programma & abstracts - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie

programma & abstracts - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie

programma & abstracts - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie


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16<br />

29 en 30 september 2011<br />

radio<br />

logen<br />

dagen<br />

m e c c , m a a s t r i c h t<br />

<strong>Nederlandse</strong> <strong>Vereniging</strong> <strong>voor</strong> <strong>Radiologie</strong><br />

Radiological Society of the Netherlands<br />

<strong>programma</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong>

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>voor</strong>woord & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Kwaliteit<br />

Dames en heren, geachte leden van de <strong>Nederlandse</strong> <strong>Vereniging</strong> <strong>voor</strong> <strong>Radiologie</strong>,<br />

Welkom in Maastricht op de Radiologendagen 2011! Het thema dit lustrumjaar is Kwaliteit.<br />

Kwaliteitseisen in de gezondheidszorg worden steeds meer opgelegd en zijn belangrijk <strong>voor</strong> een goede praktijkvoering. Dit<br />

geldt uiteraard ook <strong>voor</strong> de radiologie, dan bij <strong>voor</strong>keur door ons als vereniging zelf de eisen opgesteld en in goede samenwerking<br />

met onze klinische collega’s.<br />

Voor de hand liggend is het om kwalitatief beter te worden door te leren van eigen fouten. Het <strong>programma</strong> begint donderdagochtend<br />

daarom met ‘Deze misser maak je maar 1 keer’.<br />

In de tweede plenaire sessie op donderdag ‘Setting standards in healthcare – many ways, no return’ zal het onderwerp<br />

kwaliteit belicht worden door gastsprekers Dr. M-J Vrancken Peeters (chirurg, NKI-AvL) en Prof. Dr. D. Rubin (radioloog,<br />

Stanford University, USA).<br />

Op vrijdag zal er door een drietal pro-con koppels worden gedebatteerd over het hanteren van kwaliteitsnormen: ‘Pro-con:<br />

setting standards in healthcare – which way to go?’.<br />

Nieuw onderwerp bij de parallelsessies is de Educatieve Voordracht. Dit is bedoeld om onderwerpen welke direct toepasbaar<br />

zijn in uw praktijk, maar (nog) niet zijn verworden tot een wetenschappelijk artikel.<br />

Bij alle wetenschappelijke abstract sessies zijn hierbij passende keynote lectures gezocht.<br />

De ‘Research Corner’ uit 2009 is gestoken in een nieuw jasje. Acht UMC’s presenteren niet alleen hun spraakmakende<br />

wetenschappelijke onderzoeken, maar steken ook de hand naar elkaar uit, om samen beter te worden.<br />

De Refresher Courses op beide dagen worden deels verzorgd door toonaangevende gastsprekers uit het buitenland. Aan de<br />

hand van de verstrekte leerdoelen kunt u beter schatten of een onderwerp uw belangstelling heeft.<br />

Wij zijn buitengewoon verheugd een aantal van u ook een workshop te kunnen aanbieden. De geluksvogels onder u gaan<br />

statistisch gezien herboren naar huis en met bouwstenen <strong>voor</strong> een robuuste teachingfile (millennium proof). Lees <strong>voor</strong> details<br />

het volledige <strong>programma</strong>.<br />

Dit jaar is er een andere formule gekozen <strong>voor</strong> de verschillende prijzen. Naast de bekende Philipsprijs en Radiologendagen<br />

prijs zal er een toelichting op en uitreiking van de NVvR Travel Grant plaatsvinden.<br />

Bent u dit jaar niet in de prijzen gevallen dan bent u niet minder welkom in feestelijke kleding op het Diner & Galafeest met<br />

als thema ‘Dress to impress’. Op een prachtige locatie in Maastricht wordt u op zuidelijke wijze verwend.<br />

De radiologendagen kunnen mede mogelijk worden gemaakt door sponsoring van de industrie, u wordt dan ook van harte<br />

uitgenodigd om met de industrie in contact te komen op de expositie.<br />

Onze dank gaat uit naar de inzet van velen, zichtbaar in het <strong>programma</strong> boekje. Namen noemen is ontoereikend, enthousiaste<br />

deelnemers is uw verdienste.<br />

Veel plezier op de radiologendagen 2011!<br />

Bert-Jan de Bondt, <strong>voor</strong>zitter<br />

Vincent Cappendijk<br />

Marion Smits<br />

Bart Wiarda<br />

Henk-Jan van der Woude


Organisatie<br />

Organisatie Comité<br />

Bert-Jan de Bondt, <strong>voor</strong>zitter<br />

Vincent Cappendijk<br />

Marion Smits<br />

Bart Wiarda<br />

Henk-Jan van der Woude<br />


Henk Jan Baarslag<br />

Ludo Beenen<br />

Marc Engelbrecht<br />

Nanko de Graaf<br />

Jan-Cees de Groot<br />

Ieneke Hartmann<br />

Mechli Imhof-Tas<br />

Simone Jap-a-Joe<br />

Viola Koen<br />

Martin Kraai<br />

Krijn van Lienden<br />

Ruud Pijnappel<br />

Stefan Steens<br />

Joachim Wilberger<br />


Postbus 2428<br />

5202 CK ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

Tel 073 700 3500<br />

Fax 073 700 3505<br />

info@congresscompany.com<br />

www.congresscompany.com<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 1

<strong>programma</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

<strong>programma</strong><br />

Donderdag 29 september 2011<br />

Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />


10.00 - 10.40 Ontvangst & registratie<br />


10.40 - 10.45 Opening door <strong>voor</strong>zitter<br />

Dr. R.B.J. de Bondt, Isala klinieken, Zwolle<br />


10.45 - 12.00 Plenaire sessie: Deze misser maak je maar één keer<br />

Voorzitter: Mw. Drs. V.H. Koen, Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem<br />

Dr. K.P. van Lienden, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Mw. Dr. C.S.P. van Rijswijk, LUMC, Leiden<br />

Dr. M.W. de Haan, MUMC, Maastricht<br />


12.00 - 13.00 Lunch<br />


12.15 - 12.45 Postersessie<br />


13.00 - 14.00 Plenaire sessie: Setting standards in healthcare - many ways, no return<br />

Kwaliteitseisen opgelegd door de zorgverzekeraar, maar ook die van de heelkundige beroepsvereniging<br />

zijn opmerkelijk in het nieuws geweest. Onvermijdelijk dat de radiologie hiermee te maken krijgt. Van<br />

buitenaf opgelegd dan wel zelf opgesteld. In deze sessie schetst dr. M-J. Vrancken Peeters, chirurg en<br />

woordvoerster van de NVvH, de aanloop tot -en achtergrond van de recent gepubliceerde kwaliteitseisen<br />

<strong>voor</strong> oncologische chirurgie. Vervolgens stelt dr. D. Rubin een ambitieuze maar praktische manier<br />

<strong>voor</strong> om de kwaliteit van het radiologisch werk te verbeteren.<br />

Inleiding door: Prof. dr. J.S. Laméris, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Gastsprekers:<br />

Dr. M-J. Vrancken Peeters, chirurg, NKI-AvL, Amsterdam<br />

Prof. D. Rubin, Stanford University, USA<br />

14.05 - 15.35 Parallelsessies vrije <strong>voor</strong>drachten<br />

Voorafgaand aan de wetenschappelijke <strong>voor</strong>drachten zal iedere sessie aanvangen met een keynote lecture.<br />


Sessie 1: Abdominale radiologie 1<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. R.F.A. Vliegen, Atrium MC, Heerlen & Drs. J.E. van den Bergh, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

PET-MRI: tool or toy<br />

Dr. J. Buscombe, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

Understand technical issues of PET/MR<br />

Look at possible indications for PET/MR<br />

Understand some of the issues for nuclear medicine staff<br />

The first PET/MR machines are now on the market for €2 million. However there are significant<br />

technical issues including just trying to acquire images. What compromises are made in terms of image<br />

quality for both PET and MR. How can attenuation correction be applied? Once these technical issues<br />

have been resolved is PET/MR just a technique looking for an indication?<br />

ZAAL 0.8 ROME<br />

Sessie 2: Abdominale radiologie / Acute radiologie / Diversen<br />

Voorzitters: Mw. M.A. Stam, Medisch Centrum Alkmaar & L.F.M. Beenen, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Alternatieve diagnoses bij MRI appendicitis<br />

Mw. M.A. Stam, Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, Alkmaar<br />

ZAAL 0.5 PARIS<br />

Sessie 3: Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. H.J. Lamb, LUMC, Leiden & H.C.M. van den Bosch, Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven<br />

MRI bij diabetes en metabool syndroom<br />

Dr. H.J. Lamb, LUMC, Leiden<br />

ZAAL 0.9 ATHENS<br />

Sessie 4: Mammadiagnostiek 1<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. M.J.C.M. Rutten, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis & Mw. K.M. Duvivier, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

3D echografie van de mamma; een poor mans MRI?<br />

Dr. M.J.C.M. Rutten, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />


Sessie 5: Interventieradiologie / Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. M.W. de Haan, MUMC, Maastricht & L.W. Kaufmann, Spaarne Ziekenhuis, Hoofddorp<br />

Update abdominale endoprothesen<br />

Dr. M.W. de Haan, MUMC, Maastricht<br />


Research Corner<br />

Voorzitters: Mw. Prof. dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan, MUMC, Maastricht & Prof. dr. J.S. Laméris, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Tijdens deze parallelsessie zullen de 8 UMC’s de gelegenheid hebben een presentatie te geven van een<br />

hoogstaand en origineel onderzoeksproject. Van het project wordt een kort overzicht gegeven. Duidelijk<br />

zal worden wat de positie van het onderzoek is ten opzichte van andere groepen in Nederland en daarbuiten,<br />

en wat het perspectief van het onderzoek is in 5 a 10 jaar van nu. Tot slot wordt aangegeven<br />

met welke additionele (externe?) kennis, men dit perspectief verwacht eerder te kunnen halen.<br />

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Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />



15.35 - 16.00 Theepauze<br />

LUMC: Toepassingen van ultrahoogveld MRI bij patientenpopulaties<br />

Prof. dr. M.A. van Buchem<br />

Erasmus MC: Population Imaging<br />

Prof. dr. A. van der Lugt<br />

UMC Groningen: Screening for Coronary Artery Disease by Non-invasive Imaging in Patients with<br />

known Extra-cardiac Atherosclerotic Disease: the GROUND-2 study<br />

Mw. Dr. R. Vliegenthart<br />

VUMC: Pseudo-continuous arterial spin-labeling at 3T in Alzheimer’s disease<br />

Drs. M.A.A. Binnewijzend<br />

UMC St Radboud: MR gestuurde prostaat interventies; klaar <strong>voor</strong> de praktijk?<br />

Dr. J.J. Fütterer<br />

MUMC: Wait and See in rectal cancer patients: selection by imaging and outcome<br />

Mw. Drs. M. Maas & Mw. Prof. dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan<br />

AMC: Neurotransmitters in de MRI<br />

Mw. Dr. L. Reneman, neuroradioloog<br />

UMC Utrecht: MRI-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound: The future of tumor ablation?<br />

Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch<br />

16.00 - 17.15 Refresher courses<br />


Chronische thrombo-embolische pulmonale hypertensie<br />

Voorzitter: Dr. H.W. van Es, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

Het klinisch gezichtspunt<br />

L. van den Toorn, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* De patient met pulmonale hypertensie bestaat (niet)?<br />

* Work-up van patiënten met (vermoeden) pulmonale hypertensie<br />

* Wat zijn de verschillende behandelingen (medicamenteus en chirurgisch).<br />

CT beeldvorming<br />

Mw. Dr. W. van Lankeren, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* Welk protocol bij analyse pulmonale hypertensie?<br />

* Wat zijn de direct en indirecte kenmerken CTEPH op CT?<br />

* Wat zijn de pitfalls?<br />

MRI beeldvorming<br />

Prof. dr. A. Vonk-Noordegraaf, VUMC, Amsterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* Welk protocol bij analyse pulmonale hypertensie?<br />

* Wat zijn de direct en indirecte kenmerken CTEPH op CT?<br />

* Toegevoegde waarde van functionele informatie?<br />

Chirurgie<br />

Dr. W.J. Morshuis, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* Wat zijn de operatie-indicaties<br />

* Wat houdt CTEPH chirurgie in?<br />

* Post-operatief beloop: succes gegarandeerd?<br />

Paneldiscussie<br />

Leerdoel:<br />

Kunnen MRI en CT angiografie vervangen?<br />

ZAAL 0.8 ROME<br />

Beeldvorming bij groei- en puberteitsstoornissen<br />

Voorzitter: Drs. N. de Graaf, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Beeldvorming<br />

Mw. A.M.J.B. Smets, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

What the clinician wants to know!<br />

Drs. N. Zwaveling-Soonawala, kinderarts-endocrinoloog, EKZ-AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

Beeldvorming bij groei- en puberteitsstoornissen<br />

Beeldvorming is een essentieel onderdeel in de work-up van een slecht of juist te snel groeiend kind,<br />

van een puberteit die te lang op zich laat wachten of juist te vroeg begint.<br />

Beeldvormers beschikken over een palet aan technieken om de kinderarts te ondersteunen in<br />

de diagnostiek van deze problemen. Na deze refresher course, weet u meer over de achtergrond van<br />

groei- en puberteitsstoornissen, beheerst u welke radiologische onderzoeken sleutels kunnen zijn in<br />

het oplossen van een endocrinologisch probleem bij kinderen en hoe u deze modaliteiten optimaal kunt<br />

inzetten.<br />


What is the best imaging modality for ‘aseptic/low grade infection/infectious<br />

loosening of joint prostheses?’<br />

Chairman: Dr. A. Ginai, AMC, Amsterdam & Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Imaging of Total Hip Replacement and Complications<br />

Dr. A. Ginai, AMC, Amsterdam & Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

* Various types of hip prostheses and their radiological appearances.<br />

* Recognition of postoperative complications.<br />

* Role of imaging in diagnosis of prosthetic loosening.<br />

* Recommendations and an algorithm for imaging in ‘a patient with painful total hip arthroplasty or THP’<br />

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<strong>programma</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />

Radionuclide imaging of the problematical prosthetic hip<br />

Dr. J. Buscombe, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

Understand the role of multiphase scintigraphy in the painful hip prosthesis<br />

Understand advantages and problems of labelled leucocyte imaging in the painful hip prosthesis<br />

Understand the interaction of nuclear medicine and other investigations.<br />

Whilst many areas of clinical practice has been lost to nuclear medicine the assessment of the painful<br />

hip prosthesis remains a common indication. The incidence of infected hip prosthesis is less than that<br />

for the knee (1% vs4%) but hip replacements remain more common. In many cases pain in a hip<br />

prosthesis is not due to infection or loosening but the advantage of nuclear medicine techniques is their<br />

high negative predictive value. However care must be taken when using various scintigraphic<br />

techniques to ensure an accurate final diagnosis is established.<br />


Respons monitoring made sexy<br />

Chairman: Dr. B. Brans, nucleair geneeskundige, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

Accurate respons monitoring is crucial for the patient<br />

Prof. dr. H.C. Schouten, hemato-oncologist, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

Refresh knowledge about respons workhorses RECIST and HOVON<br />

Advantages and disadvantages of these workhorses<br />

What does the oncologist do with the (standardized) radiology report?<br />

Learn about the impact of respons monitoring on survival, management, and complications<br />

Respons monitoring, State of the art<br />

Prof. Dr. V. Vandecaveye, UZ Leuven, Belgium<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

Overview of methods of respons monitoring of the near future (automatic volume measurements, DWI,<br />

dynamic postcontrast imaging, PETCT/PETMRI, other?)<br />

Work out of 1 or 2 of these techniques; how do I, interpretation, reporting (with emphasize on daily<br />

practice)<br />

Information technology solutions for practical implementation of these new techniques<br />

Prof. D. Rubin, Stanford University, USA<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

* Learn about IT developments which can accelerate introduction of new techniques in daily practice<br />

* Learn about IT developments which can accelerate introduction of quantitative imaging in daily practice<br />

* Learn about basic IT concepts to achieve your optimal workflow -learn about who can do this for you<br />

ZAAL 0.5 PARIS<br />

Neuroanatomie <strong>voor</strong> dummies<br />

Voorzitter: Prof. dr. F.A. Barkhof, VUMC, Amsterdam<br />

Oppervlakte en diepte anatomie - chirurgische landmarks<br />

Prof. dr. F.A. Barkhof, VUMC, Amsterdam<br />

Functionele anatomie - toepassingen fMRI en tractografie<br />

Prof. dr. S. Sunaert, UZ Leuven, België<br />

Vasculaire anatomie - arteriële en veneuze territoirs<br />

Dr. G.J. Lycklama à Nijeholt, MCH Westeinde, Den Haag<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

Kennis van anatomie vormt de basis van elke radiologische interpretatie. Gezien de complexiteit van de<br />

hersenanatomie geldt dat zeker ook <strong>voor</strong> de Neuroradiologie. Toenemende scankwaliteit en geavanceerde<br />

beeldvormingstechnieken zoals fMRI en DTI maken het mogelijk steeds meer descriptieve en<br />

functionele anatomie af te beelden van zowel cortex als subcorticale structuren. Kennis hiervan is van<br />

belang <strong>voor</strong> goede diagnostiek en planning van therapie. Deze ‘refresher course’ behandelt aan de hand<br />

van state-of-the-art MRI beelden de descriptieve en functionele anatomie van de cortex, diepe kernen,<br />

vezelbanen en vasculaire territoria en reikt praktische tips aan <strong>voor</strong> een klinisch relevante beschrijving<br />

van afwijkingen van deze structuren. Het volgen van deze cursus zal hopelijk leiden tot een verbetering<br />

van uw neuroradiologische verslagen. Verder kan de verworven kennis uw inzicht in ziekteprocessen<br />

vergroten, en zullen uw diagnostisch arsenaal en didactische vaardigheden toenemen.<br />

ZAAL 0.2 BERLIN<br />

Workshop “Interpretatie van radiologisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek”<br />

Mw. Dr. S. Spronk, klinisch epidemioloog, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* Het toepassen van risicomaten zoals incidentiecijfer en cumulatieve incidentie, en de effectmaten<br />

zoals relatief risico, (populatie-)attributief risico<br />

* Het beoordelen van een studie op validiteit en precisie en daarbij de volgende begrippen leren<br />

gebruiken: selectiebias, informatiebias, confounding bias, effectmodificatie, verification bias,<br />

regressie naar het gemiddelde<br />

* Berekenen van sensitiviteit en specificiteit op basis van onderzoeksgegevens en werken met de regel<br />

van Bayes<br />

* Onderzoeksdesign kunnen herkennen: follow-up onderzoek (retrospectief, prospectief); patientcontrole<br />

onderzoek; experimenteel onderzoek; non-expirimentele evaluatie van therapie; meta-analyse.<br />


Emeritus <strong>programma</strong> (parallel aan het algemene <strong>programma</strong>)<br />

Voorzitters: Prof. dr. G. Rosenbusch en J.F.M. Panhuysen<br />

11.20 - 12.00 Een bijzondere tentoonstelling in 1929: Invloed van de Russische kunst op de kinderboek<br />

illustratie in het westen vóór de 2e wereldoorlog<br />

Dr. A. Lemmens<br />

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Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />

14.05 - 14.35 Opwekking van röntgenstraling m.b.v. het teruggevonden toestel van Hoffmans uit januari<br />

1896 te Maastricht<br />

Prof. dr. J. van Engelshoven en Dr. G. Kemerink<br />

14.35 - 15.15 De eerste Wereldoorlog in België, <strong>Radiologie</strong> in ‘Trench Coat’<br />

Dr. R. van Tiggelen<br />

16.00 - 16.35 “Koorts en Honger” ofwel geneeskunde op het platteland in de afgelopen eeuwen<br />

J.A.C. van den Broek<br />

16.35 - 17.15 De gang van J.S. Bach naar Nederland<br />

Prof. dr. M. Oudkerk, UMC Groningen, Groningen<br />


17.15 - 18.45 Uitreiking prestigieuze WSS penning aan Prof. dr. J.O. Barentsz met aansluitend de ALV NVvR<br />

& Juniorsectie<br />


18.15 Industrieborrel: exclusief aangeboden door<br />

Vrijdag 30 september 2011<br />

Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />

8.30 - 9.00 Ontvangst & registratie<br />

9.00 - 10.15 Refresher courses<br />


Buiktrauma, waar gaat het nou eigenlijk om<br />

Voorzitter: L.F.M. Beenen, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Classificaties van orgaanletsels, lever en milt<br />

L.F.M. Beenen, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Classificaties van orgaanletsels, overige organen<br />

Mw. D.R. Kool, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

Interventieradiologie bij buiktrauma<br />

Dr. O.M. van Delden, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* Inzicht in wat wel en wat niet van belang is bij buiktrauma’s<br />

* Inzicht achter de ratio van de verschillende chirurgische en radiologische classificaties<br />

* Rol van de interventieradiologie in de behandeling van buiktrauma’s<br />

ZAAL 0.5 PARIS<br />

Acute pijn op de borst: Stand van zaken<br />

Voorzitter: Prof. dr. M. Oudkerk, UMC Groningen, Groningen<br />

Acute Chest Pain: The clinical perspective<br />

Dr. S.C.A.M. Bekkers, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

* To understand the challenges for the clinical assessment of pulmonary embolism, acute aortic<br />

pathologies and coronary artery disease<br />

* To define the in- and exclusion criteria for imaging in patients with acute chest pain<br />

Acute Chest Pain: The imaging perspective<br />

Prof. dr. J.E. Wildberger, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

* To summarize the technical prerequisites for advanced cross-sectional imaging<br />

* To define the role of CT and MR in the assessment of pulmonary embolism, acute aortic pathologies<br />

and coronary artery disease<br />

* To understand the potential clinical impact of imaging in the emergency setting, also in the<br />

perspective of logistics and cost-effectiveness<br />

Acute Chest Pain: Statement of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology<br />

Prof. dr. M. Oudkerk, UMC Groningen, Groningen<br />

* To summarize current clinical concepts and guidelines for acute chest pain<br />

* To learn about the specific role of different imaging modalities (CT, MR, Ultrasound, QCA) in this context<br />

Differentiated examination protocols even for the emergency setting have become technically feasible<br />

due to ongoing advances especially in non-invasive imaging techniques. The aim of this refresher<br />

course is to provide an overview on the rationale, the opportunities and current concepts for the<br />

work-up in patients with acute chest pain.<br />

ZAAL 0.8 ROME<br />

De knie: Niet standaard MRI bevindingen en de postoperatieve knie<br />

Voorzitter: Mw. Dr. M.P. Terra, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

De postoperatieve knie (MRI)<br />

Dr. P. Van Dyck, UZ Antwerpen, België<br />

De postoperatieve knie<br />

Mw. Dr. G.A. Meins, orthopedisch chirurg, ZGT, Almelo-Hengelo / clubarts FC Twente<br />

Niet standaard MRI bevindingen in en rond de knie<br />

Dr. P. Van Dyck, UZ Antwerpen, België<br />

ZAAL 0.9 ATHENS<br />

Opleiden anno 2011<br />

Voorzitter: Dr. H.J. Baarslag, Meander MC, Amersfoort<br />

AIOS als “active learner”<br />

Mw. Drs. J.A. Baane, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 5

<strong>programma</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />


10.15 - 10.45 Koffiepauze<br />

Intervisie <strong>voor</strong> opleiders<br />

Prof. dr. O.R.C. Busch, chirurg, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Optimalisatie radiologie bespreking<br />

Dr. M. Maas, AMC, Amsterdam & Drs. B.M. Wiarda, MCA, Alkmaar<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

De HORA heeft veel veranderd en verbeterd in opleidingsland. Maar daarmee zijn we er nog niet. Met<br />

betrekking tot het opleiden anno 2011 is een nog actievere instelling mogelijk, die zowel de AIOS, de<br />

opleider als ook de gehele opleidingsstaf stimuleert. Alle 3 genoemde groepen komen zowel individueel<br />

als interactief aan bod bij deze refreshercourse onderwijs.<br />


Veneuze interventies<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. K.P. van Lienden, AMC, Amsterdam & Mw. Dr. C.S.P. van Rijswijk, LUMC, Leiden<br />

Pelvic congestion syndroom<br />

Dr. J.H.B. Boomsma<br />

Behandeling veneuze trombose<br />

Dr. J.A. Vos, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

Rol van cava filters<br />

Prof. dr. J.A. Reekers, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Veneuze toegang; PICCs, Dialyse catheters en andere CVCs<br />

Dr. H. van Overhagen, HagaZiekenhuis, Den Haag<br />

ZAAL 0.1 LONDON<br />

Workshop / hands-on: To make Radlex more familiar.<br />

Using IHE TCE for export of PACS data to an MIRC teaching file<br />

E. Sanders, Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda<br />

P. van Ooijen, UMC Groningen, Groningen<br />

10.45 - 12.15 Parallelsessies vrije <strong>voor</strong>drachten<br />

Voorafgaand aan de wetenschappelijke <strong>voor</strong>drachten zal iedere sessie aanvangen met een keynote lecture.<br />


Sessie 6: Abdominale radiologie 2<br />

Voorzitters: Prof. dr. A.A.M. Masclee, MUMC, Maastricht & Dr. R.E. van Gelder, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Endoscopie vs CTC<br />

Prof. dr. A.A.M. Masclee, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

ZAAL 0.8 ROME<br />

Sessie 7: Kinderradiologie / Diversen<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht & N. de Graaf, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Huidige status en toekomstperspectief<br />

Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

ZAAL 0.5 PARIS<br />

Sessie 8: Mammadiagnostiek 2 & Uitreiking Jan Hendriksprijs<br />

Voorzitters: Drs. R.D.M. Mus, UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen & Mw. M.W. Imhof-Tas, UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

MRI van de mamma in 2 minuten?<br />

Drs. R.D.M. Mus, UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />


Sessie 9: Neuro-Hoofdhals radiologie<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. J.C. de Groot, UMC Groningen, Groningen & Dr. S.C.A. Steens, UMC St Radboud,<br />

Nijmegen<br />

Vasculaire evaluatie van het brein in stroomversnelling<br />

Dr. J.C. de Groot, UMC Groningen, Groningen<br />

ZAAL 0.9 ATHENS<br />

Sessie 10: MSK / Thorax / Diversen<br />

Voorzitters: Mw. Dr. M. Reijnierse, LUMC, Leiden & Dr. P.J.W. Wensing, ZGT Almelo/Hengelo<br />

Postop infection around metals: CT/Mri techniques<br />

Mw. Dr. M. Reijnierse, LUMC, Leiden<br />


De educatieve <strong>voor</strong>dracht<br />

Voorzitters: Dr. C.J. van Rooden, HagaZiekenhuis & Dr. R. Ouwendijk, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

In deze gloednieuwe sessie tijdens de Radiologendagen komt een groot scala aan klinisch georiënteerde<br />

onderwerpen <strong>voor</strong>bij, van echogeleide bijnierpunctie tot beeldvorming van atherosclerose. Voor het<br />

eerst konden dit jaar, naast wetenschappelijke, ook educatieve <strong>abstracts</strong> ingestuurd worden.<br />

De kwaliteit van de inzendingen was hoog, dus deze primeur belooft een erg interessante, gevarieerde<br />

en <strong>voor</strong>al ook leuke sessie te worden, <strong>voor</strong>gezeten door twee top-radiologen!<br />

Future clinical applications of high resolution anatomical imaging of the brain at 7.0 Tesla MRI<br />

A.G. van der Kolk, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Is beeldvorming van atherosclerose klaar <strong>voor</strong> de dagelijkse praktijk?<br />

Mw. S. Gerretsen, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

Lung perfusion defects on dual-energy Computed Tomography (DECT): review of morphology<br />

and differential diagnosis<br />

Mw. Dr. A.E. Odink, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Value of computed tomography coronary angiography in failed conventional coronary angiography<br />

A.S. Thijssen, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Pseudotumoren bij metaal op metaal totale heup artroplastiek<br />

M.F. Boomsma, Isala klinieken, Zwolle<br />

6<br />

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Tijdstip<br />

Onderwerp<br />



12.15 - 13.15 Lunch<br />


12.30 - 13.00 Postersessie<br />

De vergrote bijnier: Endosonografische FNA van de linker-bijnier<br />

R. de Ridder, MDL-arts, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

Long-term follow-up features on rectal MRI during a wait-and-see approach after a clinical<br />

complete response in rectal cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy<br />

D.M.J. Lambregts, MUMC, Maastricht<br />

Implementatie van virtuele colonoscopie in de dagelijkse radiologische praktijk<br />

M.T. de Witte, VieCuri Medisch Centrum, Venlo / UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Mw. Dr. P.C.G. Simons, VieCuri Medisch Centrum, Venlo<br />

ZAAL 0.2 BERLIN<br />

Workshop “Interpretatie van radiologisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek”<br />

Mw. Dr. S. Spronk, klinisch epidemioloog, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam<br />

Leerdoelen:<br />

* Het toepassen van risicomaten zoals incidentiecijfer en cumulatieve incidentie, en de effectmaten<br />

zoals relatief risico, (populatie-)attributief risico<br />

* Het beoordelen van een studie op validiteit en precisie en daarbij de volgende begrippen leren<br />

gebruiken: selectiebias, informatiebias, confounding bias, effectmodificatie, verification bias,<br />

regressie naar het gemiddelde<br />

* Berekenen van sensitiviteit en specificiteit op basis van onderzoeksgegevens en werken met de regel<br />

van Bayes<br />

* Onderzoeksdesign kunnen herkennen: follow-up onderzoek (retrospectief, prospectief); patient-controle<br />

onderzoek; experimenteel onderzoek; non-expirimentele evaluatie van therapie; meta-analyse.<br />


13.15 - 13.30 Wetenschappelijk beleid NvvR <strong>voor</strong> academische -en niet academische centra<br />

Mw. Prof. dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan, MUMC, Maastricht<br />


Plenaire sessie<br />

13.30 - 14.30 Pro-con: Setting standards in healthcare - Which way to go?<br />

Ook <strong>voor</strong> de radiologie zullen kwaliteitsnormen steeds belangrijker worden. Wat vinden de debaters,<br />

maar ook: Wat vindt U! Drie onderwerpen zullen U raken. Drie pro-con koppels testen uw dekking.<br />

Fair play is de regel, maar neem uw bokshandschoenen mee.<br />

Voorzitter: Dr. J.A. Vos, St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

De kwaliteitseisen <strong>voor</strong> de radiologie zijn autonoom op te stellen<br />

Pro: Dr. C. Holt, Isala klinieken, Zwolle<br />

Con: J.W.A.P. van Hoogstraten, Deventer Ziekenhuis, Deventer<br />

Hoog complex, (laag volume) diagnostiek moet alleen door experts worden uitgevoerd<br />

Pro: Prof. dr. J. Stoker, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Con: Mw. L.F.I.J. Oudenhoven, ZGT Almelo, Almelo<br />

Information technology in radiology - Yes, it helps!<br />

Pro: Prof. D. Rubin, Stanford University, USA<br />

Con: R.H.M. Smithuis, Rijnland Ziekenhuis, Leiderdorp<br />

14.30 - 15.15 Richtlijnen sessie<br />

Voorzitter: Drs. B.M. Wiarda, Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, Alkmaar<br />

Licht traumatisch hoofd/hersenletsel<br />

Mw. D.R. Kool, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

Distale Radius Fracturen<br />

Mw. S. Kolkman, AMC, Amsterdam<br />

Acuut lateraal enkelletsel en Interne indicatoren Acuut lateraal enkelbandletsel<br />

J.W.A.P. van Hoogstraten, Deventer Ziekenhuis, Deventer<br />

Oesofaguscarcinoom<br />

Prof. dr. E.J. van der Jagt, UMC Groningen, Groningen<br />


15.15 - 15.45 Theepauze<br />


15.45 - 16.25 Uitreiking Philipsprijs, gevolgd door bekendmaking en presentatie van achtereenvolgens de<br />

Posterprijs, Radiologendagen prijs, NVvR Travel Grant en Fellowshipdiploma’s<br />


16.25 - 17.15 Quiz<br />

Door de maatschap radiologie van het Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis<br />


17.15 - 17.20 Afsluiting door <strong>voor</strong>zitter<br />

Dr. R.B.J. de Bondt, Isala klinieken, Zwolle<br />

Vanaf 20.00<br />

Diner & Galafeest<br />

Amrâth Grand Hotel De L’Empereur Maastricht<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 7

<strong>programma</strong> genomineerden & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Genomineerde <strong>abstracts</strong> <strong>voor</strong><br />

de Radiologendagenprijs 2011<br />




D.M.J. Lambregts 1 , L. Curvo-Semedo 2 , M. Maas 1 , T. Thywissen 1 , G. Lammering 1 , G.L. Beets 1 ,<br />

F. Caseiro-Alves 2 , R.G.H. Beets-Tan 1<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Radiology University Clinic, Coimbra University Hospital, Coimbra, Portugal<br />



T.A. Fassaert, I.J.M. Dubelaar, M.D.F. de Jong, M.C.J.M. Rutten<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Den Bosch<br />




