ceramill - AmannGirrbach AG

ceramill - AmannGirrbach AG

ceramill - AmannGirrbach AG


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T BOX<br />

Methods. Performance and products for more<br />

profitability in the laboratory<br />

Our objective is to provide support in both<br />

product and technology and to enhance your<br />

productivity.<br />

The three <strong>AG</strong> methods showing the core<br />

processes in the lab demonstrate the first<br />

statement:<br />

Model Management – from model design to<br />

the analysis of the completed model in the<br />

articulator.<br />

Framework Management – from the initial<br />

situation in the articulator to the design of<br />

frameworks.<br />

Productivity is – above all - defined via<br />

efficiency. We want to make you strong<br />

through more expertise, and an extraordinary<br />

service – the <strong>AG</strong> Performances.<br />

With each module that you use from the<br />

<strong>AG</strong> Profit Circle, you will discover a further<br />

component in terms of productivity. The same<br />

is applicable to the optional selection of system<br />

combinations from digital and manual, inhouse<br />

and outsourcing in Ceramill Mall.<br />

METHOD<br />

MODEL<br />

MAN<strong>AG</strong>EMENT<br />

Registration | Articulation<br />

Model fabrication<br />

Dosing | Mixing | Cleaning<br />


MAN<strong>AG</strong>MENT<br />

Outsource Digital<br />

Inhouse Digital<br />

Inhouse Manual<br />

MAN<strong>AG</strong>EMENT<br />

MODEL<br />



<strong>AG</strong> profitcircle<br />

FRAMEWORK MAN<strong>AG</strong>EMENT<br />

PROFIT-<br />


D-LAB 24<br />

Website<br />

Webinars<br />


Financing Services<br />

Promotions<br />

Protection-Plan<br />


Customer Service<br />

Technical Service<br />

money<br />

Demand<br />

Increase in lab efficiency<br />

time<br />

Methods<br />

Optimal work processes in your lab<br />

Comfort<br />

Services<br />

Before, during and after buying

Framework construction according<br />

to your requirements<br />

System:<br />

In-house<br />

construction –<br />

external milling<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mall<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

In-house digital<br />

construction and<br />

milling<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

In-house manual<br />

construction and<br />

milling<br />

money<br />

_ Tailor-made offers to finance the system<br />

_ Optional combination of construction methods with<br />

ample material diversity<br />

money<br />

time<br />

_ Efficient working processes (methods)<br />

_ Reproducibility<br />

_ The fastest manufacturing method for each indication<br />

time<br />

Comfort<br />

_ Permanent know-how transfer<br />

_ All manufacturing methods for the framework construction from one<br />

source (Outsource digital, Inhouse digital, Inhouse manual)<br />


Products:<br />

The model scanner with a perfect<br />

price performance ratio<br />

The high performance model scanner<br />

with connection to articulator<br />

The brain of the system:<br />

The construction software<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

_ Economical introductory model _ Unlimited indication width _ Large functional scope<br />

_ Functional operation concept<br />

_ Fully automatic scanning of<br />

bridges up to 14 units<br />

_ Economizing time through intuitive<br />

dental technical workflow<br />

_ Bite registration, gingiva and<br />

wax-up scans possible with ease<br />

_ Artex ® CR synchable with<br />

virtual articulator<br />

_ Automatic preparation margin<br />

recognition<br />

_ Comprehensive indication range

Manageable, versatile and accurate:<br />

The CAM milling machine<br />

Reliable and precise:<br />

The milling center<br />

The indication champion for<br />

zirconium oxide<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

_ Superior CNC technology for high<br />

productivity<br />

_ Completion of indication range<br />

without additional investment and<br />

stock keeping<br />

_ Small price, wide range<br />

of applications<br />

_ Optimized milling strategies for<br />

efficient manufacturing cycles<br />

_ Quicker through-put times with high<br />

quality & precision<br />

_ Optimal workflow through<br />

spherical shells<br />

_ Wide spectrum of indications<br />

regarding materials and size<br />

_ Safer and simpler flow of work<br />

_ Common, dental technical working<br />

method, easy to learn

<strong>ceramill</strong> mall<br />

Outsource Digital<br />

Inhouse Digital<br />

Inhouse Manual

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

O v e r v i e w<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mall<br />

We do it your way –<br />

Framework fabrication that adapts to your requirements<br />

„Ceramill Mall“ – At <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> this stands for a wide choice of framework fabrication, all from one source. Just like in a<br />

shopping mall, we will offer you a tailor-made solution to suit your present situation.<br />

According to your material or indication requirements, this could be either manual processing using the Ceramill Multi-x or the<br />

digital technique using the Ceramill CAD/CAM – both for use in your own laboratory.<br />

Then again, you may decide to have your frameworks processed externally. The milling center “Ceramill M-Center” could therefore<br />

be the right option for you. With their large array of materials (zirconium oxide, glass ceramic, non-precious metal alloys,<br />

titanium, composite, wax) this could even be used as an addition to your own in-house processing.<br />

Whatever you decide – we will be pleased to support you in your search for the right option.<br />


L<br />

Model fabrication<br />

L<br />

Scan/CAD<br />

CNC (milling, sintering)<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

L<br />

Model fabrication<br />

L<br />

Scan/CAD<br />

L<br />

CNC (milling)<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Version 1<br />

L<br />

Model fabrication<br />

L<br />

Fabrication in acrylic<br />

L<br />

Ceramill Multi-x<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

Version 2<br />

L<br />

Model fabrication<br />

L<br />

Fabrication in wax<br />

L<br />

Casting<br />

Laboratory<br />

<strong>AmannGirrbach</strong><br />

Postage<br />

Sending data per email<br />

Additional option<br />

F | 8

C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

O v e r v i e w<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mall<br />

With the Ceramill Mall an ideal system combination is available for every<br />

laboratory, both in economical and in dental technical terms<br />

Outsource Digital<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> map<br />

The high performance model scanner<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mind<br />

The brain of the system:<br />

The construction software<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> m-center<br />

Reliable and precise:<br />

The milling center<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mall<br />

Inhouse Digital<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> map<br />

The high performance model scanner<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mind<br />

The brain of the system:<br />

The construction software<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> motion<br />

Manageable, versatile and accurate:<br />

The CAM milling machine<br />

Inhouse Manual<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> multi-x<br />

