Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition


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Is-27 ta’ Novembru, 2009 VERŻJONI ONLINE<br />

14,351<br />

Nru. 974<br />

Att dwar Ġieħ ir-Repubblika<br />

(Kap. 251)<br />

Unuri u Dekorazzjonijiet Barranin<br />

NGĦARRFU b’din illi skont l-Artikolu 29(1) <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar<br />

Ġieħ ir-Repubblika, il-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, fuq il-parir <strong>tal</strong>-Prim<br />

Ministru, awtorizza r-rikonoxximent tad-dekorazzjonijiet li<br />

ġejjin mogħtija mir-Re u r-Reġina ta’ Spanja fl-okkażjoni<br />

taż-Żjara Stati tagħhom f’<strong>Malta</strong>.<br />

Gran Cruz of the Order of Isabel la Catolica<br />

Is-Sinjura Margaret Abela<br />

L-Onor. Dott. Lawrence Gonzi<br />

Is-Sinjura Catherine Gonzi<br />

Gran Cruz of the Order of Merito Civil<br />

Is-Sinjura Tiegħu l-Onor. Prim Imħallef Vincent<br />

deGaetano<br />

L-Onor. Dott. Louis Galea<br />

L-Onor. Dott. Tonio Borg<br />

L-Onor. Dott. Dolores Cristina<br />

Encomienda de Numero of the Order of Merito Civil<br />

Dott. Godwin Grima<br />

L-Ambaxxatur Richard Cachia Caruana<br />

Is-Sur Edgar Galea Curmi<br />

Is-Sur Alfred Camilleri<br />

Is-Sinjura Cecilia Attard Pirotta<br />

L-Ambaxxatriċi Tanya Vella<br />

Is-Sur John Rizzo<br />

Il-Brigadier Carmelo Vassallo<br />

Il-Prof. Juanito Camilleri<br />

Encomienda de Numero of the Order of Isabel la<br />

Catolica<br />

Ms Pauline Abela<br />

Is-Sur Olaph Terribile<br />

Is-Sur Godfrey Scicluna<br />

Is-Sur Martin Bugelli<br />

Il-Prof. David Attard<br />

Ir-Rev. Dr Peter Serracino Inglott<br />

Is-Sur Leonard Callus<br />

Is-Sur Charles Bonello<br />

Is-Sur Anthony Attard<br />

Ms Graziella Pullicino<br />

Dott. Alexei Dingli<br />

Encomienda of the Order of Merito Civil<br />

Is-Sur Peter Dei Conti Sant Manduca<br />

Is-Sur Joe Said<br />

Is-Sur Andrew Seychell<br />

No. 974<br />

Ġieħ ir-Repubblika Act<br />

(Cap. 251)<br />

Foreign Honours and Decorations<br />

IT is hereby notified that in terms of Section 29(1) of the<br />

Ġieħ ir-Repubblika Act, the President of <strong>Malta</strong>, acting on the<br />

advice of the Prime Minister, has authorised the recognition<br />

of the following decorations bestowed by the King and Queen<br />

of Spain on the occasion of their State Visit to <strong>Malta</strong>.<br />

Gran Cruz of the Order of Isabel la Catolica<br />

Mrs Margaret Abela<br />

The Hon. Dr Lawrence Gonzi<br />

Mrs Catherine Gonzi<br />

Gran Cruz of the Order of Merito Civil<br />

His Hon. the Chief Justice Vincent deGaetano<br />

The Hon. Dr Louis Galea<br />

The Hon. Tonio Borg<br />

The Hon. Dolores Cristina<br />

Encomienda de Numero of the Order of Merito Civil<br />

Dr Godwin Grima<br />

Ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana<br />

Mr Edgar Galea Curmi<br />

Mr Alfred Camilleri<br />

Mrs Cecilia Attard Pirotta<br />

Ambassador Tanya Vella<br />

Mr John Rizzo<br />

Brigadier Carmelo Vassallo<br />

Prof. Juanito Camilleri<br />

Encomienda de Numero of the Order of Isabel la<br />

Catolica<br />

Ms Pauline Abela<br />

Mr Olaph Terribile<br />

Mr Godfrey Scicluna<br />

Mr Martin Bugelli<br />

Prof David Attard<br />

Rev. Dr Peter Serracino Inglott<br />

Mr Leonard Callus<br />

Mr Charles Bonello<br />

Mr Anthony Attard<br />

Ms Graziella Pullicino<br />

Dr Alexei Dingli<br />

Encomienda of the Order of Merito Civil<br />

Mr Peter Dei Conti Sant Manduca<br />

Mr Joe Said<br />

Mr Andrew Seychell

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