SERRI Closeout Report - Southeast Region Research Initiative
SERRI Closeout Report - Southeast Region Research Initiative
SERRI Closeout Report - Southeast Region Research Initiative
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This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Homeland<br />
Security under US Department of Energy Interagency Agreement 43WT10301.<br />
The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors<br />
and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies,<br />
either expressed or implied, of the US Department of Homeland Security.
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> (<strong>SERRI</strong>)<br />
was established in the spring of 2006 and will end on<br />
December 31, 2012. The projects summarized in this<br />
report were funded by an interagency agreement<br />
between the US Department of Homeland Security’s<br />
(DHS’s) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) and the<br />
US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory. The goal of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program was to assist<br />
state, local, tribal, and regional leaders in developing the<br />
tools, technologies, systems, and methods required by<br />
communities, states, and regions to prepare for, respond<br />
to, and recover from the effects of man-made or natural<br />
disasters. Capabilities developed through this program’s<br />
applied and basic research and development were<br />
intended to help a region respond effectively to both<br />
short- and long-term events.<br />
Mike Matthews<br />
DHS S&T <strong>SERRI</strong> Program Manager<br />
An ancillary program goal was to demonstrate the<br />
benefits of leveraging homeland security-related research<br />
through operational capabilities within the southeastern<br />
United States. Because of its diverse and representative<br />
infrastructure makeup, the southeastern United<br />
States, in particular the state of Mississippi, was chosen<br />
as a primary location for initial implementation of the<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> program. As a principal activity, <strong>SERRI</strong> sponsored<br />
university research directed toward solutions to critical<br />
homeland security needs of local, regional, state, and<br />
national interest. These needs originated from customers<br />
such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the<br />
National Preparedness Directorate, and a host of agencies<br />
supported by S&T. The program would not have been as<br />
successful as it was without the close partnership and<br />
collaboration with these many customers. Transition,<br />
commercialization, and implementation of innovations<br />
based upon <strong>SERRI</strong>-sponsored research were pursued<br />
to help drive research results into useful technologies,<br />
products, and services available to emergency/disaster<br />
responders and practitioners.<br />
Overall, in assessing the performance of the projects over<br />
more than six years, it is evident that taxpayers’ dollars<br />
were well spent in the development of needed solutions<br />
through cutting-edge research and development. It has<br />
been a pleasure to observe the continued dedication and<br />
enthusiasm of the <strong>SERRI</strong> performers during this span of<br />
time, and I am confident that many <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded projects<br />
will continue to be supported and result in solutions that<br />
will continue to help protect the nation.<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
The compelling idea behind the <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />
<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> (<strong>SERRI</strong>) was to expand and amplify<br />
the concepts of the Department of Homeland<br />
Security’s (DHS’s) University Centers of Excellence.<br />
In a ground breaking program that went well beyond<br />
university research into DHS challenges, Oak Ridge<br />
National Laboratory supervised and coordinated a<br />
consortium of federal laboratories tightly linked to<br />
the full spectrum of regional research universities to<br />
provide cutting-edge science and technology development<br />
unmatched by any other homeland security<br />
research organization. The southeastern United States<br />
was a ready-made regional test bed for the examination<br />
of DHS validated critical requirements. The robust<br />
cross section of homeland security environments—<br />
recurrent natural disasters, large cities and sparsely<br />
settled rural areas, major ports and rivers, critical<br />
power and transportation infrastructure—coupled<br />
with a long history of regional collaboration in disaster<br />
response, economic development, intergovernmental<br />
agreement, and strong congressional support created<br />
a unique platform for addressing regional homeland<br />
security challenges with national implications.<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory accepted the<br />
responsibility of managing and coordinating the<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> program as a laboratory priority. A focus on<br />
DHS research requirements, creation of partnerships<br />
that enabled the best science, validation of results,<br />
effective program management, and fiscal responsibility<br />
were grounding principles from the first day.<br />
In addition to pure research, <strong>SERRI</strong> also sought to<br />
combine science and technology with validated<br />
operational approaches. Many of its projects were<br />
specifically designed to develop interactions among<br />
regional homeland security stakeholders and develop<br />
regionally deployable systems and solutions. <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
was designed to be a resource for regional lessons<br />
learned and best practices; an incubator for regionally<br />
interoperable systems; and a facilitator of regionally<br />
rationalized plans, policy, and procedures but always<br />
with an eye to applying those regional concepts on<br />
a national scale. <strong>SERRI</strong>’s bottom line goal was to be<br />
an exemplar homeland security regional research<br />
and applications center.<br />
General Warren C. Edwards (Retired)<br />
Director, Community and <strong>Region</strong>al<br />
Resilience Institute<br />
[<strong>SERRI</strong> Program Director (2006–2011)]<br />
ii<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> (<strong>SERRI</strong>) was<br />
created by congressional mandate in 2006. The principal<br />
mission of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program was to support the<br />
Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management<br />
Division (now the Resilient Systems Division) within the<br />
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and<br />
Technology Directorate (S&T) and its operations within<br />
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).<br />
Early on, DHS selected the US Department of Energy’s<br />
(DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to administer<br />
the program through an interagency agreement<br />
between DHS S&T and DOE. (ORNL has a long history<br />
of successfully managing similar programs and projects,<br />
is located in <strong>SERRI</strong>’s “home” region, has experience in<br />
many of the research areas of interest, and has extensive<br />
relationships with other organizations in the region.)<br />
In meeting the <strong>SERRI</strong> charge, ORNL and DHS developed<br />
a program to assist homeland security practitioners in<br />
developing the tools, technologies, systems, and methods<br />
required by communities, states, and regions to prepare<br />
for, protect and mitigate against, respond to, and recover<br />
from the impacts of natural and man-made disasters.<br />
Since its inception, <strong>SERRI</strong> has evolved and matured,<br />
and its mission has been modified in accordance<br />
with DHS guidance.<br />
Primary funding was received from the spring of<br />
2006 through fiscal year 2010. These funds were used to<br />
establish a diverse portfolio of research projects vetted<br />
by DHS S&T as being relevant to the missions of DHS S&T<br />
and the <strong>SERRI</strong> program. The portfolio consisted of about<br />
100 projects demonstrating the application of science<br />
and technology by universities, federally funded research<br />
and development centers (FFRDCs), and the private sector<br />
to enhance regional preparedness, protection and mitigation,<br />
response, recovery, and resilience to the impacts<br />
of natural disasters and man-made incidents or terrorist<br />
events. These projects included research activities which<br />
addressed regional issues related to chemical and biological<br />
defense; cyber security threats; incident management<br />
and information sharing to improve emergency operations<br />
and enhance awareness of threats; infrastructure protection,<br />
with special emphasis on flood management;<br />
resilient and sustainable infrastructures to mitigate the<br />
effects of natural and man-made disasters; and social,<br />
economic, and infrastructure resilience from the effects<br />
of natural or man-made disasters with a special emphasis<br />
on rapid recovery.<br />
The southeast region of the United States was plagued<br />
by numerous major disasters during the period from 2006<br />
through 2012, including numerous tornadoes, hurricanes,<br />
floods, and man-made disasters (e.g., the BP oil spill). These<br />
disasters resulted in devastating social and economic<br />
losses for individuals, families, businesses, communities,<br />
and the region as a whole. Products resulting from research<br />
funded by the <strong>SERRI</strong> program were used to support and aid<br />
in emergency operations during many of these incidents.<br />
At the same time, these incidents were used to better<br />
understand the needs of homeland security practitioners<br />
during emergency operations and the factors impacting<br />
the region’s resilience to disasters.<br />
The impact of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program on homeland security<br />
operations extends beyond providing support during<br />
the disasters that have plagued the region and beyond<br />
the numerous scientific and technological publications,<br />
tools, systems, and methods developed to improve<br />
preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation activities.<br />
The intangible benefits include community and public<br />
networks that are more engaged in working together<br />
to make their communities, their businesses, and their<br />
emergency operations more resilient to disasters. These<br />
intangible products also include a larger pool of STEM<br />
(science, technology, engineering, and math) scholars<br />
with experience in applying science and technology to<br />
develop solutions to large-scale problems that impact<br />
emergency operations; disaster management; homeland<br />
security; national security; and the resilience of the<br />
citizens, businesses, and critical infrastructures of the<br />
region and the nation.<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 1
The research areas supported by <strong>SERRI</strong> over the course of the<br />
program were determined based on requirements provided by<br />
DHS S&T and FEMA <strong>Region</strong> IV, the FEMA region encompassing most<br />
of the states in the <strong>SERRI</strong> program. In general, these requirements<br />
addressed basic and transformational research with an emphasis<br />
on preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, infrastructure<br />
protection, and community resilience in the event of natural and<br />
man-made disasters. The DHS S&T High Priority Technology Needs<br />
and the DHS S&T Broad Agency Announcements often served as<br />
resources and reference guides in compiling requirements for <strong>SERRI</strong>funded<br />
research. Additional requirements were provided by FEMA<br />
<strong>Region</strong> IV in 2010. Those requirements basically extended existing<br />
research activities and thus confirmed the relevance of <strong>SERRI</strong> research<br />
activities to operational capability gaps in emergency and disaster<br />
management. (See the appendixes for a complete list of projects.)<br />
For the majority of the projects, requests for proposals describing<br />
the <strong>SERRI</strong> program, goals, and requirements were published.<br />
Submissions were evaluated and selected based on feedback and<br />
ranking provided by an external panel of subject matter experts<br />
and an internal panel of DHS program managers.<br />
Over the course of the program, there were 10 semiannual reviews,<br />
beginning in 2007, and one joint FEMA <strong>Region</strong> IV gap analysis meeting.<br />
Various subject matter experts from DHS and other government<br />
agencies participated in the review meetings. The intentions of these<br />
meetings were to improve projects under the <strong>SERRI</strong> program through<br />
a systematic, cyclical review process; provide a tool for continuous<br />
improvement to both the investigators and the management team at<br />
ORNL; ensure schedules, deliverables, and milestones were met; and<br />
provide transparency and accountability of projects and visibility to<br />
other agencies. These meetings confirmed the relevance of <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
research activities and helped extend and fine-tune them to better<br />
meet ongoing needs.<br />
UM is committed to continually<br />
enhancing its research expertise and<br />
infrastructure. The <strong>SERRI</strong> program has<br />
been instrumental in building UM<br />
research capacity in emergency and disaster<br />
preparation, management, mitigation,<br />
and recovery. Specific capabilities have<br />
been strengthened in flood modeling and<br />
simulation, water resources assessment,<br />
critical infrastruture assessment and<br />
protection (including ballistic and blast<br />
resilience), socioeconomic vulnerability<br />
analysis, decision support systems,<br />
geographical information systems,<br />
and high performance computing.<br />
—Dr. Alice M. Clark<br />
Vice Chancellor for <strong>Research</strong> and<br />
Sponsored Programs<br />