The indication champion for<br />

zirconium oxide<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> cast<br />

Highly precise framework<br />

fabrication in metal<br />

+<br />

T h e a d va n ta g e s o f C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

_ The economic and dental technical, ideal system<br />

combination for every laboratory<br />

_ Wide range of indications and materials<br />

_ A choice of technology (manually, digitally)<br />

_ Great flexibility due to the option of in-house<br />

and out-sourcing<br />

_ Shared assessment of requirements to support<br />

you in making an objective decision for the<br />

best economical and dental technical system<br />

combination<br />

_ System integration with model management,<br />

framework management and therefore<br />

processing safety, consistency and precision<br />

_ Investment safety with continual offers of<br />

upgrades and system configuration<br />

_ Open system components<br />

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F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

O v e r v i e w<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mall<br />

Overview of the wide range of materials and<br />

applications covered by Ceramill Mall:<br />

Ceramill Framework<br />

units:<br />

The most important<br />

features at a glance:<br />

The most important<br />

indications:<br />

Ceramill ZI units<br />

(zirconium oxide)<br />

_ High strength, rigidity, and<br />

biocompatibility<br />

_ On request tooth coloured<br />

framework by staining<br />

_ Conventional and adhesive<br />

fixation<br />

_ Crowns and bridges in<br />

the anterior and posterior<br />

region<br />

_ Telescope and conical<br />

crowns<br />

_ Abutments and<br />

attachments<br />

! @<br />

Ceramill TI<br />

alloy units<br />

(TiAINb)<br />

_ High strength, rigidity, and<br />

biocompatibility<br />

_ Homogenous structure<br />

_ Industrially pre-fabricated<br />

material, no casting<br />

defects<br />

_ Crowns and bridges in<br />

the anterior and posterior<br />

region<br />

_ 2 pontics<br />

_ Telescope and conical<br />

crowns<br />

!<br />

Ceramill NP L units<br />

(CoCr – laser sintered)<br />

!<br />

_ High strength, rigidity<br />

_ Complex frameworks<br />

possible<br />

_ Beryllium and nickel-free<br />

_ Crowns and bridges in<br />

the anterior and posterior<br />

region<br />

_ Telescope and conical<br />

crowns<br />

_ For veneering with<br />

conventional metal<br />

bonding porcelains<br />

_ Frameworks for veneering<br />

or fully anatomical<br />

Ceramill GCER units<br />

(glass ceramic)<br />

_ High aesthetics<br />

_ High strength<br />

_ Industrially pre-fabricated<br />

material<br />

_ Inlays, Onlays, Veneers<br />

_ Single crowns<br />

_ For conventional and<br />

adhesive fixation<br />

!<br />

! Outsource Digital | @ Inhouse Digital<br />

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C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

O v e r v i e w<br />

Ceramill Framework<br />

units:<br />

The most important<br />

features at a glance:<br />

The most important<br />

indications:<br />

Ceramill COMP units<br />

(Composite)<br />

_ Nano composite<br />

_ High flexural strength<br />

_ Metal-free<br />

_ Ready-made material from<br />

industrial production<br />

_ Permanent prostheses:<br />

up to 3 unit briges<br />

_ Temporary appliances:<br />

up to 14 unit bridges,<br />

2 intermediate elements<br />

_ Suitable for veneer<br />

bonding<br />

!<br />

Ceramill TEMP units<br />

(dyed PMMA)<br />

_ Dyed resin<br />

_ Industrially pre-fabricated<br />

material<br />

_ Temporary appliances<br />

_ 2 intermediate elements<br />

_ Suitable for veneer<br />

bonding<br />

! @<br />

Ceramill PMMA units<br />

(acrylic which burns out<br />

without residue)<br />

_ Transparent acrylic<br />

_ Burns out without<br />

leaving a residue<br />

_ Industrially pre-fabricated<br />

material<br />

_ Temporary, frameworks<br />

which can be veneered<br />

_ Framework for casting<br />

technique and press-on<br />

technique<br />

! @<br />

Ceramill WAX units<br />

_ Burns out without<br />

leaving a residue<br />

_ Industrially pre-fabricated<br />

material<br />

_ Framework for casting<br />

technique and press-on<br />

technique<br />

! @<br />

! Outsource Digital | @ Inhouse Digital<br />

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F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> map100<br />

The part-automatic entry-level scanner –<br />

uncompromising scanning quality<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

All scanners in the Ceramill<br />

Map range are characterised<br />

by their high resolution data,<br />

which is generated by the<br />

strip light projection. Highly<br />

sensitive 3D sensors ensure<br />

of highly accurate images of<br />

the model (< 20 μm).<br />

Another standard quality is<br />

the functional range of the<br />

background software: Apart<br />

from scanning the model, it is<br />

also capable of scanning the<br />

bite registrations, gingiva and<br />

wax-ups.<br />

The low-cost basic scanner<br />

Ceramill Map100 is ideally<br />

equipped for 90% of all prosthetic<br />

restorations<br />

(6 units). Larger restorations<br />

are also possible.<br />

The scanning field comprises<br />

50x36x40 mm. The model is<br />

positioned by hand. The end<br />

position can be checked live<br />

on the monitor.<br />

_The automatic axis has been replaced by a manually manoeuvrable axis, thus<br />

providing the low entry-level price<br />

_Individual scanning strategy (manual model alignment), saves time<br />

_The model can be adjusted by hand in the scanner. Re-scanning takes place with<br />

just one mouse click<br />

_The model, the live image on the monitor and the constructed scan all move<br />

synchronously so that the missing areas can be directly re-scanned<br />

_Scanning can take place while the door is open due to the strip light projection<br />

_Main application: 1-6 unit bridges, 14 unit bridges also possible<br />

_Bite registration, gingiva and wax-up scan possible for optimised framework fabrication<br />

_The scanner comes with an open interface, scans (stl-files) can also be downloaded<br />

into other CAD software<br />

+<br />

The model can be adjusted in the<br />

scanner by hand. Side effect: Waiting<br />

times during the scanning process<br />

are reduced.<br />

When the model is turned in the<br />

scanner, the live image and the scan<br />

also turn automatically on the monitor.<br />

Scan and live image – easy re-scanning<br />

via mouse-click or button on the<br />

scanner.<br />

F | 12

C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> map300<br />

The fully automatic scanner –<br />

uncompromising quality and handling<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

