Servocut 301 Abrasive Cut Off Machine Catalogue

Servocut 301 Abrasive Cut Off Machine Catalogue

Servocut 301 Abrasive Cut Off Machine Catalogue


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lt 5 EEnY0CUT <strong>301</strong>-tl<br />

1456-Y<br />

as ab0ve(14 56) and with va able culting speed 6004000 rpm.<br />

Automatic <strong>Abrasive</strong> <strong>Cut</strong>ling Machlne<br />

1456-Y- X as above(14 56) and wilh variable cutliflg speed 600-4000 rpm.<br />

Proorammable with 5,7' HMl louch screen c0ntrol,<br />

and including a manually driven X-axis hblewilh 70mm tnvel<br />

with aulomalic chop cutting and automalic lable-leed<br />

lor plane parallel culling.<br />

cutting systems, with various cuning melhods,<br />

14 sG.Y.AI as above('l4 56)and with variable cufling speed 600-4000 rpm.<br />

pr0grammable with LCD display 0l cutling parameters, accurate<br />

and including an automatically driven X-axis table with 70mm<br />

and mol0rized positioning 0l lhe specimen in X -Yand Z axis<br />

Invel l0r prognmmable serial plane parallel cutting.<br />

(X-axis l0l plane parallel cutting is oplional), inlegrated leed<br />

palh conlrol, potver dependenl adjuslable feed rale,<br />

tt 55 sEnuoGU <strong>301</strong>-ff,<br />

variabl€ cutiing lorc€, pulse cutling mode, bar gnph<br />

<strong>Abrasive</strong> <strong>Cut</strong>ling lrachine,<br />

overload display, compact cufling m0t0r, 2800 rpm cufling speed,<br />

wit handrvheel drjven chop cuning and lablejeed<br />

with eleclronic brake syslem, cutting capacity uplo 90/110 mm<br />

cutting syslems, manual posilioning 0lthe specimen<br />

solid st0ck, y{ith cul-otl wheels uplo r250l300mm,<br />

in Xand Yaxis (X-axis 10r plane panllelcutling is 0ptional),<br />

twin T-slotled table(Y-direction only) made 0l slainless steel,<br />

manual posilioning 0lthe cutling wheel in Z-axis,<br />

bottom part as rugged alloy base casling, 100 lt recirculaling<br />

compact cutling m0lor, 2800 rpm cutting speed, tvilh electronic<br />

cooling unit with conneclion hoses, ready l0r op€mlion.<br />

brake system, cutting capacity uplo 90/110 mm solid sl0ck,<br />

Wilhout clampin0 devices.<br />

with cul-0ll wh€els u0to s250l300mm. twin T-slotted<br />

Includes a slandard set 0l cutling consumables composed 0f;<br />

clamping table made<br />

'An<br />

0l stainless steel, bon0m part as rugged<br />

asso ement 0l20 cut-off wheels wilh 300 mm dia.<br />

alloy<br />

'5<br />

base casting, 100 ll recirculatin0 cooling unilwith<br />

ltol Melcoolcooling lluid.<br />

c0nnecti0n hoses, Gady lfi operali0n.<br />

400 V 3 phase, 50 Hz.<br />

Wthout clamping devices.<br />

400 V, 3 ohase, 50 Hz.<br />

1457-lX as above(l4 57)and including an aulomatically driven X-aris lable<br />

Includes a slandard set 0lcutting consumables compos€d 0l;<br />

with 70mm lravell0r proorammable serial plane parallel cufiing.<br />

'An assortement 0120 cul-otlwheels wilh 300 mm dia.<br />

1457-Y as ab0ve(14 57)and wilh variable cutling speed 600-4000<br />

'5<br />

mm.<br />

ll ol M€tcool cooling lluid.<br />

1157-Y-AX as above(l4 57)and wilh variable cuttiru speed 600-4000 rpm.<br />

and including an aul0matically driven X-axis lable wilh 70mm 1455-t{t<br />

As above(l4 55)and including a manually drivefl X-axis lable<br />

