Evolucija GSM sistema (GPRS & EDGE) - Telfor

Evolucija GSM sistema (GPRS & EDGE) - Telfor

Evolucija GSM sistema (GPRS & EDGE) - Telfor


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Elektrotehnicki fakultet<br />

Univerzitet u Beogradu<br />

<strong>Evolucija</strong> <strong>GSM</strong> <strong>sistema</strong><br />

(<strong>GPRS</strong> & <strong>EDGE</strong>)<br />

Prof. dr Ðorde Paunovic<br />

Doc. dr Aleksandar Neškovic<br />

Dr. Nataša Neškovic

Javni mobilni radio sistemi<br />

- pregled stanja u svetu -<br />

Konvergencija govornog saobracaja ka mobilnim radio-sistemima

Javni mobilni radio sistemi<br />

- pregled stanja u svetu -<br />

Procenat korisnika [%]<br />

Razvoj javnih mobilnih radio-<strong>sistema</strong> do 2007. god. (predvidanje)

Javni mobilni radio sistemi<br />

- pregled stanja u svetu -<br />

Teritorijalna raspodela razlicitih tipova javnih mobilnih <strong>sistema</strong><br />

v Osnovne

<strong>Evolucija</strong> <strong>GSM</strong> standarda<br />

v Osnovni <strong>GSM</strong> 2G standard<br />

v <strong>GPRS</strong> (General Packet Radio Services) – 2.5G,<br />

v <strong>EDGE</strong> (Enhanced Data for <strong>GSM</strong> Evolution) - 2.5G, i<br />

v 3<strong>GSM</strong> (tehnologija 3G mobilnih <strong>sistema</strong> primenjena na<br />

evoluiranoj <strong>GSM</strong> strukturi).

Arhitektura <strong>GSM</strong> mreže<br />

PSTN / ISDN<br />

MSC<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

MSC<br />

BSS BSS<br />

BSS BSS<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Second Generation Mobile Network Architecture

Tehnicko-tehnološka koncepcija<br />

<strong>GSM</strong> <strong>sistema</strong><br />

AUC<br />

other VLRs<br />

U m<br />

Base Station Subsystem (BSS)<br />

BTS<br />

A-bis<br />

BSC<br />

BTS<br />

BTS<br />

MS<br />

other BSSs<br />

A<br />

H G<br />

D<br />


F<br />

C<br />

B<br />

Mobile<br />

Services<br />

Switching<br />

Centre<br />

(MSC)<br />

other MSCs<br />

E<br />

PSTN<br />

ISDN<br />

CSPDN<br />

PSPDN<br />

Osnovna arhitektura<br />

<strong>GSM</strong> <strong>sistema</strong><br />

BTS: Base Transceiver Station<br />

BSC: Base Station Controller<br />

HLR: Home Location Register<br />

VLR: Visited Location Register<br />

OMC: Operation & Maintenance Centre<br />

EIR: Equipment Identity Register<br />

AUC: Authentication Centre

<strong>GSM</strong> <strong>sistema</strong><br />

- frekvencijski opsezi -<br />

v Osnovni <strong>GSM</strong> 2G<br />


v Osnovni <strong>GSM</strong> 2G<br />

standard<br />

<strong>GSM</strong> <strong>sistema</strong><br />

- osnovne specifikacije -

Frekvencijski opsezi i radio-kanali<br />

- 900 MHz -<br />

Uplink 890 – 915 MHz 25 MHz<br />

Downlink 935 – 960 MHz 25 MHz<br />

1 2 3 4 ……………. 124<br />

100 KHz 200 KHz 100 KHz<br />

A 200 KHz carrier spacing has been chosen. Excluding 2x100 KHz edges of<br />

the band, this gives 124 possible carriers for the uplink and downlink. The<br />

use of carrier 1 and 124 are optional for operators.<br />

Multiple Access Technique<br />

FDMA/TDMA. The total band is divided into 124x200 KHz bands (FDMA).<br />

Each group of 8 users transmit through a 200 KHz band sharing<br />

transmission time (TDMA).