Apart from the same qualities<br />

as the Map100, the Ceramill<br />

Map300 is particularly characterised<br />

by its ease of use.<br />

The scan field is identified<br />

and assessed automatically,<br />

which means that large<br />

spanned bridge frameworks<br />

can be quickly and efficiently<br />

documented.<br />

Articulated models can also be<br />

easily processed by this type –<br />

one of the prerequisites when<br />

the“ virtual articulator”<br />

comes into action with the<br />

construction software.<br />

_The fully automatic strip light scanner scans up to 14 unit bridges quickly and easily<br />

_Articulated models can be scanned in relation to the articulator, then downloaded<br />

into the CAD software in the Artex ® CR for the automatic fabrication of fully<br />

anatomical frameworks<br />

_Bite registration, situation model, gingiva and wax-up-scan possible for optimal<br />

framework fabrication<br />

_Automatic user-guidance through the scan programme for easy and safe operation<br />

_The scanner comes with an open interface, scans (stl-files) can also be downloaded<br />

into other CAD sortware<br />

+<br />

Articulated models in the Artex ® CR<br />

Articulated models positioned by<br />

Splitex ® in Map300<br />

Scanned models in the virtual articulator<br />

Artex ® CR in the CAD software<br />

Ceramill Mind<br />

F | 13

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> mind<br />

The intelligent Construction Software –<br />

The “spirit“ of framework fabrication<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

A software which is designed<br />

to follow the dental technical<br />

work-flow is the main<br />

prerequisite for the greatest<br />

possible acceptance of a<br />

digital medium. The CAD software<br />

Ceramill Mind was developed<br />

in close collaboration<br />

with dental technicians - and<br />

its further development is<br />

confirmed. Its contents leave<br />

nothing to be desired: Precise<br />

recognition of the prepared<br />

margin, automatic bridge and<br />

connector design, tooth library<br />

compilation and the open<br />

system structure are just some<br />

of the highlights.<br />

_ Large indication spectrum (fully anatomical and anatomically reduced crowns and<br />

bridges, inlays/onlays, reducing wax-ups, press-over, telescopes, virtual articulator)<br />

_Intuitive dental technical work-flow for comfortable and reliable use<br />

_The virtual articulator simulates the mandibular excursions and automatically<br />

constructs a full anatomical framework proposal, according to the dynamic occlusion,<br />

therefore reducing the necessity to grind the surfaces after milling<br />

_The order button integrated in the programme makes sending the<br />

construction data simple<br />

_Open for every type of construction data (File type: stl), increases flexibility<br />

_Open interface<br />

+<br />

Anatomically reduced bridge Inlay Virtual articulator Artex ® CR<br />

F | 14

C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> artex ® _ The virtual articulator offers the same functional scope as compared to the real<br />

Virtual Artex ® CR as Upgrade for Ceramill Map300 and Ceramill Mind.<br />

The functional interface between manual and digital prosthetic dentistry.<br />

With manual production of<br />

dental prosthesis working<br />

with the articulator is standard<br />

for dental laboratories.<br />

In order to achieve the same<br />

quality of the works virtually,<br />

it is only logical and consistent<br />

to enable this by means<br />

of a CAD-CAM system. The<br />

virtual articulator “Ceramill<br />

Artex” serves as a bridge<br />

between manual and digital<br />

techniques:<br />

The model pair in the Artex<br />

articulator is transfered to<br />

the Map300-scanner while<br />

holding the same Artex mode<br />

by means of the Ceramill<br />

transferkit; it is subsequently<br />

scanned-in in the appropriate<br />

proportion.<br />

The motion mode and free<br />

zones of the Artex ® CR are<br />

thus brought into line on the<br />

same modes - digitally and<br />

manually.<br />

Disturbing structures may<br />

already be removed thus<br />

reducing time-consuming<br />

grinding in the patient’s<br />

mouth to a minimum.<br />

Artex ® CR (Adjustment modes of the horizontal inclination of condylar guidance<br />

(Bennett Angle; Retrusion; Immediate Side Shift)<br />

_ The transfer of the models by means of the Artex ® transferkit ensures the precision<br />

at the functional interface between manual and digital techniques.<br />

_ The calculation of the fully anatomical construction is dynamic and static under<br />

consideration of the antagonists and the adjusted values of the articulator.<br />

_ Space for the porcelain built-up is automatically foreseen during the construction –<br />

thus an optimal framework basis is established for veneers with high stability and a<br />

consistent layer thickness.<br />

+<br />

Models in the Ceramill-Fixator<br />

Models in the Ceramill fixator as a<br />

transfer interface in the Ceramill<br />

Map300<br />

Adjustment modes at the virtual<br />

Artex ® CR<br />

F | 15

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> m-plant<br />

Abutment Module Upgrade<br />

for Ceramill Mind<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

Ceramill M-Plant is an upgrade<br />

module for the construction<br />

software Ceramill Mind<br />

and functions as a complement<br />

to construct individual<br />

hybrid abutments made from<br />

titanium and zirconium oxide.<br />

Ceramic<br />

veneers<br />

With the adhesion of the titanium<br />

basis and the individual<br />

abutment the placement of a<br />

permanent and stable abutment<br />

in the implant is guaranteed.<br />

By means of a transparent<br />

user interface smooth<br />

and efficient working processes<br />

become possible with<br />

the creation of abutments<br />

and anatomically reduced<br />

copings in only a few steps.<br />

Emergency profiles that may<br />

be designed freely to achieve<br />

a natural and aesthetic<br />

result offer at the same time<br />

a high degree of individual<br />

design for an optimal Gingiva<br />

configuration. The data may<br />

then be smoothly processed<br />

via the Ceramill Motion milling<br />

unit or <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong>’s<br />

manufacturing center<br />

Ceramill M-Center.<br />

Anatomically<br />

reduced<br />

copings<br />

Abutment<br />

Titanium<br />

basis<br />

_ Applicable for 11 implant systems (e.g. Nobel Biocare, Straumann, Astra etc.)<br />

_ Manufacturing with the Ceramill Motion and also in the Ceramill M-Center<br />

_ By way of hybrid technique safe and long lasting fit of the abutment in the implant<br />

