X - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

X - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

X - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America


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January 2005<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong><br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />

- In its 43rd Year!<br />

Highlights:<br />

Zone 7 Awards Banquet<br />

How To Host a Dinner Meeting<br />

Parade 2005<br />

Plus...<br />

On the Pole<br />

Drifting Back<br />

Speaking <strong>of</strong> Membership<br />

SVR People, Places & <strong>Porsche</strong>s<br />

From the Zone<br />

The Social Scene<br />

The Finish Line<br />

See “About the Cover” inside...

Winter<br />

About the Cover...<br />

This image was shot at the lunch stop on<br />

the Mendocino Tour in November. This<br />

beautiful silver 1998 C2S belongs to Susan<br />

Fleming. Behind the car is the beginning <strong>of</strong><br />

deLorimier Winery’s vineyards.<br />

See the full color version <strong>of</strong> The<br />

Drifter on the SVR web site at<br />

http://www.derporsche.net/.<br />

Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann, Editor<br />

We’ve e Moved!<br />

www.ipb-autosport.com<br />

Cover Photo: Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

TracQuest<br />

Would you like to<br />

drive your car<br />

on a Racetrack?<br />

TracQuest runs high speed Driver<br />

Education (DE) events at race<br />

tracks throughout the country.<br />

TracQuest DE events are widely<br />

known for safety, excellent<br />

instruction and tons <strong>of</strong> track time.<br />

These are non-competitive events<br />

with strict rules for passing.<br />


Buttonwillow, April 16-17<br />

Thunderhill, August 14-15<br />

1206 C Street, <strong>Sacramento</strong>,<br />

For sign up and more information<br />

contact Russ Hildebrand at 916-944-<br />

7440, visit the TracQuest Website online<br />

at www.tracquest.com, or send e-mail<br />

to info@tracquest.com

The Drifter<br />

PCA <strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />

2005 Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

President<br />

Jeff Kinder ______________________ 916-765-2801<br />

4320 Freemont’s Loop, Rescue, CA 95672<br />

President@svr.pca.org<br />

Vice President<br />

Andy Leight _____________________ 916-984-9624<br />

106 Atfield Way, Folsom, CA 95630<br />

VicePresident@svr.pca.org<br />

Treasurer<br />

Kevin Dougherty _________________ 916-983-7774<br />

P.O.Box 6006, Folsom, CA 95630<br />

Treasurer@svr.pca.org<br />

Secretary<br />

Steve Goltz _____________________ 916-961-3705<br />

8528 Via Gwynn Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628<br />

Secretary@svr.pca.org<br />

Social Director<br />

Julia Lynn _______________________ 916-730-4420<br />

2443 Fair Oaks Blvd #71, <strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA 95825<br />

Social@svr.pca.org<br />

Membership Director<br />

Tom Sisson _____________________ 209-296-5352<br />

14537 Surrey Junction Ave, Sutter Creek, CA 95685<br />

Membership@svr.pca.org<br />

Competition & Safety Director<br />

Frederick D. Rauch ________________ 916-989-3199<br />

9580 Oak Avenue Parkway, Suite 7 #188<br />

Folsom, CA 95630<br />

Competition@svr.pca.org<br />

Newsletter Editors<br />

Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann __________ 530-792-1749<br />

1718 Mariposa Circle, Davis, CA 95616<br />

NewsletterEditor@svr.pca.org<br />

Webmaster<br />

Mark Sides ______________________ 530-753-3120<br />

2230 Glacier Drive, Davis, CA 95616<br />

Webmaster@svr.pca.org<br />

Past President<br />

Kim Nelson _____________________ 916-933-4282<br />

305 Glen Ridge Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762<br />

PastPresident@svr.pca.org<br />

Zone 7 Representative<br />

Larry Sharp - Golden Gate <strong>Region</strong> ____ 925-371-2258<br />

1119 Megan Road, Livermore, CA 94550<br />

larrysharp@comcast.net<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong><br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />

- In its 43rd Year!<br />

Volume 43, No.1 January 2005<br />

3 2005 Planning Meeting<br />

3 February Dinner Meeting<br />

5 February Frolic Rally<br />

6 SVR Autocross Returns! – Kern Breaux<br />

12 How to Host a Dinner Meeting – Cathy & Bill Keegan<br />

14 Niello Concours at Serrano – Bob Jacobson<br />

16 Mendocino Tour 2004 – Rik Larson<br />

19 997 Tech Session – Carl Brakensiek<br />

20 2005 SVR Board Election Results– Steve Goltz<br />

2 SVR Coming Attractions<br />

4 On the Pole – Jeff Kinder<br />

4 Drifting Back – Larry Wilson<br />

7 Speaking <strong>of</strong> Membership – Tom Sisson<br />

8 Rally – Rik Larson<br />

9 The Social Scene – Cathy & Bill Keegan<br />

9 356CAR Calendar – Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

10 SVR People, Places & <strong>Porsche</strong>s – Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

14 SVR Goodie Store – Tom Sisson<br />

16 G24 – Rick Weidner<br />

18 From the Zone – Tim Fleming<br />

20 The Finish Line – Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

20 Drifter Classifieds<br />

Information and Committee Directory<br />

Autocross Chair<br />

Matt Deter ____________ 916-630-8924<br />

5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765<br />

porsche@deter.com<br />

Charity Chair<br />

Susan Fleming _________ 916-985-4142<br />

107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630<br />

TRFleming@comcast.net<br />

Concours Chair<br />

Kent Brandon __________ 916-663-1702<br />

3450 Hector Road,Newcastle, CA 95658<br />

cmkenzie@jps.net<br />

Goodie Store<br />

Tom Sisson ___________ 209-296-5352<br />

14537 Surrey Junction Ave<br />

Sutter Creek, CA 95685<br />

targatom@goldrush.com<br />

Rally Chair<br />

TBD<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

6 Zone 7 Awards Banquet<br />

8 Parade 2005<br />

8 Rally School<br />

13 Mendocino Tour 2005<br />

#2 PartsHeaven Features and Reviews<br />

Columns and Departments<br />

Technical Chair<br />

Roger Walker ___________________ 916-415-0752<br />

9726 Magellan Drive, Loomis, CA 95650<br />

rwalker1@dmv.ca.gov<br />

New Member Chair<br />

Rick Weidner ___________________ 916-852-0990<br />

11731 Centerville Court, Gold River, CA 95670<br />

SVR.Membership@comcast.net<br />

Advertising Managers<br />

Bob & Cathy Morris ______________ 530-676-7449<br />

3947 Heathrow Lane, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762<br />

casandro@inreach.com<br />

SVR Web Site<br />

http://www.derporsche.net/<br />

The Drifter is published monthly by the <strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong>,<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong> (SVR), for its members. Written contributions<br />

and photos are welcome and should be emailed to the Editor.<br />

The deadline for material is the first <strong>of</strong> the month for publication<br />

in the following month. SVR members should notify the Membership<br />

Director promptly <strong>of</strong> an address change to insure uninterrupted<br />

delivery.<br />

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.<br />

However, newsletter editors <strong>of</strong> other regions chartered by the<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong> may reprint any article provided that credit<br />

is given to the author and <strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong> and The Drifter<br />

is cited as the source.<br />


2<br />

SVR Coming Attractions<br />

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

January 2005<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

Deadline!<br />

January Events and Contacts<br />

SVR Planning Meeting - Round Table Pizza<br />

Andy Leight .......................................... 916-984-9624<br />

flashleight@sbcglobal.net<br />

Zone 7 Awards Banquet<br />

Tim & Sue Fleming ................................ 916-985-4142<br />

trfleming@comcast.net<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

SVR Planning<br />

Meeting<br />

14<br />

15<br />

Zone 7 Awards<br />

Banquet<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

SVR Board<br />

Meeting<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

6<br />

February 2005<br />

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

Deadline!<br />

9<br />

10<br />

SVR Dinner<br />

Meeting<br />

11<br />

SVR/TRC Rally School<br />

12<br />

February Events and Contacts<br />

SVR/TRC Rally School<br />

Rik Larson ............................................. 916-481-6084<br />

sysnake@comcast.net<br />

SVR Dinner Meeting - Marrakech<br />

Bill & Kathy Keegan .............................. 916-415-1539<br />

bkeegan@attglobal.net<br />

SVR Rally - February Frolic<br />

Rik Larson ............................................. 916-481-6084<br />

sysnake@comcast.net<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

SVR Board<br />

Meeting<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

SVR Rally - February Frolic<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

You Have a Choice!<br />

So why not make the right one when you need auto<br />

body and paint work. Fabrication Specialties.<br />

✥ State-<strong>of</strong>-the-Art Body and Paint Technology<br />

✥ Certified Glasurit Paint<br />

(Factory Original - <strong>Porsche</strong>, Mercedes, BMW)<br />

✥ Car-O-Liner Unibody Repair Equipment<br />

✥ Enclosed Climate Controlled Spray Booth<br />

✥ Industry Certified Technicians<br />

Don Joe<br />

3532 LA Grande Blvd.<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA 95823<br />

(916) 391-4159<br />

2 The Drifter

2005 Planning Meeting<br />

Come help us plan next year’s activities!<br />

Thursday January 13,<br />

6:30 to 10:00 pm<br />

At Round Table Pizza in Folsom<br />

$5.00 per person for Pizza, Soda and Iced Tea.<br />

Salads, Salad bar, Beer and Wine can be purchased separately.<br />

9500 Greenback Lane, Folsom (on the Madison Ave. side)<br />

RSVP to Andy & Dianna Leight<br />


916-984-9624 or flashleight@sbcglobal.net<br />

Reminder:<br />

The RSVP deadline is also the last day to cancel your dinner meeting reservation without paying.<br />

