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Magazine for Surveying, Mapping & GIS Professionals<br />
2<br />
March<br />
2 0 1 3<br />
Volume 16<br />
Mobile Mapping going Underground <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Location</strong><br />
gvSIG <strong>and</strong> Quantum GIS Is the Tablet an Enabling Technology?
3<br />
GeoInformatics is the leading publication for Geospatial<br />
Professionals worldwide. Published in both hardcopy <strong>and</strong><br />
digital, GeoInformatics provides coverage, analysis <strong>and</strong><br />
commentary with respect to the international surveying,<br />
mapping <strong>and</strong> GIS industry.<br />
GeoInformatics is published<br />
8 times a year.<br />
Editor-in-chief<br />
Eric van Rees<br /><br />
Copy Editor<br />
Elaine Eisma<br />
Editor<br />
Remco Takken<br /><br />
Contributing Writers:<br />
Faith Clark, Adam Spring, Aleksey Borodulin,<br />
Aleks<strong>and</strong>r Kleshnin, Patrick Collins, Job van Haaften,<br />
Gary Mullaney, Lisa Schoonmaker,<br />
O. A. Ryaboshapko, Evgeny Medvedev,<br />
Valery Gutman, Michael Weitsman, Andrew Myers.<br />
Columnist<br />
Léon van der Poel, James Fee, Matt Sheehan,<br />
Nadine Alameh.<br />
Finance<br /><br />
Marketing & Sales<br />
Ruud Groothuis<br /><br />
Subscriptions<br />
GeoInformatics is available against a yearly<br />
subscription rate (8 issues) of € 89,00.<br />
To subscribe, fill in <strong>and</strong> return the electronic reply<br />
card on our website<br />
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Graphic Design<br />
S<strong>and</strong>er van der Kolk<br />
sv<strong>and</strong><br />
ISSN 13870858<br />
© Copyright 2013. GeoInformatics: no material may<br />
be reproduced without written permission.<br />
Are you a data scientist?<br />
In this issue you will find a number of contributions that examine the work of GIS<br />
specialists. First of all, there’s the big data trend, which has significant implications<br />
for GIS. In a short time period, the geospatial industry has embraced the big<br />
data trend <strong>and</strong> added its forte to big data analysis: location. Since a lot of data<br />
has a locational component, this makes sense. What is interesting for the future is<br />
how geospatial software will be used next to big data analysis frameworks. The<br />
big data era also welcomes a new kind of specialist, namely the data scientists.<br />
These people are the result of a merger between big data analysis <strong>and</strong> software<br />
development.<br />
Additionally, there’s the changing technology that’s used for current GIS work.<br />
The current GIS type of job is significantly different than those in the early days of<br />
GIS, says Todd Schuble, author of the self-published book ‘Careers in GIS’. In a<br />
conversation with the author, he discusses many topics that are important for the<br />
GIS specialist of today <strong>and</strong> tomorrow. Learning how to push buttons to produce a<br />
map is not enough: programming skills are also necessary. In addition to this it’s<br />
important to get acquainted with different GIS software packages in an educational<br />
environment, so that students are prepared for a variety of working environments.<br />
And now that budgets are being tightened, it might be possible to work in<br />
an environment that prefers open source software to proprietary software. An<br />
example of this is Intetics, a company who submitted an article on their use of<br />
open source GIS software.<br />
James Fee has made a contribution in this issue about how the scripting language<br />
Python is changing GIS. It’s no coincidence that Schuble writes the<br />
same in his book. The industry is taking notice of a number of<br />
publications for Python <strong>and</strong> geospatial software packages that<br />
are out in the market now – <strong>and</strong> there’s more to be expected in<br />
the future.<br />
New hardware is also changing the way work is done. In this<br />
issue, you can find a number of articles on this topic. Not only<br />
is there a review on the latest Panasonic Toughpads, but also<br />
an investigation by Adam Spring about the possibilities<br />
offered by tablets in geospatial workflows. Additionally,<br />
there is an extensive article from the Israeli company<br />
Drakkar describing in detail their homemade LiDAR mapping<br />
system. This is not all, of course. In the pipeline are<br />
articles on mobile apps <strong>and</strong> new geospatial software<br />
releases that will generate a lot of discussion during<br />
upcoming user conferences around the globe later<br />
this year. Once again, I invite you to share your<br />
thoughts <strong>and</strong> submit user stories regarding your<br />
work, so that we can share them in future<br />
issues. Please get in touch <strong>and</strong> drop me<br />
an email at<br /><br />
Enjoy reading,<br />
P.O. Box 231<br />
8300 AE<br />
Emmeloord<br />
The Netherl<strong>and</strong>s<br />
Tel.: +31 (0) 527 619 000<br />
Fax: +31 (0) 527 620 989<br />
E-mail:<br />
Eric van Rees<br />
Photography:<br />
GeoInformatics has a collaboration with<br />
the Council of European Geodetic<br />
Surveyors (CLGE) whereby all individual<br />
members of every national Geodetic<br />
association in Europe will receive the<br />
On the cover:<br />
High resolution point cloud captured by ZEB1 h<strong>and</strong>held mapping<br />
system in just eight minutes. Source: 3D Laser Mapping.<br />
See article on page 6.<br />
A r t i c l e s<br />
Mobile Mapping Going Underground 6<br />
Open Source GIS Software 10<br />
Geospatial Imagery <strong>and</strong> <strong>Data</strong> 14<br />
Rockl<strong>and</strong> County, NY, Streamlines Storm Response 18<br />
<strong>Big</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Location</strong> 22<br />
GeoPDF Based Services 26<br />
From Survey Projects to Media Applications 30<br />
Home-made LiDAR Mapping 34<br />
Controlling Seismic <strong>Data</strong> in 3D 40<br />
Rugged <strong>and</strong> Mobile 45<br />
C o l u m n s<br />
Python is GIS’ best friend 16<br />
Offline Mobile GIS 28<br />
Second h<strong>and</strong> GNSS Network 33<br />
Open Geospatial St<strong>and</strong>ards for Aviation 44<br />
I n t e r v i e w<br />
Thoughts on ‘Careers in GIS’ 42<br />
N e w s l e t t e r<br />
CLGE newsletter 46<br />
C a l e n d a r / A d v e r t i s e r s I n d e x 50
Since the mid 2000s open GIS<br />
has gradually been attracting<br />
10<br />
the attention of businesses <strong>and</strong><br />
government agencies around<br />
the world. In this article we<br />
want to share the experience<br />
of our implementation <strong>and</strong> the<br />
use of open GIS software at<br />
Intetics.<br />
ArcGIS Server Product<br />
22<br />
Manager Marwa Mabrouk<br />
explains some of these<br />
initiatives <strong>and</strong> discusses<br />
some recent use cases of<br />
big data analysis <strong>and</strong> location.<br />
14<br />
The migration of data <strong>and</strong><br />
analysis tools to the cloud or<br />
enterprise is well underway.<br />
Drakkar is a service industry<br />
company providing Israeli<br />
34<br />
companies with extensive international<br />
publications on LiDAR<br />
as well as traditional geodetic<br />
methods. Drakkar was the first<br />
in Israel to start applying onground<br />
<strong>and</strong> then airborne laser<br />
scanning in 2004.<br />
Todd Schuble, author of the<br />
self-published book ‘Careers in<br />
GIS’, explains his motivation<br />
42<br />
for writing <strong>and</strong> publishing the<br />
book.<br />
6<br />
This article takes a look at<br />
what is thought to be the<br />
world’s first, truly mobile, h<strong>and</strong><br />
held, rapid laser mapping<br />
system – Zebedee.<br />
The tablet computer is a versati-<br />
30<br />
le device that continues to make<br />
an impact in many professional<br />
sectors – survey markets<br />
included. This article focuses on<br />
the latter <strong>and</strong> examines the various<br />
ways in which consumer<br />
products like tablets are being<br />
used in spatial information<br />
workflows.<br />
This article is dedicated<br />
to successful projects of<br />
26<br />
geodata dissemination in a<br />
very simple PDF format,<br />
which allows common users<br />
to work intuitively with<br />
geodata without GIS skills<br />
or special software.
6<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
Zebedee mobile mapping system in<br />
action in the Jenolan Caves, Australia<br />
Challenging Sur veying Environments<br />
Mobile Mapping Going Underground<br />
By Faith Clark<br />
This article takes a look at what is thought to be the world’s first,<br />
truly mobile, h<strong>and</strong> held, rapid laser mapping system – Zebedee.<br />
Integral to the successful deployment of mobile mapping systems is<br />
the ability to locate the system in real world context. In fact, it is<br />
probably this ability that differentiates ‘mobile mapping´ systems<br />
from simple measurement solutions. In outdoor systems the trajectory<br />
of the sensor can usually be determined from GPS / GNSS<br />
measurements. For short periods of time, where there is a limited or<br />
lack of signal, local inertial measurements can be used to interpolate<br />
between satellite determined positions. An example of this can be seen<br />
in the highly accurate mobile mapping system StreetMapper whose<br />
on-board navigation system includes a Global Positioning Satellite<br />
(GPS) receiver, a fibre optic gyro based Inertial Measurement Unit<br />
(IMU) <strong>and</strong> the latest Direct Inertial Aiding (DIA).<br />
Once you move indoors, underground or into other environments where<br />
there is limited positioning information, such as dense forest <strong>and</strong> urban<br />
canyons, the ratio of actual to interpolated positions becomes unbalanced.<br />
Some research has been undertaken <strong>and</strong> technologies developed<br />
that use existing Radio Frequency infrastructures such as Bluetooth or<br />
WLAN. However, these typically have poor precision (>1m error),<br />
require significant amounts of additional equipment <strong>and</strong> tend to be<br />
more suited to asset management, warehousing <strong>and</strong> logistics applications.<br />
Researchers at CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, have<br />
therefore been working to overcome this problem <strong>and</strong> believe they<br />
have achieved this vision with a h<strong>and</strong>held 3D laser mapping system<br />
called Zebedee.<br />
“The research team, from CSIRO’s Auto nomous Systems Laboratory,<br />
have taken their robotics localisation technology <strong>and</strong> cleverly adapted<br />
it to enable h<strong>and</strong> held, real-time laser scanning in full 3D”, said Dr Ian<br />
Oppermann, Director of the Digital Productivity <strong>and</strong> Services Flagship<br />
at CSIRO. “This technology will open up new areas for scanning such<br />
as difficult to access <strong>and</strong> complex cultural heritage places.”<br />
Zebedee consists of a lightweight LiDAR scanner with a 30m (100ft)<br />
maximum range together with an industrial grade MEMS (Micro-electrical<br />
Mechanical – the technology of very small devices or micromachines)<br />
inertial measurement unit (IMU). These are both mounted on a<br />
simple spring mechanism that loosely oscillates as the operator moves<br />
around the scanning environment. It is this rotation that converts the<br />
LiDAR’s inherent 2D scanning plane into a local 3D field of view. Using<br />
proprietary software which estimates the six degrees of freedom (6DoF),<br />
these measurements can be projected into a common coordinate frame<br />
to generate an accurate 3D point cloud in real time.<br />
So how does it work?<br />
The challenges of mapping <strong>and</strong> motion are well understood in the robotics<br />
community <strong>and</strong> it is from this field that the CSIRO team drew much<br />
of their expertise. Zebedee uses the well documented robotic technology<br />
called Simultaneous Localisation <strong>and</strong> Mapping (SLAM).<br />
To underst<strong>and</strong> the principles of SLAM, consider a sensor moving<br />
towards a flat surface such as a wall. As the sensor approaches the<br />
March 2013
7<br />
Examples of point clouds created using Zebedee<br />
wall the measurements decrease in magnitude. The motion towards the<br />
wall can therefore be inferred. By integrating thous<strong>and</strong>s of similar relative<br />
observations of many surfaces over time, <strong>and</strong> making reasonable<br />
assumptions about platform dynamics, the 6DoF trajectory of the sensor<br />
can be estimated with considerable accuracy. The oscillatory nature<br />
of the spring mounted equipment ensures surfaces <strong>and</strong> objects within<br />
the survey environment are re-observed at sufficient frequency while<br />
moving at a normal walking pace.<br />
Being h<strong>and</strong>held, Zebedee can access anywhere the operator can. It’s<br />
lightweight <strong>and</strong> only requires a laptop <strong>and</strong> small battery for a full day<br />
of surveying. The data capture device can also be mounted on a pole<br />
to extend its view beyond the reach of the operator <strong>and</strong> unlike wheeled<br />
devices Zebedee can be used on rough terrain <strong>and</strong> staircases.<br />
“For the first time, users can reliably <strong>and</strong> cost-effectively map spaces in<br />
3D in real-time,” Dr Oppermann added. “SLAM enables a suite of 3D<br />
mapping applications to be developed in wide ranging areas including<br />
education, cultural heritage, security, environment, property, emergency<br />
services <strong>and</strong> safety.”<br />
Going underground<br />
Zebedee has already been used explore Aboriginal cave markings in<br />
South Australia. The strange markings, called finger flutings, were<br />
thought to have been left in the Koonalda Cave between about 30,000<br />
<strong>and</strong> 10,000 years ago. Created by h<strong>and</strong>s being dragged along established<br />
grooves in the soft limestone walls the markings are extremely<br />
fragile <strong>and</strong> crumble at the slightest touch. Using Zebedee researchers<br />
have been able to create a highly detailed 3D reconstruction of the<br />
cave that can be analysed by archaeologists from the SA Museum. The<br />
3D model of the caves will be analysed using specialist computer software,<br />
the data can also be used to create physical reconstructions of<br />
the caves using 3D printers.<br />
“It’s a fantastic research tool, the fact we can use the models in the lab<br />
where we have really good light <strong>and</strong> good conditions to work under.<br />
Whereas in the cave, because it’s in complete darkness, it’s really hard<br />
to do the research,” said archaeologist Dr Keryn Walshe from the SA<br />
Museum. Dr Walshe says she is keen to determine who made the markings;<br />
men, women or children. “It is really tempting; it’s really hard,<br />
actually, not to touch the soft surface because it’s so inviting. It’s this<br />
beautiful pure white colour, like snow. It looks so lovely <strong>and</strong> soft you just<br />
want to touch it, but you mustn’t.”<br />
Experts from CSIRO <strong>and</strong> the Australian Nuclear Science <strong>and</strong><br />
Technology Orga nisations are also hoping to unlock details of<br />
Australia’s past climate. By studying the growth of stalagmites <strong>and</strong> stalactites<br />
in the Jenolan Caves within the Blue Mountains National Park in<br />
New South Wales they hope to underst<strong>and</strong> what the climate was thous<strong>and</strong>s<br />
of years ago. In order to do this the scientists needed to calculate<br />
the volume of air <strong>and</strong> measure CO2 isotopes & CO2 mass balance<br />
in order to underst<strong>and</strong> the inorganic chemical reaction that produced<br />
the mineral deposits, they can then compare the rate of growth against<br />
known records. But first they needed to know the exact size of the caves.<br />
Using Zebedee the research team have been able to create a 3D representation<br />
of the World Heritage Site caves. Chris Waring, principal<br />
research scientist at ANSTO, is using this cave mapping to better calibrate<br />
the climate-influenced growth of stalagmites. ‘’We can calibrate<br />
our measuring instruments against weather records going back to the<br />
1930s,’’ he said. “We could be able to assess what the climate was<br />
doing back hundreds of thous<strong>and</strong>s of years.”<br />
Latest News? Visit
8<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
Examples of point clouds created using Zebedee<br />
What does the future hold?<br />
The Zebedee technology has been licenced to GeoSLAM, a UK<br />
based start-up company, who have signed an exclusive, worldwide<br />
distribution agreement with 3D Laser Mapping. 3D Laser Mapping<br />
is a global provider of LiDAR hardware <strong>and</strong> software solutions including<br />
mine monitoring system SiteMonitor <strong>and</strong> mobile mapping system<br />
StreetMapper. They provide pre <strong>and</strong> post-sales support for Riegl<br />
LMS <strong>and</strong> other third party products, including the Terrascan <strong>and</strong><br />
Pointools software suites, <strong>and</strong> offer consultancy services <strong>and</strong> training<br />
from experienced technical staff with expertise in surveying,<br />
geo-engineering, programming, project management <strong>and</strong> 3D modelling<br />
<strong>and</strong> visualisation.<br />
By partnering with 3D Laser Mapping, CSIRO <strong>and</strong> GeoSLAM hope<br />
to benefit from their wealth of experience in the development <strong>and</strong><br />
Examples of point clouds created using Zebedee<br />
real world application of laser scanning solutions. This partnership<br />
also ensures users of the Zebedee system can utilise 3D Laser<br />
Mapping’s existing data processing facilities including remote servers,<br />
sophisticated software solutions <strong>and</strong> dedicated support staff.<br />
“Before we simply couldn’t imagine a scenario where you could arrive<br />
onsite <strong>and</strong> within five minutes your equipment is unpacked <strong>and</strong> is<br />
ready to go,” Dr Graham Hunter, Executive Chairman, founder <strong>and</strong><br />
head of the research division of 3D Laser Mapping, commented.<br />
“Now, as you walk around, holding Zebedee in one h<strong>and</strong>, you can<br />
capture millions of measurements of the environment, whether it be<br />
an office, warehouse, manufacturing facility, mine or even in a forest<br />
or at the beach. All with minimal set up <strong>and</strong> without the need for<br />
additional equipment or personnel.”<br />
Faith Clark, technology writer. Internet:<br />
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10<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
By Aleksey Borodulin <strong>and</strong><br />
Aleks<strong>and</strong>r Kleshnin<br />
Since the mid 2000s open GIS has gradually been attracting the attention of<br />
businesses <strong>and</strong> government agencies around the world. Nevertheless, the<br />
introduction of open GIS in business processes is hampered by the fact that at<br />
the moment there is no ready-made method of implementation for open GIS<br />
solutions. In this article we want to share the experience of our implementation<br />
<strong>and</strong> the use of open GIS software at Intetics.<br />
Open Source GIS Software<br />
U s e r E x p e r i e n c e s a t I n t e t i c s<br />
Intetics employees<br />
The idea of using open software at<br />
Intetics was first aired in May 2011.<br />
At that time the main working tools<br />
for Intetics’ specialists was proprietary<br />
software provided by the client.<br />
The volume of manual vectorization projects<br />
was increasing along with the growing number<br />
of employees. We planned to hire approximately<br />
50 new employees; though the time<br />
spent using GIS software did not exceed 5-<br />
16% for a single employee. As an alternative<br />
to purchasing extra proprietary licenses, a<br />
decision to use open software was made.<br />
Briefly about the project<br />
The client provided us with shp-files containing<br />
road graph <strong>and</strong> building geometry. In the<br />
course of the project, we had to clarify the<br />
client’s road graph <strong>and</strong> buildings contours<br />
spatial positions data. The first step was to<br />
clarify existing geometry, <strong>and</strong> then add the<br />
new one. After completing this, we followed<br />
the same procedure with the building polygons.<br />
Choosing <strong>and</strong> implementing software<br />
After careful evaluation we chose gvSIG <strong>and</strong><br />
Quantum GIS, mainly because these products<br />
are widely available as desktop GIS software.<br />
Then we completed several test projects using<br />
both gvSIG <strong>and</strong> QGIS <strong>and</strong> compared the<br />
results <strong>and</strong> the expert reviews. Generally,<br />
gvSIG performed better, although some tools<br />
March 2013
11<br />
were less user-friendly. Among QGIS strengths<br />
are nice <strong>and</strong> logical GUI, multiframe support,<br />
high pace of development, an active users’<br />
<strong>and</strong> developers’ community, lots of plug-ins<br />
<strong>and</strong> rather good documentation. Weaknesses<br />
include slow data panning, slow raster rendering<br />
<strong>and</strong> overall low performance <strong>and</strong> instability.<br />
Though QGIS performance was not so good,<br />
it was finally chosen as GUI as ease of mastering<br />
played a very important role for us. Due<br />
to the specific features of the project, software<br />
performance did not influence the overall work<br />
flow much. At the same time, software simplicity<br />
<strong>and</strong> GUI consistency is very important during<br />
the first exposure to open GIS software, as<br />
GUI ease minimizes users’ discomfort.<br />
The difficulties with Quantum GIS began with<br />
the lack of network software installation tools.<br />
Initially users had to install <strong>and</strong> configure the<br />
software all by themselves. It was time consuming<br />
<strong>and</strong> initiated a torrent of questions from<br />
users. Beginning with the 1.7.3 release we<br />
started using the portable QGIS version as its<br />
configuration was set <strong>and</strong> all the necessary<br />
plug-ins loaded by default. The portable version<br />
is distributed by copying.<br />
The 1.7.0, 1.7.3, 1.7.4, 1.8.0 QGIS releases<br />
were used in the project. Whilst preparing for<br />
the project, the new releases were tested <strong>and</strong><br />
a changes analysis made. The decision to use<br />
it or not was made based on the data collected;<br />
evaluation of all the advantages <strong>and</strong> disadvantages<br />
of new releases compared to the<br />
current version. Assuming a positive decision,<br />
we performed pilot works using the new<br />
release of the software.<br />
Issues that appeared during QGIS utilization<br />
<strong>and</strong> new version releases:<br />
• shp-files merge didn’t work in 1.7.4 (fixed<br />
in 1.8.0);<br />
• snapping to segment didn’t work in 1.7.4<br />
(fixed in 1.8.0);<br />
• Cyrillic symbols weren’t displayed in attribute<br />
table in 1.8.0. We imported layers which<br />
contained Cyrillic attributes in DB using<br />
QGIS version 1.7.4.<br />
According to the requirements specification,<br />
