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<strong>1843</strong><br />
The Galloway Advertiser and<br />
Wigtownshire Free Press<br />
Birth, Marriage and Death Records<br />
Transcribed by Diana Henry<br />
5 th January <strong>1843</strong> (Week 1)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Wigtown, on Monday, the 26th ult., the wife of Mr John Gulline, merchant, of a son.<br />
At Ballantrae, on Saturday, the 31st ult, Mrs Samuel Baird, of a son.<br />
At Palnackie, on the 30th ult., Mrs Capt. M'Cartney, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 1st curt., Mrs M'Minn, Academy Street, of a son.<br />
At Floors Castle, on the 31st ult., the Duchess of Roxburgh, of a son.<br />
At Mansfield village, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Kirkland, Mr Andrew Stillie, Old Cumnock, to Miss<br />
Margaret Houston, Farclaugh, (Farelaugh) New Cumnock.<br />
At Yuisgua Chapel, Merthyr Tydvil, by the Rev. T.B. Evans, Mr Wm. Millward, sadler, to Miss Isabella sister<br />
of James Hyslop, tea-dealer, George Town, Merthyr.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Fisher Street, this morning, Mr James Gulline, cooper.<br />
On Friday, the 30th ult., at Wallace Hall, under the roof of her affectionate son, Crawford T. Ramage, Esq.,<br />
Rector of the Wallace Hall Academy, Mrs Black, whose good judgement and amiability of character gained<br />
the universal respect of her numerous friends.<br />
At Powellimount, Kirkbean, on the 27th ult., Agnes Little, wife of Mr C. Irving, farmer there. The poor in<br />
the neighbourhood have lost a particular friend by her decease.<br />
At Thornycroft, near Stranraer, on the 30th ult., Benjamin Paterson, aged 93.<br />
At Auchencairn, on the 27th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Howatson.<br />
At Kirkennan Cottage, on the 29th ult., aged 68, Catherine, relict of Barnerd O'Neil.<br />
At Burnside of Baltersan, in the parish of Holywood, on the 24th ult., Archibald Milligan, Esq., advanced in<br />
life.<br />
At Maxwelltown House, Glencairn, on the 23d ult., John M'Clownie, junior, aged 27 years.<br />
At Annan, last week, in consequence of a kick from a horse, Christopher, son of William M'Gregor,<br />
tinsmith.<br />
At Galston, Ayrshire, on Saturday, the 24th ult., Andrew M'Cormick, aged 86.<br />
At Cairn Hall, Stirlingshire, on the 24th ult., Margaret, aged 16; and on the 26th ult., Helen, aged 14,<br />
daughters of the late Mr William Murray, farmer - both of scarlet fever.<br />
At Cairn Hall, Stirlingshire, on the 24th ult., Margaret, aged 16; and on the 26th ult., Helen, aged 14,<br />
daughters of the late Mr William Murray, farmer - both of scarlet fever.
Richard Wood, Supervisor of Excise, Langholm, in his 50th year - respected by all who knew him.<br />
At Burnside, of Baltersan, on the 24th ult., Archibald Milligan, Esq., advanced in life.<br />
12 th January <strong>1843</strong> (Week 2)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander M'Credie, baker, of a daughter.<br />
At Priestside, on the 5th inst., Mrs Samuel Grierson, of a son.<br />
At Nithsdale, New South Wales, on the 16th August last, Mr Hugh Wallace, of a son.<br />
At Kirkcowan, on Saturday, the 31st ult., Mrs John M'Cubbin, joiner, of a daughter.<br />
At Dinny, Kirkcowan, Mrs J. M'Clure, of a daughter.<br />
At Borland, parish of Old Luce, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr Pullar, Mr James Johnstone, driver of the<br />
Dumfries and Portpatrick Mail, to Miss Susan M'Chlery.<br />
At Portwilliam, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. William Dunlop, Miss Hannah, to Thomas Oldfield, Esq.,<br />
Farm, Denbighshire.<br />
A New Maddison, State of Indiana, North America, on the 11th Nov. last, Alexander Shaw, late merchant,<br />
Newton Stewart, to Miss Shaw, of Glasgow.<br />
At Waltrieburn, Tinwald, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Geo. Greig, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Murray, schoolmaster,<br />
Irongray, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Adam Cowan, millwright there.<br />
At Valleyfield, Tongland, on the 3d curt., by the Rev. D.S. Williamson, Mr Adam Gray, jun. farmer, Ingliston<br />
of Borgue, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr William Henry, farmer there.<br />
On Monday week, Mr James Gordon, of Dumfries, whitesmith, to Miss Isabella Keanup, Bridport Street,<br />
Liverpool.<br />
At Sanquhar, on Friday, the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Croom, Mr James Reid Harkness, Kirkconnell Village,<br />
to Mary Chisholm, Sanquhar.<br />
At Kirkconnell Manse, on the 2d curt., by the Rev. Mr Richardson, Mr Hugh Hunter, Crown Inn, New<br />
Cumnock, to Mary second daughter of Mr Thomas Blacklock, Kirkconnell Village.<br />
At Nantwich, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. R. H. Granton, Mr Gilbert Murray draper, third son of Hamilton<br />
Murray, Esq., Barnharrow, County of Wigtown, to Miss Elizabeth, fourth daughter of Mr W. Ashley, tailor,<br />
same place.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 7th inst., Elizabeth, aged 2 years, daughter of Mr A. McCredie, baker.<br />
Here, at Sun Street, on the 1st inst., Mrs Wm Davidson.<br />
At Whitelees, near Stranraer, on the 5th inst., Eliza Hunter, fourth daughter of the late Mr James Hunter,<br />
merchant, Stranraer.<br />
At Macao, China, on the 27th July last, Captain James M'Dowall of the ship "William Perrie."<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 26th ult., Mrs Kennedy, relict of Mr Thomas Kennedy, postmaster there, aged 78<br />
years.<br />
At Townhead, Dumfries, on the 5th inst., Mr John M'Kaig, carter. Perhaps in his trade there did not exist a<br />
more trustworthy man, and his loss is much regretted by the respectable mercantile gentlemen, for to<br />
him they always gave the preference.<br />
At St. David Street, Dumfries, on the 8th inst., Mr John Stewart, plumber, of small-pox in his 30th year. The<br />
deceased was a respectable tradesman, and much respected in the town and district.<br />
At his residence, Queen Street, Dumfries, on the 2d current, Mr James <strong>Robert</strong>son.<br />
At the Infirmary, Dumfries, on the 4th inst., Mr Samuel Gordon, late schoolmaster at Milton of Urr, aged 34<br />
years.<br />
At Carmadie on the 1st inst., Joseph M'Kie, aged 29 years. The deceased for many years acted as ostler to<br />
Mr David M'Burnie, of the White Hart, Dumfries.<br />
At Southerness, on the 5th inst., Peter Linton, Esq., Mr Linton held the commission of Lieutenant in the<br />
Dumfrieshire militia. At the private board of his lay friends, as at the "mess" he kept the table in a roar,<br />
not by the wit however of the coarse and vulgar, but from the overflowing impulse of a heart that bore
enmity to none of God's creatures, - for of a truth it was surcharged with the milk of human kindness, and,<br />
as a consequence, his society was as generally courted in life, as his death is collectively regretted.<br />
At Langholm, on the 31st ult., in his 50th year, Richard Wood, supervisor of excise, greatly regretted.<br />
At Scalehill, Tundergarth, on the 7th curt., Mr Andrew Hoggan, at an advanced age.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 2d inst., Grace Crawford. At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th inst., very suddenly, aged 88<br />
years, Mr James M'Cartney, brother of the late Alex. M'Cartney, Esq., manager of the commercial Bank of<br />
Scotland.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 11th inst., after a protracted illness, Mr John M'Clement, aged 52 years, of the<br />
Black Horse Inn.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th inst., Mr James Crawford, tailor, aged 45 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 7th inst., Margaret M'Guffie, relict of the late Richard Cosh, aged 72 years.<br />
At Cromypark, parish of Kells, on the 31st ult., Mr Jas. Hastings, aged 43 years.<br />
At Earlston House, Borgue, on the 6th inst., in the 63d year of his age, Sir John Gordon, Baronet.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 6th inst., Mrs Currie, widow of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Currie, mariner, who was lost in the<br />
"Black-Eyed Susan."<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 7th inst., Mr Thomas Butters, carrier, aged 84 years.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 89th inst., Mrs Knox, wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Knox, mason.<br />
At Walton House, on the 5th inst., Arthur Philip Johnston, youngest son of William Ponsonby Johnston<br />
Esq., in the 11th (14th) year of his age.<br />
At his residence, No 12, Beaumont Place, Edinburgh, on the 3d inst., Mr Thomas Robinson, formery of<br />
Moffat.<br />
19 th January <strong>1843</strong> (Week 3)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 12th curt., Mrs A. McFarlane, of a son; same day, Mrs Rae, of a son.<br />
At Creachmore, parish of Leswalt, on the 4th inst., Mrs John Kerr, of a son.<br />
At Cairnryan, on the 10th inst., Mrs James Laurie, of a son.<br />
At Palnackie, on Friday the 13th inst., Mrs Joseph Wright, of a son.<br />
At 148, Trongate Street, Glasgow, on the 5th inst., Mrs William M'Kim, of a daughter.<br />
At Annan, on the 13th inst., Mrs Nelson, of the Edinburgh and Leith Bank, of a daughter.<br />
At Lamloch, parish of Carsphairn, on the 4th inst., Mrs M'Millan, of a daughter.<br />
At Langholm, on the 13th inst., Mrs Alexander Scott, of a daughter.<br />
At Orchard Knowes, Colvend, on Tuesday the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr Anderson, John M'Cartney, Esq., yr.<br />
of Barlocca, to Miss Jane, second daughter of the late Wm. Lamney, Esq.<br />
At Ardauchie, parish of Kirkowen, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mr James Thompson, Minnigaff,<br />
to Agnes, daughter of Mr Henry Gillespie, Ardauchie.<br />
At Annan, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. James Monilaws, Mr Irving, Whinnyrigg, to Miss Helen Porteous.<br />
At Bank of Bishopton, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. John Gordon, Twynholm, Mr John Bell, joiner, to Miss<br />
Isabella Laidlaw.<br />
At the British Embassy, Paris, on Saturday the 7th inst., by the Right Rev. Bishop of Luscombe, Mr William<br />
Maxwell, second son of Mr John Maxwell, Newabbey, near Dumfries, to Mary Ann, daughter of Mr Alex. S.<br />
M'Donald, Railway Agent, at Meulan, Seine et Oise, France.<br />
At Pingle, parish of Middlebie, by the Rev. Mr Hamilton, Mr James Murray, to Miss Wilhelmina, youngest<br />
daughter of Mr James Thomson, farmer there.<br />
At Ecclefechan, on the 20th ult., by the Rev. William Tait, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Irving, musician, to Miss Barbara<br />
Moffat, dressmaker there.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Ochtrelure, on the 15th inst., James Neilson, sen., aged 89 years. He was 64 years a married man; and<br />
had 11 children, 49 grand-children, and 41 great-grand-children - in all, 101 descendants.
At Kirktonhill, parish of Westerkirk, on the 9th inst., William Scott, aged 72.<br />
At Bogra, parish of Halfmorton, Adam Paterson, farmer, aged 69.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 12th inst., Miss Milligan, aged 77.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 14th inst., Mr William Withers, aged 77.<br />
Suddenly, at Creetown, on the 11th ult., aged 9 years, Michael Kevan.<br />
At Minnihive, on the 31st ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Brown, late of Dalmellington, aged 85.<br />
At same place on the 5th inst., after a lingering illness Mr John M'Knight, mason.<br />
At same place on the 12 inst., Joseph Hewetson, third son of Mr James M'Harg, baker there.<br />
At same place on the 13th inst., very suddenly, Mr John Robison, carter, Gallowgate.<br />
At Dunriggan, on the 10th inst., Mrs Jean Fergusson, relict of Alex. Grierson, merchant there.<br />
At Chapelcroft, on Sunday the 8th inst., Mrs Carruthers.<br />
At Pills, Colvend, on Monday the 16th inst., Mrs Andrew Davidson, aged 63 years.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 11th inst., Mr John Gillespie.<br />
At Kirkton, Kirkmahoe, on the 14th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Neilson, carter.<br />
At Bettyknows, in the parish of Lochrutton, on Thursday the 29th ult., Alex Davidson, aged 64 years.<br />
At Annan, on the 10th inst., Janet Black, relict of Peter <strong>Robert</strong>son, late in Trailtrow, aged 89 years.<br />
At Bungay, on the 10th ult., James Wilson, tea dealer, a native of Parton, Kirkcudbrightshire - much<br />
lamented.<br />
At Cally House, near Gatehouse, on the 9th inst., Mr Joseph Rushton, aged 85. He was a native of<br />
Macclesfield in Cheshire, and for upwards of half a century had been in the employ of the late James<br />
Murray, Esq., of Broughton, and of Alexander Murray, Esq., M.P. for the Stewartry.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 11th inst., Mr John M'Clement, landlord of the Black Bull Inn, who was much<br />
respected.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 23d ult., aged 32 years, Mr Nathan Reid, blacksmith there, youngest son of the late<br />
Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Reid, mason, of that place.<br />
At Fairfield Lodge, Ayr, on the 9th inst., Alexander Murdoch, Esq.<br />
26 th January <strong>1843</strong> (Week 4)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Sun Street, on the 22d inst., the wife of James Rankine, of a son.<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 19th inst., Mrs M'Whirter, of a daughter.<br />
At North Cairn, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Cochrane, of a son.<br />
At Oxenford Castle, on the 10th inst., Mrs Benjamin Moss, of a daughter.<br />
At Whitepark, parish of Inch, on the 22d inst., Mrs William M'Clean, of a son.<br />
At Mark, parish of Leswalt, on the 13th inst., Mrs John Caven, of a daughter.<br />
At Limekiln, parish of Inch on the 16th inst., Mrs John Moncrief, of a son.<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 14th inst., Mrs M'William, of a son.<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 14th inst., Mrs William Edgar, of a daughter.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., the wife of Samuel Gardener, of a son.<br />
At New-Galloway, on the 19th inst., Mrs William Johnston, joiner, of a daughter.<br />
At Knocknalling, parish of Kells, on the 22d inst., Mrs Alexander of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gibson, shoemaker, of a son.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr Wm. Shortridge, shoemaker, of a son.<br />
At Hunterheck, on the 20th inst., Mrs Johnston, of a son.<br />
At Chapelcroft, Buittle, on the 13th inst., Mrs John Broadfoot, of a son.<br />
At Cuile, parish of Buittle, on the 1st inst., Mrs M'Clymont, of a son.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 6th inst., Mr John Milligan, baker, to Barbara Carnan; same place and day, <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Carnan, baker, to Helen Ballantyne.<br />
At Coliston, Dunscore, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. (W) Beattie, John Finlay, to Elizabeth, only daughter of<br />
Wm. Cumming.<br />
At Crawick Forge, by Sanquhar, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Montgomery, Mr James Hyslop, to<br />
Miss Elizabeth Rigg, second daughter of Mr Charles Rigg, spade and shovel manufacturer, Crawick Forge.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Jeffrey of Girthon, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Gaw, mason, to Eliza,
eldest daughter of Mr Alex McDonald.<br />
On Wednesday ????? at ??????? chapel, Lympstone, Devon, Thomas Foster Barham, M.B. of St. Leonard's,<br />
Exeter, to Margaret, daughter of the late Capt. W. Henryson, R.N., of Stranraer.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Inch Parks, near Stranraer, on the 15th inst., Mrs Helen Dalrymple, aged 63 years, relict of Mr John<br />
M'Kenzie, farmer there.<br />
At Cairnryan, on the 14th inst., Mrs Alex Watson.<br />
At Garchie, parish of Leswalt, on the 15th inst., John, third son of Mr W. Cairns, farmer there, aged 24<br />
years.<br />
Here, on the 22d inst., Margaret, only daughter of Mr James Wallace, teacher.<br />
At Spoutwells, near Stranraer, on the 23d inst., Jane, wife of Mr Samuel Taylor, farmer, aged 70 years.<br />
At Galdenoch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 19th inst., Mary, daughter of Mr John Ewing, farmer, aged 19<br />
years - much and justly lamented.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 19th inst., after undergoing the operation of cutting a cancer from the armpit, Mr Hugh<br />
Thorbron, Sinniness, Glenluce.<br />
At Sandhead, on the 22d inst., James M'Neillie, infant son of Mr James M'Neillie, blacksmith.<br />
At her home, Loreburn Street, Dumfries, on Sunday the 22d inst., advanced in years, Mrs Crosbie, relict of<br />
Mr John Crosbie, merchant. Our obituary has never, we are confident, been the vehicle of announcing the<br />
demise of a worthier woman than Mrs Crosbie. She retained the business of her husband from the time of<br />
his death, now many years ago, and so long as the decaying strength of increasing years enabled her,<br />
attended to it with all possible application. Her unobtrusive and obliging disposition converted almost<br />
every customer into a well wishing friend; and to her own private acquaintances her kindness and hearty<br />
homeliness endeared her in a high degree.<br />
At Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 10th inst., aged 25 years, Miss Mary B.M. Johnstone, youngest daughter of<br />
the late George Johnstone, Esq., of the B??????? Medical Service.<br />
At Stepends, on the 18th inst., Mr William Ferguson, for many years toll-keeper there - much regretted.<br />
At Stroanpatrick, Dalry, on the 19th inst., Marion Gibson, relict of Mr William Ramsay, late farmer in<br />
Cornharrow, at the advanced age of 88 - much respected.<br />
At Buenos Ayres, South America, on the 8th Sept. after a lingering illness, Mary, third daughter of the late<br />
Mr John Broatch, formerly farmer in Riggfoot, Kirkmahoe.<br />
At Sanquhar, on the 30th ult., aged 75, James ???? universally and justly lamented.<br />
At Kirkennan Port Lodge, on the 13th inst., Janet Telfart, spinster, aged 90 years, the oldest woman in<br />
Buittle.<br />
At Garwald Waterfoot, in the parish of Eskdalemuir, on the morning of the 13 th inst., William Ewart,<br />
mason, Moffat. His death was occasioned by extreme cold endured in the severe storm of the morning of<br />
the 13 th and preceding night.<br />
At Gelston, on the 14 th inst., Jean Brodrick, relict of the late James Martin, also, on the 18 th inst., James<br />
Candlish.<br />
At Torhousemuir, on the 12 th inst., Thomas Alison, aged 76; and on the following day, his wife, Elizabeth<br />
Henderson, aged 65 years. They were both interred in Wigtown church-yard at the same time.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 16 th inst., aged 12 months, Margaret, the only child of Mr Edward M’Intyre, printer – a<br />
native of Dumfries.<br />
At Houston Manse, on the 18 th inst., the Rev. John Monteath, D.D., In the 91 st year of his age, and 63d of his<br />
ministry, having been for some time the Father of the Church of Scotland.<br />
2 nd February <strong>1843</strong> (Week 5)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Kirkcolm, on Wednesday last Mrs John M’Intyre, of a son.<br />
At Craigcaffey, on Tuesday last, Mrs William M'Cracken, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumbay, on Thursday last, Mrs Bowie of a daughter.<br />
At Dunragget, on the 28th ult., Mrs Henderson of a son.<br />
At Blairbuy, on the 29th ult, Mrs Alex. Gifford, of a son.<br />
At Enoch, parish of Portpatrick on the 22d ult., Mrs John Waters, of a son.
At Black Craig, parish of Minnigaff, on the 30th ult., Mrs Charles Murphy, of a daughter.<br />
At Loreburn Street, Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Mrs John M'Kaig, of a son.<br />
At King Street, Dumfries, on the 17th ult., Mrs John Murdoch, tailer, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkmichael Manse, on the 20th ult., Mrs Dobie of a daughter.<br />
At Norfolk Street, Laurieston, Glasgow, on the 17th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Welsh, compositor, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. M (Mr) Wm. Reid, Mr Richard M'Adam, mariner,<br />
Garliestown, to Miss Elizabeth M’Lean, second daughter of Mr John M'Lean, shoemaker.<br />
At Newcastleton, by the Rev. Mr. Black, Dr Murray, to Miss Agnes Scott, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas<br />
Scott, innkeeper, there.<br />
At Kirkconnel Park, on he 27th ult., by the Rev. W. Dunlop, Mr George Dunlop, of London, to Miss Ellen<br />
Irving, daughter of Mr Thomas Irving, Kirkconnel Park.<br />
At Orchard Knowes, Colvend, on Tuesday, the 17th ult., by the Rev. Mr Anderson, John M'Cartney, Esq., yr.<br />
Barlocco to Miss Jane, second daughter of the late Wm. Lamney, Esq.,<br />
At Crockcroy, on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Montgomery, Sanquhar, Mr John Hislop, Upper Cairn to<br />
Janet, daughter of Mr Peter Sharp, shepherd, Crockcroy of Kirkconnell.<br />
At Creetown, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr Muir, Mr Wm. Minnis, to Elizabeth Murphy.<br />
At Leghorn, on the 6th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Duncan the Rev. Wm. Allan, Missionary from the Church of<br />
Scotland to the Jews, to Annabella, eldest daughter of the late John Torrance, Esq., surgeon, Kilmarnock.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Glenluce, on the 23d ult., aged 82 years, Jane M'Dowall, relict of William Leggat, Whitecairn, Distant<br />
friends will please accept this notice.<br />
At Drumore, Kirkmaiden, on the 21st ult., aged (4?) years, Mr John Wallace, merchant there.<br />
At Byreburnside, parish of Cannobie, on the 25th ult., Alexander Grant, aged 84.<br />
At New Langholm, on the 29th ult., Janet, fifth daughter of Archibald Nichol.<br />
At Sandhead, on the 30th ult., Alexander, aged 5 1/2 years, son of Mr James M'Neillie, blacksmith there.<br />
At Hawick, on the 20th ultimo, Janet Kedie, relict of the late Mr John Pringle, manufacturer there.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, lately, Jane Harkness Fletcher, daughter of Mr John Fletcher, sailmaker. She was aged<br />
19, was an affectionate and dutiful child, and her early decease is greatly lamented by her friends.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 24th ult., William Ireland, Esq., writer, and agent for the Bank of Scotland there.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 26th ult., after a severe illness, Mr Alexander Glover, nearly in the prime of life.<br />
At Minnihive, on the 12th ult., Joseph M'Kay, aged 10 years, fifth son of Mr James M'Kay, baker.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on Sabbath, the 15th ult., Janet Moffat aged 75, relict of John M'Quhae, coachman to the late<br />
? Lamont of Kirkpatrick-Durham.<br />
At the same place, on Tuesday, the 17th ult., Dougald M'Laurin, merchant - justly and highly respected in<br />
the village and neighbourhood, and a wide circle of acquaintances.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 24th ult., Jane M'Dowall, relict of William Leggat, of White Cairn.<br />
Suddenly, on the island of Grand Cayman's, W. Indies, on the 19th September last, in the (?6)th year of his<br />
age, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Carsewell, ship carpenter, a native of Kelton, Dumfries-shire. The deceased was on board<br />
"Duchess of Buccleuch" when wrecked on August last, and has left a widow and numerous family to<br />
lament his premature death.<br />
On the (24)th ult., aged 82 years, the Hon. W. Howard, brother of the Earl of Carlisle, and formerly M.P.<br />
(for) Morpeth.<br />
On the 18th ult., T.S. Foster, Viscount Ferrard, son (of) the celebrated John Foster, first Lord Oriel; and (?)<br />
speaker of the Irish House of Commons.<br />
At Kenview, New Galloway, on the 11th ult., Barb(ara), wife of Dougald Campbell, Esq., aged 28 years. The<br />
deceased was much respected and greatly esteemed for the many charitable acts of benevolence, and to<br />
her (own) private acquaintances her kindly disposition endeared (??) in a high degreee.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 25th ult., Mrs Jean Johnson relict of the late Mr Joseph Broom, sometime merchant.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 29th ult., Mrs Elizabeth Patterson spouse of Mr Francis Murray, baker.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Mrs Agnes Little, spouse of Mr William Swan, grocer.
At Croalchaple of Closeburn, on the 15 th ult., Margaret Huddlestone, relict of Mr Hugh Huddlestone, there.<br />
The deceased was a most worthy respectable character, and was highly esteemed in (the) neighbourhood<br />
as at once an exemplary Christian, and an affectionate and indulgent mother.<br />
At Cunningholm of Closeburn, on the 18 th ult., John Kellie, farmer in Cunningholm, aged 84 years. Mr<br />
Kellie was succeeded in the farm of Ellisland by Burns, (with) whom he continued in terms of indissoluble<br />
intimacy (until) the death of the latter. Upon leaving Ellisland (Mr) Kellie farmed the Highland in Upper<br />
Closeburn whe(re) was built a steading by the father of Sir Charles Men(?) which, at that time, was<br />
excelled by few in the cou(ntry) and which is worthy of the memory of the past, as wa??? creditable to the<br />
present proprietor, for agricultural ???ality and encouragement. The deceased was a ??? among a<br />
thousand, and died as he lived, an example worthy to be imitated by fallen humanity.<br />
9 th February <strong>1843</strong> (Week 6)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 30th ult., Mrs Broadfoot, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Hillhead, on the 30th ult., Mrs Andrew Houston, of a son.<br />
At Milton, parish of Inch, on the 24th ult., Mrs Peter M'Kenzie, of a son.<br />
At Ardwall Inn, Stoneykirk, on the 3d inst. Mrs David Wilson, of a son.<br />
At Cairnweil, Stoneykirk, on the 6th last, Mrs Alex. Todd, of a son.<br />
At Cauldhame, Kirkmaiden, on the 3d inst., Mrs Robt. M'Cormick, of a son.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 26th ult., Mrs David M'Connochie, of a daughter.<br />
At Coton House, Warwickshire, on the 29th ult., the Lady Jane Johnstone Douglas, of a daughter.<br />
At Kings Head Inn, Springfield on the 24th ult., Mrs Andrew Beattie, of a daughter.<br />
At Annan, Mrs William Lockerbie, manufacturer, of a son.<br />
At Langholm, on the 3d inst., Mrs Charles Grieve, baker, of a daughter.<br />
At Culreoch, parish of Girthon, on the 1st inst., Mrs M'Clymont, of a son.<br />
At Townhead, Girthon, on the 29th ult., Mrs James Rain, of a daughter.<br />
Here, on the 30th ult., Mr Thomas Fraser, artist, Edinburgh, to Louisa, daughter of the late Mr James<br />
Hannah, Stranraer.<br />
At Genoch, parish of Old Luce, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr John Wilson to Miss<br />
Margaret Muir.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. Mr William Reid, Mr Richard M'Adam, mariner,<br />
Garliestown, to Miss Elizabeth M'Lean, second daughter of Mr John M'Lean, shoemaker.<br />
At Annan, on the 20th ult. by the Rev. James Dobie, Captain D. Lawson, to Jane, eldest daughter of John<br />
Lawson, roper, Closehead.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on Sabbath, the --- --- by the Rev. John Strain of St. Peter's Chapel, Mr William Roany, to Miss<br />
Maria Rafferty, both of that place.<br />
At Slanwick, on the 25th ult., the Rev. H. Birch of Driffield, to Margaret, youngest daughter of (Mr) George<br />
Wheatby, Esq., Cote Hill, near Gretna Bridge.<br />
At Newcastleton, by the Rev. Mr B(a)rton, William Hall, shepherd, Carritridge, to Mary, eldest daughter of<br />
Mr Andrew Scott, shoemaker there.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Spoutwells, near Stranrer on the 2d inst., Jane, wife of Mr Samuel Taylor, farmer, aged 70 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 2d inst., Margaret Martin, relict of John M'Kinnell, flesher, aged 78.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 3d inst., Hugh Little, servant to A. Macdonnell, Sheriff-Substitute.<br />
At Bridge of Bladenoch, on the 4th inst., after a few days' illness, Mr James Hume, officer of excise, aged<br />
33.<br />
At Killemore, Kirkcowan, on the 27th ult., Janet Eaglesom, aged 89 years. She was housekeeper formerly,<br />
to Mr M'Bryde, Barlucre, for the space of 33 years.<br />
At Causewayend, parish of Penningham, in the prime of life, on the 2d inst., Mr John Morrison, cartwright,<br />
one of the few individuals to be met with in the world who act (sedulously) on the golden rule of doing<br />
unto others as they would be done by.
