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<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<br />

<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong><br />

<strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong>

Contents<br />

Contents<br />


Refractive Status of Eyes Treated for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) with<br />

Avastin and/or Laser ....................................................................................... 403<br />

Dr. Rohan Chauhan, Dr. Alay S Banker, Dr. Usman Memon, Dr. Chatura Hutheesing,<br />

Dr. Kinnari Thakkar<br />

Accommodation Amplitude and Lag Study in Relation to Different<br />

Variables............................................................................................................ 407<br />

Prof. R Maheshwari, Dr. Ankita Phougat, Prof. R R Sukul<br />

To Study the Effect of Advanced Overnight Ortho-Keratology as a Corrective<br />

Modality for Myopia...........................................................................................411<br />

Dr. (Col) Ashish Saksena, Dr. (Maj) Shrikant Waika<br />

Evaluating The Efficacy of Orthokeratology <strong>Lens</strong>es in Myopia Regression... -<br />

.............................................................................................................................415<br />

Dr. Kirti Singh, Dr. Abhishek Goel, Dr. Ritu Arora<br />

Anterior Chamber Depth Changes in Accommodation Measured with Optical<br />

Coherence Tomography....................................................................................417<br />

Dr. Mukesh Taneja, Dr. Debarun Dutta, Dr. Tamal Chakraborty, Dr. Preetam Kumar,<br />

Dr. Virender Sangwan<br />

Role of Optical Coherance Tomography in Boston Ocular Surface Prosthesis<br />

Fitting................................................................................................................. 420<br />

Dr. Varsha Rathi, Dr. Preeji Mandathara Sudharrman, Dr. Srikanth D, Dr. Virender<br />

Sangwan S

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904):<br />

He studied medicine, but was<br />

famous for his plays. His one<br />

eye was myopic & the other<br />

hyperopic. He lost his RE due<br />

to HZO.<br />

Degas Edgar (1834-1907):<br />

A French painter, is best known for his ballerina paintings.<br />

In 1880s, when his eyesight began to fail from myopic<br />

degeneration, Degas started working with two new media<br />

(Sculpture & pastel) that did not require intense visual acuity.<br />

He was permanently blind when he was 63.<br />

Benjamin Franklin (1706-90):<br />

First invented the bifocal lens.

<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />


Chairman: Dr. Shreekant Kelkar B; Co-Chairman: Dr. Deepak Mehta C<br />

Convenor: Dr. Amit Tarafder; Moderator: Dr. R R Battu<br />

Dr. ROHAN RAMCHANDRA CHAUHAN: MBBS (2005), B J Medical<br />

College, Ahmedabad; DO (2007), Smt. N H L Municipal Medical College,<br />

Ahmedabad; Long Term Fellowship in Vitreo Retinal Diseases, Surgery &<br />

Intra Ocular Imflammation (2007-09). Presently, Associate Vitreo-Retinal<br />

Surgeon, Banker’s Retina Clinic & Laser Centre, Ahmedabad.<br />

E-mail: rohan_28782@yahoo.co.in; <strong>Contact</strong>: 9825203022<br />

Refractive Status of Eyes Treated for Retinopathy<br />

of Prematurity (ROP) with Avastin and/or Laser<br />

Dr. Rohan Chauhan, Dr. Alay S Banker, Dr. Usman Memon, Dr. Chatura<br />

Hutheesing, Dr. Kinnari Thakkar<br />

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of childhood blindness<br />

worldwide. Treatment for ROP has evolved from the past from more<br />

destructive (cryo therapy) to lesser destructive (laser therapy) peripheral<br />

retinal ablation. Although these ablative treatments reduce the incidence of<br />

blindness by 25% in infants with severe disease, visual acuity post-treatment<br />

remained considerably impaired. 1<br />

The role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the pathogenesis of<br />

ROP has been identified. It is believed that exposure to high levels of oxygen<br />

during the neonatal period leads to obliteration of vessels. Vaso-obliteration<br />

leads to ischemia which further leads to the release of vascular growth<br />

factors and neovascularization. 2 VEGF increases permeability of vessels 3<br />

and promotes endothelial cell proliferation. 4 Transcription of VEGF mRNA<br />

increases with hypoxia and has been identified to play a vital role in retinal<br />

angiogenesis. 5 Recent studies have identified that insulin-like growth factor<br />

1 (IGF-1) plays a permissive role—in its absence VEGF is unlikely to fully<br />

stimulate vessel growth. 1 If evidence-based data supports early findings,<br />

the use of Avastin may be recommended without the need for ablative laser<br />

therapy and before retinal detachment develops.<br />

To evaluate refractive status of eyes with ROP treated with laser and/or avastin.<br />


Prospective, Nonrandomized, Non comparative case series.<br />

The procedure and the side effects of atropine were explained in details to the<br />

patient’s parents. Informed consent was obtained from the parents prior to the<br />

study with clear guidelines on the procedures and tests involved.<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

Atropine was advised three times a day for 3 days prior to retinoscopy.<br />

Thereafter retinoscopy of the patient was performed on the fourth day. Out<br />

of 29 patients, only 1 patient had to be examined under general anaesthesia<br />

due to the hyperactivity and lack of co-operation of the patient. Based on<br />

cycloplegic retinoscopy, the patient was prescribed glasses depending on<br />

degree of refractive error. The refraction values of the patient’s parents were<br />

also noted. All patients were examined and evaluated by single optometrist.<br />

57 eyes of 29 patients were being evaluated in the study. 26 eyes were treated<br />

with laser, 26 eyes with only avastin and 5 eyes, with both laser and avastin.<br />

All patients underwent atropinized refractive evaluation under sedation.<br />

Based on cycloplegic retinoscopy with streak retinoscope, the patients were<br />

prescribed glasses depending on his/her age and degree of refractive error.<br />


26 Avastin treated eyes at the mean age of 1 year showed a mean spherical<br />

equivalent (MSE) of -3.087 DS and -0.920 DC. 6/26 eyes were high myopic<br />

(-10.50 DS). 26 eyes in laser group at the mean age of 2 years showed a MSE of<br />