2<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
In February 2010, DHS released the first Quadrennial Homeland<br />
Security Review <strong>Report</strong> (QHSR report). The purpose of the<br />
QHSR, as required by law, is to outline the strategic framework<br />
to guide the activities of participants in the homeland security<br />
enterprise toward a common end: a vision for our homeland<br />
as safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other<br />
hazards and where American interests, aspirations, and way<br />
of life can thrive. The QHSR report outlined five homeland<br />
security missions and their associated goals to serve as a<br />
guide for the whole enterprise through 2014.<br />
• Mission 1: Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security<br />
• Mission 2: Securing and Managing Our Borders<br />
• Mission 3: Enforcing and Administering Our<br />
Immigration Laws<br />
• Mission 4: Safeguarding and Securing Cyberspace<br />
• Mission 5: Ensuring Resilience to Disasters<br />
Although the <strong>SERRI</strong> program was active before the release<br />
of the QHSR report, <strong>SERRI</strong> management decided to use the<br />
report to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The<br />
evaluation criteria included a comparison/ranking of <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
research activities against the QHSR goals and missions. The<br />
results showed a strong alignment of the <strong>SERRI</strong> research<br />
activities with the missions and goals outlined in the report,<br />
especially Mission 5.<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> has made a significant impact to<br />
research and education programs at Jackson<br />
State University. The variety of programs funded<br />
by the initiative over the years in the area of<br />
disaster resistance/emergency management<br />
has enabled our researchers to develop products<br />
currently being used by emergency personnel<br />
across the state, cutting edge products to inform<br />
weapons of mass destruction prevention using<br />
bioinformatics and high throughput computational<br />
tools, and education of our students for<br />
the next generation labor force in homeland<br />
security agencies. This program has also infused<br />
the local economy with millions of dollars.<br />
—Dr. Felix Okojie<br />
Vice President of <strong>Research</strong> and<br />
Federal Relations<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 3
<strong>SERRI</strong> REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> was established as a regional pilot program that<br />
would leverage specialized and complementary capabilities<br />
in the southeast region of the United States, focusing<br />
primarily on capabilities in a nine-state region (Alabama,<br />
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina,<br />
South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia) while also engaging<br />
support from outside the region based on capabilities<br />
needed to address homeland security requirements. The<br />
rationale for using the southeast United States as the<br />
target region included a wide range of factors, the most<br />
significant being the wealth of research capabilities<br />
resident among public and private entities in the region<br />
that could be leveraged to develop regional systems and<br />
solutions to homeland security issues with national implications.<br />
In addition, this nine-state region has a history of<br />
disasters that likely exceeds that of other regions across<br />
the nation, a history that has driven the close collaboration<br />
reflected in organizations such as the Southern Growth<br />
Policies Board and the Southern Governors Association.<br />
Within this region, <strong>SERRI</strong> developed three major<br />
components, representing key strategic partnerships,<br />
to implement the larger program.<br />
<strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> Universities<br />
Alabama<br />
• Jacksonville State University<br />
• Tuskegee University<br />
• University of Alabama–Huntsville<br />
Georgia<br />
• Georgia Institute of Technology<br />
Florida<br />
• University of Florida<br />
Kentucky<br />
• University of Kentucky<br />
• Morehead State University<br />
North Carolina<br />
• North Carolina Central University<br />
• North Carolina State University<br />
• Western Carolina University<br />
South Carolina<br />
• Clemson University<br />
• College of Charleston<br />
• University of South Carolina<br />
Tennessee<br />
• Austin Peay State University<br />
• Lemoyne Owen College<br />
• Middle Tennessee State University<br />
• Tennessee State University<br />
• University of Tennessee<br />
• University of Memphis<br />
Mississippi<br />
• Alcorn State University<br />
• Jackson State University<br />
• Mississippi State University<br />
• University of Mississippi<br />
• University of Southern Mississippi<br />
Federal Laboratories<br />
• Oak Ridge National Laboratory<br />
• Savannah River National Laboratory<br />
• Y-12 National Security Complex<br />
• Engineer <strong>Research</strong> & Development Center<br />
• Construction Engineering <strong>Research</strong> Laboratory<br />
• National Sedimentation Laboratory<br />
Other Associated<br />
Universities<br />
• Arizona State University<br />
• Dartmouth College<br />
• Emory University<br />
• Florida International University<br />
• Louisiana State University<br />
• Northwestern University<br />
• Oregon State University<br />
• Texas A&M University<br />
• University of Colorado<br />
• University of Houston<br />
• University of New Orleans<br />
• University of Southern California<br />
• University of Rhode Island<br />
• University of Washington<br />
4<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
Mississippi <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> (MRI)<br />
Because of its diverse and representative<br />
infrastructure and its history with disasters,<br />
the state of Mississippi became the primary<br />
location for the implementation of <strong>SERRI</strong>.<br />
Through partnerships with five Mississippi<br />
universities, Alcorn State University (ASU),<br />
Jackson State University (JSU), Mississippi<br />
State University (MSU), the University<br />
of Southern Mississippi (USM), and the<br />
University of Mississippi (UM), <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
addressed a broad range of homeland<br />
security issues common to the southeast<br />
region and the nation. <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded<br />
research activities at these five universities<br />
were the outcomes of winning proposals<br />
that included a broad range of partnerships<br />
with FFRDCs, with other research universities<br />
across the nation, and with private sector<br />
partners across the nation. More than 50%<br />
of <strong>SERRI</strong> funding supported MRI related<br />
research activities.<br />
Aftermath of a hurricane.<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 5
<strong>Region</strong>al <strong>Research</strong> and Operational Support <strong>Initiative</strong> (RROS)<br />
RROS focused on the larger southeast region (i.e., beyond<br />
Mississippi) and the resources in the other eight <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
states, including FFRDCs and a host of regional research<br />
universities and private organizations with specialized<br />
capabilities.<br />
In general, <strong>SERRI</strong>’s regional partners were chosen because<br />
of their special capabilities to address homeland security<br />
and emergency preparedness challenges. Typically these<br />
partners also had a history of regional collaboration in<br />
natural disaster response and intergovernmental agreements<br />
already in place that served as vehicles for regional<br />
cooperation. Because of the economic, geographic, and<br />
meteorological diversity in the region, it made an<br />
excellent test bed for the application of science and<br />
technology solutions to homeland security and<br />
emergency operations.<br />
The programmatic goal was to provide solutions to<br />
regional preparedness challenges in the shortest time<br />
possible. One outcome was research results that culminated<br />
in tools or products with a clear path to usability and<br />
interoperability across the region. Another outcome was<br />
strengthened networks among the regional homeland<br />
security stakeholders. More than 20% of <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded<br />
research activities were conducted by RROS partners.<br />
Number of RROS Projects and Funding<br />
Project Lead<br />
Number<br />
of<br />
Projects<br />
Fully<br />
Burdened<br />
Costs<br />
University of Florida 1 1,007,335<br />
Middle Tennessee State University 2 640,612<br />
Western Carolina University 1 421,490<br />
North Carolina Central University 1 18,696<br />
University of Tennessee 2 552,560<br />
Arizona State University 1 147,500<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 13 15,962,998<br />
Austin Peay State University 1 365,000<br />
Y-12 National Security Complex 2 760,338<br />
FLASH 1 120,000<br />
Small Planet Works 1 50,000<br />
Clemson University 1 629,515<br />
Savannah River National Laboratory 2 2,550,000<br />
US Army Engineering <strong>Research</strong> and Development Center 1 8,300,000<br />
AMSE Innovative Technologies Institue 1 918,219<br />
Tennessee State University 2 208,740<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Enterra Solutions 1 250,000<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Psydex 1 350,000<br />
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet & University of Kentucky 1 645,724<br />
Saliant, Inc. 1 281,988<br />
Tuskegee University 1 130,000<br />
Total 38 34,310,715<br />
6<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
Community and <strong>Region</strong>al<br />
Resilience Institute<br />
In 2007 program managers within DHS S&T recommended that<br />
the growing resilience field of study be examined to determine<br />
its relevance to DHS and to identify significant research gaps<br />
that could be addressed by making resilience a <strong>SERRI</strong> program<br />
element. Interviews were conducted with representatives<br />
from government, the private sector, trade associations, and<br />
researchers active in the field. Based on these interviews, DHS<br />
determined that the most fruitful area of concentration for<br />
the <strong>SERRI</strong> resilience initiative was at the community level. This<br />
led to the third component in the <strong>SERRI</strong> regional partnership<br />
architecture, the Community and <strong>Region</strong>al Resilience <strong>Initiative</strong>,<br />
which has since transitioned to the Community and <strong>Region</strong>al<br />
Resilience Institute (CARRI). CARRI is a coalition of national<br />
experts brought together to develop the processes and tools<br />
with which communities and regions can better prepare to<br />
withstand the effects of natural and man-made disasters by<br />
collaboratively developing an understanding of community<br />
resilience that is accurate, defensible, welcomed, and applicable<br />
to communities across the region and the nation. The mission<br />
of CARRI requires that partnerships be established on a national<br />
level to understand the broad range of communities, disasters,<br />
threats, and best practices associated with mitigation, response,<br />
preparation, and recovery operations. CARRI formed a series of<br />
nationwide partnerships and represented about 15% of <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
research funding.<br />
We have been extremely pleased with the<br />
research support provided to Mississippi<br />
State University under the <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />
<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>. We were able to support<br />
meaningful interdisciplinary projects that<br />
made a difference in our region and nationally.<br />
The program was able to not only<br />
support our research into areas of interest to<br />
the Department of Homeland Security but<br />
also successfully connect our research interests<br />
to those of the Department of Energy<br />
laboratories and introduce our researchers<br />
to new potential collaborative opportunities.<br />
Through the <strong>SERRI</strong> program, we have been<br />
able to advance our research capability in<br />
cyber security, remote sensing, community<br />
disaster resilience, post-disaster response,<br />
and many other areas. This is a program<br />
that has made a difference in our region<br />
and the nation.<br />
—Dr. David R. Shaw<br />
Vice President for <strong>Research</strong> and<br />
Economic Development<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 7
<strong>SERRI</strong> PROJECTS<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> funded nearly 100 projects during the period from<br />
2006 through 2012. All projects were vetted by DHS S&T<br />
as being relevant to homeland security before final<br />
selection for funding. The objective of funded projects<br />
was to combine science and technology with validated<br />
operational approaches to address regionally unique<br />
requirements and suggest regional solutions with<br />
potential national implications. The majority of these<br />
research projects were university based. In addition to<br />
semiannual review meetings, the <strong>SERRI</strong> management<br />
team conducted site visits throughout the program to<br />
review project progress.<br />
Results from the <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded projects are applicable<br />
to a variety of threats, including cyber attacks, chemical/<br />
biological hazards to the food and water supply, natural<br />
disasters (e.g., tornadoes and hurricanes), and terrorism.<br />
Many of these threats pose risks to critical infrastructures<br />
and key resources (CI/KR). Among the 18 critical infrastructures<br />
identified by DHS, <strong>SERRI</strong> projects were applicable<br />
to 13, or more than two-thirds of them.<br />
Regardless of the nature of the threat, the majority of<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> projects were relevant to disaster management,<br />
with cross-cutting emphasis on critical infrastructure<br />
protection and disaster resilience.<br />
