Notable achievemeNts - Rawabi Holding
Notable achievemeNts - Rawabi Holding
Notable achievemeNts - Rawabi Holding
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Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
01 <strong>Notable</strong><br />
Achievements<br />
02 Making a Difference<br />
Youth Empowerment<br />
Community Investment<br />
Corporate Community Service<br />
10 Business newS<br />
24 TEAM<br />
28 Powered by PEOPLE<br />
10, 18, 31 RAWABI<br />
<strong>Notable</strong> Achievements<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric:<br />
Develops the First of its<br />
Kind Saudi-Made Power<br />
Control Room<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric, the power and<br />
automation arm of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>, is<br />
pleased to announce the delivery of a<br />
turnkey pre-engineered, prefabricated<br />
and tested power and automation<br />
solution ready for site plug and switch<br />
on. In cooperation with Saudi Aramco<br />
and the dedication of <strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric,<br />
Eaton, EEIC, Jacob Zate, the control<br />
room is up and running. The solution<br />
delivers various power needs; 34.5KV,<br />
13.8KV, 4.16 MCC, 480V Switchgear<br />
and MCC, PLC, annunciators, battery<br />
and chargers, fire systems, redundant<br />
HVAC, PPE and auxiliary power, all<br />
in one prefabricated and portable<br />
Continue on Page 2...<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric: Develops... (Cont. from page 1)<br />
Cover page photo:<br />
Interior shot of the<br />
Power Control Room<br />
(PCR), also known as<br />
Prefabricated Portable<br />
Substation<br />
Top photo:<br />
RE Team inside the<br />
Power Control Room<br />
Bottom photo:<br />
Exterior shot of the PCR<br />
substation that is weather proof and compliant<br />
with industry standards. When delivered,<br />
the PCR is ready for plugging site cables and<br />
switch power. It will offer Saudi Aramco all<br />
the power and control/automation required to<br />
deliver 50,000 barrels of light crude. The client<br />
is upbeat about huge savings as a result of<br />
eliminating field work and reducing time spent.<br />
Top photo:<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Career Guidance<br />
instructor, Eng.<br />
Ahmed Mostafa (rightmost<br />
in front row) with<br />
student counselors<br />
Bottom photo:<br />
Mr. Mostafa lecturing<br />
in one of the training<br />
sessions<br />
A large feat to overcome, the team’s dedication<br />
and joint vision made this a reality. I take this<br />
opportunity to thank Saudi Aramco for their<br />
relentless quest in developing local vendors,<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric’s team for their hard work and<br />
dedication and our partners at Eaton and EEIC<br />
for their extra dedication to produce the control<br />
room in a short time period. This development<br />
opens windows of opportunity for us all allowing<br />
us to add value to our society every day.<br />
Youth Empowerment<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s CSR Unit<br />
Launches <strong>Rawabi</strong> Career<br />
Guidance<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s CSR Unit launched the pilot<br />
phase of its third Youth Empowerment “Self<br />
Discovery” Program under the title of “<strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Career Guidance” on October 22, 2011. The<br />
program will run under the supervision of the<br />
Eastern Province Ministry of Education office.<br />
During the pilot phase, <strong>Rawabi</strong> is hosting the<br />
training of 18 counselors, eight of which are<br />
male and female student counselors from public<br />
schools in Dammam and Khobar, and were<br />
nominated by the Ministry of Education. The<br />
training, which concluded on November 23,<br />
2011, focused on equipping the counselors<br />
with the proper communication skills and knowhow<br />
to provide academic and career counseling.<br />
Upon completing the 120 hours of training, the<br />
counselors will be awarded international career<br />
counseling certificates, and begin providing<br />
career planning services for 11 th graders in the<br />
schools in which they work. The other trainees<br />
will also provide career planning services for<br />
students in the Eastern Province. The pilot<br />
phase targets a total of 1000-1500 students<br />
across the region. The career planning process<br />
will allow students to complete psychometric<br />
tests that allow them to match their interests,<br />
strengths and weaknesses with careers available<br />
to them in the Saudi job market.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong>’s Youth Self Discovery Program<br />
addresses a pertinent social issue that addresses<br />
the requirements of <strong>Rawabi</strong>’s stakeholders:<br />
empowering youth (aged 16-24) to identify their<br />
potential, assisting them in channeling their<br />
energies and providing them with the means<br />
for a bright and successful future through three<br />
main programs: the <strong>Rawabi</strong> Talent Exhibit, the<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Internship Initiative, and the Career<br />
Guidance Program.<br />
As the majority of Saudi Arabia’s population is<br />
under 30 years old, and many of these citizens are<br />
at a loss when it comes to their future, meetings<br />
with our stakeholders allowed us to identify this<br />
as a worthy cause to adopt. <strong>Rawabi</strong>’s investment<br />
in bringing about a positive social shift for youth<br />
in our community aims to address the issue at<br />
the core, focusing on specialized programs for<br />
high school and university students.<br />
2 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
MAKING A<br />
By joining<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
during the<br />
Summer of<br />
2011, I did not<br />
only gain soft<br />
and technical<br />
skills, but I also<br />
consider myself<br />
to have gained<br />
a new family<br />
consisting of<br />
brothers and<br />
sisters, who<br />
will always be<br />
connected, no<br />
matter where our<br />
future leads us.<br />
An Eight Week Journey with<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Salsabeel Al<br />
Sultan<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Corporate<br />
Communications<br />
It all started with one simple phone call from one of<br />
my friends on my first week of summer 2011, who was also a fresh<br />
graduate and searching for something useful to do with her summer<br />
vacation. We were browsing the internet when we came across a<br />
website that had a link to a company known as <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>,<br />
which we knew absolutely nothing about except that it was a multiservice<br />
corporation based in Khobar and had a summer internship<br />
opening.<br />
Department<br />
2011 Summer<br />
Even though I had taken<br />
Mini-Intern<br />
many part time jobs during<br />
college, I knew after<br />
attending the orientation program, which was well<br />
prepared by a number of highly qualified members<br />
of the company that this summer will not be as<br />
any other summer. Indeed, I realized that <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
is not only a company, but a company powered by<br />
people, that values people’s development and is<br />
ready to share its thirty years of experience with<br />
the youth of its country.<br />
I was assigned to work in the CSR Unit in the<br />
Corporate Communications Department, to share<br />
daily tasks and projects with the rest of the<br />
team members, such as updating departments’<br />
handouts, translating a number of videos regarding<br />
experts explaining what it takes to be in their field<br />
at <strong>Rawabi</strong> Talent Exhibit. In addition to that, I<br />
assisted in initializing an environmental campaign<br />
under the name “Committed to Build a Green<br />
Future”, targeting all <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees<br />
while covering various aspects of daily issues as<br />
biodiversity, recycling, energy and water usage<br />
through advertisements, surveys, competitions,<br />
etc. to make the campaign as strong as possible.<br />
This project changed my entire perspective toward<br />
our planet was the environment campaign. After<br />
working on this project under the supervision of<br />
my mentor Ms. Hanaa Almoaibed, who strongly<br />
believes in taking individual responsibility<br />
towards our globe, I was greatly influenced by<br />
her devotion in making a difference in social and<br />
environmental performance. I started to think<br />
twice before using any paper product, of the<br />
number of trees we waste every day for a one use<br />
paper cup, or the effort put into plastic bottles<br />
just to produce a water bottle that is thrown away<br />
Photo: Ms. Al Sultan discusses her tasks and learning<br />
experiences as an intern<br />
as soon as it has been opened. Plus, the number<br />
of children who are suffering from Asthma right<br />
now, due to the factories surrounding our land<br />
with its continues toxic gas spread to produce<br />
new materials, that can be simply recycled with<br />
much less energy, and alternatives that can be<br />
used. I noticed that if each person invested a<br />
quarter of his/her time, massive changes could<br />
be made within our society that can be extended<br />
further in the long run.<br />
Besides the environmental awareness, I also<br />
gained professional skills by attending the<br />
orientation week, intern weekly workshops, field<br />
trips and by getting involved in CCD’s daily tasks<br />
and meetings such as a labor law awareness class<br />
delivered by the legal department during our first<br />
week.<br />
I am currently working at ISG Jubail as an IT<br />
Specialist, applying the skills and knowledge that<br />
I have learned at <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>. I am also a<br />
member of “Be Different Group” and “CARE” for<br />
charity events and volunteering work. Moreover, I<br />
am continuing to raise environmental awareness<br />
among family and friends as being a role model<br />
of how a green person can be and through my<br />
Facebook page, to apply what I have started<br />
during my internship with <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
By joining <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> during the Summer of<br />
2011, I did not only gain soft and technical skills,<br />
but I also consider myself to have gained a new<br />
family consisting of brothers and sisters, who will<br />
My Experience with <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
