Ph.D. thesis (pdf) - dirac

Ph.D. thesis (pdf) - dirac

Ph.D. thesis (pdf) - dirac


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173<br />

temperature in the harmonic approximation, but it differs by mean square displacement<br />

in two respects. There is no average over Q and it is a relative quantity which<br />

compares the amplitude of vibrations to the frozen in density fluctuations. The<br />

latter does not change much as a function of temperature in the glass. However, the<br />

frozen in fluctuations will also decrease as pressure is increased. This means that<br />

two competing effects govern the pressure dependence of the nonergodicity factor.<br />

In practice we find that the nonergodicity factor measured in the glass is essentially<br />

independent of pressure at a given temperature. Thus the data at different pressures<br />

essentially collapse (at least at low T) when comparing the temperature dependence<br />

on an absolute temperature scale. Scaling the temperature axis with the pressure<br />

dependent glass transition temperature therefore makes the curves separate and it<br />

has the consequence that the dimensionless parameter α increases when pressure<br />

increases. This increase of α is opposite the behavior expectation from the correlation<br />

between α and isobaric fragility. Also our data on different molecular weight<br />

polymers is in contradiction with the proposed correlation between α and fragility.<br />

As an alternative we suggest based on a combination of our data and literature<br />

data that the original finding is a consequence of a “hidden” correlation between<br />

the nonergodicity factor and the effect of density on the relaxation time. We find<br />

that f(T g ) is smaller when the effect of density on the relaxation time is larger.<br />

This means that the vibrational part of the density fluctuations in the considered<br />

Q-range are larger when the effect of density on the relaxation time is larger. This<br />

suggests that the properties which govern these density fluctuations also couple to<br />

the density dependence of the relaxation time. More studies are needed to verify this<br />

interpretation - particularly studies of the pressure dependence of f(T g ) are needed.<br />

Following the work of Inamura et al. [2000, 2001] it has been thought that the boson<br />

peak intensity decreases when a sample is densificated. However, this work and<br />

several other results that have come out within the last year [Monaco et al., 2006 a;<br />

Andrikopoulos et al., 2006], clearly demonstrate that this is not the case. The boson<br />

peak intensity relative to the Debye density of states stays constant (or increases)<br />

as pressure is increased. The system becomes harder overall, but no specific modes<br />

appear to be suppressed. Also the shape of the boson peak stays constant as pressure<br />

is increased. In so far as the boson peak gives a signature of the type of disorder, this<br />

suggests that the type of disorder is not changed when the system is compressed.<br />

Both the boson peak intensity and the quasi-elastic scattering measured directly in<br />

the dynamical structure factor at T g decrease as a function of pressure. Moreover,<br />

both contributions change by the same ratio along the T g -isochrone and the relative<br />

intensity of the boson peak as compared to the quasi-elastic intensity therefore stays

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