Disaster Mitigation Projects<br />
Disaster mitigation projects funded by <strong>SERRI</strong> are listed in<br />
Appendix A. These projects were focused on developing<br />
tools and techniques for hazard mitigation. They included<br />
developing capabilities to track barges carrying hazardous<br />
commodities; detect the presence of chemical and<br />
Alcorn State University was proud to participate in<br />
four <strong>SERRI</strong> projects. Prior to participation in the <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
program, Alcorn State had limited research outside of<br />
the areas of agriculture and advanced technology. These<br />
research awards have opened up opportunities for<br />
research in the areas of chemistry, business, and [other]<br />
advanced technologies. Approximately 12 undergraduate<br />
students participated in one of the projects; two<br />
students received master’s degrees and one is a candidate<br />
for the master’s degree in May 2013—all as a result<br />
of this project. Numerous collaborations have been built<br />
with other institutions that directly relate to the <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
projects; however, the most important development<br />
from these research awards was the improvement of<br />
the university’s overall research infrastructure.<br />
—Samuel L. White<br />
Executive Vice President/Provost<br />
8<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
iological agents in the food and water supply; detect<br />
malicious activities and vulnerabilities in supervisory<br />
control and data acquisition systems; monitor and improve<br />
the resilience of the power grid; harden government<br />
and commercial facilities against blasts; detect troubled<br />
zones, assess risks, and prevent failures of dams and levees;<br />
improve the situational awareness of state fusion centers<br />
and emergency operations centers; track the movement of<br />
hazardous materials on the nation’s highways; understand<br />
the impact of hurricane winds and storm surges; and make<br />
homes and families more resilient to weather related<br />
disasters through improved roofing systems, better<br />
building materials, storm shelters, and the use of mold<br />
prevention methods.<br />
Disaster Preparedness Projects<br />
Disaster preparedness projects funded by <strong>SERRI</strong> are listed<br />
in Appendix B. These projects were related to identification<br />
of preparedness gaps in the law enforcement community,<br />
education and development of the next generation of<br />
homeland security practitioners, development of computational<br />
tools and databases to forecast the impacts of floods<br />
and to support the development of emergency action<br />
plans, development of serious gaming tools to improve<br />
planning and training for first responders, understanding<br />
the critical factors influencing community and infrastructure<br />
resilience, and identifying best practices for business<br />
continuity planning.<br />
Disaster Response Projects<br />
Disaster response projects funded by <strong>SERRI</strong> are listed in<br />
Appendix C. The projects provided tools and methods<br />
to rapidly repair levee breaches, better understand flood<br />
propagation caused by dam or levee breach and perform<br />
consequence analysis to support emergency operations<br />
activities, identify essential geospatial information needed<br />
to improve emergency response operations, predict the<br />
dispersion of hazardous materials in wastewater and<br />
storm water systems and the dispersion of toxic gases in<br />
the atmosphere, support emergency response through<br />
improved incident management, and develop regional<br />
networks for rapid response. These projects also provided<br />
situational awareness tools to give first responders a<br />
common operating picture.<br />
Disaster Recovery Projects<br />
Disaster recovery projects funded by <strong>SERRI</strong> are listed in<br />
Appendix D. These projects yielded tools and techniques<br />
focused on debris management, damage assessment,<br />
modeling and simulation of socioeconomic resilience<br />
after a disaster, understanding the social and economic<br />
impediments to recovery on the Gulf Coast after large<br />
scale catastrophes, and management of large scale<br />
animal fatalities to better our understanding of the<br />
handling of mass fatalities.<br />
The asphalt industry can significantly<br />
improve disaster recovery efforts in<br />
almost any situation where pavement<br />
damage hinders the operation. Using<br />
warm mix technology to produce hotmixed<br />
and warm-compacted asphalt<br />
that can be hauled very long distances<br />
(e.g. six hours) from areas with power<br />
and functioning infrastructure is viable<br />
for emergency paving.<br />
—Issac Howard<br />
Assistant Professor<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 9
IMPACT OF <strong>SERRI</strong> PROJECTS<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> projects were funded as basic fundamental research<br />
activities in compliance with National Security Decision<br />
Directive 189, which defines fundamental research as “basic<br />
and applied research in science and engineering, the results<br />
of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within<br />
the scientific community, as distinguished from proprietary<br />
research and from industrial development, design, production,<br />
and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily<br />
are restricted for proprietary or national security reasons.”<br />
While each project produced open source publications,<br />
several projects resulted in technology products. These<br />
products have been field tested and validated in representative<br />
operational environments or used in support of<br />
actual disaster operations. Such evaluation activities have<br />
encouraged technology transition and implementation of<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong>-sponsored research in useful products and services<br />
available to homeland security responders and practitioners<br />
and have also led to opportunities with other agencies,<br />
including further development of many of these products<br />
and technologies. A significant by-product of <strong>SERRI</strong> activities<br />
has been its impact on STEM graduates, exposing them<br />
to the world of research and preparing them for homeland<br />
security and national security careers.<br />
Publications<br />
The principal deliverable of each project was a final report<br />
describing the project’s key activities, findings, and results.<br />
Where applicable, these reports describe the features and<br />
capabilities of prototype solutions, results of operational<br />
tests, feedback from prospective end users, new knowledge<br />
and insights gained that will improve homeland security<br />
operations, and other pertinent discoveries and recommendations.<br />
About 150 reports were submitted. These reports<br />
are available to the public from the <strong>SERRI</strong> website<br />
(<br />
Additional project technical publications, including more<br />
than 200 journal articles, more than 100 conference<br />
presentations, numerous theses and dissertations, and<br />
four book chapters, are also available on the <strong>SERRI</strong> website.<br />
Practical Applications<br />
Technology products developed through <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded<br />
projects have already been used to support emergency<br />
and disaster management activities for natural and<br />
man-made disasters impacting local communities,<br />
the southeast region, the nation, and other countries.<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> had a profound and lasting impact<br />
on the University of Southern Mississippi.<br />
Through the support provided to our faculty<br />
and student researchers, numerous projects<br />
were started and pursued that all either created<br />
products or developed the scientific foundations<br />
for technologies aimed at preventing or<br />
mitigating catastrophic events, both natural<br />
and man-made. Every project at USM that was<br />
supported by <strong>SERRI</strong> resulted in meaningful<br />
advancement in areas that would strengthen<br />
the nation’s ability to respond to threats and<br />
therefore increase the security landscape of<br />
our country. Furthermore, the <strong>SERRI</strong> research<br />
projects provided educational opportunities to<br />
our students, both graduate and undergraduate,<br />
to work first hand in cutting edge science<br />
focused on issues of homeland security. Such<br />
opportunities not only ensure a steady supply<br />
of future security related professionals but also<br />
underpin the STEM efforts so badly needed in<br />
our country. The <strong>SERRI</strong> programs initiated at<br />
USM are all proceeding forward in some form<br />
or another as they have “graduated” from the<br />
past cycle of <strong>SERRI</strong> support.<br />
—Dr. Gordon Cannon<br />
Vice Provost for <strong>Research</strong><br />
10<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
Hurricane Katrina<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> research activities began one year after Hurricane<br />
Katrina struck the southeast region in August 2005. In an<br />
effort to develop lessons learned from Katrina, MSU conducted<br />
research to capture information about the role of<br />
geospatial technologies that would impact emergency/<br />
disaster preparedness and response operations. In addition,<br />
MSU conducted a study on Katrina debris management<br />
in coastal Mississippi that has identified the need<br />
for standardization in collecting debris information to<br />
improve debris prediction methods and speed recovery<br />
operations. <strong>Research</strong> was also conducted by UM to<br />
understand levee failures during Katrina, yielding new<br />
techniques to monitor, assess, and stabilize levees to<br />
prevent failures. A considerable amount of socioeconomic<br />
data was also collected and analyzed by USM in the<br />
aftermath of Katrina to assess the effectiveness of disaster<br />
response through the examination of economic and<br />
social data as a measure of the restoration and resilience<br />
of Mississippi Gulf Coast communities. This research was<br />
expanded to continue to study and understand the socioeconomic<br />
factors influencing and hindering the resilience<br />
of Gulf Coast communities post-Katrina, when they were<br />
affected by new disasters such as the 2010 BP oil spill and<br />
the economic recession that started in 2008. Lessons from<br />
this study are applicable to developing new policies that<br />
may help improve response and recovery operations.<br />
Practical Application of <strong>SERRI</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Products<br />
Year Events <strong>SERRI</strong> Products<br />
• MSU developed a database of lessons learned about the role of geospatial<br />
2005 Hurricane Katrina<br />
information in improving emergency/disaster response.<br />
• USM collected and analyzed socioeconomic data to assess the effectiveness of<br />
recovery in the Mississippi Gulf Coast region.<br />
• Mississippi universities (e.g., JSU, MSU, UM, and USM) produced materials<br />
studies and technology products relevant to improving levee protection.<br />
• MSU’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Center SCADA Lab supported the<br />
2009 Cyber Security<br />
FBI investigation and interdiction of a computer hacker and also discovered<br />
vulnerabilities in a commercially available SCADA tool used in control<br />
systems operations.<br />
• USM collected and analyzed socioeconomic data to study the impact on longterm<br />
BP Oil Spill<br />
recovery and resilience in the Mississippi Gulf Coast region based on the<br />
occurrence of serial disasters.<br />
• JSU developed an incident management and situational awareness tool [the<br />
Yazoo City<br />
Disaster Response Intelligent System (DRIS)] that supported and enhanced<br />
Tornado<br />
local emergency response operations.<br />
• Austin Peay State University and ORNL developed a hand-held mobile<br />
2010 Nashville Flood<br />
damage assessment tool called the Disaster Mitigation and Recovery Kit, or<br />
DMARK, that was used to assist first responders in securing preliminary<br />
damage assessments needed to request federal assistance for recovery<br />
operations.<br />
• The UM National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering<br />
(UM-NCCHE) developed a two-dimensional flood simulation model, the<br />
Pakistan Floods<br />
Decision Support System for Water Infrastructural Security (DSS-WISE),<br />
which was used by the USACE ERDC Military Hydrology Division to provide<br />
situation awareness to the US and Pakistan governments by simulating the<br />
propagation of flood waters and the time needed for them to recede.<br />
2011<br />
Mississippi River<br />
Flood<br />
2012 Hurricane Isaac<br />
• JSU used the DRIS tool to provide the Mississippi Emergency Management<br />
Agency (MEMA) with critical geospatial information and maps needed to<br />
support evacuation plans and response operations.<br />
• MSU levee assessment studies assisted in monitoring possible levee failures.<br />
• UM-NCCHE used DSS-WISE to assist MEMA and the US Department of<br />
Agriculture Agricultural <strong>Research</strong> Service in planning for flood emergency<br />
management operations by modeling several hypothetical levee breaches in the<br />
Mississippi Delta and in other areas along the Mississippi River.<br />
• In February 2012 UM-NCCHE, in collaboration with other federal agencies,<br />
made DSS-WISE available for web based automated dam break flood<br />
simulations through the Dam Sectors Analysis Tools link at Argonne National<br />
Laboratory. The tool was used to support FEMA through emergency<br />
simulations for two dams in imminent danger of failure, potentially affecting<br />
people in Louisiana and Mississippi, during the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac.<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 11
Cybersecurity<br />
In collaboration with the FBI, the earliest results from<br />
application of <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded work came in June 2009<br />
