirfinit IS5<br />

Fomrll C D<br />

t<br />

,<br />

Hin.CA.60<br />

HmmodJ. 14Z IS5<br />

H M I . 140<br />

Hulud D O. I03<br />

HlornAR.lü5<br />

HUUn%l(, 45<br />

HayAJ. LW<br />

Hijbr 1 L %<br />

Hzpwd R 576<br />

HnantnJrn~s.24<br />

Ha& S. 62<br />

Hmm bm J, 26<br />

HcMinCH. 132<br />

HcmrTEJ.106<br />

$inn*). D R. 29<br />

Hdmh,CC.Y<br />

Hmd- UC ,92<br />

HcodnanC. 26.72<br />

HrndmonJ, I45 150<br />

Hm*r.ni Mi, 46<br />

H n h a 1') F . 71<br />

HmbJ hi. 41<br />

Hrnnirh 188<br />

HlprinudlS. I25<br />

HnbmJ. 42<br />

Hcmun-TayiorJ. M<br />

Hmcfl Sind". Y<br />

HmirkClriwEJ<br />

HariLinC.I52<br />

Hmili GmüOr U, 73<br />

Hklmi"l A. 73<br />

Hid4 ,57<br />

Hide lnrmi, 139<br />

Hido RC , W<br />

Hipbottm T W, U<br />

Hl@mCF~37<br />

HiSJhlC.26<br />

Hiah Ai 1. IM<br />

Hip,sUR.lol<br />

HiIISJ.2245<br />

HiIIWC.20<br />

Hilw A. I33<br />

HiUhovc E W. 95<br />

H~U- r. IM<br />

Hmmonh R L IPM<br />

Hmr. B H. 79<br />

HimTR.59<br />

Hint Kum Ana<br />

Hirrhingt U. 98<br />

HirMnCA.62<br />

HobkyAJ.47<br />

HoegNuiry.79<br />

Holky SI C. 41-42<br />

HdmcrCH.74<br />

Holm" D F ,70<br />

Hdma N. 75<br />

Holi I 1, 75<br />

HOM^ S W. 69<br />

Hommrlhl.60<br />

202<br />



*"<br />

Srgit HI. 46<br />

Shipptwg'l S. I3ü<br />

1:I>, 28<br />

Shiiky I> G. 97<br />

Sybil Hckn R. 46<br />

Shoaih 51. 130<br />

SliinrGRonl luklb I-?<br />

Sh.0" s 11. 47<br />

Sainnfhiiil>J. 111.52 117.52. ShunLamihJ. 73<br />

206<br />


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