S.A.P. Cornelissen 1 , E.P.A. Vonken 1 , H.J. Verhagen 2 , F.L. Moll 1 , L.W. Bartels 3<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

3<br />

Image Sciences Institute, Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />



D. Bos, M.W. Vernooij, S.E. Elias-Smale, G.P. Krestin, A. Hofman, W.J. Niessen, J.C.M. Witteman,<br />

A. van der Lugt, M.A. Ikram<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />




R. Wittenberg 1 , J.F. Peters 2 , I.A.H. Van den Berk 3 , N.J.M. Freling 3 , R.J. Lely 4 , B. de Hoop 5 , K. Horsthuis 3 ,<br />

C.J. Ravesloot 5 , M. Prokop 6 , C.M. Schaefer-Prokop 7<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Philips Healthcare, Best<br />

3<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

4<br />

VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

5<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

6<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

7<br />

Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort<br />

8<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l


Genomineerde <strong>abstracts</strong> <strong>voor</strong><br />

de NVvR Travel Grant 2011<br />


M.M.N. Leeuwenburgh 1 , B.M. Wiarda 2 , A. Spilt 3 , P.M.M. Bossuyt 1 , M.A. Boermeester 1 ,<br />

J. Stoker 1 , OPTIMAP Studiegroep<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, Alkmaar<br />

3<br />

Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem<br />



M.M.N. Leeuwenburgh 1 , H.W. van Es 2 , J.W.C. Gratama 3 , P.M.M. Bossuyt 1 , M.A. Boermeester 1 ,<br />

J. Stoker 1 , OPTIMAP Studiegroep<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

3<br />

Gelre ziekenhuizen, Apeldoorn<br />



S.I. Verschuuren, R.S. Dwarkasing, W. Dinkelaar, W.C.J. Hop, G.R. Dohle, G.P. Krestin<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />




M.J. van Gils, D. Vukadinovic, D.W.J. Dippel, W.J. Niessen, A. van der Lugt<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />




M.C. de Haan 1 , T.R. de Wijkerslooth 1 , E. Stoop 2 , P.M. Bossuyt 1 , M. Thomeer 2 ,<br />

M.L. Essink-Bot 1 , M.E. van Leerdam 2 , P. Fockens 1 , E.J. Kuipers 2 , E. Dekker 1 , J. Stoker 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />




R. Hemke, M.A.J. van Rossum, M. van Veenendaal, T.W. Kuijpers, M. Maas<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 9

<strong>programma</strong> genomineerden & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Vervolg<br />




A.E. Bohte 1 , B.G. Koot 1 , A.J. Nederveen 1 , O.H. van der Baan-Slootweg 2 , S. Bipat 1 , T.H. Pels Rijcken 3 ,<br />

P.L.M. Jansen 1 , M.A. Benninga 1 , J. Stoker 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Heideheuvel Kliniek, Hilversum<br />

3<br />

Tergooiziekenhuizen, Hilversum<br />



D. Bos, M.W. Vernooij, S.E. Elias-Smale, G.P. Krestin, A. Hofman, W.J. Niessen,<br />

J.C.M. Witteman, A. van der Lugt, M.A. Ikram<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />




R.M. Kwee 1 , R.J. van Oostenbrugge 1 , W.H. Mess 1 , M.H. Prins 1 , R.J. van der Geest 2 , J.W.M. ter Berg 3 ,<br />

C.L. Franke 4 , A.G.G.C. Korten 5 , B.J. Meems 6 , J.M.A. van Engelshoven 1 , J.E. Wildberger 1 , M.E. Kooi 1<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

3<br />

Orbis Medisch Centrum, Sittard<br />

4<br />

Atrium Medisch Centrum Parkstad, Heerlen<br />

5<br />

Laurentius Ziekenhuis, Roermond<br />

6<br />

VieCuri Medisch Centrum, Venlo<br />




O.M. Mets 1 , C.M.F. Buckens 1 , P. Zanen 1 , I. Isgum 1 , M. Prokop 2 , P.A. de Jong 1<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

P02<br />



T.A. Fassaert, M.D.F. de Jong, I.J.M. Dubelaar, M.C.J.M. Rutten<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

10<br />

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Auteursindex<br />


AUTEUR<br />

abstract<br />

Aalten, S.M. van O6.7<br />

Adam, J. O1.8<br />

Adams, A. O8.7<br />

Adriaanse, S.M. O9.6<br />

Akkerman, E.M. O1.8<br />

Amstel, J.D. van O8.10<br />

Aquarius, R. O5.2<br />

Baan-Slootweg, O.H. van der O7.3<br />

Backes, W.H. O1.3<br />

Backx, F.J.G. O3.7<br />

Bakers, F.C.H. E02, O1.3<br />

Bakker, C.J. O5.4<br />

Ballegooijen, M. van O6.3<br />

Barkhof, F.A. O9.5, O9.6<br />

Bartels, L.W. O3.2, O5.8<br />

Bechan, M.A.H.<br />

P03<br />

Beek, F.J.A. O1.8, O7.4<br />

Beek, H. van O10.8<br />

Beenen, L.F.M. O2.5<br />

Beerman, H. O10.8<br />

Beets, G.L. E02, O1.1, O1.2, O1.3,<br />

O1.6, O1.7, P14<br />

Beets-Tan, R.G.H. E02, O1.1, O1.2,<br />

O1.3, O1.6, O1.7, O2.2,<br />

O4.1, O6.8, P14<br />

Benedictus, M.R. O9.5<br />

Benninga, M.A. O7.3<br />

Bentohami, A. O7.5<br />

Berckel, B.N.M. van O9.6<br />

Berg, A.S. van den O5.1<br />

Berg, R. van den O9.5, P09, P12, P13<br />

Berk, I.A.H. van den O10.5<br />

Berkhof, M. O1.1<br />

Bernsen, M.R. O7.7, O7.8<br />

Beumer, D. O9.5<br />

Beute, G.N. O9.8<br />

Bierings, M.B. O1.8<br />

Biermann, K. O6.3<br />

Biessels, G.J. O3.8<br />

Bijlsma, T.S. O7.5<br />

Binnewijzend, M.A.A. O9.6<br />

Bipat, S. O2.1, O5.3, O5.5, O6.1,<br />

O6.5, O7.1, O7.3<br />

Bisschops, R.H.C. O8.6<br />

Bluekens, A.M.J. O8.4<br />

Boelens, J.J. O7.4<br />

Boellaard, T.N. O6.2, O6.5<br />

Boer, E. de O6.6<br />

Boer, R. de O9.4<br />

Boermeester, M.A. O2.3, O2.4<br />

Boersma, E.H. O3.1<br />

Boetes, C. † O4.1<br />

Bohté, A.E. O7.3<br />

Boiten, J. O5.6, O9.5<br />

Bokkers, R.P.H.<br />

P05, P06<br />

Bonenkamp, J.<br />

P04<br />

Booij, R.<br />

E06<br />

Boomsma, M.F.<br />

E08<br />

Borst, G.J. de<br />

P05<br />

Bos, D. O9.1<br />

Bosch, M.A.A.J. van den O4.4,<br />

O5.4, O8.5, O8.10<br />

Bosker, B.H.<br />

E08<br />

Bosker, R.J.I. O1.4<br />

Bosscha, K.<br />

P10<br />

Bossuyt, P.M.M. O2.3, O2.4, O6.1,<br />

O6.2, O6.3, O6.4<br />

Bot, J. O9.5<br />

Bouwhuijsen, Q.J.A. van den O9.3<br />

Breest Smallenburg, V. van O4.3<br />

Brink, R.B.A. van den O3.6<br />

Broeder, A.A. den O10.4<br />

Broeders, M.J.M. O8.4<br />

Bron, E. O10.1<br />

Bruijnes, V. O4.5<br />

Brundel, M. O3.8<br />

Buckens, C.M.F. O10.6<br />

Budde, R.P.J. O3.2, O3.4, O3.5, O3.6<br />

Buijsen, J. O1.2<br />

Caan, M.W.A. O2.1, O7.1<br />

Cappendijk, V.C. E01, E02, E05,<br />

O1.3, O2.2<br />

Carli, D.F.M. O9.8<br />

Caseiro-Alves, F. O1.7<br />

Chamuleau, S.A.J. O3.6<br />

Cleutjens, J. O4.1<br />

Cornelissen, S.A.P. O5.8<br />

Cramer, M.J.M. O3.7<br />

Cremers, P.T.J. O1.5<br />

Cremers, S.E.H. O1.5<br />

Curvo-Semedo, L. O1.7<br />

Dalen, T. van O4.4<br />

Damoiseaux, J.S. O9.6<br />

Das, M.<br />

E05<br />

Dekker, E. O6.3, O6.4<br />

Dekker, H.M. O2.6<br />

Dharampal, A.S. O3.1, O3.3<br />

Diepstraten, S.C.E. O4.4<br />

Diest, P.J. van O4.4, O8.10<br />

Dijk, R.A.J.M. van O1.4, O4.6, O8.3<br />

Dijkman, B.A. van O7.5<br />

Dinkelaar, W. O2.7<br />

Dippel, D.W.J. O5.7, O9.5, P08<br />

Doeswijk, G. O7.7, O7.8<br />

Dohle, G.R. O2.7<br />

Doorn, M.M.A.C. van O2.5, O9.5<br />

Douwes, D.C.E. O2.2<br />

Dubelaar, I.J.M. O4.2, O8.1, P02<br />

P04, P07<br />

Duijm, L.E.M. O4.3, O8.2, 08.9<br />

Duvivier, K.M. O4.4<br />

Dwarkasing, R.S. O2.7, O6.1, O6.7<br />

Eddes, E.H. O1.4<br />

Eeftinck Schattenkerk, M. O1.4<br />

Elias, S.G. O8.7<br />

Elias-Smale, S.E. O9.1<br />

Elschot, M. O5.4<br />

Engelen, S.M.E. O1.2<br />

Engelshoven, J.M.A. van E05, O9.2<br />

Ernst, M.<br />

P10<br />

Es, H.W. van O2.4<br />

Essink-Bot, M.L. O6.4<br />

Ettema, H.B.<br />

E08<br />

Fassaert, T.A. O4.2, O8.1, P02<br />

Fernandez-Gallardo, M.A. O4.4<br />

Feyter, P.J. de O3.1, O3.3<br />

Fijnheer, R. O1.8<br />

Flier, W.M. van der O9.5, O9.6<br />

Flucke, U.<br />

P04<br />

Fockens, P. O6.3, O6.4<br />

Folbert, E.C. O10.3<br />

Franke, C.L. O9.2<br />

Frans, F.A. O5.3, O5.5<br />

Fransen, P.S. O9.5<br />

Freling, N.J.M. O10.5<br />

Frotscher, C. O4.1<br />

Geelen, L.M.H. O9.7<br />

Geerdes, M. O5.2<br />

Geest, R.J. van der O9.2<br />

Gerretsen, S.C.<br />

E05<br />

Gilhuijs, K.G.A. O4.5<br />

Gillissen, F. O1.2<br />

Gils, M.J. van<br />

O5.7, P08<br />

Gorp, T. van O6.8<br />

Goslings, J.C. O7.5<br />

Gratama, J.W.C. O2.4<br />

Gryspeerdt, S. O1.5<br />

Guenoun, J. O7.7, O7.8<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 11

<strong>programma</strong> index & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Haan, M.C. de O6.1, O6.3, O6.4<br />

Habets, J. O3.4, O3.5, O3.6<br />

Hartkamp, N.S.<br />

P05, P06<br />

Hartmann, I.J.C. E06, O10.7<br />

Hauptmann, M. O7.6<br />

Havinga, M.E. O5.2<br />

Heer, L.M. de O3.2<br />

Heeten, G.J. den O8.4<br />

Hegeman, J.H. O10.3<br />

Heijde, D.M.F.M. van der O10.4,<br />

P12, P13<br />

Helle, M.<br />

P06<br />

Hellemondt, F.J. van O3.7<br />

Hemke, R. O7.2<br />

Hendrikse, J.<br />

E04, O3.8,<br />

P05, P06<br />

Hendriks-Roelofs, F. O10.4<br />

Hensen, J.J. O8.8, O10.8<br />

Herk, M. van O7.6<br />

Herwerden, L.A. van O3.2<br />

Hobbelink, M. O8.10<br />

Hoeberigs, M.C. O9.7<br />

Hofman, A. O9.1<br />

Hofman, P.A.M. O9.7<br />

Holland, R. O8.4<br />

Homburg, P.J.<br />

P08<br />

Hoop, B. de O10.5<br />

Hop, W.C.J. O2.7<br />

Horsthuis, K. O10.5<br />

Houterman, S. O1.5<br />

Huizinga, T.W.J.<br />

P12, P13<br />

Hummel, T.Z. O7.1<br />

IJzermans, J.N.M. O6.7<br />

Ikram, M.A. O9.1, O9.3, O9.4<br />

Imholz, A.L.T. O4.6, O8.3<br />

Isgum, I. O10.6<br />

Jager, G.J.<br />

O8.1, P10<br />

Jansen, F.H. O4.3, 08.9<br />

Jansen, P.L.M. O7.3<br />

Jansen, R.J. O6.1<br />

Jasperse, B. O9.4<br />

Jens, S. O5.5<br />

Jeukens, C.R.L.P.N O1.6<br />

Jong, H.W. de O5.4<br />

Jong, M.D.F. de O4.3, O8.1,<br />

P02, P10<br />

Jong, P.A. de O7.4, O10.6<br />

Kallen, B.F.W. van der O5.6, O9.5<br />

Karssemeijer, N. O8.4<br />

Kate, F.J.W. ten O6.6<br />

Kauffman, D. O6.1<br />

Kersten, M.J. O1.8<br />

Kessel, C.S. van O6.6<br />

Keymeulen, K. O4.1<br />

Kindermann, A. O7.1<br />

Klein, S. O10.1<br />

Klein, W.M.<br />

P01<br />

Klerk, J.M.H. de O1.8<br />

Klieverik, S.J.<br />

P14<br />

Klomp, D.W. O8.5<br />

Kluin, J. O3.2<br />

Kluza, E.<br />

O1.6, P14<br />

Koek, M. O9.4<br />

Koelemay, M.J.W. O5.3, O5.5<br />

Kolk, A.G. van der E04, O3.8<br />

Kollen, B.J.<br />

E08<br />

Koning, G.A. O7.7, O7.8<br />

Kooi, M.E. E05, O9.2<br />

Koot, B.G. O7.3<br />

Korten, A.G.G.C. O9.2<br />

Korteweg, M.A. O8.5, O8.10<br />

Koster, K. O1.4<br />

Kotek, G. O10.1<br />

Kraai, M. O10.3<br />

Kraal, K.J. O8.8<br />

Kreb, D.<br />

P10<br />

Krestin, G.P. E07, O2.7, O3.1, O3.3<br />

O7.7, O7.8, O9.1, O9.3<br />

O10.1, O10.2<br />

Kruitwagen, R. O6.8<br />

Kruse, A. O6.8<br />

Kuijer, J.P.A. O9.5<br />

Kuijpers, T.W. O7.2<br />

Kuipers, E.J. O6.3, O6.4<br />

Kwee, R.M. E05, O9.2<br />

Kwee, T.C. O1.8<br />

Lahaye, J. O1.2, O4.1<br />

Lalisang, R. O6.8<br />

Lalji, U.C. O2.8<br />

Lam, M.G.E.H. O5.4<br />

Lambregts, D.<br />

E02, O1.1,<br />

O1.2, O1.3, O1.6,<br />

O1.7, O6.8, P14<br />

Laméris, J.S. O7.6<br />

Lammering, G. E02, O1.7<br />

Lavini, C. O2.1, O7.1<br />

Ledeboer, M. O1.4<br />

Leerdam, M.E. van O6.3, O6.4<br />

Leeuwen, M.S. van O1.8, O6.6<br />

Leeuwenburgh, M.M.N. O2.3, O2.4<br />

Lefere, P. O1.5<br />

Legemate, D.A. O5.3<br />

Leij, C. van der O6.1<br />

Leiner, T. E05, O3.4<br />

Lely, R.J. O10.5<br />

Liedenbaum, M.H. O6.1<br />

Lijn, F. van der O9.4<br />

Lijster, M.S. de O6.1<br />

Lima Passos, V. O4.1<br />

Linden, H. van der<br />

P10<br />

Linden, E. van der O5.6<br />

Lobbes, M.B.I. E05, O4.1<br />

Loeffen, D.V. O2.2<br />

Loo, C. O4.5<br />

Looij, B.G.<br />

P10<br />

Ludwig, I. O1.8<br />

Lugt, A. van der O5.7, O9.1, O9.3,<br />

O9.4, O9.5, P08<br />

Luijkx, T. O3.7<br />

Luijten, P.R. E04, O3.8, O8.5<br />

Lute, C.C. O6.1<br />

Lutgens, L. O6.8<br />

Lycklama à Nijeholt, G.J. O5.6, O9.5<br />

Maas, M.<br />

E02, O1.1, O1.2,<br />

O1.3, O1.6, O1.7, P14<br />

Maas, M. E08, O7.2, O7.5<br />

Maat, G.H. van de O5.4<br />

Majoie, C.B.L.M. O9.5, P09<br />

Mali, W.P.Th.M. O3.2, O3.4, O3.6,<br />

O3.7, O4.4,<br />

O8.5, O8.7, O8.10<br />

Man, R.A. de O6.7<br />

Marcelis, C.<br />

P01<br />

Meems, B.J. O9.2<br />

Meijer, F.A.<br />

P07<br />

Mendez, C.P.<br />

P03<br />

Mess, W.H. O9.2<br />

Met, R. O5.3<br />

Mets, O.M. O10.6<br />

Mol, B.A.J.M. de O3.4, O3.5<br />

Moll, F.L. O5.8<br />

Mollet, N.R.A. E07, O3.1, O3.3<br />

Mongula, J.E. O6.8<br />

Mourik, J.E.M. O8.7<br />

Nederend, J. O8.9<br />

Nederkoorn, P.J. O9.5<br />

Nederveen, A.J. O2.1, O6.5, O7.1, O7.3<br />

Neefjes, L. O3.1, O3.3<br />

Nieman, K. O3.1, O3.3<br />

Niessen, W.J. O5.7, O9.1, O9.3, O9.4<br />

Nievelstein, R.A.J. O1.8, O7.6<br />

Niezen, R.A. O8.8, O10.8<br />

Nijman, J. O8.8<br />

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Nijsen, J.F.W. O5.4<br />

Nio, C.Y. O6.2, O6.3<br />

Nunspeet, L. van O1.4<br />

Odink, A.E. E06, O10.7<br />

Odink, H. O5.1<br />

Oei, E.H.G. O10.1, O10.2<br />

Oostenbrugge, R.J. van O9.2, O9.5<br />

Osch, M.J.P. van<br />

P06<br />

Paardt, M.P. van der O6.1, O6.5<br />

Pels Rijcken, T.H. O7.3<br />

Pengel, K. O4.5<br />

Pennings, J.P. O8.6<br />

Peters, J.F. O10.5<br />

Plas, G.J.J.<br />

P08<br />

Ponsioen, C.Y. O2.1<br />

Prakken, N.H.J. O3.7<br />

Prehn, J. van O3.2<br />

Prins, M.H. O9.2<br />

Prokop, M. O3.5, O10.5, O10.6, P04<br />

Quarles van Ufford, H.M.E. O1.8<br />

Ravesloot, C.J. O10.5<br />

Reekers, J.A. O5.3, O5.5<br />

Reijnierse, M. O10.4, P12, P13<br />

Riedl, R.G. O1.3<br />

Ridder, R. de<br />

E01<br />

Ronckers, C.M. O7.6<br />

Rooij, W.J.J. van O9.8<br />

Roos, Y.B. O9.5<br />

Rooy, J.W.J. de<br />

P04<br />

Rooy, T.D. de O5.6<br />

Rossi, A. O3.1, O3.3<br />

Rossius, M. E06, O10.7<br />

Rossum, M.A.J. van O7.2<br />

Rozendaal, R. O8.6<br />

Ruggiero, A.R. O7.8<br />

Rutten, I.J.G. O1.3<br />

Rutten, M.J.C.M. O4.2, O8.1<br />

P02, P10<br />

Sandt-Koenderman, W.M.E. van de<br />

P03<br />

Sanz-Arigita, E. O9.6<br />

Schaefer-Prokop, C.M. E06, O10.5,<br />

O10.7<br />

Scheltens, P. O9.5, O9.6<br />

Schep, N.W.L O7.5<br />

Schepers-Bok, R. O5.2<br />

Schip, A.D. van het O5.4<br />

Schoonheim, M.M. O9.6<br />

Seevinck, P.R. O5.4<br />

Senden, P.J. O3.7<br />

Setz-Pels, W. O4.3, O8.2<br />

Siebelt, M. O10.2<br />

Sijbrandij, L.<br />

E08<br />

Sikkenk, A.C. O8.8<br />

Simons, P.C.G.<br />

E03<br />

Slaar, A. O7.5<br />

Slangen, B.F. O6.8<br />

Slooter, G. O1.5<br />

Sluzewski, M.S. O9.8<br />

Smets, A.M. O7.1, O7.6<br />

Smit, H. O10.1<br />

Smit, R.S. O10.3<br />

Smits, M.<br />

O9.4, P03<br />

Smits, M.L.J. O5.4<br />

Spijkerboer, A.M. O2.1, O3.6<br />

Spilt, A. O2.3<br />

Sprengers, M.E. O9.5<br />

Stehouwer, B.L. O8.5, O8.10<br />

Stoker, J. O1.8, O2.1, O2.3, O2.4<br />

O6.1, O6.2, O6.3, O6.4<br />

O6.5, O7.1, O7.3<br />

Stokkers, P. O2.1<br />

Stoop, E. O6.3, O6.4<br />

Storm, R. O8.6<br />

Straten, M. van O10.2<br />

Symersky, P. O3.4, O3.5<br />

Tanghe, H.L.J.<br />

P08<br />

Ter Berg, J.W.M. O9.2<br />

Terkivatan, T. O6.7<br />

Thijssen, A.S.<br />

E07<br />

Thomeer, M.G.J. O6.1, O6.3,<br />

O6.4, O6.7<br />

Thywissen, T. O1.7<br />

Tiel, J. van O10.1, O10.2<br />

Tilborg, G.F.A.J.B. van<br />

E07<br />

Tolboom, N. O9.6<br />

Tran, V.H.P. O8.3<br />

Uijlings, R. O3.6<br />

Uiterwaal, C.S.P. O1.8<br />

Vandenbussche, F.<br />

P01<br />

Veenendaal, M. van O7.2<br />

Velde, D. van der O10.3<br />

Veldhuis, W.B. O8.5, O8.10<br />

Velthuis, B.K. O3.7<br />

Vente, M.A.D. O5.4<br />

Verhagen, H.J. O5.8<br />

Verheij, J. O6.7<br />

Verhulst, M.L. O1.5<br />

Verkooijen, H.M. O4.4<br />

Vermeule, W. O10.7<br />

Vermoolen, M.A. O1.8<br />

Vernooij, M.W. O9.1, O9.3, O9.4<br />

Verreyen, C.C.C.M.<br />

E08<br />

Verschuuren, S.I. O2.7<br />

Versluys, A.B. O7.4<br />

Vijver, M.J. van de O6.3<br />

Vincken, K.L. O3.2<br />

Visch-Brink, E.G.<br />

P03<br />

Visser, R.N. de<br />

E07<br />

Visser, F. E04, O3.8<br />

Visser, P.J. O9.5<br />

Vliegen, R. O6.8<br />

Vlies, M. van der<br />

P09<br />

Volmerink, M.H.M. O4.6, O8.3<br />

Vonken, E.P.A. O5.8<br />

Voogd, A.C. O8.2<br />

Voort, M. van der O8.7<br />

Vossen, M.H.E. O10.4, P12, P13<br />

Vroegindeweij, D. O8.8, O10.8<br />

Vrooman, H.A. O9.4<br />

Vukadinovic, D. O5.7<br />

Waarsing, J.H. O10.2<br />

Walenkamp, M.W. O7.5<br />

Wattjes, M.P. O9.5<br />

Weerink, L.B.M. O10.3<br />

Weinans, H. O10.1, O10.2<br />

Wensing, P.J.W. dr. O5.2<br />

Weustink, A.C. E07, O3.1, O3.3<br />

Wiarda, B.M. O2.3<br />

Wielopolski, P.A. O7.7<br />

Wiersma, H.W. O1.4<br />

Wijkerslooth, T.R. de O6.3, O6.4<br />

Wildberger, J.E. E05, O4.1, O9.2<br />

Wilde, J.C.H. O7.5<br />

Wink, A.M. O9.6<br />

Winkens, B. O5.1<br />

Witkamp, A.J. O4.4, O8.10<br />

Witte, M.T. de<br />

E03<br />

Witteman, J.C.M. O9.1, O9.3<br />

Wittenberg, R. O10.5<br />

Worp, H.B. van der<br />

P05<br />

Ypma, Y.F.R. O10.8<br />

Zagers, M.B. O5.5<br />

Zanen, P. O10.6<br />

Ziech, M.L.W. O2.1, O7.1<br />

Zijlstra, I.J.A. O6.1<br />

Zijta, F.M. O6.5<br />

Zonnenberg, B.A. O5.4<br />

Zsiros, J. O1.8<br />

Zwam, W. van O9.5<br />

Zwanenburg, J.J.M. E04, O3.8<br />

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RC<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

& <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Samenvattingen<br />

‘Research Corner’<br />

Donderdag 29 september, 14.05 - 15.35 uur<br />

LUMC<br />



M.A. van Buchem<br />

Enkele jaren geleden zijn MRI-systemen ontwikkeld met een<br />

zeer hoge veldsterkte die geschikt zijn <strong>voor</strong> onderzoek bij<br />

mensen. Recent zijn twee van zulke systemen, functionerend<br />

bij een veldsterkte van het magnetisch veld van 7Tesla, in<br />

Nederland geplaatst, respectievelijk in het LUMC en het<br />

UMCU. Inmiddels zijn een groot aantal patiënten op deze<br />

systemen onderzocht. In deze presentatie zal een indruk<br />

geschetst worden van de eerste ervaringen die daarbij<br />

opgedaan zijn.<br />

Erasmus MC<br />


A. van der Lugt, M. Vernooij, M. Smits, W. Niessen,<br />

G.P. Krestin<br />

Introductie: Beeldvormende technieken worden in toenemende<br />

mate gebruikt in epidemiologische studies.<br />

Het gaat hier niet meer alleen om de relatief goedkopere<br />

technieken zoals conventionele Röntgenonderzoeken of<br />

echografie, maar ook om state-of-the-art CT en MRI. In<br />

grote populatiestudies met langdurige follow-up wordt<br />

onderzoek gedaan naar 1) determinanten van ziekten,<br />

gericht op 1a) inzicht in de pathofysiologie van ziekte en 1b)<br />

de mogelijkheid tot preventie door middel van interventie;<br />

2) vroegtijdige detectie van ziekte; 3) vaststellen van hoog<br />

risico groepen.<br />

Gezien het jarenlange subklinische beloop van ziekten<br />

zoals aderverkalking en neurodegeneratieve afwijkingen<br />

(dementie) waarvan de afwijkingen (mogelijk) al vroeg in<br />

het ziekte proces zichtbaar te maken zijn, kan beeldvorming<br />

een belangrijke rol spelen in deze onderzoeks<strong>programma</strong>’s.<br />

Beeldvorming en met name seriële beeldvorming kan surrogaat<br />

eindpunten leveren <strong>voor</strong> ziekte waardoor het onderzoek<br />

naar determinanten kan verbeteren en meer inzicht<br />

kan worden verkregen in de pathofysiologie van ziekte.<br />

Beeldvorming kan bijdrage aan vroege detectie van ziekte<br />

waardoor een tijdige interventie ook binnen handbereik<br />

komt.<br />

Project: De afdeling <strong>Radiologie</strong> van het Erasmus MC<br />

is partner in twee grote lopende populatie studies: de<br />

Rotterdam Studie en Generation R. In beide studies wordt<br />

(seriële) MRI verricht bij alle deelnemers in de studie<br />

(>1000). Het onderzoek richt zich op hersenen, bloedvaten,<br />

hart en skelet. In de presentatie wordt aangegeven wat<br />

de meerwaarde is van de radiologische bijdrage in het<br />

beantwoorden van de studie vraagstellingen. Tevens wordt<br />

ingegaan op de specifieke radiologische problemen zoals<br />

kwaliteitscontrole, dataopslag, data analyse en toevalsbevindingen.<br />

Bijzonder: Beeldvorming in populatie studies heeft een<br />

andere oogpunt dan de klinische radiologie waarbij men<br />

gericht is op het oplossen van een specifiek klinisch probleem<br />

en de radioloog met een differentiaal diagnose een<br />

bijdrage levert aan de zorg van de individuele patiënt. In<br />

populaties studies gaat het om grote aantallen deelnemers<br />

waarbij <strong>voor</strong>namelijk wordt gekeken naar “normale afwijkingen”<br />

die geleidelijk optreden bij veroudering en waarbij<br />

afwijking van de norm relevant is. Grote datasets zijn<br />

nodig <strong>voor</strong> het vaststellen van determinanten (waaronder<br />

genetische variaties) en het <strong>voor</strong>spellen van ziekte. (Semi)-<br />

automatische kwantitatieve evaluatie van afwijkingen is<br />

noodzakelijk gezien de omvang van de datasets en de subtiliteit<br />

van de afwijkingen.<br />

Perspectief: Door de inbreng van de radiologie worden de<br />

nieuwste technieken direct toegepast in wetenschappelijk<br />

onderzoek. Andersom kan de klinische radiologie leren van<br />

de manier waarop consistente data acquisitie plaats vindt,<br />

wat het belang is van standaardisatie en kwantificatie<br />

van data. Ontwikkelde kwantificatiesoftware kan gebruikt<br />

worden in de kliniek. Tot slot verschaffen deze studies normaal<br />

waarden waartegen klinische pathologie kan worden<br />

uitgezet.<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

RC<br />

research naam corner sessie 1<br />

UMC Groningen<br />






R. Vliegenthart 1 , M. Oudkerk 1 , M.A.M. Dekker 1 ,<br />

J.J.A.M. van den Dungen 2 , R.A. Tio 3 , W.P.Th.M. Mali 4 ,<br />

M.M.J.J.R. Jaspers 5<br />

1<br />

Center for Medical Imaging – North East Netherlands<br />

(CMINEN), Dept of Radiology, University Medical Center<br />

Groningen/University of Groningen, Groningen<br />

2<br />

Dept of Surgery, University Medical Center Groningen/<br />

University of Groningen, Groningen<br />

3<br />

Dept of Cardiology, University Medical Center Groningen/<br />

University of Groningen, Groningen<br />

4<br />

Dept of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht,<br />

Utrecht<br />

5<br />

Dept of Radiology, Deventer Hospital, Deventer<br />

Patients with extra-cardiac atherosclerosis, like claudication,<br />

carotid stenosis or aortic aneurysm, have an increased risk<br />

of coronary heart disease. The purpose of the GROUND-2<br />

study is to non-invasively evaluate the presence of asymptomatic<br />

coronary artery disease (CAD) by CT calcium scoring,<br />

coronary CT angiography (CTA) and adenosine perfusion cardiac<br />

magnetic resonance imaging (APMR) in case of known<br />

extra-cardiac atherosclerosis.<br />

This study is designed as a prospective multicenter study.<br />

Patients aged 50 and over, diagnosed with extra-coronary<br />

atherosclerosis, either stenotic or aneurysmatic, are eligible<br />

to participate. Exclusion criteria are a history of symptomatic<br />

cardiac disease, severe arterial hypertension and contraindications<br />

to the used imaging modalities. All patients will<br />

non-contrast CT scanning to evaluate the coronary calcium<br />

score. In case of a zero calcium score, patients will be followed.<br />

In all other cases, CTA will be performed to evaluate<br />

the coronary arteries for significant stenoses. In case of a<br />

calcium score above 1000, the CTA is bypassed.<br />

Next, APMR will be used to assess perfusion defects of the<br />

myocardium. If there is a left main stenosis or equivalent on<br />

CTA or a perfusion defect on APMR, the patient will be referred<br />

to a cardiologist for further evaluation and treatment.<br />

All patients will be followed for 5 years for the occurrence<br />

of events.<br />

In this multicenter study, at least 1030 patients will be<br />

included. Inclusion has started in December 2009. This study<br />

will provide insight into the prevalence of silent severe<br />

CAD, detected by non-invasive cardiac imaging, in patients<br />

with known extra-cardiac atherosclerosis. Radiological<br />

screening for asymptomatic CAD may improve survival in<br />

these patients. Preliminary results indicate that significant<br />

coronary atherosclerosis is prevalent in patient with known<br />

extracoronary atherosclerosis.<br />

VUMC<br />




M.A.A. Binnewijzend, J.P.A. Kuijer, M.R. Benedictus,<br />

P.J. Visser, W.M. van der Flier, M.P. Wattjes, P. Scheltens,<br />

F.A. Barkhof<br />

3D pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (PCASL) is a<br />

non-invasive scan technique that measures cerebral blood<br />

flow (CBF). We aimed to compare CBF of subjects with<br />

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI)<br />

and subjective memory complaints (SMC).<br />

MRI scans, including MPRAGE and 3D-PCASL (post-label<br />

delay 2.0s, 3D-FSE, TR=4.8s, TE=4.7ms, spiral readout 8<br />

arms x 512 samples; 36x5.0mm axial slices; total scan time<br />

4min) were acquired on a 3T GE HDxt scanner in 76 consecutive<br />

subjects (33 AD, 15 MCI, 28 SMC) that visited our<br />

memory clinic. Partial volume estimates were obtained from<br />

MPRAGE images (using the FAST algorithm, part of FSL) to<br />

create CBF maps corrected for partial volume effects. Gray<br />

matter (GM) CBF-values were compared using analyses-ofvariance.<br />

Correlations with cognition (MMSE-scores) and<br />

vascular white matter lesions (WML) were investigated<br />

using linear regression analyses, correcting for age and<br />

gender.<br />

Four subjects (1 AD, 2 MCI, 1 SMC) were excluded from<br />

further analyses because of poor scan quality. Compared<br />

to SMC subjects, GM-CBF was decreased in both MCI<br />

(43±7 vs. 50±8 ml/100g/min; p

RC<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 1: Whole brain CBF map.<br />