the road graph should not have geometry<br />
gaps <strong>and</strong> overlaps. During the project our specialists<br />
mainly worked on separate distanced<br />
territories <strong>and</strong> the amount of geometry situated<br />
on the borders of the neighboring working<br />
areas was minimal. Vectoring data was stored<br />
as shp-files on the network drive. When the<br />
editing was completed, data from separate<br />
shp-files were combined into one, common<br />
geometry on borders was checked <strong>and</strong> manual<br />
editing was performed if needed.<br />
As the project developed, we began vectorization<br />
of large urbanized territories <strong>and</strong><br />
faced the problem of users’ interaction in<br />
working areas which had common geometry.<br />
The solution was to create a common information<br />
space using DB.<br />
Initially, we considered DB implementation<br />
using SQLite/SpatiaLite or Postgre SQL/<br />
PostGIS. Some tests were done <strong>and</strong> we discovered<br />
SpatiaLite performance is significantly<br />
reduced when used by many users simultaneously;<br />
this was the reason for declining it.<br />
PostGIS performance met our requirements<br />
completely.<br />
During the preparation process, database<br />
engineer imports pre-processed source data<br />
to the DB <strong>and</strong> editing rights were adjusted<br />
using pgAdmin application <strong>and</strong> <strong>Data</strong>base<br />
Manager Plug-in. PostGIS allowed us to coordinate<br />
the work on borderline areas <strong>and</strong> perform<br />
quality control rapidly. It allowed us to<br />
evaluate current progress in particular working<br />
areas <strong>and</strong> the overall project progress<br />
(SQL queries on the number of polygonal<br />
objects <strong>and</strong> the sum of road graph edges<br />
lengths), derive performance index, perform<br />
statistics calculation <strong>and</strong> stream monitoring<br />
Implementation process<br />
QGIS Plugins<br />
(project manager is able to see any work area<br />
any time). The use of SQL queries allowed us<br />
to perform DB layers merge <strong>and</strong> copying <strong>and</strong><br />
create intersection layer between two layers.<br />
Creating DB layer copies using SQL queries<br />
<strong>and</strong> DB layer data unload to local drive using<br />
OGR library is also possible.<br />
In the first stages of DB usage we performed<br />
vectorization for several large <strong>and</strong> geographically<br />
distanced working areas. Two<br />
road layers were created in the DB – for the<br />
new <strong>and</strong> amended geometry. Problems in<br />
the QGIS work appeared when a large number<br />
of objects were created in one layer<br />
(more than 60 thous<strong>and</strong> for a linear layer),<br />
for example, long data loading, delays in<br />
panning, layer attributes table opening,<br />
object selection, operation performance<br />
using field calculator, etc. We decided,<br />
therefore, to create several layer pairs for<br />
every working area instead of using two<br />
layers for all the areas. This meant that the<br />
number of records for every table in the<br />
DB remained supportable even at the end<br />
of the process <strong>and</strong> did not cause loss of<br />
efficiency.<br />
Latest News? Visit
12<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
Our people<br />
For Quantum GIS there is a fairly complete manual<br />
in Russian (translation done by<br />
community). However, for staff training on<br />
QGIS, an internal guide was prepared. This<br />
described basic functionality <strong>and</strong> the processes<br />
of typical project tasks. A users’ <strong>and</strong> developer’s<br />
community support <strong>and</strong> official documentation<br />
were used for the internal guide. We want<br />
to express thanks to all who supported us <strong>and</strong><br />
special thanks to the GIS-Lab community. Written<br />
instructions were tested by experts <strong>and</strong> were<br />
amended in the process as a result of experience<br />
gained.<br />
Due to the peculiarities of the technological process,<br />
vectorization (activity performed with the<br />
help of QGIS) is done at Intetics every quarter.<br />
The time in between was used for analysis <strong>and</strong><br />
process changes introduction.<br />
Implementation <strong>and</strong> maintenance of the new<br />
process was lead by the leading experts (LE).<br />
LE duties included: analysis of the project experience,<br />
working instructions development <strong>and</strong><br />
improvement, helping specialists in mastering<br />
software <strong>and</strong> the whole process <strong>and</strong> solving any<br />
arising problems.<br />
All the working documentation was uploaded<br />
to the team collaboration software, Confluence.<br />
LE edit <strong>and</strong> add documentation along with work<br />
instructions to the Confluence. Employees use<br />
Confluence to ask for document clarification, to<br />
add information (improvement suggestions, tips<br />
on dealing with issues) <strong>and</strong> share experience.<br />
Changes are reviewed <strong>and</strong> moderated by LE.<br />
Confluence enables the sharing experience online<br />
<strong>and</strong> minimizes the number of meetings.<br />
At first we faced employees’ resistance to the<br />
innovation, which manifested itself as inaction.<br />
Some employees were not motivated enough to<br />
master new, sometimes unstable, software.<br />
Tool suite<br />
Often employees compared QGIS <strong>and</strong> commercial<br />
GIS functionality (in favour of the latter).<br />
The process actively developed, new tools <strong>and</strong><br />
instructions were introduced, but a number of<br />
employees continued working “as before.”<br />
These difficulties were not caused by specific<br />
tasks or software, however; all engineering companies<br />
face the same problems in the process<br />
of new working tools implementation. In order<br />
to solve such problems, each quarter <strong>and</strong> prior<br />
to the project start, a list of innovations is created<br />
<strong>and</strong> e-mailed to the employees. Additionally,<br />
meetings are held allowing leading experts to<br />
explain the peculiarities of the project. A separate<br />
section in the project info DB is created to<br />
share experience with open source software,<br />
both positive <strong>and</strong> negative (such tips often prevent<br />
common mistakes being made).<br />
Our internal QGIS training is developed for<br />
employees who have at least some experience<br />
with GIS software <strong>and</strong> with real-life projects.<br />
Normally, with some experience with GIS software,<br />
employees master QGIS to an adequate<br />
level in 1-2 hours. This was achieved by assigning<br />
a mentor to every junior developer.<br />
Subsequently, the assimilation process for new<br />
employees was optimized.<br />
Technical <strong>and</strong> organizational specifics of<br />
the project<br />
The preparation process included initial WMSdata<br />
quality check. If, for some reason WMS<br />
could not be used (slow data loading, bad quality<br />
of the image), then pre-loaded satellite<br />
images in the form of tiles were used. Virtual<br />
rasters are created out of tiles, using module<br />
GDAL.<br />
To reduce time spent by the user on provisioning,<br />
qgs-project templates were used. Templates<br />
were created at the preparation stage. The template<br />
contains all the necessary layers from the<br />
PostgreSQL/PostGIS DB (shp-files were supplied<br />
together with templates before the DB was created),<br />
WMS layer added, styles/group views,<br />
coordinate systems, snapping options <strong>and</strong><br />
options for displaying <strong>and</strong> editing attribute data<br />
configuration set. Templates are distributed by<br />
copying via the network.<br />
In the first stages of the project the topology<br />
errors correction was performed with the QGIS<br />
GRASS module (snapping of the line vertex in<br />
the nodes inside the specified tolerance, lines<br />
breaking upon intersections, removing pseudonodes).<br />
We also tried the topology check using<br />
gvSIG, but found it both inconvenient <strong>and</strong> time<br />
consuming. At the end of the day we decided<br />
to do all the required checks with GRASS, as it<br />
gave us output acceptable to our customer. The<br />
following was done: search for lines not<br />
snapped (dangled nodes), removing pseudonodes,<br />
lines self-intersection correction <strong>and</strong><br />
removing self-overlapped geometry.<br />
JIRA is a tracking system our company uses for<br />
task tracking <strong>and</strong> time management. Territory<br />
polygons marked by the client are divided into<br />
small-sized working areas. For each area a<br />
record in JIRA is created by PM. Every record<br />
contains the following information: the name of<br />
the region, estimated time required for vectorization,<br />
the deadline <strong>and</strong> name of the employee<br />
assigned. JIRA allows ongoing monitoring<br />
daily (status, readiness percentage <strong>and</strong> the time<br />
spent) <strong>and</strong> statistic gathering.<br />
Conclusion<br />
We successfully implemented the execution of<br />
large-scale works using open source software<br />
combined with the proprietary software. We<br />
now have a well-established documented production<br />
process.<br />
We plan to develop this process by implementing<br />
the following steps:<br />
• Develop an efficient bug reporting process;<br />
• Implement topology processing using PostGIS;<br />
• Create local service of raster data on the<br />
Geoserver basis;<br />
• Finalize the transition process to newer software<br />
releases.<br />
Intetic’s example shows the real possibility of<br />
successful open source GIS software use for<br />
large scale projects. Thanks to very detailed process<br />
description <strong>and</strong> precisely defined team<br />
roles, the project was completed on time <strong>and</strong><br />
with the quality level required by customer.<br />
Aleksey Borodulin <strong>and</strong> Aleks<strong>and</strong>r Kleshnin are Intetics GIS Analysts<br />
with specialization in open source <strong>and</strong> multiuser database solutions.<br />
For more information please visit or send an<br />
e-mail to<br />
March 2013
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14<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
By Patrick Collins<br />
The migration of data <strong>and</strong> analysis tools to the cloud or enterprise is well underway.<br />
And while there are many advantages to moving geospatial imagery, data<br />
<strong>and</strong> analysis tools to a cloud system or an enterprise-based delivery model, the<br />
most compelling case for doing so is the ability to deliver what people want,<br />
when they want it, <strong>and</strong> where they need it most.<br />
Geospatial Imagery <strong>and</strong> <strong>Data</strong><br />
...Moving to a <strong>Location</strong> Near You<br />
Above you can see how results from a change detection analysis of the farmer’s field indicate that a crop was indeed planted <strong>and</strong> large portions of the field have now been ruined by drought, as indicated by the areas in red.<br />
<strong>Location</strong>, <strong>Location</strong>, <strong>Location</strong><br />
Historically, geospatial analysis has tied<br />
people to a desk <strong>and</strong> a desktop computer,<br />
yet the nature of the work is all about location.<br />
The proliferation of mobile devices has<br />
made providing remote access to all kinds<br />
of information a necessity to keep pace <strong>and</strong><br />
stay competitive. While there are unique<br />
challenges for doing this with geospatial<br />
data <strong>and</strong> analysis tools, there are also distinct<br />
opportunities. What a cloud-based<br />
model does is free up the image analyst to<br />
do their job in the field, rather than at their<br />
desk. In the case of a warfighter, getting<br />
access to crucial GEOINT in theater can be<br />
the difference between a successful mission<br />
or inadvertently walking into a dangerous<br />
situation. For a first responder in a natural<br />
disaster, having real-time access to timely<br />
information about terrain conditions can<br />
save lives. The decision to use a cloud-based<br />
or enterprise-based model is dependent on<br />
the different requirements that different types<br />
of users have. For example, a geologist, war<br />
fighter, <strong>and</strong> a first responder will have differing<br />
needs <strong>and</strong> priorities that will inform<br />
that choice.<br />
The Cloud vs. The Enterprise<br />
One key difference between these two delivery<br />
models, enterprise vs. cloud, comes<br />
down to this: A controlled-access enterprise<br />
model can provide vetted , trusted, <strong>and</strong> configuration-managed<br />
image analytics for<br />
enterprise users; an open-access cloud system<br />
can streamline the process for attaining<br />
the best-in-class services <strong>and</strong> data for cloud<br />
users.<br />
With the cloud system, an enormous amount<br />
of data is funneled in from disparate<br />
sources. Over time, this high level of interaction<br />
creates best-in-class options for users.<br />
One drawback with the cloud model is that<br />
initially, the data isn’t necessarily vetted <strong>and</strong><br />
can create errant results. An example of this<br />
is what happened recently with Apple Maps<br />
in central Australia. In this case, iPhone<br />
users who were relying on the app to reach<br />
Mildura, a city of 30,000 in northwestern<br />
Victoria, found themselves miles away from<br />
their destination in Murray Sunset National<br />
Park, where there is no water supply <strong>and</strong><br />
temperatures regularly reach 115 degrees<br />
Fahrenheit. Some were str<strong>and</strong>ed for 24<br />
March 2013
15<br />
hours without proper food or water. While<br />
this could have resulted in tragedy, luckily<br />
the damage was contained to only being a<br />
black eye for Apple. For a military or intelligence<br />
analyst, this sort of misstep isn’t an<br />
option.<br />
That’s where an enterprise system has the<br />
advantage. Within an enterprise implementation,<br />
the data <strong>and</strong> services are directly<br />
controlled <strong>and</strong> managed by the organization.<br />
On an enterprise system of delivery,<br />
users can count on the fact that the complicated<br />
processes <strong>and</strong> analytics methods for<br />
geospatial data analysis will have been vetted<br />
by the industry <strong>and</strong> fine-tuned by subject<br />
matter experts in the organization to ensure<br />
accuracy <strong>and</strong> maximize intelligence value.<br />
Often with complicated image analytics,<br />
users can come to very different conclusions<br />
based on the approach that was used, but<br />
when you use an enterprise based system,<br />
like ENVI Services Engine, you can ensure<br />
that all enterprise users will get reliable,<br />
repeatable results, regardless of their skill or<br />
underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the technology.<br />
It’s Not Heavy, It’s My <strong>Data</strong><br />
With the enormous amount of geospatial<br />
data that already exists <strong>and</strong> more that is<br />
constantly being created, the job of managing<br />
all this data has become an ever-increasing<br />
challenge. Along with the very real cost<br />
of buying <strong>and</strong> maintaining hardware to<br />
manage this volume of data, there is also<br />
inefficiency associated with moving large<br />
amounts of data from system to system in a<br />
timely manner. The need to efficiently <strong>and</strong><br />
cost-effectively manage big data has been<br />
a major driver in moving geospatial<br />
imagery to an enterprise or cloud-based<br />
model since this represents the opportunity<br />
to centralize data, manage it from one<br />
place, <strong>and</strong> bring the analytics to the data.<br />
When data lives on a host server <strong>and</strong> is<br />
accessed through a thin client like a web<br />
browser or a mobile device, imagery analysis<br />
comm<strong>and</strong>s are passed to the server<br />
where the processing occurs. This condenses<br />
processing time dramatically <strong>and</strong> allows<br />
servers to easily scale to the computational<br />
effort required. The user can quickly search<br />
massive amounts of geospatial <strong>and</strong> intelligence<br />
data <strong>and</strong> centralized applications<br />
can easily be deployed for data discovery,<br />
dissemination, <strong>and</strong> fusion of data <strong>and</strong> products.<br />
For example, various hyperspectral<br />
imagery datasets can be spectrally merged<br />
from differing b<strong>and</strong>passes providing fullspectrum,<br />
co-registered results, while the<br />
processing burden is placed on a server,<br />
which can be scaled to h<strong>and</strong>le the computationally<br />
intensive processing requirements<br />
in a timely manner.<br />
The output in this scenario is non-literal interpretation<br />
products, such as detection <strong>and</strong><br />
identification reports. These types of products<br />
have less data volume than the input<br />
<strong>and</strong> intermediate processing products that<br />
go into getting those results, <strong>and</strong> are therefore<br />
smaller <strong>and</strong> easier to transfer. For example,<br />
complex processing tasks might include<br />
hyperspectral calibration <strong>and</strong> processing<br />
<strong>and</strong> the input <strong>and</strong> intermediate products<br />
could include the raw <strong>and</strong> calibrated data,<br />
the calibration files <strong>and</strong> settings, the spectral<br />
libraries as well as the metadata products.<br />
The non-literal output from this processing<br />
would contain only the results, <strong>and</strong><br />
because of its relatively small data size,<br />
could then be fused with one of the other<br />
sources from the enterprise or cloud to give<br />
literal context to the decision enabling decisions<br />
makers to make better decisions based<br />
upon scientifically proven methods.<br />
Geospatial <strong>Analysis</strong> -- On the Ground<br />
Following are some scenarios of how the<br />
cloud <strong>and</strong> enterprise delivery models could<br />
be used for timely, efficient geospatial analysis.<br />
Protecting Natural Resources<br />
Routine water sampling by a local government<br />
reveals high concentrations of pollutants<br />
in a waterway. Without knowing<br />
where the pollutants were introduced or in<br />
what quantity, there is no way to remedy the<br />
situation. An analyst searches different<br />
sources on the cloud for hyperspectral<br />
imagery taken of the waterway in recent<br />
weeks <strong>and</strong> also searches spectral libraries<br />
for pollutant signatures. By running a spectral<br />
detection <strong>and</strong> then leveraging ENVI<br />
Services Engine to process the hyperspectral<br />
imagery against the spectral the library,<br />
the pollutant is identified <strong>and</strong> a map showing<br />
where illegal pollutants are entering the<br />
waterway is created <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ed off to local<br />
enforcement for monitoring <strong>and</strong> remediation.<br />
Fighting Crime<br />
When effluent pools are detected outside a<br />
compound, hyperspectral analytics are<br />
employed to identify the liquid. It is determined<br />
through this analysis that the liquid<br />
has significant spectral signature ties to a<br />
compound which is a byproduct of illegal<br />
narcotics manufacturing. Within hours, the<br />
runoff path is located by looking at high resolution<br />
panchromatic images, <strong>and</strong> soon the<br />
building where the runoff is originating from<br />
is also identified. By monitoring the location<br />
through full motion video, it is determined<br />
that there is significant activity within the<br />
courtyard of the facility, as well as possible<br />
security positions that are posted along the<br />
parameter. By relying on workflows created<br />
by internal subject matter experts, hyperspectral<br />
imagery data is processed to generate<br />
a detection map. Using ENVI Services<br />
Engine, this map is then fused with high-confidence<br />
detection layers from hyperspectral<br />
imagery to panchromatic imagery. This<br />
fused product of the map of the town, a high<br />
resolution path of runoff <strong>and</strong> hyperspectral<br />
detection map is h<strong>and</strong>ed off to decision<br />
makers with areas of activity <strong>and</strong> security<br />
called out. This fused product provides decision<br />
makers with information to help determine<br />
how <strong>and</strong> when to approach the facility,<br />
as well as a good idea what to expect<br />
when they do.<br />
Down on the Farm<br />
After a farmer applies for disaster assistance<br />
with the Farm Services Agency of the U.S.<br />
Department of Agriculture (USDA), a claims<br />
agent visits the drought-stricken field to<br />
assess the situation. The agent notes that the<br />
farml<strong>and</strong> is, in fact, dry <strong>and</strong> parched, <strong>and</strong><br />
it has no visible vegetation growth. Before<br />
paying the claim, the agent needs to determine<br />
if a crop was actually planted on the<br />
field in question. The agent returns to his or<br />
her office, pulls up imagery of the field, <strong>and</strong><br />
performs change detection <strong>and</strong> vegetation<br />
health analyses for this same field two, four<br />
<strong>and</strong> six months prior to the date of his or her<br />
visit. Without having the imagery in a centralized<br />
location, the task of locating these<br />
images would’ve been tedious <strong>and</strong> time consuming.<br />
In this case, the cloud-computing<br />
model centralizes vast amounts of data for<br />
rapid consumption by those who need it.<br />
By offering a multitude of benefits including<br />
lower capital investment, ease of management,<br />
quality control <strong>and</strong> the flexibility to<br />
scale up or down to meet dem<strong>and</strong>, the enterprise<br />
<strong>and</strong> cloud is quickly becoming the de<br />
facto model for delivering data <strong>and</strong> analysis<br />
tools to the workforce. This is changing<br />
how <strong>and</strong> where we work, not to mention the<br />
way we do business.<br />
Patrick Collins, Solutions Engineer. For more information on how ENVI<br />
Services Engine from Exelis Visual Information Solutions can help you<br />
keep pace with the changing times go to<br />
Latest News? Visit
16<br />
C o l u m n<br />
Python is GIS’ best friend<br />
The best thing any GIS Professional can do to make themselves more<br />
valuable is learn Python.<br />
James blogs about geospatial technology<br />
at his blog<br />
<strong>and</strong> has a weekly video hangout<br /><br />
where he talks about what it means to<br />
be a cutting edge GIS Professional.<br />
His current focus is on helping GIS users<br />
learn Python <strong>and</strong> improve their<br />
productivity <strong>and</strong> workflows.<br />
Years ago, when I first started in Professional GIS,<br />
there was no shortage of scripting methods for analysis.<br />
