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Dopamine<br />

A neurotransmitter known to have multiple functions<br />

depending on where it acts. Dopamine-containing<br />

neurons in a specific area of the basal ganglia are<br />

destroyed in Parkinson’s disease victims.<br />

Dopamine reuptake<br />

The active transport of dopamine from the synaptic<br />

cleft into the presynaptic neuron after it has performed<br />

its function of transmitting a neural impulse.<br />

Dopaminergic system<br />

The system of nerve cells that uses dopamine as its<br />

neurotransmitter.<br />

Double-blind study<br />

A clinical trial design in which neither the participating<br />

individuals (healthy volunteers or patients) nor the<br />

study staff know which participants are receiving the<br />

experimental drug and which are receiving placebo<br />

or another active treatment. Double-blind trials are<br />

thought to produce objective results, since the<br />

expect ations of the doctor and the participant about<br />

the ex perimental drug do not affect the outcome.<br />

Dyskinesias<br />

Abnormal, involuntary body movements that can<br />

appear as jerking, fidgeting, twisting, and turning<br />

movements. In the context of Parkinson’s disease,<br />

dyskinesias are often the result of chronic levodopa<br />

therapy. These motor fluctuations occur in more than<br />

half of PD patients with levodopa therapy. Dyskinesias<br />

most commonly occur at the time of peak levodopa<br />

plasma concentrations and are thus referred to as<br />

peak-dose dyskinesias. As patients advance, they may<br />

evidence diphasic dyskinesias, which occur when the<br />

drug concentration rises or falls.<br />

Endogenous<br />

Produced or synthesized within the organism.<br />

Executive function<br />

Executive function is a collection of varying abilities<br />

that involve regulatory control over thought and<br />

behaviour in the service of goal-directed or intentional<br />

action, problem-solving, and flexible shifting of<br />

actions to meet task demands. Clinical data about<br />

executive function can be obtained by observing an<br />

individual’s ability to problem-solving in the natural<br />

environment and assessing how flexible a person is<br />

when faced with a changing routine.<br />

The major executive functions include response<br />

inhib ition (which permits impulse control, resistance<br />

to distraction, and delay of gratification); non-verbal<br />

working memory (which permits the holding of<br />

events in the mind and allows self-awareness across<br />

time); verbal working memory (which comprises the<br />

internaliz ation of speech and permits self-description,<br />

questioning and reading comprehension); and selfregulation<br />

of emotion and motivation (which permits<br />

motivation, persistence toward a goal, and emotional<br />

self-control).<br />

GABA<br />

Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid, a neurotransmitter which<br />

acts at inhibitory synapses in the brain and spinal cord.<br />

Gastrointestinal<br />

Relating to, or affecting both stomach and intestine or<br />

their functions.<br />

Glutamate<br />

A salt or ester of levorotatory glutamic acid. Glutamic<br />

acid is an amino acid, one of the 20 building blocks<br />

of proteins. It is involved in ammonia metabolism and<br />

serves as an excitatory neurotransmitter.<br />

Half-life<br />

The time required for half the amount of a drug introduced<br />

in an organism to be metabolized or excreted;<br />

most commonly refers to drug plasma levels.<br />

EPO<br />

European Patent Office.<br />

Inflammatory pain<br />

Triggered by nerve endings that become irritated<br />

when surrounded by inflamed tissue.<br />

Glossary – <strong>Newron</strong> Annual Report 2011 7 1

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