At Barnspark, Crossmichael, on the 29th ultimo, Ann Hunter, wife of Mr Thomas M'Myn, aged 64.<br />
At Sandfield, Crossmichael, on the 7th inst., Mr William Milroy, advanced in life.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 6th inst., Nelly M'Gready, aged 62.<br />
At 10, Shakspeare Street, Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 31st ult., of small pox. George Shore, aged 5 1/2<br />
months, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Johnstone, printer.<br />
At Dumfries, on Wednesday, the 1st inst., aged 69, Charles Edgar, late farmer in Glenbowan, parish of<br />
Caerlaverock.<br />
At Langholm, on the 6th inst., Janet, spouse of Mr John Warwick, horse-dealer, was delivered of twin sons,<br />
both dead, about 9 in the morning, and at 12 she herself departed this life, in the 23d year of her age.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 1st inst., George Boyd, Esq., of Messrs Oliver and Boyd, publishers.<br />
At Craigen Cottage, on Thursday, the 19th ult., James Moffat, aged 95, formerly farmer, Foreside,<br />
Lochrutton.<br />
At Annan, Julia, infant daughter of Mr John Little, draper.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 29th ult, Margaret Thomson, relict of <strong>Robert</strong> Adamson, carrier between there and<br />
Dumfries; on the 30th Agnes Wilson, aged 70; and same day, James M'Lachlan, formerly land-steward and<br />
overseer to the late Mr Maxwell, of Kirkconnel.<br />
At Dorset Street, Dublin, on Saturday, the 28th ult., Mrs M'Cartney, relict of <strong>Robert</strong> M'Cartney, Esq.,<br />
At Cambuslang Manse, on the 2d inst., the Rev. Dr John <strong>Robert</strong>son, in the 75th year of his age, and the 45th<br />
of his ministry.<br />
16 th February <strong>1843</strong> (Week 7)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Trades Street, here, on the 13th inst., Mrs James Crooks, of a son.<br />
At Neptune Street, here, on the 14th inst., Mrs Captain M'Haffie, of a daughter.<br />
At Greenvale Street, here, on the 14th inst., Mrs Whiteside, of a daughter.<br />
Here, on the 15th inst., Mrs Guilmette, of a daughter.<br />
At Auchenree, parish of Portpatrick, on the 7th inst., Mrs James M'William, of a daughter.<br />
At Balgown, on the 14th instant, Mrs M'Ghee, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., Mrs William Thomson jun, White Sands, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on Friday, the 3d inst., the wife of Mr George Graham, cabinet-maker, of a son.<br />
At Grove Street, Liverpool, on the 5th inst., the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> C. Crosbie, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At No 2, Wellington Place, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> M'Micken, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on Friday, the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr Ranken, Mr Charles Payne, flesher, to Janet, daughter<br />
of Mr Samuel Scott shoemaker, English Street.<br />
At Maybole, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr Thomson, Mr Henry Francis Murray, to Miss Janet Limont,<br />
Culroy.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Foreland, Ballantrae, on the 1st inst., Mr John Brown.<br />
At Fulton, Itawamba, Mississippi, Helen Burns, wife of Mr William Tannahill, formerly of the Public Works,<br />
Portpatrick, in the 60th year of her age.<br />
At Westmains, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 7th inst., Isabella Wylie, wife of Alex Clumpha, servant to Mr<br />
Broadfoot, leaving ten children to lament her loss.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 12th inst., Janet M'Keand, wife of Peter Shennan, of the Grapes Inn, in the prime of life.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 13th inst., Alex. Kevand, late marchant, at the age of 78 years.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 9th inst., Samuel Stevenson, after a lingering illness - much regretted.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 11th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> M'Conchie, after a lingering illness, aged 84 years.<br />
Suddenly, at Bankhead, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the --------Agnes Cunningham, wife of Mr John Douglas<br />
(farm)er in Trondle - deeply regretted.<br />
---------Bridge End, Minnigaff, on the 12th ult., aged 38 -----Charles Erskine, blacksmith. Deceased was a<br />
(kind hear)ted, honest man, and his loss will be severely felt by (his) widow and young family, and<br />
mourned by many (friends) and acquaintances.
At Bogue, parish of Dalry, on Sunday morning, after a (few) days illness, John Gordon Barbour, Esq., aged<br />
68 years - much and deservedly regretted.<br />
At Colin Mill, Auchencairn, on Wednesday the 8th inst., (Mr) Peter Thomson, aged 50 years.<br />
At Dumfries, on Thursday, the 2d inst., aged 3 years and 4 months, Charles, son of Mr George Graham,<br />
cabinet-maker.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 21st ult., Mr Samuel Bryden, schoolmaster, Terregles, aged 80 years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 10th inst., after a short but severe illness, Richard Mundell, Esq., Bank Agent,<br />
extensively known ------ and deeply regretted, by the general public - Friends from a distance will be<br />
pleased to accept this intimation of his premature and lamented death.<br />
At ------------, Nottinghamshire, on the 20th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> --------on, tea-dealer, aged 42 years - a native of<br />
Dumfries.<br />
At Au-------- on the 6th inst., after a short illness, Margaret, wife of Mr Andrew Patterson, in the 44th year<br />
of her age, - deeply regretted.<br />
At Annan, Mrs Julia Jeffrey, Lady Street, advanced in years.<br />
At Longtown, on the 5th inst., Mr Masklin, excise-officer.<br />
At Glengar--- on the 14th inst., Mr John Hudson, farmer there, aged 92 years.<br />
Suddenly, at --------field, Ayrshire, on the 3d inst., Col. Crawfurd ----------, commandant of the Ayrshire<br />
Yeomanry Cavalry.<br />
23 rd February <strong>1843</strong> (Week 8)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Balkail, Glenluce on the 18th inst., Mrs Fergusson, of a son.<br />
At Clachan, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Mrs Agnew, of a daughter.<br />
At Artnoch, Colmonell, on the 31st ult., Mrs James M'Queen, of a son.<br />
At Artnoch, Colmonell, on the 6th inst., Mrs James M'Geoch, of a son.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 13th curt, Mrs Dobie, of a daughter.<br />
At Lockerbie, on the 16th inst., Mrs Baird, of the Edinburgh and Leith Bank, of a son.<br />
At Annan, last week, Mrs James Scott, High street, of a daughter.<br />
At Stebon terrace, Mile End road, London, on the 10th inst., Mrs Anthony M'Dowall, of a daughter.<br />
At Creetown, on the 10th inst., Mr W. Boyle, to Miss Agnes M'Lelland.<br />
At 26, Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. W. Dunlop, Mr James Potts, Secretary to<br />
the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Marine Insurance Company, to Isabella Scott, youngest daughter of the Rev. W.<br />
Dunlop, of that place.<br />
At Ruthwell Manse, on the 29(28)th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Duncan, M.D. of Dumfries, the Rev. James<br />
Dodds, minister of Humble, to Barbara Anne, only daughter of the Rev. Henry Duncan, D.D. of Ruthwell.<br />
At Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Mr Jenkins of Castle-Douglas, Mr William Christie,<br />
cartwright, Deebridge, to Miss Jane M'Adam, Holywood.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 23d inst., John Wingate, eldest son of the late Wingate <strong>Robert</strong>son, Esq., aged<br />
4 ½ years.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 16th curt, Agnes Halliday, spouse of Mr William Johnston, aged 72.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 22nd curt, Ann Henney, in the prime of life.<br />
At Langholm, on the 18th inst., James, infant son of Mr Thomas Cowan, merchant.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 14th inst., Miss Grizzel M'William.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 14th inst., aged 8 years, Mary Herries, daughter of Mr Thomas Blackley, Road<br />
Surveyor there.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 15th curt, Miss Williamina Johnstone, aged 22.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 19th curt, Mary Sproat, relict of Mr Joseph Herries, and sister of Mr John Sproat,<br />
late merchant, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Creebridge, on the 13th inst., Mr C. Erskine, blacksmith.<br />
At Laurieknowe, Maxwelltown, on Saturday, the 18th inst., Captain Thomas Lookup.
At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., aged 34 years, Walter Glover, mason, after a long and painfull illness, which<br />
he bore with exemplary patience and Christian resignation - deeply regretted by a wide circle of relatives<br />
and acquaintances.<br />
At Parkfoot, Dumfries, on the 17th inst., aged 10 years, Margaret, daughter of Mr Thomas Haining, writer.<br />
At College Street, Maxwelltown, on the 16th inst., Mr John Anderson, tailor.<br />
At Friars' Vennel, Dumfries, on the 17th inst., Grace Johnstone, relict of Mr John Gordon, shoemaker.<br />
At Hazledean, the residence of Allan Gilmour, Esq., on the 15th inst., Miss Agnes Dickson, daughter of the<br />
late Thomas Dickson, Esq., Glengaber, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Bankhead, by Sanquhar, on the 15th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude, and<br />
resignation, Agnes, daughter of Crichton Bell, in the prime of life.<br />
At 42, Brown Street, Glasgow, on the 13th inst., Capt Wm. Murdoch, late master of the George M'Leod,<br />
which was wrecked in the Solway on the 20th ult.,<br />
At New Langholm awfully sudden, Mr John Wilson, stocking-maker. The deceased went to bed Tuesday<br />
evening week, much about his usual state of health, though complaining a little previously, and by<br />
Wednesday morning the vital spark had fled.<br />
At Campbelton, on the 4th inst., of cramp in the stomach, Mr Peter Simpson, of Stranraer, aged 36 years.<br />
At Holmfirth, near Huddersfield, on the 10th inst., aged 43, after a short illness, Mr Alex. Brown, draper<br />
and tea-dealer, who was much respected.<br />
2 nd March <strong>1843</strong> (Week 9)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 23d ult., Mrs Thomas Morrow, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 21st ult., Mrs Stewart Kennedy, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Fisher Street, on the 28th ult., Mrs James Jeffrey, of a son.<br />
Here, at Castle Street, on the 22d ult., Mrs M'Call, of a daughter.<br />
At Cairngaan, Kirkmaiden, last week, Mrs M'Harry, of a daughter.<br />
At Toronto, Upper Canada, on the 23d Dec. last, Mrs Walter M'Farlane, of a son.<br />
At Barnsallie, Glenluce, on the 25th ult., Mrs Murchie, of a son.<br />
At Glenluce on the 25th ult., Mrs W.T. Saunders, of a son.<br />
Curious coincidence regarding the figure 3. - At Gatehouse, on the 13th ultimo, 13 minutes past 3 o'clock<br />
p.m. in the year <strong>1843</strong>, the wife of Mr John Kennedy, tailor, of a daughter, being her 13th child, and 3d<br />
daughter.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 15th ult., the wife of Mr John Thomson, clerk, cotton factory, of a daughter.<br />
At Castledykes, on the 21st ult., the lady of John B. Hepburn, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Mrs Laing, of a daughter.<br />
At Friar's Vennel, Dumfries, on Saturday last, the wife of Mr Wm. Mather, spirit dealer, of a son.<br />
At King street, Dumfries, on the 19th ult., Mrs John C. Dawson, of a son.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 18th ult., Mrs William Brown, saddler, of a daughter.<br />
At James Street, Blackburn, on Saturday the 18th ult., the wife of Mr James Millar, draper, of a daughter.<br />
At St Leonard's Church, Exeter, on the15th ult., by the Rev. W.B. Wills, Mr James Caird, Baldoon,<br />
Wigtownshire, to Margaret, only daughter of the late Captain John Henryson, Royal Engineer, of Stranraer,<br />
Scotland.<br />
Here, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. R. Donald, Mr William Evans, to Miss Jane Cowan.<br />
Here, at the Catholic Chapel, on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Richard Sinnett, Mr Michael M'Glaughlan,<br />
to Miss C. M'Keand, - same time and place, Mr Michael Lagan, to Miss Catherine M'Kie. The happy<br />
bridegroom is about 80 years of age.<br />
At Creetown, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. Mr Muir, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gilchrist, joiner, New Galloway, to Elizabeth<br />
Bennet.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Cults, parish of Inch, on the 28th ult., Mrs J. Lockhart.
At Low Ardwell, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 19th ult., Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr James Speirs,<br />
farmer there, aged 14 years.<br />
At his father's house, Dumfries, on the 23d ult., deeply regretted, William, fifth son of Provost Fraser, a<br />
youth of the highest promise and amiability, cut off in the prime of his days, amidst the fairest propects of<br />
future usefulness. But he was prepared for the great change; and his death-bed presented a scene of lively<br />
hope, faith, and resignation, from which the oldest Christian might have derived edification.<br />
At Church Place, Dumfries, on Sunday, of consumption , <strong>Robert</strong> Crosbie, in his 18th year, only son of Mr<br />
Samuel Blaind, draper - a young man of amiable dispositions.<br />
At Howgate, Maxwelltown, on the 26th ult., Mr John Blackie, millwright, aged 84 years.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 25th ult., Mr John Renwick, meal- dealer, aged 78 years.<br />
At Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, Mr John Gibson, sawyer, aged 58 years.<br />
At 2, Well Street, Maxwelltown, on the 25th ult., Mrs Helen Crosbie.<br />
At New Langholm, on the 26th ult., very suddenly, William Bell, weaver, aged 59 years.<br />
At Douglaw, parish of Westerkirk, Mary Scott, spouse of <strong>Robert</strong> Nicol, shepherd, aged 52 years.<br />
At Fernecleugh, Tinwald, on the 27th ult., Agnes Lockie, spouse of Mr David Anderson - much regretted.<br />
At Annan, on the 21st ult., William Duncan, gardener, aged 77 and, on the 23d, William Elliot, late tidewaiter,<br />
advanced in years.<br />
At Rigg, near Gretna, on Thursday, after a protracted illnes, Sarah, daughter of Mr John Wallace, aged 19<br />
years.<br />
At Hinton, parish of Anwoth, on the 17th ult., at the advanced age of four score and ten years, Agnes<br />
M'Clure, mother of Mr Andrew M'Lellan, tanner.<br />
At Grand Cayman's Island, off Cuba, on the 19th Nov. 1842, aged 43, Capt. William Thomson, of the brig<br />
Duchess of Buccleuch of Dumfries - much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.<br />
9 th March <strong>1843</strong> (Week 10)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on Sunday last, Mrs Alex. Hall, of a daughter.<br />
Here, in Fisher Street on the 27th ultimo, Mrs James Jeffrey, of a son.<br />
At High Curghie, Kirkmaiden, on the 27th ultimo, Mrs Dr M'Bride, of a son.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 26th ultimo, Mrs William Hunter, of a son.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 26th ultimo, Mrs Wallace Gordon, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on Saturday last, the Lady of H.B. Harris, M.D., of a son<br />
At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Mrs James Millar, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr James Crawford, shoemaker, of a daughter.<br />
At Knockaldie, parish of Leswalt, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. R. M'Neil, Mr Andrew M'Neil, farmer, Meikle<br />
Galdenoch, to Mis Sarah M'Neillie, Dindinnie.<br />
At Gateside, Holywood, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Kirkwood, Mr John Dickson, plasterer,<br />
Dumfries, to Margaret, second daughter of the late Mr James Haining, of Rigghead, Irongray.<br />
At New York, Mr John P. Tedcastle (late of Langholm) to Miss Margaret Thomson, second daughter of<br />
James Thomson, Esq., New York.<br />
At the English Independent chapel, Merthyr-Tydvil, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. E. Griffith, Mr James Allan,<br />
tea-dealer, late of Dumfries-shire, to Miss Smith, daughter of Mr H. Smith, Lamb Inn, Merthyr-Tydvil.<br />
DEATHS<br />
In Queen Street, here on the 24th ultimo, Mr Samuel Thompson, aged 44 years.<br />
At Hillhead, here, on the 25th ult., Janet M'Kie, at the advanced age of 102 years.<br />
At Sheuchan Mill, here, on the 28th ultimo, Elizabeth Stirling.<br />
At Portpatrick, on Tuesday, the 28th ult., Mr John M'Chleary, late of Mount Pleasant, near Stranraer.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 4th inst., John Broadfoot, infant son of James Broadfoot, labourer.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 5th inst., Margaret Thomson, daughter of William Thomson, tailor.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 26th ult., John Keand, joiner, aged 88 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 3d inst., Mr William M'Keand, aged 91 years. He was well known as one of the very
est marksmen for upwards of half a century.<br />
At Kirkowen Village, on the 22d ult., Mrs M'Cornack, in the 94th year of her age, and on the 24th, Mrs<br />
George M'Keand, aged 72 years.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 1st inst., John Herries Maxwell, Esq., of Munshes, aged 59 years.<br />
At his house, 6, Upper Belgrave Steet, London, on the 27th ult., William Jardine, Esq., M.P., aged 59.<br />
At her house, 33, Grosvenor Place, on the 18th ult., after a short illness, the Right Hon. Lady Louisa<br />
Hughan, the beloved wife of Thomas Hughan, Esq., and sister of his Grace the Duke of St. Albans.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., David, son of Mr James Crawford, shoemaker, Friars' vennel, aged 12 years.<br />
At Cowburn, Hutton, on the 28th ult., Isabella Carlyle Bell, wife of James Johnstone, Esq., Cowburn.<br />
At Millmeadows, Moffat, on Saturday, the 18th ult., suddenly, Mrs Gibson, aged 69 - much respected by a<br />
large circle of acquaintances.<br />
At Pennymuir, parish of Borgue, on the 2d inst., aged 52 years, Mrs Agnes Brown, spouse of Mr John<br />
M'Gown - much respected.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 2d inst., aged 70 years, Mrs Margaret Carter, mother of Mr John Carter, tailor there.<br />
At Ewe Manse, on the 27th ult., Margaret, second daughter of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Shaw, aged 17.<br />
16 th March <strong>1843</strong> (Week 11)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at George Street, Mrs Walter Murray, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Castle Street, on the 9th inst., Mrs William Murdoch, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 6th inst., Mrs William Torrance, of a son.<br />
At Mahaar, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 3d inst., Mrs James Rennie, of a son.<br />
At Stewarton Village, Kirkcolm, on the 3d inst., Mrs Rennie, of a daughter, on the 4th Mrs Donaghie, of a<br />
son, and Mrs Booth, of a son; on the 5th Mrs Montgomery, of a daughter.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 15th inst., Mrs James Allison, of a daughter.<br />
At Gelston Village, on the 11th inst., Mrs M'William joiner, of a son.<br />
At Danevale-offices, on the 2d inst., Mrs J. Prentice, of a son, - still-born.<br />
At 54 Finch Street, Liverpool, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr Alex. Stewart, compositor, of a son.<br />
At the Wesleyan Manse, Queen Street, Dumfries, on the 4th inst., Mrs S. Healey, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 10th inst., the wife of John Watson, sheriff-officer and auctioneer, of a son.<br />
At Annan, on Wednesday week, the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Johnstone, Esq., surgeon, R.N. of a son.<br />
At Barwhinnock, Twynholm, on the 8th inst., Mrs Thomas M'Cartney, of a daughter.<br />
At Square Point, Crossmichael, on the 21st ult., Mrs Thomas Farris, of a daughter; and on the 23d ult., Mrs<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> M'William, of a son.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr Cowan, Mr William Shaw, to Miss Agnes Hunter, of the<br />
Thistle Inn.<br />
At Annan, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr Monilaws, Mr Thomas Jackson, to Helen, second daughter of<br />
Thos. Blacklock, Esq., of Waterhall.<br />
At Craigs, near Whithorn, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Christopher Nicholson, William Kennedy, Esq.,<br />
factor, Strontian, Argyleshire, to Margaret Kennedy, second daughter of William M'Credie, Esq.,<br />
At 33, Duke Street, Glasgow, on the 9th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Black of the Barony, Henry Hepburn Dudgeon,<br />
Esq., of Woodhead, Kirkcudbrightshire, to Isabella, daughter of the late James Gordon, Esq., Glasgow.<br />
At Creetown, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. John Muir, Mr John Parker, flesher, to Miss Helen Hannay, and<br />
on the 6th inst., Mr Thomas Irving, flesher, to Mary, second daughter of Mr John Heron, grocer.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George's Street, on the 16th inst., Agnes Buchanan, wife of Mr Alex.Young, bootmaker, aged 26<br />
years - deeply regretted by all who knew her.<br />
At Duchra, on the 14th inst., John Jamieson, aged 34.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 15th inst., aged 67, Grace Gordon, spouse of William Stroyan - much respected, and<br />
deeply regretted.<br />
At Rhonehouse, during the night of the 10th inst., suddenly and unseen, Mr John Craik, clogger, advanced
in life.<br />
At Leicester, on the 127th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Irvine, draper there, son of Mr Irvine, Wheatcroft, near Castle-<br />
Douglas.<br />
At Potterland, on the 7th inst., James, aged 10 months, son of Mr Livingston, farmer.<br />
At Dumfries, on Wednesday morning, the 9th inst, of small-pox, Mr Samuel Bell, writer - deeply regretted.<br />
At Water Valley, Jamaica, on the 3d January, of inflammation, Henry Swanson, Esq., aged 39 years, son of<br />
Capt Swanson, Adjutant of the Dumfries-shire Militia.<br />
At the Manse of Kirkconnell, on the 28th ult, the Rev. James Richardson, in the 67th year of his age, and<br />
40th of his ministry.<br />
At Kircudbright, on the 8th inst., at an advanced age, Mrs Malcolmson, relictof Mr Samuel Malcolmson, of<br />
the Kings' Arms Inn there, who was highly respected.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 9th inst., Margaret M'Cartney, wife of Mr Alex. Gordon, printer, aged 69 years.<br />
At Townhead of Greenlaw, on the 5th inst., James Coates, aged 8 ½ years.<br />
At Greenlaw-offices, very suddenly on the 6th inst, Mrs Hyslop, advanced in life.<br />
At Gelston village, lately, Mrs James Martin and Mr James Candlish, grandmother and grandfather to the<br />
"same" family, died in the "same" house, carried to the "same" church yard on the "same" day, and by the<br />
"same" company.<br />
At Rhonehouse, on the 2d inst., Mr William Broadfoot, shoemaker, aged 76.<br />
At 5, Gloucester Street, Glasgow, on the 27th ult., Mrs William F. Johnston, relict of William F. Johnston,<br />
Esq., of Knockhill, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At 29, Hamilton Terrace, Birkenhead, on the 8th inst., Janet M'Lean, wife of Mr John Stoddart, compositor,<br />
"Journal Office" Liverpool, a native of Dumfries.<br />
At Argrennan, Tongland, on the 3d inst., in her 86th year, Jane Henry, relict of William Brown, late farmer<br />
in Argrennan.<br />
At Abbey-yard, Crossmichael, on the 2d inst., Margaret Caldow, sister of the late James Caldow, Esq., of<br />
Palmiston, at an advanced age.<br />
At Bath, on the 2d inst., after a tedious illness, George Henry Godart, Earl of Athlone, in the 23d year of his<br />
age.<br />
At New York, on the 9th ult., Mrs Lenox, widow of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Lenox, Esq.,<br />
23 rd March <strong>1843</strong> (Week 12)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Laigh Milmain, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 17th inst., Mrs William M'Dowall, of a daughter.<br />
In Shakespeare Street, Dumfries, on the 21st current, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Paterson, of a daughter.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 4th inst., Mrs James Fergusson, teetotal coffee-house, of a daughter.<br />
At Albie, on the 13th inst., the lady of the late John Bell, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Bradford, Yorkshire, on the 7th inst., Mrs J. Beattie, of a son - still born.<br />
At Holmscroft, Greenock, Mrs David Buchanan, of a daughter.<br />
At Low Currochtrie, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. Lamb, Capt. John Kerr, of the schooner Lark of<br />
Stranraer, to Agnes, daughter of Mr M'Gaw, farmer there.<br />
At Carrick Mill, parish of Colmonell, on the 16th ult., by the Rev. Mr West, Poundland, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kelly,<br />
farmer, Glenruder, to Helen, youngest daughter of Mr John Shirrar, dyer, Carrick Mill.<br />
At Cassencarrie, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. John Muir, Kirkmabreck, Mr John M'Connochie, to Miss Anne<br />
Campbell.<br />
At Collin, on Monday, the 20th curt, by the Rev. Mr Kinnear, Torthorwald, Mr James Gibson, joiner and<br />
cabinet-maker, to Miss Mary Wells, innkeeper and grocer.<br />
At New York, U.S. on the 17th February, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Dinwoodie, formerly teller in the Commercial Bank<br />
branch, Dumfries, to Miss Ann Menzies, from Perth.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Hillhead, on the 22d inst., Elizabeth, aged 8 years and 10 months, only daughter of Mr John<br />
M'Bryde, shoemaker.
At Barscalloch, near Wigtown, on the 16th inst., after a few days' illness, Andrew M'Gill, farmer, at the age<br />
of 76 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 21st Jean Bruce, relict of the late Andrew Nelson, spirit-dealer, aged 63 years.<br />
At Kirkcowan, on the 13th ult., Mrs Alexander M'Kie, aged 90 years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 2d inst., Mrs Margaret Clinton, relict of Mr John Carter, aged 70 years.<br />
At Dundrennan, near Kirkcudbright, on the 8th inst., Anthony M'Taggart, aged 62 years.<br />
At Dundas, Upper Canada, on the 14th February, deeply lamented by a wide circle of sympathising friends<br />
at home and abroad, Mrs Lilias Babington, wife of Wm. J. Syme, Esq., late of Dumfries.<br />
At Newport, Isle of Wight, on the 5th curt., Thomas Shortt, Esq., M.D.<br />
At Whitesands, Dumfries, on the 20th inst., Mr James Gibb, horsedealer.<br />
At Clarencefield Academy, on the 16th inst., Thomas Fergusson, Esq., of Corrielaw.<br />
At 28, English Street, Dumfries, on Saturday last, Mr Christopher Johnstone, joiner, aged 66 years.<br />
At his house, in Academy Street, Dumfries, on the 13th curt., Mr John Grierson, late of Dalmellington, aged<br />
67.<br />
At his residence, Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 14th curt., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Bevan, formerly one of the officers of the<br />
9th Veteran Battalion. During his whole career in the army, and on half-pay, he was universally respected<br />
as a man of the strictest probity, inoffensive manners, and kindly feelings; one, in short, who never,<br />
perhap, made an enemy or lost a friend, from his youth upwards.<br />
On the 16th inst., William Carruthers, Esq., of Nutholm, in the 85th year of his age.<br />
At Rosevale, Dumfries, on the 11th curt, Mrs James Martin, late of Glasgow, after a long illness.<br />
Lost, in November, last, on Lake Ontario, James Wilkinson, of the schooner Detroit of Oswego, aged 37<br />
years - formerly of Dumfries.<br />
At Woodfoot, Lochrutton, on the 15th curt., in the prime of life, Mr Thomas Connall - much regretted.<br />
At Palnackie, on the 17th inst., Agnes M'Knight, wife of Mr James Cowan, aged 79 years.<br />
At Rennelburn, parish of Eskdalemuir, on the 19th inst., Simon Dalgliesh, farmer, aged 79 years.<br />
At Toomshiedburn, parish of Cannobie, on the 18th inst., William Beattie, farmer, aged 78.<br />
At Byerburnfoot, parish of Cannobie, on the 89th inst., James Little, aged 64. - At same place, on the 10th<br />
inst., John Armstrong, aged 86.<br />
30 th March <strong>1843</strong> (Week 13)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Dumfries, on the 28th inst., Mrs Peter Mundell, Irish Street, of a daughter.<br />
At Preston House, near Lochmaben, on the 19th inst., Mrs John Moffat, of a daughter.<br />
At Prospect Hall, Terregles, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Gilbert Anderson, of a daughter.<br />
At 2, Christian Street, Liverpool, on the 20th inst., Mrs R. Mason, of a son.<br />
At Richmond, Yorkshire, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr James Lowden, Crown Inn, formerly of<br />
Dalbeattie, of a still-born child.<br />
At Pyrmont, Sydney, N.S. Wales, on the 13th October, Mrs William N. Monies, of a daughter.<br />
At Kneeskiln, by Moniaive, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. James M'Geoch, Mr Alex. Grierson, mason,<br />
Thornhill, to Miss Helen Smith, dressmaker.<br />
At Sanquhar, on the 10th curt. Mr Samuel Bennet, Cottage Row, Moniaive, to Miss Elizabeth M'Cormick,<br />
New Cumnock.<br />
At Sudbury Priory, on the 16th inst., the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Buchanan, D.D. Glasgow, to Elizabeth, daughter of the<br />
late Lawrence Stoddart, Esq., Cambridge.<br />
At Kirkandrews-on-Esk, on Wednesday week, Mr William Simpson, baker, of Longtown, to Miss Jane<br />
Latimer, of Glinger Bank.<br />
At Sorbie village, on the 7th curt, by the Rev. E.W. Davidson, Mr Thomas Whirter, blacksmith, Garliestown,<br />
to Mrs Galloway.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 16th curt., by the Rev. A. Forrester, Mr Gilbert Paterson, mariner, to Mrs Whinnie.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Lint Mill, Glenluce, on the 24th inst., John Dale, aged 52.