After graduating from university, I found myself lost in<br />
a predicament and facing a challenging situation – I found myself<br />
searching for a promising career in times of economic growth in the<br />
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.<br />
Fahad Othman<br />
Sales &<br />
Marketing<br />
representative<br />
I had found an article in<br />
one of the local newspapers<br />
about the <strong>Rawabi</strong> Talent<br />
Exhibit, adapted by <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
in <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> to support the<br />
SpecializeD<br />
Enclosures<br />
(RSE);<br />
Kingdom’s youth in order<br />
to motivate them be able<br />
to identify which job suits<br />
2011 Summer them best. The exhibit<br />
Mini-Intern offered the attendees a<br />
chance to get to learn more<br />
about 25 different career<br />
paths that they could follow, showcased by<br />
career experts that explained in full depth the<br />
characteristics of each job. I was one of those<br />
career experts, offering my knowledge purely<br />
for the sake of volunteering to help enhance<br />
Photo: Mr. Othman shares his experiences from the<br />
internship<br />
always be connected, no matter where our future<br />
leads us.<br />
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to express<br />
my appreciation to <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> for all the<br />
effort put into this program and arranging such<br />
a beneficial summer. Also, special thanks to<br />
the Corporate Communications Department for<br />
hosting me.<br />
the development of the youth, and not for any<br />
financial gains that I may have been offered.<br />
The success stories that <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
witnessed post-exhibit and the level of<br />
organization and commitment that they invested<br />
was mind blowing to me. It was after the exhibit<br />
that I realized how much <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> is what<br />
I’m looking for in order to kick-off my career. I<br />
was selected among the endless number of youth<br />
to join <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> for a “Mini-Internship”<br />
program in the Finance Department. The bulk<br />
of knowledge that I acquired under expert<br />
supervision in this field is surreal, and it was<br />
mainly due to the fact that I decided to join the<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> family and was employed by<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized Enclosures.<br />
I would like to send out my most sincere gratitude<br />
to everyone who helped me and gave me a push,<br />
especially Ms. Nada Badgaish and Ms. Noaf<br />
AlTurki.<br />
The success stories that <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> witnessed postexhibit<br />
and the level of organization and commitment<br />
that they invested was mind blowing to me.<br />
4 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
MAKING A<br />
Journey to the heart of Islam<br />
under spotlight at Britain’s<br />
Haj exhibition<br />
Article by: ROGER HARRISON | ARAB NEWS<br />
Published: Nov 13, 2011<br /><br />
article532891.ece<br />
JEDDAH: The British Museum in London is to<br />
mount the first major exhibition dedicated to the<br />
Haj.<br />
“Haj: Journey to the Heart of Islam” will open<br />
Jan. 26 and run until April 15, 2012. Venetia<br />
Porter, curator of the museum’s Islamic and<br />
Contemporary Middle East Department, said the<br />
exhibition would examine the significance of Haj<br />
as one of the five pillars of Islam, exploring its<br />
importance for Muslims and looking at how this<br />
spiritual journey has evolved throughout history.<br />
“The exhibition is about a journey and lifechanging<br />
experience, a journey that has one<br />
purpose only — to reach the heart of Islam. We<br />
want people to understand what this experience<br />
has meant,” she said. “The exhibition will<br />
talk about why the Kaaba is important. I think<br />
it is important that non-Muslims realize that<br />
Abraham is the key to the three monotheistic<br />
religions.”<br />
It will bring together a wealth of objects from<br />
a number of different collections including<br />
important historic pieces as well as new<br />
contemporary artworks that reveal the enduring<br />
impact of Haj around the globe and across the<br />
centuries.<br />
Three key strands make up the exhibition,<br />
including the pilgrim’s journey with an emphasis<br />
on the major routes used through history —<br />
those from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle<br />
East; the Haj today, its associated rituals and<br />
what the experience means to the pilgrim; and<br />
Makkah, the final destination of Haj, its origins<br />
and importance.<br />
The journey element will start with the present<br />
day with a sense of pilgrims coming from<br />
everywhere and particularly from the UK and<br />
then go back in time and focus on four main<br />
journeys, each of which has a gathering point<br />
whence pilgrims set off and at an appointed<br />
time, including Kufah, Cairo, Damascus and<br />
Jeddah.<br />
The essence of the routes to Makkah section<br />
is the incredible effort needed to make the<br />
Haj in early times. “In a sense the groups are<br />
chronological but are from several hubs. The<br />
first we show is across Arabia Darb Zubayda<br />
from Kufah to Makkah,” she explained. Named<br />
after Zubayda, the wife of the Abbasid Caliph<br />
Harun Rashid who endowed the route with 54<br />
way stations, hostels, forts and watering places,<br />
the route led from Kufah in southern Iraq to<br />
Makkah.<br />
The second route shown is from Cairo that<br />
acted as the gathering place for pilgrims from<br />
the Middle East and West. The third hub is<br />
Damascus — the longest route in the exhibition.<br />
“The Ottomans took their responsibilities<br />
looking after the pilgrims incredibly seriously,”<br />
said Porter. They called it the sürra — the purse<br />
— not only because the caravan organizers had<br />
to pay off the Bedouin tribes but also because of<br />
the money they provided for the refurbishment<br />
of Makkah. “All the way through we were trying<br />
to communicate the arduousness of the trip,”<br />
she said. Pilgrims took months to accomplish<br />
this and to travel from Damascus to Makkah cost<br />
the Haji the price of an average house in the<br />
city. “We’ll show the landscape as well. One of<br />
the features of the exhibition is that we are not<br />
only going to show objects but a lot of contextual<br />
images to give a sense of place.”<br />
The exhibition also examines the journey and<br />
arrival from India, Indonesia and as far East<br />
as China. Of particular interest is the story<br />
during the British Colonial era — Thomas Cook<br />
for example taking charge of pilgrim ships.<br />
In 1886 the Indian government appointed<br />
Thomas Cook and Son to be the sole agent for<br />
transport of pilgrims from India to the Hijaz.<br />
The British government affirmed that it had<br />
special obligations to protect the stream of<br />
“Muhammadan pilgrims going to the sacred<br />
places at Makkah.” On display is a ticket from<br />
one of the Haj ships, a Haj-proxy certificate<br />
issued to those who are unable to perform the<br />
pilgrimage and have asked friends or family to<br />
perform it on their behalf, and pilgrims’ diaries.<br />
Porter said that she wanted to show the logistics<br />
of the task of catering for the huge numbers of<br />
pilgrims. “It is really incredible. We shall show<br />
how well it works and what it involves,” she said,<br />
adding that the journeys were but one part of the<br />
whole but they are to the heart of Islam. “Even<br />
though the journey nowadays is much easier, it<br />
is still arduous and life changing.”<br />
Qaisra Khan, project curator in the department<br />
of the Middle East section at the museum,<br />
said that a section on Makkah talks about the<br />
sanctuary and its history going back to the<br />
time of Abraham and then goes into the finer<br />
points of the rituals themselves through film,<br />
manuscript and photographs where the rituals<br />
are explained in detail, for example the tawaf<br />
(circumambulation of the Kaaba) and the<br />
standing at Arafat and why this is such a pivotal<br />
moment.<br />
A short film will detail all the ritual elements<br />
of Haj from the first to the last day. “It’s very<br />
important that people understand what these<br />
rituals mean to people, why they do them and<br />
what their origin was,” Porter explained.<br />
Augmenting the film of the rituals is a<br />
section examining the rituals through objects,<br />
photographs, manuscripts, Zam Zam water<br />
bottles and the like. In this section is a display<br />
on the history, significance and crafting of the<br />
kiswa, the black cover of the Kaaba.<br />
“We also want to convey what Haj feels like and<br />
has been viewed by artists,” said Khan, noting<br />
that there were works by contemporary and<br />
traditional artists on display. “There is also a<br />
wall of quotes about what the spiritual journey<br />
has meant to them. We hope that our visitors will<br />
leave the exhibition uplifted.”<br />
For more information: http://www.britishmuseum.<br />
org/Haj<br />
Gymboree Al Khobar Receives<br />
a Community Service Award<br />
Photo: <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Group President and CEO Osman<br />
Ibrahim holds the Community Service Award plaque with<br />
Gymboree Play and Learn General Manager Rana AlTurki<br />
In October, Gymboree AlKhobar received a<br />
Community Service Award for ‘Recognition of<br />
Outstanding Community Service & Outreach’<br />
at the International Conference in the USA.<br />
This award was presented as an appreciation<br />
of the CSR events and outreach services<br />
to the community Gymboree AlKhobar has<br />
made. These include sponsorship of Cancer<br />
Foundation Charity Dinner, hospital visits to<br />
children with cancer over Eid, involvement in<br />
GCC Road Safety Week, Aramco Dental Health<br />
Week, Earth Day, Guest speakers at the Eastern<br />
Province ‘Teachers of Young Children’ workshop<br />
and visits to local schools including Saudi and<br />
International schools.<br />
6 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
MAKING A<br />
We Are the Future<br />
in and in the process build a beautiful future<br />
for their country. In the different stations, they<br />
learned a new skill that’s useful to them; the<br />
aim was to teach them how every little thing<br />
is in reality a huge step. Stations included<br />
