I nuovi servizi per gli emittenti - Monte Titoli
I nuovi servizi per gli emittenti - Monte Titoli
I nuovi servizi per gli emittenti - Monte Titoli
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I <strong>nuovi</strong> <strong>servizi</strong> <strong>per</strong> <strong>gli</strong><br />
<strong>emittenti</strong><br />
Palazzo Mezzanotte, Milano, 28 Maggio 2013
I <strong>nuovi</strong> <strong>servizi</strong> <strong>per</strong> <strong>gli</strong> <strong>emittenti</strong><br />
XE Eurobonds – Raising the bar<br />
Andrea Tranquillini<br />
Head of Network Management & International Issuance<br />
<strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong><br />
New Service<br />
Main Features<br />
1 “XE” ISIN<br />
Key Service Differentiators<br />
2 STP offered by MT-X and UnaVista<br />
3<br />
No requirement for ICSD agent<br />
safekeeping and servicing<br />
4 Central Bank Money<br />
5 Streamlining of the execution process<br />
6 Corporate Actions Automation<br />
7 Significantly Lower Safekeeping Fees<br />
Impact<br />
Market neutral to accept new “XE” ISIN. Code is<br />
neither a key driver of liquidity nor quality.<br />
Great improvement on current processes and cost<br />
savings<br />
Simpler process brings efficiencies.<br />
Further efficiencies with Dematerialisation option<br />
Provides an alternative to the current Commercial<br />
Bank Money service. Significant risk reduction<br />
option<br />
General simplification of the execution process<br />
with benefits for Lead Managers, Sub Custodians<br />
and Investors<br />
Proposed development using XBRL taxonomy<br />
offers benefit for Global Custodians, addressing a<br />
significant concern raised previously<br />
Major benefit for Global Custodians and<br />
Investment Banks<br />
A new Numbering Agency<br />
Securities coding<br />
• “XE” prefix – Unique for International Bonds & Debt Instruments<br />
where MT is Issuer (I)CSD<br />
X E 0 0 B 1 F 3 M 5 9 0<br />
Code identifying<br />
place of deposit (for<br />
international bonds)<br />
Filler<br />
Seven digits alphanumeric code (using<br />
SEDOL format)<br />
Check<br />
digit<br />
• Additional request for membership submitted to the ANNA<br />
(Association of Numbering Agencies)<br />
• Membership not a showstop<strong>per</strong> to start allocating codes<br />
A new simpler structure<br />
All functions imbedded within <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong><br />
ISSUER<br />
CBL<br />
<strong>Monte</strong><br />
<strong>Titoli</strong><br />
Key Benefits<br />
AT ISSUANCE fewer parties reduced O<strong>per</strong>ational risk.<br />
SAFEKEEPING As <strong>per</strong> the ECB Standard 3, <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> has a unique and direct relationship with<br />
the issuer.<br />
FORM Global Note safe kept by <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong>. Dematerialization possible with servicing<br />
efficiencies.<br />
COMMUNICATION All communications from Issuer or Agent directly to MT. Prime record with MT.<br />
Issuance structure<br />
Issuer responsible for creating issue, settlement, and post-issuance servicing<br />
Issue closed<br />
Issue created<br />
Securities distributed<br />
Issuer<br />
Issue A/C<br />
(Debit)<br />
Agent A/C<br />
(Credit)<br />
Participant<br />
(Credit)<br />
Investor<br />
(Credit)<br />
Issuer appoints, and notifies MT of<br />
1. ISSUER AGENT responsible for<br />
• Issue creation, and<br />
• Post-Issuance servicing<br />
2. PAYMENT AGENT responsible for<br />
• interest & principle events<br />
SETTLEMENT AGENT can be either:<br />
- Lead Manager (for Syndicated<br />
Issues), or<br />
- Programme Agent (for direct<br />
programme issuance).<br />
As agreed bilaterally between Issuer<br />
and Agent. Must be A/C holder<br />
Primary settlement roles<br />
DVP Securities distribution and proceeds payment to issuer<br />
<strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong><br />
Issuer<br />
Option 1<br />
Lead<br />
Manager<br />
Issuer<br />
S<br />
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EUR via T2<br />
Option 2<br />
Programme<br />
Agent<br />
Issuer<br />
Investors<br />
Issuance process<br />
Process flow<br />
Securities<br />
ISSUER<br />
Cash<br />
1. Security created in issuer<br />
account (DR)<br />
2. Simultaneous automatic credit<br />
(FOP) according to “agent”<br />
account for «distribution»<br />
3. Distribution occurs on a realtime<br />
DVP basis<br />
1<br />
2<br />
MT<br />
4<br />
T2<br />
4. Simultaneous DVP RTGS<br />
settlement for cash leg via T2<br />
3<br />
Lead Manager/IPA*<br />
* Depending on the role <strong>per</strong>formed and on the type of issuance<br />
Key Benefits<br />
Settlement Real time Gross Settlement in Central Bank money (T2).<br />