_ Abutment and anatomically reduced copings may be produced in one individual<br />

step from the full anatomical shape.<br />

_ The titanium bases incl. screws, scans and laboratory analogues are available<br />

from <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> directly.<br />

+<br />

NEW<br />

Titanium base assortement will be available shortly.<br />

Please contact your dealer for latest information or check<br />

our website www.amanngirrbach.com<br />

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C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> motion<br />

The compact milling machine – for quick and precise framework<br />

fabrication in zirconium oxide, acrylic and wax<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

The compact CNC* milling<br />

machine Ceramill Motion gets<br />

things moving.<br />

Clean, efficient and precise -<br />

this CAM unit mills most<br />

framework situations in the<br />

laboratory.<br />

Using Ceramill Match, the<br />

works aligned with the blank<br />

are converted into milling data<br />

at lightning speed.<br />

The compact external<br />

dimensions and an appealing<br />

design make the Ceramill<br />

Motion an attractive looking<br />

work horse to have in the<br />

laboratory.<br />

*Computer Numeric Control<br />

_ Dry milling of zirconium oxide, acrylic and wax<br />

_Mills up to 14 unit bridges<br />

_Optimised milling process, therefore lower milling times, high productivity<br />

_Small amount of space required, fits into every laboratory<br />

_The blanks from the Ceramill System can be used – quick click insertion<br />

_ Tool holding fixture with automatic tool changer<br />

_Open interface for an open scanner<br />

_Quick and easy positioning of the units in the blank – efficient use of the blank<br />

_ Highly precise Jäger spindle with a true-running accuracy of < 0,004 mm<br />

_ Smooth working possible by means of integrated monitoring electronics of the<br />

axis position<br />

_ Air jet function and tool cooling by integrated air nozzles at the spindle for<br />

a long operating time<br />

_ Automatic tool length measurement and broken tool detection<br />

+<br />

F | 17

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> motion<br />

Inhouse milling with premium performance,<br />

usability and precision<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

Only the best is good enough. The centrepiece of each<br />

Ceramill Motion is a high frequency spindle of the worldwide<br />

known German company Alfred Jäger that - with 40 years<br />

of experience in the area of engine spindles and application<br />

technology - ensures profound expert knowledge and<br />

reliability to meet the extraordinary high performance<br />

requirement of Ceramill Motion.<br />

The automatic operator guidance and the transparent user<br />

interface of the Ceramill Match CAM software form the basis<br />

for a reliable and easy operation. No CAM or milling know-how<br />

is required to use it. Even users with little experience may quickly<br />

and easily establish the milling programs to manufacture<br />

crowns and bridge frameworks. An elaborated collision control<br />

(and evasion) of Ceramill Match ® ensures a high degree of process<br />

reliability.<br />

Automatic tool mount and change, as well as tool detection<br />

and calibration.<br />

The perfect fit. Superior precision in zirconium oxide, acrylic<br />

and wax.<br />

F | 18

C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> m-center<br />

The manufacturing centre for all indications and materials:<br />

Versatile, reliable and fast<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

The prosthetic restoration<br />

still bears the individual technician’s<br />

signature – the milling<br />

center will only produce<br />

a piece of work which has<br />

been previously approved by<br />

him.<br />

A procedure using state-ofthe-art<br />

technology and specially<br />

trained processing engineers.<br />

Not without dental<br />

technical quality control,<br />

which takes place before the<br />

finished framework is dispatched.<br />

Naturally, various <strong>AG</strong> support<br />

media is available on all<br />

aspects in the Ceramill<br />

M-Center: Online help, tracking<br />

the status of each order, the<br />

Ceramill help desk.<br />

www.<strong>ceramill</strong>-m-center.com<br />

_The wide spectrum of different materials available (zirconium oxide,<br />

glass ceramic, CrCo, titanium, composite, PMMA) cover almost the entire<br />

framework fabrication spectrum<br />

_A variety of indications (anatomically reduced and fully anatomical crowns<br />

and bridges, telescopes, inlays/onlays, pressable techniques)<br />

_Quick processing times – good planning safety<br />

_State-of-the-art production techniques produce optimal and<br />

precise frameworks<br />

_ Video-tutorials, CAD-CAM forum and exclusive services for M-Center customers<br />

+<br />

Ceramill M-Center is equipped with the latest lasermelting and ultrasonic ®<br />

milling technology and produces to the highest quality standards<br />

Quality control by professionals<br />

F | 19

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> helpdesk<br />

The service line: targeted and<br />

cooperative support<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

The Ceramill Helpdesk provides<br />

information and support<br />

from the putting into operation<br />

to the case related problem<br />

solving. A highly qualified<br />

team of dental technicians<br />

is ready to provide specific<br />

information and expert<br />

knowledge. Via phone or by<br />

desktop sharing via the<br />

Internet we are present in<br />

your laboratory and thus may<br />

offer an immediate solution<br />

that renders you productive<br />

within no time.<br />

_ Easy contact by ticket system – within 1h customers are called<br />

back by a specialist<br />

_ Practical support during the putting into operation<br />

_ Case-related problem solving<br />

_ Answering of questions via e-mail and phone<br />

_ Online support by desktop sharing – we demonstrate the next working<br />

steps on your screen<br />

_ Comprehensive information via Internet (www.<strong>ceramill</strong>-m-center.com)<br />