work ethics, towards a greener Saudi, health<br />
awareness, solar energy through arts & crafts<br />
and much more.<br />
The open day for children took place on<br />
December 22 nd 2011 at Sunrise Beach, Al<br />
Khobar. This is the 9 th open day organized<br />
by the Saudi Cancer Foundation. Around 70<br />
patients and their families attended the event.<br />
A big thank you to each and every volunteer who helped organize the event and turn<br />
it into a great success! You made it happen!<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> NGNS joins Bahrain<br />
Marathon Relay 2011<br />
Event Organizers:<br />
Razzan Al Azzouni, Salwa Al Azzouni,<br />
Noaf AlTurki, <strong>Rawabi</strong> Group Corporate<br />
Communications Manager<br />
Volunteers from <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> included:<br />
Emad Al Ghussaini, Meshal Al Juwaira<br />
Every year, the Saudi Cancer Foundation<br />
organizes an open day for children with cancer<br />
to enjoy with their families away from the dull<br />
walls of hospitals and the agony of treatments.<br />
“We’d like to think of it as a Willy Wonka event,<br />
where we try to turn young patients’ dreams<br />
and imaginations into reality creating a carefree<br />
educational environment where a child will learn<br />
a little something while having fun,” explains<br />
fashion designer Razan Al Azzouni, the Creative<br />
Director and one of the organizers of the event.<br />
This year’s theme was titled “We Are the Future”.<br />
Upon their arrival, children were divided into<br />
groups of five. Each group was ushered by<br />
volunteers who worked as guides for children<br />
walking them through different stations. In<br />
each station, children learned through various<br />
activities about how to better themselves and<br />
better their society, better the world they live<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> NGNS won third place in the IT-<br />
Telecom category, and came in 56 th out of 141<br />
competitors on December 9, 2011.<br />
The Bahrain Marathon Relay is an annual<br />
sporting event organized by the Bahrain Round<br />
Table to raise funds for local charities. The race<br />
format is 16 legs of approximately 3 kilometers.<br />
The race starts and finishes at the Bahrain<br />
International Circuit. The 2011 race was a great<br />
success and raised more than BD 30,000 for<br />
local charities.<br />
The race has earned its reputation over the years<br />
to be a favorite among local as well as the expat<br />
community, and is considered to be among<br />
the most anticipated events in the country.<br />
The Marathon Relay is an event that can be<br />
enjoyed by everyone. 100+ teams (businesses,<br />
schools, universities and individuals) take part<br />
in this event. While the top 20 teams are serious<br />
runners and the top 10 teams often include<br />
many international runners, most teams enter<br />
purely for the fun of participating in the event.<br />
Many of the runners in the lower placed teams<br />
only run once a year in the relay.<br />
Congratulations to our runners: Joseph<br />
Mondejae, JayR Nocellas, Hashim AlAlawi,<br />
Mohammed Jameel, Mohammed Jaffer, Ali<br />
Burashed, Wilfredo Catalan, Jerry Ravanera,<br />
Dave Junsay, Mahdi Al Masqati, Ruben Martires,<br />
Richard Bueno, Danny Sumalabe, Salman Al<br />
Mahal, Bader Bin Jamal.<br />
8 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
MAKING A<br />
Corporate Community Service<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> supports<br />
flood victims in the<br />
Philippines<br />
What: Between December 16 and 18,<br />
Tropical Storm Washi swept away whole villages<br />
in the southern Philippines, with an estimated<br />
death toll of more than 1000 people. Some<br />
claim to have lost as many as 30 relatives.<br />
Others remain severely injured and homeless.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees organized a<br />
campaign to support flood victims in the<br />
Philippines<br />
Photo credit: TED ALJIBE/AFP/Getty Images<br />
When: Dec 27, 2011 – Jan 10, 2012<br />
Photo:<br />
Raymond Goh, Osman Ibrahim, Sh. Abdulaziz AlTurki, HE Mr. S.R. Nathan, Mr. Tan Puay Hiang<br />
EVENTS<br />
“Swiber Gives Back”<br />
Holiday Event 2011<br />
From the article of: Rizza Echarri,<br />
Senior Corporate Communications Executive,<br />
Swiber <strong>Holding</strong>s Limited<br />
Published: Jan 27, 2012, Swiber Community<br />
News<br /><br />
id/285800<br />
Throughout the years, Swiber has<br />
responded to a variety of causes through<br />
its Corporate Social Responsibility<br />
initiatives. The commitment to serve<br />
and help those in need have been deeply<br />
ingrained within the organization that for<br />
this holidays celebration, this spirit of<br />
giving was demonstrated all the way to<br />
the different business unit levels.<br />
this added motivation, all teams plunged in<br />
with varied and creative fund-raising activities<br />
to enable them to provide and celebrate a more<br />
meaningful holiday with them.<br />
On 9 December 2011, at the Singapore Discovery<br />
Center, these documentaries where shown to<br />
a jam-packed Iwerks theater. An impressive<br />
line-up of judges, former Singapore President<br />
His Excellency Mr. S.R. Nathan, Mr. Tan Puay<br />
Hiang, Managing Director of Highvest Pte Ltd<br />
and Swiber partner Sheikh Abdulaziz AlTurki,<br />
Chairman of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>, all of whom are<br />
widely known for their charity works determined<br />
the winner of this competition. The SOC Cranes’<br />
heart rending account of the struggles of Mrs.<br />
Lorena Nunez, a widow with 5 children in a<br />
relocation area from the Philippines won first<br />
prize. The other two finalists were from the<br />
PAPE Herons about Baby Kaitlyn Wijaya, born<br />
with congenital atresia who have been bravely<br />
fighting for her life for a year now and from<br />
Vallianz Albatross, about the wounded pains<br />
of the young girls sheltered by Ahuva Good<br />
Shepherd.<br />
three meaningful songs to punctuate the spirit<br />
of giving that night. He performed a duet with<br />
the Swiber Chairman Mr. Raymond Goh’s 8-year<br />
old son, Joshua Goh; he later joined the Swiber<br />
singers for the final performance of “Put a Little<br />
Love in your heart” – where the rest of the<br />
audience gamely joined in.<br />
Other guests of honor were Mr. R. Athappan,<br />
CEO of First Capital Insurance., Mr. Alvin<br />
Sariaatmadja, Director Pt. Elang Mahkota<br />
Teknologi Tbk and Mr. Osman Ibarhim, Group<br />
President and CEO of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
Swiber culminates every year with a night of fun<br />
and celebration, a celebration of the blessed<br />
year that was and a celebration of the people<br />
whose dedication in their work served as an<br />
inspiration…<br />
Sh. Alturki was honored with a Swiber Humanitarian<br />
Award for his beneficent help to others<br />
through his many foundations and charities. Sh. Alturki<br />
was given a figurine customized in his likeness<br />
With the theme “Swiber Gives Back”, eleven<br />
groups composed of three subsidiaries, four<br />
overseas offices and four business units chose<br />
private individuals or established charity<br />
organizations to help out. In addition, each team<br />
then came up with a compelling documentary<br />
about their causes for a video competition<br />
wherein the winner will be adopted by Swiber<br />
as one of its main CSR project for 2012. With<br />
The coveted Swiber’s Gems, a recognition<br />
of Swiberites who embodied the company’s<br />
core values of Trust, Respect, Affirmation,<br />
Determination, Excellence and Cause No Harm<br />
were also awarded that night.<br />
BBC World news anchor Mr. Rico Hizon was the<br />
event host and he introduced each of the videos<br />
while Mediacorp artiste Mr. Daren Tan provided<br />
10 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Business News<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> electric<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Meets<br />
Singaporean Delegates<br />
Exploring Business<br />
Opportunities<br />
Photo:<br />
RE Team at the training<br />
launch<br />
Singaporean Delegates visited <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
promoting the “Singapore Oil and Gas Services<br />
Delegation for the Eastern Province” which<br />
took place on 20 th November 2011 at <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong> headquarters. The team was headed<br />
by Feroz Siddiqui, the Center Director - Riyadh<br />
(for International Enterprise Singapore) and<br />
First Secretary (Singapore Embassy); and Simon<br />
Lim, the Director, Industry Development Group<br />
Manufacturing & Engineering SPRING Singapore.<br />
A joint presentation was made by Hassan A.<br />
Ramady, Group VP - Contracting & Industrial<br />
Services Division and <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Oilfield<br />
Services Division welcoming participants from<br />
six various companies from Singapore. Among<br />
the business delegations present were: A-Star<br />
Training & Consultancy Pte. Ltd., Cutech Process<br />
Services Pte. Ltd., Keyser Technologies Pte.<br />
Ltd., Ocean Master Engineering Pte. Ltd., RAPID<br />
Marine HVAC (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd., and Subsea<br />
Structure Pte. Ltd.<br />
A total of 14 Singaporean delegates were in<br />
attendance while 10 members of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
also participated in the event. Present during the<br />
event were: Graeme Thomson (General Manager –<br />
RTC), Ahmed Al-Qadeeb (Deputy General Manager<br />
– RTC), Ossama Muhtaseb (Group Business<br />
Development Manager – Oilfield Services), Ihab<br />
Khayyat (Asst. Group Vice President – Oilfield<br />
Services), Ashraf A. Hakim (General Manager<br />
– RSC), Nasser Al-Shibrawi (General Manager –<br />
RISS), Gary Lindsay (Operations Manager – RCT),<br />
and Mohammed Al-Shareef (Group Business<br />
Development Manager – Contracting & Industrial<br />
Services).<br />
Side meetings were also arranged after the<br />
presentation and the day after to establish further<br />
cooperation.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric is pleased to announce the<br />
following:<br />
1. The inauguration of RE’s new Training<br />
Platform that is comprised of a three-pillared<br />
approach. The first is high-end customized<br />
training delivered by industry leaders in their<br />
field. Specialized electrical and mechanical<br />
Engineering training was carried out with<br />
German-Austrian EPLAN, and US Parametric.<br />