when the supervisory control and data acquisition<br />
(SCADA) cybersecurity research at MSU resulted in<br />
the arrest of a control systems hacker. The project also<br />
supported a subsequent FBI raid on three other members<br />
of the hacker group and confiscation of their computers.<br />
Another key result was the identification of a serious<br />
vulnerability in human machine interface software used<br />
by the Department of Defense and in the private sector<br />
to support key critical infrastructure operations.<br />
Local and <strong>Region</strong>al Disasters<br />
In 2010 products from several key <strong>SERRI</strong> projects were<br />
used to support responses to local and regional disasters.<br />
This included application of the JSU incident management<br />
and situational awareness tool (the Disaster Response<br />
Intelligent System, or DRIS) in the tornado aftermath in<br />
Yazoo City, Mississippi, and use of the Austin Peay-ORNL<br />
mobile damage assessment tool (the Disaster Mitigation<br />
and Recovery Kit, or DMARK) to assist first responders<br />
during the 1,000-year floods that struck middle and<br />
west Tennessee.<br />
Major Flood Incidents<br />
USACE has used the Decision Support System for Water<br />
Infrastructural Security (DSS-WISE), developed by the<br />
UM National Center for Computational Hydroscience and<br />
Engineering (UM-NCCHE), extensively in the United States<br />
and around the world. The tool simulates propagation of<br />
floodwaters over complex real topography and predicts<br />
how long it will take floodwaters to recede. In 2010,<br />
USACE used DSS-WISE to simulate catastrophic flood<br />
in Pakistan to provide situation awareness to the US and<br />
Pakistan governments. UM-NCCHE used DSS-WISE during<br />
the Mississippi River floods in April and May 2011 to run<br />
various what-if scenarios to aid federal and state agencies<br />
in their efforts for flood preparedness and emergency<br />
management in the Mississippi delta and other areas along<br />
the Mississippi River. The floods during this period were<br />
among the greatest and most damaging recorded along<br />
the Mississippi in the past century, comparable in extent<br />
to the major floods of 1927 and 1993.<br />
During Hurricane Isaac, which occurred in August 2012,<br />
UM-NCCHE used DSS-WISE at the request of FEMA to<br />
perform emergency simulations for two dams in<br />
imminent danger of failure.<br />
Technology Transition<br />
DSS-WISE<br />
Emergency/disaster management requires the collection<br />
and analysis of enormous [amounts of] data and<br />
information in real time. However, this kind of system<br />
is not developed yet. Current practice is primarily based<br />
on manual data collection, analysis, and reporting<br />
systems, which results in the delayed prediction of<br />
future events (e.g., the prediction of failure after the<br />
failure has occurred). Developing a system that can<br />
provide real-time measurement, analysis, and reporting<br />
will greatly enhance the preparedness for a disaster.<br />
—Dr. Chung Song<br />
Associate Professor<br />
The transition of DSS-WISE to an operational web based<br />
system for use by dam safety officers nationwide was one<br />
of the most important achievements of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program.<br />
This was accomplished through the collaboration of<br />
UM-NCCHE and the Dams Sector-Specific Agency (Office<br />
of Infrastructure Protection, DHS National Protection and<br />
Programs Directorate), USACE, and Argonne National<br />
Laboratory. From February 2012 through November 2012<br />
more than 110 dams in 19 states were studied using this<br />
web based automated dam break flood simulation and<br />
mapping service, called DSS-WISE-DSAT (Dam Safety<br />
Analysis Tools). Currently UM-NCCHE has an agreement<br />
with FEMA to integrate DSS-WISE-DSAT with a software<br />
tool for emergency action plan preparation for dams.<br />
12<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
RRLB<br />
ERDC pioneered a new generation of rapid repair of levee<br />
breach (RRLB) tools under a <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded project. During<br />
the project, the concept evolved to include multiple<br />
components such as the portable lightweight ubiquitous<br />
gasket, the rapidly emplaced protection for earthen levees,<br />
and the rapidly emplaced hydraulic arch barrier. RRLB devices<br />
are primarily tubes made of high strength fabrics designed<br />
to be partially filled with water and then floated into a levee<br />
breach where they plug and thus stop or greatly reduce water<br />
flow through the breach. The RRLB program has attracted the<br />
interest of state and local government agencies involved<br />
with flood protection.<br />
RRLB devices for repairing<br />
levee breaches and protecting<br />
levees from overtopping.<br />
Asphalt Roofing<br />
Among the many factors that contribute<br />
to our societal vulnerability to hurricanes,<br />
tornadoes, and high-wind storms, the poor<br />
performance of residential roof cover systems<br />
is the single largest unresolved problem. Loss<br />
of roof cover is a gateway to water damage to<br />
mechanical, electrical, and structural systems<br />
and building contents. <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded research<br />
at the University of Florida on the wind<br />
resistance of asphalt shingles for residential<br />
roof covering has attracted great interest<br />
from FEMA and the asphalt roofing industry.<br />
The research has the potential to transform<br />
the manufacturing and installation of asphalt<br />
roofing to make residential structures more<br />
resilient to storms and wind-driven rain.<br />
Damaged roof shingles repair.<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 13
CARRI<br />
During its research phase CARRI devoted 18 months to<br />
coordinating an effort to build a Community Resilience<br />
System (CRS) to provide community leaders a systematic<br />
way to organize and provide coherence to their efforts<br />
to build disaster resilient communities. The resulting CRS<br />
answers this need with a system that is practical, simple,<br />
and useable by all communities and directly supports the<br />
FEMA whole community philosophy. The CRS’s simple but<br />
powerful web based software guides a community and<br />
its champions through a process to improve resilience,<br />
provides access to the resources in user-friendly formats,<br />
and documents the results of the community’s actions.<br />
In October 2011, CARRI was funded by FEMA to pilot and<br />
test its CRS in several communities. CRS is currently being<br />
implemented in eight communities. (See the CARRI website<br />
for more information:<br />
Other Products<br />
Other <strong>SERRI</strong> products have been shared with potential<br />
end users for further examination and evaluation. These<br />
include the incident management and situational awareness<br />
tools developed by JSU [e.g., DRIS and the Disaster<br />
Incident and Situation Collaborative Operational Virtual<br />
Environment Resource for MS (DISCOVER MS)], which have<br />
been made available to state and local emergency operating<br />
centers. As a result, JSU has received funding from the<br />
Mississippi Department of Homeland Security for further<br />
development of DISCOVER MS. A mobile damage assessment<br />
tool developed by RunMobile is under review by<br />
FEMA <strong>Region</strong> V. Geospatial tools developed by MSU<br />
under the Katrina Lessons-Learned Project and the Debris<br />
Management Project are being examined for use by<br />
Mississippi Power and by the National Oceanic and<br />
Atmospheric Administration. ASU has received funding<br />
from the Office of Naval <strong>Research</strong> to expand its <strong>SERRI</strong>funded<br />
biometrics research on facial recognition. The<br />
SCADA security work at MSU has resulted in a very strong<br />
and productive relationship with Pacific Gas and Electric<br />
and with Energy Inc. (a Mississippi based utility company).<br />
These relationships and other strategic partnerships are<br />
being used by MSU to expand its SCADA security work<br />
relative to the power grid. MSU has also established<br />
significant international collaborations relative to SCADA<br />
security with Queensland University of Technology in<br />
Brisbane, Australia, and with the University of<br />
South Australia in Adelaide, Australia.<br />
14<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
Intangible Benefits<br />
STEM Workforce Development<br />
STEM workforce development has been an important<br />
by-product of <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded activities. <strong>SERRI</strong> has provided<br />
hands-on training in a broad range of homeland security<br />
related disciplines to more than 300 students. To date,<br />
105 undergraduates, 178 graduate students, and 25 post<br />
docs have participated on <strong>SERRI</strong> projects. As of December<br />
2012, the number of completed degrees included 94 bachelor’s<br />
degrees, 87 master’s degrees, and 32 doctoral degrees.<br />
Another 60 students are expected to receive STEM undergraduate<br />
and graduate degrees by the end of 2013. Moreover,<br />
several students who worked on <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded projects are<br />
now employed with national security and homeland<br />
security agencies.<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> projects not only gave students hands-on experience,<br />
but also gave them the opportunity to excel on national<br />
and international stages: 11 <strong>SERRI</strong> students were selected to<br />
compete in a field of more than 70 students in the 2009 DHS<br />
Student Day Poster Competition, <strong>SERRI</strong> students from MSU<br />
won top honors in two categories at the 2008 International<br />
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),<br />
another <strong>SERRI</strong> MSU student won the Best Undergraduate<br />
Poster Award at the 2010 IEEE Power Energy Society<br />
Transmission and Distribution Conference for a poster based<br />
on a <strong>SERRI</strong>-sponsored project he worked on, a doctoral<br />
student working on a <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded project at USM earned a<br />
student scholarship award for a presentation on the project<br />
at the 2008 Chemical and Biological Defense Physical<br />
Science and Technology Conference, and a student at Middle<br />
Tennessee State University won first place in the Student<br />
Poster Competition at the 2011 DHS Science Conference<br />
for a poster describing the <strong>SERRI</strong> project she worked on.<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> projects have also impacted high school students,<br />
including a student from Virginia who was mentored by the<br />
UM-NCCHE director while developing a one-dimensional<br />
dam break flood model. The student is now a freshman at<br />
Brown University, majoring in applied mathematics and<br />
computer science.<br />
A by-product of placing <strong>SERRI</strong> program management at<br />
ORNL that strongly supported STEM workforce development<br />
was the ability to establish summer internships and faculty<br />
research positions at ORNL for students and research<br />
faculty. Forty-seven students and nine faculty members were<br />
engaged in homeland security related research (funded by<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong>) at ORNL during the summers of 2008–2012.<br />
Craig Dixon (PhD candidate)<br />
Department of Civil and<br />
Coastal Engineering,<br />
University of Florida<br />
Project: Residential Roof Covering<br />
Investigation of Wind Resistance<br />
of Asphalt Shingles<br />
The <strong>SERRI</strong> program provided me the<br />
opportunity to conduct cutting-edge<br />
research on one of society’s greatest<br />
unresolved vulnerabilities to hurricanes:<br />
the loss of asphalt shingle<br />
roof covering. With the support of<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong>, we elucidated the key failure<br />
mechanisms and then transferred<br />
this knowledge to a diverse group of<br />
stakeholders. <strong>SERRI</strong>’s support has<br />
also benefitted my own professional<br />
development through immersion in<br />
innovative experimental research and<br />
presentation of results to peers in the<br />
engineering community.<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 15
Dr. Benjamin Thomas, ORNL <strong>SERRI</strong> Operations<br />
Manager, and <strong>SERRI</strong> students selected to compete in<br />
the 2009 DHS Student Day Poster Competition.<br />
Other Intangible Benefits<br />
The impact of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program extends far<br />
beyond the cutting-edge tools, systems, methods,<br />
and processes developed for emergency and disaster<br />
management and infrastructure protection. It also<br />
extends to the human networks that have developed<br />
among researchers, homeland security practitioners,<br />
and communities. Among these are the diverse networks<br />
established by CARRI to help propel a national<br />
focus on disaster resilience. Another is the network<br />
of community leaders and first responders developed<br />
to address preparedness issues through the work of<br />
projects such as the <strong>Region</strong>al Emergency Planning<br />
Model Project at Western Carolina University and at<br />
MSU. Additionally, the work done by USM on sport<br />
stadium safety and security has resulted in an extraordinary<br />
network of safety, security, and emergency<br />
professionals at the collegiate and professional sports<br />
levels engaged with the private and public sector to<br />
address key relevant issues. The <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded work<br />
at USM played a large part in influencing the establishment<br />
of the National Center for Spectator Sports<br />
Safety and Security and its annual conference and<br />
exhibition, which draws national participants from<br />
all sports at the collegiate and the professional levels.<br />
Bradley Reaves, MSU undergraduate,<br />
presenting his award-winning poster<br />
at the 2010 IEEE Power Energy Society<br />