+<br />

Video tutorials on<br />

www.<strong>ceramill</strong>-m-center.com<br />

Highly qualified dental engineers at<br />

Ceramill Helpdesk<br />

Live support on your PC<br />

F | 20

C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong>-m-center.com<br />

Your interface to the <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong><br />

manufacturing centre<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

The Ceramill M-Center<br />

Website is designed in particular<br />

for customers with an<br />

<strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> CAD/CAM<br />

system. It provides the customer<br />

with basic information on<br />

the product, the method and<br />

the manufacturing process.<br />

For registered customers, it<br />

offers a wide range of additional<br />

services like transfer of<br />

know-how and order processing.<br />

Hardware and software<br />

registration, user support,<br />

monitoring the order status<br />

(*no ordering function) as<br />

well as package tracking guarantee<br />

customers full control<br />

of the digital outsourcing process<br />

chain.<br />

UPLOAD<br />

One-click upload of<br />

construction- and order data<br />

using the upload-button of<br />

the Ceramill mind software.<br />

Therefore there is no need of<br />

any additional order function<br />

via the website.<br />

Order processing<br />

Download area<br />

CAD/CAM user forum<br />

Information material/indications<br />

F | 21

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t <br />

C e r a m i l l M a l l<br />

S y s t e m - c o m p o n e n t s<br />

<strong>ceramill</strong> multi-x<br />

The zirconium oxide winner for<br />

a wide range of indications<br />

Outsource<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Digital<br />

Inhouse<br />

Manual<br />

Zirkon<br />

Vertical milling using the<br />

pantograph with unlimited<br />

movement, the spherical<br />

shells make the Multi-x an<br />

indication champion for<br />

zirconium oxide.<br />

Completely new indications<br />

that have currently only been<br />

possible in metal.<br />

_ Vertical pantograph – even and smooth surfaces also possible in vertical surfaces<br />

_ Quick and easy to determine the angle of insertion with the moveable<br />

spherical shell tables<br />

_ The vacuum held spherical shell tables and thus the fixing of the milling position<br />

may be activated through the foot pedal<br />

_ Maximum workflow<br />

_ Variable and precise setting of the enlargement factor using the micrometer screw<br />