tnvel l0r programmable sedal plane parallel cufling.<br />

wilh 70mm tayelfor plane parallelcutting.<br />

0n 0925 Soltwarc paclcoe l0r optional cutli0g methods;<br />

Clanllnt !!rlcs. lor SEnYoGUT <strong>301</strong> :<br />

Diaoonal<strong>Cut</strong>, SlepCul, Segmentcul<br />

cn 0170QuickActing<br />

Clampin0 Vise Assembly, Left, for SRC.<strong>301</strong><br />

{ Stainless Sleel )<br />

1456 8ERYoGUr <strong>301</strong>-[A<br />

Gn u72 0uickActing Clamping Vise p"ssembly, Bight,l0r SRC.<strong>301</strong><br />

Automatic <strong>Abrasive</strong> <strong>Cut</strong>ting <strong>Machine</strong><br />

( Slainless Sleel )<br />

Ptogrammable \liilh 5,7 Hl\41 louch screen c0nlr0l,<br />

6R 0151 CompactVise Assembly, Spring toaded, for SRC.<strong>301</strong><br />

wit handwheel driven chop cutting and aulomatic driven<br />

( Slainless Sleel )<br />

tableieed cutlin0 syslems, with va ous cutling m€thods, 150t<br />

llBU 1011 V€rlical Clamping Devicewith clamping sh0e,<br />

programmable with LCD display 0lculling paramelers,<br />

clamping height uplo 90 mm.<br />

accurate and moloriz€d positioning 0t lhe specim€n<br />

(lor irrcgularspecimens)<br />

in Xand Yaxis (X-axis l0r plane parall€l cutling is opti0nal), 1503<br />

MK 1021 Height Block, 60 mm<br />

manual p0silioning 0lthe cutling tvheel in Z-aris, int€graled cn 0$3 Faslenervise l0rl0ngitudinal secti0ning 0lscrews,hstenem<br />

leed palh control, powef dependent adiuslable leed rate,<br />

tubes, €lc. ftom 12 to 45 mm. in lenglh<br />

variable culting l0rce, pulse culling mode, b graph<br />

overload display, compact cutliru motor, 2800 nm cutting speed,<br />

Accr3uis5 lo1 SEnYoCUI <strong>301</strong><br />

with eleclr0nlc bnke system, cutling capacity upl0 90/1'10 mm G[ 0760 Cabinel for lloor model- SBC.<strong>301</strong><br />

solid stock, with cul-otlwheels upto r250l300mm, 6B 0930.00Low<br />

Feedrate Kit(y-axis), lff precrsi0n cufiing 0'<br />

lwin T-slotled lable(Y-direction 0nly) made 0l slainless sleel,<br />

l0r cutling exlrcmely dilficulland had solid specimens.<br />

bottom part as rugged alloy base casling, 100 lt recirculaling<br />

Feednle rangei 50 - 4.000 microns/sec<br />

cooling unitwith connecli0n h0ses, ready l0r openlion.<br />

(I0 be ordered simullaneously togetier with the machine drder)<br />

Without clamplng devices.<br />

Gn 0940-00 Low Feedrale Kit{z-axis),l0r precisi0n cutling 0r<br />

Includes a slandard set 0f culling consumables composed 0f;<br />

for cunlng extremely<br />

'An<br />

dillicultand had solid speamens.<br />

assort€ment 0l 20 cut-olf wheels wilh 300 mm dia.<br />

Feedrate range: 50 - 4.000 microns/sec<br />

.5 llol Metcool cooling lluid.<br />

flo be ordered simultaneously togetherrdilh the machine order)<br />

400 V,3 phas€, 50 Hz,<br />

1456-lll as above(l4 56) and including a manually driven X-axis lable<br />

rvilh 70mm travelfor plane panllelcutting.<br />

1450-AX as above{14 56) and including an aul0rnalically d ven X-axis table<br />

wilh 70mm travelfor proqrammable serial plane panllelcutting.<br />

' 0lher volhges and lrequencies ayaibable upon request.<br />

Please slate llJhen ord€rino.<br />

All specificati0ns are subi;ct to change withoul notice.<br />

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