The second pillar is developing in-house<br />
custom made training solutions pertaining to<br />
our specific industry requirements. For this,<br />
RE has built an in-house team led by staff<br />
recruited from a German institute and the<br />
first training program was held in November<br />
2011. The third pillar is a Learning knowledge<br />
platform that provides our staff as well as<br />
others with key personal development skills<br />
in their various fields of work and interest.<br />
This was custom built with Knowledge City<br />
of USA. The same was officially launched on<br />
Dec 7th, 2011. In addition we have partnered<br />
with Saudi Petroleum Services. Polytechnic<br />
(SPSP) for training our new staff on latest<br />
industrial standards and norms for two years.<br />
The firstbatch of trainees is already enrolled<br />
in the 2012 program.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric General Manager, Fawzi Al<br />
Alwan commented “<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric continues<br />
to bring the group’s vision and values into the<br />
workplace in the most efficient and effective<br />
way. Under the directive of the Chairman and<br />
board of directors, we spare no chance to add<br />
value to most valuable assets that is human.<br />
I take this opportunity to thank our team and<br />
group training department led by Ghaleb Al-<br />
Ghoutani for their hard work and dedication<br />
in making it happen in the shortest possible<br />
time.”<br />
2. RE’s leading solution for utility that was jointly<br />
developed with Saudi Electricity Company<br />
(SEC) passed the type tests at the Kema/<br />
Dekra Lab in the Netherlands. The tests,<br />
witnessed by <strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric and SEC staff,<br />
weredone under the toughest site conditions<br />
listed under SEC Distribution Materials<br />
Specification (SDMS) standards and leading<br />
International Electrotechnical Commission<br />
(IEC) standards, directives and norms. We are<br />
pleased again to deliver to our clients with<br />
state of the art safe and type tested solutions<br />
aimed at harvesting the best value.<br />
3. Delivery of our first and second shipments of<br />
15KV outdoor breaker type Ring Main Unit<br />
(RMU) under supply agreements signed with<br />
SEC. The shipments were made in record<br />
time,attending to our client’s needs to serve<br />
their clients with safe, reliable, solid and<br />
intelligent solutions.<br />
4. The end of FAT, staging and dispatch of first<br />
batch of RTU, SCADA and telecom solutions<br />
developed jointly with Saudi Aramco and<br />
UK and Saudi Emerson Remote Automation<br />
12 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Business<br />
News<br />
Solutions (RAS). These high end automation<br />
solutions will help Saudi Aramco remotely<br />
monitor and control their Oil and Gas well<br />
production from the Dhahran central control<br />
center.<br />
RUSS Training Highlights<br />
RUSS offers NEBOSH IOG Course<br />
5. The Dispatch of the Last Batch of Control<br />
Shelters Supplied Under Purchase<br />
Agreement With Saudi Aramco. This solution<br />
will help the client house all their field<br />
control, communication, telecom and other<br />
Automation equipment at satellite locations<br />
next to their production facilities in a weather<br />
proof and air-conditioned room.<br />
Photo: <strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric’s control shelter<br />
Photo: RUSS Team with<br />
Nebosh Trainer Akbar<br />
Zia-ud-din (middle of<br />
top row) and Ali Karam,<br />
Safety Supervisor from<br />
Abdul Kareem <strong>Holding</strong><br />
(middle of second row)<br />
Oilfield Services Division<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety Services<br />
RUSS, in cooperation with Akbar HSE Training<br />
and Consultancy successfully conducted<br />
NEBOSH International Technical Certificate for<br />
the Oil & Gas Operational Safety on October<br />
23 – 30, 2011 at RUSS Technical Operations<br />
Center, Old Abqaiq Road, Dhahran.<br />
Business<br />
Development<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety Services (RUSS) was<br />
awarded an SFC (ShortForm Contract) by Saudi<br />
Aramco to maintain and repair 2500 (H2S & LEL)<br />
Sensors. The project was completed successfully<br />
before the deadline.<br />
• RUSS has also gained a one year agreement<br />
for providing safety services and rental<br />
equipment with NPS (National Petroleum<br />
Services).<br />
• The RUSS team has been appreciated by<br />
Baker Hughes on XTDs Project for the support<br />
and cooperation in sour well completion<br />
before expected time. The project successfully<br />
ended without any incident, which is the core<br />
objective of RUSS’s operations.<br />
• It is a great opportunity to announce that<br />
RUSS has built valuable relations that is to<br />
help expand its services in the downstream<br />
sector. RUSS has recently started providing its<br />
safety services on two new projects awarded<br />
by Saudi Aramco. RUSS has also made<br />
inroads to penetrate the Yanbu industrial city<br />
over short period of time. RUSS looks forward<br />
to have a remote facility in Yanbu Industrial<br />
City in near future.<br />
• Another major breakthrough in the downstream<br />
sector is the RUSS enrolment with SABIC as<br />
safety services provider with all its activities,<br />
which includes supply of specialized safety<br />
manpower, rental of safety equipment and<br />
safety training.<br />
RUSS conducts Emergency Response<br />
Training in SAMREF Yanbu<br />
A total of thirty-five (35) Al-Rushaid Construction<br />
Co. Ltd. (ARCC-EEI) HSE personnel in SAMREF<br />
Project, Yanbu were the attendees of the<br />
Emergency Response Training for Confined<br />
Spaces and Working at Heights on Nov. 15 –<br />
16, 2011. The course covers theoretical and<br />
practical aspects of rescue operations in confined<br />
spaces and vertical rescue. The attendees<br />
actively participated in the practical exercises<br />
conducted at their facility. It also includes the<br />
New Hire Training for RUSS Employees<br />
RUSS Training Development Department<br />
completed the new hire training of eight (8) new<br />
employees for the last quarter of 2011. Topics<br />
included are the following:<br />
1. Administrative Policy Orientation<br />
2. Health & Safety Policy Orientation<br />
3. Vehicle Operation Rules & Regulations<br />
Orientation<br />
4. H2S Awareness Course<br />
5. Basic Fire Fighting Course<br />
6. Defensive Driving Course<br />
use of Breathing Apparatus (SCBA and SABA)<br />
especially working in confined spaces.<br />
Jerico Padrones and Henry Hugo conducted<br />
the two-day training providing the participants<br />
necessary skills in the proper emergency rescue<br />
procedures. They were trained also on how to<br />
use various rescue equipment that might be<br />
needed to perform emergency response.<br />
7. First-Aid & CPR with AED Training<br />
Site H2S Specialist new hire training also<br />
includes equipment training and on-the-job<br />
training at rig sites, a total of approximately 18<br />
days to complete the process.<br />
The new hire training program of RUSS aims<br />
to inform new employees about various policies<br />
and develop their skills and knowledge in order<br />
to fulfill their respective job responsibilities<br />
safely and effectively.<br />
14 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Business<br />
News<br />
RUSS Certifies 740 Personnel for Hydrogen Sulfide Safety<br />
Retail<br />
Gymboree Play & Learn<br />
Give your child the very best<br />
start to a healthy lifestyle<br />
A total of 740 personnel from various companies<br />
in Saudi Arabia completed the Hydrogen Sulfide<br />
(H2S) Awareness Course from October 1, 2011<br />
to December 17, 2011. Most of the attendees<br />
were from Saudi Aramco Drilling & Workover<br />
Department (SA D&WO) and Transportation<br />
Department. As SA D&WO accredited provider<br />
of H2S Safety Training, RUSS maintains the<br />
highest standards in providing this course to<br />
its clienteles. An (International Association of<br />
Drilling Contractors) IADC accredited course,<br />
with qualified and well-experienced instructors,<br />
course participants were able to experience<br />
actual use of various types of breathing<br />
apparatus and different models of gas detection<br />
devices that they may be able to use in the field.<br />
As Saudi Aramco Drilling & Workover Department (SA D&WO)<br />
accredited provider of H2S Safety Training, RUSS maintains the<br />
highest standards in providing this course to its clienteles.<br />
The training aimed of informing oil and gas<br />
workers about the dangers or hazards of hydrogen<br />
sulfide, areas potential for H2S gas presence,<br />
the health hazards and emergency response<br />
procedures in the rig sites. It is also expected<br />
that attendees can properly wear breathing<br />
apparatus and use detection devices in order to<br />
be certified for hydrogen sulfide safety.<br />
The RUSS pool of instructor includes Khalid Al-<br />
Dowlah, Jerico Padrones, Mohammad Awad and<br />
Mubashar Hassan.<br />
News from the Gymboree Play floor…<br />
Have you exercised today? Are you planning to<br />
visit the gym this evening?<br />
If you answered “Yes” to either question,<br />
you will be in the few among us who exercise<br />
regularly! Unfortunately our children are also not<br />
exercising as much as they need to either and<br />
we are now faced with high rates of children in<br />
the overweight and increasingly, obese weight<br />
range.<br />
Children need to learn healthy habits in their<br />
early years in order for us as a community to<br />
decrease these frightening trends. At Gymboree<br />
we are offering parents a chance to introduce<br />
their children to fun exercise with the launch of<br />
our new Sports program designed by experts in<br />
the USA!<br />
The program aims to encourage healthy habits<br />
and a positive attitude toward physical exercise<br />
through fun and physical sports play. Activities<br />
are designed to get toddlers and preschoolers<br />
engaged in non-competitive interactive<br />
games and sports which emphasize flexibility,<br />
confidence and emotional well-being to build<br />
strong bodies and minds.<br />
Children aged from 18 month to 5 years<br />
participate in Sports including Football, Hockey,<br />
Golf, Basketball, Track & Field, Tennis and<br />
Baseball either with their mums or as a drop off<br />
program.<br />
Give your child the very best start to a healthy<br />
lifestyle and book a free trial class at Gymboree<br />
today!<br />
Hip Hip Horray! It’s a Gymboree Day!!<br />
