2012 Annual Report - Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley

2012 Annual Report - Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley

2012 Annual Report - Boys and Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley


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<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>

Inside<br />

1 President’s Letter<br />

2 Past, Present & Future Timeline<br />

4 Mission Statement<br />

5 Club Locations<br />

6 Robert Mayer<br />

Child Development Preschool<br />

7 Learning Center<br />

Child Development Preschool<br />

8 Kingston Branch<br />

9 <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Branch<br />

10 ClubHouse Academy<br />

11 Oak View Branch<br />

12 Twilight Education Project<br />

13 Transportation<br />

14 Building Dreams<br />

16 Accountability<br />

17 Club Leadership<br />

18 Donors

Dear Friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club,<br />

President’s Letter<br />

When you were a kid,<br />

what did you want to<br />

be when you grew up<br />

A doctor, an astronaut,<br />

a chef, a mom or dad<br />

I bet your dreams were<br />

big <strong>and</strong> while you might<br />

not have grown up to be<br />

an astronaut, I think you’ve<br />

made a “great future” for<br />

yourself.<br />

“Great Futures Start Here” is not just a slogan that<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> around the country use. It’s a<br />

commitment that <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> make to all the<br />

kids who walk through our doors. <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong><br />

are here to give kids the foundation they need to<br />

create their own great future. The Club does that by:<br />

• Helping kids succeed in school.<br />

• Fostering positive relationships between<br />

kids <strong>and</strong> caring adults <strong>and</strong> between kids <strong>and</strong><br />

their peers.<br />

• Providing a safe environment where kids can<br />

learn, play, <strong>and</strong> grow.<br />

• With your help, the Club gives all those gifts<br />

to kids in need. It opens the door to success<br />

<strong>and</strong> puts kids on the path to a great future.<br />

This year we made some big strides forward in caring<br />

for our community’s kids. One <strong>of</strong> the most important<br />

was opening a sixth branch in Oak View, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

most impoverished areas <strong>of</strong> our community. With<br />

that addition, our <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club now serves<br />

9,300 children each year. By supporting the <strong>Boys</strong><br />

& <strong>Girls</strong> Club, you are literally changing thous<strong>and</strong>s<br />

<strong>of</strong> lives for the better. This annual report will tell<br />

you more about what’s happening at each <strong>of</strong> our<br />

branches <strong>and</strong> how you are helping kids in need. Your<br />

support means that every family, regardless <strong>of</strong> their<br />

financial situation, can afford the quality care that<br />

their children deserve.<br />

Would you like to see how you <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong><br />

Club are changing children’s lives We’d love to show<br />

you. To see first-h<strong>and</strong> what your support makes possible,<br />

call 714-593-0753, ext. 109 to arrange a tour.<br />

Thank you for opening the door to great futures for<br />

kids in need.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

• Giving kids opportunities to use their time in<br />

fun, positive ways.<br />

• Teaching kids healthy habits <strong>and</strong> how to make<br />

good life choices.<br />

Chuck Thomas, President<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />


The Past, the Present<br />

1967 1981 1992 1997<br />

1974 1986 1996 2005<br />

1967<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach is founded<br />

by ten local business men <strong>and</strong> women, with<br />

help from the Anderson Trust Fund <strong>and</strong><br />

local businesses. The Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Boys</strong><br />

Club is founded by the Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Jaycees.<br />

1974<br />

The <strong>Girls</strong> Club <strong>of</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> opens<br />

with help from local service groups, city<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>and</strong> a donation from the family<br />

<strong>of</strong> the late Lt. Cmdr. Charles R. Lee.<br />

2<br />

1979-1982<br />

All three clubs become co-ed <strong>and</strong> change<br />

their names to reflect that both boys <strong>and</strong><br />

girls can participate in their programs.<br />

1981<br />

<strong>Girls</strong> & <strong>Boys</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>-<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach (formerly <strong>Girls</strong> Club<br />

<strong>of</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>) moves to the Kid<br />

Connection Branch at Wardlow School.<br />

1982<br />

The <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach <strong>and</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> merge, forming the<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.<br />

The new organization now serves two<br />

cities in three locations.<br />

1986<br />

BGCHV breaks ground at McCallen Park<br />

with the goal <strong>of</strong> replacing the two smaller<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach sites.<br />