You had the st<strong>and</strong>ards; AML, then MapBasic <strong>and</strong><br />
Avenue. I know I used Perl <strong>and</strong> there was always that<br />
guy sending FORTRAN applications to you that were<br />
glorified scripts. I recall the debates over beers at the<br />
end of the day as to which of us was smartest for their<br />
script choice. Scripting language debates usually<br />
ended up with hurt feeling I recall.<br />
But then GIS moved more consumer friendly, toward<br />
Windows desktops. This meant that VBA <strong>and</strong> VBScript<br />
were all of a sudden the choice with some .NET throw<br />
in (I guess that meant the FORTRAN guys became<br />
.NET guys). But something was lost, the new scripting<br />
tools were not as powerful. GIS users became button<br />
pushers, clicking the next button on their wizard dialog<br />
boxes. Productivity went down <strong>and</strong> everyone<br />
pined for the old days.<br />
While this was all going on, a new (well new to GIS<br />
users) scripting language was taking over the scientific<br />
community. Python they called it <strong>and</strong> it had a little<br />
snake icon. It was dismissed by many but companies<br />
such as Esri saw it as their method to bring back the<br />
old AML days to GIS professionals. It took a couple<br />
releases, but once was given to the community,<br />
Esri users took notice.<br />
But it wasn’t just Esri that got in on the wave. The open<br />
source community immediately used it as their scripting<br />
tools. QGIS, Mapnik, Mapserver, GRASS, <strong>and</strong><br />
GDAL/OGR all embrace Python. Let’s think about this<br />
for a moment. GIS Professionals can learn one scripting<br />
language, use it with the great Esri ArcGIS platform<br />
(Desktop <strong>and</strong> Server), then move into open source<br />
GIS applications without having to learn anything new.<br />
Thatvs quite the paradigm shift.<br />
As they say on TV, “But wait, there’s more!”. Not only<br />
can you leverage all these great GIS libraries in your<br />
scripts (yes, use with GDAL in your analysis),<br />
but you can bring in other libraries to help you. NumPy<br />
which gives you access to high-level mathematical<br />
functions, matplotlib which essentially brings MATLAB<br />
to your analysis, SciPy for great mathematical tools (I<br />
like to use it for plotting) <strong>and</strong> Beautiful Soup for parsing<br />
HTML documents (when you need to scrap data<br />
from a webpage). As I said earlier, this is a huge<br />
change as you can pick <strong>and</strong> choose what best helps<br />
you get your geospatial analysis done.<br />
But what about turning this around on itself? Rather<br />
than approaching geospatial analysis from the st<strong>and</strong>point<br />
of opening ArcGIS Desktop, think about starting<br />
your analysis from your favorite script editor. PyDev<br /> is an Eclipse<br />
based Python IDE that has all the great IDE features<br />
(code completion, syntax highlighting, script debugging)<br />
that you’d expect from your development tools,<br />
but lets your work outside of any GIS GUI software.<br />
Just import arcpy <strong>and</strong> away you go. Now you can<br />
focus on using the best libraries you need to get your<br />
analysis done, rather than trying to figure out how to<br />
do it with the Esri Geoprocessing framework. This<br />
opens up so many doors to users, ArcPy becomes just<br />
another library among thous<strong>and</strong>s. The simplicity of<br />
many Python libraries can be leveraged, only when<br />
you absolutely need ArcPy (working with Esri proprietary<br />
technology) do you need to bring Esri into the<br />
fold.<br />
The magic of Python becomes clear when you sit back<br />
<strong>and</strong> think of the implications to GIS Professionals. They<br />
now have some of the best geospatial (ArcPy, PySAL),<br />
mathmatical (NumPy, SciPy), cartography (Mapnik)<br />
<strong>and</strong> data transformation (Safe FME) available to any<br />
analysis they may have.<br />
At times I feel myself becoming nostalgic for the old<br />
ARC/INFO Workstation days when you had to use<br />
scripting to get anything done. I would tell my friends<br />
those were the good old days of GIS because GIS<br />
Analysts <strong>and</strong> Technicians knew how to make some of<br />
the most amazing scripting applications I’ve ever seen.<br />
But you know when you think about it, today is probably<br />
the best opportunity for GIS Professionals to do<br />
amazing things with scripting.<br />
Python itself is sparser <strong>and</strong> less-cluttered than other languages.<br />
To me that makes it an easy language to pick<br />
up <strong>and</strong> an excellent opportunity for anyone to do more<br />
with the tools they’ve been given. Throw in the huge<br />
expanse of available Python libraries <strong>and</strong> you’ve got<br />
a solution that will make our jobs that much easier.<br />
The best thing any GIS Professional can do to make<br />
themselves more valuable is learn Python. There is no<br />
discussion about it, start today. Happy coding!<br />
March 2013 2013
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H u r r i c a n e S a n d y Te s t s N e w G e o s p a t i a l To o l i n R e a l T i m e<br />
Rockl<strong>and</strong> County,<br />
NY, Streamlines Storm Response<br />
By Gary Mullaney <strong>and</strong><br />
Lisa Schoonmaker<br />
Hurricane S<strong>and</strong>y made l<strong>and</strong>fall in the US near Atlantic City, New Jersey, on<br />
October 29, 2012. As the storm approached the eastern seaboard, Rockl<strong>and</strong><br />
County, a Hudson River community 15 miles northwest of New York City,<br />
declared a state of emergency, activating the County Emergency Operations<br />
Center (EOC) <strong>and</strong> alerting residents to the impending high winds, rain <strong>and</strong> tidal<br />
surge from the river. At this time, emergency personnel on the ground <strong>and</strong> in the<br />
EOC readied to test a newly deployed map-based tool that was to streamline<br />
emergency communications <strong>and</strong> response in the hours <strong>and</strong> days to come.<br />
Obstructions on one road segment in Rockl<strong>and</strong> County<br />
When Time Is of the Essence<br />
When Hurricane S<strong>and</strong>y hit the East Coast, Rockl<strong>and</strong> County relied on<br />
an interactive online mapping tool to expedite emergency response during<br />
the storm <strong>and</strong> its aftermath. The tool, a mapped-based common operating<br />
picture (COP), enabled County <strong>and</strong> State highway, fire, police,<br />
utility, the Red Cross <strong>and</strong> other emergency personnel to record, share<br />
<strong>and</strong> view information on road obstructions <strong>and</strong> closures as events unfolded.<br />
The County, hardest hit by tidal surges <strong>and</strong> winds that downed trees<br />
<strong>and</strong> power lines, used this information during the storm to organize, prioritize<br />
<strong>and</strong> direct crews in clearing major highways <strong>and</strong> roads <strong>and</strong> to<br />
route emergency vehicles <strong>and</strong> evacuations. After the storm, updated<br />
information on changing road conditions was critical to restoring power,<br />
managing cleanup, <strong>and</strong> re-opening schools <strong>and</strong> businesses.<br />
Douglas Schuetz, Rockl<strong>and</strong> County GIS Director, explains, “During an<br />
event of this magnitude, time is of the essence. In the past we focused<br />
our efforts on collecting, compiling <strong>and</strong> verifying information from the<br />
field. This time, local offices as well as EOC staff entered on the internet<br />
map precise, live data from field staff familiar with the situation,<br />
<strong>and</strong> emergency personnel could view accurate information at other<br />
locations. We were able to provide reports to local <strong>and</strong> state-level<br />
stakeholders several times a day, to monitor fast changing conditions,<br />
<strong>and</strong> to direct emergency crews more efficiently <strong>and</strong> effectively. It’s a<br />
far superior way to do business <strong>and</strong> opens our eyes to what is possible.”<br />
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19<br />
GIS Analyst Scott Lounsbury testing the tool<br />
Schuetz says. “As a result, the information is more accurate <strong>and</strong> precise,<br />
<strong>and</strong> entered sooner.”<br />
GIS Director Douglas Schuetz working out of the EOC<br />
Proactive Preparedness<br />
The County took proactive steps to improve their emergency preparedness<br />
last year. In the wake of Hurricane Irene <strong>and</strong> a rare<br />
October snowstorm, County officials recognized they needed an efficient<br />
way to manage, share, analyze <strong>and</strong> respond to information<br />
on road blockages <strong>and</strong> closures in real time. With funding from the<br />
US Department of Homel<strong>and</strong> Security, the County commissioned<br />
Sewall, an international GIS, engineering <strong>and</strong> forestry consulting<br />
firm, to assess the County’s needs <strong>and</strong> develop a solution. After meeting<br />
with County representatives <strong>and</strong> other stakeholders, Sewall proposed<br />
developing a web-based, distributed data entry module as<br />
an enhancement to the County’s existing online emergency GIS application.<br />
Live <strong>Data</strong> Collection <strong>and</strong> Sharing<br />
The tool, a COP with a detailed County-developed base map, allows<br />
a network of emergency personnel, volunteers, <strong>and</strong> other contributors<br />
in the field to enter specific information on road obstructions—<br />
fallen trees, downed wires, downed poles/transformers, severe erosion<br />
or cave-ins, <strong>and</strong> flood waters—on an interactive online map as<br />
events occur. “The tool distributes responsibility to local contributors,<br />
who are most familiar with the situation <strong>and</strong> the road network,”<br />
This information is then accessible to emergency managers at other<br />
locations, enabling them to make critical decisions on the fly—where<br />
to route resources, repair crews <strong>and</strong> people out of harm’s way. “With<br />
more accurate road obstruction data, we could more effectively deliver<br />
a generator to the nursing home, to bus people from a flooded<br />
location, to dispatch fire <strong>and</strong> police to an incident,” says Schuetz.<br />
When a road is reported cleared, the map can be cleared quickly,<br />
providing updates to all users, who can view, print or download the<br />
current status of road conditions in real time.<br />
<strong>Data</strong> Entry for Road Obstructions (Points). The objectives of<br />
the data entry design are speed, simplicity <strong>and</strong> accuracy. Using one<br />
of three search options (street address/road name, intersection, or<br />
lat/long), the user navigates quickly to the location of the obstruction,<br />
selects the appropriate tool to click on the location (point) <strong>and</strong><br />
assigns attribute information in one of seven types (trees down, wires<br />
down, trees <strong>and</strong> wires down, pole/transformer down, flood, collapse/erosion,<br />
other). The user receives prompt feedback on the<br />
desired road segment, its name <strong>and</strong> other properties, <strong>and</strong> a prepopulated<br />
road obstruction form for editing information on hazard<br />
type, time of report, name of user, road status, <strong>and</strong> assigned priority.<br />
With training, this process takes 30 seconds or less.<br />
Editing or Deleting Road Obstructions. With the editing tool,<br />
the user can click on any road obstruction point feature <strong>and</strong> optionally<br />
drag or move it to a new location, <strong>and</strong> access a pop-up form<br />
with editable attributes <strong>and</strong> a control for deleting the obstruction.<br />
Printing a Road Obstruction. In a single click with the print<br />
tool, the user can highlight any road obstruction point feature <strong>and</strong><br />
create a single-page, letter-sized pdf with a map focused on the<br />
vicinity of the obstruction, plus a separate table showing complete<br />
attribute data for the focused obstruction. This printable file is<br />
designed to h<strong>and</strong> to field crews <strong>and</strong> emergency responders.<br />
Clustered view of active road obstructions in Rockl<strong>and</strong> County<br />
Clearing a Road Obstruction. With the clear tool, the user can<br />
click on any road obstruction to activate a pop-up form for entering<br />
information on when the obstruction was cleared. Once the popup<br />
is closed, the feature disappears from the active road obstructions<br />
map layer.<br />
Latest News? Visit
20<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
segment on the map <strong>and</strong> enter a brief narrative summary of the closure<br />
(which segment is closed, why, since when, <strong>and</strong> when it is<br />
expected to re-open). Other users of the COP can see the current<br />
administrative road closures as highlighted line segments.<br />
Map Services <strong>and</strong> Downloads. The map data showing current<br />
road obstructions <strong>and</strong> closures can be incorporated into other interactive<br />
maps <strong>and</strong> exported to shapefile, geodatabase, KML, <strong>and</strong> spreadsheet<br />
formats. The County has incorporated the live obstruction map<br />
service into its Disaster LAN (DLAN) emergency management system.<br />
Creating a road obstruction<br />
Recruiting <strong>and</strong> Training<br />
According to Schuetz, recruiting <strong>and</strong> training the field network, including<br />
highway, police, fire, <strong>and</strong> public works departments; <strong>and</strong> electric,<br />
gas <strong>and</strong> water utilities are critical steps to success. As it happened,<br />
Sewall delivered a beta version for testing to the County in<br />
time to train a few key staff in advance of S<strong>and</strong>y. Designed to be efficient<br />
to use <strong>and</strong> easy to learn, the application was tested before the<br />
storm hit <strong>and</strong> used successfully during the storm <strong>and</strong> its aftermath.<br />
Closing a road<br />
Clearing a road obstruction<br />
“The interactive website was a tremendous tool that assisted emergency<br />
response agencies, including utility companies, in responding<br />
to incidents throughout Hurricane S<strong>and</strong>y,” says Christopher Jensen,<br />
Program Coordinator for the Rockl<strong>and</strong> County Office of Fire &<br />
Emergency Services. “The information collected also played a significant<br />
role in implementing recovery efforts by local, county, state, <strong>and</strong><br />
federal agencies.”<br />
The Aftermath<br />
For two weeks after the storm, the County updated the system, entering<br />
information as obstructed <strong>and</strong> partially obstructed roads were cleared.<br />
“Real-time mapping proved invaluable as the County Highway<br />
Department worked to clear the downed trees after the storm,” says<br />
Andrew M. Connors, PE, Deputy Superintendent of Highways. “We<br />
were able to locate all work sites quickly, allowing for immediate dispatch<br />
of labor <strong>and</strong> equipment to open our roads to traffic. With situational<br />
awareness of the County’s road network, we were able to direct<br />
our efforts to restore our infrastructure in a safe, timely <strong>and</strong> cost-effective<br />
way.”<br />
Months later, high-quality data of road obstructions is proving to be<br />
very valuable, according to Schuetz. “Since each record has a date<br />
<strong>and</strong> time stamp, we have been able to create a video time series of<br />
road obstructions <strong>and</strong> clearings for use in analyzing the timeliness <strong>and</strong><br />
effectiveness of our response. The goal here is to learn what we can<br />
<strong>and</strong> see where we can make improvements.”<br />
Exported KML file integrated with Google Earth<br />
<strong>Data</strong> Entry for Administrative Road Closures (Lines).<br />
Authorized GIS analysts are equipped to enter data on administrative<br />
road closures, identifying an entire road or linear road segments<br />
as necessary. Administrative road closure reports, normally fewer in<br />
number than road obstruction reports, are entered using ArcGIS for<br />
Desktop, which enables the skilled editor to select a closed road<br />
Next Steps<br />
Again proactive in approach, County officials are now considering<br />
ways in which to exp<strong>and</strong> upon their use of geospatial technology in<br />
extreme weather events. “Our next steps,” says Schuetz, “will be to<br />
develop a mobile version, so data <strong>and</strong> pictures can be recorded directly<br />
from the field to emergency managers <strong>and</strong> other decision makers.”<br />
Gary Mullaney has over 30 years’ experience in developing technology <strong>and</strong> information systems for a wide<br />
range of government <strong>and</strong> forestry applications. As Senior GIS Consultant at Sewall, he leads a team of<br />
software engineers in software development, web services, database administration <strong>and</strong> systems integration.<br />
Lisa Schoonmaker is Sewall Director of Marketing <strong>and</strong> Communications.<br />
For more information, see: <strong>and</strong> https://rockl<strong>and</strong><br />
March 2013
22<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
By Eric van Rees<br />
Esri is currently investigating the big data analysis field with new initiatives <strong>and</strong><br />
its own resources. ArcGIS Server Product Manager Marwa Mabrouk explains<br />
some of these initiatives <strong>and</strong> discusses some recent use cases of big data<br />
analysis <strong>and</strong> location.<br />
<strong>Big</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Location</strong><br />
L e v e r a g i n g B i g D a t a a t E s r i<br />
<strong>Data</strong> growth has been a trend for<br />
a number of years now. With<br />
cloud technologies becoming<br />
more pervasive, data no longer<br />
needs to be thrown away as<br />
there are infinite storage capabilities. This<br />
development, combined with data growth,<br />
has fueled the big data trend, where complex<br />
<strong>and</strong> very large datasets are being analyzed<br />
to search for correlation within many<br />
different applications <strong>and</strong> industries.<br />
Software companies that have the capacity<br />
to h<strong>and</strong>le such complex <strong>and</strong> very large<br />
datasets are currently investigating how to<br />
approach these datasets for analysis. The<br />
geospatial industry has a special role in all<br />
of this, since location is a very important<br />
aspect of the data itself <strong>and</strong> can be an<br />
important part of big data analysis.<br />
There’s a lot of exploration going on right<br />
now within Esri with regards to big data,<br />
says Marwa Mabrouk: “big data is about<br />
how to get intelligence out of your data<br />
IBM Cognos viewer<br />
IBM Cognos viewer<br />
through visualization, identifying patterns<br />
<strong>and</strong> analyzing the data. From that perspective,<br />
what Esri is doing lies more on the analytics<br />
side, where you can explore more of<br />
the capabilities that can enrich GIS or the<br />
other way round.”<br />
Bringing GIS <strong>and</strong> big data together<br />
Although at the moment there’s no current<br />
product that could be called ‘Esri’s big data<br />
product’, there are some areas where Esri<br />
is starting to highlight that it can h<strong>and</strong>le very<br />
large datasets. For example, with the<br />
release of ArcGIS 10.1, ArcGIS Server now<br />
supports IBM Pure<strong>Data</strong> System for Analytics,<br />
powered by Netezza. There’s also Esri<br />
Maps for IBM Cognos for doing business<br />
analysis <strong>and</strong> Terradata. Mabrouk: “At Esri,<br />
we have been doing complex analysis with<br />
this type of very large dataset for a long<br />
time. What we’re trying to get increasingly<br />
familiar with is how technologies like<br />
NoSQL <strong>and</strong> the Apache Hadoop <strong>Big</strong> <strong>Data</strong><br />
March 2013
23<br />
platform are coming into play in that area<br />
<strong>and</strong> how GIS can leverage that <strong>and</strong> integrate<br />
with that.”<br />
Hadoop is a really large framework <strong>and</strong><br />
looks at data that is non-structured <strong>and</strong> basically<br />
consists of a lot of text, without any patterns<br />
identified within that text. Mabrouk:<br />
“this is the most challenging type of data to<br />
analyze. You have to underst<strong>and</strong> what to<br />
extract out of it <strong>and</strong> identify patterns that didn’t<br />
exist beforeh<strong>and</strong>.” As for NoSQL, this<br />
refers to broad database management systems<br />
that are useful when working with a<br />
huge quantity of data. Mabrouk: “NoSQL<br />
might be a misnamed term. It supports SQL,<br />
but the definition of the relations between<br />
the tables is where things are different.”<br />
By becoming more familiar with these technologies,<br />
Esri can start to see what the best<br />
way to bring GIS <strong>and</strong> big data together<br />
would be. This is not something that is very<br />
well-defined right now, says Mabrouk:<br />
“there is a question mark in the market at<br />
the moment over big data itself; namely how<br />
it can play into different areas <strong>and</strong> there’s<br />
always a lot to learn <strong>and</strong> always new things<br />
coming up, especially in the GIS area.<br />
There’s a kind of merging of all the big data<br />
aspects <strong>and</strong> the location, as well as how the<br />
analysis will emerge which will enable us to<br />
put these things together. This means that<br />
there’s a lot to discover in that area right<br />
now.”<br />
There are multiple efforts going on within<br />
Esri to investigate what is the best way to<br />
leverage the technologies that are available<br />
for NoSQL, Hadoop in conjunction with GIS<br />
<strong>and</strong> how big data could be migrated along<br />
these different technologies. Additionally,<br />
they are investigating the kind of analysis<br />
that is feasible – for example, performing<br />
geospatial analysis inside Hadoop or spatially<br />
enabling it there, or performing analysis<br />
inside ArcGIS, with Hadoop just being<br />
the data source. Another example is a free<br />
plug-in for ArcGIS Desktop, developed by<br />
the Esri resource center, which lets ArcGIS<br />
Desktop users search the Mongo database,<br />
an open source document-oriented database<br />
system that is part of the NoSQL family of<br />
database systems. At the moment, Esri is<br />
investigating how to leverage social media<br />
for analysis in big data (more on this below).<br />
A growing interest in big data<br />
What is happening now <strong>and</strong> goes some<br />
way to explaining the hype around big<br />
data, is that more <strong>and</strong> more sectors are<br />
becoming interested in big data problems<br />
<strong>and</strong> how this issue can be solved. These<br />
IBM Cognos viewer<br />
organizations are pouring a variety of<br />
resources <strong>and</strong> skills into this so they can<br />
solve these types of questions. Mabrouk:<br />