Keep up to date with all our news on Facebook, accessed through our website:<br /><br />
16 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Chairman Opening Speech<br />
Distinguished guests, ladies & gentlemen,<br />
It gives me great pleasure to be with you today at <strong>Rawabi</strong> Service Appreciation Awards,<br />
where we are gathered to honor an extraordinary group of <strong>Rawabi</strong> family members who<br />
deserve the utmost appreciation for their accomplishments and dedication over the years.<br />
Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong>’s Service Appreciation<br />
Awards 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong>’s Service Appreciation Awards Ceremony for the year 2011 took place at<br />
Le Meridien Hotel, Al-Khobar, last December 15, 2011. Three hundred nineteen<br />
(319) employees were honored for their years of service at <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
companies.<br />
Event presenters: Hanaa Almoaibed, Nada Badgaish, Farah Al Ghamdi, Mohammed Ashfaq Siddiqui,<br />
Simpronio ‘Roni’ Medenilla<br />
Dear Honorees,<br />
“Who does not thank people, does not<br />
thank God” Hadith<br />
How can we not thank you when you have<br />
contributed to building and developing<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>? Your dedication, hard<br />
work and responsibility helped bring<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> to where it is today.<br />
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to<br />
each and every one of you and to more<br />
success Inshallah!<br />
As we are approaching a new year, we<br />
leave behind a year of hard work and<br />
unflagging efforts ... where we have<br />
continued to strive to achieve <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>’s vision to be the leading<br />
regional provider of products and<br />
services to a diversified range of key<br />
industries, and by doing so to contribute<br />
to the economic development and<br />
quality of life in the countries where we<br />
operate.<br />
Based on that vision, our mission<br />
and core values and to contribute<br />
to the development of our society,<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> launched its Youth<br />
Empowerment Program as part of its<br />
corporate social responsibility.<br />
Under Youth Empowerment, <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Self Discovery Program was launched<br />
in early 2011 to empower youth (aged<br />
16-24) by encouraging them to identify<br />
their potential, assisting them in<br />
channeling their energies and providing<br />
them with the means for a bright and<br />
successful future through three main<br />
programs: <strong>Rawabi</strong> Talent Exhibit, the<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Internships, and the Career<br />
Guidance Program.<br />
I am pleased to announce that following<br />
the success of <strong>Rawabi</strong> Talent Exhibit,<br />
the General Directorate of Education<br />
in the Eastern Province has invited us<br />
to set up the same exhibition in their<br />
schools to reach the largest number of<br />
students.<br />
The Ministry of Labor has invited us to<br />
exhibit during its “Liqa’at” recruitment<br />
program that will take place in Saudi<br />
Arabia’s major cities. We are the only<br />
company that has been granted such an<br />
opportunity to exhibit!<br />
We have recently launched the pilot<br />
phase of ‘<strong>Rawabi</strong> Guidance Program’.<br />
The program will also run in cooperation<br />
with the General Directorate of<br />
Education in the Eastern Province.<br />
The program focuses on equipping<br />
counselors with the proper skills and<br />
know-how to provide academic and<br />
career counseling. Upon completing<br />
training, the counselors will be awarded<br />
international career counseling<br />
certificates, and begin providing<br />
professional career planning services to<br />
students.<br />
We are proud of these achievements<br />
and our partnerships with the public<br />
sector, which makes us in the lead in<br />
social responsibility.<br />
In an effort to communicate our<br />
messages more efficiently to the<br />
community, we have recently hired<br />
a PR firm to help us build stronger<br />
communication with our stakeholders<br />
starting with our employees ...with<br />
you… the heart and soul of <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
In our last gathering, we promised<br />
to activate internal communication<br />
channels so our vision, mission and<br />
values become the common language<br />
that brings us together as a team.<br />
Thus, Corporate Communications<br />
with the support of Legal and HR,<br />
started a reorientation program were<br />
employees learn about <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>,<br />
its businesses, policies and procedures<br />
and find answers to their inquiries.<br />
We are currently in the process of<br />
translating the employee handbook into<br />
different languages to reach out to all<br />
employees.<br />
As for people development, we have<br />
invited several international trainers to<br />
conduct in-house courses to a selective<br />
group of employees to raise their<br />
professionalism and enable them to<br />
achieve targets.<br />
Furthermore, we have signed an<br />
agreement with the Saudi Petroleum<br />
Services Polytechnic (SPSP) to train<br />
180 students under <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s<br />
sponsorship for two years.<br />
Trainees will join the <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
workforce after completing their<br />
technical training at SPSP.<br />
And this is just the beginning…<br />
Our coming year carries several<br />
initiatives that aim to further activate<br />
and integrate our mission, vision<br />
and core our values into our work<br />
environment and daily practices in order<br />
to realize our goals and our hopes.<br />
In conclusion, I’d like to congratulate<br />
our awardees once again for their great<br />
accomplishments...<br />
I thank each and every team member<br />
who works hard to turn <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s<br />
aspirations into reality.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> is powered by people<br />
like you!<br />
18 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
is powered by<br />
people like you!<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Service Honorees 2011<br />
More Than 5 Years<br />
Infrastructure<br />
Development Company<br />
Abdo Mahmoud Hassan<br />
Ahmed Abdul Fatah<br />
Ahmed Kamal Saeed Mohammed<br />
Amin Khan<br />
Amr Mohamed Magdi Kamel<br />
Andew Haber Dolanas<br />
Ass Bahadur Thada Magar<br />
Bagbir B.K. Manga<br />
Bekt Ahmed Al Taeeb<br />
Bishnu Dev Sah<br />
Bitay Kumar Sahu Sudi<br />
Buddhi Bahadur Nepali<br />
Budhi Man Limbu<br />
Dal Bahadur Katuwal Sher<br />
Dilmab Kunwar Lur<br />
Dulal Hazarat Ali<br />
Eid Alsaeed Hassan Hegazi<br />
Emad Alddin Ali Mokhtar Ali<br />
Farrukh Abdul Khaleeq<br />
Golam Golam<br />
Hossan Fakhri Fouzat Al Bataniya<br />
Ismael Abdulfadel Ismaeil<br />
Jeniffer siniguian Lagundi<br />
Jimmy Guevarra<br />
Johnny Rabang Lardizabal<br />
Jonax Lagda Balurin<br />
Khalid Mohammed Abo-Alhammed<br />
Lagbeer Khan<br />
Lal Miah Sokal Miah<br />
Mahmoud Ahmed Sabon<br />
Majid Khan<br />
Makesar Yadav<br />
Mansour Mohammad Mohmmad Ahmed<br />
Metab Half Turki Almutairi<br />
Mohamed Ali Fadel Ahmed<br />
Mohammed Amer Yosef<br />
Mohammed Hamod Al Abdulh<br />
Mokram Abdulalem Ahmad Ali<br />
Mouamen Athman Abdul Altaeb<br />
Mouelhi Shhata Moselhi<br />
Nagmuddin Ahmed Hasmi<br />
Nasser Alsaeed Mohmod Altaeb<br />
Nazrul Islam Faziu Miah<br />
Pragas Kapar<br />
Rady Abdo Abdulmobdi<br />
Raj Kishor Yadav<br />
Ram Bahadur Biswakarma Gita<br />
Ram Bahadur Tamang<br />
Ram Dular Yadav<br />
Ramkaji Darji Khamba Singh<br />
Rasheed Miya a<br />
Refet Hasen Abdalla Eltaib<br />
Reynaldo Centeno Gabriel<br />
Sattar Fazlul Hoque<br />
Shaban Mohammed Thaha<br />
Shanitsher Sada<br />
Sobur Hossain Zulmot Ali<br />
Suphal Mamdal Dev<br />
Taj Borhan Def Khan<br />
Tank Bahadur Basnet<br />
Vijay Kumar Sahani<br />
Younes Matok Al Taha<br />
Yousef Saaed Abu Sharkh<br />
Zahid Ali Ameer Khan<br />
Abdullah Mohd Noheli<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corrosion<br />
Technology<br />
Edson R. Lalusin<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Abdullah Mahdi Makki Al Natha<br />
Ali Salman Ali Al Faryh<br />
Bader Abbas Ali Al Suhaili<br />
James Manuel Tiongson Velasco<br />
Jassim Mohammed Saleh Al Zayid<br />
Mahmoud Hussein Mohammed Al Qalaf<br />
Martin Edassery Poulose<br />
Muslim Abdulwahab Al Monasef<br />
PradeepKumar Pallippurath<br />
Sahu Srinibas<br />
Shajahan Tharayil Kader<br />
Shiju Kunjamma John<br />
Sudheer Cheruparambil Somasundaran<br />
Sushil Kumar Shiriya<br />
Tarig Saeed Salman Saeed<br />
Vinod Sasidharan<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Sufian Bassam Mahmoud Sharaf<br />
Maher Al Ismail<br />
Mohammed Hussein Al Ammah<br />
Murali Nedumthedth Raman<br />
Nawaf Saad Ali Al Atwi<br />
Primar Evangelista Asuncion<br />
Julio Jr. Labanen Cacho<br />
Nasser Suliman AlMuneef<br />
Reeman Rashid Mohammed Al Dossary<br />
Ric Benzon Licanto Barboza<br />
Roqaih Hassan Mahdi Al Ghezwi<br />
Jafar Ahmed Khazem Al Yousef<br />
Vicente Jr. Rayala Renolayan<br />
Abdulbasit Hashim Al Ansari<br />
Harisha Shetty<br />
Narayana Pillai Suresh<br />
Ravindra Kumar Gupta<br />
Senthilkumar Subbaiah Gavundar<br />
Thomas Kulathunkal Mathew<br />
Vedasto G. Felicitas<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Abdulaziz Saad Ibrahim Al-Tuwaijri<br />
Abdurahman Fahad Al Taraiky<br />
Alberto Grenen Castano<br />
Ali Naser Hussein Al-Mukhles<br />
Antonio Santiaguel Lunasin<br />
Arman Cajayon Javier<br />
Ayman Sabri Abdulrahman Mohmd<br />
Babu Ram Acharya<br />
Bal Bahadur Gurung<br />
Bam Bahadur Kami<br />
Bandar Lafi Ziabani<br />
Bhoja Bahadur Thapa<br />
Bhukal Mahato Mina<br />
Bir Bahadur Tharu<br />
Bishnu Giri<br />
Buddhi Man Bastola<br />
Cesar Lupang Talingdan<br />
Chop Lal Shrestha<br />
Dal Bahadur Magar Khadga<br />
Dal Bahadur Rana<br />
Dan Bahadur Sarki<br />
Danilo Danilo Vasay<br />
Deepak Khatri Chhetri<br />
Dil Bahadur Gurung<br />
Dina Salah Ahmed<br />
Edgardo Jonales Doria<br />
Eduardo Pancho Gurra<br />
Emeterio Jr Penida Precia<br />
Epifanio Camacho Javier<br />
Ernesto Almarez Cantos<br />
Faisal Fahed Al Dakheel<br />
Frederick Carrera Fontanilla<br />
Ganesh Thapa Susmita<br />
Ganga Bahadur Nepali<br />
Gaphar Miya<br />
Golan Prasad Chaudhary<br />
Gopal Prasad Shrestha<br />
Gorakh Prasad Naresh<br />
Hare Narayan Thakur<br />
