Tom Manatt Memorial Sporting Clays Tournament ... - AGC of Iowa

Tom Manatt Memorial Sporting Clays Tournament ... - AGC of Iowa

Tom Manatt Memorial Sporting Clays Tournament ... - AGC of Iowa


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FIRST<br />

NOTICE!<br />

Presents the 9 th annual<br />

<strong>Tom</strong> <strong>Manatt</strong> <strong>Memorial</strong><br />

<strong>Sporting</strong> <strong>Clays</strong> <strong>Tournament</strong><br />

Friday, May 13, 2011<br />

Lunch & Door Prize Drawing- 11:00 a.m.<br />

<strong>Sporting</strong> <strong>Clays</strong> <strong>Tournament</strong> - 12:00 p.m.<br />

“Steelclay Shooting Sports”<br />

3353 Pymouth Ave. - Eddyville, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

Registration fee includes:<br />

100 rounds <strong>Sporting</strong> <strong>Clays</strong> (shells NOT provided)<br />

Lunch, appetizers (after tournament), and beverages<br />

5 person teams – friends and family welcome<br />

Participation is limited, please sign up early!<br />


This is a ten stand event and you will need<br />

a minimum <strong>of</strong> 100 shells.

<strong>Sporting</strong> <strong>Clays</strong> <strong>Tournament</strong> Registration<br />

Friday, May 13, 2011 -- Steelclay Shooting Sports, 3353 Pymouth Ave., Eddyville, <strong>Iowa</strong><br />


You will be matched with other shooters on site the day <strong>of</strong> the event!<br />

Price will increase after Friday, April 29<br />

Fee = $500 per team ($100 per person)<br />

After April 29 $550 per team ($110 per person)<br />

(Lunch, appetizers and beverages included)<br />

_____Invoice Primary Contact for all Team Members<br />

_____Invoice Individual Team Members<br />

Primary Contact:<br />

1) Name: ______________________________________________________________<br />

Company: ___________________________________________________________<br />

Address: ____________________________________________________________<br />

City, St, Zip: __________________________________________________________<br />

Phone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________<br />

E mail: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Additional Team Members:<br />

2.) Name: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Company: ___________________________________________________________<br />

3.) Name: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Company: ___________________________________________________________<br />

4.) Name: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Company: ___________________________________________________________<br />

5.) Name: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Company: ___________________________________________________________<br />

Payment Enclosed<br />

Please invoice (as noted above)<br />

Visa MasterCard Card No. _____________________________________<br />

Exp. Date ________ Name on Card ___________________________________________<br />

Return by: Friday, May 6, 2011<br />

<strong>AGC</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong> Foundation, 701 E. Court Ave., Ste. B - Des Moines, IA 50309<br />

515/283-2424 ~ fax 515/244-6289<br />

Contact Gina Swackhammer at 515/283-2424 with any questions. All proceeds go toward the <strong>AGC</strong>I Foundation. Contributions to the <strong>AGC</strong>I Foundation<br />

are tax deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent permitted by law.<br />

PLEASE NOTE: Cancellations for the tournament will be refunded, less a $50 per person administrative fee, if requested by May 6,<br />

2011. No refunds will be issued for cancellations after that date, but substitutions will be allowed.

Equipment Needs:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Gun- 12 ga. or 20 ga. works best , can use 28 ga. or .410 ga.<br />

Double Barrel, Over & Under, Automatic, Pump No single shots<br />

Minimum 100 Shells- 7 ½ or 8 shot 2 ¾ dram or 3 dram<br />

Steelclay has 12 & 20 ga. shells available for purchase<br />

Shell Bag or Hunting vest (you’ll need to carry 4 boxes <strong>of</strong> shells)<br />

Some people use a 5 gallon plastic bucket<br />

Eye Protection- Safety glasses, Shooting glasses or impact resistant sunglasses.<br />

Ear protection- Ear Muff type, or Ear Plugs<br />

Ear plugs are available at the range<br />

General Safety Rules<br />

1. Eye and Ear Protection required for all shooters.<br />

2. Do NOT load your gun prior to entering the shooting station.<br />

3. No more than 2 shells are to be loaded in the gun, when you do load it.<br />

4. When walking between stations make sure your gun is unloaded.<br />

Double Barrel or Over & Under – break open<br />

Automatic or Pump - leave chamber open<br />

5. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded until you visually check it out.<br />

6. Never point your firearm in any direction you do not intend to shoot. In particular, never point<br />

your gun in the direction <strong>of</strong> other people.<br />

7. Always have your gun pointed in a safe direction.<br />

8. Before handling a firearm, understand how it works.<br />

9. Do not assume that a gun is secure, i.e. some guns have excellent security systems to prevent<br />

accidental firing (e.g. when dropped), others don't.<br />

10. Do not put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to shoot.<br />

11. Keep your firearm unloaded when you are not using it.<br />

12. Never pass your firearm to anybody until you have checked that it is unloaded.<br />

13. If you have to carry your gun loaded, always point it in a safe direction (e.g. the<br />

ground).<br />

14. Be sure <strong>of</strong> your target and what is beyond it.<br />

15. No Alcohol allowed until after you have completed course.<br />

Lunch Provided from 11:00 to 12:00<br />

Beverages and pizza available for all shooters after session

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