Transmissions and Distribution<br />
Conference.<br />
MSU <strong>SERRI</strong> student<br />
Saurabh Prasad and Project PI<br />
Dr. Lori Bruce display the 1st<br />
place award in the 2008 IEEE<br />
IGARSS International Student<br />
Paper Contest.<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> has given me my first glimpse of professional success. It has allowed<br />
me to interact with experts in different fields, conceptualize problems and<br />
their solutions, and present my ideas in worthwhile projects. I am proud to<br />
have participated in developing DSS-WISE and the numerical flood model<br />
CCHE2D-FLOOD, which are widely used to solve real-world problems.<br />
Through my involvement in research with DSS-WISE, I feel that I have made<br />
a useful contribution to protecting the critical infrastructure of this country.<br />
In return, <strong>SERRI</strong> has invested in my academic and professional education<br />
and has launched me into a competitive world where my experience and<br />
research will prepare me for challenges ahead.<br />
Marcus McGrath<br />
Graduate Assistant, (PhD candidate)<br />
University of Mississippi<br />
Project: Simulation-Based Decision Support System for Water Infrastructural Security (DSS-WISE)<br />
16<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
There is a very diverse pool of science and technology<br />
talent in the southeast region relative to numerous<br />
aspects of flood protection.<br />
As might be expected, numerous lessons that impact<br />
disaster/emergency operations and infrastructure protection<br />
were learned from the <strong>SERRI</strong>-sponsored research (see<br />
appendixes). The <strong>SERRI</strong> program resulted in the discovery<br />
of unique/specialized capabilities in the southeast region<br />
that are essential to improving how communities mitigate<br />
against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural<br />
and man-made disasters. Even as flooding is the number<br />
one disaster that plagues the nation, there is an extremely<br />
vast pool of talent in the southeast region, especially<br />
among universities in the state of Mississippi, with diverse<br />
expertise relevant to flood protection and flood management,<br />
including flood modeling and simulation, and an<br />
array of techniques to monitor and assess the health of<br />
levees and dams for public safety.<br />
Innovation and educational reforms are imperatives<br />
for disaster resilience.<br />
Disaster resilience must be driven by innovation and<br />
an improved understanding of the nation’s emergency/<br />
disaster management enterprise. Innovation should not<br />
be based on retrofitting existing infrastructures but on<br />
actually developing a new frontier of infrastructures that<br />
are superior to existing aging infrastructures and that<br />
have inherent smart capabilities and strong engineering<br />
features to advance emergency/disaster management<br />
operations and critical infrastructure protection. Shaping<br />
the nation’s enterprise for emergency/disaster management<br />
requires educational reforms relative to hazard<br />
awareness and requires technology innovations that<br />
influence new streams of economic development.<br />
dered from operational testing due to factors such<br />
as resource constraints on emergency management<br />
agencies and the need to focus on regular, routine, and<br />
real emergencies. For example, when FEMA has a disaster,<br />
collaborative R&D related efforts must give way to disaster<br />
operations activities. America needs a disaster research<br />
national laboratory or a consortium of disaster research<br />
sites that includes experts on diverse threats; that stays<br />
abreast of essential requirements, failures, and successes<br />
during disasters; and that has facilities to conduct<br />
extreme testing and evaluation of technology products<br />
which can be rolled out to communities to improve<br />
disaster resilience.<br />
America’s critical infrastructures (dams, bridges, etc.) are<br />
aging, and retrofitting is not the solution for present day<br />
and future disasters.<br />
Many of the nation’s major tools for emergency/disaster<br />
management are vintage technologies, and some are<br />
brute manual practices for data collection. Similarly, many<br />
of the nation’s systems for flood protection (e.g., dams and<br />
levees) are aging structures not well suited for present day<br />
threats and the frequency of the occurrence of various<br />
threats. Thus, there is a strong need for modernization<br />
and quantum advancement of these tools and systems<br />
based on assessments and experience gained from local<br />
and regional catastrophes to develop an advanced toolset<br />
of best practices, standards, tools, and systems that will<br />
significantly improve the nation’s resilience to disasters.<br />
America needs a disaster research national laboratory<br />
or a consortium of disaster research establishments.<br />
<strong>Research</strong> and development (R&D) for emergency/disaster<br />
management is essential to resilience. Such R&D can be<br />
enhanced by dedicated research laboratories that include<br />
specialized facilities and/or test beds dedicated to physical<br />
modeling and simulation and to requirements based technology<br />
development, testing, evaluation, and deployment<br />
of technology products. Often products developed by<br />
universities, the private sector, and even FFRDCs are hin-<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 17
Social science advances are needed<br />
for pre-disaster and post-disaster<br />
preparedness to enhance the nation’s<br />
resilience.<br />
Preparedness for weather related<br />
events can likely be improved by long<br />
term weather forecasts and by social<br />
science research leading to more<br />
effective severe weather warnings<br />
and warning dissemination. Preparedness<br />
for post-disaster is a key area<br />
for resilience improvements and<br />
requires more social science studies<br />
to help reduce socioeconomic losses<br />
post-disaster.<br />
Homeland security solutions<br />
developed in the southeast region<br />
have national implications.<br />
Among the many lessons learned from<br />
the <strong>SERRI</strong> program, perhaps the single<br />
greatest lesson was the discovery of<br />
unique, specialized capabilities in the<br />
southeast region that are essential to<br />
improving how communities prepare<br />
for, respond to, mitigate the effects<br />
of, and recover from natural and manmade<br />
disasters—something that can<br />
be transitioned to make the entire<br />
nation safer and more resilient.<br />
Flooding is one of the most frequent natural hazards in the United States<br />
and across the world, causing recurrent loss of life and property damage.<br />
Despite advances in science and technology, the damage to property, . . .<br />
continues to increase. Although hydrometeorological factors such as<br />
climate change play a role, the principal reason for the observed increase<br />
in damages is the increase in vulnerabilities due to human development<br />
and urbanization.<br />
Our <strong>SERRI</strong> proposals were motivated by the observation that a new generation<br />
of robust, two-dimensional numerical models were needed to study<br />
the flood risk due to failure of water infrastructures or hydrometeorological<br />
forcing. . . . It became clear that the new generation flood modeling and<br />
decision making tools should not only be based on the latest numerical<br />
schemes and take advantage of the latest advances in multicore architecture<br />
of desktop computers for higher computational speed, but also provide full<br />
integration with geographical information systems (GISs) and remote sensing<br />
technologies. Integrated with GISs, new generation tools should allow<br />
quick and easy input data preparation and post-processing (flood mapping,<br />
flood hazards risk mapping, loss of life and property damage estimations,<br />
etc.) of the numerical results by interfacing them with various geospatial<br />
data layers. The academic setting in which these projects were conducted<br />
gave numerous graduate students the opportunity to actively participate<br />
in the research and development activities, and enabled educating the next<br />
generation of scientists and engineers who will shape the future of critical<br />
infrastructure protection.<br />
18<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
The modeling, simulation, and decision making tools developed under our<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> projects (DSS-WISE and WGFEM) radically changed engineering<br />
practice and provided agencies with the ability to address dam and levee<br />
safety issues in a time- and cost-effective manner. Short-courses were<br />
organized to educate the engineering workforce to understand and<br />
efficiently use these new technologies. The new science and technology<br />
were also disseminated through journal and conference papers, reports,<br />
workshops, and conferences.<br />
—Dr. Mustafa S. Altinakar, Director,<br />
National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering
—I want to personally thank you for the time and effort you<br />
put in toward supporting FEMA and the people of Louisiana<br />
and Mississippi during Hurricane Isaac and its aftermath.<br />
Your support and DSS-WISE have proven to be vital<br />
assets during the response effort. The use of DSS-WISE<br />
has definitely given FEMA the ability to provide real-time<br />
dam inundation information during emergency operations.<br />
This is something we have not been able to do in the past.<br />
—James Demby, Jr., PE<br />
Technical and Policy Advisor,<br />
National Dam Safety Program,<br />
Federal Emergency Management Agency<br />
—The introduction of DSS-WISE has been very<br />
welcome here at the US Army Engineer <strong>Research</strong> and<br />
Development Center. We have used the model on at least<br />
20 different Requests for Information (RFI) over the past<br />
few years. These RFIs come from US troops in the field<br />
as well as US Department of Defense Combined<br />
Commands and US Embassies abroad. DSS-WISE has<br />
given us the capability to produce better and quicker<br />
products in support of RFIs. We will continue to use<br />
the model, and I am most interested in seeing the<br />
continuation of development of the model capabilities.<br />
—Dr. Mark R. Jourdan, PE<br />
<strong>Research</strong> Hydraulic Engineer<br />
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory,<br />
US Army Engineer <strong>Research</strong> and Development Center<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 19
The principal mission of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program was to support<br />
the Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management<br />
Division (now the Resilient Systems Division) within DHS<br />
S&T and its operations within FEMA. The program was<br />
managed and operated by ORNL through an interagency<br />
agreement between DHS S&T and DOE from spring 2006<br />
to December 31, 2012. Yearly funding for the program<br />
continued from FY 2006 through FY 2010 and totaled<br />
$117,291,625.<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> funded roughly 100 research and development<br />
projects demonstrating the application of science and<br />
technology by universities, FFRDCs, and the private<br />
sector to enhance regional preparedness, protection<br />
and mitigation, response, recovery, and resilience to the<br />
impacts of natural disasters and man-made incidents or<br />
terrorist events. These projects included research activities<br />
addressing regional issues related to chemical and biological<br />
defense; cyber security threats; incident management;<br />
information sharing to improve emergency operations<br />
and enhance awareness of threats; infrastructure protection<br />
with special emphasis on flood management; resilient<br />
and sustainable infrastructures to mitigate the effects of<br />
natural and man-made disasters; and social, economic,<br />
and infrastructure resilience from the effects of natural or<br />
man-made disasters with an emphasis on rapid recovery.<br />
Although most <strong>SERRI</strong>-sponsored research was active<br />
before the release of the QHSR report, it aligns well with<br />
the missions outlined in the QHSR report, especially with<br />
respect to addressing each of the four goals under<br />
Mission 5 (Ensuring Resilience to Disasters).<br />
The impacts of <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded research include new<br />
discoveries documented in open source research publications,<br />
technical support for real disasters, STEM workforce<br />
development, and the transition of technology products<br />
to operational environments. <strong>SERRI</strong> research has resulted<br />
in nearly 150 technical reports, more than 200 journal<br />
articles, more than 100 conference presentations, numerous<br />
theses and dissertations, and four book chapters.<br />
A key by-product of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program was its impact on<br />
STEM workforce development. More than 300 students<br />
were involved in <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded research, which provided<br />
exposure to and hands-on experience with an array of<br />
homeland security issues. Through December 2012, more<br />
than 200 of the 300 undergraduate and graduate students<br />
involved with <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded research had completed STEM<br />
degrees. Roughly another 60 of these students are projected<br />
to graduate with STEM degrees in 2013. Moreover,<br />
many of the students who participated on <strong>SERRI</strong>-funded<br />
activities are already employed in homeland security and<br />
national security related jobs. This includes employment<br />
with ERDC, USACE, the Naval <strong>Research</strong> Laboratory, Mississippi<br />
Department of Transportation, Louisiana Department<br />
of Transportation, Illinois Department of Transportation,<br />
Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and the US Army<br />
Aviation & Missile <strong>Research</strong>, Development & Engineering<br />
Center, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.<br />