<strong>GSM</strong> sistem<br />

- radio interfejs (FDMA/TDMA) -

<strong>GSM</strong> sistem<br />

- radio interfejs (FDMA/TDMA) -

Radio interfejs (TDMA)<br />

- problem vremenskog kašnjenja -

Radio interfejs (TDMA)<br />

- timing advance -

Blok dijagram <strong>GSM</strong> radio-<strong>sistema</strong>

<strong>GSM</strong> sistem<br />

GMSK<br />

(Gaussian Minimum<br />

Shift Keying)<br />


Channel Types<br />

1. Traffic channels (TCHs)<br />

The traffic channels are intended to carry encoded speech or<br />

user data.<br />

2. Control Channels (CCHs)<br />

The control channels are intended to carry signalling and<br />

synchronization data between the base station and the<br />

Mobile station.

Traffic Channels<br />

Traffic channels are intended to carry encoded speech and<br />

user data.<br />

• Full rate traffic channels at a net bit rate of 22.8 Kb/s (TCH/F)<br />

• Half rate traffic channels at a net bit rate of 11.4 Kb/s (TCH/H)<br />

Speech Channels<br />

Speech channels are defined for both full rate and half rate<br />

traffic channels. The latter for the future system.<br />

Data Channels<br />

Logical Channel Types<br />

Data channels support a variety of data rates (2.4, 4.8 and<br />

9.6 Kb/s) on both half and full rate traffic channels. The 9.6<br />

Kb/s data rate is only defined for full rate application.

Logical Control Channels<br />

Downlink<br />

Broadcast Control Channels<br />

• Frequency Correction - FCCH<br />

• Synchronization – SCH<br />

• Broadcast - BCCH<br />

Common Control Channels<br />

• Access Grant - AGCH<br />

• Paging - PCH<br />

Uplink<br />

-<br />

Common Control Channels<br />

• Random Access - RACH<br />

Dedicated Control Channels<br />

• Stand – alone Dedicated - SDCCH<br />

• Slow Associated – SACCH<br />

• Fast Associated - FACCH

Power control<br />

• RF power control will be used in the <strong>GSM</strong> MS and BS to reduce<br />

the transmit power to the minimum required to achieve the<br />

minimum quality objective and hence reduce the level of co-channel<br />

interference<br />

• The MS will be capable of varying its transmit power form its<br />

maximum output down to 20 mW in steps of nominally 2 dB<br />

• The BS calculates the RF Power level to be used by the MS and<br />

sends a 4 bit number instruction to the corresponding MS

<strong>GSM</strong> mandatory features - 1<br />

1. Discontinuous transmission and reception (with the aid of<br />

Voice activity detector)<br />

Advantages:<br />

• The level of co-channel interference is, on average, reduced<br />

By about 3 dB<br />

• For a hand-held portable unit, the battery life can be significantly<br />


<strong>GSM</strong> mandatory features - 2<br />

2. Slow frequency hopping<br />

Advantages:<br />

1. The receive TDMA bursts with high error rates will be more<br />

spread in time<br />

2. The co-channel interference is more evenly spread between<br />

all the MSs

<strong>GSM</strong> servisi<br />

v Više desetina postojecih servisa i stalni razvoj novih servisa.<br />

v Teleservisi<br />

- pre-paid telefonija,<br />

- post-paid telefonija,<br />

- fax,<br />

- SMS, ...<br />

v Bearer servisi<br />

- više tipova prenosa<br />

podataka do 9600bps,<br />

v Dodatni servisi<br />

- razne kontrole poziva,<br />

- konferencijska veza,<br />

- govorna pošta,<br />

- faks-pošta,<br />

- medunarodni roaming,<br />

- virtualne privatne mreže (VPN)<br />

- Direktna veza PABX ↔ MSC, ...

