Transactions A.S.M.E.

Transactions A.S.M.E.

Transactions A.S.M.E.


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<strong>Transactions</strong><br />

of the<br />

A.S.M.E.<br />

Purchase and Use of Fuel E. W. Stone 639<br />

Salt-Velocity Measurements at Low Velocities in Pipes<br />

Field Checks of the Salt-Velocity Method . .<br />

L. J . Hooper 6 51<br />

0. H. Dodkin 663<br />

The Viscosity of Superheated Steam . G. A. Hawkins, H. L. Solberg, and A. A. Potter 6 77<br />

Steam-Turbine Blading R. C. Allen 689<br />

Discussion of Attack on Steel in High-Capacity Boilers as a Result of Overheating Due<br />

to Steam Blanketing E. P. Partridge and R. E. Hall 7 1 1<br />

Determination of the Purity of Steam by Gravimetric and Spectrographic Methods<br />

......................................................M. C. Schwartz, W. B. Gurney, and T. E. Crossan 7 19<br />

Determination of Ammonia in Condensed S t e a m ..........................................................<br />

......................................................M. C. Schwartz, W. B. Gurney, and T. E. Crossan 723<br />

Determination of Purity of Steam by the Electrolytic-Conductivity Method . . . .<br />

......................................................W. B. Gurney, M. C. Schwartz, and T. E. Crossan 728<br />

NOVEM BER, 1940<br />

VOL. 62, NO. 8

<strong>Transactions</strong><br />

of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers<br />

Published on the tenth of every month, except March, June, September, and December<br />


W a r r e n H. M c B ry d e , President<br />

W . D . E n n is , Treasurer<br />

C . E , D a v ies, Secretary<br />


C .<br />

B. P eck, Chairman<br />

C o le m a n S e lle r s , 3d<br />

C . R. S o d e rb e rg<br />

F. L. B r a d le y A. R. S te v e n s o n , J r .<br />

G e o r g e A. S te ts o n , Editor<br />


W. L . D o d le y , S e a t t l e , W ash . A. N. G o d d a r d , D e t r o i t , M ic h . E. J. K a te s , New Y o rk , N. Y.<br />

L . S. M arks, C a m b r id g e, M ass. J . M . T o d d, N e w O rleans, L a. N . C . E b a u g h, G a in esv ille, F la.<br />

Junior Members<br />

C. C. K irb y , N e w Y o r k , N. Y . H. B. F e r n a l d , J r. , N e w Y o rk , N . Y.<br />

P ublished m onthly by T h e A m erican Society o f M echanical Engineers. P ublication office at 20th and N ortham pton Streets, Easton, Pa. T h e editorial<br />

departm ent located at the headquarters o f the Society, 29 W est T hirty-N inth Street, New Y ork, N. Y. Cable address, "D ynam ic," N ew Y ork. Price $1.50<br />

a copy, $ 12.00 a year; to m em bers, $1.00 a copy, $7.50 a year. C hanges of address must be received at Society headquarters tw o w eeks before they are to be<br />

effective o n the m ailing list. Please send old as w ell as new a d d re ss .. . . By-Law: T h e Society shall not be responsible for statem ents o r o p inions advanced<br />

in papers o r . . . . p rinted in its publications (B 13, Par. 4 )-----E ntered as second-class m atter M arch 2, 1928, at the P o st Office at Easton, P a„ under the Act<br />

o f A ugust 24, 1 9 1 2 .... C opyrighted, 1940, by T h e A m erican Society o f M echanical Engineers.

P urchase and Use of Fuel<br />


In this paper, the author discusses the location of in ­<br />

dustry, sources of its fuel supply, available com peting<br />

fuels and their relative cost, the purchaser’s com bustion<br />

equipment, the m ethod and efficiency of conversion, all<br />

of which are factors influencing the cost of power and the<br />

fuel necessary to produce it. The history of fuel production,<br />

supply, regulation and use, and the substantial im ­<br />

provement in com bustion equipm ent during the last<br />

twenty years afford an interesting commentary upon the<br />

complicated problem of fuel purchase and supply.<br />

FUEL represents potential energy for release in the form of<br />

heat, and its purchase and use involve many interrelated<br />

factors.<br />

Consumers evaluate fuel according to the recoverable heat<br />

when this is converted in their own equipment and for their own<br />

use. Consumer interest will vary to the extent that certainty of<br />

fuel supply and fuel cost are important factors in their own<br />

production problem.<br />

Producers, to continue in business, must realize in the aggregate<br />

their true actual cost of fuel production, preparation, and<br />

sale. Producers must also accurately appraise markets, consumer<br />

needs, and available conversion equipment in the preparation<br />

and merchandising of their fuels successfully to meet competition.<br />

Consuming markets seldom are located at or adjacent to the<br />

sources of supply. The cost of transportation, definitely established<br />

for whatever means employed, therefore constitutes a<br />

necessary, measurable, and usually a major factor in the delivered<br />

fuel cost.<br />

The cost of production, distribution, and utilization thus determines<br />

the character and extent of the fuel markets, price<br />

levels, and the relative values of competing fuels available in any<br />

common consuming market.<br />

Regulation, either state or federal, provided it properly<br />

recognizes the public, producer, and consumer interests, and fair<br />

existing competitive opportunities, may prove helpful. But<br />

regulation which ignores the effects of changing economic conditions<br />

and disregards the ordinary flow of fuel, in response to<br />

normal supply and demand under normal conditions of free and<br />

open competition, may cause a shift of markets and a permanent<br />

dislocation of production and consumption sufficient to offset any<br />

immediate temporary or localized gain.<br />

Integrated valuations of fuel by producer and by consumer,<br />

measured one against the other, will determine its fair average<br />

value. Any abnormal or arbitrary departure therefrom will<br />

adversely affect the producers of fuel and the consuming markets<br />

they serve.<br />

This country’s growth, commencing at the Atlantic seaboard,<br />

has largely been toward the West and Northwest, with industry’s<br />

movement and location generally determined by the availa-<br />

bility of raw materials, consuming markets, and convenient<br />

means for the distribution of manufactured products.<br />

Fortunately, acceptable fuels were usually accessible. Fortunately<br />

too, excepting a few industries like steel and glass,<br />

fuel constitutes but a minor portion of the raw-material requirement.<br />

Moreover, the development of power represents but a<br />

small, although increasing, part of the cost of production, due<br />

to the continued advance in the cost of manual labor. Transportation<br />

factors governing commodity movement were also<br />

favorable toward the convenient supply of fuels.<br />

Initially, industry, particularly in New England, was located<br />

to make use of available water power. Increasing power requirements<br />

later necessitated the installation of steam relay<br />

stations and, eventually, the use of purchased power.<br />

The gradual movement of industry westward, and its convenient<br />

location along rivers, lakes, railroads, and other available<br />

means of transportation, has brought about a corresponding<br />

redistribution of industrial-fuel markets and, likewise, shifts in<br />

the centers of population and domestic-fuel markets.<br />

In each instance, the continued effort to secure lower costs of<br />

heat and power has stimulated the use of more efficient combustion<br />

equipment and lower grades and less expensive kinds of fuels.<br />

From 1889 to 1929, energy for all uses increased approximately<br />

sixfold; from 1909 to 1929, industrial power requirements increased<br />

some twofold; and in the last 20 years, the use of electric<br />

energy has increased threefold. This increase in the use of power,<br />

particularly of electrical energy, has brought about the installation<br />

of many large generating stations in and near important<br />

industrial centers.<br />

Extensive transmission systems have been provided to interconnect<br />

large steam-generating plants and the near-by hydrostations.<br />

In spite of this augmented flexibility of generation and<br />

supply of electrical energy, the relatively limited storage facilities<br />

at the source and at consumers’ plants require continued and<br />

even greater dependence upon the transportation systems for<br />

high-speed service, reliability, and continuity of fuel supply.<br />

Frequently, reference is made to the location of large generating<br />

stations at the mine or other source of fuel supply, but the fueltransportation<br />

factor may be offset by the lack of condensing<br />

water at the mine and the economics of electrical-energy transmission.<br />

Bituminous coal has been and undoubtedly will continue<br />

to be the principal source of steam and electrical energy.<br />

Competing fuels and hydropower are making substantial increases,<br />

although seasonal variations in the latter may necessitate<br />

steam relay stations. Calculated at the prevailing fuel rate for<br />

electrical energy, the percentage of hydropower to the total<br />

energy consumption has approximated 3 to 4 per cent (1, 3)s<br />

since 1899.<br />

L o c a t io n — I n d u s t r y a n d F u e l S u p p l y<br />

1 Research and Consulting Engineer, Bigelow-Sanford Carpet<br />

Company, Inc. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

Contributed by the Fuels Division and presented at the Spring<br />

Meeting, Worcester, Mass., May 1-3, 1940, of T h e A m e r i c a n S o ­<br />

c ie t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s .<br />

N o t e : Statements and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

C o m p e t i n g F u e l s<br />

Coal deposits, with minor exceptions, are conveniently accessible<br />

to all consuming markets. On the other hand, oil is produced<br />

principally in the states of California, Oklahoma, and<br />

Texas, and to a lesser degree in several other states. The producing<br />

areas for natural gas roughly coincide with those for oil.<br />

Bituminous coal, fuel oil, and natural gas not only compete with<br />

each other in those markets easily reached or favorably situated,<br />

but with domestic anthracite in the East and with manufactured<br />

2 Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at the end of<br />

the paper.


gas and coke in many industrial centers throughout the United<br />

States.<br />

"New England is a good example of a competitive fuel market.<br />

Imported fuels are a negligible factor, but the production of<br />

hydropower and the use of fuel oil, anthracite, and bituminous<br />

coal, together with the by-product forms of manufactured gas<br />

and coke, present to both the industrial and domestic consumer<br />

a wide variety of fuels from which to choose.<br />

The importation of oil, although frowned upon by producers of<br />

competing fuels, has the effect of preserving our country’s<br />

rather limited oil reserves. On the other hand, the importation<br />

of foreign coal, particularly anthracite along the Atlantic seaboard,<br />

does detract from the potential markets for solid fuel, of<br />

which there is available several thousand years’ supply.<br />

T A B L E 2<br />

E S T IM A T E D A N N U A L N O R M A L PR O D U C T IO N<br />

B itum inous coal......................................................... 440 to 480 million tons<br />

A n thracite.................................................................... 50 to 60 million tons<br />

P etroleum ............................................................... 1280 to 1300 million bbl<br />

N atural gas..................................................................... 2450000 million cu ft<br />

H ydropow er.................................................................... 45000 million kwhr<br />

N o t e : Coke and m anufactured gas involve the consum ption of other<br />

prim ary forms of fuel and are not included.<br />

nage is produced in the eastern or Appalachian fields, 18 per cent<br />

in the middle-western fields (nrinimum price areas (2, 10) Nos. 1<br />

and 2, respectively), and the balance in varied and scattered<br />

amounts in the South and in the Rocky Mountain and northwestern<br />

states.<br />

The annual consumption of bituminous coal in the market<br />

areas east of the Mississippi River, for industrial and domestic<br />

uses, excluding export, railroad, and bunker fuel, approximates<br />

3/i of the total tonnage of the United States, apportioned (4) as<br />

shown in Table 3.<br />

° R efer also to Figs. 1 and 2.<br />

b 26.2 million B tu per to n of bitum inous coal.<br />

The total annual supply of energy from mineral fuels and<br />

water power (at the prevailing central-station heat equivalent)<br />

closely approximates 25,000 trillion Btu. As now proportioned,<br />

this may be expressed in terms given in Table 2.<br />

Approximately 70 per cent of the total bituminous-coal ton-<br />


EAST<br />

M illion tons<br />

New England S tates......................................................................... 17<br />

New Y ork S ta te .............................................................................#.<br />

Pennsylvania, W est Virginia, and other N orth A tlantio<br />

23<br />

S tates.................................................................................................<br />

O ther states south of th e Ohio and east of th e M ississippi<br />

75<br />

R ivers................................................................................................<br />

S tates north of th e Ohio and east of th e M ississippi Rivers<br />

42<br />

162<br />

Substantially all the anthracite is produced in eastern Pennsylvania<br />

and consumed in the North Atlantic States.<br />

The principal consumption of fuel and gas oil is in the producing<br />

and adjacent areas and those markets conveniently


reached via tidewater and pipe line. The total distribution (5)<br />

in 1937 approximated:<br />

Per cent<br />

New England S tates............................... 9<br />

Middle Atlantic S tates........................... 29<br />

South A tlantic S tates............................. 4<br />

N orth C entral S tates.............................. 14<br />

South Central S tates.............................. 20<br />

Rocky M ountain S tates......................... 1<br />

Pacific C oast S tates................................ 23<br />

T o tal...................................... 100<br />

The consumption of natural gas likewise is generally confined<br />

to the producing areas, except where accessible by pipe<br />

line, with the total distribution (5) 1937 divided as follows:<br />

Per cent<br />

California................................................... 14<br />

Louisiana.................................................... 13<br />

Oklahoma................................................... 12<br />

Texas........................................................... 36<br />

W est Virginia............................................ 6<br />

Other states............................................... 19<br />

T o tal...................................... 100<br />

In 1937, there was produced from fuels 77,348 million kwhr<br />

of electrical energy, and from water power, in competition with<br />

fuels, some 43,702 million kwhr, a total production of 121,050<br />

million kwhr,3 apportioned (6) as shown in Table 4.<br />

* Approxim ately 128,000 million kwhr in 1939.<br />

F i g . 2<br />

R e l a t iv e R a t e o f G r o w t h o f A n t h r a c it e , B it u m in o u s C o a l, P e t r o l e u m , N a t u r a l G a s , a n d W a t e r P o w e r i n<br />

t h e U n it e d St a t e s<br />

(Index num bers 1918 equals 100. D a ta taken from supplem ent to W eekly C oal R eport No. 1084 of T he N ational B itum inous Coal Commission.)<br />

N otes on F ig . 2 ^ U nit h eat values used<br />

* C.R . W ater power a t constant ra te ;---------------------- K ind of fuel B tu value<br />

v 4 02 lb per kw hr<br />

iiS o W ater Power a t prevailing ra te ;----------------------<br />

A nth racite.................. ....................................................<br />

B itum inous coal............................................................<br />

13600 per lb<br />

13100 per lb<br />

te ’ ,3 ®6 *b Per,<br />

1937 rate, 1.42 lb per kw hr<br />

P etroleum .......................................................................<br />

N atural gas.....................................................................<br />

6000000 per bbl<br />

1075 per ou ft<br />

W ater power equivalent (C.R.) is based on th e year 1913 or m id-point of years compiled (1889-1937) an d is the constant factor of 4.02 lb of coal per kw hr<br />

W ater power equivalent (P.R .) is based on the prevailing factor which varies from 7.05 lb of coal per kw hr in 1899 to 1.42 lb of coal per kw hr in 1937<br />

Wnen production of w ater power was not available, th e horsepower equivalent was used, taken a t 20 per cent capacity factor for m anufacturing and mines<br />

and 40 per cent for utilities


T A B L E 4<br />

A P P O R T IO N M E N T O F E L E C T R IC A L -E N E R G Y<br />

P R O D U C T IO N IN 1937<br />

H ydroplants, Fuel plants, T otal,<br />

per cent per cent per cent<br />

New England S ta te s..................................... 7 6 7<br />

M iddle A tlantic S ta te s.................................<br />

E a st N orth C entral S ta te s..........................<br />

19<br />

5<br />

29<br />

34<br />

26<br />

23<br />

W est N orth C entral S ta te s......................... 5 7 6<br />

South A tlantic S ta te s................................... 16 9 12<br />

E ast South C entral S ta te s.......................... 8 2 4<br />

W est S outh C entral S ta te s......................... 1 8 5<br />

R ocky M ountain S ta te s............................... 10 2 5<br />

Pacific C oast S ta te s................................ 29 3 12<br />

T o tals......................................................... 100 100 100<br />

For comparison, it is interesting to note that the electricgenerating<br />

capacity of utility and other power and light plants<br />

devoted to public use at the end of the year 1937 was reported to<br />

be as follows:<br />

10.474.000 kw for hydroplants<br />

26.558.000 kw for those using fuel<br />

37.032.000 kw4 for entire United States<br />

The total amount and that for the two methods of generation are<br />

apportioned (6), as shown in Table 5.<br />


CAPACITY IN 1937<br />

H ydroplants, Fuel plants, T otal,<br />

per cent per cent per cent<br />

New E ngland S ta te s..................................... 8 8 8<br />

M iddle A tlantic S ta te s................................. 14 29 25<br />

E a st N orth C entral S ta te s......................... 6 28 22<br />

W est N orth C entral S ta te s......................... 5 9 8<br />

South A tlantic S tates.................................... 19 9 12<br />

E ast South C entral S ta te s.......................... 10 3 5<br />

W est South C entral S ta te s......................... 1 6 5<br />

R ocky M ountain S ta te s............................... 11 2 4<br />

Pacific C oast S ta te s ....................................... 26 6 11<br />

T o tals......................................................... 100 100 100<br />

Those portions of the fuels which compete with each other and<br />

with hydropower may be conveniently expressed in terms of<br />

“equivalent bituminous-coal tonnage”6 for a normal year.<br />

These values are given in Table 6.<br />



Million tons<br />

Bituminous coal:<br />

Domestic.......................................................... 88 to 96<br />

Railroad............................................................ 88 to 96<br />

Industrial and power use.................................. 264 to 288 440 to 480<br />

Anthracite:<br />

Domestic.......................................................... 33 to 39<br />

Industrial.......................................................... 17 to 21 50 to 60<br />

Fuel and gas oil:<br />

Domestic....................................................................... ...26<br />

Power............................................................................ 26<br />

Railroad......................................................................... 16<br />

Other............................................................................ 35 103<br />

Natural gas:<br />

Domestic....................................................................... 20<br />

Industrial...................................................................... 39 59<br />

Hydropower............................................................................. 31<br />

683 to 733<br />

E fficiency of Conversion<br />

The improvement in efficiency of converting the potential<br />

energy of coal and other fuels into electrical, mechanical, or other<br />

useful forms of energy offers an interesting commentary upon the<br />

relatively constant total supply of energy from mineral fuels<br />

since 1918, except during the depression years of the 1920’s and<br />

again in the 1930’s. The following examples will illustrate this<br />

point:<br />

The average number of pounds of coal required per 1000 gross<br />

ton-miles for freight service on steam railroads decreased from an<br />

4 Approximately 40 million kw at the end of 1939.<br />

s 26,200,000 Btu per net ton.<br />

average of 170 lb in 1919-1920 to 115* in 1938; a reduction of<br />

32 per cent (4, 5, 7).<br />

During the same period, the pounds per passenger-train carmile<br />

decreased from 18.5 lb to 14.9 ;7 an improvement of 19Vj<br />

per cent (4,5,7).<br />

■In 1918, the production of a gross ton of pig iron required the<br />

use of the equivalent of some 3577 lb of coal, whereas, in 1938<br />

this amounted to but 2865 lb; an improvement of nearly 20<br />

per cent (4,5).<br />

The improvement in the efficiency of production of electrical<br />

energy is even more marked. It is reported that in 1889 the<br />

average consumption of coal was 7.5 lb per kwhr. This requirement<br />

(1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11) was reduced in<br />

1902 to 6.4 lb per kwhr<br />

1912 to 4.5 lb per kwhr<br />

1919 to 3.22 lb per kwhr<br />

1920 to 3.04 lb per kwhr<br />

1929 to 1.69 lb per kwhr<br />

1938 to 1.41 lb per kwhr<br />

The reduction since 1919 approximates 56 per cent.<br />

Several central stations are now producing electrical energy for<br />

0.75 lb of coal per kwhr, approximately 1/ 2 the 1938 average for<br />

the entire United States. Many factors have encouraged this<br />

improvement in efficiency and undoubtedly will continue to do<br />

so, although perhaps not to the extent possible in the past.<br />

E q u ip m e n t a n d C h a n g e s<br />

The record is replete with coal analyses, boiler- and powerequipment<br />

tests, specifications and descriptions in general and in<br />

detail, including design, construction, and operation of modern<br />

steam-generating stations for the utilization of solid, liquid, or<br />

gaseous fuels, singly and in combination, and need not be further<br />

amplified in this paper.<br />

Considerable thought has been given to the storage of fuel,<br />

its delivery to the furnace, the method of firing, combustion control,<br />

the removal of waste, desirable fuel characteristics, boiler<br />

design, operating pressures, capacities, and the rate of heat release.<br />

Much study has been devoted to size and arrangement of<br />

combustion space; gas velocities, to secure maximum rate of<br />

heat transfer; furnace temperatures; the use of waterwalls and<br />

special refractories to withstand the higher prevailing furnace<br />

temperatures; the use of alloy steels and welded construction;<br />

pulverizer design and the use of watercooled stokers.<br />

Heretofore, the quantity of ash and of sulphur and the ashfusion<br />

temperatures appeared to be limiting factors in the use of<br />

certain types of combustion equipment. Methods for continuous<br />

or intermittent ash removal, either in the dry or plastic state,<br />

have been improved. We know more about what actually takes<br />

place in the combustion of fuel and the behavior of ash on refractory<br />

and boiler surfaces. This has indicated that the slagging<br />

characteristics of a coal may be dependent upon the fusion temperatures<br />

of its component parts rather than an average of all,<br />

and that Fe20 8, lime, and other components of ash definitely influence<br />

slag formation. All this has helped to make possible the<br />

combustion of high ash pulverized coal with ash-softening<br />

temperatures as low as 2300 F, in a dry-bottom furnace, and,<br />

conversely, the use of high-fusion coals with ash-softening temperatures<br />

as high as 2550 F, in wet-bottom furnaces, the furnace<br />

temperatures in either case being controlling factors.<br />

These numerous experiments, studies, and investigations, individually<br />

and collectively, constitute an important contribution to<br />

the use, operation, and efficiency of modern steam-generation<br />

equipment, and encourage still further improvement. The ex-<br />

« 112 in 1939.<br />

» 14.8 in 1939.


perience and results obtained on the larger units have been and<br />

can be applied, with perhaps less refinement, to the smaller and<br />

simpler combustion units for industrial use, or for the modification<br />

and more efficient utilization of existing equipment.<br />

Large utility and industrial consumers of fuel employ technicians<br />

to check fuels and power-plant operation carefully and<br />

frequently. To the small consumer, who may question the<br />

economic justification of such a check, there are now available<br />

fuel technicians and an extensive array of operating data. The<br />

larger producers of fuel maintain, for the convenience of their<br />

customers, technical staffs thoroughly acquainted with their fuels<br />

and frequently experienced in actual plant operation. The<br />

National Association of Purchasing Agents (9) has also reminded<br />

its membership of the more important factors influencing<br />

the use of fuels.<br />

Heretofore, initial cost has frequently been permitted to influence<br />

the installation and use of steam-generating equipment,<br />

often to the extent of restricting it to a single or a limited number<br />

of types or grades or sizes of fuel.<br />

There appears to be a growing realization among equipment<br />

manufacturers and, likewise, among the users of all kinds of fuel<br />

that, with very little additional effort and expense, steamgenerating<br />

equipment, having a much wider range of fuel utilization,<br />

can now be manufactured and installed.<br />

If this be a correct interpretation of the trend, this increase in<br />

the adaptability and range of use of fuel-burning equipment will<br />

enable the consumer, in spite of the tendency to regulate both<br />

price and source of supply, to purchase fuel at a low average unit<br />

cost and effect the same or even greater efficiencies of conversion<br />

than have heretofore prevailed.<br />

Likewise, manufacturers may, at little added cost, modify their<br />

combustion equipment to make possible the burning of solid,<br />

liquid, or gaseous fuel, and the high- and low-grade fuels of any<br />

type with substantially equal efficiency.<br />

Thus, the consumer will be enabled to take greater advantage<br />

of the potential and changing fuel markets and available methods<br />

of transportation, and in his purchases can be governed to a<br />

larger degree by the actual fuel value measured by the delivered<br />

fuel cost per million Btu.<br />

M a r k e t T r e n d s 8<br />

Natural gas has been marketed in ever-increasing quantity<br />

since 1921, similarly fuel oil, with the increased consumption<br />

more pronounced for domestic heating than for other uses. At<br />

the same time, there has been a definite trend downward in the<br />

use of both anthracite and bituminous coal, this trend being morfe<br />

pronounced since 1926.<br />

Throughout the last 20 years, steam-generated electrical<br />

energy has increased threefold, with but slight increase in the<br />

use of fuel, due to improved efficiency in fuel utilization. Hydrogenerated<br />

electrical energy has increased in substantially the<br />

same proportion, but, if evaluated at the prevailing rate for<br />

steam-generated energy, the coal displacement appears to show<br />

relatively small change since 1918.<br />

Except for the periods during and immediately following the<br />

World War, and during strikes and other abnormal times, all<br />

bituminous coal has averaged to realize at the mine between<br />

$1.75 and $2 (5) per net ton.<br />

The realization at the mine for Pennsylvania anthracite appears<br />

to have declined steadily from an average of 15.35 in 1931<br />

(5) to nearly $4 in 1937. The downward change, which was<br />

greater for domestic sizes, was somewhat offset by a gradual increase<br />

in the realization for industrial and steam sizes.<br />

If we take the tidewater price of bunker C fuel oil at New<br />

* Refer to Figs. 1 and 2.<br />

York, the average price per barrel for the years 1933 to 1939,<br />

inclusive, has ranged from approximately $1 to $1.30 (5), with<br />

the actual price, of course, depending somewhat upon the local<br />

market conditions, the quantities involved, and subject to<br />

greater fluctuation than that of other fuels.<br />

The average annual realization for natural gas, on the other<br />

hand, has ranged within relatively narrow limits, from approximately<br />

211/ 2 cents to 243/ 4 cents per thousand cubic feet at point<br />

of consumption for the years 1925 to 1938 (5), inclusive. Although<br />

the figure for all natural gas has remained substantially<br />

constant, the average for industrial use during the same period<br />

appears to have declined from a high of nearly 13 cents to a low<br />

of 9.7 cents, whereas, the corresponding rates for domestic consumption<br />

appear to have increased from a low of 56 cents to a<br />

high of some 69 cents per thousand cubic feet.<br />

These figures, unless otherwise stated, are merely averages for<br />

the entire United States. They do not indicate the relative<br />

prices at any particular market or destination, where the different<br />

transportation costs will substantially modify the actual delivered<br />

prices for the available fuels.<br />

The better- and not the lower-grade fuels move to the more<br />

distant markets, where transportation is important. From time<br />

to time, strikes, changing business conditions, temporary shortages<br />

of supply, and other varying factors may serve to modify<br />

consumer preference and the relative prices of competing fuels,<br />

but the general parallelism between the costs of the different types<br />

of fuel (solid, liquid, and gaseous) appears to continue.<br />

Recently, producers of bituminous coal have given more<br />

attention to the screening, sizing, cleaning, and possible dust<br />

treatment of their coals, the better to meet changes in market<br />

conditions and in combustion equipment, realizing that thereby<br />

they can substantially improve their opportunities to hold and<br />

possibly extend existing markets.<br />

The use of the finer sizes of slack and double-screened coals,<br />

respectively, for the industrial and domestic trade has substantially<br />

increased. Slack coals, formerly a drug on the market,<br />

selling at ridiculously low prices, have encouraged the introduction<br />

of pulverized-fuel equipment. The introduction of<br />

domestic stokers has made possible and convenient the use of<br />

smaller and less expensive double-screened sizes of coal, tending<br />

to reduce the supply of slacks available for industrial use.<br />

The price differentials between the so-called “prepared” or<br />

double-screened coals, on the one hand, and slack coals, on the<br />

other, tend to diminish, with the mean or weighted average approaching<br />

but not reaching the mine-run figure. This diminishing<br />

differential as to size, coupled with corresponding differentials<br />

as to grade, has accelerated the price leveling-out process,<br />

as indicated by the generally greater increase proposed under<br />

the new price schedules for slacks and industrial coals than for<br />

the large double-screened and domestic sizes.<br />

T r a n s p o r t a t io n<br />

Freight rates are not always proportional to the distance<br />

traveled, in fact those for long hauls often are relatively lower, to<br />

enable newer and more distantly located coal fields to compete in<br />

the larger consuming markets with the older near-by fields.<br />

The cost of transporting a ton of coal via rail averaged; for<br />

the entire United States, an amount equal to or greater than the<br />

average cost of the fuel itself. This cost ranged from $2.15 to<br />

$2.27 per net ton during the years 1929 to 1938, inclusive, with the<br />

actual transportation charge to many consuming markets several<br />

times the actual fuel cost f.o.b. cars at the mine. Approximately<br />

24 per cent of the bituminous-coal production is water-borne<br />

wholly or partly via lake, river, or tidewater, and 7 per cent is<br />

moved by truck from the mine to near-by destinations and usually<br />

at less than rail rates.


Transportation cost, reliability of the carrier or carrier system,<br />

and the continuity of supply are important factors when coal or<br />

fuel oil are considered.<br />

The increasing availability of natural gas has encouraged the<br />

extension of pipe lines so that now it may be so conveyed thousands<br />

of miles from the source of supply to the ultimate consumer.<br />

Anthracite destined for eastern markets generally moves via<br />

rail, or rail and tidewater, with a small portion moving via truck.<br />

S e l e c t i o n a n d E v a l u a t io n o p F u e l<br />

Purchasers of fuel are anxious to familiarize themselves with<br />

the limitations of their own equipment, the operating man’s viewpoint,<br />

and the characteristics of available fuels. They desire some<br />

readily understood measure of fuel evaluation and performance,<br />

first, to guide them in its selection and, subsequently, to check<br />

actual performance when the fuel is burned in their own plants.<br />

A suitable measure of performance will facilitate comparison<br />

between plants and between competing fuels in the same plant,<br />

also the effect of variations in preparation and physical characteristics<br />

upon the efficiency of utilization.<br />

A vast amount of detailed information and individual plantoperating<br />

experience has been accumulated and made available<br />

by the engineering profession and by producer and consumer<br />

organizations as to available fuels. Nevertheless, the major<br />

problem still remains.<br />

A scientific approach to the purchase of fuel is possible. Frequently,<br />

however, the power or fuel portion of the total manufacturing<br />

cost is not sufficiently large to justify the extensive and<br />

detailed evaluation methods used by those who consume millions<br />

of tons annually. However, the many chemical and physical<br />

characteristics of fuels undoubtedly do have a marked bearing<br />

upon the selection of appropriate fuels and, having once determined<br />

the desired type or types, the field is considerably narrowed.<br />

It then becomes a m atter of evaluating fuels on the basis<br />

T A B L E 7<br />

SU G G E S T E D M E T H O D O F E V A L U A T IN G FU E L S<br />

of actual heat recovery rather than on a casual analysis of a<br />

salesman.<br />

Coal is now available in a greater variety of sizes and grades<br />

than is generally realized. The producers themselves have<br />

learned to better prepare, size, grade, and treat their coals;<br />

fuel oils have increased in specific gravity and heat content;<br />

refinery by-products and residues have become available; and<br />

the extension of natural-gas lines has brought this fuel into<br />

many otherwise inaccessible markets. Combustion equipment<br />

has been designed or modified to permit high rates of heat release<br />

and to burn not only one but several fuels with substantially<br />

equal facility. The fuel-selection problem thus has become increasingly<br />

complex.<br />

The average consumer is manifestly somewhat bewildered by<br />

the kaleidoscopic changes in fuel prices, fuel markets, and factors<br />

affecting fuel production, distribution, and use. His interest in<br />

the evaluation of fuels leans toward a definite, tangible yardstick<br />

or measure of evaluation and a definite departure from the old<br />

rule-of-thumb method of purchase from “Smith” or “Brown,”<br />

because the fireman thought it burned better or merely because<br />

the supplier had convinced the fireman that his coal shoveled<br />

better than that of his competitor.<br />

The suggested method of evaluation is illustrated in Table 7<br />

for coal, gas, and oil, and for stoker- and pulverized-fuel-fired<br />

boilers.<br />

The variable factors, production, transportation, handling,<br />

and utilization, may be divided into two fundamental and<br />

essential groups as follows:<br />

1 The complete cost of the fuel, including transportation and<br />

conversion, per ton, barrel, or million cubic feet.<br />

2 The heat recovery expressed in convenient units, as, for<br />

example, million Btu per fuel unit.<br />

Both of these in the average industrial plant may be readily<br />

and accurately determined. When compared, they provide a<br />

simple and substantially uniform and sufficiently accurate<br />

method of evaluation regardless of the fuel, the conversion equipment,<br />

the method of operation, plant location, or any other of the<br />

many factors which enter into or effect the utilization of fuel.<br />

After the primary determinations, supplemented by a heat<br />

balance if desired, fuel evaluations are completed for repreeentar<br />

tive fuels and the usual boiler ratings. Subsequent modification<br />

may be quickly approximated to determine the effect of changes in<br />

prices, transportation costs, and operating efficiencies. Thereafter,<br />

periodic tests and an analysis of the results over extended<br />

periods may suggest further changes in fuels and conversion<br />

equipment and make possible the widening of the range of fuel<br />

application. Thus, the management and operating staff are<br />

provided with a yardstick or standard of performance which can<br />

be easily and readily applied to a large or a small plant, and<br />

which includes all the essential fundamental factors. To illustrate,<br />

if we add the following items:<br />

A The delivered cost of fuel, including storage and handling<br />

if necessary;<br />

B Cost of handling the fuel into and through the conversion<br />

equipment;<br />

C Ash- and waste-removal cost;<br />

D Supervision, labor, maintenance, and other operating<br />

expense;<br />

then we can readily determine, from these known and easily<br />

secured data, a unit cost for fuel delivered and consumed.<br />

Actual heat recovery may be readily ascertained from the<br />

steam produced or an equivalent-use evaluation in other processes.<br />

The two predominating and major factors may then be


compared directly to determine the cost per million Btu actually<br />

recovered, i.e.<br />

Fuel cost<br />

-------- ---------- = Cost per million Btu recovered<br />

Heat recovered<br />

The three cost factors B, C, and D, are the average for the<br />

particular plant for the preceding year, weighted (plus or minus)<br />

to approximate empirically the probable increase "or decrease, as<br />

the case may be, for handling the particular type, grade, or size of<br />

the fuel in question. The average cost assigned to B, C, and D is<br />

controlling and is a definite and known amount for any given<br />

plant. Such slight modification as may be required properly to<br />

weight these items for any particular fuel is a very small portion<br />

of the total cost of the delivered and converted fuel, in fact so<br />

small as not to be seriously questioned by either the seller or the<br />

consumer of the fuel, and usually small enough to be waived entirely<br />

in case of serious argument.<br />

This method of evaluation includes the cumulative effect of<br />

many factors not otherwise distinguishable except through detailed<br />

analysis. Actual experience and use have shown that it<br />

affords a reasonably simple and accurate comparison of the<br />

energy-conversion cost for different plants, either large or small,<br />

or different usable fuels in the same plant, or even plants other<br />

than those used for the generation of steam.<br />

To a particular producer 5 cents per bbl or 10 cents per ton<br />

differential in the fuel cost (f.o.b. source) may appear to be a<br />

substantial one, and may even mean the loss or gain of his market<br />

or customer. To the consumer, transportation is an added and<br />

an important element of expense; in fact, frequently, as in<br />

New England, transportation cost may average to be twice that<br />

of the fuel itself. Thus, small variations in fuel price, although<br />

seemingly of major importance to the producer, actually become<br />

a minor factor in the consumer’s total cost, and particularly so<br />

if, for the fuels or the plants being compared, there is a marked<br />

difference in the percentage of heat actually recovered.<br />

M in im u m P r i c e s F o r B it u m in o u s C o a l<br />

There has been in progress during the last two years a series<br />

of investigations, collection of fundamental data, and hearings<br />

for the purpose of determining the weighted-average cost of<br />

production and establishing minimum prices for bituminous coal<br />

in accordance with the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 (2). The<br />

Act authorizes separation of the coal fields of the United States<br />

into 23 producing districts and the grouping of these into 10<br />

minimum-price areas. The Act requires that the production of<br />

Producers’ D a ta to D istrict S tatistical B ureau<br />

(1) Cost of 'production: (1) D irect and indirect expenses plus cost of (16) Coordinated m inim um prices, coal classifications, marketing rules. (16).<br />

selling.<br />

and<br />

to . (17) Proposed as result of coordination by th e several producing districts<br />

for each kind, quality, and size shipped by any of them , in<br />

(4) Preparation: (2) Kinds, qualities, sizes.<br />

Sales: (3) Selling price, spot orders, invoices, credit memo.<br />

com petition into an y and every m arket area, together w ith coordinated<br />

m arketing rules and regulations.<br />

Distribution: (4) Tonnage by kinds, sizes, grades, and use to each<br />

m arket area.<br />

In th e event of failure of th e districts to agree in whole or in part,<br />

(5) District Statistical Bureau to Division Statistical Section:<br />

th e B itum inous C oal Division m ay com plete and propose such<br />

to<br />

coordinated m inim um prices and m arketing rules (17).<br />

(9) Sum m aries of 1936 cost (5), preparation (6), sales (7), and distri- (18) 4~II (b) Hearing:<br />

bution (8) d a ta for each D istrict to statistical section of B itum inous<br />

R egarding inter-district coordination, prices, and m arketing rules<br />

Coal Division; D istrict cost sum m ary (9) to D istrict Boards.<br />

proposed for th e shipm ent of coals into common consuming m arkets.<br />

(10) Adjustm ent 1986 production cost: (19) M arketing rules and regulations: ) P rom ulgated by Secretary of the<br />

D istrict B oards’ recom m endations to D ivision to reflect changes in (20) Prices— m inim um and if necessary,<br />

m axim um :<br />

upon recom m endation of th e<br />

D epartm ent of th e Interior<br />

wages, etc., since 1936.<br />

(11) Cost hearing: (21) D iscounts to distributors<br />

D irector of th e B itum inous<br />

R egrading determ ination weighted average cost of production for<br />

) Coal Division.<br />

each D istrict and price area. (22) Price modifications and changes found necessary or advisable on the<br />

(12) Approved weighted average cost of production authorized by D ivision as and D ivision’s own representations or on request from producer (22) or<br />

basis for proposing m inim um prices for various kinds, qualities, and (23) consum er (23) interests, and after suitable hearing, legal procedure,<br />

sizes of coal produced in each district.<br />

etc.<br />

(13) Intra-district quality and, price relationships to reflect values of th e ’ (24) Records are available to C onsum ers’ Counsel on request.<br />

kinds, qualities, and sizes of coal produced by each mine w ithin th e (25) D istribution or sales agency, registrations.<br />

district as proposed by each D istrict Board, together w ith their (26) Rules: Procedure and relationship betw een D istrict B oard and<br />

(14)<br />

proposals as to m arketing rules and regulations for th e sale of coal.<br />

4-11 (o) Hearing:<br />

and<br />

(27)<br />

Regarding proposed in tra-d istrict q uality and price relationships (28)<br />

and m arketing rules and regulations.<br />

(15) Approved intra-district classifications and marketing rules and regulations.<br />

producers (26) and necessary assistance and inform ation (27).<br />

Tax:<br />

N one on export shipm ents or those to federal, state, or m unicipal<br />

purchasers; 1 cent per ton on all other except th a t produced by<br />

noncode m em bers, which shall be 19*72 cents per ton.


any district shall realize, as nearly as may be, the weightedaverage<br />

cost of production of the minimum-price area of which<br />

the district forms a part. It also provides for the establishment<br />

of Consumers’ Counsel as a liaison agency between the Coal<br />

Division on the one hand and the consuming public on the other.<br />

The Bituminous Coal Division of the Department of the<br />

Interior on July 1,1939, took over the work of the former National<br />

Bituminous-Coal Commission, and since that time has carefully<br />

and painstakingly continued the procedure (Fig. 3) of establishing<br />

minimum prices, f.o.b. mine, for bituminous coal from all producing<br />

districts within the United States and for movement into the<br />

many consuming market areas (some 200) within its boundaries.<br />

The task proved to be a formidable one; in fact, the final minimum-price<br />

hearing, which in a measure comprised an open<br />

coordination meeting, has taken 6 months, with the accumulation<br />

of some 25,000 pages of testimony and over 1700 exhibits, many<br />

of which are replete with data of varied and complicated character.<br />

All of this, together with the fundamental data upon which the<br />

weighted-average-cost determinations have been predicated,<br />

comprises a more extensive accumulation of pertinent data with<br />

reference to the production, distribution, consumption, and values<br />

of bituminous coal than any heretofore assembled in the history<br />

of the industry, and of inestimable value to producers and consumers<br />

alike.<br />

The magnitude of the problem and the difficulty of arriving at<br />

an equitable solution becomes all the more apparent when one<br />

realizes that it involves:<br />

1 The determination of the cost of producing and selling coal.<br />

2 The classification of all coals by size and by grade.<br />

3 The cost of transportation.<br />

4 The establishment of minimum prices for the various kinds,<br />

qualities, and sizes of coal, produced in the several districts, to<br />

reflect, as nearly as possible, their relative market values at<br />

points of delivery in each common consuming-market area.<br />

In addition, the Bituminous Coal Division, in the absence of<br />

complete agreement between producing districts, found it<br />

necessary to undertake the work of final price coordination.<br />

Production costs for all mines for the year 1936, adjusted to<br />

reflect subsequent changes in wages, etc., including a reasonable<br />

cost of selling, when summarized, were used to determine the<br />

weighted-average cost of production per net ton for each price<br />

area for all of the ascertainable tonnage produced therein.<br />

Subject to public hearing and subsequent approval by the<br />

Coal Commission, each district board proposed a classification of<br />

its coals and differentials as to size and grade. Subsequently, as<br />

a part of coordination, the Coal Division determined the base<br />

coals of each producing district and related these to the base coals<br />

of the other producing districts in their common consuming<br />

markets. The remaining coals of each district were then differentially<br />

related to its own base coals within the same market.<br />

Throughout, consideration was given to sizing and preparation<br />

of coal, methods of cleaning and treatment, coal analyses, and to<br />

the possibility of rearranging and regrouping sizes proposed for<br />

each producing district, to facilitate the relation of various coals,


and simplify price structure for both producer and consumer.<br />

Transportation tariffs are intricate in relationship and infinite<br />

in variety. Transportation cost constitutes a very definite and<br />

important factor in determining the f.o.b. mine prices of fuel.<br />

This is necessary if coals from the various sources are to compete<br />

with other fuels on a basis which will insure fair opportunities for<br />

the consumer to purchase and producers to distribute their coal<br />

in their natural markets without serious interruption or dislocation<br />

of tonnage.<br />

In relating truly competitive coals, substantial freight differentials<br />

frequently were reduced by the absorption of a limited<br />

portion of such differential by the expedient of lowering the f.o.b.<br />

mine price of the coal or coals moving on the long freight rates.<br />

Coal for truck delivery was priced at the mine to effect the same<br />

delivered price as that for rail movement, an average trucking<br />

charge being used for this purpose.<br />

An effort has been made to retain the advantages of low-cost<br />

water transportation in some market areas and for those consumers<br />

who are privileged to receive fuel on an “alongside” basis.<br />

Coal moving ex-dock, ex-river, or ex-lake has been coordinated<br />

with competing fuels moving all-rail into the same common consuming<br />

market.<br />

The level of prices in any common consuming market is to a<br />

large degree determined by that market, its proximity to the<br />

producing field, and the extent to which competing fuels, whether<br />

they be gas, oil, other coals, or even hydropower, may affect the<br />

movement of bituminous coal into that market.<br />

Fig. 4 is a reproduction of an exhibit (4) introduced by the Coal<br />

Division during the final price hearing. On this the Division has<br />

noted the principal markets, producing districts, and f.o.b. mine<br />

prices for competitive “base” steam coals for “certain selected<br />

destinations.” This is included here by way of illustration,<br />

without in any way implying approval. I t seemingly indicates<br />

an attem pt so to coordinate coal prices as to avoid discrimination<br />

between classes of consumers, market areas, and industrially<br />

competitive sections of the eastern United States.<br />

The proposed prices involved consideration of both levels and<br />

differentials, and include all sizes and grades of coals, whether<br />

borne by rail, water, or truck, and for the following uses:<br />

a Domestic<br />

b Industrial<br />

c By-product-coke manufacture<br />

d Water-gas and producer-gas manufacture<br />

e Railroad-locomotive fuel<br />

f Vessel and bunker fuel.<br />

The “minimum-price” fixing procedure has reached a point<br />

where the Bituminous Coal Division has been able to estimate the<br />

realization anticipated from the proposed minimum prices, based<br />

on the 1937 tonnage distribution. In some instances, proposed<br />

prices are lower and in others considerably higher than the present<br />

market, with the average realization exceeding that now prevailing.<br />

The anticipated realization, together with the corresponding<br />

weighted-average cost for each of the several producing<br />

districts and price areas, is included in Table 8 (10).<br />

The weighted-average cost of production and corresponding<br />

realization for minimum-price areas Nos. 1 and 2 (comprising the<br />

Appalachian and middle-western producing fields, respectively),<br />

allowing for subsequent modifications suggested by the Marketing<br />

Division, are:<br />

Under free and open competition, relative market values in<br />

each market area involved price differentials as to sizes and<br />

qualities for the coals of each producing district and the level of<br />

prices for that market.<br />

Differentials in price are influenced by quality, size, size consist,<br />

treatment, use, chemical and physical structure, and the<br />

adaptability of a coal or coals to use, markets, transportation, and<br />

other factors.


within each of the two price areas where they compete in common<br />

consuming markets. This may be illustrated diagrammatically<br />

by Fig. 5, in which is shown the relative weighted-average production<br />

costs and anticipated realizations for price areas Nos. 1<br />

and 2. It so happens that a substantial portion of the tonnage<br />

of the southern districts of price area No. 1 moves into the<br />

Middle West in competition with the coals of price area No. 2,<br />

produced within that consuming area, price area No. 1 coals in<br />

both domestic and steam sizes generally being superior in value.<br />

If the relationships between the coals of price areas Nos. 1 and<br />

2, as determined by the Division, are correct, it is obvious that the<br />

truly competitive coals from each area must be priced f.o.b. the<br />

mine to deliver at their proper relative market value. Such<br />

coordination may be illustrated by the indicated rotation of the<br />

desired price level or realization lines. The rotation of price<br />

area No. 1 line indicates a price decrease for its westbound coals<br />

and a corresponding increase of the remaining coals moving<br />

eastbound since, only in this manner or by a decrease in realization<br />

(Ri), can coordination of price area No. 1 and price area<br />

No. 2 coals be effected.<br />

The higher level of prices of those coals of price area No. 2<br />

which actually compete with the westbound coals of price area<br />

No. 1 further assist this coordination. However, it is obvious<br />

that, for each ton priced above cost, there is a corresponding ton<br />

priced below cost in order that price area No. 2 realization may be<br />

accomplished.<br />

Actual anticipated realizations indicate that price area No. 1<br />

will underrealize and price area No. 2 overrealize its cost. Therefore,<br />

if the coals of these two price areas have been properly related,<br />

any further narrowing of the delivered price differentials<br />

between their competing coals means an abnormal increase in<br />

price area No. 1 coals moving eastbound or an abnormal lowering<br />

of prices for the coals of price, area No. 2, which are not truly<br />

competitive with those of price area No. 1.<br />

Price area No. 2 values cannot approach a point where they are<br />

considered “dump” prices, and the eastbound coals of price area<br />

No. 1, in turn, cannot be substantially raised without at once<br />

throwing an additional abnormal burden upon eastern consuming<br />

markets. This would also result in further discrimination,<br />

as between the market areas involved and a transfer of the<br />

burden of realization to an even greater degree than is appropriate<br />

for those coals, principally slacks, moving into market areas<br />

comprising New England and- the eastern seaboard, which have<br />

no alternative but to take the coals of price area No. 1 or turn to<br />

competing fuels or forms of energy, such as hydropower, oil, and,<br />

in some cases, natural gas. Such competition has already resulted<br />

in a substantial increase in the utilization of oil and gas,<br />

and a decreased use of. bituminous coal and anthracite through-:<br />

out the eastern markets. ."<br />

If the relationships between the' coals of price areas Nos. 1<br />

and 2, as determined by the Division* are correct, and if a narrow^<br />

ing of the differentials betweeni the competitive coals of these<br />

two price areas is attempted in their common consuming markets<br />

either by lowering the level of realization (Ri) of price area No. 1<br />

or by raising the level of realization (fl2) of price area No. 2, then<br />

the underrealization of price area No. 1 and the overrealization<br />

of price area No. 2, with respect to their costs of production, are<br />

aggravated to a still greater degree. '<br />

Distribution figures indicate and market history confirms the<br />

movement, for steam raising or by-product purposes in competition<br />

with other price area No. 1 coals, of the bituminous coals<br />

of eastern Pennsylvania (district No. 1), western Pennsylvania<br />

(district No. 2), northern West Virginia (district No. 3), and the<br />

southern low-volatile coals (district No. 7) in substantial quantities<br />

into New England. New York State, and other portions of<br />

the Atlantic seaboard as far south as Baltimore and Washington.<br />

The southern high-volatile coals of district No. 8 and the lowvolatile<br />

coals of district No. 7, particularly in the double-screened<br />

or prepared sizes, move westward through the Great Lakes and<br />

the northwest territory for “alongside” or “ex-dock” delivery<br />

in competition with the coals from Indiana, Illinois, western<br />

Kentucky, and Iowa (districts Nos. 9,10,11, and 12, respectively,<br />

comprising minimum price area No. 2). Slack coals from districts<br />

Nos. 7 and 8 also move into the industrial markets of Ohio.<br />

C o s t p e r M i l l io n B t u<br />

If the average analyses (4) for the several sizes and grades of<br />

coal be applied to the delivered prices corresponding to the<br />

minimum f.o.b. mine prices proposed by the Bituminous Coal<br />

Division, the fuel cost per million Btu delivered is found to range<br />

from 9 to 14 cents for the mine run, and 9 to approximately<br />

13*/s cents for the slack sizes for those destinations and market<br />

areas located at or close to the producing districts of the Appalachian<br />

coal fields. The delivered slack cost for more distantly<br />

located markets may approach 20 cents per million Btu in the<br />

eastern markets, 21 cents in the South, 25 and even 30 cents in<br />

the Northwest for rail movement, and 15 cents for Great Lakes<br />

destinations and for water-borne fuel. The mine-run figure<br />

averages 1 to 5 cents higher than for slacks. In any market,<br />

the differential in unit delivered cost between the high- and the<br />

low-grade fuels is surprisingly small.<br />

Transportation appears to affect the unit cost for steam coals<br />

in eastern markets to a greater degree than in southern markets.<br />

In the Middle West, rail-transportation charges, both short and<br />

cross-haul, and those for water-borne fuel, together with the<br />

physical characteristics of the fuel and its adaptability for longhaul<br />

movement, evidently combine to make for wide variations<br />

in cost per million Btu for apparently small change in actual heat<br />

content of the fuel.<br />

A comparison of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels in those<br />

markets where they are actually available and competitive<br />

indicates a delivered cost per million Btu of substantially like<br />

amounts during periods of free and open competition.<br />

G o v e r n m e n t R e g u l a t io n<br />

The World-War period, with its abnormal demand for coal for<br />

the manufacture of steel and munitions, and for industry, fostered<br />

the opening of many mines and thereby increased the accessible<br />

supply. The increased fuel prices prevailing during that period<br />

encouraged more efficient utilization and the use of lower-grade<br />

and cheaper fuels. These trends continued after the war so<br />

that the large potential supply of fuel became a serious burden;<br />

the solid-fuel industry, particularly bituminous coal, became<br />

demoralized, and the less efficient and higher-cost mines were<br />

forced out of business. The closing of mines continued, but not<br />

rapidly enough to prevent further demoralization of the fuel<br />

industry. Competition was keen and prices were low. These<br />

conditions, together with the realization that (a) the more accessible<br />

eastern coal reserves faced earlier depletion; (6) actual<br />

fuel recovery warranted substantial improvement; (c) improved<br />

working conditions and wages were in order throughout the<br />

industry, initiated and encouraged governmental interest (11).<br />

This governmental interest continued from the time of the<br />

Hammond Commission in 1922 to, and culminated in, the NRA<br />

regulated prices. These were established at a sufficiently high<br />

level to permit increased wages in the northern and southern<br />

fields together with a general unionization of both. The effort to<br />

stabilize conditions within the industry, then begun, has continued<br />

until the present time. There is now imminent Federal<br />

regulation of the industry through the establishment of minimum<br />

prices for bituminous coal throughout the United States as<br />

prescribed in the Coal Act of 1937 (2).