Most notable among the many by-products of <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
research activities is the wide range of human intelligence<br />
networks that have been established. Prominent among<br />
them are the community based networks of first responders<br />
brought together to address disaster resilience in<br />
their communities and regions. Additionally, there are the<br />
networks established between homeland security practitioners<br />
(boots-on-the-ground personnel and end users)<br />
and researchers to better understand emergency/disaster<br />
management requirements and the essential capabilities<br />
and features needed in technology products and processes<br />
to improve local, state, and federal emergency and<br />
disaster operations.<br />
Among the many lessons learned from the <strong>SERRI</strong> program,<br />
perhaps the single greatest lesson is the fact that the<br />
southeast region has a considerable wealth of talent and<br />
resources to address an array of homeland security issues<br />
to help make the nation more resilient to disasters.<br />
The transition of <strong>SERRI</strong> technology products is likely to<br />
continue beyond the life of the <strong>SERRI</strong> program. <strong>Research</strong><br />
funded by <strong>SERRI</strong> has propelled many technology products<br />
beyond laboratory experiments, and several products<br />
are ready for either field testing or operational testing.<br />
<strong>Research</strong>ers are exploring opportunities to continue the<br />
research and development activities begun under <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
either within DHS or with other federal agencies.<br />
20<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
—Our present investigation on the natures of binding of highly toxic nerve agents (NAs) on model cement and paintpolymer<br />
surfaces has revealed that they are weak and such adsorbed NAs could be neutralized through destructive<br />
hydrolysis. Although it is possible to mitigate such a situation, it is needed to remain prepared to avoid such eventuality<br />
as NA contaminations can cause heavy toxicity problems in the environment within a very short period.<br />
—Dr. Jerzy Leszczynski<br />
Professor of Chemistry and President’s Distinguished Fellow,<br />
Jackson State University<br />
—In the area of mitigation, we have learned that by utilizing a superior energy dissipation mechanism, CarbonFlex,<br />
the potential damage in structural components under the duress of either earthquake or tornado loading may be<br />
dramatically mitigated. The logic behind the application of the CarbonFlex material in this case is that in the event<br />
that the input energy (from earthquakes or tornados) would manifest itself as potential structural damage, for<br />
example as cracking, the superior fracture toughness and damping provided by CarbonFlex will dissipate this<br />
energy, thus substantially improving and sustaining the integrity of the structural systems.<br />
The application of the CarbonFlex material to bridges (or even low-rise wood-framed constructions) under the<br />
potential impact of earthquakes (or even blast loading) is paramount due to its ability to reduce displacements<br />
and accelerations by providing significant damping and fracture toughness.<br />
—Dr. Thomas Attard<br />
Arizona State University<br />
—The <strong>SERRI</strong> project allowed us to research the security protection mechanisms associated with hardware and<br />
software components that electronically manage critical infrastructure applications. We were able to demonstrate the<br />
lack of security protections and the ease of attack by an adversary. Over several years of effort and research, we have<br />
become quite knowledgeable of vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure controlling systems and have been able to<br />
build tools that help to mitigate them.<br />
—Dr. Rayford Vaughn<br />
Associate Vice President for <strong>Research</strong> and William L. Giles Distinguished Professor,<br />
Mississippi State University<br />
—In developing methods for use of remote sensing technology to monitor and assess critical infrastructures such as<br />
dams and levees, it is helpful to have accurate, precise, and timely “ground truth” data about known problem areas—<br />
for example, locations and exact boundaries of seepage and slump slides on earthen levees, including the dates of<br />
discovery and of any repairs. This information is not only useful in doing research to develop these methods, but can<br />
also improve operational use of the resulting monitoring tools, since some methods require or benefit from updated<br />
“training” with each new image acquisition. In our experience, the data provided by the levee board and Corps of<br />
Engineers were lacking in detail and completeness for this purpose. The recently created National Levee Database<br />
provides a mechanism for collecting and storing these data, but individual groups that collect [such] data need to<br />
consider it a priority to populate this database.<br />
—Dr. James V. Aanstoos<br />
Mississippi State University<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 21
—Under true full scale levee testing, numerical modeling, and slope stability analysis, the three innovative levee<br />
strengthening systems, the high performance turf reinforcement mat system (HPTRM), roller compacted concrete<br />
system (RCC), and articulating concrete block system, can reduce the overtopping flow of levees significantly,<br />
and new design equations for strengthened levees have been developed. The HPTRM system has the best effect<br />
in reducing and smoothing the overtopping discharge and in reducing the flow velocity on landward-side slope,<br />
while RCC has the least effect.<br />
—Dr. Farshad Amini, Chair<br />
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,<br />
Jackson State University<br />
—The consistency of flood protection systems is still an issue. The elevation of flood protection systems is not<br />
even. Some places are higher than some other places. Lower places will always be vulnerable to overtopping.<br />
More cost-effective retrofitting techniques for flood protection system should be developed and deployed.<br />
Replacing I-walls with T-walls is not a cost-effective technique; rather, it is a brute force approach. More<br />
cost-effective techniques will lower the monetary burden to tax payers.<br />
—Dr. Chung R. Song<br />
University of Mississippi<br />
22<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
Appendix A. Disaster Mitigation Projects<br />
Appendix A. Disaster Mitigation Projects<br />
Project Number/Name<br />
Performing<br />
Organization<br />
60001 - Resilient Electric Grid Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
63878 - Real-Time Identification and Monitoring of Mississippi State<br />
Barge-Carried Hazardous Commodities<br />
63880 - Rapid Detection of Agriterrorism via Remote<br />
Sensing<br />
University<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Principal<br />
Investigator Start Date End Date<br />
Fully<br />
Burdened Costs <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
Homeland Security<br />
Thrust Area<br />
Critical<br />
Infrastructure<br />
(CI) Sector QHSR a Goal<br />
Thomas King 1/1/2007 12/31/2009 $ 1,771,782 RROS b Infrastructure Protection Energy Goal 1.3 - Manage<br />
Risks to CI<br />
Mingzhou Jin 12/7/2006 8/31/2012 $ 1,068,888 MRI c Cargo & Maritime<br />
Security<br />
Transportation<br />
Systems<br />
Lori Mann Bruce 3/26/2007 8/31/2010 $ 1,160,616 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Food &<br />
Agriculture<br />
Goal 2.1 - Borders<br />
Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
63882 - <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> Critical Infrastructure<br />
Protection Center Support (CIPC)<br />
63886 - Semantics-Driven Knowledge Discovery<br />
System for Wide Area Monitoring of Electric Power<br />
Grid<br />
63887 - Computational Tools for Water Security<br />
(WIS-CSSM)<br />
63888 - Nano-Particle Reinforced Composites for<br />
Critical Infrastructure Protection<br />
63890 - Mississippi Groundwater,Surface Water and<br />
Dam Inventory and Vulnerability Assessment<br />
63892 - Real-time Detection of Chemicals and<br />
Biological Pathogens in Fluids<br />
63897 - Development of an Integrated Sensor System<br />
for Real-time Monitoring of Metabolies of<br />
Organophosphorus Chemical Warfare Agents,<br />
Pesticides, and E. coli in Food and Water<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Rayford Vaughn 3/14/2007 8/31/2012 $ 1,390,980 MRI Cyber Security Information<br />
Technologies<br />
Goal 4.1 - Cyber<br />
Resilience<br />
Nicholas Younan 4/19/2007 1/31/2009 $ 613,128 MRI Infrastructure Protection Energy Goal 1.3 - Manage<br />
Risks to CI<br />
University of Mississippi Sam Y. Wang 3/1/2007 1/31/2009 $ 970,786 MRI Infrastructure Protection Water Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
University of Mississippi Alexander Cheng 1/26/2007 8/31/2012 $ 1,590,159 MRI Infrastructure Protection Government<br />
Facilities<br />
University of Mississippi Robert Holt<br />
Joel Kuszmaul<br />
University of Southern<br />
Mississippi<br />
64000 - Shelby County Sheriffs Sensor Fusion Center Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
64001 - Kentucky Information Fusion Center Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
64002 - REALSIM: Data-driven Simulation System<br />
for Training, Decision Support, and Policy<br />
Evaluations<br />
64100 - Localization & Tracking System (LTS) of a<br />
Client Process for an Internal Wireless Network<br />
64101 - Wireless Authentication, Localization and<br />
Tracking System (WALTS) using Radio Frequency<br />
Identification<br />
64200 - Data Sharing Middleware Prototype (DSMP)<br />
for Information Dissemination among Heterogeneous<br />
Sources<br />
64300 - Integrated Threat Tracking and Information<br />
System<br />
70012 - Secure Border <strong>Initiative</strong> Unattended Ground<br />
Sensors<br />
70023 - Structural, Material and Geotechnical<br />
Solutions to Levee and Floodwall Construction and<br />
Retrofitting<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
1/23/2007 7/30/2009 $ 1,109,407 MRI Infrastructure Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Gordon Cannon 3/7/2007 4/30/2011 $ 1,843,913 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Chemical Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
Alcorn State University Yolanda Jones 1/22/2007 12/31/2009 $ 651,890 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Food &<br />
Agriculture<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Tennessee State<br />
University<br />
Tennessee State<br />
University<br />
Hamilton Hunter 6/1/2007 12/31/2008 $ 298,462 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Cyrus Smith 6/1/2007 12/31/2008 $ 498,685 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Kalyan Perumalla 2/1/2007 12/31/2008 $ 1,043,043 RROS Incident Management Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Tamara Rogers 6/1/2007 12/31/2008 $ 113,580 RROS Cyber Security Information<br />
Technologies<br />
Tamara Rogers 6/1/2007 12/31/2008 $ 97,229 RROS Cyber Security Information<br />
Technologies<br />
University of Tennessee Hairong Qi 6/1/2007 7/31/2009 $ 400,000 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
University of Kentucky;<br />
Kentucky Transportation<br />
Cabinet<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Joe Crabtree 7/3/2007 10/31/2008 $ 645,724 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Transportation<br />
Systems<br />
Goal 4.1 - Cyber<br />
Resilience<br />
Goal 4.1 - Cyber<br />
Resilience<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 2.1 - Borders<br />
Patrick Donohoe 12/10/2007 1/31/2012 $ 2,011,965 MRI Border Security Goal 2.1 - Borders<br />
University of Mississippi Chung Song 11/19/2007 8/31/2012 $ 2,098,218 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 23
72100 - Resilient Home Program Savannah River National<br />
Laboratory<br />
72110 - Gap Analysis of the Impact of Mold and<br />
Contaminated Water on Flooded Homes<br />
80002 - Lab on a Chip for Rapid Detection of<br />
Multiple High Consequence Human and Plant<br />
Pathogens<br />
80005 - Development of an Ensemble Modeling<br />
System for the Simulation of Realistic Levee<br />
Overtopping Flows from Hurricanes<br />
80006 - Development of a Software Tool for<br />
Modeling the Impact of Explosions in Urban<br />
Environments<br />
Timothy Smail<br />
John Plodinec<br />
Appendix A. Disaster Mitigation Projects<br />
11/1/2007 12/31/2010 $ 2,554,985 RROS Incident Management Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Tuskegee University Heshmat Aglan 3/11/2008 5/31/2009 $ 217,314 RROS Incident Management Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Alcorn State University Yolanda Jones 1/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 495,537 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Food &<br />
Agriculture<br />
Jackson State University Marvin Watts 1/1/2009 9/30/2011 $ 266,029 MRI Flood Protection Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Jackson State University Robert Whalin<br />
Shahrouz Aliabadi<br />
6/1/2009 5/31/2012 $ 884,177 MRI Counter IED Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
80009 - Innovative Levee Strengthening and Testing<br />
under Full-Scale Overtopping Conditions<br />
80011 - Effective Mold and Contaminant<br />
Remediation for Flood and Water Damaged Homes<br />
Jackson State University Farshad Amini 1/1/2009 9/30/2012 $ 1,498,586 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
80023 - Levee Assessment via Remote Sensing Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
80024 - Flood-Proof Commercial and Fortified<br />
Residential Construction for Neighborhood-scale,<br />
Mixed Used Buildings<br />
80029 - Nano Coated Smart Sensors for Explosive<br />
Diagnostics and Monitoring<br />
80037 - Investigation of a Surge and Wave Reduction<br />
by Vegetation<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
81100 - Biosensor <strong>Research</strong> Middle Tennessee State<br />
University<br />
89900 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> - Fusion Center<br />
Information Sharing Framework & Development<br />
Shane Kitchens<br />
Terry Amburgey<br />
