RPG Character Compendiums, Volume 5 - Free Edition #1-5

This is a free version of Volume 5 of the RPG Character Compendiums, which includes characters #1 though #5 of RPGCCs Volume 5. If you want full versions of these, come support and become part of the community at Patreon.com/Jeshields

This is a free version of Volume 5 of the RPG Character Compendiums, which includes characters #1 though #5 of RPGCCs Volume 5. If you want full versions of these, come support and become part of the community at Patreon.com/Jeshields


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USING THE <strong>RPG</strong>CCS<br />

Use the charts and definitions below to convert Compendium <strong>Character</strong>s into your system of choice.<br />

Rank<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />


0 seconds<br />

10 seconds<br />

1 minute<br />

10 minutes<br />

1 hour<br />

10 hours<br />

1 day<br />

10 days<br />

1 month<br />

1 year<br />

Permanent<br />

RATE<br />

10 years<br />

1 year<br />

1 month<br />

10 days<br />

1 day<br />

10 hours<br />

1 hour<br />

10 minutes<br />

1 minute<br />

10 seconds<br />

Instant<br />

SPEED<br />

0 mph<br />

5 mph<br />

10 mph<br />

50 mph<br />

100 mph<br />

500 mph<br />

Speed of Sound<br />

Faster than Sound<br />

Speed of Light<br />

Faster than Light<br />

Speed of Time<br />


Touch Range<br />

Across a Room<br />

Across a Building<br />

Across a Block<br />

Across a Neighborhood<br />

Across a City<br />

Across a State/Province<br />

Across a Country/Nation<br />

Across a Planet<br />

Across a Solar System<br />

Across a Galaxy<br />


Destroy a Bug<br />

Destroy a Toy or Device<br />

Destroy Appliance<br />

Destroy Furniture<br />

Destroy a Vehicle<br />

Destroy an Armored Vehicle<br />

Destroy a Building<br />

Destroy a Neighborhood<br />

Destroy a City<br />

Destroy an Island<br />

Destroy a Planet<br />




RATE<br />

SPEED<br />

Damage is used to determine the physical destruction that may be caused by a single<br />

use of a character's attribute, ability, skill, or equipment.<br />

Distance is a measurement of range that an ability, equipment, or skill can span with a<br />

single use. Note that some movement abilities rank under distance rather than speed.<br />

Duration is the measurement of time that a character's ability, skill, or equipment may<br />

continue to function without further action.<br />

Rate is the range of time that determines how often an ability, skill, or equipment may<br />

operate before being available again.<br />

This attribute is used to determine the rate of physical movement as a result of a<br />

power, equipment, and even a skill, if appropriate. This is separate from distance.

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