_ Working table fixture for quick blank insertion<br />

_ Clean processing of the zirconium blank using integrated blast and<br />

extraction equipment<br />

_ Also available as an upgrade for every Ceramill Base<br />

+<br />

Milling a screw<br />

seat using a<br />

milling machine<br />

with angle<br />

movement<br />

Milling a screw<br />

seat using a<br />

milling machine<br />

without angle<br />

movement<br />

Easy processing of undercuts by<br />

tilting the spherical shell table<br />

Ceramill Teleskopkit to manufacture<br />

telescopes in the same precision as<br />

metal.<br />

Ceramill Gel/Pontic, the light<br />

curing modelling acrylics for crowns<br />

and pontics.<br />

F | 22

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

O r d e r I n f o r m at i o n s<br />

A m a n n G i r r bac h Ceramill Mall<br />

B | 23

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

Ceramill Outsource Digital 100 | SET<br />

179003 - Ceramill Map100 (part automatic scanner)<br />

- Ceramill Mind (CAD SW)<br />

- PC incl. monitor, keyboard, mouse, virus scan software<br />

without furnace and extraction<br />

Ceramill Map100<br />

Ceramill Mind<br />

Ceramill Outsource Digital 300 | SET<br />

179004 - Ceramill Map300 (full automatic scanner)<br />

- Ceramill Mind (CAD SW)<br />

- Ceramill Mind Artex CR<br />

(additional feature virtual Articulator)<br />

- PC incl. monitor, keyboard, mouse, virus scan software<br />

without furnace and extraction<br />

Ceramill Map300<br />

Ceramill Mind<br />

Ceramill Inhouse Digital Motion | SET<br />

179005 - Ceramill Motion<br />

incl. Ceramill Match (Milling device incl. CAM SW)<br />

- PC incl. monitor, keyboard, mouse, virus scan software<br />

without furnace and extraction<br />

Ceramill Mind<br />

Ceramill Motion<br />

Ceramill Inhouse Digital 100 | SET<br />

179001 - Ceramill Map100 (part automatic scanner)<br />

- Ceramill Mind (CAD SW)<br />

- Ceramill Motion<br />

incl. Ceramill Match (Milling device incl. CAM SW)<br />

- PC incl. monitor, keyboard, mouse, virus scan software<br />

without furnace and extraction<br />

Ceramill Map100<br />

Ceramill Mind<br />

Ceramill Motion<br />

Ceramill Inhouse Digital 300 | SET<br />

179002 - Ceramill Map300 (full automatic scanner)<br />

- Ceramill Mind (CAD SW)<br />

- Ceramill Mind Artex CR<br />

(additional feature virtual Articulator)<br />

- Ceramill Motion<br />

incl. Ceramill Match (Milling device incl. CAM SW)<br />

- PC incl. monitor, keyboard, mouse, virus scan software<br />

without furnace and extraction<br />

Ceramill Map300<br />

Ceramill Mind<br />

Ceramill Motion<br />

B | 24

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

Technical Data<br />

Dimensions: 406 x 280 x 423<br />

Weight: 16 kg<br />

Electrical connection values (V/A/Hz):<br />

230/3,6/50-60, 115/7,0/50<br />

Performance: 1000 W<br />

Volume: max. 52 dbA<br />

Filter bag size: 10 Liter<br />

Hose diameter: 38 mm<br />

Hose length: 1,8 m<br />

Adapter diameter: conical, 37-38 mm<br />

HEPA micro filter (97,97%),<br />

Filter class H12, dust class M<br />

Ceramill Airstream<br />

_ Suction for Ceramill Motion, Multi-x and Smartbox Invest<br />

_ May also be used for other devices with attached adapter<br />

178600 Ceramill Airstream 230 V<br />

(100-120V = 178600V100-V120)<br />

178610 Airstream Suction Bag (5 pcs.)<br />

178611 Airstream Microfilter (1 pcs.)<br />

Ceramill Scanmarker<br />

Ceramill Scan marker is a powder spray that is applied to the surface<br />

of models or teeth to improve their visual characteristics when using<br />

a camera or scanner in the CAD/CAM technique. Suitable for extraoral<br />

use.<br />

760562 Ceramill Scanmarker 50 ml<br />

Technical Data Map100<br />

Dimensions: 426x328x603<br />

Weight: 33 kg<br />

Power supply: 230 V 1,25 A<br />

E-fuse: T1,25 A<br />

Output: 50 Watt<br />

Accuracy: < 20 µm<br />

Axes: 2<br />

Recommended installation site:<br />

Table, no direct sunlight<br />

Technical Data Map300<br />

Dimensions: 426x414x720<br />

Weight: 57 kg<br />

Power supply: 230 V 1,25 A<br />

E-fuse: T1,25 A<br />

Output: 50 Watt<br />

Accuracy: < 20 µm<br />

Axes: 4<br />

Recommended installation site:<br />

Table, no direct sunlight<br />

Technical Data Motion<br />

Dimensions: 466x430x730<br />

Weight: 62 kg<br />

Power supply: 230 V 5 A<br />

E-fuse: T1,25 A<br />

Output: 250 Watt<br />

Compressed air connection:<br />

dry, clean compressed air,<br />

6 bar max. 50 l/min<br />

Engine speed: 60.000 rpm<br />

Torque: 4 Ncm<br />

Collet chuck: 3 mm<br />

Accuracy: < 10 µm<br />

Axes: 3+1<br />

Jäger Spindel<br />

Cut ball screw<br />

Recommended installation site:<br />

Table, no direct sunlight<br />

Connection CNC with PC:<br />

Network cable 5 metres<br />

Technical Data PC<br />

Processor speed/model:<br />

Intel Xeon Quad 2.67 GHz<br />

Memory: 4 GB RAM<br />

Hard drive: 232 GB<br />

Graphics: Nvidea Quadro<br />

Operating system:<br />

Windows XP, Recovery Software,<br />

Virus protection MC Afee<br />

Display: 19 inch<br />

Resolution pixel: 1280x1024<br />

(Changes, in the sense of better<br />

function, performance, service life<br />

and technical improvements are<br />

subject to alterations.)<br />

Recommended installation site:<br />

Away from the floor, not on the wall<br />

B | 25

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

Ceramill Multi-x<br />

178500 Ceramill Mulit-x complete machine<br />

Delivery volume: Milling / sensory unit (Vertical pantograph on radial guide),<br />

Table unit (spherical shell table), Balancing weights for the spherical shells, Foot<br />

switch for fixation of the table (vacuum), Motor unit including collet wrench<br />

3 mm, LED double illumination, Aspiration adapter, Connector for central or<br />

single-place aspiration, Dust protection cover (1 piece), Support plates for<br />

model and blank 31/51, Positioning aid 31/51, Calibration plates for model and<br />

blank, Spirit level for adjustment of the table including mounting pegs<br />

178510 Ceramill Multi-x Upgrade Kit<br />

(applicable for Ceramill Base)<br />

Delivery volume: Milling/sensory unit (vertical pantograph), table unit (spherical<br />

shell table), balancing weights for the spherical shells, foot switch for fixation of<br />

the table (vacuum), siphon adapter, dust-proof cover (1 unit), Mounting plate for<br />

modelling and 31/51/71 blanks, calibration plates for modelling and blanks, spirit<br />

level for adjusting the table including mounting pegs, adjustment set<br />

Accessories:<br />

114960 AS400 micro, laboratory suction with<br />

fine particle filter<br />

178518 Dust protection cover for milling side, Multi-x, 2 pieces<br />

178127 Dust protection cover for milling side, Base, 2 pieces<br />

178139 Counterweight milling arm, 1 piece<br />

178519 Knurled screw for scanning side<br />

Technical Data<br />

D/B/H: 498 x 398 x 450 mm<br />

Required head space for moving:<br />

560 x 480 x 450 mm<br />

Weight: 31,5 kg<br />

Electr. connected load:<br />

230/115/100 V 50/60 Hz<br />

E-fuse: T1A<br />

Output: 125 W<br />

Compressed air connection:<br />

6 bar max. 50 l/min<br />

Variable engine speed:<br />

1.000 - 35.000 min -1<br />

Torque: 7,5 Ncm<br />

Voltage of lamp connection: 12 V<br />

Output of lamp connection: 20 W<br />

Collet chuck: ø 3 mm<br />

Sound level: max. 65 dbA<br />

Tipping angle Spherical shell table:<br />

ca. 19°<br />

Technical Data<br />

Dimensions: 145 x 300 x 30 mm<br />

+ swan neck (app. 800 mm)<br />

Weight: 2.6 kg<br />

Ceramill UV<br />

Polymerisation lamp with motion sensor for rapid, reliable hardening<br />

of modelling synthetics<br />

_ Proximity on/off switch for convenient use and freedom from glare<br />

_ Wavelength carefully matched to synthetic material for reliable<br />

polymerisation<br />

_ Audible signal at end of controlled polymerising time means that<br />

polymerisation can be accurately reproduced<br />

178200 Ceramill UV<br />

Technical Data<br />

Dimension: 300 x 140 x 30/630<br />

Weight: 3 kg<br />

Mains supply 230 VAC/50 Hz/5 W<br />

Luminance/angle 13,9 lm/75°-85°<br />

Worklight<br />

Twin worklight with two lamps on LED basis, mounted on a solid, curved<br />

foot, ideal for Ceramill. To be used at each workplace or with each unit<br />

operated, ready within no time. High optical power and long burning<br />

time.<br />

_ Bright cold light with 30 Lumen and a color temperature of 7,000 K<br />

_ Flexible lamp necks for spot illumination of the workpiece.<br />

177520 Worklight<br />

B | 26

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

Ceramill Therm<br />

178350 Ceramill Therm<br />

Delivery volume: Ceramill Therm sintering furnace; Sintering shell,<br />

100 x 80 x 15 mm; Sintering pearls, 200 g, dia. 1 mm<br />

Accessories:<br />

178360 ! Stackable sintering bowl, 1 pcs<br />

Stackable only in Ceramill Therm (178350)<br />

178361 @ Gripper for Sintering shell, stackable<br />

178311 # Sintering pearls 200 g, Ø 1 mm<br />

178310 Sintering shell, 100 x 80 x 15 mm<br />

!<br />

#<br />

@<br />

Technical Data<br />

Dimensions: 535 x 435 x 655 mm<br />

Furnace chamber volume: 1 l<br />

Electrical supply rating: 230 V 50/60 Hz<br />

Max. power consumption: 3.2 kW<br />

Ceramill Aqua<br />

177500 Ceramill Aqua<br />

Delivery volume: Basic unit with model table MT3; trap dish<br />

Accessories:<br />

Technical Data<br />

Dimensions: 300 x 320 x 450 mm<br />

Weight: 8,8 kg<br />

177520 Worklight<br />

177511 Adapter NSK Presto Aqua<br />

132300 NSK Presto Aqua<br />

Technical Data<br />

Dimensions: 406 x 280 x 423<br />

Weight: 16 kg<br />

Electrical connection values (V/A/Hz):<br />

230/3,6/50-60, 115/7,0/50<br />

Performance: 1000 W<br />

Volume: max. 52 dbA<br />

Filter bag size: 10 Liter<br />

Hose diameter: 38 mm<br />

Hose length: 1,8 m<br />

Adapter diameter: conical, 37-38 mm<br />

HEPA micro filter (97,97%),<br />

Filter class H12, dust class M<br />

Ceramill Airstream<br />

_ Suction for Ceramill Motion, Multi-x and Smartbox Invest<br />

_ May also be used for other devices with attached adapter<br />

178600 Ceramill Airstream 230 V<br />

(100-120V = 178600V100-V120)<br />

178610 Airstream Suction Bag (5 pcs.)<br />

178611 Airstream Microfilter (1 pcs.)<br />

B | 27

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

C o n s u m a b l e m at e r i a l<br />

C e r a m i l l M o t i o n S ta r t e r k i t<br />

Package à<br />

760012 Ceramill Motion Starterkit (delivery specification: see label H) 1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l M o t i o n b l a n k s<br />