-2.058 DS and -1.00 DC. 3/26 eyes were high myopic (-13.16 DS). 5 eyes treated<br />

with laser and avastin at the mean age of 2 years showed MSE -2.30 DS and<br />

-1.00 DC.<br />

Amongst the avastin treated patients, 18/26 eyes were myopic and 7 were<br />

hyperopic with a mean spherical refractive error to be -3.087DS. 22/26 eyes<br />

were astigmatic with a mean astigmatic error of -0.920D. Amongst the laser<br />

treated patients in study, 12/26 eyes were myopic and 12 were hyperopic<br />

with a mean spherical refractive error as -2.058DS. 23/26 eyes were astigmatic<br />

with a mean astigmatic error as -1.00D. Amongst the patients treated with<br />

laser as well as avastin in study, 3/5 eyes were myopic and 2 were hyperopic<br />

with a mean spherical refractive error of -2.30 DS. 4/5 eyes were astigmatic<br />

with a mean astigmatic error of -1.00 D. Therefore myopia was seen to be the<br />

most predominant refractive error amongst all the 3 sub-groups of patients<br />

– avastin treated, laser treated as well as both, laser and avastin treated. It<br />

was found that 6/26 eyes in the avastin treated group of patients were highly<br />

myopic (that is, greater than -8.00 DS). If we exclude those highly myopic eyes<br />

from the study, the mean spherical refractive error was found to be -0.8625<br />

DS. Similarly, in the laser treated group of patients, 3/26 eyes were found to<br />

be highly myopic. On excluding those highly myopic eyes, the mean spherical<br />

refractive error of the patients treated with laser was found to be -0.609 DS.<br />

In this study, the mean age on retinoscopy of the patients treated with avastin<br />

is 1 year. Whereas the mean age on retinoscopy of the patients treated with<br />

laser photocoagulation is 2 years. As these two groups are incomparable<br />

due to the vast difference in the mean age group of the patients, for better<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

comparison, the patients whose age on retinoscopy was equal to or greater<br />

than 3.5 years where excluded. Thereby the mean age on retinoscopy of<br />

the patients treated with laser photocoagulation was 1 year 4 months. On<br />

excluding the above mentioned patients, the mean spherical refractive error of<br />

the laser treated patients was found to be -1.579 DS instead of -2.058 DS and the<br />

mean astigmatic error was found to be -0.96 D. The mean spherical refractive<br />

error of the avastin treated patients was found to be -3.087 DS and the mean<br />

astigmatic error was found to be -0.920 D.<br />


Myopia<br />

Correlating to this, simple cross-sectional studies comparing premature with<br />

full-term infants have revealed that premature infants are more prone to<br />

development of myopia from an early age and may remain myopic later on in<br />

childhood and adolescence. This is known as myopia of prematurity, 6,7,8,9,10,11<br />

and it can continue to increase up to 2 years of age. 12,13<br />

Hypermetropia<br />

Which can be supported by a study carried out by Anne cook et al 5 which<br />

states that there is consistently less hypermetropia noted at term in premature<br />

infants, with or without ROP, when compared with full-term infants. By 3<br />

months’ corrected age, this difference is much less in those premature eyes<br />

without ROP. Eyes with ROP, however, still maintain less hypermetropia than<br />

full-term eyes by the end of 3 months’ corrected age. 15,16<br />

A second study of infants with and without ROP reported a similar prevalence<br />

of astigmatism > 1.00 D in 652 infants and in 551 infants, with all refractions<br />

during the first week of life. 17 Some studies have documented a decreasing<br />

prevalence of astigmatism between infancy and childhood in preterm<br />

infants. 18,19,20,21 In contrast, a recent study, in which 293 low birth weight (< 1701<br />

g) children were refracted at six months corrected age and again at age 10 to<br />

12 years, reported little change in astigmatism power or axis over this long<br />

period, with 75% of children showing a change in cylinder power of no more<br />

than 0.75 D.6<br />

Avastin being a new mode of treatment for ROP, not many studies regarding<br />

the refractive outcomes of ROP patients treated with avastin have been done.<br />

Hence, this study can be considered as first of its kind. This can be correlated<br />

with a study carried out by Dhawan A et al. 21 which resulted in a mean<br />

spherical equivalent of -4.71 D at follow up of 1 year after laser treatment.<br />

Myopia was seen in 80.43% of 184 eyes in this study. Another study that can be<br />

correlated is the one in which the mean spherical equivalent values obtained<br />

as -3.87 D in patients with age of 7 years or more in a study carried out by Yang<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

CS et al. 22 A study by Yang CS et al showed that out of 60 laser treated eyes, 46<br />

eyes (77.0%) were myopic, the overall mean spherical equivalent was -3.87D.<br />

Anisometropia (>/= 1,50 D) was also noted in 14 patients (46.7%). Strabismus<br />

was present in 4 patients (30%). Davitt BV et al. 23 proved that by the age of<br />

3 years, nearly 43% of eyes treated at high risk prethreshold ROP developed<br />

astigmatism of >or= 1.00D and nearly 20% had astigmatism of >or= 2.00 D.<br />

Presence of astigmatism was not influenced by timing of treatment of acute<br />

phase ROP or by characteristics of acute phase or cicatricial ROP.<br />

Myopia was found to be the predominant refractive error in the ROP population<br />

at the clinic, irrespective of the treatment group and with no correlation with<br />

the family history of myopia.<br />


1. Chen J, Smith LE. Retinopathy of prematurity. Angiogenesis. 2007;10:133–40.<br />

2. Patz A. Clinical and experimental studies on retinal neovascularization.XXXIX<br />

Edward Jackson Memorial Lecture. Am J Ophthalmol. 1982;94:715–43.<br />

3. Senger DR, Galli SJ, Dvorak AM, Perruzzi CA, Harvey VS, Dvorak HF. Tumor cells<br />

secrete a vascular permeability factor that promotes accumulation of ascites fluid.<br />

Science. 1983;219:983–5.<br />

4. Leung DW, Cachianes G, Kuang WJ, Goeddel DV, Ferrara N. Vascular endothelial<br />

growth factor is a secreted angiogenic mitogen. Science. 1989;246:1306–9.<br />

5. Aiello LP, Northrup JM, Keyt BA, Takagi H, Iwamoto MA. Hypoxic regulation of<br />

vascular endothelial growth factor in retinal cells. Arch Ophthalmol. 1995;113:1538–<br />

44.<br />

6. O’Connor A, Stephenson T, Johnson A, et al. Long term ophthalmic outcome of low<br />

birth weight children with and without retinopathy of prematurity. Paediatrics.<br />

2002;109:12–8.<br />

7. Fledelius HC. Myopia of prematurity: changes during adolescence. Doc Ophthalmol<br />

Proc Series. 1981;28:63–9.<br />

8. Hungerford J, Stewart A, Hope P. Ocular sequelae of preterm birth and their<br />

relation to ultrasound evidence of cerebral damage. Br J Ophthalmol. 1986;70:463–8.<br />

9. Fledelius HC. Pre-term delivery and subsequent ocular development: a 7–10 year<br />

follow up of children screened for ROP 1982–4. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 1996;74:297–<br />

