Аудиторское заключение

Аудиторское заключение

Аудиторское заключение


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To shareholders of JSC ―INTER RAO UES‖<br />

Independent Auditor’s Report<br />

We audited accounting (financial) statements of JSC ―INTER RAO UES‖ attached hereto, which<br />

consist of accounting balance-sheet as of December 31, 2012, statement of financial results for<br />

the year 2012, and annexes thereto.<br />

Liability for Accounting (Financial) Statements of the Audited Entity<br />

The management staff of JSC ―INTER RAO UES‖ bears responsibility for preparation and<br />

accuracy of the said accounting (financial) statements in accordance with rules for preparing<br />

accounting (financial) statements established in the Russian Federation, as well as for internal<br />

control system required for preparing accounting (financial) statements without material<br />

misstatements whether due to fraud or error.<br />

Auditor’s liability<br />

Ernst & Young LLC<br />

ООО «Эрнст энд Янг»<br />

77 Sadovnicheskaya Nab., bld. 1 Россия, 115035, Москва<br />

Moscow, 115035, Russia Садовническая наб., 77, стр. 1<br />

Tel: +7 (495) 705 9700 Тел.: +7 (495) 705 9700<br />

+7 (495) 755 9700 +7 (495) 755 9700<br />

Fax: +7 (495) 755 9701 Факс: +7 (495) 755 9701<br />

www.ey.com<br />

ОКПО:59002827<br />

Our liability is in expressing opinion on the accuracy of these statements on the basis of our<br />

audit.<br />

We conducted audit in accordance with the federal standards of auditing activity applicable in<br />

the Russian Federation, and International Standards of Auditing. These standards require the<br />

compliance with applicable ethical norms, as well as planning and conducting an audit in the<br />

manner as to obtain sufficient confidence that the accounting (financial) statements are free from<br />

material misstatements.<br />

Audit includes conducting the auditing procedures aimed at obtaining audit evidences<br />

confirming the numerical indicators contained in the accounting (financial) statements, as well as<br />

information disclosed in them. The choice of auditing procedures remains a subject of auditor’s<br />

judgment, which is based on the risk assessment of material misstatements in the accounting<br />

(financial) statements, whether due to fraud or error. In the process of assessing this risk, the<br />

auditor studies internal control system, which ensures preparation and accuracy of accounting<br />

(financial) statements, in order to select an appropriate set of auditing procedures, but not to<br />

express opinion on the internal control system efficiency. Audit also includes assessment of<br />

proper character of the applied accounting policy, and validity of assessment estimates made by<br />

the management staff, as well as assessment of submitting accounting (financial) statements in<br />

general.<br />

We believe that audit evidences found by us constitute sufficient and proper basis for expressing<br />

our opinion.<br />

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited<br />


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