Figure 2: Partial volume corrected gray matter CBF map.<br />

Figure 3: Boxplot of gray matter CBF in SMC, MCI and AD.<br />

UMC St Radboud<br />



J.J. Fütterer<br />

Next to digital rectal examination and PSA level, biopsy of<br />

the prostate is an essential procedure for determining optimal<br />

treatment. Systematic TRUSBx is the gold standard, but<br />

it fails to detect numerous tumors. This systematic approach<br />

is characterized by low sensitivity (39–52%) and high specificity<br />

(81–82%).<br />

Using diagnostic MRimages during an MR-directed biopsy<br />

procedure improves quality of the biopsy. In open MR scanners,<br />

the prebiopsy MR images often must be registered to<br />

the real-time biopsy images because open MR scanners do<br />

not provide optimal tissue contrast; thus, the patient must<br />

first be examined in a closed MR scanner and then biopsied<br />

in an open scanner. The advantage of open MR over closed<br />

MR is that the physician has easy patient access. Closed<br />

MR scanners can be used for the prebiopsy scan as well as<br />

for the biopsy procedure. Because operating room is limited<br />

within the closed MR scanner, manipulators are used to perform<br />

the biopsy. The MR detection rates after one negative<br />

biopsy round using MR-guided biopsy ranges between 38%<br />

and 55.5%.<br />

The clinical value of MR-guided prostate biopsy lies in<br />

the fact that a high percentage of prostate cancers can be<br />

depicted using an targeted biopsy technique, eliminating<br />

unnecessary systematic prostate biopsies for patients with<br />

elevated PSA levels and repeated tumor-negative TRUSBx.<br />

Extensive clinical studies are still essential to review the<br />

value of MR-guided biopsy. One of the largest challenges<br />

in taking biopsiesof the prostate is the correction for movements<br />

of the prostate tissue during the biopsy procedure.<br />

In conclusion the combination of a diagnostic MR examination<br />

and MR-guided biopsy is a promising tool and may be<br />

used in patients with previous negative TRUSBx.<br />

MUMC<br />




M. Maas, R.G.H. Beets-Tan<br />

Locally advanced rectal cancer is treated with neoadjuvant<br />

chemoradiation. In approximately 20% of the patients the<br />

tumor and the involved lymph nodes disappear or become<br />

sterilized due to this chemoradiation: a complete response.<br />

With a combination of T2-weighted MRI, diffusion-weighted<br />

MRI, gadofosveset-enhanced MRI and endoscopy these<br />

patients can be selected for a ‘wait-and-see policy’, in which<br />

surgery is omitted and patients undergo intensive follow-up.<br />

Maastricht University Medical Centre is the only Dutch<br />

centre that currently performs a study to evaluate this waitand-see<br />

policy with MRI-based selection and follow-up. The<br />

preliminary results are very encouraging and for the future<br />

we expect to be able to offer this wait-and-see policy safely<br />

to complete responders after neoadjuvant chemoradiation.<br />

16<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

esearch naam corner sessie<br />

RC<br />

AMC<br />


L. Reneman<br />

Kinderen krijgen steeds vaker medicijnen <strong>voor</strong>geschreven,<br />

terwijl niet duidelijk is òf en hoe dit hun hersenontwikkeling<br />

beïnvloedt. Onderzoek is er nauwelijks. Niet naar de<br />

bijwerkingen en zelfs niet naar de effectiviteit. Toch stijgt het<br />

gebruik fors, want ze kunnen er baat bij hebben. Er is weinig<br />

bekend over bijwerkingen bij kinderen omdat deze medicijnen<br />

altijd zijn getest in volwassen dieren en mensen. Het meerendeel<br />

van de medicijnen dat wordt <strong>voor</strong>geschreven is zelfs<br />

niet geregistreerd <strong>voor</strong> gebruik in kinderen. Ze worden off<br />

label en off license <strong>voor</strong>geschreven. Uit proefdieronderzoek<br />

weten we dat medicijnen de ontwikkeling van het brein langdurig<br />

kunnen beïnvloeden en daardoor een tegenovergesteld<br />

effect kunnen hebben van wat je zou verwachten. Onderzoek<br />

naar eventuele bijwerkingen van medicijnen bij kinderen is<br />

<strong>voor</strong>al belangrijk <strong>voor</strong> geneesmiddelen die hun invloed uitoefenen<br />

op de hersenen, zoals middelen tegen depressie en<br />

ADHD. Want niet alleen wijkt de stofwisseling van kinderen<br />

af van dan die van volwassenen, hun brein is nog in ontwikkeling<br />

tot aan de jong volwassenheid. Medicijnen zouden die<br />

ontwikkeling kunnen verstoren. In Nederland hebben 8.500<br />

kinderen in de leeftijd van 0 t/m 20 jaar in de eerste helft van<br />

2008 een antidepressivum via de apotheek gekregen. Echter,<br />

de sterkste stijging de afgelopen tien jaar zijn medicijnen<br />

<strong>voor</strong> attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Werden<br />

in 2008 ongeveer 500.00 recepten uitgeschreven, was dit<br />

in 1999 nog maar 132.000 keer. De oorzaak van de forse<br />

stijging zijn de verbeterde diagnostiek en de steeds sterkere<br />

behoefte van ouders en artsen aan verlichting van klachten.<br />

De afdeling <strong>Radiologie</strong> van het AMC heeft door de jaren<br />

heen een sterke reputatie opgebouwd in het bestuderen<br />

van effecten van middelen (misbruik) op de hersenen. Zowel<br />

nationaal als internationaal vervult het AMC hierin een<br />

pioniersfunctie en wordt baanbrekend onderzoek verricht.<br />

In een groot multidisciplinair project onderzoeken we nu de<br />

zogeheten neurologische imprinting van geneesmiddelen.<br />

Bij<strong>voor</strong>beeld, rond 2004 kwamen aanwijzingen dat bij<br />

jongvolwassenen het percentage zelfmoordgevallen juist<br />

toenam onder invloed van serotonine heropname remmers<br />

(SSRIs), waardoor dit medicijn een tijdje gecontraindiceerd<br />

is geweest in deze populatie. Wij onderzoeken hoe dat komt<br />

en wat de werking is van andere geneesmiddelen op de<br />

hersenontwikkeling. Kleven er risico’s aan het gebruik op<br />

jonge leeftijd, of misschien juist onverwachte <strong>voor</strong>delen?<br />

We visualiseren de veranderingen die medicijnen kunnen<br />

aanbrengen in de hersenontwikkeling met behulp van farmacologsiche<br />

magnetic resonance imaging (phMRI). Hierbij<br />

kijken we <strong>voor</strong>al naar hersensystemen die werken op basis<br />

van de neurotransmitters serotonine - waarop medicijnen<br />

tegen depressie aangrijpen - en dopamine - <strong>voor</strong> medicijnen<br />

tegen ADHD. Ook kijken we naar het functioneren van de<br />

hersenen met behulp van neuropsychologisch onderzoek.<br />

Wij denken dat hoe jonger kinderen medicijnen krijgen, hoe<br />

meer ze ingrijpen op de normale uitrijping van de hersenen.<br />

Alle artsen willen het beste <strong>voor</strong> kinderen, maar dan moet<br />

wel duidelijk zijn of je meer goed dan kwaad doet. Ons<br />

onderzoek stelt artsen en ouders in staat de eventuele<br />

risico’s van bijwerkingen af te wegen tegen de <strong>voor</strong>delen<br />

van een medicamenteuze behandeling.<br />

UMC Utrecht<br />




M.A.A.J. van den Bosch<br />

MR-HIFU is an innovative, noninvasive tumor ablation technique.<br />

MR-imaging and focused ultrasound is combined allowing<br />

real-time anatomic guidance and temperature mapping<br />

during treatment. Recently, the volumetric ablation approach<br />

has been introduced in order to reduce treatment length and<br />

more homogenous tumor ablation.<br />

A MR-HIFU system has been installed at the department of<br />

Radiology UMC Utrecht in 2009. From the beginning a successful<br />

program for MR-HIFU treatment of uterine fibroids<br />

has been started. Currently one patient a week is treated in<br />

clinical practice, and a phase2 efficacy study is running.<br />

The first step for treatment of malignant tumors with<br />

MR-HIFU has been made in patients with painful bone<br />

metastases. Palliative treatment of painful bone metastases<br />

is applied in clinical practice since the beginning of this<br />

year. It is expected that besides bone, the first breast cancer<br />

patients will be treated in the beginning of 2012.<br />

Several issues need to be further investigated for successful<br />

cancer treatment with MR-HIFU, including patient selection<br />

criteria, definition of treatment margins and optimal<br />

transducer technology. For this we have a multidisciplinary<br />

MR-HIFU team in UMC Utrecht consisting of interventional<br />

radiologists, radiotherapists, physicists, postdocs and PhDstudents.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


1 <strong>programma</strong> Abstracts & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Sessie 1<br />

Abdominale radiologie 1<br />

Donderdag 29 september, 14.05 - 15.35 uur<br />

O1.1<br />




M. Maas, D.M.J. Lambregts, M. Berkhof, G.L. Beets,<br />

R.G.H. Beets-Tan<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

Purpose: Restaging N-stage after CRT for rectal cancer is<br />

more accurate than N-stage prediction at primary staging<br />

of rectal cancer. The aim was to identify predictive factors<br />

which can help a radiologist in predicting the yN-stage.<br />

Methods: 39 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer<br />

underwent MRI before and after CRT. All visible nodes in<br />

the mesorectum were measured and recorded before and<br />

after CRT on a 3DT1W GRE-sequence with 1mm3 voxels.<br />

Baseline characteristics were collected and compared between<br />

patients with and without nodal involvement at pathology<br />

with t-tests and χ2. With regression analyses predictive<br />

factors for nodal involvement after CRT were identified.<br />

Based on the regression analyses a predictive model for yNstage<br />

was constructed and ROC curves were constructed for<br />

this predictive model.<br />

Results: 895 nodes were identified, of which 392 (44%)<br />

disappeared after CRT. Patients with ypN+ had larger nodes<br />

than ypN0-patients: mean 6.3 vs 3.6mm before CRT and 4.5<br />

vs 2.3mm after CRT, respectively (both p

Abdominale radiologie 1 1<br />

MRI is used for EMR identification and thus for identification<br />

of patients who need CRT on the obturator areas, patients<br />

can be spared an extensive resection with associated morbidity.<br />

O1.3<br />




D.M.J. Lambregts, M. Maas, I.J.G. Rutten, W.H. Backes,<br />

R.G. Riedl, F.C.H. Bakers, V.C. Cappendijk, G.L. Beets,<br />

R.G.H. Beets-Tan<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

Purpose: Recently, we showed that MRI using a new<br />

lymph-node contrast (gadofosveset) can significantly<br />

improve accuracy for staging of rectal cancer nodes. Aim<br />

of the present study was to determine the most accurate<br />

predictive imaging criteria for lymph node assessment using<br />

gadofosveset-MRI.<br />

On gadofosveset-MRI, SI was significantly higher in the<br />

benign nodes (p

1<br />

<strong>programma</strong> Abstracts & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

in 10 en respectievelijk 8 tumoren. Op MRI 3 tumoren op<br />

niveau omslagplooi: peroperatief 2 rectumtumoren en 1<br />

sigmoïdtumor.<br />

De PS-lijn heeft geen onderscheidend vermogen tussen rectum-<br />

en sigmoïdtumor. Ondanks de matige zichtbaarheid van<br />

de omslagplooi correleert MRI in 18 van de 23 tumoren met<br />

peroperatieve bevindingen. De afstand omslagplooi tot anus<br />

(MRI) benadert het 15cm-criterium (endoscopie).<br />

O1.5<br />




S.E.H. Cremers 1 , S. Gryspeerdt 2 , P. Lefere 2 , S. Houterman 3 ,<br />

G. Slooter 3 , M.L. Verhulst 3 , P.T.J. Cremers 3<br />

1<br />

Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis, Dordrecht<br />

2<br />

Virtual Colonoscopy Teaching Centre (VCTC), Hooglede<br />

3<br />

Máxima Medisch Centrum, Veldhoven<br />

Purpose: In CT colonography chronic diverticulitis (CD) can<br />

mimic colorectal cancer (CRC) masses. In order to distinguish<br />

these two entities several findings were analysed.<br />

Methods: 525 symptomatic patients consecutively underwent<br />

CT colonography between June 2008 and February<br />

2011. All patients with pathologic confirmation of CD (13)<br />

and CRC (30) on surgical specimens were included. The<br />

images were analysed in retrospect by a consensus of<br />

two reviewers. Length of the mass, diverticula included in<br />

the mass, growth pattern, luminal narrowing, presence of<br />

perilesional lymph nodes and mesenteric fat stranding were<br />

evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-<br />

Whitney and Chi-Square tests.<br />

Results: There was a significant difference in median<br />

length of the mass between CD and CRC, 100 and 49 mm<br />

respectively ( p

Abdominale radiologie 1 1<br />

Figure 1: A) T1-weighted images (T1W) acquired before, 30 s and 60 s after contrast agent (CA) administration, obtained for a patient with<br />

rectal cancer during primary staging. Red line indicates the tumor boundaries. White arrows indicate different tissue components of the rectum.<br />

T2W tumor image is shown as an image inset (upper left). B) Average signal enhancement-time curves obtained for the tumor (black line), rectal<br />

muscle (red line), mucosa (green line) and mesorectal fat (blue line) in three patients. In patient 3, the delineation of ROIs in rectal muscle and<br />

mucosa was not possible.<br />

O1.7<br />






D.M.J. Lambregts 1 , L. Curvo-Semedo 2 , M. Maas 1 ,<br />

T. Thywissen 1 , G. Lammering 1 , G.L. Beets 1 , F. Caseiro-Alves 2 ,<br />

R.G.H. Beets-Tan 1<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Radiology University Clinic, Coimbra University Hospital,<br />

Coimbra, Portugal<br />

Purpose: To determine the performance of diffusion-weighted<br />

MRI (DWI) in assessing a complete tumor response (CR) after<br />

chemoradiation (CRT) in patients with locally advanced rectal<br />

cancer (LARC) by means of [1] volumetric signal intensity and<br />

[2] apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements, and to<br />

compare its performance with volumetry on T2W-MRI.<br />

Methods: Fifty LARC patients underwent standard T2W-FSE<br />

and DWI (b0,500,1000) pre- and post-CRT. Two independent<br />

readers retrospectively placed free-hand ROIs in each tumorslice<br />

on both datasets to determine pre-CRT and post-CRT<br />

tumor volumes and the tumor volume reduction (∆volume).<br />

ROIs were copied to an ADC-map to calculate mean tumor<br />

ADCs. Histology (ypT0) was the standard reference. ROCcurves<br />

were generated to compare the performance of T2Wvolumetry,<br />

DWI-volumetry and ADC in assessing a CR. The<br />

intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to evaluate<br />

interobserver variability and the correlation between T2Wvolumetry<br />

and DWI-volumetry.<br />

Results: Areas under the ROC-curve (AUC) for identification<br />

of a CR based on pre-volume / post-volume / ∆volume were<br />

0.57 / 0.70 / 0.84 for T2W-volumetry versus 0.63 / 0.93 / 0.92<br />

for DWI-volumetry (p=0.15 / 0.02 / 0.42). For ADC, AUCs were<br />

0.55, 0.54 and 0.51. Interobserver agreement was excellent for<br />

all pre-CRT measurements (ICC 0.91-0.96) versus good (0.61-<br />

0.79) post-CRT. The ICC between T2W- and DWI-volumetry<br />

was excellent (0.97) pre-CRT versus fair (0.25) post-CRT.<br />

Conclusion: Post-CRT DWI-volumetry provided a high diagnostic<br />

performance is assessing a CR and was significantly<br />

more accurate than T2W-volumetry. Post-CRT DWI was<br />

equally accurate as ∆volume of both T2W-MRI and DWI. Pretreatment<br />

volumetry and ADC were not reliable.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 21

1<br />

<strong>programma</strong> Abstracts & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 1: ROC-curves for assessment of a CR.<br />

O1.8<br />






T.C. Kwee 1 , M.A. Vermoolen 1 , E.M. Akkerman 2 ,<br />

M.J. Kersten 2 , R. Fijnheer 3 , I. Ludwig 1 , F.J. Beek 1 ,<br />

M.S. van Leeuwen 1 , M.B. Bierings 1 , J. Zsiros 2 ,<br />

H.M.E. Quarles van Ufford 1 , J.M.H. de Klerk 3 , J. Adam 2 ,<br />

J. Stoker 2 , C.S.P. Uiterwaal 1 , R.A.J. Nievelstein 1<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

3<br />

Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort<br />

Purpose: To compare whole-body magnetic resonance<br />

imaging (MRI), including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI),<br />

to computed tomography (CT) for staging newly diagnosed<br />

lymphoma.<br />

30.7% (31/101), and lower in 4.0% (4/101) of patients, with<br />

correct/incorrect/unresolved overstaging and incorrect/<br />

unresolved understaging relative to CT in 13/12/6 and 3/1<br />

patient(s), respectively. Staging results of whole-body MRI<br />

with DWI were equal to those of CT in 62.5% (60/96),<br />

higher in 32.3% (31/96), and lower in 5.2% (5/96) of<br />

patients, with correct/incorrect/unresolved overstaging and<br />

incorrect/unresolved understaging relative to CT in 18/10/3<br />

and 4/1 patient(s), respectively.<br />

Conclusion: Staging of newly diagnosed lymphoma using<br />

whole-body MRI (without and with DWI) equals staging<br />

using CT in the majority of patients. Disagreements between<br />

whole-body MRI and CT are mostly caused by overstaging of<br />

the former relative to the latter, with the number of correctly<br />

and incorrectly overstaged cases being approximately equal.<br />

The potential advantage of DWI is still unproven.<br />

Materials and methods: One hundred and one consecutive<br />

patients with newly diagnosed lymphoma prospectively<br />

underwent whole-body MRI (T1-weighted and T2-weighted<br />

short inversion time inversion recovery [n=101], and DWI<br />

[n=96]) and CT. Ann Arbor stages were assigned according<br />

to whole-body MRI and CT findings. Disagreements in<br />

staging between whole-body MRI (without and with DWI)<br />

and CT were resolved using bone marrow biopsy, 18F-fluoro-<br />

2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET),<br />

and follow-up FDG-PET, CT, and whole-body MRI studies as<br />

reference standard.<br />

Results: Staging results of whole-body MRI without DWI<br />

were equal to those of CT in 65.4% (66/101), higher in<br />

22<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Sessie 2<br />

Abdominale radiologie/<br />

Acute radiologie/Diversen<br />

2<br />

Abdominale radiologie/<br />

Acute radiologie/Diversen<br />

Donderdag 29 september, 14.05 - 15.35 uur<br />

O2.1<br />




M.L.W. Ziech, C. Lavini, C.Y. Ponsioen, M.W.A. Caan,<br />

S. Bipat, A.M. Spijkerboer, P. Stokkers, A.J. Nederveen,<br />

J. Stoker<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Purpose: To determine if dynamic contrast enhanced MRI<br />

(DCE-MRI) can evaluate disease activity in patients with<br />

perianal fistulizing Crohn’s disease.<br />

Methods and materials: Patients with perianal fistulizing<br />

Crohn’s disease, underwent DCE-MRI. The van Assche<br />

MRI-based score and perianal disease activity index (PDAI)<br />

were determined. Transversal DCE-MRI was performed at 3T<br />

during intravenous contrast injection (TE 2.3, TR 5.1, FA 30,<br />

15 slices, total duration of dynamic scan 5.05 min, 70 scans<br />

per slice, temporal resolution 4.2 sec per volume).<br />

The qualitative parameters Maximum Enhancement (ME),<br />

slope of the enhancement curve (SoE) and curve shape type<br />

(as by Lavini et al), as well as the quantitative parameters<br />

Ktrans, Vep, Kep as in the Tofts model were calculated<br />

(using a measured arterial input function) on a pixel by pixel<br />

basis, and then averaged of over an ROI drawn around the<br />

fistula. Spearman correlations between DCE-MRI parameters<br />

and PDAI and MRI-based score were calculated.<br />

Results: Sixteen patients (7 males) were included, mean<br />

age 37 (range 18-63). PDAI correlated with ME (r=0.669,<br />

p=0.005), SoE (r=0.582, p=0.018), ROI volume (r=0.786,<br />


2<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 1<br />

Figure 2<br />

O2.3<br />



M.M.N. Leeuwenburgh 1 , B.M. Wiarda 2 , A. Spilt 3 ,<br />

P.M.M. Bossuyt 1 , M.A. Boermeester 1 , J. Stoker 1 , OPTIMAP<br />

Studiegroep<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, Alkmaar<br />

3<br />

Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem<br />

Purpose: To identify MRI features associated with appendicitis.<br />

Methods: Signs expected to be associated with appendicitis<br />

were recorded by two expert radiologists in 223 abdominal<br />

MRI scans of patients with suspected appendicitis<br />

(HASTE, HASTE SPAIR, DWI). The investigated features<br />

were:<br />

(1) Diameter >6mm;<br />

(2) Appendicolith;<br />

(3) Peri-appendiceal fat infiltration;<br />

(4) Peri-appendiceal fluid;<br />

(5) Absence of gas in the appendix;<br />

(6) Destruction of the appendiceal wall structure;<br />

(7) Restricted diffusion of the appendiceal wall;<br />

(8) Restricted diffusion of the appendiceal lumen;<br />

(9) Restricted diffusion of focal fluid collections<br />

An expert panel assigned acute appendicitis as final diagnosis<br />

in 117 of 223 patients based on histopathology and<br />

follow-up after 3 months. Associations between imaging<br />

features and appendicitis were evaluated with multivariable<br />

logistic regression analysis.<br />

Results: In 210 of 223 scans the appendix could be visualised.<br />

All 9 investigated MRI features were significantly<br />

associated with appendicitis in univariate analysis. Presence<br />

of two of these features had a probability of appendicitis<br />

between 85%(95%CI: 78-91%) and 100%(95%CI: 86-100%).<br />

If no features were identified in the MRI appendicitis was<br />

present in 0%(95%CI: 0%-8%) of patients. In multivariable<br />

Table 1<br />

24<br />

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Abdominale radiologie/<br />

Acute radiologie/Diversen<br />

2<br />

analysis only peri-appendiceal fat infiltration and restricted<br />

diffusion of the appendiceal wall had a significant association<br />

with appendicitis. The probability of appendicitis was<br />

96%(95%CI: 90-98%) in presence of both features, and<br />

5%(95%CI: 2-11%) in their absence.<br />

Conclusion: In MRI, peri-appendiceal fat infiltration and<br />

restricted diffusion of the appendiceal wall are strongly<br />

associated with appendicitis. Presence of both features in a<br />

MRI examination leads to a high probability of appendicitis,<br />

whereas their absence almost rules appendicitis out.<br />

O2.4<br />




M.M.N. Leeuwenburgh 1 , H.W. van Es 2 , J.W.C. Gratama 3 ,<br />

P.M.M. Bossuyt 1 , M.A. Boermeester 1 , J. Stoker 1 , OPTIMAP<br />

Studiegroep<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein<br />

3<br />

Gelre ziekenhuizen, Apeldoorn<br />

Purpose: To identify the optimal imaging strategy in adult<br />

patients with suspected appendicitis.<br />

Methods: We included consecutive patients with suspected<br />

appendicitis in six hospitals. Patients underwent initial<br />

US, followed by CT in case of non-diagnostic US results.<br />

Additionally, all patients underwent MRI (HASTE, HASTE<br />

SPAIR, DWI), with the MRI reader blinded for the results of<br />

the other imaging methods. An expert panel assigned a final<br />

diagnosis based on histopathology and clinical follow up<br />

after 3 months. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity<br />

of the following scenarios: (1) US only;(2) US in all patients<br />

followed by CT after a non-diagnostic US;(3) US followed by<br />

MRI after a non-diagnostic US;(4) MRI only.<br />

Results: We performed 229 US, 126 CT and 223 MRI examinations<br />

in 230 patients (mean age 38 years, 41% male).<br />

Acute appendicitis was assigned as final diagnosis in 118<br />

patients (51%). Sensitivity of US only was 0.76(95%CI:<br />

0.68-0.83); specificity 0.94(95%CI: 0.88-0.97). Conditional<br />

imaging strategies with CT or MR after a non-diagnostic US<br />

resulted in a significantly increased sensitivity (p

2<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O2.5<br />




M.M.A.C. van Doorn, L.F.M. Beenen<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Doelstelling: Evalueren van het effect van simulatie van<br />

polytrauma Total Body CT scans.<br />

Achtergrond: In grote traumacentra kan het <strong>voor</strong>komen dat<br />

er meerdere traumata tegelijk moeten worden opgevangen.<br />

Van al deze patiënten wordt beeldvorming verricht, waarbij<br />

er steeds vaker een Total Body CT scan (TBCT) wordt uitgevoerd.<br />

Dit genereert een grote druk bij arts-assistenten,<br />

die in korte tijd uit >1000 beelden per patiënt, allereerst de<br />

klinisch meest relevante afwijkingen moeten vaststellen.<br />

Beschrijving: In een prospectieve setting zijn 3 simulaties<br />

uitgevoerd. Per simulatie werd een groot ongeval aangekondigd<br />

met betrokkenheid van 5 slachtoffers, waarbij om de<br />

10 minuten een TBCT scan werd vervaardigd. Elke arts-assistent<br />

kreeg de uitdrukkelijke opdracht binnen 10 minuten de<br />

levensbedreigende letsels op te sporen. De dataset betrof<br />

alleen axiale coupes, reconstructies konden naar eigen<br />

inzicht worden uitgevoerd op het PACS-station. De simulatie<br />

is 3 maal herhaald, met enkele maanden tussenpoos.<br />

Bij de eerste simulatie werd een blanco invulformulier<br />

gebruikt, bij de tweede en derde simulatie een checklist.<br />

Een Likert-scale van 5 werd gebruikt als confidence-score.<br />

Een webbased-enquête werd opgesteld om achteraf de<br />

ervaringen te evalueren.<br />

Resultaten: 19 van de 31 arts-assistenten hebben minimaal<br />

2 simulaties meegedaan.<br />

Het merendeel van de arts-assistenten vindt de simulatie<br />

reëel met betrekking tot tijdsdruk (20/23) en pathologie<br />

(23/23), en goede <strong>voor</strong>bereiding op een ramp(21/22). Bij<br />

8/19 van de arts-assistenten is er een toename van de<br />

confidence-score.<br />

Conclusie: Simulatie is een eenvoudige methode, die het<br />

vertrouwen van arts-assistenten zowel objectief als subjectief<br />

vergroot.<br />

Met behulp van een checklist verloopt de beoordeling meer<br />

gestructureerd.<br />

O2.6<br />






H.M. Dekker<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Doel: De evaluatie van de toepassing van een aangepast<br />

radiologisch aanvraagformulier.<br />

Methoden: Ziekenhuisbreed is een nieuwe richtlijn<br />

geïntroduceerd om contrastnefropathie(CN) te <strong>voor</strong>komen.<br />

Deze richtlijn adviseert om bij alle patiënten de<br />

serumcreatinineconcentratie te bepalen en de eGFR te<br />

schatten met de MDRD formule en om patiënten met hoog<br />

risico te identificeren en <strong>voor</strong>zorgsmaatregelen te nemen.<br />

Hoog-risicopatiënten zijn gedefinieerd als eGFR1 risicofactor (risicofactoren: hartfalen, perifeer<br />

vaatlijden, dehydratie, >75 jaar, anemie, symptomatische<br />

hypotensie, >150 ml contrastmiddel, nefrotoxische<br />

medicatie) of ziekte van Kahler/Waldenström met lichte<br />

ketens in de urine. Op het aangepaste aanvraagformulier<br />

dienen de MDRD en risicofactoren verplicht te worden aangegeven.<br />

Hoog-risicopatiënten werden verwezen naar een<br />

CN-polikliniek. Gedurende 1 jaar werden gegevens<br />

verzameld van alle poliklinisch geplande urologische patiënten<br />

van ≥18 jaar, gepland <strong>voor</strong> CT met iv contrast.<br />

Resultaten: Er waren 622 patiënten, met een gemiddelde<br />

leeftijd van 56 jaar. Bij 99% was een serumcreatinineconcentratie<br />

bekend. In 23% was de eGFR

Abdominale radiologie/<br />

Acute radiologie/Diversen<br />

2<br />

O2.7<br />





S.I. Verschuuren, R.S. Dwarkasing, W. Dinkelaar, W.C.J. Hop,<br />

G.R. Dohle, G.P. Krestin<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the<br />

role of MRI in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of<br />

urethral diverticula (UD) in symptomatic female patients.<br />

Materials and methods: Female patients referred for MRI<br />

at a single institution with suspicion of UD were included<br />

retrospectively. All MRI examinations were independently<br />

evaluated by two radiologists and compared with patients’<br />

follow-up data. Sensitivity and specificity of MRI for UD was<br />

calculated using surgery and clinical confirmation as the<br />

reference standard. Image quality of the urethra and<br />

periurethral region performed with the endoluminal coil was<br />

compared with the pelvic phased array coil.<br />

Results: From a study group of 60 patients (mean age, 44<br />

years), 20 patients (33 %) had UD, 28 (47 %) had an alternative<br />

diagnosis, of which 13 (46 %) were demonstrated with<br />

MRI. In the remaining 12 patients (20 %) no abnormalities<br />

were found. For UD, MRI had a sensitivity and specificity of<br />

both 100 %. Twenty patients had a total of 27 diverticula;<br />

these were mostly locally round (n=12) with sharp margins<br />

(n=25) and high (n=19), homogeneous (n=16) signal intensity<br />

on T2- weighted sequences. The ostium of UD was identified<br />

in 23 (85 %) diverticula by both readers. Agreement was<br />

93 % with a kappa value of 0.72. Endoluminal coil in the<br />

vagina demonstrated the best image quality of the urethra<br />

and periurethral region.<br />

Conclusion: Dedicated MRI is an excellent imaging<br />

modality for UD, furthermore, MRI will show the alternative<br />

diagnosis in almost half of the remaining patients.<br />

O2.8<br />



U.C. Lalji<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

Vraagstelling: Is metoclopramide nuttig bij MR-enterografie <strong>voor</strong><br />

het diagnostiseren van Crohn met betrekking tot darmdistentie.<br />

maag of beoordeelbaarheid van het onderzoek.<br />

Metoclopramide interfereerde niet met de acquisitie van de beelden<br />

na toediening van buscopan.<br />

Discussie: Metoclopramide lijkt geen toegevoegde waarde te<br />

hebben bij MR-enterografie.<br />

Methode: In de periode van 1 mei 2010 tot 30 juni 2010<br />

werden 24 patienten geincludeerd met de vraagstelling Crohn.<br />

Hier<strong>voor</strong> ondergingen ze een MRI van de dunne darm volgens<br />

ons MR-enterografie protocol waarbij er 1 liter water met hierin<br />

opgelost metamucil 1 uur <strong>voor</strong> het onderzoek moest worden<br />

gedronken. Van deze 24 patienten kregen 10 patiënten 3 uur <strong>voor</strong><br />

aanvang van het onderzoek 10 mg metoclopramide per os. Ook<br />

moesten zij een vragenlijst invullen m.b.t. bijwerkingen en vragen<br />

over het onderzoek zelf.<br />

De overige 14 patiënten kregen geen metoclopramide maar volgden<br />

wel de rest van het protocol.<br />

2 abdominale radiologen scoorden de onderzoeken op de volgende<br />

punten:<br />

Distentie proximale dunne darm, distentie distale dunne darm,<br />

distensie terminale ilium, maagresidu en beoordeelbaarheid<br />

onderzoek.<br />

De radiologen waren hierbij niet op de hoogte welke patiënten<br />

metoclopramide hadden gekregen.<br />

Resultaten: De onderzoeken waren over het algemeen goed te<br />

beoordelen. Vergeleken met de groep zonder metoclopramide liet<br />

de groep met metoclopramide geen significante verschillen zien in<br />

mate van distentie van de delen van de dunne darm, residu in de<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