At Gass, parish of New Luce, on the 25th inst., Mathew Aird.<br />
At Bridge-end, parish of Portpatrick, on the 12th inst., Mrs Elizabeth Gebbie, or M'Gowan, aged 31.<br />
At Donaghadee, Ireland, on the 15th inst., Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr Daniel M'Laurin,<br />
Portpatrick.<br />
At Barr of Mochrum, on the 28th inst., Alex Bryde, in the 43rd year of his age.<br />
At Castle Douglas, on the 25th inst., Esther Sowerby, infant daughter of Mr Daniel Sowerby, currier.<br />
At Duncow of Kirkmahoe, on the 21st inst., Janet Johnston, at an advanced age.<br />
At Kirktown of Kirkmahoe, on the 24th inst., Janet Johnston, at an advanced age.<br />
At Kirktown of Kirkmahoe, on the 24th inst., Isabella Aitken, aged 76 years.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 26th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Dr Mounsey, there - deeply and widely regretted.<br />
At Moniaive, on the 25th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Murray, shoemaker.<br />
At Bank of Bishopton, Twynholm, on the 19th inst., after a long illness, Mr Thomas Beattie, shepherd, aged<br />
62, who is much regretted by his family, and was highy respected.<br />
At Whitehouse, Morningside, Edinburgh, on the 14th inst., Ludivina Grace Stuart Menteath, second<br />
daughter of Sir Charles G. Stuart Menteath of Closeburn, Bart.<br />
At London, on the 18th inst., William, aged 10 months, son of Alexander and Matilda Hamilton, of<br />
Carcoside, Dumfries shire.<br />
At Carsethorn, on the 6th inst., aged 69 years, Mary Turnbull, relict of Thomas Cummin, mariner - much<br />
respected.<br />
At Halfmark, Colvend, on the 2d inst., Mr James Douglas, aged 88 years.<br />
At Closehead, Annan, Mrs Janet Beattie, or Haughan, at the advanced aged of 95.<br />
At Collin Schoolhouse, Torthorwald, on the 5th inst., Mr Joseph Kirkpatrick, Session elder, and late farmer<br />
in The Camp, in his 73rd year.<br />
At Brunswick Street, Edinburgh, on the 21st inst., Elizabeth Dalzell, Sharp, aged 19, only daughter of the<br />
late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Sharp, cabinet-maker, Dumfries.<br />
At Kirkconnel, Village, on the 14th inst., <strong>Robert</strong>, youngest son of Mr Samuel Barrie, aged 9 months.<br />
At Guildhall of Kirkconnel, on the 15th inst., John, youngest son of Mr James Howat, aged two years.<br />
At Galloway Bay, Canada, on the 21st November last, Sarah M'William, aged 55 years, spouse of Alexander<br />
M'Geoch, late farmer in Blackquarter, aged 63 years.<br />
6 th April <strong>1843</strong> (Week 14)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Drumflower, parish of Old Luce, on the 28th ult., Mrs Gibson, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 18th ult., Mrs A.Dirom Scott, of a daughter.<br />
At Bush, parish of Buittle, on the 30th ult., Mrs Charles Graham, or a son<br />
At Buccleuch School, Dalkeith, on the 23d ult., Mrs Smith, of a son.<br />
At Ebance, Colmonell, on the 19th ult., Mrs John Hyslop, of twins - a son and daughter.<br />
At Burngrains, parish of Ewes, on the 2nd inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Telford, of a daughter.<br />
At Langholm, on the 3d inst., Mrs Wm. Dalgleish, hosier, of a daughter.<br />
At Stranraer, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. John M'Gregor, Mr Alexander Christie, Stranraer, to Mrs M'Gaw,<br />
daughter of the late Mr James Hunter, farmer, Whitelees.<br />
At Killantrae, parish of Mochrum, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr. <strong>Robert</strong> Wilson to Margaret,<br />
eldest daughter of Mr Rowan, farmer, there.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Blackwood, Mr Wm Allan, baker, to Eliza, eldest daughter of<br />
Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Rain, baker, English Street.<br />
At St. Margaret's church, Rochester, on the 30th ult., Mr Charles Patterson, Dickson, draper, third son of<br />
Mr James Dickson, farmer, Cleughside, by Lockerbie, to Charlotte, second daughter of Mr M'Millan,<br />
Prospect Row, Chatham.<br />
At the Independent Chapel, Darlington, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. R.C. Pritchett, Mr William Graham, teadealer,<br />
to Mary, third daughter of Mr George M'Adam, principal coast officer, Port Barlochan, near Castle-<br />
Douglas.<br />
At Mains of Pinmore, parish of Barr, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. E.B. Wallace, Hugh, eldest son of Mr<br />
Anthony Kennedy, farmer, Balliemore, to Janet, second daughter of Mr Peter M'Cosh, farmer, there.
At Isle of Whithorn, on Tuesday week, by the Rev. C. Nicholson, John M'Michan, Captain of the St. Ninian,<br />
to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr Mongomery Kerr, farmer, Cairnshead.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At High Barmore, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 28th ult. Mrs Elizabeth M'Gill, aged 78 years, spouse of Mr<br />
Peter Wither, farmer, there - much regretted by a wide circle of friends.<br />
At New Luce, on the 26th ult., Magdalene M'Culloch, aged 98 (93) years. She lived under six ordained<br />
ministers in New Luce. Her family have been resident in the parish upwards of 300 years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 1st current, Miss Margaret M'Nae, after a severe and protracted illness, which she<br />
bore with Christian fortitude and resignation.<br />
At Ivy Lodge, Cally, on the 2d current, of scarlet fever, Hugh Turnbull, aged five years, youngest son of Mr<br />
George Turnbull, wood-forrester to Alexander Murray, Esq., M.P. - Also on the 4th current, of scarlet fever,<br />
George Sheen, aged eight 8 years, son of William Sheen, labourer, Gatehouse.<br />
At Kipford, Colvend, on the 1st inst., Mr William Campbell, aged 60.<br />
At Carlesgill, parish of Westerkirk, on the 2nd inst., Jean Keir, spouse of Jas. Little, Esq., late of Bombay,<br />
aged 29 years - much lamented.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 26th ult, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wilkin, George Inn, aged 41 years.<br />
At Dumfries on the 25th ult. Mrs Margaret Haddon, relict of Mr Thomas Hogg, late stamp-master.<br />
At Burnfoot of Cloudan, on the 30th ult. Adam Grierson, Esq. of Burnfoot, formerly of Glasgow, aged 67<br />
years.<br />
At London, on the 24th ult., after four days illness, Jacob Blacklock, youngest son of Thos. Blacklock, Esq.,<br />
of Watchhall, aged 21 - deeply and sincerely regretted.<br />
At Annan, last week, Mrs Carruthers, wife of John Carruthers, carrier, there.<br />
At Old Street, St.Luke's, London, <strong>Robert</strong>, son of Mr R.J. Wightman, aged 21 months.<br />
At Kirktown, Kirkmahoe, on the 29th ult., of consumption, John Welsh, a young man in the prime of life.<br />
At Barshell of Tinwald, on the 20th ult., Elizabeth Dobie, wife of Mr Edward Robson, farmer.<br />
At Sandbed of Kirkmahoe, on the 31st ult., after a lingering illness, Agnes M'Lean, much regretted.<br />
At Peathill, Parton, aged 86, William Carrick late farmer in Peathill.<br />
At Netheryett, Trench, on the 24th ult. Jane Kirkpatrick, spouse of Ebenezer Lockerbie, aged 59 years -<br />
much respected and deeply regretted.<br />
At Boreland, parish of Hutton, on the 24th ult. Mrs Margaret Gillespie, relict of David Gillespie, farmer in<br />
Beyond-the-Burn, Mousewald, in her 77th year.<br />
At Campbelton, Argyleshire, on the morning of the 25th ult., Mr David Brunton, of the Excise, there, in the<br />
37th year of his age, son of the late Mr Wm. Brunton, Tinwald cottage.<br />
In the fort of Buckkur, on the Indus, on the 19 th of December, Richard Alexander Lindsay, Ensign of her<br />
Majesty's 40th Regt., aged 19, son of Thomas Spencer Lindsay, Esq., of Hollymount, and grandson of the<br />
late Richard Alex. Oswald, Esq., of Auchencruive.<br />
On board the brig Jane at Newry, on the 22d ult. very suddenly, Captain James Irving, formerly master of<br />
the City of Carlisle steamer, aged 40 years.<br />
At Dundee, on the 25th ult., the Rev. R.Murray M'Cheyne, of St. Peter's parish, Dundee.<br />
13 th April <strong>1843</strong> (Week 15)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Port Logan, on the 9th inst., Mrs James Hill of twin sons.<br />
At Castledykes, on the 5th inst, Mrs R. Wallace of a daughter.<br />
At Shakespeare street, Dumfries, on the 9th inst., Mrs Henry Foster, of a son.<br />
At English Street, Dumfries, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr Alex Jardine, tinsmith, of a son.<br />
At Newton-Stewart on the 29th ult., Mrs Wm. Craik, of a son.<br />
At London, on the 27th ult., Mrs R.J. Wightman, of a son<br />
At Wyseby House, on the 4th inst., David Sandeman, Esq., Kirkwood, to Julia, only daughter of the late<br />
John <strong>Robert</strong>son, Esq., of Fovers, Aberdeenshire.
At Kneeskiln, by Moniaive, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Jame M'Geoch, Mr Alex. Grierson, mason, to Miss<br />
Helen Smith, dressmaker.<br />
At St. Michael's Church, Coventry, on the 30th ult., Mr John Jardine, of Burnside, near Lochmaben, to<br />
Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Mr Thomas Stowell, farmer, Langley, Warwickshire.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Port Logan, on the 6th inst., James Galloway.<br />
At Port Logan, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr James Hill, blacksmith, Mrs Hill gave birth to a twin infant<br />
on Sunday last, and, having no medical attendant, she lingered until the evening of the 10th inst., and died<br />
before giving birth to the other infant. - Cor.<br />
At Rothsay, on the 8th inst., James M'Dowall, Esq., a native of Glenluce parish, and formerly merchant in<br />
Charlestown, America.<br />
At Whithorn, on the Monday week, aged 28, Elizabeth M'Min, wife of Andrew Heron, labourer.<br />
At Isle of Whithorn, on the 3d inst., William, aged 23 years, son of Mr M'Connell, schoolmaster there -<br />
deeply regretted.<br />
At Knowe Village, by Newton-Stewart on the 24th ult., at an advanced age, Joseph Douglas, blacksmith.<br />
At Creetown, on the 27th ult., in the 30th year of her age, Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr James Paterson,<br />
late farmer in Ordanchie, parish of Kirkowen.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 1st inst., Mrs Margaret M'Nae, advanced in years.<br />
At 49, High St, Dumfries, on the 6th inst., after being delivered of a still-born child, Agnes Costine, spouse<br />
of Mr Thomas Baxter, draper.<br />
At same place on the 7th inst., Mr John Baxter, draper.<br />
At his residence, in Irish Street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., Roger Kirkpatrick, Esq.,<br />
At 104, Lower Thames Street, London, on Wednesday the 5th inst., James Brown, Esq.,<br />
In English Street, Dumfries, on the 29th ult, after a tedious illness, Christopher Picard, Esq., aged 37, late<br />
of Kirby Lonsdale.<br />
At No 1 King Street, Dumfries, on the 5th inst., Mr George Robson, son of Mr Alex. Robson, late draper and<br />
tea-dealer, Cockermouth, aged 25 years.<br />
At Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, on the 4th inst., aged 49 years, Margaret Fergusson, relict of Mr John<br />
Gibson, sawyer.<br />
At Watchhill, by Annan, Mr Wm. Carlyle, formerly of Windyknowe, advanced in years, and sincerely<br />
regretted.<br />
At same place, last week, Mrs Aitchison, widow of the late Andrew Aitchison, mariner, Annan, at a very<br />
advanced age.<br />
At Lockerby, on the 3d inst., Mr John Bell, aged 66. He was an undertaker of roads in Annandale and<br />
Eskdale.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 7th inst., Thomas Rawline, late farmer in Airds of Troqueer.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 26th ult., Elizabeth, wife of Dr Mounsey, there - deeply regretted.<br />
DEATH - In our number of the 30th ult. we published, as extracted from another paper, a statement of the<br />
death of Sarah M'William, which represented her as younger than her surviving husband Mr A. M'Geoch,<br />
late near Newton-Stewart, now settled in Canada. We are requested to correct this statement, and to say<br />
that the surviving husband was not older, but younger than the deceased.<br />
20 th April <strong>1843</strong> (Week 16)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Caldons, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 19th instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, of a daughter.<br />
At Laurieknowe, Maxwelltown, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Samuel Milligan, grocer, of a daughter.<br />
At the Manse of Hoddam, on the 9th inst., Mrs Menzies, of a son.<br />
At Penkiln, parish of Sorbie, on the 7th instant, Mrs Rodgers, of a son.<br />
At Campbeltown, on the 9th instant, Mrs A. Leith of a daughter.<br />
At Tadcaster, on the 12th instant, the wife of Mr R. Gulline, officer of excise of a daughter.<br />
At Kipford, Colvend, on the 4th inst., Mrs Capt. James Murdoch, of a son.<br />
At Woodstock, Oxfordshire, on Tuesday, the 11th inst., the wife of Mr George Thompson, of a son.<br />
At Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land, on the 21st September, Mrs Captain Addison, of a son.
At Stoneykirk, on the 13th inst., Ebenezer Davison, to Susan Morrison.<br />
At Shenrie House, Urr, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr G.D. Burnside, Mr Adam Rankine, wine<br />
merchant, Dumfries, to Helen, second daughter of the late Wm. Kinnock, late of Barnbac- ail, Lochrutton.<br />
At Dumfries, on Monday evening last, by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, Mr Thomas Kerr, flesher, to Miss Muirhead,<br />
eldest daughter of Mr John Muirhead, innkeeper, Friar's Vennel.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 11th instant, Mr James Hunter, to Miss Isabella M'Murray.<br />
At Meerburn, parish of Langholm, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. W.B. Shaw, Mr Patrick Maxwell, to<br />
Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr William Armstrong, shepherd.<br />
At Langholm, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. John Dobie Mr Walter Scott, shepherd, Lodggill, to Helen, third<br />
dughter of Mr John Currie, joiner there.<br />
At St. Bernard's, Edinburgh, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr Muir, William Patrick Andrew, Esq., M.D. to<br />
Anne, eldest daughter of Henry Raeburn, Esq., of St. Bernard's.<br />
At Morvick in Sutherland, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Alexander M'Pherson, John Lang, Esq., of<br />
Overwells, to Jane Plenderleith, eldest daughter of Patrick Sellar, of Westfield.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Hillhead, Stranraer, on the 12th instant, Margaret, aged 3 ½ years, daughter of Mr David Jones.<br />
At Cairngarroch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 17th inst., Mr. John Achears.<br />
At Laggan, Ballantrae, on the 7th inst., suddenly and unseen, Mr Peter Fergusson, innkeeper.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on Wednesday, the 19th inst. Mr Andrew Simpson, M.D. aged 77 years.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 14th inst., Mrs M'Gowan, much regretted.<br />
At Burns, near Creetown, on the 25th ult., Janet, wife of Mr Alexander Clark, aged 72.<br />
At Arkleton, parish of Ewes, on the 15th inst., Mr Walter Jackson.<br />
At Glenzerhead, parish of Cannobie, Mr Wm. Brown, farmer.<br />
At Palnackie, on the 7th inst., David London, aged 12.<br />
At No 8, Royal Circus, Edinburgh, on the 14th instant, Thomas, infant son of William Copland, Esq., of<br />
Collinton.<br />
At St. Andrew St., Dumfries, on the 4th instant, Mr Joseph Henderson, tailor-chandler, in his 78th year.<br />
At Glencaple, Carlaverock, on the 12th inst., Mr Wm. Thomson, carpenter and shipowner.<br />
At Cambridge Street, Glasgow, on the 7th instant, Catherine S. Sinclair, wife of John Mcmillan, Esq., of the<br />
High School, Glasgow, - a lady of a most amiable disposition, and exemplary in the discharge of the duties<br />
of life.<br />
At Woodside Cottage, on the 1st instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Crocket, formerly of Kirkhouse, Kirkbean.<br />
At Bruntsfield Lodge, on the 12th instant, Major General Sir David Fowles K.C.B. in the 74th year of his<br />
age.<br />
At Clift, Ohio, Cincinnati, upon the 25 th of February last, Mr William Pool, youngest son of Mr David Pool,<br />
Blacketlees, Annan.<br />
In Gilbert St., Adelaide, on the 16th Dec. last, Frances Anne, infant daughter of O.K. Richardson, Esq.<br />
27 th April <strong>1843</strong> (Week 17)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Queen Street, on the 23d inst., Mrs Murray of a son.<br />
Here, at Burnside, on the23d inst., Mrs William M'Tier, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Hillhead, on the 22d inst., Mrs Fearon, or a daughter.<br />
At Glaik, parishof Leswalt, on the 24 th inst., Mrs M'Kissock, of a daughter.<br />
At Markbrooms, parishof glenluce, on the17th inst., Mr'Caa of a son.<br />
At Miltoules, parish of New Luce, on the 18 th inst., Mrs Gilbert M'Ilwrick, of twins - sons and daughter.<br />
At Kilfillan, parishof Glenluce, on the22nd inst., Mrs M'Neel, of a son.<br />
At 319, Argyle Street, Glasgow, on the 20th inst., Mrs John Gebbie, of a son and heir.<br />
At Fountainbleau, near Dumfries, on Monday morning, Mrs Allan, of a daughter.<br />
At St. David street, Dumfries, on Sunday, the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Richardson, tailor, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 11th instant, Mrs Macbean, of a son.<br />
At George Street, Glasgow, on the 22nd inst., the lady of William Orr, Esq., callendrer, of a son
At Newton-Stewart, by the Rev. D. Richardson, Mr Thomas Stewart, boot and shoemaker, to Agnes,<br />
daughter of Mr David M'Gill, postmaster, Kirkowan,<br />
At Corbieton, on the 25th curt, by the Rev. Mr Burnside of Urr, Mr M'Morrine, accountant, B.L. Bank office,<br />
Castle-Douglas, to Miss Clarke, sister to W. Clarke M'Michan, Esq., of Corbieton.<br />
At Trowbridge, Wilts, on the 28th March, by the Rev. Mr Hastings, Mr W.B. Wells, of London, to Miss<br />
Louisa, only daughter of Mr G. Mundy, ironmonger, Trowbridge.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 17th inst., Mr William Bulman, late of Brampton, to Miss Catherine Dinwoodie,<br />
daughter of the late James Proudfoot, Esq.,<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Walter Dunlop, Mr Henderson, jun. shoemaker, Dumfries, to<br />
Janet, only daughter of Richard Mysie, slater, Maxwelltown.<br />
At Lockerbie, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Hugh Douglas, Mr William Halliday, mason, Moffat, to Janet,<br />
second daughter of Mr James Irving, grocer Lockerbie.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on Friday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. James Mackenzie, Mr John Donaldson, neighbourhood<br />
of Gatehouse, to Miss Margaret Gilchrist of Dalbeattie.<br />
At Altogue, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. M'Gregor, Thomas, son of the late Mr Alex.<br />
Agnew farmer, High Salchrie, parish of Kirkcolm, to Charlotte, fourth dughter of the late Mr Samuel M'Nab<br />
of Altogue.<br />
At Linton House, on the 20th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Williamson, Esq., Kelso, to Isabella, daughter of the late John<br />
Sheriff, Esq., of Mungoswells.<br />
At St. Philip's Church, Liverpool, on the 17th inst., Charles, eldest son of Mr Charles Graham, of Dumfries,<br />
to Caroline, the eldest daughter of Mr Joseph Mason, Liverpool.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 13th inst, Lieut-colonel Rashleigh, of Rashleigh Hall, Cornwall, to Ellen, second<br />
daughter of the Earl of Glasgow.<br />
At Sime's Place, Galashiels, on the 12th inst., Mr Thos. Turnbull, of Portland terrace, London, to Margaret,<br />
eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Davidson, manufacturer, Galashiels.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At the Burnside here, on Monday morning last the 24th curt, aged 25 years, Jane, eldest daughter of the<br />
late Mr George Perryman.<br />
Here, on the 15th inst., Miss Helen M'Clean, aged 78 years.<br />
At Beoch, parish of Inch, on the 25th inst., Mrs James M'Caig, aged 70 years, with Christian resignation<br />
who bore a severe illness for the long period of 30 years.<br />
At Milton parish of Inch, on the 18th inst., aged 40, Margaret Arbuckle, spouse of William Brown, tenter,<br />
cotton factory, after a severe and protracted illness.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 24th inst., John M'Gill, dyker, aged 70. The deceased was for many years a pricipal<br />
member of the Mason's society there, and his death will no doubt be felt amongst the Brotherhood of St.<br />
Stephen's.<br />
At Castle Douglas, on the 21st inst., aged 69, Miss Janet Richardson, sister to Councillor S. Richardson.<br />
In New Market Street, Dumfries, on Monday week, Joseph Cape, aged 2 years and 5 months, son of Mr<br />
John Wilson, blacksmith.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 23d curt, Mr Walter Shanks, shoemaker, at an advanced age.<br />
At Bengal, in November last, Serjeant George Kerr, schoolmaster, 29th Regiment of foot - a native of<br />
Torthorwald, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Caerlaverock Manse, on the 10th inst., of hooping cough, Adam, second surviving son of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Gillies, aged 10 months.<br />
At Greenmerse, Troqueer, on the 18th inst., Ellizabeth Scott, aged 54, wife of Mr David Irvine, farmer,<br />
Greenmerse.<br />
At Kirkmichael School-house, on the 13th inst., Mr William Burnet, in the 60th year of his age. He had<br />
been 28 years schoolmaster of Kirkmichael; and during that long period he discharged the duties of his<br />
laborious and responsible office with an assiduity and success which procured him the gratitude and<br />
respect of his pupils and parishioners.<br />
At the residence of her brother, Mr William Pagan, in Allegheny City, March 20th, Janet Pagan, consort of<br />
James Patterson, late of Dumfries, in the 61st year of her age.<br />
At Hastings, on the 7th inst., in the 15th year of her age, Ann, youngest daughter of Dr Clark, K.H. Deputy<br />
Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, and resident in Blackheath Park, Kent.
At Wigan, on the 2d inst. Mr William M'Kerra, a native of Cumnock, Ayrshire. The deceased died suddenly,<br />
at the aged of fifty-seven, to the deep regret of all who knew him.<br />
At Kirkstile, parish of Ewes, on the 22d inst., John Sword, in the prime of life.<br />
At Crofthead, parish of Cannobie, on the 22nd instant, Margaret Brown, wife of Mr Mathew Cowan, slater,<br />
aged 63 years.<br />
4 th May <strong>1843</strong> (Week 18)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 30th April, Mrs John Jeffrey, of a daughter.<br />
At Castlemilk, on the 23d ult., the lady of James Hotchkis, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 24th ult., the lady of William Maxwell, Esq., yr, of Cardoness, of a daughter.<br />
At Closeburn Manse, on the 27th ult., Mrs Bennet, of a daughter.<br />
At Libberton Manse, on the 20th ult., Mrs Begg, of a daughter.<br />
At Long Beoch Cottage, parish of Irongray, on the 25th ult., Mrs Anthony Stevenson, of a daughter - (being<br />
the 2000 child brought into the world by William Reid, surgeon, Kirkmahoe).<br />
At 7 Middleton Street, Clerkenwell, London, on the 29th ult., Mrs James M'Millan, of a daughter.<br />
Here, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. T. B. Bell, Mr Robt. Service, turner, to Grace, daughter of the late John<br />
M'Master, farmer in Whiteparks.<br />
At Culbrattan, parish of Penninghame, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. S. Richardson, Mr Alex. Milligan,<br />
Drumurrie, to Miss Mary M'Geoch of Culbrattan.<br />
At St. John's church, Cardiff, on the 17th ult., by the Rev. T. Stacey, Mr Lockhart Hannah, draper, Paradise<br />
Place, Cardiff, son of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Hannah, Carsphad, Kirkcudbrightshire, N.B. to Miss Ann Jones, Smith<br />
Street, Cardiff.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Wallace of Dumfries, T. Bickerton Evans, Esq., of Liverpool, to<br />
Agnes, eldest daughter of the late Peter Fleming, Esq., Glasgow.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 18th ult., by the Rev. W. Rogerson, Mr James Mathieson, farmer, Rosehill, parish of<br />
Closeburn, to Miss Baxter, teacher, Thornhill.<br />
At St. Mary's, Southampton, on the 13th ult., by the Rev. C.J. Parsons, Mr Wm. Jardine, tea-dealer,<br />
Arundale, Sussex, To Miss Janet Patterson, St. Mary's Street, Southampton.<br />
At Glentriploch, Mochrum, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr M'Meeking, to Mrs Ann M'Douall.<br />
At Arbroath, on the 18th ult., George Oliver, Esq., writer, Hawick, to Margaret, third daughter of John<br />
Lindsay, Esq., Arbroath.<br />
At Press House, Berwickshire, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw of Glasgow, Eagle Henderson, Esq.,<br />
Edinburgh, to Christina, second daughter of the late Wm. Gordon Mack, Esq., Glasgow.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Hanover Street, on the 22d ult., Margaret, daughter of Mr James Boyle, flesher, aged 15 years.<br />
Here, at St John Street, on the 20th ult., Mrs Thomas M'Carlie.<br />
At Broadstone, parish of Leswalt, on the 1st inst., Mrs D. McCulloch, farmer there.<br />
At Port-William, Mrs Mary <strong>Robert</strong>son, advanced in years.<br />
At Derry, Mochrum, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Edgar, aged 15 years.<br />
At Boghouse, Mochrum, on the 20th ult., Mr William Heron, aged 78 years - much and deservedly<br />
regretted.<br />
At Kirk of Mochrum, on the 26th ult., Mrs Harrison, at an advanced age.<br />
At Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Mrs Shortt, relict of Francis Shortt, Esq., Town Clerk of<br />
Dumfries.<br />
At Carsethorn, on the 7th ult., aged 95, Mrs Mackay, relict of William Mackay, late of Terrerie, Kirkbean.<br />
At Laurieston, parish of Balmaghie, on the 27th ult., Mr John M'Kenzie.<br />
At Sheriffbrae, Leith, on the 20th ult., Thomas, son of Mr John Scotland, engineer, aged three years and six<br />
months.<br />
At Carseminnoch, in the parish of Minnigaff, Mrs Moore, far advanced in years - much lamented.
At Malta, on the 23rd March last, William Mitchell, Sergeant of the Band, 42d Royal Highland Regiment. He<br />
was a native of Newton-Stewart, Wigtownshire.<br />
At Richmond Street, Manchester, on the 29th ult., Maxwell Newell, son of Mr M.N. Murray, painter, aged 2<br />
½ years.<br />
At Sanquhar Manse, on Friday, the 21st ult., of dropsy - Mrs Thomas Rutledge, aged 41 years. Much<br />
regretted.<br />
At Crofthead, parish of Cannobie, on the 22d ult., Margaret Brown, wife of Mr Mathew Cowan, slater, aged<br />
63 years.<br />
11 th May <strong>1843</strong> (Week 19)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Cardrain, Kirkmaiden, on the 1st inst., Mrs M'Culloch, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 30th ult., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Little, dyer, of a daughter.<br />
At Cragnestine, on the 29th ult., the wife of George Edgar, shepherd, of a daughter.<br />
At Minnyhive, on the 2d inst., Mrs William Buchanan, of a daughter.<br />
At Moniaive, on the 13th ult., Mrs Samuel Dalziel, grocer, of a son.<br />
At Clauchrea, parish of Kirkmabreck, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Mr Muir, Mr John M'Dowall, to Margaret<br />
Gordon, only daughter of Mr James Gordon, farmer there.<br />
At Creetown, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Mr Muir, Mathew M'Kean, to Nicholas Hannay.<br />
At Airds, parish of Kells, on the 14th ult., by the Rev. James Maitland, Mr Alex. Macmath, draper, Brighton,<br />
to Miss Mary <strong>Web</strong>ster, eldest daughter of Mr <strong>Web</strong>ster, Airds.<br />
At Wallasey, on the 2d inst., Mr William Reid, ship agent, to Mary, third daughter of Mr Samuel Strong,<br />
Garliestown.<br />
At Moniaive, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. James M'Geoch, Mr Walter Morton, shoemaker, to Miss Elizabeth<br />
Smith, both of that place.<br />
At Holmhead, Glencairn, on the Tuesday the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Lorrimer, Mr William Crinzean, to<br />
Miss Jean M'Millan, being the third helpmate the jolly bridegroom has led to the hymeneal altar.<br />
At Burneston, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. R. Anderson, Thomas Baragh, Esq., of Ruswick, to Elizabeth,<br />
only daughter of John Sturgess, Esq., of Cowfold Grange, near Bedale.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Auchenchain, on the 27th ult., Mr Thomas Todd, at the advanced age of 90.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 7th inst., suddenly, David Hume, ostler at Craig inn, aged 29 years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 4th inst., Martha Fisher, aged 69, after a severe illness, which she bore with<br />
becoming fortitude.<br />
At Balloch of Dee, parish of Kirkowen, on the 1st inst., Mrs Murray, aged 83 years.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 9th inst., Mrs Sinclair, aged 94 years.<br />
At Barclay, parish of Minnigaff, on the 9th inst., Mr Andrew Stevenson, late farmer there, far advanced in<br />
years.<br />
At 44, Minto Street, Edinburgh, on the 8th inst., Capt. John M'Dermid of the 3d Royal Veteran Battalion.<br />
At English Street, Dumfries, on the 21st ult., Mrs Willhelmina Watson, aged 62 years, wife of Mr John<br />
Johnstone, landing surveyor of Customs, and last member of the late Deacon Andrew Watson's family.<br />
At King Street, Dumfries, on the 28th ult., Barbara Stevenson, wife of John Dickson.<br />
At his residence, Friars' Vennel, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., Mr William Paterson, weaver, at the advanced<br />
aged of 89.<br />
At Curriestanes, on the 29th ult. aged 4 years and 8 months, Elizabeth Pagan, the beloved child of the Rev.<br />
William Menzies, East Manse, Greenock.<br />
At Dalwhat, parish of Glencairn, on the 1st inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Kennedy, Esq., advanced in years.<br />
At Clarencefield Cottage, on the 28th ult., Mrs Jane Howe, relict of Edward Armstrong, Esq., late of Hook.<br />
On the 25th ult., Sarah Grierson, wife of Mr John Menzies, long and faithful servant at Holestain, parish of<br />
Durrisdeer.<br />
At Annan, on the 28th ult., in the 91st year of her age, Mrs Jane Irving, late of Cove.