Per SVR policy, late cancellations and no-shows will be billed.<br />

February SVR Dinner Meeting<br />

Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 pm<br />

Marrakech Moroccan Restaurant<br />

1833 Fulton Ave, <strong>Sacramento</strong><br />

between Arden and Alta Arden<br />

Family style, four course, three entree,<br />

full meal with entertainment<br />

$25.00 per person<br />

Make your reservations by February 6.<br />

Contact Bill & Cathy Keegan at 916-415-1539.<br />

The Drifter<br />


On the Pole<br />

By Jeff Kinder<br />

President<br />

Welcome<br />

Welcome to another year <strong>of</strong> fun with your<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> friends in the <strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

<strong>Region</strong>. Ballots are in and counted. Your<br />

2005 Board is excited to be here.<br />

The New Board<br />

We have had an amazing Board in 2004<br />

who have managed to raise the bar with<br />

their accomplishments. Their hard work<br />

and dedication will be long remembered.<br />

For 2005 we have some new and some returning<br />

Board members. Dennis Stettner,<br />

who has done fabulous work for SVR in his<br />

various capacities over the years, lastly as<br />

Vice President, is taking a break from <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

duties. Stepping into his shoes is Andy<br />

Leight. Andy has many fine ideas and great<br />

enthusiasm. Kevin Dougherty, who has<br />

done a wonderful job watching over our<br />

finances as Treasurer, will return in that position.<br />

Steve Goltz will be continuing his<br />

fine work in his role as returning Secretary.<br />

Bill & Cathy Keegan pulled together a busy<br />

SVR social year in 2004. Julia Lynn will now<br />

take on the duties as Social Director. Tom<br />

Sisson, who has managed to do such a marvelous<br />

job as both Membership Director<br />

and Goodie Store, will carry on for 2005 in<br />

both <strong>of</strong> those capacities. Competition &<br />

Safety Director Frederick D. Rauch will<br />

also continue on. I am looking forward to<br />

the driver education and autocross season<br />

for 2005 that has been set up. Newsletter<br />

Editors Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann, who<br />

have been putting together some <strong>of</strong> the best<br />

Drifter issues for us to read, have agreed to<br />

another year, but have hinted that they<br />

would like to pass on the Drifter duties at<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> next year. Hint, hint: please be<br />

on the lookout for someone who might like<br />

to take this on for us next year. Webmaster<br />

Mark Sides will continue to manage that<br />

snazzy SVR web site. Concours Chair Kent<br />

Brandon will be putting together another<br />

great concours season. Matt Deter, our new<br />

Autocross Chair, has a big season ahead.<br />

Roger Walker, SVR’s Technical Chair, will<br />

continue to bring us those well-thoughtout<br />

tech articles. New Member Chair Rick<br />

Weidner, who brought to SVR the highly<br />

successful G24 group, will continue for next<br />

year. New for next year, the Advertising<br />

Manager duties formerly handled by our<br />

Vice President will be taken over by G24<br />

members Bob & Cathy Morris. Last but<br />

not least, we finish on a sad note. Rik Larson<br />

will step down from the post <strong>of</strong> Rally<br />

Chair. Rik has been the Rally Chair for<br />

more years than I have been in SVR. Anyone<br />

interested in the position <strong>of</strong> Rally Chair<br />

should contact Frederick D. Rauch or myself.<br />

The New Prez<br />

That would be me. “Who?” you ask. As an<br />

introduction, I have been active in SVR for<br />

12 years. Sometimes this seems like a long<br />

time, but compared to our many members<br />

with 20, 30, and even 40+ years, I know I<br />

am still a “new guy.” I am on my second<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong>; my first had almost 200,000 miles,<br />

2/3 <strong>of</strong> which I put on. Over the years I have<br />

received both the SVR Dumkopf award and<br />

the highly coveted Snidely Whiplash award.<br />

I have actively participated in autocrosses,<br />

rallies, concours, the I-5 trash detail, … OK,<br />

you get the idea.<br />

Over the years I have found many new<br />

friends through being involved in SVR, and<br />

have been exposed to new activities that I<br />

have derived a great deal <strong>of</strong> enjoyment from.<br />

What am I trying to say? I feel that in all, I<br />

have gotten more out <strong>of</strong> being involved with<br />

SVR activities and the members than I<br />

could possibly put back into the <strong>Club</strong>. This<br />

is my opportunity to be more involved and<br />

give back something <strong>of</strong> what I have received.<br />

Those <strong>of</strong> you reading this who have not taken<br />

the plunge <strong>of</strong> coming to a dinner meeting,<br />

tour, or other activity, I would ask you<br />

to try us out. As I did, you might find others<br />

here with whom you have a lot in common.<br />

We have had many excellent <strong>Club</strong> Presidents.<br />

They are all hard acts to follow. I<br />

will do my best to thank all <strong>of</strong> you for your<br />

support by following in the footsteps <strong>of</strong><br />

those who precede me with all <strong>of</strong> the same<br />

enthusiasm they have had for our <strong>Region</strong>.<br />

Planning Meeting<br />

The Planning Meeting in January is the<br />

place to bring all your old and new ideas.<br />

Planning meetings have always been a good<br />

time. Last year we saw some fun new events.<br />

We have a challenge before us to come up<br />

with even more this year. Remember, this<br />

is your <strong>Club</strong>. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm<br />

to make this an even better year than<br />

last year.<br />

Drifting Back<br />

By Larry Wilson,<br />

SVR Member<br />

30 Years Ago (January 1975)<br />

New year, new Board: President Dan<br />

Boone, Vice President Lew Church, Secretary<br />

Chrissie Neukom, Treasurer Harvey<br />

Cain, Activities Chair Dave Neukom,<br />

Social Chair Eva Kay, Technical Chair<br />

Mike Peters, Publicity Chair Kaylaine<br />

Robinson, Newsletter Editor Lorie<br />

Church, Past President Paul Bates, and<br />

Drifter Advertising Jim Crow.<br />

Guests at the January 17 dinner meeting<br />

at El Macero Country <strong>Club</strong> included<br />

Hank Malter (Redwood <strong>Region</strong>, newly<br />

elected PCA Treasurer), Dwight Mitchell<br />

(Golden Gate <strong>Region</strong>, newly appointed<br />

Zone 7 representative), and Mrs.<br />

Bryant, who represented the Pre-School<br />

for the Retarded, the recipient <strong>of</strong> our 1974<br />

charity funds. Harvey Cain announced the<br />

SVR treasury had $800 to $900—and<br />

promised greater precision in future reports.<br />

4 The Drifter

President Dan Boone encouraged everyone<br />

to schedule their holiday plans<br />

around the 20 th <strong>Porsche</strong> Parade in Seattle,<br />

July 27 through August 1, 1975. Tech<br />

Chair Mike Peters put a reminder in The<br />

Drifter that the <strong>Club</strong> has <strong>Porsche</strong> factory<br />

service manuals available to loan for the<br />

following models: Carrera 1500GS,<br />

1600GS, 2000GS; 356 B/C; 912; 914-4<br />

and 914-6; and 911 volumes one and two.<br />

(Where are they now?)<br />

The SVR Rally School on January 25,<br />

chaired by Phillip Marks, gave an unforgettable<br />

experience to rally students: two<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> “ground school” at El Macero, a<br />

nice run through Yolo countryside with a<br />

lunch break in Winters, and then return<br />

to El Macero for a debriefing. A bevy <strong>of</strong><br />

SVR workers supported the event: Les<br />

Yates, Rik & Lettie Larson, Rod Sorenson,<br />

Mike Willis, Kaylaine & Ted Robinson,<br />

Dave Neukom, Joe Stephans and Ron<br />

Boeck.<br />

20 Years Ago (January 1985)<br />

SVR’s new Board held their first meeting<br />

January 8. Officers included President Ray<br />

Clements, Vice president Larry Dunn,<br />

Secretary Dolores Weddle, Social Director<br />

Cyndee Nightingale, Treasurer Louise<br />

Sauseda, Competition Director J.<br />

Toney, Drifter Editor Karin Mangin,<br />

Membership Director Sue McGlumphy,<br />

and Past President Dwight Mitchell. Other<br />

committee chairs included Larry Wilson<br />

(Autocross information); Lee<br />

Coleman (Autocross rep to SVSCC);<br />

Mike Willis (Autocross rep to Zone 7);<br />

Barbara Rodrigues (Bed & Breakfast);<br />

Dwight & Linda Mitchell, Karen Mangin<br />

& C.C. Craig (Charity); Pam Harley<br />

(Dinner Meetings); Mary Jo Austin<br />

(D.Nota); Kirk Bradford (Dumbkopf );<br />

Louise Sauseda (Goodie Store); Ron Boeck,<br />

Mary Siles & Ted Strutz (Share the<br />

Wealth); Dwight Mitchell (Technical &<br />

Safety); Cyndee Nightingale (Tour & Social);<br />

and C.C. Craig (Yearbook).<br />

Pam Harley organized the January 10<br />

dinner meeting at the Coral Reef Lodge<br />

on Fulton Avenue. Larry & Gloria Dunn<br />

hosted the January 12 Activity Planning<br />

meetings, with autocross scheduling 11:00<br />

am to 12:30 pm, rally scheduling 12:30 pm<br />

to 2:00 pm, and social activities and tour<br />

scheduling 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Then the<br />

party began. Helping out with activity<br />

planning, among others, were Randy &<br />

Marcy Vidmar, Tom & Tambra Kroetz,<br />

The Drifter<br />

Baxter Culver, Greg Peart, J. Toney, Bob<br />

Prinzo, Sara Clements, Karen Mangin,<br />

Kathy Chandler, C.C. Craig, and Gail<br />

Ervin. The resulting 1985 tear-out calendar<br />

was published in the February Drifter.<br />

10 Years Ago (January 1995)<br />

New SVR <strong>of</strong>ficers for 1995 included President<br />

Greg Peart, Vice President Rik<br />

Larson, Secretary Shelagh Mackay, Treasurer<br />

Lettie Larson, Social Director Daymon<br />

Nightingale, Membership Director<br />

Fred Siegner, Competition Director Masuo<br />

Robinson, Drifter Editor Mike Willis,<br />

and Past President Tambra Kroetz.<br />

Committee chairs included Allen & Dolores<br />

Weddle (Bed & Breakfast), Steve &<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong> & The Rallye <strong>Club</strong><br />

