VeÄ - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani
VeÄ - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani
VeÄ - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani
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Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture<br />
Evropska skupnost<br />
Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> FAKULTETA ZA ARHITEKTURO<br />
University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE<br />
ŠTUDIJSKI PROGRAM 2003/2004<br />
STUDY PROGRAMME 2003/2004<br />
Ljubljana 2003<br />
The Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana is generally considered one of the best Central European schools of architecture.<br />
Confirmation of its quality comes from numerous successful students and graduates, often achieving enviable results domestically<br />
and abroad, as well as its high quality teaching staff effectively covering most contemporary issues of architectural creativity.<br />
There are almost 700 students enrolled in the graduate course while the teaching and associate staff includes some 50<br />
employees. Enrolment in the Faculty entails an entrance exam. Each year 120 regular and 45 part-time students are accepted.<br />
In the year 2000 the 3000th student graduated from the Faculty. Our graduates are known for their general and professionally<br />
profiled knowledge and systematic project approach enabling successful employment in various fields of artistic and architectural<br />
endeavours – from graphic design, scenography, interior design, architectural and urban design to physical planning.<br />
uvod introduction<br />
The Faculty has vital and rich ties to the best Central European cultural tradition. The foundations for organised architectural<br />
education in Ljubljana reach to the year 1919, when the Austro-Hungarian monarchy collapsed and the University in Ljubljana<br />
was established, or rather the year 1920, when the first department for architecture was established under the leadership of<br />
Ivan Vurnik. Vurnik was an ardent supporter of technical understanding of the discipline, aligned to the Parisian Les Beaux Arts.<br />
Thus the entry of Jože Pleènik, with the studio approach and artistic tradition of Otto Wagners’ school was extremely important<br />
for the later balance in programme and ideas. The stated duality between technical and artistic aspects of the discipline has<br />
since been a constant feature of the faculties study course.<br />
After Vurnik and Pleènik had so significantly marked the period between the two wars, they were appropriately replaced by a<br />
younger generation of architects, led by Edo Mihevc and Edo Ravnikar, both arguing for modern architectural approaches. In<br />
the post-war period the Department of architecture was for many years part of the Faculty of architecture, civil engineering and<br />
geodesy, except for a short period between 1950-1954 when it was independent within the framework of the Technical<br />
faculties. Similar to Vurnik and Pleènik, even Mihevc and Ravnikar were active in varied fields of professional involvement and<br />
significantly contributed to the countries reconstruction and development. Their pedagogical work was closely tied to large scale<br />
practical projects in which they also involved their students.<br />
In 1995 the Department of architecture, until then part of the Faculty of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, transformed<br />
into an independent Faculty of architecture. We have however maintained tight academic ties to the former joint faculty and<br />
nourish the tradition of intertwining education with practice. For this purpose we have successfully co-opted several leading<br />
professionals from Slovenian practice to the teaching staff, that can translate their rich practical and theoretical experiences to<br />
the younger generation. The basis for qualifying of teachers to the Faculty is artistic and scientific merit. Alongside the numerous<br />
successful artists from the teaching staff we also employ many professors oriented towards theoretical subjects, who have<br />
gained their prowess at foreign universities. Every year two visiting professors from abroad join the fifty employed professors<br />
and teaching staff.<br />
The first master ateliers of prof. Vurnik and prof. Pleènik confronted the problem of teaching space. The temporary Technical<br />
4 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Ljubljanska <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> velja po splošnem preprièanju <strong>za</strong> eno boljših srednjeevropskih arhitekturnih šol. Njen<br />
kvalitetni nivo potrjujejo številni uspešni študenti in diplomanti, ki dosegajo <strong>za</strong>vidljive rezultate, tako doma kot v tujini, prav tako<br />
kvaliteten pedagoški kader, ki uèinkovito pokriva veèino sodobnih vidikov arhitekturnega ustvarjanja. Na fakulteti je vpisanih<br />
okoli 700 študentov ter <strong>za</strong>poslenih okoli 50 uèiteljev in sodelavcev. Za vpis na fakulteto je potrebno opraviti preizkus<br />
sposobnosti <strong>za</strong> študij arhitekture. Vsako leto se na novo vpiše 120 rednih in 45 izrednih študentov. Leta 2000 je na fakulteti<br />
diplomiral tritisoèi diplomant. Naše diplomante odlikujejo široka in dobra strokovna podkovanost ter sistematièen projektni<br />
pristop, kar omogoèa njihovo uspešno <strong>za</strong>poslovanje na najrazliènih poljih likovnega in arhitekturnega ustvarjanja - od<br />
grafiènega oblikovanja, scenografije, notranje opreme, preko arhitekturnega in urbanistiènega oblikovanja do prostorskega<br />
planiranja.<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> ima živ stik in žlahtno pove<strong>za</strong>vo z najboljšo srednjeevropsko kulturno tradicijo. Zaèetki organiziranega študija<br />
arhitekture v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> segajo v leto 1919, ko je bila po zlomu avstroogrske monarhije ustanovljena ljubljanska univer<strong>za</strong>,<br />
oziroma v leto 1920, ko je bil pod vodstvom arhitekta Ivana Vurnika organiziran prvi oddelek <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> na takratni tehniški<br />
fakulteti. Ivan Vurnik je bil izrazit <strong>za</strong>stopnik tehniškega pojmovanja stroke, po vzoru pariške Ecole des Beaux Arts, <strong>za</strong>to je <strong>za</strong><br />
kasnejše programsko in idejno ravnotežje šole nadvse pomemben prihod arhitekta Jožeta Pleènika, ki je uvedel ateljejski<br />
naèin dela in umetniško tradicijo Wagnerjeve šole. Omenjena razpetost med tehniškim in umetniškim vidikom obravnave stroke<br />
je od takrat naprej stalnica študija arhitekture v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>.<br />
Potem, ko sta Ivan Vurnik in Jože Pleènik s svojim ustvarjalnim in pedagoškim delom usodno <strong>za</strong>znamovala obdobje med obema<br />
vojnama, ju je po vojni dostojno <strong>za</strong>menjala mlajša generacija arhitektov na èelu z Edom Mihevcem in Edom Ravnikarjem, ki<br />
sta <strong>za</strong>govarjala modernejši pogled na <strong>arhitekturo</strong>. V povojnem obdobju je bil oddelek <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> dolga leta sestavni del<br />
Fakultete <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, gradbeništvo in geodezijo, razen med leti 1950 do 1954, ko je pridobil kratkotrajno samostojnost v<br />
okviru TVŠ. Podobno kot prej Vurnik in Pleènik sta bila tudi Ravnikar in Mihevc prisotna na najštevilnejših podroèjih strokovnega<br />
dela in sta pomembno prispevala k obnovi in izgradnji domovine. Njuno pedagoško delo je bilo nenehno tesno pove<strong>za</strong>no z<br />
velikimi praktiènimi nalogami, v katere sta vkljuèevala tudi študente.<br />
Leta 1995 se je oddelek <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> na takratni FAGG preoblikoval v samostojno Fakulteto <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>. Z nekdanjo<br />
skupno fakulteto smo ohranili še naprej tesne akademske vezi, negujemo pa tudi tradicionalno povezovanje šole s prakso. V ta<br />
namen smo uspeli pritegniti k delu na fakulteti nekaj uglednih predstavnikov slovenske stroke, ki uspešno prenašajo svoje<br />
bogate praktiène izkušnje in teoretièna znanja na najmlajšo generacijo.Uèitelji na fakulteti se habilitirajo na osnovi umetniških<br />
ali znanstvenih kriterijev. Ob številnih uspešnih umetniških ustvarjalcih je na šoli tudi vrsta pedagogov, ki so usmerjeni v<br />
teoretiène predmete in so pridobili svoja znanja na tujih univer<strong>za</strong>h. Veè kot petdesetim redno <strong>za</strong>poslenim univerzitetnim<br />
uèiteljem in sodelavcem se vsako leto pridružita vsako tudi dva gostujoèa predavatelja iz tujine.<br />
Že prvi mojstrski šoli Ivana Vurnika in Jožeta Pleènika sta se kaj kmalu sooèili s prostorskimi problemi. Takrat provizorna<br />
faculty on Aškerèeva Street offered very modest possibilities. Almost thirty years later, in 1948, the Municipality of Ljubljana<br />
allocated the use of a former primary school on Zoisova Street to the Faculty. After improvements to the building, the Faculty<br />
enlarged the available space tenfold. After WWII cabinets were added and later the attic was adapted for drawing studios.<br />
The demand that every student has allocated work space at the Faculty, the real increase of students, teachers and junior<br />
researchers numbers, dilapidation of the existing building and lack of workshops, laboratories, computers and other high-tech<br />
equipment, conditioned the construction of the Eastern extension with the library and lecture theatre. With the imminent construction<br />
of the Western extension we will round up our spatial possibilities and needs.<br />
uvod introduction<br />
The graduate course lasts nine semesters. A student has to pass some 40 exams before graduation. The first three years of the<br />
course are intended for education on general professional knowledge and skills needed by a practising architect, while the<br />
fourth year and ninth semester are oriented into in-depth knowledge in architecture, urbanism and design. The backbone of the<br />
programme is the Studio, in which students test knowledge gained from theoretical and methodological subjects on practical<br />
examples. The Studio is led by a teacher with publicly acknowledged work and experience in the field of artistic creativity. The<br />
subject is organised as a tutored seminar, with students from various years working together. They choose their tutor (mentor)<br />
independently. The graduate course is completed with a diploma thesis with specified content and volume. Graduates are<br />
granted the title university diploma of engineer of architecture. The Faculty also provides a two-year specialist and master’s<br />
course and a four-year PhD course. Alongside the regular course, the Faculty is also involved with research work and facultative<br />
engagements in numerous domestic and international workshops and Summer schools.<br />
The Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana is already today part of the international university and research network in which the<br />
physical location of a University centre is losing in relevance. At the Faculty we are pursuing increased co-operation between<br />
faculties with ties between the best foreign universities, to increase or maintain the high level of domestic excellence in research<br />
and teaching assignments. Thus we are ensuring synchronisation of the faculty course programme and method of teaching with<br />
European university standards, above all to enable easier transition on accession to the European Union and easier integration<br />
in ongoing European inter-university and inter-faculty programmes. We are developing various kinds of co-operation and are<br />
present in European integration processes through various programmes (Socrates, Tempus, Ceepus, etc.). We are also introducing<br />
intensive international exchange of students on the graduate and post-graduate levels.<br />
Based on internationally comparable programme guidelines, foreign teaching experiences and European standards, and above<br />
all principles of ensuring competitiveness for our graduates on the European level, we are gradually adapting our course<br />
programme to new conditions. Hereby numerous new issues dealing with technological possibilities have emerged, brought<br />
about by modern tele-communication means, increased individuation in modern society, new ecological sensibility and needs for<br />
new theoretical models for understanding, monitoring and directing these processes.<br />
The question about the pertinence of the discipline and protection of the title architect are being raised ever more often. Many<br />
professions have already adopted the right to our title, while many technical disciplines are trying to gain it. We are witness to<br />
serious misunderstanding of architectural work and our societal mission. Architecture is a discipline where functional-technical and<br />
artistic components intertwine. While the first can be the subject of numerous other professions participating in building and urban<br />
management, the artistic expression is inherent to architects, trained for the purpose. Similar to experiencing other fields of artistic<br />
6 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
fakulteta ob Aškerèevi cesti je nudila le skromne prostore. Šele trideset let kasneje, leta 1948, je ljubljanska obèina omogoèila<br />
oddelku <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> uporabo stavbe liceja ob Cojzovi cesti. Po delni adaptaciji je šola pridobila skoraj desetkrat veèjo<br />
površino. Šoli so bili po vojni dozidani potrebni kabineti, kasneje pa je bilo <strong>za</strong> potrebe risalnic preurejeno tudi podstrešje.<br />
Zahteva, da ima vsak študent na fakulteti <strong>za</strong>gotovljen stalni delovni prostor, realno poveèanje števila študentov, pedagogov in<br />
novih raziskovalcev, dotrajanost obstojeèih prostorov ter pomanjkanje prostorov <strong>za</strong> delavnice, laboratorije in raèunalniško<br />
opremo so pogojevali izgradnjo novega vzhodnega prizidka, v katerem sta knjižnica in velika amfiteaterska predavalnica. S<br />
predvideno gradnjo naèrtovanega <strong>za</strong>hodnega prizidka bomo <strong>za</strong>okrožili svoje prostorske možnosti in potrebe.<br />
Študij arhitekture traja devet semestrov. Do diplome mora študent opraviti okoli 40 izpitov. Prva tri leta študija so namenjena<br />
uèenju splošnih strokovnih znanj in vešèin, ki jih potrebuje arhitekt projektant pri svojem delu, èetrti letnik in deveti semester pa<br />
usmerjenim in poglobljenim znanjem s podroèja arhitekture, urbanizma in oblikovanja. Hrbtenico študijskega programa<br />
predstavlja predmet projektiranje in kompozicija, v okviru katerega študentje na praktiènih primerih preizkusijo teoretska in<br />
metodološka znanja, ki so jih pridobili pri teoretiènih in strokovnih predmetih. Predmet projektiranje in kompozicija vodijo uèitelji,<br />
ki imajo javno priznana dela in izkušnje na podroèju umetniškega ustvarjanja. Predmet je organiziran v obliki mentorskega<br />
seminarja, v okviru katerega delajo soèasno študentje razliènih letnikov, ki si po lastni presoji izberejo svojega mentorja. Študij<br />
arhitekture se <strong>za</strong>kljuèi z diplomsko nalogo predpisane vsebine in obsega. Diplomanti dobijo naziv univerzitetni diplomirani inženir<br />
arhitekture. V okviru fakultete je organiziran dvoletni specialistièni in magistrski študij oziroma štiriletni doktorski študij. Ob rednem<br />
študijskem programu poteka na fakulteti tudi raziskovalno delo ter obštudijsko delo v obliki številnih domaèih in mednarodnih<br />
delavnic in poletnih šol.<br />
Ljubljanska <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> je že danes del mednarodnega univerzitetnega in raziskovalnega omrežja, v katerem je<br />
fizièna lokacija univerzitetnega središèa vse manj pomembna.. Na Fakulteti se <strong>za</strong>vzemamo <strong>za</strong> poveèan obseg medfakultetnega<br />
sodelovanja in povezovanja z najkvalitetnejšimi tujimi univerzitetnimi središèi z namenom, da bi razvili oziroma ohranili vrhunski<br />
nivo domaèega znanja v podroèju raziskovalnega in pedagoškega dela. Na ta naèin <strong>za</strong>gotavljamo sinhroni<strong>za</strong>cijo fakultetnega<br />
uènega programa in oblik izvajanja le-tega z evropskimi univerzitetnimi standardi, predvsem <strong>za</strong>radi lažjega prehoda pri vstopu<br />
v Evropsko skupnost oziroma lažjega vkljuèevanja v tekoèe evropske meduniverzitetne in medfakultetne programe. Razvijamo<br />
številne oblike sodelovanja in smo prisotni v evropskih integracijskih procesih skozi razliène programe (Socrates, Tempus,<br />
Ceepus, itd.) ter uvajamo intezivno mednarodno izmenjavo študentov na dodiplomski in podiplomski stopnji.<br />
Na podlagi novih mednarodno primerljivih programskih izhodišè stroke ter tujih pedagoških izkušenj in evropskih standardov ter<br />
predvsem na podlagi naèela <strong>za</strong>gotavljanja evropske konkurenènosti naših diplomantov sprotno prilagajamo študijski program<br />
novim razmeram. Ob tem se odpirajo številna nova vprašanja, pove<strong>za</strong>na s tehnološkimi možnostmi, ki jih prinašajo sodobna<br />
telekomunikacijska sredstva, vprašanja, pove<strong>za</strong>na s poveèano individuali<strong>za</strong>cijo sodobnega èloveka, z novo ekološko<br />
senzibilnostjo in potreba po novih teoretiènih modelih <strong>za</strong> razumevanje, spremljanje in usmerjanje teh procesov.<br />
Vedno pogosteje se odpirajo tudi vprašanja o matiènosti stroke in <strong>za</strong>šèiti naziva arhitekt. Mnoge stroke so si že prilastile pravico<br />
do našega naziva, dodatno pa jo <strong>za</strong>htevajo tudi nekatere tehniène vede. Prièa smo globokemu nerazumevanju arhitektovega<br />
dela in njegovega družbenega poslanstva. Arhitektura je dejavnost, v kateri se prepletata funkcionalno-tehnièna in umetniška<br />
komponenta ustvarjanja. Medtem ko je prva sicer lahko predmet dela številnih strok, ki sodeljujejo v procesu graditve objektov<br />
creativity where we relive the authors experience as our own, thus achieving personal enrichment, we the architects use<br />
architectural expression and means to create conditions for specific emotional experiences, pertaining to the buildings or spatial<br />
content, thus satisfying special and general cultural needs of the people. Architecture as an art form has its rationale, after all it<br />
adds to the creation of high quality and purposeful spaces, higher creativity of the social environment and indirectly stimulates<br />
higher social efficiency.<br />
Because of the mentioned misunderstandings and protection of the title »architect«, as early as 1985 the European Council<br />
issued a directive in which 11 conditions were stated that an individual, wishing to practice the profession should comply to. On<br />
accession to the EU these conditions will apply to Slovenia as well. As stated in article 3 of the directive an architect should<br />
have the following skills and knowledge:<br />
uvod introduction<br />
1. Capability and knowledge to produce architectural projects, fulfilling aesthetic and technical professional demands.<br />
2. Adequate knowledge of architectural history and theory and theory of related arts, social sciences and technology.<br />
3. Extensive knowledge about fine arts and their effect on architectural design.<br />
4. Adequate knowledge in the fields of urban planning and design and necessary knowledge needed in the planning<br />
process.<br />
5. Understanding the relation between buildings and their environments and the relation of people to the built environment.<br />
6. Understanding the profession and societal role of architects, especially in the preparation of idea proposals, that have to<br />
abide to a wide array of social factors.<br />
7. Knowledge of research methods and the project approach to create idea proposals.<br />
8. Knowledge of construction plans, as well as construction and technical problems tied to the planning of buildings.<br />
9. Knowledge of building physics, technology and utility, with the purpose of creating buildings that are comfortable and<br />
protected from external influences.<br />
10. Adequate knowledge in the field of design that ensure the realisation of user demands within the framework of costs<br />
and construction regulations.<br />
11. Knowledge about regulation and procedures in physical planning and building legislature.<br />
We have the pleasure to conclude that the programme of the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana is fully harmonised with the<br />
stated conditions and that there are no obstacles for the recognition of our diploma or professional licensing within the framework<br />
of the EU.<br />
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture<br />
prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, architect<br />
8 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
in urejanja naselij, je umetniška izpoved lastna predvsem delu arhitektov, ki so v ta namen usmerjeno šolani. Podobno kot<br />
podoživljamo na podroèju drugih zvrsti umetniškega ustvarjanja avtorjevo izkušnjo kot lastno izkustvo in se s tem osebnostno<br />
bogatimo, ustvarjamo arhitekti skozi medij arhitekture pogoje <strong>za</strong> posebna, glede na program objektov ali prostorov razlièna<br />
emocialna doživetja, s katerimi <strong>za</strong>dovoljujemo posebne in splošne kulturne potrebe ljudi. Arhitektura kot umetnost ima svoje<br />
racionalno opravièilo, saj prispeva z oblikovanjem kvalitetnega in namenu primerno oblikovanega okolja k veèji ustvarjalnosti<br />
družbenega okolja in s tem posredno vzpodbuja njegovo veèjo družbeno uèinkovitost.<br />
Zaradi omenjenih nesporazumov in <strong>za</strong>radi <strong>za</strong>šèite naziva »arhitekt« je Svet evropskih skupnosti izdal že leta 1985 direktivo, v<br />
okviru katere je navedel 11 pogojev, ki jih mora izpolnjevati oseba, ki želi opravljati ta poklic, in, ki bodo <strong>za</strong>vezovali tudi našo<br />
državo ob njenem vstopu v EU. Arhitekt mora imeti v skladu s tretjim èlenom omenjene direktive naslednje sposobnosti in znanja:<br />
1. Sposobnost in znanje <strong>za</strong> izdelavo arhitekturnih projektov, ki izpolnjujejo estetske in tehniène <strong>za</strong>hteve stroke.<br />
2. Ustrezno znanje s podroèja zgodovine arhitekture in arhitekturne teorije ter teorije sorodnih umetnosti, družbenih ved in<br />
tehnike.<br />
3. Širše poznavanje upodabljajoèih umetnosti ter njihovega vpliva na arhitekturno oblikovanje.<br />
4. Ustrezna znanja s podroèja urbanistiènega naèrtovanja in projektiranja ter znanja, ki so potrebna v postopku naèrtovanja.<br />
5. Razumevanje odnosov med objekti in njihovim okoljem ter odnosov med ljudmi in grajenim okoljem.<br />
6. Razumevanje poklica in družbene vloge arhitekta zlasti pri pripravi idejnih projektov, ki morajo upoštevati najširše<br />
družbene dejavnike.<br />
7. Poznavanje raziskovalnih metod ter projektnega pristopa <strong>za</strong> izdelavo idejnih projektov.<br />
8. Poznavanje gradbenih naèrtov ter konstrukcijskih in tehniènih problemov, pove<strong>za</strong>nih z naèrtovanjem objektov<br />
9. Poznavanje gradbene fizike, tehnologije in namembnosti objektov, z namenom, da bi naèrtovali udobne in pred<br />
zunanjimi vplivi uèinkovito <strong>za</strong>šèitene objekte.<br />
10. Potrebno znanje s podroèja projektiranja, ki <strong>za</strong>gotavlja uresnièitev <strong>za</strong>htev uporabnikov objektov v okviru stroškovnih<br />
omejitev in gradbenih predpisov.<br />
11. Poznavanje predpisov in postopkov iz prostorske in gradbene <strong>za</strong>konodaje.<br />
Z <strong>za</strong>dovoljstvom ugotavljamo, da je program ljubljanske fakultete v celoti skladen z zgoraj opisanimi pogoji, tako da v tem smislu<br />
ne prièakujemo nikakršnih ovir <strong>za</strong> priznanje naših diplom oziroma strokovnih licenc v okviru EU.<br />
dekan Fakultete <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong><br />
prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
ka<strong>za</strong>lo contents<br />
10 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
KAZALO<br />
INFO<br />
INFO 12<br />
KATEDRE 13<br />
PREDMETNIK 1. letnik 27<br />
2. letnik 27<br />
3. letnik 29<br />
4. letnik: smer arhitektura 31<br />
smer urbanizem 33<br />
smer oblikovanje 35<br />
9. semester 37<br />
SEZNAM IN OPIS 1. letnik 41<br />
PREDMETOV 2. letnik 51<br />
3. letnik: obvezni 61<br />
izbirni 70<br />
4. letnik: obvezni 77, 80<br />
izbirni - splošni 79, 94<br />
izbirni - s podroèja 79,101<br />
INFO<br />
A. magistrski študij arhitekture 111<br />
B. specialistièni študij arhitekture 111<br />
C. specialistièni študij urb. naèrtovanja 115<br />
D. doktorat znanosti 121<br />
A. magistrski študij arhitekture 123<br />
B. specialistièni študij arhitekture 125<br />
C. specialistièni študij urb.naèrtovanja 127<br />
D. doktorat znanosti 129<br />
INFO<br />
INFO 12<br />
COURSE SYLLABUS Year 1 26<br />
Year 2 26<br />
Year 3 28<br />
Year 4:oriented prog.:archit. 30<br />
oriented prog.: urbanism 32<br />
oriented prog.: design 34<br />
9. Semester 36<br />
LIST AND Year 1 40<br />
DESCRIPTION OF Year 2 50<br />
SUBJECTS Year 3 compulsory 60<br />
elective 70<br />
Year 4:compulsory 76, 80<br />
elective - general 78, 94<br />
elective - oriented 78,101<br />
INFO<br />
A. masters course in architecture 110<br />
B. specialist course in achitecture 110<br />
C. specialist course in urban planning 114<br />
D. doctorate dissertation 120<br />
A. masters course in architecture 122<br />
B. specialist course in achitecture 124<br />
C. specialist course in urban planning 126<br />
D. doctorate dissertation 128<br />
Dekan Dean<br />
mag. PETER GABRIJELÈIÈ, red. prof.<br />
Zoisova 12<br />
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija<br />
Tel.: +386 (0)1 426 43 19<br />
Fax: +386 (0)1 425 74 14<br />
E-mail:<br /><br />
Prodekan <strong>za</strong> študijske <strong>za</strong>deve Deputy dean for study affairs<br />
dr. ALEŠ VODOPIVEC, izr. prof.<br />
Prodekan <strong>za</strong> podroèje finanènih <strong>za</strong>dev Deputy dean for financial affairs<br />
dr. JANEZ KRESAL, izr. prof.<br />
Prodekan <strong>za</strong> podroèje meduniverzitetnega sodelovanja Deputy dean for international cooperation<br />
JANEZ KOŽELJ, red. prof.<br />
info info<br />
Prodekanja <strong>za</strong> znanstveno-raziskovalno podroèje Deputy dean for research<br />
Tajništvo Secretariat<br />
telefon: +386 (0)1 426 43 19<br />
+386 (0)1 200 07 62<br />
telefaks:+386 (0)1 425 74 14<br />
Tajnik Secretary<br />
VILIBALD OGRIZEK, univ. dipl. iur.<br />
telefon: +386 (0)1 200 07 21<br />
Študentski referat Students office<br />
telefon: +386 (0)1 200 07 11<br />
12<br />
Knjižnica Library<br />
telefon: +386 (0)1 200 07 51<br />
+386 (0)1 200 07 23<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Katedra <strong>za</strong> družbene stavbe Cathedra for public buildings<br />
Vojteh Ravnik<br />
vnikar<br />
ar<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head ot cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Miloš Bonèa<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Miloš Florijanèiè<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Janez Kresal<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Boris Leskovec<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Martina Zbašnik-Senegaènik visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Andrej Kavèiè<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Mira Stantiè<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Maruša Zorec<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Mitja Zorc<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Primož Hoèevar<br />
asistent stažist – asistent <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Viktor Žigon<br />
višji strokovni sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Katedra <strong>za</strong> stanovanjske stavbe Cathedra for housing<br />
Aleš Vodopiv<br />
odopivec<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head ot cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Vladimir Bre<strong>za</strong>r<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Peter Marolt<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in oblikovanja<br />
Mario Perossa<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitektura<br />
Anja Planišèek<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Igor Seljak<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Tomaž Krušec<br />
asistent stažist – asistent <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
katedre list of cathedras<br />
Katedra <strong>za</strong> urbanizem Cathedra for urbanism<br />
Peter ter Gabrijelèiè<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Janez Koželj<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje urbanizma<br />
France Rihtar<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
AlenkaFikfak<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Ilka Èerpes<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Tadej Glažar<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Gregor Èok<br />
mladi raziskovalec<br />
Katedra <strong>za</strong> oblikovanje Cathedra for design<br />
Janez Suhadolc<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje oblikovanja<br />
Jurij Kobe<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Marjan Ocvirk<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Èrtomir Mihelj<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Lojze Muhiè<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Domen Kušar<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
info info<br />
Katedra <strong>za</strong> konstrukcije Cathedra for structures<br />
Jože Kušar<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Vojko Kilar<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje gradbenih konstrukcij <strong>za</strong> arhitekte<br />
Blaž Vogelnik<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitektnih konstrukcij<br />
Mladen Bratoviæ višji strokovni sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji mehanike in konstrukcij<br />
Eva Križaj<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Josip Konstantinoviæ visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Lara Slivnik<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Tomaž Slak<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture – gradb.konstr.<br />
Sreèko Vratuša<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji masivnih in lesenih konstrukcij<br />
Edo Wallner<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje dimenzion. in konstruir. ter konstruk. sistemov<br />
14<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Katedr<br />
atedra a <strong>za</strong> razv<br />
azvoj j raèunalniš<br />
aèunalniškega projektir<br />
jektiran<br />
anja<br />
Cathedra a for computer<br />
puter-aided design<br />
Fedja Košir<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Jaka Bonèa<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Igor Kalèiè<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Lucija Ažman Momirski visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in urbanizma<br />
Primož Je<strong>za</strong><br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Tomaž Novljan<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Sonja Ifko<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Vesna Petrešin<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Rupert Gole<br />
mladi raziskovalec<br />
Iztok Kovaèiè<br />
mladi raziskovalec<br />
Katedra <strong>za</strong> teorijo arhitekture Cathedra for architectural theory<br />
Peter ter Fister<br />
ter<br />
predstojnik katedre/Head of cathedra<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèji razvoja arhitekture in prenove arhitekture<br />
Borut Juvanec<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Jože Marinko<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Leon Debevec<br />
visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Peter Kreèiè visokošol. uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèje umetnost. zgodovine 1/3<br />
Živa Deu<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Ljubo Lah<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
Darko Likar<br />
visokošol. sodelavec <strong>za</strong> podroèje arhitekture<br />
katedre list of cathedras<br />
Inštitut <strong>za</strong> arhitektur<br />
hitekturo Institute of architectur<br />
chitecture<br />
Peter Fister<br />
preds<br />
edstojnik inštitut<br />
tituta/Head of Institute<br />
visokošolski uèitelj <strong>za</strong> podroèji arhitekture in prenove arhitekture<br />
info info<br />
1. . Redni prof<br />
ofesorji<br />
Full ull prof<br />
ofessor<br />
essors<br />
dr. Miloš BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Vladimir BREZAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Peter FISTER, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
mag. Peter GABRIJELÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Fedja KOŠIR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Janez KOŽELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Peter KREÈIÈ, um. zgod.<br />
Marjan OCVIRK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. France RIHTAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Janez SUHADOLC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Aleš VODOPIVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Blaž VOGELNIK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
2. Izredni profesorji Associate professors<br />
Miloš FLORIJANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Borut JUVANEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Igor KALÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Janez KRESAL, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Jože KUŠAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Jože MARINKO, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Mario PEROSSA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vojteh RAVNIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
3. Docenti Assistant professors<br />
dr. Jaka BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Leon DEBEVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Živa DEU, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Vojko KILAR, univ. dipl. inž. gradb.<br />
Jurij KOBE, univ. dipl. inž. arh<br />
dr. Boris LESKOVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Èrtomir MIHELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Alojz MUHIÈ, univ. dipl.inž.arh.<br />
dr. Tomaž NOVLJAN, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Martina ZBAŠNIK-SENEGAÈNIK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Tadeja ZUPANÈIÈ STROJAN, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
4. Asistenti Assistants<br />
mag. Lucija AŽMAN MOMIRSKI, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Ilka ÈERPES, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
mag. Alenka FIKFAK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
mag. Tadej GLAŽAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Sonja IFKO, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Primož JEZA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Andrej KAVÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Josip KONSTANTINOVIÆ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Eva KRIŽAJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
mag. Tomaž KRUŠEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Domen KUŠAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Ljubo LAH, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Darko LIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
mag. Peter MAROLT, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Vesna PETREŠIN, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Anja PLANIŠÈEK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Igor SELJAK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Tomaž SLAK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Lara SLIVNIK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Mira STANTIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
dr. Sreèko VRATUŠA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
16 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
mag. Edo WALLNER, univ. dipl. inž. gradb.<br />
Mitja ZORC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Maruša ZOREC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
5.Asistenti - stažisti<br />
Research assistants<br />
Primož HOÈEVAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
6.Višja strokovna sodelavca<br />
Senior research associates<br />
mag. Mladen BRATOVIÆ, univ. dipl. inž. gradb.<br />
mag. Viktor ŽIGON, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
7. . Gostujoèa prof<br />
ofesorja v šolskem em letu tu 2003/04<br />
Visiting professors in academic year 2003/04<br />
dva predavatelja<br />
two lecturers<br />
8. Mladi raziskovalci Junior researchers<br />
Jaka PEŽAN, univ, dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Gregor ÈOK, univ, dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Rupert GOLE, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Nika GRABAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Iztok KOVAÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
mag. Domen ZUPANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
9. Uèitelji in sodelavci drugih fakultet Univerze v<br />
<strong>Ljubljani</strong><br />
Academic staff and associates from other<br />
faculties of the University of Ljubljana<br />
mag. Ciril ARKAR, asistent, FS<br />
dr. Davorin GAZVODA, docent, BF<br />
Aleš GOLJA, uèitelj športa, FGG<br />
dr. Ana KUÈAN, docent, BF<br />
mag. Bojan KUZMA, asistent, FGG<br />
dr. Mitja LAKNER, VP, FGG<br />
dr.Sašo MEDVED, docent, FS<br />
Jasna MOÈILNIK-KOS, pred. tuj. jezika<br />
dr. Andrej POGAÈNIK, redni profesor, FGG<br />
dr. Marko POLIÈ, redni profesor, FF<br />
mag. Marjeta ŠKAPIN-RUGELJ, asistent, FGG<br />
dr. Cvetka TOTH, redni profesor, FF<br />
dr. Žiga TURK, izredni profesor, FGG<br />
Vera VETRIH, uèiteljica jezika, VŠT<br />
dr. Aleš ZALOŽNIK, docent, FGG<br />
BF - Biotehniška fakulteta<br />
FF - Filozofska fakulteta<br />
FGG - <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo<br />
FS - <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> strojništvo<br />
VŠT - Višja šola <strong>za</strong> turizem<br />
uèitelji in sodelavci academic staff and associates<br />
dodiplomski<br />
graduate course<br />
osnovni podatki general information<br />
Every year in January, the Ministry of education, science and sports publishes a NOTICE concerning enrolment in the<br />
next academic year. The first part contains general conditions about enrolment applying to all candidates, while each<br />