300.<br />

10. Birge H. Myopia caused by prematurity. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1955;292–8.<br />

11. Gordon RA. Donzis PB. Myopia associated with retinopathy of prematurity.<br />

Ophthalmology 1986;93:1593–8.<br />

12. Page J, Schneeweiss S, Whyte H, Harvey P. Ocular sequelae in premature infants.<br />

Paediatrics. 1993;92:787–90.<br />

13. Gallo JE, Fagerholm P. Low-grade myopia in children with regressed retinopathy<br />

of prematurity. Acta Ophthalmol 1993;71:519–23.<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

14. Mayer DL, Hansen RM, Moore BD, Kim S, Fulton AB. Cycloplegicrefractions in<br />

healthy children ages 1 through 48 months. Arch Ophthalmol. 2001;119:1625–8.<br />

15. Quinn G, Dobson V, Kivlin J et al. The Cryo-ROP Group.Prevalence of myopia<br />

between 3 months and 5 1⁄2 years in premature infants withand without ROP.<br />

Ophthalmology. 1998;105:1292–1300.<br />

16. Varughese S, Varghese RM, Gupta N, et al. Refractive error at birth and its relation<br />

to gestational age. Curr Eye Res. 2005;30:423–8.<br />

17. Saunders KJ, McCulloch DL, Shepherd AJ, Wilkinson AG. Emmetropisation<br />

following preterm birth. Br J Ophthalmol. 2002;86:1035–40.<br />

18. Larsson EK, Holmström GE. Development of astigmatism and anisometropia in<br />

preterm children during the first 10 years of life: a population-based study. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol. 2006;124:1608–14.<br />

19. O’Connor AR, Stephenson TJ, Johnson A, et al. Change of refractive state and eye<br />

size in children of birth weight less than 1701g. Br J Ophthalmol. 2006;90:456–60.<br />

20. Holmström G , el Azazi M, Kugelberg U. Ophthalmological long term follow up<br />

of preterm infants: a population based, prospective study of the refraction and its<br />

development. Br J Ophthalmol 1998;82:1265–71.<br />

21. Dhawan A, Dogra M, Vinekar A, Gupta A, Dutta S. Structural sequelae and<br />

refractive outcome after successful laser treatment for threshold retinopathy of<br />

prematurity. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2008;45:356-61.<br />

22. Yang CS, Wang AG, Sung CS, Hsu WM, Lee FL, Lee SM. Long term visual outcomes<br />

of laser-treated threshold retinopathy of Prematurity: a study of refractive status<br />

at 7 years. Eye (Lond). 2010;24:14-20. Epub 2009 Apr 3.<br />

23. Davitt BV, Dobson V, Quinn GE, Hardy RJ, Tung B, Good WV; Early Treatment<br />

for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group. Astigmatism in the Early<br />

Treatment of Retinopathy Of Prematurity Study: findings to 3 years of age.<br />

Ophthalmology. 2009116:332-9. Epub 2008 Dec 16.<br />

Accommodation Amplitude and Lag Study in<br />

Relation to Different Variables<br />

Prof. R Maheshwari, Dr. Ankita Phougat, Prof. R R Sukul<br />

To evaluate amplitude (AA) and lag (AL) of accommodation with respect to<br />

ametropia, emmetropia and amblyopia.<br />

To study lens thickness (LT), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and axial length<br />

(AxL) changes during accommodation.<br />

Accommodation is the process by which vertebrate eye changes refractive<br />

power to maintain a clear image (focus) of an object as its distance from eye<br />

changes. The word accommodation was given by Burrow (1841). 1 The functional<br />

significance of active accommodation is evident from the inconvenience that<br />

results from its gradual age-related loss in presbyopia, manifests earliest in<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

hyperopes and in emmetropes at about 40 years of age, when the accommodative<br />

reserve becomes insufficient to focus on near objects. However, the loss of<br />

accommodative amplitude begins early in life 2 and progresses to about age<br />

55, when accommodation, as measured objectively, is completely lost. 3 Near<br />

work has been claimed to induce myopia and accommodation loss has been<br />

considered a risk factor for amblyopia. This study is undertaken to see the<br />

variation in accommodation with refractive errors, age and amblyopia. Also,<br />

various biometric changes with accommodation have been studied using<br />

A-scan.<br />


75 patients in the age group of 11-30yrs were included in the study after taking<br />

informed consent. The assessment of selected patients included a detailed<br />

history, general and ocular examination, including biomicroscopy and direct<br />

ophthalmoscopy. All patients underwent a wet retinoscopy followed by dry<br />

retinoscopy a week later. Emmetropes, ammetropes and amblyopes without<br />

any ocular pathology (normal anterior and posterior segments) or systemic<br />

illness presenting to us in the OPD were selected.<br />

Measurements included AA using method of spheres (MOS) and RAF rule, AL<br />

using dynamic retinoscopy; LT, ACD and AxL changes during accommodation<br />

using A-scan. Eyes were divided based on: age (11-15,15-20,20-25 and 25-30),<br />

refractive error (emmetropia, myopia4,hypermetropia4),<br />

presence or absence of amblyopia. Accommodation lag, amplitudes; LT, ACD<br />

and AxL changes during accommodation, were compared in different groups.<br />

Also, two methods of measuring accommodation i.e. the RAF rule and MOS<br />

were compared.<br />


Mean of accommodation amplitude(AA) by RAF rule for myopes4D<br />

was 11.37D, hypermetropes 4 is 9D. Corrected low myopes showed a significantly higher<br />

amplitude of accommodation compared to emmetropes (p< 0.005) and<br />

hypermetropes (p

<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

RAF AA was 9.82. AA values by MOS were significantly lower compared to<br />

RAF rule (p

69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />


Our study showed that AA was highest in myopes followed by emmetropes<br />

and least in hypermetropes. Similar results have been initially obtained by<br />

McBrien et al. 4 Schaeffel et al 5 have shown that refractive errors do not affect<br />

the dynamics of natural accommodation. AA is highest in myopes and lowest<br />

in hypermetropes till the age of 44yrs after that no difference exists (Lekha<br />