8/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 1,173,885 MRI Flood Protection Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
James V. Aanstoos 1/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 1,490,002 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
David Perkes 6/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 843,745 MRI Infrastructure Protection Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
University of Mississippi Tyrus McCarty 6/1/2009 6/30/2011 $ 315,273 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
University of Mississippi Weiming Wu 1/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 1,632,118 MRI Flood Protection Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Andrienne Friedli 8/5/2008 8/31/2011 $ 312,995 RROS Chem/Bio Defense Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Frank DeNap 3/1/2009 3/31/2012 $ 650,197 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
89910 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> - <strong>Region</strong>al Data<br />
Analysis<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Brian Klump 3/1/2009 2/28/2010 $ 198,959 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
89920 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> -<br />
Transportation Corridor<br />
89930 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> - Mobile<br />
Computing and Application Development <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Cyrus Smith 3/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 449,950 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Edmon Begoli 3/1/2009 9/30/2010 $ 438,827 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Transportation Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
89950 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> - Sensorpedia Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
89955 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> - Fusion Center<br />
Interoperability<br />
Y-12 National Security<br />
Complex<br />
Brian Gorman 8/15/2008 5/31/2010 $ 977,883 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Frank Waller 5/1/2009 7/31/2010 $ 808,216 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
89960 - Tornado Safe Rooms Federal Alliance for Safe<br />
Homes<br />
89970 - Pilot Study for Business Continuity Planning<br />
(BCP) Best Practices for Small Businesses<br />
89975 - Business Continuity Planning Gap Analysis<br />
for Small Minority-Owned Businesses in MS<br />
89990 - Fusion Center Smart Search Analytics Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory (ORNL)<br />
Eric Vaughn 7/1/2009 9/30/2010 $ 126,840 RROS Incident Management Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Small Planet Works Janice Banks 7/1/2009 6/28/2010 $ 52,850 RROS Business Continuity<br />
Planning<br />
Alcorn State University William Piper 9/16/2009 8/31/2012 $ 386,854 MRI Business Continuity<br />
Planning<br />
Chad Steed 2/10/2011 8/31/2012 $ 299,918 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
24<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
90000 - Network Behaviorial Analysis for Zero-Day<br />
Detection<br />
90002 - A Thermal Face Recognition System for<br />
Security Applications - A Novel Approach by Face<br />
Pattern Words<br />
90008 - Screening of Levees by Synthetic Aperture<br />
Radar<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Appendix A. Disaster Mitigation Projects<br />
Justin Beaver 4/12/2012 9/30/2012 $ 104,514 RROS Cyber Security Information<br />
Technologies<br />
Goal 4.1 - Cyber<br />
Resilience<br />
Alcorn State University Yufeng Zheng 3/1/2010 9/12/2012 $ 369,128 MRI People Screening Goal 1.1 - Prevent<br />
Terrots Attack<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
James V. Aanstoos 4/26/2010 8/31/2012 $ 840,279 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
90026 - Minimal Trustworthy Computing Base (TCB)<br />
for SCADA Security<br />
90028 - Multi-Fidelity Tools for Blast Analysis in<br />
Urban Environments<br />
90031 - Nano-Enhanced and Bio-Inspired Composite<br />
Materials for Mitigation and Protection of TIH<br />
Railcars and Stationary Tanks Against High Power<br />
Impact<br />
90034 - Geophysical Signatures of Compromised<br />
Zones within Earthen Embankments and Levees<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Mahalingam<br />
Ramkumar<br />
2/15/2010 7/31/2012 $ 227,628 MRI Cyber Security Information<br />
Technologies<br />
David Thompson 4/28/2010 8/14/2012 $ 899,061 MRI Counter IED Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Goal 4.1 - Cyber<br />
Resilience<br />
Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
University of Mississippi Ahmed Al-Ostaz 4/30/2010 8/31/2012 $ 1,140,791 MRI Infrastructure Protection Chemical Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
University of Mississippi Craig Hickey 4/27/2010 8/31/2012 $ 1,051,510 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
90043 - Integrated Visual Application of the Rapid<br />
Levee Condition Assessment Model: A Tool for<br />
Water Resource Infrastructure Protection<br />
90044 - Assessing the Potential of Photocatalytic<br />
Building Materials for Protecting Infrastructure and<br />
Developing Resiliency to Natural and Manmade<br />
Disasters<br />
90050 - Visual Analytics Enabled Surveillance and<br />
Detection of Biological Threats from Large Microbial<br />
Bioinformatics Datasets<br />
90055 - Nerve Agents: Enhanced Understanding of<br />
Chemical Mechanisms and Interactions with<br />
Environment and Relevant Surfaces Addressed by<br />
Computational Approaches<br />
90200 - <strong>Region</strong>al Emergency Planning for Coastal<br />
Populations:Creating Emergency Response Networks<br />
in High Risk, Vulnerable Locations<br />
90300 - Development and Application of a<br />
CarbonFlex Composite for Structural Damage<br />
Mitigation and for Sustainable High Strength and<br />
Energy Dissipation<br />
University of Southern<br />
Mississippi<br />
University of Southern<br />
Mississippi<br />
David Patrick 4/26/2010 4/30/2011 $ 1,270,038 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Paige Buchanan 5/3/2010 8/31/2012 $ 1,327,829 MRI Infrastructure Protection Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Jackson State University Raphael Isokpehi 3/1/2012 9/30/2012 $ 403,490 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Chemical Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
Jackson State University Jerzy Leszczynski 3/1/2012 9/30/212 $ 442,328 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Chemical Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Laura Myers 3/17/2011 8/31/2012 $ 215,241 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Arizona State University Thomas Attard 4/11/2011 10/31/2012 $ 216,525 RROS Infrastructure Protection Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
91000 - Residential Roof Covering Investigation of<br />
Wind Resistance of Asphalt Shingles<br />
92100 - DHS Serious and Mixed Reality Gaming<br />
(SeriousMRG)<br />
University of Florida Forrest Masters 5/28/2010 9/30/2012 $ 1,205,193 RROS Infrastructure Protection Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Robert Abercrombie<br />
Robert Schicler<br />
11/16/2012 12/31/2012 $ 130,000 RROS Infrastructure Protection Goal 5.1 - Mitigate<br />
Hazards<br />
QHSR: Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (February 2010)<br />
RROS: <strong>Region</strong>al <strong>Research</strong> and Operations Support<br />
MRI: Mississippi <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
ER: Emergency Response<br />
a<br />
b<br />
d<br />
c<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 25
—There is a need for improvements in severe weather warnings and warning dissemination from Integrated Warning<br />
Teams (IWTs) led by the National Weather Service (NWS) and comprised of the weather enterprise. <strong>Region</strong>al weather<br />
field offices of the NWS are leading IWTs comprised of NWS meteorologists, broadcast meteorologists, emergency<br />
managers, and other emergency planners who form the weather enterprise for each regional county warning area.<br />
One of the goals of the IWTs has been to modify current severe weather warnings to better suit the needs of their<br />
regions and to better prepare the public. Many of these IWTs are using social science research on human behavior<br />
responses to weather warnings to guide warning improvements. These IWT networks are also integrating the<br />
perspectives of the various emergency planning stakeholders in the weather enterprise to identify gaps in the<br />
dissemination of severe weather warnings and to bridge those gaps with the use of multiple warning modalities,<br />
educational outreach, and innovations in the use of social media to better reach the public with severe weather<br />
warnings and to reduce fatalities and injuries from severe weather events. Examples of IWTs include the IWTs at<br />
NWS Peachtree City, Georgia; NWS Birmingham, Alabama; NWS Jackson, Mississippi; and NWS Huntsville,<br />
Alabama. Other IWTs are located throughout the United States in the various weather forecast offices. Modified<br />
severe weather warnings are now being tested in the regions listed above.<br />
—Dr. Laura B. Myers<br />
Mississippi State University<br />
—It’s not enough to develop new hardware or software technology; there has to be a follow-on plan to deliver it to<br />
the first responder community. This should include training to help them incorporate the new technology into their<br />
daily operations.<br />
—Dr. Daniel B. Koch<br />
Senior R&D Staff,<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory<br />
—There is a need for visualization tools in evacuation planning and training. To be effective, those tools must be<br />
capable of adjusting variables that pertain to the venue and the threat confronting the venue.<br />
Gaming technology transferred to training technology can enhance the learning environment as it pertains to venue<br />
evacuation planning and training. This occurs when data collection and manipulation tools are merged with graphics<br />
tools into a configurable application that accurately depicts a venue and possible incidents.<br />
It is important for adult learners to extend training/learning beyond the classroom through the combination of<br />
computer-based simulation and take-home training modules.<br />
With take-home training modules embedded into the SportEvac program, on-demand, just-in-time training allows<br />
for small group, team-based competency development at the site where the activities/potential incidents take place;<br />
this adds credible realism to the learning experience in a low-cost, effective way that cannot be easily simulated<br />
in a live environment.<br />
Users learned emergency management knowledge/skills/abilities (KSAs) through the SportEvac simulation and<br />
embedded training scenario modules; however, each user requested the simulation of their own venue/facility<br />
environment, which could provide additional realism and further enhance their learning experiences.<br />
—Dr. Lou Marciani, Director<br />
National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security,<br />
University of Southern Mississippi<br />
26<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
—Emergency/disaster management requires the collection and analysis of enormous data and information at real<br />
time bases. However, this kind of system is not developed yet. The current practice is primarily based on the manual<br />
data collection, analysis and reporting system, which results in the delayed prediction of the future events, such as<br />
the prediction of failure after the failure had occurred. Developing a system that can provide real time measurement,<br />
analysis and reporting will greatly enhance the preparedness for a disaster.<br />
—Dr. Chung R. Song<br />
University of Mississippi<br />
—Superposition of reflected shock waves and blast shielding by intervening structures are highly nonlinear<br />
phenomena. Accounting for these effects correctly is very important to characterize the shock overpressure and<br />
blast impulse distributions from an explosion in an urban environment.<br />
Improvised explosive device (IED) attacks in urban environments involve the superposition of reflected shock<br />
waves from multiple surrounding buildings and blast shielding by intervening structures. Threat planning tools<br />
must account for these shock superposition and shielding effects to support emergency preparedness or response<br />
requirements associated with IEDs in an urban setting.<br />
—Dr. David Sulfredge<br />
Senior R&D Staff,<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 27
Project Number/Name<br />
60000 - Community and <strong>Region</strong>al Resilience<br />
Initaitive (CARRI)<br />
60002 - A <strong>Region</strong>al Resilience/Security Analysis<br />
Process for the Nation's Critical Infrastructure<br />
Systems<br />
Performing<br />
Organization<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
ASME Innovative<br />
Technologies Institute<br />
Appendix B. Disaster Preparedness Projects<br />
Appendix B. Disaster Preparedness Projects<br />
Principal<br />
Investigator Start Date End Date<br />
Fully<br />
Burdened Costs <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
Homeland Security<br />
Thrust Area<br />
Warren Edwards 1/1/2007 9/30/2011 $ 16,558,793 CARRI Community Resilience All - Resilience is<br />
a cross-cutting<br />
Critical<br />
Infrastructure<br />
(CI) Sector QHSR a Goal<br />
t<br />
Full <strong>Report</strong><br />
Jerry Brashear 11/5/2010 12/20/2011 $ 1,007,714 RROS b Infrastructure Protection Energy Goal 1.3 - Manage<br />
Risks to CI<br />
64003 - Critical Infrastructure Protection Rule Set<br />
Automation (CIPRSA)<br />
64500 - Law Enforcement <strong>Region</strong>al Technology<br />
Assessment (LERTA)<br />
64600 - Education, Operations and Workforce<br />
Development <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Saliant, Inc Joe Fitzgerald<br />
Lee Reese<br />
Richard Hale 4/1/2007 3/31/2008 $ 248,574 RROS Infrastructure Protection Nuclear Reactors Goal 5.2 - Enhance<br />
Preparedness<br />
12/1/2006 9/30/2008 $ 296,844 RROS Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.2 - Enhance<br />
Preparedness<br />
Jackson State University David Bandi 5/8/2007 10/31/2008 $ 1,194,220 MRI c Incident Management Goal 5.2 - Enhance<br />