At St. John's, Dalry, on the 2d inst., James Donaldson, late of Union Street, Aberdeen.<br />
Lately, at Twynholm village, after a lingering illness, aged 65, Mr John Adamson. He had been parochial<br />
teacher for 31 years, was of a quiet, obliging, and serious disposition, and was much respected.<br />
At Cauldholm, in the parish of Kirkpatrick-Juxta, on the 2d curt, William Broun, in the 23d year of his age.<br />
At his residence, Liverpool, on the 1st ult., Mr James Welsh, late of Meikle Furthead, in the parish or Urr.<br />
At Hardgate, on the Thursday, on the 4th ult., Mrs M'Kie.<br />
At Longtown, Cumberland, on the 2d inst., in the prime of life, William Graham, Esq., surgeon.<br />
On Tuesday morning, the 18th ult., very suddenly, aged 7 months, Mary Lucy, daughter of Mr David<br />
Gibson Currie, draper and tea dealer, Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire.<br />
At Bengal, in November last, Sergeant George Kerr, schoolmaster, 29th Regiment of Foot - a native of<br />
Torthorwald, Dumfries-shire.<br />
18 th May <strong>1843</strong> (Week 20)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 11th inst., Mrs Mathew M'Nillie, of a daughter.<br />
Here, on the 10th inst., Mrs Capt. Haswell, of a son.<br />
Here, at Bridge Street, the wife of Mr John Shaw, tailor, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Hanover Street, on the 3d inst., Mrs Gillies, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at M'Culloch Place, Mrs James Wallace, teetotal coffee-house, of a son.<br />
At Dally, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 11th inst., Mrs A Ranken, of a daughter.<br />
At 18, Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, on the 8th inst., Mrs Peebles, of a daughter.<br />
At Shawrigg, Kirkpatrick-Fleming, on the 2d inst., Mrs Armstrong, of a daughter.<br />
At Blackburn, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr John Foster, draper and tea-dealer, of a son.<br />
At Burnaigh, Lochwinnoch, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. W. McLachlan, Kilmalcolm, the Rev. Thomas<br />
M'Keachie, missionary to Canada, to Marjory, second daughter of John Orr, Esq.,<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. S. Richardson of Penninghame, Mr James Jardine, slater,<br />
Castle-Douglas, to Miss M'Leod, only daughter of the late Mr M'Leod, merchant, Crocketford.<br />
At Saugor, St. Peter's Church, on the 18th February last, K.W, Kirk, Esq., M.D. to Ellen, third daughter of<br />
Colonel Costley, commanding 18th Regiment N.I. - "Indian News"<br />
At Adelaide, South Australia, on the 5th September last, Thomas M'Kay, tanner, son of Mr M'Kay,<br />
merchant, Maxwelltown, to Miss Matilda M'Cartney, a native of Armagh, Ireland.<br />
At St. George's Church, London, on the 2d inst., Sir Thomas Moncrieffe, Bart, of Moncrieffe House,<br />
Perthshire, to the Lady Louisa Hay, eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Kinnoull.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Culhorn Lodge, on the16th inst., William, youngest son of Mr M'Creath.<br />
At Balwhirrie, parish of Leswalt, on the 13th inst., aged 49, Mr Thomas Agnew, farmer there.<br />
At Barscarrow, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 4th inst., Mr Peter M'Clymont, aged 33 years - deeply<br />
regretted.<br />
At Derry, Mochrum, on the 30th ult., Mrs Cavan, aged 66 years.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., Mr John Aitken, late convener of the incorporated trades of Dumfries, deeply<br />
lamented by a wide circle of relatives and friends.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., Christopher Smyth, Esq., writer.<br />
At his house, Bank Street, Dumfries, on the 10th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gorrie, after a brief illness brought on by<br />
cold, which no one in its origin had the slightest apprehension would terminate fatally. The deceased is<br />
much and deservedly lamented by a wide and most repectable circle of acquaintances.<br />
At Delhi, on the 1st March, at the house of Dr Cheek, Captain Charles MacMorine, of the Bengal Horse<br />
Artillery, aged 42 years, beloved by all who knew him, and whose death is most sincerely lamented by his<br />
friends -"Delhi Gazette" - (Captain MacMorine was son of the late <strong>Robert</strong> MacMorine, Esq., and nephew of<br />
the late Dr MacMorine, minister of Carlaverock.)<br />
At 28, Walker Street, Edinburgh, on the 10th inst., aged two years and three months, Elizabeth Joanna<br />
Spens, only daughter of Nathaniel Spens, Esq., of Craig, Sanquhar.
At 7, Nelson Steet, Tradeston, Glasgow, on the11th inst., Catherine Stewart, spouse of the late Gilbert Nish,<br />
writer, Stranraer.<br />
At Clarencefield, on the 4th inst., Ellen Nicholson, spouse of James Hetherington, blacksmith there.<br />
At Shawrigg, Kirkpatrick-Fleming, on the 4thinst., Margaret Irvine, wife of Mr Andrew Armstrong, farmer,<br />
aged 35 years.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 10th inst., Mr Sinclair, advanced in life.<br />
At Ringford, parish of Tongland, on the 9th inst., aged 94 years, Mrs AgnesThomson, relict of the late<br />
Alexander Martin, many years cooper in that place. She retained her faculties to the last, and seldom had a<br />
day's sickness.<br />
At Rochdale, Lancashire, on the 9th ult., Jessy Farish, wife of Mr William M'Neil, draper and tea-dealer<br />
there. The deceased was a native of Dunscore, Dumfries-shire.<br />
25 th May <strong>1843</strong> (Week 21)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Gatehouse Academy, on the 22d curt., Mrs Dun, of a son.<br />
On the 19th inst., at West Corsbie, Newton-Stewart, the lady of Henry Stuart, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 21 inst., Mrs William Armstrong, White Sands, of a daughter.<br />
At Hook, on the 15th inst., Mrs William Rogerson, of Wamphray, of a daughter.<br />
At Maxwelltown , on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr David Walker, shoemaker, of a son.<br />
At Milnhead, Kirkmahoe, on the 15th inst., Mrs Kirkpatrick, of a son.<br />
At the Secession Manse, Lochmaben, on the 15th inst., Mrs Martin, of a son.<br />
At Rusko, on the 17th inst., the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Hannay, Esq., of a son.<br />
At Cairneyhill, Manse, by Dunfermline, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. John More, the Rev. William Reid,<br />
minister of the Relief Congregation, Newton-Stewart, to Eliza, second daughter of the Rev. John More.<br />
At Barrhead, on the 22d inst., Mr Thomas M'Lellan, ironmonger, to Jane, only daughter of Alexander<br />
Martin, Esq., Barrhead.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 25th ult., Mr John Little, farmer, in Dressertland of Closeburn, to Miss Glendinning of<br />
Thornhill.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Mr Richardson, Mr James Jardine, of Castle-Douglas, to<br />
Miss M'Leod, Newton-Stewart.<br />
At St. John's, Antigua, on the 6th April, by the Venerable Archdeacon Holberton, M.A. Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Erskine,<br />
to Fanny, third daughter of the late Mr Walter Johnstone, Maxwelltown, Dumfries.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 17th inst., Mr Thomas Hairstens, shoemaker, aged 50 years.<br />
At Collin, parish of Torthorwald, on Monday, the 15th inst., Janet, aged eleven weeks, daughter of William<br />
Lockerby, blacksmith there.<br />
At Mossband, near Dumfries, on the 8 th inst., Janet Hope Dickson, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Dickson.<br />
At Graystone Cottage, parish of Girthon, on the 16th inst., at the venerable age of 83(88) years, Mr John<br />
M'Clellan, formerly farmer at Halfmerk.<br />
At Dornock, near Annan, on the (13)th last, Mrs Macaulay, aged 73 (75) years.<br />
At Justinlees, near Annan, on the 19th inst., James Graham, farmer there, aged 87 - much respected.<br />
At Glenkiln, Kirkmichael, on the 15th inst., Amelius, son of Wm. Smith, there.<br />
At Preston-Mill, Kirkbean on the 12 th inst., Margaret Miller, aged 83 years.<br />
At the Porter Lodge of Closeburn, on the 30 th ult., Thomas Edie, aged nearly 90.<br />
At Mosside, parish of Dunscore, on the 28 th ult., Mrs Hunter, wife of James Hunter, farmer there, aged 66<br />
years.<br />
At Broomhill, on the 15th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Johnstone, farmer there.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 11th inst., Mr Andrew Muir, weaver, aged 63 years - much regretted.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 23d inst., Mr Archd. M'Queen, grain-dealer, aged 61 years.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 21st inst., John, infant son of Mr Frederic Campbell.
At Newton-Stewart, on the 9th inst., Mrs Sinclair, aged 92 years - much and justly regretted. [Note. - We<br />
regret that, instead of this notice, an erroneous one was inserted last week. We are happy to say, however,<br />
that Mr Sinclair, Newton-Stewart, said to be dead, is alive and well.]<br />
At Cincinnati, United States, on the 11th ult., aged 22, Mrs Anne Clark, wife of Mr Alexander M'Girr, joiner<br />
– much regretted. She was a native of Lauriston, Kirkcudbrightshire.<br />
1 st June <strong>1843</strong> (Week 22)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Clayhole, Stranraer, on the 25th ult., Mrs John Kerr, of a son.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 20th ult., Mrs Peter Snodgrass, cabinetmaker, of a son.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 23d ult., the wife of Mr Samuel Dickson, jeweller, of a<br />
son.<br />
At Church Crescent, Dumfries, on the 11th ult., Mrs Thomas Aitchison, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 23d ult., the wife of Mr William Scott, shoemaker, English Street, of twin daughters.<br />
At Rotchel, near Dumfries, on the 26th ult., Mrs George Montgomery, of a son.<br />
At Knowe School-house, on the 26th ult., Mrs Lithgow, of a daughter.<br />
At Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, on the 22d ult., Mrs Elliot, of son.<br />
At Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, on the 19th ult., Mrs James Drumgole, of the London and Birmingham<br />
railway, of a son.<br />
At Burnaigh, Lochwinnoch, on the 9 th ult., by the Rev. W. M'Lauchlan, Kilmacolm, the Rev. Thomas<br />
M'Keachie, Missionary to Canada, to Marjory, second daughter of John Orr, esq.,<br />
At Stranraer, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. M'Gregor, Mr Archibald, M'Dowall, sailor, to Miss Martha<br />
Aitken.<br />
On the 16th ult., at St. George's Church, Everton, Liverpool, by the Rev. Jonathan Brooks, A.M., Rector,<br />
William Davidson, Esq., to Martha Jane, eldest daughter of the late John Sanders, Esq.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 23d ult., Margaret M'Lelland, aged 86.<br />
At English Street, Dumfries, on the 26th ult., Mr Adam Corrie, grocer - deeply regretted by a wide circle of<br />
friends.<br />
At Palmerston House, on the 27 th inst., Sarah Affleck wife of James Caldow, iron-founder, Maxwelltown.<br />
At 5, Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 23d ult., Mary Eleanor, daughter of William Baillie, Esq., late<br />
Sheriff-Substitute of Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 27 th ult., in the prime of life, Margaret Hannah, spouseof Samuel M'Millan, bookseller,<br />
&c, there.<br />
At Leith, on the 23d ult., Alexander Watt, bookbinder, son of David Watt, bookbinder, Annan, aged 27.<br />
At Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, on the 14th ult, Janet, second daughter of James Drumgole, and<br />
granddaugher of Mr Anderson, Valleyfield, near Castle-Douglas.<br />
At Balcary, on the 27th ult., James Gordon, Esq., of Culvennan, the senior retired Judge of the late<br />
Commissary Court of Edinburgh, in the 72d year of his age.<br />
At Greystone Cottage, parish of Girthon, on the 16th ult., at the venerable age of 88 years, Mr John<br />
M'Lellan, formerly farmer at Halfmerk.<br />
At Barsalloch, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 22nd inst, Mrs M'Clure, aged 80 years.<br />
At Copt Hall, Bedfordshire, on the 16 th inst., Isabella, daughter of the late John M'Douall, Esq., of Glasgow,<br />
younger brother of the late Earl of Dumfries, aged 65.<br />
At Viewfield, Dollar, on the 29th ult., age 21, Adam, son of the late Adam Allan, Esq., of Bushielhill, East<br />
Lothian.<br />
At Rosslyn House, near Hampstead, on the 20th inst., from the effects of the injuries she received from her<br />
dress taking fire on the preceding day, the Hon. Lady Colville, relict of General the Hon. Sir Charles<br />
Colville, G.C.B.<br />
At Artfield, parish of New Luce, on the 25th ult., Mr Peter M'Clure, aged 73 years.
Suddenly at Langholm, on the 25th ult, Mrs Fleming, relict of John Fleming, joiner there, aged 88.<br />
At Torhousekie, on the 28th ult., Mr William Erskine, blacksmith.<br />
8 th June <strong>1843</strong> (Week 23)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At the Reformed Presbyterian Manse, here, on the 26th ult., Mrs J. M'Leod, of a daughter.<br />
At Airyhemming, parish of Old Luce, on the 5th inst., Mrs Williamson, of a son.<br />
At Portospittal, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 31st ult., Mrs Hugh Kirkpatrick, of a daughter.<br />
At North Cairn, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 6th inst., Mrs Samuel Preston, of a still-born child.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., the lady of William Scott, M.D., of a son.<br />
At Gatehouse Academy, on the 22d ult., Mrs Dun, of a son.<br />
At Fisher Street, here, on the 1st curt, by the Rev. Mr Donald, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Brown, of H.M.R.C., "Wellington",<br />
to Miss Mary Gibson.<br />
At Mahaar, on the 5th inst., Mr Watson, grain dealer, Dromore, to Agnes, second daughter of Mr William<br />
Campbell, farmer, Mahaar, parish of Kirkcolm.<br />
At New Galloway, on the 6th inst., Mr John M'Cormick, to Nancy, fourth daughter of Archibald Douglas,<br />
Esq., surgeon there.<br />
At Tynronkirk, upon Friday the 2d curt., by the Rev. John Smith, Mr Thomas Hay, gamekeeper,<br />
Maxwelltown House, to Miss Margaret Banantyne.<br />
At Goldielea, the seat of Col. Newall Maxwell, on the 1st curt, John Stedman Christie, Esq., Glenfair House,<br />
Stirlingshire, to Alexandrina Oswald, daughter of the late Rev. Alex. Macgowan, minister of Dalry,<br />
Galloway.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 29th ult., Mr John Martin, tailor, Queensberry Street, to Miss Ann S. Wells, Troqueer.<br />
At Inverleith House, on the 1st inst., by the Very Rev. E.B. Ramsay, Dean of Edinburgh, Major John Douglas,<br />
eldest son of Major-General Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B., Commander of the Forces in Scotland, to the Hon<br />
Elizabeth Cathcart, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-General Lord Greenock.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Kirluchline, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 2d inst., after a short illness, Mrs Thorburn - deservedly<br />
regretted. One short year has seen her made a wife - a mother - and a tenant of the grave.<br />
At Portospittal, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 3d inst., of cramp, Grace, infant daughter of Mr M'William,<br />
farmer there.<br />
At Cairnbrock, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24th ult., Mr Andrew M'Dowall, aged 83 years.<br />
At Blackstone, on the 27th ult., Isabella Stobbie, wife of Mr John Blackley, farmer, Blackstone.<br />
At Moniaive, on the 3d curt., Mr Alexander Murray, weaver, aged 78.<br />
At Langholm, on the 3d curt., Walter Dalgliesh, aged 55 years.<br />
At Balcarry House, on Saturday morning, the 27th ult., James Gordon, Esq., of Culvennan, the senior<br />
retired Judge of the Commissary Court of Edinburgh, aged 73.<br />
At St. David Street, Dumfries, on the 27 th ult., Mr William Ramsay, tailor, after a lingering illness.<br />
At Church Street, Maxwelltown, on the 31 st ult., Miss Janet Anderson (formerly of Auchenskeoch,<br />
Colvend), in her 77 th year.<br />
At Bridge End, parish of Kirkconnell, on the 28th ult., Thomas, only son of the late Quintin M'Adam<br />
Barker, Esq., Rio Janeiro, aged four years and nine months.<br />
At Wanlockhead, on the 21st ult., John, only son of Mr John Williamson.<br />
At the house of her son-in-law, Mr William Kerr, Minnyhive, on the 24th ult., Janet Halliday, relict of James<br />
M'Ghie, Chapeltown of Borgue, in her 90th year.<br />
At Derrylarin Mills, County Monaghan, Ireland, on the 30 th ult., <strong>Robert</strong>, son of Mr Wm. Barton, miller there<br />
- formerly of Dumfries.<br />
On the 26th ult., at the house of his brother-in-law, Mr D. Watson, Snowhill, Bradford, Yorkshire, Mr<br />
Alexander Bean, aged 50, farmer, Fininess, parish of Balmaghie, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright.
At Kirkintilloch, on the 27th ult., the Rev. Adam Forman, minister of that parish, aged 83.<br />
At Selkirk, on the 28th ult., Margaret, daughter of the late Dr Lawson, Professor of Divinity.<br />
At Willington Square, Ayr, on the 26 th ult., Andrew George, youngest son of Dr Memes.<br />
At Jamaica, on the 4th April, aged 62 years, the Right Rev. Christopher, first Bishop of Jamaica.<br />
At 13, Broughton Square, London, on the 28th ult., Ann <strong>Robert</strong>son, wife of Sir James Wellwood Moncrieff,<br />
Bart., one of the Senators of the College of Justice.<br />
15 th June <strong>1843</strong> (Week 24)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Burnside here, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr James Smith, compositor, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Hillhead, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr John M'Bryde, shoemaker, of a daughter - still born.<br />
At Blackquarter, parish of Penninghame, on the 24th ult., Mrs Alexander Johnstone, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, the wife of Mr Samuel Gibson, painter, of a son.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 2d inst., Mrs James Hornsby, of a son.<br />
At High Street, Dumfries, on the 8th inst., Mrs James Kerr, cabinet maker, of a daughter.<br />
At Appin, Tynron, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr John French, of a son.<br />
At New Abbey, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr Nathaniel Corrie, graindealer, of a daughter.<br />
At 52, Abbotsford Place, Glasgow, on the 5th curt., Mrs Burgess, of twin sons.<br />
At Workington, on Thursday, the 8th inst., the wife of the Rev. Thomas D. Nicholson, of the Scotch Church,<br />
of a daughter.<br />
At Roscommon, Ireland, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr William Crosbie, draper, Scotch House, of a son.<br />
At Balwhirry, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. T.B. Bell, Mr Samuel Davidson, grocer, Stranraer, to Miss Jane<br />
Torbit.<br />
At Kirkowan, on the13th inst., by the Rev. Dr Laurie, Mr John M'Cormick, to Miss Jannet Alexander, both of<br />
Kirkowan.<br />
At the Catholic Chapel, Newton-Stewart, on the 8th instant, Mr James Hughs, Newton-Stewart, to Miss<br />
Margaret Tole of Kirkowan.<br />
At New Galloway, on the 6th inst., Mr John M'Cormick, to Nancy, fourth daughter of Archibald Douglas,<br />
Esq., surgeon there.<br />
At Crossmichael, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Henderson of Castle-Douglas, Mr Francis Richardson,<br />
Newmains, Carlaverock, to J(e)an, eldest daughter of Mr Thos. Austen, miller, Crossmichael Mill.<br />
At Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr Duncan, Mr John Brodie, furrier, to Ann<br />
Johnstone, daughter of Mr John Barton, Tinwald.<br />
At Washington Street, Glasgow, on the 2d curt., by the Rev. Mr M'Morlan, Mr William Donald, perfumer, to<br />
Miss Mary Fergusson M'Queen, second daughter of Mr Thomas M'Queen, English Street, Dumfries.<br />
At Johnstone Manse, on Monday, the 5th curt., by the Rev. Dr. Colvin, the Rev. James M. Fisher, A.M.,<br />
Rosebank, Dumfries, to Elizabeth Goldie, daughter of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Colvin, D.D., minister of Johnstone.<br />
At Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland, on Thursday, the 1st inst., Mr Andrew Wallace, draper, to Mary,<br />
second daughter of Stephen Madden, Esq., writer, Loughrea.<br />
At the Parish Church, Huddersfield, on Thursday, the 8th inst., Mr Walter Common, accountant in the<br />
Union Bank, Halifax, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Mr Solomon Ratcliffe, Terregles Village.<br />
At Dryburgh Abbey, on the 6th inst., the Hon. and Rev. Sommerville Hay, brother of the Earl of Errol, to<br />
Lady Alicia Diana Erskine, third daughter of the Earl of Buchan.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Hillhead, here, on the 9th curt., Mr Alex. Morland, shoemaker, after a lingering illness.<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 10th inst., William, youngest son of Mr Peter Aitken.<br />
At Calcutta, of fever, in June, 1842, John Alexander, eldest son of the late William Douglas, writer,<br />
Stranraer.<br />
At Garliestown, on the 2d curt., Mr Arch. Douglas, mariner, aged 78.<br />
At Barstibly, Tongland, on the 29th ult., after a lingering illness, Mr Adam Gray, sen. - much regretted by
his family and friends.<br />
At Borgue Kirk Village, on the 8th curt., Margaret Haining, aged 96. She retained the use of her faculties till<br />
within a few days of her death, and, what is somewhat singular, a sister died in the same house some<br />
years ago who was just the same age.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 6th inst., Mr Alex. Stewart, late farmer in Glenturk, by Wigtown, aged 81.<br />
At Lochinbreck Well, on the 10th inst., very suddenly, of apoplexy, Jean Durham, aged 58, spouse to Mr<br />
Landsburgh, innkeeper there.<br />
At Haugh of Urr, on Saturday, the 10th inst., Mr Wm. Black, aged 80 years.<br />
At 3, Castle Street, Dumfries, Janet Campbell, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Dr James Crichton of<br />
Holywood.<br />
At the Island of St. Vincent, West Indies, on the 2d of May last, Samuel Morrine, Esq., aged 42 years, a<br />
native of Dumfries - much and deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.<br />
At Crossehall, Lancashire, on Thurday, 1st June, 1943, Mary Wallace, relict of <strong>Robert</strong> Anderson, Surveyor<br />
of Customs, Dumfries, in the 84th year of her age.<br />
At Mamore, Dumbartonshire, on the 8 th inst., aged 21 years, Catherine, youngest daughter of John<br />
Campbell, Mamore.<br />
At Burnfoot, Tynron, Mr James Hunter, aged 34, after a protracted illness of nearly seven years, borne<br />
with great fortitude and Christian resignation.<br />
At Minnyhive, on the 2d curt., Agnes infant daughter of Mr Wm. Buchanan.<br />
At Woodfoot, parish of Moffat, on the 1 st inst., aged 73 years, Mr David Marchbank, sen.<br />
At Langholm, on the 6th curt, Walter, and on the 11th, Mary, twin son and daughter of Mr James Grieve,<br />
grocer there, aged 11 months.<br />
At Langholm, on the 11th curt, John, son of Mr Peter Telford, cooper, aged 23.<br />
At Griglwd, North Wales, on the 31st ult., Marion Dympster, spouse of Thomas M'Michan.<br />
On the 7th ult., on board the Royal Mail Steam Packet "Tiviot", bound for Hunduras, Edward Shiel, Esq.,<br />
for many years of Belise, an eminent merchant, and brother of the Right Hon. Lalor Shiel, M.P.<br />
22 nd June <strong>1843</strong> (Week 25)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At North Strand Street, here, on the 20 th instant, the lady of J. Adair, Esq., writer, of a son.<br />
At Culhorn Parks, on the 1-th inst., Mrs Campbell, of twins - a son and daughter.<br />
At Cassencarrie House, on the 8th inst., the lady of the Rev. Dr. Bawrie, late of the H.E.I.C.S., of a daughter.<br />
At 19, Harmer Street, Gravesend, on the 17 th inst., Mrs Alex. Hunter, of a son and heir.<br />
At King Street, Maxwelltown, on the 10 th inst., the wife of Mr William Grierson, founder, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr William Halliday, of a daughter - still-born.<br />
At Trailflatt, on the 13th inst., Mrs George John Lyon Cruickshank, of a daughter.<br />
At Beckfoot, near Annan, last week, Mrs Thomson, of a daughter.<br />
At Whithorn, on Monday, the 5th curt., Mrs Carter, of a daughter.<br />
On Saturday, the 10th inst., the wife of Mr Nathanial Currie, grain-dealer, Newabbey, of a daughter.<br />
At Killyleoch, on the 7th inst., Mrs Gillison, of a son.<br />
At Barnbarroch, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. A. MacCulloch, Sir James John Reid, member of the<br />
Supreme Council of Justice of the Ionian Islands, to Mary Dalzell, daughter of the late<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> Threshie, Esq., of Barnbarroch.<br />
At 9, West Maitland Street, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Dr Dunbar of Applegarth, James Seton<br />
Wightman, Esq., of Conrance, Dumfries-shire, to Caroline Cordelia Rose, daughter of the late James Cullen,<br />
Esq., Edinburgh.<br />
At 18, Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, on the 14th inst., by the Very Rev. Dean Ramsay, William Munro, Esq.,<br />
Captain in H.M. 79th Highlanders, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir <strong>Robert</strong> Abercromby<br />
of Birkenbog, Bart., and on the same day, by the Rev. James Veitch, minister of St. Cuthbert's parish,<br />
according to the Presbyterian form, Sir James Colquhoun, of Luss, Bart., Lord-Lieutenant of<br />
Dumbartonshire, to Jane, second daughter of Sir <strong>Robert</strong> Abercromby, Bart.,<br />
At Drumore House, Argyleshire, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Donald Macdonald of Killean, Thomas<br />
M'Micken Cranfuird, Esq., of Grange, in the county of Ayr, to Elizabeth Fraser, daughter of David Stuart
Galbraith, Esq., of Machrehanich, and Drumore.<br />
At Castlehill, Troqueer, on the 13th curt., by the Rev. Walter Dunlop, Mr Alex. Mills, farmer, Millhill, to<br />
Miss Jane Corrie, of the former place.<br />
At St. Peter's Church, Liverpool, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Mr George Crosbie, saddler, to<br />
Miss Ann Johnston, third daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Johnston, millwright, Tinwald.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 13 th inst., Mr Peter Milroy aged 86 years.<br />
At 3, Castle Street, Dumfries, on Saturday, the 10th inst., Janet Campbell, second daughter of the late Rev.<br />
Mr James Crichton of Holywood.<br />
At English Street, Dumfries, George William, second son of Mr J.C. Dewson, auctioneer.<br />
At Brenchoilly, Argyleshire, on Monday, the 12th curt., Agnes, eldest daughter of Thomas Murray.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 1-th inst., Catherine, youngest daughter of the late William M'Kenzie, shoemaker, St.<br />
Michael Street, Dumfries, aged 27 years.<br />
At Annan, on the 12th curt., after a short illness, Mr Thomas Johnstone, flesher, aged 34 years.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 12th inst., Mr William Barbour, flesher, aged 62 years.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 26th ult., after a short illness, Mr Alex. M'Cleave, manufacturer, in his 38th year. He<br />
was a native of Kirkcudbright, and was much esteemed by his numerous friends there and<br />
in Glasgow.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 12th inst., James Watson M'Caig, aged 7 years.<br />
At Holmains, in the parish of Dalton, on the 5th inst., Mr William Park, author of "The Vale of Esk," and<br />
other poems.<br />
At Hightae, on the 10th inst., Mrs Wells.<br />
At Heck, Lochmaben, on the 12th inst., Mr William Jardine.<br />
At Knowe Village, by Newton-Stewart, on the 6 th inst., Mrs Gibson, at the advanced age of 94 years.<br />
29 th June <strong>1843</strong> (Week 26)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Dumfries, on the 26th curt., the wife of Mr John Coupland, perfumer, of a son<br />
At Irish St., Dumfries, on the 21st inst., Mrs Wm. Bell, of a daughter - since dead.<br />
At Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, on the 21st inst., Mrs Muir, of a son.<br />
At Moffat, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr James Thomson, painter, of a daughter.<br />
On the 17th inst., by the Venerable Archdeacon Samuel Wilberforce, the Rev. William B. Dunbar,<br />
Westerkirk, to Margaret Juliana Maria, eldest daughter Lieut.-General Orde, Bury Hall, Hampshire.<br />
At Dundee, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Adie, <strong>Robert</strong> Stirling Graham, Esq., of Kincaldrum and Affleck,<br />
Forfarshire, to Mary Alison, eldest daughter of John Anderson, Esq., H.E.I.C. Civil Service, Euston Place,<br />
London.<br />
On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Walter Dunlop, Mr George Pringle, sailor, to Miss Agnes Dickson, Dumfries.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. Walter M'Farlane, Mr James Campbell, cabinet-maker, to<br />
Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Mr James Palmer, bricklayer.<br />
At Kildarroch, parish of Kirkowen, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. Dr Lawrie, Mr Anthony M'Connell,<br />
merchant, Nantwich, Cheshire, to Jane, sixth daughter of Mr Forsyth, farmer, Kildarroch.<br />
At Lochlands, Maybole, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Andrew Thomson, A.S. Thomson, Esq., to Jessie,<br />
daughter of James Kennedy, Esq.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Cairnbrock, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 17th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gibson, farmer, aged 49 years.<br />
At Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 19th inst., Mr Archibald Milmine, late farmer in Myroch, aged<br />
At Enrick Mill, on the 23d inst., after a severe illness, aged 55 years, Mary Connel, spouse of Mr <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Campbell, Stewart-officer.<br />
At Rusco House, on the 25th inst., Jane Hannay, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Hannay, Esq., aged 6 years, an<br />
interesting and amiable girl, and deeply lamented by mourning parents and friends.<br />
On the 14th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Clark, Esq., of Whiteside, Dunscore, in the 79th year of his age.<br />
At 26, Drummond Place, Edinburgh, on the 14th inst., Mrs Janet Hunter, relict of William Younger, Esq., of<br />
Craigielands.<br />
At Newington, Edinburgh, on the 19th inst., Lieutenant- General Mark Napier, last surviving son of the late<br />
Major-General the Hon. Mark Napier.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 22d inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Walker, of Messrs Oliver & Boyd's Establishment, aged 67 years.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 14th inst., Mrs Katharine Cochrane Oswald, relict of <strong>Robert</strong> Haldane, Esq.,<br />
Auchingray.<br />
At Williamfield, North Leith, on the 19th inst., Mr Wm. Reid, bookseller, aged 80.<br />
At Dalkeith, on the 20th inst., Mr William White, woollen manufacturer.<br />
At Walston, parish of Pennicuik, on the 11 th inst., Mrs Aitken, Sen.<br />
Suddenly, at the Manse of Belhelvie, on the morning of Sunday, the 18th inst., the Rev. Dr Forsyth, for<br />
fifty-two years minister of the parish.<br />
6 th July <strong>1843</strong> (Week 27)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Wigtown, on the 3d instant, the wife of Mr William M'Dowall, mason, of a son.<br />
At Snap Inn, parish of Penninghame, on the 2d inst., Mrs John Brown, the landlady of the Snap Inn, of a<br />
son.<br />
At P----stones, Dumfries, on the 28th ult., Mrs William Gibson, of a son.<br />
At Albert Inn, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr A. Riddick, of a son.<br />
At Lochmaben, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr James Rogerson, tailor, of a son.<br />
At Priesthead, on the 3d inst., Mrs William Herbert, of a son<br />
At the distillery House, Warmanbie, by Annan, on the --th ult., Mrs George Donald, of a son.<br />
At Kelton Manse, on the --th ult., Mrs Cowan, of a son.<br />
At Mountjoy Square, Dublin, on the 30th ult., the lady of Edward Tandy, Esq., of a son.<br />
At 27, Friday Street, Cheapside, London, on the 30th ult. Mrs M'Cutchan, of a son.<br />
At Artfield, parish of New luce, on the 27(17)th ult., Mr William M'Meikan, farmer, in Kirkland, parish of<br />
Leswalt, to Mary, fourth daughter of William M'Lure, Esq.,<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. S. Cowan of Kelton, John Laing, Esq., manufacturer, Hawick,<br />
