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Untitled - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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12<br />

1.4.2. In the twentieth century, under the sway of<br />

behavlourlsm, the mother became the focus of 'experts' on<br />

chlldcare A corollary of the focus on mothers was the<br />

disappearance of fathers It was assumed that chlldren<br />

spent most of thelr time with then mothers, not thelr<br />

fathers. even though by law and custom, flnal authority was<br />

patrrarchal The advlce offered durlng the flrst decades of<br />

the twentleth century was of two types Prlor to about<br />

1915, women were urged to be moral and lovrng, perhaps even<br />

Indulgent toward thelr chlldren, although the experts<br />

continued to Insist that trarning and study were necessary<br />

to do the lob well But by the early 1920s, wlth the advent<br />

of psychoanalysls, women were warned agalnst 'smother love'<br />

and were told to Stress dlsclpllne and regularity Erther<br />

way, psychoanalysls has greatly contributed to making the<br />

mother the central character In the famlly After havlng<br />

discovered the existence of the unconscious, and shown that<br />

1; takes form throughout childhood, psychoanalysts formed<br />

the hablt of questlonlng the mother, even challeng~ng her.<br />

over the chlld's slightest psychologrcal problem<br />

L4.3. Dr Benlamln Spock's Baby and Child Care 1s a clear<br />

case of the changlng attitudes towards motherhood In the<br />

twentleth century Although the book championed full-tlme<br />

motherhood when ~t was flrst released In the 1940s, the 1976<br />

edltlon relects Spock's earller clalm that worklng mothers

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