respective faculty publishes its own specific requirements. The faculties are arranged according to the alphabet.<br />
With the first application, a candidate applies for enrolment. Requirements from high school education: graduation<br />
certificate - matriculation (graduation from high school), professional graduation certificate or final examination. Details<br />
can be found in the Notice. It can be obtained in all stationeries and bookshops. Details for posting the filled in questionnaire<br />
are specified on the first page. However it shouldn’t be sent to the faculty itself. The final date for submission<br />
must be observed.<br />
The Faculty of architecture invites applicants to enrol in a univer<br />
ersit<br />
sity study programme. There are 120 posts on the full-<br />
time course and 45 posts on the part-time course. Their contents are the same; differences apply to payment and<br />
method of selecting candidates. In the full-time course the first 120 candidates are selected according to merit and<br />
successfully accomplished capability test (at least 21 points). In the part-time course the first 45 candidates are selected<br />
according to obtained points. The capability test is compulsor<br />
pulsory.<br />
The enrolment results are posted in the last week of July. At the same time possible vacancies are announced. In the latter<br />
case a second application is possible.<br />
The Open day is always in mid February. See NOTICE.<br />
Up to 5% of the available posts in the full-time course can be taken by foreigners and Slovenians without<br />
Slovenian citizenship<br />
(5-6 candidates). They have to accomplish the capability test positively (at least 21 points), then<br />
the first six are selected according to points obtained.<br />
Important: there is a special brochure for foreigners, available for all candidates during Open day organised<br />
specially for them by the University in Ljubljana. The last date for applications should be observed!<br />
The Faculty accepts not more than 2 candidates from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana. They<br />
have to accomplish the capability test positively (at least 21 points), then the first five are selected according to<br />
points obtained.<br />
The capability test is organised in the first half of July. It consists of three drawing tests and an interview, whereby<br />
sense for artistic perception and expression, spatial perception and expression and architectural issues are tested. All<br />
20 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
VPIS<br />
Vsako leto v januarju izda Ministrstvo <strong>za</strong> šolstvo, znanost in šport objavo RAZPIS Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> <strong>za</strong> vpis v<br />
naslednje šolsko leto. V splošnem delu so navedeni splošni pogoji vpisa, ki veljajo <strong>za</strong> vse, ki kandidirajo <strong>za</strong> vpis, vsaka<br />
fakulteta posebej pa objavi še svoje pogoje. Fakultete so razporejene po abecedi.<br />
S prvo o prija<br />
javo se kandidat prijavi <strong>za</strong> vpis. Možnost srednješolske izobr<br />
obrazbe<br />
azbe: matura, poklicna matura, <strong>za</strong>kljuèni<br />
izpit. Podrobnosti je mogoèe najti v RAZPISU. Kupi se jo v papirnicah in knjigarnah. Izpolnjeno pošljete, kot je<br />
navedeno na prvi strani. Nikakor ne fak<br />
akulte<br />
ulteti<br />
ti. Paziti je potrebno na <strong>za</strong>dnji možni datum oddaje prijave.<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> razpisuje univer<br />
erzite<br />
zitetni<br />
tni študijski program. Mest <strong>za</strong> redni<br />
študij je 120, <strong>za</strong> izredni študi<br />
tudij pa<br />
45. Po vsebini sta enaka, razlika je v plaèilu in v naèinu izbora kandidatov. Pri rednem je izbranih prvih 120<br />
kandidatov glede na uspeh, pozitivno (vsaj 21 toèk) pa morajo opraviti tudi preizkus sposobnosti. Pri izrednem študiju<br />
se izbere prvih 45 kandidatov, glede na število toèk. Preizkus sposobnosti je obvez<br />
ezen<br />
en.<br />
Rezultati <strong>za</strong> vpis so znani <strong>za</strong>dnji teden v juliju, hkrati pa so objavljena tudi morebitna prosta mesta. V tem primeru je<br />
možna druga prijava. Prijavi se lahko, kdor je oddal prvo prijavo.<br />
Informativni dan je vedno sredi meseca februarja. Glej RAZPIS.<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> sprejme tudi do 5 % razpisanega števila študijskih mest <strong>za</strong> redni študij na posameznem programu tujcev v in<br />
Slovence<br />
encev v brez slovens<br />
enskega ega drža<br />
žavl<br />
vljans<br />
janstv<br />
tva (od 5 do 6 kandidatov). Preizkus morajo opraviti pozitivno (vsaj<br />
21 toèk), nato pa se izbere prvih šest, glede na število toèk. Važno: <strong>za</strong> tujce obstaja posebna brošur<br />
ošura, ki jo dobijo<br />
vsi kandidati na infor<br />
ormativnem<br />
dnevu. Tega organizira posebej <strong>za</strong>nje Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>. Paziti je potrebno na<br />
<strong>za</strong>dnji rok prijav!<br />
vpis enrolment<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> razpisuje tudi vzporedni študij. Sprejme najveè 2 kandidat<br />
andidata, a, ki že študir<br />
tudirat<br />
ata a na kateri od fak<br />
akulte<br />
ultet<br />
Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>. Kandidat mora poslati prijavo in soglasje matiène fakultete na Fakulteto <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>.<br />
Pred vpisom prinese še potrdilo o vpisu v naslednji letnik na matièni fakulteti. Pozitivno mora opraviti preizkus<br />
sposobnosti (vsaj 21 toèk), nato se izbere prvih pet, glede na število toèk. Na enak naèin se lahko vpišejo tudi 3<br />
diplomanti univerzitetnega študija. Kandidat mora opraviti preizkus in predložiti kopijo diplome.<br />
Preizkus sposobnosti je v prvi polovici julija<br />
ja. Obsega tri risbe in razgovor, pri èemer se preverja posluh <strong>za</strong> likovno<br />
dojemanje in izražanje, <strong>za</strong> prostorsko dojemanje in izražanje ter <strong>za</strong> problematiko arhitekture. Vsak element se toèkuje.<br />
elements are graded. The highest grade is 10.<br />
The application procedure and calculation of points are conducted by the Higher education applicationinformation<br />
Office of the University of Ljubljana. Candidates receive information at their home address.<br />
osnovni podatki general information<br />
The Faculty accepts candidates that wish to change from related faculties in other countries. The procedure begins at<br />
the University with the Office for international cooperation of the University of Ljubljana. A special questionnaire can be<br />
obtained. According to the submitted data, the year of studies is determined. Enrolment is always for the autumn<br />
course, never otherwise.<br />
Enrolment in the 1st year courses occurs in the first half of September. Candidates receive information at their home<br />
address.<br />
Whoever enrolled in the 1st year of studies already twice (enrolled twice or enrolled once and repeated 1st year<br />
once), cannot enrol in the 1st year of any faculty of the University of Ljubljana.<br />
DETAILS:<br /><br /><br />
E-mail:<br /><br /><br />
Office for international cooperation of the University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana<br />
Tel.: + 386 (0)1 426 57 53<br />
E-mail:<br />
Details for foreigners:<br />
Higher education application and information office of the University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12, p.p. 524, 1001 Ljubljana<br />
Tel.: + 386 (0)1 241 85 04, + 386 (0)1241 85 08<br />
Fax: + 386 (0)1 241 86 71<br />
e-mail:<br />
Nostrifications of the high-school graduation certificate:<br />
Ministry of education, science and sports, Zupanèièeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana<br />
Tel.: + 386 (0)1 478 53 90, Fax: +386 (0)1 478 56 69<br />
E-mail: Eva<br />
22 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Najvišje število toèk je 10.<br />
Pos<br />
ostopek opek prija<br />
jave e in izraèuna<br />
aèunavan<br />
anje je toèk vodi<br />
Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>.<br />
Obvestilo prejmejo kandidati na dom.<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> sprejme tudi kandidate, ki pres<br />
estopajo<br />
s sorodnih fakultet v drugih državah. Postopek se priène na Univerzi,<br />
pri službi <strong>za</strong> mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>. Obstaja poseben obrazec. Glede na predloženo<br />
gradivo se doloèi letnik vpisa. Vpisuje se vedno v jesenskem roku, ne med letom.<br />
Vpis v 1. letnik poteka v prvi polovici septembra. Obvestilo prejmejo kandidati na dom.<br />
Kdor je bil že dvakr<br />
akrat<br />
at v prvem letniku (dvakrat vpisan ali enkrat vpisan in enkrat ponavljal), se ne more veè vpisati v<br />
prvi letnik fakultete Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>.<br />
PODROBNOSTI<br /><br /><br />
e-naslov:<br /><br /><br />
Služba <strong>za</strong> mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana<br />
Tel.: + 386 (0)1 426 57 53<br />
e-naslov:<br />
vpis enrolment<br />
Podrobnosti <strong>za</strong> tujce: Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, Kongresni trg 12, p.p. 524,<br />
1001 Ljubljana Tel.: + 386 (0)1 241 85 04, + 386 (0)1 241 85 08 Faks: + 386 (0)1 241 86 71<br />
Nostrifikacije srednješolskih sprièeval:<br />
Ministrstvo <strong>za</strong> šolstvo, znanost in šport, Oddelek <strong>za</strong> priznavanja, Zupanèièeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana<br />
Tel.: + 386 (0)1 478 53 90, Fax: +386 (0)1 478 56 69<br />
E-mail: Eva<br />
conditions for promotion to a higher year<br />
A student must have both semesters of the lower year tested, meaning all frequencies from lectures and exercises.<br />
Frequency for exercises is granted to all students whose exercises have been marked.<br />
All study obligations stated as compulsory have to be accomplished:<br />
Promotion from first to second year:<br />
* all exams and exercises, except one<br />
* performed internship on a building site lasting one month and submitted practice diary<br />
* compulsory positively graded first year programme for the subject Design studio and passing grade in Basics of<br />
technical mechanic<br />
Promotion from second to third year:<br />
* all exams and exercises from first and second year, except three<br />
* compulsory positively graded programme for the second year subject Design studio,<br />
Structural and dimensional design, Elements of design and composition<br />
Promotion from third to fourth year:<br />
* all exams and exercises from first, second and third year, except three from second and third year<br />
* compulsory positively graded programme for the third year subject design studio<br />
Promotion from fourth to fifth year and ninth semester:<br />
* all exams and exercises from first, second, third and fourth year, except three from third and fourth year<br />
* compulsory positively graded programme for the previous years subject Design studio<br />
A student can repeat a study year only if part of the study programme has been accomplished. In the nine semester<br />
course a year can be repeated only once. Conditions for repetition: at least 4 passed subjects from the current year,<br />
as stipulated in articles 147-149 in the Statute of the University of Ljubljana. The duration of the graduate status is<br />
proscribed in the Statute of the University in Ljubljana (Official bulletin, No. 64/2001, from 3.8.2001).<br />
When a student has passed all exams, exercises and performed the one month internship after 4. year, one can<br />
apply for a diploma thesis. The study committee according to the Ordinance on diplomas approves the diploma<br />
topics.<br />
TITLE<br />
A student who has successfully completed all his/her obligations of the course programme stated in previous points,<br />
will be granted professional title: “univer<br />
erzite<br />
zitetni tni diplomirani inženir arhitektur<br />
hitekture” e” (Univ<br />
niver<br />
ersit<br />
sity graduate<br />
engineer of architecture)<br />
24 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Študent mora imeti testirana oba semestra nižjega letnika, torej vse frekvence <strong>za</strong> predavanja in vaje. Frekvenco <strong>za</strong> vaje<br />
dobi, kdor ima vaje ocenjene.<br />
Poleg tega mora opraviti tiste študijske obveznosti, ki so navedene kot pogoj:<br />
Za prehod iz prvega v drugi letnik:<br />
* izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen pri enem predmetu<br />
* opravljena enomeseèna praksa na gradbišèu z oddanim dnevnikom te prakse<br />
* obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program prvega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija<br />
in opravljen predmet Osnove tehniške mehanike<br />
Za prehod iz drugega v tretji letnik:<br />
* izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen pri treh predmetih, izbranih iz 1. in 2. letnika<br />
* obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program drugega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija<br />
ter opravljena predmeta Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje in Elementi oblikovanja in kompozicije<br />
Za prehod iz tretjega tjega v èetr<br />
trti ti letnik:<br />
* izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen pri treh predmetih, izbranih iz 2. in 3. letnika<br />
* obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program tretjega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija<br />
Za prehod iz èetr<br />
trtega tega letnik<br />
tnika a v deveti ti semester<br />
ter:<br />
* izpiti in vaje pri vseh predmetih, razen pri treh predmetih, izbranih iz 3. in 4. letnika<br />
* obvezno pozitivno ocenjen program èetrtega letnika pri predmetu Projektiranje in kompozicija<br />
Študent sme ponavljati letnik le tedaj, èe ima del študijskih obveznosti že izpolnjen. Med študijem lahko ponavlja samo enkrat.<br />
Pogoji <strong>za</strong> ponavljanje: vsaj 4 opravljeni predmeti iz tekoèega letnika v skladu z doloèili 147. – 149. èlena Statuta Univerze v<br />
<strong>Ljubljani</strong>. Trajanje absolventskega statusa je urejeno z doloèili statuta Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> (Ur.l. 64/2001 z dne 3. 8. 2001).<br />
pogoji <strong>za</strong> prehod v višji letnik<br />
Ko študent opravi vse izpite in vaje ter enomeseèno prakso v projektivi po 4. letniku, lahko <strong>za</strong>prosi <strong>za</strong> temo diplomske<br />
naloge. Temo odobri komisija <strong>za</strong> študijske <strong>za</strong>deve po Pravilniku o diplomah.<br />
NASLOV<br />
Študent, ki opravi vse predpisane obveznosti, ima pravico do strokovnega naslova univer<br />
erzite<br />
zitetni tni diplomirani inženir<br />
arhitekture.<br />
GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
Subject Semester<br />
Winter<br />
Summer<br />
YEAR 1<br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
Total hours<br />
ECTS<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
1.1a * Design studio 1/1 - - 4 3 210 22<br />
1.1b * Design studio 1/2 - 4 3<br />
1.2 Založnik Mathematics 2 1 - 2 1 - 90 6<br />
1.3 Muhiè Descriptive geometry 1 2 - 1 2 - 90 6<br />
1.4 Kilar Basics of technical mechanics 2 1 - 2 2 - 105 7<br />
1.5 Vogelnik Architectural constructions 2 1 - 3 1 105 7<br />
1.6 Suhadolc Freehand drawing 1 - 2 1 - 2 90 6<br />
1.7 Juvanec Elements of architecture 1 1 - 1 1 - 60 6<br />
Physical education<br />
9 10 5 10 11 5 750 60<br />
YEAR 2<br />
2.1 * Design studio 2 - - - - 10 9 285 24<br />
2.2 Kušar Structural and dimensional design 2 4 - - - 90 6<br />
2.3 Kobe Colour studies - - - 1 - 5 90 6<br />
2.4 Ravnikar Elements of design and composition 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.5 Rihtar Elements of urban design 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.6 Marinko History of architecture 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.7 Kresal Building technology and<br />
materials in architecture 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.8 Medved Technology of building utilities 2 1 - - - - 45 4<br />
Physical education<br />
12 13 0 1 10 14 750 60<br />
Note: * Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent<br />
(see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. In the framework of<br />
the 1st semester Design studio Presentations techniques are conducted (È. Mihelj, J. Bonèa, M. Perossa).<br />
26 dodiplomski študij graduate course
PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA <strong>za</strong> šolsko leto 2003/2004<br />
šifra<br />
predavatelj<br />
I. LETNIK<br />
predmet semester<br />
zimski<br />
predavanja<br />
vaje<br />
ind. delo<br />
predavanja<br />
poletni<br />
vaje<br />
ind. delo<br />
skupaj ur<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
1.1a * projektiranje in kompozicija 1/1 - 4 3 210 22<br />
1.1b * projektiranje in kompozicija 2/2 - 4 3<br />
1.2 Založnik matematika 2 1 - 2 1 - 90 6<br />
1.3 Muhiè opisna geometrija 1 2 - 1 2 - 90 6<br />
1.4 Kilar osnove e tehniške e mehanike 2 1 - 2 2 105 7<br />
1.5 Vogelnik arhitektne konstrukcije 2 1 - 3 1 - 105 7<br />
1.6 Suhadolc prostoroèno risanje 1 - 2 1 - 2 90 6<br />
1.7 Juvanec elementi arhitekture 1 1 - 1 1 - 60 6<br />
telesna vzgoja<br />
9 10 5 10 11 5 750 60<br />
2. LETNIK<br />
2.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 2 - - - - 10 9 285 24<br />
2.2 Kušar konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje 2 4 - - - 90 6<br />
2.3 Kobe barvne študi<br />
tudije<br />
- - - 1 - 5 90 6<br />
2.4 Ravnikar elem. oblikovanja in kompozicije 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.5 Rihtar elementi urbanizma 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.6 Marinko zgodovina arhitekture 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.7 Kresal tehnologija gradnje in<br />
gradivo v arhitekturi 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
2.8 Medved tehnologija instalacij 2 1 - - - - 45 4<br />
telesna vzgoja<br />
12 13 0 1 10 14 750 60<br />
Opomba: * Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38).<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice. V prvem semestru se v<br />
okviru projektiranja in kompozicije izvajajo Predstavitvene tehnike (È. Mihelj, J. Bonèa, M. Perossa).<br />
letnik year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
Subject Semester<br />
Winter<br />
Summer<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
YEAR 3<br />
3.1 * Design studio 3 - - - - 10 10 300 22<br />
3.2 Kilar Basics of building mechanics 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.3 Ocvirk Architectural sketching 1 - 3 - - - 60 5<br />
3.4 Koželj Architecture of the city 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.5 Fister Development of architecture 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.6 Florijanèiè Public buildings 1 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.7 Bre<strong>za</strong>r Residential buildings 1 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.8 Bonèa J. Theory of architectural<br />
design and composition - - - 2 2 - 60 5<br />
3.9 ** Elective subject 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
13 3 10 3 2 12 2 10 0 750 60<br />
Notes:<br />
* Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open (see page 38), but the tutor has to give prior<br />
consent. Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
** Students register the appropriate lecturer after choosing the elective subject. Foreign languages are facultative and can be inscribed<br />
in any year. Student may register electives from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana.<br />
3.9 Elective subjects<br />
3.9.1<br />
3.9.2<br />
3.9.3<br />
3.9.4<br />
3.9.5<br />
3.9.6<br />
3.9.7<br />
3.9.8<br />
3.9.9<br />
Košir: Architectural theory and critique 1<br />
Košir: Idiomatics of space<br />
Mihelj: Fine arts order 1<br />
Kušar: Structural systems<br />
Turk: Computer-aided architecture<br />
Kalèiè: Detail in architectural composition 1<br />
Kreèiè: Art history 1<br />
Gazvoda: Landscaping 1<br />
Zbašnik-Senegaènik: Eco-logical architecture<br />
3.9.10 Muhiè: General safety<br />
3.9.11 +++: Building and urban planning legislature<br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br />
Note: +++<br /><br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
Lecturer will be announced later.<br />
Total hours<br />
ECTS<br />
28 dodiplomski študij graduate course
PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA <strong>za</strong> šolsko leto 2003/2004<br />
šifra<br />
predavatelj predmet semester<br />
3. LETNIK<br />
3.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 3 - - - - 10 10 300 22<br />
3.2 Kilar osnove gradbene mehanike 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.3 Ocvirk skiciranje arhitekture 1 - 3 - - - 60 5<br />
3.4 Koželj arhitektura mesta 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.5 Fister razvoj arhitekture 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.6 Florijanèiè družbene zgradbe 1 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.7 Bre<strong>za</strong>r stanovanjske zgradbe 1 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
3.8 Bonèa J. teorija arhitekturnega oblikovanja<br />
in kompozicije - - - 2 2 - 60 5<br />
3.9. ** izbirni predmet 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
13 3 10 3 2 12 2 10 0 750 60<br />
Opombi:<br />
* Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta (glej stran 38), a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati.<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
**Študenti vpišejo ustreznega predavatelja potem, ko izberejo predmet. Tuji jeziki se izvajajo fakultativno tako, da jih študenti vpisujejo<br />
v katerem koli letniku. Študent lahko izbere tudi predmete drugih fakultet Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>.<br />
3.9 Izbirni predmeti<br />
3.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 1<br />
3.9.2 Košir: idiomatika prostora<br />
3.9.3 Mihelj: likovni red I<br />
3.9.4 Kušar: konstrukcijski sistemi<br />
3.9.5 Turk: raèunalniško podprta arhitektura<br />
3.9.6 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 1<br />
3.9.7 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 1<br />
3.9.8 Gazvoda: oblikovanje zelenih površin 1<br />
3.9.9 Zbašnik-Senegaènik: eko-logièna arhitektura<br />
3.9.10 Muhiè: splošna varnost<br />
3.9.11 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>konodaja Opomba: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje<br />
predavanja<br />
zimski<br />
vaje<br />
ind.delo<br />
predavanja<br />
poletni<br />
vaje<br />
ind.delo<br />
skupaj ur<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
letnik year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
Subject Semester<br />
Winter<br />
Summer<br />
YEAR 4<br />
A. oriented programme - ARCHITECTURE<br />
lectures<br />
exercise<br /><br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
Total hours<br />
ECTS<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
4.1 * Design studio 4 - - - - 10 10 300 21<br />
4.2 Košir History of urbanism 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.4 Koželj Methodology of urbanism 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.5 Fister Arch.rehabilitation and conservation 2 4 - - - - 90 6<br />
4.6 Bonèa M. Public buildings 2 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.7 Vodopivec Residential buildings 2 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.8 Košir Industrial buildings 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.9 ** Elective subjects - general - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
4.10 ** Elective subject - oriented - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
** Foreign language - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
12 2 12 0 6 10 0 10 0 750 60<br />
4.9 Elective subjects - general<br />
4.9.1 Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: Environmental psychology<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: General safety<br />
4.9.4 Toth: Basics of philosophy<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè. Art history 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan: Landscaping 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: Management in building<br />
4.9.8 +++: Building and urban planning legislature<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: Fine arts order 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: Design and equipment of ecclesiastic buildings<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: Standardisation<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and media<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: Lighting in architecture<br />
4.10 Elective subjects - oriented<br />
4.10.1 Kilar: Construction concepts<br />
4.10.2 Muhiè: Prefabrication<br />
4.10.3 Ocvirk: Refurbishment and renewal<br />
4.10.4 Leskovec: Recreational buildings<br />
4.10.5 Marinko: Elements of classical composition<br />
4.10.6 Vogelnik: Industrial structures<br />
4.10.7 Kalèiè: Detail in architectural composition 2<br />
4.10.8 Deu: Cultural heritage protection<br />
Notes: +++ Lecturer will be announced later.<br />
* (Explanation on page 28)<br />
** (Explanation on page 28)<br />
30 dodiplomski študij graduate course
PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA <strong>za</strong> šolsko leto 2003/2004<br />
šifra<br />
predavatelj predmet semester<br />
4.LETNIK<br />
A. usmeritveno podroèje ARHITEKTURA<br />
predavanja<br />
zimski<br />
vaje<br />
ind. delo<br />
predavanja<br />
poletni<br />
vaje<br />
ind.delo<br />
skupaj ure<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 - - - - 10 10 300 21<br />
4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 2 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 2 4 - - - - 90 6<br />
4.6 Bonèa M. družbene zgradbe 2 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.7 Vodopivec stanovanjske zgradbe 2 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.8 Košir industrijske zgradbe 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
4.10 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
** tuj jezik - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
12 2 12 0 6 10 0 10 0 750 60<br />
4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni<br />
4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost<br />
4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji<br />
4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>konodaja<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardi<strong>za</strong>cija<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: multimedijski prostor<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: Svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru<br />
4.10 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja<br />
4.10.1 Kilar: <strong>za</strong>snova konstrukcij<br />
4.10.2 Muhiè: gradbena prefabrikacija<br />
4.10.3 Ocvirk: asanacije in adaptacije<br />
4.10.4 Leskovec: rekreacijske zgradbe<br />
4.10.5 Marinko: elementi klasiène kompozicije<br />
4.10.6 Vogelnik: konstrukcije industrijskih objektov<br />
4.10.7 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 2<br />
4.10.8 Deu: celovito varstvo stavbne dedišèine<br />
Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje<br />
* (razlaga na strani 29)<br />
** (razlaga na strani 29)<br />
letnik year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
Subject Semester<br />
Winter<br />
Summer<br />
4. YEAR<br />
B. oriented programme - URBANISM<br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
Total hours<br />
ECTS<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
4.1 * Design studio 4 - - - - 10 10 300 21<br />
4.2 Košir History of urbanism 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.5 Fister Arch. rehabilitation and conservation 2 4 - - - 90 6<br />
4.11 Košir History of urbanism in Slovenia 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.12 Pogaènik Planning settlements 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.13 Gabrijelèiè Ruralism 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.9 ** Elective subjects - general - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
4.14 ** Elective subject - oriented - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
** Foreign language - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60<br />
4.9 Elective subjects - general<br />
4.9.1 Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: Environmental psychology<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: General safety<br />
4.9.4 Toth: Basics of philosophy<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè. Art history 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan: Landscaping 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: Management in building<br />
4.9.8 +++: Building and urban planning legislature<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: Fine arts order 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: Design and equipment of ecclesiastic buildings<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: Standardisation<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and media<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: Lighting in architecture<br />
4.14 Elective subjects - oriented<br />
4.14.1<br />
4.14.2<br />
4.14.3<br />
Gabrijelèiè: Landscape architecture and<br />
environment preservation<br />
Pogaènik: Physical planning<br />
+++: Spatial sociology<br />
Notes:+++ Lecturer will be announced later.<br />
* (Explanation on page 28)<br />
** (Explanation on page 28)<br />
32 dodiplomski študij graduate course
PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA <strong>za</strong> šolsko leto 2003/2004<br />
šifra<br />
predavatelj<br />
predmet semester<br />
4.LETNIK<br />
B. usmeritveno podroèje URBANIZEM<br />
predavanja<br />
vaje<br />
zimski<br />
ind. delo<br />
predavanja<br />
vaje<br />
poletni<br />
ind.delo<br />
skupaj ure<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 - - - - 10 10 300 21<br />
4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 2 4 - - - - 90 6<br />
4.11 Košir razvoj urbanizma na Slovenskem 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.12 Pogaènik naèrtovanje naselij 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.13 Gabrijelèiè rurizem 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
4.14 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
** tuj jezik - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60<br />
4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni<br />
4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost<br />
4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji<br />
4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>konodaja<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardi<strong>za</strong>cija<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: multimedijski prostor<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru<br />
4.14 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja<br />
4.14.1 Gabrijelèiè: krajinarstvo in varstvo okolja<br />
4.14.2 Pogaènik: prostorsko planiranje<br />
4.14.3 +++: prostorska sociologija<br />
Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje<br />
* (razlaga na strani 29)<br />
** (razlaga na strani 29)<br />
letnik year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
Subject Semester<br />
Winter<br />
Summer<br />
4. YEAR<br />
C. oriented programme - DESIGN<br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
Total hours<br />
ECTS<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
4.1 * Design studio 4 - - - - 10 10 300 21<br />
4.2 Košir History of urbanism 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.5 Fister Arch. rehabilitation and conservation 2 4 - - - - 90 6<br />
4.15 Kobe Interior design 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.16 Suhadolc Design of objects 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.17 Suhadolc Graphic design for architects 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.9 ** Elective subjects - general - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
4.18 ** Elective subject - oriented - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
** Foreign language - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60<br />
4.9 Elective subjects - general<br />
4.9.1 Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: Environmental psychology<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: General safety<br />
4.9.4 Toth: Basics of philosophy<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè. Art history 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan: Landscaping 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: Management in building<br />
4.9.8 +++: Building and urban planning legislature<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: Fine arts order 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: Design and equipment of ecclesiastic buildings<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: Standardisation<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and Media<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: Lighting in architecture<br />
4.18 Elective subjects - oriented<br />
4.18.1<br />
4.18.2<br />
4.18.3<br />
4.18.4<br />
Kobe: Advanced interior design<br />
Mihelj: Model making<br />
Kalèiè: Detail in interior<br />
Bonèa J.: Design concepts<br />
Notes:+++ Lecturer will be announced later.<br />
* (Explanation on page 28)<br />
** (Explanation on page 28)<br />
34 dodiplomski študij graduate course
PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA <strong>za</strong> šolsko leto 2003/2004<br />
Šifra<br />
predavatelj predmet semester<br />
zimski<br />
poletni<br />
4.LETNIK<br />
C. usmeritveno podroèje OBLIKOVANJE<br />
predavanja<br />
vaje<br />
ind. delo<br />
predavanja<br />
vaje<br />
ind.delo<br />
skupaj ure<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4 - - - - 10 10 300 21<br />
4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma 2 - - - - - 30 3<br />
4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija 1 1 - - - - 30 3<br />
4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo 2 4 - - - - 90 6<br />
4.15 Kobe oprema prostora 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.16 Suhadolc oblikovanje predmetov 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.17 Suhadolc grafika <strong>za</strong> arhitekte 2 2 - - - - 60 5<br />
4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
4.18 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
** tuj jezik - - - 2 - - 30 3<br />
12 12 0 6 10 10 750 60<br />
4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni<br />
4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost<br />
4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji<br />
4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>konodaja<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardi<strong>za</strong>cija<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: multimedijski prostor<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru<br />
4.18 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja<br />
4.18.1<br />
4.18.2<br />
4.18.3<br />
4.18.4<br />
Kobe: Oblikovanje prostora<br />
Mihelj: Modeliranje<br />
Kalèiè: Detajl v interierju<br />
Bonèa J.: Oblikovne <strong>za</strong>snove<br />
Opombe: +++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje<br />
* (razlaga na strani 29)<br />
** (razlaga na strani 29)<br />
letnik year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
GRADUATE COURSE SYLLABUS for the academic year 2003/2004<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
Subject Semester<br />
Winter<br />
9.SEMESTER<br />
lectures<br />
exercises<br /><br />
Total hours<br />
ECTS<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
5.1 * Design studio 5 - 15 10 375 30<br />
Thesis preparation 15<br />
Tot<br />
otal hours<br />
ECTS<br />
3375 285<br />
36 dodiplomski študij graduate course
PREDMETNIK DODIPLOMSKEGA ŠTUDIJA <strong>za</strong> šolsko leto 2003/2004<br />
šifra<br />
predavatelj<br />
predmet semester<br />
zimski<br />
9.SEMESTER<br />
predavanja<br />
vaje<br />
ind. delo<br />
skupaj ure<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
5.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 5 - 15 10 375 30<br />
diplomsko delo<br />
15<br />
kreditne<br />
toèke<br />
skupaj ure<br />
letnik year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
nosilci seminarjev design studio tutors<br />
Seminar 1. . letnik<br />
tnik Design studio 1<br />
Študentje bojo razdeljeni v skupine do <strong>za</strong>èetka letnega semestra<br />
Students will be divided into groups by the beginning of the summer semester<br />
Splošni seminarji - vpisujejo jo študenti 2. in 3. letnik<br />
tnika General al studios – enrolled by y 2. and 3. year ear students<br />
prof. dr. Miloš BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Vladimir BREZAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Peter FISTER, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Miloš FLORIJANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. mag. Peter GABRIJELÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Igor KALÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Fedja KOŠIR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Janez KOŽELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Janez KRESAL, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. dr. Boris LESKOVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Jože MARINKO, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. Èrtomir MIHELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Marjan OCVIRK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. Jurij KOBE, univ. dipl. inž. arh<br />
prof. dr. Mario PEROSSA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Vojteh RAVNIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. France RIHTAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Aleš VODOPIVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
38 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Usmerjeni seminarji - vpisujejo jo študenti 4. letnik<br />
tnika a in 9. semestr<br />
tra a (usmeritve e preds<br />
edstavi<br />
vijo jo nosilci seminarjev)<br />
v)<br />
Oriented studios – enrolled by 4. year and 9. semester students (guidelines are presented by studio<br />
leaders)<br />