Hem Raj Tharu Amar<br />
Hira Lal Henjan<br />
Iba Bahadur Punya<br />
Jayson San Pedro<br />
Jojit Batac Fuertez<br />
Kari Mandal Kebat<br />
Khadga Raj Chandtej<br />
Kholoud Fadel Sahli<br />
Krishna Bahadur Bishwakarma<br />
Kul Bahadur Khadka Mishra<br />
Laxmi Pasman<br />
Lekhanath Acharya Gita<br />
Mani Lal Budha<br />
Manoj Kumar Yadav<br />
Mario Coro Palogme<br />
Marlito Bobijes Britanico<br />
Merjim Quinto Real<br />
Mohammed Rahim Rain<br />
Mohammed Saeed Ekwan<br />
Narayan Adhikari<br />
Nicasio Sinag Silos<br />
Patricio Salenga Santiago<br />
Pramod Mukhiya<br />
Puran Mandal Seni<br />
Purna Kumar Limbu<br />
Raja Sandanam Veeramuthu<br />
Ram Bahadur Gurung Rai<br />
Ram Bahadur Khatri<br />
Randy Umali Maliksi<br />
Renato Real Perez<br />
Romeo Serrano Diokno<br />
Romero Salupado Bolanio<br />
Ronald Del Rosario Enriquez<br />
Sanjay Yadav Magrdaita<br />
Shree Ram Rana<br />
Subas Rai<br />
Tulasi Ram Baral Surya<br />
Vinod Kumar Shivhare<br />
Virgilio Galeza Fulo<br />
Yagya Bahadur Bhandari<br />
Yousif Ali Al Jaber<br />
Abass Mohammed<br />
Chacko Yohannan<br />
Sadasivan Subhas<br />
Sameer Al Atwani<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading and<br />
Contracting<br />
Alfredo Pascua Soniega<br />
Hamed Bakhuet AlJarbuay Al Marri<br />
Manoj Kumar Kallupalathingal<br />
Mohammed Ali Hasan Al-Amrad<br />
Shakil Mujawar<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety<br />
Services<br />
Ahmed Hilal<br />
Hendry Dador Hugo<br />
Hussein Ali Mahdi Albouri<br />
Jan Acosta Penaflor<br />
Jassem Mahdi Argan<br />
Jordan Castillo<br />
Lemuel Titular Sumagang<br />
Mohammed Hanif<br />
Mubashar Hassan<br />
Murad Abdullah Alabdi<br />
Murtada saleh Alobaid<br />
Raymond M.Deliquina<br />
Safi Hussein Alsaggaf<br />
Sibtain Mughal<br />
Taleb Abdullah Alfadhel<br />
Tisser Ibrahim Alshanar<br />
Frank’s <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Mohammad Bilal Khalid Parvez<br />
Abdullah F. Mansoor Al Hayek<br />
Mohammad Ali Mohammad Al Qadhe<br />
Mohammad Hassan Al Tawal<br />
Sami Ahmed Habib Al Daqdooq<br />
Jehad Ali<br />
Oussama Asied Sabri<br />
Obaida Abdulkarem Khafaja<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> EMEC<br />
Ashraf Elsayed mohamed Elhamahmi<br />
Hany Ibrahim Mohamedi Ibrahim<br />
Ibrahim Mohammed Ali Abdelrahman<br />
Mohamed Ashraf El Hahmami<br />
Mohamed Yousef AlHafez<br />
Hussein Dekhil Ahmed Al Ali<br />
Fahad Ahmad Ali Al Omani<br />
Hesham Medhat Ali Ghonim<br />
Yahya Mohamed Zakarya Mahmoud<br />
Gehad Mohamed Abdelmawla Mohamed<br />
Ahmed Fathi Labib Ahmed<br />
Mohamed Mahmoud Yousef El Gaafarawi<br />
Ahmed Aly Abdulla Atia<br />
Sherif Hassan Abdel Wahab Ali<br />
Mohamed Kamal Shendy Elsayed Salem<br />
Mohamed Saeed Mohamed Saleh<br />
Mohammed Mohammed Khattab Eliwa<br />
Hesham Aly Abdel Hamid Aly<br />
Mohammed Moustafa Tawfik<br />
Moustafa Ahmed Mohsen Shadoufa<br />
Yousef Abdallah Mohdammed Al-Hafez<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial<br />
Support Services<br />
Wael Abdullkarem Bata<br />
Mohammed Abdullah Shaban<br />
Abdulbaset Al Ansari<br />
Ravindra Kumar Gupta<br />
Thomas K. Mathew<br />
Harisha Shetty<br />
Senthilkumar S. Gavundar<br />
Narayana Pillai Suresh<br />
Vedasto Felicitas, Jr.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Hot-hed<br />
Dante Gapasin<br />
Pedro Mendoza<br />
Herwin Son<br />
20 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Events<br />
More Than 10 Years<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Adnan Ahmed Al Mussalam<br />
Hom Prasad Budha<br />
Min Bahadur Katuwal Chhetri<br />
Rajeev Kuttan Nair<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Abdullatif Cheeran Kunnan<br />
Akram Habeb Al-Motawa<br />
Hisham Ahmed Al Monasef<br />
Nazrul Islam Jane Alam<br />
Ossama Zeyad Muhtaseb<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Abdul salam Shamsul Haque<br />
Alejendro Ascano Ellorda<br />
Allauddin Khan<br />
Ceferio Alarcon Martinez<br />
Danilo Padilla Lapizar<br />
Dante Polides Jarata<br />
Elizalde Arcangel Masangcay<br />
Hilario Decena Quinto<br />
Kasam Ali Fakaruddin<br />
Lerio Ninalsa Vasay<br />
Manuel Caser Gacho<br />
Meraz Khan<br />
Miznur Rehman Alauddin Mollah<br />
Mohammad Qeyamiddin Ansari<br />
Mohammed Ismail Babu Patel<br />
Mohammed Muslim Junab Ali<br />
Mohammed Musthafa<br />
Mohammed Zamiral Haque Kismuddin<br />
Mohd Nazar Ansari<br />
Nikha M.Al Subahie<br />
Ram Chandran Gohiwar Yadv<br />
Ram Yakwal Mahto<br />
Rogelio Antonio Tamma<br />
Rogelio Espiritu Signio<br />
Sakir Hussain Kheru Deen<br />
Shakeel Ansari<br />
Shamsher Mohamed Alam Ali Khan<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading and<br />
Contracting<br />
Aji Nair NandaKumaran<br />
Mohammed ARIF<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety Services<br />
Ahmed Abdelmoula Alsayed<br />
Frank’s <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Ali Saeed Abdul Majid Shali<br />
Hani Ali Hassan Natha<br />
Hussain Salman Bahrani<br />
Mohammad Ali Ahmed Al-Ebadi<br />
Yaser Mohammad R. Al Hubail<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> EMEC<br />
Saher Abd El Aziz<br />
More Than 15 Years<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corrosion Technology<br />
Hanef Hussain<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Imaduddin Javeed<br />
Yousif Ibrahim Ahmed Al Talaq<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Mohandas KK<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Adolfo Botor Tirao<br />
Alejandro Cantanclo Dela Raya<br />
Anthony Thomas<br />
Faruk Mohammad Naisul Ahmad<br />
Fredie Reyes<br />
Hussain Ali Khodir<br />
Mohammad Sirajuddin<br />
Mohammed Abdul Quadeer<br />
Renaldo Bulacan Sanora<br />
Sakaria Mavoonkal Thomas<br />
Sayed Rashid Ali<br />
Victoriano jr Duque Nicdao<br />
Wazir Alam Ansari<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading and<br />
Contracting<br />
Jose Espanola Gindap<br />
Mohammad Riaz Khan<br />
Ibrahim Abd El Ghany<br />
More Than 20 Years<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corrosion Technology<br />
Shaji John<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Shaikh Mohammed Qayyum<br />
C. Abraham Joseph<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Romeo A. Vasquez<br />
25 years of service<br />
Rajan Varghese<br />
Engineering Manager at<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
“In 1985, Rajan Varghese<br />
joined <strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric, formerly<br />
Remal Electric, as an Electrical<br />
Engineer.<br />
When he first came to the<br />
factory, he just had a briefcase<br />
in his hand. There was no roof or office. Together,<br />
with his manager at that time, they established<br />
Remal Electric factory (now <strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric)<br />
from scratch.<br />
Years of hard work and handling several positions<br />
from Production Supervisor to Production<br />
Engineer handling both Electrical and Mechanical<br />
divisions in the factory. Then, in Jan 01 st 1992,<br />
Mr. Varghese was appointed as Engineering<br />
Manager and took care of all the operations and<br />
design in the factory.<br />
Mr. Varghese is the type of person who’d role his<br />
Volunteers who helped organize the event<br />
Sami Al Bouri, Mohsin Zuhair Al Salim, Emad H.<br />
Ghussaini, Hassan Al Ahbail, Mohammed Ashfaq<br />
Siddiqui, Kholoud Al Sahly, Abdullah Al Sayed,<br />
Bandar Al Qahtani, Alfredo Soniega, Rommleigh<br />
Abdi, Mohammed Faizullah Baig, Mohammed<br />
J. AlHezam, Fadel Al Manasif, Karl Jeffrey C.<br />
The event was honored by the presence<br />
of our Guest Speaker, Engr. Hosam A.<br />
Alqurashi, a marketing professional with<br />
strong passion for CSR.<br />
Throughout his career, Mr. Alqurashi made a solid<br />
commitment to contribute to the society through<br />
the companies he served. In 2007 he launched<br />
the 1st female empowerment programmed<br />
called Shine targeting female students in public<br />
universities. He then worked as a consultant and<br />
developed CSR projects in the fields of Youth<br />
enabling and financial literacy. He is now the<br />
senior director of marketing at Alnahdi Medical<br />
Company developing a CSR platform for chronic<br />
disease patients across the country.<br />
sleeves up if there was a machine breakdown in<br />
the factory, he wouldn’t wait for help, he would<br />
rather rectify the problem himself. He is a hard<br />
worker; he always foresaw a better future for his<br />
company. He is loved and respected by all his<br />
co-workers.<br />
He is disciplined and detail-oriented. He believes<br />
in team work and accomplishing tasks with a<br />
positive attitude.<br />
25 years of dedication has made Rajan Varghese a<br />
role model for any person who wishes to mark his<br />
career with great achievements! Congratulations<br />
Mr. Varghese on your success!”<br />
- from a speech presented by<br />
Mohammed Ashfaq Siddiqui, <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Recruitment Specialist, during <strong>Rawabi</strong>’s Service<br />
Appreciation Awards.<br />
Mendoza, Mishal Juweirah, Yuosef Saad Al-<br />
Masuod, Jerry Ravanera, Mico R. Aceberos,<br />
Rodel Bautista, Randy Castro, Randa Essa,<br />
Simpronio ‘Roni’ Medenilla, Farah Al Ghamdi,<br />
Nada Badgaish, Hanaa Almoaibed, Joey Anatalio,<br />
Danny Sumalabe, Raymond Teodocio<br />
22 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Mohammad Al Qadi<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s<br />
Financial Advisor<br />
Income is considered derived from a source in<br />
the Kingdom in any of the following:<br />
1. Income is derived from an activity in the<br />
Kingdom:<br />
a. Loan charge (proceeds) in any of the<br />
following cases:<br />
• the debt is secured by movable or<br />
immovable property located in the<br />
Kingdom,<br />
• the borrower is a resident of the<br />
Kingdom,<br />
• the loan is related to an activity carried<br />
out in the Kingdom<br />
establishment of a nonresident located in<br />
the Kingdom, including income from sales in<br />
the Kingdom of goods of the same or similar<br />
kind as those sold through such a permanent<br />
establishment, and income from rendering<br />
services or carrying out another activity in the<br />
Kingdom of the same or similar nature as an<br />
activity performed by a non-resident through a<br />
permanent establishment.<br />
Place of payment of the income shall not be<br />
taken into account in determining its source.<br />
b. Insurance/reinsurance premiums in any<br />
of the following:<br />
• insured asset is located in the Kingdom<br />
• the insurer is a resident of the Kingdom<br />
• insurance of activities or risks related<br />