Mary Abraham et al). 6<br />

In regards to other methodology, AA by MOS showed lower values<br />

compared to RAF. The minus lens technique has found reduced amplitudes<br />

of accommodation compared to the far to near technique, possibly due to<br />

the apparent minification of the image; 7 the smaller image interpreted as<br />

being further away may stimulate less effort to accommodate. The plus lens<br />

technique used to neutralize the reduced accommodative effort seen with<br />

dynamic retinoscopy is thought to reduce the accommodative response<br />

to blur and simultaneously relax the subject’s accommodation during<br />

testing (Rosenfield M et al). 8 Leat and Gargon (1996) 9 reported that lags of<br />

accommodation increases with an increase in age. <strong>Lens</strong> thickness increases<br />

and anterior chamber depth decreases during accommodation for near<br />

(Matthias Bolz, Ana Prinz, Wolfgang Drexler and Oliver Findl, 2007). 10 In a<br />

study of accommodation in amblyopia (Goel et al 1981) 11 it has been observed<br />

that accommodation is considerably less in the amplyopic eye than the nonamblyopic<br />

and control eyes similar to our findings of low AA in amblyopes.<br />

Duane 12 has shown that AA falls with age but fall not significant in 10-20yr<br />

age group. Edward A. H. Mallen et al 13 reported that Axial length increased in<br />

both emmetropic and myopic subjects during short periods of accommodative<br />

stimulation. Greater transient increases in axial length were observed in<br />

myopic than in emmetropic subjects.<br />

Accommodation is highest in corrected low myopes followed by emmetropes<br />

and lowest in corrected hypermetropes. It decreases with increasing age<br />

but the decrease is not significant in 11-20yr. Amblyopes have low AA and<br />

higher AL compared to non-amblyopes. AC depth decreases while LT and<br />

AxL increases during accommodation and the increase is significantly more<br />

in myopes(especially in 10-20yr age group).<br />


1. Burrow.Beitr.2 Physiologieu.Physik d. menseh. Auges. Berlin, 94(1841).<br />

2. Duane A. Normal values of the accommodation at all ages. J Am Med Assoc 1912;<br />

59:1010–3; also Trans Sect Ophthalmol AMA 1912;383–91.<br />

3. Hamasaki D, Ong J, Marg E. The amplitude of accommodation in presbyopia. Am<br />

J Optom Arch Am Acad Optom 1956;33:3–14.<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

4. Mc Brien NA, Millodot M. Amplitude of Accommodation and Refractive Error.<br />

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1986;27:1187-90.<br />

5. Schaeffel F, Wilhelm H, Zrenner E. Inter individual variability in the dynamics of<br />

natural accommodation in humans in relation to age and refractive errors. Journal<br />

of Physiol (Lond) 1993;461:301-20.<br />

6. Lekha Mary Abhram et al. Amplitude of Accommodation and its relation to<br />

refractive errors, IJO 2005;53:105-8.<br />

7. Rosenfield M, Cohen A: Repeatability of clinical measurements of the amplitude of<br />

accommodation. Ophthal Physiol Opt 1996;16:247–9.<br />

8. Rosenfield M, Portello J, Blustein G, Jangs C: Comparison of clinical techniques to<br />

assess the near accommodative response. Optom Vis Sci 1996;73:382–8.<br />

9. Leat SJ, Gargon JL. Accommodative response in children and young adults using<br />

dynamic retinoscopy. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 1996;16:375-84.<br />

10. Matthias Bolz, Ana Prinz, Wolfgang Drexler and oliver findl. Linear relationship of<br />

refractive and biometric lenticular changes during accommodation in emmetropic<br />

and myopic eyes. British Journal Of Ophthalmology 2007;91:360-5.<br />

11. Goel, B.S., Maheshwari, R., and Saiduzzafar, H., Subjected for publication in Indian<br />

Journal of Ophthalmology, 1981.<br />

12. Duane A., Amer. Ophtlialmol 1922;5:865.<br />

13. Edward A.H. Mallen, Priti Kashyap and Karen H. Hampson. Transient axial<br />

length change during the accommodation response in young adults. Investigative<br />

Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2006;47:1251-4.<br />

To Study the Effect of Advanced Overnight<br />

Ortho-Keratology as a Corrective Modality for<br />

Myopia<br />

Dr. (Col) Ashish Saksena, Dr. (Maj) Shrikant Waika<br />

Orthokeratology is the temporary reduction of myopia achieved by reshaping<br />

the cornea with specially designed reverse geometry gas permeable<br />

Orthokeratology shaping lenses worn during sleep. It was first introduced in<br />

1960’s when few hard contact lens wearers reported improvement in vision after<br />

removal of their lenses. Gearge Jessen created the first Orthokeratology lens<br />

design from PMMA material. The early lenses were flat fitting with frequent<br />

decentration leading to significant with the rule corneal astigmatism. These<br />

lenses were not suitable for overnight wear. A series of lenses were needed<br />

each lens flattening the cornea a small amount until the desired results were<br />

attained. This took months to years to accomplish. The advent of space-age<br />

oxygen polymers, computer assisted lathes and technological advancements<br />

in corneal measuring and mapping has made it possible to reverse myopia in<br />

a matter of hours.<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

Hence, modern Orthokeratology is called accelerated Orthokeratology.<br />

Accelerated Orthokeratology utilises reverse geomerty lens design made of<br />

high Dk material. These can be worn overnight and do not cause induced<br />

with the rule astigmatism and result in corneal sphericalisation. Reverse<br />

geometry lenses are fitted with a base curve flatter than the central corneal<br />

curvature. This exerts a positive pressure as a result of which the central<br />

corneal epithelium is thinned out, the sagittal corneal height is decreased<br />

which shortens the length of the eye reducing the corneal power resulting in<br />

correction of myopia. And evaluation of correction of myopia by accelerated<br />

advanced overnight Orthokeratology using third generation 5 curve reverse<br />

geometry corneal reshaping lens has been carried out in this study.<br />


710 eyes of 355 patients of Myopia with or without astigmatism underwent<br />

advanced overnight Orthokeratology using third generation 5 curve reverse<br />

geometry corneal reshaping lens.<br />

Inclusion Criteria<br />

• Age group between 7yrs to 52yrs.<br />

• Myopia (Spherical equivalent) upto -7.5D.<br />

Exclusion Criteria<br />

• Corneal dystrophies.<br />

• Dry eyes.<br />

• Any other associated ocular disease.<br />

• Any ocular surgery in the past.<br />

• Any refractive procedure in the past.<br />

• Any ocular surface pathology.<br />

Pretreatment and post treatment unaided visual acuity, Objective and<br />

Subjective refraction, slit lamp examination and corneal topography findings<br />

were recorded. Orthokeratology lens was selected based on flat K on corneal<br />

topography and placed on patient’s eye. Ideal fitting was confirmed using<br />

fluoroscein staining. Orthokeratology lens was removed after 8 hours.<br />

Improvement in unaided visual acuity was recorded which was an indicator<br />

of the correction of Myopia by advanced overnight Orthokeratology over a<br />

period of 8 hours.<br />


710 eyes of 355 patients were included in this study. The youngest patient was<br />