doc. dr. Jaka BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Miloš BONÈA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Vladimir BREZAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. dr. Leon DEBEVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. dr. Živa DEU, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Peter FISTER, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Miloš FLORIJANÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. mag. Peter GABRIJELÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Borut JUVANEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Igor KALÈIÈ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Fedja KOŠIR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Janez KOŽELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Janez KRESAL, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. dr. Boris LESKOVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Jože MARINKO, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. Èrtomir MIHELJ, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Marjan OCVIRK, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. Jurij KOBE, univ. dipl. inž. arh<br />
prof. dr. Mario PEROSSA, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Vojteh RAVNIKAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. France RIHTAR, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. Janez SUHADOLC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
prof. dr. Aleš VODOPIVEC, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
doc. dr. Martina ZBAŠNIK-SENEGAÈNIK, univ. dipl. inž. arh<br />
doc. dr. Tadeja ZUPANÈIÈ STROJAN, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
splošni/usmerjeni seminarji general/specialized design studios<br />
seznam predmetov list of subjects<br />
YEAR 1<br />
1.1a<br />
1a<br />
* Design studio 1/1<br />
1.1b<br />
1b *<br />
Design studio 1/2<br />
1.2<br />
.2<br />
Založnik<br />
Mathematics<br />
1.3<br />
.3<br />
Muhiè<br />
Descriptive geometry<br />
1.4<br />
.4<br />
Kilar<br />
Basics of technical mechanics<br />
1.5<br />
.5<br />
Vogelnik<br />
Architectural constructions<br />
1.6<br />
.6<br />
Suhadolc<br />
Freehand drawing<br />
1.7<br />
.7<br />
Juvanec<br />
Elements of architecture<br />
Physical education<br />
Note:<br />
* Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops<br />
are conducted in the studio. In the framework of the 1st semester Design studio Presentations techniques are conducted (È.<br />
Mihelj, J. Bonèa, M. Perossa).<br />
40<br />
dodiplomski študij graduate course
I. LETNIK<br />
1.1a<br />
1a * projektiranje in kompozicija 1/1<br />
1.1b<br />
1b * projektiranje in kompozicija 1/2<br />
1.2<br />
.2 Založnik matematika<br />
1.3<br />
.3 Muhiè opisna geometrija<br />
1.4<br />
.4 Kilar osnove e tehniške e mehanike<br />
1.5<br />
.5 Vogelnik arhitektne konstrukcije<br />
1.6<br />
.6 Suhadolc prostoroèno risanje<br />
1.7<br />
.7 Juvanec elementi arhitekture<br />
telesna vzgoja<br />
Opomba:<br />
* Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno<br />
omejene arhitekturne delavnice. V prvem semestru se v okviru Projektiranja in kompozicije izvajajo Predstavitvene tehnike (È. Mihelj,<br />
J. Bonèa, M. Perossa).<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
letnik<br />
I. letnik 105 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
doc. Èrtomir Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh., doc. dr. Jaka Bonèa, univ. dipl inž. arh., prof. dr. Mario<br />
Perossa, univ. dipl. inž. arh<br />
- Neufert, E.: Bauentwurslehre, F. Vieweg & Sohn, Wiesbaden 1996<br />
- Giedion, S.: Raum, Zeit, Architektur, Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1965<br />
- Janson, H. W.: History of Art, Harry N. Abrams, New York 1987<br />
- Graefe. Graefe: Zur Geschichte des Konstruierens, Deutche Verlag-Anstalt,Stuttgart 1989<br />
- Dodge F. W.: Time-Saver Standards, F.W. Dodge Corporation, New York 1967<br />
Predstavitvene tehnike<br />
Vsebina: Povezovanje narave in geometrije. Povezovanje funkcije in tehnologije. Izražanje arhitekturne <strong>za</strong>misli z risbo<br />
in modelom. Skica, naèrt, maketa. Risalno orodje. Tehniène in likovne lastnosti arhitekturnega objekta. Sestavine<br />
naèrta: merilo, projekcije. Risanje èrtnih geometrijskih oblik. Prostoroèna pisava. Projektna mreža: konstruiranje èrk in<br />
številk. Osnove modularne kompozicije; toskanski red po Vignoli. Pravila kotiranja. Uporaba razliènih projekcij.<br />
Oznaèbe materialov in tehniènih elementov v naèrtih. Linearna in materialna skica. Risanje stavbnih elementov<br />
(arhitekture, konstrukcije in instalacij) in notranje opreme v razliènih merilih. Prikaz prostora v razliènih projekcijah in<br />
merilih z risbo in modelom.<br />
Presentation techniques<br />
Contents: Connecting nature and geometry, function and technology. Expressing architectural ideas by models. Sketch,<br />
drawing and model. Drawing tools. Technical and artistic characteristics of architectural objects. Elements of plan:<br />
scale, projections. Drawing of linear geometric forms. Free-hand writing. Planning grid; design of letters and numbers.<br />
Basics of modular composition: Tuscan order by Vignola. Rules of dimensional data presentation, use of projections.<br />
Denotation of materials and technical elements in plans. Linear and material sketch. Building elements (architecture,<br />
structure and instalations) , fittings and furnishing symbols. Presentation of space in various projections and scales:<br />
drawings and model.<br />
42<br />
42 dodiplomski studij graduate course
I. letnik 105 ur<br />
Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju (glej stran 38). Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno<br />
omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio (see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural<br />
workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega<br />
biroja ali ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima<br />
svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve šole (Pleènik,<br />
Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se<br />
namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike<br />
(veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo.<br />
The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises).<br />
The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space<br />
(seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being<br />
pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) but has since been subject to changes. Today the method<br />
is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work, new, vital and real<br />
issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more field work, workshops, competitions). The students’<br />
projects are publicly exhibited annually.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
I. letnik 90 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
doc. dr. Aleš Založnik, univ. dipl. inž. mat.<br />
- Grasselli: Linearna algebra, DMFA Slovenije, Ljubljana 1986<br />
- Jamnik: Matematika, DMFA Slovenije, Ljubljana 1990<br />
- Smullyan: Poznate naslov te knjige?, DZS, Ljubljana 1987<br />
- Vidav: Višja matematika, DMFA Slovenije, Ljubljana 1990<br />
Cilji: Spoznati nova in utrditi že znana matematièna orodja in njihovo uporabo; razvijati sposobnost matematiènega<br />
naèina razmišljanja (abstrakcija, logika); krepiti smisel <strong>za</strong> sistematiènost, jasnost in preciznost pri reševanju problemov<br />
in pri interpretaciji ter pisni in ustni predstavitvi njihovih rešitev; olajšati razumevanje strokovne literature in komunikacije<br />
z inženirji.<br />
Vsebina: Osnove matematiène logike; vektorji z uporabo v analitièni geometriji; sistemi linearnih enaèb z metodami<br />
reševanja; realna števila – osnova analize, neskonènost, številka <strong>za</strong>poredja in vrste; funkcije ene realne spremenljivke,<br />
elementarne funkcije, limita in zveznost; odvod z uporabo pri ekstremalnih problemih; integral, zve<strong>za</strong> z odvodom;<br />
krivulje in ploskve v prostoru.<br />
Goals: To discover new and rediscover known mathematical tools and their uses; develop the ability to think mathematically<br />
(abstraction, logic); strengthen the sense for systematic approach, clarity and precision, both in the<br />
process of solving problems, as well as in (written or oral) presentation of solutions; simplify understanding of literature<br />
and communication with engineers.<br />
Contents: Basics of mathematical logic; vectors and their use in analytical geometry; systems of linear equations with<br />
solution methods; real numbers – introduction to analysis, infinity, sequences and series; functions of one real variable,<br />
elementary functions, limits and continuity; differentiation with applications to extreme problems; integration<br />
and it’s connection with differentiation; curves and surfaces in space.<br />
44<br />
44 dodiplomski studij graduate course
1. letnik 90 ur<br />
doc. dr. Alojz Muhiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Sajovic, Oton: Opisna geometrija I., DZS, Ljubljana 1951<br />
- Jeran, Fran, Sajovic, Oton: Osnove opisne geometrije, DZS, Ljubljana 1958<br />
- Božièeviæ, Juraj: Deskriptivna geometrija, Zagreb 1958<br />
- Nièe, Vilko: Deskriptivna geometrija I in II, Školska knjiga, 1991<br />
- Sajovic, Oton: Normalna aksonometrija, MK, Ljubljana 1962<br />
- Božièeviæ, Juraj: Linearna perspektiva, Zagreb 1942<br />
Vsebina: Zgodovinski razvoj opisne geometrije in njenih vej. Aksiomatika projektivne geometrije. Projektivnost in<br />
perspektivnost. Desarguesov izrek. Perspektivna kolineacija in afiniteta. Osnove projiciranja, eno- in dvoprojekcijski<br />
sestavi. Mongeova projekcija. Projiciranje toèke, premice in ravnine. Slednice, soslednice, padnice in normale ravnin.<br />
Stranski risi in vrtenje kot pomožne operacije. Pet osnovnih pozicijskih nalog. Sedem osnovnih metriènih nalog. Liki in<br />
telesa. Prebodi, preseki in predori ravnin in teles. Sence kot sistem poševne projekcije. Aksonometrièna projekcija<br />
(ortogonalna, poševna, vojaška, kavalirska). Izometrija, dimetrija in trimetrija. Osnovne pozicijske in metriène naloge v<br />
aksonometriji. Centralna projekcija. Sestav perspektivnega in koordinatnega sistema. Ve<strong>za</strong>na – arhitektna in<br />
neve<strong>za</strong>na – slikarska perspektiva. Osnovne pozicijske in metriène naloge v perspektivi. Risanje likov in teles ter sence v<br />
perspektivi.<br />
Contents: The history of descriptive geometry and it segments. Axiomatics of projective geometry. Projectivity and<br />
perspectivity. Desargue’s statement. Perspective colineation and affinity. Basics of projection, one- and two- projection<br />
systems. Monge’s projection. Projecting of point, line and plane. Trail lines, parallel trail lines, decline lines and<br />
perpendicular lines of planes. Side projections and rotation as auxiliary methods. Five basic positioning tasks. Seven<br />
basic metrical tasks. Figures and bodies. Piercing, sectioning and breaking through of plains and volumes. Shadows<br />
as a system of oblique projection. Axonometric projection (orthogonal, oblique, military, cavalier). Isometry, diametry<br />
and trimetry. Basic positioning and metrical tasks in axonometrics. Central projection. Combination of perspective<br />
and coordinative systems. Bound – architectural and free – painter’s perspective. Basic positioning and metrical<br />
tasks in perspective. Drawing of figures, bodies and shadows in perspective.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
1. letnik 105 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
doc. dr. Vojko Kilar, univ. dipl. inž. grad.<br />
- Salvadori, M.: Konstrukcije v arhitekturi, DZS, Ljubljana 1979<br />
- Dobovišek, B.: Osnove tehniške mehanike, povzetek predavanj, FA, Ljubljana 1998<br />
- Benedik, B. S.: Statika konstrukcij, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo, Maribor 1998<br />
- McGill, D. J. and King, W. W.: Engineering mechanics, statics, PWS-KENT, Boston 1989<br />
- Nash, W. A.: Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of strength of materials, McGraw-Hill 1994<br />
Osnove tehniške mehanike je predmet, ki študente arhitekture uvaja v osnovne <strong>za</strong>kone tehniène mehanike in jim daje osnovna znanja, ki jih<br />
potrebujejo pri drugih statièno-konstrukcijskih predmetih v višjih letnikih. Vsebina predmeta pokriva pomembnejša poglavja osnov statike, v <strong>za</strong>dnjih<br />
letih pa dajemo veèji poudarek tudi na prikazu praktiènih primerov uporabe pridobljenega znanja. Poleg praktiènih primerov in filmov ter<br />
diapozitivov uporabljamo tudi modelne vaje (izdelava modelov konstrukcij iz lesa) in animacije z raèunalniškimi programi. Vsebina: Zakoni<br />
mehanike, sila, moment, napetost, ravnotežje, zunanje in notranje sile, ravninski sestav sil, reakcije ravninskih konstrukcij, statièna nedoloèenost,<br />
prednosti in slabosti statièno nedoloèenih konstrukcij. Osne sile, napetosti, deformacije, Hookov <strong>za</strong>kon, elastiènost, plastiènost, vitkost, uklon,<br />
dimenzioniranje na uklon, praktièni primeri. Osnovne mehanske lastnosti gradiv (armirani beton, jeklo, les, aluminij, steklo, plastika), kriteriji <strong>za</strong> izbiro<br />
gradiva (odnosi: teža, nosilnost cena). Palièja, osne sile in približno dimenzioniranje, primeri uporabe. Vrvi, vrvne konstrukcije, poenostavljen raèun<br />
vrvi, primeri uporabe. Geometrijske karakteristike in njihov raèun: prerez, težišèe, statièni, vztrajnostni in odpornostni momenti. Upogibne konstrukcije,<br />
upogib, upogibni moment, preèna sila, upogibne napetosti, primeri upogibnih nosilcev. Ravninsko napetostno stanje, kombinacija upogiba in osne<br />
sile; jedro prere<strong>za</strong>, temelji. Statièno doloèene konstrukcije, nosilci, sestavljeni nosilci, okvirji, loki in njihovo obnašanje. Prostorske konstrukcije, reakcije,<br />
notranje sile, primeri (brane, plošèe, poliedriène lupine, membrane, tanke lupine in prostorska palièja). Torzija, polarni vztrajnostni moment, napetosti<br />
pri torziji, odprti in <strong>za</strong>prti prerezi, praktièni primeri torzije v stavbah (jedra, nesimetrija…) Sovisnosti med kolièinami stanja, upogibnica, raèunanje<br />
deformacij po metodi virtualnega dela. Osnove statièno nedoloèenih konstrukcij; metoda sil.<br />
The course Introduction to technical mechanics gives students the basic principles of technical mechanics and fundamental knowledge needed for<br />
other statics and construction courses in senior years. The subject’s contents cover the most important chapters of basic statics, while in the latest<br />
years emphasis is given to presentations of practical examples of using obtained knowledge. Besides practical examples, films and slides we also<br />
use modelling exercises (constructing wooden construction models) and computer program animations. Contents: Laws of mechanics, force,<br />
momentum, tension, balance, internal and external forces, planar composition of forces, reactions of planar constructions, static indeterminacy,<br />
advantages and weaknesses of statically indeterminate constructions. Axial forces, tension, deformations, Hook’s Law, elasticity, plasticity, slenderness,<br />
bending, dimensioning on bending, practical examples. Basic mechanical properties of materials (reinforced concrete, steel, timber, aluminium, glass,<br />
plastics), criteria for choosing materials (relations: weight, load-bearing capacity, price). Frames (trusses), axial forces and approximate<br />
dimensioning, examples of use. Geometrical characteristics and their calculation: cross section; gravity centre; moments of inertia. Bending constructions,<br />
bending, bending momentums, axial force, bending stress, examples of bending constructions. Planar stress condition, combination of bending<br />
and axial forces; cross-section core, foundations. Statically determined constructions, beams, Gerber beams, frames (trusses), arches and their<br />
behaviour. Spatial constructions, reactions, internal forces, examples (grids, plates, polyhedrical domes, membranes, thin domes and spatial trusses).<br />
Torsion, polar moment of inertia, stress in torsion, open and closed cross-sections, practical examples of torsion in buildings (cores, asymmetry...).<br />
Relations between moments, shear forces and deformations, calculating deformations by the virtual work method. Basics of statically undefined<br />
constructions; method of forces.<br />
46<br />
46 dodiplomski studij graduate course
I. letnik 105 ur<br />
prof. dr. Blaž Vogelnik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Osnovni principi geomehanike. Temeljenje visokih zgradb (plitvo in globoko); toèkovni, pasovni temelji,<br />
temeljne plošèe, teorija nosilca na podajni podlagi, berlinski zid, temeljenje s koli. Armiranobetonske konstrukcije:<br />
vertikalno nosilni elementi (stebri, stene, zidovi); stropne konstrukcije (enosmerna in križnoarmirana plošèa, gobasta<br />
plošèa, filigranski strop, rebrièasti strop, π plošèa, rebrasti strop, sovprežni stropovi, prednapeti stropovi). Jeklene<br />
konstrukcije: stebri izi osnovnih profilov in kombinacije; nosilci iz osnovnih profilov, satasti nosilci, ravninska in<br />
prostorska predalèja, R nosilci. Okvirji: ravninski in prostorski, doloèanje uklonskih dolžin po teoriji I. reda, teorija II.<br />
reda (faktorji varnosti, imperfekcija, iteracija). Lesene konstrukcije: stebri (klasièni in kombinirani), nosilci (klasièni,<br />
zmoznièeni, lepljeni, predalèni). Ostrešja: špirovci, lege, škarje, <strong>za</strong>vetrovanje<br />
Contents: Basic principles of ground mechanics. Building foundations (deep and shallow); point, ribbon foundations,<br />
slab foundations; theory of beam on flexible support; Berlin wall, pilot foundations. Reinforced concrete structures:<br />
vertical load bearing element (columns, walls); ceiling structures (one way and cross reinforced slab, mushroom slab,<br />
filigree slab, ribbed ceiling, slab, composite ceiling structures, pre-stressed ceiling). Steel structures: columns of standard<br />
and combined sections, beams of standard and combined sections, honeycomb beams, two and three dimensional<br />
girder beams, R beams. Frames: two and three dimensional; determining of buckling length according to theory<br />
of I. and II. degree (safety factors, imperfection, iteration). Timber structures: columns (classical and combined), beams<br />
(classical and combined, tree-locked, glued). Roof structures: rafters, beams, bracers, shear reinforcement.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
1. letnik 90 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. Janez Suhadolc, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Raèki, Tone: Vešèina risanja I in II, ZKO Slovenije, Ljubljana 1993<br />
- Bagnall, Brian: Risanje in slikanje, Tehniška <strong>za</strong>ložba Slovenije, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Magjer, Nedeljko: Umjeæe crtanja, A. Cesarec, Zagreb 1985<br />
- Maier: Basic Principles of Design, Van Nostrand & Reinhold, Basel 1986<br />
Vsebina: Transformacija prostorske miselne <strong>za</strong>snove v strukturo na papirju. Osnovne linearne perspektive. Racionalni<br />
pristop in kritièno preverjanje risanja v vseh sekvencah nastajanja. Risanje po modelu: risanje preprostih geometrijskih<br />
teles, kosov pohištva, strojnih delov, arhitekturnih maket in arhitekturnega pejsaža. Transformacija vidne <strong>za</strong>znave v<br />
èrtno strukturo. Risanje po spominu: razèlenitev objektov na smiselne kompozicijske enote, memoriranje in izris. Risanje<br />
po domišljiji – v skladu s temeljnim smotrom predmeta.<br />
Contents: Translation of spatial mind concepts into structures on paper. Basics of linear perspective. Rational approach<br />
and critical appraisal of drawing in every progress stage. Model drawing: drawing of simple geometrical<br />
bodies, furniture, mechanical parts, architectural models and architectural landscapes. Transformation of visual<br />
perception into linear structure. Drawing by memory: analysing objects by sensible compositional units, memorising<br />
and drawing. Drawing by imagination – in accordance with basic aims of the subject.<br />
48<br />
48 dodiplomski studij graduate course
I. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof.dr. Borut Juvanec, univ.dipl.inž.arh.<br />
- Ching, F. D. K.: Architecture: Space, Form & Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1979<br />
- Fister, Peter: Umetnost stavbarstva na Slovenskem, CZ, Ljubljana 1986<br />
- Fletcher, Banister: History of Architecture, Butterworths 1996<br />
- Joussaume: Megaliti, Jaca Book, Milano 1992<br />
- Juvanec, Borut: Arhitektura pri Lenartu, MOP, Ljubljana 1998<br />
- Juvanec, Borut: Kozolec (, Internet, Ljubljana 1996<br />
- Juvanec, Borut: Kvadrat in kocka, gradivo, Ljubljana 1985<br />
- Juvanec, Borut: Hiša, razvoj hiše, Izbor iz raziskovalnih nalog, Ljubljana 1988<br />
- Petroviæ, D.: Teoretièari proporcija, Zodijak, Beograd 1967<br />
Namen predmeta je predstavitev arhitekture kot problematike oblikovanja prostora. Elementi arhitekture kot predmet <strong>za</strong>okrožuje problematiko<br />
arhitekture od teorije do izvedbe. Teorija se naslanja na prvobitne izvedbe, na izkušnje prvih graditeljev, z razvojem skozi tisoèletja vse do<br />
sistemski rešitev oblikovanja, arhitekture in prostorskega naèrtovanja. Praksa povezuje <strong>za</strong>snovo, detajl in celoto. Pri tem razvija sociološke<br />
poglede na stroko v humanem okolju. Teorija potrjuje izvedbe v praksi, z znanjem naèel inženirstva in na podlagi teoretiènega znanja<br />
matematike, predvsem pri proporcioniranju, ki veže tehnièno izvedbo z estetiko, komponente pa povezuje po lastnostih, obnašanju in po<br />
uporabi z znanjem tehnike in tehnologij. V razvoju z analitiènimi metodami dokumentiranja analizira in dokazuje nekatere praktiène izvedbe.<br />
Vse to je vgrajeno v interdisciplinarne projekte, ki vežejo <strong>arhitekturo</strong> z arheologijo, etnologijo in sociologijo v okviru tehnike in inženirskih<br />
znanj. To <strong>za</strong>hteva vsaj temelje znanj komunikologije, ki jih ob izdelavi praktiènih vaj (klavzurke in programi) aplicira z inovativnostjo in<br />
kreativnostjo v smiselne celote. Pri tem je znanje jezikov kljuènega pomena <strong>za</strong> povezovanje z drugimi strokami, pa tudi z drugimi arhitekturami<br />
evropskega prostora. Med drugo vsebino predavanj so najpomembnejše teoretske osnove (tloris, konstrukcija) od prvobitnih rešitev do<br />
danes, razvoj, red (proporcije: sistemi in nekatere rešitve), estetika in dekoracija, vernakularna arhitektura kot temelj <strong>za</strong> današnjo, konstrukcijski<br />
sistemi, kompozicija in sistem dela pri <strong>za</strong>htevnih projektih. Cilj je pregledno poznavanje arhitekture med teorijo in prakso.<br />
The purpose of the course is to present architecture as an issue of spatial design. It comprehensively presents architectural issues from theory<br />
to execution. Theory rests on primeval constructions, experiences of early builders, development through the millennia, all the way to systems<br />
solutions in design, architecture and physical planning. Practice connects layouts, details and the whole and also develops sociological<br />
aspects of the profession in a humane environment. Theory confirms practical achievements, i.e. knowledge about principles of engineering<br />
that are grounded in theoretical mathematical knowledge, above all proportioning, which is the link between technical completion and<br />
aesthetics, while components are connected according to their properties, behaviour and use based on technical and technological<br />
knowledge. During development with analytical methods of documentation it proves certain practical achievements. All are integrated into<br />
interdisciplinary projects that tie architecture to archaeology, ethnology and sociology, within the framework of technical knowledge and<br />
engineering. This demands at least basic knowledge about communication that is applied with innovation and creativity into sensible entities<br />
in execution of practical exercises (closing tests and programmes). Hereby knowledge of languages is extremely important, which enables<br />
links to other professions, as well as the entire European architectural space. Other important contents of the course are theoretical foundations<br />
(layout, construction) from primeval to contemporary solutions, development, order (proportions: systems and certain solutions),<br />
aesthetics and decoration, vernacular architecture as the predecessor of contemporary architecture, construction systems, composition and<br />
systems of working on demanding projects. The goal is an overview of architectural knowledge ranging from theory to practise.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
seznam predmetov list of subjects<br />
YEAR 2<br />
2.1<br />
2.2<br />
2.3<br />
2.4<br />
2.5<br />
2.6<br />
2.7<br />
2.8<br />
* Design studio 2<br />
Kušar<br />
Structural and dimensional design<br />
Kobe<br />
Colour studies<br />
Ravnikar<br />
Elements of design and composition<br />
Rihtar<br />
Elements of urban design<br />
Marinko<br />
History of architecture<br />
Kresal<br />
Building technology and materials in architecture<br />
Medved Technology of building utilities<br />
Physical education<br />
Note:<br />
* Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 38).<br />
Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
50<br />
50 dodiplomski študij graduate course
2. LETNIK<br />
2.1<br />
2.2<br />
2.3<br />
2.4<br />
2.5<br />
2.6<br />
2.7<br />
2.8<br />
* projektiranje in kompozicija 2<br />
Kušar<br />
konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje<br />
Kobe<br />
barvne vne študi<br />
tudije<br />
je<br />
Ravnikar<br />
elementi oblikovanja in kompozicije<br />
Rihtar<br />
elementi urbanizma<br />
Marinko<br />
zgodovina arhitekture<br />
Kresal<br />
tehnologija gradnje in gradivo v arhitekturi<br />
Medved<br />
tehnologija instalacij<br />
telesna vzgoja<br />
Opomba:<br />
* Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38).<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
letnik<br />
II. letnik 285 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
izbrani mentor/elected mentor<br />
Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej strani 38, 39).<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent<br />
(see pages 38, 39). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega<br />
biroja ali ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima<br />
svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve šole (Pleènik,<br />
Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se<br />
namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike<br />
(veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo.<br />
The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises).<br />
The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space<br />
(seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being<br />
pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) and has since been subject to changes. Today the method<br />
is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work new, vital and real<br />
issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more filed work, workshops, competitions). The students’<br />
projects are publicly exhibited annually.<br />
52 dodiplomski studij graduate course
II. letnik 90 ur<br />
prof. dr. Jože Kušar, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Kušar J.: Osnove, Uèbenik <strong>za</strong> Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 1999<br />
- Kušar J., Slivnik L., Wallner E.: Priroènik, Priroènik <strong>za</strong> Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Wallner E.: Vaje 1. del, Zbirka vaj <strong>za</strong> Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje, FA, Ljubljana 2000<br />
- Kušar J.: Gradivo <strong>za</strong> uporabo Evrokod standardov, Uèbenik <strong>za</strong> Konstruiranje in dimenzioniranje,<br />
FA, Ljubljana 1999<br />
- Schneider K. J.: Bautabellen für Ingenieure mit Berechnungshinweisen und beispielen, Werner Verlag,<br />
Düsseldorf 2002<br />
- Egger H., Beck H., Mandl P.: Tragwerkselemente, B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart 1996<br />
- Beg D.: Projektiranje jeklenih konstrukcij po evropskem predstandardu ENV 1993-1-1 , FGG,<br />
Ljubljana 1999<br />
- Rogaè R., Saje F., Lozej M.: Priroènik <strong>za</strong> dimenzioniranje armiranobetonskih konstrukcij po metodi<br />
mejnih stanj, FGG, Ljubljana 1989<br />
- Bohm A., Geiger A., Valentin G.: Stahlbetonbau, Mainz Verlag, Wien 1994<br />
Vsebino predmeta opredeljujejo tematsko <strong>za</strong>okrožena poglavja o <strong>za</strong>snovi nosilne konstrukcije ter izboru dimenzij po<br />
posameznih konstrukcijskih podroèjih in materialih v skladu z doloèili enotnih evropskih standardov (Structural<br />
Eurocodes). Pri predavanjih in vajah se obravnava: Osnove projektiranja in vplivi na konstrukcije, projektiranje<br />
betonskih konstrukcij, projektiranje sovprežnih konstrukcij, projektiranje lesenih konstrukcij, projektiranje zidanih<br />
konstrukcij , geotehnièno projektiranje, projektiranje konstrukcij na potresnih podroèjih, projektiranje konstrukcij iz<br />
aluminijevih zlitin. Pri vsaki vrsti konstrukcije je obravnavan zgodovinski razvoj, tehnologija proizvodnje in vgrajevanja,<br />
uporaba predpisov, normativov in standardov, naèin dimenzioniranja elementov in zgradb po predpisih, sistemih<br />
<strong>za</strong>snove in povezovanja konstrukcijskih elementov, tendence razvoja in možnosti uporabe v prihodnosti.<br />
The subject’s contents are defined by thematical, comprehensive chapters dealing with concepts of load bearing<br />
constructions and choice of dimensions for particular construction fields and materials, which follow regulations<br />
stipulated in structural Eurocodes. Contents of the subject are: basis of design and actions on structures, design of<br />
concrete structures, design of steel structures, design of composite steel and concrete structures, design of timber<br />
structures, design of masonry structures, geotechnical design, design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures,<br />
design of aluminium structures. Each type of structure is described through its historical development, as well as<br />
technology of production and site positioning, the use of by-laws, standards and norms, the methods of determining<br />
dimensions of elements and buildings according to standards, system of concept design and combining structural<br />
elements, tendencies in future development and use.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
II. letnik 90 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
doc. Jurij Kobe, univ. dipl. inž. arh<br />
- Albers,<br />
- Didek,<br />
- Frieling,<br />
- Itten,<br />
- Kueppers,<br />
- Vasarelly<br />
- monografije domaèih in tujih impresionistov<br />
monographies of domestic and foreign impresionists<br />
Vsebina: Teoretiène <strong>za</strong>konitosti mešanja barvnih pigmentov in barvnih svetlob. Barvne teorije po Ittenu in Munsellu.<br />
Naravni barvni sestav NCS in RAL razpredelnica. Reprodukcija in izdelava barvnih kart. Barvni krog in barvni<br />
vzorec; simultani kontrast, barvni premik in vrednotenje. Barvne osnove impresionistov in Bauhausa (Albers, Itten,<br />
Kandinsky, Vasarely). Barve v zunanjem in notranjem prostoru (fasade, dekoracija, ilustracija, reklama). Poslikave v<br />
arhitekturi (Vurnik, Pleènik, Kralj, Pengov). Poslikava porušenih evropskih mest po 2. svetovni vojni. Tehnike: risba,<br />
akvarel, gvaš, tempera. Barve in raèunalnik.<br />
Contents: Theoretical laws of mixing colour pigments and coloured light. Colour theories according to Itten and<br />
Munsell. Natural colour system, NCS and RAL tables. Reproduction and production of colour charts. Colour circle<br />
and colour pattern; simultaneous contrast, colour shift and evaluation. Impressionist and Bauhaus colour basics<br />
(Albers, Itten, Kandinsky, Vasarely). Colour in the exterior and interior (facades, decoration, illustration, advertising).<br />
Painting in architecture (Vurnik, Pleènik, Kralj, Pengov). Colour schemes in damaged European cities after WW2.<br />
Technique and skill in drawing, watercolour, gouache, tempera. Colours and computers.<br />
54 dodiplomski studij graduate course
II. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. Vojteh Ravnikar, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Sitte, C.: Umetniško oblikovanje mest, Habitat, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Bacon, E.: Design of Cities, Thames & Hudson, London 1995<br />
- Norber – Schulz, C.: Meaning in Western Architecture, Rizzoli, New York 1993<br />
- Pevsner, N.: Oris evropske arhitekture, DZS, Ljubljana 1966<br />
- Frampton, K.: Modern Architecture – A Critical History, Thames & Hudson, London 1996<br />
- Vodopivec, A. Koželj J. Iz arhitekture, Hac via, Ljubljana 1991<br />
- Koselj, N.: Arhitektura 60 let v Sloveniji, AB – posebna izdaja, Ljubljana 1995<br />
- Venturi, R.: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, MOMA, New York 1983<br />
- Fisselada, M.: Raumplan vs Plan libre, Delft UP, Delft 1988<br />
Vsebina: Uvod – miselni okvir. Dvodimenzionalnost talne ploskve. Projektna mreža kot naèin <strong>za</strong> analizo horizontalno<br />
izražene geometrije prostora. Prehod v tretjo dimenzijo. Odnos èrta – pika kot zid – steber. Odèitavanje stanja v<br />
prostoru. Kontekst. Prilagajanje projektne mreže obstojeèi strukturi prostora. Definicija odnosov med horizontalnimi<br />
nivoji arhitekturnega sklopa. Streha in pod, ki definirata vsebino zgradbe. Streha kot izraz odnosa med zgradbo in<br />
nebom, pod kot izraz odnosa med zgradbo in tlemi. Zid kot opna in mesto komunikacije (fasada). Fasada kot<br />
nagovor in sporoèilo o prostoru, ki ga obdaja. Odvisnost fasade od konstrukcije, materialov in kompozicijskih<br />
<strong>za</strong>konitosti. Perforacija fasade; okna, vrata. Stopnice kot pove<strong>za</strong>va med nivoji, njihov funkcionalni in semantièni<br />
vidik. Arhitekturni volumen. Vogal kot mesto sreèanja zgradbe z urbanim okoljem.<br />
Contents: Introduction – frame of mind. Two-dimensionality of the floor surface. Project net as a method for analysing<br />
horizontally expressed spatial geometry. Transition to the third dimension. The relationship point – line as wall –<br />
column. Monitoring space conditions. Context. Accommodating the project grid to existing spatial structure. Definition<br />
of relations between horizontal levels of an architectural complex. The roof and floor that define the contents of<br />
a building. The roof as an expression of the relation between the building and the sky, the floor as a definition of the<br />
relation between the building and the ground. The wall as the envelope and place of communication (facade). The<br />
facade as membrane and information about the space within. Interdependence of facade and structure, materials<br />
and composition rules. Perforation of the façade: windows, doors. Stairs as a connection between levels, their<br />
functional and semantic aspect. Architectural volume. The corner as the meeting place between the building and<br />
urban environment.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
II. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. France Rihtar, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Rihtar, F., Zupanèiè Strojan, T.: Prostor mesta, skripta, FA 1996<br />
- Greed, C., Roberts, M. (ur.): Introducing urban design, Essex, Addison Wesley Longman<br />
Limited 1998<br />
- Moughtin, C.: Urban design: method & techniques, Oxford, Arch. Press 1999<br />
- Rihtar, France, Rihtar, Katja: Koherence v prostoru na primeru vasi Volèji grad pri Komnu,<br />
Ljubljana, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> 1996<br />
- Rihtar, F.: Metodologija naèrtovanja V, Zbornik ljubljanske šole <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, 1982,<br />
str. 99-125<br />
- Turner, T.: City as landscape - a Post-postmodern view of design and planning, London,<br />
Glasgow, Weinheim, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, Madras, E&FN Spon1996<br />
- Hertzberger, H.: Space and the architect, Lessons in arch. 2, Rotterdam, 010 Publishers 2000<br />
- Trstenjak, A.: Ekološka psihologija: problemi in perspektive, Ljubljana, Gospodarski<br />
vestnik 1984<br />
- Moughtin, C., Oc., T., Tiesdell, S.: Urban Design: Ornament and Decoration, Oxford,<br />
Butterworth Architecture 1995<br />
- Moughtin, C.: Urban design: street and square, Oxford [etc.], Architectural Press, an imprint<br />
of Butterworth-Heinemannn 1999<br />
- Richards, B.: Transport in cities, London, Arch. design and Tech. Press 1990<br />
Cilj in naziv predmeta: Razumevanje razmerij znotraj urbano-naselbinskega prostora in postopek projekta v aktualnih ekoloških pogojih<br />
(‘urban design’). Soodvisnost materialne kulture strukture okolja: narava – družba – v prostoru in èasu s poudarkom na mikro-ravni v<br />
percepcijskem in izkustvenem odnosu ter preverjanje z abstraktnimi, deduktivnimi vzorci.<br />
Program predmeta: Zgodovinski in kulturno tipièni razvoj kot izvorno in izkustveno sporoèilo, ki se sooèa z aktualno družbeno<br />
gospodarsko situacijo in globanimi trendi iz stroke. Metodološki postopek objektivnega in subjektivnega preverjanja stanja,<br />
komunikacije v prostoru, struktura in oblike, pasivna in aktivna <strong>za</strong>šèita življenja v naselju, konkretni ukrepi in normativi.<br />
Individualne vaje <strong>za</strong>jemajo konkretne primere iz mikro-ravni.<br />
Goal and name of the subject: Understanding relations in the urban-settlement space and project procedure in real ecological<br />
circumstances (‘urban design’). Interdependence of material culture of the environmental structure: nature – society – in space and<br />
time, with emphasis on the micro-level in perceptive and experiential relation and checked by abstract, deductive patterns.<br />
Subject programme: Historical and culturally typical development as an original and experiential message, which meets with actual<br />
societal and economic conditions and global professional trends. Methodological approach to objective and subjective assessment of<br />
conditions, spatial communication, structure and form, passive and active preservation of life in settlements, real measures and norms.<br />
Individual exercises include real examples from the micro-level.<br />
56 dodiplomski studij graduate course
II. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. dr. Jože Marinko, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Marinko, J.: Antièna arhitektura, Družina, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Vitruvius, M. P.: De Architectura libri decem (v razliènih prevodih)<br />
- Svetska arhitektura, Ilustrovana istorija, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1967<br />
- Choisy, A.: Histoire de l’architecture, Ed. Vincent, Treal & Co., Paris 1954<br />