3 <strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Sessie 3<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

Donderdag 29 september, 14.05 - 15.35 uur<br />

O3.1<br />






A.S. Dharampal, A. Rossi, A.C. Weustink, L. Neefjes,<br />

K. Nieman, N.R.A. Mollet, E.H. Boersma, G.P. Krestin,<br />

P.J. de Feyter<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of CTCA<br />

in women with low, intermediate and high risk of having<br />

significant CAD.<br />

Materials and methods: Retrospective study including<br />

symptomatic women without prior history of coronary<br />

revascularization who underwent both CTCA and invasive<br />

coronary angiography between 2004 and 2009. The pre-test<br />

probability for significant CAD was estimated using the<br />

Duke Clinical Score and were grouped in low (≤20%), intermediate<br />

(21-80%), and high risk (≥81% probability) groups.<br />

The diagnostic accuracy of CTCA to detect significant CAD<br />

(≥50% lumen diameter narrowing) was assessed in the dif<br />

ferent risk groups on a per patient level.<br />

Results: Two-hundred-and-seventy-five women were included<br />

and stratified in low (n=50), intermediate (n=183) and<br />

high (n=42) risk group. The pre-test probability in the low,<br />

intermediate and high risk groups were 12%, 49% and 89%<br />

with a prevalence of 38%, 66%, and 83%, respectively.<br />

In the low risk group the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV<br />

were 100%(95%CI: 83-100%), 74%(57-86%), 70%(52-84%)<br />

and 100%(85-100%).<br />

In the intermediate risk group the sensitivity, specificity, PPV<br />

and NPV were 98%(94-100%), 78%(66-86%), 89%(83-94%)<br />

and 96%(87-99%).<br />

In the high risk group the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and<br />

NPV were 100%(90-100%), 57%(25-84%), 92%(81-97%)<br />

and 100%(51-100%).<br />

Conclusion: The prevalence of CAD in women is underestimated<br />

in low and intermediate risk groups.<br />

CTCA can accurately rule out significant CAD in women with<br />

all risk groups.<br />

The post-test probability for detecting significant CAD is not<br />

depended on the pre-test probability of disease.<br />

O3.2<br />






L.M. de Heer, L.W. Bartels, L.A. van Herwerden,<br />

W.P.Th.M. Mali, K.L. Vincken, J. van Prehn, J. Kluin,<br />

R.P.J. Budde<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Objective: A key element of successful transcatheter<br />

aortic valve (AV) implantation is adequate prosthesis sizing.<br />

Cardiac output and aortic compliance result in aortic shape<br />

changes throughout the cardiac cycle. This may result in<br />

inadequate prosthesis sizing. To understand the dynamic<br />

changes in stenotic AV, the healthy aorta has to be studied<br />

first. We assessed the dynamic changes of the AV annulus<br />

using ECG-gated MSCT.<br />

Methods: Fifteen patients without AV disease who had<br />

undergone cardiac MSCT were identified. 3D datasets were<br />

reconstructed at each 10% of the ECG-interval. Per phase a<br />

cross-section in-plane with the AV annulus was reconstructed.<br />

The annulus area was segmented and analysed using<br />

in-home developed software (Dynamix, ISI) (figure). Radius<br />

changes were measured over 360 degrees from the center<br />

of mass per phase and plotted. The complete annulus shape<br />

change in all directions was depicted by fitting an ellipse<br />

over the data obtained in 360 degrees and described by<br />

radius changes over the major and minor axis. The asymmetry<br />

ratio was calculated by dividing the major by the minor<br />

axis. In addition area change was determined.<br />

28<br />

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Cardiovasculaire radiologie 3<br />

Results: In all patients distension of the AV annulus was<br />

asymmetric (ratio 1.3±0.2). Diameter and area changes<br />

were significant in all patients. Mean diameter change was<br />

20±4%. Mean area change was 28±7%.<br />

Conclusions: The healthy AV annulus diameter and area<br />

show over 20% change during the cardiac cycle and these<br />

changes are asymmetrical. Quantification of dynamic morphological<br />

changes may aid prosthesis sizing and it may<br />

have implications for ultimate clinical success.<br />

Figure 1: Aortic segmentation (pink) by thresholding<br />

O3.3<br />






L.A. Neefjes, A. Rossi, A.S. Dharampal, K. Nieman,<br />

A.C. Weustink, P.J. de Feyter, G.P. Krestin, N.R. Mollet<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To compare radiation dose and diagnostic performance<br />

of 3 CT coronary angiography (CTCA) protocols using<br />

a 128-slice Dual Source CT scanner (Siemens): a prospective<br />

high pitch spiral (HPS), a prospective step-and-shoot (SAS),<br />

and a retrospective (RS) scan protocol.<br />

Materials and methods: We prospectively included 459<br />

symptomatic patients with a regular heart rate (HR). Patients<br />

with a pre-scan HR

3<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

on a 64 detector-row scanner. Diastolic and systolic images<br />

were reconstructed with FBP (high and low-dose) and the<br />

IR algorithm (low-dose only). Hypo- and hyperdense artifact<br />

volumes were determined using two threshold filters (≤-50<br />

HU and ≥175 HU, respectively). Image noise was measured.<br />

Results: Mean image noise was 16.3±1.6 HU (high-dose<br />

FBP), 23.2±2.3 HU (low-dose FBP) and 16.5±1.7 (low-dose<br />

IR). Low-dose IR reconstructions had similar image noise<br />

compared to high-dose FBP (16.5±1.7 vs. 16.3±1.6, mean<br />

± SD). Mean hypo- and hyperdense artifact volumes (mm 3 )<br />

were 1235/5346 (high-dose FBP); 2405/6877 (low-dose FBP)<br />

and 1218/5333 (low-dose IR). For all PHV types, hypodense<br />

and hyperdense artifact volumes were similar for the highdose<br />

scans reconstructed with FBP when compared to lowdose<br />

scans reconstructed with IR.<br />

Conclusion: Iterative reconstruction allows ECG-gated PHV<br />

imaging with similar image noise and PHV artifacts at 50%<br />

less dose compared to FBP in an in vitro pulsatile model.<br />

Figure 1<br />

O3.5<br />






P. Symersky 1 , J. Habets 2 , B.A.J.M. de Mol 1 , M. Prokop 3 ,<br />

R.P.J. Budde 2<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum, Utrecht<br />

3<br />

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen<br />

Introduction: Multislice CT imaging has complementary<br />

diagnostic value in the evaluation of prosthetic heart valve<br />

(PHV) dysfunction. For PHV imaging, modified coronary protocols<br />

with retrospective ECG-gating have been used at<br />

considerable radiation exposure. We compared image noise,<br />

radiation dose and artifacts with prospective triggering to<br />

retrospective gating for PHV evaluation.<br />

Methods: Two mechanical PHVs (St Jude bileaflet and<br />

Medtronic Hall tilting disc) were scanned using a pulsatile<br />

in vitro model. Image acquisition was performed with a<br />

256-slice scanner with either a retrospectively gated helical<br />

scan (120kV, 600mAs, CTDI vol<br />

39.8mGy) or a prospectively<br />

triggered axial scan (120kV, 200mAs, CTDI vol<br />

13.3mGy), rotation<br />

time 0.27sec. Hypo- and hyperdense artifact volumes<br />

were quantified using thresholds of -45 and 175HU. Image<br />

noise and artifacts were compared between protocols.<br />

Additionally, mean image noise and radiation dose were<br />

compared between 6 patients with mechanical PHVs<br />

scanned with a prospectively triggered protocol and 20<br />

30<br />

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Cardiovasculaire radiologie 3<br />

patients scanned with retrospective gating.<br />

Results: In vitro, prospective triggering reduced valve-induced<br />

hypo- and hyperdense artifacts by 35 and 26%, respectively<br />


3<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

aortic (n=59), mitral (n=17), pulmonary (n=1) and tricuspid<br />

(n=1) position. In addition, seven annuloplasty rings were<br />

present. PHV artifacts prohibiting assessment of at least one<br />

coronary segment were present in 12/70 patients (17%).<br />

Artifacts were located in the RCA, LCX and LAD: in 9/70<br />

patients (13%) (mainly from PHVs in the aortic position), in<br />

7/70 patients (10%) and in 3/70 patients (4%) (both mainly<br />

from PHVs in mitral position), respectively, and never in the<br />

left main coronary artery. Biological PHVs (0/17), annuloplasty<br />

rings (0/7), Carbomedics bileaflet (0/20), ON-X bileaflet<br />

(0/7) and Medtronic Hall tilting disc (1/11) PHVs caused no<br />

artifacts precluding coronary artery assessment. However,<br />

coronary artery assessment was hampered by PHV artifacts<br />

in the Bileaflet Saint Jude (3/11) and Duromedics (1/1) PHVs<br />

as well as Sorin (5/7) and Björk Shiley (4/4) tilting disc PHVs.<br />

Conclusions: MSCT imaging is a suitable technique to<br />

assess coronary artery segments in most patients with<br />

PHVs. Björk-Shiley and Sorin tilting disc PHVs prohibit diagnostic<br />

assessment due to PHV artifacts.<br />

Figure 1: PHV artifact in the RCA.<br />

O3.7<br />



T. Luijkx 1 , B.K. Velthuis 1 , F.J. van Hellemondt 2 , P.J. Senden 2 ,<br />

N.H.J. Prakken 1 , F.J.G. Backx 1 , W.P.T.M. Mali 1 ,<br />

M.J.M. Cramer 1<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort<br />

Purpose: Electro- and echocardiographic (e.g. septal wall<br />

thickness, SWT) characteristics are known to differ between<br />

athletes of black and white ethnic descent. We used cardiac<br />

MRI (CMR) to study differences between elite black and<br />

white football (soccer) players.<br />

Methods: 38 healthy elite male football players aged 19-34<br />

years (mean age 23±4 years) underwent CMR: 28 of white<br />

and 10 of black ethnic descent. Blinded observers used a<br />

reproducible contour tracing protocol to assess ventricular<br />

volumes, function and wall mass. Maximum SWT and the<br />

ratio of non-compacted to compacted (NC/C ratio) myocardium<br />

was determined on a standardized apical-to-mid-ventricular<br />

CMR short axis slice at six positions recommended<br />

by the American Heart Association.<br />

Results: Black athletes showed slightly lower end-diastolic<br />

volumes and higher end-systolic volumes in both ventricles,<br />

resulting in lower ejection fractions. SWT was larger in<br />

black athletes. Myocardial NC was more widely present and<br />

more pronounced in black athletes with both a higher peak<br />

(white/black mean 1.81/2.30, range 1.13-2.42/1.14-3.66) and<br />

average (white/black mean 1.02/1.40, range 0.42-1.66/0.69-<br />

2.08) NC/C ratio.<br />

Conclusions: In this small sample footballers of black ethnicity<br />

show decreased ventricular systolic function at rest,<br />

which may be related to more pronounced myocardial noncompaction.<br />

The NC/C ratio frequently exceeds the clinically<br />

used CMR cut-off value of 2.3.<br />

Table 1<br />

32<br />

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Cardiovasculaire radiologie 3<br />

O3.8<br />




A.G. van der Kolk, J.J.M. Zwanenburg, M. Brundel,<br />

G.J. Biessels, F. Visser, P.R. Luijten, J. Hendrikse<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Background & purpose: Conventional imaging methods<br />

cannot depict the vessel wall of intracranial arteries at<br />

sufficient resolution. This hampers the evaluation of intracranial<br />

arterial disease. The aim of the present study was to<br />

develop a high-resolution MRI method to image intracranial<br />

vessel wall.<br />

Methods: We developed a volumetric (3D) turbo spin<br />

echo (TSE) sequence for intracranial vessel wall imaging<br />

at 7.0 Tesla MRI. Inversion Recovery (IR) was used to null<br />

cerebrospinal fluid to increase contrast with the vessel wall.<br />

Magnetization preparation (MP) was applied prior to inversion<br />

to improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). 35 patients<br />

with ischemic stroke or TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) of<br />

various causes were imaged to test the MPIR-TSE sequence.<br />

Gadolinium-based contrast agent (Gadobutrol, 0.1mL/kg)<br />

was administered to assess possible lesion enhancement in<br />

the patients.<br />

Results: The walls of intracranial arterial vessels could be<br />

visualized in all volunteers and patients with good contrast<br />

between wall, blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The quality of<br />

the vessel wall depiction was independent of the vessel<br />

orientation relative to the plane of acquisition. In 21 of the<br />

35 patients a total number of 52 intracranial vessel wall<br />

lesions were identified. Eleven of the 52 lesions showed<br />

enhancement after contrast administration. Only 14 of the<br />

52 lesions resulted in a stenosis of the arterial lumen.<br />

Conclusions: Intracranial vessel wall and its pathology can<br />

be depicted with the MPIR-TSE sequence at 7.0 Tesla. The<br />

MPIR-TSE sequence will make it possible to study the role<br />

of intracranial arterial wall pathology in ischemic stroke.<br />

Figure 1: Example of wall lesion on 7T MPIR-TSE & TOF-MRA<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


4 <strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Sessie 4<br />

Mammadiagnostiek 1<br />

Donderdag 29 september, 14.05 - 15.35 uur<br />

O4.1<br />





M.B.I. Lobbes 1 , J. Cleutjens 1 , V. Lima Passos 2 ,<br />

K. Keymeulen 1 , R.G. Beets-Tan 1 , C. Frotscher 1 , M.J. Lahaye 1 ,<br />

J. Wildberger 1 , C. Boetes †<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht<br />

Doel: BI-RADS richtlijnen adviseren analyse van de klierweefseldensiteit<br />

op mammografisch onderzoek als deel van<br />

de mammografische evaluatie. Over het algemeen wordt<br />

visuele inspectie gebruikt om de densiteit van het klierweefsel<br />

in te schatten. Vergelijking tussen visuele en semi-automatische<br />

beoordeling van de klierdensiteit nog niet eerder<br />

onderzocht met een zogenaamde ‘threshold techniek’.<br />

Methoden: Klierdensiteit werd beoordeeld door een<br />

ervaren en onervaren radioloog in 200 mammografieën.<br />

Klierdensiteit werd ook gemeten met een software<strong>programma</strong><br />

dat gebruik maakt van een zogenaamde ‘threshold<br />

technique’ (figuur 1). Klierdensiteit werd gescoord volgens de<br />

richtlijnen van het BI-RADS classificatiesysteem. De correlatie<br />

tussen klierdensiteit van beide radiologen, alsook de correlatie<br />

tussen hun beoordeling versus de semi-automatische<br />

methode, werd uitgedrukt in de gewogen Kappa-waarde.<br />

Resultaten: Klierdensiteitmetingen van beide mammae en<br />

in beide projectierichtingen waren uitstekend en hoog significant<br />

(intraclass correlation coefficients >0.9, alle p

Mammadiagnostiek 1 4<br />

tly be visualized for evaluation in most patients.<br />

To date, 50 patients are evaluated: 3D-US evaluation of the<br />

breast shows a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 97%,<br />

compared to MR imaging findings (and histology). In coming<br />

months all 201 patients will be evaluated.<br />

Conclusion: In our study so far, 3D-US shows high sensitivity<br />

and specificity in the detection of suspicious lesions compared<br />

to MRI. Automated breast volume scanning seems a promising<br />

new ultrasound technique in breast evaluation.<br />

O4.3<br />




V. van Breest Smallenburg, W. Setz-Pels, F.H. Jansen,<br />

L.E.M. Duijm<br />

Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven<br />

Purpose: To determine the type and frequency of medicolegal<br />

claims at a Dutch breast cancer screening programme.<br />

Materials and methods: The study population consisted of<br />

all 80019 women who underwent screening mammography<br />

at a southern breast screening region of the Netherlands<br />

between January 1997 and July 2007 (301139 screens). We<br />

included all medicolegal claims that had been recorded at the<br />

central screening department within 3 years following screening<br />

mammography. During 2-year follow-up, we collected the<br />

biopsy results and surgery reports of all referred women. Two<br />

screening radiologists reviewed the screening mammograms<br />

of all screen detected cancers (SDC) and interval cancers (IC)<br />

and determined whether the cancer had been missed at the<br />

previous screen (in case of SDC) or latest screen (in case of<br />

IC). The radiologists were blinded to each others review; discrepant<br />

readings were followed by consensus reading.<br />

Results: Just 3 medicolegal claims had been reported,<br />

all of them related to financial compensation following a<br />

diagnosis of IC. The verdicts of these cases still have to be<br />

finalized. Excisional biopsy had been performed in 10.7%<br />

(234/2183) of false positive referrals. Review showed that<br />

20.8% (261/1254) of SDC had been missed at the previous<br />

screen and 23.6% (139/588) of IC should have been detected<br />

at the latest screen.<br />

Conclusions: Medicolegal claims were very rare, although<br />

a substantial proportion of false positive referred women<br />

had been confronted with excision biopsy and over 20% of<br />

cancers had been missed at the previous screen or latest<br />

screen, respectively.<br />

O4.4<br />





S.C.E. Diepstraten 1 , H.M. Verkooijen 1 , P.J. van Diest 1 ,<br />

M.A. Fernandez-Gallardo 1 , K.M. Duvivier 1 , A.J. Witkamp 1 ,<br />

T. van Dalen 2 , W.P.Th.M. Mali 1 , M.A.A.J. van den Bosch 1<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht<br />

Purpose: Radiofrequency-assisted intact specimen biopsy<br />

(RFIB) has been introduced for percutaneous biopsy or<br />

removal of breast tumors. Using radiofrequency cutting,<br />

the system enables the interventional radiologist to obtain<br />

an intact sample of the target lesion. According to IDEAL<br />

guidelines, we performed a critical evaluation of our initial<br />

experience with RFIB.<br />

Methods: Between June and November of 2010, X-ray guided<br />

RFIB was performed in 19 female patients. All patients<br />

presented with suspicious microcalcifications (BI-RADS<br />

III-V) on mammography. Biopsy specimen integrity, thermal<br />

damage and histological diagnosis were assessed by an<br />

expert breast pathologist. Data on technical success,<br />

diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy and peri-procedural<br />

complications were collected and analyzed according to the<br />

IDEAL guidelines.<br />

Results: Median age was 59 years. Median lesion diameter<br />

on mammography was 8 mm (range 2-76 mm). The procedure<br />

was successful in 17/19 (89%) patients and unsuccessful<br />

in 2/19 (11%) patients (1 nonrepresentative sample,<br />

1 sample with extensive thermal damage). Histological<br />

analysis of the RFIB specimen revealed 12/19 (63%) benign<br />

lesions and 7/19 (37%) malignancies (4 DCIS lesions and 3<br />

invasive ductal carcinomas). In 1 patient a DCIS lesion was<br />

completely removed with RFIB. Overall, 3 peri-procedural<br />

complications occurred (1 wound leakage, 1 arterial hemorrhage<br />

and 1 infection requiring oral antibiotics).<br />

Conclusion: Tissue sampling of suspicious breast lesions<br />

can be performed successfully with RFIB. In 1 patient DCIS<br />

was radically excised with RFIB, which illustrates its potential<br />

as a minimally invasive therapeutic procedure for removal<br />

of small breast tumors. This is an interesting focus for<br />

further research when larger probe sizes become available.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


4<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O4.5<br />




K.G.A. Gilhuijs 1 , K. Pengel 2 , V. Bruijnes 2 , C. Loo 2<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

NKI-AvL, Amsterdam<br />

Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify imaging biomarkers<br />

from contrast-enhanced breast MRI that predict the<br />

Nottingham prognostic index (NPI) prior to surgery.<br />

Methods: Patients with invasive breast cancer and eligible<br />

for breast-conserving therapy on the basis of conventional<br />

breast imaging and clinical examination received additional<br />

preoperative breast MRI in a prospective study. Temporal and<br />

morphological features of contrast uptake were automatically<br />

analyzed by a custom-build workstation. The size and grade<br />

of the tumor as well as the number of positive lymph nodes<br />

were assessed at histopathology. From their combination, the<br />

NPI was calculated. Based on NPI, patients were stratified in<br />

subgroups with expected 5-year survival rates larger or equal<br />

to 93% and subgroups with lower survival rates. Multivariate<br />

analyses were performed to identify correlations between<br />

computer-extracted MRI features and NPI. Bonferroni correction<br />

and receiver-operating characteristics were employed.<br />

Results: Five-hundred-and-forty-nine patients were included<br />

between 2000 and 2007. The mean patient age was 57<br />

years, the mean tumor size was 1.6 cm. A total of 224/549<br />

patients had one or more positive lymph nodes. The mean<br />

NPI was 3.1 (range 1.2 - 36.2), 304 patients were at or<br />

above the expected 93% 5-year survival threshold, 245 were<br />

below. From 20 computer-extracted features, the largest<br />

diameter of the washout in the enhancing lesion was most<br />

predictive to discriminate between the two groups, yielding<br />

an area under the curve of 0.74.<br />

Discussion and conclusion: Computer-aided analysis<br />

of breast MRI shows potential to estimate the NPI prior to<br />

surgery, and may thus ultimately provide complementary<br />

information to select neoadjuvant or minimally invasive<br />

treatment strategies.<br />

O4.6<br />






M.H.M. Volmerink, A.L.T. Imholz, R.A.J.M. van Dijk<br />

Deventer Ziekenhuis, Deventer<br />

Aim: to investigate the associations of (changes in) MRI<br />

tumoursize in one, two and three dimensions with specimen<br />

pathology of neoadjuvantly treated mammacarcinoma.<br />

Methods: In this retrospective study, in 35 patients dynamic<br />

contrast-enhanced MRI was performed before, during and<br />

after chemotherapy. Tumoursize was measured by RECIST,<br />

cross-section area (2D), volume (3D; all at early (70s) and<br />

late (450s) enhancement) and by RECIST washout<br />

. Change in<br />

tumoursize from MRI 1 to 2, and tumoursize at MRI3 were<br />

correlated with pathology by logistic regression.<br />

Results: decrease in tumoursize measured by 2D late<br />

(ß=4,1<br />

p=0,03), RECIST early<br />

(ß=2,5 p=0,01) and RECIST washout<br />

(ß=3,4<br />


Interventieradiologie/<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

Sessie 5<br />

5<br />

Interventieradiologie/<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

Donderdag 29 september, 14.05 - 15.35 uur<br />

O5.1<br />




A.S. van den Berg 1 , H. Odink 1 , B. Winkens 2<br />

1<br />

Atrium Medisch Centrum, Heerlen<br />

2<br />

Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht<br />

Purpose: To evaluate the technical and clinical long-term<br />

effectiveness of angioplasty of the crural arteries to preserve<br />

the leg.<br />

Materials and methods: In a 5½ year period a retrospective<br />

study was performed with 109 crural PTA’s of consecutive<br />

patients (47 men and 62 women; median age 79 years; SD<br />

= 9) with critical limb ischemia. Analysis of the clinical longterm<br />

effectiveness of angioplasty of the lower leg arteries<br />

in time (limb salvage rate = LSR), was performed using the<br />

Kaplan-Meier life-table analysis.<br />

Results: PTA included 29 stenoses (mean grade of stenosis<br />

= 90%; SD = 6%, mean length = 5 cm; SD = 12 cm) and 80<br />

occlusions (mean length = 15 cm; SD = 10 cm). Total technical<br />

failures were 16 (TF = 15%) and 93 procedures were<br />

successful (TS = 85%). The procedure-related mortality rate<br />

was 4%.<br />

Of 109 limbs 90 procedures were a PTA of a de novo lesion<br />

(83%). In the group of de novo lesions the LSR after 3 years<br />

was 78% (SD = 4.8). For the 80 technically successful procedures<br />

only the LSR after 3 years was 87% (SD = 4.1).<br />

Conclusion: PTA of the crural arteries appears to be an<br />

effective treatment for patients suffering from critical limb<br />

ischemia.<br />

Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier survival curves of PTA .<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


5<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O5.2<br />




R. Schepers-Bok 1 , M. Geerdes 1 , M.E. Havinga 1 , R. Aquarius 2 ,<br />

P.J.W. Wensing 1<br />

1<br />

Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, Hengelo<br />

2<br />

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen<br />

Objective: To analyse the outcome of percutaneous vertebroplasty<br />

with CortossTM in patients with vertebral compression<br />

fractures.<br />

Methods: Between 2005 and 2010, 221 vertebral compression<br />

fractures were treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty<br />

in 132 patients. Inclusion criteria were: compression fractures<br />

due to osteoporosis, trauma or malignancy, invalidating<br />

back pain due to compression fracture, no improvement<br />

to standard conservative therapy for minimal 6 weeks,<br />

Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) score of at least 7 and bone<br />

marrow edema on MRI scan.<br />

NRS score was obtained before, and two and six weeks<br />

after vertebroplasty. Primary outcome was pain reduction<br />

measured by NRS score. Clinically significant pain relief<br />

was defined as a decrease in NRS score of at least 3 points.<br />

Secondary outcome were new vertebral fractures, injected<br />

volume and complications.<br />

Results: Two weeks after vertebroplasty, 84,7% of the<br />

patients showed a decrease of at least three points on NRS<br />

score. This increased to 86,8% after six weeks. 34 new fractures<br />

occurred in 22 patients (17,4%).No embolisms occurred.<br />

Mean injected volume of Cortoss was 1,54 mL.<br />

Conclusion: In a group of patients with vertebral compression<br />

fractures percutaneous vertebroplasty with Cortoss is<br />

an effective and safe treatment option. PVP leads to a significant,<br />

rapid decrease in pain. Our results are comparable<br />

to results of other studies which used PMMA. These good<br />

clinical results, together with advantages of Cortoss, such<br />

as the low cement volume needed, and the mix-on-demand<br />

delivery system, make it a strong candidate to be a standard<br />

material in vertebral augmentation.<br />

Figure 1: Distribution of Cortoss: trabecular pattern.<br />

Table 1: Patient characteristics.<br />

38<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Interventieradiologie/<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

5<br />

Table 2: Mean NRS before and after vertebroplasty.<br />

O5.3<br />



F.A. Frans, R. Met, S. Bipat, M.J.W. Koelemay,<br />

D.A. Legemate, J.A. Reekers<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

De keuze van de behandeling bij patiënten met kritieke<br />

ischemie (CLI) van het onderbeen is maatwerk. Behoud van<br />

het been en Kwaliteit van Leven (Qol) zijn belangrijke uitkomstmaten<br />

bij de behandeling. Doel van dit onderzoek was<br />

het inventariseren van de behandelingen en het vervolgen<br />

van de Qol bij patiënten met CLI.<br />

In deze prospectieve cohort studie werden alle opeenvolgende<br />

patiënten met CLI die zich presenteerden in ons<br />

ziekenhuis geïncludeerd. De ziektespecifieke VascuQol<br />

vragenlijst werd ingevuld bij presentatie (baseline) en na<br />

6 maanden. Verschillen in scores werden getoetst met de<br />

Wilcoxon-Signed Ranks test.<br />

Van mei 2007 t/m mei 2010 presenteerden zich 218 patiënten<br />

met CLI. Hiervan konden 150 patiënten worden geïncludeerd<br />

in de studie. De uiteindelijke studiepopulatie bestond na 6<br />

maanden uit 127 patiënten. Primaire behandeling was een<br />

PTA (79;62%), chirurgisch (32;25%), conservatief (12;10%) of<br />

een amputatie (4;3%). Bij 43 patiënten (34%) was binnen 6<br />

maanden opnieuw een interventie nodig. De hele groep liet<br />

een toename zien in Qol na 6 maanden in de somscore en op<br />

alle individuele domeinen van de VascuQol (p

5<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Methods: five patients with liver metastases were treated<br />

with 166 Ho-radioembolization. In order to assess microsphere<br />

biodistribution, pre and post treatment multi-gradient echo<br />

T 2<br />

*-weighted MR images and post treatment SPECT images<br />

were acquired. R 2<br />

* (R 2<br />

*=1/ T 2<br />

*) maps were constructed,<br />

since increases in R 2<br />

* are known to linearly relate to the<br />

166<br />

Ho-MS concentration. R 2<br />

*-maps were compared with<br />

SPECT images. Couinaud’s liver segments and up to 5 index<br />

lesions per patient were selected in volumes of interest<br />

(VOI) using anatomical MR images. VOIs were projected<br />

over the SPECT images and R 2<br />

*-maps and the intensity per<br />

VOI was expressed in percentage of total liver intensity.<br />

From the 5 patients a total of 61 VOIs from R 2<br />

*-maps and<br />

SPECT were compared.<br />

Results: Presence of 166 Ho-MS in the human liver was clearly<br />

visible with both modalities. In certain cases, the higher<br />

resolution of MR-acquired R2*-maps provided additional<br />

information to the SPECT images with regard to the microsphere<br />

biodistribution within a tumor. Biodistribution measurements<br />

showed a high correlation between SPECT and MRI<br />

for liver segments (r 2 0.92) and index lesions (r 2 0.83).<br />

Conclusion: The intrahepatic biodistribution of 166 Ho-<br />

MS can be clearly visualized with both SPECT and MRI.<br />

Biodistribution measurements based on MRI and based on<br />

SPECT show a very good correlation.<br />

Figure 2: Percentage of total liver intensity in each VOI.<br />

Figure 1: 166Ho microspheres visualised on<br />

R2*-map and SPECT.<br />

O5.5<br />





M.B. Zagers, F.A. Frans, S. Bipat, J.A. Reekers, S. Jens,<br />

M.J.W. Koelemay<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Objectives: Decisions regarding treatment of patients with<br />

intermittent claudication (IC) are guided by the patient’s perceived<br />

disability due to limited pain free (PWD) and<br />

maximum walking distance (MWD), and objective assessment<br />

of PWD and MWD on a treadmill. There are few data<br />

on the relationship between treadmill test, daily life and<br />

patient reporting regarding the outcomes, PWD and MWD.<br />

Our objective was to determine correlations between these<br />

assessments.<br />

Methods: All consecutive outpatients with IC who gave<br />

informed consent were included in this prospective study.<br />

Assessments included PWD and MWD during a standardized<br />

treadmill test (3,0 km/h, 8% incline), and on a walking<br />

track on the corridor at the patient’s own pace. All patients<br />

40<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Interventieradiologie/<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

5<br />

also estimated their Subjective (S)PWD and (S)MWD.<br />

Differences and correlations between the assessments<br />

were determined with the Wilcoxon-Signed Ranks test and<br />

Spearman’s rank test, respectively.<br />

Results: 35 patients (71% men, mean age 64 years) were<br />

included. Mean PWD and MWD at corridor were significantly<br />

higher (115 and 265 meters) compared to the distances<br />

on the treadmill (62 and 128 meters) (P

5<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 2: Opname na thrombectomie (C) zonder thrombolytica.<br />

O5.7<br />





M.J. van Gils, D. Vukadinovic, D.W.J. Dippel, W.J. Niessen,<br />

A. van der Lugt<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Serial in vivo imaging would improve our understanding<br />

of atherosclerotic plaque progression and would be<br />

useful in assessing cardiovascular risk and monitoring treatment<br />

efficacy. Purpose of this prospective study is to quantify<br />

changes in atherosclerotic carotid plaque volume and<br />

plaque composition over time with CT angiography (CTA).<br />

Results: Thirty out of 222 arteries were excluded (local<br />

treatment, occlusion or poor image quality). Mean follow-up<br />

was 63±8 months. Intra-observer reproducibility of all volume<br />

measurements was good (ICC=0.90-1.00), except for lipid<br />

(ICC=0.79). Wall volume decreased in 30% and increased<br />

in 70% of vessels (range -6.8-10.9%/year). Baseline lumen<br />

volume was 1479±632 mm 3 , wall volume was 1089±461<br />

mm 3 . On average, volumes of vessel, lumen and wall increased<br />

0.6%, 0.5% and 1.2% per year (p≤0.001, oneway<br />

t-test). Plaque composition changed significantly from<br />

baseline (fibrous 66.3%, lipid 29.0%, calcifications 4.7%):<br />

fibrous tissue decreased with 1.1% (p

Interventieradiologie/<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie<br />

5<br />

O5.8<br />






S.A.P. Cornelissen 1 , E.P.A. Vonken 1 , H.J. Verhagen 2 ,<br />

F.L. Moll 1 , L.W. Bartels 3<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