Present the continuation <strong>of</strong> John Clever's<br />

February Frolic '05<br />

Zone 7 Time & Distance Car Rallye<br />

A retro country driving 'no trap' event<br />

Diane Harris (Charity), Jim Phillips<br />

(Concours), Linda & MaryAnn Blount<br />

and Jim McMahen (Share the Wealth),<br />

and Herb Hoover (Technical).<br />

The SVR 1995 Activities Planning<br />

Meeting, January 5 at Round Table Pizza,<br />

produced a year-long calendar <strong>of</strong> varied<br />

and interesting events for SVR members.<br />

Published in the January Drifter was<br />

the January 12, 1995 letter from Mary Lou<br />

Youngerman, President <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Directors for Family House, Inc., thanking<br />

SVR for its $1,808 charity contribution.<br />

Family House is a home-like facility<br />

for children with cancer and their families<br />

while the children are being treated at the<br />

University <strong>of</strong> California Medical Center.<br />

Saturday February 19, 2005<br />

Registration from 10 am-11 am<br />

Rallye School 10am-11am - First Car Out 11:31<br />

starting Kahler's Werkstatt 6117 Dougherty Rd, Dublin<br />

(North <strong>of</strong> Interstate 580, East <strong>of</strong> Interstate 680)<br />

Entry is $25 per car/$20 PCA or TRC members<br />

Awards in four classes: Expert Equipped & Unequipped, Novice & Beginner<br />

Participation plaque for all cars<br />

Rallyemaster Bill Jonesi (408) 247-7115 - jonesi@pcmagic.net<br />

Further Information, General Instructions and enter<br />

on line with Paypal at http://www.therallyeclub.org<br />


SVR Autocross Returns!<br />

SVR Autocross<br />

Returns!<br />

By Kerner Breaux<br />

CRAB 31 Chair<br />

The November 14 autocross at Infineon<br />

Raceway was SVR’s first autocross in quite<br />

a few months. It’s great to be back in business!<br />

Our organizing team (Kern & Tyler<br />

Breaux, Matt Deter, and Steve Goltz) arrived<br />

at the site Saturday evening to set<br />

up the course, but found that another race<br />

group was still parked in our site. At 4:30<br />

pm we finally got started.<br />

The north end <strong>of</strong> the course was pretty<br />

much set but the south end would need<br />

alterations since Michael Andretti’s 18-<br />

wheel rig was parked in the middle <strong>of</strong> the<br />

intended course. It seems he determined<br />

the track was too wet to test two days earlier,<br />

and left the rig there. We don’t know<br />

when he came back, but ultimately we redesigned<br />

the course around the truck,<br />

which required the rest <strong>of</strong> the course to be<br />

modified.<br />

At 6 pm it was dark, and with only half<br />

<strong>of</strong> the course set, we decided to call it a<br />

night. Just as everything was packed up<br />

and we were about to leave, the track<br />

turned on the parking lot lights! However,<br />

we had a party to go to, so we decided<br />

to finish up in the morning.<br />

At 7 am when we arrived, it was foggy!<br />

This is the first time I have ever tried<br />

to set up a course in the dark and the fog.<br />

Fortunately, the fog lifted shortly and the<br />

course was completed.<br />

A total <strong>of</strong> 47 drivers participated, and<br />

each got in 5 runs for the day. Since this<br />

was an open event, there were all different<br />

marques, including Corvettes, Miatas,<br />

Subarus, Beemers, and an Audi in addition<br />

to the normal gatherings <strong>of</strong> <strong>Porsche</strong>s.<br />

Almost all <strong>of</strong> the entrants were somewhat<br />

experienced; however, we did have<br />

six rookies who were coached by instructors<br />

Steve Nieslony, Larry Sharp and<br />

myself. Everyone did extremely well! Allison<br />

Russell beat her father, Roger, by<br />

0.0024 seconds on her last run. Larry and<br />

I sure did a great job instructing her! However,<br />

the best improved driver was Debra<br />

Pickerell, who dropped 7.4 seconds. Her<br />

instructor did a super job!<br />

There were no classes assigned since<br />

this was a fun event, but when an event is<br />

timed, everyone still wants to have Top<br />

Time <strong>of</strong> Day. Steve Nieslony in his modified<br />

914 took that distinction over Larry<br />

Sharp in his 74 911 Carrera, 32.130 to<br />

32.818.<br />

The event went along very smoothly,<br />

with only a couple minor problems. There<br />

were just a couple <strong>of</strong> spinouts, but a near<br />

Zone 7 Awards Banquet<br />

Saturday, January 15, 2005<br />

Hilton Pleasanton Hotel<br />

7050 Johnson Drive • Pleasanton, CA 94588<br />

No-Host Cocktails at 6:00 P.M.<br />

Dinner at 7:00 P.M.<br />

Dinner cost is $35 per person<br />

The hotel is located in the southeast quadrant at the junction <strong>of</strong> I-580 and I-680. Take<br />

the Hopyard Road exit from I-580, or the Stoneridge Drive exit from I-680.<br />

Dinner entrée choices: Filet Mignon sliced and served on a grilled Portobello mushroom<br />

enhanced with a Cognac demi-glaze, or Cornish Game Hen filled with wild rice<br />

accented with a Cabernet sauce. All dinners include the following: baby lettuce salad,<br />

roasted seasonal vegetables, duet <strong>of</strong> roasted potatoes with shallots, garlic and parsley,<br />

and a pecan turtle tartlet for dessert.<br />

Please reserve in advance by calling Tim or Sue Fleming at (916) 985-4142. Make<br />

checks payable to “PCA-Zone 7,” and mail to 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630.<br />

All checks must be received by January 10, 2005.<br />

There is a special room rate <strong>of</strong> $72 plus tax; call<br />

(800) 445-8667 or (925) 463-8000, and be sure to<br />

mention <strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong>. Rooms will be<br />

released on December 31, 2004.<br />

Kim Nelson: “I Forgot the last turn!”<br />

miss at the finish line was an event highlight.<br />

This event would not have been as successful<br />

as it was if not for the following<br />

people: Bud Behrens brought Yosemite<br />

<strong>Region</strong>’s timing system up and ran it all<br />

day while we were testing our new timing<br />

system. Matt Deter, SVR’s new Autocross<br />

Chair, helped set up, worked the new timer<br />

and took on various other duties. Steve<br />

Goltz helped set up and assisted in running<br />

the event, as well as providing adult<br />

beverages and the use <strong>of</strong> his car. Tyler<br />

Breaux helped with setup and announcing,<br />

and was my general “go-for.” Lastly,<br />

we have SVR President Kim Nelson to<br />

thank for providing a little excitement at<br />

the finish line; he missed running into the<br />

autocross trailer by just 12 feet! When<br />

asked what happened, he replied, “I forgot<br />

the last turn!” It could happen to anyone,<br />

right?<br />

6 The Drifter

Speaking <strong>of</strong><br />

Membership<br />

By Tom Sisson<br />

Membership Director<br />

Welcome new members and transfers! SVR<br />

has 594 regular members and 17 dual members.<br />

Planning Meeting<br />

Once again, I want to remind new (and notso-new)<br />

members to attend the annual planning<br />

meeting and help lay out future events.<br />

The 2005 meeting is set for January 13, 2005;<br />

see page 3 for details. Come and let us all<br />

know what type <strong>of</strong> events you want the <strong>Club</strong><br />

to hold. It is also a good chance to volunteer<br />

to host an event—or if you don’t feel ready<br />

to take on an event <strong>of</strong> your own, there will<br />

be plenty <strong>of</strong> opportunities to assist the volunteers<br />

who are leading events, and find out<br />

what’s involved.<br />

Important Membership Issues<br />

You may note that the number <strong>of</strong> regular<br />

members is significantly less than it has been.<br />

That is because 25 members had to be deleted<br />

for non-payment <strong>of</strong> dues. Even worse,<br />

another 22 plus are in danger <strong>of</strong> being deleted<br />

in the next month or two. Please check<br />

your membership cards and renew if necessary.<br />

If your renewal date is approaching (or<br />

past!) and you haven’t yet received a bill from<br />

National, please contact them at<br />

http: //www.pca.org/ to make sure you get<br />

your dues paid.<br />

Special Congratulations<br />

This month Jon & Janet Kramer and Greg<br />

& Cyndee Peart have been members for 25<br />

years, and Robin & Richard Wetmore have<br />

been members for 30 years.<br />

Membership information<br />

New Members<br />

Alys & Warren Day<br />

Penn <strong>Valley</strong>, CA 95946<br />

day@gv.net<br />

1984 911<br />

Edward & Carole Goodin<br />

Gold River, CA 95670<br />

edgoodin@reynenandbardis.com<br />

916-366-1232<br />

1995 911<br />

Chris Hinojosa<br />

Rocklin, CA 95677<br />

LChrishjr@aol.com<br />

916-624-7139<br />

1992 911<br />

Scott & Dayna Limpach<br />

Elk Grove, CA 95757<br />

slimpach@frontiernet.net<br />

916-714-9530<br />

1984 911<br />

Randy & Rita Munson<br />

Elk Grove, CA 95758<br />

rwmrlm@aol.com<br />

916-374-3065<br />

2005 Cayenne<br />

Dennis & Maria Popperwell<br />

Roseville, CA 95678<br />

ruby2240@surewest.net<br />

916-439-5537<br />

1985 911<br />

Phil & Karen Rotheram<br />

Roseville, CA 95747<br />

phil@rotheram.com<br />

916-765-6475<br />

2000 Boxster<br />

Transfers<br />

Jean Lhuillier<br />

Bel-Air, Makati 1209,<br />

Philippines<br />

jhlceo@yahoo.com<br />

632-899-8757<br />

1997 911<br />

(from Germany)<br />

Changes<br />

Jerry & Jennie Ahlstrom<br />

jerry_ahlstrom@fire.ca.gov<br />

Thomas & Wendy Beck<br />

916-356-6652<br />

Bob & Beth Jacobson<br />

jacobson.robert@sbcglobal.net<br />

Jeff Jacques<br />

Auburn, CA 95603<br />

jacques-a@sbcglobal.net<br />

530-886-8833<br />

Scott Jessen<br />

Cool, CA 95614<br />

Ron Kain<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA 95814<br />

Bruce & Mary Lagomarsino<br />

blagomarsino@sanjuan.edu<br />

916-337-7373<br />

Gary & Marne McCann<br />

gmccann@surewest.net<br />

Mike & Mike Mobley<br />

2002 Cayenne<br />

Jack & Nancy Paddon<br />

jpaddon@ncbb.net<br />

William Williams<br />

Gold River, CA 95670<br />

Anniversaries<br />

J.C. & Shareen Fat [10]<br />

John & Carrie Alden [15]<br />

Scott Jessen & Sally Brown<br />

[15]<br />

Andy & Jan Lundback [15]<br />

Jon & Janet Kramer [25]<br />

Greg & Cyndee Peart [25]<br />

Robin & Richard Wetmore<br />

[30]<br />

The Drifter<br />


2005 Rally Plans<br />

SVR’s experienced rallyists (Keith McMahan,<br />

Phillip Marks, Richard Wetzel, J. Toney,<br />

Rik Larson), along with Zone 7 Rally Chair,<br />

Al Armellini <strong>of</strong> the Diablo <strong>Region</strong>, recently<br />