760172 Ceramill ZI 71XS zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape, h=12mm H 1x<br />

760174 Ceramill ZI 71 zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h=16 mm H 1x<br />

760184 Ceramill ZI 71L zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h=20 mm<br />

760175 Ceramill ZI 71XL zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h=25 mm<br />

760301 Ceramill TEST 71L test blank, dental arch shape h=20 mm<br />

760302 Ceramill WAX 71L wax blank, dental arch shape h=20 mm H 1x<br />

760303 Ceramill PMMA 71L acrylic which burns out without residue,<br />

dental arch shape h=20 mm H 1x<br />

760304 Ceramill TEMP dark 71L dyed PMMA, dental arch shape h=20 mm<br />

760305 Ceramill TEMP middle 71L dyed PMMA, dental arch shape h=20 mm H 1x<br />

760306 Ceramill TEMP light 71L dyed PMMA, dental arch shape h=20 mm<br />

Package à<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

C e r a m i l l M o t i o n M i l l i n g c u t t e r<br />

760601 Ceramill Roto Motion 2,0 burr with magnet holder Ø 2,0 mm H 2x<br />

760602 Ceramill Roto Motion 1,2 burr with magnet holder Ø 1,2 mm H 2x<br />

760603 Ceramill Roto Motion 0,9 burr with magnet holder Ø 0,9 mm H 2x<br />

Package à<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l D I E s o l u t i o n s<br />

760470 Ceramill Liquid complete set, 4 colours à 100ml, 4 colouring jar, 1 forceps H 1x<br />

760471 Ceramill Liquid CL1 100ml including colouring jar<br />

760472 Ceramill Liquid CL2 100ml including colouring jar<br />

760473 Ceramill Liquid CL3 100ml including colouring jar<br />

760474 Ceramill Liquid CL4 100ml including colouring jar<br />

Package à<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l o t h e r s<br />

760562 Ceramill Scanmarker scanspray<br />

760021 Ceramill Marker blue 3 g, contact paste H 1x<br />

583150 Pastebrush brush for Ceramill Marker H 1x<br />

Package à<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

B | 28

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

C o n s u m a b l e m at e r i a l<br />

C e r a m i l l m u lt i -x m at e r i a l- S ta r t e r k i t<br />

Package à<br />

760011 Ceramill Multi-x Material-Starterkit (Delivery specification: see label H plus 760972) 1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l Z I – Y-T Z P F o r C e r a m i l l B a s e A n d M u lt i -x<br />

Blanks:<br />

760101 Ceramill ZI Preforms zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 16,5mm h = 16 mm H 1x<br />

760102 Ceramill ZI Preforms L zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 16,5mm h = 16 mm<br />

760116 Ceramill ZI 31 zirconium-oxide blank, 40 x 20 x 16 mm h = 16 mm H 1x<br />

760143 Ceramill ZI 51L zirconium-oxide blank, 65 x 30 x 20 mm h = 20 mm H 2x<br />

760172 Ceramill ZI 71 XS zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h = 12 mm<br />

760174 Ceramill ZI 71 zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h = 16 mm<br />

760184 Ceramill ZI 71L zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h = 20 mm<br />

760175 Ceramill ZI 71XL zirconium-oxide blank, dental arch shape h = 25 mm<br />

Holding Plates for synthetic modelling:<br />

760910 Holding Plates Preforms H 1x<br />

760919 Holding Plates 31/51 H 1x<br />

760941 Holding Plates 71/77 H 1x<br />

Blanks and frames for Ceramill Base:<br />

760181 Ceramill ZI 77L zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 98 mm h = 20 mm<br />

760183 Ceramill ZI 77XL zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 98 mm h = 20 mm<br />

760185 Frame for blank ZI71 (multiple use)<br />

760942 Frame for holding plate 71/77 (multiple use) with 1 pcs. holding plate 71/77<br />

Blanks and frames for Multi-x:<br />

760186 Ceramill ZI 77L zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 98 mm h = 20 mm<br />

760187 Ceramill ZI 77XL zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 98 mm h = 20 mm<br />

760188 Frame for blank ZI71 (multiple use)<br />

760943 Frame for holding plate 71/77 (multiple use) with 1 pcs. holding plate 71/77<br />

Package à<br />

12 pcs.<br />

12 pcs.<br />

6 blanks<br />

3 blanks<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

50 pcs.<br />

50 pcs.<br />

5 pcs.<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

5 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 blank<br />

1 blank<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l M o d e l l i n g s y n t h e t i c s<br />

760514 Ceramill Gel for crowns, green H 4x<br />

760522 Pontic for intermediate bridge elements, blue H 2x<br />

Package à<br />

4 pcs.<br />

2 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l T e l e s ko p k i t<br />