1992<br />

The <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Branch opens at<br />

McCallen Park.<br />

1995-1996<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

merges with <strong>Girls</strong> & <strong>Boys</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fountain<br />

<strong>Valley</strong>-<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, making the Club<br />

the largest youth-serving organization in<br />

the community. Construction begins on the<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Kingston Branch.<br />

1997<br />

The Kingston Branch at Mile Square Park<br />

in Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> opens.<br />

2003<br />

The Club partners with local school districts<br />

to <strong>of</strong>fer the Twilight Education Project, a<br />

program to help all members <strong>of</strong> English<br />

Language Learner families gain the skills<br />

they need to succeed.<br />

2005<br />

The Club begins operating the Golden<br />

West College Child Development Center<br />

on the college’s campus, beginning a<br />

strong partnership with the college.

<strong>and</strong> the Great Future<br />

2006 2010 <strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

2006 2011 <strong>2012</strong><br />

2006<br />

The Club opens the ClubHouse Academy in<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>, dedicated to performing<br />

arts <strong>and</strong> fitness programming.<br />

2006<br />

With the closure <strong>of</strong> the Kid Connection<br />

Branch, the Club relocates the Learning<br />

Center Preschool to Haven View School.<br />

2007<br />

The Club launches the Building Dreams<br />

Campaign to raise funds for a new<br />

“Family Campus” on Golden West<br />

College’s campus to reach at-risk youth<br />

in under-served areas <strong>of</strong> the community.<br />

2010<br />

The Club breaks ground on the Robert<br />

Mayer Child Development Preschool at<br />

Golden West College.<br />

2011<br />

The Club opens the Robert Mayer Child<br />

Development Preschool <strong>and</strong> completes<br />

Phase I <strong>of</strong> the Building Dreams campaign.<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

The Twilight Education Project exp<strong>and</strong>s to<br />

serve Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> families.<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

The Club’s Learning Center Child<br />

Development Preschool relocates from<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach to Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

to better serve the community with one<br />

preschool in <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach <strong>and</strong> one in<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>.<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

The Oak View Branch opens, providing<br />

after school programs for disadvantaged<br />

youth in <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach.<br />

Notable<br />

Achievements<br />

2003<br />

The Club is named #1<br />

in the nation for Overall<br />

Program Excellence<br />

by <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> America.<br />

2003 <strong>and</strong> 2009<br />

Learning Center Preschool earns<br />

5-year national accreditation from<br />

the National Association for the<br />

Education <strong>of</strong> Young Children.<br />

2004 <strong>and</strong> 2011<br />

The Club’s Twilight Education<br />

Project wins the Annie E. Casey<br />

Family Strengthening Award from<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> America,<br />

given to the best family support<br />

programs in the nation.<br />

2008<br />

The Club is named the #2 Club<br />

in the nation for Overall Program<br />

Excellence by <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong><br />

<strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> America.<br />


Mission Statement<br />

Our Mission...<br />

is to inspire <strong>and</strong> enable<br />

the healthy development<br />

<strong>of</strong> all young people,<br />

especially those<br />

from disadvantaged<br />

circumstances, to realize<br />

their full potential as<br />

productive, responsible,<br />

<strong>and</strong> caring members <strong>of</strong><br />

our community.<br />


16582 Brookhurst St. • Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>, 92708<br />

714-531-2582<br />


17261 Oak Lane • <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, 92647<br />

714-531-2582<br />


2309 Delaware St. • <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, 92648<br />

714-374-2600<br />


Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> (between City Hall & Library)<br />

714-593-0753<br />


Club Locations<br />


7<br />

6<br />


CENTER<br />

3<br />

BEACH<br />

McFADDEN<br />


405<br />

SLATER<br />


WARNER<br />

ELLIS<br />


1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

EUCLID<br />




17565 Los Alamos St. • Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>, 92708<br />

714-593-0753<br />



15744 Goldenwest St. • <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, 92647<br />

714-899-5900<br />


2<br />


ADAMS<br />


Child Development Preschool<br />

Phase II:<br />


Gymnasium<br />

Phase III:<br />


School Age Club<br />


Phase II: Gymnasium<br />

Phase III: School Age Club<br />

We’re Building California’s 1st <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club on a college campus!<br />

www.BuildingDreamsCampaign.com<br />

Call today to take a tour <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Clubs</strong>!<br />