met and have put together a series <strong>of</strong> rally<br />

schools for the first part <strong>of</strong> 2005. Additional<br />

details will be provided at the planning session<br />

on January 13. We will also have details<br />

in the February Drifter.<br />

A Free Rally School<br />

Rally<br />

By Rik Larson<br />

Rally Irregular Scout<br />

You will have to travel to the Bay Area<br />

(Mountain View), but it is free! Seating is limited<br />

for this classroom-based Rally School on<br />

Saturday, February 5, co-sponsored by <strong>Sacramento</strong><br />

<strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong>. Check out the information<br />

to the right.<br />

First Rally for 2005<br />

February Frolic will be held on Saturday, February<br />

19, with the start in Dublin. This rally<br />

allows you to run with very little pressure.<br />

There are no manned checkpoints. Most <strong>of</strong><br />

the instructions have mileages associated with<br />

them and there are no traps. It’s a perfect opportunity<br />

to apply some <strong>of</strong> the skills you have<br />

gained at the rally school. See the ad on Page<br />

5 for more information.<br />

What is a Rally?<br />

If you are interested in learning more about<br />

rallying, there are several great references<br />

available on the web. If you don’t have access<br />

to the web, just give me a call and we can mail<br />

some introductory material to you.<br />

You can check out several articles on the<br />

San Diego <strong>Region</strong> web page at<br />

http: //www.pcasdr.org/. Clicking on “RAL-<br />

LY” in the navigation bar on the left will take<br />

you to several beginner-level articles. “Rallying<br />

for Beginners” was written by former SVR<br />

member Harvey Cain, and includes a number<br />

<strong>of</strong> examples <strong>of</strong> the types <strong>of</strong> instructions<br />

you will encounter in a typical “time & distance”<br />

event. There are two separate articles<br />

on “How to Run the Odo Leg” and “How to<br />

Run a DIYC (Do It Yourself Checkpoint).”<br />

Another recommended site is by The Rallye<br />

<strong>Club</strong>, at http: //www.therallyeclub.org/. It<br />

has a lot <strong>of</strong> great examples, practice rallies, tips,<br />

and equipment sources.<br />

Parade 2005<br />

By Tim Fleming<br />

Zone 7 Representative<br />

The November 2004 <strong>Porsche</strong> Panorama includes<br />

an article describing the 50 th <strong>Porsche</strong><br />

Parade in Hershey, Pennsylvania.<br />

This promises to be a great Parade, including<br />

new activities such as a swap meet and<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> museum, as well as honoring the<br />

original PCA <strong>Porsche</strong> Parades, which were<br />

held nearby.<br />

We anticipate that registration demand<br />

for this Parade will be high, and it is important<br />

for members to register early, preferably<br />

on the first day. The opening date for<br />

registration is January 18, 2005, and if the<br />

event sells out the first day, subsequent registrations<br />

may not be accepted.<br />

For the first time, online registration<br />

will be used, with access through the<br />

Parade web page at<br />

http://www.pca.org/parade/2005/. You<br />

will need an established PCA member account<br />

to access the registration page. Members<br />

without existing accounts are strongly<br />

advised to create one in advance so that all<br />

will go well on January 18. It is an easy<br />

registration process, and can be done anytime<br />

at http://www.pca.org/.<br />

Hard copy registrations will be accepted<br />

as well (postmarked on January 18), but<br />

the forms will need to be requested from<br />

the Parade registrar as described in Panorama.<br />

If you have further questions, please<br />

contact Tim Fleming at 916-985-4142 or<br />

Larry Sharp at 925-371-2258<br />

The Rallye <strong>Club</strong> and <strong>Porsche</strong><br />

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong> presents<br />

a Time Speed & Distance<br />

classroom rallye school<br />

Saturday, Feb. 5th, 1-4 PM.<br />

8 The Drifter

By Cathy & Bill Keegan<br />

Social Directors<br />

The holidays are behind us as we move into<br />

another new year <strong>of</strong> <strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> activities.<br />

But before we get too far into the year, we’d<br />

like to take this last opportunity to thank all<br />

<strong>of</strong> you who hosted a dinner, led a tour, or<br />

sponsored an event, which made 2004 such<br />

an enjoyable year for all members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Club</strong>. In particular, we would like to congratulate<br />

the following members who were<br />

honored at the Christmas Party for their<br />

2004 efforts:<br />

• Dinner Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Year - Brookside<br />

Grill, Andy & Diana Leight<br />

• Tour <strong>of</strong> the Year - Awesome Horsepower<br />

Tour, Stephanie Morgan<br />

• Social Event <strong>of</strong> the Year - 2003 Christmas<br />

Party, Rick & Candace Weidner<br />

• Competition Event <strong>of</strong> the Year - November<br />

Driver Education & Autocross, Frederick<br />

Rauch<br />

• Event <strong>of</strong> the Year - SVR Zone 7 Concours,<br />

Kent Brandon & Kim Nelson<br />

This year’s Christmas Party was another<br />

spectacular event thanks to the efforts <strong>of</strong><br />

Tambra & Tom Kroetz, Judy Hanna &<br />

Rich Swenson, Emily & Mike Willis, and<br />

Ruth & Marvin Stark. For the past two<br />

years, we have been able to celebrate the<br />

holidays together as the guests <strong>of</strong> Rick &<br />

Candace Weidner at the Sutter <strong>Club</strong>, one <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>’s most treasured facilities. The<br />

Christmas Party has been one <strong>of</strong> the most<br />

attended events <strong>of</strong> the past couple <strong>of</strong> years,<br />

and having such a fine venue has certainly<br />

been a treat for all <strong>of</strong> us. Thanks Rick for<br />

extending this privilege to the members <strong>of</strong><br />

SVR.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> our events take place because<br />

someone, or a group <strong>of</strong> people, decides to<br />

present them to the <strong>Club</strong> to enjoy as an activity.<br />

This year, the annual Planning Meeting<br />

takes place on January 13 at the Round<br />

Table Pizza in Folsom, just <strong>of</strong>f Madison<br />

Avenue, between the intersections <strong>of</strong> Greenback<br />

Road and Main Street. The <strong>Club</strong> subsidizes<br />

the cost <strong>of</strong> our meal, and this is the<br />

time where the entire schedule <strong>of</strong> 2005 social<br />

events is planned. In last month’s column,<br />

we presented a number <strong>of</strong> ideas for<br />

tours for the next year. Where would you<br />

like to lead your fellow members this year?<br />

The December 2004 Drifter also included a<br />

“How To Host a Tour” article, providing<br />

The Drifter<br />

The Social<br />

Scene<br />

some guidelines for those who would like to<br />

plan a tour but need some information on<br />

how it might be done. This month’s “How<br />

To Host a Dinner Meeting” article on page<br />

12 <strong>of</strong>fers some guidelines on putting together<br />

a dinner meeting. If you need a copy <strong>of</strong> either<br />

<strong>of</strong> these articles, please contact me or<br />

check out The Drifter online at<br />

http://www.derporsche.net/. Come and join<br />

us for a casual evening and see how the<br />

events get planned for the coming year. I’m<br />

sure many <strong>of</strong> you have an idea <strong>of</strong> a place<br />

that other members might enjoy visiting.<br />

The February Dinner Meeting will be<br />

Thursday, the 10 th at Marrakech Moroccan<br />

Restaurant on Fulton Avenue, near Arden.<br />

They are presenting us a four course meal,<br />

served family style, including salad, pastilla<br />

appetizer, three entrees, and a Moroccan<br />

pastry desert. Some entertainment has been<br />

planned to make this a memorable evening.<br />

We have enjoyed serving as your Social<br />

Directors throughout the past year. It has<br />

been the generosity <strong>of</strong> those who have<br />

stepped up and hosted events throughout the<br />

past year that has made it such a great experience.<br />

We’d like to take this opportunity to<br />

thank all <strong>of</strong> you we’ve had the pleasure to<br />

work with, and also welcome Julia Lynn as<br />

your new Social Director for 2005. We look<br />

forward to working with her and all <strong>of</strong> the<br />

rest <strong>of</strong> you during the coming year to keep<br />

SVR the most fun <strong>Region</strong> in Zone 7. Happy<br />

New Year, and we’ll see you on the 13 th<br />

at the Planning Meeting!<br />

356CAR Calendar<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong> Area Breakfast<br />