“now there’s a merge going on between the<br />
developer talent <strong>and</strong> the talent how to underst<strong>and</strong><br />
<strong>and</strong> administer a framework like<br />
Hadoop <strong>and</strong> to the data analysis. They’re<br />
now being referred to as data scientists.”<br />
Discussing data itself, one thing is clear:<br />
data growth is definitely not going to slow<br />
down. Mabrouk: “we’re seeing it’s just<br />
growing exponentially. The technologies to<br />
h<strong>and</strong>le that will continue to see a dem<strong>and</strong>,<br />
because otherwise how are we going to<br />
h<strong>and</strong>le all this data? <strong>Data</strong> doesn’t get<br />
thrown away like it did in the past. I think<br />
that’s the part where we’ll continue to see<br />
the problem just get bigger <strong>and</strong> bigger.<br />
We’re going to see more growth around<br />
how it will be h<strong>and</strong>led.”<br />
Consequently, the question as to whether all<br />
data is relevant for big data analysis pops<br />
up. And, also: is more data always better<br />
than less data? Mabrouk: “for big data analysis,<br />
the same applies as with statistics: the<br />
more samples you have, the more accurate<br />
the results are. Similarly, as the data grows,<br />
you will probably get more accurate results,<br />
<strong>and</strong> then the challenge to compute, h<strong>and</strong>le,<br />
manage <strong>and</strong> make sense of it all also grows.<br />
The more data you have, the more the patterns<br />
will appear <strong>and</strong> become more apparent.”<br />
And, now that people are starting to realize<br />
data can be used in so many ways, this is<br />
only the beginning. Mabrouk: “the question<br />
as to how this will be done <strong>and</strong> how effectively<br />
we will be in h<strong>and</strong>ling this data needs<br />
to be closely monitored. In the future, we<br />
need to ensure that we will be using the data<br />
the right way, protecting people’s privacy<br />
<strong>and</strong> making sure it is h<strong>and</strong>led in a way that<br />
is morally correct.“<br />
<strong>Location</strong> as part of big data analysis<br />
There are certain problems that are emerging<br />
that tend to define themselves wellknown<br />
use cases where big data analysis<br />
can make a lot of difference. For example,<br />
information collected from sensors.<br />
Mabrouk: “there are certain devices <strong>and</strong><br />
sensors that collect a lot of data. This is an<br />
area where big data can offer a lot of solutions.<br />
<strong>Location</strong> is very critical to work with<br />
those sensors, especially if these sensors are<br />
moving around in vehicles, or monitoring<br />
some kind of changing condition.”<br />
Another example is social media analysis<br />
<strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing the correlation between<br />
location <strong>and</strong> events that take place <strong>and</strong> how<br />
people feel about it online. Mabrouk:<br />
“we’ve done some analysis using social<br />
media to highlight the correlation between<br />
the impact of hurricane S<strong>and</strong>y <strong>and</strong> certain<br />
areas that were affected the most by collecting<br />
information from social media.”<br />
Cloud analysis with social media as well is<br />
another example, which was done in cooperation<br />
with Gnip, who provides Twitter<br />
data. Mabrouk: “for a hotel chain, we<br />
checked the influence to social media when<br />
a person would put a specific negative<br />
review of a hotel <strong>and</strong> checked what is the<br />
range of impact of that one person. We’ve<br />
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24<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
provided heat maps to demonstrate the<br />
impact of these mixed reviews based on<br />
what people are posting in social media.”<br />
There’s also some information around crime<br />
analysis, for example in San Francisco,<br />
based on the data provided by the city: “we<br />
used big data analysis to underst<strong>and</strong> patterns<br />
across time <strong>and</strong> location. We’re able<br />
to determine that there are certain days in<br />
the week where crime is the highest <strong>and</strong> certain<br />
times in the day. We’ll talk more about<br />
the components that we’re working on during<br />
the Esri Developer Summit in April, <strong>and</strong><br />
demonstrate <strong>and</strong> talk heavily about the<br />
better integration between Hadoop <strong>and</strong><br />
ArcGIS.”<br />
Marwa Mabrouk is Product Manager ArcGIS Server.<br />
Hurricane S<strong>and</strong>y <strong>and</strong> social media
26<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
By O. A. Ryaboshapko<br />
Use of geoinformation is growing rapidly. This article is dedicated to successful<br />
projects of geodata dissemination in a very simple PDF format, which allows<br />
common users to work intuitively with geodata without GIS skills or special<br />
software.<br />
GeoPDF Based Services<br />
When Geodata Become Available to Users<br />
Use of geoinformation is growing<br />
rapidly: nowadays realization<br />
of the fact that information<br />
in space is a vital<br />
component for efficient decision-making<br />
be comes obvious to many<br />
<strong>and</strong> not just GIS pros. Geospatial information<br />
is released to public access<br />
despite remaining restrictions. One can<br />
already receive information on l<strong>and</strong> lots<br />
from a public cadaster map as well as<br />
that of the unified cartographic base in<br />
the form of maps of the RF territory via the<br />
State Register portal. The Ministry of<br />
Economic Development prepares to<br />
launch the spatial data infrastructure portal.<br />
There are available online mapping<br />
services.<br />
Citizens want to use geodata for efficient<br />
solutions to everyday applications. No<br />
doubt they are individual for each user,<br />
however conventionally one could divide<br />
users into GIS pros <strong>and</strong> users that require<br />
geodata for finding solutions to everyday<br />
business applications.<br />
For the other group of users geodata<br />
usage is connected with difficulty in perceiving<br />
GIS information <strong>and</strong> learning<br />
tools for working with it. Working in GIS<br />
on a daily basis, using imagery analysis<br />
<strong>and</strong> processing tools everything seems<br />
obvious. But how hard is this for a user<br />
that doesn’t do it every day? Many will<br />
refuse using geodata just due to complexity<br />
of the tools <strong>and</strong> fear of novelty.<br />
However, since professionals managed to<br />
create complex data analysis <strong>and</strong> processing<br />
tools, they could provide users<br />
with results of their efforts in an easy <strong>and</strong><br />
simple way. The idea of comprehensible<br />
<strong>and</strong> simple in perception geodata was<br />
realized in GeoPDF: a result of professionals’<br />
work could be made comprehensible<br />
for all; one would be able to share,<br />
add new georeferenced user information<br />
<strong>and</strong> return data to GIS.<br />
The US Geological Survey Online<br />
Mapping Service<br />
In December 2009 the US Geological<br />
Survey launched the next generation<br />
online service providing maps for the<br />
entire territory of the USA in GeoPDF format:<br />
each map board in GeoPDF format<br />
contain base layers of geographic data:<br />
orthoimages, maps, geographic names,<br />
topography, <strong>and</strong> hydrographic specific<br />
features, which originate from the<br />
National Map – the national collection of<br />
data from local, state, federal <strong>and</strong> other<br />
sources.<br />
The initial set of GeoPDF files was created<br />
by specialists of the Topographic<br />
Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers<br />
with the use of the existing digital raster<br />
graphics (DRG) of the US Geological<br />
Survey (250 pixels per inch scanning)<br />
being the source. In future the US<br />
Geological Survey plan to update all map<br />
boards with 250 dpi resolution to greater<br />
resolution files (from 400 to 508 dpi),<br />
which will allow using the same data for<br />
creating high quality printing product.<br />
GeoPDF online dissemination via the USGS website<br />
March 2013
27<br />
Depending on detail <strong>and</strong> complexity of a<br />
source map individual size of GeoPDF<br />
files could vary from 3 to 30Mb, the<br />
majority being in the range from 10 to<br />
17mB. In most cases files in GeoPDF format<br />
contain the latest version of a published<br />
map, <strong>and</strong> those that are not updated<br />
regularly contain scanned in high<br />
resolution (508 dpi) archived hardcopy<br />
map. In essence each GeoPDF file is a<br />
georeferenced scanned topographic map.<br />
GeoPDF files are not replacements of the<br />
source GIS data. GIS specialists still<br />
require original files for editing <strong>and</strong> updating<br />
spatial data. Files in GeoPDF format<br />
allow non-GIS specialists, technicians,<br />
enterprise managers <strong>and</strong> their counterparts<br />
using spatial information.<br />
On the Map Locator <strong>and</strong> Downloader<br />
webpage of the US Geological Survey,<br />
users are prompted to locate, download<br />
or buy maps. By specifying an area of<br />
interest user will view all maps available<br />
for this territory: some of them could be<br />
bought, <strong>and</strong> the rest could be received<br />
free-of-charge via e-mail in GeoPDF format.<br />
Users can view <strong>and</strong> print GeoPDF files<br />
using free <strong>and</strong> fully accessible Adobe<br />
Reader. If using the free plugin TerraGo<br />
Toolbar additional options become available:<br />
to look up geographical coordinates,<br />
measure distances <strong>and</strong> areas, with<br />
GPS-receiver on – to find one’s location<br />
on the map <strong>and</strong> add georeferenced<br />
entries on the map with description of<br />
objects.<br />
Before the GeoPDF service was implemented<br />
about 4,000 maps had been downloaded<br />
monthly. Once the GeoPDF service was<br />
launched the number of downloads grew on<br />
average to 75,000 GeoPDF files each<br />
month, thus the information became more<br />
accessible <strong>and</strong> popular for a greater number<br />
of interested users.<br />
The Geoatlas of Carbon, Montana for<br />
Public Safety<br />
Carbon County (Montana) is located in the<br />
center of the southern part of the state <strong>and</strong><br />
covers more than 2,000 square kilometers,<br />
which is twice as large as Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong>. The<br />
county includes the National Forest Custer<br />
<strong>and</strong> the north-eastern part of the Yellowstone<br />
National Park, which along with picturesque<br />
rural areas are home to about 10,000<br />
inhabitants.<br />
In 2004 a new st<strong>and</strong>ardized address system<br />
was introduced in Carbon for faster<br />
response to emergencies <strong>and</strong> in preparation<br />
GeoAtlas of Carbon County, Montana, USA<br />
for launching the extended 911 service (E-<br />
911). Nevertheless, initially the new system<br />
caused confusion. The county turned out to<br />
be too big for dispatchers to learn all districts<br />
by heart. Besides, not all parties had<br />
enough PC resources or skills. In addition a<br />
single location had several addresses <strong>and</strong><br />
the new system faced the problem of providing<br />
public safety personnel <strong>and</strong> population<br />
with such data to ensure cost-effectiveness:<br />
both hardcopy <strong>and</strong> digital versions<br />
were required.<br />
A firewatcher of the Red Lodge Fire Brigade<br />
<strong>and</strong> GIS consultant Tom Coughly working<br />
with Department of Emergency Services<br />
(DES) <strong>and</strong> the fire brigade helped receiving<br />
the grant for GeoAtlas project implementation<br />
in Carbon. T. Coughly <strong>and</strong> DES started<br />
with base map files of the US Geological<br />
Survey (USGS).<br />
For preparation of base maps the team used<br />
the Esri ArcGIS 10 software. Then using<br />
TerraGo Publisher for ArcGIS, the team<br />
produced interactive, portable <strong>and</strong> intellectual<br />
GeoPDF maps <strong>and</strong> images, which<br />
allow users that do not have access to<br />
modern GIS or special skills, to receive<br />
access, dynamically update <strong>and</strong> share<br />
geospatial compact-view information.<br />
After that maps in GeoPDF were integrated<br />
in GeoAtlas – a detailed 400-page<br />
road <strong>and</strong> address atlas covering the<br />
entire Carbon County. GeoAtlas was<br />
uploaded on,<br />
where atlas pages could be viewed <strong>and</strong><br />
downloaded by public safety specialists<br />
like anybody else that have interest in it.<br />
GeoPDF maps from GeoAtlas could also<br />
be used for printing hardcopies, <strong>and</strong><br />
working offline with by field workers<br />
using USB drives or DVD.<br />
Viewing of GeoAtlas electronic maps simply<br />
require users to download the free<br />
TerraGo Toolbar, which enables any user<br />
at any location getting access <strong>and</strong> working<br />
with maps <strong>and</strong> images in GeoPDF,<br />
created in the TerraGo Publisher <strong>and</strong><br />
TerraGo Composer software applications.<br />
The toolbar also allows onsite users updating<br />
maps in GeoPDF using georeferenced<br />
entries, pictures, videos <strong>and</strong> other information<br />
<strong>and</strong> then return updated data to<br />
the ArcGIS database. Also this information<br />
turned to be in dem<strong>and</strong> by other<br />
organizations as well: there are inquiries<br />
from power companies, post offices <strong>and</strong><br />
realtors. TerraGo solutions used by<br />
Carbon County, Montana:<br />
• TerraGoPublisher for ArcGIS;<br />
• TerraGo GeoPDF maps <strong>and</strong> images;<br />
• Survey results.<br />
Utilizing maps <strong>and</strong> images in GeoPDF format<br />
the following achievements were<br />
accomplished in Carbon County:<br />
• E-911 county system introduction was<br />
completed;<br />
• GeoAtlas was launched – a free web<br />
resource for public <strong>and</strong> safety officers;<br />
• 150 essential maps containing over 400<br />
pages of accurate maps for the entire<br />
county territory were produced at minimum<br />
cost;<br />
• The product was released that could be<br />
further updated, georeferenced information<br />
stopped being static <strong>and</strong> became easily<br />
accessible to both officers <strong>and</strong> county<br />
public.<br />
O. A. Ryaboshapko, Moscow Regional Marketing Manager of Hitachi;<br /><br />
GeoAtlas of Carbon County could be accessed via the Internet by<br />
following the link<br />
Latest News? Visit
28<br />
C o l u m n<br />
Offline Mobile GIS<br />
One of the more common requests we receive, as a mobile GIS software<br />
development company, is offline. In this month’s column, the use of GIS<br />
mobile apps in a disconnected environment is discussed.<br />
Matt Sheehan is Principal <strong>and</strong> Senior<br />
Developer at WebmapSolutions. The company<br />
build location focused mobile applications<br />
for GIS, mapping <strong>and</strong> location based<br />
services (LBS). Matt can be reached at<br /><br />
The Basics<br />
One of the advantages mobile devices bring is<br />
the ability to work in the field, <strong>and</strong> to no longer<br />
be dependent on pen <strong>and</strong> paper. Directly updating<br />
a server is now possible using mobile GIS<br />
apps. But field workers are often active in poorly<br />
connected or disconnected areas. That throws a<br />
degree of complexity to viewing <strong>and</strong> working with<br />
GIS data. Many GIS vendors are looking into this<br />
problem. Offline is apparently the second most<br />
popular question asked of Jack Dangermond at<br />
Esri. An integrated solution has its challenges, one<br />
we know Esri are feverishly working on as part<br />
of ArcGIS.<br />
Cloud Computing & Online <strong>Data</strong> Access<br />
While online, mobile apps simply access GIS<br />
servers directly; so basemap tiles, layers,<br />
geocoders, identify requests, edits. In offline mode<br />
data needs to reside locally on the device. We’ve<br />
been building an online-offline editing mobile app<br />
against ArcGIS Online. This new cloud based<br />
mapping platform has simplified both the consuming<br />
<strong>and</strong> updating of GIS data from mobiles. Web<br />
maps are at the heart of ArcGIS Online. These<br />
are in essence mash ups of geo-data, so ArcGIS<br />
server endpoints, hosted ArcGIS Online services,<br />
KML, WMS, shapefiles etc. While online GIS data<br />
is directly accessed via ArcGIS Online.<br />
Offline <strong>Data</strong> Access<br />
The use of local storage is required for offline<br />
mobile access to GIS data. ArcMap 10.1 now<br />
provides the ability to generate tile packages<br />
(tpk); or a package of basemap tiles which can<br />
be loaded on a mobile device. In the ArcGIS<br />
world, feature editing is done with the use of<br />
Feature Layers. These are similar to WFS layers<br />
in the open source world. Feature layers are different<br />
to tiled or dynamic layers. They provide in<br />
essence the raw data which makes up a layer. So<br />
nothing is pre-generated by the server, the application<br />
itself draws these layers. The key to offline<br />
editing is to store these feature layers (or WFS<br />
layers) on the mobile device itself. Once offline,<br />
the applications loads the stored tpk, <strong>and</strong> feature<br />
layers. Edits are then updates to the local (stored)<br />
features layers. When back online, these edits can<br />
then be pushed to the server directly.<br />
Multimedia Attachments<br />
One area we saw as essential to a robust onlineoffline<br />
editing solution was the ability to add multimedia<br />
attachments. Mobiles come equipped with<br />
still <strong>and</strong> video cameras, <strong>and</strong> audio recording<br />
devices. Attaching images, video, text or audio<br />
files to a feature is part of the ArcGIS Feature service.<br />
The process required to attach multimedia<br />
elements to features while offline was similar to<br />
feature editing; attachments were tied to the features<br />
id. When back online the data <strong>and</strong> feature<br />
id are pushed back to the server.<br />
Simplified Workflows<br />
Traditionally online-offline GIS data collection <strong>and</strong><br />
editing has often been provided by a combination<br />
of Trimble mobile hardware <strong>and</strong> ArcPad software.<br />
Though both excellent products, these solutions<br />
are both expensive <strong>and</strong> are targeted at users<br />
trained in GIS. Often field workers do not have<br />
this training. They want mobile apps which provide<br />
simple workflows to get their jobs done, with<br />
no need for specialised skills. Similarly, organizations<br />
would also like to avoid staff training, <strong>and</strong><br />
the expense of purchasing these solutions. The<br />
popularity of iOS <strong>and</strong> Android devices, <strong>and</strong> ability<br />
of companies such as ours to build simple<br />
mobile apps, using the cloud <strong>and</strong> local storage<br />
opens new possibilities.<br />
We will integrate our online-offline work with Esri’s<br />
integrated solution once released. But with onlineoffline<br />
functionality now fully realised, mobile GIS<br />
may finally have come of age.<br />
March 2013
30<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
From Survey Projects<br />
to Media Applications<br />
I s t h e Ta b l e t a n E n a b l i n g Te c h n o l o g y ?<br />
The tablet computer is a versatile device that continues to make an impact in<br />
many professional sectors – survey markets included. This article focuses on the<br />
latter <strong>and</strong> examines the various ways in which consumer products like tablets<br />
are being used in spatial information workflows. Initially proposed as a learning<br />
aid for children by Alan Kay in 1968, its development actually came about due<br />
to the growing number of uses for mobile phones <strong>and</strong> a more considered approach<br />
to the integration of technologies across consumer product lines. Examples were<br />
generated using a Google Nexus 10 <strong>and</strong> free applications.<br />
By Adam Spring<br />
The number of sensors included in<br />
products like tablet computers,<br />
along with the accuracy at which<br />
data can be collected, continue to<br />
increase. Companies like Broad -<br />
com, for instance, have produced a GNSS<br />
chip for consumer technologies - the<br />
BCM4752 – 10x more accurate than its predecessors.<br />
Given the role such devices continue<br />
to play in spatial information workflows<br />
this article explores smart technologies<br />
<strong>and</strong> their use as tools on <strong>and</strong> off site.<br />
The iPad<br />
The launch of the iPad kick started the tablet<br />
market in 2010. A driving force of development<br />
for both Apple <strong>and</strong> Android – who had<br />
been working on their OS system around a<br />
similar timeframe -was the integration of<br />
existing technology into emerging consumer<br />
products. Based on ideas considered by<br />
Alan Kay in 1968 the iPad <strong>and</strong> other tablets<br />
represented a slight departure from the<br />
vision he would outline later in A Personal<br />
Computer for Children of All Ages. Released<br />
after the iPod Touch, the iPad was the third<br />
Apple product to feature the iOS operating<br />
system designed for the iPhone.<br />
An active learning tool<br />
The concept for the “Dynabook” was explored<br />
in more detail in a paper written by Alan Kay<br />
in 1972. Described as an active learning tool<br />
Geo Cam turns a tablet into a Theodolite<br />
for children its design was somewhere between<br />
a laptop <strong>and</strong> a tablet, though the latter was<br />
more in line with his ideas. Thirty eight years<br />
later, the development of a lucrative mobile<br />
March 2013
31<br />
phone market <strong>and</strong> the miniaturisation of technologies<br />
like touch screens made tablet computers<br />
a viable product to bring to market. By<br />
that time Kay’s ideas had made their way into<br />
precision measurement marketplaces too. For<br />
instance, a quote often used by the President<br />
of Hexagon Geosystems, Juergen Dold, actually<br />
came from Kay (see Geo matics World,<br />
January/February 2011: pp. 32-34): ‘The best<br />
way to predict the future is to invent it!’<br />
Enabling technology<br />
Whether used on its own or in line with other<br />
solutions the tablet has become an enabling<br />
technology - an innovation that brings dynamic<br />
change to a workflow or user community.<br />
The emergence of hybrid ‘laplets’ like the<br />
Microsoft Surface Pro on the one h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />
Linux based operating systems like Tizen on<br />
the other continue to broaden the concept of<br />
the tablet.<br />
In fact, the developers of Tizen are currently<br />
looking at technology integration. Firstly, they<br />
are integrating technologies centred on ubiquitous<br />
platforms like the markup language<br />
HTML5, which provides the instructions for<br />