- Mansbridge, J.: Graphic History of Architecture, B. T. Batsford, London 1967<br />
- Fletcher, B.: A History of Architecture, Butterworths, London 1987<br />
- Grabrijan, D.: Zgodovina arhitekture, prosto po Choisy-ju, Ljubljana 1952<br />
Cilj in namen predmeta: Arhitektura je kot sestavni del èlovekove aktivnosti dialektièno pove<strong>za</strong>na z razvojem družbe, delo<br />
arhitekta pa je sestavljeno iz tehniène in umetniške komponente. Osnova <strong>za</strong> sodobno teorijo arhitekture je v preuèevanju<br />
dosedanjega razvoja arhitekture in analizi pove<strong>za</strong>v tega razvoja s splošnimi silnicami razvoja èloveške družbe. Študent se<br />
seznani z razvojem arhitekture do konca antike. Osvoji osnove arhitekturnega jezika. Spoznava <strong>za</strong>konitosti nastanka in<br />
razvoja naselij in arhitekture. Poglablja se v tehniko in kompozicijo arhitekturnih spomenikov. Raziskuje vplive na kasnejši<br />
razvoj arhitekture. Ob problemsko <strong>za</strong>stavljenih vprašanjih se usposablja <strong>za</strong> kritièno vrednotenje in prenašanje izkušenj v<br />
današnji èas (aktuali<strong>za</strong>cija tem).<br />
Celotna snov je razdeljena v naslednje teme: osnove metodologije študija in vrednotenja arhitekture; prazgodovina, Egipt,<br />
Mezopotamija, Perzija; maloazijske in egejske civili<strong>za</strong>cije, Grèija; Rim; prehodno obdobje in vpliv antike na kasnejšo<br />
<strong>arhitekturo</strong>.<br />
Goal and purpose of the subject: Being a component part of human endeavour, architecture is dialectically tied to<br />
societal development, while the work of architects consists of technical and artistic components. The basis for<br />
contemporary architectural theory are research of past architectural development, analysis of ties between such<br />
development and general forces of development of human society. The student is introduced to architectural<br />
development until the end of antiquity, thus absorbing the basics of architectural language, learning the principles<br />
underlying creation and development of settlements and architecture, delving into technology and composition of<br />
architectural monuments and researching influences on later architectural developments. With questions raised as<br />
issues the student is taught to critically evaluate and translate experiences into the present time (actualisation of<br />
themes).<br />
The whole course is divided into these themes: basic methodology of architectural research and evaluation; prehistory,<br />
Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia; Civilisations of Asia Minor and the Aegean, Greece; Rome; Transition<br />
period and the influence of antiquity on later architecture.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
II. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Janez Kresal, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Kresal, J.: Gradiva v arhitekturi, uèbenik, FA, Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Bre<strong>za</strong>r, V.: Finali<strong>za</strong>cija in detajli, skripta, FA, Ljubljana 2001<br />
- Kresal, J., Zbašnik-Senegaènik, M.: Površinska obdelava gradiv – glosar, FA, Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Zbašnik-Senegaènik, M., Kresal. J.: Glosar gradiv, pomožni uèbenik, FA, Ljubljana 2001<br />
- Seliškar, N.: Stavbarstvo, skripta, FAGG, Ljubljana 1988-90<br />
Vsebina: V enotnem predmetu sta združeni dve temeljni podroèji graditeljske arhitekture: gradiva in finali<strong>za</strong>cija gradnje.<br />
Doktrina o gradivih je predstavljena v dveh delih. Prvi del (teorija gradiv) prikazuje razvoj gradiv skozi zgodovino in <strong>za</strong>konitosti, ki so<br />
spremljale ta razvoj. Predstavljeni so kriteriji <strong>za</strong> izbiro gradiv in sistemski pogled na lastnosti gradiv, ki so razvršèene v deset družin<br />
(strukturne, konstrukcijske, termiène, hidrofiziène, akustiène, trajnostne, kontaktne, ekološke, nezdrave, vizualne lastnosti). Sledi<br />
predstavitev o pove<strong>za</strong>nosti gradiva in oblike ter oblikovalski principi, ki spremljajo <strong>za</strong>nikanje te pove<strong>za</strong>nosti (<strong>za</strong>menjava, maskiranje,<br />
imitacija). Drugi del (pregled gradiv) prikazuje vse znaèilne skupine gradiv (kamen, keramika, steklo, veziva, beton, kovine, umetne<br />
snovi, les). Vsaka skupina gradiv je razèlenjena v naslednjih segmentih: razvoj tehnologije in uporabe, lastnosti, patologija in <strong>za</strong>šèita,<br />
površinska obdelava. Cilj tega predmetnega podroèja je preseèi enciklopedièno osvajanje podatkov s kompleksnejšim<br />
razumevanjem razvoja tehnologije, razvoja arhitekturnih oblik in tehnik obdelave. Doktrina o finali<strong>za</strong>ciji gradnje vsebuje naslednja<br />
poglavja: ovojne konstrukcije, predelne stene, spušèeni stropovi, okna in vrata, finali<strong>za</strong>cija površin, toplotna izolacija, hidroizolacija,<br />
zvoèna izolacija. To predmetno podroèje spremljajo vaje, pri katerih gre <strong>za</strong> osvajanje tehniènega in inženirskega znanja, ki se<br />
nanaša na zgornja poglavja.<br />
Cilj je doseèi tehnièno in inženirsko znanje, ki je potrebno <strong>za</strong> izdelavo naèrtov na nivoju PGD in PZI v skladu z veljavno <strong>za</strong>konodajo<br />
in predpisi.<br />
Contents: The course joins the two fundamental fields of architectural execution: materials and construction finalisation. The doctrine on<br />
materials is presented in two parts. The first part (theory of materials) presents development of materials in history and the principles corresponding<br />
to pertaining developments. Criteria for selection of materials are presented with a systemic overview of their properties grouped<br />
into nine families (structural, construction, thermal, hydro-physical, acoustic, sustainable, ecological, unhealthy, visual properties). A review of ties<br />
between materials and forms and design principles follows, which correspond to denial of such ties (replacement, masking, imitation). The<br />
second part (review of materials) presents all typical groups of materials (stone, ceramics, glass, bonding materials, concrete, metals, artificial<br />
substances, wood). They are divided into the following segments: development of technology and use, properties, pathology and protection,<br />
surface treatment. The aim of this theme is to supersede encyclopaedic knowledge, seen as data gathering, with complex understanding of<br />
technological development, development of architectural forms and working techniques. The doctrine on construction finalisation contains the<br />
following chapters: envelope constructions, partition walls, lowered ceilings, windows and doors, finalisation of surfaces, heat insulation, hydroinsulation,<br />
sound insulation. This field is complemented with exercises, whose purpose is to ensure understanding of technical and engineering<br />
knowledge about the before stated chapters.<br />
The aim is to provide technical and engineering knowledge needed in the production of plans on the levels of the building permit project and<br />
execution project as stipulated in valid laws and regulations.<br />
58 dodiplomski studij graduate course
II. letnik 45 ur<br />
doc. dr. Sašo Medved, univ. dipl. inž. stroj.<br />
- Medved, S.: “Tehnologije instalacij”, snopièi predavanj na spletni strani<br />
- Medved, S.: Toplotna tehnika v stavbah , 2 dopolnjena izdaja, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> strojništvo, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Medved, S., Novak, P.: Varstvo okolja in obnovljivi viri energije. Ljubljana: <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> strojništvo 2000<br />
- Lechner, N.: Heating, cooling, lighting, John Wiley & Sons, 1991<br />
- Hall, F.: Building services and equipment, Volumen one in Volumen two; Longman Scientific &<br />
Technical,1990<br />
- Priroènik Grijanje i klimati<strong>za</strong>cija: Interklima, 2000<br />
Osnovna izobraževalna cilja sta seznaniti slušatelje s pomenom oskrbe in pretvarjanjem energije v stavbah in pove<strong>za</strong>nimi vplivi na okolje, ter<br />
predstaviti tehnologije stavbnih instalacij, s katerimi ustvarjamo prijetno, storilno, varno, zdravo in informacijsko pove<strong>za</strong>no notranje bivalno in<br />
delovno okolje. Slušatelji si pridobijo tako osnovno znanje o fizikalnih in termodinamiènih procesih pri prenosu toplote in snovi v stavbah in<br />
delovanju ter naèrtovanju sistemov stavbnih instalacij. Vsebina predmeta: Opredeljen je pomen oskrbe z energijo v družbi in stavbah ter<br />
posledice rabe energije v mikro in makro okolju. Opisane so najpomebnejše znaèilnosti energijskih virov – energija sonca oz. obnovljivih virov<br />
energije, fosilnih goriv, jedrskega goriva ter termodinamiène osnove <strong>za</strong> njihovo pretvarjanje. Opredeljujemo osnovne mehanizme prenosa<br />
toplote in snovi v gradbenih konstrukcijah – prevod, konvekcijo in prenos toplote s sevanjem in jih povežemo s snovnimi lastnostmi gradbenih<br />
materialov in tehnologij. Opredelimo mehanizme prehoda vodne pare. Predstavimo metode presoje gradbenih konstrukcij z vidika prehoda<br />
toplote, vodne pare in zvoka. Sledi predstavitev pojma notranjega okolja in opredelimo parametre in kriterije <strong>za</strong> presojo in naèrtovanje<br />
toplotnega, svetlobnega, zvoènega okolja in pomen kvalitete zraka. Seznanimo se z integralnimi ka<strong>za</strong>lci presoje kvalitete toplotne <strong>za</strong>šèite<br />
stavb in raèunalniškimi orodji <strong>za</strong> njihovo vrednotenje. Predstavljene so tehnologije in sistemi <strong>za</strong> varèno rabo energije v stavbah s poudarkom<br />
na solarnih in fotonapetostnih sistemih.<br />
The main education goals are to inform students about the significance of supply and conversion of energy in buildings with connected<br />
environmental influences and to present technologies of building utilities by which pleasant, efficient, safe, healthy internal living and working<br />
spaces are created that are also tied by information technology links. Students obtain basic knowledge about physical and thermodynamic<br />
processes occurring during passage of heat and matter in buildings, planning systems of building utilities and how they work. Course contents:<br />
The significance of supply with energy in society and buildings is defined, as well as the consequences of using energy in the micro- and<br />
macro-environment. The most important characteristics of energy resources are described: solar energy and recyclable energy sources, fossil<br />
fuels and thermodynamic principles of their conversion. Basic knowledge about transport of energy and matter in building constructions is<br />
defined by simple mechanisms of transport of heat: conduction, convection, passage by radiation, which are tied with material properties of<br />
constructions and technologies. Mechanisms of passage of steam are defined and methods of assessing construction from the aspect of<br />
passage of heat, steam and sound. They are followed by presentation of the concept of interior space and definitions of parameters and<br />
criteria for assessing and planning heat, light and sound insulation, as well as the importance of the high quality of air. We learn about integral<br />
indicators for assessing the quality of heat insulation of buildings and computer methods for their evaluation. Technologies and systems for<br />
economical use of energy are presented, with emphasis on solar and photovoltaic systems.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
seznam predmetov list of subjects<br />
YEAR 3<br />
3.1 * Design studio 3<br />
3.2 Kilar Basics of building mechanics<br />
3.3 Ocvirk Architectural sketching<br />
3.4 Koželj Architecture of the city<br />
3.5 Fister Development of architecture<br />
3.6 Florijanèiè Public buildings 1<br />
3.7 Bre<strong>za</strong>r Residential buildings 1<br />
3.8 Bonèa J. Theory of architectural design and composition<br />
3.9 ** Elective subjects<br />
3.9 Elective subjects - general<br />
3.9.1<br />
3.9.2<br />
3.9.3<br />
3.9.4<br />
3.9.5<br />
3.9.6<br />
3.9.7<br />
3.9.8<br />
3.9.9<br />
Košir: Architectural theory and critique 1<br />
Košir: Idiomatics of space<br />
Mihelj: Fine arts order 1<br />
Kušar: Structural systems<br />
Turk: Computer-aided architecture<br />
Kalèiè: Details in architecture<br />
Kreèiè: Art history 1<br />
Gazvoda: Landscaping 1<br />
Zbašnik-Senegaènik: Eco-logical architecture<br />
3.9.10 Muhiè: General safety<br />
3.9.11 +++: Building and urban planning legislature<br />
Notes:<br />
* Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 38).<br />
Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
** Students register the appropriate lecturer after choosing the elective subject. Foreign languages are facultative and can be inscribed in any year.<br />
60<br />
60 dodiplomski študij graduate course
3. LETNIK<br />
3.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 3<br />
3.2 Kilar osnove gradbene mehanike<br />
3.3 Ocvirk skiciranje arhitekture<br />
3.4 Koželj arhitektura mesta<br />
3.5 Fister razvoj arhitekture<br />
3.6 Florijanèiè družbene zgradbe 1<br />
3.7 Bre<strong>za</strong>r stanovanjske zgradbe 1<br />
3.8 Bonèa J. teorija arhitekturnega oblikovanja in kompozicije<br />
3.9. ** izbirni predmet<br />
3.9 Izbir<br />
3.9.1<br />
3.9.2<br />
3.9.3<br />
3.9.4<br />
3.9.5<br />
3.9.6<br />
3.9.7<br />
3.9.8<br />
3.9.9<br />
Izbirni ni predme<br />
edmeti ti (študent izbere e en predme<br />
edmet)<br />
t)<br />
Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 1<br />
Košir: idiomatika prostora<br />
Mihelj: likovni red 1<br />
Kušar: konstrukcijski sistemi<br />
Turk: raèunalniško podprta arhitektura<br />
Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 1<br />
Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 1<br />
Gazvoda: oblikovanje zelenih površin 1<br />
Zbašnik-Senegaènik: eko-logièna arhitektura<br />
3.9.10 Muhiè: splošna varnost<br />
3.9.11 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>konodaja<br />
Opombe:<br />
* Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38).<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
** Študenti vpišejo ustreznega predavatelja potem, ko izberejo predmet. Tuji jeziki se izvajajo fakultativno tako, da jih študenti vpisujejo v<br />
katerem koli letniku.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
letnik<br />
III. letnik 300 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
izbrani mentor/elected mentor<br />
Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 38).<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent<br />
(see page 38). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega<br />
biroja ali ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima<br />
svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve šole (Pleènik,<br />
Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se<br />
namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike<br />
(veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo.<br />
The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises).<br />
The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space<br />
(seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being<br />
pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) and has since been subject to changes. Today the method<br />
is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work new, vital and real<br />
issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more filed work, workshops, competitions). The students’<br />
projects are publicly exhibited annually.<br />
62 dodiplomski študij graduate course
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
doc. dr. Vojko Kilar, univ. dipl. inž. grad.<br />
- SAP2000 “Integrated Finite Element Analysis and Design of Structures”, Computers and Structures, Inc., Berkeley, California, USA 2002<br />
- Kilar, V.: Osnove gradbene mehanike - primeri rešenih nalog z izvleèki teorije, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> 1997<br />
- Kilar, V.: Potresna obtežba, potresni spektri in poenostavljen raèun pri potresni obrtežbi, uèbenik, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> 2003<br />
- Fischinger, M. in Cerovšek, S.: Ba<strong>za</strong> diapozitiovov o poškodbah konstrukcij, sistem EASY, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo,<br />
Inštitut <strong>za</strong> konstrukcije, potresno inženirstvo in raèunalništvo, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Salvadori, M. in Heller, R.: Konstrukcije v arhitekturi, DZS, Ljubljana 1979<br />
- Fajfar, P.: Zasnova potresno varnih zgradb, FGG, Ljubljana 1995<br />
- Dobovišek, B.: Ali (bi zdržalo ?), raèunalniški program <strong>za</strong> preizkus konstrukcij, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, VII ponatis 1996<br />
- Benedik, B.S.: Statika konstrukcij, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo, Maribor 1998.<br />
- Prelog, E., Statika gradbenih konstrucij II, FAGG, Ljubljana<br />
Vsebina: Predmet uvodoma obravnava nekatere osnovne pojme statike konstrukcij kot so: podajnost, togost, trdnost, raèunski modeli in<br />
predpostavke, statièno doloèene in nedoloèene konstrukcije, varnost, stabilnost in porušitveni mehanizmi. Prvi del na kratko obravnava metodo sil in<br />
metodo pomikov <strong>za</strong> enostavnejše linijske konstrukcije, konène elemente in vpliv togosti na delitev obremenitve. Razložene so tudi osnove statiène in<br />
dinamiène obtežbe, osnove pomiène obtežbe, ovojnice in vplivnice. Drugi del obravnava statièno-konstrukcijske lastnosti gradbenih materialov kot so<br />
armirani beton, jeklo, les, aluminij, steklo, plastika in podaja kriterije <strong>za</strong> izbiro gradiva (odnosi: teža, nosilnost cena). V nadaljevanju predmet<br />
podrobneje obravnava potresno obtežbo in pomembnost konstrukcijske <strong>za</strong>snove stavbe na njeno obnašanje med potresi. Razložene so potresne<br />
obremenitve, nedoloèenost pojava, spekter potresa in približna raèunska simulacija. Nadalje je obravnavan prenos vodoravne in vertikalne<br />
obremenitve, doloèitev nosilnih elementov, problem vertikalnega ravnotežja, pogoj togih etažnih plošè in približno raèunanje prenosa vodoravnih in<br />
vertikalnih obremenitev <strong>za</strong> enoetažne in veèetažne sisteme. Podane so tudi osnove raèuna toèkovnih temeljev. V <strong>za</strong>dnjem delu se predmet<br />
podrobneje posveèa izbiri dimenzij horizontalnih elementov (nosilci, brane, plošèe, palièja) in vertikalnih elementov (stebri, stene). Proces izbire<br />
dimenzij <strong>za</strong> konstrukcije iz jekla, betona ali lesa je prika<strong>za</strong>n v veè stopnjah: a) osnovna ocena potrebnih dimenzij, b) poenostavljen raèun in c)<br />
toèen raèun. Kjer je to mogoèe, je posamezna tematika obogatena tudi s pomoèjo diapozitivov s primeri dejanskih konstrukcij in raèunalniških<br />
simulacij, ki študentom omogoèajo neposrednejši stik s predmetom.<br />
Contents: The subject deals with some of the basic concepts of construction statics, such as: flexibility, rigidity, computation models and hypotheses,<br />
statically defined and undefined constructions, safety, stability and collapse mechanisms. The first part gives a short overview of methods of forces<br />
and methods of motions in simple linear constructions, final elements and the effects of rigidity on the distribution of loads. Basics of static and<br />
dynamic loads, moving loads, envelopes and influencing factors are also explained. The second part deals with static-construction properties of<br />
building materials, such as: reinforced concrete, steel, timber, aluminium, glass, plastics and presents criteria for selection of material (relation: weight,<br />
carrying capacity, price). In continuation the course gives a detailed account of earthquake stresses and deals with the significance of behaviour of<br />
a building’s construction during earthquakes. Earthquake loads, non-determinability of the phenomenon, the earthquake spectre and approximation<br />
computer simulations are also explained. Furthermore, transport of vertical and horizontal loads are explained, definition of carrying elements,<br />
problems of vertical balance, conditions of rigid floor plates and approximate computation of translation of vertical and horizontal loads for singlefloor<br />
or multi-floor systems. Basics for calculating simple point foundations are also given. The last part of the course gives a detailed account of<br />
choosing dimensions for horizontal elements (beams, grids, plates, frames and vertical elements (columns, walls). The process of choosing<br />
dimensions for steel, concrete or timber constructions is presented in several steps: a) basic assessment of needed dimensions; b) simplified<br />
calculation; c) exact calculation. Wherever possible the particular themes are enriched with slides showing examples of real constructions and<br />
computer simulations, which enable the student direct contacts to the subject.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. Marjan Ocvirk, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Ocvirk, Marjan: Architectural Sketch, Skripta <strong>za</strong> mednarodno delavnico Amsterdam, Ljubljana 1984<br />
- Berti, Luciano: Michelangelo, I disegni di casa Buonarotti, Cantini, Firenze 1985<br />
- Nerdinger, Winfried: Die Architekturzeichunung, von barocken Idealplan zur Axonometrie,<br />
Prestl, Munchen 1986<br />
- Wagensky, A., Besset, M., Franelien, F.: Le Corbusier Sketchbooks 1-7, Thames & Hudson,<br />
London 1981<br />
- Pozzetto, Marco: La Scuola di Wagner 1894 – 1912, Trst 1979<br />
- Los, Sergio: Carlo Scarpa, Benedict Taschen, Koln 1993<br />
- Cullen, Gordon: Townscape, AP, London 1961<br />
- Krier, Rob: Urban Space, Academy Editions, London 1979<br />
- Stele, France: Arh. Jože Pleènik v Italiji 1898 – 99, SM Ljubljana 1967<br />
- Mušiè, Marjan: Obnova slovenske vasi, MD, Celje 1947<br />
- Mušiè, Marjan: Arhitektura slovenskega kozolca, CZ, Ljubljana 1970<br />
- Mušiè, Marko: Mapa risb Marjana Mušièa, Ljubljana 1995<br />
- Ivanšek, France in Marta: Hommage a Edvard Ravnikar 1907 – 1993, Ljubljana 1995<br />
Delo pri predmetu predstavlja nadaljevanje in poglabljanje znanja arhitekturne risbe in likovnega izražanja<br />
pridobljenega pri predmetih v I. in II. letniku in se njegova vsebina navezuje na vse predmete in usmeritve.<br />
Poleg utemeljitve arhitekturne risbe kot temeljne arhitekturne govorice pri arhitektovem delu se študentje seznanjajo z<br />
razvojem arhitekturne risbe skozi èas. Poseben poudarek je v predavanjih namenjen iskanju korenin naše arhitekturne<br />
risbe in nje pove<strong>za</strong>ve z arhitekturnimi risbami evropskih arhitekturnih šol. Zakljuèni del predavanj je namenjen slovenski<br />
arhitekturni risbi, njenim <strong>za</strong>èetkom in aktualnosti v današnjem èasu, ki ga spremljajo ekskurzije na razstave in ustanove<br />
z arhivskim gradivom s podroèja risbe.<br />
The course work represents continuing widening of in-depth knowledge about architectural drawing and artistic<br />
expression gained during the 1. and 2. year of studies, while its’ content ties to all the other subjects and courses.<br />
Besides the establishment of architectural drawing as the fundamental expression of architectural work, students will<br />
learn about the development of architectural drawing through time. In the lectures special emphasis is given to roots<br />
of domestic architectural drawing and its’ connections to architectural drawing in other European schools of<br />
architecture. The concluding part of the course deals with Slovenian architectural drawing, its’ beginnings and<br />
actuality in the present time, which is complemented with excursions to exhibitions and institutions with archives<br />
containing pertaining materials.<br />
64 dodiplomski študij graduate course
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. Janez Koželj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Koželj, J.: Tipologija mestne stanovanjske arhitekture in njena sovisnost z morfologijo mestnega<br />
prostora, KRT, Ljubljana 1987<br />
- Lynch, K.: Slika jednog grada, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1973<br />
- Sitte, C.: Umetniško oblikovanje mest, CZ, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule J.: Urbane forme, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1989<br />
- Rossi, A.: The Architecture of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1982<br />
- Schultz, Ch. Nor.: Genius loci, Electa, Milano 1981<br />
- Gosling, D.& Maitland, B.: Concepts of Urban Design, Academy Editions, London 1984<br />
- Mestomorfoze, zbornik, razni avtorji, Žepna, Ljubljana 1999<br />
- Corner, J.: Eidetic operations and new landscapes, Wall A., Programming the Urban Surface,<br />
Recovering Landscapes, Princeton Architectural Press, N.Y. 1999<br />
- Allen, Stan: Points+Lines, New York, Princeton Architectural Press 1999<br />
- Koolhaas, Rem, Mau, Bruce: S, M, L, XL, New York, The Monacelli Press 1995<br />
- Turner, T.: City as Landscape, E&FN Spon, London 1996<br />
- Cosgrove, Denis: Mappings. London: Reaction Books 1999<br />
Cilj predmeta je razviti okvir, ki naj vodi študente k razumevanju mesta kot strateškega prostora <strong>za</strong> udejanjanje arhitekture. Študenti se bodo<br />
seznanili z najbolj relevantnimi teorijami sodobnega mesta in preizkusili najnovejše operativne metode strateškega projektiranja. Predmet bo<br />
omogoèil, da bodo študenti lahko prepoznali znaèilnosti modela strnjenega in razpršenega mesta ter razumeli naravo razlik med obema<br />
modeloma. Pri predmetu se bodo seznanili s teoretiènim o<strong>za</strong>djem in operativnimi orodji <strong>za</strong> raziskovanje in interpretacijo vsakršne urbane<br />
situacije. Nauèili se bodo iz izsledkov analitiènih postopkov postaviti ustrezno strategijo posegov v specifièno urbano realnost. Pri tem bodo<br />
razvili sposobnost <strong>za</strong> kritièno presojanje in odgovorno odloèanje s primerjanjem med razliènimi razvojnimi alternativami, ki so med<br />
prilagoditivijo in inovacijo v odnosu do obstojeèega.<br />
Struktura predmeta: arhitektura strnjenega mesta: mesto kot sistem krajev, mesto kot prostorska; arhitektura razpršenega mesta: mesto kot<br />
urbana krajina, mesto kot odprt sistem; projektiranje.<br />
The subject’s goal is to develop a framework that can lead students to understanding the city as a strategic space for enacting architecture.<br />
Students will become acquainted with the most relevant theories of contemporary city and test the newest operative methods of strategic<br />
design. The subject will enable students to recognize characteristics of compact and dispersed models of cities and to understand differences in<br />
the model’s natures. During the course students will learn about the theoretical background and operative tools for research and interpretation<br />
of any urban condition. They will learn to position adequate project strategies to specific urban realities from results of analytical procedures.<br />
Hereby they will develop capacities for critical evaluation and responsible decision making by comparing different development alternatives,<br />
which range from adaptation to innovation of the space itself.<br />
Subject structure: architecture of the compact city: the city as a system of places, the city as a spatial structure; architecture of the dispersed city:<br />
the city as an urban landscape, the city as an open system; design.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Peter Fister, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Fister, P.: Razvoj arhitekture II, sinopsis predavanj, FAGG, Ljubljana 1981<br />
- Fister, P.: Umetnost stavbarstva na Slovenskem, CZ, Ljubljana 1986<br />
- Fister, P.: et al.: Glosar arhitekturne tipologije, RS MOP, Ljubljana 1993<br />
- Fister, P.: et al.: Arhitekturne krajine in regije Slovenije, RS MOP, Ljubljana 1993<br />
- Zevi, B.: Pogledi na <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, CZ, Ljubljana 1959<br />
- Šumi, N.: Pogledi na Slovensko umetnost, PK, Ljubljana 1975<br />
- Egenter, N.: Architectural Antropology, Structura mundi, Lausanne 1992<br />
- Košir, F.: Zamisel mesta, SM, Ljubljana 1993<br />
- Koch, W.: Baustilkunde, Orbis Verlag, Munchen 1994<br />
Vsebina: Teorije v (o) arhitekturi po antiki. Razvoj metod vrednotenja in ocenjevanja arhitekture do danes. Pojem in<br />
problem tipologije arhitekture. Pojem in problem identitete v arhitekturi. Razvojne <strong>za</strong>konitosti umetnosti stavbarstva –<br />
arhitekture evropskega kulturnega kroga. Osnove razvojnih <strong>za</strong>konitosti umetnosti stavbarstva – arhitekture<br />
neevropskih kultur. Sodobne znaèilnosti razvoja stavbastva – arhitekture – svetovni tokovi. Razvoj in vloga utrdbene<br />
arhitekture v svetu in v Sloveniji od <strong>za</strong>èetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj in vloga sakralne arhitekture v svetu in v<br />
Sloveniji od <strong>za</strong>èetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj in vloga posebnih (javnih) stavb v svetu in v Sloveniji od<br />
<strong>za</strong>èetka srednjega veka do danes. Razvoj in vloga stanovanjskih stavb v svetu in v Sloveniji od <strong>za</strong>èetka srednjega<br />
veka do danes. Razvoj evropskih naselbin in vpliv na <strong>arhitekturo</strong>. Razvojin vloga arhitekturne identitete na<br />
Slovenskem. Osnovne razvojne znaèilnosti vpliva tehnologije gradnje na Slovenskem.<br />
Contents: Theories in architecture since antiquity. Development of evaluation methods and appraisal of architecture<br />
until the present. Concept and problem of identity in architecture. Concept and problem of typology in architecture.<br />
Development rules in building art – architecture – of the European cultural circle. Basic notes on development rules in<br />
non–European cultures. Contemporary characteristics of progress in building art – architecture – global trends.<br />
Progress and role of stronghold architecture, church architecture, public buildings and housing, globally and in<br />
Slovenia, from the beginning of the Middle Ages till the present. Development of European settlements and impact<br />
on architecture. Progress and role of architectural identity in Slovenia. Basic development characteristics of the<br />
impact of building technology in Slovenia.<br />
66 dodiplomski študij graduate course
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. Miloš Florijanèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Le Corbusier: Towards a New Architecture, The Architectural Press, London 1946<br />
- Zevi, B.: Saper vedere l’architettura, Einaudi, Torino 1949<br />
- Banham, R.: Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, AP, London 1960<br />
- Giedion, S.: Architecture and the Phenomena of Transition, Harvard UP, Cambridge 1971<br />
- Pevsner, N.: A History of Building Types, Thames & Hudson, London 1976<br />
- Norberg Schulz, C.: Architettura occidentale, Electa, Milano 198<br />
- Scully, V.: Architecture: the Natural and the Manmade, St. Martin Press, New York 1991<br />
- Rowe, C.: The Architecture of good Intentions, Academy Editions, London 1991<br />
Vsebina: Tloris kot razmejevanje prostora v planimetriji; ravninski prostorski koncepti. Odnos med notranjim in zunanjim<br />
prostorom skozi formacijo <strong>za</strong>snove in transparentnost <strong>za</strong>slonov. Enojno, dvojno in trojno kodiranje prostora in<br />
njegovo prehajanje (Mies, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Gehry). Prerez v vertikalni <strong>za</strong>snovi javnega prostora, njegovi<br />
stereotomni naravi in interpenetraciji volumnov in programov. Svobodno prehajanje prostora po vertikali v konceptih<br />
od »Raumplana« do odprte stavbne strukture (Loos, Stirling, Foster). Naris kot odnos med notranjo strukturo in<br />
pojavnostjo stavbe; merilo, hierarhija. Fasada kot prezentacija in razumevanje strukturnega koncepta notranje<br />
zgradbe hiše (Gehry, Nouvel, Koolhaas). Odnos med individualnim in kolektivnim; merilo enote in celote; spomin in<br />
monumentalno. Kreacija javnega prostora kot manifestacija stanja èlovekovega duha v zgodovini in interpretacija<br />
prostora kot humanistiènega koncepta svobode; demokracija vs. avtokracija skozi tipološki pristop v arhitekturi.<br />
Contents: The layout as definition of space in planimetrics; plane concepts of space. The relation between inner and<br />
outer space through concept formation and transparency of screens. Single, double and triple coding of space and<br />
its transition (Mies, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Gehry). The section as vertical design of public space, it’s stereotomic nature<br />
and interpretation of volumes and programmes. Open vertical transition of space in concepts from »Raumplan« to<br />
open building structure (Loos, Stirling, Foster). The elevation as relation between the inner structure and outer image<br />
of building; scale, hierarchy. The facade as presentation and understanding of the structural concept of the interior<br />
(Gehry, Nouvel, Koolhaas). The relationship between individual and collective; scale of unit and whole; memory,<br />
monumentality. Creation of public space as a manifestation of state of mind through history following interpretation<br />
of space in the humanistic concept of freedom. Democracy versus autocracy in the typological approach to<br />
architecture.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Vladimir Bre<strong>za</strong>r, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Bre<strong>za</strong>r, V.: Stanovanjske zgradbe 1, skripta (1.del), FAGG 1986<br />
- Bre<strong>za</strong>r, V.: Vpliv projektnih konceptov na uporabo in vzdrževanje stanovanj, raz. naloga, 1990<br />
- Kalèiè, J., Perossa M.: Stanovanjske stavbe, magistrsko delo, 1982<br />
- Habraken, N. J.: Supports – an alternative to mass housing, AP London 1972<br />
- Schulz, C. N.: The concept of dwelling, Electa 1985<br />
- Fromhold, T., Hans Jäger, S.: Wohnungsbau-Normen, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1991<br />
- Ineichen, B.: Homes and Health, Spon, London 1993<br />
- Kennedy, R. W.: The house, Reinhold, N.Y. 1953<br />
- Wentling, J. W.: Housing for lifestyle, McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1990<br />
- Hanson, J.: Decoding homes and houses, Cambridge UP 1998<br />
- Adler, P.: Monteringsbyggda flerbostadhus, Universitetsservice AB, Stockholm 2001<br />
Vsebina: Bivalna kultura kot sestavina splošne èlovekove materialne kulture. Funkcionalna anali<strong>za</strong> stanovanja in<br />
stanovanjskega objekta. Tipološka anali<strong>za</strong> stanovanja in stanovanjskega objekta. Tehnološki, ekološki in<br />
organi<strong>za</strong>ciojski sistemi v stanovanjski gradnji. Produkcijski in ekonomski sistemi v množièni stanovanjski gradnji. Skrb<br />
države <strong>za</strong> stanovanje: stanovanjsko gospodarstvo, standardi in normativi. Stanovanja <strong>za</strong> deprivilegirane skupine in<br />
manjšine. Stanovanjska arhitektura v Sloveniji in samograditeljska praksa. Vloga koncepta v stanovanjski arhitekturi –<br />
eksperiment in model. Novi trendi in projekcija razvoja.<br />
Contents: Dwelling culture as a part of human material culture. Functional analysis of flat and residential building.<br />
Typological analysis of flat and residential building. Technological, ecological and organi<strong>za</strong>tional systems in housing.<br />
Production and economy of mass housing. The role of government in providing homes; standards and by-laws.<br />
Homes for underprivileged and social minority groups. Housing architecture in Slovenia and self-help practice. The<br />
role of concept in housing – experiment and model. New trends and future development.<br />
68 dodiplomski študij graduate course
III. letnik 60 ur<br />
doc. dr. Jaka Bonèa, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Butina, M.: Mala likovna teorija, Debora, Ljubljana 2000<br />
- Butina, M.: Elementi likovne prakse, Debora, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Butina, M.: Slikarsko mišljenje, Debora, Ljubljana 1997<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Razvoj prostora, Likovna vzgoja št. 2, 4, letnik 1; Debora, Ljubljana 1998<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Prostor spoznavamo kakor se po njem gibljemo, Likovne besede 26-28,<br />
ZDSLU, marec 1994, 37-44.<br />
- Ghyka, M.: Philosophie et mystique du nombre, Editions Payot, Pariz 1971<br />
- Küppers, H.: Farbe, Callwey, München 1972<br />
- Itten, J.: Kunst der Farbe, Otto Mayer, Ravensburg 1987<br />
- Edwards, B.: Drawing on the right side of the brain, Jeremy P.Tarcher / Putnam,<br />
New York 1999<br />
- Wilson. S.: Information arts, The MIT Press, Cambridge in London 2002<br />
- Lakoff, G. in Núñez, R.: Where matematics comes from, Basic books, New York 2000<br />
- Ule, A.: Logos spoznanja, Znanstveno in publicistièno središèe, Ljubljana 2001<br />
Vsebina: Odnos med vizualnim in likovnim, likovnost kot oblika komunikacije; likovne izrazne prvine ali elementi in njihovi možni medsebojni<br />
odnosi v pogojih likovne produkcije. Likovna morfologija: Likovne spremenljivke ali variable; odnos med obliko in vsebino v likovni produkciji;<br />
morfologija naravnih oblik; oblika kot nosilec informacije in izra<strong>za</strong> v likovnosti. Barvna teorija: Psihofiziologija barvnega doživljanja, barvna<br />
sistematika, barvni kontrasti in osnove komponiranja barv; odnos barva - (tridimenzionalna) oblika v likovnem (prostorskem) oblikovanju.<br />
Likovna (merska) kompozicija: pojem in nivoji likovne kompozicije, mera, merilo, modul, razmerje, sorazmerje; ritem, ravnovesje, harmonija ter<br />
kontrast in enotnost in medsebojni odnosi likovnih prvin v kompoziciji; odnos med likovnim in kompozicijskim elementom; temeljni principi<br />
<strong>za</strong>gotavljanja enotnosti v likovni kompoziciji; polje sil v gabaritu (formatu) in, kar iz njega izhaja; konstruktivni principi likovne kompozicije na<br />
temelju polja sil v gabaritu: kot organi<strong>za</strong>cija celovitosti likovnega prostora, kot sistem odnosov, intervali ter razmerja in relacije v likovnem<br />
prostoru, vloga mrež, princip sorazmerja, sorazmerje v naravi in likovnem ustvarjanju, naèrtovanje sorazmerij.<br />
Contents: Relation between the visual and artistic, art as a form of communication, artistic expressive elements or elements and their<br />
possible mutual relations in conditions of artistic production. Artistic morphology: artistic variables; the relation between form and content<br />
in artistic production; morphology of natural forms; form as the carrier of information and artistic expression. Colour theory: psychophysiology<br />