Settlement Immediate finality in the early morning of issue date.<br />
Settlement with peers<br />
Transferability of XE Eurobonds<br />
<strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong><br />
Direct<br />
Participants<br />
T2<br />
Express<br />
Net &<br />
(RTGS)<br />
Transaction<br />
input<br />
Settlement &<br />
confirmation<br />
CBL<br />
Realignment<br />
EB<br />
CBL<br />
Sett. system<br />
BRIDGE<br />
EB<br />
Sett. system<br />
CBL 1<br />
CBL 2<br />
EB 1<br />
EB 2<br />
Key Benefits<br />
Settlement No limitation in transferability of XE assets with peer ICSDs.<br />
Currency Phase 1 EUR CeBM settlement in T2, Phase 2 Multicurrency in CoBM<br />
Deadline Currently available during T2 opening hours. Overnight window planned<br />
Income processing<br />
• Funds advanced to Participants (at cost), based on;<br />
– Credit standing of Participant, and<br />
– Credit standing of Issuer<br />
– Poor credit – funds credited next day, or when receipt determined (Upon<br />
receipt of Funds)<br />
• Immediate payment to the market as soon as issuer paying agent pays. Most<br />
payment in T2 settled by mid morning CET.<br />
• Irrelevance of participant and issuer credit rating.<br />
• Immediate finality of payment and minimization of reversal risk.<br />
Key Benefits<br />
Credit Risk Removal of overnight and intraday exposure for crediting proceeds<br />
O<strong>per</strong>ational Risk Substantial reduction of reversal risk.<br />
Assets servicing<br />
• In December 2012, <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> has<br />
been recognized amongst the top CSDs for<br />
CA standards implementation in the<br />
T2S markets.<br />
• Pre-issuance and post-issuance services outsourced to market leading<br />
provider ″GlobeTax″.<br />
• Both relief at source and refund available if applicable.<br />
• Electronic reporting for issuer agents.<br />
Key Benefits<br />
Corporate Actions Forerunner of European harmonization<br />
Fiscal Service Specific assistance in the pre-issuance phase provided<br />
Collateral eligibility criteria<br />
• CGNs (Classic Global Note) eligible but not when held via common agents for EB or<br />
CBL.<br />
• NGNs – July 2006 – Created to enable EB & CBL to meet the ECB requirements,<br />
addressing concerns around “Undue custody risk” on use of Common Depositaries.<br />
(Standard 3 of ECB SSS Standards)<br />
• <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> meets ECB requirements for both Global (CGN) and dematerialised.<br />
• Laid down in Annex I to Guideline ECB/2011/14 of 20 September 2011 on monetary<br />
policy instruments and procedures of the Eurosystem.<br />
Key Benefits<br />
CGN Eligible if held with <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> as no Undue Custody Risk.<br />
Book entry Eligible as held and settled with Eurozone SSS fulfilling ECB standards<br />
An innovative language – XBRL<br />
eXtensible Business Reporting Language<br />
• Point raised about SWIFT communication standards not ensuring exhaustive<br />
transfer of information and need for interpretation of information in documents<br />
• Examine a possible solution to Important information, not covered in SWIFT<br />
messages, by using XBRL to tag the information and enable all parties to enjoy<br />
STP<br />
• Standard taxonomy (dictionary) of terms mandated in law by US and other<br />
governments for financial reporting consistent with ISO 20022 messaging standard<br />
used to ‘tag’ data in text-heavy documents<br />
• Makes documents (e.g. Market Announcements, Term Agreements) machine<br />
readable and reduces re-keying effort and associated error risks<br />
• Establish a sub-Working Group to evaluate and take necessary steps towards<br />
addressing this quickly<br />
• GlobeTax helped develop the XBRL withholding tax taxonomy for corporate<br />
actions<br />
Key Benefit<br />
Communication Increase quality of communication at issuance on securities data<br />
O<strong>per</strong>ations Reduce risk of reversal on payment date<br />
Cost reduction<br />
• Significantly lower safekeeping fees (concentration of agency roles in<br />
<strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> expected to bring at least of 30% savings)<br />
• Reduced servicing efforts and administrative burden for<br />
intermediaries<br />
• De-risked real-time DVP CeBM issuance process without credit<br />
exposure<br />
• Streamlined real-time Corporate Actions processing in CeBM in<br />
Central Bank Money<br />
• Reduction of o<strong>per</strong>ational risk thank to real time DVP settlement<br />
• Dismantling of the credit exposure principle thanks to full STP RTGS<br />
DVP<br />
• Eligibility for ECB and CCP collateral<br />
Legal Structure<br />
Enrica Cremonini<br />
Legal Counsel<br />
Gruppo Borsa Italiana<br />
Legal Framework<br />
