PAT-UC Covers - California Sea Grant - UC San Diego

PAT-UC Covers - California Sea Grant - UC San Diego

PAT-UC Covers - California Sea Grant - UC San Diego


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Appendix G<br />

Producing Significant Results<br />


<strong>San</strong>derson, E.W., T.C. Foin, and S.L. Ustin. 2001. A simple<br />

empirical model of salt marsh plant spatial<br />

distributions with respect to a tidal channel network.<br />

Ecol. Modell. 139: 293-307.<br />

Shofer, S.L., and R.S. Tjeerdema. 2002. Sublethal effects of<br />

pentachlorophenol in abalone (Haliotis rufescens)<br />

veliger larvae as measured by 31 P-NMR. Ecotoxicol.<br />

Environ. Safety 51:155-160.<br />

Snyder, M.J., and E.P. Mulder. 2001. Environmental endocrine<br />

disruption in decapod crustacean larvae: hormone<br />

titers, cytochrome P450, and stress protein responses<br />

to heptachlor exposure. Aquat. Toxicol. 55:177-190.<br />

Snyder, M.J., and H.V.S. Peeke. 2001. Neuroactive steroids<br />

modulate crustacean locomotor activity. Neuroscience<br />

Letters 313:65-68.<br />

Talley, D.M. 2000. Ichthyofaunal utilization of newly-created<br />

versus natural salt marsh creeks in Mission Bay,<br />

<strong>California</strong>. Wetlands Ecology and Management 8:117-<br />

132.<br />

Talley, T.S., J.A. Crooks, and L.A. Levin. 2001. Habitat utilization<br />

and alteration by the invasive burrowing isopod,<br />

Sphaeroma quoyanum, in <strong>California</strong> salt marshes. Mar.<br />

Biol. 138:561-573.<br />

Talley, T.S., and L.A. Levin. 1999. Macrofaunal succession and<br />

community structure in Salicornia marshes of southern<br />

<strong>California</strong>. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49:713-<br />

731.<br />

Tebo, B.M., and A.Ya. Obraztsova. 1998. Sulfate-reducing<br />

bacterium grows with Cr(VI), U(VI), Mn(IV), and Fe(III) as<br />

electron acceptors. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 162:193-198.<br />

Tebo, B.M., L.G. van Waasbergen, C.A. Francis, L.M. He, D.B.<br />

Edwards, and K. Casciotti. 1998. Manganese oxidation<br />

by spores of the marine Bacillus sp. strain SG-1. In<br />

New developments in marine biotechnology, ed. Le<br />

Gal and Halvorson, 177-180. New York: Plenum Press.<br />

Toxicokinetics and biotransformation of p-nitrophenol<br />

in red abalone (Haliotis rufescens).<br />

Torchin, M.E., K.D. Lafferty, and A.M. Kuris. 2001. Release from<br />

parasites as natual enemies: increased performance of<br />

a globally introduced marine crab. Biological Invasions<br />

3: 333-345.<br />

Torchin, M.E., K.D. Lafferty, and A.M. Kuris. 2002. Parasites and<br />

marine invasions. Parasitology 124: S137-S151.<br />

Viant, M.R., C.A. Pincetich, J.H. Walton, R.S. Tjeerdema, and<br />

D.E. Hinton. 2002. Utilizing in vivo nuclear magnetic<br />

resonance spectroscopy to study sublethal stress in<br />

aquatic organisms. Mar. Environ. Res. 54: 553-557.<br />

Viant, M.R., J.H. Walton, and R.S. Tjeerdema. 2001. Comparative<br />

sublethal actions of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol in<br />

marine molluscs as measured by in vivo 31 P NMR. Pest.<br />

Biochem. Physiol. 71:40-47.<br />

Viant, M.R., J.H. Walton, P.L. TenBrook, and R.S. Tjeerdema.<br />

2002. Sublethal actions of copper in abalone (Haliotis<br />

rufescens) as characterized by in vivo 31 P NMR. Aquat.<br />

Toxicol. 57:139-151.<br />

Williams, S.L. 2001. Reduced genetic diversity in eelgrass<br />

transplantations affects both population growth and<br />

individual fitness. Ecol. Appl. 11(5): 1472-1488.<br />

Williams, S.L., and E.D. Grosholz. 2002. Preliminary reports from<br />

the Caulerpa taxifolia invasion in southern <strong>California</strong>.<br />

Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 233: 307-310.<br />

Wu, M.-Y., S. Hacker, D. Ayres, and D.R. Strong. 1999. Potential of<br />

Prokelisia spp. as biological control agents of English<br />

cordgrass, Spartina anglica. Biological Control 16:267-<br />

273.<br />

Zimmer, R.K., and C.A. Butman. 2000. Chemical signaling<br />

processes in the marine environment. Biol. Bull. 198:<br />

168-187.<br />

Fisheries Research<br />

Andrews, A.H., E.J. Burton, K.H. Coale, G.M. Cailliet, and R.E.<br />

Crabtree. 2001. Radiometric age validation of Atlantic<br />

tarpon, Megalops atlanticus. Fish. Bull. 99:389-398.<br />

Andrews, A.H., G.M. Cailliet, and K.H. Coale. 1999. Age and<br />

growth of the Pacific grenadier (Coryphaenoides<br />

acrolepis) with age estimate validation using an<br />

improved radiometric ageing technique. Can. J. Fish.<br />

Aquat. Sci. 56(8): 1339-1350.<br />

Andrews, A.H., G.M. Cailliet, K.H. Coale, K.M. Munk, M.M.<br />

Mahoney, and V.M. O’Connell. 2002. Radiometric<br />

age validation of the yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes<br />

ruberrimus) from southeastern Alaska. Mar. Freshwater<br />

Res. 53: 139-146.<br />

Andrews, A.H., K.H. Coale, J.L. Nowicki, C. Lundstrom, Z. Palacz,<br />

E.J. Burton, and G.M. Cailliet. 1999. Application of an<br />

ion-exchange separation technique and thermal<br />

ionization mass spectrometry to 226 Ra determination<br />

in otoliths for radiometric age determination of longlived<br />

fishes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56(8): 1329-1338.<br />

Botsford, L.W., A. Hastings, and S.D. Gaines. 2001. Dependence<br />

of sustainability on the configuration of marine<br />

reserves and larval dispersal distance. Ecology Letters 4:<br />

144-150.<br />

61<br />


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