A recognition of the rather limited petroleum reserves, overproduction<br />

of crude oil, and other economic factors has also<br />

aroused considerable interest on the part of governmental<br />

agencies in an effort to regulate (12, 13) the supply and stabilize<br />

prices for both crude and fuel oil and for oil products.<br />

For similar reasons, attention has been directed to the possible<br />

control of natural-gas pipe-line installations and a stabilization<br />

and regulation of prices for both industrial and domestic use.<br />

At the same time, considerable governmental interest has<br />

been shown in the development of hydropower and in the competition<br />

of this form of energy with that generated through steam,<br />

using solid, liquid, or gaseous fuels.<br />

Although not generally realized and appreciated, this tendency<br />

toward governmental regulation of fuel production and price<br />

appears to be rapidly approaching a concerted effort to formulate<br />

a directed and coordinated program (11) of governmental supervision<br />

and control of all our natural resources, including fuel and<br />

water power.<br />

This governmental interest apparently involves control of<br />

production, allocation of quantity, and source of supply. Its<br />

purpose, presumably, is that of conserving our natural resources,<br />

preserving the better grades of fuel and those with limited reserves,<br />

and encouraging the use of available lower-grade fuels as<br />

well as their more efficient production or recovery.<br />

Anthracite producers’ efforts parallel those to establish minimum<br />

prices for bituminous coal in that field.<br />

C o n c l u s io n<br />

The location of industry with reference to its fuel supply, the<br />

available competing fuels, and their relative prices in the market,<br />

improvements in combustion equipment, and the increasing use<br />

of power, all combine to complicate the problem of purchase and<br />

efficient utilization of fuel.<br />

The purchase and use of fuel is in a state of evolution, or flux,<br />

and the change has been accelerated to a marked degree by<br />

governmental effort to regulate both supply and price.<br />

Fuel selection and evaluation is by no means simple. The<br />

consumer’s efforts may well be directed toward a better understanding<br />

of his needs, a consideration of available information,<br />

and a knowledge of the contemplated conservation measures (11)<br />

and extensive procedure gradually being evolved for the control<br />

of both price and supply of our natural resources. A proper interpretation<br />

and appraisal of these several factors is of primary importance<br />

in the satisfactory solution of his fuelpurchase problem.<br />

Producers have come to realize that the sale of fuel is essentially<br />

an engineering problem, and that fuel preparation, to meet<br />

market requirements, is as important as its physical and chemical<br />

characteristics. Many producers also realize that low rather than<br />

high minimum prices are preferable, and that the use of low-cost<br />

fuels will increase to the exclusion of those which may be priced<br />

higher without possessing a correspondingly greater potential<br />

heat value.<br />

There has been suggested a yardstick, or measure, for evaluating<br />

fuels within and between plants and for various methods of<br />

conversion. A r6sum6 of the procedure for determining the<br />

proposed prices for solid fuels is included, with reference to the<br />

possible effect of governmental regulation. Reference has also<br />

been made to the manner of proper fuel selection and the possibility<br />

of cooperation between the combustion-equipment manufacturer<br />

and the consumer, in order to make possible a wider<br />

choice and use of sizes, grades, and kinds of fuel, to the end that<br />

the consumer may more economically purchase and more advantageously<br />

utilize available fuels.<br />

The evaluation of fuels represents:<br />

1 An integrated opinion of the producers of fuels which<br />

enter a common consuming market.<br />


2 The relative values of available fuels, as determined by the<br />

consumer on the basis of conversion in his own plant and equipment<br />

and under conditions which govern his actual power<br />

production.<br />

The evaluation by both may vary over a considerable range.<br />

Nevertheless, the integration of all valuations in each instance,<br />

measured one against the other, becomes, as it were, a fair<br />

average value of the proper differentials between the various<br />

kinds, qualities, and sizes of fuels. The required realization,<br />

modified as may be by the price for competing fuels, will determine<br />

the final level of prices for a fuel in a common consuming<br />

market.<br />

B IB LIO G R A PH Y<br />

1 U. S. N ational Bitum inous Coal Commission, W eekly Coal<br />

R eport No. 1084, W ashington, D. C., April 23, 1938.<br />

2 National Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, U. S. 75th Congress,<br />

H .R. Bill 4985.<br />

3 Bituminous Coal Tables 1936-1937 and 1937-1938. Published<br />

by the Division of Research and Statistics. F. G. Tryon director<br />

of the N ational Bituminous Coal Commission. Statistics subsequently<br />

incorporated in part in Bureau of Mines M inerals Yearbook.<br />

4 Exhibits P-813 (F. G. Tryon and J. W. M cBride), P-822<br />

(C. J. P o tter), and other exhibits of the Bitum inous Coal Division,<br />

D epartm ent of the Interior, Docket No. 15, Final Hearing, W ashington,<br />

D. C.<br />

5 M inerals Year Book, 1939 (and other years), U. S. Bureau of<br />

Mines, W ashington, D . C.<br />

6 Electric Power Statistics, Federal Power Commission, W ashington,<br />

D. C., 1937. (Production and capacity for strictly private<br />

use not included.) ;<br />

7 Association of American Railroads, R eports for 1919-1920<br />

and 1938. Also, Statistics of Railways, Class 1— 1919-1920 and<br />

1938, B ureau of Railway Economics, W ashington, D . C.<br />

8 “ M onthly and Annual Production of Electricity, E tc .”<br />

(steam), also “Production of E lectricity for Public Use” (hydropower),<br />

U. S. Geological Survey, to and including M ay, 1936, subsequently<br />

Federal Power Commission, W ashington, D . C.<br />

9 "Factors Recommended for Consideration in the Selection of<br />

Coal” (second edition) sponsored by the American Society for Testing<br />

M aterials and published by National Association of Purchasing<br />

Agents.<br />

10 Exhibit P-1099 (F. G. Tryon), Bitum inous Coal Division,<br />

Docket No. 15, W ashington, D . C.<br />

11 "E nergy Resources and N ational Policy,” National Resources<br />

Com mittee, W ashington, D . C., January, 1939.<br />

12 Connally Petroleum Act, originally passed U. S. Congress,<br />

Senate Bill No. 1190, February 22, 1935; extended Senate fiill No.<br />

790, June 4, 1937; and again Senate Bill No. 1302, June 29, 1939,<br />

for three years.<br />

13 Proposed Cole Petroleum Act, U. S. Congress, H .R . Bill No.<br />

7372, introduced by Rep. Cole of M aryland, July 26, 1939, a bill to<br />

provide for cooperation with states to prevent waste of petroleum ;<br />

to create an office of Petroleum Conservator; to amend the Act of<br />

February 22, 1935, as amended; also, U. S. Congress H .R . Resolution<br />

No. 290, introduced by Rep. Cole of M aryland, August 21, 1939.<br />

Discussion<br />

H. K. D e a n .9 The last few years have brought about several<br />

changes in fuel-burning equipment and in boiler and furnace<br />

design. In so far as coal is concerned, progress in burning is<br />

definitely toward pulverized coal, burned in either slag-tap<br />

furnaces on the one hand or in dry-ash furnaces on the other.<br />

There is less tendency to design the intermediate type, many of<br />

which are still giving considerable trouble.<br />

A great deal is yet to be learned regarding the characteristics<br />

of ash, since its behavior is different for different methods of<br />

burning. The standard ash-fusion-temperature determination<br />

has, in the past, been given as of a reducing atmosphere and there<br />

is a difference in the fusing temperature in an oxidizing atmosphere;<br />

as much as 400 deg with certain types of coal.<br />

9 Sales Engineer, The Babcock & Wilcox Com pany, Boston, Mass.<br />

Mem. A.S.M .E.


A wide range of fuel utilization may be had, particularly in<br />

burning fuels in suspension. A combination of pulverized coal,<br />

oil, and gas can be and has been burned successfully in either the<br />

slag-tap or dry-ash types of pulverized-coal furnace.<br />

Changes in coal prices and marketing practices may alter the<br />

natural movement of fuels as it is now known. Therefore, there<br />

appears to be a greater necessity for full investigation and<br />

accurate knowledge of the available fuel supply by the purchaser,<br />

the engineer, and the manufacturer. Design characteristics<br />

of steam-generating equipment and over-all economics<br />

will probably place limitations on fuel purchases for some time<br />

to come. There will probably always be certain characteristic<br />

fuels which will give better over-all performance in certain types<br />

of steam-generating equipment.<br />

A. W. T h o r s o n . 10 In view of the proposed minimum prices<br />

for bituminous coal, everyone concerned with the purchase or<br />

utilization of this type of fuel is vitally interested in and should<br />

make an exhaustive study of this paper. Very little engineering<br />

information regarding the method of developing prices has been<br />

available to date. The paper gives detailed information as to<br />

the method of studying markets and production costs together<br />

with the correlation of the two to set up the price schedules. If<br />

and when these prices become effective, the value of this paper<br />

will become more and more apparent.<br />

Has the author prepared a chart similar to that given in Fig. 4,<br />

but showing delivered prices at the selected destinations rather<br />

than f.o.b. mine prices It would appear that such an exhibit<br />

would be of added value to coal consumers.<br />

A u t h o r ’s C l o s u r e<br />

Mr. Dean and Mr. Thorson in their discussions have touched<br />

upon two factors, transportation and conversion, which together<br />

with the initial fuel cost at its source of supply have a fundamental<br />

and important bearing upon available fuels, sources of<br />

supply, and the markets which they can economically serve.<br />

As I have indicated, the cost of transporting a ton of bituminous<br />

coal by rail averaged, for the entire United States, an amount<br />

equal to or greater than the cost of production. Coal, depending<br />

upon the mine location and the market destination, may and often<br />

does move in whole or in part by other competing forms of transportation,<br />

that is, via lake, tidewater, river, and truck. Competition<br />

between carriers and, what is perhaps even more impor­<br />

10 The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Com pany, D etroit, Mich.<br />

Mem. A.S.M .E.<br />

tant, the actual transportation rate itself may have an important<br />

bearing upon the available sources of fuel supply. To a large<br />

extent the cost of transportation may and does determine the<br />

producer’s ability to retain or extend his fuel market, and it is not<br />

unreasonable to expect that a reduction in transportation cost<br />

might well result in a substantial increase in gross revenue to the<br />

coal carrier.<br />

The delivered cost per million Btu, other factors being equal,<br />

becomes the consumer’s measure of purchased-fuel value, and of<br />

this transportation forms a substantial part, in fact in many<br />

consuming markets it amounts to several times the actual fuel<br />

cost f.o.b. cars at the mine.<br />

Indications are that in many instances the minimum prices<br />

now proposed will be revised somewhat in the final price schedules,<br />

and that consideration is being given to the modification<br />

of transportation rates. For these reasons it would seem more<br />

appropriate to defer for the present a graphic illustration of typical<br />

delivered fuel prices, those in which the consumer is primarily<br />

interested.<br />

In the past, steam-generating equipment generally has been<br />

geared to the available fuel supply, its characteristics, prices, and<br />

marketing practices. Considerable progress has been made, as<br />

Mr. Dean points out, in widening the range of fuel utilization and<br />

particularly where fuels are burned in suspension, both singly and<br />

in combination. While it is true that design characteristics of<br />

steam-generating equipment and over-all economics may place<br />

limitations on fuel purchases in many cases and for some time to<br />

come, progress in the design of steam-generating equipment, the<br />

technique of fuel burning, equipment maintenance, and ash or<br />

waste disposal has been sufficiently great in the last few years to<br />

indicate that steam-generating equipment having a much wider<br />

range of fuel utilization can now be manufactured and installed<br />

with very little additional effort and expense.<br />

Thus, through improvements in transportation and utilization<br />

of fuel, will the consumer be enabled to take greater advantage<br />

of potential and changing fuel markets and be governed in his<br />

purchases to a greater degree by the actual fuel value as measured<br />

by the delivered cost per million Btu.<br />

The producer, the carrier, the equipment manufacturer, and<br />

the consumer, each have a real interest in the contribution of the<br />

others in the fair evaluation, economical purchase, and advantageous<br />

utilization of available fuels.<br />

The expressed interest of Messrs. Dean and Thorson, as well<br />

as that of many others, is encouraging and very much appreciated.

Salt-V elocity M easurem ents a t L ow<br />

Velocities in Pipes<br />


This paper describes tests made at the Alden Hydraulic<br />

Laboratory to determ ine the performance of the saltvelocity<br />

m ethod at low velocities. Three series of tests<br />

were made: the first in a 40-in. pipe, the second in a 12-in.<br />

vertical pipe in which the test section and its approaches<br />

could be readily reversed, and the third in a horizontal 2-<br />

in. pipe. The tests show that for flow in a long straight<br />

pipe and for velocities lower than those norm ally found in<br />

practice, there exists a critical mixing velocity below which<br />

good mixing of the injected brine does not occur. An<br />

analysis of the results indicates some of the factors which<br />

affect the critical m ixing velocity. Finally, it was found<br />

that the effect o f gravity on the accuracy of the m ethod,<br />

when applied to a vertical pipe, is negligible as long as<br />

proper mixing is secured.<br />

THE salt-velocity method of water measurement has been<br />

primarily used for the measurement of discharge in the<br />

determination of pump and water-wheel efficiencies. In<br />

these applications, penstock velocities are usually of the order<br />

of one pipe diameter per second and no velocity limitations of<br />

the method were indicated in this experience. The object of this<br />

study was to investigate the sources of error at low velocities in<br />

the application of the salt-velocity method to long straight pipes.<br />

D e s c r i p t i o n o f A p p a r a t u s<br />

This investigation was conducted at the Alden Hydraulic<br />

1 Assistant Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, W orcester Polytechnic<br />

Institute. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

C ontributed by the H ydraulic Division and presented at the<br />

Spring Meeting, W orcester, Mass., M ay 1-3, 1940, of T h e A m e r i c a n<br />

S o c i e t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s .<br />

N o t e : Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

Laboratory of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the tests<br />

were made during 1939 and early 1940.<br />

A straight length of 40-in. pipe was selected for the test section,<br />

Fig. 1. Four 3/ 4-in. pop injection valves were located at the introduction<br />

station. The first set of electrodes was located 7.9 ft<br />

downstream from the pop valves and the second set of electrodes<br />

located 11.42 ft beyond the first set. The brine was injected under<br />

30 to 50 lb per sq in. excess pressure, and the discharge of the<br />

valves was controlled by a quick-acting lever valve in the brine<br />

supply line. The discharge of the 40-in. pipe passed through a<br />

36 X 16-in. venturi meter, thence through a 100-hp water<br />

wheel and, finally, over an 8-ft suppressed weir in the tailrace.<br />

The venturi meter and the weir were both calibrated just before<br />

the tests by means of a 50,000-lb weighing tank.<br />

The pop valves were built up from pipe fittings. Each<br />

valve had a spring-loaded flat disk operating against a stop.<br />

The valves required a pressure of about 5 lb per sq in. to open<br />

them. The excess-brine pressure of 30 to 50 lb per sq in. caused<br />

all the valves to be operated simultaneously and the springloaded<br />

disks kept brine leakage at a minimum between shots.<br />

Each electrode in the 40-in. pipe was a grid, consisting of nine<br />

parallel Vs X 1/ 2-in. steel bars, carried on a wooden streamlined<br />

center strut which was fixed across one diameter of the<br />

penstock, Fig. 1. These steel bars were placed edgewise to the<br />

flow to reduce their resistance and were arranged on 4 7/«-in.<br />

centers across the pipe, with the first and last bars 2 7/s> in. from<br />

the pipe wall. The bars were cut so as to leave an end clearance<br />

of Vi in. The inside walls of all pipes tested were coated with<br />

insulating paint. Alternate bars were connected together and<br />

only one pair of leads was brought out from each electrode station.<br />

In order to determine the effect of gravity on the heavier salt<br />

solution when injected into a pipe line, the apparatus which is<br />

illustrated in Fig. 2 was installed. The 12-in. vertical pipe with its<br />

test section and approaches was so arranged that it could be turned<br />



end for end, thus reversing the effect of gravity on the flow.<br />

The four pop valves were located 18 in. from the flange of the<br />

upstream elbow and the electrodes were located 3 ft 7 in. and<br />

18 ft 7 in., respectively, from the pop valves. These injection<br />

valves were built of 1/»-in. pipe fittings in the same manner as<br />

the Vr-in. valves described. The electrodes consisted of two<br />

The test section in the 2-in. line was located in a straight length<br />

of standard pipe. The brine was injected through a flush<br />

nipple located 4.61 ft downstream from a right-angle elbow.<br />

The distance from the introduction station to the first electrode<br />

was 2.39 ft and to the second electrode 10.48 ft. The electrodes<br />

consisted of Vr-in. mesh galvanized-iron screen wire similar to<br />

that used in the 12-in. pipe, except that the distance of separation<br />

was Vs in. The discharge was measured in a 600-lb weighing<br />

tank. A Bristol 5-amp strip-chart ammeter was used to record the<br />

passage of the salt solution through the electrodes in the 40-in.<br />

and 12-in. fine tests. A General Electric strip-chart recording polyphase<br />

wattmeter was used in the 2-in. line tests. The power supply<br />

for the electrode circuits was taken from a variable-voltage transformer.<br />

The electrodes were connected in parallel to the<br />

transformer with the recording instrument located in series in<br />

the common lead. A time record was made on the recording chart<br />

by a chronographic pen actuated from a calibrated timer.<br />

The brine used in these tests was mixed to various specific<br />

gravities as determined by means of hydrometers. For most of<br />

the tests, solutions of common salt were used but dilute hydrochloric<br />

acid was used for the 1.02 specific-gravity tests in the 12-<br />

in. line. A hand force pump was used to inject the brine in the<br />

12-in. and 2-in. pipe tests. The acid solution was injected under<br />

air pressure with the pop-valve operation controlled by a quickacting<br />

valve.<br />

The volume between the planes of the electrodes was determined<br />

by actual measurement of the diameter and length in<br />

the 40-in. pipe. Four diameter readings were taken at every foot<br />

along the test section together with 18 measurements of its<br />

length. From these measurements the test volume was computed.<br />

In the 2-in. and 12-in. lines, the test section was blanked off and<br />

filled with water, which was then drained into a weighing tank.<br />

This measurement was repeated 8 times and the test volume was<br />

computed from the average weight and density of the water.<br />

F ig . 2<br />

T e s t S e c t i o n in 1 2 -In . P ip e<br />

P r o c e d u r e<br />

The procedure was essentially the same for all of the tests.<br />

The discharge was adjusted to a desired value and from 5 to 10<br />

min were allowed to elapse to secure steady flow conditions.<br />

Then from 5 to 15 salt shots were recorded at the same time that<br />

the discharge was being measured by the check method. For the<br />

40-in. line the venturi deflection and the head on the weir were<br />

read at intervals during each test. For the 2-in. and 12-in. lines,<br />

the discharge was measured with the weighing tank.<br />

C a l c u l a t io n s<br />

The passage time for a salt shot was taken as the time in seconds<br />

between the centers of gravity of the two electrode curves. The<br />

volume of the pipe between the planes of the two electrodes divided<br />

by the average passage time of all the salt shots in a run<br />

gave the salt-velocity discharge.<br />

The true discharge was that measured by the weighing tank<br />

for the 2-in. and 12-in. pipe tests or the average of the venturi<br />

and weir discharges for the 40-in. fine test.<br />

The difference between the true discharge and that of the saltvelocity<br />

measurement, expressed in per cent of the true discharge,<br />

was termed the error of the salt-velocity measurement.<br />

The mean velocity was found by dividing the true discharge<br />

by the area of the pipe.<br />

R e s u l t s o f T e s t s<br />

The results of these tests are shown in tabular and plotted form.<br />

In a long pipe, where the normal flow pattern has been established,<br />

it is impracticable to introduce the salt solution uniformly<br />

by means of pop valves or any other known arrangement. In


this case, the turbulence existing in tne pipe is reiiea upon to<br />

secure uniform mixing of the salt solution with the flowing water<br />

before the first electrode station is reached. With this in mind<br />

it might be supposed that good mixing would be secured as long<br />

as the flow in the pipe was in the turbulent range, as indicated<br />

by a Reynolds number of 2500 or more. However, it has been<br />

found by von K&rm&n and others that the turbulence existing<br />

in a pipe may be materially reduced by the presence of an unmixed<br />

solution either heavier or lighter than water.<br />

To visualize this phenomenon, let us assume the worst case<br />

where a lighter liquid is overlying a heavier liquid and they are<br />

both traveling along a horizontal pipe together. For the present<br />

■discussion, chemical or molecular diffusion may be neglected,<br />

since these diffusion velocities are negligible when compared to<br />

ordinary mixing velocities. If the two liquids are to be mixed,<br />

part of the light liquid must move down into the heavier liquid<br />

and a corresponding amount of the heavy liquid must be moved<br />

upward. Then work is done in submerging particles of light<br />

fluid in the heavier fluid and also in lifting the heavy particles into<br />

the lighter fluid. Clearly, in the example selected, the axial<br />

component of the fluid velocity has no effect upon the mixing


process and only the radial velocity components are effective in<br />

promoting mixture of the two liquids. It naturally follows<br />

that the work of mixing the two liquids is accomplished at<br />

the expense of the energy available in the radial components<br />

of flow. If the work required for mixing is less than the amount of<br />

energy available, then the mixing process goes forward rapidly.<br />

On the other hand, if the work required for mixing is greater than<br />

the turbulent energy present, the process continues until the<br />

energy available is used up and then, having reduced the crossflow,<br />

the mixing process is checked. Thus, in this second case,<br />

the presence of the heavier liquid tends to smother the crossflow<br />

in the pipe.<br />

In the example selected, the mixing was accomplished by the<br />

radial components of flow but, in the more general case where<br />

there is a small isolated mass of heavier liquid, mixing can take<br />

place in all directions and it is more correct to say that the mixing<br />

process depends upon the energy available in the fluctuating<br />

components of the velocity.<br />

From the foregoing, it would be expected that the change from<br />

good to poor mixing conditions would take place rapidly. That<br />

is, as soon as the heavier liquid starts mixing, its specific gravity is<br />

reduced so that the process continues more easily. However,<br />

if the heavier liquid is not diluted, it continues to smother the<br />

fluctuating component of flow.<br />

The work of mixing is accomplished at the expense of the<br />

energy in the fluctuating component. The size of the average<br />

fluctuating component is usually expressed as a percentage of the<br />

average forward velocity and this is called percentage of turbulence.<br />

For instance, 10 per cent turbulence means that the<br />

average fluctuating component is '/io of the average forward<br />

velocity at that point. Returning to the mixing process, when<br />

a given shot of salt solution is injected into a pipe, a certain<br />

amount of energy is required for mixing. Since the energy available<br />

for mixing varies as the cube of the fluctuating component<br />

and the fluctuating component is proportional to the forward<br />

velocity in a given pipe, it follows that the energy available for<br />

mixing varies as the cube of the forward velocity. Thus a small<br />

change in the forward velocity results in a large change in the energy<br />

available for mixing and it would be expected that the<br />

change from good to poor mixing conditions would take place<br />

suddenly. The test results show this to be true. The curves in<br />

Fig. 4 show small experimental or casual errors at high velocities<br />

which continue unchanged to some definite low velocity. Then<br />

there is a “break” in the error curve showing a sudden departure<br />

from the purely experimental type of error. The value of the<br />

velocity at the break in the error curve, which is the velocity required<br />

for good mixing, is termed the “critical mixing velocity.”<br />

F u r t h e r T e s t s W i t h B r i n e a n d H y d r o c h l o r ic -A c id<br />

S o l u t io n s<br />

When brine is injected into water, the excess weight of the<br />

brine is proportional to the difference of the specific gravities<br />

of the brine and the water. Thus, brine of 1.10 specific gravity<br />

has 10 times more weight in water than brine of 1.01 specific<br />

gravity. The term “specific gravity minus one” is called the<br />

effective specific gravity during the remainder of this discussion.<br />

Tests were then made to determine experimentally the effect<br />

of a change in the specific gravity of the injected brine upon the<br />

critical mixing velocity. This was done first in the 12-in. pipe<br />

and, subsequently, in the 2-in. pipe. In the 12-in. pipe test,


brine of 1.2 and 1.1 specific gravity and dilute hydrochloric acid<br />

of 1.02 specific gravity were used. The results of the first two<br />

tests came out so close together that a single curve represents<br />

their average, Fig. 5. The test with the dilute acid, Fig. 6, indicated<br />

that the solution was mixed at a lower velocity in the case<br />

of upward flow but there was little change with the downward<br />

flow. Furthermore, these test points show much more scatter<br />

than in any of the other tests with brine. It was believed that the<br />

acid probably produced secondary chemical and, therefore, electrical<br />

effects at the electrodes which were zinc-covered, with the<br />

consequence that the results were not as reliable as the tests made<br />

with brine.<br />

The results of tests with brines of 1.01 and 1.1 specific gravity<br />

are shown in Fig. 4. Selecting an arbitrary error of —'/a per cent<br />

in the salt-velocity measurement, a velocity of about 0.94 fps is<br />

found with brine of 1.1 specific gravity and about 0.45 fps with<br />

brine of 1.01 specific gravity. These results are in substantial<br />

agreement with the mixing theory stated. On the one hand, the<br />

work done varies directly with the “effective specific gravity” of<br />

the solution being mixed, while on the other, the energy passing<br />

through a unit area in the pipe cross section varies as the cube<br />

F i o . 6<br />

T e s t s i n 1 2 - I n . V e r t i c a l P i p e W i t h D i l u t e<br />

H y d r o c h l o r i c A c i d<br />

(A, downward flow; B, upw ard flow; specific g ravity 1.02.)<br />

of the velocity. If the turbulent energy required is reduced to<br />

Vio of its previous value, the pipe velocity required to produce<br />

this energy is only reduced by (0.1)1/ ' or 0.465 of its previous<br />

value. This is practically the change in the critical mixing<br />

velocity found in the 2-in. line tests with a 10:1 change in the<br />

“effective specific gravity” of the injected salt solution.<br />

The total work done in mixing is also proportional to the<br />

quantity of brine injected into a given volume of water flowing<br />

in a pipe. The power required for commercial recording instruments<br />

makes it difficult to secure sufficient electrode effect in<br />

small pipes and thus the quantity of brine is usually increased<br />

so that suitable curves will be obtained on the recording chart.<br />

For instance, in the 2-in. line tests with the weak brine of 1.01<br />

specific gravity, the ratio of the brine to the discharge was nearly<br />

20 times greater than in larger pipes. Therefore, the critical mixing<br />

velocities found in the 2-in. line tests are greater than those<br />

necessary in larger pipes with the same flow condition.<br />

The laboratory tests do not indicate directly the effect of wall<br />

roughness upon the critical mixing velocity but an idea of its influence<br />

may be obtained from theoretical considerations. The<br />

previous discussion indicates that a definite value of the average<br />

fluctuating component was necessary to produce satisfactory<br />

mixing for a given flow condition. This value of the fluctuating<br />

component may be obtained with a low percentage of turbulence<br />

and a high forward velocity or with a high percentage of turbulence<br />

and a correspondingly lower forward velocity. The present<br />

theory of turbulence indicates that the percentage of turbulence<br />

at a point in a pipe is proportional to the wall roughness. Therefore,<br />

the greater the pipe roughness, the lower the pipe velocity<br />

necessary to provide good mixing.<br />

E f f e c t o f G r a v it y U p o n I n j e c t e d B r i n e S o l u t io n s<br />

The effect of the force of gravity upon the injected brine or the<br />

tendency of the brine to sink through vertically flowing water was<br />

studied in the 12-in. pipe tests. At very low velocities when<br />

proper mixing is not secured, the errors in the salt-velocity measurements<br />

indicate that the unmixed brine masses tend to slip<br />

through the flowing water under the influence of gravity. That is,<br />

when the flow is upward, the salt masses travel more slowly<br />

than the main body of water, resulting in a longer passage time<br />

and an indicated discharge which is too small. With downward<br />

flow, the brine tends to slip along faster than the water with a<br />

resulting discharge which is too large. But a study of the curves,<br />

Fig. 5, will show that, when there is proper mixing of the brine,<br />

there is no systematic error of the salt-velocity measurements.<br />

The importance of this fact cannot be overemphasized.<br />

The test curves made with brine of 1.1 and 1.2 specific gravity<br />

in the 12-in. vertical pipe are not symmetrical with respect to<br />

the axis of zero error, the upward-flow tests showing a higher<br />

critical mixing velocity than the downward-flow tests. It is<br />

probable that, in the case of downward flow, the force of gravity,<br />

acting upon the unmixed brine masses, tends to give them a<br />

slightly increased velocity. This energy is dissipated in eddies<br />

and, hence, promotes the mixing process. Conversely, with upward<br />

flow, more energy must be supplied from the water flowing<br />

in the pipe to lift the unmixed brine in addition to mixing it.<br />

A p p l y i n g S a l t -V e l o c it y M e t h o d i n W a t e r - W h e e l I n t a k e<br />

In this discussion of tests at low velocities with the saltvelocity<br />

method, only the application of the method to a long<br />

straight pipe has been considered. This assumes that normal<br />

pipe flow exists at the point where the brine is injected and continues<br />

through the measuring section. It might be inferred from<br />

these tests that it would be impossible to apply the salt-velocity<br />

method in the intake of a large water wheel where pipe flow<br />

does not exist and, hence, where turbulence due to upstream wall<br />

roughness is lacking. But there are two very important differences<br />

to be taken into account When considering flow into an intake.<br />

Since pipe flow has not yet started, all of the water is moving<br />

forward with very nearly uniform velocity and, hence, the<br />

nonuniform distribution of the brine, as it leaves the pop valves,<br />

causes an insignificant timing error. On the other hand, turbulence<br />

is probably considerably greater than would normally<br />

be found at the entrance to a pipe due to the disturbing influence<br />

of the racks which are always present in a water-wheel installation.<br />

During 20 years of experience with this method, a large<br />

number of intake-test installations have been made. In not one<br />

of these instances was there any evidence of a lack of proper<br />

mixing of the brine, although in some cases the water velocity at


the injection station was below that indicated in these tests as<br />

being necessary for proper mixing. Thus, it is believed that the<br />

factors concerning the critical mixing velocity which have been<br />

discussed only apply to the measurement of flow in long straight<br />

pipes with very low velocities.<br />

S u m m a r y<br />

The following conclusions may be drawn from these saltvelocity<br />

measurements at low pipe velocities:<br />

1 The low-velocity effects discussed in this paper are found<br />

at velocities below those normally encountered in practice.<br />

2 The critical mixing velocity is a very definite limiting<br />

velocity below which proper mixing of the injected brine is not<br />

secured.<br />

3 The force of gravity does not have any influence upon the<br />

accuracy of the salt-velocity measurement as long as the injected<br />

brine is readily mixed with the water flowing in the pipe.<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t<br />

The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance given by<br />

Dr. Th. von K&rm&n who suggested the mechanics of the<br />

mixing process and thereby contributed greatly to the value of<br />

this investigation.<br />

B IB LIO G R A PH Y<br />

1 Basic description of the salt-velocity m ethod: “ The Salt-<br />

Velocity M ethod of W ater M easurem ent,” by Charles M. Allen and<br />

Edwin A. Taylor, Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 45, 1923, pp. 285-341.<br />

2 Study of the mixing process: “ How W ater Flows in a Pipe<br />

Line,” by Charles M. Allen, Mechanical Engineering, vol. 56, Feb.,<br />

1934, pp. 81-84.<br />

3 Low-velocity study in open flumes: “ Contribution k l’Etude<br />

de la Mesure des D ebits d ’E au par la M ethode Allen,” by M artin<br />

Mason, Thesis at the U niversity of Grenoble, Revue GirUrale de<br />

VHydraulique, Paris, 14.<br />

4 Theoretical discussion of turbulence: “ Fluid Mechanics for<br />

Hydraulic Engineers,” by H unter Rouse, McGraw-Hill Book Company,<br />

Inc., New York, N. Y., 1938.<br />

5 M easurem ents of turbulence in w ater: “ Investigation of<br />

Errors of P ito t Tubes,” by C. W. H ubbard, Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 61,<br />

1939, pp. 477—492.<br />

D iscussion<br />

D. P. B a r n e s .2 Referring to this and the paper3 by O. H.<br />

Dodkin, it is begining to be recognized that, for the salt-velocity<br />

method to yield ideally correct results, it would be necessary<br />

that all the small elementary volumes of salt solution spend<br />

statistically equal periods of time in each of the different velocity<br />

zones from the center line to the outer radius in passing between<br />

electrode stations. This is to say that turbulent mixing should<br />

be continuous and complete transversely across the pipe throughout<br />

the passage. Any deviation from this continuous symmetry<br />

and uniformity of mixing would mean that part of the salt cloud<br />

must lag behind the mean flow, the center of gravity of the salt<br />

cloud, therefore, with it.<br />

The natural tendency of a dense solution to settle downward<br />

and to underflow a lighter liquid as an integral body is now a well-<br />

established experimental fact. In the salt-velocity test, if this<br />

tendency is not completely countered by the turbulent mixing, it<br />

would be expected that in time the salt cloud would become progressively<br />

less symmetrical or less uniform with respect to the<br />

pipe.<br />

In a sloping pipe, the effect of the tendency for the denser<br />

2 California In stitu te of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.<br />

3 This is a joint discussion of the L. J. Hooper paper, and the paper<br />

“ Field Checks of the Salt-Velocity M ethod,” by O. H . Dodkin, published<br />

on page 663 of this issue of the <strong>Transactions</strong>.<br />

liquid to assume an asymmetrical distribution is compounded<br />

with the effect of the component of underflow in the downhill direction.<br />

In any case the asymmetry or nonuniformity alone<br />

would tend to produce a velocity reading smaller than the true<br />

mean, and this effect would be increased in the case of pumps with<br />

uphill flow or decreased in the case of turbines with downhill flow<br />

by the downhill component of the underflow.<br />

The numerous field checks would appear to establish that the<br />

errors introduced by these tendencies are slight and, that where<br />

the method is used with full recognition of the possible sources of<br />

error and where a proper allowance is made for them, the results<br />

may be supposed accurate within perhaps 0.5 per cent, at least<br />

for downhill flow. This is a view to be accepted with caution,<br />

however, for bends, obstructions, steep slopes, low velocities, or<br />

abnormal velocity distributions in the penstocks must continue<br />

to introduce uncertainties wherever their effects are not subject<br />

to calibration. It would seem that each proposed application of<br />

the method should therefore be considered largely on its own<br />

merits.<br />

A n d r e w F e j e r 4 a n d J. W. D a il y .5 During the last few years,<br />

it has become more and more desirable to determine large rates of<br />

flow with great accuracy. In the case of large-scale field tests the<br />

salt-velocity method has been found particularly suited for such<br />

measurements because of its simplicity and convenience in application.<br />

Very little is known, however, about the performance of<br />

the method at low velocities, and this paper furnishes useful experimental<br />

information in that range.<br />

In connection with investigations conducted at the hydraulicmachinery<br />

laboratory of the California Institute of Technology<br />

on the design, operation, and testing of large-capacity pumps and<br />

especially in connection with the question of extrapolation of<br />

model results to prototype results, it has been of considerable interest<br />

for the Institute to subject the salt-velocity method to experimental<br />

study. The experimentation was assigned to the<br />

writers, who present the following summary of results with the<br />

approval of the laboratory directors.<br />

E x p e r im e n t a l W o r k<br />

Following Dr. von ICdrmdn’s suggestion that a salt cloud would<br />

tend to settle downward in water due to its higher density whenever<br />

the turbulent forces were inadequate to keep the cloud in<br />

suspension, it was decided to obtain qualitative information about<br />

shape and character of salt clouds under different flow conditions.<br />

The tests undertaken were made in a straight, transparent,<br />

lucite pipe 20 ft long and 5'A in. inside diam, mounted in such a<br />

way that it was possible to change its inclination from 0 to 13 deg.<br />

Solutions of sodium nitrate deeply colored with potassium permanganate<br />

were injected into the flow through pop valves under<br />

compressed-air pressure, and visual, photographic and cinematographic<br />

observations of the behavior of the cloud on its path<br />

through the pipe were made. Two types of injection nozzles<br />

were used, i.e., a single central pop valve in the pipe axis and a<br />

combination of six pop valves distributed uniformly over the<br />

cross section. Solutions of five different densities (1.2,1.15,1.10,<br />

1.05, 1.025) were injected into flows of velocities, covering a range<br />

of 0.1 to 1.5 fps. This range corresponds to a range of 0.5 to 7.5<br />

fps for geometrically similar flow in a pipe 10 ft in diam.<br />

D is c u s s io n o f R e s u l t s<br />

It was found that the salt cloud retained its symmetrical shape<br />

only at considerable flow velocities. This can happen only if the<br />

4 Research Assistant, Hydraulic M achinery Laboratory, California<br />

In stitu te of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.<br />

6 Research Fellow, H ydraulic M achinery Laboratory, California<br />

In stitu te of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. Jun. A.S.M.E.


(b)<br />

(a)<br />

F ig . 7 S a l t C l o u d ; S p e c if ic G r a v it y o f B r in e 1.025; M e a n V e l o c it y o f F lo w 0.1 F p s ; F r o u d e N u m b e r 0.03<br />

(6) (a)<br />

F i g . 8 S a l t C l o u d ; S p e c if ic G ra v it y o f B r in e 1.025; M e a n V e l o c it y o f F l o w 0.5 F p s ; F r o u d e N u m b e r 0.6<br />

(M (a)<br />

F ig . 9 S a l t C l o u d ; S p e c if ic G r a v i t y o f B r i n e 1.15; M e a n V e l o c i t y o f F l o w 0.3 F p s ; F r o u d e N u m b e r 0.04<br />

(6) (a)<br />

F ig . 10 S a l t C l o u d ; S p e c if ic G r a v it y o f B r in e 1.15; M e a n V e l o c it y o f F lo w 1.1 F p s ; F r o u d e N u m b e r 0.55<br />

energy of turbulent fluctuation is sufficient to overcome the differential-gravity<br />

forces. It may be considered that for a given<br />

setup the scale of the turbulence is independent of the rate of<br />

flow, while the magnitude of the turbulent-velocity fluctuations<br />

is proportional to the mean velocity of flow. This means that<br />

the energy of the turbulent fluctuations is proportional to the<br />

square of the velocity of flow. For this assumption, the ratio<br />

between the energy of turbulence and the work done by differential<br />

gravity forces may be expressed by a dimensionless quantity<br />

which contains in the numerator the square of the mean velocity<br />

and in the denominator the product of the effective gravity and<br />

a linear dimension of the setup (say the diameter of the pipe).<br />

This quantity, which has the form of a Froude number for a particular<br />

setup, is written<br />

ever the density of the injected solution is increased or the velocity<br />

of flow decreased so that the Froude number is smaller<br />

than the critical, a secondary or density-flow current is set up,<br />

the cloud sinks to the bottom of the pipe, and the assumption<br />

of the salt-velocity method that the average velocity of flow equals<br />

the average velocity of the cloud is no longer valid. Figs. 7 to 10<br />

of this discussion8 show typical salt clouds within a range of<br />

Froude numbers from 0.03 to 0.68. Figs. 8 and 10 show clouds<br />

corresponding to the critical Froude number which was found to<br />

be reasonably constant over the range of velocities and densities<br />

considered. For tests with the single nozzle / ’’em = 0.7, and<br />

with the multiple nozzle F„it = 0.56. The difference is due to<br />

the range in the scale of turbulence caused by the change in the<br />

geometry of the flow.<br />

R e m a r k s o n t h e F r o u d e N u m b e r<br />

The Froude number just discussed should express the ratio of<br />

the inertia forces to the effective gravity forces acting on the<br />

cloud shortly after the effects of the injection have disappeared.<br />

As stated, the term p2 should be the actual “initial cloud density.”<br />

For practical use of the Froude-number criterion, it is necessary<br />

6 Figs. 7(a) to 10(a) show the clouds immediately after the injection,<br />

while Figs. 7(b) to 10(6) illustrate the same clouds some distance<br />

downstream. The numbers give the traveled distance from the injection<br />

nozzle in pipe diameters.


to correlate this initial density with the known density of the injected<br />

brine. Two simple assumptions can be considered as<br />

limiting cases:<br />

1 The brine suffers no volume change between the instant of<br />

injection and the formation of the cloud; and<br />

2 The injected brine is distributed immediately with a rate of<br />

dilution proportional to the velocity of flow.<br />

As Figs. 7(a) to 10(a) indicate, the volume of the brine cloud does<br />

increase immediately after injection. On the other hand, the<br />

second assumption is not strictly valid. Rough measurements<br />

from photographic records show a definite tendency of the cloud<br />

size to decrease with increasing velocity of the main flow. This<br />

apparently is due to the fact that the penetration of the brine in<br />

the lateral direction decreases with increasing velocity. For<br />

high velocities, the cloud has an elongated shape with a small diameter<br />

while for small velocities the cloud has a large diameter<br />

even though of short axial length. It appears to the observer<br />

that because of these facts the two effects approximately balance<br />

each other. Consequently, the assumption of a constant “initial<br />

cloud size” seems reasonably justified. Since the density of the<br />

brine solution as injected is proportional to the “initial cloud<br />

density” for a constant injected volume and a constant initial<br />

cloud size, it was introduced into the expression for the Froude<br />

number.<br />

It should be noted that the critical Froude number is not necessarily<br />

the same for different setups. The intensity and scale<br />

of turbulence can be different for various setups even in the case<br />

of geometric similarity. The type of the injection nozzles, the<br />

size of the injected volume, and the pressure used for the injection<br />

affect the initial cloud size. However, the experimental results<br />

mentioned show that, for a fairly wide range of injection conditions,<br />

the values of Fcrit vary between narrow limits.<br />

C o n c l u s io n s<br />

Roth the author’s work and the experiments noted in this discussion<br />

appear to indicate conclusively that salt clouds, as used in<br />

the salt-velocity method for rate-of-flow measurements, sink by<br />

virtue of the differential gravity forces into regions of lower velocities<br />

whenever the rate of flow and therewith the turbulent<br />

forces decrease beyond a certain minimum value. Below this<br />

velocity, which appears to be mainly dependent upon the Froude<br />

number of the test, it cannot be assumed that the cloud indicates<br />

the average velocity of flow.<br />

It would be interesting to combine the author’s method with<br />

the type of attack herein mentioned to determine whether the<br />

breakdown of the method, as shown by his experiments, coincides<br />

with the “critical Froude number” or whether additional sources<br />

of error counteract or accentuate the effect of the density currents.<br />

R. T. K n a p p .7 These first published results on one of the auxiliary<br />

phenomena accompanying the salt-velocity method of water<br />

measurement are of value, especially, since it is possible that the<br />

effects of the density difference between the salt cloud and the<br />

water may form one of the basic limitations on the accuracy of<br />

the method.<br />

The writer considers it rather unfortunate that the author restricted<br />

his measurements to horizontal and vertical pipes. The<br />

vertical pipe is not a typical case, since it represents a condition<br />

of equilibrium between the.two fluids. I t is true that this equilibrium<br />

is unstable, but it is probably very effective in the short time<br />

interval which exists in a salt-velocity measurement. Indeed, the<br />

existence of this equilibrium has been utilized by some Swedish<br />

7 Associate Professor of H ydraulic Engineering, California Institu<br />

te of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. Mem. A.S.M .E.<br />

investigators8 in the development of a sedimentation type of<br />

particle-size analyzer in which a high-density suspension is superimposed<br />

upon a body of lower-density liquid. Thus, it seems<br />

that it would be unsafe to consider a vertical pipe as an extreme<br />

case of an inclined one and to use the results from the vertical<br />

flows to predict what would happen in the inclined pipe.<br />

It should be remembered that the effect to be anticipated, as<br />

the result of the difference in density of the two flows, is basically<br />

a lateral one and not an axial one. In the horizontal or inclined<br />

pipe, the salt cloud tends to settle toward the lower side of the<br />

pipe, thus effectively lowering the average velocity of the solution.<br />

Of course, in the inclined pipe, there will be an axial component<br />

as well, which will tend to increase or decrease the velocity,<br />

depending upon the direction of flow. However, this<br />

axial component is probably of secondary importance.<br />

In conclusion, the writer feels that this phenomenon is a very<br />

important one and hopes that the present paper represents only<br />

the beginning of the author’s investigations on the subject.<br />

M . A. M a s o n .9 The suggestion that the possibilities and applicability<br />

of the Allen method might be defined by criteria relating<br />

the physical and hydraulic characteristics of a proposed<br />

test section10 has been applied to pipe flow by the author, and it<br />

seems that at last the Allen method may be thoroughly studied<br />

in a logical manner, looking to the complete definition of its place<br />

in the art of water measurement.<br />

The writer would, however, disagree with the author’s choice of<br />

a criterion for good mixing. It is not believed that the ‘‘critical<br />

mixing velocity” is a sufficient definition of the hydraulic characteristics<br />

of a waterway to permit its use as a criterion of the mixing<br />

conditions in the test section. A moment’s thought will show<br />

that, for a particular system in which normal pipe flow has been<br />

established, a critical velocity can be found which defines the<br />

mixing ability of the flow under the conditions existing. However,<br />

as stated by the author, “the percentage of turbulence at a<br />

point in a pipe is proportional to the wall roughness. Therefore,<br />

the greater the pipe roughness the lower the pipe velocity necessary<br />

to provide good mixing.” It follows that the mean velocity<br />

of flow is not a satisfactory criterion of mixing, except for specified<br />

conditions which, in general, will apply only to the system<br />

used to evaluate the criterion.<br />

A more important objection to the use of a velocity parameter<br />

as a eriterion lies in the omission of a time element defining the<br />

period during which mixing is accomplished. To be of value in<br />

the application of the method, the mixing criterion must define,<br />

for a standard injection procedure, the minimum distance along<br />

the waterway required for the complete mixing of injected solution<br />

and water. Obviously the proposed velocity criterion does<br />

not furnish sueh information and, in fact, defines only the mixing<br />

ability of a flow under certain unique conditions.<br />

From consideration of the mechanism of mixing and the character<br />

of turbulent flow, one may specify the probable components<br />

of a general criterion of mixing. The percentage of turbulence,<br />

i.e., the proportion of the forward velocity of flow present as<br />

fluctuating turbulence velocities in the flow, defines the ability<br />

of the stream to transport solution from the point of injection to<br />

other points in a cross section. If the turbulence is isotropic,<br />

then the percentage of turbulence is therefore a measure of the<br />

8 “ M easurem ent and Significance of G rain Size D istribution of<br />

Cement Particles,” by D. W erner and S. Hedstrom , Zement, vol. 17,<br />

p art 1, June 28, 1928, pp. 1002-1005; p art 2, July 12, 1928, pp.<br />

1071-1076.<br />

9 Engineer, Beach Erosion Board, W ar D epartm ent, Washington,<br />

D. C. Jun. A.S.M .E.<br />

10 “ Contribution h l’fetude de la mesure des debits d ’eau par la<br />

methode Allen,” by M. A. Mason, Revue gSnerale de VHydraulique,<br />

no. 28, July-Aug., 1939.