Main aspects<br />
• <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> o<strong>per</strong>ates within the legal framework of the Italian Finance Act<br />
(Leg.D.58/1998), and the <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> rules on “Centralised Administration of<br />
Securities” are approved by the competent authorities as complying with the<br />
laws.<br />
• This legal framework is fully compliant with the industry standards (ESCB<br />
Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems and BIS Principles for<br />
Financial Markets Infrastructures, requiring a high degree of legal assurance for<br />
each aspect of the clearing and settlement process, including:<br />
• Legally valid and enforceable arrangements for netting and collateral<br />
• Valid and enforceable rules on the entitlement to securities and the legal effects arising from a credit<br />
book entry on a security account only the relevant account holder is entitled to exercise rights arising from<br />
the securities<br />
• No claims on securities can be exercised by MT<br />
• Clear definition of the nature of the proprietary rights on book entry securities<br />
• Full protection of Client’s assets in the event of the insolvency of a system participant or the CSD is<br />
granted by strict asset segregation rules, both at CSD and Intermediary level and prohibition of actions or<br />
attachments by the creditors of the intermediary or of the CSD against the securities which are the<br />
pro<strong>per</strong>ty of the Intermediary’s client<br />
• Settlement Finality rules implemented according to EU Legislation to protect the settlement system in<br />
case of insolvency<br />
Legal Framework<br />
<strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> as Depositary and Safekee<strong>per</strong><br />
In accordance with the legislation, and having a contractual relationship<br />
with the Issuer, MT as authorized CSD, manages the securities settled<br />
through its settlement system as follows:<br />
• A securities account is opened for the issue on <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong>’s books<br />
• The issue is deemed to be completed when securities are credited on the<br />
participants’ securities account<br />
• Securities in certificated form: MT acts as a custodian of the physical<br />
document representing the security. Upon receipt of the security, MT<br />
registers the issue on the relevant securities accounts<br />
• Securities in dematerialized form: MT provides for the registration on the<br />
relevant securities account upon completion of the placement process and<br />
upon instruction of the Issuer or of the Issuer Agent<br />
• Reconciliation: at the end of each accounting day, MT verifies that the<br />
amount registered in the securities account held by intermediaries is<br />
equal to the amount registered in the issuer’s securities account<br />
• Corporate actions management:<br />
– Notices in relation to note holders meetings<br />
– Income payments of principal and interests under the securities<br />
– Tax services in relation to the relevant securities<br />
Issue<br />
closed<br />
Issue<br />
created<br />
Securities<br />
distributed<br />
Ongoing<br />
Servicing<br />
Legal Framework<br />
Options for form of securities<br />
• Securities cleared through MT may be either in certificated (global<br />
or definitive) form or in uncertificated (“dematerialised”) form<br />
• According to private international law, the form of securities will<br />
be regulated by the law where securities are issued<br />
– If the securities are issued in Italy, Italian law will apply to the form of<br />
the securities<br />
– If the securities are issued in another jurisdiction, the law of such<br />
jurisdiction will apply to the form of the securities (e.g. if the securities<br />
are issued in the UK, UK law will apply)<br />
• Securities in dematerialized form are deemed to be issued when<br />
the issuer’s securities account is opened and the relevant<br />
securities are credited therein<br />
Legal Framework<br />
Dematerialization rules<br />
To the extent Italian law applies to the form of securities, article 83-bis of Italian<br />
Finance Act and article 15 of the Joint Regulation set forth that the financial<br />
instruments to be issued in dematerialized form are the following:<br />
• Financial instruments traded or intended to be traded on Italian regulated<br />
markets;<br />
• Shares, other equity instruments, bonds and other debt instruments, as well as<br />
any other financial instrument that gives the right to acquire other financial<br />
instruments issued by an entity having financial instruments listed on an Italian<br />
regulated market or is included in the list (held by CONSOB) of issuers having<br />