7 years old and the oldest 52 years. There were 88 patients in the 7-12 year age<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

group, 161 in the 13-20 years group and 106 in the 21-52 years group out of<br />

which 160 were males and 195 females. 300 eyes had simple myopia and 410<br />

had compound myopic astigmatism. 320 eyes had with the rule astigmatism<br />

ranging between -1.0D to -2.0D. 50 eyes had the same ranging between -2.0D to<br />

-3.0D and 10 eyes with -3.5D. 30 eyes had against the rule astigmatism varying<br />

between -0.5D to -1.0D. The spherical equivalent refraction was calculated<br />

and the effect of advanced overnight orthokeratology with 5 curve reverse<br />

geometry corneal reshaping lenses was assessed. 236 eyes with myopia<br />

(spherical equivalent) of up to -2.0D with pre-application unaided visual<br />

acuity between 6/9 to 6/18 achieved unaided vision of 6/6 after removal of<br />

the 5 curve reverse geometry orthokeratology lens after overnight wear for 7<br />

hours. These eyes had a complete reversal of myopia.<br />

Out of 266 eyes with myopia (spherical equivalent) ranging between -2.0D to<br />

-4.0D and pre-application unaided vision ranging between 6/60 to 6/24,148<br />

regained vision of 6/6 and 118 eyes a vision of 6/9 after removal of overnight<br />

applied lenses. 208 eyes in myopic range of -4.0D to -7.5D with unaided vision<br />

range 1/60 to 5/60 pre lens application achieved unaided visual range of 6/18<br />

to 6/12. There was more than 2 snellen line correction in every case. Some<br />

eyes showed improvement of upto 9 snellen lines. Statistical analysis showed<br />

that correction of myopia as reflected in improvement of visual acuity was<br />

statistically highly significant at p

69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

were noticed in this study which is ongoing and will assess the safety of these<br />

lenses over a long term.<br />

Advanced overnight orthokeratology with 5 curve reverse geometry corneal<br />

reshaping lens corrects myopia rapidly and dramatically. It is very useful<br />

for patients who wish to be spectacle free to participate in contact sports<br />

like boxing or wrestling or those who work in dusty areas and cannot wear<br />

conventional contact lens. It is especially useful in professions like police,<br />

firemen and athletes. It is non-invasive and reversible and can be safely<br />

used in children unlike LASIK. The effect of orthokeratology in slowing the<br />

progression of myopia in children is also under evaluation at some centres.<br />

Orthokeratology is a viable option for correction and treatment of myopia ad<br />

should be a part of the armamentarium of all ophthalmologists.<br />


1. Kerns RL. Research in Orthokeratology. Part VIII: results, conclusions and<br />

discussion of techniques. J Am Optom Assoc 1978;49:308-14.<br />

2. Binder PS, May CH, Grant SC. An evaluation of Orthokeratology. Ophthalmology<br />

1980;87:729-44.<br />

3. Nichols JJ, Marsich MM, Nguyen M, et al. Overnight Orthokeratology optom Vis Sci<br />

2000;77:252-9.<br />

4. Swarbrick HA, Alharbi A. Overnight Orthokeratology induces central corneal<br />

epithelial thinning. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2001;42:S597.<br />

5. Mountford J. An analysis of the change in corneal shape and refractive error<br />

induced by accelerated orthokeratology. ICLC 1997;24:128-44.<br />

6. Lui W-O, Edwards MH. Orthokeratology in low myopia. Part 1: efficacy and<br />

predictability. Cont <strong>Lens</strong> Anterior Eye 2000;23:77-89.<br />

7. Wlodyga RJ, Bryla C. Corneal molding: the easy way. <strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> Spectrum<br />

1989;4:58-65.<br />

8. Johnson KL, Carney LG, Mountford JA, Collins MJ, Cluff S, Collins PK. Visual<br />

performance after overnight Orthokeratology. Cont <strong>Lens</strong> Anterior Eye. 2007;30:29-<br />

36. Epub 2007 Jan 9.<br />

9. Soni PS, Nguyen TT; XO Overnight Orthokeratology Study Group. Overnight<br />

Orthokeratology experience with XO material. Eye <strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong>. 2006;32:39-45.<br />

10. Cheung SW, Cho P, Chui WS, Woo GC. Refractive error and visual acuity changes<br />

in Orthokeratology patients. Optom Vis Sci. 2007;84:410-6.<br />

11. Chan B, Cho P, Cheung SW Orthokeratology practice in children in a university<br />

clinic in Hong Kong. Clin Exp Optom. 2008;91453-60. Epub 2008 Mar 18.<br />

12. Walline JJ, Rah MJ, Jones LA The children’s Overnight Orthokeratology<br />

Investigation (COOKI) pilot study. Optom Vis Sci. 2004;81:407-13.<br />

13. Rah MJ, Jackson JM, Jones LA, Marsdem HJ, Bailey MD, Barr JT Overnight<br />

Orthokeratology: preliminary results of the <strong>Lens</strong>es and Overnight Orthokeratology<br />

(LOOK) stugy. Optom Vis Sci. 2002;79:598-605.<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

14 Chan B, Cho P, Cheung SW. Orthokeratology practice in children in a university<br />

clinic in Hong Kong. Clin Exp Optom. 2008;91:453-60. Epub 2008 Mar 18.<br />

15. Watt KG,Swarbrick HA. Trends in Microbial keratitis associated with<br />

Orthokeratology. Eye <strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong>. 2007;33:373-7; discussion 382.<br />

16. Shehadeh-Mashaour R, Segev F, Barequet IS, Ton Y, Garzozi HJ. Orthokeratology<br />

associated microbial keratitis. Eur J Opthalmol. 2009 Jan-Feb.<br />

Evaluating The Efficacy of Orthokeratology<br />

<strong>Lens</strong>es in Myopia Regression<br />

Dr. Kirti Singh, Dr. Abhishek Goel, Dr. Ritu Arora<br />

Orthokeratology is the temporary reduction of myopia by programmed<br />

application of specially designed contact lenses which reshapes the cornea.<br />

These reverse geometry lenses are made of highly oxygen transmissible Boston<br />

XO material with Dk value exceeding 140. The flat base curve applies gentle<br />

pressure to central corneal zone, causing sphericalisation of the prolate cornea<br />

leading to reduction of myopia. Tear film meniscus behind the contact lens<br />

hydraulically redistributes epithelial cells from the centre towards periphery.<br />