760110 Ceramill ZI TC L zirconium-oxide blank, Ø 16,5mm h = 20 mm<br />

760501 Teleskop-Kit blank holding plate<br />

760502 Teleskop-Kit model holding plate<br />

760503 Teleskop-Kit model holding pins<br />

760504 Ceramill Roto TCT0<br />

760505 Ceramill Roto TCF0<br />

760506 Ceramill Roto TCT1<br />

760507 Ceramill Roto TCF1<br />

760508 Ceramill Roto TCT2<br />

760509 Ceramill Roto TCF2<br />

Package à<br />

12 blanks<br />

2 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

5 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

B | 29

O r d e r I n fo r m at i o n s<br />

C o n s u m a b l e m at e r i a l<br />

C e r a m i l l T o o l s<br />

760801 Ceramill Roto T4 Sensor 4 mm<br />

760701 Ceramill Roto F 4 Cutter 4 mm<br />

760831 Ceramill Roto T 3 Sensor 3 mm H 1x<br />

760731 Ceramill Roto F 3 Cutter 3 mm H 2x<br />

760821 Ceramill Roto T 2 Sensor 2 mm H 1x<br />

760721 Ceramill Roto F 2 Cutter 2 mm H 2x<br />

760811 Ceramill Roto T 1.2 Sensor 1,2 mm H 1x<br />

760711 Ceramill Roto F 1.2 Cutter 1,2 mm H 1x<br />

760809 Ceramill Roto T 0.9 Sensor 0,9 mm<br />

760709 Ceramill Roto F 0.9 Cutter 0,9 mm<br />

760851 Ceramill Roto T 0.6 Sensor 0,6 mm<br />

760751 Ceramill Roto F 0.6 Cutter 0,6 mm<br />

760840 Ceramill Roto CT2 Conical feeler 2 mm<br />

760740 Ceramill Roto CF2 Conical milling cutte 2 mm<br />

760891 Ceramill Roto KT 2.5 Ball sensor 2,5 mm<br />

760791 Ceramill Roto KF 2.5 Ball cutter 2,5 mm<br />

760892 Ceramill Roto KT 1.8 Ball sensor 1,8 mm<br />

760792 Ceramill Roto KF 1.8 Ball cutter 1,8 mm<br />

760861 Ceramill Roto ST2 Shank sensor 2 mm<br />

760761 Ceramill Roto SF2 Shank cutter 2 mm<br />

760871 Ceramill Roto ST1.2 Shank sensor 1,2 mm<br />

760771 Ceramill Roto SF1.2 Shank cutter 1,2 mm<br />

760881 Ceramill Roto ST0.6 Shank sensor 0,6 mm<br />

760781 Ceramill Roto SF0.6 Shank cutter 0,6 mm<br />

760830 Ceramill Roto UT 3 Taper sensor 3 mm<br />

760730 Ceramill Roto UF 3 Bevel cutter 3 mm<br />

760820 Ceramill Roto UT 2 Taper sensor 2 mm<br />

760720 Ceramill Roto UF 2 Bevel cutter 2 mm<br />

760819 Ceramill Roto TT 2 T-Sensor 2 mm<br />

760719 Ceramill Roto TF 2 T-Cutter 2 mm<br />

Package à<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l D I E s o l u t i o n s<br />

760470 Ceramill Liquid complete set, 4 colours à 100ml, 4 colouring jar, 1 forceps H 1x<br />

760471 Ceramill Liquid CL1 100ml including colouring jar<br />

760472 Ceramill Liquid CL2 100ml including colouring jar<br />

760473 Ceramill Liquid CL3 100ml including colouring jar<br />

760474 Ceramill Liquid CL4 100ml including colouring jar<br />

Package à<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

C e r a m i l l o t h e r s<br />

760561 Ceramill Sep sealer liquid (die stone/die spacer against H 1x<br />

modelling synthetics)<br />

760021 Ceramill Marker blue 3 g, contact paste H 1x<br />

583150 Pastebrush brush for Ceramill Marker<br />

178127 Dust protection for milling side Base<br />

178518 Dust protection for milling side Multi-x<br />

Package à<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

1 pcs.<br />

2 pcs.<br />

2 pcs.<br />

B | 30

C e r a m i l l M a l l <br />

F r a m e w o r k m a n ag e m e n t<br />

D - L A B 2 4<br />

d-lab24.com<br />

The dynamic E-learning Portal from <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> – the digital ”Product Specialist”<br />

for application techniques, daily updates, 24h online access.<br />

The D-Lab24 provides a platform<br />

for all users of our products,<br />

where they can receive<br />

information on our systems<br />

and products easily, comprehensibly<br />

and without delay.<br />

The demands on the exchange<br />

of knowledge are varied and<br />

therefore require different<br />

methods of transfer. In order<br />

to fulfil this demand, directions<br />

for use in the form of complex<br />

e-learning modules (step-bystep)<br />

are available.<br />

Complicated features can be<br />

sent by way of video sequences<br />

to provide maximum<br />

transparency. In addition to<br />

this the D-Lab24 offers a<br />

number of know-how documents<br />

for downloading.<br />

Instructions for use, information<br />

on courses, case studies<br />

and basic dental technical<br />

know-how: The D-Lab24 provides<br />

you with all the information<br />

required for implementing<br />

our products and<br />

systems with technical accuracy<br />

and efficiency.<br />

The entire<br />

user-know-how is in an<br />

E-Learning display format<br />

d-lab24.com<br />

Information is available under<br />

www.amanngirrbach.com<br />

_Complex e-learning modules on <strong>AG</strong> methods describe every single move.<br />

_Processing assurance for your laboratory with the option of breaking down each<br />

single working step into the smallest details.<br />

_Easy, cost-effective and efficient training for your laboratory staff.<br />

_Videos enable complex working steps to be understood easily.<br />

_Downloads available on working, application and operating instructions guarantee<br />

the correct application of our products and systems from the start.<br />

_The entire know-how on products, systems and applications –accessible 24h<br />

_Always up-to-date due to continual updates<br />

_Extensive know-how pool – continually enhanced with new contents.<br />

+<br />

Access code D -Lab24.com<br />

Available forthwith from your specialist dealer,<br />

via hotline +43 5523 62333-0<br />

or on order via email: d-lab24@amanngirrbach!<br />

No online registration necessary.<br />

F | 31

www.hellblau.com 917979GB 0410<br />

Skillbond Direct Ltd<br />

Dudley House, Gordon Road, High Wycombe<br />

Buckinghamshire HP13 6EQ<br />

Phone: 01494 448474<br />

Fax: 01494 430924<br />

sales@skillbond.com<br />

www.skillbond.com<br />

Amann Girrbach <strong>AG</strong> Herrschaftswiesen 1<br />

6842 Koblach | Austria<br />

Fon +43 5523 62333-399<br />

Fax +43 5523 55990<br />

austria@amanngirrbach.com<br />


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