rate of diffusion of the solution throughout a cross section due to<br />

turbulent mixing. The percentage of turbulence is certainly<br />

one of the components of the criterion, and includes not only the<br />

velocity, but also the roughness characteristics of the waterway.<br />

Obviously, a size factor of the conduit must also be included<br />

injthe criterion; for a closed channel the area, and for an open<br />

channel, either the wetted area or the hydraulic radius might be<br />

considered.<br />

A third factor, time, must be included. Considering percentage<br />

turbulence as a measure of the spatial rate of transport of<br />

solution throughout the water, it is evident that a certain time<br />

must elapse for the transport of a salt particle from, say, the center<br />

of the conduit to the wall, or vice versa. The time factor<br />

might then be expressed as the ratio of water depth or pipe diameter<br />

to the radial component of the turbulence fluctuations.<br />

The fractional portion of the linear dimension to be employed in<br />

this expression will, of course, depend upon the injection pattern.<br />

If a standard pattern of injection can be adopted the influence<br />

of injection procedure may be eliminated, and more important,<br />

the time factor may be very considerably reduced by the use of<br />

a well-distributed injection pattern.<br />

Assuming the foregoing analysis to be applicable and letting ut<br />

be the mean turbulence fluctuation; A the cross-sectional area<br />

of the channel; and T the time factor; the form of the mixing<br />

criterion might be<br />

M = u, A T ...................................... [1]<br />

having the dimensions L 3 of a volume.<br />

Because of the practical difficulty of measuring u„ it may be<br />

desirable to substitute for u, the expression11 lv, where I is the<br />

Prandtl mixing length, and v is the kinematic viscosity of the<br />

water. Experiment alone will determine the most satisfactory<br />

term to be used as a measure of the turbulent diffusion, the suggestions<br />

given herein being intended principally to indicate the<br />

nature of the term.<br />

The results of the author’s tests to determine the effect of<br />

gravity on the operation of the salt-velocity method are a further<br />

corroboration of the writer’s thesis1 that turbulence in the stream<br />

is the chief factor governing the accuracy of the method.<br />

E. A. T a y l o r .12 The author has described a study which<br />

gives a laboratory answer to a salt-velocity question which has<br />

arisen several times in the field. This question was: “When salt<br />

is introduced into a penstock does the higher specific gravity of<br />

the salt solution drive the salt through the water and toward the<br />

bottom of the penstock, thus changing the time of passage of the<br />

salt solution through the test section, and introducing an error<br />

in salt-velocity measurements”<br />

At many of the high-head power plants, where salt-velocity<br />

tests have been made, the penstocks have very steep slopes and,<br />

at some of them, the penstocks approach the vertical for considerable<br />

distances. If this difference in the specific-gravity question<br />

were important, then the computations for turbine efficiency<br />

at those plants might be appreciably in error.<br />

The results of the laboratory studies described by the author<br />

indicate that the effect of gravity on the salt-velocity method of<br />

water measurement is negligible, when proper salt mixing and<br />

distribution are secured.<br />

In 1939, the salt-velocity method of water measurement was<br />

used in making efficiency tests on the Colorado River Aqueduct<br />

pumps for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.<br />

During those tests, a field answer was found to the<br />

specific-gravity question. The question was raised at the Iron<br />

11 “ Modern Developments in Fluid Dynam ics,” edited by S.<br />

Goldstein, Oxford University Press, New York, N. Y., 1938, chapter 5.<br />

I! Consulting Engineer, Worcester, Mass.<br />

Mountain Pumping Station and the district engineers agreed to<br />

turn that plant into a field laboratory to study the subject.<br />

The regular salt-velocity test section, used for pump-efficiency<br />

tests at this plant, was 200 ft long, 100 ft from salt injection to<br />

the first set of electrodes, and another 100 ft to the second set of<br />

electrodes. For this specific-gravity study, two additional pairs<br />

of electrodes were installed in the 10-ft delivery pipe.<br />

These additional electrodes were called spot electrodes and<br />

consisted of small steel plates, 4 in. square and spaced 2 in. apart.<br />

These spot electrodes were fastened 5 ft beyond the regular second<br />

set of electrodes, making the length of test section used for the<br />

spot electrodes 105 instead of 100 ft. One pair of spot electrodes<br />

was located at the top of the pipe and the other pair at the bottom.<br />

During the study, the ammeter connections were alternated,<br />

shot by shot, between the two sets of spot electrodes.<br />

A total of 74 salt shots were made and computed in this study.<br />

Averaging the results of these shots showed that the passage time<br />

to the top spot electrodes was 0.04 sec less than the passage time<br />

to the bottom electrodes. This was regarded as a perfect check<br />

and a conclusive field answer to the gravity question.<br />

As further assurance of the accuracy of the salt-velocity method<br />

of water measurement and confirming the belief that any specificgravity<br />

error was too small to be seriously considered, two volumetric<br />

check tests have been made at Pacific Coast plants, one of<br />

them being a high-head plant with a steep slope in the penstock.<br />

For those check tests, a 3-acre forebay, 20 ft deep, and a 10-<br />

acre reservoir, 10 ft deep, were used as basins for the volumetric<br />

measurements. The volumetric results checked salt velocity,<br />

by 0.75 per cent at one plant and by 0.5 per cent at the other<br />

plant. The latter was the high-head steep-penstock plant where<br />

any gravity effect would be expected to be most apparent.<br />

The author’s conclusion, from laboratory tests, th at “for velocities<br />

lower than those normally found in practice, there exists a<br />

critical mixing velocity below which good mixing of the injected<br />

brine does not occur” is confirmed by some field tests recently<br />

made.<br />

Field efficiency tests were made on the Colorado River Aqueduct<br />

pumps in May and June, 1939. At Intake, the first station<br />

tested, the discharge values for single pumps checked the discharges<br />

when two or three pumps were operating together.<br />

At the second station tested, Gene, the results of the preliminary<br />

tests, comparing single- and multiple-pump discharges, did<br />

not check.<br />

At all five Colorado River Aqueduct pumping stations, one 10-ft<br />

delivery pipe carries the discharge from the three pumps now installed<br />

at each station. When only one pump is operating, the<br />

velocity in the delivery pipe is comparatively slow, about 2 fps.<br />

The inside of these delivery pipes is coated with an enamel finish,<br />

as smooth as glazed porcelain, and there are no rivet heads or<br />

other projections into the inside of the pipe.<br />

This combination of extremely smooth pipe and low velocities<br />

created a condition of low turbulence, too low for satisfactory<br />

salt mixing, during the passage of a shot. This accounted for<br />

the failure of the discharge values to check between single and<br />

multiple pumps.<br />

To provide more turbulence, an artificial agitator, called a “tur-<br />

bulator” was installed beyond the salt-injection station. This<br />

so-called turbulator was a steel disk, 6 ft in diam, fastened in the<br />

center of the delivery pipe and normal to the axis of the pipe.<br />

This disk had an 18 X 24-in. hole in the center and was located<br />

40 ft beyond the pop valves. The turbulator was used<br />

during the remainder of the pump tests and single-pump-discharge<br />

results checked the multiple-pump values.<br />

No artificial turbulator was required at Intake, because the<br />

salt-injection station was just above the manifold where the three


6-ft pipes enter the one 10-ft delivery pipe. The pop valves were<br />

only 25 ft beyond this manifold and the turbulence caused by the<br />

bends in the pipes was sufficient to last throughout the saltvelocity<br />

test section.<br />

R. M. W a t s o n . 13 From information now available, it appears<br />

that, with normal pipe roughness, mean water velocities, reasonable<br />

test sections, and when handled by a competent test crew,<br />

the salt-velocity method for determining the rate of flow of water<br />

is consistently accurate within 0.5 per cent. The writer belives<br />

this to be the limit, at present with few exceptions, to which any<br />

evaluation should be made. This accuracy is quite comparable to<br />

that by which the other factors, pressure and power, which express<br />

the performance of hydraulic machinery, can be determined<br />

reliably in most commercial installations.<br />

Among the many factors which affect the accuracy of the saltvelocity<br />

method are the velocity of flow and the degree of turbulence<br />

in the stream. As shown by the author, a certain minimum<br />

turbulence is necessary in order that the salt cloud will travel<br />

with the flow without slippage. Apparently this problem had<br />

not been encountered in the field until a recent installation which<br />

had an exceptional combination of low velocities and smooth pipe<br />

walls. Unexplainably low results indicated trouble which was<br />

traced to the absence of turbulence. Excessive deviation from<br />

the expected results was corrected by the introduction of a “turbulator,”<br />

the purpose of which was to create high turbulence<br />

ahead of the salt-injection nozzles.<br />

In view of the difficulties experienced in the initial tests, opportunity<br />

was taken tb make a check of the effect of the low velocities<br />

at those stations at which pumps manufactured by the writer’s<br />

company, were installed. Each station consisted of three pumps,<br />

each pump discharging from a 6-ft pipe into a common 10-ft pipe.<br />

The salt-velocity test section was in this 10-ft line, with approximately<br />

4 pipe diameters between the turbulator and the saltinjection<br />

nozzles; 10 pipe diameters between the injection valves<br />

and the first electrodes, and 10 diameters between the first and<br />

second electrodes. The 10-ft discharge pipe at the test section<br />

ran upward at an angle of about 25 deg with the horizontal.<br />

The tests were made by the customer’s crew of engineers.<br />

This test crew had had the experience of previous salt-velocity<br />

work, in addition to experience with the use of this method on<br />

nine other pumps in three stations at this same large development.<br />

In every case the same problem existed; that of measuring by the<br />

salt-velocity method the rate of flow with very low mean pipe<br />

velocities and with extremely smooth pipe walls. This same<br />

crew was present and assisted in the development of a satisfactory<br />

technique for the method under the same conditions of low<br />

velocities and smooth pipes prevailing at the first three stations,<br />

and was therefore well qualified to conduct similar tests under<br />

similar discharge-pipe conditions at the two stations in which the<br />

writer’s pumps were installed.<br />

Piezometer taps were placed at two sections of different areas<br />

in the suction cones of all three pumps. The reduction in areas<br />

was sufficient to give a differential reading of approximately 6 in.<br />

of mercury in the range of flows considered. These venturi<br />

meters were calibrated individually by salt-velocity tests made<br />

during the operation of each pump singly. The salt-velocity<br />

test section was in the 10-ft pipe common to all three pumps.<br />

Each pump was operated individually, then in pairs, and finally<br />

all three together. Salt-velocity determinations of the flow were<br />

made each time. These calibrations were used during the multipump<br />

runs to measure the flow delivered by the individual pumps.<br />

During the multipump run, the sum of the individual flows thus<br />

13 Engineer, Centrifugal Pum p Division, W orthington Pum p and<br />

M achinery Corporation, Harrison, N. J.<br />

determined was compared with the total as measured by the saltvelocity<br />

method. The individual pump flows varied from approximately<br />

180 cfs to 215 cfs, with corresponding mean pipe velocities<br />

varying between 2.3 fps and 2.7 fps. For two and three<br />

pumps operating together, the mean velocities in the test section<br />

were, respectively, 2 and 3 times the mean velocities in the test<br />

section during individual pump operation.<br />

As a result of an analysis of the data by the writer, it appeared<br />

that the salt-velocity results obtained with the low mean pipe<br />

velocities, existing during the individual pump runs, were low<br />

by between 0.3 per cent and 0.6 per cent, as compared to the<br />

salt-velocity results obtained with the higher mean pipe velocities<br />

existing during the multipump runs. It is interesting to note<br />

that the laboratory results presented by the author confirmed the<br />

possibility, direction, and order of magnitude of this discrepancy.<br />

It is equally interesting to note that the discrepancy between the<br />

single-pump and multipump tests was within the 0.5 per cent<br />

accuracy obtainable with the salt-velocity method under normally<br />

favorable conditions. It was only the peculiar combination of<br />

circumstances present at this installation which warranted the<br />

attem pt for even better accuracy.<br />

In general, the difficulties experienced in the measurement of the<br />

flow by the salt-velocity method were traceable, as brought out<br />

in the paper, to insufficient turbulence to prevent an actual slippage<br />

and retardation of the salt cloud due to its greater density,<br />

particularly immediately after the injection. This resulted in<br />

an apparent rate of flow which was considerably less than the<br />

actual. Improvement was obtained by installing a turbulencecreating<br />

construction a short distance ahead of the injection<br />

valves. The trend, however, of any error from this effect was<br />

shown definitely in these field tests to be negative, as is indicated<br />

by the laboratory tests of the author.<br />

Even with the artificially created turbulence, the analysis of<br />

the field tests on six of the pumps as made by the writer, indicated<br />

that some slippage did occur. In explanation, it is probable that<br />

the turbulence resulting from the constriction decreased sufficiently<br />

within the test section to permit some slippage of the<br />

slightly more dense salt cloud. Certainly such is possible if the<br />

rather high turbulent energy in the flow leaving the pump (although<br />

this energy would be in small-scale eddies), and the turbulence<br />

created at the junction of the 6- and 10-ft pipes during singlepump<br />

operation, decreases sufficiently before reaching the injection<br />

nozzles to cause the troubles noted.<br />

In opposition to the results of the writer’s analysis of field<br />

tests and checks and resulting conclusions, conditions at one of<br />

the other three stations of this project permitted a volumetric<br />

check of the salt-velocity results. By this check the salt-velocity<br />

results appeared approximately 0.5 per cent high, after<br />

installation of the turbulence-creating construction. However,<br />

the writer does not know the full details of this check, and cannot,<br />

therefore, attem pt to analyze possible differences.<br />

In connection with the field checks of the salt-velocity method,<br />

the writer wonders whether or not an examination has disclosed<br />

any common characteristics of settings, or other factors, which<br />

tend to give high results in some cases, and low results in others.<br />

Such an examination should help to predict the direction of any<br />

error and possibly ultimately to eliminate some of the causes.<br />

With the increasing size of centrifugal pumps and an expanding<br />

knowledge of design, pump efficiencies have now reached and even<br />

exceeded 90 per cent. The pump designer is therefore no longer<br />

satisfied with the 1 per cent to 2 per cent over-all test accuracy<br />

which used to be acceptable. The ability to differentiate between<br />

the effects of small design changes requires increasing accuracy<br />

in the tests as the efficiency increases. Whereas, at 80 per cent<br />

pump efficiency an accuracy of 2 per cent is sufficient to detect


really significant design differences, this accuracy should be<br />

better than 0.5 per cent when the efficiency approaches or exceeds<br />

90 per cent.<br />

A u t h o r ’s C l o s u r e<br />

The discussion presented by Messrs. Fejer and Daily is of great<br />

interest to the author, especially the suggestion in connection<br />

with the Froude number. This number, however, cannot be used<br />

as a guide until more tests have been made to determine its critical<br />

limits and the factors affecting those limits, because it does not of<br />

itself completely define the flow conditions. Furthermore, in<br />

addition to the pipe velocity, pipe diameter, and brine specific<br />

gravity, which factors make up the Froude number, the roughness<br />

of the pipe wall has a direct bearing on the turbulence, as does also<br />

the viscosity of the fluid and the quantity of brine injected per<br />

second-foot of flow. Finally, there is a modifying factor introduced<br />

by the performance of the brine after being injected.<br />

The first three points were mentioned in the paper, but the last<br />

may need further clarification. It has been shown by experiment<br />

that the same amount of salt solution, injected at a constant<br />

rate, provides practically a constant height of electrode<br />

curve over a wide range of velocities. Since the duration of the<br />

shot remains constant, it follows that for low velocities the salt<br />

is confined to a small volume of the penstock water and is distributed<br />

over a proportionally larger volume of penstock water at<br />

higher velocities. Thus the total energy for mixing becomes<br />

the product of the energy per pound and the quantity of water<br />

flowing. This indicates experimentally that the energy available<br />

for mixing varies approximately as the cube of the velocity, rather<br />

than the square.<br />

With these thoughts in mind, the critical Froude numbers are<br />

presented for those tests where complete information is available,<br />

as follows:<br />

Pipe C ritical Brine,<br />

T est diam , velocity, specific<br />

no. ft fps g ravity F actor<br />

1 0 .1 7 0 .4 5 1.10 3.70<br />

2 0 .1 7 0.94 1.10 1.61<br />

3 1.00 0 .9 0 1.10 0.25<br />

4 3.33 0 .6 7 1.06 0.07<br />

5 10.00 2 .5 0 1.18 0.11<br />

C altech 0.42 . . . . 0 .5 6 -0 .0 7<br />

The results with the 2-in. pipe seem to be far out of line but it<br />

is known in test No. 1 that the quantity of brine introduced per<br />

second-foot of flow was nearly 20 times larger than usual. Dividing<br />

3.7 by 20 gives 0.19, which brings the result more in line with<br />

the figures obtained for the larger pipes.<br />

The values of critical Froude number obtained by actual saltvelocity<br />

measurements are about */6 to '/s the values given by<br />

Fejer and Daily and they extend over a rather wide band. At the<br />

start of these tests, all of the factors controlling the mixing process<br />

were not appreciated, so that some of the experimental information<br />

is approximate. This applies particularly to the amount of<br />

salt injected per second-foot of flow. It is hoped that some of<br />

these tests can be repeated at an early date so that an experimental<br />

verification of this Froude number may be obtained.<br />

Referring to Mr. Mason’s discussion, it was not the intention<br />

of the author to suggest the use of the “critical mixing velocity”<br />

itself as a criterion for good mixing. As stated in the paper, the<br />

mixing process is affected by (1) the amount of brine injected;<br />

(2) the specific gravity of the brine; (3) the roughness of the pipe<br />

wall; (4) the size of the pipe; and (5) the velocity of flow in the<br />

pipe. All of these terms affect the mixing process in the first<br />

power except the velocity factor which varies as the cube. Therefore,<br />

a change in the velocity is more significant than a change in<br />

any other factor. From this point of view, the term “critical<br />

mixing velocity” was used in a descriptive way and not as a sole<br />

criterion of performance.<br />

Furthermore, Mr. Mason states that the time or mixing distance<br />

should appear in the mixing criterion. The mixing distance<br />

is a factor intimately connected with the design of the pop valves<br />

and their installation with respect to the first electrodes; from<br />

that point it is most important. But, it was pointed out in the<br />

paper that, if the mixing process starts, it will continue; however,<br />

if the injected brine smothers the turbulence, the brine falls<br />

to the lower part of the pipe and remains segregated. Under<br />

these conditions, doubling the mixing distance or time will not<br />

improve the mixing. I t is believed, therefore, that time or distance<br />

should not be represented in the mixing criterion.<br />

With regard to Mr. Watson’s discussion, it may be true there<br />

actually existed a small error for the flows measured for the singlepump<br />

units. Three similar pumping plants were tested in the<br />

same fashion by engineers of Professor Allen’s office. In each<br />

case, the average agreement of the sum of the single pumps, compared<br />

with two and three pumps operating together, was to 0.1<br />

per cent. This does not mean that the over-all accuracy of the<br />

method is 0.1 per cent on a field test.<br />

In conclusion, it is realized that the work reported in the paper<br />

has only been a start in the investigation of the salt-mixing process<br />

at low pipe velocities and the constructive discussions which<br />

have been offered are appreciated.

Fio. 1<br />

S a l t - V e l o c i t y L a y o u t a t U p p e r E n d o f S e r r a P e n s t o c k<br />

Field Checks of the Salt-V elocity M ethod<br />


This paper gives the results of som e tests made in Brazil<br />

on which verification of the reliability of the salt-velocity<br />

m ethod of measuring discharge was obtained by cross<br />

checks w ith the m ethod itself, by check tests with the<br />

Gibson pressure-time m ethod, and by volum etric tests.<br />

These show a highly satisfactory agreem ent even in setups<br />

where the testing layout was far from ideal.<br />

THE problem of measuring accurately the large discharges<br />

of modern hydraulic turbines is one that has engaged<br />

the efforts of many hydraulic engineers. About two<br />

decades ago the Gibson pressure-time method2 and the Allen<br />

salt-velocity method5 were introduced to the profession. Both<br />

possessed advantages of simplicity and ease of application as<br />

compared with some of the older methods. Laboratory tests<br />

1 H ydraulic Engineer, The SSo Paulo Tram way Light and Power<br />

Company, Ltd.<br />

2 “ The Gibson M ethod and Apparatus for Measuring the Flow<br />

of W ater in Closed Conduits,” by N. R. Gibson, Trans. A.S.M .E.,<br />

vol. 45, 1923, pp. 343-376.<br />

3 “ The Salt-Velocity M ethod of W ater M easurem ent,” by C. M.<br />

Allen and E. A. Taylor, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 45, 1923, pp. 285-341.<br />

C ontributed by the Hydraulic Division and presented at the<br />

Spring Meeting, Worcester, Mass., M ay 1-3, 1940, of T h e A m e r i c a n<br />

S o c i e t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s .<br />

N o t e : Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

and some field tests showed also a very promising degree of accuracy.<br />

Since then considerable experience has been obtained<br />

with these methods which in general has confirmed the early<br />

promises of accuracy of both methods.<br />

Both the Gibson and salt-velocity methods have been used with<br />

success in the several plants of the companies subsidiary to the<br />

Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company, Ltd., the former<br />

since 1926 and the latter since 1924. The purpose of this paper<br />

is to report verifications of both methods obtained in these tests.<br />

There will be given two tests in which the accuracy of the saltvelocity<br />

method is confirmed by itself with a different apparatus<br />

setup, two tests in which the results are confirmed by the Gibson<br />

method, and one in which its accuracy is confirmed by volumetric<br />

test.<br />

S e r r a U n i t 5<br />

Unit 5 of the Serra plant of the Sao Paulo Tramway Light and<br />

Power Company, Ltd., is a double-overhung impulse turbine of<br />

which the nominal rating is 84,000 hp at 680 m (2230 ft) net<br />

head and 360 rpm; on test it can produce 92,300 hp at 674 m<br />

(2210 ft) head. It is fed by a penstock line approximately 1600<br />

m (5250 ft) long with three diameters; 1565 mm (61.61 in.),<br />

1463 mm (58.60 in.), and 1346 mm (52.99 in.). Fig. 1 shows in<br />

sketch form the upper end of this penstock and the location of<br />

the salt-velocity injection station and the three electrode sets<br />

used for testing the unit.


The injection station consisted of four 2-in. pop valves set in<br />

from the pipe wall 38 per cent of the pipe radius. Elementary<br />

electrodes were placed at the side of two of the pop valves to determine<br />

the time of the salt-solution injection.<br />

Each electrode set consisted of two pairs of electrodes at right<br />

angles to each other, extending across the penstock to within<br />

V2 in. of the penstock walls. These electrodes were bowed to<br />

have a center spacing 6.5 times that of the electrode ends.<br />

The volume between the axes of the electrodes was determined<br />

from four measurements of diameter in each pipe, approximately<br />

one measurement for each 5 ft of penstock, and tape measurements<br />

of the lengths, due allowance being made in the volume for<br />

the bump joints and rivet heads, from the penstock manufacturer’s<br />

drawings.<br />

In testing the turbine, a total of 24 runs with an average of 5.6<br />

salt shots per run was made. For each run six different determinations<br />

of the discharge were obtained, i.e., from the injection<br />

station X to electrode sets A, B, or C; from electrode set A to B,<br />

or to C; and from electrode set B to set C.<br />

Table 1 shows the number of salt shots for each run, the time<br />

of salt passage for each run and electrode combination, the resulting<br />

discharges, and the variations of these discharges from<br />

those obtained from the combination of electrode sets A and C.<br />

These variations have been analyzed by computing the probable<br />

variation of any one run for the several sections with the<br />

formula<br />

where r = probable error, per cent<br />

v = variation, per cent<br />

n = number of runs<br />

The probable variations of one run, as percentages, are as follows:<br />

Section...........X — A X — B X — C A — B B — C<br />

r................ ±0.47 ±0.22 ±0.10 ±0.12 ±0.12<br />

This shows a high degree of consistency of the discharge measurements,<br />

the greatest probable deviation of one run being less<br />

than 0.5 per cent for section X — A where the testing setup is the<br />

poorest. Examination of the variations shows no tendency for<br />

consistent positive or negative variations. In the case of section<br />

X — A, this tendency which is there the greatest, averages<br />

—0.07 per cent for the 24 runs, but is meaningless, since the<br />

probable deviation of the average is greater, being ±0.10 per<br />

cent.<br />

A further indication of the small variation in the discharge is<br />

obtained from the calibration of the venturi restriction based on<br />

discharges determined in section A — C. The least-squares<br />

determination of a straight line fitting the observations gives K<br />

— 7.807 + 0.0105 Q in the formula Q = K y/H, where<br />

Q = discharge, cu m per sec<br />

H = venturi differential head, m of water<br />

The variations of the observations from this line show a probable<br />

variation of any one point of ±0.0148 or say ±0.19 per cent.<br />

Considering that this variation includes the errors of measuring<br />

the differential head by a U tube containing bromoform, as well<br />

as the errors of the discharge measurement, it is in line with the<br />

variations found in the discharge determinations of section<br />

X — C, A — B, ox B — C.<br />

S e r r a U n i t s 3 a n d 7<br />

Unit 7 of the Serra plant is essentially a duplicate of unit 5<br />

previously described. Unit 3 is similar, but with slightly smaller<br />

penstock and nozzle diameters, having a rated output of 72,800<br />

hp and an actual maximum of 78,100 hp. The penstocks for<br />

units 7 and 3, especially the upper end, and the salt-velocity<br />

setups as applied there, were similar to that for unit 5.<br />

When unit 3 was installed and tested in 1936, its penstock was<br />

temporarily connected to the venturi restriction and butterfly<br />

valve intended for unit 7. Sixteen calibration runs were obtained<br />

giving an average of K in the equation Q = K \ / H of 7.447 ±<br />

0.006. The probable deviation of one run was r = ±0.32 per<br />

cent.<br />

Later in 1939, the penstock of unit 3 was disconnected from<br />

this venturi and the penstock of unit 7 connected. The venturi<br />

was again calibrated during the tests of unit 7. Twenty-two<br />

calibration runs were obtained, giving an average value of K<br />

of 7.430 ± 0.005. The probable deviation of any one run was<br />

r = ±0.28 per cent.<br />

In either case, the salt-velocity setup was similar to that for<br />

unit 5. The discharges were determined from electrode sets A<br />

and C. The differential heads were measured by U tubes containing<br />

bromoform. The data of these two calibrations are given<br />

in Table 2 and are plotted in Fig. 2.<br />

In the case of unit 3, the location of the injection station was


only 11 m, 7 pipe diameters, below the butterfly valve and venturi<br />

restriction, as compared with 24 m, 15.5 pipe diameters, for unit<br />

5. The distorted velocity distribution resulting from the venturi<br />

and butterfly valve upset the precision of the salt-velocity discharges<br />

determined from the injection station to the electrodes.<br />

Such determinations differed from those from electrode sets A to<br />

C by as much as —2 per cent for X to A decreasing to —0.35<br />

per cent for X to C. The results between electrode sets A — B<br />

and B — C, when compared with those between electrode sets<br />

A — C, were satisfactory, the variations ranging from 0.59 per<br />

cent to zero, with a probable deviation for any one run of r =<br />

±0.21 per cent.<br />

The foregoing shows one point in the application of the saltvelocity<br />

method which must be emphasized. Where a high degree<br />

of accuracy is desired, the timing of the passage of the salt<br />

cloud in the waterway must be done between sets of electrodes<br />

extending across the entire waterway, not from the injection<br />

station to one electrode set, although with care in location of the<br />

injection station good results may be obtained thus, as shown by<br />

the tests on unit 5.<br />

Parahyba U nit 2<br />

Unit 2 of the Parahyba plant of the Brazilian Hydro-Electric<br />

Company, Ltd., is a vertical reaction-type turbine, rated at<br />

28,000 hp at 28.66 m (94 ft) net head or 32,500 hp at 31.7 m<br />

(104 ft) head and at 125 rpm. On test it exactly equals its rating.<br />

Two complete efficiency tests were made on this unit December<br />

19 and 21, 1927. On the first test, the discharges were determined<br />

F i g . 3 T e s t i n g L a y o u t a t P a r a h y b a U n i t 2


G — GUID E-VAN E O P EN IN G , P E R C EN T<br />

F ig . 4 T e s t R e s u l t s ; P a r a h y b a U n it 2<br />

by the Gibson method applied differentially (10 runs). On the<br />

second test they were determined by the salt-velocity method<br />

(15 runs). Conditions of head, etc., were essentially identical<br />

on the two days.<br />

Fig. 3 shows schematically the testing layout. Expressing the<br />

lengths in terms of the pipe diameter (average for the part concerned)<br />

the salt-velocity mixing length, introduction to upper<br />

electrode set, was 2.7 and the test length between electrode sets<br />

was 6.82. The length between the Gibson piezometers was 2.85.<br />

For the salt velocity, 12 pop valves were used at the stop-log<br />

plane. This gave one valve for each 40.5 sq'ft of cross section<br />

at the injection station or one valve for each 24 sq ft of conduit<br />

section at the upper electrode set. The path from the highest<br />

pop valves to the upper electrode set was about 17 per cent longer<br />

than from lowest pop valves.<br />

It was recognized from the start that, because of the short<br />

lengths relative to the diameter, and because the plane of the<br />

pop valves was not parallel to that of the upper electrodes, the<br />

testing setup was not ideal. Consequently, precautions were<br />

taken to insure good results with both methods. Great care<br />

was taken to adjust all pop valves for tightness up to 15 lb per sq<br />

in., and to have these open uniformly and at the same pressure.<br />

The electrodes were carefully shaped to have a center spacing 6.5<br />

times the end spacing. The large electrode area and the natural<br />

conductivity of the water required an applied voltage of about<br />

10 v. Consequently, large wires with carefully made joints were<br />

used in the electrode wiring.<br />

For the Gibson method, all piping joints were carefully made<br />

for tightness. Also, during the performance of tests, the piping<br />

was flushed through completely between each run to eliminate<br />

any air and to insure that the temperature of the water in the<br />

piping was essentially that of the penstock water.<br />

Table 3 presents the data obtained on these two tests. Fig. 4<br />

shows the curve of discharge against guide-vane opening after<br />

transferring to a uniform net head of 28.66 m. In order to present<br />

graphically and clearly the variations between the discharge<br />

determinations by the two methods, and in an attem pt to rectify<br />

the data for analysis by the method of least squares, each observed<br />

discharge at 28.66 m head has been divided by the corresponding<br />

guide-vane opening expressed in per cent. These quotients<br />

are likewise plotted in Fig. 4.<br />

Examination of the plotting of these quotients shows that they<br />

may be approximately represented by straight lines from a gate<br />

opening of 53 per cent up to 100 per cent. The least-squares determination<br />

of the two equations of such lines gives<br />

and<br />

Q/G = 1.414 — 0.00390 G for the Gibson data<br />

Q/G = 1.406 — 0.00385 G for the salt-velocity data<br />

where<br />

and<br />

Q — discharge at 28.66 m head in cu m per sec<br />

G = guide-vane opening in per cent.<br />

The equation determined by the Gibson data in comparison<br />

with that determined by the salt-velocity data gives 0.42 per cent<br />

greater discharge at 53 per cent guide-vane opening (lower limit<br />

of applicability) and 0.29 per cent greater discharge at full guidevane<br />

opening. The computed values of the probable variation of<br />

one run from the equations are r — =*=0.48 per cent for the Gibson<br />

method and r = ±0.22 per cent for the salt-velocity method.<br />

P a r a h y b a U n i t 4<br />

Unit 4 of the Parahyba plant is a vertical reaction-type turbine


rated at 54,000 hp at 31.7 m (104 ft) net head and 115.4 rpm,<br />

with a discharge at maximum gate of over 5500 cfs; on test it<br />

can produce 57,190 hp at 31.7 m head.<br />

A complete efficiency test of this unit was made in November,<br />

1938. On this test, 28 runs were made using the salt-velocity<br />

method and, for 17 of these runs, the Gibson method was used at<br />

the end of the 10-min test run.<br />

Fig. 5 shows schematically the testing layout which is generally<br />

similar to that for unit 2, except the pop-valve arrangement and<br />

the forebay water elevation at the time of the test. The lengths<br />

in terms of the pipe diameter are, salt-velocity mixing length 1.6,<br />

salt-velocity test length 6.4, and Gibson piezometer length 4.2.<br />

For the salt-velocity method, 20 pop valves were used in a<br />

plane crossing the stop-log groove and closely parallel to the<br />

plane of the upper electrodes, thus making the paths from all<br />

valves of the injection station to the electrodes essentially equal.<br />

This gave one valve for each 35.5 sq ft of vertical cross section<br />

at the injection station or one valve for each 20.7 sq ft of conduit<br />

section at the upper electrode set. The same general precautions<br />

for insuring accuracy were followed with both methods as were<br />

used for unit 2.<br />

Table 4 presents the data of this test. Fig. 6 shows the curve<br />

of discharge against guide-vane opening after transferring to a<br />

uniform net head of 31.7 m. As for unit 2, in order to present<br />

more clearly the variations of the discharge determinations and<br />

in an attem pt to rectify the data for analysis by the method of<br />

least squares, each observed discharge at 31.7 m head has been<br />

divided by the corresponding guide-vane opening in millimeters.<br />

These quotients are likewise plotted in Fig. 6.<br />

Examination of the plotting of these quotients shows that they<br />

may be approximately represented by straight lines over the<br />

range covered jointly by the Gibson and salt-velocity observations,<br />

that is, from 46 to 89 per cent guide-vane opening. Thus<br />

using all Gibson points and omitting the salt-velocity determinations<br />

of runs 1, 4 to 9, and 28, as being outside the range of joint<br />

observations, the least-squares determination of the two equations<br />

of such lines gives<br />

and<br />

Q/G = 0.5991 — 0.0004455 G for the Gibson data<br />

Q/G = 0.6039 — 0.0004594 G for the salt-velocity data<br />

where<br />

and<br />

Q = discharge at 31.7 m head in cu m per sec<br />

G = guide-vane opening, mm.<br />

The equation determined by the Gibson data in comparison<br />

with that determined by the salt-velocity data gives 0.42 per cent<br />

smaller discharge at 180 mm guide-vane opening (lower limit of<br />

applicability) and identical discharge at 345 mm guide-vane<br />

opening (upper limit of applicability). The computed values of<br />

the probable variation of one run from the equations are r =<br />

=*=0.0024 or say =*=0.5 per cent for the Gibson method and r<br />

= ±0.0031 or say =*=0.6 per cent for the salt-velocity method.<br />

S o r o c a b a U n i t 4<br />

Unit 4 of the Sorocaba plant of the Sao Paulo Electric Company,<br />

Ltd., is a horizontal reaction-type turbine rated at 25,000<br />

hp at 195 m (640 ft) net head at 600 rpm; on test it can produce<br />

26,450 hp at 195 m head. Water is supplied to the unit by a<br />

penstock line about 656 m (2150 ft) long, having diameters of


1850 mm (72.83 in.), 1750 mm (68.90 in.), and 1650 mm (64.96<br />

in.).<br />

Fig. 7 shows schematically the layout of the plant from the<br />

lower end of the canal to the powerhouse, together with the profile<br />

of unit 4 penstock.<br />

A complete turbine-efficiency test of the unit was made in<br />

January, 1926. Fourteen runs, measuring the discharge with the<br />

salt-velocity method were made. As shown in Fig. 7, the measurements<br />

of discharge were made between two sets of electrodes<br />

of the customary bowed type. The salt-injection station consisted<br />

of 4 pop valves set in from the pipe wall 39 per cent of the<br />

pipe radius and was generally similar to the Serra layout in Fig. 1.<br />

F i g . 7 T e s t i n g L a y o u t ; S o r o c a b a U n i t 4


The results of the test appeared entirely satisfactory, check<br />

points at identical gate openings showing a maximum difference<br />

of 0.2 per cent. However, the venturi meter, having full and<br />

throat diameters of 1850 and 1269 mm, respectively, showed a<br />

coefficient about 4.5 per cent lower than the usually expected<br />

value of 0.985.<br />

As these tests were made in the early days of the companies’<br />

experience with the salt-velocity method, a volumetric check of<br />

the discharge was made as this was possible with the plant layout.<br />

The volume of the canal forebay, and surge tank between three<br />

elevations, was determined by measurement of the areas. With<br />

all inflow shut off except a very small but measured inflow from<br />

a spring and no other outflow, this known volume was discharged<br />

through penstock 4 by bringing the unit from complete shutdown<br />

to a predetermined gate setting in about 2 min, holding this load<br />

constant for as long a period as the available water permitted,<br />

and shutting down the unit completely in about l 1 A min. The<br />

rate of discharge during the steady-load portion of the run was<br />

determined by deducting the percentage of water used during<br />

starting and stopping, determined on the basis of the previous<br />

constant-load tests from gate openings observed every 10 sec<br />

during changes of load. The water used in starting and stopping<br />

amounted to 16 per cent of the total on one test and 7 per cent<br />

on the other two tests. During the steady-load portion of each<br />

run, salt-velocity measurements were made.<br />

T A B LE 5 V O L U M E T R IC C H E C K O F SALT V E L O C IT Y ;<br />


Item T est 1 T est 2 T est 3<br />

804.688 804.584 804.638<br />

Final level, m ................................................. 803.858 801.645 801.535<br />

Average area above 803.57, sq m .......... 6130 5640 5700<br />

D raft above 803.57, m ............................... 0.830 1.014 1.068<br />

Average area below 803.57, sq m ........... 3950 3940<br />

D raft below 803.57, m ............................... 1.925 2.035<br />

Volume, cu m ................................................ 5088 13323 14106<br />

Inflow from spring, cu m ........................... 20 27 22<br />

Total w ater used on test, cu m ............... 5108 13350 14128<br />

W ater used on steady load, per c e n t.. . 84.15 93.20 92.70<br />

W ater used on steady load, cu m .......... 4298 12442 13097<br />

Tim e of steady load, sec.......... ................. 720 2100 1700<br />

Average discharge— volum etric, cu m<br />

per sec.......................................................... 5.969 5.925 7.704<br />

Average tim e salt velocity, sec ............... 164.9 167.0 127.9<br />

Average discharge— salt velocity, cu m<br />

per sec......................................................... 5.967 5.892 7.694<br />

Difference salt velocity— volum etric,<br />

per cen t....................................................... —0.03 —0 .5 6 —0 .1 3<br />

Table 5 presents the summary of these tests. It will be seen<br />

that the discharges determined volumetrically and from the saltvelocity<br />

method agree within 0.25 per cent average for the three<br />

tests. It is considered that the penstock volume for the saltvelocity<br />

and the canal volume for the volumetric check as determined<br />

had each a precision of about =*=0.3 per cent. The test<br />

agreement is therefore as good as can be expected. At that time<br />

no greater refinement in testing results was attempted.<br />

G e n e r a l C o m m e n t o n T e s t s<br />

From the period of obtaining the rights to use the salt-velocity<br />

and Gibson methods to date, all units of the principal plants of<br />

the companies associated under the Brazilian Traction, Light and<br />

Power Company, Ltd., have been tested by one or the other of<br />

these methods, with the exception of three units which are duplicates<br />

of machines tested. In some cases, the tests have been made<br />

indirectly by using the Gibson or salt-velocity method to calibrate<br />

a venturi restriction, using this calibrated restriction as a measuring<br />

device for several units. Eleven units have been directly<br />

tested with each method, a total of 16 tests with the salt-velocity<br />

and 15 tests with the Gibson method having been made. All of<br />

these tests have been satisfactory and, where doubts have occasionally<br />

been expressed, repeat tests and checks by other<br />

methods have confirmed the accuracy of the tests.<br />

From the experience gained on these tests, the author suggests<br />

the following, but by no means comprehensive, precautions regarding<br />

the use of the two methods:<br />

Salt-Velocity Method<br />

1 If best results are desired, the timing of the passage of the<br />

salt cloud must be done between two sets of electrodes which<br />

represent the entire cross section of the waterway.<br />

2 An adequate mixing length between the injection valves<br />

for the brine and the first set of electrodes is imperative for best<br />

results. The author does not feel competent to place a definite<br />

limit on this length, 'but suggests a lower limit of a length at least<br />

equal to the mean transverse dimension of the waterway and<br />

preferably at least twice this length. It appears also that the<br />

number of pop valves used should depend on this length rather<br />

than on the cross-sectional area of the waterway.<br />

Gibson Method<br />

1 The author has found that measuring the leakage with<br />

fully closed guide vanes may, at times, be the most troublesome<br />

feature of this method. In two cases it appeared conclusively that<br />

the leakage through the guide vanes did not vary as the square<br />

root of the head on the turbine, thus making it necessary to measure<br />

the leakage with the full head. No explanation of the discrepancies<br />

has been found, but they may be due, at least in part,<br />

to the variation in mechanical deflection of the guide vanes with<br />

varying applied pressure.<br />

2 Besides the necessity of absolutely tight piezometer piping,<br />

the author considers it necessary to provide adequate provision<br />

for flushing the piping between tests to remove air and to maintain<br />

the penstock water temperatures if best results are to be<br />

obtained.<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s<br />

The author wishes to make acknowledgment to A. W. K.<br />

Billings, member of this Society, and vice-president of the<br />

Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company, Ltd., for permission<br />

to use the companies’ data, to C. P. Conrad and L. J. Hooper,<br />

also a member of this Society, who made the Sorocaba tests and<br />

to A. Santos, Jr., who made some of the many tests carried out<br />

by the companies and assisted in the performance of the others.<br />

D iscussion<br />

M . A. M a s o n .4 The writer had the opportunity, while studying<br />

in France as a Freeman scholar, to make an investigation of<br />

the possibilities of use of the salt-velocity method in open channels.<br />

It was found that previous studies had not resulted in the<br />

formulation of any logical conception of the physics of the method<br />

which would permit a definition of its limitations. An attem pt<br />

was made, therefore, to define the limits of applicability of the<br />

method by a study of the basic principles governing its operation.<br />

The conclusion was reached that the chief requirement for accurate<br />

results is the attainment of proper mixing between the<br />

water and injected solution before the injected solution reaches<br />

the measuring section.6 It is gratifying that the author arrives<br />

at an identical conclusion for the case of flow in pipes.<br />

Concerning the magnitude of the “mixing length” required for<br />

accurate results, it was concluded from the writer’s studies that<br />

this length was probably a function of the velocity of flow, the<br />

injection pattern, the form of the channel, the nature of the walls,<br />

and some time period. The author presents no evidence to<br />

* Engineer, Beach Erosion Board, W ar D epartm ent, W ashington,<br />

D. C. Jun. A.S.M.E.<br />

• “ Contribution & l’fitu d e de la meaure des D ebits d ’Eau par la<br />

Mfithode Allen,” by M. A. Mason, Thesis, University of Grenoble,<br />

France; also R6vue G6n6raXe de VHydraulique, No. 28, July-Aug., 1939.


justify the elimination of any of these factors and his conclusion<br />

that the “good mixing length” may be specified in terms of only a<br />

linear dimension of the conduit system does not seem to be<br />

justified.<br />

Professor Hooper, in his paper on salt-velocity measurements<br />

of low-velocity flow8 employs mean velocity of flow as a measure<br />

of the mixing of injected solution and water. It is probable<br />

that both criteria suggested are involved in the true criterion for<br />

good mixing and that neither is sufficient in itself.<br />

Although no concrete evidence of the effect of electrode design<br />

is presented in this paper, the writer concurs in the first conclusion<br />

to the effect that the electrodes must suitably cover the<br />

entire cross section of the waterway. An analysis leading to this<br />

conclusion was included in the writer’s paper.6<br />

E. B. S t r o w g e r .7 The author indicates that he has obtained<br />

a satisfactory agreement in the results of tests of two units by the<br />

salt-velocity method with those of the differential application<br />

of the Gibson method. The writer wishes to submit the results<br />

of other tests which show the consistent accuracy of the<br />

Gibson method.<br />

Perhaps it should be pointed out that the Gibson method<br />

makes use of pressure-time diagrams of either the simple or the<br />

differential type. With simple diagrams, the changes of pressure<br />

at one piezometer section in the conduit are recorded while<br />

with differential diagrams the difference between the changes of<br />

pressure at two piezometer sections in the conduit are recorded.<br />

Indirect checks of the Gibson method can be made, therefore,<br />

when both simple and differential diagrams are used; in tests<br />

where two sets of simple diagrams are made, each utilizing a<br />

different length of penstock; in tests where two differential applications<br />

are made, each utilizing different lengths of pipe;<br />

and/or when tests are made using other comparisons.<br />

Some of the material which will be presented herein has been<br />

published before but is being included for the purpose of assembling<br />

as much of this information in one place as is possible at<br />

this time.<br />

Fig. 8 of this discussion shows the cross section of a 70,000-<br />

hp hydroelectric unit operating under a head of 217.5 ft. It also<br />

shows the piezometer sections used in testing this unit by the<br />

Gibson method. Simple diagrams were made on the unit,<br />

utilizing approximately 600 ft of penstock, extending from the<br />

* “ Salt-Velocity M easurements at Low Velocities in Pipes,” by<br />

L. J. Hooper, published on page 651 of this issue of the <strong>Transactions</strong>.<br />

7 Hydraulic Engineer, The Niagara Falls Power Company, Buffalo,<br />

N. Y. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />


F i g . 9 P o w e r -D isc h a r g b C u r v e O b t a in e d b y G ib s o n T e s t o n<br />

U n it S h o w n i n F i g . 8, W it h T e s t P o in t s o f B o t h S im p l e a n d<br />

D if f e r e n t ia l D ia g r a m s<br />

forebay to the lower piezometer section and differential diagrams<br />

were made utilizing about 87 ft of the penstock as shown. The<br />

agreement between the two tests is indicated by the two sets of<br />

test points which fall on or close to the same power-discharge<br />

curve as shown in Fig. 9. The average divergence of the “differential<br />

points” from the line established by the “simple points” is<br />

within +0.2 per cent and the agreement between the two tests is<br />

accordingly within 0.2 per cent.<br />

Fig. 10 shows the plan and cross section of the penstock of a<br />

14,000-hp unit operating under a head of 96 ft. On this unit two<br />

tests were made by the Gibson method, one using simple dia-



F i g . 10 P l a n a n d C r o s s S e c t i o n o f P e n s t o c k o f 14,000 U n i t ,<br />

S h o w i n g P i e z o m e t e r S e c t i o n s f o b G i b s o n M e t h o d o f T e s t i n g<br />

F i g . 13 P o w e r D is c h a r g e C u r v e f o r 1 0 ,0 0 0 -H p U n i t ;<br />

H e a d 212 F t<br />

C r o s s<br />

(T est No. 1, Oct. 4, 1921, represented by points m arked O m ade w ith Gibson<br />

a pparatus No. 5 attached ju st below 90-deg elbow. T est No. 2, Dec. 11, 1921,<br />

represented by points m arked A m ade w ith Gibson a pparatus No. 1 a t­<br />

tached upstream from 90-deg elbow. In te st No. 1, F = 4.010, R = 2.35,<br />

and K = 118.50. In te st No. 2, F - 3.672, R = 1.528, K - 89.35.)<br />

F i g . 12 S e c t i o n T h r o u g h P e n s t o c k o f 55,000 H p T u r b i n e ,<br />

S h o w i n g L o c a t i o n o f P i e z o m e t e r s f o r G i b s o n A p p a r a t u s<br />

grams and the other using differential diagrams. For the simple<br />

diagrams, all of the pipe was utilized extending from the forebay<br />

to piezometer section B and, for the differential diagrams, the<br />

section between piezometer sections A and B was utilized. The<br />

two sets of test points are plotted in Fig. 11, and determine one<br />

curve as shown.<br />

In Fig. 13 is shown the power-discharge curve of a 10,000-hp<br />

unit operating under a 212-ft head as determined by two sets of<br />

test points, each made with the simple diagram application of<br />

the Gibson method but with different piezometer locations.<br />

One piezometer section was located upstream from a 9-ft elbow<br />

and the other just downstream from the elbow. The two sets


F i o . 1 4 G a t e O p e n i n g D i s c h a r g e a n d G a t e O p e n i n g P o w e r C u r v e s f o r 5 5 ,0 0 0 H p T u r b i n e ; N e t H e a d 3 1 2 F t ; b y G i b s o n<br />

M e t h o d , D e c . 1 0 , 1 9 2 2<br />

(In t e s t N o . 1 O , F - 1 .7 4 2 , R - 1 .8 0 2 , K - 9 9 .4 5 . In t e s t N o . 2 A , F - 1 .3 8 5 , R - 1 .5 1 5 , K = 8 8 .9 8 .)<br />

F i g . 1 5 P i e z o m e t e r S e c t i o n s f o r T w o S e t s o f D i f f e r e n t i a l<br />

D i a g r a m s , G i b s o n M e t h o d o f T e s t i n g , 1 0 , 0 0 0 - H p U n i t<br />

(L e n g th A to B , 4 2 .1 0 f t. L e n g th A t o C , 7 9 .5 4 f t.)<br />

of test points indicate that a common power-discharge curve may<br />

readily be drawn.<br />

Another example of two sets of simple diagrams taken on the<br />

same penstock is illustrated by the test on a 55,000-hp unit operating<br />

under a head of 312 ft, as shown by Figs. 12 and 14. With<br />

one set of diagrams approximately 310 ft of penstock was utilized<br />

and with the other set approximately 367 ft was used. The<br />

diagrams were made simultaneously, i.e., at one closure of the<br />

turbine gates, two diagrams were made. The two sets of test<br />

D i s c h a b .s e ~ c f s .<br />

F i g . 1 6 P o w e r - D i s c h a r g e C u r v e F r o m G i b s o n T e s t o n 1 0 ,0 0 0<br />

H p U n i t ( P e n s t o c k S h o w n i n F i g . 1 5 )<br />

points shown by triangles in the one case and circles in the other<br />

were determined by two independent testing organizations using<br />

different apparatus and working independently.<br />

The penstock shown in Fig. 15 was used for making two sets of<br />

differential diagrams, one set using 42.10 ft of length and the


T A B L E 6<br />


M E T H O D W IT H T H O SE O F O T H E R M E T H O D S<br />

No. D ate Place C onducted by<br />

1 O ctober, 1928 Heidenheim , G erm any J . M . Voith<br />

2 July, 1929 W alchensee, G erm any P aul V olkhardt<br />

3 A ugust, 1929 E itting, G erm any P aul V olkhardt<br />

4 R oyal School of Engi- E tto re Scimemi<br />

neers, Padova, Italy<br />

5 1930 Technischen Hochschule, H ans Deckel<br />

MOnchen, G erm any<br />

6 1930 BrQnnenmuhle in Heid- H ans Deckel<br />

enheim<br />

Results<br />

M ean variation from weir<br />

m easurem ent, 1 .9 per<br />

cent<br />

M ean variation from current<br />

m eter m easurem ent, — 0.3<br />

per cent<br />

M ean variation from current<br />

m eter m easurem ent, + 0 .4<br />

per cent<br />

M ean variation from volum<br />

etric m easurem ent, — 0.2<br />

per cent_<br />

M ean variation from volum<br />

etric m easurem ent, — 0.3<br />

per cent<br />

M ean variation from weir<br />

m easurem ent, — 0.4 per<br />

cent<br />



Fio. 17 C o m p a ris o n o f R e s u l t s , G ib s o n T e s t a n d A l l e n T e s t Fiq. 18 C o m p a r is o n o f R e s u l t s , G ib s o n T e s t a n d A l l e n T e s t<br />

o n 59,000-Hp U n i t ( U n i t N o . 1) N e t H e a d = 196 Ft<br />

o n 59,000-Hp U n i t ( U n i t N o . 2) N e t H e a d =■ 196 Ft<br />

F i o . 19 C o m p a r is o n o f R e s u l t s , G ib s o n a n d A l l e n T e s t s , 1900<br />

H p U n i t , N e t H e a d = 8 9 F t<br />

F iq . 20<br />

D ata o n V e n t u r i S e c t io n s , R a t e d in t h e F ie l d b y t h e<br />

G ib s o n M e t h o d


other set a length of 79.54 ft. The power-discharge curve with<br />

the two sets of points is shown in Fig. 16.<br />

Figs. 17, 18, and 19 show the results of testing three units by<br />

both the Allen and Gibson methods. The close agreement between<br />

the two measurements in each case is apparent.<br />

Fig. 20 shows the coefficient curves of two 7 X 10-ft ven­<br />


F ig . 21 ( L e f t ) R a t i n g C u r v e M a d e b y G ib s o n M e t h o d o f a 120<br />

X 8 4 -In . V e n t u r i ( M e t e r N o . 1)<br />

F ig . 22 ( R ig h t) R a t i n g C u r v e M a d e b y G ib s o n M e t h o d o f a 120<br />

X 8 4 -I n . V e n t u r i ( M e t e r N o . 2)<br />

turi meters built in the two penstocks of a hydroelectric station<br />

and tested by the Gibson method when the acceptance tests of<br />

the units were made. It shows the test points plotted as velocity<br />

against venturi coefficient. Figs. 21 and 22 show the test<br />

points plotted as discharge against manometer deflection on log<br />

paper indicating that, with this plotting, the relation between deflection<br />

and discharge is a straight line. The slope of the line is 2<br />

and accordingly the discharge varies as the square root of the<br />

mercury deflection. This means that the coefficient for these<br />

venturis is constant for the range of velocity covered by the test.<br />

Table 6 of this discussion presents a list of comparative test<br />

results using the Gibson method in conjunction with other<br />

methods of water measurement as carried out at various places<br />

in Europe. The results of these comparisons have been published<br />

from time to time in the technical press. With the exception<br />

of the first tests at Heidenheim, which were not very good, all<br />

these results are within the practical limits of precision in the<br />

measurement of flowing water.<br />

The author states he has found at times that measuring the<br />

leakage of the turbine with closed guide vanes was the most<br />

troublesome feature of the Gibson method and mentions two<br />

cases where the leakage did not vary as the square root of the<br />

head on the turbine. He suggests that the discrepancy, in part<br />

at least, was due to the mechanical deflection of the guide vanes<br />

with varying pressure. Since in many cases the turbine gate<br />

leakage must be determined under heads which are lower than<br />

the normal value and the experimental result must be stepped<br />

up to the full head, care must be exercised to see that proper<br />

adjustment of the orifice area is made in case deflection of the<br />

guide vane stems takes place. If this is done, the writer believes<br />

that the author will not consider the measurement as troublesome.<br />

Gate-leakage determinations usually can be made at<br />

several values of reduced head, especially if the fall in the pressure<br />

method of measuring the leakage is used, and the results<br />

may be plotted in the form of a leakage-head curve on log paper.<br />

If the orifice area changes with head, the relation so obtained is a<br />

curve rather than a straight line and may be extrapolated to the<br />

full head. The area correction is made in the process of extrapolating<br />

the curve.<br />

Another method of determining whether an area correction is<br />

needed in stepping up the leakage to the full head is to compare<br />

the “squeeze” deflection of the wicket gates under full operating<br />

oil pressure with the calculated deflection of the wickets under<br />

full head conditions. If the squeeze deflection is greater than<br />

the deflection due to casing pressure, no area correction is necessary.<br />

An example of such a computation is shown in Fig. 23 for<br />

one of the units in a hydroelectric plant in New York State. At<br />

this plant the servometer piston travel is limited by a stop which<br />

is so placed that the wicket gates are closed with no squeeze when<br />

the wheel case is empty. The computed deflection of the guide<br />

vanes with full casing pressure was 0.093 in. resulting in an orifice<br />

area of 0.233 sq ft and a computed leakage of 28.6 cfs. The actual<br />

measured leakage per unit under full head as determined by a<br />

tailrace weir was 29.5 cfs. Other cases of leakage determination<br />

where the guide vane deflection is a factor in the determination<br />

could be cited, although with the method used in assembling<br />

and adjusting the gate mechanism of modem hydroelectric units,<br />

such deflection is seldom found to be appreciable.<br />

It should be noted also that, as a practical matter, extreme care<br />

in measuring the leakage is not as a rule necessary. A relatively<br />

large error in the determination of the turbine-gate-leakage<br />

quantity affects the turbine efficiency by an insignificant amount.<br />

For example, on a recent test, a possible error in the leakage<br />

quantity of as much as 20 per cent of the total leakage represented<br />

less than 0.1 per cent in turbine efficiency at the point of<br />

maximum efficiency.


E d w i n A. T a y l o r .8 The results of three check tests at Sorocaba<br />

show that the salt velocity varied from volumetric by 0.03,<br />

0.56, and 0.13 per cent, respectively. These results have a maximum<br />

spread for any one run of 0.5 per cent and an average difference<br />

between the two methods of 0.25 per cent.<br />

The results of two check tests at Parahyba show that, for the<br />

wide range of the tests, salt-velocity and Gibson methods check<br />

within less than 0.1 per cent. For each unit, the two curves of<br />

discharge on gate opening coincide at full gate and differ only<br />

slightly at half gate.<br />

8 Consulting Engineer, W orcester, Mass.<br />

A check test at Serra No. 5, comparing discharge results,<br />

using three different salt-velocity test sections, shows a maximum<br />

spread of less than 1 per cent, 0.5 per cent plus and minus. For<br />

the whole test, the average difference was less than 0.1 per cent.<br />

These comparative tests covered 24 runs and 130 salt-velocity<br />

shots. Similar check tests, with equally close comparative results,<br />

were made at Serra Nos. 3 and 7.<br />

The writer has made a number of pump- and turbine-efficiency<br />

tests, using the salt-velocity method of water measurement.<br />

Several times the results by salt velocity have been checked by<br />

other engineers, using other methods of water measurement,


and frequently the salt-velocity results have been checked by the<br />

same method, using different test apparatus and test sections at<br />

the same plant.<br />

Tables 7 and 8 show the results of fourteen such check tests<br />

on salt velocity, two by current meter, two by pitometer, two by<br />

Gibson, two by volumetric, and six by interchecking with various<br />

salt-velocity test sections.<br />

Details of tests, apparatus, and procedure for the check tests in<br />

Tables 7 and 8 are omitted. The engineers conducting these<br />

tests were experienced in their lines and the tests were made in<br />

accordance with the latest accepted practice in each method.<br />

A summary of the comparative results, shown in Table 7 of this<br />

discussion, indicates a close agreement between salt velocity and<br />

current meter, once in Germany and once in Pennsylvania. A<br />

comparison of the discharge values by pitometer in Germany and<br />

in New York and by Gibson in Quebec and in New York shows a<br />

close agreement with the salt-velocity values for discharge at the<br />

same plants.<br />

A comparison of salt velocity with the five volumetric check<br />

runs in Table 7 shows the results have an average spread for all<br />

runs of 0.75 per cent and an average weighted difference for the<br />

five runs of 0.6 per cent.<br />

While the values for average difference for the Pacific Coast<br />

volumetric checks are plus 0.6 per cent, the Brazilian volumetric<br />

checks show an average difference of minus 0.25 per cent.<br />

The average mean difference, weighted for signs, for the eight<br />

check tests in Table 7 is +0.05 per cent.<br />

In analyzing and comparing the results in Table 7, the spread<br />

and the deviation for runs should be given more weight than the<br />

average difference in values for the whole test. This average<br />

difference may mean very little alone. For instance, there<br />

could be a spread or run deviation in discharge values of 5 or<br />

even 10 per cent and the mean difference between methods for the<br />

whole test could still be zero. In that case, attaching much importance<br />

to the mean difference for the whole test becomes very<br />

significant of the accuracy of the method. This is important in<br />

field tests for pump and turbine efficiency because, in computing<br />

final results, curves are drawn to fit the test points and these<br />

curves do graphically what the average differences in Table 7 do<br />

arithmetically.<br />

Table 8 of this discussion shows the results of six check tests at<br />

four different power plants, using various salt-velocity test sections.<br />

These test sections varied in length from 300 ft to 3.5<br />

miles. The average spread for all runs shown in Table 8 was<br />

0.33 per cent. The average mean difference, weighted for<br />

signs, for the six check tests shown in Table 8 is minus 0.06 per<br />

cent.<br />

The mean difference for all the check tests shown in both<br />

Tables 7 and 8, which involve over 100 salt-velocity runs and 500<br />

shots, is zero.'<br />

A u t h o r ’s C l o s u r e<br />

Messrs. Strowger and Taylor have presented additional data<br />

showing verifications of the salt-velocity and Gibson methods.<br />

The assembly of such data is valuable in appraising the degree<br />

of accuracy which may be expected by these methods. Further<br />

testing results, where the agreement was less satisfactory, would<br />

also be valuable. Undoubtedly, attempts to extend the field of<br />

these methods have been responsible for the majority of tests<br />

where agreement was relatively poor. A record of these attempts,<br />

and of the experience gained in overcoming difficulties, is desirable.<br />

To present one such case the following is submitted: Prior<br />

to the tests of Parahyba unit 4 described in the paper, preliminary<br />

tests were made on this unit with both salt-velocity and Gibson<br />

methods. The electrode setup for the salt velocity was the same<br />

as in the later tests. The injection station consisted, however,<br />

of only 12 pop valves placed in the vertical plane of the stop-log<br />

grooves. The form of the resulting curves was decidedly poor, each<br />

curve showing 3 peaks resulting from the unequal paths from the<br />

3 horizontal rows of 4 pop valves each. The results differed from<br />

the final results given in the paper by an amount varying from 0<br />

per cent at 180 mm guide-vane opening to +1.6 per cent at 345-<br />

mm guide-vane opening. The use of the salt-velocity method<br />

in this manner was an obvious but unwitting abuse. Notwithstanding,<br />

there is comfort in the relative closeness of agreement<br />

with the later tests made with an improved layout. The preliminary<br />

Gibson tests agree very closely with the final ones reported<br />

in the paper.<br />

The suggestions given in the paper regarding mixing length<br />

resulted principally from thought on conditions of testing at the<br />

Parahyba plant. Mr. Mason, in his study6 and in his discussion<br />

of this paper, and Professor Hooper, in his paper® have contributed<br />

further to this question. The determination of conditions providing<br />

a satisfactory mixing and distribution of the salt solution<br />

in the water channel between the injection valves and the upper<br />

electrodes would be a suitable laboratory study. It is apparent,<br />

however, that a requirement relating the number of injection<br />

valves to the cross-sectional area of the waterway is entirely inadequate<br />

without further stipulations. These probably should<br />

include factors for the channel dimensions, form, roughness, and<br />

possibly for the velocities expected. For ordinary commercial<br />

testing in hydroelectric plants the low velocity limits brought out<br />

by Professor Hooper are rarely, if ever, encountered.