to Miss Mary Anderson, sister to Patrick Anderson, Esq., surgeon, Castle-Douglas.<br />
At Kirkcowan Village, on the 4th inst., Mr John M'Credie, joiner, to Miss Rachel Findlay.<br />
At the Bank of Bishopton, Twynholm, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr Alexander Payne,<br />
joiner, to Miss Jean Stewart.<br />
At Haigh Church, on the 28th ult, by the Rev. Mr Brown, Black Re-, <strong>Robert</strong> Johnston, Esq., Fearnhead<br />
House, to Miss Marsh, only daughter of John Marsh, Esq., Aspull, near Wigan.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Ervie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24 th ult., Charles Kenmuire, farmer, aged 7(7) years.<br />
At Big Park, parish of Ballantrae, on the 28 th ult., Mrs Milroy, aged (23) years.<br />
At Mill Driggan, Wigtownshire, on the 28th ult., William Routledge, miller there, formerly of Muncaster<br />
Mill, Cumberland, aged 80 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 28th ult., aged 93 years, Mrs Stewart, widow of John Stewart, farmer, Boreland of<br />
Kirkcowan.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 2(6)th ult., William Skimming, manufacturer, aged -- years.<br />
At same place, on the 3d inst., Mrs M'Bryde, wife of Mr J. M'Bryde, spirit-dealer, --------------- after a long<br />
and painful illness, which she bore with ---------Christian---------- justly regretted by ------------and<br />
At Dumfries on the (25th) ult., Mrs Janet Coutts, in the 35th year of her age.<br />
At Ochiltree, on the 25th ult., Mr Andrew Edgar, Innkeeper, aged 8(-).<br />
At Daron ironworks, on the 15th ult., Mr Thomas Wilson, aged 67 years.<br />
At Collonsay House, on the 16th ult., Mrs M'Neile, of Collonsay, in her 7- -- year.<br />
At Pennyland, near Sanquhar, of scarlet fever, on the 2d inst., Mary Goodlet, aged (7) years and (4)<br />
months, only daughter of John Martin, mason, formerly of Kirkmahoe.<br />
At Annan, last week, James Aitchison, joiner, much regretted.<br />
At Grangemouth, on Sunday, the 18 th ult., Benjamin Davidson, master mariner, aged 35 years.<br />
At St. Louis, United States, America, on the 23d of May last, aged 1 year and 4 months, John, only son of Mr<br />
William M'Lure, formerly cattle-dealer in Derry, parish of Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire.<br />
At Jamaica, on the 29th of April, of fever, <strong>Robert</strong> Corrie, Esq., surgeon, youngest son of the late Mr James<br />
Corrie, long farmer at Portrack, parish of Holywood - much regretted.<br />
13 th July <strong>1843</strong> (Week 28)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 11th inst., Mrs Alexander Douglas, of a son.<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 9th inst., Mrs George Reid, of Ardrossan, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr A. Black, baker, of a daughter.<br />
At Warmanbie, on the 26th ult., the lady of G. Donald, distiller, of a son.<br />
At Lochmaben, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr James Rogerson, tailor, of a son.<br />
At Annan, on the 8th inst., Mrs Campbell M'Lean, of a son.<br />
At Annan, on Wednesday week, Mrs William Forrest, High Street, of a daughter.<br />
At Annan, on Thursday week, Mrs John Genning, High Street, of a daughter.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 10th inst., Mr Alexander Turner, ironmonger, Dumfries, to Mary, youngest<br />
daughter of Mr John M'Kay, manufacturer, Maxwelltown.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Dr. T. Duncan, Mr William Smith, son of Mr Smith, farmer,<br />
Burnside of Mabie, to Ellen, second daughter of Mr James Gibson, English Street.<br />
At (Runcan), on Friday, the 7th curt., by the Rev. Walter Dunlop, William Currie, farm servant, Kirkconnel<br />
Park., to Miss Mary Ann Jardine.<br />
At Maidenrow, Crocketford, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. George J. Duncan, Kirkpatrick-Durham, Mr David<br />
Johnson, foreman to Mr (Halverton), Mainshead, Terregles, to Nicolas Shannon, second<br />
daughter of Mr William Shannon, of that place.<br />
At New York, in Eighth Street Church, by the Rev. Dr. Philips, James S. Aspinwall, Esq., of that city,<br />
to Margaret, third daughter of the late Dr.Maxwell, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Burnside, on the 12th inst., Mr M'Cubbin, wife of Mr James M'Cubbin, shoemaker, aged 65 years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 4th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'William, innkeeper, aged 84 (34) years.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 8th inst., Mr Thomas Stewart, tailor, aged 75 years.<br />
At Eldrick, near Newton-Stewart, on the 29 th ult., aged 23 years, Mrs M'Lellan, wife of Mr Alexander<br />
M'Lellan, farmer, sincerely regretted by her sorrowing friends and acquaintances. -------- months she was<br />
a bride, a mother and then - died.<br />
At Poundland, parish of Colmonell, on the 21st ult., in the 50(59)th year of his age, Mr James Kennedy,<br />
wright.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on Tuesday, the 4th curt, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Neilson, painter, - deeply regretted.<br />
At Ryedale Cottage, Troqueer, on the 24th ult., after a lingering illness, borne with Christian patience and<br />
resignation.<br />
Jane Corrie, aged 17, youngest daughter of Mr William Corrie, residing there.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 29th ult., in his 84th year, Mr William Campbell, deservedly regretted by a large<br />
circle of acqaintances and friends.<br />
At Crawickmill, on the 1st inst., of scarlet fever, Jeanie Stewart, daughter of Alex. Stewart, spinner, aged 7<br />
At Longtown, on the 29th ult., Mrs Ann Johnston, aged 71 years; and on the 30th ult., Mrs Jane Beaty,<br />
widow of William Beaty, cabinet-maker, aged 85 years.<br />
At No. 14, Alpine Street, Anderston Walk, Glasgow, on the 1st inst., Mr William M'Gregor, blacksmith, aged<br />
72, late of Carronbridge, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Belhelvie, Aberdeen, the Rev. J. Forsyth, LL.D., minister of that parish, the inventor of the<br />
percussion gun, and a near relative of Lord Brougham.<br />
At Hylton Perry, aged 105, Mrs Margaret Muers, widow.<br />
20 th July <strong>1843</strong> (Week 29)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Balgreen, on the 17th inst., Mrs Matthew Andrews, of a son.<br />
At Glengyre, on the 10th inst., Mrs Archibald Auld, of a son.<br />
At Smithfield, Belfast, on the 16th inst., Mrs John Skimming, of a daughter.<br />
At High Street, Dumfries, on the 14th inst., the wife of William Dawson, sergeant of police, of a son.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Murdoch, shoemaker, of son.<br />
At Netherwood, Dumfries, on the 16th inst., Mrs M'Chain, of a son.<br />
At Lockerbie, on the 7th inst., Mrs James Baxter, of a daughter.<br />
At Longtown, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Kie, miller, of a son; and on the 11th inst., the wife<br />
of Mr William Fergusson, meal-dealer, of a daughter.<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. A. Urquhart, Mr William Gouldie, joiner, Stranraer, to Miss<br />
Helen Lipson.<br />
At Belvidere, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 11th inst., by Mr Ballantyne, Francis Corbett, to Martha Brown,<br />
the united ages of the happy pair amount to 165 years.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr Wallace of St. Michael's, Mr Edward K. Nicholson, parochial<br />
teacher, Troboughton, to Marion, daughter of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Barr of Perceton, Irvine.<br />
On the 2d current, by the Rev. John Crocket, Mr Hugh Durham, to Margaret Beattie, third daughter of Mr<br />
James Heattie, Glaisters, Kirkgunzeon.<br />
At Stirling, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. George Cupples, Mr Thos. K. Gibson of Glasgow, to Mary, youngest<br />
daughter of the late Mr Francis Clark, Bridge Street, Dumfries.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at St. John's Street, this morning, John, aged 18 years, son of Mr Thomas M'Carlie, tailor.<br />
Here, at Queen Street, this morning, Mrs Dobson, aged 34 (84) years.<br />
At Creebridge, Newton -Stewart, on the 17th inst., after a lingering illness, Jane, eldest daughter of the late<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> Hannay Esq., formerly of Shennanton - sincerely and justly regretted.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 3d inst., advanced in years, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with<br />
Christian patience and resignation, Elizabeth, wife of Mr J. Macbryde, wine and spirit merchant, and<br />
daughter of the late Mrs Wilson of Calside and Nether-Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Cassencarrie House, on the 4th current, Laura Louisa, infant daughter of the Rev. Dr Lawrie.<br />
At New Galloway, on the 12th inst., Elizabeth Donaldson, aged 57 years, widow of Gilbert Munro,<br />
gardener to the late Lord Kenmure.<br />
At the Commercial Hotel, Lochmaben, on the 16th inst., Mrs J.D. Edgar, formerly of Castle-Douglas.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 18th inst., Mr Allan Dunsmore, of the Blue Bell Inn.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., Mr George Dawson junior, writer.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 9th current, Mr Alexander Macdonald, officer of the Fishery - much and justly<br />
regretted.<br />
At the residence of his brother in-law, Mr David Martin, Kingston, Canada, on the 12th of May last, Charles<br />
Douglas, youngest son of the late Convener Howat, Dumfries.<br />
At Longtown, on the 5th inst., John, infant son of Mr William Wright, master tailor.<br />
At Redheugh, on the 10th instant, Mrs Ainslie, relict of Mr Alex. Ainslie, Begbie, East Lothian.<br />
On the 22d ult., at Brompton, Middlesex, in the 49th year of his age, Adam Hunter, Esq., M.D., of Park
Place, Leeds. Dr Hunter, in early life, settled in Leeds, and for many years held the important office of<br />
Physician to the General Infirmary, House of Recovery (Fever Hospital), and Public Dispensary, and also<br />
that of Lecturer on the Practice of Physic in the Leeds School of of Medicine which appointment he was<br />
compelled, by declining health, to resign. He was author of a work of considerable merit on the "Mineral<br />
Waters of Harrowgate". He also took a very active part in the original formation and subsequent support<br />
of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, and the Leeds Mechanics' Institution. Dr Hunter was a<br />
native of Tynron, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Paris, on the 2d inst., Dr Samuel Hahnenann, the founder of the homeopathic method of medical<br />
practice.<br />
27 th July <strong>1843</strong> (Week 30)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 23(th), the wife of Mr Alexander Neil, compositor, of a son.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 23d inst., Mrs Murray saddler, of a daughter.<br />
At Cally Mains, parish of Girthon, on the 18th inst., Mrs Rain, of a son.<br />
At Maryholm Cottage, on the 22d inst., Mrs William Watson, of a daughter.<br />
At Skarr, Irongray, on Thursday, the 18th inst., Mrs S. Kissock, of a son.<br />
At No 3. Christian Street, Liverpool, on the 11th curt, the wife of Mr J.A. Henderson, architect, of a son.<br />
At the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar, Gosport, on the 14th inst., the lady of Mr John Richardson, of a son.<br />
At Livesey Fold, Darwen, on the 18th inst., Mrs Harold Potter, of a son.<br />
At Torpichen, on the 11th inst., the lady of the Rev. W.M. Hetherington, of a son.<br />
Here, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. John M'Gregor, Mr Thomas Stewart, mason, to Miss Mary Ritchie.<br />
At Twynholm Village, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr Samuel Sproat, cattle-dealer, to<br />
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr John Rain, merchant there.<br />
At 22, Melville Street, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. John Paul of St. Cuthbert's, William Broun,<br />
Esq., writer, Dumfries, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the late John Smith, Esq., of Drongan, Ayrshire.<br />
At Trailtrow, on the 16th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Hugh Bell, Hoddam Tileworks, to Miss C. Henderson, Trailtrow.<br />
At Beechbush, Hoddam, on Friday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr Menzies, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Dalzell, Hoddam<br />
Tileworks, to Miss Elspeth Irving, Beechbush.<br />
At the Scotch Secession Church, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. John Aedie, of<br />
Glasgow, Mr Thomas Cowan, of Fordhill, near Banbridge, to Mary eldest daughter of the late Mr J. Benson,<br />
Dumfries.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Balgown, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24th inst., aged one year and three months, Andrew, son of Mr<br />
John Stewart.<br />
At Barlochart, Glenluce, on the 24th inst, Mary Muir, aged 76.<br />
At Craigenlee, parish of Portpatrick, on the 24th instant, Mr John Kerr, farmer, aged 34 years. He was<br />
eldest son of the late Mr Thomas Kerr there, and is much lamented by a wide circle of friends and<br />
relatives. With the utmost patience of a devoted Christian, he bore with great zeal and piety, for the<br />
period of nine months, a most painful and lingering illness.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 23d inst., Mary Kinging, aged 84 years, spouse of the late Gilbert Whirk, merchant<br />
there.<br />
At Cumston Castle, on the 20th inst., at an advanced age, Adam Maitland, Esq., after a severe illness. The<br />
deceased was a kind landlord and generous friend to the poor, whose wants at all times were his peculiar<br />
care, and whose death will be severely felt by many a sorrowing friend and dependant.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 20th inst., Mr James Hannay, aged 62 years.<br />
At At. John's, Antigua, on the 18th June, on board the brig "Campbell of Whitehaven", of lock-jaw,<br />
accasioned by a splinter entering the foot, John Gracie, aged 19 years, son of William Gracie, grain-dealer,<br />
Castle-Douglas.<br />
At Dumfries, on the (20)th inst., aged four years, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, boot and
shoemaker, Friars' Vennel.<br />
At Whitesands, Dumfries, on the 23d inst., aged fourteen months, <strong>Robert</strong>, youngest son of Mr William<br />
Bryden.<br />
At Thornhill on the 21st inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr, late tanner in Dumfries.<br />
At Annan, on the 20th inst., Mrs Edward Irving, High Street, advanced in years.<br />
At Annan, last week, Mrs Wilson, High Street, in her 92d year.<br />
At Ecclefechan, on the 18th inst., Grace Thomson, widow of the deceased David Burnie, late farmer in<br />
Heathhall, aged 56.<br />
At Wester Scotsbridge, parish of Middlebie, on the 19th inst., Elizabeth Barton, wife of Mr John<br />
Richardson, farmer there - much and justly regretted.<br />
At the residence of John Fergusson, Esq., Port Louis, Mauritius, on the 16th March last, William M'Caw,<br />
Esq., M.D., in the 28th year of his age. Dr M'Caw was a native of Carrick, Aryshire, and bore a very high<br />
character as well privately as professionally.<br />
At the Manse of Nigg, on the 11th inst., in the 86th year of his age, the Rev. Alex. Thom, minister of that<br />
parish.<br />
At the Manse of Kincardine O'Neil, on the 8th inst., the Rev. John Rodger, in the 80th year of his age, and<br />
50th of his ministry.<br />
3 rd August <strong>1843</strong> (Week 31)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Bladnoch Bridge, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr Peter M'Clumpha, tailor, of twins.<br />
At Culreoch, parish of Inch, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. John M'Cleod, Stranraer, Mr James Lyons, to Miss<br />
Ellen Birkerton.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 20th ult., Alexander, eldest son of Colon. C. Shaw, to Exavers Glendinning, eldest<br />
daughter of J. Rigge, Esq., of Carlinwark, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Whigill Church, Yorkshire, on the 1st ult., by the Rev. Dr. Jessop, Mr George Noble Watson, to Miss Janet<br />
Martin, youngest daughter of the late Mr Samuel Martin, builder, Kirkmahoe.<br />
At M'Cubbington-hill, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Mathew Beattie, Mr James Laurie, parochial teacher,<br />
Burnhead, Dunscore, to Agnes, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Millan, late farmer in M'Cubbington-hill.<br />
At Edinburgh, on Friday, the 28th ult., Mr John Watson, to Miss Corrie of Edinburgh.<br />
At Berwick-upon-Tweed, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Joseph Barnes, Mr James Aitchison <strong>Robert</strong>son,<br />
solicitor, Edinburgh, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late George Darling, Esq.,<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Low Torrs, parish of Old Luce, on the 31st ult., Mary, aged 14, daughter of Mr James Thorburn, farmer.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 25th ult., aged 7 years, Edward, son of John Black, Esq., writer.<br />
At New Langholm, on the 22d ult., Mr Alexander Main, Sergeant in the Royal Artillery, aged 77 years.<br />
At Langholm, on the 24th ult., Mr James Reid, late inn-keeper, aged 69 years - much respected.<br />
At 81, George Street, Edinburgh, on the 1st inst., Mary daughter of Dr. Charles Bell.<br />
At Croys, on the 26th ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Skirving, Esq., late Captain in the Hon. E.I.C.S., in his 86th year.<br />
At Ragnall Street, Newcastle, Staffordshire, on the 22d ult., Mr George Nelson, draper, a native of<br />
Dumfries-shire - much lamented by all who knew him.<br />
At Annan, on the 27th ult., John Cuthbertson, some time farmer at Prestonhall near Annan, aged 66 years.<br />
At Hillend, near Annan, on the 27th ult., Mr James Parlane, farmer there, Mr P. while attending Annan<br />
market, was struck with paralysis in a respectable barber's shop, early in the afternoon, and, in defiance<br />
of the best medical skill, by ten o'clock same evening the vital spark had fled. He was much and<br />
deservedly esteemed by all who knew him, and his awfully sudden death is thus greatly lamented.<br />
At 6, Hope Street, Edinburgh, on the 19th ult,. Mrs Cumming of Logie.<br />
At Stroud Lodge, Roseneath, on the 24th ult., Mrs Campbell, sen. of Ormidale, aged 82.
10 th August <strong>1843</strong> (Week 32)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Lockerbie, on Friday the 29th ult., Mrs W.C. Farries, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 7th inst., the lady of<br />
John Brand, Esq., British Linen Company's Bank, Annan, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr Hunter, of the Red Lion Inn, of a son.<br />
At Crogo Bridge, on the 25th ult., Mrs John Wallace, of a son.<br />
At Camberwell, London, on Sunday the 30 th ult., Mrs John B. Cameron, of a daughter.<br />
At Shakspeare Street, Dumfries, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Farlane, of the Episcopalian Chapel, Mr<br />
John Graham, merchant, Wigtown, to Catharine, second daughter of Mr Miles Leighton, merchant,<br />
Dumfries.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, James Hall, surgeon, to Agnes Walker, both of<br />
Preston.<br />
At Carronbridge, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. George Wallace, Mr Alexander Hastings, to Miss Agnes<br />
Beattie.<br />
At Ladykirk, on the 2d curt., by the Rev. William A. Corkindale, Mr Joseph H. Thomson, Ladykirk, to Alice,<br />
second daughter of Mr John Henderson of Upsettington.<br />
At St. James's Church, Gloucester, on the 1st curt., by the Rev. F.T. Bailey, Mr William Johnston, draper,<br />
Oxford Street, (late of Stockholm, parish of Johnstone, Dumfries-shire), to Miss Maria Averey, youngest<br />
daughter of John Averey, Esq., Alvin Street.<br />
At Hamilton, Upper Canada, on the 23d June last, by the Rev. Alexander Gale, James Stocks, Esq., of<br />
Montreal, to Jane, third daughter of the late F. Farish, Esq., formerly of Annan.<br />
At Nicholforest, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. John Halifax, B.A., Mr Thomas Mounsey of Slack, parish of<br />
Cannobie, to Jane, third daughter of Mr Andrew Forster, yeoman, Stonegarthside.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Creebridge, Newton-Stewart, on Saturday the 5th inst., of consumption, Mr John Young, late of<br />
Charlestown, North Carolina, son of the late Mr Young, Provost of Castle-Douglas - a young man cut off<br />
before he reached the prime of life, deeply regretted by his sorrowing friends, and lamented by a large<br />
circle of acquaintances.<br />
At Chapelton Village, on the 31st ult., after a short illness, aged 62, Mr Samuel Gordon, who was the only<br />
surviving brother of the late Rev. James Gordon, minister of Brogue, and was muc respected.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 8th inst., Mr Samuel M'Millan, stationer and tax-collector, much regretted by a<br />
wide circle of friends, and whose loss will be deeply deplored by his family of eight interesting children,<br />
whom heaven has seen meet to visit in the space of twelve short weeks with the deprivation of both<br />
parents.<br />
At London, on the 29th ult., Miss Eliza Maxwell, aged 14 years, daughter of Francis Maxwell, Esq., of<br />
Gribton.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 4th curt., William infant son of John Coupland, perfumer.<br />
At King Street, Dumfries, on the 25th ult., Jane, third daughter of Mr William Marshall, sheriff-officer, aged<br />
4 years and 9 months.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 8th inst., at 20, English Street, Alex Gordon, late a compositor in the "Standard" office,<br />
aged 34 - deeply regretted.<br />
At Islesteps, on the 5th inst., George Hair, Esq., of Bankhouse, aged 77 years.<br />
At London, on the 28th ult., <strong>Robert</strong>, son of Professor Napier, of the University of Edinburgh.<br />
17 th August <strong>1843</strong> (Week 33)<br />
At Barlae, Tool-barr, parish of Glenluce, on the 9th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Scott, of a son and heir.<br />
At Pennymuir, Borgue, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr James Sproat, farm-bailiff, of a son - being her tenth<br />
son, and tenth child.<br />
At Corsock Mains, Parton, on the 9th inst., Mrs John Smith, of a daughter.<br />
At Craigs Cottage, near Dumfries, on the 10th inst., Mrs Christopher Harkness, of a daughter. The child<br />
survived only a few hours.<br />
At Greencroft, Annan, on the 13th inst., the lady of A. L. Moffat, Esq., of Sundaywell, M.D., of a son.<br />
At Cothouse, Auchenhay, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr Hugh Kirkpatrick, of a son.<br />
At Barnboard, Balmaghie, on the 11th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wardhaugh, Peathill, Parton, to Miss Helen Irving,<br />
of the former place.<br />
At Burnsea Green, Dumfries, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Dr Wightman, Kirkmahoe, John Corrie Esq.,<br />
Gallaberry, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Joseph Mitchell, Esq., Whitestanes, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Mayfield, Sussex, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr Kirkby, George Bell Irving, Esq., M.R.C.V.S.<br />
Lamberhurst, Kent, to Miss Anna Maria Johnson, of Mayfield.<br />
At Northfleet, on the 7th inst, by the Rev. Dr. Joyns, John Gilchrist, draper and teadealer, Rochester, second<br />
son of Wm. Gilchrist, Curlen, Scotland, to Miss C. Wilkins, Morden Place, Rochester.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. John Bonar, minister at Larbert, Thomas Bonar, Esq., of the Bank<br />
of Scotland, to Margaret Pagan, daughter of A.R. Carson, LL.D. Rector of the High School<br />
of Edinburgh.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Archibald Bennie, John Gosnell, Esq., Highbury Place, London, to<br />
Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Duncan Sinclair, Esq. lotter-founder.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Dumfries, on the 14th current, John, infant son of Mr James Kerr, Vennel-foot.<br />
At Dalswinton Village, on Friday, the 11th current, Jean Inglis, widow of William Cowan, slater there.<br />
At Campbeltown, Argyleshire, on the 25th ult., Mr David Brunton, office of excise, son of the late Mr Wm.<br />
Brunton, Tinwald cottage.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 3d current, Mrs Isabella Noble, relict of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Borthwick of Orchardmains,<br />
Peeblesshire.<br />
At Peytknow, Peebles-shire, on the 24th ult., John Inch, farmer, at the advanced age of 85 years.<br />
At 2, Grey Place, Greenock, on the 6th curt John Mennons, Esq., Editor of the "Greenock Advertiser."<br />
24 th August <strong>1843</strong> (Week 34)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At old Stoneykirk road, on the 21 st inst., the wife of Mr James M'Master, weaver, of a daughter.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 13th inst., Mrs M'Dowall, baker, of a son.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 18th inst, the wife of Mr Davies, officer of excise, of a son.<br />
At Kilncroft, Glenluce, on the 20th inst., Mrs Edward Saunders, of a son.<br />
At Hopesrigg, parish of Westerkirk, Mrs Thos. Borthwick, of a son.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 21st curt, the wife of Mr Wm. Mason, spirit dealer, of a daughter.<br />
At Monteith Row, Glasgow, on the 10th inst., the wife of the Rev. Dr. Paterson, of a son.<br />
The Lady of Sir John Rae Reid, Bart., M.P., of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Church Street, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. John M'Gregor, Mr Alex. Sinclair, mill-wright, to Mrs<br />
M'Ilwraith, innkeeper here.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr Andrew Blair, late of Charleton, to Miss Jean<br />
M'Cubbin.<br />
At Langholm, on the 18th inst, by the Rev. W.B. Shaw, Mr Wm. Scott, to Nancy Rickerby, youngest
daughter of Mr John Rickerby, tea dealer there.<br />
At Glencaple, on the 21st curt., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Wallace, D.D., of Dumfries, Mr John Martin, ship-owner,<br />
Glencaple, to Miss Helen Kirk, daughter of the late Capt. Joseph Kirk.<br />
On the 27th ult., by elder H.V. Teall, Mr Thomas M'Millan, of Rochester, N.Y., to Miss Janet M'Lean, of<br />
Dumfries.<br />
At London, on the 9th inst., the Hon. Thomas Preston, son of Viscount Gormanston, to Margaret, fourth<br />
daughter of the late John Hamilton, Esq., of Sundrum, Ayrshire; and, at the same time<br />
and place, Henry Spencer, Esq., of Helmington Hall, Durham, to Jane Hamilla, youngest daughter of the<br />
late John Hamilton, Esq.<br />
At Forres, on the 1st inst., Oswin A.B. Cresswell, eldest son of A.J. Cresswell of Cresswell, Esq.,<br />
M.P., to Seymour, eldest daughter of Sir Wm. G. Gordon Cumming, Bart., of Altyre and Gordonstown.<br />
At Hertfield House, on the 15 th inst., by the Hon. and Rev. Dr Wellesley, James Maitland Balfour, Esq.,<br />
M.P., of Whittinghame, to the Lady Blanche Cecil, youngest daughter of the Marquis of Salisbury.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Sun Street here, on Sunday evening last, Mr William James, teacher, aged 44 years.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 20th inst., Mr James Rennie, aged 86 years.<br />
At Middleholms, near Langholm, on the19th inst., Isabella Johnstone, relict of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Armstrong,<br />
farmer there, aged 58 years.<br />
At her house, in Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 9th inst., Mrs Janet Thomson, relict of <strong>Robert</strong> Jardine,<br />
Esq., of Cresswell, aged 72.<br />
At Dumfries, on Tuesday, the 22d curt., John Crosbie, town-crier, at the advanced aged of 86.<br />
At Faregirth, Kirkmahoe, on the 8th inst., Mr John Rodan, farmer there.<br />
At Govan Street, Glasgow, on the 13 th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Armstrong, of the excise, eldest son of the late<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> Armstrong, Esq., one of the magistrates of Dumfries.<br />
In the Island of Antigua, on the 8th July last, Thos., eldest son of the late Rev. James Wilson, minister of<br />
Tynron.<br />
At High Polquhorter, New Cumnock, on the 11 th inst., Mrs Lorimer, at an advanced age.<br />
At Port Street, Annan, on the 12th inst., aged 41 years, Mary, wife of Mr David Rae, mariner - much<br />
lamented.<br />
At Murray Place, near Canadaigua, State of New York, U.S., after a short illness, Mrs Murrray, formerly of<br />
Wigtown, Scotland, at the venerable age of 84.<br />
At Greenend Cottage, Sutton Lancashire, on the12th inst, aged 71, James Carson, M.D., F.R.S., for<br />
upwards of forty years an eminent physician in Liverpool.<br />
At Louisville, Kentucky, on the 10th of July, Mr James Primrose Thorburn, third son of Mr James<br />
Thorburn, St. Anna's, Dumfries-shire.<br />
31 st August <strong>1843</strong> (Week 35)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at King Street, this day, the wife of Alexander M'Lellan, baker, of a son.<br />
At Garthland, near Stranraer, on the 24 th inst., Mrs Andrew Hannay, of a daughter.<br />
At 23, Mains Street, Glasgow, on the 29 th inst., Mrs John Buchanan, of a daughter.<br />
At New Galloway, on Tuesday, the 22d inst., the wife of Mr Archibald Little, tailor, of a son.<br />
At Kirkowan Village, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr James Kelly, grocer, of a daughter.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 17th inst., Mrs Alexander Sproat, of a daughter.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 25th inst., Mrs George M'Guffie, of a son.<br />
At Rerwick Manse, on the 2(4)th inst., the Lady of the Rev. James Thomson, of a son and heir.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 23d inst., the wife of Mr Maxwell, merchant, of a daughter.<br />
At Broad Street, Folkestone, Kent, on the 28th inst., Mrs M'Kenzie, of a daughter.<br />
At the Kenmure Arms Inn, New Galloway, on the 14th curt., Mr David Campbell, merchant, New Galloway,<br />
to Jessie, daughter of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Wilson, Kenmure Arms, New Galloway.<br />
At Meadowhead, parish of Anwoth, on the 8 th curt., Mr John Dunlop, hair-dresser, Maxwelltown, to Jane,<br />
second daugher of the late Mr James Cowan, Meadowhead.<br />
At Cally, on the 28th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Jeffrey, of the Free Church, Girthon, Mr James Hughan, Cally<br />
Draw-bridge, to Christina, youngest daughter of Mr Gibson, groom to A. Murray, Esq., M.P.<br />
At Kirkpatrick Village, on the 17th inst., Mr James Bell, cattle-dealer, to Miss Elizabeth Caven, of the same<br />
At Dumfries, on the 11th curt., Mr Alexander Nicholson, shoemaker, to Sarah Hughes, Dumfries.<br />
At Kirkbean, on the 20th inst., Mr M'Kenzie Hyslop, to Miss Elizabeth Grievie, both of Carsethorn.<br />
At Ruthwell Manse, on the 16th inst., the Rev. H. Bonar, minister of the Protesting Church, Kelso, to Jane<br />
Catherine, youngest and only surviving daughter of the late Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Lundie, minister of Kelso.<br />
At Annan, on Friday last in the newly consecrated Episcopal chapel, and by the Bishop of Glasgow,<br />
William Maxwell Dirom, Esq., of the honourable East India Co's service, to Miss Anne Jane, second<br />
daughter of David Alexander Carruthers, Esq., of Warmanbie, one of the Deputy Lieutenants, for the<br />
County of Dumfries.<br />
At Annan, on the 21st inst., Mr W.R. Thom, Kirktlebridge, to Miss Cuthbertson, Annan.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Tongue, parish of Inch, on the 28 th inst., after a short illness, William Douglas, Esq., aged 66 years.<br />
At Droughtarg, parish of Mochrum, on the 24 th inst., Mr Stewart.<br />
At Creetown, on the 24th inst., afer a short but severe illness, Mrs Hannay, wife of the Rev. Peter Hannay,<br />
of the Secession church. Her loss will be severely felt by many a sorrowing friend and<br />
relation. As her love to Christ was ardent, so also was her charity to all around, more especially to the<br />
poor, who were her peculiar care.<br />
At New Galloway, on the 20th curt., Mr James Muir, surgeon, aged 45 years.<br />