how text <strong>and</strong> media are displayed. Designed<br />
to accommodate for other developments like<br />
cloud computing <strong>and</strong> an increased shared<br />
experience through the Web, HTML5 is looking<br />
to st<strong>and</strong>ardise the way information is presented<br />
to browsers.<br />
Secondly, Tizen is able to integrate itself<br />
through hardware. Companies like Sam sung<br />
are looking to include it in devices like TVs as<br />
well as tablets <strong>and</strong> mobile phones. The applications<br />
or “apps” that continue to be shaped<br />
by such processes unlock the potential of the<br />
increased number of sensors incorporated into<br />
hardware. There are even free system diagnostics<br />
tools like Sensor Kinetics that give<br />
direct access to the sensors inside a device,<br />
as discussed later in this article.<br />
Combined technologies<br />
Bringing together components, such as GNSS<br />
chips <strong>and</strong> motion sensors, into one affordable<br />
system has led to intuitive developments like<br />
the app. It is the app that makes the tablet<br />
more than a tool for ‘old’ media consumption,<br />
such as books, <strong>and</strong> gives users an opportunity<br />
to be creators. They provide a level of<br />
accessibility to <strong>and</strong> interaction with hardware<br />
that is reminiscent of the Homebrew computer<br />
movement of the 1970s. Such movements<br />
were integral to the personal computing revolution,<br />
as well as the consumer markets created<br />
off the back of it.<br />
Alan Kay imagined the Dynabook as a cross between a laptop<br />
<strong>and</strong> tablet in 1972<br />
ImageMeter takes the x <strong>and</strong> y coordinates in a photograph <strong>and</strong> uses<br />
them for vector modelling<br />
Hotspotting means you can find an internet connection anywhere on<br />
the map<br />
Flexible user interfaces<br />
Such developments have created flexible user<br />
interfaces, which take into account the advantages<br />
<strong>and</strong> limitations of using consumer products<br />
for tasks otherwise specialist in nature.<br />
For instance, there is an active learning experience<br />
for general users working with apps<br />
like Geo Cam <strong>and</strong> Image Meter. In order to<br />
use the information collected to its fullest, they<br />
are encouraged to underst<strong>and</strong> basic principles<br />
of survey like triangulation or that photographs<br />
contain x, y coordinates <strong>and</strong> can<br />
make vector modelling more accessible <strong>and</strong><br />
easier. The iOS app Hunter Theodolite Pro<br />
even provides easy to follow instructions that<br />
outline basic principles of survey.<br />
The apps created to permit wide scale flexibility<br />
at application stages turn tablets into a<br />
digital prospection tool - one that can be used<br />
in most workflows to perform numerous tasks.<br />
The Google Nexus 10, for instance, is prepackaged<br />
with its own suit of tools that are<br />
designed with spatial information sharing in<br />
mind . This is to the point where the photo <strong>and</strong><br />
video interface allows for longitude <strong>and</strong> latitude<br />
information to be added to file property<br />
tags. Otherwise separate entities like Google<br />
Earth, Google + <strong>and</strong> Photo Sphere are clearly<br />
interlinked <strong>and</strong> can be used to augment <strong>and</strong><br />
share experiences with anyone around the<br />
world even before the first app is downloaded.<br />
Google’s strategy includes the experiential<br />
side of mapping - it accommodates for<br />
what Aristotle saw as the five senses of vision,<br />
sound, touch, smell <strong>and</strong> taste. Much like the<br />
AutoCAD WS app where plan drawing can<br />
be infused with videos, images or commentary,<br />
social media like Facebook can feed into<br />
free GIS systems like Google Earth too.<br />
Information flows that otherwise seem set<br />
apart from one another in analogue workflows<br />
fit seamlessly together through digital<br />
media <strong>and</strong> easy to use devices like the tablet.<br />
Hexagon 2012<br />
At the Hexagon 2012 conference tablets <strong>and</strong><br />
smartphones were used to explore the social<br />
interactions of its user community. Apps<br />
formed part of the social experience <strong>and</strong> reinforced<br />
ideas pertaining to non-linear workflows.<br />
Attendees were given the opportunity<br />
to build their own event using the Hexagon<br />
2012 app while QR coded name tags promoted<br />
networking opportunities <strong>and</strong> peer to<br />
peer learning (see Geomatics World,<br />
July/August 2012 : pp. 26-28). For the same<br />
devices used to do this a photo dehazing app<br />
for iPhone <strong>and</strong> iPad was introduced too.<br />
Derived from Geomedia based technology<br />
this example was described by the President<br />
<strong>and</strong> CEO of Hexagon AB, Ola Rollen, as a<br />
product born out of specific applications that<br />
is now being used in everyday life.<br />
Free applications<br />
The free Android apps selected have been<br />
chosen as examples that feed into different<br />
aspects of documenting a scene digitally.<br />
Included are apps designed for connectivity<br />
to the Web, surface mapping, 3D imaging<br />
workflows <strong>and</strong> augmented reality.<br />
ImageMeter<br />
ImageMeter was designed as an easy to use<br />
vector modelling tool by the Technical<br />
University of Eindhoven based programmer<br />
Dr Dirk Farin. The app lets users add horizontal<br />
<strong>and</strong> vertical values to x <strong>and</strong> y pixels. Once<br />
a reference plane has been created dimen-<br />
Latest News? Visit
32<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
Sensor Kinectics<br />
Sensor Kinectics lets users monitor all sensors<br />
inside an Android device. This includes GPS,<br />
accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, digital<br />
compass, magnetometer <strong>and</strong> barometer.<br />
With a series of help files it also provides information<br />
that encourages users to perform their<br />
own tests, as well as turn sensors off <strong>and</strong> on.<br />
Hotspotting<br />
Hotspotting is an app that scans for free wifi<br />
all over the world. With a growing community<br />
<strong>and</strong> database, users are encouraged to<br />
share new finds in order to make Hotspotting<br />
self-sustaining.<br />
Photo Sphere creates 360° panoramas that can be used in Street View <strong>and</strong> Google +<br />
sions <strong>and</strong> angles can then be placed in the<br />
scene automatically. Thus making plan drawings<br />
<strong>and</strong> scene analysis much easier. Greater<br />
accuracies can be achieved by importing high<br />
resolution images into Image Meter.<br />
TopoPLANNER<br />
Developed by Certainty 3D, TopoPLANNER<br />
uses Bing, Yahoo <strong>and</strong> Google maps to help<br />
users plan mid-range laser scanning workflows.<br />
Primarily for tripod based scanning<br />
units the Florida based company also<br />
designed TopoTRANSMISSION for mobile<br />
mapping systems. TopoPLANNER is particularly<br />
useful for projects carried out in built up<br />
urban areas.<br />
The Reader AR<br />
The Reader AR is available for iOS <strong>and</strong><br />
Android. It was developed for the phase shift<br />
laser scanner manufacturer Zoller <strong>and</strong><br />
Froehlich by the Italian company G-maps. An<br />
augmented reality viewer, the app demonstrates<br />
the way in which tablet <strong>and</strong> smartphone<br />
technologies can used an alternative<br />
media for viewing 3D models. Similar to the<br />
US company Zebra Imaging - who turn point<br />
clouds or meshes into holograms - G-maps is<br />
using augmented reality to give data an<br />
added sense of dimensionality. Something still<br />
overlooked in workflows where a reduction to<br />
2D is required.<br />
Meshlab<br />
Meshlab is an open sourced 3D modelling<br />
package that stemmed from a course assignment<br />
at the University of Pisa in 2005. Ideal<br />
for small 3D imaging data sets <strong>and</strong> decimated<br />
point clouds in terms of larger files, it has<br />
been repackaged for iOS <strong>and</strong> Android systems<br />
as a free viewer. The viewer can be used<br />
to support work flows derived from the complete<br />
package which is available as a free<br />
download also.<br />
The easy to use app is deceptively versatile -<br />
especially in markets currently driven by the<br />
Internet of Things <strong>and</strong> Third Industrial<br />
Revolution. With the desktop versions of<br />
Meshlab supporting export formats for 3D<br />
pdf, rapid prototyping <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard CAD formats<br />
like .dxf the app can be used as a simple<br />
<strong>and</strong> effective way of showing off point<br />
clouds, as well as flat <strong>and</strong> meshed surfaces.<br />
The interactive light functionality accentuates<br />
this further.<br />
3D Camera<br />
Though current 3D capture apps for Android<br />
<strong>and</strong> iOS have some way to go to be of value<br />
in professional workflows, ease of use <strong>and</strong> the<br />
ubiquitous nature of the product make 3D<br />
Camera a useful tool for teaching basic principles<br />
like projective geometry. One of the better<br />
depth camera apps available 3D camera<br />
uses stereo pair images to generate the missing<br />
z coordinate from st<strong>and</strong>ard photos. This z<br />
axis can be turned off or extended in the viewer,<br />
which enables users to share results<br />
through Picasa too. Photos can be imported<br />
or taken by the device running 3D Camera.<br />
The app does, however, require an internet<br />
connection to process results through its<br />
servers.<br />
AutoCAD WS <strong>and</strong> AndCAD<br />
Both these apps can be used to work with<br />
CAD files. An extension of its desktop equivalent<br />
AutoCAD WS enables users to work with<br />
2D <strong>and</strong> 3D files anywhere as well as incorporate<br />
social media functions designed to provide<br />
commentary <strong>and</strong> feedback. AndCAD is<br />
a st<strong>and</strong>alone CAD package that retains functionality<br />
in its demo version at the expense of<br />
not being able to save data.<br />
Photo Sphere<br />
Google’s Photo Sphere falls somewhere<br />
between the idea of an Internet of Things <strong>and</strong><br />
augmented reality mapping. In the same way<br />
PTgui can be used to generate 360º panoramas,<br />
Photo Sphere gives users the opportunity<br />
to add their own Street View to Google<br />
Earth <strong>and</strong> Maps. Google + <strong>and</strong> Hang Out<br />
members can geotag these panoramas (this<br />
includes an external camera workflow for<br />
Nexus devices). Another advantage of using<br />
Nexus running Android 4.2 is the camera<br />
operating software. It is easy to use <strong>and</strong> is<br />
designed to optimise what can be achieved<br />
with the internal camera.<br />
Geo Cam <strong>and</strong> Theodolite Droid<br />
Geo Cam <strong>and</strong> Theodolite Droid turn Android<br />
devices into a Theodolite by using the sensors<br />
available (see <strong>Geoinformatics</strong> 7, Vol. 15: pp.<br />
32-34). Similar in function <strong>and</strong> design both<br />
apps can be used as range finders, GNSS<br />
loggers <strong>and</strong> to perform functions like elevation<br />
measurement <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape mapping.<br />
Geo Cam can be used in North America <strong>and</strong><br />
the NAFTA region, while Theodolite Droid can<br />
be used in Europe <strong>and</strong> surrounding countries.<br />
Conclusion<br />
It is impossible to separate out the discussion<br />
of tablet computers from that of mobile phone<br />
technologies. The size of the tablet, however,<br />
is what separates it out in terms of application<br />
<strong>and</strong> use. Based on an ancient format - i.e. the<br />
book - it has stood the test of time because it<br />
is the right size for human interaction <strong>and</strong><br />
engagement. Whilst the tablet itself has gone<br />
<strong>and</strong> will continue to go through a series of iterations<br />
<strong>and</strong> changes, its role as a receptacle<br />
<strong>and</strong> communicator of knowledge will not.<br />
For more information, have a look at:<br /><br />
March 2013
33<br />
C o l u m n<br />
Second h<strong>and</strong> GNSS Network<br />
Surveyor <strong>and</strong> trainer Léon van der Poel discusses the price, use <strong>and</strong><br />
necessity of additional GNSS networks.<br />
Working in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s as a surveyor<br />
means that when I need a GNSS<br />
correction signal, I can choose from a<br />
number of networks.<br />
The first network was established around 2002.<br />
This was a commercial network, which was soon<br />
followed by a second commercial national network.<br />
Some time later, the Dutch government also established<br />
a national network. So how many RTK networks<br />
do we have nowadays in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s?<br />
This depends on how you count them, because<br />
some networks have different names for different<br />
users, whilst using the same base stations. The<br />
agricultural users not only get a different name for<br />
their network, but sometimes also pay a different<br />
(lower) price.<br />
Currently we have around six national GNSS correction<br />
signal networks. Most GNSS suppliers<br />
have their own network, the government has their<br />
own network <strong>and</strong> two commercial companies also<br />
have their own network, so there are plenty to<br />
choose from. In Belgium the government, rather<br />
than a commercial company, was the first to establish<br />
a network. Belgium still only has one network<br />
(actually divided into two areas; one for the northern<br />
part of the country <strong>and</strong> one for the southern<br />
part). As the government supplies the correction<br />
free of charge it isn’t of interest from a commercial<br />
point of view to build another correction network.<br />
Additional Networks?<br />
Is it likely that we will create additional networks<br />
in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s? In the agricultural business,<br />
the use of GNSS is still growing <strong>and</strong> suppliers of<br />
machines like to have their own network, <strong>and</strong><br />
since there is no free of charge network available,<br />
they build their own. However, they realise nowadays<br />
that making a deal with an already existing<br />
network can be easier <strong>and</strong> cheaper.<br />
So yes, the number may still increase, but suppliers<br />
may also fall by the wayside. I should mention<br />
at this point that one of the suppliers will<br />
cease broadcasting the correction signal next<br />
month. According to their website they are stopping<br />
due to changes in their business objectives.<br />
Last week I was giving training in the Caribbean.<br />
The training included many aspects of surveying,<br />
including GNSS. It is sensible before starting training<br />
such as this to be aware of the current local<br />
situation. So, for example, investigate the network<br />
layout. On arrival at the airport there were lots of<br />
advertisements for 4g mobile phone coverage<br />
around the isl<strong>and</strong>, but when you ask about a network<br />
for GNSS correction, you find out that this<br />
does not exist.<br />
A single base has to do most of the work <strong>and</strong>, if<br />
the baseline gets too big, a mobile base must be<br />
used. Is the isl<strong>and</strong> too small for a network? The<br />
isl<strong>and</strong> is not as big as the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s, but with<br />
a distance of almost 70 km to travel from one side<br />
of the isl<strong>and</strong> to the other, I think it is too big for a<br />
single base. Around seven base stations would<br />
give good coverage all over the isl<strong>and</strong>.<br />
So let’s make the governmental correction signal<br />
in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s free of charge, <strong>and</strong> ship the<br />
obsolete networks to areas which do not have any<br />
network at all.<br />
Ing. Léon van der Poel is director at<br />
LEOP, a company which combines<br />
surveying <strong>and</strong> training of surveyors<br /><br />
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A r t i c l e<br />
Home-made<br />
T h e M i d d l e E a s t e x p e r i e n c e<br />
LiDAR Mapping<br />
By Evgeny Medvedev,<br />
Valery Gutman <strong>and</strong><br />
Michael Weitsman<br />
Drakkar is a service industry company providing Israeli companies with<br />
extensive international publications on LiDAR as well as traditional geodetic<br />
methods. Drakkar was the first in Israel to start applying on-ground <strong>and</strong> then<br />
airborne laser scanning in 2004. The company has done a lot to encourage the<br />
popularization of the LiDAR survey technologies <strong>and</strong> in persuading governmental<br />
agencies <strong>and</strong> private companies of their applicability. Now Drakkar<br />
has developed a mobile lidar mapper of its own for mobile on-ground, marine<br />
<strong>and</strong> airborne applications. The company believes its experience in this field<br />
could be of interest for other service- providing companies working in the<br />
geoinformatics arena.<br />
Fig. 2. Typical PolyScan grouping in on-ground configuration<br />
Fig. 1. Functional scheme of Drakkar’s mobile lidar scanner PolyScan<br />
The current technological situation in the geoinformatics market<br />
makes it possible even for small, but pro-active companies<br />
(like Drakkar) to start designing <strong>and</strong> then producing<br />
their own mobile LiDAR device. This article details Drakkar’s<br />
experience as it developed its own system, which can be<br />
used as an on-ground mobile, as an aerial survey or a combined<br />
tool.<br />
Case study<br />
There are a number of reasons that would cause a geodesy company<br />
to start developing their own laser scanner, rather than buying<br />
an ‘off-the-peg’ one from one of the known producers:<br />
• Economical factor. In some cases, it is significantly cheaper to<br />
go down this route rather than investing in a universal mobile<br />
scanner. This is even more the case if the company already possesses<br />
one or, at least, a few of the components which could be<br />
suitable for a new device. For example, in Drakkar’s case it<br />
looked like a good idea to use its “classical” static laser scanner<br />
RIEGL LMS Z420i, which has been in use for many years <strong>and</strong><br />
demonstrated perfect functionality. After limited additional<br />
improvements were carried out <strong>and</strong> implemented at the manufacturer’s<br />
factory (relatively inexpensive), this type of device can be<br />
successfully integrated with INS Novatel SPAN. This had actually<br />
worked perfectly well in the past.<br />
• Adaption for the companies’ needs. While designing <strong>and</strong><br />
producing a mobile LiDAR from scratch a company always has<br />
the opportunity to adapt it for the specific needs of their company.<br />
Very often, “universal” (design from Optech or Leica for example)<br />
systems in similar conditions would be much less efficient.<br />
Grouping, dimensions, weight <strong>and</strong> power consumption characteristics<br />
are all aspects which should be taken into account.<br />
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Fig. 3. Variants of scanner block mounting<br />
Peculiarities of the system control, powering <strong>and</strong> a number of<br />
other aspects can often be very significant to one extent or another<br />
in specialist areas, such as power engineering, mine survey,<br />
road construction etc. In all of these cases it is important to choose<br />
a platform properly <strong>and</strong> to combine the LiDAR with another<br />
remote sensing source (including developing specialized methods<br />
<strong>and</strong> software for different kinds of data fusing <strong>and</strong> mutual<br />
calibration).<br />
It is obvious today that creating a mobile scanner in such “domestic”<br />
conditions is wide spread <strong>and</strong> a well defined phenomenon.<br />
Many servicing companies are doing this with great success. A good<br />
example of this are Riegl’s scanners, which are often used in combination<br />
with INS. It is Drakkar’s positive experience of this that will<br />
be of interest to the topography <strong>and</strong> engineering community.<br />
Carrying out projects for automobile, rail road agencies, <strong>and</strong> power<br />
engineering companies, which are all work environments where<br />
geospatial accuracy is of great importance, is a major part of<br />
Drakkar’s activity. We believe that for all these tasks, Riegl products<br />
are world leaders <strong>and</strong> this was yet another argument for using them<br />
in the Drakkar mobile mapper.<br />
The criteria detailed below explain how Drakkar prioritized the activity,<br />
whilst creating a mobile mapper:<br />
• We set out to create a universal device which, without any complicated<br />
modification of its configuration, could be used as static,<br />
mobile (on-ground, marine) <strong>and</strong> airborne.<br />
• We wanted to guarantee dimension, weight <strong>and</strong> power consumption<br />
values, which would make it possible to mount the system<br />
on light <strong>and</strong> super light flying platforms. In addition, the total<br />
weight of the devise should not exceed 20 kg <strong>and</strong> the duration<br />
of uninterrupted operation should be at least 6 hours; being powered<br />
from a st<strong>and</strong>ard car battery.<br />
• We needed to achieve maximum usability for fulfilling specific topographical<br />
<strong>and</strong> civil engineering tasks. These tasks are the main areas<br />
of the company’s activity, as mentioned above. The “maximum<br />
usability” here is understood as the option to choose appropriate<br />
modes of scanning, scanner block position <strong>and</strong> attitude, combining<br />
static <strong>and</strong> mobile methods of survey, applying photogrammetrical<br />
<strong>and</strong> direct (by means of GNSS/IMU) methods of geopositioning or<br />
their combination (depending on survey object type).<br />
• Finally, Drakkar regards its device as a prototype for further development<br />
of technologies of geospatial data acquisition <strong>and</strong> processing<br />
for various topographical applications. In particular,<br />
Drakkar’s next possible move will be to create a portable mobile<br />
laser scanner (weighing about 5 kg), which will be used for mine<br />
surveying requirements without any need for GNSS.<br />
Functional scheme <strong>and</strong> main technical parameters<br />
The system is made by a classical functional scheme as shown in Fig. 1.<br />
As mentioned above, the core of the system is the Riegl laser scanner<br />
LMS Z-420i. It is specially equipped with a module which allows the<br />
synchronization of each scanner measurement (oblique range <strong>and</strong><br />
corresponding angular parameters of horizontal <strong>and</strong> vertical scanning<br />
- φ <strong>and</strong> θ) with GPS time.<br />