of colour perception, colour systematic, colour contrasts and basics of colour composition, the relation colour – (three-dimensional)<br />
form in artistic (spatial) design. Artistic (measurements) composition: the concept and levels of artistic composition, measure,<br />
scale, module, ratio, proportion, rhythm, balance, harmony and contrast, unity and mutual relations of artistic elements in composition;<br />
relation between artistic and composition elements; basic principles of ensuring unity in artistic composition; the force fields in format and<br />
their outcome; construction principles of artistic composition based on force fields in formats, seen as: organisation of comprehensive<br />
artistic space, system of relations, intervals, ratios and relations in artistic space, the role of grids, principle of proportion, proportion in<br />
nature and artistic creativity, designing proportions.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
po 30 ur / 30 hours each<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Uvod (temeljni pojmi). Prototeoretski viri. Vitruvijeva redakcija antiènih izroèil. Dekonstrukcija Vitruvijeve biografije. Od<br />
antike do renesanse (vivarij srednjeveških idej). Albertijeva reinterpretacija Vitruvija. Od traktatov do manifestov. Prvi odloèilni<br />
prelom: Querelle (Claude Perrault). Rod romantikov. Drugi odloèilni prelom (William Morris). Dvajseto stoletje: kritika<br />
tradicionalizma, funkcionalizem in kritika funkcionalizma. Razvoj teorije na Slovenskem. Kritiška anali<strong>za</strong> (teorija interpretacije).<br />
Contents: Introduction (basic terms). The sources of Proto-Theory. Vitruvius synthesis of Classical Theory. Reconstruction of<br />
Vitruviu’s biography as an autobiography. Vivarium of medieval fragments of architectural theory. Alberti’s reinterpretation of<br />
Vitruvius. From tractates to manifestoes. First break with the dogmatic tradition: La Querelle (Claude Perrault). The generation of<br />
romanticists. The second and decisive break with traditionalism (William Morris). The architectural theory in the 20th Century:<br />
the criticism of traditionalism, the apex of functionalism and the subsequent criticism of functionalism. Survey of development of<br />
architectural theory in Slovenia. Critical analysis (theory of interpretation).<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Košir, F.: Izbrani èlanki 1975/1999 (LJ, FA 2000)<br />
Program <strong>za</strong> leto 2003/2004 (Program se vsako leto prilagodi aktualnim problemom): Èlovek in prostor. Konstrukcija kot<br />
kriterij arhitekturnega izra<strong>za</strong> (od renesanse do dekonstruktivizma). V likovni red ukleta bit družbe. Traum und Wirklichkeit (Vienna<br />
Austriae). Zlata Praga (Kaj je genius loci?). Prosto po Dickensu: Povest o dveh mestih (London versus Pariz). Nove tendence (1):<br />
dve beneški razstavi (1980 in 1991). Nove tendence (2): Kaj je dekonstruktivizem?<br />
The programme for 2003/2004: Man and Space. Structure as the means of architectural expression (from the Renaissance to<br />
Deconstructivism). Bewitching the Social into the Spatial Order. Traum und Wirklichkeit (Vienna Austriae). Golden Prague (What<br />
is Genius Loci?). The Tale of Two Cities (London versus Paris). New Tendencies (1): Two exhibitions in Venice (1980 and 1991).<br />
New Tendencies (2): What is Deconstructivism?<br />
- Košir, F.: Izbrani èlanki 1975/1999 (LJ, FA 2000)<br />
70<br />
dodiplomski študij graduate course
doc. Èrtomir Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Anali<strong>za</strong> osnovnih naèel estetskega reda na temelju geometrijskih predstav ravnine v prostoru. Obrazec motiva in<br />
vmesnega prostora med ponavljanjem: ritem. Sestava enot, podobnih v enem ali veè pogledih: harmonija. Interes, izražen z<br />
razliènostjo: kontrast. Sestavni deli, skladni med seboj: ravnotežje. Izstopanje enote iz celote: prevlada. Osnovni princip<br />
kozmiènega reda v svetu èasa, prostora materije in mišljenja: enotnost.<br />
Contents: Analysis of basic principles of aeshtetic order according to geometrical interpretation of plane in space. Schedule of<br />
motif and intermediate space in repetition: rhythm. Composition of units similar in one or more ways: harmony. Interest expressed<br />
by diversity: contrast. Components are in accordance: equilibrium. Unit prevailing whole: dominance. Basic principle of cosmic<br />
order in the field of time, space, material and reason: unity.<br />
prof. dr. Jože Kušar, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Sklop osnovnih konstitucijskih elementov v sistemu gradnje. Zgodovinski razvoj lesenih konstrukcijskih sistemov.<br />
Optimiranje prere<strong>za</strong> masivnega lesenega nosilca in dimenzioniranje v antropometriènih sistemih. Anali<strong>za</strong> statiène strukture<br />
skeletnega, kladnega in celiènega konstrukcijskega sistema s pregledom najbolj znanih primerov v svetu. Novi konstrukcijski<br />
sistemi in trendi razvoja.<br />
Contents: Design technology and jointing of industrial building elements. Development of timber structure systems. Design of<br />
timber prefabricated elements. Analysis of jointing skeleton, panel and cell systems microstructures with a review of wall-known<br />
examples. New systems and development trends.<br />
- Kušar, J. in sodelavci: Internationales Holzbauseminar (Zbornik mednarodnega seminarja), FA, Ljubljana 1996<br />
- Kolb, J.: Systembau mit Holz, Baufachverlag, Lignum 1992<br />
- Davies, C.: High-tech Architecture, Thames & Hudson, London 1991<br />
- Schneider, K. J.: Bautabellen für Architekten mit Berechnungshinweisen und beispielen, Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002<br />
- Schneider, K. J.: Vermessungskunde für Architekten und Bauingenieure. Werner Verlag, Düsseldorf 2002<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
prof. dr. Žiga Turk, univ. dipl. inž. grad.<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
V tem teèaju se študente seznani z elementi raèunalniške strojne in programske opreme, postopkovnim grafiènim jezikom in izvedbo<br />
specifiènih grafiènih podob, vkljuèno z animacijo in simulacijo.<br />
In this course students are introduced to the elements of computer hardware and software, procedural graphic language and the<br />
realisation of specific graphic images including animation and simulation.<br />
dodiplomski študij<br />
doc. dr. Igor Kalèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Detajl je najmanjši element arhitekturnega jezika. Detajl je najprej tehnièna, inženirska kategorija, šele potem tudi estetska kategorija. Parametri<br />
<strong>za</strong>snove in oblikovanja detajlov so: anatomski, psihološki, funkcionalni, fizikalni, kemièni, tehnološki, ekonomski in estetski. Predmet Detajl 1<br />
uvaja študenta v tektonsko <strong>za</strong>snovo in izdelavo detajlov v bolj enostavnih, elementarnih materialih: les, kamen, kovina , steklo. Pri tem posveèa<br />
pozornost sestavljanju teh materialov v sklope z upoštevanjem teorije stikov, geometrije sestavljanja, ekonomike in estetskih kvalitet. Predmet<br />
skuša razèistiti pojme kot so nosilni in nenosilni deli zgradbe, ovojne konstrukcije, notranji in zunanji prostor, odprtine v ovojnih konstrukcijah in<br />
znotraj stavbe, lupina-fasadni plašè, streha... predvsem s strani tehnièno inženirske izobrazbe. Šele potem predmet vzpostavi dialog med<br />
tehnièno inženirskim znanjem in arhitekturno konpozicijskimi kreativnimi naèeli. Pri tem obravnava elemente arhitekturne kompozicije: narava,<br />
mesto, hiša, interier, podstavek, stena, streha, steber, vogal, napušè, venec, okna, vrata, stopnice, dimnik, dekoracija ...<br />
Študentje morajo v okviru predmeta z mentorskim nadzorom, multidisciplinarno, osvešèeno in po vseh naèelih sodobnega evropskega<br />
inženirstva, izdelati detajlni projekt enostavne zgradbe (ki vsebuje AB konstrukcije, lesene konstrukcije, jeklene konstrukcije in uporabo<br />
enostavnih materialov), prezentiran na sodoben naèin v eni od splošno priznanih programskih oprem, ki se uporabljajo v inženirski arhitekturi<br />
(AllPlan FT Nemetschek, AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D S tudio Max ... ).<br />
The detail is the smallest element of architectural language. It is primarily a category of engineering and then also aesthetics. The<br />
parameters of concept and design of details are: anatomical, psychological, functional, physical, chemical, technological, economical<br />
and aesthetical. The subject introduces students to tectonic conceptualisation and execution of details in simple, elementary materials;<br />
wood, stone, metal and glass, whereby emphasis is given to composition of these materials into complexes by using theories of joints,<br />
geometry of joining, economics and aesthetic qualities. The subject tries to clarify terms, such as load-bearing and non-load-bearing<br />
parts of buildings, covering constructions, internal and external space, openings in the covering structure, the shell – façade envelope,<br />
roof etc., mainly from the aspect of technical and engineering education. Only then does the subject establish dialogues between<br />
technical, engineering knowledge and creative principles of architectural composition. The latter deals with these elements: nature, city,<br />
house, interior, base, wall, roof, pillar, corner, overhanging, eaves, window, door, stairs, chimney, decoration etc. Within the framework<br />
of the subject and under tutorage by a mentor, while abiding to principles of multi-disciplinary work, awareness and contemporary<br />
European engineering, students have to design a detailed project of a simple building (which includes reinforced concrete, timber and<br />
steel constructions, and use of simple materials) and present it in a contemporary fashion by using generally acknowledged software<br />
programmes used in architectural engineering (AllPlan FT Nemetschek, AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3Dstudio Max etc.).<br />
72<br />
dodiplomski študij graduate course
- Bre<strong>za</strong>r, V.: Finali<strong>za</strong>cija in detajli, skripta, Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, FAGG Arh., Ljubljana 1990<br />
- Bre<strong>za</strong>r, V.: Kompozitna struktura ovojnih konstrukcij, dokt. dis., Ljubljana 1984<br />
- Kresal, J., Zbašnik-Senegaènik, M.: Gradiva v arhitekturi, skripta, Ljubljana 1992<br />
- Ching: Architecture: Form, Space and Order, Reinhold, New York 1979<br />
- Krier: Architectural composition, Academy Ed., London 1991<br />
- Papadakis, Broadbent, Toy: Free Spirit in Architecture, Omnibus Volume, Academy Editions, London 1992<br />
- Norris, Christopher: Deconstruction, Theory & Practice, Routledge, London 1991<br />
- Pasteiner, Herbert: Urban space, Design of public spaces in Vienna, Vienna 1993<br />
- Compagno, Andrea: Intelligent Glass Façades, Birkhäuser, Basel 1999<br />
- Db–detailbuch (serija knjig): detailbuch band 1, Klaus Siegele, Deutsche Verlag, Stuttgart 1999<br />
- Glass construction manual, Steel construction manual ...<br />
- Revije: Detail in podobne strokovne revije, ...<br />
- Prospekti proizvajalcev gradbenih materialov, ...<br />
-<br />
prof. dr. Peter Kreèiè, um. zgod.<br />
Predmet Umetnostna zgodovina (I in II) obravnava: pojem umetnosti v razmerju do pojmov naravne in kulturne dedišèine ter kulture,<br />
razliène umetnostne zvrsti in položaj likovne umetnosti med njimi. Obsega likovno umetnost v ožjem pomenu besede: slikarstvo,<br />
kiparstvo, <strong>arhitekturo</strong> ter širši krog umetnostnih dejavnosti, kot so urbanizem, krajinska arhitektura, industrijsko in grafièno oblikovanje,<br />
fotografija, umetna obrt idr. Daje zgodovinski pregled umetnostnih pojavov od prazgodovine do današnjih dni kot sosledje<br />
stilnorazvojnih formacij. Vkljuèuje razlago umetnostnih pojavov skozi zgolj likovne kategorije ploskovitega, plastiènega in siikovitega<br />
sloga kot možnim utreznikom idealistiènega, realistiènega in naturalistiènega družbeno-likovnega nazora. Poseben poudarek velja<br />
spoznavanju temeljnih likovnih pojmov, posebej arhitekturnih èlenov in njihovi skladnji.<br />
Umetnostna zgodovina 1 <strong>za</strong>jema obdobje od prazgodovine do grške antike, umetnostna zgodovina 2 pa od antike do moderne<br />
dobe. Seznam literature: stran 95.<br />
The subject History of Art and Architecture (1 and 2) deals with, phenomenon of art in relationship with natural and cultural heritage and<br />
culture, different artistic disciplines and the role of fine arts among them. It contains visual arts in their narrow sense: painting, sculpture,<br />
architecture and artistic activities like town planning, landscape architecture, industrial and graphic design, photography, applied art<br />
etc. It gives a historical survey of art phenomena from prehistory to modernity as a consequence of the development of stylistic<br />
formations. It includes discussion on artistic phenomena through exclusively plastic categories of linear, plastic and picturesque style as a<br />
possible parallel of idealistic, realistic and naturalistic and social-visual view of the world. Special attention is given to understanding<br />
basic fine art view categories, especially architectural elements their syntax.<br />
The History of Art I covers the period from Prehistoric time to the ancient Greek art and architecture. The History of art II covers the<br />
period from ancient Greek art and architecture up to 20 th century. List of literature: page 95.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
doc. dr. Davorin Gazvoda, univ. dipl. inž. kraj. arh.<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
Predmet združuje pregled osnovne terminologije krajinskega oblikovanja in krajinsko arhitekturnih naèrtovalskih metod. Od slušateljev<br />
se prièakuje, da osvojijo glavne teoretiène okvirje oblikovanja zelenih površin s poudarkom na izboru ustrezne lokacije <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> s<br />
pripadajoèimi zelenimi površinami.<br />
Vsebina predmeta: Predstavitev osnovnih naèrtovalskih tehnik v krajinskem oblikovanju s poudarkom na opredelitvi problema,<br />
analitiènem pristopu in specifiènih delovnih metodah. Posebej so predstavljene raznovrstne družbene <strong>za</strong>hteve po kakovostnem<br />
bivalnem okolju. Z vidika razumevanja krajinske arhitekture kot inženirske stroke je posebej izpostavljeno razumevanje obveznosti do<br />
družbe in okolja ter seznanjanje slušateljev z znaèilnostmi krajinske arhitekture, da bi lahko uspešneje sodelovali v meddisciplinarnih<br />
projektih. Posebno poglavje obsega predstavitev osnovnih pojmov v krajinski arhitekturi kot so: krajina, krajinska ekologija, odprti<br />
prostor, zelene površine, mestne zelene površine, mestne krajine, krajinsko oblikovanje, krajinski naèrt.<br />
Slušatelji se seznanijo z osnovnimi metodami prepoznavanja kakovostno oblikovanih zelenih površin preko številnih domaèih in tujih<br />
primerov krajinskega oblikovanja.<br />
The course integrates basic terminology of landscape design and landscape architecture design methods. Students are expected to<br />
absolve the main theoretical framework for designing green surfaces with emphasis on choice of adequate sites for architecture with<br />
pertaining green surfaces.<br />
Course contents: Presentation of basic design landscape design techniques with emphasis on definition of issues, analytical problems,<br />
analytical approach and specific working methods. Various social demands for quality living environments are presented. The aspect of<br />
understanding landscape architecture as an engineering profession is brought forward, especially understanding of responsibilities<br />
towards society and the environment, as well as informing students about the characteristics of landscape architecture, which can<br />
enable better cooperation in multidisciplinary projects. A special chapter is dedicated to presenting basic terms used in landscape<br />
architecture, such as: landscape, landscape ecology, open space, green surfaces, urban green surfaces, urban landscapes, landscape<br />
design and landscape plan.<br />
Students will learn about primary methods for recognising quality in design of green surfaces with examples from domestic and foreign<br />
landscape designs.<br />
- Church, T.: Gardens are for People, Berkeley: University of California Press 1995, c1985<br />
- Gazvoda, D.: Characteristics of modern landscape architecture and its education. Landsc. urban plan. [Print ed.], 2002, vol. 60, no. 2, str. 117-133.<br />
- Gazvoda, D.: Vloga in pomen zelenega prostora v novejših slovenskih stanovanjskih soseskah. Urbani izziv, 2001, let. 12, št. 2, str. 35-42, 133-137, ilustr.<br />
- Gazvoda, D.: Vsebinski in prostorski kontekst vodnih pojavov v mestu. V: Mlakar, Aleš (ur.), Simoneti, Maja (ur.), Matjašec, Darja (ur.).<br />
Voda : raba, varovanje, oblikovanje : zbornik 5. letnega strokovnega sreèanja Društva krajinskih arhitektov Slovenije. Ljubljana:<br />
Društvo krajinskih arhitektov Slovenije, 1998, str. 57-61, ilustr.<br />
- Gazvoda, D.: Krajina v mestu (v AB, vol. 139-140, julij 1998, letnik XXVIII)<br />
- Gazvoda, D.: Krajinsko naèrtovanje - nepogrešljivi del sodobnega urbanizma (v zborniku seminarja Urbanistièno naèrtovanje <strong>za</strong> nove družbene razmere,<br />
str. 37-41, Ljubljana: DAL 1999)<br />
- Mitchell, W.: The Poetics of Garden, Cambridge, The MIT Press 1993<br />
- Ogrin, D.: Vrtna umetnost sveta, Ljubljana, Pudon Ewo 1993<br />
- Steinitz, C.: Framework for Theory Applicable to the Education of Landscape Architects (and Other Environmental Design Professionals)<br />
(Landscape Journal, 9 (1990), No. 2, pp.: 136 – 143)<br />
74<br />
dodiplomski študij graduate course
doc. dr. Martina Zbašnik-Senegaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Predmet Eko-logièna arhitektura uvaja v arhitekturno naèrtovanje naèela trajnostnega razvoja. Tematika <strong>za</strong>hteva poznavanje ustroja<br />
stavbnega ovoja in njegove sestave ter ekoloških principov gradnje <strong>za</strong> doseganje standarda ekoloških, nizkoenergetskih in energetsko<br />
neodvisnih zgradb. Podlaga <strong>za</strong> pristop k naèrtovanju je obvladovanje programov <strong>za</strong> izraèun gradbene fizike, poznavanje veljavnih<br />
standardov <strong>za</strong> posamezne tipe zgradb in najnovejših tehnologij tovrstne gradnje, tudi s pomoèjo sodobnih informacijskih virov.<br />
Tematika je razdeljena na tri dele: analiziranje gradiv in konstrukcij po ekoloških principih na podlagi uveljavljenih predpisov in<br />
priporoèil (Ekologija v arhitekturi; Bivalno ugodje; Ekološko in zdravstveno vrednotenje gradiv; Ekološko osvešèeno bivanje; Ekološka<br />
gradiva; Ekološke konstrukcije; Ekološke površinske obdelave; Zelene strehe in fasade), spoznavanje relevantnih tehnologij <strong>za</strong><br />
posamezne pristope k naèrtovanju na uveljavljenih primerih tovrstne prakse v tujini (Pasivna hiša; Solarna hiša; Nizkoenergetska hiša;<br />
Energetsko neodvisna hiša; Ekološka hiša), integriranje principov ekološke gradnje v koncept naselij (Energetski koncepti; Elektrarne na<br />
strehi; Ekološka komunalna ureditev; Energetska bilanca).<br />
The course Eco-logical architecture introduces sustainable development into architectural design. The theme demands<br />
knowledge about the system of a building’s envelope and its’ structure, as well as ecological building principles needed for<br />
achieving standards of ecological, low-energy and energy-independent buildings. The foundations needed for designing are<br />
knowledge of software for computing building physics, valid standards for particular types of buildings and the most recent<br />
appropriate building technologies, even with the use of modern information sources. The theme is divided into three parts:<br />
analysis of materials and constructions according to ecological principles by using valid regulations and recommendations<br />
(ecology in architecture, living comfort, evaluation of materials based on ecological consequences and health, ecologically<br />
conscious materials, ecological materials, ecological constructions, ecological surface treatment, green roofs and façades);<br />
learning about relevant technologies for particular approaches to design by using examples of pertaining foreign practise<br />
(passive house, solar house, low-energy house, energy-independent house, ecological house); integrating principles of ecological<br />
building into settlement concepts (energy concept, rooftop power plants, ecological utilities network, energy balance).<br />
- Daniels, K.: Technologie des okologischen auens, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1994<br />
- Dworschak, G.: Neue energiesparhauser im detail, Weka Baufachverlag, Augsburg 1997<br />
- Fox, U.: Sonnenkollektoren, termische solaranlagen, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart/Berlin 1998<br />
- Humm, O.: Niedrigenergie und passivhauser, Ökobuch, Staufen 1998<br />
- Kaiser, Y. in Hastings, S.R.: Niedrigenergie-solarhauser, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Berlin/Boston 1998<br />
- König, H.: Wege zum gesunden bauen, Ökobuch Verlag, Staufen bei Freiburg 1997<br />
- Kresal, J.: Gradiva v arhitekturi, Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Krois, J. in Bammer, A.: Biologisch naturlich bauen, S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart-Leipzig 2000<br />
- Lloyd Jones, D.: Architektur und okologie: zeitgenossiche bioklimatische bauten, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1998<br />
- Roaf, S.: Ecohouse, Architectural Press, Oxford, 2001<br />
- Trebersburg, M.: Neues bauen mit der sonne, Springer Verlag, Wien/New York 1999<br />
- Zbašnik-Senegaènik, M.: Negativni vplivi gradiv na èloveka in okolje, doktorska disertacija, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>,<br />
Ljubljana 1996<br />
- Wines, J.: Green architecture, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, Köln 2000<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
seznam predmetov list of subjects<br />
76<br />
4.1 * Design studio 4<br />
A. oriented programme ARCHITECTURE<br />
4.2 Košir History of urbanism<br />
4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning<br />
4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology<br />
4.5 Fister Architectural rehabilitation and conservation<br />
4.6 Bonèa M. Public buildings 2<br />
4.7 Vodopivec Residential buildings 2<br />
4.8 Košir Industrial buildings<br />
4.9 ** Elective subjects - general<br />
4.10 ** Elective subject - oriented<br />
** Foreign language<br />
4.1 * Design studio 4<br />
B. oriented programme URBANISM<br />
4.2 Košir History of urbanism<br />
4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning<br />
4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology<br />
4.5 Fister Architectural rehabilitation and conservation<br />
4.11 Košir History of urbanism in Slovenia<br />
4.12 Pogaènik Planning of settlements<br />
4.13 Gabrijelèiè Ruralism<br />
4.9 ** Elective subjects - general<br />
4.14 ** Elective subject - oriented<br />
** Foreign language<br />
4.1 * Design studio 4<br />
4.2 Košir History of urbanism<br />
4.3 Pogaènik Urban planning<br />
4.4 Koželj Urbanistic methodology<br />
4.5 Fister Architectural rehabilitation and conservation<br />
4.15 Kobe Interior design<br />
4.16 Suhadolc Design of objects<br />
4.17 Suhadolc Graphic design for architects<br />
4.9 ** Elective subjects - general<br />
4.18 ** Elective subject - oriented<br />
** Foreign language<br />
* notes: page 78<br />
** notes: page 78<br />
76 dodiplomski študij graduate course<br />
C. oriented programme DESIGN
4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4<br />
4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma<br />
4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje<br />
4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija<br />
4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo<br />
4.6 Bonèa M. družbene zgradbe 2<br />
4.7 Vodopivec stanovanjske zgradbe 2<br />
4.8 Košir industrijske zgradbe<br />
4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni<br />
4.10 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja<br />
** tuj jezik<br />
A. usmeritveno podroèje ARHITEKTURA<br />
4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4<br />
4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma<br />
4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje<br />
4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija<br />
4.5 Fister prenova arhitekture in konzervatorstvo<br />
4.11 Košir razvoj urbanizma na Slovenskem<br />
4.12 Pogaènik naèrtovanje naselij<br />
4.13 Gabrijelèiè rurizem<br />
4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni<br />
4.14 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja<br />
** tuj jezik<br />
4.1 * projektiranje in kompozicija 4<br />
4.2 Košir razvoj urbanizma<br />
4.3 Pogaènik urbanistièno naèrtovanje<br />
4.4 Koželj urbanistièna metodologija<br />
4.5 Fister prenova arh. in konzervatorstvo<br />
4.15 Kobe oprema prostora<br />
4.16 Suhadolc oblikovanje predmetov<br />
4.17 Suhadolc grafika <strong>za</strong> arhitekte<br />
4.9 ** izbirni predmet - splošni<br />
4.18 ** izbirni predmet - s podroèja<br />
** tuj jezik<br />
* opombe na strani 79<br />
** opombe na strani 79<br />
B. usmeritveno podroèje URBANIZEM<br />
C. usmeritveno podroèje OBLIKOVANJE<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
letnik<br />
seznam predmetov list of subjects<br />
4.9 Elective subjects - general<br />
4.9.1 Košir: Architectural theory and critique 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: Environmental psychology<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: General safety<br />
4.9.4 Toth: Basics of philosophy<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè. Art history 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan: Landscaping 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: Management in building<br />
4.9.8 +++: Building and urban planning legislature<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: Fine arts order 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: Design and equipement of ecclesiastic buildings<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: Standardisation<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè Strojan: Space and media<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: Lighting in architecture<br />
4.10 Elective subjects - oriented<br />
4.10.1 Kilar: Construction concepts<br />
4.10.2 Muhiè: Prefabrication<br />
4.10.3 Ocvirk: Refurbishment and renewal<br />
4.10.4 Leskovec: Recreational buildings<br />
4.10.5 Marinko: Elements of classical composition<br />
4.10.6 Vogelnik: Industrial structures<br />
4.10.7 Kalèiè: Detail in architectual composition 2<br />
4.10.8 Deu: Cultural heritage protection<br />
4.14 Elective subjects - oriented<br />
4.14.1 Gabrijelèiè: Landscape architecture and environment preservation<br />
4.14.2 Pogaènik: Physical planning<br />
4.14.3 +++: Spatial sociology<br />
A. oriented programme ARCHITECTURE<br />
B. oriented programme URBANISM<br />
4.18 Elective subjects - oriented<br />
4.18.1 Kobe: Advanced interior design<br />
4.18.2 Mihelj: Model making<br />
4.18.3 Kalèiè: Details in interior<br />
4.18.4 Bonèa J.: Design concepts<br />
C. oriented programme DESIGN<br />
Notes:<br />
+++ Lecturer will be announced later.<br />
* Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent (see page 39). Once per semester<br />
intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio. In the framework of the 1st semester studio.<br />
** Students register the appropriate lecturer after choosing the elective subject. Foreign languages are facultative and can be inscribed in any year.<br />
78<br />
78 dodiplomski študij graduate course
4.9 Izbirni predmeti - splošni<br />
4.9.1 Košir: arhitekturna teorija in kritika 2<br />
4.9.2 Poliè: ekološka psihologija<br />
4.9.3 Muhiè: splošna varnost<br />
4.9.4 Toth: temelji filozofije<br />
4.9.5 Kreèiè: umetnostna zgodovina 2<br />
4.9.6 Kuèan : oblikovanje zelenih površin 2<br />
4.9.7 +++: management v gradnji<br />
4.9.8 +++: gradbena in urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>konodaja<br />
4.9.9 Mihelj: likovni red 2<br />
4.9.10 Debevc: oblikovanje cerkvenega prostora in opreme<br />
4.9.11 Muhiè: merska standardi<strong>za</strong>cija<br />
4.9.12 Zupanèiè-Strojan: multimedijski prostor<br />
4.9.13 Novljan: Svetloba in osvetlitev v prostoru<br />
4.10 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja<br />
4.10.1 Kilar: <strong>za</strong>snova konstrukcij<br />
4.10.2 Muhiè: gradbena prefabrikacija<br />
4.10.3 Ocvirk: asanacije in adaptacije<br />
4.10.4 Leskovec: rekreacijske zgradbe<br />
4.10.5 Marinko: elementi klasiène kompozicije<br />
4.10.6 Vogelnik: konstrukcije industrijskih objektov<br />
4.10.7 Kalèiè: detajl v arhitekturni kompoziciji 2<br />
4.10.8 Deu: celovito varstvo stavbne dedišèine<br />
4.14 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja<br />
4.14.1 Gabrijelèiè: krajinarstvo in varstvo okolja<br />
4.14.2 Pogaènik: prostorsko planiranje<br />
4.14.3 +++: prostorska sociologija<br />
4.18 Izbirni predmeti - s podroèja<br />
4.18.1 Kobe: oblikovanje prostora<br />
4.18.2 Mihelj: modeliranje<br />
4.18.3 Kalèiè: detajl v interierju<br />
4.18.4 Bonèa J.: oblikovne <strong>za</strong>snove<br />
Opombe:<br />
+++ predavatelj bo znan kasneje.<br />
* Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 39). Enkrat v semestru se v<br />
seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
**Študenti vpišejo ustreznega predavatelja potem, ko izberejo predmet. Tuji jeziki se izvajajo fakultativno tako, da jih študenti vpisujejo v katerem koli<br />
letniku.<br />
A. usmeritveno podroèje ARHITEKTURA<br />
B. usmeritveno podroèje URBANIZEM<br />
C. usmeritveno podroèje OBLIKOVANJE<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
letnik<br />
IV. letnik 300 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
izbrani mentor/elected mentor<br />
Študenti vpišejo mentorja v seminarju; izbira mentorja je naèeloma prosta, a mentor mora vnaprej soglašati (glej stran 39).<br />
Enkrat v semestru se v seminarjih izvedejo tudi intenzivne in èasovno omejene arhitekturne delavnice.<br />
Students register their tutor (mentor) in the studio; in principle the choice of tutor is open, but the tutor has to give prior consent<br />
(see page 39). Once per semester intensive and time limited architectural workshops are conducted in the studio.<br />
Predmet je hrbtenica programa, ki združuje aplikativni del strokovnih predmetov (vaje). Simulacija projektantskega<br />
biroja ali ateljeja se izvaja v mentorskih skupinah, ki združujejo vse letnike v istem prostoru (seminarju). Študent ima<br />
svojo delovno mizo, ob kateri se sreèa vsak dan s svojim mentorjem. Tradicija, ki traja že od ustanovitve šole (Pleènik,<br />
Vurnik), je v èasu doživljala spremembe in danes je metoda dela prilagojena potrebam in izzivom prakse tako, da se<br />
namesto rutinskega akademskega dela pojavljajo nove, žive in v aktualne probleme prostora ter družbe odprte oblike<br />
(veè dela na terenu, delavnice, nateèaji). Vsi izdelki študentov se enkrat letno javno razstavijo.<br />
The subject is the backbone of the programme, unifying the practical contents of professional subjects (exercises).<br />
The simulated architectural office or atelier is carried out in tutored groups that join all students in the same space<br />
(seminar). Each student has a desk where meetings with the tutor (mentor) are conducted. This tradition is being<br />
pursued since the faculty was established (Pleènik, Vurnik) and has since been subject to changes. Today the method<br />
is adapted to needs and challenges of present practice, thus instead of routine academic work new, vital and real<br />
issues are emerging, as well as new open societal types (more filed work, workshops, competitions). The students’<br />
projects are publicly exhibited annually.<br />
80 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
IV. letnik 30 ur<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Košir, F. : Zamisel mesta (LJ, SM 1993)<br />
Vsebina: Uvod (temeljni pojmi): gene<strong>za</strong> elementov (prostorskih prvin). Od tvorb k <strong>za</strong>snovam: sedem korakov do<br />
nastanka ve<strong>za</strong>nega mesta (diferenciacija, koagulacija, kristali<strong>za</strong>cija, polari<strong>za</strong>cija, geometri<strong>za</strong>cija, aksiali<strong>za</strong>cija,<br />
nukleacija). Ve<strong>za</strong>no mesto: Orient in klasièna antika. Dualizem radialnih in ortogonalnih <strong>za</strong>snov. Helenski dualizem<br />
»starega« in »novega« naèina (kot ga definira Aristotel). Helenizem. Rimski urbani univerzum (castrum). Postantièna<br />
kri<strong>za</strong>: vrnitev rašèenih struktur. Fevdalno »bastidsko mesto« kot uvod v moderni naèrtovani red. Renesanèno »idealno<br />
mesto«: nastanek kaste oficirskih naèrtovalcev. Baroèno rezidenèno mesto. Racionalistièno »žoržetsko mesto« (Georgette<br />
City). Moderno »tartansko mesto« (Tartan City). Industrijska revolucija kot detonator. Funkcionalizem (Le<br />
Corbusier). Postfunkcionalizem in dekonstruktivistiène perspektive.<br />
Contents: Genesis of (spatial) elements. From agglomerated to planned patterns: seven steps to the emergence of<br />
consistent city (differentiation, coagulation, crystallisation, polarisation, geometrisation, axialisation, nucleation). The<br />
totally integrated city: Oriental and classical antiquity. Dualism of radial and orthogonal patterns. Hellenic dualism<br />
of the »old« and »new« method (as defined by Aristoteles). Hellenism. Roman urban universe (castrum). Post-antiquity<br />
crisis: return of organic structures. Feudal »Bastide City« as introduction to the modern planning order. The Renaissance<br />
»Ideal City«: emergence of the caste of planning officers. The Baroque Residential City. The Rationalistic<br />
»Georgette City«. The modern »Tartan City«. The industrial revolution as the detonator. Functionalism (Le Corbusier).<br />
Postfunctionalism and deconstructivist perspectives.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
IV. letnik 30 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- De Chiara: Time saver standards for residential development, McGraw Hill, ZDA, 1989<br />
- Hough, M.: Cities and natural placess, Routledge, London, 1994<br />
- Kastelic, T.: Tehnièni normativi <strong>za</strong> projektiranje in opremo mestnih prometnih površin, FGG,<br />
Ljubljana, 1991<br />
- Pogaènik, A.: Urbanistièno planiranje, uèbenik, FAGG, Ljubljana, 1984<br />
- Pogaènik, A.: Urejanje prostora in varstvo okolja, uèbenik, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana<br />
- Pogaènik, A.: Kvantitativne metode v prostorskem in urbanistiènem planiranju, FAGG,<br />
Ljubljana, 1988<br />
- Vrišer, I.: Urbana geografija, FGG – IPŠPUP, Ljubljana, 1984<br />
Vsebina: Uvod, splošni pojmi in urbanistièna terminologija. Proces urbani<strong>za</strong>cije, urbani sistemi. Geodetskokartografske<br />
podlage urbanistiènih dokumentov, kataster, zemljiška knjiga, GIS-i in druge podatkovne<br />
osnove. Pregled glavnih podatkov o prostoru in njihova obdelava <strong>za</strong> urbanistiène naloge. Karte primernosti<br />
in okoljske nosilnosti, urbana ekologija.<br />
Urbanistièna dokumentacija, <strong>za</strong>konodaja in služba. Izvajanje urbanistiènih planov in projektov. Instrumenti<br />
zemljiške politike. Urbanistièna sinte<strong>za</strong>. Metode in tehnike v urbanistiènem naèrtovanju.<br />
Podrobno urbanistièno naèrtovanje naselitvene, centralne, proizvodne, komunalne rabe, mestnih zelenih<br />
površin, prometne, komunalne, energetske in okoljevarstvene infrastrukture. Varnost v naseljih. Strokovni<br />
obiski pomembnejših urbanistiènih <strong>za</strong>vodov – upravnih in projektantskih.<br />
Contents: Introduction, general terms and urban planning terminology. Urbanisation process, urban<br />
systems. Geodetic, cartographic maps fort planning documents, land cadastre, geographic information<br />
systems and other databanks. Data processing and uses of geographic information systems in urban<br />
planning. Environmental impact assessment and bearing capacity, urban ecology.<br />
Site plans, urban documents, legislation and agencies. Plan implementation, types of plans and projects.<br />
Real estate management. Synthesis in urban planning. Methods and techniques in urban planning.<br />
Detailed planning of housing, central, industrial, land uses, municipal services, traffic infrastructure, supply<br />
systems, public safety.<br />
Visits of important urban planning institutions, offices and governmental institutions.<br />
82 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
IV. letnik 30 ur<br />
prof. Janez Koželj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Alexander, Ch.: A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, New York 1977<br />
- Barton, H., Davis, G., Guise, R.: Suistainable Settlements, A Guide for Planners, Designers and<br />
Developers, University of the West of England and the Local Government Management Board,<br />
Bristol 1995<br />
- Èerpes, I.: Samoorgani<strong>za</strong>cija in urejanje naselij, Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>,<br />
Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Lynch, K.: The Image of the City, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge 1960<br />
- Èerpes, Koželj s sodelavci: Priporoèila <strong>za</strong> urejanje naselij, Ministrstvo <strong>za</strong> okolje in prostor ter<br />
Ministrstvo <strong>za</strong> znanost, šolstvo in šport Rep. Slovenije, Ljubljana 2001<br />
- Èerpes, Koželj, Pahor: Urbanistièna metodologija, interna navodila <strong>za</strong> izdelavo vaj, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong><br />
<strong>arhitekturo</strong> 2002<br />
Temeljni cilji predmeta so naslednji: opredeliti in razložiti temeljne pojme v sistemu trajnostnega urejanja prostora, spoznati študente z metodami<br />
in tehnikami urbanistiènega naèrtovanja, seznaniti študente s stanjem in težnjami razvoja v prostoru ter s problemi njegovega urejanja, preizkusiti<br />
uporabo operativnih metod in tehnik naèrtovanja v konkretnem prostoru, o<strong>za</strong>vešèanje študentov <strong>za</strong> odgovorno poseganje v prostor glede na<br />
njihove okoljske, ekonomske socialne uèinke.<br />
Vsebina: Metode in tehnike: analitiène, inventari<strong>za</strong>cijske, napovedovalne; lokacijsko naèrtovanje: razporejanje rabe in organi<strong>za</strong>cija dejavnosti<br />
v prostoru; fizièno naèrtovanje: dimenzioniranje in urejanje vzorcev, fiziènih struktur in prostorskih oblik; Simulacija naèrtovalskega postopka;<br />