At Kirk of Borgue, on the 21st inst., after a lingering illness, John, youngest son of the late Mr John Edgar.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 23d curt., Mr George Kerr, cabinet-maker, aged 59 years.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 19th curt., Janet Wood, relict of Mr Joseph Cunningham, clog-maker.<br />
At Lochmaben, on the 8th inst., Elizabeth Jardine, relict of the late Provost Graham, aged 81.<br />
At At Auldgirth Bridge, on the 22d inst., Agnes Barton, wife of Mr William Imrie.<br />
At Buffalo, North America, on the 7th June last, of apoplexy, William Patterson, late of Crawfordmoor.<br />
At Elsridgehill, on the 19th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mr Adam <strong>Robert</strong>son, late farmer in<br />
Kirkbank, parish of Broughton, aged 59 years.<br />
At Baillieston House, on the 21st inst., Mary, second daughter of the late Major Maxwell of Baillieston.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 11th inst., Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Mr David Auld, Inverkeithing,<br />
Fifeshire, and wife of Mr John Forster Frazer, late Editor of the "Ayr Observer."<br />
On the18th inst., after a short illness, T.K. Buggy, Esq., Editor of the "Belfast Vindicator".<br />
At his residence, Gourock, on the 16th inst., Mr George Easton, farmer and spirit-dealer, in his 50th year.<br />
The deceased was among the tallest men in Scotland, his height being 6 feet 7 1/2 inches.<br />
At his house, Seymour Street, Euston Square, London, on the 18th inst, after a long and protracted illness,<br />
Nathaniel Pointer, Esq., surgeon, in the 69th year of his age. Mr Pointer was well known as the inventor of<br />
the flexible India-rubber ear-trumpet, the originator of the Anatomy Bill, &c.<br />
7 th September <strong>1843</strong> (Week 36)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Whitefield, Glenluce, on the 26th ult., Mrs Peter M'Culloch, of a daughter.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 29th ult, Mrs James M'Creadie, of a son.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on Thursday, the 31 st ultimo, the lady of John M'Millan, Esq., steward to the Earl of<br />
Galloway, of a son.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 4th curt., by the Rev. T.T. Duncan, M.D. <strong>Robert</strong> Henry, to Jane Graham.<br />
At Howthat, Dumfries shire, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. T.D. Nicholson, of the Scotch Church, Workington,<br />
William Maxwell Johnstone, Esq., surgeon, Harrington, to Jane Clark, third daughter of the late Jonah
Nicholson, Esq.,<br />
In Friars' Vennel., Dumfries, on Tuesday Week, by the Rev. S. Healy, Mr John Allan, joiner, Liverpool, to<br />
Miss Rebecca Muir, straw-hat maker.<br />
At St. Mark's Church, Liverpool, on Sunday week, Captain Alex. Halliday, of the schooner "<strong>Robert</strong> Lovely",<br />
to Miss Elizabeth Murray, both of Kirkcudbright.<br />
At the Collegiate Church, Manchester, on the 22d ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Crosbie, formerly of Tynron, to Mary<br />
Anne, second daughter of Mr William Currie, miller, Dalswinton mill.<br />
At the Manse of Sorbie, on the 5th inst., Robt. Kerar, Esq., merchant, Glasgow, to Jessie, youngest daughter<br />
of the Rev. Elliot W. Davidson.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 4th inst., Mrs Neilson, relict of Mr John Neilson, mason.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 26th ult., advanced in years, Mr George Anderson, shoemaker,<br />
who was much respected, not only as a fair and honourable tradesman, but as an unassuming and<br />
intelligent citizen, and "one of the old stock."<br />
At Upper Town, on the 27th ult., Mr James Dickson.<br />
At Torthorwald, on the 19th ult., Catherine, aged 8 years, daughter of John Proudfoot.<br />
At At Annan, last week, Mr Joseph Roxburgh, shoemaker there. Annan, last week, Mr John Wilkin,<br />
Greencroft, suddenly, at an advanced age.<br />
At Kenmore head, Dunscore, on the 29th ult., Miss Lucy Brown, dress-maker, aged 38 years - deeply<br />
regretted.<br />
At Alleyford, Kirkgunzeon, on the 24 th ult., Mr Alexander Anderson, formerly draper in Blackburn,<br />
Lancashire - much respected by a large circle of friends.<br />
On Tuesday last, in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, London, the Hon. Mrs Charles Howard.<br />
14 th September <strong>1843</strong> (Week 37)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on Friday last, Mrs Hugh M'Culloch, seedsman, of a son.<br />
At 20, West Nile Street, Glasgow, Mrs Wm. Buchanan, of a son.<br />
Here, at Neptune Street, on the 5th inst., Mrs Torrance, of a daughter.<br />
At Sheuchan Mill, Stranraer, on the 31st ult., Mrs M'Dowall, of a son.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 7th inst., Mrs Gordon M'Cracken, of a daughter.<br />
At Larg Liddesdale Cottage, Leswalt, on the 6th inst., Mrs Wm. M'Donald, of a daughter.<br />
At Allandoo, parish of Leswalt, on the 28 th ultimo, Mrs M'William, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 9th inst., Mrs John Neilson, of a son.<br />
At Kirkcowan, on the 8th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Milligan, of a son.<br />
At Mains of Kirkcowan, on the 8th instant, Mrs Hugh M'Clure, of a son.<br />
At Langholm, on the 9th inst., Mary, wife of Mr Byrne, excise-officer there.<br />
At Euston Place, London, on the 7th inst., the Lady of John Anderson, Esq., of a son.<br />
At High Street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr Walter Duncan, apothecary, of a daughter.<br />
At St. Mary's Place, Dumfries, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr J. Thorpe, of a son.<br />
At David Street, Maxwelltown, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr F. Blyth, mason, of a son.<br />
At Kells Manse, on the 30th ult, Mrs Maitland, of a son.<br />
At 93, George Street, Edinburgh, on the 1 st inst, Mrs Joseph Sutherland, of a son.<br />
At Chapel-le-Frith, Derbyshire, last week, Mrs John Milligan, of a daughter.<br />
At Pinminnoch, parish of Portpatrick, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Andrew Urquhart, Mr Alex. M'Mechan,<br />
to Miss Janet Heron.<br />
At Girvan, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. P.McMaster, Mr James M'Houll, merchant, Girvan, to Mary,<br />
youngest daughter of the late Mr James Brown, farmer, Snaid, parish of Girvan.<br />
At Langholm, on the 1st inst., Mr George Scott, stone mason, to Jean, third daughter of the late Mr Thomas
Slacks, there.<br />
At Langholm, on the 9th inst., Mr John Grieve, to Margaret, fourth daughter of Mr R. Frater, gardener<br />
there.<br />
At Great George's Street, Liverpool, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. Raffles, D.D., LL.D., Robt. Cameron, Esq.,<br />
Hunter Street, to Sarah, second daughter of John Gemmell, Esq., Garpel, Muirkirk, Ayrshire.<br />
At St. John's church, Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, on the 16th March last, by the Rev. Dr. Brown,<br />
Joseph Milligan, Esq., Inspector of Convict Discipline, to Eliza, second daughter of the late W.E. Lawrence,<br />
Esq., M.L.C.<br />
Lately, at Sproat's Plunton, Borgue, by the Rev. Samuel Smith, Mr Alex M'Keand, to Miss Mary Anderson.<br />
At Arthuret Church, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Wannop, curate, Mr Thomas Holiday, of Bogbushknow,<br />
to Miss Nancy Forster, daughter of Mr John Forster, of Hall Burn, near Longtown.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Girvan, very suddenly, on the 7th inst., Mr Thomas Bisset, of this town, in his 73d year, much and<br />
deservedly respected.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th instant, Miss Sibbella Hannay.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 11th instant, Mrs James Affleck, late farmer, Barhill, aged 86 years.<br />
At his father's house, Girvan, on the 22d ultimo, William Tennant, aged 21 years, youngest son of William<br />
Morton, Esq., J.P.<br />
Suddenly, at Girthon Old Kirk, on the 11th current, Agnes Rae, wife of Mr James M'Geoch, farmer there.<br />
Her loss will be severely felt by her numerous family and sorrowing friends.<br />
At Kells Manse, on the 1st inst., the infant son of Rev. James Maitland.<br />
At Collin, on the 6th curt, in his 13th year, <strong>Robert</strong>, son of Mr William Adamson, mason, - after a short<br />
illness.<br />
At Craigbill, parish of Troqueer, on the 7 th inst., Mr Thomas Brown, aged 35 years, son of Mr John Brown,<br />
farmer there, - much and deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.<br />
At Laporte, Indiana State, U.S., in July last, Grace, eldest daugher of Mr James Grierson, farmer, formerly of<br />
Ruthwell, but now a settler in Indiana State.<br />
At Antigua, on the 18th July last, after two days' illness, Mr William Paterson, youngest son of the Rev.<br />
Henry Paterson, Gateside, Wamphray - much regretted.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 31st ult., after a lingering illness, Ann, eldest daughter of Mr William Noble, much<br />
and very deservedly regretted.<br />
Lately, at Cairsiehill, Borgue, after a lingering illness, Miss Jean Dalzell, aged 24 - much respected.<br />
At Wigtown, suddenly, on the 7th inst., of British cholera, Mr James M'Guffog, labourer, Bowsalloch, aged<br />
38 years.<br />
On the 8th curt, at the house of her nephew, Mr James Underwood, draper and tea dealer, Warwick,<br />
where she had gone for the benefit of her health, Mrs Henderson, of Shillahill, Lockerby, relict of<br />
Capt. Henderson, of the Hon. East India Company's service, aged 39.<br />
At Birmingham, on Saturday, the 26th ult., Mr Alex. Fergusson, aged 40 years, a native of Dumfries-shire.<br />
His death is much lamented by a numerous circle of friends.<br />
21 st September <strong>1843</strong> (Week 38)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at Glenwell Street, on the 18th inst., Mrs William Thompson of a son.<br />
At Blackwood, on the 9th inst, Mrs Copeland, of a son.<br />
At Ayr, on the 14th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Paton, of a daughter.<br />
On the 31st of May, on Mount Zion, Jerusalem, the lady of the Right Rev. Michael Solomon Alexander, Lord<br />
Bishop of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canaan, of a daughter.<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 12th inst., Mr Hugh Boyd, guard of the Portpatrick and Ayr Royal Mail, to Miss Jess<br />
M'Chlery, Portpatrick.<br />
At the Presbyterian Chapel, Fisher-street, Carlisle, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. R. Hunter, Mr Thos.<br />
Harkness, of Mitchellslacks, parish of Closeburn, Dumfriesshire, to Alison, second daughter of Mr Irvine,
Eden Street.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 12th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Buchanan, of Greenock, to Mary, only daughter of the late Mr<br />
John Lamont.<br />
At Wavertree church, on the 14th inst., Charles Falcon, Esq., solicitor, Liverpool to Betsey, daughter of the<br />
late William W. Gaskell, Esq., of Latchford, near Warrington.<br />
At Buckingham, the Rev. James Long, rector of Maidsmoreton, to Miss Jane Hobbs, of Buckingham. The<br />
bridegroom is nearly 80 years of age; the bride was, eight days' before, "maid of all work" and 22 years of<br />
age. The wedding party went off by the Birmingham railway on a honeymoon excursion.<br />
At St. Mary's Bryanston Square, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Wm.Charlton, M.A., Charles Gubbins, Esq., of<br />
the Bengal Civil Service, second son of the late Major-General Gubbins, to Maria Burnley, eldest daughter<br />
of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Burns, near Creetown, on the 15th ult., Alexander Clark, aged 73 years.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 19th inst., at the advanced age of 86, Mary Bland, spouse of the late Mr William<br />
Dennistoun, Quarterland, Girthon.<br />
At Moss-side, parish of Mochrum, on the 8 th inst., Mr James M'Gowan, aged 82 years. He was long afflicted<br />
with a painful complaint, which he bore with Christian patience and resignation.<br />
At Fordhouse of Barr, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 10th inst., at the advanced age of 81 years, <strong>Robert</strong><br />
Hannah, weaver.<br />
At Newfield, Balmaclellan, on the 6th inst., David, youngest son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Canaan, aged 32.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 10th inst, Mrs M'Minn, relict of Mr Thomas M'Minn, farmer in Rescarrel,<br />
Rerwick.<br />
At Tarrasfoot, parish of Cannobie, on the 14 th inst., Mr Jas. Little, farmer there, aged 55. He has left a<br />
widow and 11 children to mourn his loss.<br />
At Linhope, Teviothead, on the 16 th inst., Sarah Nichol, spouse of Robt. Anderson shepherd there, aged 66.<br />
At Old Bridge Street, Maxwelltown, on the 14th inst., David, son of MrWilliam Forsyth, baker.<br />
At Kinnelside, parish of Lochmaben, on the 31st ult., Margaret Paterson, wife of Mr John Earsman, farmer<br />
there - aged 80 years.<br />
At Southerness, parish of Kirkbean, on the 9th inst., Miss Isabella Aitken, aged 87 years.<br />
At the house of her aunt, Miss Irving, Wellington Street, Annan, last week, Miss Clapperton.<br />
At 18, Port Street, Hyde, Manchester, after a long and painful illness, Mary Fergusson, wife of Matthew<br />
M'Culloch, painter, formerly of Dumfries, aged 28 years, much regretted.<br />
At Birmingham, on Sabbath, the 29th ult., Mrs James Forsyth, aged 27 years - deeply regretted.<br />
At Hawick, on the 6th inst, Rebecca, youngest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Fraser, Esq., merchant; same day and<br />
place, Mr Gideon Ker, grocer and spirit-dealer.<br />
At his house, in Mill Street, on Sunday last, after a comparatively short illness, Mr Truefoot Mead, for<br />
many years the respected proprietor of "The Telegraph and Shipping Gazette" of Liverpool.<br />
28 th September <strong>1843</strong> (Week 39)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Clayhole here, the wife of Mr William Thomson, sailor, of a daughter.<br />
At Ouchtralure, parish of Inch, on the 25 th inst., Mrs John Drynan, of a son.<br />
At Limekilns, near Stranraer, on the 27 th inst., Mrs Simpkins, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 25th inst., the wife of Mr M. M'Master, teacher, of a daughter.<br />
At Auchinleck Manse, on the 17th inst., Mrs Crystal, of a son.<br />
At Terreglestown, on the 25th curt., by the Rev. D.L. Scott, Mr Walter Grierson, draper, to Mary MacGhie;<br />
eldest daughter of Thomas Laurie, Esq.<br />
On Monday, on the 18th curt., David Dow, Esq., of Cargenholm, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph<br />
Blackstock, tenant there.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. H. Small, Mr W. Carlyle, baker, to Miss Margaret M'Veagh.<br />
At Ecclefechan, on the 18th curt., by the Rev. Mr Menzies, Mr James Porteous, draper, Blackburn, to Miss
Jean Burnet, daughter of Mr Edward Burnet, Ecclefechan.<br />
At Gateside, near Dumfries, on the 15 th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, Mr Thomas Cairns, baker, to Agnes,<br />
daughter of Mr David Fergusson, Wallacetown.<br />
At Doon Park Cottage, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Mr Jenkins of Castle-Douglas, Mr<br />
John Douglas, aged 77 years, to Miss Barbara Rae of Carse, aged 36.<br />
At St. George's Church, Everton, Liverpool, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Joseph Bush, of Nailsen,<br />
Somersetshire, to Amabell Theodosia, seventh daughter of the late Major Joseph Brooks, of Everton.<br />
At Arnetdale, on the 19th inst., Graham Hardie, Esq., manager of the Falkirk Iron Works, to Elizabeth,<br />
daughter of James Russel, Esq., of Blackbraes, writer Falkirk.<br />
At St. George's, Hanover Square, London, on the 14th instant, Henry George Boyce, Esq., 2d Life Guards,<br />
eldest son of H.P. Boyce, Esq., to Louisa, only daughter of the Right Hon. General Sir George Murray, G.C.B.,<br />
Master-General of the Ordnance.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Lewis Street, here, on the 21st curt., aged 82 years, Mrs Dr Taylor, and on the 26th at the age of 86, her<br />
sister, Mrs Nish, postmistress in Stranraer.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 22d inst, after a long illness, John Lockhart, painter (recently resident in<br />
Manchester), aged 29 years.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 16th inst., Jessy Mackenzie, infant daughter of Mr James Stewart bookbinder.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 11th curt., Mr Thomas Callan, mason, aged 61.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 22d curt., John, son of Mr John Blount, Friars' Vennel.<br />
At Burns's Cottage, Alloway, on the 20th instant, Flora Hastings, aged 79, relict of Mr John Goudie, the<br />
well-known landlord of the birth-place of Burns.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 18th inst., Mrs Jean Thorburn, relict of Thomas Hairstens, Esq., tanner, in the 80 th<br />
year of her age.<br />
At Helensburgh, on the 23d inst., Mrs Grierson of Larbreck, in the parish of Irongray.<br />
At Glencaple, on the 21st inst., aged 71 years, Mr Wm. Glendinning, mason, and for the long period<br />
tacksman of Bankend Quarry - much esteemed and deeply regretted.<br />
At Chapelcroft, Buittle, on the 14th inst., Jonathan Douglas, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Douglas, farmer, Chapelcroft.<br />
At Roshiebridge, Lochmaben, on the 15th inst., Mr James Meldrum, tailor.<br />
At Hopefield, near Barjarg, on the 11th inst., Mr Thos. Sloan, joiner there.<br />
At Howgill, Janet, daughter of James Weild, weaver.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 19th inst., at the house of her son, Mr John Denniston, grocer and spirit dealer there,<br />
Mrs Mary Bland, at the advanced age of 87 years.<br />
At New Galloway, on the 21st inst., after a short illness, Archibald Douglas, Esq., surgeon there, in the 70th<br />
year of his age.<br />
At the Manse of Kirkoswald, Ayrshire, on the 12th inst., Margaret, daughter of the late Rev. Matthew<br />
Biggar, minister of that parish, and granddaughter of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Wodrow, author of the "History of<br />
the Church of Scotland," in the 89th year of her age.<br />
At Birmingham, on the 20th August, (not the 29th, as stated last week.) Mrs James Forsyth, aged 27 years,<br />
- much and deeply regretted.<br />
5 th October <strong>1843</strong> (Week 40)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Denbie, on the 24th ult., the Lady of John Carruthers, Esq., Royal Navy, of a daughter.<br />
At Lockerbie, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. D. Buchan Douie, David Halliday, junior, Lochside of Turmuir, to<br />
Margaret, daughter of Mr James Gellatly, weaver, Ruthwell, and teacher of the Infant School of Dryfesdale.<br />
At Crossmichael, on the 25th ult., Mr William Welsh, Kirkmabreck, to Agnes Bryce, eldest daughter of Mr<br />
A. Copland of Rhonepark.<br />
On the 29th ult., by the Rev. John Paul, Henry Chas. Rutherford, Esq., late of Redfordgreen, Selkirkshire, to<br />
Jessie, second daughter of the late E. Henderson, Esq.
At Glasgow, on the 25th ult., by the Very Rev. Principal M'Farlane, Mr James Skirving, to Miss Margaret<br />
Cameron, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Cameron, Kelton, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At St. George's London, on the 19th ult., Lord Dalmeny, eldest son of the Earl of Roseberry, to Lady<br />
Wilhelmine Stanhope only daughter of the Earl and Countess of Stanhope.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 17th ult., after a lingering illness, Mrs M'Chleary, aged 59 years.<br />
Here, at King Street, on the 2d inst., the youngest son of Mr M'Clelland, baker.<br />
At Garthland, Stoneykirk, on Monday last, Mr John Drew, farmer, aged 78 years.<br />
At Buckstone, Philadelphia, on the 4th ult., after three hours' illness, of a stroke from the sun, Thomas<br />
Agnew, son of the late Mr Alexander Agnew, farmer, Glenside, Kirkcolm.<br />
At Dumfries, on Friday, the 28th ult., Margaret Bell, wife of Thomas Hayton, shoemaker.<br />
At Laurieknow, on the 28th ult., Agnes, infant daughter of Mr W.D. Dickson, grocer, Dumfries.<br />
At Rotchell House, on the 29th ult., Mr George Montgomery, draper, Dumfries, and a member of the Town<br />
Council of that burgh - much regretted.<br />
At his sister's house, Academy Street, Dumfries, on the 1st ult., Mr George Milligan, farmer, Carcoside,<br />
Kirkconnel.<br />
At Moffat, on the 18th inst., Elizabeth, daughter of the late John Clark, Esq., of Wester Moffat.<br />
At Dalry Manse, on Monday, the 25th ult., the Rev. Thomas Johnstone, minister of Dalry, Ayrshire, in the<br />
67 th year of his age, and 34th of his ministry.<br />
At Crawick Factory, on the 27th ult., George, son of <strong>Robert</strong> Macmillan, aged 16 years.<br />
At Townhead of Greenlaw, on the 27th ult., after a short but severe illness, Elizabeth Coats, aged seven<br />
years and eleven months.<br />
At Blackbriggs, parish of Borgue, on the 23d ult., very suddenly, aged 82 years, Mr Andrew Houston, who<br />
was much respected.<br />
Longlands, Twynholm, on the 28 th ult., at an advanced age, Mrs Janet Johnston, widow of Mr James<br />
Palmer.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 9th ult., Margaret Gowans, wife of Thomas Rodan, late joiner and postmaster at<br />
Pleasance of Kirkmichael, Dumfries shire.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the morning of the 29th ult., suddenly, Mr Thomas Cooper, for several years guard and<br />
driver upon the "Engineer" coach, running from the Commercial Inn, Dumfries, to Croal's coach-office,<br />
Edinburgh.<br />
At Barony Street, Edinburgh, on the 17 th ult., Mr Wm. Munro Johnson, late of the Theatre Royal, aged 25<br />
years.<br />
At Whitevale, on the 25th ult., the Rev. Alexander Harvey, of the Relief Church, Calton, Glasgow.<br />
At Alla Rectory, Derry, on the 20th ult., Mrs Alexander of Ballochmyle.<br />
12 th October <strong>1843</strong> (Week 41)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Belleville, on the 11th inst., Mrs Peter M'Clean, of a daughter.<br />
At Whitecairn, parish of Old Luce, on the 9th inst., Mrs Leggat, of a daughter.<br />
At Allanton, on the 8th inst., the lady of John Morin, Jun., Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Falkirk Manse, on the 7th inst., Mrs Begg, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr James Carter, deacon of the tailor incorporation, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Ferguson, deacon of the squaremen<br />
incorporation, of a son.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr William Elliot, deacon of the hammermen incorporation,<br />
of a son.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 3d inst., Mrs Tyson, Selkirk Arms Inn, of her seventh daughter.<br />
At Manse of Twynholm, Kirkcudbright, on the 27th ult., Mrs Gordon, of a daughter.<br />
At Kirkpatrick Village, on the 4th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Mr James Bell, cattle dealer there, of a daughter.<br />
At Manchester, on the 19th ult., Mrs Wm. Brown, tobacconist, 49, Deansgate, of a son.<br />
At Wellington, Shropshire, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr John Walker, tea-dealer, of a son.<br />
At 83, Watling Street, City, London, on the 5th curt., Mrs Wilson of a son.
Here, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. D. Wilson, Mr Peter Murdoch, blacksmith, to Miss Janet M'Cutcheon.<br />
At Kirkland, Glencairn, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. John Parke, Mr James Wallace, weaver, Moniaive, to<br />
Miss Judith M'Clownie.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., at Bank Street, by the Rev. Mr Rankine, Maxwelltown, Mr William Potter,<br />
draper, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late John Robson, Esq., Broomrigg.<br />
At High Street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. A. Fife, minister of St. Mary's, Mr John Smith, mason,<br />
to Isabella Riddick, relict of Mr John Crosbie, town crier of this burgh.<br />
At Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. William Pitt M'Farquhar, A.B., minister of the<br />
Episcopalian Church, Mr John M'Kinnell, bookseller, to Miss Eliza, fourth daughter of William Fell, Esq.,<br />
postmaster of Guernsey.<br />
At the Royal Oak Inn, Dumfries, on the 9 th inst., Mr Alex. Dewar to Miss Janet Hastings, Thornhill.<br />
At English Street, Dumfries, on the 3d inst., Mr Wm. Lloyd, lath splitter, Liverpool, to Catherine, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr George Armstrong, ropemaker, Dumfries.<br />
At Lutton, in the County of Bedford, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Sikes, George Hathorn, Esq.,<br />
Captain in the Royal Navy to Mary Isabella, eldest daughter of the Rev. William M'Douall,<br />
Canon of Peterborough and Vicar of Lutton, and nephew of the late Earl of Dumfries.<br />
At 8, Picardy Place, Edinburgh, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. George Coventry, B.D., the Rev. David Hogarth,<br />
Rector of the Isle of Portland, to Jane Barclay, eldest daughter of the late James Ballantyne, Esq., printer,<br />
Edinburgh.<br />
At Coldstream, on the 27th ult., by the bride's father James M'Kinneas Green, Esq., Haugh-Head, to Isabella<br />
second daughter of the Rev. Dr. Thomson, Coldstream.<br />
At Marylebone New church, London, on the 18th ult., Sir Bouchier Palk Wrey, Bart., Tawstock Court, near<br />
Barnstaple, to Miss Coles, the daughter of a labouring man who formerly worked, and was the keeper of a<br />
lodge, on the hon. Baronet's domains, in the above-mentioned parish.<br />
At St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Annan, on the 4th inst., by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Glasgow, Thomas<br />
Salkeld, Esq., of Holm Hill, Cumberland, to Mary, third daughter of Alexander Carruthers, Esq., of<br />
Warmanbie, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Gretna, on the 28th ultimo, Mr James Carlyle, widower, whitesmith and bell-hanger, to Miss Ann Steen,<br />
spinster, both of Caldcoats - after the long courtship of four days.<br />
At St. Philip's Church, Liverpool, on the 3d inst., Captain N. Miller, of the ship "Wilmot", to Janet, eldest<br />
daugher of <strong>Robert</strong> Duncan, Esq.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, on the 9th inst., Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr William M'Clean, merchant here.<br />
At Upper Glasnick, parish of Penninghame, on the 7th inst., Mr John Hawthorn, advanced in years.<br />
At Auchinleck, parish of Minnigaff, very suddenly, on the 8th inst., Mr William Barbour, aged 71 years.<br />
At Moniaive, on the 29th ult., Mr John Clarke.<br />
At the same place, on the 3d inst., very suddenly, Violet Ferguson, advanced in life.<br />
After a short illnes, Mrs Bell, Balgreddan, near Kirkcudbright, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends<br />
and relatives. The poor for many miles around Balgreddan House have lost a friend and benefactress,<br />
whose place they have cause to wish may soon be filled again.<br />
At Callside of Anwoth, on the 5th curt., Mr James Carson, farmer, aged 64, after a sudden and severe<br />
illness.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 8th curt., Mary Nish, aged 36, spouse of the late Alex. Galloway, farmer, Culreoch,<br />
Girthon. She lived respected and died regretted.<br />
At Langholm Manse, on the 6th inst., suddenly Mr George Shaw, aged 27.<br />
At Heathery-Knowe, near Longtown, on the 4th inst., Solomon Irving, aged 17, who met with a sudden and<br />
unexpected death by a fall from a cart.<br />
At Beith, Ayrshire, on the 30 th ultimo, Elizabeth Faulds, wife of John Hislop, Esq., there. Her death is<br />
much lamented by a wide circle of friends. She was a steady and consistent Christian, and daily sought the<br />
promotion of the Redeemer's kingdom on earth; her life was blessed and happy, and her end was peace.<br />
Being the founder and patron of several benevolent and charitable institutions the poor have, by her<br />
death, lost a kind and charitable friend.<br />
At Laurel Mount, near Liverpool, on the 5th inst., William, eldest son of the late Archibald Maxwell, Esq., of<br />
At Torquay, Devonshire, on the 1st inst., Mr John F. Ireland, farmer, Doonpark, Kirkpatrick-Durham, aged<br />
30 years.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 24th ult., Mrs Wilson, at an advanced age.<br />
At Cirencester, Gloucestershire, on the 29th ult., in the prime of life, Mr James Heron, grocer and tea<br />
dealer.<br />
At Between-the-Waters, Kirkgunzeon, on the 4 th curt., Adam Cairns, in the 99th year of his age.<br />
At 26, East Prince's Street, Rothesay, on the 6th inst., aged 38 years, Mr Charles Leckie of Barrhead, who<br />
was well known throughout Scotland as the advocate of Nonintrusion and spiritual independence.<br />
19 th October <strong>1843</strong> (Week 42)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Balcray, parish of Whithorn, on the 12 th inst., Mr W Dunse, of a son and heir.<br />
At Bladnoch Bridge, on the 9th inst., Mrs Thomas M'Clelland, of a son.<br />
At Boulogne-sur-Mer, on the 30th of September, the lady of Capt. Dr. Newall, of a son.<br />
Here, at Castle Street, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. W. Smellie, Mr David Cameron, principal coast officer,<br />
Drummore, (Wigtownshire,) to Janet, youngest daughter of Mr Michael Wallace, Merchant, Stranraer.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., Mr James Coupland, joiner, to Miss Janet M'Kay.<br />
At the Relief Manse, Dumfries, on the 6 th inst., by the Rev. W. Blackwood, Mr David Thomson, Gasstown, to<br />
Miss Margaret Burnie, near Gasstown.<br />
At Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. A. Fyfe, minister of St. Mary's, Mr Thos. Scott,<br />
to Sarah Hempton, late of London.<br />
At Bowse of Terregles, on the 9th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Fergusson, cabinet-maker, Dumfries, to Margaret<br />
Gillies, daughter of Mr George Gillies, wood forester, Terregles.<br />
At Trentham, on Wednesday fortnight, by the Archbishop of York, Lord Blantyre, to Lady Evelyn Leveson<br />
Gower, second daughter of the Duke and duchess of Sutherland.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Whiteside, in Anwoth, on the 16 th current, Mary Carson, aged 66, spouse of James Milroy, farmer there.<br />
The deceased was in her usual state of health when a blood-vessel burst, and immediately she was in<br />
eternity. What adds to the grief of the bereaved relatives is, that the cheek was scarce dry that had been<br />
wet for her brother in Callside, whose death we recorded last week, there being only about ten days apart<br />
in their respective deaths. Their loss will be severely felt by a large circle of relatives by whom they were<br />
universally esteemed.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 13th inst., William Kingan, blacksmith, aged 74 years.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 15th inst., <strong>Robert</strong> Campbell, jun., cabinetmaker, a young man of very superior<br />
talents and acquirements, and whose death is deeply regretted by all his acquaintance.<br />
At Irish Street, Dumfries, on the 18 th inst., Robina, daughter of Mr Peter Mundell, tobacconist.<br />
At Bankend, Carlaverock, on the 11th instant, Mr John Beattie, at the advanced age of 82 years - much<br />
respected.<br />
At Kirkbean Village, on the 14 th inst., Jean Grierson, relict of Mr James Gordon, joiner, Picton, North<br />
America, at a very advanced age.<br />
At South Carse, Kirkbean, on the 8th inst., Mr Wm. C. Kirk, grocer, Scotland Road, Liverpool, youngest son<br />
of Mr John Kirk, farmer, South Carse.<br />
At Castlegower, Buittle, on the (1?)th inst., Mr Paul Helm, farmer there.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 9th inst., Mr James Dennsiton, aged upwards of 70 years.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 4th inst., Grace Murdoch, aged 72, sister to the late John Murdoch of Netherhall.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 9th inst., Capt. Peter Chesney, late of the sloop Liberty of Wigtown, aged 25 years.<br />
At Newport, Monmouthshire, on the 5th ult., Mr James J. Smyth, a native of Closeburn.<br />
At Bouwangolah, Bengal, Mr Wm. Agnew, merchant, aged 35 years. The deceased was a native of<br />
Stranraer.<br />
At his house in Bloomsbury Square, London, on the 8th inst., James Donaldson of Williamshaw, Ayrshire,<br />
Esq., in the 87th year of his age.