PolyScan INS SPAN-SE works as a direct geopositioning module, providing<br />
<strong>and</strong> generating an output of all six values of the complete navigation<br />
solution, which is needed for the ultimate geopositioning of<br />
the scanner data.<br />
Additionally, the digital camera is included into the st<strong>and</strong>ard PolyScan<br />
set. It acquires digital photos along with the full set of the external<br />
orientation parameters for each photo. The camera VA-29M from<br />
Vieworks Co., Ltd with a 6576 × 4384 pixel matrix was selected for<br />
use with the LiDAR. The chosen camera is fully metrical <strong>and</strong>, without<br />
any qualifications, can be used in photogrammetrical <strong>and</strong> LiDARgrammetrical<br />
applications. The camera has a central electronic shutter<br />
<strong>and</strong> the aforementioned system for triggering signal registration. It<br />
is also provided with high-aperture lenses <strong>and</strong> has a wide dynamic<br />
range <strong>and</strong> high sensibility.<br />
An IR-scanner can also be added to the PolyScan st<strong>and</strong>ard set. It is<br />
used mainly in power engineering applications.<br />
PolyScan basic technical parameters are shown in Table 1. The<br />
parameters are given for the aerial survey configurations of PolyScan.<br />
Pulse repetition rate<br />
24 kHz<br />
Productivity 11 kHz (oscillating mode )<br />
8 kHz (rotating mode)<br />
Range finder accuracy Better than 5 cm (at flight altitude less than 300 m)<br />
Better than 10 cm (at flight altitude less than 1000 m)<br />
Better than 20 cm (at flight altitude less than 2000 m)<br />
Planimetric (X,Y) accuracy 1/5000 * H, where H is a flight elevation<br />
Reply registration mode First, Last<br />
Field of view<br />
80 ° across the flight direction<br />
Power consumption<br />
350 Wt<br />
Weight<br />
19 kg<br />
Table 1. Basic technical characteristics of PolyScan<br />
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A r t i c l e<br />
The general grouping of PolyScan is an<br />
on-ground configuration, as shown in<br />
Fig. 2. All necessary equipment is<br />
mounted on a special platform, which<br />
is designed to be easily put on the roof<br />
of any car, truck, rail road coach or<br />
any other moving vehicle. Another platform<br />
is used for airborne applications.<br />
As well as considering the use of two<br />
antennas, the PolyScan designers foresaw<br />
possible reception problems with<br />
both GPS <strong>and</strong> GLONASS signals,<br />
which significantly increased the probability<br />
of getting acceptable results<br />
whilst working in urban conditions with<br />
many radio obstacles.<br />
Generally, while working in urban conditions<br />
where GNSS signal is usually weak, the designers undertook<br />
a number of additional measurements to guarantee normal operation:<br />
• Free location of the GPS/GLONASS<br />
antennas on the platform (sometimes<br />
with special brackets) is necessary<br />
in order to avoid any extra shielding<br />
while receiving a satellite signal.<br />
Extra shielding can be caused by<br />
the scanner <strong>and</strong> car bodies.<br />
• Usage of proven <strong>and</strong> very sensitive<br />
Trimble antennas with maximum<br />
aperture.<br />
The scanner has a 360° field of view<br />
for planer (horizontal) scanning <strong>and</strong><br />
±40° field of view for vertical scanning.<br />
Quick scanning (by prism oscillation or<br />
rotation) is available only for vertical<br />
angles. At the same time the horizontal<br />
scanning is implemented relatively<br />
slowly <strong>and</strong> is due to the scanner’s head<br />
own rotation. Therefore, the uses for horizontal scanning in PolyScan<br />
is limited <strong>and</strong> applied only for certain special cases. Taking this<br />
peculiarity into consideration, from a practical point of view, it is<br />
very important to have the option to set the scanner’s head to an<br />
arbitrary position, depending on the desired survey mode (type of<br />
object of survey). The approach adopted<br />
by Drakkar was as follows:<br />
• Possibility of a front-face tilt of the<br />
scanner head within ±90° range<br />
with a 5° step.<br />
• A similar approach was developed<br />
by the PolyScan designers to ensure<br />
the option for the plan rotation of the<br />
scanner head (Fig. 3) was available.<br />
The special precisely positioned<br />
holes (corresponding to plan tilt<br />
angles with 30° <strong>and</strong> 45° steps) were<br />
made on the scanner support by<br />
Riegl. This makes it possible to implement<br />
the plan rotation without any<br />
problems <strong>and</strong> the accuracy of fixing<br />
is ensured at the same level of 0.05°.<br />
Fig. 4. Static survey mode<br />
Fig. 5 Classical (vertical) scanner head mounting<br />
Fig. 6. Horizontal scanner head mounting<br />
The ability to realize a front-side tilt<br />
<strong>and</strong> plan rotation is very important for<br />
practical reasons. As a result,<br />
PolyScan can cover the whole upper<br />
hemisphere <strong>and</strong> a major part of the<br />
lower hemisphere. This can be done in<br />
field conditions <strong>and</strong> without any significant<br />
time delays, which is of great<br />
importance since it increases the system’s<br />
effectiveness. This option, i.e.<br />
wide full angle of coverage, is especially<br />
useful when making repeated<br />
survey s of the same object.<br />
The questions pertaining to the GNSS<br />
(GPS/GLONASS) receiver mode have<br />
a special significance, since the correct<br />
choice of mode directly influences<br />
the final output accuracy. It is important to note that we should discriminate<br />
between Real Time Kinematic (RTK) <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>-alone mode.<br />
The consideration of choosing a proper PolyScan mode as presented<br />
below is done under a narrow set<br />
of circumstances. It’s limited by such<br />
factors as choosing the scanner head<br />
position with regards to the goals of<br />
the project to be accomplished. While<br />
such an approach is accepted, we can<br />
say that from a pure mathematical<br />
point of view, the PolyScan working<br />
mode is fully defined by such parameters<br />
as scanning prism frequency <strong>and</strong><br />
its behavior (rotating or oscillating) relative<br />
to the vector of carrier motion.<br />
The mode of static survey shown below<br />
(Fig. 4) includes a car carrier in a static<br />
position. The carrier remains in place<br />
whilst acquiring lidar <strong>and</strong> photography<br />
data. This kind of survey can be done<br />
only in start-stop mode <strong>and</strong> is, therefore, not very productive. However,<br />
this mode can be of assistance in cases when maximum accuracy is<br />
dem<strong>and</strong>ed. The External Orientation Parameters (EOP) can be defined<br />
either automatically (by Novatel SPAN output) or photogrammetrically<br />
by the 4 special marks located on the 4 corners of the roof of the car.<br />
While making a real mobile survey (the<br />
scanning is being implemented when<br />
the platform moves) the scanner head is<br />
positioned towards one of the positions<br />
(relative to the vector of drive) shown<br />
below.<br />
When the classical scheme is in use (Fig.<br />
5), the scanner head is placed vertically<br />
<strong>and</strong> scanning is implemented on the<br />
vertical surface. The scanner head is<br />
moving clockwise, anticlockwise or it<br />
can be at any fixed angle φ position<br />
(profiler mode) or it can periodically<br />
move within a certain range of φ MIN –<br />
φ MAX . Each of these modes can be set<br />
by an operator. The variation φ mode<br />
March 2013
37<br />
Fig. 9 City interior survey in Modiin<br />
Fig. 7. Example of horizontal scanner head mounting in the project for the Israeli Rail Road service<br />
is very useful in an urban environment, because it allows the minimization<br />
of the “dead zones” <strong>and</strong> consequently reduces the amount of passes<br />
along the same route.<br />
Horizontal scanner head mounting (Fig. 6) is used mainly for the surveying<br />
of automobile routes <strong>and</strong> railroads. Scanning is done “from<br />
above” with a small vertical angle. Due to a very short range (usually<br />
no more than 10 m) maximum accuracy (first mm) <strong>and</strong> resolution can<br />
be achieved. An example is shown in Fig. 7, where PolyScan has been<br />
used for the Israeli Rail Road service. The project included a precise<br />
survey of rails <strong>and</strong> all other essential components.<br />
Also, the combined mounting scheme is possible (Fig. 8), which, in a<br />
sense, combines the advantages of both the previous schemes. Such a<br />
scheme combines both the possibility of dense (detailed) survey “from<br />
above”, whilst receiving the full coverage in the left (right) hemisphere.<br />
Using this sort of mode the detailed survey is carried out with short <strong>and</strong><br />
ultra short laser ranges for achieving maximum accuracy <strong>and</strong> density.<br />
Software <strong>and</strong> methodological support<br />
The designers have done their best to get a full-scale survey device,<br />
which is fully equipped with all the necessary tools for mission planning<br />
<strong>and</strong> result analysis, convenient user interface, metrological support<br />
<strong>and</strong> various tools for the resulting data control.<br />
In order to ensure that the system would be the ultimate device for<br />
topography <strong>and</strong> geodesy data collection, the following measures<br />
were taken:<br />
Fig. 8. Combined scanner head mounting<br />
• The entire complex control was conducted through a single personal<br />
computer. Its calculation capacity is sufficient for controlling<br />
all three basic components: - laser scanner Riegl LMS Z-420I,<br />
INS SPAN <strong>and</strong> digital camera.<br />
• Laser scanner control was managed by means of RiEGL’s st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />
program RiSCAN PRO. The Novatel CDU program was<br />
used for INS SPAN control. Special software for the digital camera<br />
control was also used. It will be discussed below.<br />
• The special software ensured that the synchronization process<br />
between the INS <strong>and</strong> the laser scanner could take place. The synchronization<br />
was maintained by the precise PPS pulse generated<br />
by INS every second.<br />
At the laboratory processing stage joint processing of GNSS <strong>and</strong><br />
IMU data was implemented. The Waypoint Inertial Explorer program<br />
was mainly used for that purpose. Riegl’s RiWORLD program was<br />
used for laser point cloud generation. The final data was presented<br />
in an arbitrary geodetic coordinate system.<br />
In addition Drakkar has created some software of its own. This software<br />
was used at the laboratory processing stage <strong>and</strong> has the following<br />
functions:<br />
• To ensure the exact determination of the off-set parameters (parameters<br />
of mutual position <strong>and</strong> orientation) inside the Scanner– IMU–<br />
GNSS antennas. To provide such accuracy the special procedure<br />
<strong>and</strong> software are made within Drakkar ltd.<br />
• Additionally, special software for measurements of camera off-set<br />
parameters was developed. This gave the full set of mutual parameters<br />
of position <strong>and</strong> orientation in the IMU-Camera system <strong>and</strong><br />
also that of the camera calibration parameters (principal point,<br />
focal length, <strong>and</strong> distortion).<br />
• Drakkar ltd. has also developed a number of utilitarian software<br />
products, which facilitate survey making <strong>and</strong> post processing.<br />
The following products also deserve a mention: photo frame<br />
package processing routine, matching pictures <strong>and</strong> their EOP’s<br />
(acquired by SPAN CPT) making photo transformation (projecting<br />
into DTM surface) <strong>and</strong> data segmentation (classification) programs.<br />
Preparation for the further stages of processing was done<br />
with packages such as AutoCAD, Micro Station, TerraScan<br />
<strong>and</strong>Socket SET, amongst others.<br />
Results<br />
At the initial stage of its life cycle (first half of 2012), the PolyScan<br />
equipment was used mainly for topography <strong>and</strong> geodesy projects<br />
for a number of Israeli companies <strong>and</strong> governmental agencies.<br />
The preliminary conclusions derived from these projects <strong>and</strong> the<br />
experimental exploitation of Polyscan were as follows:<br />
• Its high effectiveness in the use of multistoried urban area surveying<br />
(Fig. 9) was confirmed.<br />
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Fig. 10 Inside yard survey in Ramat Gan<br />
• Really good results were achieved for inside yard territories where<br />
a large number of obstacles to GNSS signaling existed (for example,<br />
a great number of densely located buildings, a lot of vegetation,<br />
etc.). In Fig. 10-A, we can see a survey configuration (trajectory)<br />
of a yard. In this case backward movement was also<br />
used. In Fig. 10-B, the same object is depicted on a larger scale.<br />
In spite of a great number of overlapping passes, the final matching<br />
of all the passes was done with an accuracy of no worse than<br />
3 cm (for all three coordinates without ground control points).<br />
• Survey of autobahns <strong>and</strong> transmission power lines of 220 kV voltage<br />
<strong>and</strong> higher, can be carried out at a speed of up to 50 km<br />
per hour (Fig.11).<br />
• While conducting rail road surveying (Fig. 12-A), the geopositional<br />
accuracy of 3 cm was achieved for both rails <strong>and</strong> sleepers.<br />
Another significant result was obtaining very detailed data<br />
which provided automated recognition <strong>and</strong> geopositioning of<br />
each rail <strong>and</strong> sleeper as well as all other substantial elements of<br />
the road’s infrastructure.<br />
Perspectives<br />
Drakkar is going to proceed with the development of its mobile scanning<br />
technologies in the following directions:<br />
• Widening commercial range of mobile LiDAR scanning technology<br />
applications. Drakkar is going to use the system in such areas<br />
as coastal line surveying (along with lidar bathymetric survey),<br />
forest inventory, archeology, cultural heritage <strong>and</strong> so on.<br />
• More active use in aerial survey applications, in particular<br />
installing the system on light <strong>and</strong> ultra light flying apparatuses.<br />
When discussing the development of mobile scanning technologies<br />
the following guidelines should be taken into consideration:<br />
• There will be further improvement of Drakkar’s software <strong>and</strong><br />
methodology for surveying data processing <strong>and</strong> new informatics<br />
characteristic extraction. For example: the detection of super light<br />
terrain <strong>and</strong> engineering communication deformations <strong>and</strong> object<br />
recognition under dense tree foliage.<br />
• Special attention to be paid to perspective works related to joint<br />
processing of LiDAR data <strong>and</strong> photo imagery. Beside traditional<br />
applications, Drakkar will carry out investigations on making subpixel<br />
resolution imagery by means of photo sets with ultra high<br />
overlap <strong>and</strong> an automated tie point detection <strong>and</strong> making photo<br />
triangulation.<br />
• There are plans to make a portable laser scanning device which<br />
will be based on the experience <strong>and</strong> results gained during<br />
PolyScan designing <strong>and</strong> building. Such a portable device can be<br />
applied in a number of applications, including traffic accident<br />
spot inspection, <strong>and</strong> mine surveying without GPS.<br />
• In power engineering Drakkar is planning to present a new<br />
research proposal within the next few months. The research proposal,<br />
will be based on PolyScan <strong>and</strong> include an IR-scanner (thermovision<br />
system). Such a complex system will make it possible to<br />
measure <strong>and</strong> survey all the important power line parameters at<br />
once – sags, clearances, <strong>and</strong> wire thermodynamic temperature.<br />
Fig. 11. Autobahn #2 near Netanya <strong>and</strong> a bridge <strong>and</strong> adjacent power line<br />
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Conclusion<br />
The creation of the mobile lidar scanning system, PolyScan was a<br />
result of from the hard work of Drakkar’s engineers. During this project<br />
they proved their extreme professionalism <strong>and</strong> devotion to innovation.<br />
Today, the system is in operational use. Construction of the<br />
PolyScan initiated a number of Drakkar’s own developments, including<br />
software <strong>and</strong> the procedures of metrological support. Drakkar’s<br />
experience demonstrates a number of essential advantages in building<br />
its own mobile scanners in comparison to buying a ready-made<br />
one. The main advantages are significant financial savings <strong>and</strong> the<br />
option to adjust the device for solving particular tasks which are specific<br />
to small, specialist companies. In addition this sort of project<br />
provides a challenge <strong>and</strong> intellectual stimulus for the staff.<br />
Dr. Evgeny Medvedev, Research <strong>and</strong> Development Manager.<br />
Valery Gutman, General Manager. Michael Weitsman, Chief Photogrammetrist.<br />
For more information, go to<br />
Fig. 12 Inside yard survey in Ramat Gan
40<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
By Andrew Myers<br />
A new software tool from Maptek, Eureka allows almost unlimited control over<br />
exploration data, enabling large, feature-rich datasets to be explored in a single<br />
3D environment.<br />
Controlling Seismic <strong>Data</strong> in 3D<br />
V i s u a l i s a t i o n a n d C o n t e x t<br />
Figure 1: Because we know about the world, about dogs, we<br />
know that some dogs are white with black spots <strong>and</strong> are called<br />
dalmatians.<br />
Figure 2: Survey sub-surface conductivity conducted by Geoscience<br />
Australia in 2010.<br />
Figure 3: Viewing the drillholes in context allows exploration teams<br />
to see the trend of the high grade ore <strong>and</strong> reveal the extent of the<br />
deposit.<br />
We live in a visually rich<br />
world. Most of what we<br />
know comes through our<br />
eyes. There is a strong<br />
link between seeing <strong>and</strong><br />
underst<strong>and</strong>ing. What do you say when you<br />
underst<strong>and</strong> something, even abstract concepts?<br />
“I see!”, “I underst<strong>and</strong>!” Internally we<br />
visualise, try to work things out. We are curious<br />
about how things fit together. We like to<br />
find patterns.<br />
If you are using software to process geospatial<br />
data you need to present it wherever possible<br />
in a visual way. The computer <strong>and</strong> the<br />
software will not solve all your problems or<br />
make sense of all that data for you. Our seeing,<br />
interpreting <strong>and</strong> intuiting features of the<br />
data is more powerful than a camera. You<br />
want the software to assist your curiosity. Our<br />
brains are processing all the time, even when<br />
we are not aware of it. A computer can take<br />
a picture but has difficulty making sense of<br />
what it sees. That’s where you come in.<br />
Consider Figure 1. On face value it is just a<br />
series of black blobs. It emphasises how much<br />
sense we can make of the world <strong>and</strong> how<br />
hard it is to expect a computer to underst<strong>and</strong><br />
- pattern recognition is inherently intuitive. The<br />
point is that the software tool can’t solve the<br />
puzzle for you. What it can do is present the<br />
information in the best way for you to underst<strong>and</strong><br />
it yourself.<br />
A lot of data starts out as a text file with<br />
columns of numbers. For example, consider a<br />
survey of sub-surface conductivity, in effect<br />
measuring salt content, in Figure 2. Each line<br />
is a single measurement in space. You can see<br />
some coordinate data, but it is not always<br />
obvious what it is. How can you look at different<br />
data types at the same time <strong>and</strong> gain a<br />
sense of what’s going on? The key is good<br />
software.<br />
Maptek Eureka<br />
Eureka was developed to solve one particular<br />
puzzle. Several years ago an Australian<br />
geothermal exploration company was interested<br />
in re-evaluating seismic surveys. The company<br />
had 2D sections which could be viewed<br />
individually, but the geologists really wanted<br />
to see where those sections were placed in 3D<br />
space. A prototype was quickly developed<br />
based on existing Maptek I-Site software.<br />
Seeing the seismic sections in 3D highlighted<br />
all the detail in the strata, faults, <strong>and</strong> non-conformities<br />
– all the things that excite geologists.<br />
Viewing seismic data in 3D was just the start.<br />
Other large datasets with millions of points,<br />
such as airborne magnetic <strong>and</strong> radiometric surveys,<br />
<strong>and</strong> the space shuttle topography dataset<br />
<strong>and</strong> imagery, also came into the picture.<br />
Eureka is now an integrated platform for viewing<br />
<strong>and</strong> analysing all exploration project data.<br />
Collaborating with industry gave Eureka a<br />
practical headstart, <strong>and</strong> exploration priorities<br />
continue to drive development.<br />
Eureka can load massive datasets consisting<br />
of tens of millions of points. For preliminary<br />
exploration you might want to look at data at<br />
a wider spacing. You can then zoom in to analyse<br />
specific target areas, <strong>and</strong> tilt, rotate <strong>and</strong><br />
pan to see the geological features emerge.<br />
Moving between different scales is seamless;<br />
the big picture <strong>and</strong> the fine detail are equally<br />
accessible.<br />
3D<br />
Even to untrained eyes, the data forms patterns.<br />
But show it to someone who underst<strong>and</strong>s<br />
the geology of the region <strong>and</strong> immediately<br />
deeper connections become ap parent.<br />
“There’s this feature”, “There’s where we are”,<br />
“What’s that over there?”, “That looks interesting”.<br />
In the same way that we see the dalmatian,<br />
the geologist can identify the structures in<br />
these pictures.<br />
Looking at all these survey sections in relationship<br />
to one another, puts the features in the correct<br />
context. Tools that make the most of 3D<br />
March 2013
41<br />
Loading the magnetic data gives you further<br />
confirmation of the prospectivity of an area,<br />
when the magnetic responses match the drillhole<br />
data. Loading the gravity survey adds<br />
more dimensions to the picture. Eureka data<br />
points can have multiple attributes so we can<br />
filter, colour <strong>and</strong> model any of these attributes<br />
to highlight subtleties in the data.<br />
Figure 4: Because seismic data is in time, the features do not match<br />
the drillhole which indicates features at the right depth. At the end of<br />
the Eureka depth conversion process, the detailed seismic interpretation<br />
is visualised at the correct depth.<br />