shares diffused to the public;<br />
• Bonds and other debt instruments issued for an aggregate amount of at least<br />
Euro 150 millions (below this amount form is optional) ;<br />
• Other financial instruments for which the issuer opts for the dematerialization<br />
regime.<br />
Legal Framework<br />
Guidelines on documentation amendments<br />
The new structure will modify the o<strong>per</strong>ations and timing of both the issuance process<br />
and the ongoing servicing. As a consequence this will have to be appropriately<br />
reflected in all the relevant legal documents related to the issue such as:<br />
1. Prospectus/Offering Circular<br />
2. Subscription Agreement/Progamme Agreement<br />
3. Global Note<br />
4. Agency Agreement ( and Trust Deed)<br />
5. O<strong>per</strong>ative and Administrative Procedure Memorandum<br />
6. Signing & Closing Memorandum<br />
• A&O drafting<br />
documentation templates<br />
• ICMA Legal & Docs<br />
Committee to review<br />
In amending these documents, considerations are:<br />
1) For certificated issues in <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong>, securities will be in CGN form. Normally<br />
the wording used in programmes already includes both NGN or CGN<br />
2) <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> will be indicated as the depository and safekee<strong>per</strong> of the note<br />
3) The O<strong>per</strong>ative and Administrative Procedure Memorandum and the Agency<br />
Agreement needs to reflect timing and procedure in line with <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong><br />
o<strong>per</strong>ations.<br />
4) The Issuer will have an agreement with <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> with standard terms and<br />
conditions both for custody and safekeeping service.<br />
Contacts<br />
Sales Team<br />
Alessandro Zignani<br />
Head of Post Trade Sales<br />
Cristina Belloni<br />
Global Post Trade Sales<br />
Giovanni Costantini<br />
Global Post Trade Sales<br />
XE Eurobonds team<br />
Andrea Tranquillini<br />
Head of Network Management & International<br />
issuance<br />
Enrica Cremonini<br />
Legal Counsel<br />
Details<br />
azignani@londonstockexchange.com<br />
T +39 02 33635 212; M +39 366 6120430<br />
cbelloni@londonstockexchange.com<br />
T +39 02 72426504<br />
gcostantini@londonstockexchange.com<br />
T +39 02 33635283<br />
Details<br />
atranquillini@londonstockexchange.com<br />
e.cremonini@montetitoli.it<br />
Grazie della Vostra<br />
• The publication of this document does not represent solicitation, by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., of public saving and is not to be<br />
considered as a recommendation by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. as to the suitability of the investment, if any, herein described.<br />
• This document has not to be considered complete and it is meant for information and discussion purposes only. Borsa Italiana<br />
S.p.A. accepts no liability, arising, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, from inaccuracies and/or mistakes, for<br />
decisions and/or actions taken by any party based on this documents.<br />
SEGMENTO TITOLI CON ALTI REQUISITI, TECHSTAR are registred trademarks owned by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.<br />
• CC&G is a registred trademark owned by Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A.<br />
• MONTE TITOLI, X-TRM AND MT-X are registred trademarks owned by <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> S.p.A.<br />
• MTS, BOND VISION, EUROMTS are registred trademarks owned by MTS S.p.A.<br />
• London Stock Exchange, the coat of arms device and AIM are registered trade marks of London Stock Exchange plc.<br />
• FTSE is a trade mark of the London Stock Exchange Group companies and is used by FTSE International Limited under licence.<br />
• The above trademarks and any other trademark owned by the London Stock Exchange Group cannot be used without express<br />
written consent by the Company having the ownership on the same.<br />
• Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and its subsidiaries are subject to direction and coordination of London Stock Exchange Group Holdings<br />
(Italy) Ltd – Italian branch.<br />
• The Group promotes and offers the post-trading services of Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A. and <strong>Monte</strong> <strong>Titoli</strong> S.p.A. in<br />
an equitable, transparent and non-discriminatory manner and on the basis of criteria and procedure aimed at assuring<br />
intero<strong>per</strong>ability, security and equal treatment among market infrastructures, to all subjects who so request and are qualified in<br />
accordance with national and community legislation, applicable rules and decisions of the competent Authorities<br />