For more information call (714) 593-0753 ext. 109<br />

www.BGCHV.com<br />


Robert Mayer<br />

Child Development Preschool<br />

The path to a great future starts with the Club’s<br />

littlest members <strong>and</strong> preparing them for success in<br />

school. Young children take baby steps, literally<br />

<strong>and</strong> figuratively, toward making a great future <strong>and</strong><br />

the Club helps with every step. The Club uses the<br />

“Desired Results Assessment Tool” to track each child’s<br />

developmental progress. There are more than 30<br />

measures that are incorporated into lesson plans<br />

for each age group. They are all designed to help<br />

children reach major developmental milestones.<br />

For infants, loving staff help children get physically<br />

ready to take their first steps toward that great<br />

future. They work with children on tummy time <strong>and</strong><br />

encourage rolling over, sitting up, crawling, <strong>and</strong> finally<br />

walking. With the toddler age group, the focus is on<br />

independence. Children learn to feed themselves.<br />

Language skills are very important as they learn to<br />

express themselves <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> those they are<br />

interacting with. Gross motor development also<br />

continues to be important for this age group, as<br />

children enthusiastically climb, jump, <strong>and</strong> play!<br />

Two <strong>and</strong> three year olds focus on that major milestone<br />

<strong>of</strong> becoming a big kid: potty training. After kids have<br />

mastered potty training, the curriculum becomes more<br />

academic, with a focus on teaching letters, shapes,<br />

numbers, colors <strong>and</strong> more. At the same time, staff<br />

work with children to help them develop social skills<br />

so that they can make friends, solve problems, <strong>and</strong><br />

learn important lessons about sharing, taking turns,<br />

<strong>and</strong> being kind to others.<br />

The preschool age group steps things up so<br />

that children are completely prepared to enter<br />

kindergarten. The Club does this by incorporating<br />

school readiness guidelines into its curriculum. That<br />

means that by the end <strong>of</strong> the pre-kindergarten year<br />

at the preschool, children know the sounds <strong>of</strong> letters,<br />

recognize upper <strong>and</strong> lower case letters, write <strong>and</strong><br />

recognize their own name, count to at least 30, <strong>and</strong><br />

lots more. Children practice drawing <strong>and</strong> writing<br />

words <strong>and</strong> stories in their own journals <strong>and</strong> then kids<br />

tell the staff about their stories. This lets each child<br />

start to put together words, see sentence patterns,<br />

<strong>and</strong> have the opportunity for self-expression <strong>and</strong><br />

creativity.<br />

Jubilee is one <strong>of</strong> the Robert Mayer Child Development<br />

Preschool’s recent graduates. She started attending<br />

when she was 3 years old <strong>and</strong> stayed at the Club until<br />

she enrolled in kindergarten. When she started at<br />

the Club, she was scared. She spoke only Vietnamese<br />

<strong>and</strong> she had never been away from her mom. She<br />

had a tough time with the separation. The Club’s staff<br />

worked hard to make her feel welcome <strong>and</strong> safe.<br />

They also worked with her on the English language<br />

skills that would help her make friends <strong>and</strong> become<br />

more comfortable <strong>and</strong> better able to interact with the<br />

other children. During her time at the Robert Mayer<br />

Preschool, she blossomed. Her English improved<br />

dramatically <strong>and</strong> she became an independent <strong>and</strong><br />

social little girl. Her mother says, “She is doing<br />

amazing in kindergarten. She knows English <strong>and</strong> she’s<br />

making friends easily. She hasn’t been scared at all –<br />

just excited to go to school every day. She’s right on<br />

track academically, <strong>and</strong> it was a great transition for<br />

her.” Now, Jubilee’s little sister Josephine has started<br />

in the three-year old classroom. The Club is excited to<br />

help another little one get ready for success in school<br />

<strong>and</strong> prepare for a great future.<br />


Learning Center<br />

Child Development Preschool<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>’s Learning<br />

Center Preschool serves more than 200 children ages<br />

6 weeks to 5 years old each year in Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>.<br />