visualisation are essential in any geological<br />
modelling software. Core samples from exploration<br />
drilling are logged to show the divisions<br />
between different rock types in each drillhole.<br />
These are differentiated by colour in Eureka,<br />
which displays the drillhole along with tables<br />
of all other related data, including ore grades.<br />
But one hole is not enough - we need to see<br />
the other holes in context to see the trend of<br />
the high grade ore. Viewing all the holes<br />
reveals the extent of the deposit.<br />
Eureka can import topographic information,<br />
such as space shuttle radar topography <strong>and</strong><br />
colour it by height to reveal trends. Overlay<br />
that with the photographic image to show the<br />
relationship between the topographic <strong>and</strong> surface<br />
features. Eureka features smart line tools<br />
to digitise along horizons of interest to aid interpretation.<br />
Eureka solved the issue of converting<br />
seismic time readings into depth to allow<br />
seismic data to be used alongside drillhole<br />
information. The velocity editor tool shows a<br />
visualisation of the time surface in the seismic<br />
view, which is combined with a depth surface<br />
from the drill data to create the velocity model.<br />
Interpreted data can be used to create detailed<br />
structural models. The current Eureka release<br />
Figure 5: Displaying <strong>and</strong> analysing seismic, gravity, drillhole <strong>and</strong><br />
other geospatial information together provides a better underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />
of the complex geological relationships <strong>and</strong> leads to smart decisions<br />
about an exploration project.<br />
h<strong>and</strong>les high resolution imagery, seismic, gravity,<br />
magnetic <strong>and</strong> other geophysical survey<br />
data which can be displayed in the same<br />
space as drillhole data. It includes interactive<br />
display <strong>and</strong> editing tools for drawing, georeferencing<br />
of imagery, drillhole editing <strong>and</strong> surface<br />
modelling.<br />
For more information, have a look at:<br /><br />
Latest News? Visit
42<br />
I n t e r v i e w<br />
Todd Schuble, author of the self-published book ‘Careers in GIS’, explains his<br />
motivation for writing <strong>and</strong> publishing the book. Find out why GIS programming<br />
skills are indispensable for a GIS graduate, as well as a passion for GIS, <strong>and</strong><br />
how the GIS market forces employees to expect the unexpected for the future,<br />
which can be both scary <strong>and</strong> exciting.<br />
By Eric van Rees<br />
Today’s GIS Education <strong>and</strong> Tomorrow’s GIS Jobs<br />
Thoughts on<br />
‘Careers in GIS’<br />
Todd Schuble<br />
Todd Schuble is currently GIS<br />
Manager for the University of Chi -<br />
cago’s Division of Social Scien ces,<br />
Social Sciences Com puting Divi -<br />
sion. Last year, he self-published a<br />
book under the title ‘Careers in GIS: An<br />
Unfiltered Guide to Finding a GIS Job’. In<br />
this book, he offers job search strategies for<br />
recently graduated GIS students looking for<br />
their first job <strong>and</strong> explains which skills you<br />
need in the current GIS working environment.<br />
Particularly of interest are his observations<br />
on the GIS market itself, which has<br />
undergone a lot of change in the last few<br />
decades <strong>and</strong> is frequently changing, sometimes<br />
from day-to-day. His information is<br />
based on his own experiences with job-hunting<br />
students <strong>and</strong> work experience in the<br />
industry.<br />
Searching in the wrong way<br />
The idea of writing the book came when<br />
Schuble noticed how people were searching<br />
in the ‘wrong way’ for GIS jobs; i.e. they<br />
were taking a passive rather than an active<br />
approach. Schuble: “students, but also colleagues<br />
who were out of work because of<br />
the recession, kept using the same strategy<br />
over <strong>and</strong> over again: they’d make a resume<br />
<strong>and</strong> put in on the internet or do a search for<br />
job postings. But that’s a very passive way<br />
of looking for a job; you need to be more<br />
active. And that’s really what the book is<br />
about: it’s really about taking an active role<br />
in trying to find a job.” Rather than just sitting<br />
<strong>and</strong> hoping for the best, Schuble<br />
encourages people to make effective use of<br />
the web <strong>and</strong> social media to st<strong>and</strong> out from<br />
the masses. He suggests promoting oneself<br />
<strong>and</strong> one’s work, for example, by posting a<br />
video presentation on YouTube or by taking<br />
an active role in discussions on popular web<br />
forums.<br />
Working experience<br />
The book is focused on finding one’s first job<br />
in GIS, rather than ‘the next job in GIS’. The<br />
reason for this is that finding that first job in<br />
GIS is hard, since most jobs require some<br />
sort of experience; the proverbial chicken<br />
<strong>and</strong> egg situation. Schuble: “if you have no<br />
experience, no one wants to hire you. Once<br />
you get that first job, you can get the second,<br />
third or fourth job because now you<br />
have some experience, but for your first job<br />
you have probably very little background<br />
except your education”. Schuble suggests<br />
finding an internship may help some people<br />
on their way, but the trouble with that is that<br />
internships are very few <strong>and</strong> far between<br />
<strong>and</strong> they pay badly, if at all.<br />
Programming skills<br />
Schuble distinguishes between a variety of<br />
different GIS jobs on offer, <strong>and</strong> talks about<br />
the backgrounds that are required to suit<br />
that type of job. He stresses the necessity of<br />
computer programming skills for GIS jobs in<br />
this day <strong>and</strong> age. Does this mean that GIS<br />
students <strong>and</strong> IT students are competing for<br />
the same jobs? Schuble responds that this<br />
all depends on the job: “in some cases,<br />
employees may be offering a position that<br />
may need someone with more of a developer-type<br />
background, <strong>and</strong> some others that<br />
March 2013
43<br />
need more of a GIS background <strong>and</strong> there<br />
may be some jobs that need a combination<br />
of both. There may not be competition from<br />
developers, but you do need some computer<br />
programming skills if you’re looking for<br />
a GIS job in the current market. In order to<br />
create a GIS product, you need to know the<br />
principles of GIS, geography <strong>and</strong> spatial<br />
analysis. You can get someone else to<br />
engineer that, but it may not be very userfriendly.”<br />
There has been a good deal of interest from<br />
IT people in general just because they’re<br />
looking for jobs, says Schuble. But there’s a<br />
learning curve to GIS, <strong>and</strong> it does take a<br />
significant amount of effort <strong>and</strong> time to<br />
become a GIS professional: “you could be<br />
a GIS user, but there’s a difference between<br />
a GIS user <strong>and</strong> being a GIS professional.<br />
You do need to clarify what level of use you<br />
need to get out of GIS, because I know<br />
many users who just, say, need a map, but<br />
there are others who need to get a lot more<br />
out of GIS, such as regressive analysis, data<br />
archiving or data mining on a much larger<br />
level. They need more education <strong>and</strong> experience<br />
in order to reach the sort of levels that<br />
are required in order to achieve those<br />
goals.”<br />
But there’s a little more to it than that, says<br />
Schuble: “I entitled one of the chapters in<br />
the book ‘Passion of the GIS’. I think in order<br />
to get a job in the current job market you<br />
need to have a passion for what you do. I<br />
see a lot of students <strong>and</strong> people who have<br />
lost their jobs in the past few years <strong>and</strong> are<br />
looking for new jobs. If you ask them ‘do<br />
you really love GIS?’ Often the answer is<br />
‘well, it’s ok’. Well, you really can’t say that,<br />
especially when you have a room full of people<br />
who are all competing for this job; I<br />
need you to love it.”<br />
Open Source GIS<br />
Open source <strong>and</strong> proprietary source are<br />
themes that are discussed in detail in the<br />
book, including the benefits <strong>and</strong> drawbacks<br />
of both – without being biased. Now that<br />
open source has gained a worldwide popularity<br />
close to that of proprietary software, I<br />
asked Schuble what job searchers can<br />
expect in their education as well as the job<br />
market when it comes to the use of open<br />
source.<br />
Schuble: “in a corporate environment, open<br />
source software is very rarely used. The reason<br />
for this is that if there’s a problem with<br />
the software, you’re on your own <strong>and</strong> it’s<br />
not necessarily someone else’s problem.<br />
That’s why they prefer a manufacturer they<br />
‘Careers in GIS’ book cover<br />
can refer to rather than using open source<br />
software. In the public sector, such as a city,<br />
country or provincial government, people<br />
will usually use proprietary software, but<br />
they’ve been looking into open source software,<br />
because they realize it can save them<br />
money.”<br />
At the University of Chicago campus,<br />
Schuble includes open source software as<br />
part of the curriculum, but there are many<br />
other universities that don’t. That has to do<br />
with a lack of familiarity with the software,<br />
says Schuble: “if professors are not very<br />
familiar with it, they won’t feel comfortable<br />
with it, so they’re less likely to teach it to<br />
their students. I use both <strong>and</strong> I do that only<br />
to be as versatile as possible. I encourage<br />
my students to do this as well. You really<br />
need to become a GIS chameleon <strong>and</strong> be<br />
able to adapt to different situations very<br />
quickly, otherwise you may get left behind.”<br />
The choice for working with proprietary or<br />
open source software is, in the end, a personal<br />
preference, says Schuble: “I know of<br />
quite a few GIS professionals out there who<br />
I look up to <strong>and</strong> see things that they created<br />
with open source. They would not be<br />
allowed to create something like that in a<br />
proprietary environment, so if they want to<br />
do it they go ahead <strong>and</strong> do it on their own.<br />
At the same time there may be those who<br />
really love proprietary software <strong>and</strong> use<br />
that. With regards to money, I have seen<br />
people happy making no money at all <strong>and</strong><br />
other people who are driven by money. It<br />
also depends on the incentives as to who<br />
gets the best software developers”.<br />
Customizing existing software<br />
In the book, Schuble discusses the advantages<br />
of GIS programming in detail. Web<br />
GIS, mobile applications <strong>and</strong> customizing<br />
existing software are areas where GIS programming<br />
comes in. Web GIS <strong>and</strong> mobile<br />
applications are well-known examples, but<br />
the customization of existing software less<br />
so. And why is this so important? Schuble<br />
explains that is has everything to do with<br />
being flexible, cost-effective <strong>and</strong> well-prepared<br />
for the future: “Once data users<br />
choose a platform to go with, they sort of<br />
have to stick with it, because it’s becoming<br />
too expensive for them to keep converting<br />
their data, as they used to in days gone by.<br />
Allowing for the customization of their platform<br />
is extremely powerful <strong>and</strong> extremely<br />
necessary in a lot of cases, because how<br />
you use your data now may be very different<br />
than how you use your data five years<br />
from now.”<br />
Schuble reminds his students daily that what<br />
is taught in class will be different than what<br />
they’ll need to know in a few years from<br />
now. This is both scary <strong>and</strong> exciting, since<br />
the industry is always changing. Schuble:<br />
“I’ve been hearing for years now that desktop<br />
computing is dead <strong>and</strong> I qualify that <strong>and</strong><br />
say that to my students <strong>and</strong> tell them that<br />
desktop is not going to die in a research<br />
environment. The only reason for this is that<br />
in a research environment people like to<br />
own their data <strong>and</strong> like to have control over<br />
the analysis, so they need to be in their own<br />
little analytics world more or less or with the<br />
computer. Making development available<br />
for more mobile users is definitely what the<br />
future is all about. It’s really going in that<br />
direction, so that there will be less use of<br />
desktop computers than now.”<br />
Updating the book<br />
The author is planning to write a second version<br />
of the book with more pages <strong>and</strong> topics.<br />
Schuble:”the main reason why I self-published<br />
the book in first place, is because a<br />
lot of the information is very time-sensitive.<br />
So I’m planning on possibly writing a second<br />
edition where I will change the existing<br />
chapters a little bit, update the information<br />
<strong>and</strong> possibly add new information sometime<br />
this year; only because there are things that<br />
people need to be up-to-date on in order to<br />
be competitive in the GIS job market.”<br />
Todd Schuble,<br />
Internet:<br />
Twitter: @CareersInGIS<br />
Latest News? Visit
44<br />
C o l u m n<br />
Open Geospatial St<strong>and</strong>ards for Aviation<br />
EUROCONTROL <strong>and</strong> European companies participate in international testbed<br />
activities to help develop a platform of open international st<strong>and</strong>ards for<br />
next generation aviation information systems.<br />
Nadine Alameh, Ph.D., Executive<br />
Director, Interoperability Program Open<br />
Geospatial Consortium (OGC),<br /><br /><br />
The global aviation community is quickly moving<br />
forward on the adoption of an international<br />
framework of st<strong>and</strong>ards that enable communication<br />
in a net-centric, global interoperable Air Transport<br />
System (ATS). Because location information is critical<br />
in virtually all aviation activities, location interface <strong>and</strong><br />
encoding st<strong>and</strong>ards from ISO Technical Committee<br />
211 (ISO/TC 211) <strong>and</strong> the Open Geospatial<br />
Consortium (OGC), an international consensus st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />
organization, play an important role in the ATS<br />
st<strong>and</strong>ards framework.<br />
Working with other agency sponsors <strong>and</strong> with private<br />
sector aviation industry leaders, EUROCONTROL <strong>and</strong><br />
other organizations such as the US Federal Aviation<br />
Administration (FAA) are now far along in the development<br />
<strong>and</strong> adoption of the Aeronautical Information<br />
Exchange Model (AIXM 5). An international st<strong>and</strong>ard,<br />
AIXM 5 is a model <strong>and</strong> encoding st<strong>and</strong>ard designed<br />
to enable the management <strong>and</strong> distribution of digital<br />
Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) data. AIXM<br />
takes advantage of existing <strong>and</strong> emerging information<br />
engineering st<strong>and</strong>ards to meet aeronautical information<br />
system requirements, particularly those related<br />
to the spatio-temporal nature of aeronautical information.<br />
AIXM 5 is encoded using OGC GML (Geography<br />
Markup Language), a st<strong>and</strong>ard developed <strong>and</strong> maintained<br />
by the OGC membership. GML is also an ISO<br />
st<strong>and</strong>ard. AIXM 5’s GML foundation enables alignment<br />
with other international st<strong>and</strong>ards for expressing<br />
location information <strong>and</strong> facilitates adoption by technology<br />
providers that already support GML.<br />
In support of aviation meteorology (MET) domain<br />
requirements, the Weather Information Exchange<br />
Model (WXXM) is being developed as a st<strong>and</strong>ard for<br />
the exchange of weather information. WXXM is also<br />
encoded using GML <strong>and</strong> the OGC/ISO Observation<br />
<strong>and</strong> Measurement Model (O&M) Encoding St<strong>and</strong>ard.<br />
WXXM development is harmonized <strong>and</strong> coordinated<br />
with the International Civil Aviation Organization<br />
(ICAO) <strong>and</strong> the World Meteorological Organization<br />
(WMO), the organizations traditionally responsible<br />
for st<strong>and</strong>ards in aviation <strong>and</strong> weather.<br />
OGC Interoperability Program<br />
The OGC has been assisting the aviation community<br />
in the evaluation, advancement <strong>and</strong> adoption of AIXM<br />
<strong>and</strong> WXXM by leading a series of rapid prototyping<br />
testbeds <strong>and</strong> pilot projects focused on these st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />
These OGC initiatives, managed under the OGC<br />
Interoperability Program, help advance, align <strong>and</strong> profile<br />
existing OGC st<strong>and</strong>ards as well as defining new<br />
st<strong>and</strong>ards that meet the needs of aviation data producers,<br />
users <strong>and</strong> managers. Sponsors of OGC<br />
Interoperability Program initiatives provide requirements,<br />
use/business cases <strong>and</strong> funding for these initiatives.<br />
Technology development is performed by<br />
teams of technology providers.<br />
OGC testbeds typically involve multiple technology<br />
“threads.” With sponsorship from FAA <strong>and</strong> EUROCON-<br />
TROL, the first Aviation thread was introduced in the<br />
OGC Web Services Phase 6 testbed activity (OWS-<br />
6) (2009). Work continued <strong>and</strong> progressed in OWS-<br />
7 (2010), OWS-8 (2011) <strong>and</strong> OWS-9 (2012). This<br />
work has led to a closer alignment of OGC st<strong>and</strong>ards<br />
to the needs of the Aviation community <strong>and</strong> resulted<br />
in significant contributions to AIXM <strong>and</strong> WXXM.<br />
As a result of the rapid prototyping activities, FAA <strong>and</strong><br />
EUROCONTROL are gaining a better underst<strong>and</strong>ing of<br />
how to leverage OGC Web Services st<strong>and</strong>ards in next<br />
generation air traffic management systems to support<br />
European <strong>and</strong> US aviation modernization programs.<br />
Best practice recommendations coming out of the<br />
testbed initiatives are already driving these agencies’<br />
acquisitions for data <strong>and</strong> platform interoperability.<br />
The outcomes of OWS initiatives include Engineering<br />
Reports detailing the technical achievements <strong>and</strong> final<br />
demonstrations based on realistic scenarios. See<br /><br />
Calls for sponsorship <strong>and</strong> participation<br />
The OGC recently issued a call for sponsors for the<br />
10th OGC Web Services Testbed (OWS-10). OWS-<br />
10 will build on the outcomes of prior OGC initiative,<br />
particularly the 2012 OWS-9 Testbed, which produced<br />
advances in Aeronautical Information Services<br />
<strong>and</strong> in areas such as Cross-Community Interoperability<br />
(CCI), Security <strong>and</strong> Services Interoperability (SSI), <strong>and</strong><br />
improved interoperability for mobile device applications.<br />
OWS-10 will also explore new areas, such as:<br />
Decision Fusion (including Augmented Reality, Model<br />
Interoperability, Provenance in Workflows, <strong>and</strong> Linked<br />
<strong>Data</strong>); Sensor Web Enablement (including Internet of<br />
Things concepts); <strong>and</strong> Mobile Solutions, Points of<br />
Interest, Semantic Mediation <strong>and</strong> Intelligence. OWS-<br />
10 scenarios will explore technical solutions that will<br />
be useful in addressing critical issues such as location<br />
privacy, data access policies <strong>and</strong> pricing.<br />
March 2013
45<br />
The Toughbooks from Panasonic are well known to engineers all over the world.<br />
In November they introduced their first Toughpad; the FZ-A1 with the Android<br />
4.0 operating system. Now the range has exp<strong>and</strong>ed with the introduction of<br />
two more Toughpads which were presented to the European press in Munich.<br />
By Job van Haaften<br />
A r t i c l e<br />
Rugged <strong>and</strong> Mobile<br />
Ta b l e t s i n t r o d u c e d c a l l e d To u g h p a d s<br />
Anumber of the characteristics typical<br />
of the Toughbooks also apply<br />
to the Toughpads. They can<br />
st<strong>and</strong> heat up to sixty degrees<br />
centigrade <strong>and</strong> cold down to<br />
minus twenty degrees centigrade. They are<br />
waterproof, shockproof, resistant to dust <strong>and</strong><br />
water, lightweight <strong>and</strong> with a battery that lasts<br />
long enough for a full work day without the<br />
need for any cables or other connections.<br />
As well as excellent screen brightness, the<br />
screen is easily visible due to the lack of reflection:<br />
very h<strong>and</strong>y when working outside, where<br />
the harsh sunlight can cause annoying reflection<br />
on other types of screens.<br />
The Toughpads are meant for anyone working<br />
under extreme circumstances. You can leave<br />
a Toughpad in the car without worrying about<br />
whether the bright sunlight is heating up your<br />
car (<strong>and</strong> everything in it) or whether it is freezing<br />
all night. No other tablet will survive<br />
these extreme circumstances according to<br />
Panasonic. For anyone who works outdoors<br />
in the field <strong>and</strong> has to collect data or consult<br />
data for work a Toughpad is a great solution.<br />
In a dust covered factory-building, in ship-building<br />
at a dock, for cabling outdoors or in building<br />
construction a Toughpad can offer great<br />
solution.<br />
Tablet FZ-G1<br />
”The Toughpad FZ-G1 has a 10.1” screen<br />
<strong>and</strong> is the first rugged tablet which functions<br />
with Windows 8 as its operating system without<br />
the need of an external connection”,<br />
according to Jan Kaempfer from Panasonic.<br />
During the development of the tablet there was<br />
close cooperation with Microsoft <strong>and</strong> Intel. It<br />
is a high resolution tablet (with a PPI of224),<br />
the reflection is reduced to four percent <strong>and</strong><br />
the brightness is increased to 800 cd/m2.<br />
“The competition does not achieve any better<br />
The toughpads FZ-G1 <strong>and</strong> JT-B1.<br />
than a reflection of 5.3% <strong>and</strong> a brightness of<br />
261 cd/m2”, tells Jan Kaempfer. The edges<br />
of the tablet stick out <strong>and</strong> the corners are enforced<br />
so the tablet won’t fall on the screen but<br />
almost always on its corners; really rugged.<br />
For the cast they used plastics <strong>and</strong> magnesium<br />
so the tablet will survive a fall from about<br />
120 cm height <strong>and</strong> still work. All together this<br />
allows it to be used reliably in almost any situation.<br />
The software in the tablet can digitalize h<strong>and</strong><br />