2nd Saturday each month<br />

February 5 - <strong>Porsche</strong> and vintage<br />

VW literature, toy and memorabilia<br />

meet.<br />

February 6 - Euro Marques parts<br />

swap meet.<br />

April 7-10 - 356 Registry Gulf<br />

Coast holiday.<br />

April 7-10 - No Frills Iron Bottom<br />

Motoring Tour.<br />

April 21-24 - North Meets South.<br />

For information on these<br />

events visit:<br />

http://www.356CAR.org/<br />


By Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

Drifter Editors<br />

Your photos are always needed and welcomed!<br />

We will try to publish as many as we have room for in each issue. Send your color or black<br />

& white electronic images to Aleece & Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann at NewsletterEditor@svr.pca.org.<br />

Please include a caption or other information regarding the photo.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1. Kim Nelson put some wear on those tires at the Infineon<br />

Autocross.<br />

2. Rick Weidner took the G24 group on a tour to visit some <strong>of</strong> his<br />

“old friends” down in the Delta.<br />

3. The G24 tour posed for a photo.<br />

4. Rick & Candace Weidner were our Sutter <strong>Club</strong> hosts for the 2004<br />

Chistmas Party.<br />

5. Officers Dougherty, Peart, Coolahan, and Chann took some<br />

cuddly looking suspects into custody for the CHiPs for Kids<br />

program.<br />

6. The SVR tree decorating crew brightened the Towe Auto<br />

Museum.<br />

7. Mike Willis, Kern Breaux, and Jeff Kinder at the Chistmas Party.<br />

8. Officers Kurt Chann and Frank Coolahan loaded all the donated<br />

toys into their CHP cruiser—but couldn’t close the trunk!<br />

9. The 2005 Board was introduced at the Christmas Party: Bob &<br />

Cathy Morris, Tom Sisson, Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann, Kevin<br />

Dougherty, Steve Goltz, Matt Deter, Andy Leight, Rick Weidner,<br />

Frederick D. Rauch, Kim Nelson, Jeff Kinder.<br />

10. Russ Hildebrand, Emily Willis, and Michelle Muir (Willis) chatted<br />

at teh Christmas Party.<br />

11. The donated toys piled even higher than last year!<br />

12. Kern Breaux gave Kim Nelson a special award (and<br />

photographic evidence) for his performance at the Infineon<br />

Autocross.<br />

4<br />

5<br />

10<br />

The Drifter

12<br />

11<br />

9<br />

10<br />

8<br />

Photos 1, 6: Kim Nelson/Phil Lawrence<br />

Photos 2, 3: Rick Weidner<br />

Photos 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11: Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

Photo 9: Dianna Leight<br />

Photo 12: Phil Lawrence<br />

7<br />

6<br />

The Drifter<br />


How to Host a<br />

Dinner Meeting<br />

By Cathy & Bill Keegan<br />

SVR Member<br />

Four Months or More in Advance<br />

Sure, it sounds early, but with the Drifter<br />

deadline being the first <strong>of</strong> the month prior<br />

to the cover date, advance planning is<br />

essential for effectively publicizing your<br />

event. Work out the key details early so<br />

that announcements can be placed in at<br />

least two Drifter issues before the event.<br />

For example, if you were hosting the April<br />

Dinner Meeting, you would need to have<br />

all the details for your ad submitted to the<br />

Drifter editor(s) by February 1 to appear<br />

in the March issue. Any changes for the<br />

April issue would be due by March 1.<br />

As you select the restaurant, keeping<br />

in mind the following:<br />

• Location: Generally the closer to <strong>Sacramento</strong>,<br />

the better the draw from members<br />

throughout the <strong>Region</strong>.<br />

• Date & Time: Dinners are typically<br />

held on the second Thursday <strong>of</strong> the month;<br />

alternatives can be considered if the facility<br />

is opening only for <strong>Club</strong> use. Cocktail<br />

hour should start about 6:00 or 6:30 pm,<br />

followed by dinner at 7:00 or 7:30 pm.<br />

• Capacity: In 2003 & 2004, dinner<br />

meeting attendance ranged from about 35<br />

to 65 members. Does the facility have a<br />

specific room we can use? Or can you negotiate<br />

to have the restaurant opened only<br />

to <strong>Club</strong> members on an evening when it is<br />

normally closed? Is there a minimum or<br />

maximum group size? How many people<br />

can the room seat? How many meals can<br />

the kitchen reasonably serve at once? No<br />

one wants to be left waiting for a meal<br />

while nearby plates are being cleared.<br />

• Sound: A separate room is encouraged<br />

so that members can visit with each other<br />

easily, especially during the cocktail hour.<br />

We also <strong>of</strong>ten have announcements and<br />

sometimes a program, so it is important<br />

to select a facility where we can conduct a<br />

meeting without disturbing other patrons<br />

or competing with ambient noise. Will<br />

there be a guest speaker or other program?<br />

Do you need a PA System or other A/V<br />

equipment? Does the facility have a system<br />

we can use? Do you need to arrange<br />

to use the <strong>Club</strong>’s PA system? Will it be<br />

allowed?<br />

• Menu & Budget: Select 2-3 menu options<br />

to satisfy different tastes and dietary<br />

needs. Remember that more choices are<br />

harder for a restaurant to serve to a large<br />

group satisfactorily. Determine what is included<br />

for what cost (salad, beverage, dessert,<br />

etc.) Is there a deposit? Are there fees<br />

for the room, PA system, etc.? What are<br />

the tax and gratuity rates, and to which<br />

charges do they apply? Will you incur any<br />

other costs for supplies, photocopying, etc.?<br />

Add it all up, round up to the nearest half<br />

dollar and then add $2.00 per person for<br />

the <strong>Club</strong>’s overhead expenses. Fill out a<br />

Budget form with these figures and review<br />

it with the Social Director.<br />

Plan your meeting using the Dinner<br />

Meeting Guidelines. It is a good idea to get<br />

all <strong>of</strong> your arrangements in writing so that<br />

there will be no misunderstandings between<br />

you as the <strong>Club</strong>’s representative and the restaurant’s<br />

management. The <strong>Club</strong>’s Acknowledgement<br />

<strong>of</strong> Arrangements form will<br />

help you cover all the bases. The restaurant<br />

may also have a standard special event contract<br />

covering these details.<br />

Three Months in Advance<br />

Complete all the written documentation<br />

you’ll need: your Budget, an Acknowledgement<br />

<strong>of</strong> Arrangements form and/or the<br />

restaurant’s standard special event contract,<br />

advertising for The Drifter, and an event<br />

flyer if you intend to use one.<br />

If necessary, your first Drifter ad can<br />

be a less detailed “teaser,” but running the<br />

complete details twice is best. Include the<br />

location’s name & address; driving directions;<br />

menu choices & descriptions; the<br />

cost per person, what’s included and what<br />

costs extra; the deadline for reservations<br />

(usually the Sunday preceding the dinner<br />

meeting date) and last date to cancel without<br />

paying (if different); and a name,<br />

phone number, and email address to contact<br />

for reservations and/or information.<br />

Ask the restaurant’s permission to use their<br />

logo in your ad. This helps develop good<br />

rapport with the management as their establishment<br />

gets better name recognition.<br />

They may send you a graphics file, or if<br />

they have a web site, you may be able to<br />

grab it from there.<br />

A flyer would be handed out at other<br />

events during the month before your dinner.<br />

It could be as simple as printing <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the ad from The Drifter, or you could make<br />

up a full page handout <strong>of</strong> your own. Be<br />

sure to consider any costs associated with<br />

flyers in your budget.<br />

Submit the completed ad to the Drifter<br />

Editor. Your ad should include all <strong>of</strong><br />

those key details mentioned above, and fill<br />

about half a page using a fairly large font<br />

size. Be sure to attach any logos or other<br />

graphics you want to use, or link to the<br />

facility’s web site as needed.<br />

Two Months in Advance<br />

Work out the final details with the facility.<br />

Where will you check in guests? How<br />

many will they have available on the wait<br />

staff? Do you need any special arrangements,<br />

e.g. placement <strong>of</strong> PA system, podium,<br />

screen for presentations, etc.? How will<br />

members be directed to the appropriate<br />

room? Make sure you understand the facility’s<br />

policy regarding room decorations<br />

such as posters or banners.<br />

As you take reservations, remind members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cancellation policy, and be sure<br />

to note which meals they have selected. A<br />

color code is a good idea, e.g. red for meat,<br />

yellow for pasta or chicken, blue for fish.<br />

You can use this same type <strong>of</strong> system on<br />

the night <strong>of</strong> the event, giving people color-coded<br />

tickets as they check in. This will<br />

help servers know how to distribute meals.<br />

One Month in Advance<br />

Prepare an email ad for the Social Director<br />

to send out about a week prior to your<br />

reservation deadline. Be certain to include<br />

all the same details used in your Drifter<br />

ad, noting the last date to sign up.<br />

Contact the Treasurer to arrange to<br />

have a signed check available for the restaurant<br />

on the night <strong>of</strong> the event. If the<br />

Treasurer will not be attending, another<br />

Board member can <strong>of</strong>ten bring the check<br />

instead.<br />

Plan your color-coded ticket system for<br />

identifying specific menu selections, and<br />

discuss it with the restaurant’s management.<br />

If a PA system is needed, arrange for<br />

the use <strong>of</strong> the equipment and get another<br />

<strong>Club</strong> member to assist you with setup the<br />

evening <strong>of</strong> the event.<br />

The <strong>Club</strong> has a change box you can<br />

use; contact the Social Director to make<br />

sure it will be on hand. Adhesive paper<br />

nametags are also in the box for those who<br />

forget to bring their badges.<br />

If decorations are allowed, contact the<br />

Vice President to arrange to have the<br />

<strong>Club</strong>’s banners on hand. Plan how and<br />

where you will use them, making sure to<br />

comply with the facility’s policies.<br />

12 The Drifter

Day <strong>of</strong> the Event<br />

Arrive at the restaurant early and make<br />

certain the room is set up as agreed. Bring<br />

along the Acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> Arrangement<br />