A secondary curve steeper than central base curve aids centration of lens.<br />

To evaluate efficacy of overnight wear of in mild to moderate myopia and<br />

evaluate its effect if any on the corneal health.<br />


Orthokeratology lenses (OK) were used in fifteen adults with myopia ranging<br />

from 1.75 - 5.75 D. The change in refractive status was assessed over a 3 month<br />

period. Corneal changes and health was evaluated by corneal thickness,<br />

topography, endothelial cell count and tear film status. Cases of astigmatism<br />

exceeding 1.5Ds, dry eyes, prior ocular surgery and retinal pathology were<br />

excluded. Initial overnight wear was supervised and subsequently patient<br />

was allowed to use the lens on his/her own. Follow up was fortnightly for 1<br />

month and monthly for 3 months.<br />


An unaided visual acuity improvement of 6/6 was attained in 9 cases (60%)<br />

with a prior myopia of 2.75Ds (2.0Ds-3.5Ds) after an initial 8 hours of overnight<br />

OK lens wear. The mean improvement was 5.98 lines (4-7lines). Subsequent<br />

lens wear schedule given to these patients was daily wear of overnight<br />

orthokeratology lenses for 3weeks, followed by alternate overnight lens wear<br />

of 6-8 hours. This subgroup maintained unaided visual acuity of 6/6 over the<br />

entire follow up of 3 months.<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

An unaided visual acuity improvement of 6/6 was attained in 5 cases (33.33%)<br />

having a pre lens prescription myopic refractive error of 4.95Ds (4.5-5.5Ds)<br />

after 4 days of continuous overnight lens usage. The mean improvement was<br />

9.2 lines (8-10lines). The lens prescription schedule given to these patients was<br />

daily wear of overnight orthokeratology lenses of 6-8 hours for 3 months. This<br />

unaided visual acuity of 6/6 was maintained in these patients over 3 months<br />

follow up. On trying alternate OK lens wear for this subgroup the unaided<br />

visual acuity dropped by 2.6 lines (2-3 lines)and patient dissatisfaction dictated<br />

resumption of daily OK lens wear.<br />

An unaided visual acuity improvement till 6/9 only occurred in 1 case (6.66%)<br />

after 3 days of continuous OK lens use. This patient had myopia of 3.75Ds and<br />

the aided visual acuity also was 6/9, probably due to anisometropic amblyopia.<br />

The mean improvement in this patient was 7.0 lines. The lens prescription<br />

schedule given to this patient was daily wear of overnight orthokeratology<br />

lenses of 6-8 hours for 3 months.<br />

Three patients developed hypermetropia after an average lens usage time of<br />

14 hours. This could be reverted by alternate day lens usage and/or shortening<br />

the usage time.<br />

The increase noted in central corneal thickness was to the tune of 30 microns<br />

from a pre lens average value of 546 microns. This increase was noted in only 4<br />

cases (26.66%) and it regressed to its baseline value after 3 weeks of continuous<br />

OK lens use. In the residual patients no increase in central corneal thickness<br />

was noted.<br />

Corneal endothelial cell count was not significantly affected by OK lens wear.<br />

The pre lens prescription<br />

mean value of cell count<br />

was 2256cells/mm 3.<br />

Post OK usage corneal<br />

endothelial cell count<br />

documented was 2173<br />

cells/mm 3.<br />

Tear film stability was<br />

evaluated by tear break<br />

up time (BUT). There<br />

was no change in the<br />

BUT value of 13 seconds<br />

(pre lens prescription)<br />

after consecutive OK<br />

lens wear.<br />

416<br />

<strong>Lens</strong> intolerance and<br />

Graphical representation of time in days and months<br />

versus improvement in unaided vision as measured by<br />

lines read on Snellen’s chart.

<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

punctate keratitis were noted in 1 case respectively in this follow up period.<br />

Giant papillary conjunctivitis was noted after 2 months of use in 1 case<br />

necessitating mast cell stabilizer therapy and abstinence of OK lens for 2<br />

weeks.<br />

The mean keratometry value noted prior to lens fitting was 43.78/44.31<br />

(42.5-46.5)/ (42.5-46.5): mean (range). After complete follow up of 3 months<br />

keratometry values noted were 44.0/44.55 (42.0-46.0)/ (42.5-46.5): mean (range).<br />

The following figure depicts the sequential improvement in vision over a<br />

period of time.<br />

Graphical representation of time in days and months versus improvement in<br />

unaided vision as measured by lines read on Snellen’s chart.<br />


In Indian eyes OK lens wear translates into significant and stable visual acuity<br />

correction. We found that patient with myopic refractive error of less than<br />

3.5Ds required alternate night lens wear over a follow up period of 3 months.<br />

With myopic error greater than 3.5Ds daily night wear schedule was needed.<br />

This needs to be reconfirmed on long term follow up to clarify the wearing<br />

schedule of OK lenses vs amount of myopia.<br />

Anterior Chamber Depth Changes in<br />

Accommodation Measured with Optical<br />

Coherence Tomography<br />

Dr. Mukesh Taneja, Dr. Debarun Dutta, Dr. Tamal Chakraborty, Dr.<br />

Preetam Kumar, Dr. Virender Sangwan<br />

The thickness of the human crystalline lens varies during accommodation. 1<br />

The thickness remains constant when a person fixates at non accommodative<br />

target.<br />

It is generally accepted that during accommodation, the lens thickness<br />

increases thus changes Anterior Chamber Depth (ACD). 2 It is well known that<br />

the accommodation has deep impact on the ACD of eye ball and the curvature<br />

of crystalline lens, but there few relevant study available which objectively<br />

determines how ACD changes with the different accommodative status of the<br />

eye. 3<br />

It is prudent, therefore, to establish a relationship between accommodation<br />

and its effect on ACD in different accommodative age group. The purpose of<br />

the study is to compare the changes of ACD in different modes of objective<br />

accommodation in different age group.<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />


The study was done with Visante Optical Coherence Tomomography (OCT)<br />

system which produces high resolution cross-sectional tomograms of the eye<br />

without contact. It comes equipped with built-in callipers and angle tools,<br />

and a flap tool in high resolution mode. The callipers measure to the tenth<br />

of a millimetre and the flap tool measures to the micron level. This is an<br />

effective tool to produce different objective accommodative target along with<br />

to measure proper ACD.<br />

Evaluation with Visante anterior segment OCT was done with 0, 3.0 and 5.0<br />

Diopter of accommodative stimuli in 3 different age group of 10-20 years<br />

(group A- 18 individuals), 20-40 years (group B-10 individuals) and more than<br />