The V iscosity of S uperheated Steam<br />

B y G. A. HAWKINS,1 H. L. SOLBERG,2 a n d A. A. POTTER,3 LAFAYETTE, IND.<br />

After discussing the disagreement existing in viscosity<br />

data for superheated steam as reported by recent investigators,<br />

the authors report the results of a new determ ination<br />

of viscosity. A nickel capillary 103.2 ft long was used<br />

in this investigation. The differential head across the<br />

capillary was determined by radiographing the mercury<br />

levels in a steel-tube m anom eter. Data are reported for<br />

60 calibration tests and for 61 tests on steam at pressures<br />

up to 1810 lb per sq in. abs and 1000 F. All o f the tests were<br />

run under steady-flow conditions for a m inim um period of<br />

I hr. Plank’s equation has been modified to express the<br />

results over the entire range of pressures and tem peratures<br />

covered by this investigation.<br />

As a result of additional calibration tests made to determine<br />

the effect o f curvature on the capillary constant, the<br />

results given in this paper supersede those presented at<br />

the Annual M eeting of the Society.<br />

IN THE year 1925, Speyerer (l)4 measured the viscosity of<br />

superheated steam by means of a capillary tube at pressures<br />

from 1 to 10 atm and at a maximum temperature of 658 F.<br />

In 1934, Schiller (2) published data on the viscosity of superheated<br />

steam as determined from the flow of steam through a<br />

nozzle. He obtained the relation for calculating the viscosity of<br />

Bteam in terms of that of water, by observing the velocity at<br />

which the discharge coefficient of a nozzle shows an abrupt increase<br />

for water and steam and then equating the two Reynolds<br />

numbers. Schiller’s curves show one test point at 30 atm, four<br />

test points at 25 atm and other points at lower pressures with a<br />

maximum temperature of about 540 F. In 1935, the authors (3)<br />

published data on the viscosity of saturated and compressed<br />

water at temperatures up to the critical and on superheated<br />

steam at pressures up to 3500 lb per sq in. abs and temperatures<br />

up to 983 F. A modified form of the Lawaczeck (4) viscometer<br />

was used in which the time of fall of a metal cylinder in an accurately<br />

bored stainless-steel tube was recorded automatically.<br />

The results obtained by the authors (3) were in good agreement<br />

with those of Schiller and Speyerer.<br />

In 1934, Schougayew (5) published data obtained by measuring<br />

the viscosity of steam in a Rankine capillary at pressures up to<br />

93 atm and temperatures up to 400 C. He concluded that, within<br />

the limits of accuracy of his apparatus, viscosity was practically<br />

independent of pressure. In a discussion of the author’s paper,<br />

Schougayew (6) presented a curve, showing the difference between<br />

the results for the viscosity of saturated steam, as plotted from<br />

the author’s data, and similar results obtained in Russia by<br />

Schougayew and Sorokin.<br />

1 Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University.<br />

Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

2 Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. Mem.<br />

A.S.M.E.<br />

3 Dean, Schools of Engineering, Purdue University, and Director<br />

of the Engineering Experim ent Station. Past-President of the<br />

A.S.M.E.<br />

4 Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography a t the end of<br />

the paper.<br />

Contributed by the Special Research Committee on Critical Pressure<br />

Steam Boilers and presented at the Annual Meeting, December<br />

4 -8 , 1939, Philadelphia, Pa., of T h e A m e r ic a n S o c i e t y o f<br />

M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s .<br />

N o t e : Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

not considered.<br />

677<br />

In 1936, K. Sigwart (7) published data on the viscosity of water<br />

and steam as determined by a capillary tube. The results for<br />

the viscosity of water are in close agreement with those reported<br />

by the authors. However, the values for the viscosity of superheated<br />

steam differ widely from the results reported by the<br />

authors (3) and, in some cases, disagree by as much as 3 to 1.<br />

A comparison of the results of several different determinations<br />

of the viscosity of steam is shown in Fig. 1. H. Speyerer (8) has<br />

recently published a discussion of the conflicting results which<br />

have been reported by the various investigators. The wide<br />

divergence in results has led to a careful examination of the work<br />

of Sigwart (7) as well as of the apparatus, the teohnique, and the<br />

results of the authors; also new determinations of the viscosity<br />

of superheated steam have been made and are reported in this<br />

paper.<br />

Essentially, the method used by the authors in their earlier<br />

investigation was to measure the time of fall of a cylindrical body<br />

in an accurately bored cylinder containing a fluid of known viscosity<br />

and to measure the time of fall of the same body in the<br />

same cylinder containing water or steam under a known pressure<br />

and temperature. It is necessary that the flow of the fluid in the<br />

Temperature, F<br />

F i g . 1 V is c o s it y o f S t e a m a s R e p o r t e d b y R e c e n t I n v e s t ig a t o r s<br />

annular space between the falling body and the cylinder be in the<br />

viscous region. This flow was limited in the experiments to a<br />

maximum Reynolds number of 2100 based on the calibration<br />

data. The essential data required for a viscosity determination<br />

by this method are the density of the fluid under test, the density<br />

and viscosity of the calibration fluid, and the time of fall. I t is<br />

not difficult to measure pressure and temperature and thus compute<br />

density with reasonable accuracy. The viscosity of the calibration<br />

fluids was taken from the International Critical Tables.<br />

The time of fall was recorded automatically on the strip chart<br />

of an Esterline-Angus recording milhammeter in a manner which<br />

eliminated the human element. It is believed that any errors introduced<br />

into the results were due not to errors in measuring<br />

pressure, temperature, or time, but to incorrect assumptions<br />

made in developing the theory of the Lawaczeck viscometer or<br />

due to failure to work with pure steam.<br />

In developing the theory of the Lawaczeck viscometer, the<br />

possibility of flow disturbances in the wake of the fall-body was<br />

Recent findings in the field of hydrodynamics


indicate that such flow disturbances may exist. Considerable<br />

effort has been expended in a theoretical analysis of the problem<br />

of tail turbulence and the magnitude of the error due to the neglect<br />

of this factor. Up to date, a satisfactory solution of the problem<br />

has not been worked out which would permit a separation of the<br />

resistance to falling into viscous drag in the annular space around<br />

the fall-body and turbulence at the tail of the fall-body. Also,<br />

it may be that, under certain conditions, the motion of the fallbody<br />

is not translatory but vibratory.<br />

Sigwart (7) used the capillary-tube method of measuring the<br />

viscosity of steam and water. Two capillary tubes were used,<br />

each about 14 in. long. The quartz capillary had an internal<br />

diameter of 0.375 mm, while the internal diameter of the platinum<br />

capillary was 0.547 mm. Steam was generated in a small boiler,<br />

superheated, passed through the capillary, throttled, condensed,<br />

and weighed. Sigwart states that a brown precipitate formed in<br />

the condensate after exposure to the atmosphere for some time.<br />

The differential pressure across the capillary was measured by<br />

means of a differential-pressure ring balance (9). Sigwart reports<br />

only one short table of original steam data. In this table,<br />

the maximum and minimum heads, due to the flow of steam in<br />

the capillary, were 0.247 and 0.184 in. Hg, respectively. It is<br />

obvious that the accuracy and sensitivity of the balance must<br />

be of a very high order if dependable results are to be obtained<br />

from such small heads.<br />

The differential head, measured by the ring balance, was reported<br />

by Sigwart as being due to the equivalent of (a) flow<br />

through the capillary of the fluid leaving the system, and (b)<br />

flow of fluid from one leg of the manometer through the capillary<br />

and connecting tubing to the other leg of the manometer.<br />

The connections from the manometer to the capillary<br />

were mounted in a horizontal plane. It is obvious that, when<br />

measuring the viscosity of superheated steam, these manometer<br />

legs contained superheated steam of varying temperature, density,<br />

and viscosity; saturated steam and water of varying temperature,<br />

density, and viscosity. Based on certain assumptions, which did<br />

not include the variable physical state of the fluid in the manometer<br />

legs or the length of tubing occupied by the fluid in these<br />

various states, Sigwart derived an equation from which he estimated<br />

the time elapsed from the opening of the throttle valve on<br />

the discharge side of the capillary until the pressure drop, as<br />

measured by his balance, equaled at least 99 per cent of the head<br />

loss in the capillary. He then took the manometer reading at<br />

this time interval, computed a correction, and used this value to<br />

calculate the viscosity. Thus his readings were taken before a<br />

steady flow state had been established.<br />

R e q u ir e m e n t s o f a C a p il l a r y f o r M e a s u r i n g t h e V is c o s it y<br />

o f S u p e r h e a t e d S t e a m<br />

In order to check the results of their earlier investigation by<br />

a different method and to compare the new results with those<br />

of other investigators, the authors decided to use a capillary<br />

tube designed and operated in accordance with the following<br />

principles:<br />

1 The capillary tube must have sufficient length to give a<br />

head which could be measured accurately.<br />

2 The length of the capillary should be great enough so that<br />

the kinetic-energy correction at the ends would be negligible.<br />

3 The tube should be made of noncorrosive material of<br />

sufficient strength to prevent distortion at the highest operating<br />

pressures and temperatures.<br />

4 A uniform temperature must be maintained along the entire<br />

length of the capillary.<br />

5 The manometer must be connected to the capillary in such<br />

a way that separation between the liquid and vapor phase of the<br />

fluid would be in the horizontal plane of the capillary.<br />

6 In order to eliminate the human element, the manometer<br />

must be designed and operated to give a permanent photographic<br />

record of the head.<br />

7 No readings should be taken until a steady flow state had<br />

been attained and the record of manometer readings must indicate<br />

the presence of a steady flow state for a test period of at<br />

least 1 hr.<br />

8 The theoretical constant of the capillary should be checked<br />

at periodic intervals during the investigation and at the conclusion<br />

of the tests by the use of suitable fluids of known viscosity.<br />

D e s c r i p t i o n o f A p p a r a t u s<br />

In accordance with the above requirements, the capillary was<br />

made from 103.2 lin ft of 0.25-in. outside diam X 0.09294-in. inside<br />

diam seamless nickel tubing. The random lengths of tubing<br />

were connected into one continuous length of uniform internal<br />

diameter by facing each end square, butting it tightly against the<br />

end of the next piece in a snugly fitting nickel sleeve and welding<br />

the sleeve to the tube ends. Each joint was radiographed after<br />

welding to make sure that the ends of the tubes were in alignment<br />

and fitted against each other to form a smooth internal surface.<br />

The capillary was wound into a coil having a diameter of 2.5 ft,<br />

covered with a uniformly spaced electric-resistance-heater wire<br />

and thoroughly insulated. During the course of the investigation,<br />

the capillary was also wound into circle bends with a 1-ft<br />

radius, connected by straight runs about 12 ft long, and was later<br />

coiled on a 2-ft diam.<br />

The manometer, made of two vertical legs of extra-heavy<br />

'A-in. iron-pipe-size, seamless steel tubing, was connected to the<br />

junction blocks at the ends of the capillary by tubing which was<br />

mounted in the horizontal plane of the ends of the capillary, in<br />

order to avoid any errors due to the variation in the level of the<br />

plane of separation of water and steam between the capillary and<br />

the manometer. The manometer was filled half full of mercury<br />

with water above the mercury level. Care had to be used to<br />

eliminate all air from the manometer legs and connections during<br />

the filling process. An X-ray tube was used to radiograph the<br />

mercury levels in the manometer and leave a permanent record<br />

on the film which was mounted in back of the tube as shown in<br />

Fig. 2. Heads up to 5.5 ft could be measured with this apparatus.<br />

The boiler was supplied with deaerated distilled water by placing<br />

two tanks, A and B in Fig. 2, between the feed pump and the<br />

boiler. The tanks were connected by pipe at their upper ends


and were filled half full of xylol. This liquid will not mix with<br />

water nor contaminate it in any way at low temperatures. Before<br />

starting a test, boiling distilled water was supplied to the<br />

lower end of tank B and most of the xylol was transferred to tank<br />

A. Then during the test, the pressure from the boiler-feed pump<br />

was transferred to the feedwater through the xylol. In this way,<br />

only pure distilled water entered the boiler. During many of<br />

the tests, the xylol tanks were by-passed and the boiler was fed<br />

directly from the pump. The results were not affected by this<br />

change in the feedwater system.<br />

The boiler consisted of a short length of double-extra-heavy 2-<br />

in. seamless steel pipe closed at each end by welding, set on an<br />

incline, and fired by a battery of Bunsen burners. Steam was<br />

superheated by placing an electric heater around a section of<br />

nickel tubing. The input to this heater was controlled automatically<br />

by a Wheelco Capacitrol and magnetic switch in order<br />

to maintain a constant steam temperature at the entrance to the<br />

capillary. Two calibrated thermocouples, welded into the bottom<br />

of wells, were placed opposite each other in a thermocouple block<br />

immediately ahead of the capillary (7\ and 7’2 in Fig. 2) in order<br />

to determine the steam temperature entering the capillary.<br />

Twenty thermocouples were provided for reading temperatures<br />

along the capillary, and the heater winding was adjusted to maintain<br />

a uniform temperature from end to end. The steam leaving<br />

the capillary was throttled, condensed in a copper coil, and<br />

weighed.<br />

T h e V is c o s it y E q u a t io n f o r t h e C a p il l a r y<br />

Poiseuille’s law for viscous flow in a straight capillary, with<br />

allowance for kinetic-energy losses at entrance and exit, may be<br />

stated as follows<br />

where n = viscosity<br />

r = radius of capillary<br />

A P = pressure difference between the ends of the capillary<br />

Q = volume of flow per unit of time<br />

I = length of capillary<br />

M = a constant<br />

p = density of the fluid<br />

X = a constant<br />

For long straight capillary tubes in which the end kinetic-energy<br />

corrections may be neglected, the equation is reduced to the form<br />

I = 103.2 ft<br />

D = 0.09294 in.<br />

w = weight flow rate in lb per sec<br />

v = average specific volume in ft3 per lb<br />

ix = viscosity in centipoises<br />

Then C = 26.7276 X 10~» or<br />

The capillary, 103.2 ft long, was first coiled on a 2.5-ft diam.<br />

Because of serious heater trouble, this arrangement was abandoned<br />

and the capillary was formed into circle bends having a 2-<br />

ft diam, connected by straight sections 12 ft long. Of the total<br />

length, 69.6 per cent was straight and 30.4 per cent curved to a 1-<br />

ft radius. This capillary arrangement has been called coil I in<br />

this report. Continued heater trouble made it necessary to obtain<br />

a new heater and to coil the entire capillary on a 2-ft diam,<br />

called coil II in this report.<br />

For a bent capillary, the work of White (10) and Keulegan and<br />

Beij (11) indicates that at Reynolds’ number above approximately<br />

200, the effect of curvature increases the resistance to flow<br />

and the capillary constant then becomes a function of the Reynolds<br />

number and the ratio of the diameter of the capillary to the<br />

diameter of the coil. Equation [3] for the straight capillary may<br />

be modified to account for curvature by introducing a factor


where C


At pressures above 1500 lb per sq in. abs, the high pressure<br />

drop through the throttle valve and the low specific volume of the<br />

steam made it virtually impossible to maintain steady flow conditions<br />

for a minimum test period of 1 hr. Inasmuch as the<br />

maintenance of a steady flow state for at least 1 hr, as evidenced<br />

by successive radiographic exposures of the manometer, was<br />

specified in advance as one of the criteria to be fulfilled before any<br />

test data would be accepted, no tests are reported in this paper<br />

for pressures above 1810 lb per sq in. abs.<br />

In 1933, R. Plank (12) presented theoretical equations for the<br />

viscosity of gases and vapors. In the development, he showed<br />

that the thermodynamic equation of state may be expressed


F ig . 7 T h e V is c o s it y o f S t e a m<br />

(1939 P urdue U niversity values.)<br />

Equation [16] gives results which are in agreement with the<br />

smoothed values reported in this paper as shown in Table 5.<br />

Except for the 100-lb per sq in. abs pressures, the maximum<br />

deviation between the computed and smoothed results is 3 per<br />

cent. For the case of 100-lb per sq in. pressure the deviation is<br />

less than 3 per cent for temperatures ranging from 700 F to 1000<br />

F but increases to 6.5 per cent at 400 F. The constants of Equation<br />

[16] are based upon the smoothed values reported in this<br />

paper for a maximum pressure of 1500 lb per sq in. abs, and it is<br />

probable that, at higher pressures, the variation in the specific<br />

volume of superheated steam is too complex to be expressed by<br />

the three terms of the equation.<br />

Values of absolute viscosity have been obtained from Fig. 7<br />

and tabulated in Table 6, together with the computed kinematic<br />

viscosity and several convenient conversion factors.<br />

The viscosity data reported in this investigation are considerably<br />

lower at the high pressures than those presented by the<br />

authors in 1935. The higher 1935 values are probably due to end<br />

effects and wake turbulence of the fall body in the Lawaczeck<br />

viscometer.<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s<br />

The authors are indebted to Mr. G. H. Van Hengel of The Detroit<br />

Edison Company for constructive criticisms and valuable<br />

assistance rendered in analyzing and interpreting the data of the<br />

investigation, particularly with reference to the effect of curvature


of the capillary. Dr. Max Jakob of the Armour Institute of<br />

Technology has been most helpful in connection with the solution<br />

of certain problems encountered in analyzing the results.<br />


1 “ Die Bestimmung der Zahigkeit des W asserdampfes,” by H.<br />

Speyerer, Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, no. 273,<br />

V.D.I., Berlin, p. 1925.<br />

2 “ Bestimmung der Zahigkeit von W asserdampf,” by W.<br />

Schiller, Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, vol. 5, March-<br />

April, 1934, pp. 71-74.<br />

3 “ The Viscosity of W ater and Superheated Steam ,” by G. A.<br />

Hawkins, H . L. Solberg, and A. A. Potter, Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 57,<br />

Oct., 1935, pp. 395-400.<br />

4 “ Uber Zahigkeit und Zahigkeitsmessung,” by F. Lawaczeck,<br />

Zeit. V.D .I., vol. 63, 1919, pp. 677-682.<br />

5 “ Eksperim ental’nie Dannie i Interpolyatsionnya Formula Dlya<br />

Vyazkosti Vodi,” by V. Schougayew, Vsesoyuzny Teplotekhnicheskiy,<br />

Institut, Izvestiya, 1934, no. 7, pp. 47—49.<br />

6 Discussion of paper “ The Viscosity of W ater and Superheated<br />

Steam ,” by G. A. Hawkins, H . L. Solberg, and A. A. Potter, Trans.<br />

A.S.M.E., vol. 58, April, 1936, pp. 258-262.<br />

7 “ Messungen der Zahigkeit von Wasser und W asserdampf<br />

bis ins kritische Gebiet,” by K. Sigwart, Forschung auf dem Gebiete<br />

des Ingenieurwesens, vol. 7, M ay-June, 1936, pp. 125-140.<br />

8 “ Zahigkeit von W asserdampf,” by H. Speyerer, Forschung<br />

auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, vol. 10, March-April, 1939, pp.<br />

100- 102.<br />

9 “ Messung kleiner Druckunterschiede bei hohen absoluten<br />

Drucken,” by E. Schmidt, Zeit. V.D .I., vol. 80, 1936, pp. 635-636.<br />

10 “ Streamline Flow Through Curved Pipes,” by C. M. White,<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A, vol. 123, 1929,<br />

p. 645.<br />

11 “ Pressure Loss for Fluid Flow in Curved Pipes,” by G. H.<br />

Keulegan and K . H. Beij, National Bureau of Standards, Journal of<br />

Research,_vol. 18, Jan., 1937, p. 965.<br />

12 “ Uber die Zahigkeit von Gasen und Dam pfen,” by R. Plank,<br />

Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, vol. 4, January-<br />

February, 1933, pp. 1-7.<br />

D iscussion<br />

E. F. L e i b .6 For the analytical representation of their data<br />

on the viscosity of superheated steam, the authors rely on Equation<br />

[14], as recommended by R. Plank. This equation has been<br />

derived from the kinetic theory of gases for the viscosity at high<br />

densities, where the space occupied by the molecules is of the<br />

order of magnitude of the gas volume, and the transfer of momentum<br />

occurs at collisions as well as between collisions. Definite<br />

values have been derived for all constants in Equation [14] and,<br />

due to their significance, these constants are essentially positive.®<br />

However, the constants in the authors’ Equation [16] have<br />

nothing in common with these theoretical values and one constant<br />

is even negative. Therefore, the latter equation becomes<br />

purely empirical. The reason for the failure of Equation [14] is<br />

that, in the range investigated by the authors, the state of the<br />

vapor is that of moderate density, where the volume of the molecules<br />

is of minor importance, and the increase of the viscosity<br />

over the corresponding gas condition is mainly due to the forces<br />

of attraction between the molecules.<br />

The viscosity of a vapor can, in first approximation, be obtained<br />

as follows: From the kinetic theory, we have the fundamental<br />

relation for the viscosity<br />

whence the viscosity of the perfect gas, with I = la is<br />

mo = Vspco lo........................ ............................ [19]<br />

where Co is the mean velocity of the molecules due to the thermal<br />

agitation.<br />

The kinetic theory gives<br />

where g = acceleration of gravity, R = gas constant, D = diameter<br />

of molecule, b = van der Waals’ sphere of exclusion, v =<br />

specific volume. Thus, mo depends only upon the temperature T.<br />

Assume the density to be such that only binary encounters<br />

between the molecules occur. Consider a molecule midway between<br />

two collisions, where it will travel with the velocity Co.<br />

While approaching the object of its next collision, it enters the<br />

field of attraction and experiences an acceleration. Thus, the<br />

velocity will be greater than c0, and then, according to Equations<br />

[18] and [17] of this discussion, the number of collisions and<br />

hence the viscosity will be greater than in the gas condition.<br />

To calculate this acceleration effect, we use a method similar<br />

to that by which Sutherland investigated the effect of the attraction<br />

on the mean free path. If u(r) is the potential energy of a<br />

molecule with respect to another molecule in the distance r, the<br />

force of attraction is<br />

Then the motion of a molecule subjected to this force is given by<br />

6 Combustion Engineering Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.<br />

6 “ M athem atical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases,” by S. Chapman<br />

and T. G. Cowling, Cambridge University Press, London, 1939, p. 288.


The kinetic theory gives for the mean free path at moderate<br />

densities<br />

Equation [34] is the relation between the viscosity at moderate<br />

densities and the viscosity in the gas condition at the same temperature.<br />

The quantity 6 can be identified approximately with<br />

the smallest volume which the liquid substance can assume without<br />

being compressed; i.e., for H20 , b = ~0.0160 cu ft per lb.<br />

The quantity 0 was taken as an average calculated from Equation<br />

[34] with the 1939 Purdue test data of the viscosity of steam<br />

and was obtained as<br />

9 = 19,000 F<br />

With these constants, Equation [34] represents the test data<br />

with a deviation of a few per cent only. Due to the derivation<br />

from kinetic conceptions, this equation can be expected to represent<br />

the viscosity of steam far beyond the 1500-lb per sq in. limit<br />

reached in the 1939 Purdue experiments.<br />

Equation [30] permits an exact integration for n — 2. Though<br />

the actual value of n may be greater, the error introduced by the<br />

choice n = 2 will be noticeable only at high densities, since it<br />

corresponds to a less rapid decrease of the potential energy with<br />

the distance between the molecules. Any value of n greater than<br />

unity is compatible with the equation of state for vapors, as derived<br />

by the writer from statistical methods, due to the particular<br />

type of molecular clusters chosen.7<br />

The effect of this choice on the viscosity at moderate densities<br />

is negligible, and we obtain by integration of Equation [30], between<br />

the limits described, for n = 2<br />

7 “Thermodynamic Properties of Vapors,” by E. F. Leib, presented<br />

at the Spring Meeting, Worcester, Mass., May 1-3, 1940, of The<br />

American Society op Mechanical Engineers.<br />

G. H . V a n H e n g e l .* Recently, Russian results9 have been<br />

published which differ with the results of the authors and other<br />

previous investigators. The many differing test results by all the<br />

various experimenters indicate the great difficulty in determining<br />

the viscosity of steam (8).10 I t seems that the capillarytube<br />

method has inherent difficulties, some of which the writer<br />

will here review.<br />

First let us consider the mechanical difficulties of the capillary.<br />

The authors have eliminated the complication of the entrance and<br />

exit losses of the capillary by taking a long capillary. This did<br />

away with the corrections investigated by Schiller.11<br />

They introduced, however, some other problems, viz., the<br />

effect of the curvature of the coil and the problem of determining<br />

the tube diameter. Accurate determination of the diameter is a<br />

A pD5<br />

very important one as X = 25.103 ------- for a length of 103.2 ft<br />

W2 v<br />

8 Mechanical Engineer, The D etroit Edison Company, Detroit,<br />

Mich. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

9 “Viscosity and H eat Conductivity of Steam for High Temperatures<br />

and Pressures,” by D. L. Tim rot and N . B. Vargaftik (in<br />

Russian), Journal of Technical Physics U.S.S.R., vol. 9, no. 6, 1939,<br />

pp. 461-469.<br />

10 Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at the end of<br />

the authors’ paper, page 683.<br />

11 “ Untersuchungen iiber Laminare und Turbulente Stromung,"<br />

by L. Schiller, Forschungsarbeiten a u f dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens,<br />

heft 248, 1922.


and Re is inversely proportional to D, where X = a dimensionless<br />

resistance coefficient, D = inside diameter in ft, W = weight flow<br />

rate in lb per sec, and v = specific volume in cu ft per lb.<br />

The problem of the coil curvature has been investigated (10)<br />

and (11) but none had a coil of such a length or of such a heavy<br />

wall. Becauge it forms an oval cross section, the bending of a<br />

thick-wall tube may affect the tube diameter and cross-sectional<br />

area far more than previous investigators found.12 This deformation<br />

reaches larger proportions at higher internal pressures, an<br />

indication of which can be found in an article by Dean.13 This<br />

deformation may even affect the X vs. Re curve for the coil.14<br />

The determination of the inside diameter of the tube presented<br />

another problem with such a long coil. The inside diameter<br />

actually measured before the bending was 0.091 in. but the inside<br />

diameter after the bending could not be measured directly. The<br />

intemal-volume determination with a liquid gave too large a<br />

diameter, due to the filling up of the connections between the different<br />

tube lengths. Gas-volume determination did not seem to<br />

offer higher accuracy.16 Thus, finally, the tube diameter of<br />

0.09294 in. was established by using White’s formula1* and the<br />

authors’ 1940 calibration tests with water shown in Table 2 of the<br />

paper under the assumption of a round capillary. Deviations up<br />

to 5 per cent occurred for unknown reasons in the X values.<br />

In the paper, the influence of the temperature on the expansion<br />

of the nickel tube has been neglected, although this affects the<br />

computation of the viscosity by 3 per cent at the highest temperatures<br />

of 1000 F.<br />

Another difficulty is brought out by Keulegan and Beij17 that<br />

a little sag in a straight capillary contributes to large changes in<br />

friction coefficients. Here the coil was wound at random and was<br />

not at all the case of a coil in a horizontal plane.<br />

The effect of the foregoing deviations, on which the viscosity<br />

calculation of steam is so vitally dependent, should have been<br />

established with the calibration test before the final steam tests<br />

could proceed.<br />

But these mechanical deviations may not be the only items of<br />

great importance, because of other difficulties presented by thermodynamic<br />

problems. In the first place, among these is the<br />

effect of nonisothermal conditions in the viscous flow of incompressible<br />

fluids on the friction coefficient. ,,>1* The slightest heat<br />

transmission will affect the parabolic velocity pattern considerably<br />

and thus influence the friction coefficient.<br />

In the case of compressible fluids, there is added to the foregoing<br />

problem yet another one, i.e., the knowledge of the proper<br />

relationship between the pressure drop and the friction coefficient.<br />

This relationship will be different for the isothermal and<br />

adiabatic cases.20<br />

12 Bibliography (11), p. 96, and (10), p. 652.<br />

13 “ D istortion of a Curved Tube Due to Internal Pressure,” by<br />

W. R. Dean, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, vol. 28,<br />

Oct., 1939, pp. 452—464.<br />

14 Bibliography (10), Fig. 6, p. 657.<br />

15 “ Determ ination of the Internal Volume of Steel Capillaries for<br />

Measurements W ith Gases,” by J. Kam insky and B. E. Blaisdell,<br />

Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 10, Feb., 1939, pp. 57-58; see<br />

also correction, ibid., May, 1939, p. 151.<br />

16 Bibliography (10), p. 663.<br />

17 Bibliography (11), final paragraph, p. 98.<br />

18 “ Pressure Drop and Velocity Distribution for Incompressible<br />

Viscous Non-Isothermal Flow in the Steady State Through a Pipe,”<br />

by A. Lee, W. D. Nelson, V. H. Cherry, and L. M. K. Boelter, Proc.<br />

Fifth International Congress of Applied Mechanics, John Wiley &<br />

Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1939, pp. 571-577.<br />

'* Uber den W armeaustauch bei der Stromung zither Flussigkeiten<br />

in Rohren,” by M. Jakob and H . Eck, Forschung auf dem Gebiete des<br />

Ingenieurwesens, vol. 3, no. 3, 1932, p. 121.<br />

20 “ Steam and Gas Turbines,” by A. Stodola and L. C. Loewenstein,<br />

vol. 2, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.,<br />

1927, p. 1026.<br />

F i g . 8 C o m p a r is o n o f P u b d u e T e s t V a l u e s W i t h t h e 1939<br />

P u r d u e S m o o th e d V a l u e s o f t h e A b s o l u t e V is c o s ity o f S te a m<br />

Perhaps one or more of these questions may play an important<br />

role in interpreting the results because, if the data of<br />

the authors’ Table 4 were plotted in Fig. 7 of the paper, as in the<br />

case in the writer’s curve Fig. 8, it will be noted that several<br />

points have a viscosity which deviates more than 10 per cent from<br />

the smoothed values given as curves in Fig. 7. This may be<br />

partly due to the two different coils that were used, but as long<br />

as that effect is not established other causes may exist.<br />

Checking up Plank’s formula results with the final smoothed<br />

values is only a m atter of determining constants and is of no great<br />

importance in view of the deviation of the smoothed values from<br />

the actual test results. The smoothed values should therefore<br />

be used with great reservation.<br />

For the reasons mentioned, the precise method of determining<br />

steam viscosities with capillaries must be more fully examined<br />

and developed before we can consider the values obtained as final.<br />

Now that the authors are equipped with the experience of their<br />

published experiments, let us hope that they will once more go<br />

into this problem of fixing the values of the viscosity of steam.<br />

For pressure-drop calculations, the authors’ values will be useful,<br />

but for calculations of nozzle flow, heat transfer, and the like, a<br />

higher accuracy is desirable.<br />

F. G. K e y e s . 21 Shortly after the publication of the measurements<br />

of steam viscosity by the authors (3) over a wide range of<br />

temperature and pressure (420 C:240 atm), a paper appeared<br />

by Sigwart,22 reporting measurements considerably lower than<br />

those obtained by the American investigators. Recently the<br />

first investigators23 have again measured the viscosity properties<br />

of water using the “capillary-flow” method of Poiseuille, whereas,<br />

the earlier results were obtained by observing the time of fall of a<br />

metal cylinder in a tube filled with steam. Both of these investigations<br />

were carried through with care and with the use of ingenious<br />

controls. The results are in substantial agreement,<br />

albeit the capillary-tube results do not extend over the wide pressure<br />

range reported upon in 1935. It is now established that the<br />

low results of Sigwart do not represent the true viscosity of<br />

steam.<br />

The object of the present comment is to indicate that the entire<br />

ensemble of results by the authors may be simply correlated<br />

as a temperature function of the low-pressure viscosity of steam<br />

plus a function of the pressure only.<br />

There are few data available for the viscosity properties of<br />

21 Research Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Massachusetts<br />

Institu te of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.<br />

22 “ Messungen der Fahigkeit von W asser und W asserdampf bis<br />

ins kritische Gebiet,” by K. Sigwart, Forschung auf dem Gebiete des<br />

Ingenieurwesens, vol. 7, 1936, pp. 125-140.<br />

23 Preprint of this paper as presented at the 1939 Annual Meeting.


F i g . 9 S t e a m V isc o s it y R e s u l t s F kom 1935 T e s t s C o m pa r e d W it h T h o s e o f 1939<br />

gases over any considerable pressure range24 and the theory along<br />

classical lines has been mainly developed by Enskog26 to a first<br />

approximation employing the van der Waals concept of the molecular<br />

field. The expression obtained for the viscosity rj is<br />

The constants of Equation [36] were obtained by least-square<br />

procedure using all available low-pressure data.27<br />

Equation [35] may be transformed to the form<br />

rjo is the viscosity as a function of temperatures at low (zero)<br />

pressure and t = (1 + 5/8 b/v + 0.2869 62/r 2); the symbol 6<br />

denoting the van der Waals quantity, 4 times the volume of the<br />

molecules. The formula was applied successfully to the data for<br />

C 0 2.<br />

From the computational point of view, a formula in the variables<br />

T and v is less convenient for engineering purposes than one<br />

in T and p. The writer accordingly attempted in a wholly empirical<br />

way to obtain such a formula and it appears that the<br />

following equation28 represents the authors’ results<br />

V = >70 + ( 0 . 0 3 1 0 3 — 3 . 6 5 X 1 0 - ' p ) p X 1 0 “ * ................[ 3 5 ]<br />

In Equation [35], the viscosity is expressed in poises and the<br />

pressure in atmospheres (14.696 lb-in.-2). The quantity ijo is<br />

the viscosity of steam for pressures approaching zero. The<br />

quantity vo can be represented by the following equation commonly<br />

referred to as the Sutherland formula<br />

, . N 1.851 X 10-‘( D ‘A<br />

vo (poises) = .................... [36]<br />

24 “ The Viscosity of Gases at High Pressures,” by R. O. Gibson<br />

and H. J. Paris, Amsterdam, 1933.<br />

25 "K inetic Theory of H eat Conductivity, Viscosity, and Diffusion<br />

in Certain Condensed Gases and Liquids,” by D. Enskog, Kongl.<br />

Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, Stockholm, vol. 63, no.<br />

4, 1922, p. 63.<br />

26 “ Thermodynamic Properties of Steam ,” by J. H. Keenan and<br />

F. G. Keyes, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1936.<br />

It is clear that if Equation [35] is satisfactory, the function Z<br />

computed from the data should be linear in the pressure. Fig. 9<br />

of this discussion shows the 1935 data which extend to 240 atm<br />

and indicates that the linear relationship is satisfied. There is<br />

moreover no detectable temperature influence left unaccounted<br />

for.<br />

The new data lie in general below the older results but are confirmatory<br />

in general of the older measurements. The upper left<br />

portion of Fig. 9 shows the later data Z function plotted for constant<br />

pressures with temperature as the abscissas. There is no<br />

pronounced trend.<br />

The upper right portion shows the data for low (zero) pressures<br />

plotted as follows: Equation [36] may be written in the form<br />

T1/ ’ 1 c<br />

— = — |— T-1. If the square root of the absolute tempera-<br />

770 a a<br />

ture is divided by the viscosity, the quantity should vary linearly<br />

in reciprocal absolute temperature.28<br />

The experimental data are seen to be adequately represented<br />

by the Sutherland formula of which the constants in Equation<br />

[36] were determined by least-square procedure. The dotted line<br />

represents in the same coordinates the low-temperature viscosi-<br />

27 "A n Experim ental Study of the Viscous Properties of W ater<br />

Vapor,” by C. J. Smith, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,<br />

Series A, vol. 106, 1924, pp. 83-96.<br />

28 “ The Sutherland Viscosity Constant and Its Relation to the<br />

Molecular Polarization,” by F. G. Keyes, Zeit. fa r Physikalische<br />

Chemie, Cohen-Festband, vol. 130, 1927, pp. 709-714.


ties computed from the formula (10.74 + 0.0178*) employed by<br />

the authors.<br />

S u m m a r y<br />

1 The authors’ new viscosity data do not indicate that any<br />

change in the earlier viscosity Equation [35] is necessary.<br />

2 Equation [35] reproduces the viscosity of steam in relation<br />

to all the authors’ results within the limits of experimental error.<br />

C o m m e n t s<br />

The foregoing discussion was prepared on the basis of the viscosity<br />

of steam data given in Table 6;23 these results extend to<br />

about 123 atm. It is intended to show that the results are in<br />

tolerable agreement with the 1935 data obtained by a method<br />

different from that employed in 1939. The 1935 data extend to a<br />

pressure of 239 atm or nearly twice the range of the later results.<br />

Recently, corrections have been applied to these data,23 resulting<br />

in a considerable reduction in their magnitude. For example<br />

at 801 F and 123.2 atm, 3.83 X 10-4 poises is the corrected<br />

1940 result obtained by correcting the December, 1939, datum,<br />

which is 5.34 X 10“ 4 poises; roughly 40 per cent greater. It is<br />

therefore clear, since the uncorrected 1939 results are in fair<br />

agreement with the 1935 results, that a serious error affects the<br />

1935 data. The authors note this fact.<br />

An examination of the new data using the form of Equation<br />

[35] indicates that the corrected data may be represented within<br />

the limits of accuracy. The formula is as follows<br />

v = i)o + (0.0151 — 5.9 X 10-“ patm) pBtm X 10-4. . . . [38]<br />

The formula for yo is the same, i.e., Equation [36].<br />

If the viscosity of steam at 239 atm 788 F is computed using<br />

Equation [38], the number 2.67 X 10“ 4 is obtained. The 1935<br />

result is however given as 7.30 X 10~4 which would imply that<br />

the Lawaczack method gave a result nearly 190 per cent greater<br />

than that which the capillary method might give. The extrapolation<br />

using Equation [38] to 239 atm (nearly twice the range<br />

upon which this equation is based) may of course be subject to<br />

great error.<br />

normal component velocity is m/3 . Then it is as if a stream of<br />

fluid having the mass velocity mnu/ 2 were flowing squarely<br />

against the unit surface with velocity m/3 and momentum<br />

mnu2/ 6. This stream is brought to zero velocity by impact and<br />

then completely reversed by elastic rebound; an action made<br />

possible by the mechanism of real molecular motion, to which the<br />

stream concept is merely an over-all equivalent. The effect of<br />

impact is now a unit pressure of the value<br />

p = mnu2/3 ....................................[39]<br />

Since mn is the same as density p, the mass per unit of volume and<br />

equal to \/v, the relation becomes<br />

p = pu2/S pv = m2/ 3 ................................[40]<br />

This pv is magnitudinally equal to 2/ 3 of the kinetic energy of all<br />

the molecules in the unit of mass, but physically it is an inertiaforce<br />

effect. The final step of making absolute temperature T<br />

proportional to u 2 goes beyond the needs of the present discussion.<br />

In a gas mixture, molecules of different mass m are put on an equal<br />

basis by the fact that mean energy mu2/ I must be the same for<br />

all molecules at a given temperature.<br />

R. C. H . H ec k.28 The object of this discussion is to set up an<br />

argument in terms of simple kinetic theory, for the necessary increase<br />

of gas viscosity with pressure and with temperature.<br />

As to the detail of its mechanism, viscous action within a gas<br />

is distinctly different from that in a liquid. In the liquid, the<br />

shear stress of viscous resistance and the compressive stress of<br />

pressure reaction are both phenomena of molecular contact;<br />

but, in the gas, they are impact effects of molecules in free translatory<br />

motion. Of molecular motions and interactions in the<br />

liquid phase we have but vague concepts, knowledge (of over-all<br />

kind) coming wholly by observation and empirical determination.<br />

The free and simple motions of gas molecules can be reasoned<br />

in large degree; at least far enough to account for the major<br />

component of behavior that will yet require experiment for close<br />

determination.<br />

First comes a brief outline of a part of the course of reasoning<br />

that leads to the gas equation pv = RT, taking the simplest case<br />

of a single gas with molecules all of the same mass m, having the<br />

mean velocity u. Imagine a cubic unit of gas enclosed by walls<br />

that are perfectly elastic and infinitely fine in structure, so as to<br />

be perfectly flat even to molecules. With n molecules in this<br />

cube and velocity u in terms of the edge of the cube as linear unit<br />

and per second, the number of impacts per second on the square<br />

side is nu/2. These impacts are in all directions, but the mean<br />

21 Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Rutgers University,<br />

New Brunswick, N. J. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

Considering gas in motion, i.e., in mass motion, three forms of<br />

simple streamline flow are to be distinguished, as follows:<br />

1 Ideal uniform flow, as in a “frictionless” straight channel,<br />

with progressive velocity V the same at all places in the current.<br />

Completely random molecular velocity continues to be distributed<br />

throughout the moving body of gas just as if this were standing<br />

still; and the total or absolute velocity of each molecule (with<br />

reference to the fixed channel) is the vector sum of the particular<br />

m within the current and the general V of the current.<br />

2 Growing velocity of flow, as in current acceleration or jet<br />

formation, with V increasing and mean u decreasing as pressure<br />

falls. Flow velocity V is uniform over surfaces of like state across<br />

the current.<br />

3 Viscous or “laminar” flow, in which V is constant along any<br />

line of flow but varies across the current. This is the kind of<br />

motion in which we are now interested.<br />

In laminar flow, consider a surface of equal velocity V, which<br />

is a cylinder in either of the viscosimeters used at Purdue. This<br />

surface is now to be purely geometrical, offering no impedance to<br />

the passage of molecules. Across the surface, momentum is<br />

being carried at the rate mnu2/6 figured for pressure effect. Also,<br />

across the surface (with dimension y in that direction) there is<br />

the velocity gradient dV/d-y.<br />

Next, consider the cross-stream of molecules from lower to<br />

higher V; these must be accelerated in the flow direction, hence,<br />

exert an inertia reaction against the higher-velocity stream.


Similarly, the cross-stream from higher to lower velocity must be<br />

retarded, with a forward pulling inertia effect. The two reactions<br />

combine to oppose relative motion of the parallel-flow streams;<br />

and the amount of this opposition, due to a deflection of momentum<br />

on account of gradient dV/dy, is proportional to the total<br />

momentum which manifests itself in pressure p. Since in any<br />

rate of streamline flow, velocity V will be very small relative to<br />

molecular u, viscosity is a very feeble force action in comparison<br />

with gas pressure.<br />

In Fig. 10 of this discussion is shown a chart of absolute viscosity<br />

ii, interpolated from Figs. 9 and 10 of the 1935 paper (3).<br />

The stage of argument thus far reached, with the conclusion<br />

(partial) that n should be proportional to V, would require that<br />

the constant-pressure lines be horizontal and that they be equally<br />

spaced vertically. I t becomes necessary then to perceive some<br />

further influence which will account for the actual behavior seen<br />

in Fig. 10 of this discussion; and this is found in the matter of<br />

mean length of path of molecule between impacts. The modifying<br />

effect of path length is argued thus:<br />

With rise of pressure along the isotherm, the increase of density<br />

p shortens the mean path; with a shorter path across the flow<br />

direction or in the direction of velocity gradient, there is smaller<br />

change of the V component of the total molecule velocity; and<br />

therefore the increment of m with p lessens as the pressure is<br />

higher.<br />

Along a p-constant line, smaller density with higher temperature<br />

lengthens the path of the molecule, hence there is greater<br />

change of momentum in the direction V, and n rises with the<br />

temperature.<br />

In Fig. 10 the dot-and-dash curve is the handbook curve of m<br />

for air, at or near atmospheric pressure.<br />

From the simple reasoning thus completed it is not possible to<br />

make a quantitative prediction; it is explanatory rather than<br />

determinative; and a theory of full quantitative capability<br />

would be far more elaborately mathematical. Also, for steam as a<br />

superheated vapor or a gas near to saturation, there is the further<br />

influence of departure from ideal-gas behavior.<br />

[An additional discussion of the paper, as presented in preprint<br />

form at the 1939 Annual Meeting of the Society, was received<br />

from J. R. Finniecome of Manchester, England. Since revisions<br />

were made in the original paper, it has been impossible to communicate<br />

these to him in order that he might have the opportunity<br />

to revise his discussion. Therefore, it is with regret that it<br />

has been found necessary to omit his contribution at this time.<br />

E d i t o r .]<br />

A u t h o r s ’ C l o s u r e<br />

The discussions of Messrs. Lieb and Keyes are very interesting<br />

because different types of equations are developed which closely<br />

represent the smoothed values presented in the paper. Dr. Lieb’s<br />

equation, based on the kinetic theory, should permit extrapolation<br />

of the results to pressures much higher than the upper limit<br />

of the experimental data reported by the authors.<br />

Mr. Van Hengel has contributed a very thorough and valuable<br />

discussion of the difficulties encountered in measuring viscosity<br />

by means of a capillary tube. His remarks should be of great assistance<br />

to any person interested in experimental work in this<br />

field.<br />

Possible deformation of the cross-sectional area of the capillary<br />

on bending to a one-foot radius is one of the mechanical difficulties<br />

mentioned by Mr. Van Hengel. Five sections have been cut<br />

from the capillary coil, the ends have been polished perpendicular<br />

to the coil tangent, and enlarged photographs have been made of<br />

the tube cross section at a magnification of 100 diameters. The<br />

photographs do not show evidence of deformation of the circular<br />

cross section at any of the five sections investigated.<br />

Mr. Van Hengel discusses the difficulty of accurately measuring<br />

the internal diameter of the capillary and points out that the<br />

fifth power of the diameter appears in the general flow equation<br />

of Blasius. The constants in the authors’ Equations [4], [5],<br />

and [12] and the calibration data of Fig. 5 are based on a particular<br />

numerical value of the diameter. If the actual diameter of<br />

the capillary remains constant and the same value for the diameter<br />

is used in all computations involving both calibration and<br />

test runs, the final values for the viscosity of steam as computed<br />

by the method of the authors are independent of the numerical<br />

value used for the diameter.<br />

Mr. Van Hengel mentions the effect of temperature on the diameter<br />

of the capillary. This has been considered in computing<br />

the Reynolds numbers used in connection with Fig. 5, but its<br />

effect upon the curves in Fig. 5 has been neglected. Thus a partial<br />

correction has been made and errors due to neglect of expansion<br />

of the capillary at high temperatures are considerably less<br />

than those indicated by Mr. Van Hengel in his discussion. The<br />

use of the general Blasius equation with friction coefficients in the<br />

form shown in Fig. 6 would have made the correction for expansion<br />

simple and complete but the final results would have depended<br />

upon the fifth power of the diameter of the capillary. To<br />

summarize, then, the method of computation used by the authors<br />

gives viscosity data which are independent of the numerical<br />

value assigned to the diameter of the capillary if this diameter is<br />

constant, but complete corrections for changes in the actual diameter<br />

with temperature, while small, are nevertheless almost impossible<br />

to make. The method preferred by Mr. Van Hengel<br />

of using the Blasius equation makes it possible to correct completely<br />

for changes in capillary diameter with temperature, but<br />

the numerical value of the diameter to the fifth power enters directly<br />

into the results at all temperatures and therefore necessitates<br />

a precise determination of the diameter.<br />

In conclusion, the authors wish to thank all of those who have<br />

presented oral or written discussions for their interest, comments,<br />

and constructive criticisms.