to activities carried out in the Kingdom<br />
Withholding Tax Rates<br />
Withheld amount from gross amount paid shall<br />
be as follows:<br />
Type of payment<br />
Rate<br />
Withholding Tax Law<br />
according to the New Tax<br />
Law in the Kingdom of<br />
Saudi Arabia<br />
Every resident, whether or not a taxpayer according to the<br />
Income Tax Law, and a permanent establishment in the Kingdom of a nonresident<br />
which pays an amount to a non-resident from a source in the Kingdom<br />
shall withhold tax from the paid amount.<br />
c. Income derived from technical or<br />
consulting services in any of the following:<br />
• the service is given to a person resident<br />
in the Kingdom,<br />
• the service is related to an activity<br />
carried out in the Kingdom<br />
2. If it is derived from immovable property<br />
located in the Kingdom, including gains from<br />
the disposal of a share in such immovable<br />
properties and from the disposal of shares,<br />
stocks or partnership in a company the property<br />
of which consists mainly, directly or indirectly of<br />
shares in immovable properties in the Kingdom.<br />
3. If it is derived from the disposal of shares or<br />
a partnership in a resident company.<br />
4. If it is derived from lease of movable properties<br />
used in the Kingdom.<br />
5. If it is derived from the sale or license for<br />
use of industrial or intellectual properties used<br />
in the Kingdom.<br />
6. Dividends, management or directors’ fees<br />
paid by a resident company.<br />
7. Amounts paid against services rendered by a<br />
resident company to the company’s head office<br />
or to an affiliated company.<br />
8. Amounts paid by a resident against services<br />
performed in whole or in part in the Kingdom.<br />
9. Amounts for exploitation of a natural resource<br />
in the Kingdom.<br />
10. If the income is attributable to a permanent<br />
Management fees<br />
Royalties or proceeds;<br />
payments for services to<br />
a head-office or related<br />
company<br />
Payments for rent; payments<br />
for technical and consulting<br />
services; payments for<br />
air tickets, air freight<br />
and maritime freight;<br />
payments for international<br />
telecommunications services;<br />
dividends; loan charges;<br />
insurance or reinsurance<br />
premiums<br />
Other payments<br />
20%<br />
15%<br />
5%<br />
15%<br />
Management fees means payments for<br />
management services contracts, such as hotel<br />
management contracts, ship management<br />
contracts, etc.<br />
Royalties means payments received for use of<br />
or the right to use intellectual rights, including,<br />
but not limited to, copyright, patents, designs,<br />
industrial secrets, trademarks and trade names,<br />
know-how, trade and business secrets, goodwill,<br />
and payments received against the use of<br />
information related to industrial, commercial or<br />
24 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Team<br />
Contribution<br />
scientific expertise, or against granting the right<br />
to exploit natural and mineral resources.<br />
Rent means payments for rent contracts, such<br />
as rental of equipment, machines, houses and<br />
Information networks.<br />
Technical and consulting services means any<br />
type of technical, technological and scientific<br />
services, including studies and research on<br />
different fields, surveying work of scientific,<br />
geological and industrial nature, consulting or<br />
supervisory services, or any type of engineering<br />
services including relevant designs.<br />
Payments for air tickets, air freight and maritime<br />
freight means any payment for air tickets, air<br />
freight and maritime freight paid in the Kingdom<br />
to air and maritime transport companies, their<br />
agents or representatives in the Kingdom.<br />
Payments for international telecommunications<br />
services means any amounts paid to a nonresident<br />
party in return for services related to<br />
provision of international telecommunications<br />
services from the Kingdom.<br />
Dividends means any distribution by a resident<br />
company to a non-resident shareholder, and any<br />
profits transferred by a permanent establishment<br />
to related parties; the following should be<br />
considered:<br />
a. Dividends by companies engaged in<br />
natural gas investment, oil and hydrocarbons<br />
are not subject to withholding tax.<br />
c. Subjection of a distributing company to<br />
income tax shall not preclude imposition of<br />
withholding tax on its dividends.<br />
Loan charge (proceeds/interest) means any<br />
amount paid to a non-resident for the use of<br />
money.<br />
Other payments means payments from a source<br />
in the Kingdom to a non-resident for services<br />
other than services mentioned in this Article (1)<br />
above.<br />
Withholder’s Obligations<br />
A person, natural or corporate, required to<br />
withhold tax is obligated to do the following:<br />
Registering with the Department.<br />
1. Withholding due amount and paying of<br />
withheld amount to the Department within<br />
the first 10 days of the month following the<br />
month of payment to the beneficiary using<br />
the prescribed monthly form.<br />
2. Filing the annual withholding form within<br />
120 days of the end of the financial year,<br />
and within 60 days for partnerships.<br />
3. Providing the beneficiary with a certificate<br />
stating the beneficiary’s name, amount of<br />
payment, value of tax withheld and number<br />
and date of payment receipt.<br />
4. Maintaining records required to prove the<br />
correctness of the withheld tax.<br />
Withholder’s Liability<br />
a. The person responsible for withholding<br />
tax under the Income Tax Law who fails to<br />
withhold tax as required, fails to pay withheld<br />
tax, or fails to report withholding statements<br />
to the Department is personally liable to pay<br />
the unpaid tax and any resulting delay fines in<br />
accordance with paragraph (a) of Article Seventy<br />
Seven which is 1 percent of unpaid tax for every<br />
30 days of delay from calculated from the due<br />
date to the date of payment.<br />
b. A withholder who hides information, or<br />
submits incorrect information to the Department<br />
with the intent to evade taxes is personally liable<br />
to pay the penalty amount as stipulated in Article<br />
77(b) which is 25 percent of unpaid taxes.<br />
Other Withholding Provisions:<br />
a. The withholding tax as of rates stated in 2<br />
(above) shall be imposed on total amount<br />
paid to the non-resident as of 13/6/1425H<br />
(30/07/2004).<br />
b. The withholding tax is imposed on gross<br />
amount paid notwithstanding expenses incurred<br />
to make the income, and notwithstanding full or<br />
partial allowance/disallowance, as a deduction,<br />
of such payment; it shall also be even imposed<br />
on payments attributed to contracts concluded<br />
before the effective date of the Law.<br />
c. Withholding tax provisions shall not apply to a<br />
natural person who conducts no activity.<br />
for which tax is withheld, that tax shall be final,<br />
taking into consideration that no further tax<br />
shall be imposed on the income from which the<br />
tax was withheld, and no refund of any amount<br />
paid as withholding tax.<br />
f. If the amount is paid to a non-resident who<br />
conducts business in the Kingdom through a<br />
permanent establishment, and the amount paid<br />
was directly connected with the business of the<br />
establishment, such amount shall be calculated<br />
in determining the tax base of the non-resident.<br />
g. If tax is withheld for an amount paid to a<br />
taxpayer which is included in its tax base, the<br />
tax withheld shall be deducted from the tax due<br />
on the taxpayer’s tax base.<br />
h. If tax is not withheld and paid within the<br />
legally prescribed time, the recipient remains<br />
liable to the Department for the amount of tax.<br />
The Department may recover the tax from the<br />
recipient, its agent or sponsor.<br />
Withholding Tax Forms<br />
1. Withholding Tax Monthly Form:<br />
This form is considered to be a monthly selfassessment<br />
return of withheld tax. The withholder<br />
must file this form with the Department within<br />
the first 10 days of the month following the<br />
month of payment to the recipient.<br />
2. Withholding Tax Annual Form:<br />
b. Partial or full liquidation of a company<br />
is deemed to be dividends for payments in<br />
excess of paid-in capital.<br />
d. A payment by a permanent establishment is<br />
deemed to be a payment by a resident company.<br />
e. If an amount is paid to a non-resident and<br />
The withholder must file the withholding tax<br />
annual form filled out within 120 days of the<br />
end of the financial year, and within 60 days for<br />
partnerships.<br />
26 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Powered PEOPLE<br />
The people of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> are at the core of our company. As a united team, we<br />
boldly reach for the sky while respecting what holds us firmly to the ground.<br />
It is our people who enable us to tackle new challenges, extend our services and<br />
actively add new offerings to our growing portfolio. The personal sense of responsibility<br />
each employee feels fuels our hard work and determination and helps make us a<br />
success each and every day.<br />
We welcome all new members and wish them a successful journey with <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Archer<br />
Yousef Al-Shaikh<br />
Operations Manager<br />
rawabi<br />
Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Mohamed Ouzrourou<br />
Planning Scheduling & Cost<br />
Control Unit Head<br />
rawabi Specialized<br />
Enclosures<br />
Hussain Ali Mansour Al Sudair<br />
Mechanical/HVAC Technician<br />
Jassim Yousif Rashid Al Dossari - Site H2S Specialist<br />
Saeed Yousif Al Omairi - Procurement/ Vehicle Assistant<br />
Ali Eid Mohammed Al Khaldi - Industrial Sales Assistant<br />
Osama Ibrahim Saleh Al-Suliman<br />
Warehouse/Inventory Controller<br />
Peter Ruel Rouche - Instrument/ Fire & Gas Sys Specialist<br />
Fahad Ali Essa Al Subiai<br />
Heat Treatment Technician<br />
Muttab Saleh Essa Al Subiai<br />
Heat Treatment Technician<br />
Gymboree Play and Learn<br />
Sherii Ann Kiewitz<br />
Facilitator<br />
It is our hard<br />
work and<br />
determination<br />
that creates<br />
results.<br />
We are <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
Mr. Al Shaikh has joined <strong>Rawabi</strong> Archer as<br />
Operations Manager last December 2011.<br />
He has over ten years of experience in<br />
Sales, Marketing and Operations. He holds<br />
a bachelor’s degree in applied mechanical<br />