Form or the event contract, and your<br />

alphabetical listing <strong>of</strong> attendees and their<br />

meal choices.<br />

Review the meal ticket selection process<br />

and the correct color tickets with the<br />

staff. If you are using a PA system, get it<br />

set up before the guests arrive. Set up a<br />

table where you can greet the attendees<br />

and collect payments. Have<br />

change available. Give paid attendees a<br />

colored ticket to indicate their meal choice.<br />

Identify the President and any guest speakers<br />

or others who will need to conduct<br />

business or make a presentation; arrange<br />

for these folks to be among the first served<br />

so that they have adequate time to enjoy<br />

their meals before taking the podium.<br />

At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the meeting, review<br />

the restaurant charges and pay the<br />

bill using the Treasurer’s check. Following<br />

the event, prepare a brief report summarizing<br />

the attendance, income and expenses<br />

for the evening; submit this information<br />

to the Treasurer and the Social Director.<br />

Mendocino Tour<br />

2005<br />

By Rik Larson<br />

Mendo Tour Guide<br />

Same Time, This Year<br />

Mark <strong>of</strong>f the first weekend in November to<br />

attend this popular 3-day, 2-night tour to<br />

the Mendocino area. More than 50 cars participated<br />

last November. Check out some <strong>of</strong><br />

the action by visiting the SVR web site with<br />

pictures by John Murphy, Matt Deter, and<br />

Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann.<br />

As we did last year, we have a block <strong>of</strong><br />

rooms reserved at the Hill House in Mendocino<br />

and at Little River Inn in Little River.<br />

The room blocks are managed by the tour<br />

administrators, who can also provide descriptions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the room accommodations. Contact<br />

Tom & Tambra Kroetz (916-989-1954 or<br />

tkroetz@comcast.net) for information on<br />

Hill House. Contact Rik & Lettie Larson<br />

(916-481-6084, 6 to 9 pm please, or<br />

rik.mendocino2005@comcast.net) for Little<br />

River Inn details. They have all the<br />

information regarding the types <strong>of</strong> rooms,<br />

costs, deposit and cancellation policies, etc.<br />

You do not have to stay with the main<br />

group to go on this tour. If you have a favorite<br />

place to stay on the north coast, we<br />

suggest you make your reservations early.<br />

Frederick Rauch is also talking about taking<br />

over a section <strong>of</strong> MacCallum House that has<br />

its own private kitchen and fixing up something<br />

special. Could this be the location <strong>of</strong><br />

the social gathering on Friday and Saturday<br />

evening?<br />

This is a very informal tour, with the only<br />

competitive event being a kite flying contest<br />

on Saturday afternoon. Even that is optional!<br />

Golf, tennis, horseback riding, beach<br />

walking, kayaking, etc. are all available on<br />

the north coast. We can provide many suggestions<br />

as to the area restaurants, wineries,<br />

points <strong>of</strong> interest, etc.<br />

If you want to stay an extra day or two,<br />

either before or after the group, we will try<br />

to make it happen. But we must know by<br />

March 15 at the latest if you have plans to<br />

stay extra days. It is easier to reserve the<br />

rooms for longer periods (and then release<br />

the days if you don’t want them) than it is to<br />

add days to your stay.<br />

ae<br />

The Drifter<br />


Niello Concours<br />

at Serrano<br />

By Bob Jacobson<br />

SVR Member<br />

The first annual Niello Concours at Serrano<br />

was held on October 2, around the lake<br />

at Serrano Country <strong>Club</strong>. Almost two hundred<br />

well-prepared vehicles made this a<br />

beautiful display for judging, celebrating the<br />

100 th year <strong>of</strong> Rolls Royce and the 50 th anniversary<br />

for Thunderbird and Ferrari. Most<br />

<strong>of</strong> the top three class winners were separated<br />

by only a few points, which revealed the<br />

top quality <strong>of</strong> these cars—quite a feat for a<br />

first year event! There were plenty <strong>of</strong> creature<br />

comforts, refreshments, shade, live music<br />

for the spectators, and a fashion show.<br />

The Best <strong>of</strong> Show award went to a 1963<br />

Lincoln four-door convertible, but <strong>Porsche</strong><br />

owners took home their share <strong>of</strong> awards.<br />

“Green Phil” Lawrence won a second in a<br />

Phil Lawrence’s 911 being judged<br />

very tight class, with first going to a V12<br />

Jaguar. Early <strong>Porsche</strong> class winners were Ted<br />

Blake with 1 st place for his 1964 C Cabriolet,<br />

Jim Hardie and Bob Murray in 2 nd with<br />

their 1952 Cabriolet, and 3 rd place to Bob<br />

Cannon with a 1965 Cabriolet.<br />

A tour around the displayed cars showed<br />

some from the Niello dealerships, especially<br />

a <strong>Porsche</strong> 997, a black BMW 645 convertible<br />

and a Z8. Multiple red cars (Ferraris)<br />

were shown with a rare new black F430,<br />

which will replace the Modena 360 next year.<br />

Bob & Elaine Cannon’s 356 Cabriolet<br />

Photos by Phil Lawrence<br />

There was a beautiful display <strong>of</strong> mid-year<br />

Corvettes, all seemingly in first-place condition.<br />

Any tour at a concours must include<br />

the spectators parking area, which revealed<br />

a new 2005 C6 Corvette.<br />

Again, it was a great kick<strong>of</strong>f for an annual<br />

event. Hopefully next year Serrano will<br />

open some <strong>of</strong> their golf fairways (as at Pebble<br />

Beach) so the event will have room to<br />

grow. Don’t miss this concours next year!<br />


Here it is, 2005. Now that you have saved all that money<br />

by buying Christmas gifts on sale at Macy’s and<br />

JCPenney, you can buy the good stuff from the Goodie<br />

Store, Don’t miss out!<br />

The hottest new items are micr<strong>of</strong>iber jackets in black,<br />

brick, or tan, with various logo choices, including SVR,<br />

PCA, <strong>Porsche</strong>, or <strong>Porsche</strong> script. You can even have a<br />

P-car put on the jacket—in your color!<br />

The other big sellers are caps—in various colors and<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> logo or script choices—for only $15! Don’t forget<br />

the denim shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts as well.<br />

And don’t worry that the Goodie Store would try to pull the wool over your eyes! Do you know<br />

how that expression came to mean fooling people? Well, the wool in question was originally<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the wigs worn by judges to enhance their dignity. Unfortunately for the judges, the<br />

wigs <strong>of</strong>ten slipped around and sometimes slid down over their faces. How dignified could you<br />

be, even in black robes, if your face suddenly looked like a sheep’s … uh … hindquarters? The<br />

expression was generated by—guess who?—lawyers, <strong>of</strong> course, who used the image <strong>of</strong> wool<br />

over the eyes to imply that they had outwitted the judge. Justice is blind, indeed!<br />

Please patronize your Goodie Store! See Tom Sisson at meetings and events, or write him at<br />

14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685, call 209-296-5352 or email<br />

targatom@goldrush.com. Items can be mailed for a small shipping/handling fee.<br />

14 The Drifter

The Drifter<br />


Mendocino Tour<br />

2004<br />

By Rik Larson<br />

Mendo Tour Guide<br />

7 <strong>Region</strong>s, 2 Zones<br />

With 7 cars from Redwood <strong>Region</strong> on Saturday,<br />

almost 60 cars descended on the Mendocino<br />

Coast for the annual trip hosted by<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong>. The Bradfords<br />

(San Diego <strong>Region</strong>) were able to join us this<br />

year, making a total <strong>of</strong> 7 regions in attendance<br />

(Sierra Nevada, Yosemite, Diablo,<br />

Golden Gate, Redwood, and <strong>Sacramento</strong><br />

<strong>Valley</strong>). We also had a large number <strong>of</strong> firsttimers<br />

who will hopefully join us again in<br />

2005.<br />

Friday Touring<br />

Almost 50 cars met on Friday to begin the<br />

210-mile journey to the coast. Mike Willis<br />

organized everyone into two groups. At least<br />

we would not all arrive at the break (i.e. potty)<br />

and lunch stops at the same time. The<br />

lunch break occurred at the deLorimier winery<br />

near Geyserville. Redwood <strong>Region</strong> provided<br />

some PORSCHE flags to welcome<br />

the group. And with Mike’s great coordination,<br />

the second group <strong>of</strong> cars arrived just as<br />

the first group was finishing up with lunch.<br />

After lunch, Mike let everyone make their<br />

way to the coast on their own (or smaller<br />

groups) based upon the written route instructions<br />

provided. It seems that some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cars (Turbos?) needed to fill up with petrol<br />

in the town <strong>of</strong> Philo. (I guess a full tank does<br />

not take you 200 miles when you are in 2nd<br />

gear most <strong>of</strong> time!)<br />

A Hybrid Cayenne?<br />

Social Hours<br />

The social parties were conducted in the<br />

Willises’ room on Friday and Saturday evenings.<br />

We did note that white wine is favored<br />

two to one over red, based upon a quick<br />

count <strong>of</strong> empty bottles on Sunday morning.<br />

Howard Souza, Master <strong>of</strong> Wind<br />

At the Mendocino Headlands at 2 pm on<br />

Saturday we had a wind reading (from Jeff<br />

Kinder’s handheld anemometer) <strong>of</strong> 1.2 miles<br />

per hour. And then Howard Souza<br />

(Yosemite <strong>Region</strong>) arrived and pulled out<br />

his trusty kite that has guaranteed us winds<br />

the previous two years. His kite just took to<br />

the skies, and we had wind for everyone.<br />

Wind speeds eventually reached 10-12<br />

mph—plenty for all. We had more than 30<br />

kites up at one time. Several folks brought<br />

multiple kites to fly. Kim Nelson even<br />

brought his stunt kite (two hands required)<br />

and several people tried it out. Ed & Marsha<br />

Littrell’s very small homemade kite (<strong>of</strong><br />

plastic bubble wrap and duct tape) went up<br />

with ease. The Minatos (Sierra Nevada <strong>Region</strong>)<br />

were doing some “research” and taking<br />

lots <strong>of</strong> notes (and photos) for competing<br />

next year. Linda & Steve Goltz had lights<br />

on their kite (tough to see in the daytime).<br />

Tom Sisson was flying a 30-year-old<br />

parafoil. We had kites <strong>of</strong> all types: box, delta,<br />

geometric, animals, attack planes, boats,<br />

etc.<br />

A Huge Thanks<br />

The organizing <strong>of</strong> this event would not have<br />

been possible without the help <strong>of</strong> a lot <strong>of</strong><br />

folks. They include: Mike & Emily Willis<br />

According to AutoWeek online, <strong>Porsche</strong> is studying the<br />

option <strong>of</strong> adapting the 270-hp hybrid powertrain from<br />

the Lexus RX 400h, which is scheduled to reach the U.S.<br />

market this spring. The goal would be to reduce fuel<br />

consumption and emissions to meet stricter regulations<br />

being implemented in the Europe and in the U.S. (<strong>Porsche</strong>'s<br />