S team -T urbine Blading<br />

This paper reviews the blading-design practice associated<br />

with modern high-pressure high-tem perature steam<br />

turbines. The design problems encountered in the development<br />

of partial-adm ission im pulse blading for topping<br />

units are described, as well as the current engineering<br />

practice employed in the m anufacture of such blading.<br />

The stress analysis used in the construction of fulladm<br />

ission blading is reviewed. The design procedure<br />

adopted for high-tip-speed last-row blading and the<br />

natural lim its in capacity imposed on 3600-rpm turbine<br />

construction are also discussed. Materials for turbine<br />

blading are considered, as well as the m etallurgical problems<br />

associated with the fabrication and welding o f the<br />

high-grade alloy steels now available.<br />

I n t r o d u c t io n<br />

NOZZLES and blades for large steam turbines may be classified<br />

inclusively as elements incorporating a series of curved<br />

passages which control and direct the power-producing<br />

phases of the steam flow through the turbine. The general function<br />

of the steam passages is twofold: (1) The kinetic energy in<br />

the carry-over velocity from the preceding stage must be efficiently<br />

turned through a predetermined angle; (2) at the same<br />

time, there must be an efficiently carried out expansion through<br />

each element by means of which the kinetic energy of the working<br />

fluid is increased.<br />

The foregoing general statement may be taken to cover moving<br />

or stationary elements or blading of the impulse or reaction type.<br />

Reaction-turbine designers often find it desirable to divide the<br />

thermal drops unequally between the moving and stationary<br />

blades of a stage. Impulse-turbine builders find that the highest<br />

efficiency can be achieved by the adoption of a certain amount of<br />

pressure drop in the moving blades. The original sharp distinction<br />

between reaction and impulse turbines has, therefore,<br />

largely disappeared, although there are still notable differences<br />

between the two types with respect to mechanical details. The<br />

present problem of the blading engineer is rather that of deciding<br />

what type of element makes possible the most reliable construction<br />

which also will meet the required efficiency level at the lowest<br />

manufacturing cost.<br />

The research and engineering aspects of the thermodynamic<br />

and fluid-flow problems related to blading design are of the utmost<br />

importance. Extensive research has been carried out and<br />

is still under way in connection with the determination of the<br />

most efficient forms of steam passages. In recent years, attention<br />

has been given to the further development of steam-flow<br />

problems along lines adopted by aerodynamic engineers in studying<br />

the lift and drag of airfoil sections. It is not the purpose of<br />

this paper to present the steam-flow phases of the work, but rather<br />

to indicate some of the mechanical aspects of blading construction<br />

which have been developed in the last few years to meet the<br />


1 Engineer, Steam Turbine Departm ent, Allis-Chalmers M anufacturing<br />

Company.<br />

C ontributed by the Power Division and presented at the Semi-<br />

Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., June 17-20, 1940, of T h e A m e r i ­<br />

c a n S o c i e t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s .<br />

N o t e : Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

demands for high-capacity high-speed machines, designed for<br />

maximum pressures and temperatures. Some of the considerations<br />

given may seem elementary; others may be open to argument<br />

and discussion. In spite of the fact that the steam turbine<br />

is not a newcomer in the field of engineering, it must be admitted<br />

that recent developments have caused quite radical changes in<br />

design reasoning. It may further be said that the design development<br />

of machines for the highest pressures and temperatures is<br />

still in the process of revision and research.<br />

In this paper, the author has been permitted to supply engineering<br />

data from the steam-turbine practice of the Allis-Chalmers<br />

Manufacturing Company. The subject m atter concerns<br />

principally the recent mechanical developments in blading elements.<br />


A i r - H a r d e n i n g V e r s u s N o n - A i r - H a r d e n i n g S t a i n l e s s S t e e l<br />

Even the advanced metallurgical practice of the present day,<br />

has not produced a blading material in which the most desirable<br />

values of all the various physical and chemical properties can be<br />

provided in the same alloy. For example, in some materials in<br />

which there is high strength at high temperature, the hardness is<br />

so great that they cannot be machined. Other materials may<br />

have excellent properties, except that the corrosion resistance<br />

may not be sufficiently great. Among the materials available,<br />

there will be found certain classes of alloys which do not have the<br />

highest resistance to stress corrosion, but which do have other<br />

essential qualities, i.e., high physical properties at elevated<br />

temperatures and weldability without air-hardening. Consideration<br />

of all these properties indicates that such materials best<br />

meet the requirements for most blading service. In particular,<br />

these statements refer to certain of the alloy steels, in which the<br />

iron constituent is in the gamma phase, which come under the<br />

general classification of austenitic steels.<br />

These materials must be properly processed to avoid undue<br />

carbide precipitation or growth of the crystalline grains at the<br />

steel mill or during the final-assembly heating operations. Under<br />

certain conditions of application, suitably low stresses may of<br />

necessity be adopted if impurities are present in the steam which<br />

might, in the presence of high stresses, cause stress corrosion. It<br />

is the conclusion that the strength at high temperature, the resistance<br />

to the various types of corrosion, and appropriate consideration<br />

of welding make alloys of this class the most generally<br />

useful in steam-turbine-blading practice.<br />

C y c l o p s No. 17-A A l l o y<br />

The standard Allis-Chalmers blading steel is known as Cyclops<br />

No. 17-A alloy and is produced by the Universal Cyclops Steel<br />

Corporation, Titusville, Pa.<br />

The composition is as follows:<br />

-—Per cent—»<br />

C arbon....................................................... 0.35 to 0.45<br />

Nickel......................................................... 19 to 20<br />

Chrom ium ................................................. 7 to 8<br />

Silicon......................................................... 0.95 to 1.25<br />

Manganese................................................ 0.55 to 0.75<br />

This material has an ultimate strength of 105,000 psi at room<br />

temperature in rolled bars 3/< X lVs in. The corresponding<br />



proof stress at 0.01 per cent plastic yield will be about 50,000<br />

psi. The material has good physical properties at high temperatures.<br />

Recent developments with this material have been in the direction<br />

of improved quality and closer control of process work. The<br />

austenitic structure of this alloy and its consequent capability<br />

of being welded without air-hardening facilitates the bladeassembly<br />

processes. During the last year, there has been an<br />

extensive study of the rolling-mill processes employed in the<br />

production of sections which are rolled to final size. In previous<br />

practice, the rolling-mill passes following the last rolling heat<br />

were carried out in such a manner that the percentage reduction<br />

at various parts of the blade section was not the same. The percentage<br />

reduction in the region of the outlet edge was much<br />

greater in the last roll passes than the corresponding reduction in<br />

the thick part of the blade section; hence, there was a substantial<br />

difference in grain shape and size between the material<br />

in the edges and the material in the thick parts of the sections.<br />

Harold Stein2 has developed and made effective during the<br />

last year a change in the rolling-mill program, whereby the<br />

rate of reduction in the passes following the last rolling heat<br />

is made essentially the same throughout the widths of the<br />

blade sections. This procedure is effective in producing grains<br />

substantially equiaxed in form and practically equal in size over<br />

the full widths of the sections. The internal stresses set up between<br />

the thin and thick portions of the blade sections are reduced<br />

considerably by this procedure. It is the present conclusion<br />

that certain cases of stress corrosion will be prevented by<br />

this change in the method of rolling.<br />

In the rolling of blade sections by the older method, the ends<br />

of the bars came out of the rolls tapered to a considerable degree,<br />

the bar being several inches longer on the outlet-edge side than on<br />

the thicker inlet-edge side. With the new process, the material<br />

in the inlet and outlet edges is of approximately the same length.<br />

In other words, the bars come out of the rolls nearly square at<br />

the ends.<br />

Further improvements have been made at the steel mill with<br />

respect to finish-rolling. A cold-finishing pass has been adopted,<br />

which gives a higher degree of surface finish to the sections.<br />

After the final cold pass, the Cyclops material is stress-relieved<br />

at 1425 F.<br />

1 3 -C h b o m e S t a in l e s s I r o n<br />

The analysis of 13-chrome stainless iron is as follows:<br />

Per cent<br />

Carbon................................................. 0.06 to 0.13<br />

Chromium............................................ 11.5 to 13.0<br />

Silicon.................................................. 0.50 Max<br />

Manganese........................................... 0.25 to 0.80<br />

Nickel................................................... 0.50 Max<br />

For the extreme low-pressure end where the operating temperature<br />

is low and where the maximum strength is necessary, the<br />

13-chrome stainless iron is considered the best material available.<br />

It possesses reasonable corrosion resistance, combined with high<br />

strength and good endurance limit. Welding operations must<br />

be carefully planned and executed, otherwise the air-hardening<br />

characteristics of this material may introduce difficulties. The<br />

13-chrome stainless iron is used by all of the large turbine builders<br />

in this country for the highest-stress low-pressure blades. In<br />

Allis-Chalmers practice, this material is used for low-pressure<br />

blades in which the annular-blade outlet area at 3600 rpm exceeds<br />

approximately 21 sq ft.<br />

2 Director of Research, Chemistry, and Metallurgy, Allis-Chalmers<br />

M anufacturing Company, Milwaukee, Wis.<br />

19 P e r C e n t C h r o m e , 9 P e r C e n t N ic k e l S h r o u d M a t e r ia l<br />

This is a standard alloy used for reaction-blade-shroud sections<br />

of the present standard type which are secured in place by welding.<br />

All new central-station machines will have reaction blading<br />

so shrouded.<br />

The carbon content is about 0.1 per cent. The columbium<br />

content varies from 0.7 to 1 per cent to stabilize the material<br />

against carbide precipitation. This material is capable of being<br />

easily welded. Standard embrittlement tests show that the<br />

material is substantially immune to this type of attack.<br />

25 P e r C e n t C h r o m e , 12 P e r C e n t N ic k e l W e l d R od<br />

Coated weld rods of this material containing about 0.1 carbon<br />

with a stabilizing addition of columbium are made up in sizes as<br />

small as V32 in. in diameter. They are used for welding 19-9<br />

chrome-nickel shrouding on the Cyclops 17-A blading, or the welding<br />

together of the integral shrouding on the Cyclops impulse<br />

blades.<br />

The welding of austenitic blading materials requires special<br />

welding units of the mercury-arc-rectifier type which permit welding<br />

with current flows down to about 2 amp. Such welds are<br />

formed with a minimum of local heating. Excessive grain growth<br />

is prevented by the rapid cooling of the weld by the chill effect<br />

of the adjacent material.<br />

E v e r b r it e B a s e M a t e r ia l<br />

Intermediate blading for moderate pressures, temperatures,<br />

and blade speeds is prefabricated in segments in which the ends<br />

of the rolled blade sections are joined by casting them into a<br />

foundation of Everbrite alloy. Everbrite is a casting alloy of the<br />

following composition:<br />

Per cent<br />

Copper..................................................................... 5 9 .0 to 6 5 .0<br />

Nickel............................................................. 2 9 .5 to 3 1 .5<br />

Iro n ................................................................. 5 .0 to 8.0<br />

Manganese.................................................... 0 .6 0 Max<br />

C arbon............................................................ 0 .2 5 Max<br />

Silicon............................................................. 0 .6 0 Max<br />

The process work in connection with this development requires<br />

very accurate control of many factors, including extreme<br />

cleanliness of the blade ends, a carefully worked out process for<br />

the gating and pouring of the blade group castings, and an extremely<br />

close control of the temperature of each pot of metal that<br />

is poured. With proper control, an excellent bond between the<br />

rolled blade material and the cast foundation is obtained.<br />

S u m m a r y o f A p p l ic a t io n o f B l a d in g T y p e s i n S t e a m P a t h<br />

1 Impulse blading is milled from bars of the Cyclops alloy<br />

with integral base and shroud sections. The shrouding is for the<br />

purpose of confining the steam flow to the blade path and also<br />

for reinforcing the structure mechanically. Circumferentialgroove<br />

blading is used up to about 25,000 kw for top-turbine<br />

service and 75,000 kw for condensing machines at 3600 rpm.<br />

Axial-slot roots are used for higher capacities. An important<br />

recent development is the welding of the shrouding in groups<br />

of two blades for large machines.<br />

2 High-pressure high-temperature reaction blading is milled<br />

from Cyclops bars with integral roots. After assembly in the<br />

spindle, the 19-9 chrome-nickel shrouding is welded in place.<br />

A characteristic of the high-temperature shrouding is the small<br />

number of blades per segment, usually not exceeding 4 to 6 for<br />

the highest temperatures.<br />

3 The intermediate blading for moderate temperatures and<br />

stresses is prefabricated in segments by casting the rolled sections<br />

into foundations of Everbrite or cast iron. The 19-9 chromenickel<br />

shrouding is welded in place prior to casting.


4 Where stresses make necessary the use of milled low-pressure<br />

blading, the Cyclops alloy is used in conjunction with the<br />

welded 19-9 chrome-nickel shrouding up to annular areas of 21<br />

sq ft at 3600 rpm.<br />

5 Where the annular-blade outlet area exceeds about 21 sq<br />

ft at 3600 rpm, 13-chrome stainless-iron blading is used with<br />

roots of the axial-slot type. Shroud sections and lashing wires<br />

are of 19-9 chrome-nickel steel, welded in place.<br />



R e v i e w o f G e n e r a l P r o b l e m<br />

Partial-admission impulse blading has been a standard element<br />

of design over a long period. However, the industry has experienced<br />

numerous troubles with such blading in the last few<br />

years. It may well be asked, what has happened so quickly to<br />

upset the design practice established by half a century of practical<br />

turbine experience with partial-admission wheels The<br />

answer is believed to be that the magnitudes of the suddenly applied<br />

steam forces have been greatly increased beyond the<br />

limits of the older practice, largely because of the introduction of<br />

high-capacity top turbines at 3600 rpm and, at the same time, the<br />

operating temperatures have increased to such an extent that<br />

the physical properties of blading materials have been substantially<br />

reduced.<br />

The older forms of analysis employed in the design of partialadmission<br />

impulse blading were based on static values of the<br />

tangential steam driving forces, usually without allowances for<br />

stress amplification due to the rapid rate of steam load application<br />

and removal, or the effect of the application of the steam driving<br />

load in successive revolutions under conditions of resonance.<br />

In the earlier partial-admission wheels, the tangential steam<br />

driving forces were of much lower magnitude, and the blade<br />

heights were also less; hence, the effect of the repeated application<br />

of the rapidly applied steam loads did not generally set<br />

up destructive stresses. In such machines, the errors introduced<br />

by neglect of the stress-amplification factor did not usually cause<br />

trouble because of the small magnitudes of the bending stresses.<br />

Where troubles developed in the older practice, due to exceeding<br />

the safe stress limits accidentally, they were usually corrected<br />

by the installation of stronger blades, sometimes without very<br />

complete knowledge of the exact cause of failure.<br />

Blade developments for high-capacity top turbines have led<br />

to an extensive investigation of the performance of partial-admission<br />

impulse blading, with the result that it is now possible<br />

to predict with reasonable accuracy the maximum possible<br />

stresses in such blading.<br />

S t r e s s A m p l if i c a t i o n D u e t o E f f e c t o f S u c c e s s iv e I m p u l s e s<br />

In the following discussion, the successive steps in the development<br />

of the theory of dynamic loading will be reviewed. A<br />

cursory review of the elementary principles involved because of<br />

their importance w-ill also be included.<br />

Fig. 1 illustrates the elementary principle of suddenly applied<br />

loads. The spring in the diagram represents the elastic-spring<br />

scale of a given blade. The mass of the platform can be taken<br />

to represent the mass of the blade. The weight W represents the<br />

tangential steam driving force.<br />

At the instant the load W is applied, the full magnitude of the<br />

force acts as an accelerating force. After an arbitrary deflection<br />

I is reached, the force W is still acting at the constant value established<br />

by its sudden application. There has been built up, however,<br />

at deflection I, an opposing spring force which is equal to<br />

the deflection I times the spring scale P. In other words, at the<br />

arbitrary deflection I, the net accelerating force is the difference<br />

between the steam force W and the opposing spring force PI.<br />

The elementary theory shows that the triangular area having a<br />

horizontal base W and an altitude Li represents, to some scale,<br />

the energy that is imparted to the blade, which must appear in the<br />

mid-position as kinetic energy. Note that at the static deflection<br />

L\ the force W exactly equals the opposing spring force, so<br />

that there is no acceleration at the mid-position.<br />

If no damping is present and if the spring is assumed to have a<br />

straight-line characteristic, it is evident that the weight will<br />

overtravel a distance Li, which is equal to Li, in order that the<br />

kinetic energy shall be converted into strain energy in the spring.<br />

Therefore, the stress in the spring at the maximum extension is<br />

twice the stress at the equilibrium position.


Fig. 2 shows a model which illustrates the same principle.<br />

Without the small weight, the pivoted spring-loaded beam will<br />

come to rest in the mid-position. This represents the position<br />

of a blade under the action of centrifugal force only. A slow<br />

application or removal of the steam driving force will cause the<br />

blade to fluctuate between the position of rest and the normal<br />

static deflection. This type of loading, the maximum value of which<br />

is indicated by the first index mark below the center, represents<br />

the operating conditions found in full-admission blades. If the<br />

weight representing the steam force is engaged with the hook<br />

blit just out of contact with it, and is suddenly released, the model<br />

blade will deflect a greater amount than represented by the static<br />

deflection. In the limit case, as shown by the elementary theory,<br />

the maximum deflection will be twice the static value and will be<br />

represented by the lower index mark on the model.<br />

Let it be assumed that there is no internal friction in the<br />

model and that the sudden application of the weight and the associated<br />

vibratory motion continues with no reduction in the<br />

amplitude. If the weight is suddenly removed while the blade<br />

is at the lower extreme of its motion, the model blade will then<br />

vibrate at double the former amplitude. The motion will continue<br />

from a positive position corresponding to a tension in the<br />

inlet edges of twice the static value to an equal stress in the<br />

negative direction. In other words, with a sudden single application<br />

of load under conditions of no damping, followed by a sudden<br />

removal of load, timed to produce the maximum amplitude,<br />

the stress range in the inlet edges will be 4 times that indicated by<br />

the static value.<br />

These statements indicate only the beginning of the process.<br />

Let it be assumed, in the elementary case, that the load has been<br />

suddenly applied and suddenly removed and that the blade is<br />

now vibrating through the full amplitude indicated by theory.<br />

If, now, the blade enters the admission arc a second time with<br />

the motion in the right relation to the action of the steam force<br />

imposed by the nozzle, it is obvious that the amplitude will be<br />

further increased. The release of the steam force at the correct<br />

time will yet further increase the amplitude of vibration. The<br />

motion of the blade is thus increased in successive revolutions<br />

until, if there is no internal damping of the blade material or<br />

other friction effects, the blade would soon vibrate at a destructive<br />

amplitude. This condition of timed application and release<br />

of the steam forces is called primary resonance.<br />

It is necessary to define primary and secondary resonance of<br />

partial-admission blading. Primary resonance is considered to<br />

be that state of motion in which the application and release of<br />

the steam driving force occurs at the phase relations to the blade<br />

motion which promote the maximum amplitude of vibration.<br />

This type of resonance is probably unavoidable in steam-turbine<br />

practice. It is, therefore, necessary to proportion the design of<br />

partial-admission blading so that primary resonance can occur<br />

and that the maximum amplitude set up by this condition will<br />

not be such as to produce harmful stresses. If, under a given<br />

operating condition, the application and release of the steam<br />

driving forces are timed to cancel part of the energy input and<br />

thus produce small amplitudes of vibration, which is quite possible,<br />

this cannot be expected to be the case for all operating temperatures<br />

or speeds. Hence, it is necessary to design the blading<br />

to run under a condition of primary resonance.<br />

Secondary resonance is the condition which exists when the<br />

natural frequency of vibration of the blades is equal to the<br />

frequency of the impressed force from the nozzles. This condition<br />

is one which can be avoided by design, by proportioning<br />

the blades to secure the required mass-stiffness ratio. The<br />

periodic variation of the steam driving force, as the blades pass<br />

through the admission arc, may set up excessive motion if secondary<br />

resonance is not avoided.<br />

In the practical case, in which internal damping is present, a<br />

maximum amplitude of the vibratory motion is reached in which<br />

the energy dissipated by damping equals the energy input from<br />

the intermittent steam forces. This criterion of the conditions<br />

regulating the stress-producing forces is capable of theoretical<br />

analysis and permits the determination of blade proportions which<br />

will survive such service.<br />

It is of interest to note, in passing, that the kinetic energy imparted<br />

to an initially nonvibrating blade at the end of the admission<br />

arc is 4 times the amount imparted to the blade at the<br />

inlet end of the arc. This statement is correct only for one application<br />

of the load to a nonvibrating blade and one properly<br />

timed release of the tangential driving force in which the application<br />

and release each take place in zero time.<br />

in this example is assumed to have no damping.<br />

F i g . 3<br />

The system<br />

D ia g r a m S h o w in g E f f e c t o f A c t u a l T im e o f L o a d in g<br />

o n B l a d e M o t io n<br />

The foregoing discussion is based on suddenly applied loads.<br />

In an impulse wheel for a 50,000-kw top turbine, a standard design<br />

employs 66 blades. Each impulse blade will, therefore, receive<br />

its loading in approximately Yea of Vso sec, or in approximately<br />

V4000 sec. Fig. 3 shows the substantial modification made<br />

in the elementary theory by the actual application of the steam<br />

load in Vmoo sec instead of in zero time.<br />

As the blade enters the admission arc, the steam driving load<br />

starts at zero instead of at the maximum value which is established<br />

in the case of the suddenly applied load. The tangential<br />

driving force on the blade builds up as shown by the curve of<br />

steam force on the chart, Fig. 3. At the left of the zero-force line,<br />

the straight-line relation of spring force to deflection is shown.<br />

The accelerating force at any deflection is the difference between<br />

the force exerted by the steam and the opposing elastic force exerted<br />

by the blade.<br />

The actual kinetic energy imparted to the blade is proportional<br />

to the shaded area at the right of the zero-force line. The<br />

energy in this case is about */t of that imparted to the blade by a<br />

suddenly applied load. On this basis, the stress-amplification<br />

factor for a single application of the driving force at a uniform<br />

rate in V«oo sec would be 1.35 instead of the factor 2, which is<br />

found in the case of the suddenly applied load. This analysis


shows the substantial influence on the energy input to a blade<br />

under conditions of rapid loading in the short time interval of<br />

Viooo sec, during which the full tangential driving load is built up.<br />

As indicated, the loading of such a blade in V«»o sec results in 80<br />

per cent less energy being imparted to the blade to start it vibrating<br />

than in the case of a suddenly applied load.<br />

In the consideration of partial-admission impulse-blade stresses,<br />

the first step taken in the development of a rational design procedure<br />

was the principle of suddenly applied loads described in<br />

the preceding paragraphs. The second step was a process which<br />

included consideration of the actual time in which the blade received<br />

its load, the maximum amplitude of vibration which could<br />

be built up by successive impulses received and removed under<br />

conditions of primary resonance, and the principle that the energy<br />

input to the blade from the nozzle must be absorbed by the<br />

total damping of the system.<br />

The third advance in the analytical reasoning on partial-admission<br />

impulse-blade design is divided into three parts. The<br />

theoretical work involved is the development of H. D. Emmert.3<br />

The three divisions are as follows:<br />

a Theoretical solution of the effect of suddenly applied and<br />

suddenly removed steam forces on a vibrating blade, including<br />

damping.<br />

b Theoretical development which includes correct consideration<br />

of the effect of the actual rate at which the steam load is applied<br />

and removed on a vibrating blade.<br />

c Development of the complete solution of the practical problem<br />

in which the actual rate and time of steam loading of a<br />

vibrating blade is taken into account; allowance is made for the<br />

variation of steam driving force on the blade as it passes through<br />

the arc of admission; and the correct provision is made for the<br />

-ffect of the actual rate and time at which the steam load is removed.<br />

The motion of elastically supported masses such as blades<br />

under the action of intermittent forces is a type of problem which<br />

F io . 4<br />

F u n d a m e n t a l E q u a t io n o f M o t io n o f E l a s t ic B o d ie s<br />

has been fundamentally developed on a theoretical basis. The<br />

solution of the problem starts with the equation of motion, which,<br />

in simple language, is an equation the terms of which represent<br />

the various forces acting on the body.<br />

The equation of motion as applied to this problem, referring<br />

to Fig. 4, may be expressed as<br />

t = time<br />

01 — circular frequency of impressed force<br />

k = spring constant<br />

r = damping constant<br />

a, 6, and c — steam-force constants<br />

In the first term, m represents the equivalent mass of the vibrating<br />

body. The remaining part of the term is the second derivative<br />

of the displacement with respect to time. This quantity represents<br />

the acceleration of the body at any point in its path. In<br />

other words, the first term represents the inertia force, which is<br />

equal to the mass times the acceleration at the point considered.<br />

The second term represents the damping force. The damping<br />

constant r is multiplied by the first derivative of the displacement<br />

with respect to time, this quantity representing the velocity. In<br />

other words, the damping force equals the product of the damping<br />

constant and the velocity.<br />

This assumption represents the conventional procedure and is<br />

based upon the damping forces varying directly as the velocity<br />

of displacement. The actual damping forces of materials of<br />

construction may vary from this relationship. Such variation<br />

may be taken into account by experimental determination of the<br />

damping curve, and by using the value of the damping constant<br />

which is applicable for the actual working condition.<br />

The third term represents the spring force. The term k is the<br />

spring scale and y the displacement.<br />

The right-hand member of the equation represents the action<br />

of the steam forces on the blade.<br />

The motion of a blade in the inactive part of the circumference<br />

is such that there are no steam forces acting, hence each of the<br />

constants a, b, and c of the three terms is equal to zero during<br />

this part of the motion.<br />

If there is a condition of suddenly applied loading in which the<br />

steam load is assumed to reach its full value in zero time, the<br />

constant a will have a finite value, while the constants b and e<br />

will each be equal to zero.<br />

In the case where the steam load is assumed to be applied as<br />

a linear function of time, the constants a and c become zero, and<br />

the right-hand member of the equation becomes bt.<br />

If the steam force in the admission arc is assumed to have a<br />

harmonic variation which is found to be substantially correct<br />

in practice, the constant b of the right-hand member becomes zero,<br />

and the complete right-hand member for this case becomes a + c<br />

sin wt.<br />

The solutions of this type of differential equation of motion are<br />

capable of being evaluated by established methods.<br />

I m p o r t a n c e o f I n t e r n a l D a m p in g i n B l a d e M a t e r ia l<br />

A factor of importance in the practical application of the equations<br />

cited is the damping constant. A convenient assumption<br />

in damping problems in hard metals is that the damping forces<br />

vary as the first power of the velocity. This assumption is relatively<br />

accurate over short ranges of operating conditions. On<br />

this basis, it can be shown that the amplitudes of consecutive<br />

vibrations have a constant ratio. If this law were strictly true,<br />

the ratio of the amplitude of vibration at a predetermined time<br />

to the next consecutive amplitude would be the same as the ratio<br />

of any two consecutive amplitudes. The natural logarithm of<br />

the ratio of any one amplitude to the corresponding amplitude<br />

of the next cycle, taken as the vibration decays, is called the<br />

logarithmic decrement.<br />

The damping constant given in the equation of motion bears<br />

the following relation to the logarithmic decrement


m = mass<br />

/ = frequency of vibration<br />

5 — logarithmic decrement<br />

Fig. 5 shows a series of damping curves, made by Prof. John<br />

T. Norton of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on<br />

various materials and reported by him in a paper.4 These curves<br />

are determined by means of a torsion-pendulum apparatus, in<br />

which the specimen is subjected to alternating torsional stress.<br />

The curves are exhibited to show the great differences in the<br />

forms of the damping curves of the different materials. Considerable<br />

research is now under way in connection with the damping<br />

capacity of blading steels.<br />

embedded a small weight. While the idea is ingenious, it does<br />

not appear necessary to go to this refinement and, furthermore,<br />

there are design and manufacturing difficulties associated with<br />

this principle.<br />

The first application of the third step in design reasoning is<br />

shown in Fig. 6. The length of the abscissa in each case represents<br />

the time required for the wheel to make 1 revolution. In<br />

the upper curve, the loading is increased from zero to the driving<br />

value in zero time and at the end of the arc again reduced to zero<br />

in zero time. The lower curve shows the motion of a blade after<br />

there has been a sufficient number of revolutions to set up a<br />

condition of energy stability. The blade enters the admission arc<br />

from the left with an amplitude of vibration which is reduced from<br />

the value existing at the end of the previous passage through the<br />

admission arc by the damping. The sudden loading increases<br />

the amplitude and the corresponding stress as shown. In calculating<br />

this case, it is important to note the assumption that the<br />

load was applied when the blade under consideration was at the<br />

extreme point of the backswing. This, on the chart, refers to the<br />

lowest point of the harmonic curve. This is considered a condition<br />

of primary resonance. In like manner, it is assumed that<br />

the load is released at the time the blade is at the extreme point<br />

of the forward swing, which corresponds to the upper point on<br />

the harmonic curve at the end of the admission arc. The curve<br />

shows the effect of damping in the admission arc and in the idle<br />

arc. The reduction of stress amplitude due to damping has been<br />

greatly exaggerated for illustrative purposes. By assuming acute<br />

primary resonance, as described, the motion builds up in successive<br />

revolutions, until, in the steady state of energy stability,<br />

the energy imparted to the vibrating blade is equal to that absorbed<br />

by damping.<br />

In the case of the 50,000-kw top-turbine impulse blade, for the<br />

Northwest Station, which will be described later, application of<br />

At present for design purposes, with the Cyclops alloy, a<br />

logarithmic decrement of about 0.002 is assumed for blading<br />

operating with a maximum skin stress up to 20,000 psi and a<br />

temperature of 900 F.<br />

Foppl and others have shown that the damping constant<br />

varies with stress. Other investigators have shown that the<br />

damping varies with frequency and with temperature. The<br />

research now under way will determine more completely the<br />

damping capacity of the various blading materials under operating<br />

conditions.<br />

Proposals have been made and studied for the introduction of<br />

damping devices in the blades themselves, such as a quantity of<br />

liquid or powdered material in a cavity in the blade in which is<br />

4 “ Torsion-Pendulum Instrum ent for Measuring Internal Friction,”<br />

by J. T. Norton, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 10, March,<br />

1939, pp. 77-81.


the process just reviewed shows that the maximum bending<br />

stress at the end of the first cycle in the admission arc will be<br />

about 10 times the static value.<br />

The second application of the equation of motion is shown in<br />

Fig. 7. In this diagram, the tangential driving force is assumed<br />

to be built up at a uniform rate, which is also assumed for a certain<br />

condition of resonance, namely, the beginning of the application<br />

of load is at the time when the blade is at the extreme<br />

point in the backswing which on the curve is at the lowest<br />

point in the motion. For illustrative purposes it is assumed that<br />

the load application is completed in */* cycle of blade motion; in<br />

other words, at the time the blade reaches the extreme forward<br />

point in the swing. This case, which has been adopted for<br />

simplicity of illustrative purposes, is not quite that corresponding<br />

to exact resonance. In the latter case, the load is applied when<br />

the blade is in the position of zero deflection and starting on the<br />

backswing. This particular solution involves the assumption<br />

that the steam load is constant throughout the admission arc.<br />

The solution further assumes that the release of the steam<br />

load starts at the time the blade is in the extreme forward point<br />

in the swing, which is at the top of the harmonic curve in Fig. 7.<br />

The condition of exact resonance at the release of the load would<br />

be that corresponding to the similar state at the point of loading.<br />

The third application of the analysis is illustrated by Fig. 8.<br />

In this illustration, the motion of the blade in the idle portion of<br />

the arc is treated as a damped free vibration as in the other cases.<br />

The application and release of the steam driving load is assumed<br />

to vary with time, this making necessary the treatment of<br />

the admission and release phases of the motion as separate calculations.<br />

As in the preceding case, the chart shows the load<br />

application beginning at the time the blade is in the extreme position<br />

of the backswing and ending at the extreme forward limit<br />

of motion. The release is taken in the reverse manner.<br />

The steam force imposed on the blade in the admission arc is<br />

assumed to vary in the harmonic relation indicated on the chart.<br />

When this process is applied to the 50,000-kw Northwest turbine<br />

blade, the solutions of the equations of motion show that<br />

the bending-stress-amplification factor, due to the considerations<br />

mentioned, is approximately 3.<br />

Impact-tube tests have been made with standard nozzles in<br />

which compressed air is used instead of steam. Fig. 9 shows a<br />

summary of the relative results of one set of such tests with the<br />

impact-tube-pressure measurements taken at various circumferential<br />

positions on the mean diameter of the nozzle.<br />

It is interesting to note that the variation of the pressures per<br />

unit area is much greater for the set of readings taken at an axial<br />


F i g . 10 D ia g r a m S h o w in g E f f e c t o f N o zzle P it c h on<br />

V a r ia t io n o f S t e a m F o r c e s On B l a d e s a t D if f e r e n t P o s it io n s<br />

A l o n g N o zzle F ace<br />

clearance of Vi6 in. from the outlet of the nozzle than in the case<br />

of the readings taken at a clearance of s/i6 in. This curve indicates<br />

the substantial reduction in the variation of the forces per unit<br />

area which occurs when a greater axial distance is allowed between<br />

the outlet edges of the nozzle vanes and the inlet edges of<br />

the blades.<br />

An important factor in the design is the relation of the pitch<br />

of the nozzles to the pitch of the moving impulse blades. The<br />

upper dotted curve Fig. 10, shows typical steam forces per unit<br />

area for various positions along the mean diameter. If the<br />

integrated effect of this pressure can be assumed as transmitted<br />

directly to the blades with equal efficiency for all positions of the<br />

blades, then, theoretically, if the nozzles have the same circumferential<br />

pitch as the blades, the tangential driving force imposed<br />

on the impulse blades will be constant throughout the admission<br />

arc. If, however, the transfer of steam driving load to the blades<br />

does not occur with the same blade efficiency for all relative<br />

positions of the blades and nozzles, then there will be some periodic<br />

variation in driving force which is believed to be the case in<br />

practice.<br />

If the other extreme is considered, in which the blades are considered<br />

as extremely narrow radial passages, then the driving<br />

force on the blades will vary in substantially the same manner as<br />

the steam force from the nozzle.


In order to design blades of relatively high frequency, a large<br />

circumferential pitch must be used. In the case of the 50,000-kw<br />

Northwest turbine blades, this pitch is 1.6 in. on the mean diameter.<br />

The Northwest impulse blades are calculated to have a<br />

running frequency of 7100 vibrations per sec. The nozzles have<br />

been spaced on a pitch of 3.484 in., which gives a frequency of the<br />

impressed force of 1837 per sec. The curve, Fig. 10, shows that<br />

the theoretical variation of force on the blade is about 0.69 of the<br />

variation of the equivalent nozzle steam force. There is, however,<br />

a considerable margin between the 7100 per sec frequency of the<br />

blade and the 1837 per sec frequency of the impressed force. The<br />

magnification of motion from secondary resonance is relatively<br />

small under these conditions.<br />

In concluding this section on the stresses in partial-admission<br />

blading, it can be stated that the investigations briefly reviewed<br />

have shown that it is possible to calculate the effects of rapidly<br />

applied loads on partial-admission blades. The only safe ground<br />

for progress in matters of this kind is the establishment of a correct<br />

background of fundamentals. It is believed that this has<br />

been done and that the material constants are sufficiently well<br />

known to permit the prediction of safe proportions for this type<br />

of blading.<br />

The importance of having the natural frequency of the blade<br />

remote from the frequency of the variable impressed force from<br />

the nozzle should be further stressed. Theoretically, if the action<br />

of the steam on the moving blades occurs at the same efficiency<br />

for all relative positions of blades and nozzles, then blades and<br />

nozzles of the same circumferential pitch can be used to avoid<br />

a periodic pulsation in the steam driving force. Actually, some<br />

variation in the efficiency must be expected, as each blade moves<br />

in and out of the flows of the various nozzles; hence, there will<br />

be some periodic variation in the steam driving force on the blades.<br />

If unsuitable design proportions are selected so that the frequency<br />

of the impressed force on the blades is equal to their natural frequency,<br />

then serious and destructive resonance may take place.<br />

The best procedure is to design the blades so that the natural<br />

frequency is substantially higher than the frequency of the impressed<br />

force. The higher the frequency of the blades, the greater<br />

the amount of energy absorbed by damping in each revolution.<br />

The total damping will depend, to some extent, on the variation<br />

of the damping constant with stress.<br />

The general procedure for determining the stresses in partialadmission<br />

blades can be outlined as follows:<br />

a Determination of natural frequency of blade system including<br />

correction for rotation and stiffening effect of shrouding.<br />

b Determination of the frequency of the impressed force exerted<br />

by the steam flow from the nozzle. An equivalent-steamforce<br />

curve is assumed of simple harmonic form, the amplitude of<br />

which must be based on research data.<br />

c Design of blade to place natural frequency of assembled<br />

structure substantially above the frequency of the impressed<br />

force from the nozzles. Secondary resonance is thus avoided.<br />

d The motion of the blade is calculated and plotted in curve<br />

form for the condition of energy stability, in which the energy<br />

imparted to a blade during one passage through the nozzle group<br />

is dissipated by the total damping of the system in the course<br />

of one revolution.<br />

e Care must be taken to determine the most unfavorable phase<br />

relations between the free motion of the blade and the time of<br />

application and release of the impressed force. The phase relations<br />

that will give the maximum amplitude of vibration must be<br />

determined. In other words, the blades are designed to withstand<br />

primary resonance.<br />

f The correct procedure must be adopted properly to take<br />

into account the actual rate of application of the steam load and<br />

the corresponding rate of unloading.<br />

g There must be reliable data available on the damping characteristics<br />

of the blade material for the operating conditions under<br />

consideration.<br />

h The ratio of the maximum amplitude for the condition of<br />

energy stability to the static deflection of the blade under the<br />

action of the steam driving force taken as a steady value gives<br />

the amplification factor to be applied to the bending stress calculated<br />

on the static basis.<br />

i The centrifugal stress must be added to the amplified bending<br />

stress to determine the maximum resultant stress to which<br />

the blade is subjected. All stress concentration factors must<br />

be included.<br />

C e n t r if u g a l S t a b il it y<br />

There is good reason to believe that the initial tightness of<br />

high-temperature blading in the spindle grooves is not maintained<br />

for a long period of time at normal speed and full operating temperature.<br />

This comes about partly due to initial creep in which<br />

the minute irregularities of the machined surfaces are crushed<br />

until a good bearing surface is secured and partly due to elastic<br />

deformation and to the reduction in elastic modulus at high temperature.<br />

It is believed that all manufacturers produce excellent<br />

initial fits of the blade roots in the spindle grooves. At full speed<br />

and temperature, however, the close fit is believed to be lost for<br />

the reasons cited. If it be assumed that the blade root is only<br />

slightly loose at full speed and full operating temperature, conditions<br />

may arise, in which, in partial-admission wheels, the overturning<br />

moment set up by the suddenly applied steam load may<br />

exceed the stabilizing moment of the centrifugal force on the<br />

blade. If this is true, a single blade, or even a group of two or<br />

three blades which are joined together by a single shroud, may<br />

jump in the groove every time the admission arc is passed. If<br />

the blades jump or chatter in their grooves every time the steam<br />

forces are imposed on them, local stresses of sufficient magnitude<br />

to cause failure may be set up in the blade roots. It is, therefore,<br />

necessary to establish a safe ratio between the stabilizing moment<br />

created by the centrifugal force and the overturning moment set<br />

up by the suddenly applied steam load. Experience indicates<br />

that the ratio of the centrifugal moment to the steam driving<br />

moment about the base of the blade should, in most cases, be<br />

greater than 3 for a single blade, or greater than 6 for a pair of<br />

blades tightly shrouded together. In general, it is believed necessary<br />

that the stability factor shall be defined as the quotient of<br />

the centrifugal stabilizing moment divided by the amplified steam<br />

bending moment and that this ratio shall exceed 1.5.<br />

Fig. 11 illustrates the principle of centrifugal stability. The<br />

centrifugal moment is the product of the centrifugal force Fc and<br />

the moment arm KL. The steam moment is the product of the


modified by welding the shrouding in groups of two blades.<br />

Fig. 13 shows a group of standard impulse blades for a tworow<br />

wheel of the type used for the high-pressure element of 3600-<br />

rpm condensing turbines up to about 75,000 kw or for 3600-rpm<br />

top-turbine service up to about 25,000 kw. One of the important<br />

features is the adoption of radial planes on the fronts and backs<br />

of the root and shroud sections of the moving blades. In the<br />

short first-row blades, the center portion of the root and shroud<br />

on each side is in a plane passing through the axis of the spindle.<br />

The overhanging edges have corresponding projections on the<br />

root and shroud to reinforce them. The cooperating fit between<br />

pairs of blades is on the central radial-plane surfaces. Note<br />

that between the unwelded shroud sections, a clearance of approximately<br />

0.005 in. is allowed during the cold assembly.<br />

F i q . 14<br />

A s s e m b l e d Sin g l e - R o w I m p u l s e W h e e l<br />

F i q . 13<br />

I n d iv id u a l I m p u l s e B l a d e s; D e s M o in e s<br />

driving force F, and the moment arm L\. The stability factor<br />

without amplification is, therefore, expressed as FeK L/F ,Li.<br />

L im i t i n g C a p a c it y o f C i r c u m f e r e n t ia l - G r o o v e B l a d in g<br />

Fig. 12 shows the high-pressure impulse wheel for the 35,000-<br />

kw 3600-rpm condensing turbine at Des Moines, Iowa. The<br />

first-row blades are IV 2 in- wide, and the steam-port height is<br />

1 in. The steam load is 238 lb per blade at the '/a load point<br />

on the turbine. This condition exists when the first two nozzle<br />

blocks, to which steam is admitted simultaneously, are<br />

operated at full inlet pressure. These blades are of Cyclops 17-A<br />

alloy, with the integral shrouding welded together in groups of<br />

two blades. The second-row impulse blades are shown welded<br />

in groups of three. These second-row blades have since been<br />

The limiting of the number of blades per group to two for hightemperature<br />

service is believed important, as severe bending<br />

stresses may be set up if a greater number of blades are joined<br />

together. These stresses may be caused by the more rapid heating<br />

and cooling of the blades with respect to the massive spindle.<br />

Fig. 14 shows a single-row impulse wheel with the circumferential-groove-type<br />

blading. This impulse wheel represents the<br />

standard high-pressure element of large Allis-Chalmers highpressure<br />

condensing turbines.<br />

A x i a l -S l o t B l a d in g f o r H ig h e s t -C a p a c it y P a r t ia l -A d m is s io n<br />

I m p u l s e W h e e l s<br />

For maximum-capacity top-turbine service, the design analysis<br />

briefly described calls for extremely wide blades. Such blades<br />

have a large circumferential pitch, which makes it undesirable to<br />

leave out a blade for assembly purposes. The centrifugal force<br />

of one of these large blades is such that a practical locking device,<br />

whereby the last blade can be secured in a circumferential groove<br />

of the conventional design does not appear available. An extensive<br />

survey has indicated the necessity for roots of the axialslot<br />

type. Fig. 15 shows the impulse-wheel assembly for the<br />

50,000-kw Northwest top turbine. The blades are inserted in<br />

axial slots which are milled and broached in the spindle body. In<br />

this way, the full complement of blades is inserted in the wheel<br />

without the need of a special entry slot or locking blade.


F ig . 15<br />

S in g l e - R o w I m p u l s e W h e e l 5 0 ,0 0 0 -K w T o p T u r b in e<br />

In this scheme, the blades are arranged to be assembled in the<br />

axial slots by entering the complete ring of 66 blades in the spindle<br />

at the same time and pressing them home in a single operation.<br />

This is necessary because the form of the blade section requires<br />

that the edge portions overlap which, therefore, prevents individual<br />

assembly. For this purpose, each blade is first tried in its<br />

groove independently; each blade is then tried in its groove with<br />

the adjacent blade on one side and a third time with the adjacent<br />

blade on the other side, and so on around the circumference. By<br />

this means, it can be determined that there is no mechanical interference<br />

which will prevent complete assembly in one movement.<br />

Figs. 16 and 17 show a model of the Northwest impulse blade.<br />

These illustrations show the design of the serrated root and the<br />

interlocking shrouding which requires the mass assembly of the<br />

complete row of blades.<br />

Note that the axial width of this blade is 3 in. through the port<br />

section. The height of the steam port is l '/ s in. The mean<br />

diameter is 34 in., as shown by Fig. 15. The shroud sections<br />

are welded in pairs after assembly. The 4eep radial rib on the<br />

F i g . 16 M o d e l o r I m p u l s e B l a d e f o r 5 0 ,0 0 0 -K w T o p T u r b in e F ig . 17 M o d e l o f I m p u l s e B l a d e f o r 5 0 ,0 0 0 -K w T o p T u r b in e


integral shroud is for the purpose of increasing the strength of<br />

the welded bonds between pairs of blades. The blades are<br />

milled from Cyclops steel bars. The maximum steam load is<br />

350 lb per blade.<br />

Effect of By-Passing the Impulse Wheel on Blade<br />

Loading<br />

Some cases of trouble have been reported with top-turbine impulse<br />

blades in machines in which all of the steam was supplied<br />

through nozzles which acted on the first wheel. In such machines,<br />

the first group of nozzles, with which the highest blade loading<br />

occurs, occupied a relatively small arc of the circumference. This<br />

in turn required relatively high blades with a correspondingly<br />

greater length of moment arm on which the steam driving force<br />

acted. The small admission arc for the first nozzle group resulted<br />

in a correspondingly high driving force per blade. The combination<br />

of these factors resulted in extremely high stresses in some<br />

instances.<br />

The latest top-turbine practice is to use the impulse wheel up<br />

to about 3/t load, by-passing this element for full load, and further<br />

by-passing some of the full-admission stages for maximum load.<br />

By this means and by using only two nozzle groups for the impulse<br />

wheel for the high-capacity machines, the first group occupying<br />

approximately one half the circumference of the wheel, the<br />

force per blade is substantially reduced, and, at the same time,<br />

the moment arm on which the steam force acts is also reduced<br />

greatly below the values found in former practice.<br />

Effect of Avoiding Steam Undeeexpansion at the Outlet<br />

of the F irst N ozzle Group<br />

In maximum-capacity top-turbine design, it is an accepted<br />

practice to design all of the first-stage nozzles of the nonexpanding<br />

type,; in other words, the steam passages are designed to expand<br />

the steam down to the sound velocity. In certain early machines<br />

where all of the steam flow passed through the impulse-wheel<br />

nozzles, the quarter-load-nozzle group was allowed to expand<br />

the steam from 1200 psi down to something considerably less<br />

than the critical pressure. This procedure resulted in a large<br />

pressure drop through the blading and, in the case of some tworow<br />

impulse wheels, a substantial upsetting of the load distribution<br />

between the first and second moving rows of blades. With<br />

maximum-capacity wheels, the present practice is to arrange the<br />

first nozzle group to be fully open at the time that the pressure<br />

in the first stage is reached which corresponds to the sound velocity<br />

at the nozzle outlet. This practice aids in the reduction of<br />

stresses.<br />

Effect of Edge T hickness on F low Pattern Between<br />

N ozzle and Impulse-Blade E dges<br />

It is well known that the maximum efficiency in high-velocity<br />

impulse blading requires thin blade and nozzle-vane edges. One<br />

concomitant of 1200 psi initial pressure and 925 F initial temperature<br />

is thick nozzle-vane-outlet edges and thick impulse-blade<br />

edges; at least the edges are relatively thicker than found in<br />

turbines of a few years ago. The increased edge thicknesses<br />

necessary in high-pressure high-temperature machines have had<br />

a small but detrimental effect on the efficiency. The steam-flow<br />

pattern opposite each nozzle outlet is also adversely affected to the<br />

extent that the alternating forces imposed on the blades as they<br />

pass from the stream issuing from one nozzle outlet to the next is<br />

believed to be the means whereby the amplitude of vibration of<br />

the impulse blades is increased over what it would be with nozzles<br />

and blades having thin edges.<br />

Effect of Increasing Axial D istance Between Outlet<br />

Edges of N ozzle Vanes and Inlet of Impulse Blades<br />

In the interest of reducing as much as possible the variation in<br />

loading on the impulse blades as they pass through the successive<br />

flow patterns of individual nozzles, the axial distance between the<br />

outlet edges of the nozzle vanes and the inlet edges of the impulse<br />

blades is increased to about 9/ia in. in the case of the 50,000-<br />

kw Northwest top turbine. Taken parallel to the absolute direction<br />

of steam flow, the actual distance between the nozzle-vane<br />

edges and the blade edges is about 2 in. This is expected to result<br />

in some equalizing of the steam-flow pattern at the inlets to<br />

the moving blades. It is believed that by this means less total<br />

energy will be imparted to each blade in the form of vibratory<br />

motion as it passes through the successive flow patterns of the<br />

individual nozzles.<br />



Centrifugal Stresses<br />

Centrifugal stresses in full-admission blading present no particular<br />

problem as the determination of forces and areas may be<br />

simply calculated from the drawing dimensions.<br />

B ending Stresses<br />

Bending stresses are calculated from the independent steam<br />

forces exerted on each blade, and a knowledge of the section<br />

properties of the blade section considered as a beam. The<br />

tangential driving forces and the axial forces resulting from pressure<br />

differences over the blade rows are independently considered.<br />

R ipple Effect<br />

Full-admission blades, especially in high-capacity high-temperature<br />

machines, in which relatively thick blade edges must be<br />

used, are expected to undergo some periodic variation in the driving<br />

forces. This ripple effect probably does not exceed 10 or 15<br />

per cent of the steady driving force. In high-temperature machines,<br />

the ripple effect is taken as about 25 per cent of the steady<br />

tangential driving force.<br />

Shrouding Correction<br />

The effect of shrouding varies considerably over the blade<br />

path. In high-pressure blading, the effect of the shrouding on<br />

stress is considerable, although the normal bending-stress reduction<br />

may be between 25 and 60 per cent. The effect of the<br />

shrouding on bending stress is complex, the calculations on stress<br />

reduction being checked by experimental procedure.<br />

Stress Amplification D ue to Vibration<br />

The high-pressure and intermediate-pressure blading, in which<br />

the natural frequencies of the blades are well over 5 times the<br />

rotational frequency, are assumed to be sufficiently remote from<br />

a resonant condition arising from periodic steam forces or inertia<br />

forces caused by the rotation of the spindle that the stresses are<br />

not intensified thereby. In low-pressure blading, in which the<br />

frequency of the assembled blades at full speed and at the operating<br />

temperature is less than 4 times the rotational frequency, tuning<br />

is resorted to in order to avoid resonance under operating<br />

conditions. This tuning involves a calculation of each specific<br />

blade group, which is followed by a check of the standing frequency<br />

when the row is assembled. Correction for temperature<br />

and speed is made by calculation. Changes of blade sections, of<br />

the rate of taper, or of lashing or shrouding members are sometimes<br />

necessary in order to avoid resonance.<br />

Stress Intensification D ue to F illet at Base of Port<br />

Section<br />

Milled blading with integral roots is designed with generous<br />

radii at the junctions of the port sections and the roots, so that


with integral roots. Fig. 19 shows the large size of high-capacity<br />

blades of this type. The nominal axial width of the last row<br />

of blades, one of which is illustrated in the view of the model,<br />

Fig. 19, is 21/, in. This blading is milled from bars of Cyclops<br />

17-A alloy. Fig. 20 shows some reaction blades of the milled type<br />

for top-turbine service.<br />

D e s i g n o f S h r o u d in g<br />

Referring again to Fig. 18, it will be seen that the shrouding on<br />

the stationary blades is made up of two independent shroud sec-<br />

F ig . 20<br />

M il l e d R e a c t io n B l a d e s f o r T o p T u r b in e<br />

F ig . 19<br />

M o d e l B l a d e, L a st R o w 5 0 ,0 0 0 -K w T o p T u r b in e<br />

the stress-intensification factor can usually be taken at 1.5.<br />

For the intermediate blading with cast foundations, the bending-stress-intensification<br />

factor, due to the form of the junction<br />

between the rolled blade and the cast base, is taken at 2.<br />


B l a d e s W i t h I n t e g r a l R o o t s M il l e d F r o m B a r S t o c k<br />

Fig. 18 shows the blading layout for a 50,000-kw top turbine.<br />

In this example, all of the blading is of the individual milled type<br />

tions secured in place by welding. There are three radial-seal<br />

strips for each blade row.<br />

There is a groove in the spindle to contain the center-seal strip<br />

and thereby provide interruption to the leakage flow. The inner<br />

axial-seal strip formerly employed is absent in this construction<br />

This is done to avoid the disturbance set up by the high-velocity<br />

leakage flow cutting at right angles to the main flow through the<br />

blade path.<br />

The shrouding on the spindle blading includes four separate<br />

seal elements; the first is of the normal end-tightened type; the<br />

remaining three are of the radial type as shown. The shrouding<br />

is of welded 19-9 chrome-nickel steel.<br />

Note that the stationary blades of such high-capacity turbines<br />

are also of the individual milled type.<br />

W e l d i n g o f S h r o u d in g<br />

The welding of shrouding has been adopted after considerable<br />

research as being the best means for the attachment of such


Fig. 22 shows the welded shrouding in the 30,000-kw top turbine<br />

at Fisk Station in Chicago.<br />

Blades Welded in Small Groups<br />

It is important that the shrouding on high-pressure reaction<br />

blading include a relatively small number of blades per segment.<br />

The bending stresses introduced by rapid expansion and contraction<br />

of the blading under conditions of varying temperature may<br />

result in excessive stresses and lead to ultimate blade failures unless<br />

short segments are used. Fig. 22 shows that the reaction<br />

F ig . 23<br />

A s s e m b l y D r a w in g o f S e g m e n t a l I n t e r m e d ia t e<br />

B l a d in g W it h W e l d e d S h r o u d in g<br />

F io . 21<br />

W e l d in g o f S h r o u d in g on S e g m e n t a l B l a d in g<br />

F ig . 24<br />

I n t e r m e d ia t e -B l a d in g S e g m e n t s W it h W e l d e d<br />

S h r o u d in g<br />

blades in the Fisk turbine have shrouding which contains from<br />

four to six blades per segment. It has already been pointed out<br />

that the impulse-blade practice is to secure two blades together<br />

for the highest-temperature service.<br />


F ig . 22<br />

W e l d e d R e a c t io n-B lade S h r o u d in g in F is k T u r b in e<br />

members. The stresses set up by riveting are avoided. By the<br />

use of austenitie materials, air-hardening does not occur. Fig. 21<br />

shows a group of blades with a section of shrouding ready for<br />

welding. A welded shroud section is also shown.<br />

B lades Rolled to F inal Sections<br />

For the intermediate-pressure blading, sections are used which<br />

are finished to the final shapes by rolling. These blade sections<br />

are of Cyclops 17-A alloy. The material is given a final stressrelieving<br />

heat at 1425 F after the rolling operation. Before using<br />

the sections, the inlet and outlet edges are carefully polished to<br />

remove minute cracks which might have been introduced during<br />

the rolling. Fig. 23 shows in section the standard arrangement of<br />

intermediate blading. The welded shrouding and the design of<br />

the seal strips are shown. Fig. 24 shows a group of intermediate<br />

blades of the cast-in type with welded shrouding.