Preparedness<br />
64700 - Institute for Biometrics and Social Sciences<br />
Studies (IABS3)<br />
Oak Ridge Associated<br />
Universities<br />
Blair Ross 3/26/2008 9/30/2009 $ 909,572 RROS Human Factors Goal 1.1 - Prevent<br />
Terrots Attack<br />
70004 - Multi-Purpose, Multi-Scale Storm Surge and<br />
Flood Forecasting for Planning and Preparedness<br />
Jackson State University Shahrouz Aliabadi 12/1/2007 6/30/2010 $ 2,026,003 MRI Flood Protection Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.2 - Enhance<br />
Preparedness<br />
70027 - Development of an Integrated Simulation<br />
Tool for Predicting Disastrous Flooding, Water<br />
Contamination, Sediment Transportation and Their<br />
Impacts on Environment<br />
80031 - War Games for Flood Emergency Managers<br />
(WGFEM)<br />
University of Mississippi Yafei Jia 11/19/2007 8/31/2012 $ 2,264,044 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.2 - Enhance<br />
Preparedness<br />
University of Mississippi Mustafa Altinakar 1/1/2009 7/31/2012 $ 1,045,952 MRI Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.2 - Enhance<br />
Preparedness<br />
QHSR: Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (February 2010)<br />
RROS: <strong>Region</strong>al <strong>Research</strong> and Operations Support<br />
MRI: Mississippi <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
ER: Emergency Response<br />
a<br />
b<br />
d<br />
c<br />
28<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
—All disasters (natural or man-made) are local! Therefore, when performing research to develop products to<br />
be used by emergency/disaster managers, it is essential to develop, close partnerships with the first responder<br />
community to maximize the value of the research performed. First responders know what they need and their<br />
input to the researcher is invaluable to insure transition of the research product into use.<br />
Successful research project transition requires research communication, communication, and communication<br />
with end users from the initial and throughout the duration of the project.<br />
—Dr. Robert W. Whalin<br />
Associate Dean, School of Engineering,<br />
Jackson State University<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 29
Project Number/Name<br />
63879 - Real-Time Operations Support for<br />
Emergency Evacuations<br />
Performing<br />
Organization<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Appendix C. Disaster Response Projects<br />
Appendix C. Disaster Response Projects<br />
Principal<br />
Investigator Start Date End Date<br />
Fully<br />
Burdened Costs <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
Homeland Security<br />
Thrust Area<br />
Li Zhang 3/15/2007 3/31/2009 $ 366,236 MRI b Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Critical<br />
Infrastructure<br />
(CI) Sector QHSR a Goal<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER d<br />
63881 - Assured Strategic Communications During<br />
Natural and Willful Disasters<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Lori Mann Bruce 1/1/2007 7/31/2008 $ 512,333 MRI Incident Management Communications Goal 5.3 -Effective<br />
ER<br />
63884 - Capturing Hurricane Katrina Data for<br />
Analysis and Lessons-Learned <strong>Research</strong><br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
William Cooke 4/9/2007 8/31/2010 $ 1,185,802 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
63889 - Specification, Validation, and Verification of<br />
Imagery Products for Disaster Management and<br />
Response<br />
University of Mississippi Gregory Easson 6/1/2007 6/30/2011 $ 1,622,132 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
63891 - Simulation-based Decision Support System<br />
for Water Infrastructural Security (DDS-WISE)<br />
University of Mississippi Mustafa Altinakar 2/1/2007 11/15/2012 $ 2,473,258 MRI Infrastructure Protection Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
63894 - Simulation Environment Planning, Training,<br />
and Assessment of Emergency Response and<br />
Evacuation Capabilities at High Consequence Sport<br />
Events<br />
University of Southern<br />
Mississippi<br />
Lou Marciani 4/2/2007 9/30/2012 $ 2,630,988 MRI Incident Management Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
63899 - Analysis of WMD Materials in Waste and<br />
Storm Water Treatment Infrastructures in<br />
<strong>Southeast</strong>ern US Cities<br />
63905 - All Hazards Emergency Operations<br />
Management System<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Robert Jubin 1/9/2007 11/30/2012 $ 1,396,760 RROS c Chem/Bio Defense Chemical Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
Jackson State University David Bandi 2/12/2007 8/31/2012 $ 1,133,011 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
63908 - Disaster Response Intelligent System (DRIS) Jackson State University Gordon Skelton 2/19/2007 8/31/2012 $ 2,331,235 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
64004 - High Performance Agent Based Topic<br />
Monitoring<br />
64400 - Creation of a <strong>Region</strong>al Emergency Planning<br />
Model for Continuous Disaster Mitigation Response<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Western Carolina<br />
University<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Jim Treadwell 8/1/2007 2/29/2008 $ 850,188 RROS Incident Management Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Laura Myers 5/7/2007 5/31/2010 $ 459,937 RROS Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
70015 - Increasing Community Disaster Resilience<br />
Through Targeted Strengthening of Critical<br />
Infrastructure<br />
71000 - Utilization of Emergency Management Alert<br />
Systems: An Analysis of Oktibbeha County and MSU<br />
Systems<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
72200 - Information Sharing Policy Review Y-12 National Security<br />
Complex<br />
80014 - Disruptions to Rail - Impacts Analysis and<br />
Decision<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Isaac Howard 12/10/2007 8/31/2012 $ 2,309,298 MRI Flood Protection Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Dallas Breen 5/1/2008 5/31/2011 $ 178,066 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Mary Regan 11/1/2007 12/31/2009 $ 580,187 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Charles O'Hara<br />
Bethany Stich<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Goal 2.1 - Borders<br />
7/1/2009 8/31/2012 $ 1,184,638 MRI Incident Management Transportation Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
80026 - Assimilation of NEXRAD Radial Winds in a<br />
<strong>Region</strong>al Mesoscale Model and the Use of a<br />
Lagrangian Model to Estimate the Transport and<br />
Dispersion of Gases Particles Over the Southern U. S.<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Haldun Karan 1/1/2009 5/31/2011 $ 285,046 MRI Chem/Bio Defense Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 1.2 - CBRNE<br />
30<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
80041 - Enhancing the Effectiveness of Local and<br />
<strong>Region</strong>al Communities in Planning and Training for<br />
Improvised Explosive Device Threats and Attacks on<br />
Sport Venues<br />
University of Southern<br />
Mississippi<br />
Appendix C. Disaster Response Projects<br />
Lou Marciani 1/1/2009 7/31/2012 $ 1,300,071 MRI Counter IED Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
81000 - Rapid Repair of Levee Breach Engineer <strong>Research</strong> and<br />
Development Center<br />
Don Resio 6/3/2008 12/31/2010 $ 3,180,028 RROS Flood Protection Dams Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
89980 - Virtual Alabama - Ready Rail Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory (ORNL)<br />
90200 - <strong>Region</strong>al Emergency Planning for Coastal<br />
Populations:Creating Emergency Response Networks<br />
in High Risk, Vulnerable Locations<br />
90400 - Development of a Prototype Special Event<br />
Risk Management (SERM) System<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Ho-Ling Hwang 6/1/2009 9/30/2011 $ 99,876 RROS Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Laura Myers 3/17/2011 8/31/2012 $ 215,241 MRI Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
University of Mississippi Mustafa Altinakar 10/12/2011 8/31/2012 $ 575,641 MRI Incident Management Commercial<br />
Facilities<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
Goal 5.3 - Effective<br />
ER<br />
QHSR: Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (February 2010)<br />
RROS: <strong>Region</strong>al <strong>Research</strong> and Operations Support<br />
MRI: Mississippi <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
ER: Emergency Response<br />
a<br />
b<br />
d<br />
c<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 31
—The asphalt industry can significantly improve disaster recovery efforts in almost any situation where pavement<br />
damage hinders the operation. Using warm-mix technology to produce hot-mixed and warm-compacted asphalt that<br />
can be hauled very long distances (e.g. six hours) from areas with power and functioning infrastructure is viable for<br />
emergency paving.<br />
—Dr. Isaac L. Howard<br />
Mississippi State University<br />
—Resilience and recovery have very different definitions by different persons and positions that people hold. Therefore<br />
finding a single definition is often difficult. Without baseline data about a community, city, or state, or region, it<br />
is difficult to accurately measure recovery to a certain level. Moreover, resilience and recovery are not synonymous.<br />
Recovery is often measured by physical and psychological well-being while resilience is a state of mind of not giving<br />
up, even if recovery to an old standard or new normal is not yet achieved.<br />
—Dr. David Butler<br />
University of Southern Mississippi<br />
—Because small disadvantaged business owners are most often consumed with daily operational aspects of the<br />
business, the stakeholder organizations provided a bridge to the broader emphasis on resilience and sustainability.<br />
They served as a multiplier effect in reaching small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs) and bringing them into the<br />
emergency planning process that the research team alone would not have been able to achieve.<br />
<strong>Initiative</strong>s designed to engage SDBs produce greater results when local area first responders are proactively included<br />
in project development and ongoing initiatives. Community leaders are willing to assist when their interests are also<br />
identified and served.<br />
Building and encouraging SDB engagement in business continuity planning and resilience activities requires an<br />
ongoing, culturally competent, community-based collaboration between the emergency management community,<br />
the SDB community, and the stakeholder agencies that serve or represent them.<br />
—Dr. William S. Piper<br />
Dean, School of Business,<br />
Alcorn State University<br />
32<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>
Project Number/Name<br />
70020 - Tools for Enhanced Mapping and Managing<br />
Post-Disaster Debris<br />
Performing<br />
Organization<br />
Mississippi State<br />
University<br />
Appendix D. Disaster Recovery Projects<br />
Appendix D. Disaster Recovery Projects<br />
Principal<br />
Investigator Start Date End Date<br />
Charles Waggoner<br />
William Cooke<br />
Fully<br />
Burdened Costs <strong>SERRI</strong><br />
Homeland Security<br />
Thrust Area<br />
12/10/2007 5/31/2011 $ 2,731,187 MRI b Incident Management Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Critical<br />
Infrastructure<br />
(CI) Sector QHSR a Goal<br />
Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
72000 - Resilient Forest Savannah River National<br />
Laboratory<br />
John Plodinec 11/1/2007 12/31/2008 $ 45,348 RROS c Incident Management Food &<br />
Agriculture<br />
Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
80038 - Socio-Economic Resilience and Dynamic<br />
Micro-Economic Analysis for Large Scale<br />
Catastrophe<br />
University of Mississippi Richard Forgette<br />
Mark Van Boening<br />
1/1/2009 6/30/2011 $ 1,033,345 MRI Incident Management Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
80040 - Modeling Micro-Economic Resilience and<br />
Restoration after a Large Scale Catastrophe: An<br />
Analysis of the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina<br />
University of Southern<br />
Mississippi<br />
David Butler<br />
Edward Sayre<br />
6/15/2009 8/31/2012 $ 1,377,355 MRI Incident Management Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
81200 - Aerobic Decomposition as an Alternative<br />
Method for Managing Large Scale Animal Fatalities<br />
Middle Tennessee State<br />
University<br />
Hugh Berryman 10/1/2009 3/31/2011 $ 165,550 RROS Incident Management Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
89940 - Multi-State Sharing <strong>Initiative</strong> - Prototype<br />
Disaster Mitigation and Recovery Kit (DMARK)<br />
Oak Ridge National<br />
Laboratory<br />
Hamilton Hunter 3/1/2009 3/31/2010 $ 259,987 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
89940 - Prototype Disaster Mitigation and Recovery<br />
Kit (DMARK)<br />
Austin Peay State<br />
University<br />
Michael Wilson 5/5/2009 9/30/2012 $ 1,094,005 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
92000 - Mobile Damage Assessment Testbed<br />
Development<br />
RunMobile, Inc. Lisa Seyler 10/11/2012 12/10/2012 $ 45,193 RROS Information Sharing &<br />
Management<br />
Emergency<br />
Services<br />
Goal 5.4 - Rapidly<br />
Recover<br />
QHSR: Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (February 2010)<br />
RROS: <strong>Region</strong>al <strong>Research</strong> and Operations Support<br />
MRI: Mississippi <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong><br />
ER: Emergency Response<br />
a<br />
b<br />
d<br />
c<br />
The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong> 33
This report was prepared for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security<br />
Science & Technology Directorate by the U. S. Department of Energy’s<br />
Oak Ridge National Laboratory.<br />
Benjamin Thomas, Jr, PhD<br />
Principal Author<br />
<strong>SERRI</strong> Program Operations Manager<br />
VJ Ewing<br />
Editor<br />
Tina Curry<br />
Graphic Designer
36 The <strong>Southeast</strong> <strong>Region</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Initiative</strong>