#1 market), without relying on diesel power.<br />

http://www.autoweek.com/news.cms?newsId=101084<br />

Submitted by SVR member Dwight Mitchell<br />

for hosting the parties; Dave Bunch and<br />

Kurt Fisher <strong>of</strong> Redwood <strong>Region</strong> for identifying<br />

the lunch stop (deLorimier winery);<br />

the Flemings, Willises, Rauches and Bradfords<br />

for guiding the tour groups; John Murphy,<br />

Matt Deter, Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann and<br />

others for great pictures; Rich Swenson for<br />

the tour routes he selected for several years;<br />

and my wife, Lettie, for allowing me to dedicate<br />

time to this event over the past 12<br />

months.<br />

Rick Weidner<br />

New Member Chair<br />

Our November breakfast meeting was<br />

well attended; the following Delta tour<br />

was blessed with great weather, lonely<br />

roads and a spirited group <strong>of</strong> new (and<br />

newer) members. All counted we had<br />

over 20 in attendance for the last G24<br />

event <strong>of</strong> 2004.<br />

Speaking <strong>of</strong> attendance, all communication<br />

within the G24 group is done<br />

via email. Each time I send out an announcement,<br />

many addresses turn out to<br />

be invalid, and I can’t track them back<br />

to the intended recipient. Bottom-line:<br />

if you have joined SVR within the past<br />

24 months and are not receiving notices<br />

from me, please send your correct address<br />

to our Membership Director, Tom<br />

Sisson, at membership@svr.pca.org.<br />

Tom keeps the master list and supplies<br />

me with the current G24 roster each<br />

month. (Please don’t send corrections to<br />

me.)<br />

Lastly, try to attend the January planning<br />

meeting. Hearing about all the <strong>Club</strong><br />

has to <strong>of</strong>fer is a great way to start out the<br />

new year. Getting involved is an even<br />

better idea!<br />

Candace and I enjoyed the first year<br />

<strong>of</strong> G24, especially meeting many <strong>of</strong> you.<br />

We certainly look forward to great things<br />

in 2005. Watch the <strong>Club</strong> calendar and<br />

your email for further announcements<br />

and invitations.<br />

P.S. Got an idea for a G24 event?<br />

Maybe you’d like to lead a tour, host a<br />

potluck at your home, or have 50 people<br />

spend the weekend at your ski cabin?<br />

Send me an email; I’d like to attend!<br />

16 The Drifter

Online<br />

Membership<br />

Directory<br />

Available At<br />

http://www.derporsche.net/<br />

Password Protected For<br />

Your Privacy<br />

Members may request the<br />

password from<br />

SVR VP Andy Leight<br />

at VicePresident@svr.pca.org<br />

or 916-984-9624.<br />

Please provide your PCA<br />

membership number<br />

when making your<br />

password request.<br />

Our Mission: To provide tasteful and unique design while meeting or<br />

exceeding our customer’s expectations.<br />

Custom or restoration for fine cars, classic<br />

Street Rods, and boats<br />

Cabriolet Tops<br />

Seats<br />

Door Panels<br />

Carpets<br />

Tonneau Covers<br />

Car Covers<br />

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you!<br />

Bob Rinker - Owner & Master Craftsman<br />

Erik Carlson - Apprentice Craftsman<br />

11300-G Sunrise Gold Circle, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742<br />

(916) 858-1808<br />

www.karmakreations.com<br />

Master Craftsmanship with over 25 Years<br />

Experience<br />

10 Year <strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Member and<br />

Sponsor<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> owner (911, Classic 914)<br />

Visa and MasterCard Accepted<br />

“If you can dream it, we can build it!” — Bob<br />

The Drifter<br />


From the Zone<br />

By Tim Fleming<br />

Zone 7 Representative<br />

Goodbye Tim, Hello Larry<br />

As you read this column, it is a new year (or<br />

close to it) for you and PCA. It is also the<br />

end <strong>of</strong> my term as Zone 7 Representative. It<br />

has been a lot <strong>of</strong> work, but a very worthwhile<br />

experience. I have spent the last four<br />

years traveling across Northern California<br />

and up to Reno-Carson City area, having a<br />

great time, and meeting great <strong>Porsche</strong> people.<br />

Zone 7 has ten regions and over 4,000<br />

people. Each region is a bit different, and in<br />

the last four years I’ve seen each region try<br />

new activities, welcome new members, and<br />

transition new leadership. It’s been my privilege<br />

to work with 26 different <strong>Region</strong> presidents,<br />

and many more <strong>of</strong>ficers, editors, and<br />

webmasters. In these four years we’ve had a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> new National policies and procedures,<br />

and we’ve tried different things in<br />

the Zone competition series. The <strong>Region</strong>s’<br />

leadership has been very creative and cooperative,<br />

and I thank them. I have made great<br />

friends, and I hope they’ve enjoyed the experience<br />

as much as I have.<br />

I also would like to thank the Zone chairs<br />

for their efforts, particularly the team that<br />

has been active over the past two years, including<br />

Dean Tanaka for Concours, Dean<br />

Thomas for Autocross, Al Armellini for<br />

Rally, Ken Short for webmaster, and Masuo<br />

Robinson and Doug DeVetter for running<br />

the <strong>Club</strong> Race. These folks did a great<br />

job; please thank them personally if you get<br />

the chance.<br />

Finally, I’d like to thank my family for<br />

understanding when I missed a few basketball<br />

games, scouting trips, etc. Thanks especially<br />

to Susan, my better half, for taking a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> phone calls when I was working<br />

late or traveling, and for taking the lead on<br />

the Zone 7 banquets. The Zone 7 Representative<br />

position has been a two-position<br />

job, and Susan certainly deserves credit and<br />

thanks for a job well done.<br />

Deadlines being what they are, my replacement<br />

has not been formally confirmed yet<br />

by the PCA executive council. However,<br />

barring hanging chads or a major scandal,<br />

Larry Sharp from Golden Gate <strong>Region</strong> will<br />

be the next Zone 7 Representative. Larry has<br />

been GGR President multiple terms, and has<br />

been an active participant in the Zone 7 competition<br />

series, even doing some concours<br />

events this year. Larry is experienced and<br />

knowledgeable with respect to driver education,<br />

which will continue to grow in importance<br />

to PCA and Zone 7. Please<br />

welcome Larry in his new assignment!<br />

The year 2005 will be a fun one for PCA<br />

with several events <strong>of</strong> note. The highest pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

event will <strong>of</strong> course be the 50 th <strong>Porsche</strong><br />

Parade in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Two west<br />

coast events <strong>of</strong> distinction will be Marque<br />

Madness, a gathering <strong>of</strong> car clubs at the US<br />

Sports Car Invitational at Laguna Seca, and<br />

the first ever “PCA Escape to the Wine<br />

Country.” The “PCA Escape to _____” event<br />

is a new National program that will <strong>of</strong>fer a<br />

four-day social weekend, rotating around the<br />

country, with this first event to be hosted by<br />

Redwood <strong>Region</strong>. Mark your calendars for<br />

August 25-28, 2005 (the week after the<br />

Monterey Historic Races). All in all, 2005<br />

promises to be a great year for Zone 7.<br />

While I won’t be your Zone Rep, I will<br />

be attending events, and hope to see you<br />

there. Thanks again for allowing me to serve<br />

you. See you soon!<br />



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Rancho Cordova, CA 95742<br />

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www.silverstarrecycling.com<br />

18 The Drifter

997 Tech<br />

Session<br />

By Carl Brakensiek<br />

SVR Member<br />

Popular 997 Tech Session At Niello<br />

Nearly 75 SVR members converged at Niello<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> on October 12 for a close-up view <strong>of</strong><br />

the sixth generation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Porsche</strong>’s legendary 911<br />

sports car—the new Model 997 Carrera and<br />

Carrera S. It was an evening for drooling and<br />

dreaming.<br />

Jonathan Beitz, General Manager <strong>of</strong> Niello<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong>, welcomed the invited guests and<br />

then turned the session over to Service Manager<br />

Jim Webber, who methodically described an<br />

exhaustive list <strong>of</strong> improvements over the previous<br />

Model 996. According to <strong>Porsche</strong> Cars<br />

North <strong>America</strong>, “these newest 911s <strong>of</strong>fer more<br />

power, better balance, greater responsiveness,<br />

new technology and a taut, muscular look.”<br />

Although the new 997 looks much like its<br />

predecessor from a distance, the only part common<br />

to both cars is the ro<strong>of</strong>. Beyond that, the<br />

997 is a brand new, completely redesigned piece<br />

<strong>of</strong> precision equipment. Gone are the fried egg<br />

headlights and the bland flanks. It has the graceful<br />

waistline reminiscent <strong>of</strong> the 993 and an allnew<br />

interior. This car is the perfect blend <strong>of</strong><br />

luxurious style and incredible performance—a<br />

work <strong>of</strong> art on steroids.<br />

Nancy Coburn, General Sales Manager,<br />

coordinated the tech session and insured that<br />

each attendee received at least one poster highlighting<br />

the new 997. She also arranged for the<br />

sumptuous hors d’oeuvres and liquid refreshments.<br />

In addition to Jim Webber, Howard<br />

Durst and Don Shaw fielded questions from<br />

inquisitive SVR members. <strong>Porsche</strong> technicians<br />

put a 997 on a lift and gave members a view<br />

from down under.<br />

The opinions <strong>of</strong> the attendees are shared<br />

by the experts. Here’s what some have had to<br />

say about the new 997:<br />

“One <strong>of</strong> the greatest driver’s cars in history<br />

just got better.” AutoWeek, September 20, 2004.<br />

“… the 997 delivers staggering pace while<br />

remaining one <strong>of</strong> the most engaging sports cars<br />

on the planet.” Excellence, October 2004.<br />

“Air-cooled engines were wonderful, but the<br />

996 outperformed its waterless ancestors. Now<br />

comes the 997, which looks better, sounds better,<br />

and ups the performance difference significantly.<br />

Better in every respect, the 997 is more<br />

accomplished yet more revealing <strong>of</strong> its heritage<br />

than ever before.” <strong>Porsche</strong> Panorama, August<br />

2003.<br />

SVR thanks Rick Niello and his family not<br />

only for hosting the tech session but also for<br />

their decades <strong>of</strong> support and sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Club</strong>. We look forward to the Grand Opening<br />