The study of the rolling of the blade sections and the improvements<br />

made at the steel mill have been previously described.<br />

Shrouding D esign<br />

Blade sections, after being cut to length and after the inlet and<br />

outlet edges are polished, are assembled in a special fixture, after<br />

which the 19-9 shrouding is welded in place.<br />

Cast F oundation of Everbrite or Cast Iron<br />

After the shrouding is welded in place, the segmental-blade<br />

assembly is then placed in a core box, after which the blades and<br />

shrouding are encased in core sand, with the exception of the<br />

ends of the blades that are to be cast in the foundation. The<br />

blades in their assembled core are placed in a suitable mold and<br />

the foundation of Everbrite or cast iron poured. Great care is<br />

necessary to maintain clean blade roots. It is also necessary to<br />

keep the pouring temperature of the base material within close<br />

limits in order to secure a good bond with the blade bases without<br />

washing the blade-section material away. Optical-pyrometer<br />

observations are made on the metal poured in each mold.<br />

Stress-Relieving of Assembled<br />

Sections<br />

Cast F oundation-R ing<br />

After the foundations are poured, they are then finished on all<br />

surfaces, except at the bottom of the steam port, by machining.<br />

F i g . 25<br />

M il l e d L o w - P r e s s u r e B l a d in g<br />

After machining the foundations, the segments are placed in<br />

a gas-charged muffle, where they are annealed at 1425 F to remove<br />

stresses introduced by the cooling of the foundation metal.<br />

By this process, completely finished segmental blading is manufactured<br />

for the intermediate portion of the blade path. The blading<br />

is practically free from fabrication stresses and in an excellent<br />

condition to resist corrosion.<br />

M illed Low-P ressure R eaction B lading<br />

When the blade annulus referred to 3600 rpm exceeds approximately<br />

9.2 sq ft, the blades are milled from bar stock of Cyclops<br />

alloy with integral roots, as shown in Fig. 25. Care is exercised<br />

in the mill operations to secure a grain size not exceeding 20 per<br />

sq in. at 100 diam magnification. The bar stock is stress-relieved<br />

at 1425 F after the final rolling.<br />

The milled Cyclops low-pressure blading is reinforced by<br />

shrouding of 19-9 chrome-nickel steel which is welded in place<br />

as described for the high-pressure blading.<br />

The use of lashing wires is avoided except in the case of lowpressure<br />

blades where they are useful for tuning purposes. Lashing<br />

wires are not used in blades where the natural frequency of<br />

the assembled blade groups under operating conditions is more<br />

than 4 times the rotational frequency.<br />

When lashing wires are used in Cyclops blades, the blade is<br />

drilled and the edges of the holes suitably rounded. A short<br />

section of 19-9 chrome-nickel wire is welded in place in each<br />

blade. After welding, the blade is stress-relieved at 1125 F.<br />

When the blades are in place in the spindle, the ends of the individual<br />

lashing wires are joined in groups by welding. In this<br />

way the heating effect of the final-assembly welding does not<br />

reach the body of the blade.<br />


Limiting Capacity of Condensing M achines<br />

At the present time, the limiting exhaust-blade practice is a<br />

20-in. blade with a tip speed somewhat over the sound velocity<br />

in steam at 29 in. vacuum. In Allis-Chalmers 3600-rpm practice,<br />

20-in. blades are mounted with a tip diameter of 80.5 in. with a<br />

corresponding tip speed of 1264 fps. Regarding the capacities<br />

for which these blades can be used, this selection involves a commercial<br />

consideration of the actual load requirements and operating<br />

charges for a given system, which will in turn indicate the<br />

amount of leaving loss which can be allowed. If operating conditions<br />

of 1200 psi gage 925 F and 29 in. vacuum be assumed with<br />

four stages of feed heating,<br />

the leaving loss of a<br />

double-flow low-pressure<br />

end with 20-in. blades at<br />

3600 rpm will be as given<br />

in Table 1 (on the following<br />

page) at the respective<br />

capacities. These blades<br />

are assumed to be mounted<br />

with a tip diameter of 80.5<br />

in. and with an opening coefficient<br />

of 0.6.<br />

The present outlook<br />

does not indicate a radical<br />

tendency toward an increase<br />

of tip speeds. The<br />

length of the Allis-Chalmers<br />

blades described is<br />

just under Vs of the mean<br />

diameter. The form of the<br />

passage at the tip section<br />

must be a compromise<br />

with some sacrifice in efficiency<br />

in the interest of<br />

practical construction. An<br />

appreciable increase in<br />

blade length with respect<br />

to the mean diameter does<br />

not seem probable at this<br />

time.<br />

The effect of water erosion<br />

is sufficiently serious<br />

F i g . 26 A x ia l -S l o t T y p e 1 8 -In .<br />

3 6 0 0 -R pm L o w - P r e s s u r e B l a d e


T A B L E 1<br />

Leaving loss expressed as a per cent of total<br />

adiabatic drop including corrections for<br />

Rated load feed heating and underexpansion<br />

40000 kw 1.9<br />

50000 kw 2.9<br />

60000 kw 4.0<br />

at the present tip speeds to preclude any strong tendency for<br />

increased tip speeds. The present trend of 3600-rpm construction<br />

is, therefore, in the direction of multiple-cylinder low-pressure<br />

elements where maximum-capacity units are considered.<br />

The present limiting annular area for 3600-rpm low-pressure<br />

blades is about 26.4 sq ft. This is the area corresponding to the<br />

20-in. blades mounted with a tip diameter of 80.5 in. previously<br />

referred to.<br />

Fig. 26 shows an 18-in. blade of this type with a tip diameter of<br />

76.5 in., with a corresponding annular area of 23 sq ft. Fig. 27<br />

shows an assembled row of these blades in place in the spindle,<br />

and Fig. 28 shows the axial-entry spindle slots in which the<br />

blades are installed. The design of these blades is based on a<br />

cross-sectional-area ratio of 6, i.e., the sectional area of the base<br />

of the blade is 6 times the area at the tip. The ratio of mean<br />

diameter to length is approximately 3, which means that there<br />

is a substantial change in the contour of the steam passage from<br />

the base to the tip.<br />

For annular blade-outlet areas between 21 and 26.4 sq ft at<br />

3600 rpm, the 13-chrome stainless iron is used because of its<br />

greater strength at low temperature. This material is forged to<br />

within about Vi« in. of the finished surfaces and then completely<br />

machined to the final sizes.<br />

Shrouding and lashing members are necessary in the last row<br />

of blades to reduce bending stresses and to bring up the natural<br />

frequency of vibration to the required value. A section of<br />

shrouding, one blade pitch in length, is welded to the tip of each<br />

low-pressure blade. The shrouding is of the 19-9 chrome-nickel<br />

steel. A short stub end of 19-9 chrome-nickel lashing wire is<br />

welded to each side of each blade, thereby eliminating the lash­<br />

F io . 27<br />

A s s e m b l y 1 8 -In . 3 6 0 0 -R pm L o w - P r e s s u r e B l a d e s<br />

F i g . 2 8<br />

S p i n d l e f o r A x i a l - S l o t B l a d e s


F iq . 29<br />

F i g . 30<br />

N o zzle E l e m e n t s<br />

N o zzle E l e m e n t s<br />

ing-wire hole. A generous coating of stellite is welded on the inlet<br />

edge of each blade for about 2/s of the length from the tip to resist<br />

water erosion. The stellite is fused to the blade with an acetylene<br />

torch. The blade is preheated to about 900 F for these welding<br />

operations.<br />

After the welding is completed, the blade is heat-treated by<br />

quenching in oil from 1750 F and drawing at 1125 F. In this way<br />

the harmful effect of the air-hardening is greatly reduced.<br />

After the blades are assembled in the spindle, the corresponding<br />

shroud and lashing members are joined by welding. The<br />

welding after assembly is entirely between non-air-hardening<br />

materials. The local heating of the final welding operations does<br />

not extend to the body of the blade.<br />

The sectional shrouding is of cantilever form, each section being<br />

secured to the blade by a generous welding bead. The extreme<br />

overhanging ends of each cantilever are joined by light<br />

welds after assembly. The overhanging cantilevers are designed<br />

to be stable in the event of accidental breakage of the assembly<br />

welds so that failure from centrifugal stress will not occur.<br />

The two machines, equipped with 18-in. low-pressure blades<br />

which operate at a tip speed of 1200 fps, are in their second year<br />

of service and have thus far disclosed no troubles of any kind in<br />

the low-pressure blading. Two rows of these blades are installed<br />

in the low-pressure turbine of the 35,000-kw 3600-rpm turbine<br />

at Des Moines and one row in the single-flow machine at Springfield,<br />

111. From this experience, there is good reason to expect<br />

that the 20-in. blades, which will be designed on the same engineering<br />

principles and stress limits, will also operate satisfactorily.<br />

N o z z l e D e s ig n<br />

Figs. 29 and 30 show the type of nozzle elements used in highpressure<br />

high-temperature machines. The nozzle ports are<br />

machined in individual stainless-steel elements which, when<br />

assembled, form the accurately machined steam ports. The<br />

assembly drawing of a similar nozzle is shown in Fig. 31. Each<br />

individual steel block in the group of central elements is defined<br />

by radial end planes which are carefully fitted together. After

the central group of elements is assembled, the inner and outer<br />

ring segments are fitted over tenons and welded in place.<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s<br />

The author wishes to thank the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing<br />

Company for permission to publish the blading-design data included<br />

in this paper; Professor J. J. Ryan, of the University of<br />

Minnesota, and Dr. J. T. Rettaliata, of the Allis-Chalmers steamturbine<br />

department, for their suggestions during the early development<br />

of the partial-admission impulse-blade reasoning;<br />

Professor John T. Norton, of the Massachusetts Institute of<br />

Technology, for suggestions in connection with damping phenomena<br />

and for permission to use Fig. 5; Mr. H. D. Emmert,*<br />

of the steam-turbine department of Allis-Chalmers, for his<br />

assistance in preparing the mathematical solutions of the various<br />

phases of the motion of vibrating blades; and to numerous other<br />

members of the Allis-Chalmers organization for their help in<br />

the preparation of this paper.<br />

Discussion<br />

R . P. K roon.* Air-hardening 13 per cent Cr steel and nonair-hardening<br />

nickel-chrome austenitic steels have been described<br />

as applied to turbine-blade service. Many years ago the<br />

Westinghouse Company adopted 13 per cent Cr blade steel because<br />

it was one of the few corrosion-resistant alloys adapted to<br />

forging. More recently, the forging process has been abandoned<br />

for manufacturing reasons on all except low-pressure blades.<br />

We are, therefore, in a position to use any of several high-temperature<br />

alloy steels suitable for machining.<br />

A large number of such materials were made into blades for<br />

experimental purposes and some have been used in turbines in the<br />

field. Among these materials, the 13 per cent Cr steel has distinguished<br />

itself because of its superior yield strength and its<br />

metallurgical simplicity and uniformity.<br />

We recognize the problem of air-hardening in 13 per cent Cr<br />

steel as a result of shroud welding, but have used this process<br />

for a number of years under proper control and with but slight<br />

difficulty. I t has been found recently that the 13 per cent Cr is<br />

unique in that it possesses many times the damping capacity of<br />

any other high-temperature material known to the art. We continue<br />

to regard the 13 per cent Cr stock as that having the most<br />

desirable combination of qualities for turbine blading.<br />

We cannot very well agree with the statement that blades<br />

having a natural frequency well over 5 times the running frequency<br />

are sufficiently remote from resonance so that the stresses<br />

are not intensified thereby. I t is our experience that, even with<br />

full admission, the resonance effect is important at frequencies<br />

up to say 12 times the running speed. We are using statistical<br />

data to insure a safe design for these medium-size blades.<br />

By this time it should be well recognized that the impulse-blade<br />

problem is industry-wide. It behooves us that this fact should<br />

be admitted; the problem is there whether we do so or not.<br />

The writer has been particularly interested to find that the<br />

assumptions, on which the author has based his calculations, are<br />

almost identical with our own original suppositions. However,<br />

we have felt very strongly that quite a few of these assumptions<br />

are based on such loose grounds as to make necessary the experimental<br />

determination of the exact nature of the forces and<br />

motions involved in actual operation.<br />

1 These solutions in detailed form have been presented by H . D.<br />

Em m ert in a “ M athem atical Section” of this paper, as originally<br />

published by the Allis-Chalmers M anufacturing Company, prior to<br />

the 1940 Semi-Annual Meeting of the Society. Copies are available<br />

on request to th at Company.<br />

8 Manager, Experim ental Engineering, Westinghouse Electric &<br />

M anufacturing Company, South Philadelphia, Pa. Jun. A.S.M.E.<br />


We started a research program using optical equipment to<br />

measure actually the blade deflections, first on a small pilot<br />

turbine which was placed in operation 9 months ago, then on a<br />

full-size Curtis turbine, operating a t 1250 lb 900 F. This work<br />

was recently described.7 We are more and more convinced that<br />

this investigation is of vital necessity to give those data which<br />

cannot be derived theoretically.<br />

There is, for example, the assumption that a blade receives its<br />

load gradually as it travels one blade pitch. In the absence of<br />

experimental data this assumption is probably as good as any<br />

other. But one must not forget that actually the forces on the<br />

blade are caused by the reactions of a very complex nonsteady<br />

steam flow on either side of the blade. Actually, we find that it<br />

may take a distance of several blade pitches before the blade<br />

force steadies out.<br />

Instead of a gradually increasing steam load which the author<br />

has assumed, we often find that the first shock on the blade entering<br />

the steam jet is in a direction opposite to the torque force.<br />

This can be explained physically by the fact that, as the steam<br />

first enters the blade passage, it tends to push the blades apart.<br />

This pressure wave causes a negative rather than a positive torque<br />

force on the trailing blade.<br />

Our findings have also indicated that, in general, it is not<br />

sufficient to limit consideration to vibration in the circumferential<br />

direction only. We formerly believed that the lateral<br />

vibrations of the blade were not important, but we now know<br />

that, on an impulse-blade group, there are at least three natural<br />

modes of vibration which should be considered. The first is a<br />

vibration in the plane of rotation, the second is one in which the<br />

blades vibrate perpendicularly to the plane of rotation, and the<br />

third is a torsional motion of the group as a whole. Under certain<br />

conditions, it is necessary to take into account all three<br />

modes.<br />

In our opinion, expanding the steam down to more than sound<br />

velocity in nozzles of the nonexpanding type is quite feasible,<br />

provided that this superacoustic range is explored experimentally<br />

to establish safe limits. This we are doing in our developmental<br />

turbine. We believe that, with this background, the additional<br />

efficiency at low turbine loads can be made available without a<br />

risk.<br />

The statement is made in the paper that, with a gradually increasing<br />

load, the maximum displacement of the blade will be<br />

produced when the initial displacement is zero, as the load is applied.<br />

T hat this is not so can be appreciated when one considers<br />

the limiting case of suddenly applied load, for which we<br />

know that maximum displacement is produced when the initial<br />

velocity, and not the displacement, is zero at the instant the load<br />

is applied.<br />

The writer believes the author will be able to check his conclusions<br />

that the phase angle for optimum displacement depends<br />

upon a relation between loading time and natural period and<br />

trusts he will see fit to revise his calculations to take this into<br />

account.<br />

G. B. W a r r e n .* The author has presented an interesting<br />

analysis of the forces on the first-stage partial-arc-admission<br />

impulse-blade element, which should have common application<br />

in varying degrees to all types of turbines incorporating this<br />

construction. Such analyses should be of great value.<br />

The group of engineers with which the writer is associated<br />

has followed a somewhat different method in its endeavors to<br />

attain the same result, namely, a stable and reliable construction<br />

7 “ Superposed Turbine Blade Research,” by F. T. Hague, Mechanical<br />

Engineering, vol. 62, April, 1940, pp. 275-277.<br />

8 Designing Engineer, Turbine Engineering D epartm ent, General<br />

Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Mem. A.S.M.E.


for the heavily loaded buckets of first-stage impulse elements.<br />

Fortunately, we had as background nearly 35 years of experience<br />

in building first-stage partial-admission impulse buckets,<br />

which included several hundred rows, a few of which had given<br />

trouble in service. We became convinced during the course of<br />

this experience that the difficulties were due to vibrations produced<br />

by the operating conditions. However, it has always been<br />

felt that these vibrations and their consequent stresses were so<br />

complex and of such varied form as to make any simple rational<br />

analysis inexpedient. A statistical study of the conditions under<br />

which such troubles occurred, and those under which they were<br />

not present, indicated a rather definite function of the ratio between<br />

the severity of the conditions and the strength of the bucket<br />

and its attachment. Formulating this knowledge into design<br />

practice was undertaken about 12 years ago with the result that,<br />

except for a few isolated and special cases, difficulties with<br />

these elements have practically disappeared. Recent tests appear<br />

to indicate that no sacrifice in efficiency seems to result from the<br />

use of the wider and, hence, stronger buckets.<br />

The indications from the paper are that the author’s analysis<br />

is leading him to conclusions of about the same type and magnitude<br />

as our own.<br />

As to the details shown, we differ in materials used, in attachments<br />

of buckets to rotors, in method or shrouding the buckets,<br />

and innumerable details of design and construction. The fact<br />

that two or three turbine manufacturers differ in such things is<br />

probably the greatest safeguard to the power industry. It insures<br />

a minimum average of trouble, and the maximum possible<br />

progress.<br />

The design and construction technique shown for the last rows<br />

of blading on limiting-capacity turbines is most interesting.<br />

From the illustrations, it seems evident that the shroud band<br />

and lashing members finally are reduced to one continuous<br />

piece. Some additional discussion of this construction would be<br />

of interest.<br />

A. L. K i m b a l l .9 This paper brings to focus two things, i.e.,<br />

the importance of avoiding a condition of resonance, wherein a<br />

periodic exciting force is in step with one of the natural frequencies<br />

of the elastic bucket system; it brings out the importance of<br />

safeguarding possible dangerous resonant-vibration amplitudes<br />

by having as much internal damping in the buckets as possible.<br />

The dangerous effect of resonance is well shown from the authors’<br />

Equation [19] ,10 by setting the exciting frequency equal to<br />

the natural frequency so that a = oin. In this case U is seen<br />

to be equal to zero and R reduces to the logarithmic decrement<br />

$ divided by v or R = 8/ir. The last two terms of Equation [19]<br />

then become<br />

from the case of a simple linear oscillator,11 which alone gives us<br />

the important part of the picture.<br />

Note that, since the deflection given by the authors equals<br />

0.000035 in. for a steady force of 350 lb at the tip of the bucket,<br />

an equivalent force of amplitude 55,000 would be necessary to<br />

produce the deflection at resonance given by Equation [1] of this<br />

discussion, where the term amplitude in this case, equals the +<br />

or — amplitude of the periodic force, the total range of which<br />

from + to — is therefore 110,000 lb. This can be seen to produae<br />

a maximum stress far beyond the fatigue limit when it is noted<br />

that the total volume of this bucket is about 0.6 cu in. of material.<br />

Thus, if it is assumed to be of rectangular shape, 1 in.<br />

high, 1 in. wide, and 0.6 in. thick, the maximum vibration stress<br />

at its base is over 500,000 psi.<br />

The analysis in this paper gives an excellent idea of the importance<br />

of impulse excitation of bucket vibration, and shows<br />

that its intensity is always far below that arising from resonance<br />

produced by even a moderate periodic force, which was taken<br />

as 0.1 the average bucket load in the author’s case. Furthermore,<br />

the analysis also shows that the damping in the buckets<br />

is not an important factor in controlling impulse excitation.<br />

The real reason for damping is to control the amplitudes which<br />

might arise on resonance as given by Equation [2] of this discussion.<br />

The writer personally dislikes the use of the terms “primary<br />

resonance” and “secondary resonance.” The former represents<br />

a condition of impulse excitation and is not a resonance at all<br />

in the sense that the second type is, which is by itself the true<br />

resonance.<br />

A complicated elastic system like that of the bucket zone of a<br />

turbine wheel may have several modes of high-frequency vibration<br />

to each of which a resonant vibration will build up if in step<br />

with some periodic exciting force, and some of which may be<br />

dangerous. Furthermore, such modes of vibration are not readily<br />

predicted by available methods of analysis, so the only sure way<br />

is to find what they are from actual test.<br />

Prevention of such failures therefore requires:<br />

1 The definite location of the type and frequency of possible<br />

modes of vibration from actual tests, which may be in the range<br />

of known high-frequency exciting forces which arise during<br />

turbine operation.<br />

2 A thorough study of the damping of bucket materials<br />

under operating conditions, the latter being an insurance against<br />

danger from the former.<br />

3 Adequate area of cross section for safe performance.<br />

These methods of attack are now being applied by turbine<br />

manufacturers who appreciate the danger only too well, and<br />

steady progress is being made.<br />

This is seen to be over 50 times as great as for the case chosen<br />

by the authors which gave ym = 0.000106 in. Furthermore,<br />

the first term of Equation [19] was omitted, which makes the<br />

value of Equation [2] of this discussion conservative.<br />

Note also that Equation [1] herewith may be directly derived<br />

* Engineering General D epartm ent, General Electric Company,<br />

Schenectady, N. Y. Fellow A.S.M.E.<br />

10 This discussion refers not only to the paper proper by R . C.<br />

Allen but also to a m athem atical section by H. D. Em m ert, which<br />

was presented at the meeting. Space did not perm it publication of<br />

this section in the <strong>Transactions</strong>, but copies of the m athem atical treatm<br />

ent may be obtained upon request to the authors.<br />

T. C. R a t h b o n e . 12 The authors10 are to be commended for the<br />

presentation of this valuable and instructive paper and the research<br />

behind it on blade-failure problems which have caused<br />

some anxiety.<br />

The writer is particularly interested in the reasoning leading to<br />

the conclusion that, as some resonance in impulse blading is unavoidable,<br />

the blades must be designed to withstand the most<br />

unfavorable combination of conditions.<br />

The frequency calculations are based on the assumption that<br />

the blades remain tight in the root, that is, the node point is<br />

fixed. I t was pointed out that looseness in the root with partial<br />

admission permits a rocking impact or chatter which may well<br />

11 “Vibration Dam ping Including Case of Solid Friction,” by A. L.<br />

Kimball, Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 51, 1929, paper APM-51-21, p. 230.<br />

12 Chief Engineer, Turbine and M achinery Division, Fidelity and<br />

Casualty Company of New York, New York, N. Y. Mem. A.S.M .E.


F ig . 33<br />

S c h e m a t ic R e p r e s e n t a t io n o f B l a d e-R o o t S y s t e m<br />

have set up excessive repetitive stresses, explaining past failures.<br />

By designing for a centrifugal-stability factor over the overturning<br />

steam-force moment, the authors insure the nodal fixity at<br />

the root necessary for the assumptions in the frequency calculations<br />

which follow.<br />

It will be interesting to point out here that, with any appreciable<br />

looseness in the root, the natural frequency of the blade<br />

becomes a function of the amplitude of vibration as well as of<br />

its mass and elastic properties, and thus may undergo wide<br />

variations. Fig. 32 (a) represents a blade with loose root fastening<br />

in repose, and Fig. 32 (6) the position at one extremity of movement,<br />

having rocked on one bearing shoulder until stopped by<br />

the limiting clearance in the groove.<br />

The system can be illustrated schematically by Fig. 33 (o),<br />

where the blade is represented by a pendulum A rigidly attached<br />

to a bracket B, serving as the root, and supported at the<br />

two points C and D (root shoulders). Gravity (centrifugal<br />

force) is pulling downward, attempting to hold the system in repose<br />

while the pulsating steam force F is tending to rock the system<br />

about the bearing point D.<br />

If the pendulum is displaced slightly to one side and released,<br />

it will oscillate or rock back and forth under the action of gravity<br />

alone, at a frequency which increases rapidly as amplitude decreases,<br />

precisely like a rubber ball dropped on the floor, until the<br />

system comes to rest. So far, neither mass nor elasticity enters<br />

the picture; only centrifugal force (gravity).<br />

Assume now that the displacement is great enough for the<br />

corner of the bracket or root to strike at E. First there will occur<br />

an elastic deformation at E due to the impact, and also a flexural<br />

bending of the pendulum in attempting to carry on in the leftward<br />

movement. In addition to the steam and centrifugal<br />

forces there, we have both bending and impactive forces at the<br />

fillet P, with the stress-magnification factor due to impact<br />

depending upon the “softness” at the contact points.<br />

The restoring forces to complete the other half of the cycle now<br />

depend on:<br />

F i g . 35 I n s t a n t a n e o u s P o s it io n o f B l a d e M a k in g (a) 1 a n d (6) 2<br />

C o m p l e t e V ib r a t io n s D u r in g T im e R e q u ir e d f o r 1 R e v o l u t io n<br />

1 The elastic “rebound” at the impact areas.<br />

2 The elastic and inertia properties of the pendulum system.<br />

3 The gravity force acting through the clearance space E to<br />

E '.<br />

An intermediate impact also occurs in this simple system as<br />

the rocking points C and D strike their seats.<br />

The frequency of such a system depends not only upon the<br />

mass and elastic characteristics of the blade itself, but also on the<br />

impactive resilience, and finally on the extent of free movement<br />

or amplitude limited by the clearances. The frequency is practically<br />

indeterminate. The vibration of such a system can no<br />

longer be expressed by linear differential equations, and hence is<br />

called “nonlinear” vibration. Professor Timoshenko1* points<br />

out that such systems may often nullify the effect of resonance<br />

because, as resonant amplitudes build up, the change in amplitude<br />

itself becomes a sort of inhibitor by altering the natural<br />

frequency away from resonance.<br />

There have been examples, however, where impactive interference<br />

with free vibration caused a great increase in amplitude<br />

and hence stresses. These cases seem to involve a critical condition<br />

in which the elastic rebounds from impact somehow augment<br />

13 “Vibration Problems in Engineering,” by S. Timoshenko, D.<br />

Van N ostrand Company, New York, N. Y., 1937, pp. 117 and 145.


or aggravate critical vibration. Increased turbine vibration due<br />

to impactive movement from excess clearance in turbine bearing<br />

keys is a familiar example. This is further illustrated by the<br />

model Fig. 34. In Fig. 34 (o) the cantilever or blade is shown<br />

vibrating steadily in response to magnetic impulses; at (6), with<br />

no change in the magnetic impulses, the vibration has been greatly<br />

increased or “drawn out” by impactive interference near the<br />

root.<br />

I t is pointed out in the paper that, when the natural frequency<br />

of the last-row low-pressure blades is less than 4 times the running<br />

speed, timing is resorted to, to avoid resonance. Presumably,<br />

the periodic forces from which this blading is to be protected<br />

arise from torsional oscillations of the rotor or linear<br />

vibration of the rotor due to unbalance, at the frequency of rotation,<br />

rather than periodic steam forces.<br />

Primary resonance occurs when the natural frequency of the<br />

blade coincides with a torsional oscillation once per revolution,<br />

but resonance with linear vibration from unbalance does not occur<br />

until the natural frequency of the blade is twice the rotational<br />

frequency. Therefore, a blade frequency of 4 times the speed of<br />

rotation actually represents a multiple of only 2, as regards<br />

fundamental resonance. Likewise, no resonant amplitude should<br />

be built up when the blade frequency is just equal to linear vibration<br />

at the frequency of rotation.<br />

In Fig. 35 (a) are represented the instantaneous positions of a<br />

blade making one complete vibration during the time required<br />

for one revolution. I t is assumed that the blade vibration is<br />

caused by the linear vibratory movement of the rotor due to unbalance,<br />

acting on the blade through the root fastening. The<br />

blade is shown in the neutral position at 1, and at the extreme<br />

limit of its vibration in the leading direction at 2, after 90 deg rotation.<br />

The blade passes through the neutral position again at<br />

3, and reaches the opposite extreme at 4, in the trailing direction.<br />

But the inertia forces on the blade from the rotor vibration,<br />

which caused it to be displaced forward at 1 as shown in the first<br />

part of the cycle, would again cause the blade to travel forward<br />

at 3 during the second half of the rotor vibration cycle, instead<br />

of the backward motion attempted by the free vibration of the<br />

blade. In other words, the “return-stroke” exciting force opposes<br />

the completion of the blade-vibration cycle, and should<br />

discourage building up resonant amplitudes.<br />

In Fig. 35 (6) is shown the situation where the natural frequency<br />

of the blades is twice the running frequency. Here the<br />

natural blade movements are in proper phase with the rotor<br />

vibration to produce fundamental primary resonance.<br />

Fortunately, as the author points out, there has been little<br />

difficulty with fatigue failures of the last-row blades due to resonance.<br />

Curiously, we had all been far more concerned over<br />

the possibility of fatigue failures in these large blades than<br />

in the rugged shorter blades which actually have given more<br />

trouble.<br />

A u t h o r ’s C l o s u r e<br />

' With reference to Mr. Kroon’s discussion concerning the 13<br />

per cent chrome blading steel, the author believes that all turbine<br />

builders are in the same position as that assumed by Westinghouse,<br />

namely, each is ready to use the material which he considers<br />

the best for steam-turbine blading. That the 13 per cent<br />

chrome steel has justified its adoption for this service is well<br />

demonstrated by the number of turbine builders who make<br />

successful use of this material. The author states in his description<br />

that this alloy is the best material for low-pressure blading.<br />

Many years of development and metallurgical research were<br />

required before the 13 per cent chrome steel was produced as a<br />

useful blading alloy. It was the author’s privilege to be associated<br />

with Francis Hodgkinson and Norman Mochel during<br />

the early development of this material by the Westinghouse<br />

Company.<br />

Paralleling the work of the Westinghouse and General Electric<br />

Companies on the 13 per cent chrome steel, the Allis-Chalmers<br />

Company has developed the austenitic Cyclops alloy described in<br />

the paper. They, too, are in the position of being able to use the<br />

blading steel that they consider the best for blading. The conclusion<br />

that the Cyclops alloy offers advantages for all but the<br />

longest rows of low-pressure blades is again a matter of many<br />

years’ development and research which was only briefly indicated<br />

in the paper. The author recognizes that each material has advantages<br />

and disadvantages, so that a careful survey of the merits<br />

of the two materials is necessary. The excellent service record of<br />

the Cyclops alloy speaks well for its reliable qualities for blading<br />

service.<br />

With reference to the difference in damping capacity, this<br />

property is still under investigation. It is necessary to point out<br />

that, as stated by the author during the discussion of the paper<br />

when presented, partial-admission impulse blading, such as<br />

illustrated for the Northwest top turbine, is designed so that the<br />

structure is safe with a logarithmic damping decrement as low<br />

as 0.0002, including a stress-concentration factor of 2.0 due to the<br />

fillet at the base of the blade. It is believed that the construction<br />

described, in which due allowance is made for amplification of<br />

the bending stress from primary and secondary resonance, is<br />

based on logical reasoning and that safety is insured if the proportions<br />

permit the operation with safe stresses with the low<br />

damping decrement mentioned in this paragraph.<br />

Mr. Kroon indicates that he is not in agreement with the<br />

statement that full-admission blades having a natural frequency<br />

over five times the running frequency are sufficiently remote<br />

from resonance so that the stresses are not intensified thereby.<br />

He also indicates that he has found the resonance effect to be important<br />

at blade frequencies up to about 12 times the running<br />

speed. The author’s experience is not in agreement with this,<br />

although quite a number of cases have arisen in which this was<br />

first thought to be the cause. Careful analysis of other effects,<br />

such as pressure differences in the blade path or defects in the<br />

mechanical construction, were in each instance sufficient to cause<br />

the high resonance ratio to be abandoned as a reason for trouble.<br />

Mr. Kroon points out that his company is using statistical data<br />

to insure a safe design for blade structures. This practice is today<br />

and, so far as the author is aware, always has been the u n d e rly in g<br />

principle employed by all blading designers. Blading stresses<br />

and calculation processes have always been checked and compared<br />

and the constants evaluated by comparison with practical results<br />

taken from field experience or laboratory research.<br />

With respect to Mr. Kroon’s comments on the general character<br />

of the impulse-blade development, the author agrees that<br />

the assumption that a blade receives its load gradually as it<br />

travels one blade pitch is much on the safe side as very elementary<br />

considerations will serve to show. The author agrees that it may<br />

take a distance of several blade pitches before the normal driving<br />

force is established on the blade. The statement that, in the experimental<br />

turbine built by Westinghouse, the first movement of<br />

the blade entering the steam jet is opposite to the torque force is<br />

very interesting. All of these effects appear to the author of a<br />

nature that does not modify the general validity and safety of<br />

the primary assumption of the paper with respect to the time of<br />

loading.<br />

The author is in agreement with Mr. Kroon, in that it is necessary<br />

to consider the vibration of blade structures axially and<br />

torsionally, as well as circumferentially. The study of impulseblade<br />

structures in the paper is limited to the circumferential<br />

motion, because, in wide-root blades of the type described, this<br />

mode is the only one that need be considered. In long blades


that may be shrouded and lashed together in groups, consideration<br />

must be given to the other modes of vibration.<br />

With respect to expansion ratios that correspond to more than<br />

sound velocity, the author’s statement in this connection applied<br />

specifically to high-capacity top-turbine design. In such machines,<br />

it is the present practice to arrange the first group of<br />

nozzles to be fully opened at the time the pressure in the first<br />

stage is reached which corresponds to the sound velocity at the<br />

nozzle outlet. In normal condensing turbines, in which the steam<br />

flow is less than in top-turbine practice or in top turbines of moderate<br />

size, the design is arranged so that the sound velocity is<br />

exceeded under light load conditions.<br />

With reference to Mr. Kroon’s comments concerning the phase<br />

relation of the blade motion with respect to the time of application<br />

of the steam load, the mathematical supplement shows that<br />

for maximum amplification the steam load is applied at a point<br />

where the blade is at zero displacement and starting on the backswing,<br />

under conditions where the blade is loaded in an odd number<br />

of half cycles. At this time of application the velocity is a<br />

maximum in the backward direction. This is not the same as the<br />

case of a suddenly applied load. With a high natural frequency<br />

of the impulse-blade system, the time required to establish the<br />

mean driving load on a blade should always be greater than a<br />

half cycle of blade motion. In such cases, the maximum amplification<br />

will take place when the mean driving load is established<br />

in an odd number of half cycles with the phase relation here mentioned.<br />

If, however, the mean driving load is established in less<br />

than a half cycle, then the phase angle changes, depending on<br />

the exact time relation, until in the limit case, in which the load<br />

is applied in zero time, the maximum displacement of the blade<br />

will be produced when the initial velocity is zero at the instant<br />

the load is applied, as stated by Mr. Kroon. This limit case cannot<br />

be realized in practice.<br />

It is desirable to review the conditions that define primary<br />

resonance. This summary was given in the abstract of the<br />

paper as presented in Milwaukee and also in the mathematical<br />

supplement by Mr. Emmert.<br />

(а) The start of the application of the steam load takes place<br />

at a point where the blade is at zero displacement and starting<br />

on the backswing at which time the vibrational velocity is a<br />

maximum backward.<br />

(б) The full steam driving load is assumed to be reached in an<br />

odd number of half cycles of blade motion. If the frequency of<br />

the blade is such that there is not an odd number of half cycles<br />

in the actual time of load application, the time is adjusted<br />

slightly for purposes of calculation.<br />

(c) The full steam driving load is assumed to be applied for an<br />

even number of cycles of blade motion. The time adopted for<br />

calculation purposes is adjusted slightly if necessary.<br />

(d) The time at which the release of the load starts is assumed<br />

to be at a point where the blade is at zero displacement with respect<br />

to the static deflection and when the blade is starting on the<br />

forward swing. In other words, the blade is moving at its maximum<br />

velocity forward.<br />

(e) The removal of load is assumed to be completed in an odd<br />

number of half cycles.<br />

(j) The idle portion of the arc is assumed to include an even<br />

number of cycles.<br />

With reference to Mr. Warren’s discussion, he stresses the<br />

statistical study of impulse-blade performance from which his<br />

company’s design practice has been evolved. As indicated in<br />

the author’s comments on Mr. Kroon’s discussion, this same type<br />

of statistical analysis has been a necessary standard practice for<br />

many years with turbine-blade designers.<br />

Referring to Mr. Warren’s comments on the continuous joining<br />

of low-pressure blade-shroud bands, this has been the practice<br />

of the Allis-Chalmers Company for many years. What the author<br />

considers an exceptional record of reliable operation of low-pressure<br />

blading justifies this construction. The very few cases where<br />

last-row-blade trouble has occurred have been explained by wellrecognized<br />

causes. In Allis-Chalmers practice, the low-pressure<br />

blades are first shrouded in groups leaving, say, ten or more gaps<br />

open between sections. The spindle disk, or in 3600-rpm machines<br />

the entire spindle, is heated in a suitable oven to about<br />

350 F. The body of the spindle is then protected with insulating<br />

material and the blading allowed to cool for a predetermined<br />

period, after which the open junctions in the shrouding are joined<br />

by welding. When the temperatures in the spindle and the<br />

blading are equalized, the shrouding is then in compression.<br />

Experience has shown that there is little trouble in the breaking of<br />

these joints. Where broken joints between shroud sections have<br />

occurred, these have been traced to some recognizable cause,<br />

such as the close proximity of ribs in the exhaust chamber, or<br />

the unequal draft of steam through a bleeder connection in which<br />

the extraction belt was not well proportioned.<br />

Mr. Kimball'points out the dangerous effect of resonance of the<br />

type classed by the author as secondary resonance. As indicated<br />

by Mr. Kimball, resonance between the natural frequency of<br />

the blade structure and the periodic force set up by the nozzle<br />

flow can produce amplification factors of a high order. In fact,<br />

if all terms of Equation [19] are considered for the case reviewed,<br />

the amplification factor for true resonance is of the order of 1000.<br />

Mr. Kimball further points out that the intensity of what he<br />

terms “impulse excitation of bucket vibration” is responsible for<br />

an intensity far below that arising from resonance produced by<br />

even a moderate periodic force. This is extremely important, and<br />

fortunately a condition that is capable of control by proper design.<br />

The author is in full agreement both with Mr. Kimball and Mr.<br />

Kroon regarding the desirability of experimental investigation of<br />

the vibration of blading, although, in the author’s opinion, the<br />

real value of such experimentation is not realized unless guided<br />

by a sound background of fundamentals.<br />

The author wishes to point out that the steam load of 350 lb<br />

is applied at the mean diameter, not at the tip of the blade as<br />

assumed by Mr. Kimball.<br />

The cubical contents of the port section of the Northwest blade<br />

are over three times the 0.6 cu in. used in Mr. Kimball’s discussion.<br />

With reference to Mr. Rathbone’s remarks, impulse blading<br />

must be designed to withstand primary resonance. Secondary<br />

resonance can be avoided by design.<br />

The author is in agreement concerning the important effect of<br />

looseness of the blade roots on frequency and the difficulty of predicting<br />

the frequency of a blading system in which looseness of the<br />

blade roots enters the problem. In past practice, some cases of<br />

partial-admission impulse-blade failures have been attributed<br />

to undue looseness of the roots.<br />

Where looseness of the roots of partial-admission blades is a<br />

cause of failure, it is the author’s belief that the blades are not<br />

correctly proportioned.<br />

The difficulties associated with securing tightness of the roots<br />

in their grooves under conditions of full speed and full operating<br />

temperature are stressed in the paper, and the necessity of adopting<br />

proportions for the blades and roots that will maintain stability<br />

by the effect of centrifugal force is emphasized. If, for example,<br />

the stress-amplification factor on the bending moment<br />

is found to be 10, the centrifugal stability factor, expressed<br />

as the ratio of centrifugal stabilizing moment to the static<br />

value of the steam overturning moment, should be at least 15,<br />

if stability is to be maintained.<br />

Mr. Rathbone’s discussion gives this opportunity to stress


further the importance of maintaining design proportions so that<br />

the rocking or chattering of the blades in their grooves due to<br />

looseness can never occur.<br />

With reference to the resonant conditions described by Mr.<br />

Rathbone in connection with the last-row blades, the author is<br />

in agreement with the general principles indicated in Fig. 35.<br />

The periodic forces against which the blading must be protected<br />

are probably not as much due to the variation in the steam driving<br />

force from blade to blade, as to the effects produced when a given<br />

blade passes through different pressure zones. The cylinder<br />

design is planned to reduce to a minimum such pressure differences.<br />

The effect produced when the low-pressure blades move<br />

in and out of zones of different pressures is similar to that which<br />

would be induced by torsional oscillation of the spindle.<br />

The limiting frequency ratio above which trouble from blade<br />

resonance is thought not to occur is in fair agreement with field<br />

experience, which indicates that resonant vibration does not<br />

cause trouble if there is close agreement with higher multiples of<br />

the rotational frequency than 4 or 5.<br />

In closing, the author wishes to express his appreciation to<br />

the A.S.M.E. for the privilege of presenting this paper and to the<br />

discussers for their valuable contributions.

Discussion of A tta c k on Steel in H igh-<br />

C apacity Boilers as a R esult of O v e r­<br />

heating D ue to Steam B lanketing<br />

This paper was presented at the Spring M eeting in New<br />

Orleans, La., February 23-25, 1939. Due to the fact that<br />

preprints were not available, discussion at the tim e of presentation<br />

was lim ited. Subsequent to publication in the<br />

October, 1939, issue o f the <strong>Transactions</strong> it was decided to<br />

continue discussion at the Spring M eeting in Worcester,<br />

Mass., May 1-3, 1940. This discussion, together with the<br />

authors' closure, appears herewith.<br />

B y E. P. PARTRIDGE a n d R. E. HALL<br />

P. B. P lace.1 Although the authors group the given examples<br />

of tube failure under a general classification of steam<br />

blanketing, there is sufficient difference in the nature of the<br />

failures so that they may be arranged in at least two groups, i.e.,<br />

failures caused or accompanied by cracking, and failures by corrosion<br />

without cracking.<br />

The first type of failure is characterized by cracking of the<br />

metal in areas that are alternately wet and dry. This type of<br />

failure is a form of stress corrosion in which attack is greatly accelerated<br />

by alternate heating and cooling and occurs along the<br />

bottom of the tube where the water laps the overheated metal.<br />

A typical case occurred in a circulator tube between an upper<br />

side-wall header and the steam drum. Cracking developed into<br />

failure at the bottom of a tube bend which was above the normal<br />

water level and normally out of the gas stream. Leakage of<br />

gases through a superheater seal near the point of failure caused<br />

local overheating, and a surging type of circulation, typical in this<br />

part of a boiler, periodically quenched the overheated section.<br />

The second type of failure is characterized by corrosion and<br />

loss of metal. Such corroded surfaces have been found along the<br />

tops of sloping tubes in the form of a narrow groove and also as<br />

deep pits in the bottom of sloping tubes under sediment deposits.<br />

Often the corroded surface is covered with soft smutty oxide<br />

mixed in some cases with colored chemical deposits. This type<br />

of failure appears to be due chiefly to direct chemical attack by<br />

steam or water, or by salts which concentrate or deposit locally.<br />

In the analysis of these failures we can perhaps start from the<br />

following accepted facts:<br />

1 The failures are not accompanied by a deformation of the<br />

tube, except as such deformation may have resulted from excessive<br />

heating caused by the insulating effect of deposited corrosion<br />

products.<br />

2 The corrosion product is iron oxide which requires a source<br />

of oxygen.<br />

3 The protective oxide coating, which normally covers a tube<br />

surface, must first be broken down to expose fresh metal before<br />

corrosion can develop.<br />

The absence of deformation in a tube, the wall of which is corroded<br />

to one half its original thickness over a long period of time,<br />

definitely indicates that excessively high temperatures are not a<br />

prerequisite of the corrosion. Temperatures in excess of 1200 F<br />

are reported, which are believed either to be incidental or a<br />

result of accumulation of corrosion products rather than a cause.<br />

There has been built up in the last few years a popular belief<br />

that very high metal temperatures are involved in these types of<br />

failure. Dissociation of steam has been given in many cases as a<br />

direct cause of corrosion and a source of oxygen. It is the writer’s<br />

belief that dissociation has erroneously been construed to mean a<br />

decomposition of water vapor by heat into oxygen and hydrogen<br />

with resulting attack on the metal by the liberated oxygen. At<br />

temperatures that will not cause deformation of a tube, the<br />

amount of dissociation of steam by heat is very small. The oxygen<br />

needed for corrosion is not oxygen freed by heat dissociation<br />

of water vapor but is extracted from steam, water or oxygen-<br />

containing salts by a reduction process. The metal is available<br />

for that reduction only after its normal protective oxide coating<br />

has been broken down.<br />

The concept of temperature difference in steam-blanketed<br />

tubes as given in Fig. 1 of the paper makes no allowance for<br />

heat conductance around the tube wall. Any appreciable increase<br />

in the temperature difference between the top and bottom<br />

of a steam-blanketed tube must result in an increasing proportion<br />

of the absorbed heat being conducted through the tube wall<br />

around the steam space.<br />

Thermocouple measurements of tube temperatures and metallurgical<br />

analyses are given as evidence of high-temperature<br />

conditions in conjunction with these failures. Chromel-alumel<br />

couples peened into boiler tubes in gas temperatures above 1500 F<br />

are quite dependent upon the method of installation for their<br />

reliability. The failure of such couples is not due to overheating<br />

where they are attached to the tube but due to oxidation and deterioration<br />

of the lead wires exposed to the gases. During one investigation<br />

of tube failures, we installed platinum thermocouples<br />

adjacent to chromel couples on all of the boiler tubes in question.<br />

At no time did any of the platinum couples register excessive<br />

temperatures although many of the chromel couples did and we<br />

found that the maximum period of reliability for chromel couples<br />

in gas at 1700 F was 2 days. Though many apparently lasted<br />

for weeks, any variations in temperature registered after 2 or 3<br />

days were open to suspicion. Relative to metallurgical analyses,<br />

it is common for reports to state that, because of changes in<br />

grain structure, it is concluded that the metal has been at temperatures<br />

in excess of 1000 to 1200 F for so many hours. In many<br />

cases, because of corrosion, this may be quite true. However,<br />

in one case reported in this manner, the sample had been taken<br />

adjacent to a header located outside of the furnace where such<br />

temperatures could not have existed.<br />

The breaking down of the protective coating is slow and difficult<br />

in an atmosphere of steam alone. The experience with<br />

superheaters, experimental corrosion tests, and the commercial<br />

production of hydrogen, all indicate that the action of steam on<br />

hot metal is to form the protective coating and that the oxidation<br />

slows up as the time of contact increases.<br />

Water quenching,<br />

chemical attack of salt deposits, or mechanical effect of rapid temperature<br />

changes are necessary to break down the coating and<br />

1 Test and Research D epartm ent, Combustion Engineering Company,<br />

Inc., New York, N. Y. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

allow corrosion to proceed.<br />



In dry areas, formed by steam blanketing along the top of<br />

sloping tubes, there is little quenching except by water splashed<br />

against the top of the tube. However, the evaporation residues<br />

from the splashing remain on the tube forming a concentrated<br />

salt mat on the dry area. It is believed that the corrosion along<br />

the top of screen tubes is chiefly by chemical attack. This attack<br />

can be accelerated if the steam pocket periodically vents itself<br />

and quenching stresses are added.<br />

A similar concentration of chemical may develop under deposits<br />

of loose sludge on steam-generating surfaces with resulting<br />

chemical attack and corrosion under the deposit. Boiler water<br />

may diffuse into such deposits at a rate sufficient to keep the<br />

metal from burning and blistering but not at a rate sufficient to<br />

wash away the evaporation residues. Once corrosion is started<br />

by the chemical attack, the accumulation of products of corrosion<br />

accelerates the action and, unless the tube is cleaned out,<br />

the deposit may eventually insulate the metal sufficiently to cause<br />

severe overheating and blistering. A failure of this type developed<br />

in the bottom row of a sectional-header, high-pressure<br />

boiler which was initiated by an excessive phosphate-sludge<br />

condition in the boiler.<br />

Periodic quenching of overheated areas prevents the accumulation<br />

of chemical deposits and the likelihood of corrosion failure.<br />

The quenching, however, sets up very severe local stresses because<br />

of the initial rapid absorption of latent heat and the protective<br />

coating is continuously cracked, exposing fresh metal<br />

to attack. Tube failures under such conditions are crack<br />

failures.<br />

The expansion and contraction stresses in a thick-walled highpressure<br />

tube, set up by overheating only 200 to 250 deg and<br />

repeatedly cooling by the rapid evaporation of quenching water,<br />

are very destructive to the protective oxide film. The metal<br />

exposed by cracking of the film reduces the steam by chemical<br />

action with liberation of hydrogen.<br />

In conclusion it is believed that the presence of water and/or<br />

its associated salts is necessary to the tube failures of the type<br />

under discussion and that such failures can be initiated at tube<br />

temperatures lower than 800 F. Improvement in boiler design,<br />

and water conditioning; elimination of circulating sludge;<br />

better distribution of heat absorption; and standardization of<br />

conservative heat rates are the indicated trends toward the<br />

control and elimination of failures of this type.<br />

H. K k e i s i n g e b .2 The title of the paper implies that the type<br />

of corrosion discussed in the paper came into prominence with the<br />

use of high steam pressure. Many of the tube failures were accompanied<br />

or caused by cracking of the internal surface of the<br />

tubes at a point where the internal surface was alternately dry and<br />

wet. The stresses produced by repeated quick-cooling result in<br />

cracking. The cracks in the stressed metal provide a large and<br />

clean surface for the action of boiler water, and the surface<br />

corrodes rapidly. The question arises whether the very thick<br />

walls of the tubes are not a major contributing factor in the<br />

failures The tubes are selected for a given pressure, with a<br />

factor of safety of about 10, whereas the steam drums are designed<br />

with a factor of safety of 4.5. Why is the factor of safety<br />

for the tubes so high compared with the factor of safety of the<br />

drums Surely, if the drum failed, more damage would be<br />

done than by failure of a tube.<br />

Mathematical analysis of the temperature stresses under<br />

normal conditions of operation indicate that the thick-walled<br />

tube is subjected to severe temperature stresses which would<br />

make failure by cracking almost inevitable, if the stresses were<br />

s Engineer in Charge of Research and Development, Combustion<br />

Engineering Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

not moderated by the flow of metal.3 Steam drums are shielded<br />

from heat because the shell is too thick and might be damaged by<br />

heating. At the same time, thick-walled tubes are located where<br />

they are subjected to severe heating. When inquiry is made concerning<br />

the reasons for the very thick walls of tubes with a factor<br />

of safety of about 10, the reason given is that the thickness is<br />

somewhat irregular and that the thinnest part of the tube wall<br />

after a certain amount of corrosion has taken place must still be<br />

strong enough to withstand the pressure. Some of the tubes<br />

have been corroded to less than one half their original thickness<br />

without any apparent distortion of the corroded area due to<br />

pressure. It appears that tubes with much thinner walls would<br />

hold the pressure and be less subject to the type of corrosion<br />

which is caused or accompanied by cracking of the inner surface<br />

of the tube.<br />

The engineer might benefit by the use of thinner-walled boiler<br />

tubes. They would cost less and they might reduce appreciably<br />

the failures from corrosion. He might also select tubes of<br />

smaller diameter and thinner walls.<br />

It is true that there have been some tube failures in lowpressure<br />

boilers with thin-walled tubes, but it is probable that<br />

the failures would have occurred in much shorter time had<br />

thick-walled tubes been used. The failure is due to temperature<br />

stresses and the stresses are greater in the thick-walled tube<br />

than in a thin-walled tube. Lower stresses must be repeated<br />

over a much longer period of time than high stresses before they<br />

result in failure. A thin-walled tube may last years, whereas,<br />

one with a thick wall may fail in a few weeks.<br />

R. T. H a n l o n .4 Further tube failures were experienced in<br />

the top tubes of the 4-tube-high headers. Thermocouple temperatures<br />

at the top of these tubes showed a normal temperature<br />

of from 600 to 620 F when the saturation temperature corresponding<br />

to pressure was approximately 580 F.<br />

When the boiler was operated under conditions of full rating<br />

and pressure, the tube temperatures would suddenly increase to<br />

approximately 1040 F at the top of the tube. This was probably<br />

considerably lower than that at the bottom of the tube<br />

where the damage occurred.<br />

Reduction of drum pressure from 1300 to 1050 psi reduced<br />

tube temperatures in all cases to normal values.<br />

It was also observed that elevated tube temperatures increased<br />

in frequency, elevation, and duration as the concentration<br />

of total dissolved solids in the boiler water was increased.<br />

Various arrangements of the drum baffles and steam washer<br />

have been tried. The most effective baffle arrangement found<br />

to date takes advantage of the velocity of the water in the drum<br />

flowing from the uptake to the downtake tubes. The baffle is<br />

so located, as shown in Fig. 1 of this discussion, that it<br />

directs the flow of water to the sectional-header downtakes.<br />

The effect of these baffle installations in combination with the<br />

installation of restrictor plates upon the upper half of the lower<br />

ends of the sectional-header tubes has been to permit the maintenance<br />

of approximately 500 ppm total soluble solids in the boiler<br />

water. It has been possible to maintain this concentration at<br />

full boiler pressure and rating without experiencing elevated<br />

tube temperatures or serious carry-over. It had not been possible<br />

to maintain concentrations in excess of 100 to 150 ppm under<br />

normal operating conditions previous to these installations.<br />

During all of this period the feedwater to these boilers consisted<br />

of turbine condensate, the make-up being evaporated in<br />

low-pressure boilers. No further failures were experienced in thq,<br />

upper sectional-header tubes.<br />

3 “ Stresses in Boiler Tubes Subjected to High Rates of H eat Absorption,”<br />

by W. L. de Baufre, Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 55, 1933, FSP-<br />

55-6, pp. 73-98.<br />

4 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., New York, N. Y.