3<br />

Image Sciences Institute, Universitair Medisch Centrum<br />

Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Doel: Doel van dit onderzoek was om de veranderende<br />

organisatiegraad van de aneurysmazak gedurende het eerste<br />

jaar na EVAR af te beelden met MRI.<br />

Methoden: In deze METC-goedgekeurde studie ondergingen<br />

30 patiënten MRI-onderzoeken pre-operatief, < 6 weken<br />

postoperatief, 6 maanden en 1 jaar na EVAR. Er werden<br />

pre-contrast T1- en T2- en postcontrast T1-gewogen beelden<br />

gemaakt. De aneurysmazak werd met speciaal hier<strong>voor</strong> ontwikkelde<br />

software door een ervaren radioloog uitgesplitst<br />

in gebieden met endoleak, ongeorganiseerde en georganiseerde<br />

thrombus aan de hand van de signaalintensiteit op<br />

de verschillende beelden.<br />

Resultaten: Het gemiddelde ongeorganiseerde thrombusvolume<br />

pre-operatief was 23 ml(95%CI 16-30ml), postoperatief<br />

51 ml(95%CI 41-61 ml), na 6 maanden 39 ml(95%CI<br />

29-48ml), na 1 jaar 32 ml(23-41ml), zie figuur 1. Er was een<br />

significante toename in ongeorganiseerde thrombusvolume<br />

postoperatief t.o.v. pre-operatief (gepaarde t-test, p

6<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Sessie 6<br />

Abdominale radiologie 2<br />

Vrijdag 30 september, 10.45 - 12.15 uur<br />

O6.1<br />




M.H. Liedenbaum 1 , S. Bipat 1 , P.M.M. Bossuyt 1 ,<br />

R.S. Dwarkasing 2 , M.C. de Haan 1 , R.J. Jansen 1 ,<br />

D. Kauffman 1 , C. van der Leij 1 , M.S. de Lijster 1 , C.C. Lute 1 ,<br />

M.P. van der Paardt 1 , M.G. Thomeer 2 , I.J.A. Zijlstra 1 ,<br />

J. Stoker 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To determine how many CT colonography (CTC) training<br />

examinations have to be evaluated by novice readers to<br />

obtain an adequate level of competence in polyp detection.<br />

Methods: Informed consent was obtained from all participants.<br />

Six physicians (one radiologist, three radiology<br />

residents, two researchers) and three technicians completed<br />

a CTC training program. 200 CTC’s with colonoscopic verification<br />

were selected from a research database, with 100<br />

CTC’s with at least one polyp ≥6mm. After a lecture session<br />

and an individual hands-on training, CTC reading was done<br />

individually with immediate feedback of the colonoscopy<br />

outcome. The increase in per-polyp sensitivity was calculated<br />

for four sets of 50 CTC’s for lesions ≥6mm. Using logistic<br />

regression analyses, the number of CTC’s to reach 90%<br />

sensitivity for lesions ≥6mm was estimated. Reading times<br />

were registered.<br />

Results: The average per-polyp sensitivity for lesions<br />

≥6mm was 76% (207/270) in the first set of 50 CTC’s,<br />

77% (262/342) in the second set (p=0.96 vs. first set), 80%<br />

(310/387) in the third set (p=0.67 vs. first set) and 91%<br />

(261/288) in the fourth set (p=0.018). The estimated number<br />

of CTC’s to be evaluated to reach a sufficient sensitivity for<br />

lesions ≥6mm was 164. Six of the nine readers reached<br />

this level of competence within 175 CTC’s. Reading times<br />

decreased significantly from the first 50 CTC’s to the second<br />

50 CTC’s for 6 readers.<br />

Conclusions: Novice CT colonography readers obtained a<br />

sensitivity equal to that of experienced readers after practicing<br />

on average 164 CTC studies.<br />

O6.2<br />





T.N. Boellaard, C.Y. Nio, P.M. Bossuyt, J. Stoker<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Purpose: Cost-effectiveness is important for the implementation<br />

of CT-colonography as a screening tool for colorectal<br />

cancer. Radiologists’ reading time contributes substantially<br />

to CT-colonography costs. Therefore we evaluate the<br />

feasibility of radiologic technologists in triaging screening<br />

CT-colonography for extracolonic findings.<br />

Method and materials: Eight technologists participated in<br />

a training program and subsequently reported extracolonic<br />

findings in 280 CT-colonography exams. The dataset<br />

contained 86 possibly (E3) and 30 probably important (E4)<br />

findings (C-RADS). The first and last 40 cases were identical<br />

examination cases. Feedback was given after each case<br />

from reference standard (the consensus read by two radiologists),<br />

except for the examination cases. Technologists<br />

reported lesion location and characteristics, C-RADS classification,<br />

need for a radiologist’s read and reading time.<br />

We constructed learning curves for correct scan and lesion<br />

triaging using a moving average technique.<br />

Results: For the final exam 70% of scans with E3 or E4<br />

findings were correctly triaged, while 30.5% of scans<br />

without E3 or E4 findings were incorrectly triaged. For the<br />

final exam technologists correctly identified and classified<br />

64.4%(67/104) of E3 and 67.5%(27/40) of E4 findings.<br />

This is an improvement, compared to the first exam, of<br />

33.6%(p0.05). The learning curve for<br />

E3 and E4 findings combined did not reach a plateau after<br />

280 cases. The technologists’ average reading time decreased<br />

from 11:51 to 4:13 minutes(p

Abdominale radiologie 2<br />

6<br />

Conclusion: A training program for radiologic technologists<br />

leads to an increased capability of triaging extracolonic findings<br />

at CT-colonography. The number of cases was too low<br />

to reach a sufficient competence.<br />

O6.3<br />







M.C. de Haan 1 , E. Stoop 2 , T.R. de Wijkerslooth 1 , P.M. Bossuyt 1 ,<br />

M. van Ballegooijen 2 , Y. Nio 1 , M.J. van de Vijver 1 , K. Biermann 2 ,<br />

M. Thomeer 2 , M.E. van Leerdam 2 , P. Fockens 1 , J. Stoker 1 ,<br />

E.J. Kuipers 2 , E. Dekker 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To compare participation rate and diagnostic yield<br />

of colonoscopy and CT-colonography screening in a RCT trial.<br />

Methods: A random selection of the Dutch population, aged<br />

50-75 years, was 2:1 randomized to colonoscopy or CTC<br />

for primary CRC screening. Participation rate was defined<br />

as number of invitees undergoing the examination divided<br />

by the total number of invitees. Colonoscopy was positive<br />

when advanced neoplasia (adenomas with a diameter ≥10<br />

mm, a ≥25% villous component, or high grade dysplasia or<br />

CRC) was detected; CTC when a lesion >5mm was found.<br />

Individuals with ≥1 lesions 6-9mm at CTC were offered<br />

surveillance CTC and colonoscopy was offered for lesions<br />

≥10mm. Diagnostic yield was calculated as number of<br />

advanced neoplasia per 100 invitees.<br />

Results: 1,276 of 5,923 colonoscopy invitees participated<br />

(22%) compared to 982 of 2,919 CTC invitees (34%)<br />


6<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O6.5<br />





M.P. van der Paardt, F.M. Zijta, T.N. Boellaard, S. Bipat,<br />

A.J. Nederveen, J. Stoker<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Introduction: To prospectively evaluate image quality and<br />

diagnostic accuracy of 3.0Tesla MR-colonography using<br />

iodine-tagged preparation and CO2 for bowel distension.<br />

Methods: 40 patients at increased risk for colorectal carcinoma<br />

underwent 3.0Tesla MR-colonography using iodinetagged<br />

bowel preparation and automated CO2 insufflation.<br />

Coronal FS 3D-T1-weighted SPGR were acquired in supine<br />

and prone position, 2D-T2-weighted SSFSE in supine<br />

position. Five parameters (Table) were assessed by two<br />

observers for 6 colon segments (240 segments/observer,<br />

480 segments/sequence). Wilcoxon-signed-rank test was<br />

used for comparison. MR-colonography results were compared<br />

with colonoscopy and sensitivity/specificity were<br />

assessed.<br />

Results: The amount of fecal residue was rated ‘0-25%<br />

of lumen filled’ in 66.9%(321/480) of the images. Overall,<br />

the consistency of the residue was scored ‘liquid’;<br />

93.3%(448/480).<br />

Supine distension was ‘adequate’ to ‘optimal’ in<br />

89.2%(428/480) segments on T1-weighted images<br />

and 90.4%(427/472; 8 missing values) on T2-weighted<br />

series. In the T1-weighted series distension was better in<br />

supine compared to prone position: 89.2%(428/480) versus<br />

74.1%(347/468; 12 missing values), p

Abdominale radiologie 2 6<br />

cases, Gd-EOB-DTPA (Primovist®) can be used, which is<br />

taken up by hepatocytes, if they are connected to biliary<br />

ducts, leading to hyperintensity in the hepatobiliary phase.<br />

However, thus far specific enhancement patterns of FNH<br />

have not been reported.<br />

Material and Methods: Retrospective evaluation was<br />

performed of 29 FNH lesions, imaged with MRI precontrast<br />

and after Gd-EOB-DTPA. MR examination consisted<br />

of precontrast T1 sequences, in and out of phase T1<br />

sequences, T1-weighted dynamic sequences after<br />

Gd-EOB-DTPA injection, T2-weighted sequences, Diffusion<br />

weighted imaging and T1 hepatobiliary phase after 10<br />

and 20 minutes.<br />

Results: Evaluation of 29 FNH lesions during the hepatobiliary<br />

phase yielded four types of enhancement: homogenous<br />

hyperintense 12/29 (41,4%), heterogeneous 3/29 (10,3%),<br />

hypointense with peripheral rim enhancement 5/29 (17,3%)<br />

and isointens to liver parenchyma 9/29 (31,0%). In all cases,<br />

enhancement patterns observed at 5 minutes persisted<br />

during 10 and 20 minutes post injection. Pathological examination<br />

demonstrated correlation of observed enhancement<br />

patterns with specific vascular and biliary duct distribution.<br />

Conclusion: In the hepatobiliary phase of the Gd-EOB-DTPA<br />

four different enhancement patterns were recognized in<br />

FNH. Pathological correlation suggests specific subtypes of<br />

FNH lesions.<br />

Figure 1: Four different enhancement patterns FNH.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


6<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O6.7<br />





S.M. van Aalten, M.G.J. Thomeer, T. Terkivatan,<br />

R.S. Dwarkasing, J. Verheij, R.A. de Man, J.N.M. IJzermans<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To investigate the correlation between magnetic<br />

resonance imaging (MRI) findings and pathological subtype<br />

classification of hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) and to propose<br />

guidelines for follow-up and management.<br />

Methods: This retrospective study was approved by the<br />

institutional review board and the requirement for informed<br />

consent was waived. Seventy-one resected tumours previously<br />

diagnosed as HCA were classified based on pathological<br />

findings and immunohistochemical analysis: liver-fatty<br />

acid binding protein (L-FABP) negative HCA, inflammatory<br />

HCA, β-catenin positive HCA and unclassified HCA. The<br />

available MRI scans of 61 lesions (48 patients, median age<br />

36 years) were independently reviewed by two radiologists,<br />

thereafter consensus was obtained. Chi-square and Fishers’<br />

exact tests were performed for statistical analysis.<br />

Results: MRI signs of diffuse intratumoral fat deposition<br />

were present in 7 of 9 L-FABP-negative HCA compared to<br />

5 of 29 inflammatory HCA (P = 0.001). Steatosis within the<br />

non-tumoral liver was present in 11 of 29 inflammatory<br />

HCA compared to none L-FABP-negative HCA (P = 0.038). A<br />

characteristic ‘atoll’ sign was only seen in the inflammatory<br />

group (P = 0.027). Presence of a typical vaguely defined type<br />

of scar was seen in 5 of 7 β-catenin positive HCA<br />

(P = 0.003). No specific MRI features were identified for the<br />

unclassified cases.<br />

Conclusions: L-FABP-negative HCA, inflammatory HCA and<br />

β-catenin positive HCA were related to MRI signs of diffuse<br />

intratumoral fat deposition, an ‘atoll’ sign, and a typical<br />

vagely defined scar, respectively. Since β-catenin positive<br />

HCA are considered premalignant, closer follow-up with<br />

MRI or resection may be preferred.<br />

O6.8<br />





J.E. Mongula 1 , D. Lambregts 1 , R. Kruitwagen 2 , T. van Gorp 2 ,<br />

A .Kruse 2 , L. Lutgens 3 , R. Lalisang 2 , R. Vliegen 4 ,<br />

B.F. Slangen 2 , R. Beets-Tan 1<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

GROW, School for Oncology and Developmental Biology,<br />

Maastricht<br />

3<br />

Maastro clinic, Maastricht<br />

4<br />

Atrium Medisch Centrum, Heerlen<br />

Objective: To assess whether MRI is valuable for evaluating<br />

the presence of residual tumor after RT and which<br />

imaging criteria are the best predictors of response.<br />

Methods: 40 patients with histologically proven primary<br />

cervical cancer FIGO ≥1b were retrospective included, to<br />

date 20 out of 40 have been analyzed. Patients underwent<br />

MRI (standard T2-weighted FSE in 3 planes at 1.5T) before<br />

and 2-3 months after RT. An experienced gynaecologic radiologist<br />

scored the likelihood of residual tumor on post-RT MRI<br />

using a 5-point confidence level score based on assessment<br />

of isointens residual mass, hypointens fibrotic mass, border<br />

irregularity and nodular shape. The standard reference<br />

consisted of gynecological examination with biopsy and/or<br />

clinical follow-up. ROC curve analyses were performed to<br />

determine the performance for assessing residual tumor. The<br />

value of each imaging criterion was assessed.<br />

Results: 3/20 patients had residual disease. AUC for identification<br />

of residual tumor based on visual interpretation<br />

was 0,94; sensitivity 100%, specificity 88%. The individual<br />

imaging criteria resulted in AUCs of 0,94 (isointense mass),<br />

0,50 (hypointense mass), 0,67 (irregular border) and 0,70<br />

(nodular shape). The combination of an isointens nodular<br />

mass resulted in a AUC of 0,98, sensitivity 100%, specificity<br />

88%. Adding an irregular border in AUC of 1,00, sensitivity<br />

100%, specificity 100%<br />

Discussion: MRI can provide high accuracy for the assessment<br />

of residual tumor after RT in patients with locally<br />

advanced cervical carcinoma. The best imaging criteria to<br />

predict residual disease are the presence of an isointense<br />

residual mass with nodular shape and irregular borders.<br />

Use of these criteria could benefit the MR assessment of<br />

residual disease in daily clinical practice.<br />

48<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Sessie 7<br />

Kinderradiologie/Diversen 7<br />

Kinderradiologie/Diversen<br />

Vrijdag 30 september, 10.45 - 12.15 uur<br />

O7.1<br />






M.L.W. Ziech, T.Z. Hummel, A.M. Smets, C. Lavini,<br />

A. Kindermann, S. Bipat, A.J. Nederveen, M.W.A. Caan,<br />

J. Stoker<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Purpose: Our purpose was to assess if dynamic contrast<br />

enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is useful as compared<br />

to ultrasound in diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease<br />

(IBD) in children.<br />

Method and materials: Consecutive consenting pediatric<br />

patients with suspected IBD were included. All patients<br />

underwent diagnostic work-up including ileo-colonoscopy<br />

and esophagogastroduodenoscopy under general anesthesia,<br />

MR enterography (800 ml sorbitol ingested in 3 hours<br />

as an small bowel and colonic intraluminal contrast agent,<br />

3T coronal dynamic contrast enhanced 3D T1-weighted<br />

sequence, temporal resolution 0.8 seconds) and<br />

abdominal ultrasound (including Doppler measurements of<br />

the superior and inferior mesenteric artery). At MRI maximum<br />

enhancement (ME) was calculated in a region of interest<br />

representing the terminal ileum, ascending, transverse<br />

and descending colon. Statistical analysis was performed<br />

with the Kruskall-Wallis test.<br />

Results: Eighteen paediatric patients were included (9<br />

males, 50%; mean age 14, range 10-18 years). Seven were<br />

diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (39%) and eight with<br />

Crohn’s disease (44%). Three patients had no IBD (17%).<br />

Fifteen patients underwent all modalities, three did not<br />

undergo ultrasound. Patients with Crohn’s disease had significantly<br />

larger wall thickness of the terminal ileum (p=0.037)<br />

measured with abdominal ultrasound. There were no differences<br />

between groups for all other segments and flow<br />

velocities. Mean ME at DCE-MRI did not differ significantly<br />

between the three groups (p=0.202).<br />

Conclusion: Wall thickness of the terminal ileum on abdominal<br />

ultrasound can be used for the diagnosing Crohn’s<br />

disease, but not for ulcerative colitis. There seems to be no<br />

role for DCE-MRI in children with suspected IBD.<br />

O7.2<br />





IN JIA?<br />

R. Hemke, M.A.J. van Rossum, M. van Veenendaal,<br />

T.W. Kuijpers, M. Maas<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Purpose: MRI is the most preferred imaging modality in<br />

detecting joint pathologies in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis<br />

(JIA), despite practical limitations. Gadolinium (Gd) contrast<br />

use prolongs examination time, increases invasiveness and<br />

patient discomfort, and thereby reduces feasibility of MRI<br />

in JIA patients. Therefore, our objective is to evaluate if JIA<br />

joint pathologies can be reliably assessed by MRI<br />

without Gd injection compared with Gd-enhanced MRI as<br />

the reference.<br />

Methods: Data-sets (open-bore, 1.0T) of 46 JIA patients<br />

(mean age 12 years [range 4-18]) were prospectively scored<br />

twice by two experienced readers for the presence of knee<br />

joint pathologies. MRI features were evaluated using a<br />

literature-based assessment score, comprising synovial<br />

hypertrophy, bone marrow edema (BME), cartilage lesions<br />

and bone erosions. The first reading included unenhanced<br />

images (-Gd), whereas complete image sets were available<br />

for the second reading (+Gd).<br />

Results: Using +Gd MRI as the reference, sensitivity and<br />

specificity of -Gd MRI in the detection of BME (89%, 99%),<br />

cartilage lesions (73%, 100%) and erosions (100%, 99%)<br />

were high. Good -Gd and +Gd interreader agreements (ICC)<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


7<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

were found regarding BME (0.87, 0.88), cartilage lesion<br />

(1.00, 0.97) and bone erosion scores (0.90, 0.93). Regarding<br />

synovial hypertrophy scores, the specificity of -Gd MRI was<br />

98%, though the sensitivity was 60%. ICC for +Gd MRI was<br />

0.88, however omitting post-Gd acquisitions increased interreader<br />

variation (ICC=0.76).<br />

Conclusion: Omitting intravenous contrast is unimportant<br />

in the assessment of bone marrow edema, cartilage lesion<br />

and bone erosion scores in knees of JIA patients, but decreases<br />

the reliability of synovial hypertrophy scores.<br />

O7.3<br />






A.E. Bohté 1 , B.G. Koot 1 , A.J. Nederveen 1 ,<br />

O.H. van der Baan-Slootweg 2 , S. Bipat 1 , T.H. Pels Rijcken 3 ,<br />

P.L.M. Jansen 1 , M.A. Benninga 1 , J. Stoker 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Heideheuvel Kliniek, Hilversum<br />

3<br />

Tergooiziekenhuizen, Hilversum<br />

Purpose: to evaluate the post-test probability of ultrasound<br />

(US) for the prediction of hepatic steatosis (HS) in a severely<br />

obese adolescent population with 1 H-MRS as reference<br />

standard.<br />

Methods: HS was prospectively evaluated in 113 obese<br />

adolescents with US and 1 H-MRS. For US, HS was<br />

graded semi-quantitatively as 0:none, 1:mild, 2:moderate,<br />

3:severe). 1 H-MR spectra were acquired with a PRESS<br />

sequence in a voxel of 8cm3 at 3T. The fat fraction (FF) was<br />

calculated as: total fat peak area/reference water peak area.<br />

HS was defined as a FF>1.8% and US score ≥1. Moderate/<br />

severe HS as a FF>7.7% and US score ≥2. Sensitivity and<br />

specificity for both thresholds were calculated. Based on<br />

these values the negative and positive post-test probabilities<br />

were determined and plotted against the prevalence of HS.<br />

Results: Mean age was 14.1y; mean BMI was 38.3 kg/m2.<br />

The overall prevalence of HS was 0.45 (95%CI:0.36-0.54)<br />

with a sensitivity of 0.84 (0.78-0.91) and a specificity of 0.55<br />

(0.46-0.64) for US grade ≥1. The prevalence of moderate/<br />

severe HS was 0.14 (0.08-0.21) with a sensitivity of 0.75<br />

(0.67-0.83) and a specificity of 0.87(0.80-0.93) for US grade<br />

≥2. The positive and negative post-test probabilities are<br />

plotted in fig.1 for both threshold values. The positive posttest<br />

probabilities were low: 0.61 for US grade ≥1 and 0.48<br />

for grade ≥2. Negative post-test probabilities (1-NPV) were<br />

adequate: 0.19 and 0.05 respectively.<br />

Discussion: The positive post-test probability of US for HS<br />

was poor. This implies that the applicability of US to predict<br />

HS in the individual obese adolescent is limited.<br />

Figure 1<br />

50<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Kinderradiologie/Diversen 7<br />

O7.4<br />







P.A. de Jong, A.B. Versluys, J.J. Boelens, F.J.A. Beek<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Background: HSCT can be complicated by a variety of<br />

live-threatening infectious and non-infectious pulmonary<br />

complications, but much overlap appears to be present in<br />

HRCT features of these complications.<br />

Aims: To assess observer agreement of a HRCT-score for<br />

typical post-HSCT abnormalities and to determine whether<br />

this HRCT-score can differentiate between infectious and<br />

non-infectious diseases.<br />

Methods: Following protocol paediatric HSCT-recipients<br />

undergo HRCT when respiratory symptoms occur or when<br />

infection is suspected for which chest radiography demonstrates<br />

no obvious cause. Forty-five consecutive disease<br />

episodes in 45 children were studied. HRCT were scored for<br />

severity per lobe (maximum score 18) by two blinded independent<br />

radiologists for various airway and parenchyma/<br />

interstitial abnormalities. Clinical diagnosis was established<br />

by an expert HSCT-physician based on all available information<br />

including follow-up. Possible diagnoses were; pulmonary<br />

infection, early alloimmune lung disease (0.80)<br />

for consolidation and composite<br />

HRCT-score and moderate (intraclass-correlation 0.60-0.79)<br />

for bronchiectasis, tree-in-bud, nodules, ground glass and<br />

expiratory air trapping. The prevalence of abnormalities<br />

largely overlapped between infectious and non-infectious<br />

complications, but alloimmune lung disease was associated<br />

with significantly higher composite HRCT-score (both early<br />

and late), ground glass HRCT-score (early) and air trapping<br />

HRCT-score (late, Figure 1) when compared to infectious<br />

disease.<br />

Conclusion: Our data suggest that the severity of certain<br />

HRCT abnormalities aids in the differentiation between<br />

infectious and non-infectious complications in pediatric<br />

HSCT recipients. The role of the HRCT-score in HSCTrecipients<br />

needs confirmation in an independent study.<br />

Figure 1: Two patients with alloimmune lung disease.<br />

O7.5<br />





A. Slaar 1 , A. Bentohami 1 , M.W. Walenkamp 1 ,<br />

B.A. van Dijkman 2 , T.S. Bijlsma 3 , M. Maas 1 , J.C.H. Wilde 1 ,<br />

N.W.L. Schep 1 , J.C. Goslings 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Flevoziekenhuis, Almere<br />

3<br />

Spaarne Ziekenhuis, Hoofddorp<br />

Acuut polsletsel bij kinderen is een van de meest <strong>voor</strong>komende<br />

redenen van een bezoek aan de spoedeisende hulp.<br />

In de meeste ziekenhuizen wordt routinematig een<br />

Röntgenfoto gemaakt van de pols. Echter, een groot aantal<br />

van de Röntgenfoto’s laat geen afwijkingen zien.<br />

Doel: onderzoeken welk percentage van de aangevraagde<br />

röntgenfoto’s met de vraagstelling fractuur ook daadwerkelijk<br />

een fractuur liet zien bij kinderen met polsletsel.<br />

Gegevens van de kinderen (3 tot en met 16 jaar oud) die zich<br />

van 1 september 2009 tot 1 september 2010 presenteerden<br />

op de spoedeisende hulp van een ziekenhuis, waarvan een<br />

röntgenfoto van de pols werd gemaakt met de vraagstelling<br />

polsfractuur, werden geanalyseerd. Van deze patiënten werden<br />

de demografische gegevens, het traumamechanisme,<br />

aanwezigheid van een fractuur en fractuurtype verzameld.<br />

309 patiënten konden worden geanalyseerd. De gemiddelde<br />

leeftijd bedroeg 11.20 (SD=3.1); 153 waren jongens. 77%<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


7<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

van de patiënten was gevallen, 33% van de kinderen waren<br />

gevallen tijdens spelen.<br />

Slechts 50 % van de röntgenfoto’s liet een polsfractuur zien.<br />

Bij 34% van deze patiënten bedroeg het een torus fractuur,<br />

17% een radius fractuur, 13% een greenstick fractuur, 15%<br />

een antebrachii fractuur, bij 19% een Salter Harris type 2<br />

fractuur, resterende fracturen 2%.<br />

Conclusie: De helft van de röntgenfoto’s van kinderen na<br />

een polstrauma liet geen fractuur gezien. Deze overconsumptie<br />

van röntgendiagnostiek leidt tot onnodige wachttijden,<br />

onnodige stralenbelasting bij kinderen, en onnodige<br />

kosten.<br />

Derhalve is er behoefte aan een klinische beslisregel analoog<br />

aan de Ottowa Ankle rules. Deze Amsterdam Wrist<br />

Rules zijn op dit moment in ontwikkeling.<br />

O7.6<br />




M. Hauptmann 1 , A.M. Smets 2 , M. van Herk 1 ,<br />

R.A.J. Nievelstein 3 , J.S. Laméris 2 , C.M. Ronckers 2,4<br />

1<br />

Nederlands Kanker Instituut, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

3<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

4<br />

Stichting Kinderoncologie Nederland, Den Haag<br />

Computer tomografie (CT) scans gaan gepaard met hogere<br />

stralingsdoses dan conventionele beeldvormende technieken.<br />

Omdat het gebruik van CT gestaag stijgt is het van<br />

belang ongewenste neveneffecten goed in kaart te brengen,<br />

in het bijzonder het ontstaan van kanker. Kinderen vormen<br />

een extra kwetsbare groep omdat zij gevoeliger zijn dan<br />

volwassenen <strong>voor</strong> de schadelijke gevolgen van ioniserende<br />

straling en omdat zij een lange levensverwachting hebben<br />

waardoor er een grotere kans is dat negatieve bijwerkingen<br />

tot uiting kunnen komen. Er is op dit moment echter geen<br />

direct empirisch bewijs <strong>voor</strong> een verband tussen CT scans<br />

en kanker.<br />

Wij beschrijven de opzet van een Nederlands retrospectief<br />

cohortonderzoek als onderdeel van een groot multinationaal<br />

samenwerkingsverband. Het onderzoek heeft als doel om<br />

(1) het gebruik van CT scans bij kinderen in Nederland te<br />

beschrijven en (2) het verband tussen CTgerelateerde stralingsdosis<br />

en het risico op kanker (<strong>voor</strong>namelijk leukemie) te<br />

kwantificeren. De methoden van dataverzameling zijn getest<br />

in een pilot-studie en geoptimaliseerd. De beoogde studie<br />

betreft circa 100.000 mensen die in de periode 1999-2010<br />

op kinderleeftijd (0-17 jaar) één of meerdere CT scans hebben<br />

gehad in Nederland. De cohortleden worden geïdentificeerd<br />

en de dosis zal worden geschat op basis van elektronische<br />

archieven (RIS, PACS) van de afdelingen (kinder)<br />

radiologie van deelnemende ziekenhuizen. Follow-up <strong>voor</strong><br />

incidente gevallen van kanker zal via de <strong>Nederlandse</strong> Kanker<br />

Registratie (NKR) gaan. Voorbereidingen <strong>voor</strong> de dataverzameling<br />

zijn dit <strong>voor</strong>jaar van start gegaan, in nauwe samenwerking<br />

met de <strong>Nederlandse</strong> <strong>Vereniging</strong> <strong>voor</strong> <strong>Radiologie</strong> en<br />

de radiologie afdelingen van <strong>Nederlandse</strong> ziekenhuizen.<br />

O7.7<br />




J. Guenoun, G.A. Koning, P.A. Wielopolski, G. Doeswijk,<br />

G.P. Krestin, M.R. Bernsen<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Optimizing the labeling of mesenchymal stem<br />

cells with Gd-liposomes for sensitive, longitudinal cell tracking<br />

in vivo.<br />

Materials and methods: Gd-DTPA was incorporated<br />

in liposomes. Rat mesenchymal stem cells were labeled<br />

with liposomes containing various Gd-dosages, for various<br />

labeling times. Cellular Gd load, cellular toxicity, cell proliferation<br />

rate and cell differentiation were then determined<br />

for the different conditions. Intracellular retention of Gd<br />

was assessed (20d). Intracellular fate of Gd-liposomes was<br />

imaged with confocal microscopy, using intraliposomal fluorescent<br />

dyes. MRI of MSCs was performed on a 1.5T<br />

and 3.0T clinical scanner. Cells were transplanted in rat<br />

skeletal muscle and imaged for 3 weeks in vivo. At several<br />

time-points histology was performed to correlate to MRI<br />

findings. Statistical tests: one-way ANOVA, with Bonferroni<br />

post-hoc test.<br />

Results: Labeling for 4h with 125 µM lipid is most<br />

preferred, combining time-efficiency with sufficient cellular<br />

Gd uptake (30±2.5 pg Gd cell-1), lacking significant<br />

effects on cell viability, proliferation and differentiation.<br />

Gd-liposomes were well retained intracellularly in endosomes.<br />

Gd-liposome labeled MSCs were visualized at 1.5T and<br />

3.0T both in vitro and in vivo. At least 10.000 Gd-MSCs were<br />

detected. Histology showed cellular incorporated liposomes<br />

at the site of injection. Prolonged in vivo imaging of 500,000<br />

Gd-labeled cells was possible for at least two weeks (3.0T).<br />

Conclusion: Gd-loaded liposomes are suitable for cell<br />

labeling, without detrimental effects on cell viability, proliferation<br />

and differentiation allowing sensitive and longitudinal<br />

visualization by MRI.<br />

52<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Kinderradiologie/Diversen 7<br />

Figure 1<br />

O7.8<br />





J. Guenoun, A.R. Ruggiero, G. Doeswijk, G.A. Koning,<br />

G.P. Krestin, M.R. Bernsen<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Using MRI mapping techniques to determine<br />

possible differences in R1, R2 or R2* relaxation rate of<br />

viable and non-viable transplanted rMSCs, labeled with Gd<br />

or SPIO .<br />

Using bioluminescence imaging to link changes in R1, R2 or<br />

R2* to cell viability.<br />

Materials and methods: Study type: experimental longitudinal<br />

follow up.<br />

Gd-DTPA was intraliposomal incorporated. Rat mesenchymal<br />

stem cells (rMSCs), expressing firefly luciferase, were labeled<br />

with SPIO or Gd-liposomes. Cells were divided in a viable<br />

and non-viable fraction (non-viable cells were acquired<br />

by repeated freeze-thawing). For in vivo studies, 5x105<br />

viable or non viable rMSCs were injected intramuscular and<br />

imaged with MRI and BLI at days 2, 5, 10, 15. T1, T2 and<br />

T2* mapping was performed on 3T. At end-point animals<br />

were sacrificed for immunofluorescent staining.<br />

Results: Irrelevant MRI signal from non-viable Gd-MSCs<br />

disappeared quickly (

7<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 1<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Sessie 8<br />