40 years of age (group C-11individuals).<br />

Inclusion criteria:<br />

1. Age equal or more than 10 yrs<br />

418<br />

2. Male/female<br />

3. No previous ocular pathology<br />

4. No systemic illness<br />

5. Best corrected visual acuity is 6/12 (20/40) or better in each eye<br />

Exclusion criteria<br />

1. Any previous ocular disease<br />

2. Not able to cooperate with the test<br />

3. Any diagnosed/ symptoms of accommodative discrepancy<br />

Anterior Chamber depth measurement was performed using the Visantae<br />

anterior segment OCT (Model 1000, Software version 2), along through the<br />

optical axis. This is entirely a non-invasive method. During the examination<br />

subjects were asked to fix eyes straight at the starburst fixation target against a<br />

dark background. Three consecutive reading were taken with three different<br />

accommodative stimuli (0, 3Diopter, 5Diopter), and average was considered<br />

for analysis.<br />


Total of 78 healthy eyes of 39 individuals in different age groups (36, 20 and 22<br />

eyes in group A, B and C respectively) were evaluated.<br />

The mean ages were 11.33 ± 1.15 years, 24.76 ± 4.97 years and 47.8 ± 4.18 years in<br />

group A, B and C respectively and average anterior chamber depths were 3.42<br />

± 0.22 mm, 2.98 ± 0.33mm and 2.77 ± 0.38 mm for group A, B and C respectively<br />

in resting condition. Anterior chamber depth was reduced by 0.223mm,

<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

0.16mm and 0.040 mm with 3.0 Diopter and 0.233mm, 0.14mm and 0.060mm<br />

with 5.0 Diopter of accommodative stimuli in group A, B and C respectively.<br />

(Table-1).<br />

Table 1: ACD changes noted in group A, B and C<br />

Age groups ACD change with 3.0 Diopter ACD change with 5.00 Diopter<br />

A 0.223 ± 0.156 mm 0.233 ± 0.085 mm<br />

B 0.160 ± 0.220 mm 0.140 ± 0.130 mm<br />

C 0.040 ± 0.053 mm 0.060 ± 0.108 mm<br />


Anterior Chamber Depth changes are inversely related to age, as expected in all<br />

Phakic subjects. Anterior Chamber Depth change per diopter accommodation<br />

is highest in young age groups and reduces progressively with age. ACD<br />

change is negligible between 3 diopter and 5 diopter accommodative stimuli<br />

– suggesting that as age increases, high accommodation stimuli do not have<br />

increased reduction of ACD and changes are almost same as 3 - 4 diopter of<br />

accommodation. Similar results have been published by Yan et al 4 recently in<br />

their modified Slit lamp OCT.<br />

In the presbyopic age groups the ACD changes with 3.00 dioptre of<br />

accommodation stimuli was less compared to all the other groups. There was<br />

no ACD changes with 5.00 dioper of accommodation stimuli in the presbyopic<br />

age group – suggesting that the presbyopic subjects failed to focus the target<br />

and was beyond their amplitude of accommodation.<br />

Anterior chamber depth decreases with increasing accommodation stimuli<br />

and this change is inversely related with age.<br />

Anterior chamber depth has significant reduction rate with increasing<br />

accommodation stimuli however this rate of reduction is significantly less in<br />

high accommodative stimuli compared with low accommodative stimuli.<br />


1. Richdale K et al. <strong>Lens</strong> thickness with age and accommodation by optical coherence<br />

tomography Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2008;28:441-7.<br />

2. Adrian Glasser, PhD. Accommodation: Mechanism and Measurement. Ophthalmol<br />

Clin N Am 2006;19:1-12.<br />

3. Tsobatzoglou A, Nemeth G, Szell N, Biro Z, Berta A. Anterior segment changes with<br />

age and during accommodation measured with partial coherence interferometry. J<br />

Cataract Refract Surg. 2007;33:1597-601.<br />

4. Pi-Song Yan, Hao-Tian Lin, Qi-Lin Wang, Zhen-Pin Zhang. Anterior Segment<br />

Variations with Age and Accommodation Demonstrated by Slit-Lamp–Adapted<br />

Optical Coherence Tomography. Ophthalmology. 2010 Jun 28. [Epub ahead of print].<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

Role of Optical Coherance Tomography in<br />

Boston Ocular Surface Prosthesis Fitting<br />

Dr. Varsha Rathi, Dr. Preeji Mandathara Sudharrman, Dr. Srikanth D,<br />

Dr. Virender Sangwan S<br />

Scleral contact lenses, also known as haptic lenses, rest on sclera and vault<br />

over the cornea (Figure 1.)<br />

The indications for these lenses include irregular astigmatism as in patients<br />

with keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration or ocular surface disease<br />

such as dry eye, graft versus host disease(GvHD), Stevens-Johnson syndrome<br />

(SJS). 1-9 The fitting is dependent on the proper apposition of haptic part of the lens<br />

to the sclera. The fitting of these lenses is based on direct clinical observation<br />

of the vault, the compression pattern of the blood vessels and impingement<br />

near the edge of the scleral lens. 1,9,10 The selection of the first trial lens is based<br />

on the clinician’s expertise in the scleral contact lens fitting. Usually the fitting<br />

involves the extended trial<br />

with the lens after lens<br />

wear for four to six hours<br />

and then reassessing the<br />

vault, haptic compression<br />

and the impingement on<br />

the sclera .9<br />

Optical coherence<br />

tomography (OCT) is<br />

a well known imaging<br />

method that provides<br />

the information about<br />

cornea, anterior segment,<br />

the angle, etc. 11 The<br />

clinical applications<br />

include measuring the<br />

angles in patients with Figure 1: The slit view on slit lamp biomicroscopy<br />

showing the vault i.e. the space between back surface of<br />

glaucoma, the vaults in<br />

the lens and the front surface of the cornea.<br />

case of phakic intraocular<br />

lenses. 11,12 Gemoules and Shen et al have shown that contact lenses can be<br />

imaged with OCT. 13,14 The aim of our study is to describe the role of OCT (<br />

Visante OCT from Carl Zeiss, AS-OCT) in measuring the changes in the vault<br />

and angle after fitting the patients with fluid ventilated scleral contact lens i.e.<br />

Boston Ocular Surface Prosthesis (BOSP).<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />


A prospective analysis of eight eyes of 5 patients who had undergone OCT<br />

before and after fitting of the scleral contact lenses was done. All patients were<br />

referred patients to our scleral contact lens clinic. Among them 2 were males<br />

and 3 were females and the mean age was 36.5 (range 18 to 55 years). AS-OCT<br />

was performed before fitting of the BOSP, then one hour and four hours of the<br />

lens wear. The vault and the angle were measured with the calliper.<br />

BOSP fitting: The fitting of Boston scleral contact lenses is based on by noting<br />

the mid haptic compression, impingement and edge lift on clinical evaluation<br />

by slit lamp biomicroscopy. The vault is noted by noting the distance between<br />

the front surface of the cornea and the back surface of the lens and it is noted<br />

as touch (which is not desired with fluid ventilated lenses), minimal, adequate,<br />

generous and excessive by comparing that to the peripheral corneal thickness.<br />