The Learning Center has the special distinction <strong>of</strong><br />

being accredited by the National Association for<br />

the Education <strong>of</strong> Young Children (NAEYC). Only 7%<br />

<strong>of</strong> all licensed preschools nationwide have earned<br />

accreditation. The Learning Center is one <strong>of</strong> only<br />

three NAEYC accredited preschools in all <strong>of</strong> Fountain<br />

<strong>Valley</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach combined. It is the only<br />

one in the community to serve children under three.<br />

In earning national accreditation, the Learning Center<br />

has proven that the quality <strong>of</strong> the care provided for<br />

its members is exceptional! Media outlets ranging<br />

from Parents magazine to the Wall Street Journal refer<br />

to NAEYC accreditation as “the gold st<strong>and</strong>ard” in<br />

early childhood education programs.<br />

The rigorous accreditation process requires the<br />

Learning Center to show that it meets hundreds<br />

<strong>of</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards in curriculum, teaching, leadership<br />

<strong>and</strong> management, health, environments created in<br />

classrooms <strong>and</strong> facilities, continuing education <strong>of</strong><br />

teachers, relationships with children, families <strong>and</strong><br />

community partners <strong>and</strong> more.<br />

The Learning Center excels in each <strong>of</strong> these areas<br />

<strong>and</strong> even goes beyond the requirements in several <strong>of</strong><br />

these areas for demonstrating best practices that are<br />

not yet required for accreditation. <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is proud to <strong>of</strong>fer its members <strong>of</strong><br />

all ages the very best quality care!<br />

The Conway family sent the Club a heartfelt letter<br />

<strong>of</strong> thanks that explains just what the Club’s NAEYC<br />

accredited Learning Center gives to every child who<br />

comes through our doors:<br />

“We would like to send you our little note <strong>of</strong> thanks,<br />

at the end <strong>of</strong> Enzo’s preschool journey, as he<br />

‘graduates’ to kindergarten in a few days. Firstly,<br />

we would like to express our thanks to all <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club team for helping our child to<br />

grow in a healthy, friendly, clean, safe, creative <strong>and</strong><br />

nurturing environment.<br />

Thank you to all the teachers, for comforting our little<br />

boy when sometimes he would cry, <strong>and</strong> for taking up<br />

the daunting task <strong>of</strong> potty training! You mentored<br />

<strong>and</strong> educated our Enzo, making his transition to<br />

kindergarten easy <strong>and</strong> smooth, a truly valiant effort.<br />

Thank you for chatting with us daily, giving timely<br />

updates. We really appreciated your hard work.<br />

A special thanks goes to the school’s managers<br />

for balancing parents’ requests <strong>and</strong> school needs,<br />

while implementing the philosophy <strong>of</strong> a “learning by<br />

doing” program. Thanks for encouraging us parents to<br />

volunteer <strong>and</strong> participate in classroom activities, field<br />

trips <strong>and</strong> school events, for keeping us posted with<br />

regular newsletters, notes <strong>and</strong> regular conferences<br />

to discuss our child’s progress.<br />

In these 3 years Enzo has learned a lot, cultivating his<br />

social, learning <strong>and</strong> physical skills while developing<br />

a positive attitude for sharing, caring <strong>and</strong> respect<br />

for others. We are very satisfied with the academic<br />

level Enzo achieved, <strong>and</strong> with the health screenings<br />

he needed <strong>and</strong> received. Special thanks to the school<br />

board for helping us financially during our hard<br />

moments - we will never forget it.<br />

We will certainly recommend the <strong>Boys</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Girls</strong> Club<br />

to any <strong>and</strong> all <strong>of</strong> our friends <strong>and</strong> colleagues.<br />

In a few words THANK YOU ALL!”<br />


Kingston Branch<br />

The Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Kingston Branch reaches more<br />

than 3,000 kids each year, helping each one <strong>of</strong> them<br />

open the door to a great future. The Club is there<br />

for kids before <strong>and</strong> after school, as well as full days<br />

during the summer <strong>and</strong> school holidays. Many kids<br />

spend more time at the Club than they do at home<br />

with their parents, so the Club makes sure those hours<br />

are filled with meaningful, productive activities. The<br />

Club engages kids in fun activities that complement<br />

rather than duplicate what’s happening at school.<br />

Their learning is extended <strong>and</strong> kids can explore the<br />

subjects that interest them most.<br />

One program that the kids <strong>and</strong> staff at the Kingston<br />

Branch are especially excited about this year is<br />

the Mad Scientist/LEGO Engineers program. The<br />

program meets once a week on Thursdays <strong>and</strong>,<br />

with the help <strong>of</strong> retired engineer Tom McCann, kids<br />

get h<strong>and</strong>s on with LEGO Technic sets. They build<br />

incredible, semi-mechanized objects using just a set<br />

<strong>of</strong> instructions <strong>and</strong> a few thous<strong>and</strong> LEGO pieces.<br />

