Bird movements aro - International Bird Strike Committee

Bird movements aro - International Bird Strike Committee

Bird movements aro - International Bird Strike Committee


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adar in avoidance systems<br />

In figure 6 the curves of figure 1 are combined with attitudtnat ranges ot b rd<br />

control: en foute, <strong>aro</strong>und and on anpons. Avoiding birds in the air is difftc!h<br />

because many bird <strong>movements</strong> occur betow rhe coverage of most tong range<br />

surveilance radars {stippted) and just above the acquisition .ange of rh; visual<br />

observer (shaded). To make ir even worse. tow tevet btd fying activtry is oflen<br />

in big flocks as food rinding is a very sociat affair, especia y i; wefland a.eas<br />

where water rabte dynamics creares a ftuctuating and palchy availabitiry of<br />

food. A thorough map/calendar approach is of course the lirst srep in pianning<br />

new airpo(s or aircrait flying routes. aut this information atone is too static f;r<br />

day-to d€y bkd strike prevention. For each headache species the daity and<br />

seasonal flying partern shoutd be known. In principte a tot of bi.d activity can be<br />

predicted by a dynamic modet fed bV certain environmentat parameters, aut<br />

scientific generalizations are lsua ty not enough to predict how each species w I<br />

adapt to specific localconditions. Additionat rutes of thumb about spatiat fying<br />

behaviour in reation to wearler, topography etc. are neeneo.<br />

l. practice the onty ,rnodets,ihai do exist are very experienced b rd contro|ers<br />

gvinglheir'best profess onatjudgeme.r,_ Howevef, this iype of antictpation is<br />

primarily based on whar can be mentaty reconsrruct€d from visua observarion.<br />

This is usually imlled to rhe a rport itsetf and 10 the towest 5O meters (Buu.m.,<br />

Lensink & Linnartz 1986). Bur even he.e a big bird fock may sudenty appear.<br />

As noi all blrd controtters are eqlalty experienced and atert, and as they cannot<br />

overvrew the whole aiiport, ihere is a gap in tho markel for detecl on devices<br />

oaseo on remote sensrno such as radar.<br />

radar in avoidance systems<br />

The above mentioned gap in the marker is growing surely but s owty as rong as<br />

we are not at)re to quantify rhe bird strike risk betler and to show convincingty<br />

the amo!nr of risk reduction. Air traffic conlro ers do not wish ro accept<br />

addillonal responsibilities when the btrd information is nor very ctearty indicared<br />

and well derined. Obviousty, not every singte smaI or medium sized b rd can<br />

kept under controt. Thus, rhe equ pment shou d be abte 10 tndicate whether the<br />

amount ot bird meat in a cerlatn air vot!me exceeds a ce(ain agfeed vatue.<br />

Figufe 6 is a propos:lro reduce the many options or apptying remole senstng<br />

into three altitude/scate ctasses on the basts of rhe spaital disrribution oi b rd<br />

slrikes. ls!ggesr the fotowng terminotogy,<br />

A. 2-D on airoort bird flock deteciton Certain ground radars do have the<br />

capacity to monitor birds or cou d be adjusred 10 do so {schaefer 1969). Given<br />

the limiled range needed 6tso off-the shelve marine radars with a reptaced<br />

anlenna, to .a ow t\e bear and ircrea\e qdin, mrght be .porred. Ihe n a n<br />

p oD em 6 grou-dctLtrer r"d-cr o1, bJt sopli\r.carFd new techro,ogy is abte to<br />

solve this satisfactority.<br />


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