engineering at King Fahad University of<br />
Minerals (KFUPM) and pursued his master’s<br />
degree in Business Administration at<br />
University of Leicester, United Kingdom.<br />
Eng. Ouzrourou has joined <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Specialized Contracting (RSC) as Planning,<br />
Scheduling and Cost Control Unit Head<br />
last December 2011. He holds a bachelor’s<br />
degree in civil engineering at the University<br />
of Algiers, Algeria. Prior to joining RSC,<br />
Mr. Ouzrourou has over sixteen years of<br />
experience in Facilities Management, Property<br />
Management and Project Management.<br />
Newborn Babies<br />
An unexpected<br />
blessing is<br />
Powered by<br />
dedicated,<br />
talented and<br />
committed<br />
people.<br />
rawabi <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Farah Al Fayez<br />
Training Coordinator<br />
Farah Saud Al-Ghamdi<br />
CSR Officer<br />
Muhammed Moizuddin<br />
Oracle Apps. DBA<br />
Enrico B. Cruz<br />
Executive Secretary<br />
Fatima Rabie Al<br />
Dawood<br />
Daughter of Rabie<br />
Al Dawood, Treasury<br />
Coordinator of<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>, born<br />
on September 11,<br />
2011<br />
Omnyah Al-<br />
Abbas Omer<br />
Idriss<br />
Daughter of AlAbbas<br />
Omer Idriss,<br />
Accounts Manager<br />
of RTC, born on<br />
December 13, 2011<br />
Aman Rico<br />
Padrones<br />
Son of Jerico M.<br />
Padrones, Training<br />
Development<br />
Coordinator of RUSS,<br />
born on October 26,<br />
2011<br />
Noaf-Fatima<br />
Daughter of Basheer<br />
Mohammed Abdul<br />
Salam, of the<br />
Chairman Villa, born<br />
November 8, 2011<br />
Fatima Tawfeeq<br />
Al Sulais<br />
Daughter of Mr.<br />
Tawfeeq Yousef Saud<br />
Al-Sulais, Accounts<br />
Clerk of <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>, born on<br />
October 20, 2011<br />
always the<br />
best gift!<br />
Babies are the<br />
most beautiful<br />
gifts from God.<br />
May your small<br />
one grow strong<br />
and happy<br />
under your care<br />
and love.<br />
28 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
“Learn from<br />
yesterday, live<br />
for today, hope<br />
for tomorrow. The<br />
important thing<br />
is not to stop<br />
questioning.”<br />
– Albert Einstein<br />
(1879 –1955)<br />
Inspirational Quotes<br />
“Men make counterfeit money; in many more<br />
cases, money makes counterfeit men.”<br />
– Sydney J. Harris (1917 – 1986)<br />
“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they<br />
are made just like anything else, through hard<br />
work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to<br />
achieve that goal, or any goal.”<br />
Vincent Thomas “Vince” Lombardi (1913 –1970)<br />
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t<br />
matter to me. Going to bed at night saying<br />
we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what<br />
matters to me.” – Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs (1955<br />
–2011)<br />
“Courage is the most important of all the<br />
virtues, because without courage you can’t<br />
practice any other virtue consistently. You can<br />
practice any virtue erratically, but nothing<br />
consistently without courage.” – Maya Angelou<br />
Personal news<br />
“The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life<br />
is what is important.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.<br />
(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)<br />
“For having lived long, I have experienced<br />
many instances of being obliged, by better<br />
information or fuller consideration, to change<br />
opinions, even on important subjects, which I<br />
once thought right but found to be otherwise.”<br />
– Dr. Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790)<br />
“If you don’t stand for something you will fall<br />
for anything.” – Dr. Malcolm X (1925 –1965)<br />
“The future belongs to those who prepare for it<br />
today.” – Dr. Malcolm X (1925 –1965)<br />
“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t<br />
used to an environment where excellence is<br />
expected.” – Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs<br />
For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow!<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial Support Services (RISS)<br />
hosted a farewell party to one if it’s first<br />
employees,Mansueto Belonio, HR Officer, who<br />
is ending his service after 10 long years with<br />
RISS. ‘Manny’, as commonly known to many,<br />
joined <strong>Rawabi</strong> on November 17, 2001. He<br />
eventually transferred to RISS and with GM<br />
Naser Alshibrawi, slowly established RISS as a<br />
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Company. As a<br />
start-up company with very limited manpower at<br />
that time, Manny assumed and rotated to almost<br />
all office positions in order to achieve the demand<br />
of the service and office as well. Today, RISS is<br />
one of the leading NDT companies in the Saudi<br />
market and Mr. Belonio as one of its pillars who<br />
puts RISS to its present stature.<br />
The farewell party was graced by the Group<br />
President & CEO and in his brief speech,<br />
extended his heartfelt appreciation to Manny for<br />
his 10 years of valuable service and contributions<br />
to RISS. Mr. Ibrahim reiterated that the real<br />
strength of <strong>Rawabi</strong> is its people and addressed<br />
everyone to emulate the dedication that Manny<br />
has had for the company.<br />
In his acceptance of the certificate of appreciation,<br />
Manny, thanked <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> for the trust and<br />
EVENTS<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s 4 th Annual<br />
Get-Together<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Filipino employees organized<br />
the 4 th annual get-together, which was held on 25 th<br />
December 2011 at La Paz Batchoy Restaurant<br />
in Al-Khobar. The event was attended by more<br />
than 100 <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees and their<br />
family members. This included Filipino team<br />
members from <strong>Rawabi</strong> Swiber, <strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
& Contracting, <strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized Enclosures,<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial Support Services, <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Specialized Contracting, <strong>Rawabi</strong> Corrosion<br />
Technology, <strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety Services,<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric, and <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Head<br />
Office.<br />
The holiday season is a time for sharing and the<br />
season of joy and good deeds. This occasion is a<br />
great chance to get acquainted with all the other<br />
employees of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
Filipino employees from The get-together was<br />
organized by Jerry Ravanera, Executive Secretary<br />
- Office of the Group President & CEO, Raymond<br />
Teodocio, Corporate Communications Coordinator<br />
- Corporate Communications Department, Monico<br />
“Mico” Aceberos, Executive Secretary - Office of<br />
the Group Vice President (Contracting & Industrial<br />
Services Division), along with Alfredo Soniega,<br />
Rodel Bautista, Joey Anatalio, Rico Bautista,<br />
Jerome Cacho, Jun Renolayan, Noli Arranguez,<br />
confidence that they had given him during his<br />
stint in the company.<br />
Manny will sure be missed by his colleagues.<br />
Andrew Lauron,<br />
Karl Mendoza, Roni<br />
Medenilla, Danny<br />
Sumalabe, Burt<br />
Pereda, Enrico<br />
Cruz, Yoldy Tabilog,<br />
among others.<br />
Special thanks go<br />
to our fellows from<br />
RSC Dammam Port<br />
Project for helping<br />
in the physical<br />
arrangement of<br />
the venue, to Joel<br />
Galinato and Toto Vasquez for lending their<br />
MediaCom Videoke Sound Systems, and to Mr. &<br />
Mrs. Primar Asuncion for judging the contenders<br />
in the singing contest and providing the cash<br />
prizes to the winners.<br />
Of course, this event would not be possible<br />
without the support of our respected management<br />
who gave the group the needful support, morally<br />
and financially.<br />
Guests were satisfied as none of them left the<br />
venue empty handed. Parlor games (individuals or<br />
pair) were also prepared to spice up the occasion.<br />
One of the highlights of the event was the singing<br />
contest, where Jerome dela Cruz (RSC) got the<br />
grand prize for his very exciting performance.<br />
Surprise guest performers were also invited to the<br />
celebration: one is a regular performer in a live<br />
band, a new member of <strong>Rawabi</strong> Group (Gymboree<br />
Play and Learn) Ms. Apple Jade, and a grand<br />
champion at the KSA Pop Icon Season 4, Ms.<br />
Dallah Gonzales. A group of carolers also came<br />
to sing some carols and collected small amounts<br />
for the benefit of our needy fellow “kababayans”.<br />
It was a short but meaningful get-together where<br />
everyone got his share of joy, gifts, and wonderful<br />
experience.<br />
30 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News Issue 27 Oct-Dec 2011<br />
Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Toastmasters Club<br />
Inauguration<br />
The <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Toastmasters Club was<br />
inaugurated on the 11 th of December 2011 at<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Headquarters. The nomination<br />
and election of club officers transpired during the<br />
meeting. The club is organized by the Training and<br />
Appraisal Unit, Human Resources Department.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Toastmasters Club is open to all<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees and its subsidiaries’ to<br />
develop overall communication and presentation<br />
skills.<br />
Toastmasters helps people with their communication, speaking and listening<br />
skills in a mutually supportive and positive learning environment. Growing your<br />
communication skills will help foster self-confidence and personal growth.<br />
Photo: (front row, from left) Farah Al Fayez, Muneera Al-Hamad and Alaa Elbakri; (back row, from left) Abdullah Al Sayed, Mashrab Quadri, Fadel Al<br />
Manasif, Mohammed Ashfaq Siddiqui, Bandar AlQahtani, Ghaleb Al Ghoutani, Mr. Azhar Farooq - Toastmasters Division “O“ Governor, Mohammed<br />
Zaheeruddin, Syed Azhar Husain, Faizullah Baig<br />
Please email your articles and/or suggestions to<br /><br />
P.O. Box 79800, Al Khobar 31952, KSA<br />
Tel: +966 3 864 9909 Fax: +966 3 894 1943<br />