Depending on the primary indication such as keratoconus where a generous<br />

vault would be desired keeping in mind the progressive nature of keratoconus<br />

and can be adequate for the patients with ocular surface disease where too<br />

much fluid would increase the debris collection within the vault and may<br />

result in foggy vision.<br />

The Visante OCT<br />

is equipped with<br />

built-in callipers<br />

and angle tools<br />

and a flap tool in<br />

high resolution<br />

mode. The<br />

callipers measure<br />

to the tenth of a<br />

millimeter and the<br />

flap tool measures<br />

to the micron<br />

level. The vault<br />

is measured from<br />

the back surface<br />

of the lens and<br />

the front surface<br />

of the cornea in<br />

the centre before<br />

and after lens<br />

insertion (Figure<br />

2).<br />

Figure 2: The vault is measured in the central area as demonstrated<br />

with the calliper. The normal vault for a scleral lens is between 0.25<br />

to 0.40 microns<br />

Figure 3: The angle as measured by drawing two lines in the angle<br />

recess.<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

Anterior chamber angle was measured in degrees i.e. the angle recess formed<br />

at the apex of the anterior chamber angle, the arms being formed by drawing<br />

lines through the points defining the angle open distance. See Figure 3. The<br />

p value was calculated by student’s t-test using the Microsoft 2007 excel sheet.<br />

OCT<br />

Prior to fitting the scleral lens AS-OCT (anterior segment single and quadrant)<br />

was performed and then following scleral contact lens trial, AS-OCT was<br />

performed in the central area to have the measurements done at the same<br />

points in subsequent OCT measurements. The fitting involves challenging the<br />

eye for longer hours of lens wear. The AS-OCT was performed after 1 hour of<br />

lens challenge and then after 4 hours of lens challenge with scleral lenses.<br />

This was done using the same map, mainly comparing the height of the vault<br />

and the anterior chamber angles were measurement.<br />


8 eyes of 5 patients were included in the study. The mean value of height of<br />

vault after 1 hour challenge with scleral contact lenses was 0.80mm and after<br />

4 hour challenge<br />

with scleral<br />

contact lenses<br />

was 0.54mm.<br />

Figure 4: The chart shows the reduction in vault after one hour and<br />

4 hours of lens wear indicating that the reduction in vault after lens<br />

settling may result in touch and the fitting should be assessed after<br />

a minimum of four hours for final ordering of the lens.<br />

See Chart 1. Pre<br />

lens wear the AC<br />

angles mean value<br />

were 39.95 (±7.45),<br />

38.925(±9.285).<br />

Post lens wear<br />

after 1hour the AC<br />

angle mean value<br />

were 41.75(±6.161),<br />

39.76(±8.121) and<br />

after 4hours<br />

the AC angle<br />

mean value were<br />

40.25(±9.839), 38.87(±7.805), the difference was not significant statistically (p<br />

>0.05).<br />


Our analysis showed the reduction in vault after four hours of lens wear<br />

compared to one hour after lens wear. Till now, the fitting of scleral contact<br />

lenses is subjective. Measurement of vault with the AS-OCT may help in<br />


<strong>Optics</strong>/<strong>Refraction</strong>/<strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Papers</strong><br />

preventing the contact of scleral lens to the cornea. This is important as these<br />

lenses are indicated for patients with keratoconus and constant rubbing of the<br />

contact lens or cornea may result in scarring. Scleral contact lenses are used<br />

for irregular astigmatism as in keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration<br />

and post graft high irregular astigmatism or for ocular surface disease such<br />

as SJS, GvHD. Keratoconus is usually bilateral and is progressive disease. As<br />

keratoconus progresses, the vault may reduce resulting in scarring. Hence,<br />

measuring the vault in the initial fitting may help us in increasing the vault in<br />

cases which would progress such as keratoconus and the same may be can be<br />

applied to post LASIK or sometimes post graft ectasia.<br />

This is important as the same lens can be worn for a longer duration of days if<br />

the other parameters of the fitting remain same. As these lenses rest on sclera<br />

and do not touch the cornea, the fitting is not affected by corneal curvature<br />

and even when the corneal curvature increases, with adequate vault the<br />

fitting may remain the same provided the haptic bearing scleral does not have<br />

any changes. With the reduction in vault there was a theoretical possibility<br />

of haptic compressing the globe but there was no statistically significant<br />

difference between the angles before and after lens wear. So, assessment of<br />

vault with OCT may help in titrating the vault in patients of keratoconus and<br />

ocular surface disease. Gemoules et al have reported OCT being used in the<br />

fitting of the scleral lenses routinely by noting the toricity of peripheral sclera.<br />

12 In our analysis, the vault reduced after four hours of lens wear, which<br />

helped us in ordering the lenses with more vault. This is especially important<br />

in finalizing the fitting of these lenses especially when the vault is borderline.<br />

To conclude, OCT is helpful in determining the vault and angle compression<br />

in fitting patients with fluid ventilated scleral lens and, though our number is<br />

less, the results were promising.<br />


1. Rathi VM, Mandathara P, Dumpathi S, Vaddavalli PV, Sangwan VS. Boston ocular<br />

surface prosthesis: an Indian Experience. Indian Journal Ophthalmol. In Press<br />

2 Ridley F. Scleral <strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong>es. Their Clinical Significance. Arch Ophthalmol<br />

1963;70:740-5.<br />

3. Ridley F. Therapeutic uses of scleral contact lenses. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1962;2:687-<br />

716.<br />

4. Pullum KW, Whiting MA, Buckley RJ. Scleral contact lenses: the expanding role.<br />

Cornea 2005;24:269-77.<br />

5. Romero-Rangel T,Stavrou P, Cotter J et al. Gas-permeable scleral contact lens<br />

therapy in ocular surface disease. Am J Ophthalmol 2000;130:25-32.<br />

6. Rosenthal P, Cotter J. The Boston Scleral <strong>Lens</strong> in the management of severe ocular<br />

surface disease. Ophthalmol Clin North Am 2003;16:89-93.<br />


69th AIOC Proceedings, Ahmedabad 2011<br />

7. Rosenthal P, Croteau A. Fluid-ventilated, gas-permeable scleral contact lens is<br />

an effective option for managing severe ocular surface disease and many corneal<br />

disorders that would otherwise require penetrating keratoplasty. Eye <strong>Contact</strong> <strong>Lens</strong><br />

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