The beauty <strong>of</strong> this club, though not apparent to the<br />

kids participating in it, is that it exposes the kids to<br />

fundamental engineering principles through their<br />

interactions with the LEGOs. Kids learn what a “worm<br />

gear” is <strong>and</strong> how essential it is to the functionality<br />

<strong>of</strong> a crane. The kids learn about drive trains <strong>and</strong><br />

how they are what “drives” the wheels <strong>of</strong> the cars<br />

they use to get to school. It’s this kind <strong>of</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s-on,<br />

“oh-so-that’s-how-it-works” learning that makes the<br />

Mad Scientist/LEGO Engineers program so special.<br />

Couple that with our volunteer leader’s expertise in<br />

engineering <strong>and</strong> the kids have a highly interactive<br />

learning experience that’s a lot <strong>of</strong> fun!<br />

Derrick, the Program Director at the Kingston<br />

Branch, talks about one member this program has<br />

made a difference to: “Kevin has been a Club kid<br />

pretty much all his life, coming to the club since he<br />

was a kindergartner. Kevin is a very intelligent<br />

kid but sometimes his intelligence gets him into<br />

trouble because he becomes bored with things that<br />

normally would keep a kid his age occupied. Once<br />

bored, he’ll begin causing mischief around the Club.<br />

The LEGO Engineers club has given Kevin something<br />

that consistently satiates his thirsty mind. He’s learning<br />

about concepts such as pulleys <strong>and</strong> levers, gears<br />

<strong>and</strong> cogs, <strong>and</strong> momentum <strong>and</strong> inertia – all through<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s-on interaction with the LEGO Technic projects<br />

that we’ve been working on in the club. This program<br />

has given him something to invest his intelligence<br />

in <strong>and</strong> you can definitely see the results in his<br />

overall demeanor.”<br />


<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Branch<br />

Like our Kingston Branch in Fountain <strong>Valley</strong>, the<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Branch makes a difference to<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> school age youth with before <strong>and</strong> after<br />

school programs <strong>and</strong> full day programs during school<br />

holidays <strong>and</strong> summers. One <strong>of</strong> the programs that<br />

the <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Branch staff members are most<br />

proud <strong>of</strong> is the Torch Club.<br />

Torch Club is a year-round program developed for<br />

middle school members. It focuses on developing<br />

youth’s leadership skills, performing community<br />

service, <strong>and</strong> helping youth develop a positive sense <strong>of</strong><br />

self. Unit Director Tim Nolan comments, “The program<br />

has become a safe haven for pre-teens to do the right<br />

thing. The kids flourish in this environment!”<br />

Kids get to elect <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>and</strong> organize their own<br />

activities with the help <strong>of</strong> staff <strong>and</strong> volunteer advisors.<br />

This gives kids a sense <strong>of</strong> pride <strong>and</strong> ownership over<br />

the activities <strong>and</strong> helps them learn to be leaders.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the great activities that the kids organized<br />

this year were:<br />

• Beach clean-ups to help the environment <strong>and</strong><br />

the community.<br />

• Canned food drives to collect food items<br />

<strong>and</strong> donate them to food banks <strong>and</strong> military<br />

families.<br />

• Fun activities like carnivals to raise funds for<br />

future community service projects.<br />

• Educational activities like tutoring Club<br />

members in the Education Center <strong>and</strong><br />

mentoring other youth at the Club.<br />

One mom has great things to say about the program:<br />

“I can’t tell you what a positive program Torch Club<br />

has been for my daughter Caitlin! Since becoming<br />

involved with Torch Club, Caitlin has begun to mature<br />

from a little girl to a young lady. She has enjoyed<br />

becoming more involved with the community through<br />

activities like the beach clean-ups. And, she’s also<br />

begun to consider herself a role-model for the<br />

younger kids attending the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club. The<br />

leadership <strong>of</strong> the staff has been amazing. Caitlin<br />

really looks up to the program advisor <strong>and</strong> enjoys<br />

the time she spends with the Torch Club. I am truly<br />

thankful to the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club for providing such<br />

amazing programs to the ‘tweens’ <strong>and</strong> teens.”<br />


ClubHouse Academy<br />

At the ClubHouse Academy, the Club <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