At Hope Street, Glasgow, on the 9th inst., Adam Thomson, Esq., Assistant Keeper of the Public Records for<br />
Scotland.<br />
At Kemback, last week, in his 90th year, the Rev. Dr James Macdonald, the father of the Church of<br />
Scotland, and for nearly 62 years minister of Kemback, having been ordained in 1781.<br />
26 th October <strong>1843</strong> (Week 43)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr George Todd draper, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 22d inst., the lady of Peter Dargie, Esq., Edinburgh & Leith bank, of a son.<br />
At Fleetvale House, Gatehouse, on the 21 st inst., Mrs S. Blyth, of a daughter.<br />
At Crawickmill, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Stewart, of a daughter.<br />
At English Street, Dumfries, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr John Smith, tinsmith, of a daughter.<br />
At Saughtree House, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr Thomas M'Pherson, of a son.<br />
At Lamingtoune Manse, on the morning of the 20th curt., Mrs Hope, of Lamingtoune, was safely delivered<br />
of a son.<br />
At Loreburn Street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Dr. T.T. Duncan, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Burns, Jun., teacher,<br />
to Mary, second daughter of Mr Walter Campbell, teacher.<br />
At Bangalore, on the 1st July last, R.H. Williamson, Esq., of the Civil Service, Madras, to Margaret Grace,<br />
daughter of the late William Gordon, Esq., of Milrig, in the County of Ayr.<br />
At Sanderland, in Fawcet Street Chapel, on the 21st inst, Mr Peter Gibson, builder, to Miss Anna<br />
Steavenson, secondaughter of Mr J. Steavenson, confectioner.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 21 st inst., the infant child of Mr G. Todd, draper.<br />
Here, on the 15th inst., aged 78, the wife of John Milroy, Esq., late tenant in Glendrishaig.<br />
At Low Torrs, parish of Old Luce, on the 25th inst., James, youngest son of Mr Thorburn.<br />
At Whiteside, in Anwoth, on the 16 th inst., Mary Carson, aged 66, spouse of Mr James Milroy, farmer there.<br />
At Black Craig, Minnygaff, on the 19th inst., after a lingering illness, Mrs James Milligan, aged 78 years.<br />
On the 22d inst., Mr David Clarke, of Slogarie, Balmaghie, advanced in life.<br />
At Kirkcowan Village, on the 14th inst., Thomas, aged 5 weeks, twin son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Milligan, innkeeper,<br />
Kirkcowan.<br />
At Kirkcowan Village, on the 14 th inst., Alexander, aged 9 months, son of Mr Wm. Nicholson, sexton.<br />
At Barnernie, parish of Kirkcowan, on the 22d inst., Mr John M'Cornack, farmer, aged 68 years.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 2d inst., Mr John Thornthwaite, of the Maxwell Arms Inn, aged 63.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 17th inst., Miss Bruce, dressmaker, aged 68.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 8th inst., aged 43 years, Mr Nicholas Armstrong, tanner, formerly of Carlisle.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 14th inst., Joseph, infant son of Mr S. Dickson, jeweller.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 17th inst., suddenly, Mr Yellowlie, of Berwick, of the Excise Office.<br />
At Seneca, Niagara District, on the 12th ult., Jane Stevenson, wife of Jas. Farish, Esq., and daughter of the<br />
Rev. D. Stevenson, Wilton, Roxburghshire.<br />
At Longtown, on Thursday last, Mr George Airie, aged 28 years.<br />
At Dalmellington, on the 8th inst., suddenly, Duncan, youngest son of the late Mr John M'Murtrie, wright.<br />
At Ayr, on the 11th inst., suddenly, Mr William Brown, of the <strong>Robert</strong> Burns Tavern, Wallacetown, formerly<br />
of Maybole, aged 60 years. He was cousin to the poet Burns, and had endeared himself to a numerous<br />
circle of friends.<br />
At Lisson Grove South, London, on the 9 th inst., deeply regretted, Miss Elizabeth Mayne, formerly of<br />
Greenheap, near Glasgow. Miss Mayne was sister to the late Mr John Mayne, the well-known author of<br />
"The Siller Gun," and other celebrated poems.<br />
At his house, Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, on the 6th inst., Lieut.-General Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart.,<br />
G.C.B.<br />
At Quilkieston, parish of Stair, on the 7 th inst., Alex. Crichton, aged 70 years. Mr Crichton has filled the
office of factor to Lord Glenlee for upwards of forty years to the entire satisfaction of his worthy master,<br />
who, along with a large circle of friends, now deeply deplore his loss.<br />
Suddenly, at Rio Janeiro, William Ross, Esq., merchant, eldest son of the late John Ross of Cairnbrock.<br />
2 nd November <strong>1843</strong> (Week 44)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Clayhole, on the 23d ult., Mrs Captain M'Garva, of twin daughters.<br />
Here, on Monday last, Mrs George Wagner, of a daughter.<br />
Here, on Sunday last, Mrs George Coulter, of a daughter.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 28th ultimo, Mrs A. Fraser, of a son.<br />
At Clachan, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 29th ult., Mrs John M'Crea, of a son.<br />
At Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 29th ult, Mrs Hugh Moore, of a daughter.<br />
At Greenock, on the 22d ult., the wife of Hugh Lamont, of Holmscroft brewery, of a son.<br />
At Gatehouse-of-Fleet, on the 29th ult., Mrs Andrew Fyfe, of a daughter.<br />
At London, on the 24th ult., Mrs Alfred Langdon Brander, of a son.<br />
At Upper Schoolhouse, Tynron, on the 29th ult., Mrs Newall, of a daughter.<br />
At Annan, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr John Palmer, nurseryman, of a daughter.<br />
At 64, Waterloo Road, Liverpool, on the 21st ult., the wife of Mr James Anderson, of a daughter.<br />
At Dover Road, London, on the 26th ult., the wife of Wm. Hyslop, draper, of a daughter.<br />
At Wadworth, on the 18th ult, by the Rev. J. Sharpe, D.D., James Clarke Ross, Captain of the Royal Navy, to<br />
Ann, eldest daughter of Thomas Coulman, Esq., of Whitgife Hall, Yorkshire.<br />
Here, on Monday last, by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Mr Michael Wallace, merchant, to Mrs Cameron. [The<br />
marriage of Mrs Cameron's son to a daughter of Mr Wallace was announced a fortnight ago.]<br />
At Galdenoch, parish of Stoneykirk, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Robt. M'Neil, Mr Wm. Gibson, late<br />
innkeeper in Stranraer to Margaret, second daughter of Mr John Muir, farmer there.<br />
At Dinduff, parish of Leswalt, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. T.B. Bell, Mr Abram Bark, to Janet, fouth<br />
daughter of Mr Wm. Ross, farmer there.<br />
At Whitepark, parish of Inch, on Tuesday last, Mr David Ross, Dinduff, parish of Leswalt, to Margaret,<br />
second daughter of Mr James M'Lean, farmer there.<br />
At Haugh of Urr, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. D. Bayne, Urr, Mr John Herries, Haugh Mill, to Miss Jane<br />
Welsh, Haugh.<br />
At Auchenbenzie, Penpont, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Wilson of Tynron, Mr William Hunter, Dalmakerran,<br />
Tynron, to Miss Eliza Wallace, formerly of Leith.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Suddenly, at Cruise, parish of New Luce, on Tuesday last, Alexander Wallace, Esq., of apoplexy. He was<br />
universally respected for his urbane and generous disposition, and his decease is widely regretted. Mr<br />
Wallace, we may add, was the eldest brother of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Wallace, D.D., Dumfries.<br />
At Stoneykirk, on the 28th ult., of croup, Andrew, son of Mr Thomas Kennedy, jun., aged two years and ten<br />
months.<br />
On the 29th July, on his passage home from New Orleans, William, second son of Mr Limond, late in<br />
Balgown, now Drumgin, Wigtownshire.<br />
At the house of his son-in-law, in English Street, Dumfries, on the 25th ult., James Patterson, aged 81<br />
years.<br />
At Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 12th ult., Margaret M'Donald, at the advanced age of 93 years.<br />
The deceased was a native of Cantyre, Argyleshire, but resided for upwards of 50 years in Dumfries.<br />
At Barbeth, parish of Newabbey, on the 22d ult., <strong>Robert</strong> Sloan, Esq., of Barbeth, merchant in Dumfries,<br />
aged 68 years.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 26th ult., William, third son of the late Mr William Brunton, Tinwald Cottage, aged 25<br />
years.<br />
At Dumfries, on Saturday last, Jessie, infant daughter of Mr Hugh Henderson, boot and shoemaker.
At Edinburgh, on the 20th ult., the Rev. Geo. Peter Phillips, preacher of the Gospel, son of Walter Phillips,<br />
Esq., Comlongan Castle, factor of the Earl of Mansfield.<br />
On Thursday, the 26th ult., Margaret, daughter of Mr William Parker, farmer, at Torlillan, Colvend.<br />
At Aberfeldy, on the 18th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Menzies, late of the Excise.<br />
At Newton Stewart, on the 27th ult., Mr John Hannah, grocer, aged 56 years.<br />
At Stapleton, near Annan, on the 24th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Swan.<br />
At Annan, on the 23d ult., in his 78th year, James Weall, Esq., highly esteemed and greatly regretted by his<br />
numerous friends.<br />
At No. 2. Wellington Place, Dublin, on the 29th ultimo, Jane, youngest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> M'Meiken, Esq.,<br />
9 th November <strong>1843</strong> (Week 45)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at George Street, on the 7th inst., Mrs Fergus Garrick, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, Mrs James Gourlay, watchmaker, of a son.<br />
At Carsnestock, parish of Penningham, on the 5th inst., Mrs John M'Gill, of twin sons, who with their<br />
mother are doing well.<br />
At Pleasance, Dumfries, on Saturday morning, Mrs Wm. Wright, of a son.<br />
At St. Mungo School-house, on Tuesday the 31st ult., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Gregor, parochial<br />
schoolmaster, of a daughter.<br />
At Torhouse, near Wigtown, on Saturday week, Mrs M'Connel., of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on Saturday, the 28th ult., Mrs Captain Fraser, of a son.<br />
At Paisley, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr M'Nair, Mr John Service Stranraer, to Miss Martha Young,<br />
Paisley.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Malcolm M'Lachlan, James Laidlaw, Esq., surgeon, to Miss<br />
Janet Rain.<br />
At Mark, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. John Muir, J.P. Younghusband, Esq., second son of Wm.<br />
Younghusband, Esq., of Floraville, Cumberland, to Susan, fifth daughter of the late Alex. M'Lean, Esq., of<br />
Mark.<br />
At Dollar, on the 31st ult., by the Rev. Alex. Marshall, Stirling, the Rev. James Cameron, Dumfries, to Agnes<br />
Anne Spottiswoode, relict of the late Lieut. D. AE. Mackay, Hon. East India Company's Service.<br />
At 98, South Nelson Street, Glasgow, on the 1 st curt., by the Rev. Wm. Burgess, A.M., Eglinton Street<br />
Church, Mr Wm. Paton, hosier and glover, Glasgow, to Marion; and Mr J. Burgess, china merchant,<br />
Liverpool, to Elizabeth - both daughters of the late John Wilson, Esq., Glasgow.<br />
At Shakspeare Street, Dumfries, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Wm. Reid, Hugh Medivitt, to Mary Elton<br />
Markey, College Street, Maxwelltown.<br />
At Earlston, on the 23d ult., by the bride's father, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Riddle, commercial traveller, Manchester, to<br />
Jane, youngest daughter of the Rev. Wm. Lauder, Earlston.<br />
At Wahner Church, on Monday last, by the Rev. W.B. Holland, Simon Watson Taylor, Esq., of Edinburgh, to<br />
the Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Hay, daughter of the Marquis of Tweeddale.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, on the 1st inst., Barney Nocher, aged 70 years.<br />
At Nook, parish of Portpatrick, on the 9th inst., Mrs Wither, aged 73.<br />
At Cairngaan, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 30th ult., Mr Wm. Niblock, aged 87 years.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 5th inst., Mr Basil M'Millan, merchant, aged 72 years - justly regretted.<br />
At Newton-Stewart on the 4th inst., Mr Bazle M'Millan, merchant there.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 30th ult., Mary Stevenson, aged 93 years.<br />
At Creebridge, Minnigaff, on the 5th inst., very suddenly, Mrs Muir, relict of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Muir, late feuar,<br />
Blackcraig Mines.<br />
At Midtown of Kelton, on the 3d inst., Mrs Grierson, aged 81 years.<br />
At Crossmichael Village, on the 7th inst., Mr William Laurie, joiner, aged 82 years.<br />
At Catharine Bank, near Edinburgh, on Tuesday last, Thoms Hamilton Miller, Esq., advocate, Sheriff of the
County of Selkirk, and third son of the late Patrick Miller, Esq., of Dalswinton. He succeeded Sir Walter<br />
Scott in the above office in 1832.<br />
At Hyderabad, Scinde, on the 31st July, Stuart John Dalzell, Esq., yr. of Glenae. When nearly recovered<br />
from fever, he had accepted the invitation of his Excellency Sir Charles Napier, the Governor, to spend<br />
some time at his residence for the restoration of his health. While there he was seized with dysentery,<br />
which, notwithstanding the most devoted attention and skill, carried him off in about two weeks, in the<br />
23d year of his age.<br />
At Maxwelltown, on the 31st ult., Mary Mason, spouse of Mr John Shortridge, Howgate, aged 62 years.<br />
At Armannoch, parish of Lochrutton, on the 23d ult, James Affleck, Esq., aged 63 years.<br />
At Waterside, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the 20th ult., Janet Thomson, at the advanced age of 88.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 23d ult., Mary Prentice, infant daughter of Mr J. Prentice, formerly of Dumfries, aged<br />
two years and six months - deeply regretted.<br />
At Friendship Estate, Trinidad, West Indies, on the 16th September last, in the prime of life, Joseph<br />
Crocket, eldest son of Mr Jas. Crocket, Kirkmahoe - deeply lamented by a wide circle of friends and<br />
acquaintances.<br />
At Cartland, Kent County, Michigan, United States, of inflammation, on the 7th June last, Georgina Rigg,<br />
wife of Mr Wm Carlyle, formerly of Terregles Village - leaving a large and young family to bewail her early<br />
and sudden death.<br />
At Roundfell of Colvend, on the 28th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gibson, farmer there - much and deservedly<br />
regretted.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 29th ult., Mrs Helen Denniston, aged 70 years, relict of the Rev. Archibald Miller, who<br />
for a series of years was a pious and useful minister belonging to the congregational Union of Scotland.<br />
At Minnyhive, on the 14th ult., after a severe illness, borne with Christian patience and resignation, in his<br />
41 st year, Mr John M'Kerrow, late draper and tea-dealer, Taunton, Somersetshire.<br />
At Black Craig, parish of Minnygaff, on the 19th ult., after a lingering illness, Mrs Jas. Milligan, aged 78<br />
years.<br />
At his house, High Street, Ayr, on the 3d instant, Mr William Wallace, grain-dealer.<br />
At her house, No 8, Athol Place, Edinburgh, on the 26th ult., Mrs Chambers, relict of Mr James Chambers,<br />
manufacturer, Peebles, and mother of Messrs W. and R. Chambers, publishers, Edinburgh.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 27th ult., James Fisher, for nearly forty years compositor in the employment of<br />
Messrs Oliver and Boyd. He dropped down suddenly while at work, and expired shortly after.<br />
At Mossend, Beith, on the 25th ult., the Rev. Bryce Kerr, A.M. minister of the Relief church, Largo.<br />
At Arrochar manse, on the 27th ult., the Rev. Peter Proudfoot, in the 50th year of his age, and the 27th of<br />
his ministry.<br />
After a short and severe illness, at Broomyknowe, in the parish of Canonby, on the 10th ult., Mrs Margaret<br />
Telfer, wife of Mr James Telfer there, in the prime of life.<br />
16 th November <strong>1843</strong> (Week 46)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Hamilton, on the 9th curt., the lady of Samuel Simpson, Esq., of King's Grange, of a son.<br />
At Airieland, on the 6th curt., Mrs M'Knight, of a daughter.<br />
At Longtown, on the 3d curt., Mrs George Elliot, of a daughter.<br />
At Annan, on the 10th curt., Mrs Wm. Roxburgh, of a daughter.<br />
At St. Andrews, on the 2d curt., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Chambers, of a son.<br />
At Lees, Berwickshire, on the 7th curt., the lady of David <strong>Robert</strong>son, Esq., of Ladykirk, of a son.<br />
At St. Thomas' Church, Portsmouth, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. J.P. M'Ghie, Viscount Kenmure, Kenmure<br />
Castle, New Galloway to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of the late James Wildey, Esq., of the Oxford Militia.<br />
At College Street, Maxwelltown, on the 6 th inst., by the Rev. J.R. Mackenzie, A.M., Mr Wm. Anderson, grocer,<br />
Dumfries, to Mary, daughter of Mr Torrance Collands, Maxwelltown.<br />
At Nether Gribton, on the 6th curt., by the Rev. Mr Kirkwood, Mr Alex. Forsyth, gardener, Castle Lauchlan,<br />
to Miss Catherine Crocket, eldest daughter of Mr John Crocket, Nether-Gribton.<br />
At the Church of the Holy Trinity, Coventry, on the 7th inst., Mr David Dalgliesh, bookseller (late of the<br />
parish of Kirkbean), to Susan, youngest daughter of Richard Stott, publisher and bookseller of that city.
At St. Peter's Church, St. Albans, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. Vetchel, A.M., Mr John M'Culloch, Ware, to<br />
Miss Mary Ann Jones of Wheathampsted, Herts.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr Begg, John M'Kay, Esq., Shorelands, Caithness-shire, to<br />
Elizabeth Macadie, eldest daughter of Dr. E.D. Allison, late Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. &c.<br />
At St. John's Chapel, Edinburgh, on the 9 th inst., by the Very Rev. E.B. Ramsay, James Matheson, Esq., of<br />
Achany, M.P., to Mary Jane, fourth daughter of the late Michael Henry Perceval, Esq.,<br />
At Markinch, Fife, on the 7th inst., John Macfarlan, Esq., of the Customs, Greenock, to Catherine, daughter<br />
of the late Mr David Ballingall, A.M., Rector of the Academy, Ayr.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 6th inst., Mrs Anne Heywood, aged 45 years, wife of Mr Henry Heywood, manager of<br />
the Cotton Mills there.<br />
At Gatehouse, on the 12th inst., Hugh M'Gaw, mason and stone-cutter, advanced in life.<br />
At Twynholm Village, on the 7th inst., after a very short illness, in her 88th year, Mrs Agnes Dickson,<br />
widow of Mr John Roy - much respected.<br />
At Longtown, on the 9th inst., Eleanor, daughter of Mr John Turnbull, aged 3 years.<br />
At Blandord Square, London, on the 3d curt., Anne Morgan, wife of John Lidderdale Esq., St. Petersburgh.<br />
At his son's house, on the 6th inst., at Gelston Mill, parish of Kelton, Thoms Cowan, aged 94 years. He lived<br />
respected and died regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.<br />
At the house of his uncle, William Muter, Esq., in Castries, St. Lucia, on the 5th October last, Mr John<br />
Douglas Miller, son of David Miller, Esq., Kirkcudbright. He was in his 21st year, and chief mate of Mr<br />
Muter's ship the "Castries"; and was of amiable disposition, possessed of first-rate abilities, and devotedly<br />
attached to his profession.<br />
At Kirkclauch, on the 5th inst., Alexander M'Culloch of Kirkclauch.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 8th curt., Sarah, only surviving daughter of Mr T. Woodhouse, one of the guards of the<br />
mill of Portpatrick.<br />
At Williamsport, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United Stated of America, on the 20th Sept. last, Isabella,<br />
second daughter of Mr James Colvin, formerly in Kirkland of Terregles, in the 17th year of her age: and at<br />
same place, on the 26th of the same month, Jean, eldest daughter of the said James Colvin, in the 23d year<br />
of her age.<br />
At Williamsport, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America, on the 20th Sept. last, Isabella,<br />
second daughter of Mr James Colvin, formerly in Kirkland of Terregles, in the 17th year of<br />
her age: and at same place, on the 26th of the same month, Jean, eldest daughter of the said James Colvin,<br />
in the 23d year of her age.<br />
At Collin, on Thursday, 26th ult., John M'Kean, aged 78.<br />
At Bankend, Carlaverock, on the 6th curt., Mr Thomas Millar, in his 23d year.<br />
At Wheelersfield, Jamaica, on the 19th Sept. last Mr Charles S. Bell, second son of the late Benjamin Bell,<br />
Esq., Dumfries.<br />
23 rd November <strong>1843</strong> (Week 47)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, on the 13th instant, Mrs John Crawford, of a daughter.<br />
At Queen Street, here, on the 10th inst., Mrs Murdoch, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 22d inst., Mrs Wm. Agnew, of a daughter.<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 23d inst., Mrs John Kennedy, of a son.<br />
Clayhole, here, on the 14th instant, Mrs John Carnochan, of a son.<br />
At Lochans, parish of Inch, on the 15th instant, Mrs Alexander Pluncket, of a son.<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 12th instant, Mrs John Rankin, of a daughter.<br />
At Wallhouse, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 19th inst., Mrs Wm. Allison, of a daughter.<br />
At Ma(har) , parish of Kirkcolm, on the 17th inst., Mrs Hartly, of a daughter.<br />
At Mochrum-kirk, on the 11th instant, Mrs Duncan Ewart, of a son.<br />
At Glenturk, near Wigtown, on Thursday last, Mrs M'Clelland, of a son.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 21st inst., Mrs A. Cowper, of a son.<br />
At Langholm, on the 11th inst., Mrs Samuel M'Millan, of twin daughters.
At Drumgrange, Dalmellington, on the 3d instant, the wife of John Wallace..................<br />
At Kirkowen Village, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr William Coulter, grocer, of a son.<br />
At Merkland Schoolhouse, parish of Parton, on the 30th ult., Mrs Knox, of a son.<br />
At Crogo Bridge, Balmaclellan, on the 15th curt., Jean, wife of Mr William Grierson, Napiers' Arms Inn, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Aper House, Caldbeck, on the 12th inst., Mrs E.Macham Beattie, of twins, wife of J. Beattie, hatter, late<br />
Dumfries.<br />
At Stewarton Kirkcolm, by the Rev. A. M'Cubbin, Mr Alex. Kyle, mate of the brig "Iris" to Margaret, only<br />
daughter of Mr John Davidson, stone-cutter.<br />
At Craigdarroch, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. F.H. Stuart-Menteath, John George Jarvis, Captain 52d Light<br />
Infantry, third son of Colonel Jarvis, Doddington Hall, Lincolnshire, to Philadelphia, youngest daughter of<br />
the late George H. Jenkin, Esq., and niece of Major-General Fergusson.<br />
At York Place, Edinburgh, on the 9 th inst., by the Rev. T.G. Souther of St. George's Chapel, Lauderdale<br />
Maitland, Esq., of Eccles, in the County of Dumfries, to Mary Catherine, eldest daughter of<br />
Alexander Gillespie, M.D.<br />
At Muirhouse-head, in the parish of Applegarth, on Monday, the 13th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Dunbar, John<br />
Bell Irving, Esq., Whitehill, St. Mungo, to Miss Mary Jardine, niece of the late Mr Jardine of Canton.<br />
At Whittinghame Mains, on the 15 th inst., by the Rev. James Cochrane, minister of Cupar, James Church,<br />
jun., Esq., Tower of Sark, Dumfries-shire, to Agnes, eldest daughter of William Hepburn, Esq.,<br />
At Monreith, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr Young, Mr Jas. Shaw, joiner, to Miss Graham<br />
Lately, at the Prince Albert Tavern, Rose Street, Edinburgh, James Fairburn, Esq., to Mary, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr George Muir, and grand-daughter of the late Mr John Houston, Castlesod, Kirkcudbright.<br />
At Drumwhirn, Balmaclellan, on Friday the 17th curt., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Mr James Morin, shepherd<br />
to J. Murdoch, Esq., to Miss Margaret Boddin, of the same place.<br />
On the 13th curt., at Salem Chapel, by the Rev. J. Glyde, Mr William Germain, skep and basket<br />
manufacturer, of Bradford, son of William Germain, Dumfries, to Miss Mary Jefferson, late of the Golden<br />
Bull Inn, Dumfries.<br />
At Browhouses, parish of Gretna, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Gill, Rigg of Gretna, William Blake, to<br />
Mary Kirkpatrick.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Suddenly, here, at Queen Street, on the 18 th inst., Mary, youngest daughter of Mr Anthony Bell, merchant.<br />
At Fort Allahabad, Bengal, East Indies, on the 17th August last, aged 26 years, Sergeant William Black, of<br />
her Majesty's 3d Buffs, third son of the late Mr William Black, miller at Innermessan.<br />
Suddenly, at Muirclauch, parish of New Luce, on the 18th inst., Mrs John Douglas.<br />
At Sinniness, parish of Glenluce, on the 18th inst., James Skimming, joiner, aged 66.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 20th inst., Mary, infant daughter of Mr Thomas M'Cready, mason.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 21st inst., Janet, aged 87 years, relict of Mr John M'Cready, mason, - much<br />
respected.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 12th inst., Dugald Wier, son of Mr John Wier, late in Little Airies.<br />
At Moniaive, on the 11th inst., Mr John M'Cheyne, gardener, aged 71. - Same place, on the 13th inst., Mrs<br />
Agnes Frazer, advanced in life.<br />
At Dunriggan, on the 11th inst., at an advanced age, Helen Frazer, relict of James Ferguson.<br />
Suddenly at Dalmellington, on the fourth inst., aged 55 years, Jane Rankine, wife of Mr Andrew M'Dowall,<br />
late farmer in Drumbrennan, parish of Kirkowen.<br />
Suddenly, at Kirkowen Village, on the 10 th inst., Mrs Gibson, aged 75 years.<br />
At Church Crescent, Dumfries, on the 12th inst., Catherine Jane, infant daughter of the Rev. D.L. Scott.<br />
At Annan, on the 12th inst., John Scott, coal merchant, advanced in years.<br />
At Kirkpatrick Village, on the 13th inst., aged 70, Mrs Mary Sproat, widow of Mr John Shaw - much<br />
respected.<br />
At Miln of Senwick, Borgue, on the 16th inst., advanced in life, Mrs Agnes M'Math, widow of Mr James<br />
Wilkinson, Nun-Miln, Twynholm - much regretted.<br />
At Murrayton, parish of Girthon, on the 17th inst., Elizabeth, aged 2 years 5 months, and John, aged 1 year<br />
3 months, children of Mr John Gardiner, farmer there.<br />
At Moffat, very suddenly, on the 6th inst., Mr Archibald Grieve, tailor.