Mammadiagnostiek 2 8<br />

Mammadiagnostiek 2<br />

Vrijdag 30 september, 10.45 - 12.15 uur<br />

O8.1<br />






M.D.F. de Jong, G.J. Jager, I.J.M. Dubelaar, T.A. Fassaert,<br />

M.J.C.M. Rutten<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

Doel: Borstkankerscreening middels mammografie is een<br />

effectieve manier van screenen om de sterfte aan boorstkanker<br />

te verlagen. Echter de sensitiviteit wordt lager naarmate<br />

densiteit van het borstweefsel toeneemt. Automated breast<br />

volume scanning (ABVS) kan worden ingezet als toegevoegde<br />

screeningsmodaliteit. Voorafgaand hieraan zullen de testeigenschappen<br />

(hoge sensitiviteit en laag aantal fout negatieven)<br />

geëvalueerd moeten worden. Voordat implementatie in<br />

een screenings<strong>programma</strong> mogelijk is, zal ook het gebruiksgemak<br />

en beoordelingstijd geëvalueerd moeten worden.<br />

Materiaal & methode: Van 50 ABVS scans werden eerst<br />

de coronale reconstructies beoordeeld volgens de BI-RADS<br />

criteria. Ieder onderzoek betrof 3 a 5 scans per borst. Aantal<br />

en locatie van elke laesie en beoordelingstijd werd genoteerd.<br />

Daarna werden de drie richting scans beoordeeld en<br />

vergeleken met de coronale.<br />

Resultaten: Als proof of principal werden 9 patiënten<br />

beoordeeld tot nu, resulterend in 59 scans van 17 borsten.<br />

Er was geen verschil in BI-RADS classificatie en de<br />

drie vlakken beoordeling detecteerde vier extra cysten.<br />

Beoordelingstijd bedroeg bij de coronale evaluatie 28,1<br />

seconden in vergelijking met 96,0 seconden met drie vlakken,<br />

hetgeen een factor 3,4 bedraagt.<br />

Conclusie: Voorlopige resultaten tonen een goede overeenkomst<br />

tussen de twee manieren van beoordelen, waarbij er<br />

aanzienlijke tijdwinst te behalen valt met de coronale scan<br />

beoordeling. Dit kan belangrijk zijn als ABVS als screeningsmodaliteit<br />

ingezet gaat worden.<br />

O8.2<br />




W. Setz-Pels 1 , L.E. Duijm 1 , A.C. Voogd 2<br />

1<br />

Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven<br />

2<br />

Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht<br />

Doel: Bepaling van de screeningsuitkomsten van vrouwen<br />

die opnieuw zijn verwezen <strong>voor</strong> een laesie welke na een<br />

eerdere verwijzing als fout positief is afgegeven.<br />

Methoden: We includeerden alle 424703 screeningsonderzoeken,<br />

welke van 1995 t/m 2009 bij 2 screeningseenheden<br />

waren gemaakt. Van alle 5676 verwijzingen werd na 1 jaar,<br />

middels de verslagen van radiologische, chirurgische en<br />

PA-bevindingen in het natraject, vastgesteld of er al dan niet<br />

sprake was van borstkanker. Bij 61 van de 147 vrouwen, die<br />

na een eerdere fout-positieve verwijzing <strong>voor</strong> een tweede<br />

keer waren verwezen, werd middels de screeningsfoto’s<br />

en notities van de screeningsradiologen vastgesteld dat de<br />

reden <strong>voor</strong> herhaalde verwijzing dezelfde laesie betrof.<br />

Resultaten: Bij 2180 verwezen vrouwen was sprake van<br />

borstkanker (5,1 borstkankers per 1000 screens, positief<br />

<strong>voor</strong>spellende waarde van verwijzing (PVW): 38,4%, 95%<br />

betrouwbaarheids-interval 37,1%-39,7%). Bij 22 van de<br />

61 vrouwen, opnieuw verwezen <strong>voor</strong> dezelfde laesie<br />

na een eerdere fout positieve screen, werd borstkanker<br />

vastgesteld (PVW 36,1%, 95% betrouwbaarheids-interval<br />

23,7%-48,5%). Bij 4 van deze 22 borstkankers betrof het<br />

een advanced cancer (invasief carcinoom >20 mm en/of<br />

lymfkliermetastasen). De vertraging in borstkanker diagnose<br />

varieerde van 21 tot 92 maanden (gemiddeld 42,5 maanden)<br />

en 9 vrouwen (40.9%) waren tenminste 1 keer gescreend<br />

(en niet verwezen) tussen de eerste, ten onrechte fout positieve<br />

verwijzing, en de tweede verwijzing.<br />

Discussie: Bij een belangrijk percentage vrouwen die<br />

opnieuw wordt verwezen <strong>voor</strong> dezelfde laesie, is sprake<br />

van borstkanker. Verder onderzoek is vereist om te bepalen<br />

welke factoren in het natraject en in de screening leiden tot<br />

een vertraging in de diagnose borstkanker.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


8<br />

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O8.3<br />






V.H.P. Tran, M.H.M. Volmerink, A.L.T. Imholz,<br />

R.A.J.M. van Dijk<br />

Deventer Ziekenhuis, Deventer<br />

Background: Monitoring tumour response in neoadjuvant<br />

chemotherapy in mammacarcinoma is based on MRI dynamic<br />

gadolineum enhancement. However, the role of DWI in<br />

tumour response monitoring remains to be established.<br />

Methods: In this retrospective study, (changes in) apparent<br />

diffusion coefficient (ADC) after three cycles of neoadjuvant<br />

chemotherapy in 29 consecutive patients treated in our hospital<br />

between 2006 and 2010 were compared to changes<br />

in tumour size measured by RECIST, cross sectional area of<br />

tumour (both early enhancement), and diameter of gadolineum<br />

washout.<br />

Results: Following chemotherapy, ADC increased from<br />

1,44*10 -3 mm 2 /sec (SD0,37*10 -3 ) to 1,69*10 -3 mm 2 /sec<br />

(SD0,40*10 -3 ; Student’s t-test p

Mammadiagnostiek 2 8<br />

MRI was performed on a 7T whole-body scanner (Philips<br />

Health Care, Cleveland, USA) using a two-channel doubletuned<br />

unilateral RF breast coil. The protocol included a dynamic<br />

series consisting of 7 consecutive 3D T1-weighted Turbo<br />

Field Echo scans with fat suppression by means of selective<br />

water excitation [TR/TE 5.0/2.0ms, binominal FA 20˚, FOV<br />

160x160x160mm 3 , acquired resolution<br />

1mm isotropic, temporal resolution of 63seconds]; and a<br />

high resolution T1-weighted 3D Fast Field Echo Spectral<br />

Selection Attenuated Inversion Recovery sequence [acquired<br />

resolution 0.45x0.57x0.45mm 3 ]. After the 1st dynamic scan<br />

0.1mmol/kg Gadobutrol was injected.<br />

Lesions were assessed according to ACR BI-RADS-MRI criteria.<br />

Results were compared to histopathology.<br />

Results: The exams were technically successful. Lipid suppressed<br />

sequences showed good lesion-and-fibroglandulartissue<br />

to fat contrast. All lesions were masses of irregular<br />

shape. Margins were spiculated in 4 and irregular in 1.<br />

Enhancement was heterogeneous in 3, homogeneous in<br />

1 and rim type in 1. In 4 lesions the kinetic curve showed<br />

rapid-rise, followed by wash-out: type-3 curve. 1 lesion showed<br />

rapid-rise followed by a plateau-phase: type-2 curve.<br />

All lesions were categorized BI-RADS V. Histopathology<br />

showed 3 ductulolobular and 2 ductal carcinomas.<br />

Conclusion: CE Breast MRI at 7T is technically feasible.<br />

The exams were amenable to BI-RADS-MRI conform analysis,<br />

allowing for future intra-individual comparison between<br />

7T and 3T.<br />

Figure 1: X-ray mammography and 7T CE-MRI results<br />

obtained from a 62 year old patient.<br />

a) X-ray mammography (Cranio-Caudal view, rotated to correspond<br />

to the MRI orientation), showed a BI-RADS V lesion (circle).<br />

b) Pre-contract T1 weighted MRI (voxel size 1x1x2mm3) showed a<br />

irregular mass.<br />

c) After administration of contrast agent the mass showed heterogeneous<br />

enhancement (T1w imaging, voxel size 1x1x2mm3)<br />

d) High resolution T1w SPAIR (voxel size 0.45x0.45x0.57mm3) showed<br />

good fat suppression and fine morphological details.<br />

e) The most malignant curve (squares) shoed a rapid initial rise, followed<br />

by a plateau in the delayed phase. The average curve showed<br />

a similar “tpe-2” pattern (triangles).<br />

O8.6<br />




J.P. Pennings, R. Storm, R. Rozendaal, R.H.C. Bisschops<br />

Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis, Dordrecht<br />

Doel: Preoperatieve MRI is een onderdeel van de<br />

EU-richtlijnen bij het beleid van het invasieve lobulaire carcinoom<br />

(ILC), vanwege de permeatieve groei, frequent gerapporteerd<br />

multifocaal en multicentrisch <strong>voor</strong>komen (32%) en<br />

contralaterale laesies (7%). In deze retrospectieve studie<br />

is gekeken of er verschil is in de chirurgische behandeling<br />

sinds het invoeren van een preoperatieve MRI.<br />

Methode: Tussen januari 2007 en maart 2011 werden 117<br />

patiënten met een histologisch bewezen ILC geïncludeerd.<br />

49 (42%) patiënten onderging sinds het invoeren van de<br />

richtlijn in 2008 een MRI, van wie 5 postoperatief. Alle<br />

patiënten werden behandeld conform de geldende richtlijnen.<br />

De volgende primaire uitkomstmaten werden vergeleken:<br />

contralaterale bevindingen, chirurgische behandeling,<br />

irradicaliteit en heroperaties.<br />

Resultaten: Tussen de patiënten met (n= 49) en zonder<br />

(n=68) een MR mammografie zijn geen significant verschillen<br />

in patiëntkarakteristieken, bevindingen op X-mammagram<br />

of echografie. In beide groepen werd één contralaterale<br />

tumor gevonden, echter geen ILC maar een ductaal adeno-<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


8<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

carcinoom. In de MRI groep toonde 14 (28%) patiënten een<br />

multifocale of een multicentrische laesie. Bij acht patiënten<br />

werd een additionele benigne contralaterale laesie gevonden<br />

met de MRI. Er is geen significant verschil in chirurgische<br />

behandeling tussen de twee groepen, 19 (39%) patiënten<br />

met MRI en 18 (27%) patiënten zonder MRI ondergingen<br />

een lumpectomie. Er zijn ook geen significante verschillen<br />

tussen de MRI groep en de niet-MRI groep in irradicaliteit<br />

(18% vs. 12%) en het aantal heroperaties (14% vs. 4%).<br />

Discussie: Er werd geen contralaterale ILC gevonden.<br />

Preoperatieve MRI liet geen significant verschil zien in chirurgische<br />

behandeling in de door ons onderzochte populatie.<br />

O8.7<br />






A. Adams 1 , J.E.M. Mourik 2 , M. van der Voort 3 ,<br />

W.P.Th.M. Mali 1 , S.G. Elias 1<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

3<br />

Philips Research, Eindhoven<br />

Purpose: Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography (FDOT)<br />

is an emerging clinical breast imaging modality. To estimate<br />

Limits of Detection (LOD) of a clinical FDOT breast system<br />

(Philips, The Netherlands), phantoms filled with the clinical<br />

grade available near-infrared organic fluorophore IRDye800CW<br />

(Licor, Lincoln, NE) were scanned in various situations.<br />

Methods: Phantoms (0.9cm 3 , 2.1cm 3 ) were filled with<br />

IRDye800CW and suspended in optical matching fluid (with<br />

optical properties of average breast tissue) at a center and<br />

an edge position in a medium sized breast cup (±500cm 3 ).<br />

Relative (1-120:0, 1-6:1) and absolute (2-20nM) phantom-tobackground<br />

concentration differences were assessed. Threedimensional<br />

fluorescence images (excitation: 730nm; filters:<br />

>750nm) were obtained twice on different days. Average<br />

signal intensities were determined on reconstructed images<br />

for volumes matching the sizes and locations of the phantoms.<br />

Regression lines were fitted and LOD were estimated<br />

(LOD=(s B<br />

/β)*k n<br />

; s B<br />

: standard deviation of measurements of<br />

blanks; β: slope of regression line; kn: coverage factor (3.13<br />

for duplicate measurements and five measurements of<br />

blanks to reach a type-1 error of 1%)). Pearson’s correlationcoefficients<br />

and between-day reproducibility were calculated.<br />

Results: The LOD ranged from 0.1nM to 2.3nM for the different<br />

situations. The fluorescent signal was very well linearly<br />

correlated with concentration differences (R 2 : 0.95-1.00); between-day<br />

reproducibility was excellent (intraclass-correlation:<br />

0.93-0.99). Differences in regression line slopes were observed<br />

for the two phantoms and locations but did not affect the LOD.<br />

Conclusion: Limits of Detection of the Fluorescence Diffuse<br />

Optical Tomography system for IRDye800CW are in the lownanomolar<br />

range for relevant situations. Upcoming clinical<br />

studies with this system and this fluorophore are feasible.<br />

This research was supported by the Center for Translational<br />

Molecular Medicine (MAMMOTH).<br />

Figure 1: The clinical Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography<br />

(FDOT) breast imaging system. (Philips, The Netherlands)<br />

Table 1<br />

58<br />

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o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Mammadiagnostiek 2 8<br />

Figure 2<br />

O8.8<br />






K.J. Kraal, J.J. Hensen, A.C. Sikkenk, J. Nijman, R.A. Niezen,<br />

D. Vroegindeweij<br />

Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam<br />

Doel: evaluatie en justificatie van stereotactisch gebiopteerde<br />

microcalcificaties in de mammae en vergelijking van<br />

de initiële en gereviseerde BI-RADS codering.<br />

Methode: retrospectieve analyse van de in de periode<br />

2007-2009 stereotactisch gebiopteerde microcalcificaties.<br />

Per mammabiopt werd de oorspronkelijke BI-RADS codering<br />

vergeleken met de PA-uitslag.<br />

De BI-RADS 3 groep (42 biopten) werd <strong>voor</strong> herbeoordeling<br />

<strong>voor</strong>gelegd aan een ervaren mammaradioloog (A) en een<br />

ouderejaars assistent (B), zonder kennis van de oorspronkelijke<br />

codering maar met kennis van de oorspronkelijke klinische<br />

informatie en ondergane stereotaxie. Maligne werd<br />

gedefinieerd als BIRADS 4 en 5.<br />

Bij herevaluatie van de oorspronkelijke BI-RADS 3 codering,<br />

ivm te hoog percentage maligniteit, ontstond een spreiding<br />

naar andere coderingen waarbij 44% een BI-RADS code 2<br />

of 3 en 56% code 4 of 5 kregen. Beoordelaar A en B bereikten<br />

een sensitiviteit van 86%, resp. 57 % en een positief<br />

<strong>voor</strong>spellende waarde van 25%, resp. 17 % <strong>voor</strong> de maligne<br />

microcalcificaties.<br />

Conclusie: van de stereotactische biopten in verband met<br />

microcalcificaties bleek 26% maligne. De oorspronkelijke<br />

codering laat een te hoog percentage maligne microcalcificaties<br />

met oorspronkelijke BI-RADS 3 codering zien.<br />

Bij herbeoordeling ontstaat een significante verschuiving van<br />

code 3 naar een hogere codering en een betere correlatie<br />

met de PA.<br />

De meest ervaren beoordelaar haalt bij herbeoordeling de<br />

hoogste sensitiviteit en PVW <strong>voor</strong> maligne microcalcificaties.<br />

Resultaten: van 236 biopten bleek 74% benigne en 26%<br />

maligne. Respectievelijk 0% van de BI-RADS 2-, 16% van de<br />

BI-RADS 3-, 26% van de BI-RADS 4- en 88% van de BIRADS<br />

5 gecodeerde microcalcificaties waren maligne.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


8<br />

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O8.9<br />





J. Nederend, F.H. Jansen, L.E.M. Duijm<br />

Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven<br />

Purpose: To determine trends in incidence of advanced<br />

breast cancer (ABC) at screening mammography and determine<br />

the potential of reducing ABC at screening.<br />

Methods and Materials: We included all 351,009 biennial<br />

screening mammograms obtained in a Dutch breast<br />

cancer screening region between 1997-2009. Two screening<br />

radiologists reviewed screening mammograms of all advanced<br />

screen detected cancers (SDCs) and advanced interval<br />

cancers (ICs) and determined whether the ABC (defined as<br />

>T2-tumour and/or axillary lymph node positive tumour) had<br />

been visible at the previous screen (SDC) or latest screen<br />

(IC). Outcome measures were the proportions of ABCs<br />

among SDCs and ICs through the years and the potential of<br />

detecting SDCs and ICs at an earlier stage.<br />

Results: The incidence of ABC did not decline through the<br />

years and fluctuated annually from 28.7% to 35.4% (mean<br />

32.2%, 571/1773 among SDCs and from 52.0% to 68.1<br />

% (mean 63.4%, 424/669) among ICs. Of the 571 screen<br />

detected ABCs, 106 (18.6%) were detected at the initial<br />

screen, respectively 266 (46.6%) and 88 (15.4%) were either<br />

not visible or showed a minimal sign at the previous screen<br />

and 111 (19.4%) had been missed at the previous screen.<br />

Advanced ICs were either not visible at the latest screen or<br />

showed a minimal sign in respectively 50.9% (216/424) and<br />

24.3% (103/424) of cases, whereas 25.1% (105/394) had<br />

been missed at screening.<br />

Conclusions: No decline in ABC was observed during 12<br />

years of biennial screening mammography. A majority of<br />

ABCs cannot be prevented through earlier breast cancer<br />

detection at screening.<br />

O8.10<br />





M.A. Korteweg, J.D. van Amstel, M. Hobbelink,<br />

B.L. Stehouwer, M.A.A.J. van den Bosch, A.J. Witkamp,<br />

P.J. van Diest, W.P.Th.M. Mali, W.B. Veldhuis<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is<br />

performed for axillary staging of breast cancer patients by<br />

blue dye injection, lymphoscintigraphy or combining both<br />

techniques. This study assesses the added value of blue dye<br />

for sentinel lymph node (SLN) detection in comparison to<br />

lymphoscintigraphy.<br />

Materials & methods: Patients with invasive breast<br />

cancer who underwent a SLNB following both lymphoscintigraphy<br />

(figure1) and blue dye injection between January<br />

2007 and August 2010, were included. The outcome was<br />

recorded. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive<br />

value (PPV, NPV) were determined.<br />

Results: 256 SLNs were harvested of 151 patients who<br />

received 153 SLNB procedures. 68 (26%) nodes contained<br />

metastases. Lymphoscintigraphy was unsuccessful in 5 procedures<br />

(3%), of which in 1 case (1/5; 20%) blue dye detected<br />

the SLN (table1). The added overall value of blue dye is<br />

0.7% (1/153). Blue dye was unsuccessful in 55 procedures<br />

(36%), of which lymphoscintigraphy was successful in<br />

51 procedures (51/55; 93%). Of the 4 procedures both techniques<br />

failed, an axillary nodal dissection was performed<br />

in 3 cases and in 1 case the SLN was found by palpability.<br />

Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for blue dye and for<br />

lymphoscintigraphy were respectively 68%, 50%, 33%,<br />

81% and 97%, 12%, 40%, 92%. Combining both techniques<br />

resulted in values of 99%, 5%, 27% and 90%.<br />

Conclusion: Blue dye injection, as adjunct to lymphoscintigraphy<br />

resulted in 0.7% additional SLN detection. Blue<br />

dye detected the SLN in 20% of failed lymphoscintigraphy<br />

procedures. This implies that blue dye should only be used<br />

when lymphoscintigraphy is unsuccessful.<br />

60<br />

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Mammadiagnostiek 2 8<br />

Figure 1: Anterior(A) and lateral(B) scintigraphic imaging in a 59-year old female patient with breast cancer, two hours after injection of technetium-99<br />

nanocolloid. The largest spot is the injection site of technetium-99-nanocolloid. The nannocolloid was injected peri-tumorally in the<br />

breast. The lateral image also depicts two axillary lymph nodes (arrows) which have taken up the nanocolloid. These nodes are sentinel lymph<br />

nodes as they are assumed to also be the first nodes to accumulate metastases.<br />

# Age Breast Cancer Type Metastatic Node Blue Node<br />

1 69 Ductal None No<br />

2 83 Lobular None No<br />

3 64 Mixed ductal-lobular Macro No<br />

4 73 Mixed ductal-lobular Macro No<br />

5 79 Ductal Macro Yes<br />

Table 1: Patient characteristics of the patients with an unsuccessful lymphoscintigraphy procedure: Patients 1-3 received an axillary lymph node<br />

dissection. Patient number 4 and 5 received a sentinel lymph node biopsy as in patient 4 the node was palpable and in patient 5 the sentinel node<br />

dyed blue.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


9 <strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Sessie 9<br />

Neuro- en Hoofdhals radiologie<br />

Vrijdag 30 september, 10.45 - 12.15 uur<br />

O9.1<br />




D. Bos, M.W. Vernooij, S.E. Elias-Smale, G.P. Krestin,<br />

A. Hofman, W.J. Niessen, J.C.M. Witteman, A. van der Lugt,<br />

M.A. Ikram<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Atherosclerosis plays an important role in the<br />

pathogenesis of cognitive decline and dementia. Calcified<br />

plaque measured with CT is a marker of atherosclerosis.<br />

This study investigates associations between CT-measured<br />

arterial calcifications measured at four locations, with cognition<br />

and macro- and microstructural brain changes.<br />

Method and materials: From the general population, 2437<br />

participants underwent CT of the coronary arteries, aortic<br />

arch, extracranial and intracranial carotid arteries to quantify<br />

calcification volume. Cognitive function was assessed in the<br />

following domains: memory, executive function, information<br />

processing speed and motor speed. In a random subgroup of<br />

844 participants brain MRI was performed to obtain measures<br />

of brain atrophy. Automated quantification of brain MRI<br />

scans yielded tissue-specific brain volumes. Furthermore,<br />

microstructural integrity of white matter was quantified<br />

using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Associations between<br />

arterial calcification and cognition, brain tissue volumes and<br />

DTI-measures were assessed with linear regression, adjusted<br />

for relevant confounders.<br />

Results: Larger calcification load was associated with<br />

worse cognitive scores in all domains. Calcification in all<br />

vessel beds was also associated with smaller total brain<br />

volume. Specifically, coronary calcification was associated<br />

with smaller grey matter volume, whilst both extra- and<br />

intracranial carotid artery calcification was associated with<br />

smaller white matter volume. Calcification in all vessel beds<br />

was associated with worse microstructural integrity of white<br />

matter.<br />

Conclusion: Arterial calcification load is associated with<br />

worse cognitive performance. Moreover, larger calcification<br />

load is associated with smaller brain tissue volumes and<br />

with worse white matter microstructural quality, elucidating<br />

possible mechanisms through which atherosclerosis leads to<br />

poorer cognition.<br />

O9.2<br />





R.M. Kwee 1 , R.J. van Oostenbrugge 1 , W.H. Mess 1 ,<br />

M.H. Prins 1 , R.J. van der Geest 2 , J.W.M. ter Berg 3 ,<br />

C.L. Franke 4 , A.G.G.C. Korten 5 , B.J. Meems 6 ,<br />

J.M.A. van Engelshoven 1 , J.E. Wildberger 1 , M.E. Kooi 1<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

3<br />

Orbis Medisch Centrum, Sittard<br />

4<br />

Atrium Medisch Centrum Parkstad, Heerlen<br />

5<br />

Laurentius Ziekenhuis, Roermond<br />

6<br />

VieCuri Medisch Centrum, Venlo<br />

Purpose: There is a need for improved risk stratification of<br />

TIA and stroke patients with carotid atherosclerosis. The<br />

purpose of the present study was to prospectively investigate<br />

whether certain MRI-based carotid plaque characteristics<br />

are associated with recurrent ischemic events.<br />

Materials and Methods: One hundred TIA/stroke patients<br />

with ipsilateral 30-69% carotid stenosis underwent multisequence<br />

MRI, including contrast-enhanced images, of the<br />

carotid plaque within 32.7±19.9 days after the initial event.<br />

For each plaque, vessel wall volume and volumes of lipidrich<br />

necrotic core (LRNC), calcifications, and fibrous tissue<br />

were assessed. Maximum vessel wall thickness, minimum<br />

lumen area, fibrous cap status, and intraplaque hemorrhage<br />

(IPH) were also assessed. Patients were followed by structured<br />

interviews and chart review to determine the recurrence<br />

of ipsilateral TIA and/or ischemic stroke within one year.<br />

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Neuro- en Hoofdhals radiologie 9<br />

Results: Ten of hundred included patients suffered from<br />

recurrent ipsilateral clinical ischemic events (9 TIAs and 1<br />

ischemic stroke). The presence of IPH was associated with<br />

recurrence (Pearson Chi-Square= 7.373, P=0.007). Patients<br />

with recurrent events also had plaques with larger LRNC<br />

volume and larger maximum vessel wall thickness, although<br />

these findings were borderline significant (P=0.032 and<br />

P=0.055, respectively). Other MRI-based parameters were<br />

not related to recurrent ischemic events.<br />

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the<br />

presence of IPH, larger LRNC volume, and larger maximum<br />

vessel wall thickness of carotid plaques are associated with<br />

recurrent TIA and ischemic stroke. Assessment of carotid<br />

plaque characteristics by MRI may help identifying high-risk<br />

patients, which could improve patient selection for carotid<br />

endarterectomy or stenting.<br />

O9.3<br />



MRI<br />

Q.J.A. van den Bouwhuijsen, M.W. Vernooij, W.J. Niessen,<br />

G.P. Krestin, M.A. Ikram, J.C.M. Witteman, A. van der Lugt<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Vulnerable plaque components in carotid arteries<br />

can be detected non-invasively with magnetic resonance<br />

imaging (MRI). In asymptomatic persons, the relation between<br />

carotid plaque composition and vascular brain disease<br />

is not well studied. We studied the association between<br />

carotid atherosclerotic plaque characteristics and ischemic<br />

brain disease on MRI.<br />

Methods: From the population-based Rotterdam Study, 952<br />

participants with carotid wall thickening on ultrasound >2.5<br />

mm underwent both carotid MRI and brain MRI. Maximum<br />

carotid wall thickening, degree of stenosis and presence of<br />

intraplaque hemorrhage, lipid core and calcification were<br />

assessed in both carotid arteries. Associations between<br />

plaque characteristics and white matter lesions (WMLs),<br />

lacunar and cortical infarcts were investigated per<br />

participant and additionally per carotid artery. Analysis were<br />

adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors.<br />

Results: Carotid stenosis (OR per 10% stenosis increase<br />

1.2 95% confidence interval (1.0-1.4), maximum carotid<br />

wall thickness (per mm increase 1.3,1.1-1.6) en presence of<br />

intraplaque hemorrhage (1.9,1.1-3.3), were all found to be<br />

significantly associated with presence of cortical infarcts,<br />

both in the participant based analysis and in the carotid<br />

artery based analysis. There were no associations between<br />

any plaque characteristics and presence of lacunar infarcts.<br />

In the subject based analysis maximum plaque thickness,<br />

presence of intraplaque hemorrhage and calcification were<br />

associated with WML-volume. In the artery based analysis<br />

only the association for calcifications remained.<br />

Conclusion: Presence of carotid intraplaque hemorrhage<br />

and measures of carotid plaque size are independently associated<br />

with cortical infarcts, but not with lacunar infarcts.<br />

Plaque calcification, but not vulnerable plaque components,<br />

is related to WML volume.<br />

Clinical relevance: This MRI study gives insight into the<br />

importance of atherosclerotic plaque composition, also in<br />

small plaques, for development of ischemic brain disease.<br />

O9.4<br />




B. Jasperse, H.A. Vrooman, M. Koek, M.W. Vernooij,<br />

R. de Boer, F. van der Lijn, M.A. Ikram, M. Smits,<br />

W. Niessen, A. van der Lugt<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Patterns of brain atrophy, hippocampal atrophy and<br />

vascular changes, as visualized on brain-MRI, play an important<br />

role in determining the underlying cause of dementia<br />

syndromes. The visual interpretation of these pathological<br />

changes can be very challenging due to intercurrent agerelated<br />

brain changes.To facilitate the distinction between<br />

abnormal and ‘normal age-related’ brain changes, we<br />

developed an automated system that provides individualspecific<br />

lobar brain volumes, hippocampal volumes and white<br />

matter lesion volume taking into account age- and sex-specific<br />

reference data from a ‘healthy’ aging population.<br />

Methods and Materials: Automated brain tissue segmentation<br />

and atlas-based registration is performed on T1, T2<br />

and FLAIR MR-images, generating lobar brain volumes, hippocampal<br />

volumes and white matter lesion volume. For each<br />

resulting volume, reference curves are used to generate<br />

age- and sex-specific percentile values. The results are then<br />

presented in an on-line viewer to interpret the quality of tissue<br />

and structure segmentation and the quantitative results.<br />

Reference curves are generated from 867 healthy aging<br />

individuals (age-range (years): 61-91, Male/female-ratio (N):<br />

425/422).<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


9<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Results/conclusion: An example of segmentation results<br />

and percentile plots (colored lines represent percentile-lines)<br />

for a 69 year old male patient with suspected dementia<br />

is provided in figure 1. Visual inspection suggests parietal<br />

atrophy, which might be attributed to global cortical atrophy.<br />

The automated analysis results show that overall brain<br />

volume is appropriate for age (75th to 95th percentile), with<br />

a strikingly low parietal lobe volume (37th percentile), confirming<br />

the initially suspected parietal lobe atrophy.<br />

A system prototype is currently under evaluation at our<br />

radiology department. Future work aims to incorporate<br />

automated analysis of microbleeds, shape of individual<br />

brain structures and microstructural integrity using diffusionweighted<br />

MRI sequences.<br />

Figure 1: Results for a patient with suspected dementia.<br />

O9.5<br />




M.M.A.C. van Doorn 1 , R. van den Berg 1 , B. van der Kallen 2 ,<br />

G.J. Lycklama à Nijeholt 2 , W. van Zwam 3 , Y.B. Roos 1 , P.J.<br />

Nederkoorn 1 , M.E. Sprengers 1 , J. Bot 1 , J. Boiten 3 , R. van<br />

Oostenbrugge 3 , A. van der Lugt 4 , D. Beumer 4 , P.S. Fransen 4 ,<br />

D.W.J. Dippel 4 , C.B.L.M. Majoie 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Medisch Centrum Haaglanden, Den Haag<br />

3<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

4<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Background and Purpose: To evaluate the safety and<br />

effectiveness of a self-expanding and fully retrievable stent<br />

(Trevo; Concentric Medical Inc, Mountain View, CA, USA) in<br />

revascularization of patients with acute ischemic stroke.<br />

Methods: Prospective multicenter case series of 22 patients<br />

with an acute ischemic stroke caused by a proximal intracranial<br />

arterial occlusion treated with a fully retrievable stent<br />

within the first 8 hours from symptom onset (median NIHSS<br />

21 [range 13-28]). Thrombectomy was used as rescue therapy<br />

in patients who were refractory to, had contraindications<br />

for or were to late for IV rtPA. The occlusion site was the<br />

middle cerebral artery in 7, terminus internal carotid artery<br />

in 2, cervical internal carotid artery/middle cerebral artery in<br />

4 and basilar artery in 9 patients. Complications related to<br />

the procedure and outcome at 3-6 months were assessed.<br />

Results: Stent placement was feasible in all procedures<br />

and successful recanalization defined as thrombosis in cerebral<br />

ischemia (TICI) grade 2b or 3 was achieved in 18 of 22<br />

treated vessels (82%). The mean number of passes for maximal<br />

recanalization was 2 (range 1-5). The median time from<br />

groin puncture to recanalization was 110 minutes (range<br />

26 – 199). One significant procedural event occurred (carotid<br />

artery occlusion after stent removal). 33% of all patients had<br />

a good outcome (mRS 0-2), 0% moderate outcome (mRS 3),<br />

67% poor outcome (mRS 4-6).<br />

Conclusions: These results suggest that with the Trevo<br />

device, clots can be safely and effectively removed from<br />

intracranial large vessel occlusions in acute ischemic stroke.<br />

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Neuro- en Hoofdhals radiologie 9<br />

O9.6<br />




M.A.A. Binnewijzend 1 , M.M. Schoonheim 1 , E. Sanz-Arigita 2 ,<br />

A.M. Wink 1 , W.M. van der Flier 1 , N. Tolboom 1 ,<br />

J.S. Damoiseaux 3 , S.M. Adriaanse 1 , P. Scheltens 1 ,<br />

B.N.M. van Berckel 1 , F.A. Barkhof 1<br />

1<br />

VU medisch centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Foundation CITA-AD, San Sebastian, Spain<br />

3<br />

Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, Cal, USA<br />

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) features distinct structural and functional<br />

brain changes. With the prospect of disease-modifying<br />

therapies it is desirable to detect signs of neurodegeneration<br />

before it is detectable on structural MRI as atrophy. In this<br />

study we used resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) to<br />

compare regional functional connectivity of patients with AD,<br />

mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy elderly controls<br />

(HC). MRI scans and neuropsychological assessments were<br />

acquired of 39 AD patients, 23 MCI patients and 43 HC. After<br />

a mean follow-up of 2.8±1.9 years seven MCI patients<br />

converted to AD, while 14 patients remained cognitively stable.<br />

Rs-fMRI scans were non-linearly registered to standard<br />

space and analyzed using independent component analysis<br />

(ICA), followed by a “dual-regression”technique to create<br />

and compare subject-specific maps of each spatio-temporal<br />

independent component, correcting for age, gender and additionally<br />

for gray matter atrophy. AD patients displayed decreased<br />

functional connectivity within the default-mode network<br />

(DMN) in the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex compared<br />

to HC, which survived correction for gray matter atrophy.<br />

Within these regions, decreased functional connectivity was<br />

found in converting MCI as well, while no differences were<br />

found between stable MCI patients and HC. Correlation with<br />

cognitive dysfunctions demonstrated the clinical relevance of<br />

functional connectivity changes within the DMN. In conclusion,<br />

a clinically relevant decrease in functional connectivity<br />

was observed within the DMN in AD, independent of cortical<br />

atrophy. Similar decreases were present in MCI patients<br />

before conversion to AD. Rs-fMRI is a promising technique<br />

that can identify functional impairment in early AD.<br />

Figure 1: Differences in DMN FC between HC and AD patients.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