During October, 1939, after two months of operation with<br />

externally treated city-water make-up, drifts of loose sludge<br />

were observed near the downtake end of the bottom tubes of the<br />

sectional-header bank. Subsequently, several tubes failed in<br />

operation in this location, as is indicated in Fig. 2, herewith.<br />

In every case of tube failure, large quantities of magnetic iron<br />

oxide were observed at or near the point of failure. The appearance<br />

and composition of a typical case are given in Fig. 3. Little<br />

if any indication of blistering or swelling of the outside of the<br />

tubes was observed. The apparent cause of failure was accelerated<br />

corrosion on the inside of the tubes at points where deposition<br />

had occurred. This deposition apparently caused localized<br />

tube overheating due to insufficient heat transfer.<br />

Previous to the time when these failures occurred, continuous<br />

blowdown from the drum was employed for control of total<br />

solids. Under ordinary conditions of operation, blowdown from<br />

the drum is clear, indicating that, while soluble materials are<br />

removed from the boiler, insoluble compounds are not. In order<br />

to remove sludge from the boiler a procedure was, therefore, instituted<br />

by which each boiler was taken out of service every 4<br />

days and blown from the lower waterwall headers and the mud<br />

drum.<br />

The average alkalinity of the boiler water was also increased<br />

from 15-25 to 20-30 ppm NaOH. This appears to have prevented<br />

the further formation of a tough, adherent silica scale<br />

upon the tube surfaces.<br />

The amount of calcium-and-magnesium deposit was apparently<br />

decreased by shortening the cycle of the external-treatment units.<br />

In this manner the total quantity of scale-forming salts introduced<br />

into the boilers was decreased and resulted in cleaner tube<br />

surfaces.<br />

The over-all effect of the increased boiler blowdown, higher<br />

boiler-water alkalinity and the shortening of the cycle of the<br />

primary treatment has been to arrest corrosion of the sectionalheader<br />

tubes due to deposition of sludge and scale. These<br />

procedures, however, have resulted in somewhat higher heat<br />

losses and carry-over to the turbine, necessitating washing of the<br />

blading.<br />

W. L. W e b b .6 Inasmuch as the authors’ description of the<br />

Logan ash-screen-corrosion experience was carried only to the<br />

end of 1938, experience since that time may be of interest. As<br />

the authors indicated, the ash-screen tubes on the west half of the<br />

boiler were replaced during the November, 1938, shutdown<br />

with 3-in-outside-diam 12.5-deg-sIope tubes of the same design<br />

as those installed on the east half of the boiler in May, 1938.<br />

Visual examinations of representative screen tubes in February,<br />

1939, showed the usual brownish black areas along the tops<br />

of the tubes, some being continuous narrow bands and others<br />

discontinuous bands of varying width. Those in the tubes on<br />

the west half of the boiler were more clear-cut than those in the<br />

east, due possibly to thinner deposits of sludge. Day loads on<br />

the boiler during the 3 months prior to this shutdown ranged between<br />

800,000 and 1,000,000 lb of steam per hr.<br />

Although no indication of active corrosion was found in the<br />

screen tubes, these markings showed that corrosion might not<br />

have been completely stopped. In order to produce more intimate<br />

contact of the water with the top surfaces of the tubes,<br />

twisted sheet-steel spirals were placed in all screen tubes during<br />

the March, 1939, shutdown. These were constructed of pieces of<br />

No. 18-gage steel, 5.5 ft long, having a width slightly less than the<br />

inside diameter of the tubes and bent to give a complete 360-deg<br />

twist in 1.5 ft of spiral. In addition to installing the spirals,<br />

the lower burners were tipped upward 2.5 deg, giving a total<br />

angle of 4 deg from the horizontal, in order to reduce further<br />

the flame impingement on the screen tubes.<br />

No major inspections of ash screen tubes were again made<br />

until February, 1940. At that time, spirals were removed from<br />

seven representative tubes. All previously affected areas were<br />

1 American Gaa and Electric Service Corporation, New York,<br />

N. Y.


evenly covered with a thin reddish colored sludge, no black oxide<br />

whatever being evident. The calipering of these tubes indicated<br />

no measurable metal loss. Except for a light coating of red<br />

oxide, the spirals were clean and smooth and showed no indication<br />

of corrosion.<br />

As reported in the paper, hydrogen-evolution measurements in<br />

saturated steam were started in March, 1938. The gases were<br />

separated from the condensed sample by means of a separator<br />

of the boiling-chamber type, similar to that used by Potter,<br />

Solberg, and Hawkins in connection with their study of superheater-tube<br />

metal and were analyzed with an Orsat. Hydrogen<br />

was determined by the heated copper-oxide method. Usually<br />

two 2-hr samples were obtained each day. Hydrogen values obtained<br />

with this equipment appeared to have no direct relation<br />

to corrosion rate. Tests of the gas-removal efficiency of this<br />

separator, measured in terms of oxygen removal, showed it to<br />

have too poor efficiency to be suitable for measuring accurately<br />

the concentrations of hydrogen expected.<br />

An automatically controlled separator for continuous operation,<br />

patterned after a tray-type deaerator, was therefore designed<br />

and constructed. After completion of preliminary tests,<br />

this unit was placed in operation in April, 1939, and has been in<br />

almost continuous service since then. Two gas samples are<br />

collected per day over 8- and 16-hr periods, respectively. Unfortunately,<br />

this new separator was developed too late to be used<br />

during the period of severe screen-tube corrosion.<br />

Since hydrogen-evolution measurements are being more extensively<br />

made on steam samples from high-pressure boilers,<br />

actual values in the Logan saturated steam may be of interest.<br />

During the last year the evolution values have had a direct relationship<br />

to load and are approximately 18 and 22 1 per 1,000,000<br />

lb of steam at half load and full load, respectively. This relationship<br />

has been substantially the same when feeding ferrous<br />

hydroxide or sodium sulphite in proportion to dissolved oxygen<br />

in the feedwater as a scavenger, or when no scavenger was fed.<br />

No tests have been made to determine the effect of excess ferrous<br />

hydroxide on hydrogen evolution.<br />

Equipment is being provided at both Windsor and Twin<br />

Branch for hydrogen-evolution measurements, the latter being<br />

equipped with a two-point recorder. Values of hydrogen in the<br />

feedwater, sampled at the economizer discharge (in one case<br />

equal to one half to three quarters that in saturated steam), indicate<br />

the necessity of sampling at both of these points, preferably<br />

simultaneously, to show the quantity of hydrogen actually<br />

evolved at the steam-generating surfaces.<br />

The Logan boiler water pH is still being maintained between<br />

9.6 and 9.8, since, under present load conditions, it is not considered<br />

advisable to conduct experiments at higher pH values<br />

and because evaporator carry-over and condenser leakage are at a<br />

minimum. It is hoped that the pH ultimately can be carried at<br />

about 10.8.<br />

As was indicated by the authors, during the Logan screen-tube<br />

corrosion experience, soluble boiler-water chemicals “hid out”<br />

during high loads and were redissolved at low loads or when the<br />

boiler was taken off the line. At one time when the phosphate<br />

as P 0 4 in the boiler water was being maintained at 30 to 50<br />

ppm, a total of 350 ppm of P 0 4 “hid out.” Since the tube corrosion<br />

has been stopped, hiding out has ceased.<br />

Experience with the Logan boiler as well as others can lead to<br />

no other conclusion than that hiding out is an unfavorable sign,<br />

indicating tube starvation or steam blanketing which may be a<br />

forerunner of tube corrosion resulting from the reaction between<br />

steam or water and the hot metal.<br />

Uncompleted experiments with a 250-lb gage controlled-circulation<br />

test boiler, having a single horizontal tube in a gas-fired<br />

furnace, indicate that, with heat-absorption rates up to 125,000<br />

Btu per sq ft of circumferential tube area, and with boiler-water<br />

pH values of 9.6 to 12, the hydrogen evolution and top-tube<br />

temperatures remain normal as long as the steam-water velocity<br />

exceeds a critical value. However, as the velocity is decreased<br />

below this critical value, the tube-wall temperature rises rapidly.<br />

With increasing tube-wall temperatures, hydrogen evolution<br />

increases, a higher hydrogen evolution occurring at a boiler<br />

water pH of 11 than at a pH of 9.6.<br />

The writer wishes to commend the authors for presenting the<br />

case histories and particularly for the accuracy and completeness<br />

of the Logan experience. It is evident that too few 1300-lb<br />

boilers have escaped the type of tube corrosion which is known<br />

not to have been caused by dissolved oxygen in the feedwater and<br />

which is apparently beyond correction by chemical control of<br />

boiler water. A better understanding of this type of corrosion,<br />

both by the boiler manufacturer and the purchaser, should lead to<br />

a definite solution of this problem.<br />

L. E. H a n k i s o n .* The discussion of any paper presented over<br />

a year ago should offer a very excellent opportunity to substantiate<br />

or disprove the various observations, theories, and conclusions<br />

presented in the paper; and in so far as our experience<br />

goes, the findings and theories advanced by the authors have<br />

been borne out to an extraordinary degree. Therefore, the<br />

writer believes the paper under discussion should be considered<br />

as authoritative on the various ideas brought forth.<br />

With regard to the case history reported for Springdale, the observations<br />

and causes of the troubles outlined in the paper have<br />

been confirmed, and the loss of steam-generating tubes stopped,<br />

we believe, by the removal of the cores that were placed in<br />

the tubes to promote circulation, and the installation of distributing<br />

apparatus in the headers to prevent steam binding.<br />

The manufacturer of the steam-generating equipment furnished<br />

to Springdale is to be highly commended on the handling of the<br />

various problems, the analysis of troubles as they developed,<br />

and the application of the proper corrective measures for producing<br />

the desired results. As the coal conditions and boiler-water<br />

concentrations with which we are now operating are considered<br />

much more severe than existed at the time of our troubles, we<br />

feel justified in the belief that our present satisfactory conditions<br />

will continue.<br />

We have always held to the theory that the steam generator<br />

should be so designed as to allow the use of properly treated feedwater,<br />

and that undertreating of feedwater in an effort to remedy<br />

the shortcomings of boiler design should not be tolerated. The<br />

paper suggests that, by the use of inadequate treatment of the<br />

boiler water, the detrimental effects of steam binding and the<br />

wasting away of boiler metal may be retarded in the dry areas,<br />

but that lower alkalinity may possibly cause deterioration<br />

throughout the boiler. It seems that metal cracking is likely to<br />

take place under these conditions, and that, instead of correcting<br />

the trouble, the time is only prolonged until general deterioration<br />

takes place. On the theory that proper boiler-water conditions<br />

should be maintained, we carried sufficient alkalinity and<br />

conditioning chemicals properly to treat the high-pressure boilers<br />

at Springdale, even while undergoing tube troubles. Our experience<br />

shows that correction of the circulation and steam-binding<br />

conditions is all that is required to permit satisfactory operation<br />

with properly treated boiler water.<br />

We have had further opportunity at Springdale to confirm the<br />

conclusions outlined in the authors’ paper. Because of unexpected<br />

characteristics of the coal, it was considered advisable to<br />

make the walls of the secondary furnace entirely water-cooled by<br />

adding extra tubes to the back and side walls. I t was thought at<br />

6 Efficiency Engineer, W est Penn Power Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Mem. A.S.M .E.


the time that the water-supply and steam-relieving conductors<br />

already installed were adequate to take care of this extra waterwall<br />

surface. After 17 days of operation of the full waterwalls,<br />

tube failures were experienced at each end of the back wall, the<br />

tubes being the fourth from their respective ends. The ruptured<br />

sections were replaced and, after 18 days, one of the replaced<br />

tubes failed. Also, one of the side-wail tubes failed at<br />

the same time, this tube also being the fourth tube from the<br />

cooler end of its header. At a later period, the same tube in the<br />

opposite side wall failed, all of which seems to bear out the hypothesis<br />

that these failures were caused either by inadequate<br />

water supply to the waterwalls or by insufficient steam-relieving<br />

tubes from their upper headers.<br />

In an effort to overcome these troubles, the water-supply and<br />

F ig . 5<br />

C ro ss S e c t io n o f T u b e a t R u p t u r e M a r k e d t o S h o w<br />

L o c a t io n o f M ic r o g r a p h s<br />

F ig . 7 M i c r o g r a p h a t P o i n t 4 (F ig . 5 ), S h o w in g L o c a t i o n o f<br />

M e t a l S t r u c t u r e C h a n g e<br />

(This point ia where oxidation and thinning begins to show on inside<br />

of tube; X 100.)


steam-relieving tubes of the headers were increased by approximately<br />

100 per cent. Since these additions, there has been but<br />

one failure and this was attributed to oxidation that occurred before<br />

the extra water-supply and steam-relieving tubes were installed.<br />

These failures were in the nature of metal cracking as<br />

described in the authors’ paper. As all the tubes were in a vertical<br />

position, the conclusion is reached that vertical waterwalls,<br />

having inadequate supply and delivery connections, can have<br />

certain tubes, presumably the ones in the hottest zone, delivering<br />

an upward circulation; others, in the cooler portions of the wall,<br />

a downward circulation; while some tubes probably have little or<br />

no circulation.<br />

At the time of these failures we were carrying concentrations<br />

in the boiler water of 1000 ppm total solids. The standard is<br />

now set at 2000 ppm and it is anticipated that this limit will be<br />

increased in the near future. The boiler water carries excess<br />

phosphate and hydroxide, and from 3 to 10 parts of sodium sulphite.<br />

Some of this highly concentrated boiler water is recirculated<br />

to the economizer inlet so that the economizer or first<br />

heat-absorbing surface of the unit is at all times protected against<br />

oxygen corrosion by the alkalinity and sulphite. Boiler feedwater<br />

having a pH of about 8 is raised to a pH of 9.5 or 10 by this<br />

recirculation. As a constant quantity of boiler water is recirculated,<br />

the pH of the water through the economizer naturally<br />

varies with the rating on the boiler and the concentration of the<br />

boiler water.<br />

Regarding the decomposition of sodium sulphite, we have<br />

definite proof of its stability under normal 1300-lb service.<br />

During the time when steam binding was taking place, we were<br />

able to predict the failure of boiler tubes by the disappearance of<br />

sodium sulphite in the boiler under question. While the sulphite<br />

content of the other boilers in the plant would remain practically<br />

constant, the one suffering deterioration would change<br />

the sulphite to sulphate, and the chemical balance of the boilerwater<br />

constituents fully accounted for all the sulphite which had<br />

formerly been present.<br />

It has been found at Springdale that, by maintaining an excess<br />

of sulphite, we are amply protected against the admission of<br />

oxygen which seems to appear when adding to or taking off<br />

equipment. Even though the Winkler test usually shows zero<br />

oxygen, there is a constant slow disappearance of the sulphite<br />

and this is particularly noticeable over the week end when severe<br />

load changes are experienced.<br />

Further confirming the observations made by the authors in<br />

their paper, sections of the vertical waterwall tubes that failed<br />

show metal cracking, and micrographs of specimens from the<br />

overheated surface emphasize a definite zone where overheating<br />

caused the metal structure to change. These pictures are very<br />

interesting in showing that the metal structure undergoes a<br />

drastic change at the line where thinning by oxidation begins.<br />

Fig. 4 shows the ruptured part of a waterwall tube after 17<br />

days of service. In Fig. 5, the cross section of this tube at the<br />

rupture is marked to show the location of the micrographs in Figs.<br />

6, 7, and 8. The micrograph in Fig. 6 exhibits the pearlitic structure<br />

of the original tube metal at point 3. At point 4, where<br />

oxidation and thinning begin to show on the inside of the tube,<br />

the structure shows a change, as indicated in Fig. 7. Fig. 8<br />

illustrates the changed metal structure which is typical of the<br />

metal from point 5 to the rupture.<br />

The authors refer to the “hiding out” of boiler-water chemicals<br />

and show graphical records of this more or less detrimental factor<br />

to boiler-water conditioning. While Springdale has not experienced<br />

this “hide-out” in so far as we are aware, we are experiencing<br />

it in other plants on the system. A search in one of our high-pressure<br />

boilers for this hide-out disclosed a residue of boiler-water<br />

solids in the intermediate uptake waterwall header 30 ft below the<br />

Fio. 9 C h e m ic a l D e p o s its in I n t e r m e d i a t e U p t a k e W a t e r w a l l<br />

H e a d e r , W h ic h I s L o c a t e d 30 F t B e l o w C e n t e r L i n e o f B o i l e r<br />

D ru m<br />

normal water level of the boiler. This deposit was found adhering<br />

to the surfaces of the header and tubes when the boiler<br />

was drained, more than 22 hr after it had stopped steaming.<br />

The beautiful frost-like patterns of chemical deposit are shown in<br />

Fig. 9.<br />

A very important factor in the satisfactory operation of the<br />

Springdale high-pressure boilers is the steam-purifying equipment<br />

which was described in a paper by M. D. Baker at the<br />

same meeting at which the authors’ paper was presented. This<br />

equipment is continuing to give first-class performance and<br />

shows no deterioration. The clean steam we are able to obtain<br />

with high boiler-water concentrations is, in the greatest measure,<br />

attributable to this purifying apparatus.<br />

The highly concentrated boiler water, carrying its proportional<br />

amount of sulphite, phosphate, and alkalinity that is<br />

standard for Springdale, has produced the following beneficial<br />

results:<br />

1 Complete economizer protection, as provided by recirculating<br />

boiler water through the economizer.<br />

2 Clean metal surfaces as regards scale deposition and corrosion,<br />

and reduction of the amount of deposit to a point where this<br />

trouble is negligible.<br />

3 A clean, crystalline type of sludge deposit.<br />

4 Reduced blowdown, relieving the load on the evaporated<br />

make-up and heat-exchanging equipment.<br />

These desirable conditions are all obtained at a decrease in<br />

cost of operation and maintenance, and a paper is being prepared<br />

for presentation in the near future in which will be given<br />

more detailed information on steam quality, economies gained<br />

by higher boiler-water concentration, proof of stability of sodium<br />

sulphite, and the benefits derived by recirculation of boiler-drum<br />

water through the economizer.<br />

A u t h o r s ’ C l o s u r e<br />

The discussion certainly continues the spirit in which the<br />

paper was written—that of a cooperative venture in which evidence<br />

from many sources was fitted together to produce as rational<br />

and consistent a picture as possible. In this same spirit,<br />

the authors venture a brief correlation of the preceding comments.<br />

Fundamentally, what has been under discussion is the reaction<br />

between iron and water and the effect upon this reaction of dissolved<br />

substances and of temperature. As Mr. Place has pointed<br />

out, iron is a strong reducing agent. The chemical driving force<br />

for iron to take oxygen from water and liberate hydrogen is very<br />

great, even at room temperature, but the iron oxide, which is


one product of the reaction, quite literally gets in the way and<br />

slows down the reaction to such an extent that it is scarcely noticeable.<br />

Anyone can observe the progress of this reaction, however,<br />

by allowing a quantity of very finely divided metallic iron to<br />

stand in distilled water in a small bottle on his desk. On shaking<br />

this bottle once a day, small bubbles of gas will be observed to<br />

rise from the powder. This will continue day after day; a test<br />

after a sufficiently long time will demonstrate that the gas is<br />

hydrogen.<br />

This same oxidation of steel by water, or reduction of water by<br />

steel, goes on continuously in every boiler, but it is only when the<br />

oxide resulting from it fails to retard the reaction that the boiler<br />

operator has a problem on his hands.<br />

The protective oxide film can be at least partially destroyed or<br />

rendered more permeable by very high concentrations of sodium<br />

hydroxide. Because it is brittle and differs in thermal expansion<br />

from steel, it may also be cracked by repeated temperature<br />

changes. Anything which causes excessive local concentration<br />

of a boiler water containing some caustic soda or repeated overheating<br />

and quenching of a tube surface is thus potentially<br />

dangerous. To the authors, steam blanketing seems inevitably<br />

to tend to produce one or the other or both of these effects.<br />

The factor of caustic attack has not been questioned in the<br />

discussion, but Mr. Place has gently indicated his disbelief in the<br />

validity of thermocouple measurements or of changes in the<br />

microstructure of steel as indications of excessive temperature<br />

in the top of a steam-blanketed tube. Base-metal thermocouples<br />

admittedly do fail all too rapidly when exposed to the conditions<br />

in a boiler furnace, yet recent studies at the Bureau of Standards<br />

show a maximum error of only 21 F, and this low rather<br />

than high, when chromel-alumel couples were heated for long<br />

periods of time in air. This maximum error was found after a<br />

couple had been exposed for 200 hr at 2200 F .T Failure occurred<br />

before 300 hr.<br />

While the authors attach more significance than does Mr.<br />

Place to the temperature measurements mentioned in the paper,<br />

they feel that the microstructure of the steel is a still more certain<br />

criterion of overheating. This is demonstrated particularly<br />

well by the photomicrographs presented by Mr. Hankison correlating<br />

the change in structure in the tube wall with the zone of<br />

damage along the internal surface. Perhaps the sample which<br />

inspired Mr. Place’s lack of faith in metallographic evidence actually<br />

had been overheated at some time in some unrecorded<br />

manner.<br />

Mr. Place has argued that, if a tube were seriously overheated,<br />

it would deform to a greater extent than has been observed in<br />

many cases where grooving along the ceiling produced failure.<br />

In a tube of 3.5 in. outside diam with a wall thickness of 0.5 in.<br />

subjected to an internal pressure of 1400 psi, the nominal stress<br />

tending to rupture the tube is, however, only 3500 psi for metal<br />

in the longitudinal section of the wall. That creep of a lowcarbon<br />

steel subjected to this stress at a temperature of 1000 F<br />

is slight has been shown by White, Clark, and Wilson.* They<br />

observed that SAE 1015 steel held at 1000 F for 16,000 hr under a<br />

load of 4000 psi showed an average rate of creep of only 0.043<br />

per cent per 1000 hr.<br />

It must be remembered also that a narrow band of steam<br />

along the ceiling of a tube would produce only a narrow band of<br />

overheated metal and a narrow groove, as in Fig. 15 of the paper.<br />

7 “Stability of Base-Metal Thermocouples in Air From 800 Degrees<br />

to 2200 Degrees Fahrenheit,” by A. I. Dahl, Research Paper<br />

R P 1278, N ational Bureau of Standards, Journal of Research, vol. 24,<br />

1940, pp. 205-224.<br />

8 “ Influence of Time at 1000 F on the Characteristics of Carbon<br />

Steel,” by A. E. W hite, C. L. Clark, and R. L. Wilson, Proceedings of<br />

the American Society for Testing M aterials, vol. 36,1936, p art 2, pp.<br />

139-156, see Fig. 1, p. 141.<br />

Deformation in such a case might be limited to a strip not more<br />

than 1 in. wide. Where the steam blankets more of the tube<br />

ceiling, as in the cross section shown by Mr. Hankison, there,<br />

usually is definite stretching of the tube wall prior to failure<br />

resulting in longitudinal cracks in the internal and external layers<br />

of oxide.<br />

Overheating of a tube is, of course, not a new or unique occurrence.<br />

While we have thought for years in terms of the overheating<br />

due to deposits of solid on a heat-transfer surface, much<br />

less consideration has been given to the insulating effect of<br />

a blanket of steam, which was the starting point of the paper.<br />

The experiences at Springdale and at Waterside described<br />

in the paper and the discussion by Mr. Hanlon bring us back to<br />

the fact that sludge settling out on the bottom of a tube can interfere<br />

with the transfer of heat from metal to water just as seriously<br />

as steam along its ceiling. The sludge which caused the<br />

failures at Waterside, reported by Mr. Hanlon, like that which<br />

led to the failures along the bottom of the cored tubes at Springdale<br />

was not, however, the relatively light calcium phosphate<br />

sludge which results from phosphate conditioning but, instead, a<br />

heavy sludge of magnetic iron oxide and metallic copper. Unless<br />

powdered metallic iron or ferrous hydroxide is being introduced<br />

intentionally into the boiler feed, such a sludge can result only<br />

from undesirable attack of water on steel in some region within<br />

the boiler, not necessarily the region where the sludge is found.<br />

The initial settling out of the sludge on the bottom of the tubes<br />

described by Mr. Hanlon may have been favored by the presence<br />

of restrictors at the inlet ends of the lower tubes, as it was apparently<br />

by the cores in the tubes at Springdale. Overheating of<br />

the portion of the tube covered by the sludge could then have<br />

led to progressive oxidation of the tube wall.<br />

Attempts to increase flow in one particular region of a boiler<br />

by specifically retarding it in another region seem, in a number<br />

of cases, to have transferred trouble rather than to have prevented<br />

it. Of the various expedients which have been tried to<br />

minimize steam blanketing in tubes through which there was<br />

positive circulation, the spirals introduced into the screen tubes at<br />

Logan, described by Mr. Webb, seem the most promising.<br />

The suggestion of Mr. Kreisinger that tubes in high-pressure<br />

boilers are too thick-walled for their own good merits further<br />

study. Reduction in wall thickness will not, however, change<br />

the heat input to a tube or minimize the formation of a steam<br />

blanket within it. While cracking of tubes subjected to repeated<br />

overheating and quenching may be slower with thin than<br />

with thick walls, as suggested by Mr. Kreisinger, the paper records<br />

extensive damage to the thin-walled tubes of the low-pressure<br />

boilers in the Beacon Street Heating Plant in 8 years. The<br />

authors believe that grooving along the top of a tube might occur<br />

as rapidly in a thin-walled as in a thick-walled tube.<br />

It was first demonstrated at Port Washington that grooving<br />

of the ceilings of inclined tubes could be minimized without<br />

mechanical changes by eliminating caustic alkalinity from the<br />

boiler water. This expedient was adopted at Logan, but the<br />

slope of the screen tubes affected was also increased, the spirals<br />

were inserted to throw water against the tops of the tubes, and<br />

the burners were tilted upward to reduce flame impingement.<br />

At Springdale, no change was made in water conditioning, but<br />

the difficulties first encountered were eliminated solely by mechanical<br />

changes. An appropriate conclusion to the question of<br />

the relative importance of the chemical and the mechanical factors<br />

has been written into the record by the announcement that,<br />

after operation for 2Vs years with no caustic alkalinity in the<br />

boiler water, extensive damage of the original type was recently<br />

discovered in the screen tubes at Port Washington.*<br />

9 “P o rt W ashington Sustains Its Economy,” Combustion, vol. 11,<br />

no. 7, 1940, pp. 33-34.

D eterm ination of the P u rity of Steam by<br />

G ravim etric and S pectrographic M ethods<br />

By M. C. SCHWARTZ,1 W. B. GURNEY,2 a n d T. E. CROSSAN3<br />

This is the first paper in a series of three covering in ­<br />

vestigations on the determ ination o f purity o f steam . In<br />

it the authors discuss the m echanism o f steam contam ination<br />

and m ethods of measuring steam purity classified<br />

according to im purities present. Principally, however,<br />

the subject m atter is devoted to the apparatus and procedure<br />

followed in making gravimetric determ inations of<br />

the residue from evaporated samples of condensed steam<br />

with the results obtained. As a check on these analyses,<br />

estim ates are made for solids in steam from turbine-blade<br />

deposits. The results of spectrographic analyses are also<br />

given.<br />

THE purity of steam produced from a boiler is a function<br />

of the composition of the boiler water and the boiler feedwater,<br />

as well as the mechanical design of the boiler in<br />

which it is produced. The production and consumption of huge<br />

amounts of steam at high pressures and temperatures have demanded<br />

the utmost in purity of the steam leaving the boiler, because<br />

of the economic importance of maintaining clean superheaters,<br />

turbines, and process equipment. Any changes made to<br />

increase the purity of steam are thus quite important and, particularly,<br />

since they may involve considerable expense, should be<br />

undertaken with due consideration of the methods used to determine<br />

the purity of the steam. Investigation of the methods<br />

of determining steam purity has been made at the Louisiana<br />

Station and has been applied in the control of steam production<br />

at this station.<br />

M e c h a n is m o r S t e a m C o n t a m in a t io n<br />

Steam becomes contaminated with gases or moisture containing<br />

dissolved or suspended solids present in the boiler water or in<br />

the feedwater which may be used as a scrubbing medium for the<br />

steam. The contamination of steam results from the continuously<br />

occurring phenomenon of foaming or from the intermittent<br />

and irregular phenomenon of priming. An excellent summary<br />

of the factors contributing to foaming and priming has been presented<br />

by Powell (l).1 Under boiler design this author covers such<br />

considerations as steam disengaging space, steam storage space,<br />

maximum water space, size of steam header, velocity of steam,<br />

various obstructions in the steam drum, and boiler pressure.<br />

1 Research Chemist, Gulf States Utilities Company, and Research<br />

Associate in W ater Technology, D epartm ent of Chemical Engineering,<br />

Louisiana State University.<br />

2 Efficiency Engineer, Gulf States Utilities Company, B aton Rouge,<br />

La. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

3 Superintendent, Gulf States Utilities Company, B aton Rouge,<br />

La. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

4 Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography a t the end of the<br />

paper.<br />

Contributed jointly by the Gulf States Utilities Company, Louisiana<br />

Station, B aton Rouge, La., and the Engineering Experim ent<br />

Station, Louisiana State University, and accepted by the Joint Research<br />

Committee on Boiler Feedwater Studies and presented at<br />

the Spring Meeting, Boiler Feedwater Sessions, of T h e A m e r i c a n<br />

S o c i e t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s , W orcester, Mass., M ay 1-3,<br />

1940.<br />

N o t e :<br />

Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

Boiler operation covers such matters as rate of evaporation, load<br />

swings, and water level. Water treatment covers such items as<br />

composition and concentration of dissolved and suspended solids<br />

in the boiler water and in the feedwater, as well as the chemical<br />

condition at the metal surfaces exposed to the water.<br />

M e t h o d s o f M e a s u r i n g S t e a m P u r it y<br />

Methods of measuring steam purity may be classified according<br />

to the impurities present. For example, if an appreciable<br />

amount of moisture is being determined, the steam calorimeter<br />

can be used. If all the soluble electrolytes, arising from the<br />

solids or gases in the steam, are being determined in the condensate,<br />

then the electrolytic-conductivity method can be used. If<br />

specific chemical substances, such as ammonia, carbon dioxide,<br />

sodium chloride, and the like, are being determined, then specific<br />

chemical methods for these substances can be used. If the<br />

total solids present in the steam is being determined, then the<br />

residue after evaporation of the condensate can be weighed or,<br />

alternatively, it is apparently possible to deposit the solids on a<br />

surface and determine them in this manner. It is useful to consider<br />

the subject from the viewpoint of the impurity, because it is<br />

quite possible that some method, perhaps satisfactory in its own<br />

way, serves no really useful purpose in determining why the deposits<br />

in the equipment are forming and in what way they may be<br />

avoided.<br />

G r a v im e t r ic D e t e r m i n a t io n o f t h e R e s i d u e F r o m E v a p o ­<br />

r a t e d S a m p l e s o f C o n d e n s e d S t e a m<br />

The gravimetric determination of the total solids, including<br />

thus soluble and insoluble substances, in the steam by weighing<br />

the residue after evaporation of a sample of steam condensate<br />

can probably be considered the standard procedure. The<br />

minute weight of the residue offers no serious drawback since it<br />

may be determined readily with a sensitive balance. The problem<br />

of evaporating the sample of condensate free from subsequent<br />

contamination offers more difficulty. Sufficiently slow evaporation<br />

of the sample to avoid loss by spattering results in a serious<br />

loss of time and it is this factor which so far has prevented this<br />

method from becoming adaptable to routine use.<br />

Although the preparation of pure water has been the subject of<br />

numerous researches in the laboratory, the investigators very seldom<br />

have determined the residue on evaporation. However,<br />

Acree and Fawcett (2) evaporated 301 of pure water, contained in<br />

a quartz flask, in a platinum dish. The maximum residue was<br />

never more than 0.15 ppm and was as low as 0.03 to 0.06 ppm.<br />

Ulmer (3), using condensed-steam samples from a commercial<br />

boiler, determined the residue on evaporation to be 0.19 to 1.01<br />

ppm, depending upon the boiler-water concentration.<br />

A semimicro apparatus has been developed for evaporating 2-1<br />

samples of condensed steam. Ulmer (3), Powell (4), and Seyb (5)<br />

have considered the problem of evaporating condensed-steam<br />

samples. Fig. 1 shows the manner in which the evaporator works.<br />

The apparatus was built upon a triple-beam balance, of which<br />

Sargent No. 3455 is an example. The knife-edge mechanism, brass<br />

lever arm, and transite holder for the Pyrex micro bell jar were<br />

built in the University shops. The Pyrex jar is Corning No. 6880.


The rubber tubing is pure gum. A 2-1 Pyrex Erlenmeyer flask,<br />

protected from carbon dioxide with a soda-lime-sodium-hydroxide<br />

guard tube, contained the sample of condensate. Pyrex tubing<br />

was used to convey the water under constant head from the flask<br />

to the platinum dish beneath the bell jar. Block-tin tubing was<br />

available for use in place of Pyrex tubing if it seemed necessary,<br />

but the results did not seem to warrant any change. A piece of<br />

platinum wire was sealed to the Pyrex tubing so that hot water<br />

would not come into contact with the Pyrex-glass tubing. A<br />

200-w 2*/2-in. Chromalox heating unit was used and the heat input<br />

was controlled by a rheostat. The platinum dish used,<br />

weighing 10 g, was the lightest obtainable commercially for its<br />

size. It was 2 in. in diam and 1 in. deep. This dish was supported<br />

upon a porcelain ring. The side arm of the Pyrex bell jar was<br />

connected to a Fisher air ejector. The trap in this line prevented<br />

the possibility of any water being sucked back.<br />

In operation, the lead weight on the balance beam is initially<br />

adjusted to balance the weight of the platinum dish and water as<br />

well as the Pyrex jar and other accessories. For an actual run,<br />

control is made by using small weights on the brass lever arm.<br />

A change of about 10 g starts or stops the flow of water. After<br />

an initial adjustment of the rate of flow, the evaporation always<br />

continues with practically no attention for the time necessary,<br />

which is about 48 hr.<br />

The total solids have been determined on condensed-steam<br />

samples from the station boilers. Test data are presented in<br />

Tables 1 to 3.<br />

From the results of Tables 1, 2, and 3, it will be seen that for<br />

this station the totals of solids in the condensate from saturatedand<br />

superheated-steam samples are practically identical. The<br />

copper degasifier, which will be described later and which removes<br />

carbon dioxide from the samples, gives results approximating<br />

those obtained on samples subjected to no treatment for degasification.<br />

In all cases, the samples were collected within several feet<br />

of the sampling points.<br />

From previous experience with deposits forming on glass conductivity<br />

cells, as well as by the deposits formed in the platinum<br />

dish, it was obvious that either copper or iron or both were present<br />

in the condensed steam. Tests for copper with diphenylthiocarbazone<br />

or dithizone on the condensed steam, and on<br />

samples concentrated by evaporation, gave negative tests.<br />

However there seems to be no doubt that high steam velocities<br />

will cause erosion of copper tubing. Whether or not these minute<br />

particles of copper will dissolve seems to depend upon a number<br />

of factors, one of the most important of which is the rate of flow<br />

of condensed steam through the sampling system. Interesting<br />

but old data on the solubility of copper in distillled water are<br />

given by Carnelley (6).<br />

Semimicro determination of the iron in the residues from<br />

samples Nos. 9 and 10, Table 2, showed 0.23 and 0.25 ppm<br />

Fe20», respectively, out of a total of 0.3 ppm solids. Since these<br />

samples were collected in a most satisfactory manner, as far as<br />

avoiding possible contamination of iron from the sampling line is<br />

concerned, the conclusion seems logical that minute particles of<br />

iron are in suspension in the steam and are so finely divided that<br />

they show no tendency to settle out in the condensed steam.<br />

These iron particles are not visible in the solution but are removed<br />

by ultrafiltration. There is no reason to assume that<br />

these iron particles will affect the electrolytic conductivity of<br />

the solution of condensed steam. Upon the basis of these results<br />

of gravimetric determination of the residue from evaporating<br />

condensed-steam samples, coupled with determination of iron<br />

and of copper in these residues, there is apparently no more<br />

than about 0.1 ppm soluble solids in the steam at the Louisiana<br />

Station.<br />

E s t im a t io n o f S o l id s i n S t e a m F r o m T t jr b in e - B l a d e<br />

D e p o s i t s<br />

The values obtained for the purity of steam by any given<br />

method should correspond to the actual practical data observed<br />

in the plant. For example, the amount and kind of deposits observed<br />

on the turbine blades should be in proportion to the indi-<br />

T A B L E 4<br />

T otal wash w ater leaving turbine, lb ................................................... 8181<br />

G ravim etrically determ ined to tal solids in wash w ater, lb ............ 1.5786<br />

T otal steam passed through turbine, lb .............................................. 340340000<br />

Solids on turbine blades washed off, p p m .......................................... 0.005<br />

T A B L E 5<br />

T o tal wash w ater leaving turbine, lb ............................................... 9146<br />

G ravim etrically determ ined to tal solids in wash w ater, lb ..........<br />

T otal steam passed through turbine, lb ..............................................<br />

8.34755<br />

775483000<br />

Solids on turbine blades washed off, p p m .......................................... 0.01<br />

T A B LE 6<br />

T otal wash w ater leaving turbine, lb . . . . ...........................................<br />

G ravim etrically determ ined to ta l solids in water, lb ......................<br />

4949<br />

1.4882<br />

T o tal steam passed through turbine, lb .............................................. 388975000<br />

Solids on turbine blades washed off, p p m . ........................................ 0.004


cations obtained by any one of the usual methods of determining<br />

steam purity. Data of this kind, as useful as they are, do not<br />

furnish a continuously available record of steam purity as a guide<br />

to efficient operation.<br />

The authors have attempted to determine the solids present in<br />

the superheated steam by washing a turbine with condensate,<br />

while the machine was rotating at slow speed under no load.<br />

Data are presented in Tables 4, 5, and 6 for three different turbines.<br />

Although the solids were removed from the turbine by washing<br />

with condensate, all of the deposit so obtained was not soluble.<br />

Table 7 shows the relative amounts of insoluble and soluble material.<br />

T A B L E 7<br />

D ata of<br />

Table 4<br />

Table 5<br />

Table 6<br />


M A T E R IA L<br />

Solids, w ater<br />

soluble, lb<br />

1.5462<br />

7.3534<br />

1.2081<br />

Solids, w ater insoluble,<br />

lb<br />

0.0324<br />

0.9942<br />

0.2801<br />

T o tal solids,<br />

lb<br />

1.5786<br />

8.3476<br />

1.4882<br />

S p e c t r o g r a p h ic A n a l y s is o f C o n d e n s e d S t e a m<br />

The spectrographic analysis of condensed steam was made at<br />

the spectrographic laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of<br />

Technology. The authors in order to avoid contamination of the<br />

sample by the container, selected what was believed to be the<br />

most inert substance besides platinum, which was prohibitive in<br />

cost. The sample was collected in a 500-ml silver Erlenmeyer flask<br />

with a silver stopper. A qualitative analysis of the sample showed<br />

the presence of the following elements in diminishing amounts:<br />

silver, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, and silicon. In addition,<br />

minute traces of boron, lead, and calcium were found.<br />

Phosphorus was not detected even with extreme concentration of<br />

the sample; however, this element is one to which the spectrographic<br />

method is less sensitive. A quantitative analysis gave<br />

the results shown in Table 8.<br />

T A B L E 8 Q U A N T IT A T IV E A N A LY SIS O F C O N D E N SE D -ST E A M<br />

SA M PL E<br />

Substance<br />

Ppm<br />

C o p p er........................................................................ ... 2 .4<br />

Iro n .............................................................................. ....0.06<br />

S o d iu m .......................................................................... 0.14<br />

M agnesium ............................................................... ....0.056<br />

Silicon..............................................................................0.015<br />

The presence of such large amounts of silver and copper was<br />

entirely inconsistent with the gravimetric results, as well as with<br />

the known electrolytic conductivity of this sample. Apparently<br />

the silver flask was the source of this unusual contamination.<br />

Accordingly another sample was collected for spectrographic<br />

analysis, this time in a Pyrex glass-stoppered bottle. Table 9<br />

shows the results obtained.<br />

TA B LE 9 Q U A N T IT A T IV E A N A LY SIS O F A D D IT IO N A L C O N ­<br />

D E N SE D -ST E A M SA M PL E<br />

Substance<br />

Ppm<br />

C o p p er................................................................. 0.05<br />

S ilic o n ................................................................. 0.10<br />

C alcium ................................................................. less th a n 0.01<br />

The drop in copper concentration from 2.4 to 0.05 ppm with<br />

the change in the container shows contamination from the silver<br />

flask, evidently from the silver solder used in fabrication. Correspondingly,<br />

the silicon concentration changed from 0.015 to<br />

0.1 ppm, evidently due to the effect of the glass container.<br />

By combining the results of both analyses, we derive the probable<br />

composition of the solids present in condensed steam, as<br />

shown in Table 10.<br />

On the basis of the results shown in Table 10, one would expect<br />

a value for the total solids of condensed steam to be higher than<br />

0.33 ppm, the exact value depending upon the actual negative<br />

ions associated with the positive ions shown in the table. It<br />

seems somewhat surprising that the results shown by spectro-<br />

TA B LE 10<br />


8 A N D 9<br />

Substance<br />

Ppm<br />

Sodium ......................................................................... 0.140<br />

C alciu m ...................................................................... 0.010<br />

M agnesium ................................................................ 0.060<br />

Silicon........................................................................... 0.015<br />

Iro n ............................................................................... 0.060<br />

C o p p er........................................................................ 0.050<br />

graphic analysis should be greater than those obtained by evaporation<br />

and subsequent weighing, particularly since it has been<br />

assumed that the evaporation might probably be affected by<br />

contamination during the long period required. For further investigation<br />

using the spectrographic method, it will be desirable<br />

to establish the kind and amounts of impurities which may be<br />

present in the electrodes which are used in the analysis. That<br />

this type of error may exist is quite probable because of the fact<br />

that both calcium and magnesium are absent from turbine-blade<br />

deposits. In addition, it is well known that the electrodes used<br />

in spectrographic analysis are freed from traces of impurities only<br />

with difficulty. Traces of boron, silicon, copper, calcium, magnesium,<br />

and sodium usually exist even in treated electrodes (7, 8).<br />

Hilger H.S. carbon rods of very high purity contain traces of<br />

boron, calcium, copper, magnesium, and iron (9).<br />

The sensitivity of the spectrographic method, as is evident<br />

from the foregoing analyses, makes it an extremely valuable<br />

tool with which to attack the problem of steam purity. From<br />

data presented by Owens (10) the authors have calculated the<br />

sensitivity of the spectrographic method to be as shown in<br />

Table 11.<br />

T A B LE 11<br />

S E N S IT IV IT Y OF S P E C T R O G R A P H IC M E T H O D<br />

Sensitivity<br />

M inimum concentration<br />

(inorganic liquid)<br />

(using 0.1 ml), ppm<br />

A1.................................................. 0.25<br />

C a ............................................... 0.2 0<br />

M g................................................ 0.15<br />

S i .................................................. 2.50<br />

C r.................................................. 0.1 0<br />

C u ................................................<br />

F e ............................................. .. .<br />

0.0 5<br />

0.05<br />

M n ................................................ 0.01<br />

N a ................................................ 0 .3 8<br />

P b .................................................. 0 .1 0<br />

S r .................................................. 0.05<br />

Even with the sensitivity shown in Table 11, some concentration<br />

of the condensed-steam samples is required in order to obtain<br />

indication of some of the substances present in the sample.<br />

In conclusion it should be remembered that spectrographic<br />

analysis will give the sum of the soluble as well as insoluble solids<br />

present in the condensed steam.<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t<br />

The authors wish to thank H. C. Leonard, vice-president of the<br />

Gulf States Utilities Company, and Dean L. J. Lassalle, director<br />

of the Engineering Experiment Station, Louisiana State University,<br />

for permission to publish this material. Grateful acknowledgment<br />

is made to E. B. Powell, consulting engineer of<br />

Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, and to S. T. Powell,<br />

consulting chemical engineer, for their advice, highly valued suggestions,<br />

and encouragement throughout the course of the work<br />

being reported. Members of the chemical staff of the Gulf<br />

States Utilities Company assisting in this research were L. Young<br />

and J. C. Hill.



1 “ Steam Contam ination,” by S. T . Powell, Combustion, vol. 9,<br />

no. 3, September, 1937, pp. 36-40.<br />

2 “ The Problem of Dilution in Colorimetric H -Ion Measurem<br />

ents,” by S. F. Acree and E. H. Faw cett, Industrial and Engineering<br />

Chemistry, analytical edition, vol. 2, 1930, pp. 78-85.<br />

3 “ Determ ination by the E vaporation M ethod of Small Amounts<br />

of Dissolved Solids in W ater Such as Condensed Steam From<br />

Boilers,” by R . C. Ulmer, Proceedings of the American Society for<br />

Testing M aterials, vol. 39, 1939, pp. 1221-1232.<br />

4 “ Design and Development of A pparatus for M easurement of<br />

Steam Quality by Electrical C onductivity M ethods,” by S. T. Powell,<br />

H. E. Bacon, Jr., I. G. McChesney, and F. Henry, <strong>Transactions</strong> of<br />

the American In stitu te of Chemical Engineers, vol. 33, 1937, pp.<br />

116-138.<br />

5 “ Analysis of Condensates," by E. Seyb, “ Von W asser,” vol. 8,<br />

p art 2, 1934, pp. 169-172.<br />

6 “ On the Action of W ater and of Various Saline Solutions on<br />

Copper,” by T. Carnelley, Journal of the Chemical Society of London,<br />

vol. 30, p art II, 1876, pp. 1-12.<br />

7 “ Spectrographic Analysis of Biological M aterial,” by J. Cholak<br />

and R. V. Story, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, analytical<br />

edition, vol. 10, 1938, pp. 619-622.<br />

8 “ Qualitative Spectrographic Analysis in the Arc, W ith Graphite<br />

Electrodes,” by W. C. Pierce, O. R. Torres, and W. W. Marshall,<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, analytical edition, vol. 12,<br />

January 15, 1940, pp. 41-45.<br />

9 Hilger Publication, no. 94/9, Adam Hilger, Ltd., London,<br />

England, January, 1939.<br />

10 “ Spectrographic M ethods of Trace Analysis,” by J. S. Owens,<br />

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, analytical edition, vol. 11, 1939,<br />

pp. 59-63.

D eterm ination of A m m onia in<br />

Condensed Steam<br />

B y M. C. SCHWARTZ,1 W. B. GURNEY,* a n d T. E. CROSSAN3<br />

Of the im purities which may affect the electrolytic<br />

conductivity and pH o f water, the gases carbon dioxide and<br />

am m onia are m ost resistant to removal. Carbon dioxide<br />

has previously been given consideration alm ost to the exclusion<br />

of the ammonia-removal problem. This second<br />

paper in a series of three on the subject of purity of steam<br />

by the authors deals with the preparation of am m oniafree<br />

water by various m ethods, of which phosphoruspentoxide<br />

batch distillation apparently gives the m ost<br />

satisfactory results. The Nessler m ethod of am m onia<br />

determination is also thoroughly discussed, as well as the<br />

volumetric determ ination of am m onia with sodium hypobromite<br />

and naphthyl red. The authors have used such<br />

determinations o f am m onia in condensed steam to assist<br />

in evaluating a suitable correction factor to com pensate<br />

for its presence.<br />

THE electrolytic-conductivity method of determining steam<br />

purity is the one most frequently used in practice. Fitze<br />

(l),1 Hecht and McKinney (2), Rummel (3), Powell (4, 5),<br />

Place (6) have investigated this method. I t has the advantages<br />

of extreme sensitivity and is susceptible to being made continuously<br />

recording. It has the disadvantages of a need for a<br />

correlating factor between electrolytic conductivity and soluble<br />

solids, as well as correction factors for gases such as ammonia and<br />

carbon dioxide which dissolve in the condensed steam to form<br />

electrolytes. Rummel (7), Gurney (8), Powell and McChesney<br />

(9) have developed apparatus designed to remove carbon dioxide<br />

and ammonia from the sample without affecting the solids present<br />

but, thus far, ammonia has resisted attempts at complete<br />

removal, hence, a correction must be made for its presence. The<br />

authors have investigated the determination of ammonia in<br />

condensed steam to assist in evaluating the correction to be applied<br />

for its presence.<br />

P r e p a r a t io n o f A m m o n ia - F r e e W a t e r<br />

The preparation of pure water has been investigated frequently<br />

in the intervening years since 1894 when Kohlrausch and Heydweiller<br />

(10) purified water to the extent that its electrolytic conductivity<br />

was 0.04 micromho at 18 C and 0.054 micromho at 25 C.<br />

The methods for the purification of water may be classified as<br />

1 Research Chemist, Gulf States Utilities Company, and Research<br />

Associate in W ater Technology, D epartm ent of Chemical Engineering,<br />

Louisiana State University.<br />

* Efficiency Engineer, Gulf States Utilities Company, B aton Rouge,<br />

La. Mom. A.S.M.E.<br />

5 Superintendent, Gulf States Utilities Company, B aton Rouge,<br />

La. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

4 Num bers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at the end of<br />

the paper.<br />

Contributed jointly by the Gulf States Utilities Company, Louisiana<br />

Station, Baton Rouge, La., and the Engineering Experim ent<br />

Station, Louisiana State University, and accepted by the Joint Research<br />

Committee on Boiler Feedwater Studies and presented at<br />

the Spring Meeting, Boiler Feedwater Sessions, of T h e A m e r i c a n<br />

S o c i e t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s , W orcester, Mass., M ay 1-3,<br />

1940.<br />

N o t e :<br />

Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

physical and chemical or a combination of both. Hibben (11)<br />

classifies the physical methods of purification as falling into four<br />

categories, namely, those employing vacuum, those employing<br />

heat, those employing both vacuum and heat, and those employing<br />

freezing. In his own experimental work (11), Hibben<br />

uses the vacuum-sublimation process which includes all the processes<br />

mentioned, since it employs heat, vacuum, and freezing.<br />

The liquids to be freed from gas are vaporized and frozen in<br />

vacuo. By chemical methods we refer to those cases in which<br />

chemical substances, such as alkaline permanganate, bromine,<br />

phosphoric acid, and similar reagents, are added to cause certain<br />

impurities existing in the liquid to be retained in solution or to be<br />

made volatile on the application of heat.<br />

The most convenient methods for determining the purity of<br />

water are the determination of the electrolytic conductivity and<br />

that of the pH. The most resistant impurities to be removed from<br />

water, which may affect the electrolytic conductivity and pH of<br />

the water, are the gases, carbon dioxide, and ammonia, which, in<br />

addition to physical solution in water, undergo chemical reaction<br />

to form electrolytes as the bicarbonate and carbonate and ammonium<br />

ion. Other gaseous impurities which may undergo similar<br />

reaction, as sulphur dioxide, have not been considered in<br />

reported work.<br />

For some time carbon dioxide has been given consideration, to<br />

the general exclusion of ammonia, as the gaseous impurity in<br />

water to be removed. The probable reason for this has been due<br />

to the indefiniteness of the electrolytic-conductivity method as<br />

an indicator of purity, and to the lack of methods of determining<br />

pH without adding electrolytes, which change the pH themselves,<br />

as in colorimetric methods. The presence of carbon dioxide<br />

in solution tends to lower the pH of pure water. When the glasselectrode<br />

method for determining pH was applied to water considered<br />

to be free from carbon dioxide, the pH was found to be<br />

7.9 to 8 (12). The increase in pH above that of 7, the value for<br />

pure water, was later ascribed to the presence of dissolved ammonia.<br />

When definite measures were taken to insure the absence<br />

of this impurity, the pH fell to 7 (13, 14).<br />

Presumably the best procedure for preparing ammonia-free<br />

water is by distillation, adding acidic substances, as P20 6 to retain<br />

ammonium compounds in solution, and passing purified air<br />

through the distillate (13, 14).<br />

P r o c e d u r e f o r P r e p a r i n g A m m o n ia - F r e e W a t e r — B a t c h<br />

