1907 Magnet Yearbook

The 1907 Magnet Yearbook commemorating Jarvis\' 100th Anniversary.

The 1907 Magnet Yearbook commemorating Jarvis\' 100th Anniversary.


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TilE ~"'(;~ET.<br />

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teacher in tbe centr~. Thc main room was oc':lIpil'd b}" two ur thrl'e 1nm·<br />

berinR d~Rks:with double SIOpt.'R som(,' tHteen or ",ixll'(,'n feet lon~ and the<br />

wall on the south and east b}' fixed lksks, all cut and carved until thl'ir or;Rina!<br />

surface wall I:one. Two or thn'e hea"}" beams crOll6ed the ceilin£" and<br />

the une"cn "oor. worn with the fl'ft of a f,:'enerat';'on of school boys. Badly<br />

interfo:'red with thl' steadint'S18 of thl' Inn~ forms on which tbe bo}'s8at durin/!;<br />

their Il'SliiOns, An immense box litO\"urmounted by a pair of Rold lipt"ctacl~'1I, which<br />

did not pre,-ent him from holdinR his book c1o~e tohis face, were the outward<br />

marks of the man, Kind hearted an,l alway~ wiJ1inJ: to coach a prumisinJ:<br />

bo}' in his study l,(t....r hours, therc w...re liml'!:lwhl'n he was irritallle, C'spec·<br />

ially if the class was ill prepared or mort' than u~uall}' dens.... wht'n the<br />

slrokesof th~ bamboo on theontstreh'h"d le~s "elore him J,'ef(' as continuous<br />

as the questions asked, It is said that at un" tim,', aft...r adminiJ;;tering<br />

the stick once round the c1aSlli. he pitched his book at th...m, t..llinR them that<br />

the}' Wl're a set of iRnorant dolLS. and left them in dis~ulll. Dr. Howe's<br />

"p~cial pupil was ~Ir, ~lil1l'r. who sat at the ...nd of the wall desks n,'arCl>t 10<br />

the master, ~eneral1)' racinR the rOo.lm insh'ad of sitting with his r;tce to the<br />

wall as did tht' other bo)'s, .\Ir, .\lill~'I· was SO much olllel' than th... I','st of us<br />

that he was tn'ated with the rct>p"ct duc a }'ounlo: man 4 who was on his way to<br />

that hilo:hest educational honor. the t:ni\'ersit}·,<br />

lunfortunatel}' showed no aptitude for malhematics and' so mise;ed Ihe<br />

opportunil\' of comin~ reRuJarl}" under .\fr. Urown's car.... but on the few<br />

occasions on which I did, I karned to aPllr,'cial,' hi!'; ....ry hilo:h ~ualili~. and<br />

n'joice that he halO b"cn sparell to s,'c th,' r ...,.,ults of much of his labors,<br />

:-\ ... ither .\Ir, Clark or .\Ir, I','nnycv"k, tli remain per man"n!. r\ CambridKe I:'radnah',<br />

abollt thin,\'. of mor... than a,-.. ral:'· h... iltht and !';tron~l}' built. with an<br />

abllndanc... of I;lraiJ!ht bla.:k haIr o""rhan1:ing a face ,1

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