sistemski pristop: baze podatkov, urejanje in izbiranje, ankete, statistike, GIS /geoinformacijski sistem/, urbanistièe analize: stanje in težnje:<br />
layering, okoljske, strukturne, morfološke , <strong>za</strong>znavne, jezik vzorcev, vrednotenje primernosti in ranljivosti: metoda pedoskvenc, metoda izloèanja<br />
s prekrivanjem plasti, postavljanje ciljev: protokoli, delo z javnostmi, sektorska prièakovanja, urbanistièna <strong>za</strong>snova: razvojno programiranje,<br />
strateško presojanje , SWOT analize, modeliranje, pisanje scenarijev, prezentacije: ArcView, IDRISI; ProVal, implementacija: odloèanje,<br />
preverjanje.<br />
The basic goals of the subject are as follows: defining and explaining basic concepts in the system of sustainable spatial management,<br />
introducing students to methods and techniques of urban design, informing students about conditions and trends of spatial development<br />
and management issues, testing the use of operative design methods and techniques in real space, raising awareness among students<br />
about environmental, economic and social effects of spatial developments.<br />
Contents: Methods and techniques: analysis, inventory, forecasting; Site planning: distribution of uses and organisation of activities in<br />
space; Physical planning: dimensioning and arrangement of patterns, physical structures and spatial forms; Simulation of design<br />
procedures; Systems approach: databases, management and selection, surveys, statistics, GIS (geo-information systems); Urbanistic<br />
analysis: conditions and trends, environmental, structural, morphological and perceptive layering, pattern language, evaluation of<br />
suitability and vulnerability: method of pedo-sequences, method of elimination by overlapping layers, setting goals: protocols, public<br />
participation, departmental expectations, urbanistic concept, development programming, strategic assessment, SWOT analyses,<br />
modelling, drafting scenarios, presentations: ArcView, IDRISI, Proval, implementation, decision-making, checking.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
IV. letnik 90 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Peter Fister, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Fister, P.: Prenova in varstvo arhitekturne dedišèine, Ljubljana 1979<br />
- Fister, P.: Serija strokovnih in teoretiènih èlankov v zbornikih Varstvo spomenikov in drugod<br />
Vsebina: Teorija in metode dokumentiranja: cilji in metode temeljnih strok; interdisciplinarni cilji in metode<br />
konservatorskega dokumentiranja dedišèin; sodobni informacijski sistemi. Anali<strong>za</strong> in ocena dokumentirane dedišèine,<br />
priprava kriterijev varstva in prenove: merial <strong>za</strong> posege v dedišèino, reevaluacija dedišèine, javna dostopnost ocen;<br />
izdelava konservatorskega programa Projekt procesa varstva in prenove dedišèine: teorija naèrtovanja procesa<br />
varstva in prenove, metode izdelave projektov (mednarodno uveljavljene in slovenske posebnosti), projekti<br />
konservacije, prezentacije, likovne, tehnološke in vsebinske sanacije, managementa in prostorske prenove, strokovno<br />
in javno preverjanje projektov. Izvedba konservatorskega programa: organi<strong>za</strong>cija, korektura programov, dodatne<br />
raziskave, izpolnjevanje formalnih <strong>za</strong>htev, odgovornost. Aktualnosti in vzorci: novosti doma in po svetu ter v<br />
posameznih strokah; posebni problemi, vloga novih tehnologij, managementa, ekologije. Vzorèna predstavitev<br />
primerov s kritièno oceno izvedbe.<br />
Contents: Theory and documentation methods: goals and methods of basic professions; interdisciplinary conservation<br />
aims and methods of documenting heritage; modern information systems. Analysis and appraisal of heritage,<br />
preparation of preservation and restoration criteria; standards for interventions on heritage; re-evaluation of heritage,<br />
public accessibility to appraisals, implementation of conservation programmes. Designing the process of preservation<br />
and restoration of heritage: theory of the preservation and restoration planning process, methods of internationally<br />
acknowledged design implementation (and Slovenian particularities), projects of conservation, preservation,<br />
refurbishment of artistic and technological contents; management and spatial restoration, professional and public<br />
evaluation of plans. Execution of conservation programmes: organisation, correction of programmes, additional<br />
research, meeting formal requirements, and responsibility. Actualities and models: domestic and foreign novelties<br />
and novelties in specific professions, special problems, the role of new technologies, management, ecology. Model<br />
presentation of case studies with critical evaluation of execution.<br />
84 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. dr. Miloš Bonèa, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Pevsner, N.: A History of Building Types; Thames and Hudson, London 1979<br />
- Murray, P.: The Arhitecture of Italian Renaissance; Thames & Hudson, London 1986<br />
- Wittkover, R.: Arhitectural Principles in the Age of Humanism; Academy Editions, London 1988<br />
- Summerson, J.: The Classical Language of Architecture; Thames & Hudson, London 1988<br />
- Tafuri M.: The Sphere and the Labyrinth, MIT Press, Cambridge 1990<br />
- Gombrich E.-Eribon D.: Looking for Answer, Conversations on Art and Science; Harry N. Abrams Inc., NY 1993<br />
- Bonèa, M.: Pet vaj iz arhitekture ali arhitekturna razprava o hiši; FA, Ljubljana 1995<br />
-<br />
- Morgan, Conway Lloyd: Jean Nouvel: The Elements of Architecture, Universe Publishing, NY 1998<br />
- Van Berkel, B., Bos, C.: Move: 1. Imaginations, 2. Techniques, 3. Effects; UN Studio & Goose press, Amsterdam 1999<br />
- Baudrillard, J., Nouvel, J.: The Singular Objects of Architecture; University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2002<br />
- Spletni gradbeni vodnik,, 15.1.2003<br />
- Veljavni pravilniki in <strong>za</strong>koni pri projektiranju v RS,, 15.1.2003<br />
Osnovni smoter predmeta je vzporedno dograjevanje osnov – projektne in strukturne filozofije <strong>za</strong> posamezne vrste zgradb, z vzpostavljanjem<br />
odnosov v širšem prostoru. Vsebina: 1. Hiša je tehniško urejena celota: Anali<strong>za</strong> znaèilnih tipov zgradb (… do multifunkcionalnih mega zgradb, ki se<br />
sproti prilagajajo novim dejavnostim), spoznavanje arhitekturne teme. Organi<strong>za</strong>cija prostora, uporabnost zgradbe, logièna, z metodo podprta<br />
razporeditev programa <strong>za</strong>gotavlja, da bo zgradba najbolje služila svojemu namenu (… do zgradb, kjer se program stalno spreminja). Sestava<br />
zgradbe, materiali in njihova svojstva, konstrukcijske izkušnje, transformirane v <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, delitev na nosilni in loèilni sistem omogoèa novo<br />
razumevanje fasadnega pasu (… do integralnih površin, ki združujejo funkcijo, infrastrukturo in konstrukcijo). 2. Hiša je del mesta (graditi hišo je<br />
kulturno dejanje): Odnos med hišo in mestom, temeljne arhitekturne naloge v zgodovinskih obdobjih, mestna palaèa – javni svet mesta, privatni svet<br />
uporabnikov, naravni svet vrtov. Hiša, ki doloèa mesto – 19. stoletje v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> – veliki volumni, novo veliko merilo, nove ambientalne poteze, razvoj<br />
novih tipov zgradb. Odnos med obstojeèim in novim, prenova kot aktivna <strong>za</strong>šèita, znaèilni primeri povojne prenove mestnih jeder v Evropi. Odnos<br />
med zgradbo in okoljem, znaèilni posegi, klasifikacija posegov, metode. Prouèevanje okolja – sistematièna ureditev elementov na nivoju ambienta,<br />
objekta, detajla, ob spoštovanju zgodovinskega razvoja in lokalnih znaèilnosti. Model uskladitve novega z obstojeèim – razgraditev volumnov na<br />
stalne osnove in spremenljive dodatke (na tehniške in oblikovne enote). Razvoj modela, razslojevanje lupine na <strong>za</strong>šèito objekta in na pove<strong>za</strong>vo z<br />
okoljem - dve plasti (… do novih topoloških prostorskih kontinuitet).<br />
The prime rationale of the course is parallel growth of basic project and structural philosophy for particular types of buildings by establishing<br />
relations in wider space.Contents: The building is a technically arranged entity: Analysis of typical types of buildings (… from multi-functional megabuildings,<br />
that consequentially adapt to new functions), recognition of the architectural theme. Spatial organisation, building utility, logical, method<br />
supported distribution of programmes ensures that the building will serve its purpose (… even buildings, whose programme changes constantly).<br />
Composition of a building, materials and their properties, experiences in construction translated to architecture, separation into load bearing and<br />
dividing systems enables new understanding of the façade belt (… to integral surfaces that join function, infrastructure and construction). The building<br />
is part of the city (building a house is a cultural act): the relation between the building and city, basic architectural tasks in historical periods, the city<br />
palace, city’s public domain, private user’s domain, natural domain of gardens. The house which determines the city … 19 th century in Ljubljana,<br />
large volumes, new grand scales, new ambiances of single strokes, development of new building types. Relation between extant and new, rehabilitation<br />
as active protection and typical examples of post-war rehabilitation of urban cores in Europe. Relation between the building and its’ surroundings,<br />
typical developments, classification of developments, methods. Examining the environment, systematic arrangement of elements on the level of<br />
place, building, detail, with respect to historical development and local specifics. Model for harmonising the new with the extant, decomposition of<br />
volumes into constants and changeable additions (technical and design elements). Development of the model, layering of the envelope into two<br />
layers – protective and connective layer (… unto new topological spatial continuities).<br />
smer: ARHITEKTURA<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Ackerman, J. S.: The Villa, Princeton UP 1990<br />
- Colomina, B.: Privacy and Publicity, MIT Press, Cambridge, London 1994<br />
- Hartoonian, G.: Ontology of Construction, Cambridge UP 1994<br />
- Rykwert, J.: On Adam’s House in paradise, The Museum of Modern Art, New York 1972<br />
- Rowe, C.: The Mathematic of the ideal Villa, MIT Press, Cambridge 1976<br />
- Van der Ree, Smienk, Steenbergen: Italian Villas and Gardens, Prestel, Munchen 1993<br />
- Risselada, M.: Raumplan versus Plan libre, Delft UP, Delft 1988<br />
- Lotus 60, Electa, Milano 1988<br />
- Izbrana poglavja iz monografij obravnavanih arhitektov.<br />
Predavanja in vaje uvajajo študente v samostojno raziskovanje novih tipologij bivalnega okolja in iskanje odgovorov na vprašanje, kako<br />
stanovanjski gradnji tudi v našem èasu odpreti obzorja arhitekture.<br />
Vsebina: Problematika sodobne stanovanjske gradnje (nov pomen družine in <strong>za</strong>sebnosti, delo na domu, fleksibilnost in odprti sistemi, sodobne<br />
konstrukcijske možnosti, gospodarnost gradnje, energetsko varèna in okolju prijazna arhitektura, sposobnosti novih gradbenih materialov itd.).<br />
Topografija okolja, geometrija vile in perspektiva kot vezni element (renesanène vile v Italiji); rojstvo novega tipa (Palladio – palladijanska vila);<br />
pove<strong>za</strong>va notranjega in zunanjega prostora (F.L. Wright); prostorski naèrt (A. Loos - Raumplan); tektonska logika sodobne gradnje: armirani<br />
beton (Le Corbusier - prosti tloris), jeklo (Mies van der Rohe - kontinuiteta bivalnega prostora); vplivi likovne umetnosti, literature in filozofije<br />
(Rietveld, Malaparte, Wittgenstein); avtentièno gradivo, geometrijski red in narava (T. Ando); nacionalna identiteta arhitekture (L. Barragan,<br />
Pleènik); možnosti sodobnih gradbenih materialov (Herzog & de Meuron, J. Nouvel - tekstura ovoja); vplivi filma in sodobne umetnosti -<br />
konceptualizem, Land Art, minimalizem (Mies, Si<strong>za</strong>, Campo Bae<strong>za</strong>, Silvestrin); pojav globali<strong>za</strong>cije in regionalizem - ekološka gradnja (G.<br />
Murcutt); ekonomika gradnje – socialne razsežnosti stanovanjske gradnje (Lacaton&Vassal); nove medijske tehnologije – vdor javnega v<br />
<strong>za</strong>sebnost stanovanja.<br />
The lectures and exercises introduce students to independent research of new typologies of residential environments and finding of<br />
answers to questions about opening contemporary architectural horizons to housing construction.<br />
Contents: Issues in contemporary housing construction (new meanings of family and privacy, working from home, flexibility and open<br />
systems, contemporary possibilities in construction, building economics, energy efficient and environmentally friendly architecture,<br />
capabilities of new building materials etc.). Environmental topography, geometry of the villa and perspective as the connecting media<br />
(renaissance villas in Italy). Ascent of the new type (Palladio). Connection of inner and outer space (Wright). Spatial plan (Loos).<br />
Structural logic of contemporary building – open layout (Le Corbusier). Continuity of living space (Mies van der Rohe). Impact of art,<br />
literature and philosophy (Rietveld, Malaparte, Wittgenstein). Authentic building materials, geometrical order and nature (T. Ando).<br />
Architecture as oasis of silence (L. Barragan). Building envelope texture (Herzog & de Meuron, J. Nouvel). Contemporary art impact,<br />
conceptualism, Land art, minimalism (Mies, Si<strong>za</strong>, Campo Bae<strong>za</strong>, Silvestrin). Regionalism, ecological building (G.Murcutt). Slovenian<br />
contribution to architecture of single-family housing (Pleènik, Tomažiè, Šubic, Jugovec).<br />
86 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientation: ARCHITECTURE
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- s.a.: Industriebau (Stuttgart, DVA 1994)<br />
Vsebina: Kaj je industrijska arhitektura? Kulturne razsežnosti oblikovanja industrijskih objektov. Razvoj lokacijske teorije<br />
industrijskih objektov. Razvoj industrijske arhitekture na Slovenskem: Formativna fa<strong>za</strong> (1500/1800). Idrija kot arhetip<br />
modernega industrijskega naselja. Industrijska revolucija v avstrijski monarhiji (1800/1918). Razvoj industriali<strong>za</strong>cije v<br />
jugoslovanski monarhiji (1918/1941). Energetika kot bazièni problem v federativni socialistièni državi (1945/1991).<br />
Estetski in programski problemi socialistiène izgradnje industrije. Urbanistiène dimenzije industriali<strong>za</strong>cije v dvajsetem<br />
stoletju. Arhitekturne znaèilnosti oblikovanja industrijskih objektov. Drugi primeri: oblikovanje industrijskih objektov na<br />
Danskem. Trendi v prihajajoèem tretjem tisoèletju: avantgardna primera Renzo Piano in Santiago Calatrava.<br />
Rezervna tema: problemi varnosti.<br />
Contents: What is industrial architecture? The cultural dimensions of designing industrial buildings. Development of<br />
the location theory of industrial buildings. Development of industrial architecture in Slovenia: the formative phase<br />
(1500–1800). Idrija as the prototype of modern industrial settlements. The industrial revolution in the Austrian<br />
monarchy (1800–1918). Development of industrialisation in the Yugoslav monarchy (1918–1941). Energetics as the<br />
fundamental problem in the federative socialist state (1945–1991). Issues of aesthetics and programme of socialist<br />
industrial development. Urbanistic dimensions of 20th Century industrialisation. Architectural characteristics of<br />
industrial building design. Other examples: design of industrial buildings in Denmark. Trends of the emerging third<br />
millennium, avant-garde examples: Renzo Piano and Santiago Calatrava. Reserve topic: safety issues.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
smer: ARHITEKTURA<br />
IV. letnik 60ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Košir, F.: Izbrani èlanki 1975/1999 (LJ, FA 2000)<br />
Vsebina: Uvod (znaèilnosti slovenskega poselitvenega prostora). Arheološko izroèilo od neolitika do <strong>za</strong>tona antike.<br />
Vprašanje o regionali<strong>za</strong>ciji (in standardnih nacionalnih fetiših). Fevdalna mesta in trgi na Slovenskem. Od fevdalnega<br />
do modernega tkiva. Maks Fabiani kot prvi moderni urbanistièni in arhitekturni naèrtovalec in teoretik (»in the field«).<br />
Trideseta leta in prodor funkcionalistiènih nazorov (1930/1940). Tradicionalizem vraèa udarec: Architectura Perennis<br />
(1941). Klavrna in kratka fa<strong>za</strong> socrealizma (1945/1950). Vrnitev k ciamovskemu funkcionalizmu (1950/1965).<br />
Strukturalistièna fa<strong>za</strong> funkcionalizma (1965/1980). Alternativno birokratsko planerstvo in ekosocializem (»urbanizem<br />
= matematika + marksizem«). Postmoderna kritika funkcionalistiènih dogem (1980/2000). Digitalia »pro futuro«.<br />
Rezervna tema (povzetek): urbane <strong>za</strong>snove dvajsetega stoletja.<br />
Contents: Introduction (characteristics of the space of Slovenian settlement). Archaeological heritage from the<br />
Neolithic till the demise of Classical Antiquity. Regionalisation issues (and standard national fetishes). Feudal cities<br />
and markets in Slovenia. From the feudal to the modern tissue. Maks Fabiani as the first modern urbanist, architect<br />
and theoretician (»in the field«). The thirties and the influx of functionalistic attitudes (1930–1940). Traditionalism<br />
strikes back: Architectura Perennis (1941): the meagre and short phase of Socrealism (1945–1950). Return to CIAM<br />
Modernism (1950–1965). Structuralistic phase of Functionalism (1965–1980). Alternative bureaucratic quasiplanning<br />
and Ecosocialism (»urbanism = mathematics + marxism«). Post-modern critique of functionalistic dogmas<br />
(1980–2000). Digitalia »pro futuro«. Reserve topic (summary): urban concepts of the 20th century.<br />
88 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientation: URBANISM
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Cilji: Seznaniti se s temelji urejanja regionalnega prostora in ocenjevanja vplivov posegov v prostor in okolje.<br />
Omogoèiti timsko in interdisciplinarno delo v prostorskem planiranju in uporabo GIS in LIS sistemov v prostorskem<br />
planiranju. Poudarek je na tehnièno-naèrtovalskih vidikih (v razliko od socio-ekonomskih in goegrafskih)<br />
prostorskega planiranja.<br />
Vsebina predavanj: Kratka zgodovina razvoja prostorskega planiranja v svetu in pri nas, stanje v evropskih<br />
državah. Metode in tehnike teamskega in interdisciplinarnega dela na prostorskem planu, mrežnem planu, metodi<br />
kritiène poti. Kartografske in raèunalniške tehnike v prostorskem planiranju. Potrebe <strong>za</strong> površinami, bilance površin,<br />
oblikovanje in ocenjevanje variant. Teorija lokacije, lokacijske odloèitve. Koncept razporeditve in uskladitve<br />
dejavnosti oz. rab v prostoru <strong>za</strong>: kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, rudarstvo, naselitev, proizvodnjo, centre, turizem,<br />
rekreacijo v naravnem okolju. Trasiranje in naèrtovanje prometnih, energetskih, vodo-oskrbnih, komunalnih in<br />
drugih infrastrukturnih sistemov. Prostorska sinte<strong>za</strong> in kompozicija. Prostorsko planiranje z vidika varstva okolja,<br />
varstva pred naravnimi nesreèami, varstva dedišèine. Sanacija degradiranih obmoèij. Krajinska tipika in<br />
oblikovanje. Metode ocenjevanja velikih posegov v prostor z vidika varstva okolja. Zakljuèek in diskusija.<br />
Goals: To gain knowledge about tha basics of regional planning and the assessment of spatial impacts of<br />
development. Enabling team work and inter-disciplinary approaches in physical planning, use of GIS and LIS<br />
sytems. Emphasis is on technical-practical aspects (in comparison with social-economic and geographical)<br />
physical planning.<br />
Lectures: Short historical overview of physical planning in the World and in Slovenia, the state in European<br />
countries. Methods and techniques of team and inter-disciplinary work in physical planning, network plan,<br />
method of critical path. Cartographic and computer techniques in physical planning. Spatial needs, balance of<br />
surfaces, design and evaluation of possibiities. Site theory, site decision making. Concepts of distributing and<br />
harmonising land use for agriculture, forestry, mining, settlement, production, central functions, tourism, recreation<br />
in the natural environment. Spatial synthesis and composition. Physical planning from the aspect of environmental<br />
protection, protection from natural disasters, protection of heritage. Rehabilitation of degraded areas.<br />
Landscape types and design. Methods of appraisal of large scale development projects from the aspect of<br />
environemntal protection. Conclusion and discussion.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
smer: URBANIZEM<br />
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Ažman Momirski, L., Fikfak, A. (ur.): Oblike prostorskega naèrtovanja: od mestnega naèrta do urejanja<br />
naselij, Publikacija Mednarodnega posveta dec. 1999, Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>,<br />
Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Barbiè, A.: Kulturna identiteta slovenskega podeželja; izhodišèa, sestavine in problemi celovitega razvoja<br />
podeželja v Sloveniji (izdajatelj skupina Niè), Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek <strong>za</strong> agronomijo, Inštitut <strong>za</strong><br />
agrarno ekonomiko, Ljubljana 1995<br />
- Barbiè, A., Wastl-Walter D. (ur.): Sustainable development of rural areas: from global problems to local<br />
solution, Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften, Institut für Geographie der Universität Klagenfurt 1995<br />
- Hoggart K., Buller H., Black R.: Rural Europe, identity and change, Arnold, London 1995<br />
- Gabrijelèiè, P.: Novi poselitveni vzorci na podeželju; zbornik posveta: Izhodišèa, sestavine in problemi<br />
celovitega razvoja podeželja v Sloveniji, str. 149-164, 1995<br />
- Gabrijelèiè, P., Fikfak, A.: Rurizem in ruralna arhitektura, univerzitetni uèbenik. 1. izd., Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>,<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana 2002<br />
- Mingay, G. E.(ur.): The rural idyll, Routledge, London 1989<br />
- OECD (Organisation for economic co-operation and development): Agricultural policy reform and the<br />
rural economy in OECD countries, Paris 1998<br />
- Stiller, A.: The house as an article – on the way to production, A + T, 10, 1997<br />
- Töpfer K.: Rural poverty, sustainability and rural development in the twenty-first century: A focus on<br />
human settlements, zeitschrieft für kulturtechnik und andentwicklung, 41, 3: 98-105, 2000<br />
Vsebina: Pregled metodoloških pristopov k vrednotenju kulturne krajine kot izhodišèe <strong>za</strong> doloèanje njenih tipov.<br />
Fiziognomija pokrajine kot naravna podlaga kmetijsko proizvodne regije. Strukturiranje teh regij in oblikovanje vaških<br />
teritorijev po tipih proizvodne usmeritve. Morfološka anali<strong>za</strong> vaških teritorijev, njihova odvisnost od naravnih in<br />
ustvarjenih danosti ter njihov vpliv na oblikovanje poselitvenega vzorca. Morfološka anali<strong>za</strong> vaških naselij. Anali<strong>za</strong><br />
osnovnih proizvodnih enot v odnosu do naselja. Metode projektiranja novih tipov agrarno produkcijskih enot in<br />
njihova nave<strong>za</strong>va na obstojeèe. Alternativni ureditveni preizkusi oblikovanja vaškega teritorija kot izhodišèe <strong>za</strong><br />
kriterije urejanja posameznih tipov naselij.<br />
Contents: Review of methodological approaches to evaluation of cultural landscape as starting point for determining<br />
types. Physiognomy of landscape as the natural basis of rural production regions. Structuring of regions and<br />
design of village territories according to types of production aims. Morphological analysis of village territories, their<br />
dependence on natural and man–made features and their impact on settlement pattern design. Morphological<br />
analysis of rural settlements. Analysis of basic production units in relation to the settlement. Methods of designing<br />
new types of agrarian production units and their links to the existing environment. Alternative case studies of planning<br />
rural territories as the basis for establishing criteria for particular settlements types.<br />
90 dodiplomski študij graduate course smer/orientation:<br />
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
doc. Jurij Kobe, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Anali<strong>za</strong> funkcije, pomena in estetike opreme prostora. Oprema notranjega in zunanjega prostora. Oprema<br />
javnega prostora, industrijskega, sakralnega, gledališènega prostora in domaèega ambienta. Klasièni in moderni<br />
primeri ter trendi razvoja. Zgodovinske, oblikovne in tehniène komponente opreme prostora. Dekoracija. Pomen<br />
tehniènih naprav, strojnih in elektriènih instalacij. Detajliranje v luèi oblike in izvedbe. Oprema kot unikat, kot pohištvo,<br />
kot finalna površina prostora. Struktura, barva in svetloba v prostoru.<br />
Contents: Analysis of function, meaning and aesthetics in interior design. Designing inner and outer spaces. Interior<br />
design of public space, industrial, ecclesiastic, theatre space and homes. Classical and modern examples with<br />
development trends. Historical, formal and technological aspects of interior design. Decoration. The role of technical<br />
equipment, mechanical and electrical fittings. Detailing in terms of form and execution. Interior design as a unique<br />
product, furniture, finishing of surfaces. Structure, colour and light in space.<br />
smer/orientation<br />
orientation: OBLIKOVANJE / DESIGN<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />
prof. Janez Suhadolc, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Oblikovanje na Slovenskem, DOS, Ljubljana 1991<br />
- Slovenski znak in plakat, Sinte<strong>za</strong>, Ljubljana 1989<br />
- Katalogi BIO 1 – 13, Arhitekturni muzej 1965 - 97<br />
- Pleènik, J.: Napori, Arhitektura perennis, Ljubljana, 1938, 1956<br />
- Russel, F.: Chair Design, Academy editions, London 1985<br />
- Makaroviè, G.: Slovenska ljudska umetnost, DZS, Ljubljana 1974<br />
- Bogataj, J.: Ljudska umetnost in obrti, Domus, Ljubljana 1993<br />
Vsebina: Konceptualni in projektantski vidiki male arhitetkure, ki ni nujno sestavina veèjih interierov ali <strong>za</strong>snov. Pojem<br />
stila. Problem nacionalne identitete v arhitekturi in oblikovanju. Vidiki mednarodnih in domaèih dosežkov. Tehnologija<br />
izdelave in detajli.<br />
Contents: Conceptual and design aspects of small architecture which is not neccessarily a part of bigger interiors or<br />
concepts. Definition of style. Problems of national identity in architecture and design. Aspects of international and<br />
domestic achievements. Technology and details.<br />
92 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientation: DESIGN
IV. letnik 60 ur<br />
prof. Janez Suhadolc, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
- Ruder, E.: Tipografija, Parti<strong>za</strong>nska knjiga, Ljubljana 1984<br />
- Bratuž, L.: Manum Scriptum, NUK, Ljubljana 1990<br />
- Beisele, I.G.: Graphic Design Education, ABC Verlag, Zurich 1981<br />
- Tafelmaier, W.: Schrift Variiren, Callwey, Munchen 1990<br />
- Frutiger, A.: Type Sign Symbol, ABC Verlag, Zurich 1992<br />
- Berthold Phototypes, Dallwey, Berlin 1986<br />
- Henrion, F. K.: Corporate Identity, T & H, New York 1993<br />
Vsebina: Stik in simbio<strong>za</strong> vizualnih komunikacij z <strong>arhitekturo</strong>. Morfologija èrke; èlenitev, pisava in tisk. Pojem<br />
geometriènega, optiènega in organskega. Pika, èrta in ploskev; ritem, integralni design, napis v arhitekturnem okolju.<br />
Contents: Connection and symbiosis of visual communications and architecture. Morphology of letters; elements,<br />
writing and printing. The idea of geometrical, optical and organic. Point, line and surface; rhythm; integral design,<br />
lettering in architectural environment.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
smer: OBLIKOVANJE<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Predhodniki (Morris in Sullivan). Loosov »Raumplan«. Razkroj tradicije v likovnih umetnostih: od prerafaelitov do<br />
abstraktnega izra<strong>za</strong>. Funkcionalizem. Moderni design: Bauhaus in Cranbrook. Le Corbusier (kot arhitekt in urbanist). Dve Atenski<br />
listini. Totalitarizem v Italiji in Nemèiji. Neue Sachlichkeit. Blut und Boden. Likovna umetnost v drugi polovici dvajsetega stoletja.<br />
Strukturalizem in trabanti. Eksorcisti (Venturi in Rossi). Analitièni kritiki (Rowe). Dekonstruktivizem (Tschumi).<br />
Contents: The beginnings of Modern Movement (Morris and Sullivan). Loos and his »Raumplan«. The desintegration of tradition<br />
in Fine Arts: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Abstract Expression. The theory of Functionalism. Modern Design: The Bauhaus and<br />
Cranbrook schools. Le Corbusier as architect and urban designer. Two Charters of Athens. Two alternatives: architecture in Italy<br />
and Germany before WW2 (»Neue Sachlichkeit« versus »Blut und Boden«). The main new streams in Fine Arts in the second<br />
half of the 20th Century. The deaths of the patriarchs, structuralist experiments. Exorcists (Venturi and Rossi). Analysts (Rowe).<br />
Deconstructivists (Tschumi).<br />
- Košir, F.: Izbrani èlanki 1975/1999 (LJ, FA 2000)<br />
prof. dr. Marko Poliè, univ. dipl. psih.<br />
Predstavlja teorije družbenih ved in metod, ki izvirajo iz èloveških odnosov (transakcij) z širokim razponom okolij. Uvaja teorije<br />
vedenjskih ved in metod, v razmerju do medsebojnih uèinkov posameznikov v bivanjskem ali delovnem okolju.<br />
Presents social science theories and methods that apply to human transactions with a wide range of environments. Introduces<br />
behaviorial science theories and methods as they relate to interactive effects of people in residential and working settings.<br />
doc. dr. Alojz Muhiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Pri predavanjih so podrobneje obdelani trije sklopi varnostnih problemov: 1. varnost pred požari, 2. varnost pri delu, 3. varnost pred<br />
onesnaženjem. Pri vajah gre <strong>za</strong> raziskavo in prikaz nekega varnostnega problema ali <strong>za</strong> metodološki pristop k izdelavi elaborata<br />
varstva pri delu in elaborata varstva pred požarom <strong>za</strong> doloèeno zgradbo.<br />
The lectures present three groups of safety issues in detail: 1. fire protection, 2. safety at work, 3. safety from pollution. The exercises<br />
include research and descriptions of specific safety issues or methodological approach for preparation of documentation on safety at<br />
work and fire code for a specific building.<br />
94 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
prof. dr. Peter Kreèiè, um. zgod.<br />
Predmet Umetnostna zgodovina (I in II) obravnava: pojem umetnosti v razmerju do pojmov naravne in kulturne dedišèine ter<br />
kulture, razliène umetnostne zvrsti in položaj likovne umetnosti med njimi. Obsega likovno umetnost v ožjem pomenu besede:<br />
slikarstvo, kiparstvo, <strong>arhitekturo</strong> ter širši krog umetnostnih dejavnosti, kot so urbanizem, krajinska arhitektura, industrijsko in<br />
grafièno oblikovanje, fotografija, umetna obrt idr. Daje zgodovinski pregled umetnostnih pojavov od prazgodovine do<br />
današnjih dni kot sosledje stilnorazvojnih formacij. Vkljuèuje razlago umetnostnih pojavov skozi zgolj likovne kategorije<br />
ploskovitega, plastiènega in siikovitega sloga kot možnim utreznikom idealistiènega, realistiènega in naturalistiènega družbenolikovnega<br />
nazora. Poseben poudarek velja spoznavanju temeljnih likovnih pojmov, posebej arhitekturnih èlenov in njihovi<br />
skladnji.<br />
Umetnostna zgodovina 1 <strong>za</strong>jema obdobje od prazgodovine do grške antike, umetnostna zgodovina 2 pa od antike do<br />
moderne dobe.<br />
The subject History of Art and Architecture (1 and 2) deals with, phenomenon of art in relationship with natural and cultural<br />
heritage and culture, different artistic disciplines and the role of fine arts among them. It contains visual arts in their narrow<br />
sense: painting, sculpture, architecture and artistic activities like town planning, landscape architecture, industrial and<br />
graphic design, photography, applied art etc. It gives a historical survey of art phenomena from prehistory to modernity as a<br />
consequence of the development of stylistic formations. It includes discussion on artistic phenomena through exclusively plastic<br />
categories of linear, plastic and picturesque style as a possible parallel of idealistic, realistic and naturalistic social-visual view<br />
of the world. Special attention is played to understanding basic fine art terms, especially architectural elements and their<br />
syntax.<br />
History of Art I covers the period from Prehistoric time to ancient Greek art and architecture. History of art II covers the period<br />
from ancient Greek art and architecture up to the 20 th century.<br />
- Cankar, I.: Uvod v umevanje likovne umetnosti; Sistemati stila, Ljubljana 1926 (ponovni izdaji, 1959, 1995)<br />
- Cankar, I.: Zgodovina likovne umetnosti v Zahodni Evropi (I-III) Ljubljana 1929-1951<br />
- Janson, H. W.: History of Art, New York 1969 (srb. prev. 1970)<br />
- Hauser, A.: Socialna zgodovina umetnosti in literature, I-II Ljubljana 1961<br />
- Giedion, S.: Time, Space and Architecture 1941 (1962)<br />
- Pevsner, N.: Oris Evropske arhitekture, Ljubljana 1966<br />
- Zevi, B.: Pogledi na <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana 1959<br />
- Mumford, L.: Mesto v zgodovini, I-II, Ljubljana 1969<br />
- Stele, F.: Oris zgodovine umetnosti pri Slovencih, Ljubljana 1923<br />
- Mole, V.: Umetnost južnih Slovanov, Ljubljana 1965<br />
- Cevc, E.: Slovenska umetnost, Ljubljana 1966<br />
- Šumi, N.: Pogledi na slovensko umetnost, Ljubljana 1975<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
Ana Kuèan, univ. dipl. inž. kraj. arh.<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
Uèni smoter predmeta: predstaviti znaèilnosti krajinske arhitekture kot ene od dejavnosti urejanja in oblikovanja okolja. Seznaniti slušatelje z<br />
naèeli, izhodišèi in metodami krajinsko arhitekturnega naèrtovanja, da bi lahko sami izoblikovali merila <strong>za</strong> prepoznavanje kakovostnega<br />
krajinsko arhitekturnega oblikovanja in razvili potencial <strong>za</strong> sodelovanje na razliènih ravneh prostorskega naèrtovanja.<br />
Vsebina: Predstavitev sodobne delitve podroèja na planiranje in oblikovanje: sorodnosti in razlike v pristopih in metodah. Na zgodovinskih<br />
izhodišèih podana naèela krajinskega oblikovanja, s poudarkom na sodobnem naèrtovanju mestne krajine. Krajina v mestu kot mit o primarni<br />
naravi sooèena s svojim družbeno-kulturnim znaèajem. Položaj in vloga krajine in odprtega prostora znotraj novih družbenih razmer. Razlike in<br />
sorodnosti v razumevanju mestne krajine v razliènih urbanistiènih doktrinah, v environmental artu in krajinski arhitekturi. Zasnove in vloge<br />
mestnega zelenega sistema. Predstavitve posameznih tipov oblikovane krajine. Analize posameznih tujih in domaèih primerov z vidika<br />
odnosa med znaèilnostmi prostora, oblikovalsko <strong>za</strong>mislijo in naèrtovanjem detajlov. Predstavitev osnovnih krajinsko arhitekturnih oblikovalskih<br />
sredstev. Predstavitev vsebine projektne dokumentacije naèrtov krajinske arhitekture.<br />
The course’s rationale: introduction to specifics of landscape architecture as one of the activities of spatial management and<br />
design. Presenting students with principles, starting points and methods of design in landscape architecture, so that they can<br />
independently devise criteria for recognising quality in design of landscape architecture and to develop potentials for<br />
participation at various levels of spatial design.<br />
Contents: Presentation of contemporary divisions between planning and design: similarities and differences in approaches and<br />
methods. Principles of landscape design presented with historical backing, with emphasis on contemporary design of urban<br />
landscapes. Landscape in the city as a myth of primary nature, which confronts its’ social and cultural character. The position<br />
and role of landscape and open space within the new social condition. Differences and similarities in understanding of urban<br />
landscape in various urbanistic doctrines, environmental art and landscape architecture. The concept and role of the urban<br />
green system. Introduction to particular types of designed landscapes. Analysis of independent foreign and domestic examples,<br />
in view of their relations to spatial characteristics, design ideas and planning of details. Introduction to basic design<br />
means of landscape architecture. Presentation of the contents of project documentation for landscape architecture designs.<br />
- Gazvoda, D.: Characteristics of modern landscape architecture and its education. Landsc. urban plan., (2002) 2: 117-133<br />
- Halprin, L.: Cities. Reinhold, New York 1963<br />
- Kuèan, A.: Neizogibna skladnost. Inevitable Harmony. V: AB. 27 (1997) 135–136: 58–67<br />
- Ogrin, D.: Zelenilo u Atinskoj povelji. Arhitektura 1985: 189–190<br />
- Ogrin, D.: Vrtna umetnost sveta, Ljubljana, Pudin Ewo 1993<br />
- Ogrin, D.: Landscape architecture and its articulation into landscape planning and landscape design. Landsc. urban plan., (1994) 30: 131-137<br />
- Steinitz, C.: Framework for theory Applicable to the Education of Landscape Architects. Landscape Journal 9 (1990) 2: 136-143<br />
- Urbanistièno naèrtovanje <strong>za</strong> nove družbene razmere. Zbornik referatov s seminarja v organi<strong>za</strong>ciji DAL. Prispevki krajinskih arhitektov<br />
- Zelenje v urbanem okolju. Zbornik simpozija, BF 1970<br />
- Zborniki letnih sreèanj DKAS – strokovna problematika na temo urejanja mest<br />
96 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
doc. Èrtomilj Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Anali<strong>za</strong> in vpliv konstrukcijskih sistemov na likovno snovanje po naèelih estetskega reda na osnovnih geometrijskih<br />
predstavitvah volumnov v prostoru. Linearne, ravninske in prostorske konstrukcije. Sinte<strong>za</strong>: linearni element deli ploskvi ali<br />