D i s t i l l a t i o n W i t h P 20 6<br />

Phosphorus pentoxide was added to 1 1 of laboratory-distilled<br />

water. The solution was distilled at a rate of about 8 ml per min<br />

in an all-Pyrex-glass still as shown in Fig. 1. The distillate was<br />

collected in the conductivity-cell holder A from which it could be<br />

collected for use or run to waste. Determinations of ammonia<br />

in the distillate, as well as electrolytic-conductivity measurements,<br />

indicated that about 200 ml of distillate should be discarded.<br />

From then on a receiver could be placed at point B and the next<br />

600 ml could be collected. Two such portions were collected and<br />

1 1 of this water was then redistilled again, discarding the first<br />

200 ml, and collecting for ammonia-free water the next 600 ml<br />

of distillate. The flask from which the solutions were distilled<br />

was equipped with a side tube and ground stopper which allowed<br />



F i g . 1<br />

D i s t i l l i n g A p p a r a t u s f o r P r e p a r a t i o n o f P u r e W a t e r<br />

the vessel to be filled and emptied without dismantling the apparatus.<br />

Passing purified air into the distillate was not done in<br />

this work. A Leeds and Northrup No. 4866 mho-ohm conductivity<br />

indicator with cell constant and temperature compensator<br />

was used. The electrodes were platinized platinum.<br />

Tables 1 to 8 and Fig. 2 indicate the comparative effectiveness<br />

ofjVarious methods of preparing ammonia-free water and seem to<br />

confirm the work of Ellis and Kiehl (13) and Cranston and Brown<br />

(14) in establishing a phosphoric-acid distillation as the most<br />

satisfactory method available.<br />

It is interesting to note, as indicated by the data in Tables 1<br />

to 8 and in other experiments where distillation has been carried<br />

practically to completion, that as the distillation proceeds the<br />

electrolytic conductivity decreases continuously. On the other<br />

hand, in cases where chemicals have been added, the electrolytic<br />

conductivity commences to increase when sufficient concentration<br />

is reached to start carry-over.<br />

The data of Table 8 indicate that simple distillation will not<br />

drive off the ammonia completely, even when some 700 to 800<br />

ml of an original 1 1 are distilled.<br />

Considering the simplicity of the still used for preparing ammonia-free<br />

water, in comparison with some of those described<br />

in the literature, the electrolytic conductivity of the distillate


obtained is reasonably good. For comparison of the values obtained<br />

with those of other investigators, the data of Table 9 are<br />

included.<br />

T A B LE 9 C O N D U C T IV IT Y OF<br />

Prepared by<br />

Thiessenn, H errm ann (15)<br />

R im attei, P e tit (16)<br />

Straub (17)<br />

Best (18)<br />

Bengough, S tu art, Lee (19)<br />

Bencowitz, Hotchkiss (20)<br />

K raus, D exter (21)<br />

B ennett, Dickson (22)<br />

Clevenger (23)<br />

W eilana (24)<br />

K endall (25)<br />

Bourdillon (26)<br />

K ohlrausch, Heydweiller (10)<br />

(Pure w ater standing in contact with air)<br />

‘P U R E ” W A T E R<br />

Year M icromhos<br />

1937 0 .0 6 5 -0 .0 8<br />

1937 1.2<br />

1935 0 .3 -0 .5<br />

1929 0 .3 -0 .7 5<br />

1927 0.045<br />

1925 0 .0 6 -0 .0 7<br />

1922 0 .0 5 -0 .1 2<br />

1919<br />

1919<br />

0 .4<br />

0.8<br />

1918 0 .0 5 3-0.070<br />

1916 0 .0 6 -0 .0 9<br />

1913 0.2<br />

1894 0 .0 5 -0 .1 1<br />

0 .6 5 -0 .6 6<br />

D e t e r m in a t io n o f A m m o n ia — N e s s l e r M e t h o d<br />

Although Nessler proposed a reagent for the direct determination<br />

of ammonia in 1856 (27), his method with various modifications<br />

apparently remains the most widely used. Naturally, in<br />

the intervening time a considerable volume of literature has accumulated,<br />

but there are few other methods proposed for the determination<br />

of small quantities of ammonia. Bjerrum (28) proposed<br />

an acid titration for determining both ammonia and carbon<br />

dioxide in distilled water. Makris (29) proposed a test using<br />

tannin solution and silver nitrate which he claimed was more<br />

sensitive than the Nessler test. Teorell (30) proposed a titrimetric<br />

determination for minute amounts of ammonia by using the<br />

reaction 2 NHS+ 3 NaBrO = 3 NaBr + 3 HjO + N,, the excess<br />

NaBrO being determined iodometrically or by means of naphthyl<br />

red, which is decolorized by NaBrO.<br />

The most unfortunate feature of the Nessler method for determining<br />

ammonia is the variation in the preparation of Nessler’s<br />

reagent and its resulting varying sensitivity. In addition, the<br />

reaction taking place is rather complex, and the Nessler reagent<br />

undergoes change with time.<br />

Nichols and Willits (31) indicate the reaction to be<br />

2 (H gli.2 N al) + NH, = (NH,.H gI2) + 2 Nal)<br />

2 (NH,.H gI2)___________ = NH2Hg2I, + N H J<br />

2 (Hgl2.2 Nal) + 2 NH, = NH2Hg2I, + 4 N al + N H J<br />

The compound NH2Hg2I, gives the color to Nesslerized ammonia<br />

solutions.<br />

Ammonia in the N essler R eagent<br />

In their study of the Nessler reaction, Nichols and Willits (31),<br />

working with a solution containing 2 ppm ammonia nitrogen, and<br />

adding 5 ml Nessler reagent to a 100-ml sample, found that the<br />

apparently clear yellow solution formed could be made clear and<br />

colorless by passing it through a microfilter, using 0.06-gage cellophane<br />

as the filtering medium, under a pressure of 290 lb of nitrogen.<br />

With the exception of one other statement to this effect<br />

quoted in Yoe (32), “J. H. Robertson and A. Hisey have recently<br />

made an extensive experimental study on the nature of the<br />

Nessler color and conclude that it is due to colloidally dispersed<br />

particles in suspension and not in true solution (private communication);”<br />

it is believed, in general, that an ammonia-free<br />

Nessler reagent has a slight yellow-green color definitely distinguishable<br />

from distilled water. In fact, the American Public<br />

Health Association liquid standards for ammonia nitrogen call<br />

for an addition of platinum salt (standard) to make the 0.00<br />

standard. From the previously quoted statements, one would be<br />

led to believe that the color in a Nessler reagent is due to the<br />

presence of colloidal-like particles resulting from reaction with<br />

the ammonia present in the water used to make the reagent.<br />

In the limited time that was available for experimental work on<br />

the filtration and ultrafiltration of a Nessler reagent, no success<br />

resulted in trying to get a colorless solution, and the filtered<br />

Nessler reagent gave results that were only 0.01 ppm lower than<br />

those obtained with unfiltered Nessler reagent. Filtrations were<br />

made through 12 sheets of quantitative filter paper and through<br />

very thick mats of asbestos. Experiments with cellophane in a


Bilver-plated steel ultrafilter, using nitrogen, resulted in accelerating<br />

the formation of a precipitate in the solution, instead of obtaining<br />

further clarification. Normally a precipitate forms in a<br />

Nessler reagent with the passage of time. Considering the complexities<br />

arising from attempting to filter a strongly alkaline liquid<br />

by ultrafiltration, it was decided not to attem pt further experimentation<br />

along this line.<br />

S e n s i t iv i t y o p t h e N e s s l e r R e a g e n t<br />

Wirth and Robinson (33) point out that a zero blank does not<br />

necessarily mean there is no ammonia present but, as they determined<br />

experimentally using distilled water and the “standard<br />

methods” reagent, that 0.02 ppm or less of ammonia nitrogen is<br />

present. However, since they apparently prepared their ammonia-free<br />

water by simple distillation, it is quite possible that<br />

their minimum of 0.02 is actually somewhat higher.<br />

E x p e r im e n t a l R e s u l t s<br />

For the purpose of simplifying the determination of ammonia<br />

by the Nessler method, La Motte liquid standards and reagents<br />

were tried. Comparison of solutions was made in a La Motte-<br />

Nessler tube comparator. Ammonia-free water, an ammoniumchloride<br />

standard, and a Nessler reagent were prepared for comparison<br />

of results.<br />

Using 1 ml of Nessler reagent per 50-ml sample and a 10-min<br />

reaction time as recommended by the American Public Health<br />

Association Standard Methods of Analysis (34), the results seemed<br />

definitely to limit the sensitivity of the determination. Using our<br />

ammonia-free water, it took 0.05 ppm of added ammonia nitrogen<br />

to give any indication of ammonia when compared with the La<br />

Motte standards. After considerable testing we decided to use<br />

2 ml Nessler reagent per 50-ml sample and compare after 30 min.<br />

Tests were made in Nessler tubes, which were then closed with<br />

rubber stoppers. We used ordinary Nessler tubes after we had<br />

tried Nessler tubes as advocated by Powell (4) and found that<br />

we obtained the same results in both types of tubes. Where the<br />

sample to be collected was freely flowing, we caught the solution<br />

in an open Nessler tube by allowing it to flow under constant<br />

head into the bottom of the tube and then to overflow until the<br />

sample was ready to be tested. A flow of about 90-ml per min,<br />

for 30 min, was used. For accurate work, we checked and prepared<br />

anew, if necessary, the ammonia-nitrogen liquid standards<br />

used with a given Nessler reagent. It is quite simple to add<br />

ammonia nitrogen to ammonia-free water to make a series of<br />

standards and we prefer this procedure.<br />

E l e c t r o l y t ic - C o n d u c t iv it y C o r r e c t io n f o r t h e P r e s e n c e<br />

o f A m m o n ia i n C o n d e n s e d S t e a m<br />

The “ammonia correction” was determined by actual fullplant<br />

test. The data are presented in Table 10 and shown<br />

graphically in Fig. 3. Ammonia was introduced into the<br />

boiler-feedwater suction.<br />

The slope of the line obtained in Fig. 3 gives 1 ppm ammonia<br />

nitrogen = 8 micromhos. Extrapolation to zero ammonia gives<br />

an extremely low electrolytic conductivity for gas-free condensed<br />

steam. From the pH value of the condensate and the known<br />

equilibrium existing between the bicarbonate and carbonate ions,<br />

it is probable that the ammonia exists in solution in combination<br />

with the bicarbonate and carbonate ion.<br />

D e t e r m i n a t io n o f A m m o n ia V o l u m e t r ic a l l y W it h<br />

S o d iu m H y p o b r o m it e a n d N a p h t h y l R e d<br />

In order to check the results obtained by the Nessler method<br />

for the concentration of ammonia in condensed steam, we have<br />

considered other methods of analysis. As a result, we have investigated<br />

the oxidation of ammonia by sodium hypobromite,<br />

using naphthyl red as an indicator (30, 35). The method has<br />

demonstrated excellent possibilities but, as yet, has not been<br />

applied to routine testing. The reactions taking place are:<br />

2 NH, + 3 NaBrO = 3 NaBr + 3 HaO + N2<br />

NaBrO + naphthyl red = NaBr + colorless product<br />

The reaction is very sensitive; 1 ml 0.0005 N naphthyl red being<br />

equivalent to approximately 1.9 gamma ammonia nitrogen (1<br />

gamma = 0.001 mg).<br />

The procedure as developed by the authors for use in determining<br />

ammonia in condensed steam is as follows:<br />

Reagents (use ammonia-free water):<br />

0.1 N NaOBr—2.5 g NaOH, 1.25 ml bromine, dilute to 500 ml<br />

2 N Na2COj—106 g per 1<br />

0.001 N NaOBr—dilute 0.1 N NaOBr using 5 ml 2 N Na2CO»<br />

per 500 ml<br />

4 per cent HBr—24 ml 48 per cent HBr, dilute to 200 ml<br />



concentration from naphthyl-red factor as obtained<br />

under standardization; 1 gamma per 10 ml = 0.1 ppm.<br />

Standardization:<br />

A Take 10-ml sample of ammonia-free water and follow<br />

procedure<br />

B To 1 ml ammonia-nitrogen standard add 9 ml ammoniafree<br />

water and follow procedure.<br />

Sample calculation:<br />

a 10 ml ammonia-free water require 2.10 ml naphthyl-red<br />

solution<br />

b 1 gamma ammonia nitrogen requires 1.60 ml naphthyl-red<br />

solution<br />

0.5 ml naphthyl-red solution is equivalent to 1 gamma ammonia<br />

nitrogen<br />

1 ml naphthyl-red solution = 2 gamma ammonia nitrogen.<br />

The time required for a titration is only a m atter of a few<br />

minutes. The standardization of the naphthyl-red-ammonianitrogen<br />

factor should be made at least every day because the<br />

solutions are not stable. Since the standardization is so easily<br />

made, our practice has been to make it twice daily if tests are<br />

made during an entire day. The constant check obtained by<br />

frequent standardization serves a useful purpose. Our results<br />

have shown that the method is good in the region 0.1 to 0.3<br />

ppm ammonia nitrogen. In that range results are reproducible<br />

to within 0.02 ppm or less, as shown in Table 11. For solutions<br />

containing 0.5 gamma or 0.05 ppm ammonia nitrogen, the<br />

naphthyl-red factor deviates from the constancy shown at higher<br />

concentrations. Krogh (35) states that it is advisable to reduce<br />

the volume of hypobromite used when working regularly with<br />

amounts of ammonia nitrogen less than 1 gamma.<br />

Ammonia<br />

nitrogen<br />

1 gam m a<br />

2 gam m a<br />

3 gam m a<br />

T A B L E 11 T E S T R E SU L T S<br />

N aphthyl-red-solution factor in gam m a<br />

P pm »-------------- -am m onia nitrogen--------------- ><br />

0 .1 1 .7 9 ,1 .8 8 , 2 .0 0 ,1 .8 5 1.88 avg<br />

0 .2 1 .8 0 ,1 .9 6 ,1 .9 0 1.89 avg<br />

0 .3 1 .9 6 ,1 .9 0 ,1 .9 1 1.92 avg<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t<br />

The authors wish to thank H. C. Leonard, vice-president of the<br />

Gulf States Utilities Company and Dean L. J. Lassalle, director<br />

of the Engineering Experiment Station, Louisiana State University<br />

for permission to publish this material. Grateful acknowledgment<br />

is made to E. B. Powell, consulting engineer of<br />

Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, and to S. T. Powell,<br />

consulting chemical engineer, for their advice, highly valued suggestions,<br />

and encouragement throughout the course of the work<br />

being reported. Members of the chemical staff of the Gulf<br />

States Utilities Company assisting in this research were L. Young<br />

and J. C. Hill.<br />


1 “ Determ ination of M oisture in Steam by Electrical Conductivity,”<br />

by M. E. Fitze, Power, vol. 68, no. 12, 1928, pp. 484-485.<br />

2 “ Electrical Conductance M easurements of W ater and Steam,<br />

and Applications in Steam Plants,” by M. H echt and D. S. Mc­<br />

Kinney, Fuels and Steam Power, Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 53, 1931,<br />

FSP-53-11, pp. 139-159.<br />

3 “ Estim ation of Solids in Steam by Conductivity,” by J. K.<br />

Rummel, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, analytical edition,<br />

vol. 3, 1931, pp. 317-320.<br />

4 “ Steam Contam ination,” by S. T. Powell, Combustion, vol. 9,<br />

no. 3, September, 1937, pp. 36-40; no. 4, October, 1937, pp. 27-31;<br />

no. 5, November, 1937, pp. 25-31.<br />

5 “ Design and Development of Apparatus for M easurement of<br />

Steam Quality by Electrical C onductivity M ethods,” by S. T.<br />

Powell, H . E. Bacon, Jr., I. G. McChesney, and F. Henry, Trans.<br />

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol. 33, 1937, pp. 116-138.<br />

6 “ Testing Steam Condensate for Its Quality and P u rity ," by<br />

P. B. Place, Combustion, vol. 9, March, 1938, pp. 25-28.<br />

7 “ Fluid Treating Device,” U. S. P aten t no. 2,046,583, J. K.<br />

Rummel, July 7, 1936.<br />

8 “ Determ ination of P urity of Steam by the Electrolytio-<br />

C onductivity M ethod,” by W. B. Gurney, M. C. Schwartz, and T.<br />

E. Crossan, published on page 728 of this issue.<br />

9 “ Steam-Testing M ethod and A pparatus,” U. S. P atent no.<br />

2,146,312, S. T. Powell and I. G. McChesney, February 7, 1939.<br />

10 “ Uber reines W asser,” by F. Kohlrausch and A. Heydweiller,<br />

Zeitschrift filr physikalische Chemie, vol. 14, 1894, pp. 317-330.<br />

11 “ Removal of Dissolved Gases From Liquids by Vacuum Sublim<br />

ation,” by J. H . Hibben, U. S. Bureau of Standards, Journal of<br />

Research, vol. 3, 1929, pp. 97-104.<br />

12 “ The Determ ination of the Hydrogen-Ion Concentration in<br />

Pure W ater by a M ethod for Measuring the Electrom otive Force of<br />

Concentration Cells of High Internal Resistance," by H. T. Beans<br />

and E. T. Oakes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 42,<br />

1920, pp. 2116-2131.<br />

13 "T he Purification of W ater and Its pH Value,” by S. B.<br />

Ellis and S. J. Kiehl, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.<br />

57, 1935, pp. 2145-2149.<br />

14 “ The pH of Distilled W ater, and the M easurement of the<br />

Hydrolysis of Ammonium Sulphate, N itrate, Chloride, and A cetate,”<br />

by J. A. C ranston and H . F. Brown, Trans. Faraday Society, vol. 33,<br />

1937, pp. 1455-1458.<br />

15 “ Eine Einfache M ethode zur Herstallung von Leit fahigkeits<br />

wasser hochsten Reinheitsgrades,” by P. A. Thiessen and K. Herrmann,<br />

Zeitschrift filr Elektrochemie, vol. 43, 1937, pp. 66-69.<br />

16 “ Laboratory Preparation of Pure W ater,” by F. R im attei and<br />

J. Petit, Bulletin de la Socii'tc-Chimie Biologique, vol. 19, 1937, pp.<br />

1129-1133.<br />

17 “ Continuous Production of Distilled W ater Free From Carbon<br />

Dioxide and Ammonia,” by F. G. Straub, Industrial and Engineering<br />

Chemistry, analytical edition, vol. 7, 1935, pp. 433-434.<br />

18 "Acid Reaction and Carbon-Dioxide C ontent of Conductivity<br />

W ater,” by R . J. Best, Australian Journal of Experimental Biology<br />

and Medical Science, vol. 6, 1929, pp. 107-110.<br />

19 "T he Routine Preparation of Low-Conductivity W ater,” by<br />

G. D. Bengough, J. M. Stuart, and A. R. Lee, Journal of the Chemical<br />

Society of London, part II, 1927, pp. 2156-2161.<br />

20 "T h e Preparation of C onductivity W ater,” by I. Bencowit*<br />

and H. T. Hotchkiss, Jr., Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. 29, 1925,<br />

p p .705-712.<br />

21 “ An Im proved Still for Producing Pure W ater,” by C. A.<br />

K raus and W. B. Dexter, Journal of the American Chemical Society,<br />

vol. 44, p a rt 2, 1922, pp. 2468-2471.<br />

22 “ The Bourdillon W ater Still,” by J. P. B ennett and J. G.<br />

Dickson, Science, vol. 50, 1919, pp. 397-398.<br />

23 “ R apid and Convenient M ethod for the Preparation of Conductivity<br />

W ater,” by C. B. Clevenger, Industrial and Engineering<br />

Chemistry, vol. 11, 1919, pp. 964-966.<br />

24 “ The Equivalent Conductance of Electrolytes in Dilute Aqueous<br />

Solution,” by H . J. W eiland, Journal of the American Chemical<br />

Society, vol. 40, 1918, pp. 131-150.<br />

25 “ Review. The Preparation of Conductivity W ater,” by J.<br />

Kendall, Journal American Chemical Society, vol. 38, 1916, p. 2460.<br />

26 “ The Preparation of Conductivity W ater,” by R. J. Bourdillon,<br />

Journal of the Chemical Society of London, vol. 103, p a rt 1 ,1913,<br />

pp. 791-795; Proc., vol. 29, pp. 124-125.<br />

27 “ Uber das Verhalten des Jodquecksilbers und der Quecksilberverbindungen<br />

iiberhaupt zu Ammoniak und uber eine neue R eaktion<br />

auf Am m oniak,” by J. Nessler, thesis, Freiburg i. B., 1856 or “ On<br />

the Behavior of Iodide of M ercury W ith Ammonia, and on a New Test<br />

for Ammonia,” by J. Nessler, Chemical Gazette, 1856, vol. 14, p. 446.<br />

28 ‘ ‘The Titrim etric Determ ination of Small Q uantities of Carbon<br />

Dioxide and Ammonia in Distilled W ater,” by N. Bjerrum , Annales<br />

Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (A), vol. 29, 1927, 18 pp.<br />

29 “ New Colorimetric Determ ination of Ammonia,” by K. G.<br />

Makris, Zeitschrift filr analytische Chemie, vol. 84, 1931, pp. 241-242.<br />

30 ‘ ‘A New M ethod for the Titrim etric Determ ination of M inute<br />

Am ounts of Ammonia,” by T. Teorell, Biochemische Zeitschrift, vol.<br />

248, 1932, p p . 246-255.<br />

31 “ Reactions of Nessler’s Solution;” by M. L. Nichols and C. O.<br />

Willits, Joum al of the American Chemical Society, vol. 56,1934, p. 769.<br />

32 “ Photom etric Chemical Analysis,” by J. H . Yoe, vol. 1, J.<br />

Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1928.<br />

33 “ Photom etric Investigation of Nessler Reaction and W etting<br />

M ethod for Determ ination of Ammonia in Sea W ater,” by H . E.<br />

W irth and R . J. Robinson, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,<br />

analytical edition, vol. 5, 1933, pp. 293-296.<br />

34 “ Standard M ethods for the Exam ination of W ater and Sewage,”<br />

eighth edition, American Public H ealth Assn., New York, 1936.<br />

35 “ M ethod for the Determ ination of Ammonia in W ater and<br />

Air,” by A. Krogh, Biological Bulletin, vol. 67, 1934, pp. 126-131.

D eterm ination of P u rity of Steam by the<br />

E lectrolytic-C onductivity M ethod<br />

By W. B. GURNEY,1 M. C. SCHWARTZ,2 a n d T. E. CROSSAN8<br />

In order to assure correct boiler operation and to<br />

evaluate the effect of changes in water treatm ent or boiler<br />

design on purity o f steam being delivered, it is essential<br />

to be able to measure any contam ination that may occur.<br />

This paper, which is the last of three papers by the authors<br />

on the subject of steam purity, gives the procedure for<br />

m aking a practically continuous determ ination o f steam<br />

purity by the only satisfactory m ethod thus far available.<br />

In this m ethod the electrolytic conductivity o f the condensed<br />

steam is measured and then converted to a solids<br />

basis. The distillation and the gravimetric m ethods are<br />

also discussed by the authors.<br />

THERE are two important and practical reasons for measuring<br />

the purity of steam: (o) To determine the extent of<br />

carry-over or steam contamination during normal operation<br />

so that correctness of operation may be maintained at all times<br />

and any irregularity detected at once; (b) to evaluate the effect<br />

of any changes in water treatment or of any changes in the mechanical<br />

design of the boiler on the purity of steam being delivered.<br />

Therefore, any method of measuring steam purity must<br />

be capable of practically continuous determination in order to be<br />

of real value. Thus far, the only method that is able to meet<br />

this requirement is one in which the electrolytic conductivity of<br />

the condensed steam is measured and thereupon converted to a<br />

solids basis by means of the proper calculations and corrections.<br />

If either operation, a change in water treatment or a change in<br />

the mechanical design of the boiler, is such as to result in priming<br />

or a condition approaching that state, the increase in electrolytic<br />

conductivity of the condensed steam is sufficiently great to be<br />

readily recognized as such. I t is only when conditions are such<br />

that the steam contamination is quite low, less than 1 ppm, and<br />

remains at nearly that value after various changes, that the<br />

electrolytic-conductivity method and other methods encounter<br />

difficulties in evaluating the results of the changes. I t is understandable<br />

why there will be difficulty in securing the necessary<br />

accuracy when it is observed that condensed steam, containing<br />

0.5 ppm solids, is 99.9995 per cent pure.<br />

1 Determine the cell constant of the conductivity cell with a<br />

solution of potassium chloride at constant temperature. All<br />

electrolytic-conductivity values are referred to 25 C or 77 F by<br />

use of the temperature compensator on the conductivity meter.<br />

2 Remove carbon dioxide and some ammonia from the steam<br />

sample by passing it through the degasifier. If the pH of the<br />

condensed-steam sample rises from the acid to the alkaline side<br />

on degasification, removal of carbon dioxide is indicated.<br />

3 Observe the temperature of the condensed-steam sample.<br />

Adjust the conductivity meter to correct for the measured cell constant<br />

and temperature. Measure the electrolytic conductivity<br />

of the condensed steam.<br />

4 Determine the carbon dioxide and ammonia in samples of<br />

condensed steam collected at the same time.<br />

5 Compute the conductivity correction due to the presence of<br />

ammonia and carbon dioxide, if any; subtract these from the<br />

measured conductivity.<br />

6 Subtract the value 0.05 micromho, that of pure water,<br />

from the measured conductivity.<br />

7 Compute the total solids in the steam by applying the<br />

proper factor to the corrected electrolytic conductivity of the<br />

condensed-steam sample.<br />

For measuring the electrolytic conductivity of the condensedsteam<br />

samples, Leeds and Northrup Meter No. 4866 is satisfactory<br />

as a portable instrument. The instrument is equipped with<br />

cell-constant and temperature-compensator control dials. For<br />

continuous recording of conductivity measurements, we use a<br />

Leeds and Northrup meter with a range of 0 to 2 micromhos in<br />

steps of 0.02 micromho. The adjustment for cell constant and<br />

temperature, however, is manually controlled. I t is possible to<br />

compensate for temperature changes automatically by using resistance<br />

thermometers, equipped with auxiliary slide-wire drums<br />

which can be connected in the bridge circuit of the recording conductivity<br />

meter and thus correct for any variation from 77 F.<br />

A glass dip-type conductivity cell, having a cell constant not<br />

greater than 0.1 is used. The electrodes are platinized platinum.<br />

Potassium-chloride solutions are universally accepted as standard<br />

reference solutions for electrolytic measurements. Jones<br />

and Bradshaw (l)4 have prepared potassium chloride as follows:<br />

P r o c e d u r e f o r D e t e r m i n i n g S t e a m P u r i t y b y E l e c t r o l y t ic<br />

M e t h o d<br />

“The purest material available by purchase was recrystallized<br />

several times with centrifugal drainage. Qualitative chemical<br />

The following procedure has been employed for determining<br />

tests for magnesium and sulphate (the most likely impurities)<br />

steam purity by the electrolytic method:<br />

gave negative results. The salt was fused in a platinum crucible,<br />

poured into a platinum dish, and transferred to a closed<br />

1 Efficiency Engineer, Gulf State Utilities Company, B aton Rouge,<br />

La. Mem. A.S.M .E.<br />

bottle while still hot. The salt showed no tendency to gain in<br />

* Research Chemist, Gulf States Utilities Company, and Research weight by absorption of moisture when allowed to stand on the<br />

Associate in W ater Technology, D epartm ent of Chemical Engineering,<br />

Louisiana State University.<br />

balance.” Jones and Bradshaw (1) have considered the preparation<br />

of potassium-chloride reference solutions and, as a result<br />

* Superintendent, Gulf States Utilities Company, B aton Rouge,<br />

La. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

of painstaking work, have recommended the following value for<br />

Contributed jointly by the Gulf States Utilities Company, Louisiana<br />

Station, Baton Rouge, La., and the Engineering Experiment<br />

an approximately 0.01 N solution, which is the most dilute solution<br />

they considered. The solution is precisely defined as follows:<br />

Station, Louisiana State University, and accepted by the Joint Research<br />

Committee on Boiler Feedwater Studies and presented at the 0.745263 g of KC1 per 1000 g of solution in vacuum. At 25 C<br />

Spring Meeting, Boiler Feedwater Sessions of T h e A m e r i c a n S o c i e t y the conductivity is 1408.77 micromhos. For preparing the standard<br />

solution, Jones and Bradshaw recommend using conduc-<br />

o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s , Worcester, Mass., M ay 1-3, 1940.<br />

N o t e : Statem ents and opinions advanced in papers are to be<br />

understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those<br />

of the Society.<br />

4 Num bers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at the end of<br />

the paper.<br />



tivity water prepared in contact with air. Such water will have<br />

a specific conductance of approximately 1 micromho at 25 C.<br />

The conductivity of the water used should be measured in advance<br />

and subtracted from the measured conductivity of the solution.<br />

I t is desirable to have available a more dilute standard<br />

reference solution but, presumably, none has been prepared and<br />

measured with the exactness with which Jones and his associates<br />

have done for the more concentrated potassium-chloride solutions.<br />

Powell (2) states that a 0.0001 N potassium-chloride<br />

solution has a specific conductance of 15.27 micromhos at 25 C.<br />

R e m o v in g C a r b o n D i o x id e a n d A m m o n ia F r o m C o n d e n s e d<br />

S t e a m<br />

The removal of carbon dioxide and ammonia from condensed<br />

steam is difficult. Available methods have been considered<br />

by the authors (3). An apparatus, represented in Fig. 1, has<br />

been developed for this purpose. So far as the authors have been<br />

Fio. 1 A r r a n g e m e n t o f A p p a r a t u s f o r R e m o v i n g C a r b o n D i­<br />

o x i d e a n d A m m o n i a F r o m C o n d e n s e d S t e a m<br />

able to determine by the use of this system, carbon dioxide is removed<br />

to the extent that only undetectable amounts remain.<br />

Removal of ammonia, however, is incomplete. The pH of the<br />

condensed steam, measured with a glass electrode, is on the alkaline<br />

side. Steam is sampled with the standard A.S.M.E. sampling<br />

nozzle (4) installed in the main steam header close to the<br />

boiler. From a steel shutoff valve it is then conveyed in stainless-steel<br />

tubing to a tee where part of the steam passes directly<br />

to a copper reboiling coil in the copper degasifying chamber.<br />

From there the steam passes to a copper condenser. In addition<br />

to the dissolved or suspended solids present, this condensedsteam<br />

sample contains any soluble gases present in the steam and<br />

is referred to as the straight-through sample. I t gives a prompt<br />

indication of changes in steam composition. The sample passes<br />

through a Pyrex-glass holder which contains a thermometer and<br />

a conductivity cell.<br />

The remaining portion of steam from the tee passes through a<br />

stainless-steel condenser for partial cooling and from there into<br />

the copper degasifying chamber. Upon coming in contact with<br />

the steam-heated reboiling coil, the condensed steam again boils<br />

violently. Dissolved gases are flashed out and steam serves also<br />

as a scrubbing medium to assist in removing soluble gases. A<br />

copper reflux or vent condenser condenses any steam that might<br />

escape along with the dissolved gases and thus eliminates any<br />

increase in concentration in the degasifying chamber. A vent<br />

and overflow line assist in maintaining a constant water level in<br />

the degasifying chamber. The cover on the degasifying chamber<br />

fits loosely.<br />

The degassed condensed steam issuing from the degasifying<br />

chamber is further cooled by passing it through another stainlesssteel<br />

condenser from which it passes into a Pyrex-glass holder<br />

containing a thermometer and conductivity cell. This sample is<br />

referred to as the degassed sample.<br />

The steam flow should be about 280 ml per min. The flow<br />

from the reboiling coil should be about 150 ml per min. The<br />

flow of degassed condensed steam should be about 80 ml per min.<br />

These flows are approximate for 720-F steam. Steam at other<br />

temperatures requires variation in flow through the reboiling coil.<br />

The copper reboiling coil is made of Vi-in. tubing, 1 0 ‘ / j turns,<br />

and l'/a in. diam. The copper reflux coil is made the same as the<br />

reboiling coil. With respect to the materials suitable for conveying<br />

steam and condensate with minimum contamination, it has<br />

been our experience that stainless steel is most suitable for highpressure<br />

high-temperature steam, and copper is satisfactory for<br />

condensate if a suitable flow is maintained.<br />

In testing for the presence of carbon dioxide in the condensed<br />

steam, it is customary to use N/44 or N/50 sodium hydroxide and<br />

a sample of at least 250 ml. One or two drops are usually sufficient<br />

to give a pink color with phenolphthalein. Under these<br />

conditions, the amount of carbon dioxide present is considered<br />

negligible. For determining ammonia in condensate, we have<br />

used both the colorimetric Nessler method and the volumetric<br />

sodium-hypobromite-naphthyl-red method, described in another<br />

paper (3). It is important to note that the relative-conductivity<br />

corrections to be applied for residual carbon dioxide and ammonia<br />

in the condensed steam are approximately in the ratio of<br />

1 to 10 per ppm of each present. I t is thus evident that, not<br />

only does ammonia affect the results more appreciably, but the<br />

residual ammonia must be determined with an accuracy of 0.01<br />

ppm.<br />

Our experience with the degasifier has indicated that no detectable<br />

amounts of carbon dioxide remain in the condensed<br />

steam, therefore no correction to the measured electrolytic conductivity<br />

has been applied in this respect. The value of 1 ppm<br />

ammonia nitrogen = 8 micromhos (25 C), which, as we have determined<br />

experimentally, agrees well with currently used values<br />

(2).<br />

To convert electrolytic-conductivity measurements to ppm<br />

dissolved solids, the procedure has been as follows: Small increments<br />

of boiler water are added to degassed condensed steam.<br />

The total solids in the boiler water are determined gravimetrically.<br />

Providing the concentration increments are kept small,<br />

the linearity of the relationship between ppm solids and electrolytic<br />

conductivity is assured. A typical calibration is shown<br />

in Table 1.<br />

T A B L E 1 T Y P IC A L C A L IB R A T IO N O F E L E C T R O L Y T IC -C O N ­<br />

D U C T IV IT Y M E A S U R E M E N T S<br />

Boiler w ater added,<br />

ml<br />

0.00<br />

0.10<br />

0.20<br />

0.40<br />

Boiler w ater 1601 ppm .<br />

Solids added,<br />

ppm<br />

0.00<br />

0.32<br />

0.64<br />

1.28<br />

C onductivity,<br />

micromhos<br />

0.82<br />

1.49<br />

2.09<br />

3.38<br />

Fig. 2 represents the plotted results. The slope of the line<br />

gives the factor for converting micromhos to ppm; in this case<br />

it is 1 micromho = 0.5 ppm dissolved solids (25 C).<br />

A typical calculation for degassed condensed steam follows:




Dissolved<br />

From<br />

solids.<br />

B ibliography (6) Condensed ppm<br />

T able 2, No. 6(a) Superheated steam 0.13<br />

T able 2, No. 6(b) Superheated steam 0.10<br />

T able 2, No. 7 S aturated steam 0.05<br />

T able 2, No. 8 S atu rated steam 0.05<br />

F io . 2 R e l a t io n B e t w e e n P pm D is s o l v e d S o l id s a n d E l e c ­<br />

t r o l y t ic C o n d u c t iv it y<br />

1.37 micromhos, measured conductivity; 0.14 ppm ammonia nitrogen;<br />

no carbon dioxide; dissolved solids in condensed steam<br />

= (1.37 — 1.12 — 0.05) X 0.5 = 0.10 ppm.<br />

D is t i l l a t i o n M e t h o d<br />

Place (5) has recommended distilling a given volume of condensed<br />

steam in a glass still and measuring the electrolytic conductivity<br />

of the solution remaining in the distilling flask. The<br />

portion to be distilled is that sufficient to remove the volatile impurities.<br />

Then, providing no dissolved solids have been added<br />

from the glassware during the distillation, the remaining liquid<br />

will contain only the dissolved solids originally present in the<br />

sample. Place, however, considered carbon dioxide as the only<br />

gaseous impurity in the solution. As the authors’ tests have<br />

shown, it is not possible completely to remove ammonia by simple<br />

distillation. Ammonia should therefore be determined in the<br />

solution remaining in the flask and the proper correction applied<br />

for its presence. A typical distillation on a sample of degassed<br />

condensate is given in Table 2 (it is not necessary to take a degassed<br />

sample for distillation).<br />

In another paper (6), certain values for total solids in condensed<br />

steam, obtained by evaporation and weighing, are given. Examination<br />

of the residue disclosed appreciable amounts of iron<br />

which originally were presumably not in solution but in suspension<br />

and hence would not affect the conductance of the sample.<br />

More direct evidence was found by adding pure water to the<br />

residues in the platinum dish and obtaining the increase in conductivity.<br />

On the basis that 1 micromho = 0.5 ppm dissolved<br />

solids, the results given in Table 3 were obtained. These values<br />

are in line with those derived from more direct electrolytic-conductivity<br />

methods.<br />

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t<br />

The authors wish to thank H. C. Leonard, vice-president of the<br />

Gulf States Utilities Company and Dean L. J. Lassalle, director<br />

of the engineering experiment station, Louisiana State University<br />

for permission to publish this material. Grateful acknowledgment<br />

is made to E. B. Powell, consulting engineer of Stone<br />

and Webster Engineering Corporation, and to S. T. Powell,<br />

consulting chemical engineer, for their advice, highly valued suggestions,<br />

and encouragement throughout the course of the work<br />

being reported. Members of the chemical staff of the Gulf<br />

States Utilities Company, assisting in this research, were L.<br />

Young and J. C. Hill.<br />


1 “The M easurement of the Conductance of Electrolytes—V.<br />

A Redeterm ination of the Conductance of Standard Potassium-<br />

Chloride Solutions in Absolute U nits,” by G. Jones and B. C. Bradshaw.<br />

Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 55, 1933, pp.<br />

1780-1800.<br />

2 "Steam Contam ination,” by S. T. Powell, Combustion, vol. 9,<br />

no. 5, November, 1937, pp. 25-31.<br />

3 “ Determ ination of Ammonia in Condensed Steam ,” by M . C.<br />

Schwartz, W. B. Gurney, and T. E. Crossan, published on page 5 of<br />

this preprint.<br />

4 “ Determ ination of Quality of Steam ,” A.S.M .E. Power Test<br />

Codes, January, 1931, Instrum ents and Apparatus, P a rt 11.<br />

5 "Testing Steam Condensate for Its Quality and Purity,” by<br />

P. B. Place, Combustion, vol. 9, no. 9, M arch, 1938, pp. 25-28.<br />

6 "D eterm ination of the Purity of Steam by Gravimetric and<br />

Spectrographic M ethods,” by M. C. Schwartz, W. B. Gurney, and T.<br />

E. Crossan, published on page 719 of this issue.<br />

D iscussion1<br />

D . S. M c K i n n e y 2 a n d M a x H e c h t . 8 In papers Nos. 1 and 3<br />

the authors have made valuable contributions to the analysis of<br />

water of high purity, and to the application of conductivity methods<br />

to such water. For the sake of completeness, and for a<br />

better understanding of the technique used, some details should<br />

be amplified. For example, the drying temperature, which determines<br />

the degree of hydration of the weighed residue, is not<br />

given. The method of protecting the residue from hydration or<br />

carbonation during weighing is not described.<br />

Examination of Table 1, in first paper, indicates that the<br />

residue was weighed to 0.1 mg. In view of the small quantity of<br />

material, it would seem advisable to weigh the residue to 0.01 mg.<br />

McKinney, in a discussion4 of Ulmer’s paper describes a method<br />

for securing this sensitivity at relatively low cost with an analytical<br />

balance.<br />

D i s c u s s io n o f T h i r d P a p e r<br />

Although numerous investigators have measured contamination<br />

in steam, few have considered the problem of proper sam-<br />

1 This is a combined discussion of the series of three papers on the<br />

general subject “ Determ ination of P urity of Steam ,” by M. C.<br />

Schwartz, W. B. Gurney, and T. E . Crossan. These papers will be<br />

referred to in the discussion as first, second, and third, corresponding<br />

to the order in which they are published.<br />

2 A ssistant Professor, Chemical D epartm ent, Carnegie Institute<br />

of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

s Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

4 “ Determ ination by the E vaporation M ethod of Small Amounts<br />

of Dissolved Solids in W ater Such as Condensed Steam From Boilers,”<br />

by R. C. Ulmer, discussion by D . S. M cKinney, Proc. A.S.T.M.,<br />

vol. 39, 1939, p. 1228.


pling. It should be emphasized that the sample is secured from a<br />

heterogeneous system, i.e., steam containing suspended solid or<br />

liquid particles. In order to secure a representative sample from<br />

such a system, it is essential that the velocity of the steam entering<br />

the openings of the sampling nozzle be identical with that of<br />

the main body of the steam approaching the openings. If the<br />

sample is withdrawn too rapidly, too great a proportion of steam is<br />

obtained, if too slowly the proportion of suspended liquid or solid<br />

will be too high. It is pertinent to ask if the authors have met<br />

this requirement.<br />

The writers wish again to call to the attention of those interested<br />

in conductivity measurements, that the relation of total<br />

solids to specific conductance is likely to be much more variable<br />

than the relation of dissolved salts to specific conductance. The<br />

authors apparently do not distinguish between the terms total<br />

solids and dissolved salts as indicated by their method of calibration.<br />

In Table 2 of the third paper, the authors determine gravimetrically<br />

the total solids in one sample of boiler water to obtain<br />

the relation between solids in the steam and conductivity. It<br />

should be noted that an unknown fraction of the boiler solids<br />

are nonconducting (Fe20 3, Si02, etc). Furthermore, the fractions<br />

of nonconducting material may vary considerably during the<br />

normal run of a boiler. Yet in Table 3, the same factor is used<br />

to calculate the soluble portion of the evaporated residue from<br />

steam samples, which was found to be only about one third of the<br />

weight of evaporated residue.<br />

It is suggested that the dissolved salts in the boiler water<br />

should have been made the basis of the calibration. This point<br />

was discussed extensively in an earlier paper6 by the writers<br />

and re-emphasized in the discussion by Hecht of Ulmer’s paper. 6<br />

Various factors for calculating dissolved substances in water<br />

from conductivity measurements have been reported in the literature.<br />

Reference to Table 9 of the writers’ paper7 shows that,<br />

with the exception of H and OH, all common ions in water have<br />

specific conductances per ppm between 1.14 micromhos for NO3<br />

and 2.99 micromhos for Ca++. For OH- the value is 11.3 and<br />

for H + 347 micromhos per ppm; all values being referred to 25 C.<br />

It is obvious that variations in H and OH concentrations will<br />

materially affect the relation of dissolved salts to conductances.<br />

It should therefore be emphasized that the factor reported for<br />

specific plants applies only to those plants. In general the appropriate<br />

factor will depend upon the water supply and its treatment.<br />

E. B. P o w e l l .8 The authors have demonstrated the practical<br />

feasibility of power-plant measurement of solids carryover<br />

in proportions as low as 0 . 1 ppm, and have described procedures<br />

by which a highly creditable approach to precision can be<br />

maintained in such measurements continuously. The electrolytic-conductivity<br />

method obviously does not give a direct measure<br />

of total solids to be encountered in condensed steam. Extensive<br />

work on corrections and calibrations, given special impetus<br />

by that of Hecht and McKinney, 6 now regarded as a classic in the<br />

power-plant field, has been carried on more or less continuously<br />

over the last 10 years. Statistical data are not yet available to<br />

cover correction factors for all water conditions. However, by<br />

securing appropriate calibrations for different water conditions to<br />

be met, following the general procedures described by the present<br />

authors, it is entirely practicable to set up data from which the<br />

6 “Electrical-Conductance M easurements of W ater and Steam and<br />

Applications in Steam Plants,” by D. S. M cKinney and Max Hecht,<br />

Trans. A.S.M .E., vol. 53,1931, FSP-53-11, pp. 139-151.<br />

‘ Discussion reference 4, p. 1229.<br />

7 Discussion reference 5, p. 147.<br />

8 Consulting Engineer, Stone & W ebster Engineering Corporation,<br />

Boston, Mass. Mem. A.S.M.E.<br />

individual plant can interpret the conductivity values in terms<br />

of actual solids carry-over to the degree of precision mentioned.<br />

The ability to measure is indeed an important factor in the ability<br />

to control, and the solids in steam are no exception. The authors’<br />

contribution will be decidedly welcome to the industry.<br />

S. T. P o w e l l 9 a n d H. E. B a c o n .10 The steam-quality data<br />

presented in this series of papers indicate the unusually low soluble-solids<br />

concentration of about 0 . 1 ppm, yet they are confirmed<br />

by conductivity, gravimetric, and spectrographic measurements.<br />

The authors have certainly shown to the satisfaction of<br />

the most critical reviewers that the total solids in solution in the<br />

samples tested were less than 0.2 ppm. This demonstrates that,<br />

if currently accepted specifications for steam quality are changed<br />

in the direction of higher purity, it is entirely feasible to apply<br />

tests which will give meaning to the specifications.<br />

There can be no doubt that the more critical operation of highpressure<br />

boilers requires a specific knowledge of steam quality,<br />

which, to be of value, should cover the full range of possible operating<br />

conditions. Each of the variables, such as boiler-water<br />

concentrations, water levels, and steam flow should be changed<br />

one at a time to develop a basis for predicting performance under<br />

all conditions. This requires evaluation of the carry-over at frequent<br />

intervals, or preferably continuously, which precludes the<br />

use of gravimetric determination and leaves no other recourse<br />

except estimating solids by conductivity methods. Qualitative<br />

measurement, where carry-over is appreciable, presents no problem.<br />

The major difficulties, and magnification of all inaccuracies,<br />

become increasingly great with improved quality of steam.<br />

Methods for measuring the purity of steam have primary significance<br />

in performance tests covering a limited period, but their<br />

utility for routine control of operations may be quite valuable.<br />

Permanent and continuously recording steam-conductivity apparatus<br />

has enabled the operators of one large plant to increase<br />

boiler-water concentrations from a tentative limit of 2500 ppm<br />

to 3500 ppm as the standard for controlling the plant. The<br />

availability of instantaneous indications of carry-over may thus<br />

permit the exploration of numerous changes in operation which<br />

promise greater economy and efficiency. In such cases, the refinements<br />

described by the authors and corrections for dissolved<br />

gases are not practicable except for brief periods when highly accurate<br />

tests are desired. However, the operators soon learn to<br />

discount even large errors from such recognized sources and to<br />

correlate the meter charts with actual operating conditions. At<br />

the plant mentioned, the conductivity of the boiler blowdown is<br />

also recorded to provide a check on boiler-water concentrations.<br />

The experience of the writers has been almost entirely with the<br />

vacuum type of steam-sample degasifier. The residual ammonia<br />

left by this equipment is of the same order of magnitude as that<br />

cited by the authors for the reboiling type of degasifier. The<br />

vacuum apparatus, for which the practical application has been<br />

described previously, 1 1 operates for long periods with very little<br />

attention. I t would be of interest to have the authors suggest<br />

the important details in using their apparatus for continuous<br />

operation in routine plant control.<br />

In testing condensed steam for ammonia in the atmosphere of<br />

most steam-generating stations, it is almost impossible to make<br />

and preserve large quantities of ammonia-free water. We have<br />

found the use of Folin’s ammonia permutit to be satisfactory for<br />

preparing water to be used in making up ammonium-chloride<br />

8 Baltimore, M d. M em. A.S.M .E.<br />

10 Special Representative, Stoker D epartm ent, Westinghouse<br />

Electric & M anufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Mem.<br />

A.S.M .E.<br />

11 “Steam Contam ination—III. Determ ination of Steam Quality<br />

,” by S. T. Powell, Combustion, vol. 9, no. 5, Nov., 1937, pp. 25-31.


standards. These are only used, however, in the adjustment of<br />

permanent standards for each new batch of Nessler reagents.<br />

We hold no brief for conductivity measurements as providing<br />

absolute accuracy, realizing the deficiencies that exist. From<br />

our experience, however, we are convinced that steam-station<br />

operators now have available a means for closely estimating the<br />

performance of the boiler with respect to steam quality. Further<br />

improvement in apparatus for such measurements presents a<br />

worth-while problem for future study.<br />

A l f r e d W a t s o n . 12 In the application of the electrical-conductivity<br />

method to the determination of the purity of steam, the<br />

most perplexing problem has been the separation of the effect of<br />

dissolved solids from that of the ionized dissolved gases, such as<br />

ammonia and carbon dioxide. Various investigators have alternated<br />

between the two main lines of attack: (1) Measurement of<br />

the concentrations of ammonia and carbon dioxide, calculation of<br />

the increment of conductivity due to these concentrations, subtraction<br />

of this value from the observed conductivity, and calculation<br />

of the residual conductivity into terms of dissolved salts;<br />

and (2) physical elimination, in so far as possible, of dissolved<br />

gases before measurement of the conductivity, followed by direct<br />

calculation of the latter into terms of dissolved salts.<br />

Application of the first method has been hampered by uncertainty<br />

as to the corrections to be applied when both ammonia<br />

and carbon dioxide were present in the sample of condensate;<br />

application of the second by the difficulty of removing all the ammonia<br />

by any practical means. The authors have offered the<br />

compromise of removing substantially all of the carbon dioxide<br />

and part of the ammonia, so that correction need be made only<br />

for low residual concentrations of ammonia.<br />

While equipment for degasification of condensed-steam samples<br />

may well form part of the permanent testing equipment in a large<br />

central station or industrial steam plant, it is inconvenient to<br />

transport from plant to plant. The engineer engaged in field<br />

tests is predisposed, therefore, to rely upon the first method of<br />

leaving the ammonia and carbon dioxide in the sample, and to<br />

develop as accurate a means as he can for correcting his observed<br />

values for conductivity in the light of his analyses for these gases.<br />

Offhand, it might seem suitable in making correction for carbon<br />

dioxide and ammonia to read off from the specific-conductivity<br />

curves of each, respectively, that conductivity value corresponding<br />

to the determined concentration, to add these two values, and<br />

to subtract the total from the observed conductivity of the sample<br />

regarding the difference as the conductivity due to dissolved<br />

solids.<br />

In a great many instances quite anomalous values have been<br />

obtained through the use of this method of correction. The most<br />

common anomaly is that of a negative value when the total correction<br />

is subtracted from the observed conductivity.<br />

Such a value is, of course, an impossibility.<br />

Wherein does the error lie<br />

It is the writer’s opinion that the method often<br />

followed of making separate corrections for ammonia<br />

and for carbon dioxide and then totaling<br />

these two values is incorrect, because it neglects<br />

the fact that the sample of water can have one<br />

and only one pH value and one equilibrium between<br />

the various ions for the conditions which<br />

existed when the conductivity was measured.<br />

Actually, since ammonia is a base and carbon<br />

dioxide an acid in solution, with different relative<br />

amounts of these two, the relative concentrations<br />

of H+, NH,+, O H -, HCOj- , and CO,—<br />

ions in the sample will vary. The specific conductivity of OH~<br />

ion is, however, nearly 3 times, and that of H+ ion 5 times that<br />

of NH


The curves of Fig. 1 are expressed in terms of ammonia and of<br />

“free” rather than total carbon dioxide, as determined by standard<br />

methods. The most significant feature is the extremely<br />

slight effect of carbon dioxide upon the conductivity when ammonia<br />

is also present and the pH value is below 7.<br />

The suggested procedure for testing a sample of steam condensate<br />

is as follows:<br />

1 (a) The concentrations of “free” carbon dioxide and ammonia<br />

in the sample are determined by recognized standard<br />

methods.”<br />

(6) The pH value of the sample may be determined by the<br />

glass electrode, as with Coleman electrometer Model 3D, or Leeds<br />

and Northrup No. 7661-A1, or equal.<br />

2 In case the content of “free” carbon dioxide is zero or negative,<br />

or the pH value exceeds 7, for the most accurate work it will<br />

be advisable to adjust the “free” carbon dioxide to an adequate<br />

excess or the pH to below 7 by means of pure carbon dioxide, and<br />

recheck the ammonia content.<br />

3 The specific conductivity of the sample under these conditions<br />

is obtained by means of a conductivity-resistivity indicator,<br />

such as Leeds and Northrup No. 4866, or equal.<br />

4 The correction for dissolved gases is read from a chart of the<br />

type of Fig. 1 of this discussion, and subtracted from the observed<br />

conductivity.<br />

5 The corrected conductivity is converted into ppm of dissolved<br />

salts by the use of a suitable factor.<br />

Table 1 with this discussion, presents data on conductivity,<br />

ammonia, and carbon dioxide, obtained in a plant test on steam<br />

quality. In this case columns 5 and 6 give the correction values<br />

and the dissolved solids, respectively, when separate correction<br />

factors for carbon dioxide and ammonia were used, neglecting the<br />

fact that the sample could only have one pH value. Columns 7<br />

and 8 give the values obtained when the correction value was read<br />

off from the curves of Fig. 1. It is notable that in the former case<br />

the value for dissolved solids is negative in every case but one—<br />

an obvious impossibility. In the latter all values are on the positive<br />

side.<br />

The suggestion of adding carbon dioxide to a sample of steam<br />

condensate instead of removing it may seem unorthodox, but is<br />

as fundamentally sound as the data for the dissociation of carbonic<br />

acid and ammonium hydroxide. It should be kept in mind<br />

that the curves of Fig. 1 are calculated from these values in the<br />

ls “Standard M ethods for the Exam ination of W ater and Sewage,”<br />

Eighth edition, American Public H ealth Association, New York,<br />

N. Y., 1936.<br />

literature, and the job of verifying them completely in practical<br />

determinations has only begun. We plan much further work<br />

along this line, and, finally, to present this entire subject in more<br />

complete form at a later date.<br />

A u t h o r s ’ C l o s u r e<br />

As Messrs. E. B. and S. T. Powell point out in their discussions,<br />

it has been demonstrated to be possible to determine, continuously,<br />

solids carry-over in steam in proportions as low as 0.1<br />

ppm. The authors feel that they have contributed to this important<br />

power-plant problem. The variety of conditions found<br />

in different plants and the requirements of different individuals,<br />

as pointed out by Mr. Watson, seems to indicate that considerable<br />

flexibility will be required in test methods. Under such circumstances,<br />

the problem of carry-over measurement must be<br />

attacked from all angles.<br />

The drying temperature for gravimetric determination of total<br />

solids residue, requested by Messrs. McKinney and Hecht was<br />

110 C. The weight of the residue upon successive weighings,<br />

involving the incidental transferring from desiccator to balance,<br />

did not change, indicating that hydration and carbonation were<br />

not taking place. I t is possible to weigh the residue to 0.01 mg<br />

but the authors do not believe this accuracy is warranted at present.<br />

It is worth-while to point out the fact that the temperature<br />

between successive weighings should be practically constant.<br />

The question of steam sampling has been considered by the<br />

authors and suitable flow maintained to secure proper velocities.<br />

This phase of the problem has also been emphasized by S. T.<br />

Powell.11 Messrs. McKinney and Hecht correctly indicate that<br />

dissolved solids rather than total solids should be made the basis<br />

of calibration for electrolytic conductivity versus dissolved solids.<br />

In the case of the Louisiana Station, the dissolved and total solids<br />

are substantially the same. The correspondence between<br />

gravimetrically determined dissolved solids, after subtracting<br />

the weight of nonconducting residue, and independently determined<br />

dissolved solids by conductivity measurement bears this<br />

out.<br />

Mr. Watson’s procedure for computing the correction to be<br />

applied to electrolytic-conductivity measurements by determining<br />

the ammonia and carbon-dioxide concentration in the condensed<br />

steam, adjusted to a pH equal or less than 7 with carbon<br />

dioxide, is quite interesting.<br />

In conclusion the authors would again like to repeat: The<br />

problem of producing pure steam is of great importance and justifies<br />

the attention of all power-plant operators.

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