At Singapore, on the 24th May last, from the bursting of a blood vessel, Wm. Hunter, a native of<br />
Carlaverock, second mate of the ship "George Armstrong" of Liverpool, aged 22 years.<br />
At the White Horse Inn, Mealhouse Lane, Bolton, on the 12th inst., aged 58 years, Mr Thomas Richardson -<br />
a native of the parish of Twynholm, Kirkcudbright - much respected by his relations and acquaintances.<br />
At Glasgow, on the 11th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Burns Hardy, elocutionist, and of considerable literary<br />
attainments.<br />
At Restalrig House, Edinburgh, on the 10th inst., Major-General Thomas <strong>Web</strong>ster, H.E.I.C.S.<br />
At Carlsruhe, Germany, on the 5th Nov., in the 71st year of his age, the Hon. <strong>Robert</strong> Kennedy brother to<br />
the Marquis of Ailsa.<br />
30 th November <strong>1843</strong> (Week 48)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At 10, Shakspeare Street, Dumfries, on Wednesday week, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Johnstone, of a daughter.<br />
At Edinburgh, on the 22d instant, at 66, Queen Street, Mrs Colonel Borthwick, of a son.<br />
At 11, Hammand Place, Chatham on the 23d inst., Mrs Thomas Muirhead, draper, of a son.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 25th inst., Mrs Stitt, draper, of a daughter.<br />
At Carronbridge, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr Alexander Haistings, of a daughter.<br />
At Stafford House, on the 21st inst., the Duchess of Sutherland, of a son.<br />
At High Dargoles, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr Pullar, Mr Adam Eldrie, of Stoneykirk, to Miss Helen<br />
Eccles.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Blackwood, of the Relief Church, William Henderson,<br />
private, 72d Regiment, to Jessie Robison, Kirkgunzeon.<br />
At Montego Bay, Jamaica, on the 10 th October, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Thorburn, the Rev. James Denniston,<br />
Montego Bay, to Georgina, daughter of the late <strong>Robert</strong> Dewar, esq., of Muirbank.<br />
At Crofthead, near Moffat, on the 17th inst., Mr John Crosbie, grocer, Moffat, to Isabella, only daughter of<br />
Mr Wm. Milligan, Crofthead.<br />
At Sanquhar, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Logan, of the Free Protesting Church, Mr James Kennedy,<br />
teacher, Sanquhar, to Miss Sarah Forsyth, dress-maker there.<br />
At Kingsburn, by Sanquhar, on the same day, by the Rev. Mr Logan, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Morrison, carpet weaver,<br />
Crawickmill, to Miss Martha Howatson, Wanlockhead.<br />
At Rossie, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. John Wilson, minister of Forgandenny, the Rev. Maxwell Nicholson,<br />
minister of Pencaitland, to Frances Isabella, second daughter of J.S. Oliphant, Esq., of Rossie.<br />
At Mount Street, Chapel, Blackburn, on the 23d inst., by the Rev. Francis Skinner, M.A., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Watson,<br />
draper and tea dealer, Blackburn, to Elizabeth Nightingale Stott, eldest daughter of<br />
the late Joseph Stott, Esq., Otterburn Hall, in the county of York.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Clayhole, on the 26th inst., Mr James N'Dowall, joiner, in the 91st year of his age.<br />
At South Port-o-Spittal, on the 8th inst., aged 73 years, Agnes, relict of John Wither, farmer there.<br />
At Church Crescent, Dumfries, on the16th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Nelson, civil and criminal officer, formerly a<br />
midshipman in the Royal Navy.<br />
At St. Michael Street, Dumfries, on the 17 th inst., Alex. Carson, formerly for many years assistant to Mr<br />
<strong>Robert</strong> Watt, ironmonger.<br />
At the Moat of Anaan, on the 23d inst., Miss Hannah Grahame, daughter of the author of "The Sabbath," in<br />
the prime of life.<br />
At Woolton, near Liverpool, on the 16th inst., Mary, youngest daughter of the late Wm. Copland, in<br />
Gateside of Newabbey, and niece of the late Dr M'Cartney, of Liverpool.<br />
At West Clouden Mills, on the 17 th instant, Richard, youngest son of Mr James Kennedy, miller there.<br />
At Brae, parish of Terregles, on Friday last, Margaret, second daughter of Mr John Matthieson, farmer.
At Blackacre, Kirkmichael, on the 21st inst., Mr Samuel Gracie.<br />
At Port-Glasgow, on the 20th inst., Mary Hutchison, wife of Capt. George Spencer there.<br />
At Chislechurst, near London, on the 8th inst., Mrs Harding, youngest daughter of the late John Carruthers,<br />
Esq., Holmains.<br />
7 th December <strong>1843</strong> (Week 49)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Portpatrick, on the 16th ult., the lady of the Rev. A. Urquhart, of a daughter.<br />
At 18, Dublin Street, Edinburgh, on the 25 th ult., Mrs Smail, of Overmains, of a son.<br />
At Minnigaff Manse, on the 1st inst., the lady of the Rev. M.S. Johnstone, of a daughter.<br />
At Kilhilt, parish of Portpatrick, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. M'Leod, Stranraer, Mr Archibald Ritchie,<br />
farmer, Lochans, to Jane, youngest daughter of Mr John M'Caig, farmer, Kilhilt.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 5th curt., by the Rev. J. Towers, Mr John M'Master, merchant, to Helen, youngest<br />
daughter of the late Alex. M'Kinnell, Esq., writer in Wigtown.<br />
At Irish Street, Dumfries, on the 27 th ult., by the Rev. D.L. Scott, Mr George Armstrong, rope-maker, to Miss<br />
Martha Kissock.<br />
At Glenlee, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Dugald Stewart Williamson, of Tongland, the Rev. George Murray,<br />
of Girthon, to Elizabeth Murray, daughter of Mr Hyslop, Glenlee.<br />
At the Glen, parish of Irongray, on the 1 st curt., by the Rev. James Wilson, Mr James Gibson, Torkirroh,<br />
Kirkgunzeon, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr Dun, of the Glen.<br />
At Roughtree, on the 1st curt., by the Rev. James Wilson, of Irongray, Mr Alexander Brown, Kirkpatrick-<br />
Durham, to Helen, third daughter of Mr Preacher, Roughtree.<br />
At Creetown, on the 1st curt., by the Rev. Mr Muir of Kirkmabreck, Mr Samuel M'Clure, Creetown, to<br />
Susannah M'Credie Stewart, eldest daughter or Mr Thomas Stewart, Garliestown.<br />
At Aucheninnus, near Dalbeattie, on the 18th ult., by the Rev. James M'Kenzie, Dalbeattie, Mr William<br />
Conchie, mason, to Miss Margaret Payne.<br />
At Dalbeattie, on the 25th ultimo, by the Rev. James M'Kenzie, Dalbeattie, Mr William Murray, Burnside,<br />
Colvend, to Miss Janet Duncan, there.<br />
At Maybole, on the 21st ult., Mr N. Matthews, saddler and ironmonger, Maybole, to Anne, only daughter of<br />
Andrew Baird, Esq., Maybole.<br />
At Bristol, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. Wm. Heald, Vicar of the same place, Mr John Smith, tea dealer,<br />
Brunswick Street, Halifax, Yorkshire, to Miss Ellen Noble, daughter of Mr Zachariah Noble of Cleckheton.<br />
At Tyningham, East Lothian, on the 21 st ult., by the Rev. Thos. Mitchell, Oldhamstocks, <strong>Robert</strong> Adamson,<br />
Esq., writer, Bailie of Coldstream, to Miss Mary Agnes Buist, daughter of the late David Buist, Esq., factor<br />
to the Earl of Haddington.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Drumblair, in the parish of Mochrum, on the 3d inst., aged 69 years, John Stewart, Esq., of Alticry, after<br />
a lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude.<br />
Suddenly, at Corwall, parish of Mochrum, on the 4th inst., Mary M'Geoch, aged 64 years, spouse of Mr<br />
William Milligan, farmer there.<br />
At Auchenmalg, Old Luce, on the 18th ult., Jas. Skimming, joiner, aged 66 years.<br />
Suddenly, at Muirclauch, parish of New Luce, on the 18th ult., Mrs John Douglas.<br />
At Wigtown, on the 21st ult., very suddenly, Mary Kennedy, of Douglas.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 30th ult., Mr John Grierson, of the Admiral Duncan Tavern, in the prime of life - deeply<br />
and deservedly regretted.<br />
At 42, Friars' Vennel, Dumfries, on the 27th ult., Isabella Hay, daughter of Mr John M'Kay, carver and<br />
gilder, Buccleuch Street.<br />
At Middlebie, on the 23d ult., Janet Bell, wife of Mr James Barton, blacksmith there - much and justly<br />
regretted.<br />
At Barrhill, parish of Colmonell, on the 2d inst., Susan M'Connell, wife of Mr Andrew M'Harg, innkeeper,<br />
there.<br />
At Manchester, on the 26th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Colm, tea merchant and draper, aged 42, a native of
Stranraer - much regretted.<br />
At Milton, on the Clyde, on Friday, the 1st inst., Arch. Graham M'Diarmid, calico-printer.<br />
At Alnwick, on the 22d ult., the Rev. David Patterson, aged 70, for 37 years minister of the Secession<br />
Meeting in Alnwick.<br />
At Bushmills-house, Ireland, on the 21st ult., aged 81 years, Sir F.W. Macnaghten, father of Sir F.<br />
Macnaghten, who was assassinated by the Affghans of Cabul.<br />
14 th December <strong>1843</strong> (Week 50)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At her residence, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Port-Philip, on the 5th June, Mrs Alderman Kerr, of a<br />
daughter.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, lately, the wife of Mr Peter M'Crae, joiner, of a son.<br />
At Stepends toll-bar, Closeburn, on the 9 th inst., Mrs Peter Hastings, of a son.<br />
At Crocketford, on the 9th instant, the wife of <strong>Robert</strong> Allan, Esq., surgeon, of a daughter.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 26th ult., Mrs James Turner, baker, Friars' Vennel, of a daughter.<br />
At Gateside, Closeburn, on the 3d inst., Mrs Thomson, of a son.<br />
At George St., Edinburgh, on the 5th inst., Mrs Charles Bell, of a daughter.<br />
At Drummond Place, Edinburgh, on the 29th ult., Mrs Stodart, of a son, still-born.<br />
At Stranraer, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. A. Urquhart, Mr John Muir, Portpatrick, to Janet, second daughter<br />
of Mr Andrew Haswell, farmer, Cairntop, Glenluce.<br />
At Craigenlee, parish of Portpatrick, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, <strong>Robert</strong> Henry, tailor,<br />
Lochans, to Agnes, eldest daughter of the late Mr Kerr, there.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. John Walker, of the Free Church, Mr James Bell, joiner, to<br />
Miss Jessie M'Murray, both of that place. After the ceremony, the Rev. gentleman presented the<br />
bridegroom with a handsome Family Bible, they being the first couple he united after his ordination.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, Mr Thomas Johnstone, to Miss Mary<br />
Jeffrey.<br />
At New-Galloway, on the 8th curt., by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Balmaclellan, Mr Thomas Harper, Moniaive, to<br />
Miss Elizabeth Andrews, New-Galloway.<br />
At Calside, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. John Park, Glencairn, Mr Thomas M'Kay, wood forester,<br />
Craidarroch, to Miss Sarah Hunter, Calside.<br />
At Westhill, Troqueer, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr Ranken of Maxwelltown Chapel of Ease, A. M'Minn,<br />
Balmaghie, to Agnes Little.<br />
At Bo(ghall), Twynholm, on Friday last, by the Rev. John Gordon, Mr Alex. M'Nish, to Miss Mary M'Dowall.<br />
At Newbie, by Annan, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. John Donald, Mr John Sawyer, junior, to Miss Jane<br />
Beattie, daughter of Mr Thomas Beattie, cattle-dealer, Cannonbie, and a niece of Mr James Beattie,<br />
Newbie.<br />
At Langholm, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. John Dobie, Christopher Boyd, mason, to Isabella, eldest<br />
daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Hyslop, mason, there.<br />
At Holmhead, near Langholm, by the Rev. W.B. Shaw, Mr John Beattie, to Miss Jessie Scott, there.<br />
At Green, parish of Gretna, on the 20th ult., by the Rev. M. M'Gill, Rigg of Gretna, Mr James Bell, to Miss<br />
Elizabeth Carlyle.<br />
At Hills, parish of Gretna, on the 1st December, by the Rev. M. M'Gill, Rigg of Gretna, Mr Jas. Bell, to Miss<br />
Isabella Graham.<br />
At 24, Adelphi Street, Glasgow, on the 8 th inst., by the Rev. J.S. Taylor, Mr Walter Hart, to Miss Agnes<br />
Thomson, second daughter of the late James Sneden, merchant, Dumfries.<br />
At the Episcopal church of Ease, Reddich, Worcestershire, on the 2d instant, Mr William Goad, draper,<br />
Gloucester, to Jessie, second daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Walker, farmer, Dalry, Balmaclellan.<br />
At Kilmarnock, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. George Smith of Penpont, James K--p, Esq., merchant,<br />
Manchester, to Agnes, daughter of William Finnie, Esq., Kilmarnock.<br />
At Maybole, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. John Rankine, minister of Sorn, John Rankine, Esq., younger of<br />
Beoch, to Helen, eldest daughter of Alex. Muir, Esq., merchant.
At Kintbury, on the 29th ult., James Coutts Crawford, Esq., of Overton, Lanarkshire, to Sophia, youngest<br />
daughter of Admiral Dundas, C.B., M.P.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Stranraer, on the 7th inst., Mrs Jane Paterson, relict of Mr John Baird, cabinet-maker, aged 69 years.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 9th inst., Mrs Janet Withers, aged 82 years. She was for many years a faithful servant<br />
as housekeeper to Lady Dalrymple Hay of Dunraggit, mother of the present respected Baronet. Her death<br />
is much lamented, as she was truly a friend to the poor, and an ornament to religion.<br />
At Castle-Douglas, on the 8th inst., Mr Thomas Walker, mason, advanced in life. His life and death were<br />
consistent, - both bore the evidence of belonging to a Christian.<br />
At Moniaive, upon the 7th curt., Mr Andrew Callander, mason, aged 21 years.<br />
At 9, Queensberry Street, Dumfries on the 5th inst., Sarah, daughter of Mr James Mundell, innkeeper.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 9th inst., Janet, daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Scott., boot and shoemaker, Friar's Vennel.<br />
At Moffat, on the 3d inst., Helen, daughter of the late Rev. John Johnstone, minister of the Secession church<br />
Ecclefechan.<br />
At Bayne's Cottage, Kinrossie, Perthshire, on the 18th ult., Janet Anderson, wife of Mr James Bayne,<br />
farmer.<br />
At Kirkowen Village, on the 2d inst., Helen Hannay, aged two years, youngest daughter of Mr John Finlay,<br />
Kirkowen.<br />
At 1, Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 30th ult., George Ritchie, Esq., W.S.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Mr John M'Kenzie, aged 69 years, late gardener to J.C. Moore,<br />
Esq., Corsewall.<br />
At same place, the infant son of Mr Alex M'Intyre, tailor.<br />
At Upper Gimmenbie, Hoddam, on the 8 th inst., Mary, Jardine, wife of Mr Thomas Linton, aged 79.<br />
At Grove Hill Cottage, in the beginning of last month, Margaret Kirkpatrick, relict of Charles Maxwell, Esq.,<br />
of Boatford, at the advanced aged of 86 years.<br />
At Langholm, on the 5th inst., Mr Richard Bell, joiner, aged 57, leaving a widow and ten children to bewail<br />
her loss. His remains were carried to the grave by his seven sons.<br />
At Langholm on the 5th inst., Mr Andrew Irving, merchant, 40 years.<br />
At Flaskholm, by Langholm, William, son of Mr James Johnstone, road-contractor, aged 18 months.<br />
At Liverpool, on the 11th inst., aged 4 years, Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr Henry Fernie, landing-waiter,<br />
H.M. Customs there.<br />
21 st December <strong>1843</strong> (Week 51)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
Here, at the Quayside, on the 20th inst., Mrs Captain Cumming, of a son.<br />
Here, at King Street, on the 20th inst., Mrs Wm. Auld, draper, of a son.<br />
At Sun Street, here, on the 18th inst., Mrs John Murray, of a son.<br />
At 8, Queensberry Street, Dumfries, on the 14th inst., Mrs James Watson, of a daughter.<br />
At Newton, parish of Anwoth, on the 16 th inst., Mrs John M'Guffog, of a son.<br />
At Abbey-Yard of Greenlaw, on the 4th inst., Mrs R. M'Kay, of a son.<br />
At Moffat, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr Alex. Morrison, builder, of a son.<br />
At Tradeston, Glasgow, on the 12th curt., the wife of Mr John Smith, (late clerk in the King's Arms,<br />
Dumfries,) of a daughter.<br />
At Rochdale, Lancashire, on the 14th inst., Mrs Wm. Sturgeon, of a son.<br />
Here, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. David Wilson, Mr Wallace of Garvilland, to Margaret, oldest<br />
daughter of the late Thos. Biggam, Esq., merchant in Stranraer.<br />
At Barncorkrey, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr Williamson, James M'William,<br />
Cairn, to Janet, eldest daughter of the late Mr Wm. M'Culloch, farmer, in South Barncorkrey.<br />
At Slock Mill, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr Williamson, Mr Samuel M'Comb,<br />
farmer there, to Martha, eldest daughter of the late John M'Gaw, farmer in Auchabrick.<br />
At Newton-Stewart, on Thursday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. James Gould, Mr John M'Ken, to Miss Agnes
Brodie.<br />
At Auchencairn, on the 11th inst., by the Rev.James Thomson of Rerwick, Mr James Knox, draper, High<br />
street, Blackburn, to Mary, second daughter of the late Mr David Kissock, post-master at Auchencairn.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Thomas T. Duncan, Mr James Dick, plumber, to Charlotte Wright,<br />
daughter of Sergeant Major Wright of the Dumfrieshire Militia.<br />
At Almeida Hill, Hamilton, on the 27th ult., the Rev. A. Gibson, minister of Balmaghie, to Christina,<br />
daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Hamilton of Lesmahagow.<br />
At Langholm, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. W.B. Shaw, Mr Wm. Renwick, plasterer, to Miss Betty Allan.<br />
At Saint-John's Church, city of Coventry, by the Rev. Thomas Sheepshanks, Vicar of St.John's, on<br />
Wednesday week, Mr James Halliday, draper, of that city (late of Annan), to Miss Mary Byers, late<br />
of Red-Hall-Moor, parish of Kirkatrick-Fleming.<br />
At the Independent Chapel, Tewkesbury, a few days ago, Mr James Kerr, tea-dealer, to Miss E.<br />
Buckland, daughter of the late Mr Buckland, baker, London.<br />
At Buccleuch, Ettrick, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. James Smith, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Hogart, to Miss Agnes Brydon.<br />
DEATHS<br />
At Neptune Street, Stranraer, on the 9 th inst., Miss Janet Campbell, aged 42 years - much respected.<br />
At Auchness, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 16th inst., Mr John Campbell, farmer there, in the 69th year of his<br />
age.<br />
Suddenly, at Glenluce, on the 18th inst., Mrs Agnew, aged 78.<br />
At Glenluce, on the 19th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Heughan, aged 73.<br />
At Eildrig, Mochrum, on the 11th inst., Andrew Dunn, at the advanced age of 88.<br />
At Airlies, Kirkinner, on the 11th inst., Mrs Muir, aged 43 years.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 18th inst., Mr Alexander Sloan, aged 62 years.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 9th inst., Mr James M'Cracken, aged 42 years.<br />
At Whithorn, on the 9th inst., Mr Archibald Huxtable, aged 33 years.<br />
At Cargen waterhead, on the 10th curt., Jean Anston Hope, daughter of Mr John Hope, Cowie - much and<br />
deservedly regretted.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 3d inst., James Taylor, youngest son of the late William Taylor, confectioner, High<br />
Street.<br />
At St. Andrew Street, Dumfries, on Friday last, Jemima, youngest child of the late Mr James Bell, coachpainter.<br />
At Dumfries, yesterday morning, the 17th current, aged 16 months, Helen Kennedy daughter of Mr John<br />
Newbigging, Loreburn Street.<br />
At his daughter's house, Maryfield, Terregles, on the 13th inst., David Robison, aged 78.<br />
At Glenae Porter lodge, on the 25th ult., Mrs Isabella Carter, relict of Mr James Morgan, and daughter of<br />
the late Mr James Carter, of the Swan Inn, Dumfries.<br />
At Lady Hall, on the 13th inst., after a lingering illness, Margaret Baxter, widow of the late Mr James<br />
Underwood, farmer, Lady Hall, advanced in years.<br />
At 14, George Square Edinburgh, on the 11 th inst., Mary Peters, a native of Galloway, advanced in aged -<br />
universally respected.<br />
At 82, George Street, Edinburgh, on the 17 th inst., Henry, second son of Dr Charles Bell.<br />
At Merrat, Bengal, on the 1st June last, Charleas Dickson M'Kenzie, Bombardier, Bengal Artillery. He was<br />
by trade a plasterer, and a native of Dumfries.<br />
At China, on the 5th August last, very much respected, and sincerely regretted by everyone who knew<br />
him, Captain <strong>Robert</strong> Broadfoot, of the ship "Davenport" of Liverpool and youngest son of the late John<br />
Broadfoot, Esq., Gatehouse-of Fleet.<br />
Suddenly at Glasnick, parish of Penninghame, on the 13th inst., Barbara M'Clure, aged 69 years, relict of<br />
Mr William M'Connel, farmer and cattle dealer, there.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 15th curt., after a brief illness, aged 63, Mr John Clark, innkeeper. He was halfbrother<br />
to Dr. Clark, of St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh.<br />
At Millburn, Kirkcudbright, on the 6 th inst., very suddenly, Mrs Mary Smith, widow of Mr William Cavan,<br />
innkeeper, and eldest daughter of Mr William Smith.<br />
At Doon Cottage, Twynholm, on the 13th curt., Miss M'Gowan. For several years she had been engaged as<br />
an instructress of youth; was of a sincerely pious turn of mind, of an amiable and obliging<br />
disposition, and is deeply regretted, not only by many attached friends, but also by the parents of those<br />
children who were, at various times, committed to her fostering and assiduous care.<br />
At Collin Schoolhouse, Torthorwald, on the 5th inst., in the prime of life, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, youngest
daughter of the late James Kirkpatrick, farmer in the Qamp.<br />
At Flaskholm, by Langhom, William, son of Mr James Johnstone, road contractor, aged 18 months.<br />
On the 6th inst., at the house of her brother, No. 40, Brunswick Square, London, Mrs Sarah Hathorn, aged<br />
84.<br />
28 th December <strong>1843</strong> (Week 52)<br />
BIRTHS<br />
At Whithorn, on the 26th ult., Mrs Wm. Dorman, of a daughter.<br />
At Whithorn on the 14th inst., Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> DODDS, of twins.<br />
At Bangalore, on the 9th Oct., the lady of A.K. Clark Kennedy, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., of a son.<br />
At Eglinton Castle, on the 17th inst., the Countess of Eglinton and Winton, of a daughter.<br />
At Broomholm, near Langholm, on the 25th inst., the Lady of George Maxwell, Esq., of a daughter.<br />
At Innermessan, parish of Inch, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hogarth, Mr Alex. Blain, farmer there, to<br />
Jane, eldest daughter of the late Mr Jas. Bennoch, farmer in Sheuchan.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. William Blackwood of the Relief Church, Corporal Wm.<br />
Paterson, of the 26th Regt. of Foot, to Jane Maxwell Edgar.<br />
At New Castleton, by the Rev. Mr Barton, Adam Pringle, shepherd, to Mary, daughter of Mr John Cavers,<br />
joiner there.<br />
At Philadelphia, United States, on the 25th October last, John Wilson, Esq., Milton, North Carolina, to<br />
Penelope, youngest daughter of the late William Campbell, Esq., Norfolk, Virginia.<br />
At Coatbridge, by Glasgow, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Stirling, Relief Minister there, Mr James<br />
Costin, late of Colvend, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of David Miller, Tinwald Downs, Dumfries-shire.<br />
At Burnside, parish of Lochmaben, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Marjoribanks, Mr David Barton,<br />
to Miss Elizabeth Lockie.<br />
At Newhouse, Closeburn, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. R. Brydon of Dunscore, Mr Wm. Fergusson,<br />
Priesthill, Muirkirk, to Susan, youngest daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Edgar.<br />
At Auchenhay, Borgue, on Friday last, by the Rev. Wm. Reid, Mr Samuel Shaw, to Miss Agnes Dalrymple.<br />
At Burnbrae, Urr, on the 15th inst., Mr James Murdoch, shoemaker, to Miss Margaret Gordon, straw-hat<br />
manufacturer, both of Annan.<br />
At Thornhill, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Rogerson, Mr James Brown, saddler, to Miss Helen, second<br />
daughter of Mr Thomas M'Lauchlan, mason.<br />
At Sanquhar, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. James Reid, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Findlater, sawyer, Penpont, to Helen,<br />
third daughter of Mr Wm. Ingram, weaver, Sanquhar.<br />
At Leadhills, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Hastings, Mr Angus Cameron, to Hannah Scott, daughter<br />
of Mr William Scott, miner.<br />
At Leadhills, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Hastings, Mr James Whitfield, Carsphairn, to Miss Jane<br />
Dryden.<br />
At St.John's Clauchan, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. George Paterson, Dalry, Anthony Gordon Candlish,<br />
Esq., late of the Royal Artillery, to Agnes, eldest daughter of the late Mr Archibald Johnstone, Garroch.<br />
DEATHS<br />
Here, at Hanover Street, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr Andrew Turnbull, advanced in years.<br />
At Cults, parish of Inch, on the 16th curt, Ralston Ritchie, younges son of Mr James Lockhart.<br />
At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 22d inst., aged 26 years, John eldest son of Mr Niven Kerr; he was a very<br />
promising young man and much respected.<br />
At Hillhead, near Langholm, Margaret Wilson, spouse of John Anderson, shepherd.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 18th inst., advanced in years, Mr Joseph Haining, formerly of the firm of Haining, Hogg<br />
and Gracie, drapers.<br />
At Dumfries, same day, Margaret Grierson, wife of Mr John Watson, sheriff-officer.<br />
At Dumfries, on the 11th inst., Mr John Irving, innkeeper.<br />
At Troqueer Gate, on the 6th curt., Mr Peter Hope, dairyman, advanced in years.
At the Manse of Dalton, on the 10th inst., Mr John R. Thomson, son of the Rev. T.H. Thomson, Dalton -<br />
highly esteemed and much regretted.<br />
At Broadholm, on the 15th inst., David Johnstone, Esq., aged 72 years.<br />
At St. Helena, in November last, Sir W. Doveton, of Fairyland, K.C.B., in the 94th year of his age.<br />
At the residence of his uncle, John M'Burnie Esq., of Laggan, Dunscore, on the 17th inst., after a long and<br />
painful illness, Mr Thomas M'Burnie, only son of the late Mr James M'Burnie, Berwick-upon-Tweed.<br />
At Kirkcudbright, on the 14th inst., after a short illness, aged 60, Mr John Clarke, innkeeper, eldest son of<br />
the late Mr Walter Clarke, farmer in Kirkcassel, and brother of Dr Thomas Clarke, of<br />
St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh - much regretted.<br />
At Little Milton of Urr, on the 18th curt., David, son of Mr Thomas Henderson, mason, Dunscore Kirk.<br />
At Manchester, on the 13th inst., Mr John M'Connochie, draper, after a lingering consumption, leaving a<br />
sorrowing wife and child to mourn their loss. He was a native of Kirkmahoe.<br />
At New York, on the 20th ult., shortly after she had given birth to twin sons, in the 19th year of her<br />
age, Mrs Margaret Corrie, wife of Mr William Corrie, mason, late of Kirkmahoe, and daughter of Mr Wm.<br />
Crosbie, gardener, Dalskairth.<br />
At Kirkpatrick- Durham, on the 16th inst., Mr Thomas M'Gill, aged 74.<br />
At Pathhead, New-Cumnock, on the 5th inst., Mr Andrew Anderson, surgeon, aged 28, second son of Mr<br />
John Anderson, late farmer, Lochside.<br />
On the 14th instant, Mrs Murray of Polmaise.<br />
At Challoch, parish of Leswalt, on the 19th instant, Mr Henry Fitzgerald, aged 68 years.<br />
At Effgill, parish of Westerkirk, Catherine Armstrong.