<strong>of</strong> their new dealership in Rocklin next year.<br />

Our next tech session will be later this winter<br />

when Harvey Weidman <strong>of</strong> Weidman’s<br />

Wheels in Oroville comes to speak about tires<br />

and wheels. Watch The Drifter for further information.<br />

Niello General Manager Jonathan Beitz<br />

introduces the new 997<br />

Photo by Elliot H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

Advertiser Index<br />

A&S BMW Motorcycles 19<br />

Colors-on-Parade/Dent Magic 13<br />

Enterprise Printing 17<br />

European Body Shop 9<br />

Fabrication Specialties 2<br />

Frank’s Automotive<br />

IBC<br />

IPB - Autosport IFC<br />

Karma Kreations 17<br />

Niello <strong>Porsche</strong> 15, BC<br />

OK Tire ‘n Wheel IBC<br />

Partsheaven 4<br />

Performance Products 15<br />

The Racer’s Group 18<br />

Silver Star Recycling 18<br />

TracQuest<br />

IFC<br />

Walt Stickel 7<br />

Weidman’s Wheels 17<br />

CRAB 31 sponsors have<br />

this logo in their ads.<br />

Please support our Drifter advertisers!<br />

Stop by and say “Thank you!” for their support.<br />

With their product or service donations and<br />

financial support <strong>of</strong> SVR, we are able to bring you<br />

more and better activities.<br />

K 1200 LT<br />

Bring in this ad for a free<br />

Motorcycle T-shirt!<br />

A&S BMW Motorcycles<br />

1125 Orlando Ave<br />

Roseville, California<br />

WWW.ascycles.com<br />

1-800-689-9893<br />

A&S BMW<br />

Motorcycles<br />

It’s About the Ride<br />

Limit one tshirt per customer<br />

Always ride safely and wear proper protective gear. ©2004 BMW Motorrad USA, a division <strong>of</strong> BMW <strong>of</strong> North<br />

<strong>America</strong>, LLC. The BMW name and logo are registered trademarks.<br />

The Drifter<br />


The Finish Line<br />

By Elliot & Aleece H<strong>of</strong>fmann<br />

Newsletter Editors<br />

Garage Project Status<br />

As the new year begins, I thought it might<br />

be a good time to see how that dream garage<br />

was shaping up. Not well! I did get seals<br />

installed on the roll-up doors which seem<br />

to work quite well. These are the type that<br />

glue down to the ground for the bottom <strong>of</strong><br />

the door to seal against. We’ve had some<br />

pretty heavy rains already this year and I have<br />

not had any water puddling in the corners<br />

<strong>of</strong> my garage. That’s a big improvement, but<br />

there are still a lot <strong>of</strong> items on my to-do list.<br />

Changes For the New Year<br />

Look in the masthead to find the contact<br />

information <strong>of</strong> your new <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers. You<br />

may notice that their email addresses have<br />

not changed. You can thank our Webmaster,<br />

Mark Sides, for this. He worked with<br />

National to set up this email forwarding system<br />

that allows us to have permanent email<br />

addresses for each <strong>of</strong> the Board positions.<br />

When <strong>of</strong>ficers change their personal addresses,<br />

or when new <strong>of</strong>ficers take over, he<br />

keeps track so you don’t have to!<br />

2005 SVR Board<br />

Election Results<br />

The counting is done and the results are in.<br />

Congratulations and thanks to our 2005<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers:<br />

President<br />

Vice President<br />

Secretary<br />

Treasurer<br />

Membership<br />

Competition<br />

Social<br />

Jeff Kinder<br />

Andy Leight<br />

Steve Goltz<br />

Kevin Dougherty<br />

Tom Sisson<br />

Frederick Rauch<br />

Julia Lynn<br />

Submitted by Steve Goltz, SVR Secretary<br />

Drifter Classifieds for <strong>Porsche</strong>s and/or <strong>Porsche</strong>-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each); non-members<br />

may submit ads, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each (member & non-member). Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box<br />

254651, <strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All<br />

ads must be submitted by email to NewsletterEditor@svr.pca.org and received by the editor by the 1st <strong>of</strong> the month prior to publication. Ads may be<br />

shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As<br />

an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section <strong>of</strong> our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility<br />

to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled.<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong>s<br />

1973 914/4 1.7l, 4th owner, all records, #'s matching,<br />

original (any changes/mods are "bolt on only") No rust,<br />

no leaks, no paint or interior issues. It runs perfectly! Nonrestored<br />

car that is perfect for driving, restoring or 914/6<br />

conversion. Ownership history available. Mods include:<br />

Weltmeister front sway bar, lowered, bump steer kit,<br />

Momo wheel (have original), harness bar, full Simpson<br />

belts, Kenwood AM/FM/cassette (original available),<br />

clutch replaced/tranny rebuilt, Fuchs/205x55x15<br />

Yokohama AVS tires. New steering column, shift linkage,<br />

pedal bushings, throttle cable, clutch cable and fuel lines.<br />

Sepia Brown with tan/black interior. Asking $7900. Top<br />

<strong>of</strong> the market but so is the car! Contact Mike at 916-208-<br />

0986 or quattro4x4@hotmail.com or Brent at 916-747-<br />

2029 or aceporschepilot@hotmail.com. (12)<br />

1973 RSR replica, street/track legal class GM, on 1972<br />

911T chassis, Bamboo Beige, good condition, 2.7 liter,<br />

25k since restoration, 99k original miles. Over $55k invested,<br />

asking $35k to 40k, <strong>of</strong>fer. Contact von@value.net<br />

(Vaughn Temple) (12)<br />

1970 914/6 (Factory 6), 2.4 ltr Guards Red/tan int, one<strong>of</strong>-a-kind<br />

body and interior, ideal for street, autox or time<br />

trial. Owned since 1982. $12,500 or best <strong>of</strong>fer. 916-725-<br />

9828 muppet@jps.net (1)<br />

Parts/Acc<br />

Varsity Jacket, <strong>Porsche</strong> Selection, black with red <strong>Porsche</strong><br />

text. Men’s large, worn less than 5 times, new condition.<br />

Sells for $225 new, will sell for $150. Contact Elliot at<br />

530-792-1749 or ellioth@alumni.calpoly.edu. (12)<br />

Wanted<br />

1967-1973 <strong>Porsche</strong> 911 Coupe, must be in very good<br />

to excellent condition, no projects, good enthusiast<br />

home with proper garage. Please, reasonable prices and<br />

no dealers. Also looking for a 1986-1989 911 Carrera<br />

Coupe. Call Dan @ 408-483-5224 or<br />

dan_tsuchiya@amat.com. (12)<br />

20 The Drifter

Independent Service and Repair<br />

<strong>Porsche</strong> | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo<br />

Frank Lettini<br />

Nick Lettini<br />

5220 Folsom Boulevard<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA 95819<br />

Lic # 010502<br />

Frank’s<br />


Since 1969<br />

916-452-0917<br />

Visa, Mastercard, <strong>America</strong>n Express, Discover Cards<br />

Our motto:<br />

“If you like our work,tell others.<br />

If not, tell us.”

<strong>Porsche</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>America</strong><br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />

Post Office Box 254651<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA 95865-4651<br />

Prsrt Std<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

PAID<br />

Permit Number 2840<br />

<strong>Sacramento</strong>, CA<br />

The Drifter is published by The PCA-<strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong>, and is intended to inform our members <strong>of</strong> activities and other matters <strong>of</strong> interest. Typed<br />

contributions and photographs are welcome and appreciated, and should be sent to the Editors. The deadline for submission is the first <strong>of</strong> the month<br />

prior to the month <strong>of</strong> publication. Address changes and questions regarding membership need to be submitted to the Membership Chair. The views<br />

and opinions expressed in the newsletter are those <strong>of</strong> the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Sacramento</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Region</strong>,<br />

its Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, or PCA, Inc.<br />

New <strong>Porsche</strong>s<br />

Boxster S<br />

2003 Tiptronic Black/Savanna Beige/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

2004 6-speed Guards Red/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Carrera Cabriolet<br />

2004 6-speed Carmon Red Metallic/Graphite Grey/Graphite Grey IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Carrera 4S<br />

2004 Tiptronic Arctic Silver/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

2005 6-speed Atlas Grey Metallic/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Turbo S<br />

2005 6-speed Slate Grey Metallic/Graphite Grey IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Cayenne S<br />

2005 Tiptronic Carmon Red Metallic/Stone/Steel Grey IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

2005 Tiptronic Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Pre-Owned <strong>Porsche</strong>s<br />

Boxster S<br />

2000 Tiptronic Arctic Silver Metallic/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

2001 6-speed Black/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Turbo<br />

2003 6-speed Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!!<br />

Parts Department<br />

Visit our web site at www.niello.com<br />



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