9 <strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 2: Boxplots of regional FC mean z-values.<br />

O9.7<br />



M.C. Hoeberigs 1 , L.M.H. Geelen 1 , P.A.M. Hofman 2<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Kempenhaeghe Epilepsiecentrum, Heeze<br />

About 30% of epilepsy patients with partial seizures have<br />

intractable epilepsy. MRI detection of an epileptogenic lesion<br />

is of clinical importance because focal resection may be the<br />

only viable therapeutic option. In up to 74% of patients with<br />

partial seizures, MRI shows no abnormalities, although it is<br />

assumed that the majority of these patients have a small cortical<br />

dysplasia. In some of these cases the lesion is visible on<br />

the MRI study, but not detected by the neuroradiologist.<br />

We investigated the additional value of a computer-aided<br />

diagnostic technique, by retrospectively analyzing all scans<br />

from patients with partial seizures acquired between<br />

December 2008 and December 2009. The scan protocol on<br />

a 3T scanner included a 3D-T1 weighted scan, which was<br />

used for the post-processing. The other sequences were<br />

axial TSE-T2, FFE-T2 and FLAIR, coronal FLAIR and IR.<br />

MRI post-processing was a fully-automated voxel-based 3D<br />

MRI analysis within SPM5 (normalization, segmentation,<br />

results compared to normal database): feature maps of cortical<br />

thickness, gray-white junction and gray matter extension<br />

were generated. These maps were visually evaluated and<br />

correlated with the full exam. Only when the detected<br />

cortical lesion was also visible on the original scans it was<br />

considered a true cortical lesion.<br />

A total of 289 MRIs were evaluated. Based on visual<br />

assessment, a cortical lesion was described in 45/289. In<br />

28/45 positive scans and in 5 out of the initially negative<br />

244 patients a cortical lesion was detected by computeraided<br />

technique.<br />

Computer-aided postprocessing can increase the diagnostic<br />

yield, but not replace visual assessment.<br />

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Neuro- en Hoofdhals radiologie 9<br />

O9.8<br />





D.F.M. Carli, M.S. Sluzewski, G.N. Beute, W.J.J. van Rooij<br />

St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg<br />

Purpose: We assessed the frequency and outcome of<br />

complications of embolization of meningiomas and tried to<br />

identify risk factors.<br />

Methods: Between 1994 and 2009, a total of 198 patients<br />

with 201 meningiomas underwent embolization. Indication<br />

for embolization was preoperative in 165 meningiomas<br />

and adjunctive to radiosurgery in 8. In the remaining 28<br />

meningiomas, embolization was initially offered as a sole<br />

therapy. There were 128 women and 70 men with a mean<br />

age of 54.4 years (median age, 54 years; range, 15-90<br />

years). Complications were defined as any neurologic deficit<br />

or death that occurred during or after embolization. Logistic<br />

regression was used to identify the following possible risk<br />

factors: age above median, female sex, tumor size above<br />

median, meningioma location in 5 categories, use of small<br />

particle size (45-150 microm), the presence of major peritumoral<br />

edema, and arterial supply in 3 categories.<br />

Results: Complications occurred in 11 patients (5.6%; 95%<br />

confidence interval [CI], 3.0%-9.8%). Ten complications<br />

were hemorrhagic, and 1 was ischemic. Six of 10 patients<br />

with hemorrhagic complications underwent emergency<br />

surgery with removal of the hematoma and meningioma.<br />

Complications of embolization resulted in death in 2 and<br />

dependency in 5 patients (7/198, 3.5%; 95% CI, 1.6%-2.0%).<br />

The use of small particles (45-150 mum) was the only risk<br />

factor for complications (odds ratio [OR], 10.21; CI, 1.3-80.7;<br />

P = .028).<br />

Conclusions: In this series, particle embolization of meningiomas<br />

had a complication rate of 5.6%. We believe that<br />

the use of small polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles (45-150<br />

microm) should be discouraged.<br />

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10<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Sessie 10<br />

MSK/Thorax/Diversen<br />

Vrijdag 30 september, 10.45 - 12.15 uur<br />

O10.1<br />






J. van Tiel, G. Kotek, H. Smit, E. Bron, S. Klein, G.P. Krestin,<br />

H. Weinans, E.H.G. Oei<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To assess the reproducibility of 3D delayed<br />

Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) of the<br />

knee at 3.0Tesla in patients with early-stage osteoarthritis<br />

(OA).<br />

Methods: In three early-stage knee OA patients (Kellgren<br />

and Lawrence grade I or II) dGEMRIC was performed twice<br />

with an interval of seven days using a 3.0Tesla MRI-scanner<br />

and a custom-made open design knee coil. This coil was<br />

specifically developed to enable imaging of OA patients who<br />

would not fit in the commercially available knee coil. The<br />

new coil has a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the weightbearing<br />

cartilage compared to the regular knee<br />

coil. The dGEMRIC consisted of an Inversion Recovery Fast<br />

Spoiled Gradient Echo sequence with five different inversion<br />

times. Using Matlab, three regions of interest (ROIs) in the<br />

medial and lateral cartilage (weight-bearing condyle and<br />

plateau and non weight-bearing condyle) were drawn on<br />

three consecutive slices. Mean T1GD relaxation time per<br />

ROI per slice was calculated and compared between the<br />

two dGEMRIC scans using a paired t-test and an intraclass<br />

correlation coefficient (ICC) to assess reproducibility of the<br />

measurements.<br />

Results: In all ROIs of all slices mean T1GD relaxation<br />

time was not significantly different between the two<br />

examinations (p=0.1-0.5). The ICCs of mean T1GD relaxation<br />

times of all ROIs were good to excellent (ICC:0.64-<br />

0.99;p=0.004-0.0001).<br />

Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest that 3D<br />

dGEMRIC of the knee at 3.0Tesla is a reproducible measure<br />

of cartilage quality in early-stage OA patients. Therefore,<br />

it is a valuable tool to assess cartilage quality over time in<br />

longitudinal studies.<br />

Figure 1<br />

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MSK/Thorax/Diversen 10<br />

O10.2<br />








J. van Tiel, M. Siebelt, J.H. Waarsing, M. van Straten,<br />

G.P. Krestin, H. Weinans, E.H.G. Oei<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: To assess the potential of CT-arthrography to<br />

evaluate cartilage quality in terms of sulphated glycosaminoglycan<br />

content (sGAG) and structural composition of the<br />

extra-cellular matrix (ECM).<br />

Methods: Eleven human cadaveric knee joints were<br />

scanned on a second generation dual source spiral CT scanner<br />

before and after intra-articular injection of a negatively<br />

charged contrast agent. Mean X-ray attenuation values of<br />

both scans were calculated in seven regions of interest<br />

(ROIs) of the cartilage (weight-bearing condyles and plateaus,<br />

non weight-bearing condyles and patella). Next, all<br />

ROIs were rescanned with contrast-enhanced<br />

micro-CT (μCT), which served as reference standard because<br />

it accurately measures sGAG content and hence quality<br />

of cartilage. Correlation between mean X-ray attenuation<br />

values of CT-arthrography and μCT was analyzed with linear<br />

regression. Additionally, residual values from the linear fit<br />

between unenhanced CT and μCT were used as a covariate<br />

measure to identify the influence of structural composition<br />

of cartilage ECM, i.e. without influence of sGAG, on contrast<br />

diffusion into cartilage.<br />

Results: Mean X-ray attenuation of cartilage was<br />

significantly higher for CT-arthrography compared to<br />

unenhanced CT in all ROIs. Furthermore, CT-arthrography<br />

attenuation values correlated excellently with reference<br />

μCT values representing sGAG content of cartilage<br />


10<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O10.3<br />






L.B.M. Weerink, M. Kraai, E.C. Folbert, R.S. Smit,<br />

J.H Hegeman, D. van der Velde<br />

Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, Almelo<br />

Over de behandeling van ouderen met een wervelfractuur<br />

door de middelste pijler is geen consensus. De relevantie<br />

van de CT-scan in de diagnostiek staat hiermee ook ter<br />

discussie. Doel van dit onderzoek is de meerwaarde van de<br />

CT-scan bij ouderen met een wervelfractuur te bepalen.<br />

Voor dit onderzoek werden 106 patiënten in het Centrum<br />

<strong>voor</strong> Geriatrische Traumatologie met een fractuur ter hoogte<br />

van de thocacolumbale wervelkolom geïncludeerd. Er werden<br />

retrospectief gegevens verzameld over radiologische<br />

parameters zoals betrokkenheid van de middelste pijler en<br />

diameter van het spinale kanaal. Algemene patiëntengegevens<br />

en gegevens over het functioneren na 6 weken en<br />

3 maanden werden geregistreerd.<br />

In onze populatie is er geen relatie is tussen betrokkenheid<br />

van de middelste pijler, compressie van het spinale kanaal<br />

en andere radiologische parameters met het functioneel<br />

eindresultaat.<br />

In tegenstelling tot de literatuur werd bij patiënten met een<br />

fractuur door <strong>voor</strong>ste en middelste pijler het beleid in 83,3%<br />

(45 patiënten) gewijzigd naar snelle mobilisatie. Het functioneel<br />

eindresultaat in beide groepen is vergelijkbaar.<br />

Conclusie: In onze studie hebben radiologische kenmerken<br />

van een wervelfractuur geen relatie met het functioneringsniveau<br />

na 6 weken en 3 maanden. De toepassing van snelle<br />

mobilisatie in plaats van strikte bedrust bij een fractuur met<br />

betrokkenheid van de middelste pijler is een veilige optie.<br />

Het vaststellen van de betrokkenheid van de middelste pijler<br />

door middel van een CT-scan lijkt met deze conclusies minder<br />

relevant <strong>voor</strong> het te volgen beleid. De rol van de CT-scan<br />

bij de diagnostiek van ouderen met een wervelfractuur staat<br />

hiermee ter discussie.<br />

O10.4<br />





M.H.E. Vossen 1 , A.A. den Broeder 2 , F. Hendriks-Roelofs 2 ,<br />

D.M.F.M. van der Heijde 1 , M. Reijnierse 1<br />

1<br />

Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

2<br />

Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen<br />

Background: Diagnosing axial spondyloarthritis (SpA) can<br />

be difficult: sacroiliac (SI) joint radiographs are often normal.<br />

Magnetic Resonance (MR) exam of SI joints (MR-SI) may<br />

reduce diagnostic uncertainty. Optimal deployment requires<br />

pretest chance of approximately 50%. Otherwise, increased<br />

numbers of MR-SI requests, false positives, excessive<br />

patient burden and costs will result.<br />

Objective: To examine characteristics of deployment of<br />

MR-SI in patients with suspected SpA before and after<br />

targeted intervention.<br />

An introduction on effect of pretest chance on predictive<br />

value, patient burden, costs was given. Alternative behavioral<br />

strategy was offered through a simple diagnostic<br />

algorithm.<br />

Results: 198 MR-SI (148 females / 50 males; mean age 36<br />

± 9.8yrs) were performed between April 1st, 2004 and April<br />

17th, 2007. 166 MR-SI (84%) were normal, 5 (2.5%) suspicious<br />

and 27 (13.5%) positive.<br />

After intervention, MR-SI number dropped to 58 (41 females<br />

/ 17 males; mean age 35. ± 9.8 years). Corrected for total<br />

number of patients seen (mean increase 12%), this is<br />

decrease of 79% with almost doubling of positive MR-SI: 44<br />

normal (76%), 0 suspicious and 14 (24%) positive.<br />

Conclusion: A simple, three stage feedback intervention<br />

resulted in 79% reduction of MR-SI requests with increase<br />

in number of positive MR-SI. This approach may benefit<br />

future research in areas with diagnostic uncertainty.<br />

Methods: MR-SI from April 1st, 2004 to December 31st,<br />

2010 were retrospectively collected. Inclusion criteria: MR-SI<br />

ordered by rheumatologist, suspicion of axial SpA, complete<br />

patient data. MR-SI reports were graded ‘normal’, ‘suspected<br />

sacroiliitis’ and ‘sacroiliitis’. Descriptive statistics were<br />

mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median (25-p75). In April<br />

2007, an intervention was done to improve deployment.<br />

Review data on requesting behavior, patient characteristics,<br />

outcomes were presented to rheumatologists.<br />

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MSK/Thorax/Diversen 10<br />

Figure 1: Diagnostic algorithm by Rudwaleit, M. et al.<br />

O10.5<br />






R. Wittenberg 1 , J.F. Peters 2 , I.A.H. Van den Berk 3 ,<br />

N.J.M. Freling 3 , R.J. Lely 4 , B. de Hoop 5 , K. Horsthuis 3 ,<br />

C.J. Ravesloot 5 , M. Prokop 6 , C.M. Schaefer-Prokop 7<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Philips Healthcare, Best<br />

3<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

4<br />

VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

5<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

6<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

7<br />

Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort<br />

Purpose: Evaluation of a CTPA study for the detection of<br />

pulmonary embolism (PE) represents a time consuming and<br />

tiring reading process. Computer-aided detection (CAD),<br />

when used as second reader, was found to improve reader<br />

performance for the detection of small emboli but inevitably<br />

at the expense of a substantial increase of reading time. We<br />

hypothesised that CAD may be used more advantageously<br />

when used as concurrent reading tool.<br />

Methods and materials: In this retrospective study, six<br />

observers of varying experience evaluated 157 negative and<br />

39 positive 64-slice consecutively acquired CTPA. With a<br />

time interval of 6 weeks, all cases were read twice in different<br />

order using CAD as second and as concurrent reader,<br />

respectively. Per patient, observers were asked to determine<br />

the presence of PE using a 5 point confidence scale and<br />

to document their reading time with and without CAD.<br />

Sensitivity and specificity were calculated by comparing the<br />

reader data with an independent consensus standard.<br />

Results: Baseline performance without CAD was high with<br />

a mean sensitivity of 91 % and increased further to 95 %<br />

with CAD as second reader and 94 % with CAD as concurrent<br />

reader. Mean specificity decreased with CAD as second<br />

reader (96%, 94 % and 96 %, respectively). The mean<br />

reading time with CAD as concurrent reader significantly<br />

decreased (108 s, 136 s and 91s, respectively).<br />

Conclusions: CAD used as concurrent reader has the<br />

potential to achieve the same high sensitivities without<br />

loss of specificity at the advantage of a significantly shorter<br />

reading time.<br />

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10<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

O10.6<br />





O.M. Mets 1 , C.M.F. Buckens 1 , P. Zanen 1 , I. Isgum 1 ,<br />

M. Prokop 2 , P.A. de Jong 1<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Purpose: To develop a CT based diagnostic model for the<br />

presence of airflow limitation in smokers participating in a<br />

lung cancer screening study.<br />

Materials and methods: In 1173 screening participants,<br />

we analyzed inspiratory and expiratory chest computed<br />

tomography (CT) scans, patient characteristics, smoking history<br />

and prebronchodilator spirometry obtained at the same<br />

day as the CT scan. Scan parameters were: 120kVp (≤80kg)<br />

or 140kVp (>80kg) at 30mAs for inspiratory scans, and 90kVp<br />

(≤80kg) or 120kVp (>80kg) at 20mAs for expiratory scans.<br />

Axial slices of 1mm at 0.7mm increment were reconstructed.<br />

CT emphysema was defined as percentage of voxels

MSK/Thorax/Diversen 10<br />

O10.8<br />




Y.F.R. Ypma, J.J. Hensen, D. Vroegindeweij, H. van Beek,<br />

R.A Niezen, H. Beerman<br />

Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam<br />

Doel: Evaluatie hoe frequent een CT, echografisch of stereotactisch<br />

geleide cytologische en histologische punctie<br />

resulteerde in een PA diagnose. Tevens werd het verschil<br />

in materiaal opbrengst tussen radioloog en arts-assistent<br />

geanalyseerd.<br />

Methode: Retrospectief werden alle cytologische en histologische<br />

puncties van 2009 en 2010 geincludeerd geanalyseerd.<br />

Het verschil tussen cytologische en histologische<br />

punctie werd geanalyseerd alsmede de methode hoe het PA<br />

materiaal werd verkregen en door wie de punctie werd verricht<br />

(radioloog versus assistent).<br />

Daarnaast werden alle puncties gecorreleerd aan de PA<br />

diagnose.<br />

Resultaten: In 2009 en 2010 werden 814 histologische<br />

biopten en 1260 cytologische puncties verricht.<br />

Radiologen verrichtten in deze periode 1056 puncties,<br />

waarvan 407 histologisch en 649 cytologisch. Assistenten<br />

verrichtten 1018 puncties, waarvan 407 histologisch en 611<br />

cytologisch.<br />

Van alle puncties (cytologisch en histologisch) waren er 67<br />

CT geleid, 1820 echogeleid en 175 stereotactisch.<br />

Cytologische puncties gaven in 88,5% (1116/1260) een<br />

PA diagnose en histologie in 95,3% (776/814). Van deze<br />

histologische biopten resulteerde het stereotactische biopt<br />

in de hoogste opbrengst, 96% (168/175), gevolgd door het<br />

echogeleide biopt, 95% (554/581). De laagste opbrengst gaf<br />

het CT geleide biopt, 93 % (62/67).<br />

Radiologen verkregen in 91,1% (962/1056) van de puncties<br />

representatief materiaal, assistenten in 91,3% (930/1018).<br />

Conclusie: Het stereotactisch geleide histologische biopt<br />

resulteerde in de hoogste PA score. Zowel cytologische<br />

puncties als histologische biopten resulteerden in vrijwel<br />

alle gevallen in een juiste PA diagnose. Er was geen significant<br />

verschil tussen de verschillende uitvoerders van de<br />

puncties.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


E <strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Samenvattingen<br />

‘De educatieve <strong>voor</strong>dracht’<br />

Vrijdag 30 september, 10.45 - 12.15 uur<br />

E01<br />




R.J.J. de Ridder 1 , V.C. Cappendijk 2<br />

1<br />

Maag-, darm-, leverziekten, Maastricht Universitair<br />

Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

<strong>Radiologie</strong>, Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum,<br />

Maastricht<br />

Incidentalomen van de bijnier worden door toenemend<br />

gebruik van beeldvormende technieken vaker gevonden.<br />

Driekwart van deze afwijkingen wordt gevonden bij personen<br />

welke beeldvorming ondergaan <strong>voor</strong> de stadiering van een<br />

maligniteit. Vaak kan door beeldvorming, eventueel aangevuld<br />

met endocrinologisch onderzoek, vastgesteld worden dat het<br />

om een (niet-functioneel) bijnieradenoom gaat. Bij twijfel over<br />

een primaire dan wel secundaire maligniteit, en indien relevant<br />

in de klinische context, is nader onderzoek aangewezen.<br />

Percutane CT- of echo geleide FNA van de bijnier heeft een<br />

sensitiviteit <strong>voor</strong> het aantonen van een maligniteit van 93%. In<br />

studies bedraagt het aantal niet diagnostische puncties echter<br />

19-24% [1,2] Belangrijke complicaties ontstaan in 3-8% van<br />

de patiënten aansluitend aan een percutane punctie.[3,4] De<br />

belangrijkste complicaties zijn pneumothorax, bloeding, hematoom<br />

en het risico op entmetastase.<br />

Referenties:<br />

1. Harisinghani MG, Maher MM, Pinkney PF et al. Predictive value<br />

of benign percutaneous adrenal biopsies in oncology patients.<br />

Clin Radiol 2002;57: 898-901<br />

2. Gilliams A, Roberts CM, Shaw P. et al. The value of CT scanning<br />

and percutaneous fine needle aspiration of adrenal masses in<br />

biopsy-proven lung cancer. Clin Radiol 1992;46: 18-22<br />

3. Mody MK, Kazerooni EA, Korobkin M et al. Pecutaneous CT-guided<br />

biopsy of adrenal masses: immediate and delayed complications.<br />

J Comput Assist Tomogr 1995;19:434-439<br />

4. Welch TJ, Sheedy PF, Stephens DH et al. Pecutaneous adrenal<br />

biopsy: review of 10-year experience. Radiology 1994;193:341-4<br />

5. Dietrich CF, WehrmannT, Hoffmann C et al, Detection of the<br />

adrenal gland by endoscopic or transabdominal ultrasound.<br />

Endoscopy 1997;29:859-864<br />

6. Schuurbiers OCJ, Tournoy KG, Schoppers et al. EUS-FNA for the<br />

detection of left adrenal metastasis in patients with lung cancer;<br />

Lung Cancer, in press<br />

7. DeWitt J, Alsatie M, LeBlanc J et al, Endoscopic ultrasoundguided<br />

fine-needle aspiration of left adrenal gland masses,<br />

Endoscopy 2007;39:65-71<br />

Transgastrische endosonografie (onder sedatie middels midazolam)<br />

is een beproefde methode <strong>voor</strong> afbeelding van met name<br />

de linker bijnier. De linker bijnier kan in 98% van de patiënten<br />

middels EUS in beeld worden gebracht, de rechter in 30% van<br />

de gevallen. Transabdomiale echo kan in 69% van de gevallen<br />

de linker bijnier visualiseren.[5]<br />

De sensitiviteit <strong>voor</strong> het aantonen van een maligniteit middels<br />

EUS met FNA bedraagt 86%. Niet diagnostische puncties<br />

variëren sterk tussen studies van 5.9-24%.[6,7] In de literatuur<br />

is slechts een casus van een post-procudurele bloeding<br />

beschreven na EUS-FNA.<br />

De procedure wordt door patiënten goed getolereerd en duurt<br />

ca. 10 minuten.<br />

EUS-FNA is een veilige en weinig belastende procedure <strong>voor</strong><br />

het verkrijgen van een weefsel diagnose indien er bij een vergrote<br />

linkerbijnier de verdenking bestaat op een maligniteit.<br />

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Educatieve <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

E<br />

E02<br />






D.M.J. Lambregts, M. Maas, F.C.H. Bakers, V.C. Cappendijk,<br />

G. Lammering, G.L. Beets, R.G.H. Beets-Tan<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

Background: Surgical resection is the standard treatment<br />

for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer who have<br />

undergone preoperative chemoradiation (CRT). There is now,<br />

however, a trend towards a conservative wait-and-see policy<br />

for patients with a complete tumor regression. It is not clear<br />

how patients should be monitored once they are managed<br />

non-operatively and whether follow-up by MRI has any role.<br />

As part of an observational study, a series of 19 carefully<br />

selected patients with a clinical complete response was<br />

managed with a wait-and-see policy and followed regularly<br />

by rectal MRI.<br />

Purpose: To study the short-term and long-term morphological<br />

MRI-features of rectal cancer patients with a complete<br />

tumor response undergoing a wait-and-see policy with regular<br />

MR follow-up after CRT.<br />

MR-imaging features: Shortly (6-8 weeks) after CRT,<br />

patients with a complete tumor response showed either<br />

a normalised rectal wall (26%) or a hypointense fibrotic<br />

remnant (74%). Three patterns of fibrosis could be classified,<br />

the aspects of which were dependent on the initial tumor<br />

morphology at primary MR staging (figure 1). The aspect of<br />

the normalised wall or fibrosis remained entirely consistent<br />

during long-term follow-up (median 20, range 9-57 months).<br />

During the first months after CRT, varying degrees of postradiation<br />

edema were observed in 26% of patients, which<br />

gradually disappeared during longer follow-up (figure 2).<br />

Conclusion: The morphological MR patterns observed in<br />

these patients may be used as a reference for the follow-up<br />

of rectal cancer patients with a complete tumor response<br />

after CRT, managed with a ‘wait and see policy’.<br />

Figure 1: Patterns of post-CRT fibrosis (d-f) and the corresponding types of primary tumors (a-c). Small polypoid tumors (a) typically resulted in<br />

a minimal fibrotic residue (d). Larger, bulky tumors (b) mostly resulted in a ’full thickness’ fibrosis (e). Spicular tumors (c) resulted in a similarly<br />

spicular fibrosis.<br />

Figure 2: Small primary tumor (a). Six weeks after CRT there is an edematous wall thickening (b), visible as a three layered rectal wall consisting<br />

of an inner mucosa (arrowhead), a hyperintense submucosa (*) and a hypointense outer muscular wall (arrow). During long-term follow-up<br />

the edema gradually decreases untill a normalised two-layered rectal wall (d) becomes visible.<br />

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e<br />

<strong>programma</strong> <strong>abstracts</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

E03<br />




M.T. de Witte 1,2 , P.C.G. Simons 1<br />

1<br />

VieCuri Medisch Centrum, Venlo<br />

2<br />

UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Colorectaal carcinoom is 2 e kankergerelateerde doodsoorzaak<br />

in Nederland en de Westerse landen. De incidentie zal naar<br />

verwachting nog stijgen. De adenomateuze poliep wordt<br />

gezien als <strong>voor</strong>loper van het CRC, de zogenaamde “adenomacarcinoma<br />

sequence”. Het vroegtijdig opsporen en verwijderen<br />

van deze benige <strong>voor</strong>loper <strong>voor</strong>komt het uitgroeien tot CRC(1).<br />

Virtuele colonoscopie werd <strong>voor</strong> het eerst beschreven door<br />

David Vining in 1994 (2). Initieel gestart als 2D techniek,<br />

werd al snel ook de 3D “virtuele endoscopie” ontwikkeld.<br />

De segmentatie van darmsegmenten moest aanvankelijk<br />

handmatig gebeuren, een tijdrovende en arbeidsintensieve<br />

procedure. Inmiddels is Virtuele Colonoscopie volgroeid tot<br />

een volautomatische software tool met snelle segmentatie<br />

van darmsegmenten, panoramische weergave, automatische<br />

poliepdetectie (CAD), en elektronische cleansing.<br />

Officieel geaccepteerde indicaties <strong>voor</strong> Virtuele Colonoscopie<br />

zijn onvolledige optische coloscopie <strong>voor</strong> beoordeling van het<br />

proximale colon, verhoogd complicatie risico door hoge leeftijd<br />

en / of comorbiditeit en patientenweigering (3).<br />

In onze ervaring is deze techniek echter breder toepasbaar.<br />

Uit initieel onderzoek blijkt dat bij goede patientenselectie<br />

optische coloscopie in ruim 85% van de gevallen kan<br />

worden <strong>voor</strong>komen (4). Een recente en interessante ontwikkeling<br />

is korte termijn VC follow-up bij 1-2 kleine poliepen.<br />

Door de zeer accurate anatomische lokalisatie van afwijkingen<br />

middels VC blijkt deze techniek bij uitstek geschikt<br />

<strong>voor</strong> follow up van deze poliepen(5). Dit lijkt een geschikt<br />

alternatief <strong>voor</strong> de huidige richtlijnen waarbij excisie van<br />

poliepen ongeacht de grootte wordt geadviseerd (6). 
Nu<br />

besloten is om in Nederland vanaf 2012 een landelijk screenings<strong>programma</strong><br />

naar CRC middels i-FOBT op te starten, zal<br />

het aantal coloscopieen en dus ook het aantal onvolledige<br />

procedures toenemen. Hierdoor zal de vraag naar VC zeker<br />


VC is een betrouwbare en robuuste techniek<br />

met een grote toekomst. Deze techniek dient dan ook geimplemeteerd<br />

te worden op elke radiologische afdeling.<br />

Referenties:<br />

1. J. Stoker. CT colografie en bevolkingsonderzoek <strong>voor</strong> colorectaal<br />

carcinoom. Memorad 13 (4), 2008; 13-18.
<br />

2. DJ Vining, DW Gelfand, RE Bechtold et al. Technical feasibility of<br />

colon imaging with helical CT and virtual reality. AJR Am J Roentgenol<br />

1994; 162:Suppl: 104 abstract.<br />

3. EG MacFarland, JG Fletcher, PJ Pickhardt et al. ACR Colon Cancer<br />

Committee White Paper: Status of CT Colonography 2009. J Am<br />

Coll Radiol. 2009; 6: 756-772.
<br />

4. CT-colografie als eerstelijnsdiagnosticum bij patienten met darmklachten.<br />

JS Peulen. MT de Witte, P Friederich et. al. Ned Tijdschr<br />

Geneeskd 2010; 154: A1681.
<br />

5. The natural history of small polyps at CT colonography. PJ Pickhardt,<br />

DH kim et al. Annual meeting for the Soceity of Gastrointestinal<br />

Radiologsts 2008; Rancho Mirage, CA.
<br />

6. Coloncarcinoom. Landelijke richtlijn versie 2.0, 09-01-08, Landelijke<br />

Werkgroep Gastro Intestinale Tumoren.<br />

E04<br />




A.G. van der Kolk, J.J.M. Zwanenburg, F. Visser, P.R. Luijten,<br />

J. Hendrikse<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Purpose: To show the clinical potential of anatomically highly<br />

detailed images of the brain obtained with 7.0 Tesla MRI.<br />

Background: Although not widely used clinically, an<br />

increasing number of sites worldwide have the availability<br />

of an MRI scanner with a field strength of 7.0 Tesla. There is<br />

active debate if and when it may become the field strength<br />

of choice for certain clinical applications. Specifically,<br />

high resolution anatomical brain imaging at 7.0 Tesla with<br />

sequences such as FLAIR, T1- and T2*-weighted imaging<br />

and MR angiography may be the potential area where 7.0<br />

Tesla MRI provides additional diagnostic information not<br />

found on lower field strengths.<br />

Materials & Methods: Apart from a review of the current<br />

literature regarding anatomical brain MRI at 7.0 Tesla, the<br />

focus will be on clinical patient examples where 7.0 Tesla<br />

MRI gives additional diagnostic information or a better delineation<br />

of pathology than lower field strengths. Also, normal<br />

findings and anatomical variants not seen on 1.5 or 3.0 Tesla<br />

will be shown. When possible, comparison with 3.0 Tesla or<br />

1.5 Tesla MR images will be given (figure 1) to further illustrate<br />

the additional information which can be gained with<br />

7.0 Tesla scanning compared to lower field strength.<br />

Conclusion: High resolution anatomical brain imaging at<br />

7.0 Tesla MRI can give additional information about pathology<br />

and normal anatomical variations and will be able to<br />

contribute to faster and more accurate diagnosing.<br />

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Educatieve <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

e<br />

Figuur 1: White matter lesions at 1.5T as compared to 7.0T.<br />

E05<br />



S.C. Gerretsen 1 , V.C. Cappendijk 1 , R.M. Kwee 1 ,<br />

M.B.I. Lobbes 1 , M. Das 1 , T. Leiner 2 , J.M.A. van Engelshoven 1 ,<br />

M.E. Kooi 1 , J.E. Wildberger 1<br />

1<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

2<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Doelstelling: Het bieden van een overzicht van de huidige<br />

mogelijkheden <strong>voor</strong> het detecteren en karakteriseren van<br />

atherosclerotische plaques.<br />

Beschrijving: In deze presentatie wordt een overzicht gegeven<br />

van de routine- en geavanceerde technieken die kunnen<br />

worden gebruikt <strong>voor</strong> beeldvorming van atherosclerose. Er<br />

wordt getoond hoe verschillende stadia van atherosclerose<br />

kunnen worden gedetecteerd, hoe stabiele atherosclerotische<br />

plaques van instabiele plaques onderscheiden kunnen worden<br />

en hoe plaques in symptomatische en asymptomatische<br />

patiënten kunnen verschillen. Tenslotte zal uitgelegd worden<br />

welke studies er nodig zijn om het afbeelden van een atherosclerotische<br />

plaques klinisch toepasbaar te maken.<br />

Conclusie: Niet-invasieve beeldvorming is geschikt <strong>voor</strong> de<br />

detectie en karakterisatie van atherosclerotische plaques.<br />

Deze presentatie beoogt de radioloog bewust te maken van<br />

het belang van detectie en rapportage van atherosclerose.<br />

Dit is een belangrijke stap om beeldvorming van atherosclerose<br />

klinisch toepasbaar te maken.<br />

Achtergrond: Atherosclerose is een chronische aandoening<br />

van de arteriële vaatwand die vaatvernauwingen en<br />

thrombo-emboliën kan veroorzaken hetgeen kan leiden tot<br />

een hersen- of hartinfarct. Ondanks <strong>voor</strong>uitgang in diagnostiek<br />

en behandeling blijft atherosclerose één van de belangrijkste<br />

doodsoorzaken in de westerse wereld. Geavanceerde<br />

technieken hebben aangetoond dat het mogelijk is om op<br />

niet-invasieve wijze de arteriële vaatwand af te beelden.<br />

Hierbij kunnen verschillende stadia van atherosclerose in<br />

beeld gebracht worden en zijn er verschillen waargenomen<br />

in plaques tussen symptomatische en asymptomatische personen.<br />

Echter ook op routine-onderzoeken is veel informatie<br />

over de aanwezigheid en mate van atherosclerose te verkrijgen.<br />

Gezien de mogelijke complicaties van atherosclerose is<br />

vroege detectie en rapportage van atherosclerose belangrijk.<br />

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E06<br />





A.E. Odink 1 , M. Rossius 1 , R. Booij 1 , C.M. Schaefer-Prokop 2 ,<br />

I.J.C. Hartmann 1<br />

1<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

2<br />

Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort<br />

Purpose: To present insight on the basic principles of DECT<br />

and provide a pictorial review of the range of morphology<br />

of lung perfusion with diagnostic clues for differentiating<br />

pulmonary embolism from other underlying diseases.<br />

Content organization: The classic presentation on a<br />

DECT perfusion map of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is a<br />

peripheral, wedge shaped defect. However, other underlying<br />

parenchymal diseases such as emphysema, lung cysts, fibrosis<br />

or pneumonia also cause perfusion defects. Location,<br />

distribution and configuration of perfusion defects together<br />

with findings in lung window settings provide the necessary<br />

information for correct differential diagnosis. Also artifacts<br />

caused by beam hardening or pulsation cause perfusion<br />

inhomogeneities that occur in typical locations and are<br />

mostly easy to dismiss.<br />

The exhibit provides an overview of the spectrum of perfusion<br />

map findings to be encountered in a group of unselected<br />

patients undergoing evaluation for suspected PE and<br />

with known or unknown concomitant lung diseases. Typical<br />

and atypical perfusion defects caused by artifacts, focal or<br />

diffuse lung parenchymal diseases will be presented together<br />

with some guidelines for correct interpretation.<br />

Conclusion: Especially in an unselected group of patients<br />

with accompanying lung disease, knowledge of pitfalls and<br />

artifacts is important for correct interpretation of the spectrum<br />

of lung perfusion defects seen in DECT.<br />

E07<br />





A.S. Thijssen 1 , R.N. de Visser 2 , G.F.A.J.B van Tilborg 2 ,<br />

A.C. Weustink 1 , G.P. Krestin 1 , N.R.A. Mollet 1<br />

1<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

2<br />

St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg<br />

Purpose/aim: If conventional X-ray coronary angiography<br />

(CCA) fails, computed tomography coronary angiography<br />

(CTCA) has the potential to provide the desired diagnostical<br />

information concerning coronary patency but may also<br />

demonstrate the cause of failing CCA exams.<br />

Content organization: CTCA has proved its usefulness in<br />

ruling out significant coronary artery stenosis in patients<br />

with an intermediate risk of having coronary artery disease.<br />

Although CCA is superior for this purpose, the exam cannot<br />

always be successfully completed.<br />

We will present a series of cases in which CCA could not be<br />

successfully completed and where CTCA revealed the cause<br />

of the failed exam. The presentation will feature several<br />

images from CTCA studies (multiplanar reformations and 3D<br />

renderings).<br />

Summary: Although CTCA is primarily reserved for patients<br />

with an intermediate risk of coronary artery disease, it can<br />

be employed to image the coronary tree in cases where CCA<br />

fails. In several instances, CTCA will reveal the cause of<br />

failed CCA. CTCA data may also provide useful information<br />

for planning interventional procedures or surgery in patients<br />

with a failed CCA exam.<br />

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3<br />

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Educatieve <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

e<br />

E08<br />



M.F. Boomsma 1 , L. Sijbrandij 1 , B.H. Bosker 2 , H.B. Ettema 2 ,<br />

C.C.C.M. Verreyen 2 , B.J. Kollen 3 , M. Maas 4<br />

1<br />

<strong>Radiologie</strong>, Isala klieken, Zwolle<br />

2<br />

Orthopedie Isala klieken, Zwolle<br />

3<br />

Faculteit Medische wetenschappen, Universitair Medisch<br />

Centrum Groningen, Groningen<br />

4<br />

<strong>Radiologie</strong>, Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