Javni mobilni radio sistemi<br />

- pregled stanja u Srbiji -<br />

v Dva <strong>GSM</strong> operatora u opsezima <strong>GSM</strong>900 i <strong>GSM</strong>1800:<br />

MOBTEL – 063 (od 1996.god), i<br />

TELEKOM – 064 (od 1998.god).<br />

v Teritorijalna pokrivenost <strong>GSM</strong> servisom<br />

oko 75-80% teritorije i oko 87% stanovništva.<br />

v TELEKOM I MOBTEL imaju oko 2 miliona korisnika, svaki.<br />

v Ambiciozni planovi razvoja u narednim godinama.<br />

v Do kraja 2005.god treba ocekivati<br />

- pokrivenost teritorije od oko 80-85%,<br />

- pokrivenost stanovništva do 95%.

Javni mobilni<br />

radio sistemi<br />

- pregled stanja u<br />

Srbiji -<br />

Izvor podataka <strong>GSM</strong> MoU:<br />

http://www.gsmworld.com<br />

Novembar 2003

<strong>GPRS</strong> (General Packet Radio Services)<br />

• <strong>GPRS</strong> omogucava vece protoke podataka u okviru postojecih <strong>GSM</strong> mreža!<br />

• <strong>GPRS</strong> se oznacava kao 2.5G tehnologija.<br />

• Princip udruživanja vremenskih slotova u okviru<br />

jednog radio-nosioca.<br />

• Kroz <strong>GPRS</strong> uvodi se paketski prenos podataka na radio-ineterfejsu.<br />

• Teorijski, maksimalan protok iznosi 160kbs (za korisnika 115kbs).<br />

• U praksi raspoloživi protoci znatno manji (tipicno 40-50kbps).<br />

• Brza uspostava veze (ne uspostavlja tzv. dial-up veza).<br />

• Oko 190 <strong>GSM</strong> operatora u svetu investiralo je u <strong>GPRS</strong>.<br />

• TELEKOM i MOBTEL <strong>GPRS</strong> servis zapoceli su tokom 2003.god.

Novi dopunski <strong>GPRS</strong> servisi<br />

(mobile Internet technology)<br />

v Client-server services, which enable access to data stored in<br />

databases. The most famous example of this is access to the World<br />

Wide Web (WWW) through a browser.<br />

v Messaging services, intended for user-to-user communication<br />

between individual users via storage servers for message handling.<br />

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is an example of a wellknown<br />

messaging application.<br />

v Real-time conversational services, which provide bidirectional<br />

communication in real-time. A number of Internet and multimedia<br />

applications require this scheme such as voice over IP and video<br />

conferencing.<br />

v Tele-action services, which are characterized by short transactions<br />

and are required for services such as SMS, electronic monitoring,<br />

surveillance systems, and lottery transactions.

Prenos podataka – tipovi i karakteristike<br />

v Infrequent data transmission, as when the time between two<br />

transmissions exceeds the average transfer delay (e.g., messaging<br />

services);<br />

v Frequent transmission of small data blocks, in processes of several<br />

transactions of less than 500 octets per minute (e.g., downloading<br />

of several HTML pages from a browsing application);<br />

v Infrequent transmission of larger data blocks, in processes of<br />

several transactions per hour (e.g., access of information stored in<br />

database centers);<br />

v Asymmetrical throughput between uplink and downlink, such as<br />

for data retrieval in a server where the uplink is used to send<br />

signaling commands and the downlink is used to receive data as a<br />

response of the request (e.g., WEB/WAP browser).