volumna; ploskovni element deli ali sestavlja volumne; volumen deli ali sestavlja prostor; prostor se manifestira kot postavljanje<br />
stvari nasproti stvarem ali kot vrivanje stvari med stvari.<br />
Contents: Analysis of structural systems and their impact on artistic creation in terms of aesthetic order according to basic<br />
geometric presentation of volumes in space. Linear, planar and spatial structures. Synthesis: linear element divides planes or<br />
volumes; planar element divides or combines volumes; volumes divide or join spaces; space is represented as placing things<br />
against one another or as inserting things between them.<br />
- Florenskij, P.: La prospettiva rovesciata, Casa del libro, Roma 1983<br />
- Gruetter, J.K.: Aestetik der Architektur, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Berlin 1987<br />
- Pevsner, N.: Dictionary of Architecture, Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1965<br />
- Clark, K.: Civillisation, BBC, London 1969<br />
- Harrison, Ch.: Primitivism, Cubism, Abstraction, Open University, London 1993<br />
- Rudofsky, B.: Architecture Without Architects, D&C, NewYork 1964<br />
- Rainer Graefe: Zur Geschichte des Konstruierens, Deutsche Verlag-Anstalt-GmbH Stuttgart 1989<br />
doc. dr. Leon Debevc, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Predmet je namenjen študentom, ki želijo poglobiti svoje znanje o tem, <strong>za</strong> slovenski prostor tako pomembnem segmentu<br />
arhitekturnega ustvarjanja.Posebnost te arhitekture je utemeljena z njenim razmerjem do širšega in ožjega prostora, njeno<br />
<strong>za</strong>snovo, tipološko raznolikostjo, njeno funkcijo in opremo, njenim simbolnim in vsebinskim pomenom ter nena<strong>za</strong>dnje z<br />
dvatisoèletno kontinuiteto v soustvarjanju razpoznavne podobe slovenskega prostora.<br />
Poglabljanje znanja o bogoslužnem prostoru je <strong>za</strong>stavljeno v treh smereh. V predavanjih bo predstavljena kompleksnost<br />
bogoslužne stavbe in znaèilnosti njene vpetosti v prostor in èas. Na krajših ekskurzijah bomo spoznavali dedišèino in sodobno<br />
sakralno <strong>arhitekturo</strong> ter posebne obrti, s katerimi se sreèujemo pri tovrstnih nalogah. V individualnem delu študenta na izbrani<br />
temi pa bo izzvana njegova kreativnost pri oblikovanju bogoslužnega prostora in opreme v njem.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
The subject is intended for students wishing to obtain in-depth knowledge about a significant segment of architectural creativity in<br />
Slovenia. The specifics of such architecture are based on its relations to the wider and immediate surroundings, layout, typological<br />
variety, function and equipment (furniture), symbolic and contextual significance and two thousand years of continuity in co-creating<br />
the recognisable identity of Slovenian space. Obtainment of knowledge about sacral places runs along three courses. The<br />
lectures present the complexity of eclessiastic buildings and the characteristics of their integration in space and time. Knowledge<br />
about heritage and contemporary sacral architecture with special crafts needed for their creation will be gained from short field<br />
trips. In the individual part a students creativity will be challenged on a specific topic of designing a place of worship and<br />
pertaining equipment within.<br />
doc. dr. Alojz Muhiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Seznanja študenta s teoretiènimi in metodološkimi principi merske standardi<strong>za</strong>cije v gradbeništvu in ga usposablja, da uporablja<br />
pri oblikovanju prefabrikatov vse parametre, ki vplivajo na mere tako, da jih vkljuèi v splošni standardni sistem. Vsebina:<br />
Antropometrika, Vitruvijevi moduli, renesanèni partes, kot sistem komponibilnih mer. Razvoj industruijske standardi<strong>za</strong>cije. Parametri,<br />
ki vplivajo na mere, proporcijski sitemi. Odvisnost prefabrikacije od standardnih merskih sistemov.<br />
Introducing students to theoretical and methodological principles of measurement standardisation in building construction and<br />
training them to use all parameters that affect measurements in the design of prefabricated elements to integrate them in a<br />
general standard system. Contents: Anthropometrics, Vitruvian module, rennaisanse partes as a system of composed measurements.<br />
History of industrial standardisation. Parameters that affect measurements, proportion systems. Dependency of prefabricated<br />
elements on standard measurement systems.<br />
98 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
doc. dr. Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Cilji: znanje in razumevanje - temeljni vpogled v teorije in prakse mnogotere komunikacije v procesu urejanja in<br />
oblikovanja prostora; strokovne vešèine – prilagodljivost v uporabi razliènih sistemov komunikacije oz. predstavitvenih<br />
tehnik.<br />
Vsebina: Spoznavni procesi arhitekturnega, mestnega oz. krajinskega prostora kot multimedijskega prostora; umetnosti in<br />
znanosti spoznavnih procesov prostora; zgodovinski oris razmišljanja o <strong>za</strong>znavnem prostoru; konceptni in izkustveni<br />
prostor, idealni in realni prostor; informacija in prostor; mediji spoznavanja oz. interpretacije prostora (materialnega in<br />
nematerialnega, obstojeèega in možnega); dejavniki vpliva na kreativni proces urejanja prostora: naravni, družbeni,<br />
kulturni, tehnološki; uporabnost medijev in tehnik v procesu urejanja prostora; prevajanje pojavnih ‘jezikov’ arhitekturnega<br />
okolja; urejanje fiziènega in virtualnega prostora na osnovi <strong>za</strong>znave; multimedijske predstavitvene tehnike prostora (od<br />
skice do VR) v razliènih komunikacijah.<br />
Aims and objectives of the course: knowledge and understanding – basic introduction into theories and practice of diverse<br />
communicarion within the design process; disciplinary/professional skills – flexibility in choice and use of diverse systems<br />
of communications / representation techniques.<br />
Contents: Cognition of architecture, city and landscape as multimedia space; arts and sciences dealing with spatial<br />
cognition; historical overview; concept and experience; ideal and real space; information and space; media of cognition<br />
and representation of places (material and immaterial, existing and possible), factors influencing the creative architectural,<br />
urban and landscape design process: natural, social and cultural, technological; use of media and techniques within the<br />
architectural, urban and landscape design process; multimedia representations of places (from sketches to VR) in diverse<br />
communication processes.<br />
Temeljna literatura (po letu 1997) / Basic literature (after 1997):<br />
- Eysenck, Michael W, Keane, Mark. T.: Cognitive Psychology, A Student’s Handbook, Hove, Psychology Press 2000<br />
- Boesselman, P: Representation of Places, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press 1998<br />
- Jordan, J. Peter, Mehnert, Betina, Harfmann, Anton (ur.).: Design and Representation, Ohio/USA, ACADIA 1997<br />
- Lootsma, Bart, Rujken, Dick: Media and Architecture, Amsterdam, Berlage Institute Amsterdam, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture 1999<br />
Viri na svetovnem spletu / WWW sources:<br />
- EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association):<br />
- IAPS (International Association for people-Environment Studies)<br />
- CumInCAD (Cumulative Index of Computer Aided Architectural Design):<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
doc. dr. Tomaž Novljan, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
Vsebina: Osnovne fizikalne lastnosti svetlobe. Vpliv svetlobe na èloveka. Razmerje med naravno in umetno svetlobo. Kako so<br />
osvetljevali v preteklosti. Vpliv osvetlitve na dojemanje prostora. Sence, odboj in absorbcija. Osvetlitev notranjih prostorov:<br />
stanovanjski, delovni, javni prostori. Osvetlitev zunanjih prostorov: Ulice, trgi, zelene površine, fasade. Tehniène kolièine<br />
osvetljevanja. Kvaliteta in kvantiteta osvetlitve. Barva in temperatura svetlobe. Mešanje barvnih svetlob. Svetloba kot nosilec<br />
informacije. Posebne vrste svetlobe/osvetlitve. Dinamièna osvetlitev. Napake pri osvetljevanju. Triki s svetlobo in senco. Svetlobno<br />
onesnaževanje okolja. Najnovejša tehnologija osvetljevanja. Svetloba in osvetlitev v virtualnem in realnem prostoru. Osvetljevanje<br />
v prihodnosti.<br />
Contents: Basic physical properties of light. The influence of light on humans. The relation between natural and artificial lighting. Lighting in<br />
the past. The effect of light on spatial perception. Shadows, reflection and absorption. Lighting of the interior: homes, working and spaces.<br />
Lighting of open spaces: streets, squares, green surfaces, façades. Technical lighting quantities. Quality and quantity of lighting. The colour<br />
and temperature of light. Mixing of coloured light. Light as the carrier of information. Special types of light/lighting. Dynamic lighting.<br />
Mistakes in lighting. Tricks with light and shadows. Photo-pollution of the environment. Contemporary lighting technologies. Light and<br />
lighting in virtual and real space. Lighting in the future.<br />
- Beazley, M.: Lihgting, Octpus Publishing Group Ltd., London 1999<br />
- Buonocore, P., Critchley, M. A.: Tageslicht in der Architektur, Verlag Niggli, Zürich 2001<br />
- Kurent, T., Muhiè, L.: Diagrami <strong>za</strong> doloèanje dnevne osvetljenosti delovnega mesta, Univer<strong>za</strong> Edvarda Kardelja,<br />
FAGG VTOZD Arhitektura, Ljubljana 1981<br />
- Millet, M.S.: Light revealing architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York 1996<br />
- Neufert, E.: Neufert Architect’s Data, Blackwell Science, Oxford 1998<br />
- Steffy, G.: Architectural Lighting Design, John Wiley &Sons Inc., New York 2001<br />
- Trstenjak, A.: Èlovek in barve, DDU Univerzum, Ljubljana 1978<br />
100 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN
doc. dr. Vojko Kilar, univ. dipl. inž. gradb.<br />
Predmet na kratko povzema <strong>za</strong>snovo gradbenih konstrukcij, doloèanje obtežbe, raèunalniško analizo konstrukcij,<br />
projektiranje potresno varnih objektov in dimenzioniranje glavnih konstrukcijskih elementov (gred, plošè, stebrov in sten).<br />
Obravnavani so tudi nekateri drugi konstrukcijski vidiki kot je dilatiranje, temeljenje in izvedba pomembnejših<br />
konstrukcijskih detajlov. Uporabljen je projektni naèin študija (PBL – problem, project, produkt, process, people based<br />
learning), pri katerem uèenje poteka na dejanskem problemu ob sodelovanju/sooèanju študentov višjih letnikov arhitekture<br />
in gradbeništva, ki skupaj sodelujejo pri rešitvi razliènih projektnih nalog. Naloga arhitekta je <strong>za</strong>snova konstrukcije, naloga<br />
gradbenika pa vkljuèuje svetovalno delo, preverjanje razliènih konstrukcijskih rešitev in statièni dokaz konèno izbrane<br />
variante. Direktno komunikacijo med udeleženci vse bolj nadomešèa komunikacija preko video-konferenènih pove<strong>za</strong>v<br />
(projektiranje in planiranje na daljavo).<br />
This advanced course covers the basics of the preliminary design of building structures, determination of loads, numerical<br />
analysis of structures, design of earthquake resistant buildings and dimensioning of main structure elements such as<br />
columns, beams and walls. Also some other structural aspects, such as dilatations, foundations and detailing details are<br />
covered. The project-based approach (PBL – problem, project, product, process, people based learning) is used with<br />
students of architecture and structural engineering are working together on various practical projects. The task of the<br />
architect is the preliminary design of the building whereas the task of the structural engineer is to give structural advice,<br />
propose and judge the acceptance of various structural systems and solutions as well as to prove the safety of the finally<br />
chosen solution. Direct personal communication is being increasingly replaced by videoconference communication via<br />
internet (distance planning and learning).<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
smer/orientation: ARHITEKTURA / ARCHITECTURE<br />
prof. Marjan Ocvirk, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
Študentje se seznanijo z arhitekturno poselitvijo slovenskega prostora s poudarkom na arhitekturno oblikovalnih in tehniènih<br />
spremembah skozi èas. Sledi arhitekturno tehnièna anali<strong>za</strong> osnovnih gradbenih elementov slovenske hiše skozi èas in njihov vpliv na<br />
oblikovanje arhitekture in prostora.<br />
Razgovori s študenti o možnih metodah adaptacije obstojeèe arhitekture ali njene dogradnje v prostoru se vršijo v obliki predavanja v<br />
predavalnici ali v obleki ogledov na terenu, s tem, da se teme vsako leto, z ozirom na aktualnost, menjajo. Med najpomembnejše<br />
teme se vsakoletno vkljuèujejo Pleènikova dela pri nas in na tujem in njihov vpliv na oblikovanje slovenskega prostora. Sledi tudi<br />
vsakoletni izbor vkljuèevanja sodobne arhitekture v zgodovinski prostor pri nas in tudi drugje.<br />
Eno od vsakoletnih arhitekturno tehniènih tem predstavlja sanacija stavb ob primeru potresne varnosti ob razgovoru z vabljenimi<br />
strokovnjaki.<br />
Študenti po lastni izbiri izberejo nalogo v obliki strokovnega referata ali manjše projektne naloge <strong>za</strong> adaptacijo objekta ali njegovega<br />
dela.<br />
Students will learn about the architectural settlement in Slovenia, with emphasis on architectural design and technical changes in<br />
time. An architectural technical analysis of basic building materials of Slovenian houses through time follows, with a review of<br />
their effects on architectural and spatial design.<br />
Discussions with students about possible renewal or addition methods applied to extant architecture are conducted as lectures in<br />
the lecture-hall or by observation in fieldwork, whereby themes change each year according to actuality. One of the most<br />
important themes permanently included in the course are Pleènik’s works in Slovenia and abroad, and their effects on the design<br />
of Slovenian space. Another is the annually changed selection of contemporary architecture, which is introduced into historical<br />
places domestically and abroad. An architectural and technical theme, conducted by invited experts presented each year, is the<br />
renewal of buildings, which abides to earthquake safety regulations.<br />
Students independently select tasks, which can be carried out as thematic papers or smaller building renewal projects or certain<br />
details.<br />
102 dodiplomski študij graduate course smer /orientation: ARHITEKTURA / ARCHITECTURE
doc. dr. Boris Leskovec, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Prosti èas, turizem, rekreacija, šport; njihova vloga v sodobnem svetu in njihove funkcije v prostoru.<br />
Arhitektura in tipologija športno rekreacijskih objektov. Vloga sodobne tehnike in tehnologije pri oblikovanju športno<br />
rekreacijskih objektov. Metode projektiranja športno rekreacijskih obmoèij, centrov in zgradb. Športno rekreacijska<br />
obmoèja, centri in zgradbe v naravnem okolju (sun centre, aqualand, camping, èolnarna, marina, smuèišèe). Športno<br />
rekreacijska obmoèja, centri in zgradbe v urbanem okolju (športno rekreacijski centri, parki, dvorane, telovadnice,<br />
bazeni, fitness). Posebni športno rekreacijski objekti (stadion, hipodrom, velodrom, drsališèe, teniški center).<br />
Contents: Leisure, tourism, recreation, and sports: their role in modern society and their function in space. Architecture and<br />
typology of sports and recreational buildings. Role of modern technologies in design of sports and recreational areas, centres<br />
and buildings in the natural environment (sun centre, aqualand, camping, boat houses, marinas, ski slopes) and in the urban<br />
environment (sports und recreational centres, parks, halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, fitness centres). Special buildings and<br />
facilities (stadium, hippodrome, velodrome, skating rink, tennis centre).<br />
- Leskovec, B: Rekreacijske zgradbe, študijsko gradivo, FA, Ljubljana 1995<br />
- Leskovec, B.: Raziskava razvoja telesnokulturnih objektov na Slovenskem, disertacija, FAGG 1991<br />
- Konya, A.: Sorts Buildings, AP, London 1986<br />
prof. dr. Blaž Vogelnik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Pregled specifiènih problemov gradnje tovarn. Težki temelji, konstrukcijski sistemi, sestavine in znaèilni detajli. Splošen<br />
študij konstrukcijskih gradiv in metod. Pregled postopka gradnje.<br />
Contents: Surveys specific problems of the building of factories. Heavy foundations, structural systems, components and typical<br />
details. A general study of construction materials and methods. Review of the construction process.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
doc. dr. Igor Kalèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
Detajl je najmanjši, pa morda najpomembnejši element arhitekturnega jezika. Predmet Detajl 2 je nadgradnja predmeta Detajl 1 in uvaja<br />
študenta v <strong>za</strong>snovo in oblikovanje detajlov z bolj <strong>za</strong>htevnimi in bolj kompleksnimi materiali. Pri tem gre predvsem <strong>za</strong> sestavljanje razliènih<br />
materialov v nove kompozicije – sklope: kovina in steklo, les in beton, les in steklo, kamen in beton, kovina in les, ... ali še bolj <strong>za</strong>pleteno in<br />
kompleksno: beton, kovina in steklo, beton, kovina in les, kovina, les in steklo itd. Pri sestavljanju razliènih materialov v sklope veljajo drugaèna<br />
»pravila igre« kot pri bolj enostavnih kombinacijah enakih materialov. Predmet uvaja pri oblikovanju detajlov neke nove parametre, bolj<br />
inženirske narave in obvezno tudi ekonomski faktor (racionalnost), kot vèasih kar prevladujoè pri sprejemanju odloèitev. Pravila igre so pri tem<br />
sestavljanju strogo tehnološke narave in upoštevajo rešitve iz fizike in kemije in druge pomembne inženirske aspekte. Zadnja fa<strong>za</strong> tega<br />
procesa <strong>za</strong>snove in oblikovanja detajlov je tudi estetska komponenta, ki <strong>za</strong>gotavlja, da bodo konèni izdelki (sklopi in s tem tudi zgradba)<br />
všeèni, lepi in da bodo uporabnikom ustvarjali estetsko <strong>za</strong>dovoljstvo. Študentje morajo v okviru predmeta z mentorskim nadzorom,<br />
multidisciplinarno, osvešèeno in skladno z vsemi naèeli sodobnega evropskega inženirstva, izdelati detajlni projekt bolj kompleksne zgradbe (ki<br />
vsebuje bolj <strong>za</strong>htevne konstrukcije in kombinacije bolj <strong>za</strong>htevnih sklopov razliènih materialov), predstavljen na sodoben naèin z uporabo enega<br />
od splošno priznanih raèunalniških programov, ki se uporabljajo v inženirski arhitekturi (AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D Studio Max, AllPlan FT<br />
Nemetschek ...).<br />
The detail is the smallest but probably the most important element of architectural language. The subject is a continuation of the subject Detail 1<br />
and introduces students to design of details with more demanding and complex materials, whereby the topic is combination of various materials<br />
into new compositions – modules: metal and glass, wood and concrete, wood and glass, stone and concrete, metal and wood etc., but also<br />
even more exacting and complex combinations: concrete, metal and glass, concrete, metal and wood, metal, wood and glass etc. When<br />
combining various materials into modules, “rules of the game” are applied, which are different than those in simple combinations of equal<br />
materials. In the design of details the subject introduces new parameters that are closer to engineering, as well as the compulsory economic<br />
factor (rationality), which is often the dominant factor in decision-making. The rules of the game for such composition are strictly technological<br />
and follow solutions taken from physics, chemistry and other important engineering aspects. The last phase of the process of conceptualisation<br />
and design is the aesthetic component. Which ensures that the final product (joint, but also the building) will be attractive, beautiful and will<br />
provide users with aesthetic satisfaction. Within the framework of the subject and under tutorage by a mentor, while abiding to principles of<br />
multi-disciplinary work, awareness and contemporary European engineering, students have to design a detailed project of a more complex<br />
building (which includes reinforced concrete, timber and steel constructions, and use of more exacting and complicated constructions and<br />
combinations of more demanding complex joints of various materials) and present it in a contemporary fashion by using generally acknowledged<br />
software programmes used in architectural engineering (AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3Dstudio Max, AllPlan FT Nemetschek etc.).<br />
- Krier, R.: Architectural Composition, Academy Editions, London 1991<br />
- Bre<strong>za</strong>r, V.: Finali<strong>za</strong>cija in detajli, skripta, FAGG, Ljubljana 1990<br />
- Papadakis, A.: Theory & Experimentation, Academy Editions, London 1993<br />
- Cook, P.; Jones, R.L.: New Spirit in Architecture, Rizzoli, New York, 1991<br />
104 dodiplomski študij graduate course<br />
smer/orientation<br />
prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Naravno okolje. Naravna, kulturna in urbana ali mestna krajina; nova urbana kompleksnost. Tipološka in morfološka<br />
anali<strong>za</strong> kulturne krajine; anali<strong>za</strong> kulturno krajinskih dejavnikov (geomorfologija, pedologija, ekologija, antropogena èlenitev<br />
prostora, poselitveni vzorci, mentalna slika krajine). Metode kompleksnega vrednotenja naravnih in antropogenih struktur v<br />
kulturni krajini; parcialni pogledi in potreba po interdisciplinarnem povezovanju. Politike urejanja prostora in njihov vpliv na<br />
podobo kulturne krajine. Razvoj vsebine in metode prostorskih dokumentov. Trajnostno in uravnoteženo prostorsko naèrtovanje.<br />
Contents: Natural environment. Natural, cultural and urban landscape; new urban complexity. Typological and morphological<br />
analysis of cultural landscape, analysis of impact factors (geomorphology, pedology, ecology, anthropogenic articulation of<br />
space, settlement patterns, mental image of landscape). Methods of complex evaluation of natural and anthropogenic structures<br />
in the cultural landscape; partial aspects and need for interdisciplinary co-operation. Planning policies and their impact on cultural<br />
landscape. Development of content and methods in planning acts. Sustainable and balanced planning.<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Metodologije in tehnike prostorskega planiranja. Prikaz na konkretni prostorski nalogi, pri èemer se sintetizirajo<br />
teoretièna znanja s praktiènimi problemi. Posebna poglavja iz podroèij valori<strong>za</strong>cije prostora, varstva okolja, prostorske<br />
informatike, urejanja agrarnega okolja, urbanistiènega ali regionalnega planiranja zlasti na nivoju regionalnega, urbanistiènega,<br />
krajinskega ali ruralnega plana. Dopolnilo so predavanja strokovnjakov iz prakse in obiski strokovnih <strong>za</strong>vodov, in sicer <strong>za</strong><br />
razliène tematske sklope.<br />
Contents: Methodology and techniques of physical planning. Presentation of a real physical planning task, whereby theoretical<br />
knowledge and practical problems are synthesised. Specific chapters on spatial evaluation, environmental protection, spatial<br />
informatics, managing agrarian environments, urban and regional planning presented on the level of regional, urban, landscape<br />
and rural plans. Lectures by practising professionals and visitis to planning offices specialised in various planning fierdls complement<br />
the subjects topics.<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
smer/orientation:<br />
izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />
doc. Jurij Kobe, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Sinte<strong>za</strong> emotivnih in konstrukcijskih pogledov na prostor. Anali<strong>za</strong> domaèih in tujih primerov. Historièna izhodišèa.<br />
Elementi scene, razstave, prostorov <strong>za</strong> poèitek. Anali<strong>za</strong> zunanjih (trg, atrij, arkada, loggia, posebne urbane rešitve) in notranjih<br />
prostorov (bivalni prostori, javni prostori, prostori <strong>za</strong> delo). Prostori s posebnimi tehnološkimi in funkcionalnimi <strong>za</strong>htevami.<br />
Contents: Synthesis of emotional and structural aspects of space. Analysis of domestic and foreign case studies. Historical<br />
background. Elements of scene, exhibition, leisure spaces. Analysis of outer (square, atrium, arcade, loggia, special urban<br />
features) and inner spaces (living spaces, public spaces, work spaces). Spaces with special technological and functional<br />
requirements.<br />
doc. Èrtomir Mihelj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Spoznavanje procesa prostorskega snovanja v sferi abstraktnega in realnega. Smotrna izraba lastnosti materialov in<br />
konstrukcijskih sistemov. Prostorska anali<strong>za</strong> naravnih <strong>za</strong>konitosti in vzrokov delovanja materialnih sklopov v likovni celoti. Razvoj,<br />
spremembe in deformacije oblike. Likovni prenos abstraktne študije v materialni izdelek z doloèeno funkcijo. Izrazna usklajenost<br />
enovitih in raznoterih sklopov.<br />
Contents: Understanding the process of spatial conceptualisation in abstract and real spheres. Sensible use of materials and<br />
structure sistems. Spatial analysis of natural laws and causes in the material framework of artistic integrity. Development and<br />
changes of form. Artistic transfer of the abstract concept into material product with defined function. Harmony in the expression<br />
of uniform or complex composition.<br />
- Summerson, J.: The Classical Language of Architecture, T&H, London 1963<br />
- Rasch, H.: Some Roots of Moderne Architecture, London, Alec Tiranti 1967<br />
- Mitchell, W. J.: The Logic of Architecture, MIT, Cambridge 1989<br />
- Ruskin, J.: Vrednosti, Kultura, Beograd 1965<br />
- Maleviè, K.: Suprematizem, SIC, Beograd 1980<br />
- Massini, G.: Sulle tracce della vita, CIL, Firenze 1972<br />
106 dodiplomski študij graduate course<br />
smer/orientation<br />
doc. dr. Igor Kalèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Predmet Detajl v interieru je nadgradnja predmeta Detajl 1. Splošni opis: stran 106.<br />
Subject Detail in Interior Design is a perfection of the Subject Detail 1. General description: page 106.<br />
Literatura: glej strani (72,) 73.<br />
Literature: see pages (72,) 73.<br />
doc. dr. Jaka Bonèa, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />
Vsebina: Obris in oblika (pravilno opazovanje). Razumevanje oblike (impulz oblike, potrebno se je poglobiti v objekt). Teža in modeliranje<br />
(forma in teža). Risba po spominu in druge hitre študije (videti celoto). Modeliranje z linijo – vsakodnevna kompozicija (predsodki omejujejo).<br />
Modeliranje s svetlo–temnim – objekt pod pravim kotom (množica medijev). Poudarek na obrisu – lik (razvijanje dolgih študij). Študije posebnih<br />
form (detajli). Pristop k tehnologiji. Enostavna razmerja. Študija teksture. Objekt s teksturo – subjektivni impulz. Celostna študija (varjenje znanja).<br />
Svetlo–temno (pristop k svetlo–temnemu, svetloba na kocki, svetloba na krogli, vržene sence). Pristop k študiju zgradbe (strukture) (osnova<br />
gibanja, sredstvo na poti k cilju). Pristop k študiju kompozicije. Vaje z belimi in èrnimi èrtami. Študije zgradbe (strukture). Analize z risbo<br />
(oblikovanjem) (premikanje in kontrast). Študije obstojeèih kompozicij. Napetosti (kako delujejo napetosti). Vaje s širokimi èrtami v èrno–belem.<br />
Analize z risbo (oblikovanjem) – nadaljevanje. Subjektivni element (odnos izkušenj). Pristop k uporabi barv (linija in ploskev).<br />
Contents: Contour and form (correct observation). Understanding form (form impulse, necessity for reflection on an object). Weight and model<br />
making (form and mass). Drawing on memory and other quick exercises (seeing the entirety). Model making with lines – day-to-day composition<br />
(limited by prejudice). Model making with light-dark objects at a right angle (mass of media). Emphasis on contour – image (development<br />
of elaborate studies). Study of special form (details). Advent to technology. Simple ratios. Study of texture. Objects with texture – subjective<br />
impulse. Comprehensive study (welding knowledge). Dark-light (approaching dark-light, light on a cube, light on a sphere, shadows).<br />
Approaches to studying buildings (structures) (basics of motion, the mode on the trip to the goal). Approach to study of composition. Exercises<br />
with white and black lines. Study of buildings (structures). Analysis by drawing (design) (moving and contrast). Study of existing compositions.<br />
Tensions (how tensions work). Black and white exercises with wide lines. Analysis by drawing (design) – continuation. Subjective elements<br />
(relations of experience). Approaching colours (lines and surfaces).<br />
Temeljni študijski viri so posredovani študentom sproti, medtem ko so osnovni:<br />
- Bonèa, J.: zbrano gradivo<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Gospodar sistema; Likovne besede, revija <strong>za</strong> likovno umetnost, Zve<strong>za</strong> društev slo. likovnih umetnikov, 23–24, Ljubljana, december 1992, s. 20–23<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Gospodar sistema 2; Likovne besede, revija <strong>za</strong> likovno umetnost, Zve<strong>za</strong> društev slo. likovnih umetnikov, Ljubljana, 38, december 1996, s. 66–69<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Gospodar sistema 3; katalog k razstavi v Mestni galeriji, november 1997<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Èrtna tipografija; Acta, non verba II, mednarodna likovna kolonija, ŠOU, Ljubljana, 1999, s. 44–45<br />
- Bonèa, J.: Barva, prostor in gibanje v arhitekturi; Antropos 5–6, 1993<br />
- Butina, M.: Mala likovna teorija; Debora, Ljubljana 2000<br />
- Realnost likovne teorije, Zbornik referatov simpozija Likovna teorija in kultura<br />
- Nicolaides, K.: The natural way to draw, Mariner Books 1990<br />
smer/orientation:<br />
leto year<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
podiplomski<br />
študij<br />
postgraduate course
postgraduate masters course in archit./ specialist course in archit.<br />
The programme for achieving the master’s title is the genuine place and method for developing the research segment<br />
of the profession. It is aligned to in-depth theoretical discourse on the present and future role of architecture and<br />
quest for methods of conscious, controlled and rational development of the built domestic and global environment.<br />
The specialist course programme represents in-depth development of the artistic segments of the profession. It is<br />
directed towards new planning methods and design of all spatial elements – from regions to buildings and details<br />
following the traditional method of work at the Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana – the studio, involving team work<br />
and permanent contacts with the tutor (mentor).<br />
The study plan for the masters or specialist course includes:<br />
1. . Compulsor<br />
pulsory y subjects<br />
- joint compulsory subjects for the masters course (3)<br />
- joint compulsory subjects for the specialist course (2)<br />
2. Elective subjects<br />
- master’s course: five elective subjects, two of which can be from other faculties or universities<br />
- specialist course: four elective subjects, two of which can be from other faculties or universities<br />
3. Seminar work: composition or research project in the masters or specialist thesis<br />
Students with scholarships for study at foreign universities are granted a suitable equivalent of elective subjects or<br />
seminar work. Foreign lecturers for specific issues are invited individually for the course. In the framework of seminars,<br />
international workshops with domestic and foreign lecturers and students are organised.<br />
masters course: 2 years (380 hours)<br />
specialist course: 2 years (300 hours)<br />
110 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
Program <strong>za</strong> pridobitev magisterija je temeljno mesto in naèin razvoja znanstvenega segmenta stroke. Naravnan je na<br />
poglabljanje teoretiènega diskur<strong>za</strong> o vlogi arhitekture danes in jutri ter na iskanje metod <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>vestno, kontrolirano in<br />
racionalno oblikovanje grajenega okolja - slovenskega in globalnega.<br />
Program <strong>za</strong> speciali<strong>za</strong>cijo predstavlja poglobljen razvoj umetniškega segmenta stroke. Usmerjen je v iskanje novih<br />
metod projektiranja in oblikovanja vseh sestavin prostora - od regije preko zgradbe do detajla. Pri tem gradi<br />
tradicionalno metodo šole <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong> - seminarski naèin dela, ki vkljuèuje skupinsko delo in permanentni<br />
stik z mentorjem.<br />
Študijski naèrt magistr<br />
trskega<br />
oz. specialis<br />
pecialistiènega študi<br />
tudija ja arhitektur<br />
hitekture obsega:<br />
1. . skupne obvezne predme<br />
edmete<br />
te<br />
- <strong>za</strong> magistrski študij ( 3 )<br />
- <strong>za</strong> specialistièni študij ( 2 )<br />
2. izbirne predmete<br />
- <strong>za</strong> magistrski študij: pet izbirnih predmetov, od tega sta dva lahko na drugi fakulteti aIi univerzi<br />
- <strong>za</strong> speciaIistièni študij: štiri izbirne predmete, od tega sta dva lahko na drugi fakulteti ali univerzi<br />
3. seminarsko delo: kompozicijsko aIi raziskovalno delo na magistrskem oziroma specialistiènem delu<br />
podipomski magistrski študij arhit./ specialistièni študij arhit.<br />
Študentom, ki si pridobijo štipendije <strong>za</strong> študij na tujih univer<strong>za</strong>h, se prizna ustrezni ekvivalent izbirnih predmetov ali<br />
seminarskega dela. Za posamezne aktualne teme so sproti vabljeni tuji predavatelji.. V okviru seminarskega dela so<br />
organizirane mednarodne delavnice - z udeležbo domaèih in tujih profesorjev ter študentov.<br />
magistrski študij: 2 leti (380 ur)<br />
specialistièni študij: 2 leti (300 ur)<br />
postgraduate masters course in archit./ specialist course in archit.<br />
A candidate wishing to apply for the title Master in architecture and be admitted to the postgraduate courses has to<br />
comply with the listed conditions:<br />
- title of university diploma of engineer of architecture;<br />
- two years of work experience in research or architectural practice;<br />
- active knowledge of a foreign language (capability to use sources in a foreign language)<br />
- average grade of at least 8 points from the graduate course.<br />
The suitability of previous programmes and type or scope of work experience is checked by the deputy dean for<br />
study affairs or the chairperson of the postgraduate course at the Faculty of architecture.<br />
On application for enrolment in the masters or specialist course a candidate has to present:<br />
- copy of birth certificate from the registrar’s office;<br />
- graduate diploma;<br />
- certificate on duration of work experience;<br />
- certificate on knowledge of a foreign language proving that the candidate can use foreign literature and<br />
sources for study purposes;<br />
- biography and bibliography of most important achievements;<br />
- certificate from employer and statement of approval if the employer is the payee of study costs;<br />
- filled-in questionnaire “plan of masters (specialist) course, signed by the tutor (mentor) and candidate.<br />
Submission deadline for enrollments is August, 25th.<br />
A student will enroll for a year at a time (two semesters). Advancing into the second year is possible when the student<br />
successfully completes examination in subjects of the compulsory part of the programme and both the first year<br />
seminars.<br />
A student must successfully pass all the exams, finish seminars and successfully defend the masters (specialist) thesis.<br />
TITLE<br />
A student who has successfully completed all his/her obligations of the course programme stated in previous points,<br />
will be granted the scientific title master of architecture (postgraduate master course of architecture) or professional<br />
title specialist architect (postgraduate specialistic course of architecture).<br />
112 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
V izobraževanje <strong>za</strong> pridobitev znanstvenega naslova magister/magistra znanosti oziroma strokovnega naslova<br />
specialist/specialistka se Iahko vkljuèi kandidat/ka, ki izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:<br />
- ima strokovni naslov univerzitetni diplomirani inženir arhitekture/univerzitetna diplomirana inženirka arhitekture<br />
- dve leti izkušenj pri raziskovalnem ali strokovnem delu<br />
- aktivno znanje tujega jezika (sposobnost študija po virih v tujem jeziku)<br />
- ima povpreèno oceno vsaj 8 <strong>za</strong> izpite in vaje v dodiplomskem študiju<br />
Ustreznost predhodnih programov ter vrsto in obseg delovnih izkušenj preveri prodekan <strong>za</strong> študijske <strong>za</strong>deve oziroma<br />
predstojnik podiplomskega študija FA.<br />
Prijavi <strong>za</strong> vpis na magistrski ali specialistièni študij mora kandidat/ka priložiti:<br />
- izpisek iz rojstne matiène knjige<br />
- diplomo univerzitetnega študija; èe je diploma pridobljena v tujini, jo nostrificira po predpisanem postopku pri<br />
UL (nostrifikacija ni potrebna <strong>za</strong> diplome v bivših republikah SFRJ, pridobljene pred junijem 1995)<br />
- potrdilo o trajanju delovne dobe<br />
- potrdilo o znanju tujega jezika, ki dokazuje, da je kandidat spososben študirati tudi po virih v tujem jeziku<br />
- biografijo in bibIiografijo pomembnejših del<br />
- priporoèilo organi<strong>za</strong>cije aIi ustanove, kjer je kandidat <strong>za</strong>poslen; èe je delovna organi<strong>za</strong>cija plaènik študija,<br />
pa še izjavo o tem<br />
- izpolnjen formular »naèrt magistrskega (specialistiènega) študija« s podpisom mentorja in kandidata<br />
Kandidat/ka odda prijavo na Fakulteti <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> do 25. avgusta.<br />
Študent se vpiše naenkrat v en letnik (2 semestra). V drugi letnik se vpiše, kdor je uspešno opravil preverjanje znanja<br />