written text that has been written with a battery-free<br />
digitiser pen. The tablet’s battery takes<br />
up about half of the reverse side <strong>and</strong> lasts a<br />
full working day. With built-in battery saving<br />
technology, such as its ambient light sensor,<br />
the Toughpad FZ-G1 can operate for 8.0<br />
hours on its st<strong>and</strong>ard 6-cell battery <strong>and</strong> with<br />
an optional 9-cell battery can run for 16<br />
hours. Batteries can also be switched in the<br />
field to ensure the device is operational as<br />
long as the user requires it. On the whole it<br />
offers businesses better value than traditional<br />
tablets.<br />
The ports of the tablet are covered with a<br />
protection for dust <strong>and</strong> fluid. Apart from ruggedness,<br />
the tablet offers full functionality without<br />
the requirement for an external memory<br />
or other connections. It has a st<strong>and</strong> alone<br />
GPS that operates swiftly <strong>and</strong> does not need<br />
any connection with other equipment. The<br />
accuracy of the GPS is up to a meter, which<br />
is very important for several GIS applications.<br />
There are two additional options; one<br />
is that it is possible to connect to an external<br />
antenna, for instance, for use with the GPS<br />
inside your car <strong>and</strong> the other is a 3MP camera<br />
on the reverse side of the Toughpad . You<br />
can easily replace the battery without unscrewing<br />
it by opening some combined<br />
latches. There is a larger battery available<br />
that lasts up to 17 hours <strong>and</strong> protrudes by<br />
about 20 mm. A smartcard reader is optional.<br />
This sticks out a bit but is also resistant to<br />
dust <strong>and</strong> water.<br />
Little brother JF-B1<br />
The JF-B1 is the little brother version with a 7”<br />
screen. This is very h<strong>and</strong>y because it fits in<br />
one h<strong>and</strong> leaving your other h<strong>and</strong> free to operate<br />
it <strong>and</strong> it fits in your pocket. It is as rugged<br />
as its big brother, but a lot lighter in weight<br />
<strong>and</strong> has a brightness of 500 cd/m2. It has<br />
three programmable buttons for quick access<br />
to specific frequently used software.<br />
Network security<br />
According to Goran Mataic from Microsoft,<br />
Windows 8 operates without compromise on<br />
the Toughpad FZ-G1 <strong>and</strong> with full functiona -<br />
lity thanks to the cooperation between<br />
Panasonic <strong>and</strong> Microsoft during the development.<br />
It is safe to connect to secure networks,<br />
including at a distance <strong>and</strong> it can connect with<br />
a smartphone. The system has been developed<br />
with specific security features which will<br />
disable unauthorized persons if they attempt<br />
to connect to the network. Explorer 10 offers<br />
more protection for malice <strong>and</strong> malware <strong>and</strong><br />
for surfing the internet it has advanced anti<br />
malware software.<br />
For more information, have a look at:<br />
<strong>and</strong><br />
Latest News? Visit
46<br />
C L G E n e w s l e t t e r<br />
Matjaz Grilč, Slovenian delegate to CLGE <strong>and</strong> interviewer<br />
Interview with the confirmed CLGE President<br />
(seasoned?), Jean-Yves Pirlot.<br />
Matjaz Grilč<br />
At the general assembly in Hannover October 2012, Jean-Yves Pirlot was<br />
chosen once again to lead CLGE, the European geodetic surveyors’ organisation.<br />
This will be his second term. Prior to taking over this most senior position, he<br />
was Secretary General of CLGE for two terms, which means that he is very<br />
knowledgeable about the European surveying situation. At 50 years old, he is<br />
the same age as the organisation! He is full of energy <strong>and</strong> has many ideas about<br />
how to increase the visibility of the geodetic surveying profession. Those of us<br />
who are following his trail are aware that he has regenerated the work of this<br />
European organisation, which is steadily gaining influence <strong>and</strong> visibility within<br />
the Euro-administration circles in Brussels. This man, who finds immense<br />
pleasure in his work, is also an interesting person to talk to. His CV informs us<br />
that he held the rank of colonel in the Belgian army, that he is employed as a<br />
deputy director general of the Belgian Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique<br />
National), <strong>and</strong> that he is also president of the Belgian surveyors’ organisation in<br />
his “free” time. In short: enough material for an interesting discussion.<br />
March 2013
47<br />
Jean-Yves Pirlot opening the INTERGEO in Hanover (©DVW – INTERGEO 2012)<br />
Can you give us a short summary of CLGE, what kind of<br />
organisation it is, what are their strategic goals <strong>and</strong> who is<br />
united in this European organisation?<br />
The Comité de Liaison des Géomètres Européens (CLGE) or Council of<br />
European Geodetic Surveyors is a non-profit organisation based in<br />
Brussels, in the House of the European Surveyor <strong>and</strong> GeoInformation.<br />
It is the leading association of Surveyors in Europe. Our members are<br />
national liaison groups, i.e. groups of associations or associations which<br />
represent the profession as a whole in their country.<br />
In 2010 we defined strategic goals which could be summed up as the<br />
following: Pro-activity, Visibility, Renewal <strong>and</strong> Member Satis faction.<br />
This means that we want to be pro-active, not reactive, <strong>and</strong> influence<br />
the European law-making process, instead of waiting <strong>and</strong> finding out<br />
later that new directives have been adopted, which will govern our<br />
profession without us having made any input. We want to raise our<br />
profile to appear on the radar of the European <strong>and</strong> national policy<br />
makers, but we also want to be recognized for what we are doing by<br />
the general public. We need, therefore, a clear professional image.<br />
We want to renew our profession <strong>and</strong> present it in a way that will make<br />
it attractive to our associations, <strong>and</strong> finally, as is the case in many other<br />
organizations, we want to make sure that our members are satisfied by<br />
our policies.<br />
How many countries <strong>and</strong> persons are represented in CLGE, <strong>and</strong><br />
what are the conditions for membership?<br />
We are present in 36 European countries, amongst them the 27, <strong>and</strong><br />
in a near future 28, EU member states. The basic requirement is that<br />
our members represent the majority, if not all of the surveyors, in their<br />
country. Therefore, we ask members with several surveying associations<br />
in the same country to build a national liaison group. The number<br />
of individual surveyors CLGE represents is about 100.000.<br />
How do you see CLGE in relation to other organizations in the<br />
surveying profession? (FIG, Euro Geographics, EGOS, ...)<br />
Only one or two European citizens in 10.000 are surveyors. We have<br />
to realize that we are a very small profession. This means that it is<br />
essential to have a clear message if we want to gain visibility amongst<br />
the general public <strong>and</strong> the authorities. It also means that we have to<br />
work h<strong>and</strong> in h<strong>and</strong> with other GI <strong>and</strong> sister associations.<br />
Of course we have a preferential cooperation with some of them. FIG<br />
for instance is our worldwide counterpart. Fifty years ago, CLGE was<br />
born in the cradle of FIG. For many years the relationship wasn’t very<br />
close, but during the last decade, we’ve decided to re-establish our<br />
ties. We are cooperating more <strong>and</strong> more. Common projects could be<br />
launched soon. For instance I would like to create a worldwide<br />
Surveyors’ Day, with the aim to raise awareness about our not so well<br />
known profession. Young Surveyors are another essential part of our<br />
policy. It makes no sense to create an FIG Young Surveyors Network<br />
as well as a CLGE Young Surveyors Network. We only need one common<br />
structure for Young Surveyors, in which European youngsters are<br />
aware of their role in CLGE <strong>and</strong> FIG.<br />
Eurogeographics is another natural partner, since a lot of surveyors are<br />
working either directly or indirectly for their members, the European<br />
National Mapping <strong>and</strong> Cadastral Agencies. We are very happy about<br />
our relationship with them; we share the House of the European<br />
Surveyor <strong>and</strong> Geo Information for our respective headquarters in<br />
Brussels. We have cooperated on several projects in the past <strong>and</strong> I<br />
expect that we will probably do so again in the near future.<br />
EGoS, our “little sister” is, of course, very close too, since several important<br />
members are in both organizations. We have created a common<br />
task force to compare our organizations <strong>and</strong> to find out their similarities<br />
<strong>and</strong> differences, allowing us to avoid projects being ‘forgotten’ or<br />
doubling up on work. Our final goal must be to find the best way to<br />
cooperate or integrate both organizations.<br />
As an expert in the field of the surveying profession in the<br />
member states of EU, do you believe that the time has come<br />
to start thinking of the »European surveyor«?<br />
As I said before, I am wholly convinced that we are lacking visibility.<br />
When you know that 80% of national regulations are prepared in<br />
Brussels, you underst<strong>and</strong> that you need to be recognized by the<br />
European bodies i.e. the Council, the Commission <strong>and</strong> the Parliament.<br />
We are suffering from the ‘Baker Syndrome’, as I referred to this problem<br />
during the 3rd CLGE Conference of the European Surveyor in<br />
Hanover. We all know in a general way what bakers do, but most bakers<br />
cannot describe what happens in the surveying profession, despite<br />
there being more or less the same number of bakers as surveyors. And,<br />
of course, we believe that we are as significant for society as they are.<br />
Latest News? Visit
48<br />
C L G E n e w s l e t t e r<br />
It is essential, therefore, for us to become better<br />
known. A precondition is that we should get to<br />
know ourselves better too <strong>and</strong>,therefore, we’ve<br />
started an important project called: ‘Dynamic<br />
Professional Knowledge Base’. This database<br />
will enable us to compare the profession in our<br />
36 member states, to learn from each other <strong>and</strong><br />
finally, to show the outside world what we st<strong>and</strong><br />
for.<br />
Can you evaluate the impact of the current<br />
economic crisis on the surveying profession?<br />
Is the current situation typical for<br />
all member states, or does it affect some<br />
countries <strong>and</strong> regions in different ways?<br />
It is not easy for us to make such an analysis<br />
since we are lacking hard figures. Of course<br />
we are aware of general trends. Everybody knows that some<br />
Southern European Countries are badly hit; they are in our newspapers<br />
every day. In these countries, the situation is very difficult for<br />
surveyors too. Even if we can see that our profession as a whole suffers<br />
from the crisis, we also recognize that some countries, especially<br />
in Western Europe are threatened by another problem: a lack of<br />
young people choosing the profession. This decrease in the number<br />
of professionals means that in some parts of Europe, Surveyors are<br />
less troubled by falling work opportunities, since they are not numerous<br />
enough to h<strong>and</strong>le all the work they get.<br />
Can you put down three main problems that the European<br />
surveying community is facing at the moment?<br />
Our strategic goals are tailored to the challenges <strong>and</strong> problems we are<br />
facing at the European <strong>and</strong> National level: our Council, as well as our<br />
national counterparts, should be more involved in the law-making process<br />
related to our profession. We should have a clear <strong>and</strong> homogeneous<br />
visibility in Europe <strong>and</strong> we should be able to regulate the influx<br />
of young Surveyors.<br />
What plans does CLGE have for improving the current<br />
situation?<br />
Too many people are focused on the crisis. We strongly believe that it<br />
isn’t a good idea to get caught in this negative spiral. On the contrary,<br />
when times are hard, we have to invest in bold actions with the aim to<br />
improve the visibility of our community. We have to prepare ourselves<br />
for better times, improve our skills, train hard, know more, optimize our<br />
procedures, educate our staff, rethink our behaviour … CLGE has the<br />
ambition to help its members to achieve these goals.<br />
The full CLGE Executive board elected in October 2012 (from left to<br />
right): Vice President Pedro Ortiz (ES), Secretary General Michelle<br />
Camilleri (MT), President Jean-Yves Pirlot (BE), Vice President Leiv<br />
Bjarte Mjøs (NO), Treasurer Dieter Seitz (DE), Vice President Danko<br />
Markovinović (HR).<br />
What is your evaluation of underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> cooperation<br />
between members of CLGE <strong>and</strong> how do you evaluate the role<br />
of social networks in the field of mutual communication?<br />
Surveyors are used to highly technical <strong>and</strong> precise work. They have to<br />
get better acquainted with softer skills: with the need for networking,<br />
with the advantage of patient negotiations <strong>and</strong> painstaking preparations<br />
for future successes,… CLGE offers an ideal platform for leaders of<br />
the European <strong>and</strong> national surveying associations. With our new way<br />
of engaging, based on smaller working groups, <strong>and</strong> in spite of the language<br />
barrier that has hampered a lot of interaction in the past, I dare<br />
say that the cooperation within CLGE has improved a lot over the last<br />
few years. CLGE is now a genuine networking platform. We have the<br />
feeling that delegates attend the General Assemblies, because they really<br />
do get added value out of it. The funny thing<br />
is that the most valuable output of CLGE is what<br />
our members are ready to invest in it. The interaction<br />
of many ideas – sometimes conflicting<br />
ideas – is really enriching us all.<br />
CLGE has understood the power of social media<br />
<strong>and</strong> derived networks too. We’ve invested in<br />
these new approaches <strong>and</strong> have even appointed<br />
a special board member (<strong>and</strong> now Vice<br />
President) to take care of these aspects. We are<br />
convinced that such networks are the future.<br />
They help us to reduce our ecological footprint<br />
but, <strong>and</strong> there is a “but”, nothing replaces the<br />
face to face contacts that we develop during our<br />
meetings. I see the social networks as an ideal<br />
tool to support our interaction, but not as a surrogate<br />
for traditional ‘one-to-one’ engagement.<br />
What is CLGE planning for the near future? Maybe some new<br />
projects, meetings etc.?<br />
We are fighting the baker syndrome: we raise our profile whenever<br />
we can. We apply our strategy as mentioned before: do not underinvest<br />
in your marketing when times are hard: do the opposite.<br />
On the 22nd March 2013, we will celebrate the Second Day of the<br />
European Surveyor. The main ceremony is planned in Budapest. The<br />
European Commission supports us <strong>and</strong> will install the European Space<br />
Expo in the Hungarian capital city during that week exactly. Such initiatives<br />
provide us with the opportunity to improve the recognition of<br />
our profession. During this week, namely from 16th to 24th March, the<br />
whole of Europe will celebrate the Surveyor of the Year 2013. After<br />
Mercator in 2012, the CLGE General Assembly has decided to honour<br />
Galileo Galilee in 2013! I hope that a lot of member associations will<br />
make a success out of these festivities. In Budapest we will put a great<br />
deal of focus on the CLGE Students’ Contest [read Geo Infor matics 2012<br />
8 <strong>and</strong> 2013 1].<br />
Our cooperation with the European GNSS Agency will allow us to take<br />
part in the Space Expo in several other cities. We were looking for possibilities<br />
to demonstrate our profession to the general public <strong>and</strong> youngsters:<br />
here it is!<br />
Moreover, we will pursue our efforts to build the Dynamic Professional<br />
Knowledge Base with the aim to improve the fluidity of professional<br />
access [read GeoInformatics 2012 7].<br />
Whenever possible, CLGE will wave the flag; appealing to the public<br />
to entrust us with specific tasks. A recent example in that field is our<br /> initiative (European Real Estate Area Label). We’ve<br />
launched a new code for the measurement of buildings. This code is<br />
now part of the INSPIRE Directive, annex III for buildings. As well as<br />
showing that it is in Europe’s interest to get this normalization, it also<br />
shows that whenever these sorts of measurements have to be exact,<br />
one should only entrust a surveyor with the job. We are convinced that<br />
CLGE is creating new opportunities for its members. The members, of<br />
course, have to seize them: rather today than tomorrow.<br />
You can ask questions to Mr.Pirlot by e-mail at,<br />
<strong>and</strong> you can follow him on twitter @CLGEPresident,<br />
as well as at the Council @_CLGE.<br />
Matjaž Grilc<br />
March 2013
50<br />
C a l e n d a r 2 0 1 3 / A d v e r t i s e r s I n d e x<br />
March<br />
11-13 March “Wavelength 2013”<br />
Glasgow, U.K.<br />
E-mail: <strong>and</strong><br />
Internet:<br />
19-20 March MapInfo Professional Foundation Level<br />
Training Course<br />
CDR Group, Hope, Derbyshire, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
19-20 March 12. Internationales 3D-Forum Lindau<br />
Lindau, Germany<br />
Internet:<br />
24-28 March ASPRS 2013 Annual Conference<br />
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.<br />
Internet:<br />
25–28 March Esri Developer Summit<br />
Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, CA, U.S.A.<br />
Internet:<br />
April<br />
03-07 April 11th Vespucci Institute “Synthesizing<br />
Population, Health, <strong>and</strong> Place”<br />
Catalina Isl<strong>and</strong>, CA, U.S.A.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
Nantes, France<br />
Internet:<br />
2013<br />
15-17 April 19th Annual CalGIS Conference<br />
Westin Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.<br />
Internet:<br />
16 April FME World Tour 2013<br />
Park Plaza Hotel, Leeds, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
16-17 April MapInfo Professional Foundation Level<br />
Training Course<br />
CDR Group, Hope, Derbyshire, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
17 April FME World Tour 2013<br />
Venue TBC, London, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
17-19 April International Forum “Integrated<br />
Geospatial Solutions - the Future of Information<br />
Technologies”<br />
Atlas Park-Hotel, Moscow, Russia<br />
Internet:<br />
18 April FME World Tour 2013<br />
Dublin, Irel<strong>and</strong><br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
21-23 April Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event<br />
(JURSE 2013)<br />
Sao Paulo, Brazil<br />
Internet:<br />
23-25 April ENC 2013 ‘The European Navigation<br />
Conference’<br />
Vienna, Austria<br />
Internet:<br />
25-26 April 3D Documentation Conference<br />
Marina M<strong>and</strong>arin Hotel, Singapore<br />
Internet:<br />
May<br />
01-02 May GEO-South<br />
Holiday Inn, Elstree, U.K.<br />
Internet:<br />
13-16 May Geospatial World Forum<br />
Beurs/World Trade Center, Rotterdam, The Netherl<strong>and</strong>s<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
13-16 May Be Together 2013, The Bentley Institute<br />
International LEARNing Conference<br />
Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.<br />
Internet:<br />
14 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Milan, Italy<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
14-15 May MapInfo Professional Foundation Level<br />
Training Course<br />
CDR Group, Hope, Derbyshire, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
15-17 May The fourth China Satellite Navigation<br />
Conference (CSNC 2013)<br />
Wuhan, China<br />
Internet:<br />
20 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Manchester, U.K.<br />
Internet:<br />
21 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Birmingham, U.K<br />
Internet:<br />
21-22 May <strong>Location</strong> Intelligence + Oracle Spatial<br />
<strong>and</strong> Graph User Conferences 2013<br />
Ronald Reagan Building <strong>and</strong> International Trade Center,<br />
Washington, D.C.<br />
Internet:<br />
21-24 May ISPRS Workshop “High-Resolution Earth<br />
Imaging for Geospatioal Information”<br />
Hannover, Germany<br />
Internet:<br />
22 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Bristol, U.K.<br />
Internet:<br />
22-24 May FOSS4G North America 2013<br />
Marriott City Center, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.<br />
Internet:<br />
23 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Fribourg, Switzerl<strong>and</strong><br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
28 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Brussels, Belgium<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
29-31 May UDMS 2013, 29TH Urban <strong>Data</strong><br />
Management Symposium<br />
University College London, London, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
30 May FME World Tour 2013<br />
Malmö, Sweden<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
June<br />
03-06 June Hexagon 2013 (ERDAS, Intergraph,<br />
Leica, Metrology)<br />
Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.<br />
Internet:<br />
03-07 June 11th Vespucci Institute “Ontologies <strong>and</strong><br />
models for integrated assessments of multiplescale<br />
processes”<br />
Fiesole, Italy<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
04 June FME World Tour 2013<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
06 June FME World Tour 2013<br />
Madrid, Spain<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
11-12 June MapInfo Professional Advanced Level<br />
Training Course<br />
CDR Group, Hope, Derbyshire, U.K.<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
12-14 June FOSSGIS 2013<br />
Gelände der HSR Hochschule für Technik, Rapperswil,<br />
Switzerl<strong>and</strong><br />
Internet:<br />
16-22 June 13th International Multidisciplinary<br />
Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2013<br />
Albena Resort & SPA, Bulgaria<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
17 June FMEdays 2013<br />
Berlin, Germany<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
17-21 June FMEdays 2013<br />
ABION Hotel, Berlin, Germany<br />
E-mail:<br />
Internet:<br />
Please feel free to e-mail your calendar notices to:<br />
Advertisers Index<br />
ASPRS 8<br />
ERDAS 9<br />
Esri 21<br />
Geneq 39<br />
Global GEO Supplies 51<br />
ITC 49<br />
Leica Geosystems 52<br />
Microsoft UltraCam 25<br />
Optech 17<br />
Pacific Crest 29<br />
Racurs 41<br />
Riegl 13<br />
Spectra Precision 2<br />
March 2013