Zahtevi u pogledu kvaliteta servisa (QoS)<br />

Novembar 2003

Definicija klasa saobracaja

End User Performance Expectations-<br />

Conversational/Real-Time Services<br />

Novembar 2003

End User Performance Expectations-<br />

Streaming Services<br />

Novembar 2003

End User Performance Expectations-<br />

Interactive Services<br />

Novembar 2003

Uvodenje <strong>GPRS</strong>-a u postojecu <strong>GSM</strong> mrežu<br />

•Relativno jednostavna i elegantna instalacija<br />

•Koristiti ista postojeca celijska struktura.<br />

•Radio-pokrivanje je približno isto kao i za govorne servise.<br />

•Nije neophodno novo frekvencijsko planiranje.<br />

•Zahtevaju se izmene samo u upravljacko-komutacionim cvorištima.<br />

SGSN - Serving <strong>GPRS</strong> Support Nodes Novembar 2003<br />

GGSN - Gateway <strong>GPRS</strong> Support Node

<strong>GPRS</strong> - arhitektira<br />

Novembar 2003

Klase mobilnih <strong>GPRS</strong> uredaja<br />

v The class A mobile can support simultaneously a communication in<br />

circuit-switched mode and another one in packet-switched mode. It is<br />

also capable of detecting in idle mode an incoming call in circuit or<br />

packet-switched mode.<br />

v The class B mobile can detect an incoming call in circuit-switched mode<br />

or in packet-switched mode during the idle mode but cannot support<br />

them simultaneously. The circuit and packet calls are performed<br />

sequentially. In some configurations desired by the user, a <strong>GPRS</strong><br />

communication may be suspended in order to perform a communication<br />

in circuit-switched mode and then may be resumed after the<br />

communication release in circuit-switched mode.<br />

v The class C mobile supports either a communication in circuit-switched<br />

mode or in packet-switched mode but is not capable of simultaneously<br />

supporting communications in both modes. It is not capable of<br />

simultaneously detecting the incoming calls in circuit-switched and<br />

packet-switched mode during idle mode. Thus a class C mobile is<br />

configured either in circuit-switched mode or in packet-switched mode.<br />

The mode configuration is selected either manually by the user or<br />

automatically by an application.

<strong>EDGE</strong> (Enhanced Data for <strong>GSM</strong> Evolution)<br />

• Promena na osnovnom fizickom nivou radio-interfejsa.<br />

• Povecanje protoka iznosi oko tri puta u odnosu na <strong>GPRS</strong> protoke.<br />

• Struktura i nacini realizacije servisa prakticno se ne menjaju.<br />

• Novi tip modulacije i novi tip kanalskog kodovanja na radio-interfejsu.<br />

• Striktno se poštuju TDMA struktura rama, širina radio-kanala (200kHz).<br />

struktura logickih kanala, kao i sistemski <strong>GPRS</strong> mehanizmi.<br />

•Maksimalni protok podataka za korisnika 384kbs (<strong>GPRS</strong> - 115kbs).<br />

•Teorijski protok na fizickom nivou 473.6kbs (<strong>GPRS</strong> – 160kbs).<br />

Novembar 2003

<strong>EDGE</strong> (Enhanced Data for <strong>GSM</strong> Evolution)<br />

• <strong>EDGE</strong> u pogledu komutaciono-upravljackog <strong>sistema</strong>,<br />

u potpunosti koristi strukturu definisanu u okviru <strong>GPRS</strong>-a.<br />

• Zahteva se zamena primo-predajnih jedinica u okviru baznih stanica.<br />

• Nedostatak, zahteva se veci odnos C/I nego u slucaju <strong>GPRS</strong>-a.<br />

• Neminovno uvodenje novih baznih stanica u radio-mrežu.<br />

• Ocekuje se pun razvoj multimedijalnih servisa, brzi pristup<br />

Internetu, prenos pokretnih slika, itd.<br />

Novembar 2003

<strong>EDGE</strong> (Enhanced Data for <strong>GSM</strong> Evolution)<br />

Izmena nacina modulacije na radio-interfejsu – povecanje protoka!<br />

Novembar 2003<br />

Uporedni prikaz GMSK i 8PSK modulacija.

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