iz obveznega dela programa in seminarskega dela obeh prvih semestrov.<br />
.<br />
Kandidat/ka mora opraviti vse izpite, seminarsko delo in uspešno <strong>za</strong>govarjati magistrsko (specialistièno) delo.<br />
podipomski magistrski študij arhit./ specialistièni študij arhit.<br />
NASLOV<br />
Znanstveni naslov po konèanem podiplomskem študijskem programu arhitektura <strong>za</strong> pridobitev magisterija je magister<br />
znanosti oziroma magistrica znanosti.<br />
Strokovni naslov po konèanem podiplomskem študijskem programu arhitektura <strong>za</strong> pridobitev speciali<strong>za</strong>cije je spe-<br />
cialist oziroma specialistka.<br />
postgraduate specialist course in urban planning<br />
The basic goal of the post-graduate specialist study programme in urban planning is oriented towards in-depth<br />
interdisciplinary education in the field of urban planning, the intention being general growth of the professional<br />
eduaction level of urban planning professionals, while at the same time providing practitioners (in conjunction with the<br />
new spatial legislature) with an adequate number of specialists: architects-urbanists, capable of fulfilling legally<br />
classified duties of town planners.<br />
The profession of architect – urbanist requires complex knowledge, therefore the course programme is based on<br />
providing students with in-depth recognition of the whole structure of necessary interdisciplinary knowledge, which the<br />
students can widen and build on with practical experience or academic and research involvment.The course programme<br />
includes three modules (three semesters, together 305 hours), where the subjects evolve from general to<br />
detailed knowledge – applicative treatment, and are completed with seminars (workshops), whereby students are<br />
trained to use real methods and techniques in execution of planning, urban design or development documentation,<br />
as well as receive necessary experience in composition.<br />
The first module spans 95 hours, of which 75 are intended for basic interdisciplinary subjects, horizontally connected<br />
with the joint concluding seminar (planning workshop) titled: Development scenario for a municipality.<br />
Students have the possibility to select one subject from the list of optional subjects, carried out by visiting professors<br />
from abroad.<br />
The second module spans 65 hours of professional and theoretical subjects and 40 hours for the concluding<br />
seminar titled: Spatial plan for a municipality. Students have the possibility to select one subject from the list of<br />
optional subjects, carried out by visiting professors from abroad.<br />
The third module spans 65 hours of professional subjects and 40 hours for the concluding seminar titled: Spatial<br />
development plan (site plan).<br />
Within each module the basic and professional subjects are connected horizontally with the concluding seminars<br />
(organised at the end of each module), while particular thematic subjects are structured vertically, from the basic<br />
subjects in the first module and more detailed subjects with the same topic in the second and third module, thus<br />
connecting into particular subject units. Renowned experts from specific thematic fields will be invited to participate in<br />
the seminar workshops.<br />
114 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
Temeljni cilj podiplomskega specialistiènega študijskega programa urbanistiènega naèrtovanja je usmerjen v<br />
poglobljeno in interdisciplinarno izobraževanje na podroèju urbanistiènega naèrtovanja z namenom, da bi dvignili<br />
splošno strokovno izobrazbeno raven strokovnega kadra na podroèju urbanistiènega urejanja ter hkrati ponudili<br />
praksi (v skladu z novo prostorsko <strong>za</strong>konodajo) <strong>za</strong>dostno število specialistov arhitektov urbanistov, ki bodo sposobni<br />
prevzeti z <strong>za</strong>konom sistemizirana delovna mesta mestnih arhitektov.<br />
Poklic arhitekta urbanista <strong>za</strong>hteva kornpleksna znanja, <strong>za</strong>to je študijski program <strong>za</strong>stavljen tako, da podaja<br />
študentom globinsko poznavanje celotne strukture potrebnih interdisciplinarnih znanj, ki jih bodo slušatelji dograjevali<br />
in razširjali s praktiènimi izkušnjami ob delu ali z akademskim in raziskovalnim delom dograjevali in razširjali.<br />
Študijski program obsega tri module (tri semestre, skupno 305 ur), kjer prehajajo predmeti od splošnejših znanj k<br />
njihovi detajlnejši aplikativni obravnavi in, ki se <strong>za</strong>kljuèujejo s seminarskimi nalogami (delavnicami), s katerimi se študent<br />
usposablja <strong>za</strong> uporabo konkretnih metod in tehnik izdelave planske, urbanistiène oziroma izvedbene prostorske<br />
dokumentacije in si pridobiva potrebne kompozicijske izkušnje.<br />
Prvi modul obsega 95 ur, od tega je 75 ur namenjenih baziènim interdisciplinarnim predmetom, ki so medsebojno<br />
horizontalno pove<strong>za</strong>ni: skupni <strong>za</strong>kljuèni seminar (planerska delavnica) <strong>za</strong>jema izdelavo razvojnega scenarija<br />
obèine.<br />
Študentje imajo možnost izbire enega predmeta iz seznama predmetov tujih predavateljev.<br />
Drugi modul obsega 65 ur strokovnih in teoretiènih predmetov ter 40 ur <strong>za</strong>kljuènega seminarja - izdelave<br />
prostorskega plana obèine (mestni naèrt).<br />
Študentje imajo možnost izbire enega predmeta iz seznama predmetov tujih predavateljev.<br />
Tretji modul obsega 65 ur strokovnih predmetov ter 40 ur <strong>za</strong>kljuènega seminarja s temo prostorski izvedbeni naèrti<br />
(lokacijski naèrt).<br />
podiplomski specialistièni študij urbanistiènega planiranja<br />
Znotraj posameznega modula so bazièni in strokovni predmeti horizontalno pove<strong>za</strong>ni preko <strong>za</strong>kljuènih seminarjev,<br />
organiziranih ob <strong>za</strong>kljuèku vsakega modula, medtem ko so posamezni tematski predmeti vertikalno pove<strong>za</strong>ni vse od<br />
baziènih predmetov v prvem modulu preko detajlnejših predmetov iste tematike v drugem in tretjem modulu in se tako<br />
povezujejo v posamezne predmetne sklope. V delo v okviru seminarskih delavnic bodo vkljuèeni številni vidni<br />
strokovnjaki <strong>za</strong> posamezna tematska podroèja.<br />
postgraduate specialist course in urban planning<br />
Alongside the compulsory subjects, facultative courses on computer methods and spatial informatics for planning<br />
and design will be organised, providing basis for practical work and seminar assignments.<br />
a) The specialist course will last for three semesters (305 hours), three accomplished seminars and examination will<br />
imply successful course completion<br />
b) Thematic courses (attending selected lectures or chapters – or participation in<br />
seminar) intended for permanent education of experts from the field of urban planning<br />
CONNE<br />
Vertically the programme is a logical continuation of the graduate course in architecture (course: urbanism).<br />
Horizontally the programme includes subjects from other faculties and universities, in both the segments – compulsory<br />
and optional subjects; the subjects being prepared by the Faculty of Architecture for the specialist course of urban<br />
planning, are accessible to candidates from other faculties by the credit system.<br />
/See page 112/<br />
A student will enroll for a year at a time (two semesters). Advancing into the second year is possible when the student<br />
successfully completes examination in subjects of the compulsory part of the programme and both the first year<br />
seminars.<br />
A student must:<br />
- successfully pass all exams (or short seminar papers) and all three synthesised seminars (workshops), by the end of<br />
the first three modules;<br />
- have all semesters tested.<br />
TITLE<br />
A student who has successfully completed all his/her obligations of the course programme stated in previous point,<br />
will be granted the title: specialist architect–urbanist.<br />
116 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
a) specialistièni študij, traja tri semestre (305 ur) in se uspešno <strong>za</strong>kljuèi z opravljenimi tremi seminarji in izpiti iz vpisanih<br />
predmetov.<br />
b) tematski teèaji (poslušanje izbranih predavanj ali poglavij ali udeležba v seminarju), namenjeni permanentnemu<br />
izobraževanju strokovnjakov s podroèja urbanistiènega naèrtovanja.<br />
Vertikalno predstavlja program logièno nadaljevanja študija arhitekture (smer urbanizem).<br />
Horizontalno se v program vkljuèujejo predmeti z drugih fakultet in univerz bodisi kot redni bodisi kot izbirni predmeti.<br />
Predmeti specialistiènega študija urbanistiènega naèrtovanja, ki jih pripravlja <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, pa so v okviru<br />
kreditnega sistema dostopni tudi kandidatom z drugih fakultet.<br />
Študij je organiziran v sodelovanju s Fakulteto <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> iz Pescare in Oxford Brookes University na podlagi<br />
programa TEMPUS. V ta namen študentje poslušajo dva izbirna predmeta iz predmetnika omenjenih fakultet,<br />
posamezne predmete pa bo mogoèe poslušati tudi v alternaciji tujih profesorjev.<br />
/ Opis na strani 113/<br />
Študent se vpiše naenkrat v en letnik (2 semestra). V drugi letnik se vpiše, kdor je opravil preverjanje znanja iz<br />
obveznega dela programa in seminarskega dela obeh prvih semestrov.<br />
Študent mora<br />
- opraviti vse izpite (ali krajše seminarske naloge) ter tri sintezne seminarske naloge (delavnice) ob koncu prvih treh<br />
modulov<br />
- imeti mora testirane vse tri semester.<br />
podiplomski specialistièni študij urbanistiènega planiranja<br />
NASLOV<br />
Strokovni naslov po konèanem podiplomskem študijskem programu <strong>za</strong> pridobitev speciali<strong>za</strong>cije je specialis<br />
pecialist<br />
arhitekt urbanist oziroma specialistka arhitektka urbanistka.<br />
postgraduate specialist course in urban planning<br />
The programme leaders at the Faculty of Architecture are as follows:<br />
prof. dr. Peter Fister (Preservation and renewal of settlements)<br />
prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè (Detailed urban design)<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir (Development of urban planning)<br />
prof. Janez Koželj (New urban design paradigms)<br />
prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec (Urban designing)<br />
Visiting professors:<br />
senior lecturer mag. Dušan Blagajne – Ministry of environment and physical planning (Environmental and spatial legislature)<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Èerne – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of geography (Planning methodology)<br />
dr. Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews – Urban Planning Institute – in habilitation process (Instruments for controlling urban form)<br />
prof. dr. Tomaž Kastelic – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Traffic management and design of traffic surfaces)<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Kirn – Faculty of Social Sceinces (Environmental ethics)<br />
doc. Jurij Kobe (Ambiental design)<br />
doc. dr. Drago Kos – Faculty of Social Sciences(Topics from spatial sociology)<br />
prof. dr. Bogomir Kovaè – Faculty of Economics (Project management, controle)<br />
prof. dr. Ivo Lavraè – Faculty of Economics (Management in the public and private sector)<br />
doc. dr. Srna Mandiè – Faculty of Social Sciences (Housing economy)<br />
prof. dr. Ivan Marušiè – Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture(Protective planning)<br />
doc. dr. Jože Panjan – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sanitary hydrotechnical infrastructure)<br />
prof. dr. Rajko Pirnat – Faculty of Law(Legal foundations of spatial planning)<br />
prof. dr. Dušan Plut – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of geography (New ecological paradigms)<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Urban Planning)<br />
doc. mag. Boštjan Radej – Faculty of Economics (Environmental economics)<br />
prof. dr. Albin Rakar – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Communal and Housing Economics, Communal infrastructure<br />
design)<br />
prof. dr. France Rihtar – Faculty of Architecture(Environmental planning)<br />
senior lecturer dr. Maruška Šubic – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Land policies and real estate evaluation)<br />
prof. dr. Tomaž Valena – Technical University Munich (Contextual design)<br />
Lecturers from the “Faculta D’architecttura, Dipartimento per l’urbanistica, Universita’ Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Pescara and<br />
“Oxford Brookes University”, Oxford.<br />
118 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
Nosilci programa Fakultete <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>:<br />
prof. dr. Peter Fister (Varovanje in prenova naselij)<br />
prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè (Detajlno urbanistièno naèrtovanje)<br />
prof. dr. Fedja Košir (Razvoj urbanistiènega naèrtovanja)<br />
prof. Janez Koželj (Urbanistièno oblikovanje)<br />
prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec (Urbanistièno projektiranje)<br />
Vabl<br />
abljeni jeni prof<br />
ofesorji:<br />
viš. pred. mag. Dušan Blagajne – Ministrstvo <strong>za</strong> okolje in prostor (Okoljska in prostorska <strong>za</strong>konodaja)<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Èerne – Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek <strong>za</strong> geografijo (Metodologija planiranja)<br />
dr. Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews – Urbanistièni inštitur –(Instrumenti <strong>za</strong> nadzor urbanih oblik)<br />
prof. dr. Tomaž Kastelic – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Urejanje prometa in prometnih površin)<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Kirn – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> družbene vede (Okoljska etika)<br />
doc. Jurij Kobe (Ambientalno oblikovanje)<br />
doc. dr. Drago Kos – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> družbene vede (Urejanje prometa in prometnih površin)<br />
prof. dr. Bogomir Kovaè – Ekonomska fakulteta (Projektno vodenje, nadzor)<br />
prof. dr. Ivo Lavraè – Ekonomska fakulteta (Upravljanje v javnem in <strong>za</strong>sebnem sektorju)<br />
doc. dr. Srna Mandiè – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> družbene vede (Stanovanjsko gospodarstvo)<br />
prof. dr. Ivan Marušiè – Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek <strong>za</strong> krajinsko <strong>arhitekturo</strong> (Varovalno naèrtovanje)<br />
doc. dr. Jože Panjan – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Zdravstveno hidrotehnièna infrastruktura)<br />
prof. dr. Rajko Pirnat – Pravna fakulteta (Pravni temelji urejanja prostora)<br />
prof. dr. Dušan Plut – Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek <strong>za</strong> geografijo (Nove ekološke paradigme)<br />
prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Urbanistièno naèrtovanje)<br />
doc. mag. Boštjan Radej – Ekonomska fakulteta (Ekonomika okolja)<br />
prof. dr. Albin Rakar – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Komunalno in stanovanjsko gospodarstvo ter Komunalno<br />
projektiranje)<br />
prof. dr. France Rihtar – Fakultata <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> (Okoljsko naèrtovanje)<br />
senior lecturer dr. Maruška Šubic Kovaè – <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> gradbeništvo in geodezijo (Zemljiška politika in vrednotenje<br />
nepremiènin)<br />
prof. dr. Tomaž Valena – TU Muenchen (Kontekstualno oblikovanje)<br />
podiplomski specialistièni študij urbanistiènega planiranja<br />
Predavatelji iz “Faculta D’architecttura, Dipartimento per l’urbanistica, Universita’ Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Pescara in<br />
“Oxford Brookes University”,Oxford.<br />
General conditions for enrollment into Ph.D. course:<br />
- successfully completing a Master’s course (master’s exam and master’s thesis) in the appropriate branch or<br />
- successfully completing a Master’s course (master’s exam) and being accepted for a direct transfer into the Ph.D. course<br />
- a knowledge of two world languages<br />
Characteristics of Ph.D. courses<br />
- candidates who have fulfilled all their obligations during their Master’s course, and have achieved excellent results<br />
(high exam marks, notable results in research, publication in recognized scientific magazines etc.) can be accepted,<br />
by the committee for Ph.D. courses on the basis of the proposal of the senate of the member which runs the Master’s<br />
course, to develop a Ph.D. thesis.<br />
doctorate dissertation<br />
Candidates wishing to be granted the doctorate title at the Faculty of architecture have to submit an application for<br />
a doctorate of science dissertation to the registrar’s office for study affairs (address: University in Ljubljana, Faculty of<br />
architecture, Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana). The authorised person in the registrar’s office establishes whether the<br />
application is complete and registers the application. If the application is incomplete the candidate is notified about<br />
necessary corrections.<br />
The application for a doctorate dissertation has to contain:<br />
- application, whereby a candidate asks for acceptance in the doctorate course, states the title of the proposed<br />
dissertation and details confirming compliance to conditions from article 98 of the Statute of the University in<br />
Ljubljana and suggests the field of the doctorate dissertation; in the application a candidate can suggest the tutor<br />
(mentor) and can also state whether he/she is in pursuit of a direct doctorate course without a previous master’s<br />
thesis;<br />
biography with personal details with emphasis on the candidates development in the research field<br />
(professional bibliography);<br />
- bibliography, i.e. list of published scientific or other work or achievements;<br />
- conceptual framework of the doctorate dissertation, as specified in article 3 of these regulations:<br />
- diploma certifying successful completion of graduate course;<br />
- master’s diploma or document on approval of diploma;<br />
- proof of passed exams on the master’s course and compliance to other conditions as stated in the study programme<br />
if applying for direct continuation from master’s to doctorate course (article 99, Statute of the University in Ljubljana).<br />
If the dissertation will be written in one of the foreign languages, the candidate has to state so in the application.<br />
120 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
Znanstveni naslov doktorja lahko pridobi:<br />
- kdor je uspešno konèal podiplomski študij <strong>za</strong> pridobitev doktorata znanosti ter izdelal in uspešno <strong>za</strong>govarjal<br />
doktorsko disertacijo;<br />
- kdor je pridobil naslov magister znanosti /magistrica znanosti ter izdelal in uspešno <strong>za</strong>govarjal doktorsko disertacijo.<br />
Kandidatu, ki se vpiše na podiplomski študijski program <strong>za</strong> pridobitev magisterija, se lahko pod posebnimi pogoji<br />
omogoèi neposreden prehod na doktorski študij, in sicer:<br />
a) da se je posebej izka<strong>za</strong>l pri magistrskem študiju in v roku, ki ga doloèa študijski program, opravil vse obveznosti<br />
prvega letnika magistrskega študija;<br />
b) da je uspešen pri raziskovalnem delu. Rezultate svojega dela mora izka<strong>za</strong>ti z avtorstvom ali soavtorstvom èlanka v<br />
publikaciji, ki jo stroka oznaèuje kot mednarodno priznano in služi v habilitacijskem postopku, pred sprejemom teme<br />
<strong>za</strong> doktorsko disertacijo.<br />
Predlog <strong>za</strong> neposreden prehod na doktorski študij poda kandidatov mentor, sprejme pa senat fakultete.<br />
Kandidat, ki želi na Fakulteti <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> ( v nadaljnjem besedilu: FA ) pridobiti doktorat znanosti, mora vložiti v<br />
referatu <strong>za</strong> študentske <strong>za</strong>deve FA (naslov: Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana)<br />
prijavo doktorske disertacije. Pooblašèeni delavec referata ugotovi ali je prijava popolna in potrdi njen prejem. Èe je<br />
prijava nepopolna, pozove kandidata, da odpravi ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti.<br />
Prijava doktorske disertacije mora obsegati:<br />
- prošnjo, v kateri kandidat <strong>za</strong>prosi <strong>za</strong> sprejem v doktorski študij, navede naslov predlagane doktorske disertacije ter<br />
podatke, iz katerih je razvidno, da izpolnjuje pogoje iz 98. èlena Statuta Univerze v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>; predlaga podroèje, na<br />
katerem bi želel izdelati doktorsko disertacijo; v prošnji lahko kandidat predlaga mentorja; v prošnji tudi navede, èe<br />
prosi <strong>za</strong> neposredni prehod v doktorski študij brez izdelave magistrskega dela;<br />
- življenjepis z osebnimi podatki in poudarkom na kandidatovem razvoju na znanstvenem podroèju<br />
(strokovna biografíja);<br />
- bibliografijo, t.j. seznam kandidatovih objavljenih znanstvenih in drugih strokovnih del oziroma stvaritev;<br />
- dispozicijo predloga doktorske disertacije, ki je opredeljena v 3. èlenu teh pravil;<br />
- diplomo o uspešno konèanem univerzitetnem študiju;<br />
- magistrsko diplomo ali listino o nostrifikaciji diplome;<br />
- dokazilo o opravljenih izpitih na magistrskem študiju in izpolnjevanju drugih pogojev, opredeljenih v študijskem<br />
programu, èe gre <strong>za</strong> neposreden prehod iz magistrskega na doktorski študij (99. èlen statuta UL).<br />
Èe bo disertacija napisana v enem od tujih jezikov, mora to kandidat navesti v prijavi.<br />
doktorat znanosti<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
A. MASTERS COURSE IN ARCHITECTURE (together: 380 hours)<br />
No.<br />
Lecturer<br />
1.YEAR<br />
P1.1 Kališnik Methods and organisation of scientistic work<br />
P1.2 Medved Rational use of resources, space and energy<br />
P1.3 Košir Architectural theory and critique<br />
P1.4 ** Elective subject<br />
Elective subject<br />
Elective subject<br />
P1.5 ** Research, seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
YEAR 2<br />
Subject Semester<br />
P1.4 ** Elective subject<br />
Elective subject<br />
P1.5 ** Research, seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
Winter Summer Toge<br />
ogether<br />
hours<br />
Share of independent research work:<br />
44 ECTS<br />
Two elective subjects at other faculties or universities: 16 ECTS<br />
P 1.4<br />
.4 List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture<br />
- J. Bonèa: Theory of composition<br />
- J. Kresal: Archit. elements of the humanised resid. environment<br />
- M. Bonèa: The new and old as integral space - J. Kušar: Load bearing conditions<br />
- V. Bre<strong>za</strong>r: Theory of details<br />
- J. Marinko: Sacral architecture<br />
- P. Fister: Protection of architectural monuments<br />
- L. Muhiè. Safety in architecture<br />
- P. Fister: Corpus of Slovenian architecture<br />
- J. Kobe: Artistic theory and practice<br />
- P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurism and rural architecture<br />
- J. Kobe: Colours and space<br />
- B. Juvanec: Elements of design: technology,<br />
- A. Pogaènik: Urban planning<br />
ergonomics and aesthetics<br />
- F. Rihtar: Street furniture<br />
- I. Kalèiè: Identity in Slovenian residential architecture - Ž. Turk: Computers in architecture<br />
- V. Kilar: Comp. supported conception of contem. struct. - A. Založnik: Mathematics – selected chapters<br />
- F. Košir: Development of urbanism<br />
- J. Koželj: Architecture of the city<br />
30<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
-<br />
-<br />
50<br />
120<br />
20<br />
10<br />
10<br />
50<br />
70<br />
-<br />
-<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
10<br />
50<br />
100<br />
00<br />
-<br />
-<br />
90<br />
90<br />
30<br />
30<br />
30<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
100<br />
220<br />
10<br />
10<br />
140<br />
160<br />
60<br />
ECTS<br />
12<br />
12<br />
12<br />
8<br />
8<br />
8<br />
16<br />
76<br />
8<br />
8<br />
28<br />
44<br />
Besides these subjects, the list of which is adapted and changed regularly, a student can enrol in not more than two subjects at<br />
another faculty or university. Elective subjects are determined in conjunction with the master’s thesis and following consent from<br />
the tutor (mentor). They are specified in the postgraduate programme for each student separately.<br />
122 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
šifra<br />
predavatelj<br />
predmet semester<br />
1.LETNIK<br />
P1.1 Kališnik metode in organi<strong>za</strong>cija dela v znanosti<br />
P1.2 Medved racionalna raba virov, prostora in energije<br />
P1.3 Košir arhitekturna teorija in kritika<br />
P1.4 ** izbirni predmet<br />
izbirni predmet<br />
izbirni predmet<br />
P1.5 ** raziskovalno delo, seminar<br />
skupaj<br />
zimski poletni skupaj ur<br />
30<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
-<br />
-<br />
50<br />
120<br />
20<br />
-<br />
-<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
10<br />
50<br />
100<br />
00<br />
30<br />
30<br />
30<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
100<br />
220<br />
ECTS<br />
12<br />
12<br />
12<br />
8<br />
8<br />
8<br />
16<br />
76<br />
2.LETNIK<br />
P1.4 ** izbirni predmet<br />
izbirni predmet<br />
P1.5 ** raziskovalno delo, seminar<br />
skupaj<br />
70<br />
90<br />
160<br />
60<br />
44<br />
samostojno raziskovalno delo: 44 kreditnih toèk<br />
dva izbirna predmeta iz tujih fakultet 16 kreditnih toèk<br />
P1.4 .4 Seznam izbirnih nih predme<br />
edmetov v (matièni na Fak<br />
akulte<br />
ulteti ti <strong>za</strong> arhitektur<br />
hitekturo)<br />
o)<br />
- J. Bonèa: Teorija kompozicije<br />
- M. Bonèa: Novo in staro kot integralni prostor<br />
- V. Bre<strong>za</strong>r: Teorija detajla<br />
- P. Fister: Varstvo arhitekturnih spomenikov<br />
- P. Fister: Korpus slovenske arhitekture<br />
- P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurizem in ruralna arhitektura<br />
- J. Kresal: Arhitekturni elementi humaniziranega stan. okolja<br />
- J. Kušar: Obremenitvena stanja<br />
- J. Marinko: Sakralna arhitektura<br />
- L. Muhiè. Varnost v arhitekturi<br />
- J. Kobe: Likovna teorija in praksa<br />
- J. Kobe: Barve in prostor<br />
- B. Juvanec: Elementi oblikovanja: tehnologija, ergonomija, estetika - A. Pogaènik: Urbanistièno planiranje<br />
- I. Kalèiè: Identiteta v slovenski stanovanjski arhitekturi<br />
- V. Kilar: raèunalniško podprta <strong>za</strong>snova sodobnih konstrukcij<br />
- F. Košir: Razvoj urbanizma<br />
- F. Rihtar: Urbana oprema<br />
- Ž. Turk: Raèunalnik v arhitekturi<br />
- A. Založnik: izbrana poglavja iz matematike<br />
- J. Koželj: Arhitektura mesta<br />
10<br />
10<br />
50<br />
-<br />
-<br />
90<br />
10<br />
10<br />
140<br />
8<br />
8<br />
28<br />
letnik year<br />
Razen teh predmetov, katerih seznam se sicer prilagaja in spreminja, lahko študent vpiše tudi do dva predmeta na drugi fakulteti<br />
ali univerzi. Izbirni predmeti se doloèijo v pove<strong>za</strong>vi s temo in v dogovoru z mentorjam. Navedejo se v naèrtu podiplomskega<br />
dela <strong>za</strong> vsakega študenta posebej.<br />
B. SPECIALIST COURSE IN ARCHITECTURE (together: 300 hours)<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
No. Lecturer Subjects Semester<br />
YEAR 1<br />
P1.6 Kobe Artistic theory and practice<br />
P1.2 Medved Rational use of resources, space and energy<br />
P1.4 ** Elective subjects<br />
Elective subjects<br />
P1.7 ** Composition in seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
YEAR 2<br />
P1.4 ** Elective subjects<br />
Elective subjects<br />
P1.7 ** Composition in seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
Winter<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
-<br />
45<br />
85<br />
10<br />
-<br />
55<br />
65<br />
Summer<br />
-<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
45<br />
85<br />
-<br />
10<br />
55<br />
65<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
ECTS<br />
hours<br />
P 1.4<br />
List of elective subjects at Faculty of arcitecture<br />
- J. Bonèa: Theory of composition<br />
- J. Kresal: Archit. elements of the humanised resid. environment<br />
- M. Bonèa: The new and old as integral space<br />
- J. Kušar: Load bearing conditions<br />
- V. Bre<strong>za</strong>r: Theory of details<br />
- J. Marinko: Sacral architecture<br />
- P. Fister: Protection of architectural monuments<br />
- L. Muhiè. Safety in architecture<br />
- P. Fister: Corpus of Slovenian architecture<br />
- J. Kobe: Artistic theory and practice<br />
- P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurism and rural architecture<br />
- A. Pogaènik: Urban planning<br />
- B. Juvanec: Elements of design: technology,<br />
- F. Rihtar: Street furniture<br />
ergonomics and aesthetics<br />
- Ž. Turk: Computers in architecture<br />
- I. Kalèiè: Identity in Slovenian residential architecture - A. Založnik: Mathematics – selected chapters<br />
- V. Kilar: Comp. supported conception of contem. struct. - V. Kilar: Computer supported conception of contemporary structures<br />
- F. Košir: Development of urbanism<br />
- J. Koželj: Architecture of the city<br />
30<br />
30<br />
10<br />
10<br />
90<br />
170<br />
70<br />
10<br />
10<br />
110<br />
130<br />
30<br />
12<br />
12<br />
8<br />
8<br />
20<br />
60<br />
8<br />
8<br />
14<br />
30<br />
Besides these subjects, the list of which is adapted and changed regularly, a student can enrol in not more than two subjects at<br />
another faculty or university. Elective subjects are determined in conjunction with the master’s thesis and following consent from<br />
the tutor (mentor). They are specified in the postgraduate programme for each student separately.<br />
124 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
Šifra<br />
predavatelj<br />
predmet semester<br />
1.LETNIK<br />
P1.6 Kobe likovna teorija in praksa<br />
P1.2 Medved racionalna raba virov, prostora in energije<br />
P1.4 ** izbirni predmet<br />
izbirni predmet<br />
P1.7 ** kompozicija v seminarju<br />
skupaj<br />
zimski poletni skupaj ur kred.t.<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
-<br />
45<br />
85<br />
-<br />
30<br />
-<br />
10<br />
45<br />
85<br />
30<br />
30<br />
10<br />
10<br />
90<br />
170<br />
70<br />
12<br />
12<br />
8<br />
8<br />
20<br />
60<br />
2.LETNIK<br />
P1.4 ** izbirni predmet<br />
izbirni predmet<br />
P1.7 ** kompozicija v seminarju<br />
skupaj<br />
P1.4 Seznam izbirnih nih predme<br />
edmetov v (matièni na Fak<br />
akulte<br />
ulteti ti <strong>za</strong> arhitektur<br />
hitekturo)<br />
o)<br />
- J. Bonèa: Teorija kompozicije<br />
- J. Kresal: Arhitekturni elementi humaniziranega stan. okolja<br />
- M. Bonèa: Novo in staro kot integralni prostor<br />
- J. Kušar: Obremenitvena stanja<br />
- V. Bre<strong>za</strong>r: Teorija detaja<br />
- J. Marinko: Sakralna arhitektura<br />
P. Fister: Varstvo arhitekturnih spomenikov<br />
- L. Muhiè. Varnost v arhitekturi<br />
- P. Fister: Korpus slovenske arhitekture<br />
- J. Kobe: Barve in prostor<br />
- P. Gabrijelèiè: Rurizem in ruralna arhitektura<br />
- A. Pogaènik: Urbanistièno planiranje<br />
- B. Juvanec: Elementi oblikovanja: tehnologija, ergonomija, estetika - F. Rihtar: Urbana oprema<br />
- I. Kalèiè: Identiteta v slovenski stanovanjski arhitekturi<br />
- Ž. Turk: Raèunalnik v arhitekturi<br />
- V. Kilar: raèunalniško podprta <strong>za</strong>snova sodobnih konstrukcij - A. Založnik: izbrana poglavja iz matematike<br />
- F. Košir: Razvoj urbanizma<br />
- J. Koželj: Arhitektura mesta<br />
10<br />
-<br />
55<br />
65<br />
-<br />
10<br />
55<br />
65<br />
10<br />
10<br />
110<br />
130<br />
30<br />
8<br />
8<br />
14<br />
30<br />
letnik year<br />
Razen teh predmetov, katerih seznam se sicer prilagaja in spreminja, lahko študent vpiše tudi do dva predmeta na drugi fakulteti<br />
ali univerzi. Izbirni predmeti se doloèijo v pove<strong>za</strong>vi s temo in v dogovoru z mentorjam. Navedejo se v naèrtu podiplomskega<br />
dela <strong>za</strong> vsakega študenta posebej.<br />
C. SPECIALIST COURSE IN URBAN PLANNING (together: 309 hours )<br />
predmetnik course syllabus<br />
No. Lecturer Subject Semester<br />
YEAR 1<br />
I.modul<br />
Košir<br />
Development of urban planning<br />
Èerne<br />
Planning methodology<br />
Pirnat Legal foundations of spatial planning 1<br />
Kovaè<br />
Project management and strategic evaluation<br />
Rakar<br />
Communal and housing economics<br />
* Elective subjects<br />
** Seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
II.modul<br />
Koželj<br />
New urban design paradigmas<br />
Pogaènik<br />
Urban planning<br />
Pirnat Legal foundations of spatial planning 2<br />
Kovaè<br />
Project management and leading<br />
Rakar<br />
Communal and housing economics<br />
* Elective subject<br />
** Seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
YEAR 2<br />
III.modul<br />
Gabrijelèiè<br />
Detailed urban design<br />
Vodopivec<br />
Urban designing<br />
Pirnat<br />
Legal foundations of spatial planning<br />
Kovaè<br />
Project management and controle<br />
Rakar<br />
Communal infrstructure design<br />
Fister<br />
Preservation and renewal of settlements<br />
** Seminar<br />
Toge<br />
ogether<br />
* students inscribe 1 subject from the programme of visiting professors (list on page 122)<br />
** interdisciplinary seminar work with elected mentor (list on page 122)<br />
20<br />
23<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
20<br />
103<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
Winter<br />
10<br />
10<br />
15<br />
6<br />
10<br />
10<br />
40<br />
101<br />
Summer<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
10<br />
10<br />
15<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
40<br />
105<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
126 podiplomski študij postgraduate course
Šifra<br />
predavatelj<br />
predmet semester<br />
1. . LETNIK<br />
I.modul<br />
Košir<br />
razvoj urbanistiènega naèrtovanja<br />
Èerne<br />
metodologija planiranja<br />
Pirnat pravni temelji urejanja prostora 1<br />
Kovaè<br />
akci<br />
cijs<br />
jsko o planiran<br />
anje je in str<br />
trateš<br />
ateško o preso<br />
esojan<br />
janje<br />
je<br />
Rakar<br />
komunalno in stanovanjsko gospodarstvo<br />
* izbirni predmet<br />
** seminar<br />
skupaj<br />
II.modul<br />
Koželj<br />
urbanistièno oblikovanje<br />
Pogaènik<br />
urbanistièno naèrtovanje<br />
Pirnat pravni temelji urejanja prostora 2<br />
Kovaè<br />
akcijsko planiranje in vodenje<br />
Rakar zeml<br />
emljiš<br />
jiška a politika a in vredno<br />
ednoten<br />
tenje je nepremiènin<br />
emiènin<br />
* izbirni predmet<br />
** seminar<br />
skupaj<br />
2. LETNIK<br />
III.modul<br />
Gabrijelèiè<br />
detajlno urbanistièno oblikovanje<br />
Vodopivec<br />
urbanistièno projektiranje<br />
Pirnat pravni temelji urejanja prostora 3<br />
Kovaè<br />
projektno vodenje in nadzor<br />
Rakar<br />
komunalno projektiranje<br />
Fister<br />
varovanje naselij<br />
** seminar<br />
skupaj<br />
zimski<br />
* študent izbere 1 predmet iz programa gostujoèih predavateljev (seznam na strani 123)<br />
** interdisciplinarna seminarska naloga na konkretnem primeru pod vodstvom izbranega mentorja (seznam na strani 123)<br />
20<br />
23<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
20<br />
103<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
10<br />
10<br />
15<br />
6<br />
10<br />
10<br />
40<br />
101<br />
poletni<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
10<br />
10<br />
15<br />
10<br />
10<br />
10<br />
40<br />
105<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
-<br />
letnik year<br />
4 YEARS<br />
* mentor doctorate dissertation<br />
uvod introduction<br />
Tot<br />
otal/ A. . Pos<br />
ostgr<br />
tgraduat<br />
aduate master<br />
ers s course<br />
Together hours<br />
ECTS<br />
380 120<br />
Tot<br />
otal/ B. Pos<br />
ostgr<br />
tgraduat<br />
aduate specialis<br />
pecialist t course in archit<br />
chitectur<br />
ecture<br />
300 90<br />
Tot<br />
otal/ C. . Pos<br />
ostr<br />
trgr<br />
graduat<br />
aduate specialis<br />
pecialist t course in urban planning<br />
309 -<br />
128 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
4 LETA<br />
* mentor izdelava doktorske disertacije<br />
skupaj ure<br />
kreditne toèke<br />
skupaj /A. podipl. magistrski študij arhitekture<br />
380 120<br />
skupaj /B. podipl. specialistièni študij arhitekture<br />
300 90<br />
skupaj /C. podipl. specialistièni študij urbanistiènega naèrtovanja<br />
309 -<br />
opombe personal notes<br />
130 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
opombe personal notes<br />
132 <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>, Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong>, <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong><br />
ŠTUDIJSKI PROGRAM 2003/2004<br />
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture<br />
STUDY PROGRAMME 2003/2004<br />
IzdalaPublisher<br />
Univer<strong>za</strong> v <strong>Ljubljani</strong><br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong><br />
Publikacijo je finanèno podprlaPublishing was financially supported by<br />
Evropska komisija (Socrates/Erasmus)<br />
UredilaEditor<br />
Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan<br />
OblikovanjeDesign<br />
Mojca Lenart<br />
Priprava <strong>za</strong> tisk Print preparation<br />
Robert Prešeren<br />
Prevodi v anglešèino English translation<br />
Ivan Staniè<br />
TiskPrint<br />
Tiskarna Grif<br />
NakladaCirculation<br />
300 izvodov<br />
Ljubljana, 2003<br />
CIP -Kataložni <strong>za</strong>pis o publikaciji<br />
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana<br />
FAKULTETA <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> (Ljubljana)<br />
Študijski program 2003/2004 /<br />
<strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong> = Faculty of architecture ; [uredila,<br />
editor Tadeja Zupanèiè Strojan ; prevodi v anglešèino, English<br />
translations Ivan Staniè]. - Ljubljana : <strong>Fakulteta</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>arhitekturo</strong>,<br />
2003<br />
ISSN 1581-7636<br />
1. Gl. stv-. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Zupanèiè Strojan, Tadeja.<br />
- I. Strojan, Tadeja Zupanèiè glej Zupanèiè Strojan, Tadeja<br />