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Vassiliou's classic work 5 published in 1962, Hald's 1968 study 6 and Kaminarides<br />

more theoretical work 7<br />

published, with unfortunate timing, in 1973. Such an<br />

approach deals exclusively with economic development in a single political and<br />

economic entity, within internationally recognised and largely natural boundaries 8 .<br />

Unfortunately geo-political reality intervened, leaving subsequent researchers one of<br />

two options. Research can continue this intellectual tradition by dealing exclusively<br />

with one political and economic entity as Christodoulou 9 , Dodd 10 and, to a slightly<br />

lesser extent, Wilson 11<br />

have done. Alternatively, again following the earlier<br />

approach, research could deal with the island as a whole, necessitating analysis of<br />

two very different economic realities. In a speculative and more legalistic sense,<br />

Andreas Theophanous alone has recently done this 12 . The current thesis attempts to<br />

offer some background and some more analysis along the road to justifying contrary<br />

conclusions to those offered by Theophanous. However, Theophanous has opened<br />

the way to viewing Cypriot economic development in a comparative context, asking<br />

5 Meyer A.J. & Vassiliou S. 1962. The Economy of Cyprus. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.<br />

6 Hald M.W. 1968. A Study of the Cyprus Economy. Nicosia: Printing Office of the Republic of<br />

Cyprus.<br />

7 Kaminarides J.S. 1973. The Cyprus Economy: A Case in the Industrialisation Process. Nicosia:<br />

Socrates Publishing Company.<br />

8 The Treaty of Establishment provided that Britain retain perpetual sovereignty over 256 sq.<br />

kilometres of the island's territory (British Sovereign Base Areas - SBA's) and reserved rights over<br />

15 other areas including water sources and off base radar and intelligence gathering installations. The<br />

SBA's are British Dependent Territories and the Commander of British Forces in Cyprus has<br />

executive and legislative authority.<br />

9 Christodoulou 1992. op. cit.<br />

10 Dodd C.H. (ed.) 1993. The Political. Social and Economic Development of Northern Cyprus.<br />

Huntingdon: Eothen Press.<br />

11 Wilson R. 1992. Cyprus and the International Economy. Basingstoke: Macmillan.<br />

12 Theophanous, A. 1996. The Political Economy of a Federal Cyprus. Nicosia: Intercollege Press.<br />


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