Na het ondergaan van een totale heupartroplastiek is<br />

bekend dat er als complicatie pseudotumoren kunnen<br />

optreden. Recente vermoedens van verhoogde incidentie<br />

van klachten, gepaard gaande met pseudotumorvorming bij<br />

metaal op metaal totale heup artroplastiek (MoM THA), hebben<br />

geleid tot veel media-aandacht. Inmiddels zijn meerdere<br />

<strong>Nederlandse</strong> ziekenhuizen overgegaan tot het oproepen van<br />

patiënten die een MoM THA hebben ondergaan.<br />

In een recent uitgevoerd prospectief single center cohort<br />

studie is aangetoond dat de incidentie van pseudotumoren bij<br />

deze groep patiënten 36% is. Dit heeft inmiddels geleid tot<br />

revisie tot een polyethyleen acetabulum component van de<br />

MoM THA in 28% van de patiënten met een pseudotumor.[1]<br />

In deze presentatie zal de beeldvorming van de normale en<br />

postoperatieve heup in het kader van de THA worden besproken.<br />

Tevens wordt een overzicht gegeven van de verschillende<br />

uitingsvormen van pseudotumoren bij de MoM THA.<br />

Ervaringen van auteurs hebben geleid tot een “recall imaging”<br />

strategie, welke zal worden besproken. Een belangrijk<br />

item hieruit is het gebruik van CT bevindingen en de verhouding<br />

hiervan ten opzichte van een gangbare MR classificatie<br />

van pseudotumoren bij MoM THA patiënten.[2]<br />

Referenties:<br />

1. Risk assessment for pseudotumor after metal-on-metal largediameter<br />

femoral head total hip arthroplasty: a prospective cohort<br />

study. Bosker BH, Ettema HB, Boomsma MF, Kollen BJ, Wagemakers<br />

B and Verheyen CCPM. (Submitted)<br />

2. Grading the severity of soft tissue changes associated with metalon-metal<br />

hip replacements: reliability of an MR grading system.<br />

Anderson H, Toms AP Cahir JG, Goodwin RW, Wimhurst J and<br />

Nolan JF. Skeletal Radiol (2011) 40:303–307<br />

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Samenvattingen<br />

Posterpresentaties<br />

P01<br />



W.M. Klein, C. Marcelis, F. Vandenbussche<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Doel: verbetering radiologie congenitale afwijkingen bij<br />

overleden foetussen.<br />

Achtergrond: Met de komst van de 20-wekenecho neemt<br />

het aantal gevonden congenitale afwijkingen sterk toe, en<br />

hiermee ook het aantal zwangerschapsafbrekingen. Toch<br />

daalt het aantal autopsieen (gouden standaard). Postmortem<br />

MRI en CT kunnen, zonder het kind te beschadigen, aanvullende<br />

informatie geven.<br />

Discussie & conclusie: Postmortem foetale MRI en CT<br />

kunnen belangrijke bevestiging en additionele informatie.<br />

Dit is van grote waarde <strong>voor</strong> de verwerking door ouders en<br />

<strong>voor</strong> genetic counseling ten behoeve van volgende kinderen.<br />

Zeker bij een dalend aantal autopsieen is dit van groot<br />

belang.<br />

Een prospectieve studie in samenwerking met pathologie,<br />

radiologie, klinische genetica en gynaecologie zal de diagnostische<br />

waarde moeten aantonen.<br />

Techniek en casuistiek: Postmortem radiologische diagnostiek<br />


posterpresentaties<br />

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Figuur 2: Thanatofore dysplasie.<br />

Figuur 3: Tubureuze sclerose astrocytoom.<br />

P02<br />



T.A. Fassaert, M.D.F. de Jong, I.J.M. Dubelaar,<br />

M.C.J.M. Rutten<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

Purpose: Familiarize the reader with the imaging characteristics<br />

of benign and malignant findings in 3-dimensional<br />

breast ultrasound (3D-US) obtained with an automated<br />

breast volume scanner (ABVS). Emphasis is put on the<br />

added value of the new coronal plane (surgeon view) and<br />

the multiplanar correlation.<br />

Content: From a study of 200 consecutive patients, who<br />

underwent breast MRI and ABVS, we demonstrate 3D-US<br />

findings in a selection of illustrative cases with benign and<br />

malignant breast lesions. The illustrated cases are correlated<br />

with digital mammography, handheld 2D ultrasound,<br />

MRI and histopathological findings.<br />

Summary: ABVS provides high-resolution 3D-US images of<br />

breast lesions. The new coronal view and multiplanar correlation<br />

facilitate the sonographic assessment of benign and<br />

malignant breast lesions.<br />

Figuur 1: 3D-UScorrelation necrotic focus after RFA.<br />

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Figuur 2: 3D-US correlation of lymph node & vascular bundle.<br />

Figuur 3: 3D-US correlation of a stellate lesion.<br />

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P<br />

P03<br />





M.A.H. Bechan 1 , W.M.E. van de Sandt-Koenderman 2 ,<br />

C.P. Mendez 1 , E.G. Visch-Brink 1 , M. Smits 1<br />

1<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

2<br />

Rijndam revalidatiecentrum, Rotterdam<br />

Purpose: Certain aphasic patients are treated with Melodic<br />

Intonation Therapy (MIT), which uses musical elements of<br />

speech to initiate language production. The purpose of this<br />

study is to visualize neuronal reorganizational processes in<br />

the brain in response to MIT using fMRI.<br />

Methods and materials: Four patients with chronic and<br />

two with acute aphasia (22-67 years; 4 males; 5 righthanded)<br />

were scanned at 3T before and after six weeks of<br />

MIT, which consisted of naming, repeating and spontaneous<br />

speech. To visualize language processing a block design<br />

task, consisting of listening to stories versus reverse speech,<br />

was used. Language performance was measured using the<br />

Sabadel story telling task. Imaging data were analyzed<br />

using Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 (London, UK). After<br />

preprocessing individual statistical t-contrast maps were<br />

calculated for pre- and post-therapy datasets. Lateralization<br />

indices (LI) were calculated using the number of significantly<br />


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<strong>programma</strong> posterpresentaties & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

P04<br />







I.J.M. Dubelaar 1 , U. Flucke 2 , J. Bonenkamp 2 , M. Prokop 2 ,<br />

J.W.J. de Rooy 2<br />

1<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

2<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Summary: Desmoid-type fibromatoses are rare, locally<br />

aggressive, non-metastazing soft tissue tumors with high<br />

tendency towards local recurrence.<br />

This exhibition will review:<br />

1. the various types and the multimodality imaging features<br />

of primary, recurrent and dedifferentiated disease with<br />

histopathological correlation<br />

2. The role of imaging in the management of these types of<br />

soft tissue tumors<br />

3. Current treatment options<br />

Content organization:<br />

1. Desmoid-type fibromatosis review; - epidemiology, aetiology,<br />

localization and clinical features of different types<br />

- multimodality imaging features of primary, recurrent/<br />

dedifferentiated disease and post- therapy changes<br />

2. Histopathologic morphology and genetics<br />

3. Treatment options: - local excision - radiotherapy -<br />

systemic therapy<br />

P05<br />





N.S. Hartkamp, J. Hendrikse, H.B. van der Worp,<br />

G.J. de Borst, R.P.H. Bokkers<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

Purpose: To assess the cerebrovascular reactivity in<br />

patients with internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis and<br />

identify the optimal timing for reactivity measurements with<br />

acetazolamide as vasodilatory challenge medication.<br />

Methods: Twenty-one patients with a symptomatic ICA<br />

stenosis and 18 healthy control subjects underwent twodimensional<br />

phase-contrast magnetic resonance angiography<br />

to repeatedly measure the blood flow (ml/min) in the<br />

ICAs at baseline and in 5 minute intervals for 30 minutes<br />

after intravenous administration of 12 gram acetazolamide<br />

per kilogram body weight.<br />

Results: The blood flow during the exam was significantly<br />

lower in the stenosed ICA of patients (figure 1, indicated<br />

with the star) than in the contralateral ICA (light gray)<br />

and than in the ICAs of healthy controls (white). The<br />

absolute increase of blood flow after 15 minutes was as<br />

well significantly lower in the stenosed ICA than in the<br />

contralateral ICA and than in the healthy ICAs (respectively<br />

74.6±12, 122±18, and 137±15 ml/min), whereas the relative<br />

increase was not (respectively 46.9±6.7%, 56.0±9.4%, and<br />

58.2±7.2%). The vasodilatory effect in the stenosed ICAs<br />

Figure 1: Blood flow after acetazolamide administration.<br />

Figure 2: Time to peak after acetazolamide<br />

administration.<br />

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was maximal after 15 minutes (figure 2, indicated with the<br />

star) and decreased after 20 minutes (figure 1), which was<br />

significantly later than in the contralateral ICA (light gray)<br />

and healthy ICAs (white).<br />

Conclusion: Patients with ICA stenosis have a reduced<br />

absolute increase in blood flow with preserved relative<br />

increase after a vasodilatory challenge with acetazolamide.<br />

The time to maximum vasodilatation was also longer in<br />

the stenosed ICA of patients. The optimal timing for single<br />

reactivity measurements using acetazolamide is between 15<br />

to 20 minutes after administration.<br />

P06<br />





N.S. Hartkamp 1 , M. Helle 2 , R.P.H. Bokkers 1 , J. Hendrikse 1 ,<br />

M.J.P. Van Osch 3<br />

1<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht<br />

2<br />

Institute of Neuroradiology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität,<br />

Kiel, Germany<br />

3<br />

Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

Purpose: The posterior circulation is supplied with blood by<br />

the vertebral arteries (VA) that fuse into the basilar artery<br />

(BA). We aim to investigate to which extent blood mixes in<br />

the BA before it arrives in cerebral hemispheres.<br />

Methods: Five healthy volunteers were investigated on a 3T<br />

MRI scanner with super-selective pseudo-continuous arterial<br />

spin labeling (ASL) perfusion imaging, which allows separate<br />

labeling of the VAs. The contribution to the perfusion<br />

of each individual VAs was calculated for the left and right<br />

hemisphere of the cerebellum and cerebrum.<br />

Results: The relative amount of ASL-signal from each VA<br />

to either hemisphere of the cerebellum and cerebrum are<br />

summarized in table 1. The posterior circulation of subject 1<br />

was almost exclusively supplied by one VA due to a variant<br />

anatomy. The perfusion images of both the left and right VA<br />

from subject 5 shown in figure 1. Examination of the perfusion<br />

images reveals areas in the cerebellum exclusively supplied<br />

by either the left or the right VA (also shown in figure<br />

1). The perfusion images show increasing overlap in the<br />

cerebrum. Both in the cerebellum and in the cerebrum most<br />

of the ASL-signal is observed ipsilateral from the labeled<br />

VA, although significant signal is also observed contralaterally,<br />

especially in the cerebrum.<br />

Conclusion: The results show that although most ASLsignal<br />

in the posterior flow territory originates from the<br />

ipsilateral VA, a considerable amount of ASL-signal stems<br />

from the contralateral VA, indicating mixing of blood or at<br />

least exchange of magnetization between blood streams in<br />

the BA. Mixing in the BA however does not produce a completely<br />

homogeneous blood supply to the cerebral posterior<br />

circulation in our subjects.<br />

Figure 1: Perfusion images of the left and right VA.<br />

Table 1: Relative contributions of the left and right VA.<br />

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<strong>programma</strong> posterpresentaties & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

P07<br />



I.J.M. Dubelaar 1 , F.A. Meijer 2<br />

1<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

2<br />

Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Nijmegen<br />

Purpose: To inform the reader of the rare congenital<br />

aneurysmal malformation of the vein of Galen. To illustrate<br />

the appearance, therapy options and various outcome in a<br />

pictorial review.<br />

Content organization: Aneurysmal malformation of the<br />

vein of Galen is a rare congenital vascular malformation,<br />

resulting in developmental delay, congestive heart failure,<br />

hydrocephalus, brain damage and/or death in childhood.<br />

In a pictorial review, we illustrate the best outcome<br />

(spontaneous thrombosis), the worst outcome (melting<br />

brain) and therapy options (endovascular embolization).<br />

Pathophysiology, clinical presentation and therapy options<br />

will be briefly discussed.<br />

Summary: Vein of Galen malformation and resulting<br />

aneurysm is a rare, often fatal congenital disorder. Various<br />

outcome is illustrated and therapy options discussed.<br />

P08<br />






P.J. Homburg, M.J. van Gils, G.J.J. Plas, H.L.J. Tanghe,<br />

D.W.J. Dippel, A. van der Lugt<br />

Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Rotterdam<br />

Background and purpose: Compared to extracranial carotid<br />

artery atherosclerosis, intracranial arterial stenosis (ICAS)<br />

has received little attention as a cause of cortical ischemic<br />

stroke. We evaluated the stroke recurrence risk of ICAS per<br />

arterial territory in a large cohort of patients with a transient<br />

ischemic attack (TIA) or ischemic stroke.<br />

Methods: Consecutive patients (n=786) were prospectively<br />

evaluated for the presence and distribution of ICAS (≥30%<br />

stenosis) using CT angiography. Multivariable Cox<br />

proportional hazards models were used to identify risk<br />

factors associated with subsequent ischemic stroke and to<br />

analyze the stroke recurrence risk for ICAS per territory (left<br />

carotid territory, right carotid territory and posterior territory).<br />

Results: In 178/786 patients (23%), 288 ICAS were<br />

observed. Subsequent ischemic stroke occurred in 49<br />

patients (6%), of which 15/49 (31%) occurred in a territory<br />

affected by ICAS. After adjustment for age, sex, hypertension,<br />

diabetes mellitus and extracranial artery stenosis ≥50%,<br />

ischemic stroke risks in territories affected by ICAS were HR<br />

4.34 (95%CI 1.36-13.87) for the left carotid territory, HR 8.09<br />

(95%CI 2.53-25.92) for the right carotid territory and HR 6.94<br />

(95%CI 1.93-25.04) for the posterior territory.<br />

Conclusions: Ischemic stroke and TIA patients with ICAS<br />

have a particularly high risk of subsequent ischemic stroke<br />

in the affected arterial territory. This finding warrants more<br />

research in the pathophysiology of ICAS and modified treatment<br />

for patients with ICAS.<br />

P09<br />







M. van der Vlies 1, 2 , R. van den Berg 1 , C.B.L.M. Majoie 1<br />

1<br />

Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam<br />

2<br />

Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam<br />

Introduction: Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is<br />

the gold-standard procedure for diagnosis and follow-up<br />

of cerebral AVM because of its high temporal and spatial<br />

resolution. However, alternative time-resolved techniques<br />

such as TRICKS (GE Healthcare), TWIST (Siemens) and 4D<br />

TRAK (Philips Healthcare) are now widely available<br />

to allow dynamic MR imaging for the appreciation of<br />

contrast kinetics. We hypothesized that in agreement with<br />

other studies, 4D radial acquisition contrast enhanced<br />

MRA (4D rCE-MRA) compared to DSA, approximates<br />

vascular architecture and flow dynamics of AVMs, furthermore<br />

implying a reduction in risk exposure and in<br />

procedural risks.<br />

Methods: A total of 21 consecutive patients were assessed<br />

prospectively, 7 had AVM, 7 had AV-fistula and 2 had a DVA.<br />

4D rCE-MRA and DSA were performed. The 4D rCE-MRA<br />

images were assessed regarding vascular architecture and<br />

dynamic flow characteristics.<br />

Results: 4D rCE-MRA correctly depicted location, nidal<br />

size, venous drainage pattern and prominent arterial feeders<br />

in almost all cases of AVMs and AV-fistulas. There<br />

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was good agreement (approximately 90%) between DSA<br />

and 4D rCE-MRA images.<br />

Conclusion: 4D rCE-MRA is a good alternative imaging<br />

modality tool approximating the imaging gold standard of<br />

DSA and furthermore proving to be a reliable minimal invasive<br />

imaging tool that avoids the risks associated with DSA.<br />

Figure 1: 4D MRA arterial phase.<br />

Figure 2: 4D MRA venous phase.<br />

Figure 3: 4D MRA late venous phase, showing cerebellar AVM.<br />

P10<br />





M.D.F. de Jong, M.J.C.M. Rutten, D. Kreb, B.G. Looij,<br />

K. Bosscha, M. Ernst, H. van der Linden, G.J. Jager<br />

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch<br />

Doel: Radiofrequente ablatie (RFA) kan een alternatieve en<br />

effectieve behandeling vormen bij patiënten met T1 borstkanker,<br />

welke niet geschikt zijn <strong>voor</strong> chirurgisch ingrijpen.<br />

Doel is te bepalen of RFA technisch haalbaar en veilig is<br />

en of lokale tumorcontrole verkregen kan worden. Daarbij<br />

wordt geëvalueerd hoe de behandeling door patiënten wordt<br />

ervaren.<br />

Methode: Patiënten >70 jaar met een oestrogeen positief<br />

mammacarcinoom < 2 cm worden gevraagd deel te nemen<br />

aan deze studie. De respons na de aanvullende RFA therapie<br />

(naast hormonale therapie) zal geëvalueerd worden, middels<br />

mammografie, echografie en MRI na 1, 6 en 12 maanden.<br />

Tevens zal een echogeleid vacuümbiopt volgen van het<br />

RFA-gebied <strong>voor</strong> histologische analyse volgen na een jaar.<br />

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Ervaringen van patiënten <strong>voor</strong>, tijdens en na de behandeling<br />

worden geëvalueerd.<br />

Resultaten: In totaal hebben vijf patiënten RFA ondergaan,<br />

waarbij er geen aanwijzingen waren op lokaal recidief<br />

of residu weefsel na een jaar follow-up. De geableerde<br />

gebieden vertoonden afname van grootte en ringaankleuring<br />

gedurende follow-up. Bij één patiënte is interval follow-up<br />

niet verricht in verband met een CVA. Patiënten vonden<br />

RFA-behandeling verdraagbaar en er was afname van één<br />

punt op een zeven puntsschaal ter analyse van de kwaliteit<br />

van leven.<br />

Conclusie: RFA kan technisch veilig worden uitgevoerd bij<br />

inoperabele, oudere patiënten met een solitaire borsttumor,<br />

met minimale afname op de kwaliteit van leven.<br />

Figuur 1: bewezen maligne laesie linker mamma.<br />

Figuur 2: controle na 1 maand toont ringaankleuring.<br />

Figuur 3: na 1 jaar afname aankleuring, geen recidief.<br />

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P12<br />





R. van den Berg, M.H.E. Vossen, M. Reijnierse,<br />

T.W.J. Huizinga, D.M.F.M. van der Heijde<br />

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

Background: The Berlin algorithm assists clinicians in diagnosing<br />

early axial SpA.<br />

Objectives: Validate the Berlin algorithm in the<br />

SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-cohort.<br />

Methods: The SPACE-cohort is set-up in our hospital to<br />

early diagnose and treat (axial) spondyloarthritis (SpA)-<br />

patients. Patients with back pain (>3 months, < 2 years;<br />

onset 80% probability. In patients<br />

(n=65) not diagnosed with axial SpA, 14 (21.5%) patients<br />

fulfilled ASAS axial SpA criteria and 7 (10.8%) had >80%<br />

probability; the majority did not have IBP.<br />

The modified Berlin algorithm, with IBP as additional SpAfeature,<br />

resulted in three entry groups; requirement of ≥4,<br />

2-3, and 0-1 SpA-features. According to this modified algorithm,<br />

57 patients (50%) has axial SpA; 45 (78.9%) fulfilled<br />

ASAS axial SpA criteria and 55 (96.5%) had >80% probability.<br />

Of the 57 patients not diagnosed as SpA, six (10.5%)<br />

fulfilled ASAS axial SpA criteria. 15 additional patients<br />

could now be diagnosed as axial SpA by the modified Berlin<br />

algorithm and no single patient with a probability >80% was<br />

excluded.<br />

Conclusions: We propose a slightly modified Berlin algorithm<br />

excluding IBP as entry criterion that is better in accordance<br />

with the new ASAS axial SpA criteria.<br />

Results: In 4/114 patients no MRI was made and were analyzed<br />

as MRI-. According to the Berlin algorithm 49 patients<br />

Figure 1: The Berlin algorithm.<br />

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P<br />

<strong>programma</strong> posterpresentaties & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

Figure 2: The modified Berlin algorithm.<br />

P13<br />





R. van den Berg, M.H.E. Vossen, M. Reijnierse,<br />

T.W.J. Huizinga, D.M.F.M. van der Heijde<br />

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Leiden<br />

Background: The SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-<br />

cohort is set-up in our hospital to early diagnose and treat<br />

(axial) spondyloarthritis (SpA)-patients. The new ASAS axial<br />

and peripheral SpA criteria rely on the presence of active<br />

sacroiliitis on MRI and on HLA-B27 positivity.<br />

Objective: Investigate the difference in presentation of<br />

patients with sacroiliitis vs. non-sacroiliitis on MRI and presence<br />

vs. absence of HLA-B27.<br />

Methods: Patients with back pain (>3 months, < 2 years;<br />


posterpresentaties<br />

P<br />

Table 1: Presence and distribution of SpA-features.<br />

P14<br />






S.J. Klieverik, E. Kluza, M. Maas, R.G.H. Beets-Tan, G. Beets,<br />

D.M.J. Lambregts<br />

Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum, Maastricht<br />

Aim: The aim of this study was to perform a review of the<br />

literature to determine whether 1) the current literature<br />

reports correlations between functional imaging and clinicopathological<br />

markers in rectal cancer patients and 2) if<br />

functional imaging is sensitive to chemoradiotherapy (CRT)-<br />

induced changes in rectal cancer.<br />

Methods: The literature of interest was searched using<br />

Pubmed. Studies were included when correlations between<br />

functional and clinicopathological markers and differences<br />

in functional parameters between pre- and post-CRT were<br />

reported.<br />

Results: Five studies used dynamic constrast-enhanced MRI<br />

(DCE-MRI) and two studies used perfusion CT (p-CT) to<br />

investigate the correlation between functional and clinicopathological<br />

markers. Two studies compared functional parameters<br />

from DCE-MRI in CRT responders vs. non-responders.<br />

Studies correlating DCE-MRI parameters with clinicopathological<br />

markers showed that higher endothelial transfer<br />

coefficient (Ktrans) and perfusion index (PI; a measure of<br />

both perfusion and cappilary permeability surface product)<br />

were significantly correlated with more advanced cancer<br />

stages (e.g. TNM stage) and that these functional parameters<br />

were significantly higher before treatment in patients<br />

with a good response to CRT than in non-responders. Two<br />

studies evaluated the correlation between p-CT parameters<br />

and clinicopathological parameters. Results showed that<br />

significantly higher blood volume, blood flow and mean<br />

transit time were found in groups with poor prognosis (e.g.<br />

high MVD, existence of lympathic metastasis). There were<br />

no studies comparing p-CT parameter in a pre vs. post-CRT<br />

setting.<br />

Conclusion: The reviewed literature shows that functional<br />

imaging parameters, especially Ktrans in DCE-MRI and<br />

BV and BF in p-CT, correlate with clinical and pathological<br />

markers. Therefore, both DCE-MRI and p-CT are of great<br />

potentional as non-invasive therapy-monitoring or therapypredicting<br />

methods in rectal cancer.<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


<strong>programma</strong> aantekeningen & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

92<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l


1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


<strong>programma</strong> PLATTEGRONDEn & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

0-niveau<br />

0.4 0.5<br />

Brussels<br />

Paris<br />

Naar Expo Foyer<br />

Copenhagen<br />

0.3<br />

Lobby<br />

0.6<br />

0.7<br />

0.2<br />

0.9 0.8<br />

Berlin<br />

Athens<br />

Rome<br />

0.1<br />

London<br />

Naar hotel<br />

K1<br />

K2<br />

K3<br />

0.14 0.12<br />

0.13<br />

0.11<br />

94<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l


1-niveau<br />

Forum Passage<br />

Registratiebalie<br />

Trajectum<br />

Entree<br />

Naar hotel<br />

Expo Foyer<br />

Auditorium 1<br />

Slide preview ><br />

1.3<br />

1.2<br />

Podium<br />

Auditorium 2<br />

1 6 E R A D I O L O G E N D A G E N - 2 9 e n 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1<br />


<strong>programma</strong> PLATTEGRONDen En <strong>programma</strong> & <strong>abstracts</strong><br />

2-niveau<br />

2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10<br />

Promenade<br />

2.11<br />

2.12<br />

2.13<br />

2.6<br />

2.5<br />

Auditorium 1<br />

2.14<br />

2.4<br />

2.3<br />

Podium<br />

2.1<br />

Colorado<br />

Auditorium 2<br />

96<br />

k i j k o o k o p w w w . c o n g r e s s c o m p a n y . c o m<br />

o f w w w . r a d i o l o g e n . n l

Donderdag 29 september 2011<br />

Expofoyer Auditorium 2 Zaal 0.2 Berlin Zaal 0.3 Copenhagen Zaal 0.4 Brussels Zaal 0.5 Paris Zaal 0.8 Rome Zaal 0.9 Athens Zaal 2.1 Colorado<br />

10.00 - 10.45 Ontvangst<br />

10.45 - 12.00 Plenaire sessie: Emeritus <strong>programma</strong><br />

Deze misser maak je (start vanaf 11.20 uur)<br />

maar één keer<br />

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch<br />

12.15 - 12.45 Postersessie<br />

13.00 - 14.00 Plenaire sessie:<br />

Setting standards in<br />

healthcare -<br />

many ways, no return<br />

14.05 - 15.35 Research corner Vervolg Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie:<br />

Emeritus <strong>programma</strong> Interventieradiologie / Cardiovasculaire Abdominale radiologie / Mammadiagnostiek 1 Abdominale<br />

Cardiovasculaire radiologie radiologie Acute radiologie / Diversen radiologie 1<br />

15.35 - 16.00 Theepauze<br />

16.00 - 17.15 Refresher course: Workshop: Vervolg Refresher course: refresher course: Refresher course: refresher course:<br />

Respons monitoring “Interpretatie van radiologisch Emeritus <strong>programma</strong> Chronische thrombo- Neuranatomie Beeldvorming bij groei- What is the best imaging<br />

made sexy wetenschappelijk onderzoek” embolische pulmonale <strong>voor</strong> dummies en puberteitsstoornissen modality for “aseptic/low<br />

hypertensie grade infection/infectious<br />

loosening of joint prostheses?”<br />

17.15 - 17.30 Uitreiking WSS penning<br />

17.30 - 18.45 ALV NVvR & Juniorsectie<br />

18.15 Industrieborrel:<br />

excl. aangeboden door<br />

Vrijdag 30 september 2011<br />

Expofoyer Auditorium 2 Zaal 0.1 London Zaal 0.2 Berlin Zaal 0.4 Brussels Zaal 0.5 Paris Zaal 0.8 Rome Zaal 0.9 Athens Zaal 2.1 Colorado<br />

08.30 - 09.00 Ontvangst<br />

09.00 - 10.15 Workshop/hands-on: Workshop: refresher course: refresher course: Refresher course: refresher course: refresher course:<br />

To make Radlex more familiar. “Interpretatie van Buiktrauma, waar gaat Acute pijn op de borst: De knie: Niet standaard Opleiden anno 2011 Veneuze<br />

Using IHE TCE for radiologisch het nou eigenlijk om Stand van zaken MRI bevindingen en interventies<br />

export of PACS data to wetenschappelijk de postoperatieve knie<br />

an MIRC teaching file onderzoek”<br />

10.15 - 10.45 Koffiepauze<br />

10.45 - 12.15 Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie: Parallelsessie:<br />

De educatieve Abdominale Mammadiagnostiek 2 Kinderradiologie / MSK / Thorax / Neuro-Hoofdhals<br />

<strong>voor</strong>dracht radiologie 2 & Uitreiking Diversen Diversen radiologie<br />

Jan Hendriksprijs<br />

12.15 - 13.15 Lunch<br />

12.30 - 13.00 Postersessie<br />

13.15 - 13.30 Wetenschappelijk beleid<br />

NVvR <strong>voor</strong> academischeen<br />

niet academische centra<br />

13.30 - 14.30 Plenaire sessie:<br />

Pro-con: Setting standards in<br />

healthcare - which way to go?<br />

14.30 - 15.15 Richtlijnen sessie<br />

15.15 - 15.45 Theepauze<br />

15.45 - 16.25 Prijsuitreiking:<br />

Philipsprijs, Posterprijs,<br />

Radiologendagenprijs,<br />

NVvR Travel Grant en<br />

Fellowshipdiploma’s<br />

16.25 - 17.15 Quiz<br />

Vanaf 20.00 Diner & galafeest in Amrâth Grand Hotel De L’Empereur, Maastricht<br />

Het uitgebreide <strong>programma</strong> en de leerdoelen vindt<br />

u <strong>voor</strong>aan in dit <strong>programma</strong>- en abstractboek:<br />

Donderdag 29 september 2011: bladzijde 2 t/m 5<br />

Vrijdag 30 september 2011: bladzijde 5 t/m 7

Hoofdsponsoren radiologendagen 2011<br />

sponsoren en exposanten<br />

Agfa HealthCare<br />

Alliance Medical<br />

Bard Benelux<br />

Bayer Schering Pharma<br />

Biomedic<br />

Bracco Imaging Europe<br />

Covidien Nederland<br />

Esaote Pie Medical<br />

GE Healthcare<br />

Guerbet Nederland<br />

Haga Medical<br />

Helsebemanning<br />

Medtronic Nederland<br />

Melius Pro<br />

Oldelft Benelux<br />

Radiomatix<br />

Toshiba Medical Systems Nederland<br />

Tromp Medical<br />

Vrest Medical

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