performing arts <strong>and</strong> fitness programs that get kids<br />

active <strong>and</strong> encourage their creativity. ClubHouse<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers a wide range <strong>of</strong> programs to choose from,<br />

including sports leagues, dance <strong>and</strong> music lessons,<br />

just to name a few.<br />

The Club has a very successful theatre program,<br />

ClubHouse Theatre. It has turned out successful<br />

working actors <strong>and</strong> actresses like Elizabeth Romero,<br />

the recent winner <strong>of</strong> the National H.S. Musical Theater<br />

Awards featured on PBS’s Broadway or Bust,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Tara Barr, star <strong>of</strong> the film<br />

God Bless America.<br />

This summer, thanks to a grant from the Orange<br />

County Community Foundation, the Club was able to<br />

incorporate a scaled down “Theatre Club” version<br />

<strong>of</strong> the program into the activities <strong>of</strong>fered at the<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach <strong>and</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> branches’ fullday<br />

summer programs.<br />

Twice a week, children <strong>of</strong> all ages were given the<br />

opportunity to attend this free program. 137 kids<br />

took advantage <strong>of</strong> the arts education opportunity.<br />

They took dance, acting <strong>and</strong> voice lessons, learned<br />

choreography, <strong>and</strong> played acting games during<br />

a seven-week session. The program culminated in a<br />

free showcase for family <strong>and</strong> friends on the Fountain<br />

<strong>Valley</strong> Branch’s stage, complete with spotlights <strong>and</strong><br />

a red curtain.<br />

11-year-old Jordan attends the <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Branch <strong>and</strong> his mom says, “This gave him a chance<br />

to try theater for the first time. He enjoyed it so<br />

much, he would come home <strong>and</strong> practice all the<br />

time. And, he was really proud to have our whole<br />

family come watch him perform.” Thanks to funding<br />

from Disneyl<strong>and</strong> Cast Community Fund, this program<br />

will continue throughout the <strong>2012</strong>-2013 school year<br />

<strong>and</strong> provide quality arts education opportunities for<br />

even more kids.<br />


Oak View Branch<br />

In October, the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club opened its br<strong>and</strong><br />

new branch in the Oak View community <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Beach. The Club operates from 2-5pm each day<br />

after school. This neighborhood is a hotspot for gang<br />

activity <strong>and</strong> gang members <strong>of</strong>ten wait for the middle<br />

school buses in the streets near the Club, looking for<br />

new recruits or new young girls to prey on. Now,<br />

the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club is there as a safe, positive<br />

alternative for kids. At the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club they can<br />

get the feeling <strong>of</strong> belonging that they are looking for<br />

<strong>and</strong>, at the same time, gain the skills <strong>and</strong> resources<br />

they need to start great futures <strong>and</strong> make positive<br />

life choices.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the important programs that helps kids at<br />

the Club learn to make good life choices is SMART<br />

<strong>Girls</strong>. This program is designed for girls starting<br />

at age eight through the teen years. The program<br />

meets weekly <strong>and</strong> works through a curriculum<br />

provided by <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> America. Focuses<br />

<strong>of</strong> the program include:<br />

• Helping girls underst<strong>and</strong> the physical,<br />

emotional <strong>and</strong> social changes their bodies<br />

are experiencing.<br />

• Helping girls develop positive nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

fitness habits, including talking about healthy<br />

body image, good nutrition, eating disorders,<br />

exercise <strong>and</strong> healthy leisure-time activities.<br />

• Helping girls learn how to access their<br />

healthcare options in the local community.<br />

• Helping girls develop <strong>and</strong> enhance their<br />

relationships with positive adult female<br />

role models.<br />

• Helping girls develop communication skills for<br />

building positive relationships with peers <strong>and</strong><br />

adults <strong>and</strong> helping them recognize <strong>and</strong> avoid<br />

abusive behavior.<br />

This program has made a real difference to a<br />

girl named Cecilia, who in turn has helped the<br />

Club make a difference to even more girls. At her<br />

first Smart <strong>Girls</strong> session, she barely said a word,<br />

but she was really interested in the conversation.<br />

Too nervous to speak up, she started joining in by<br />

writing down her questions for the program’s question<br />

box. This allows girls to ask things anonymously,<br />

so they don’t have to be embarrassed to get a<br />

conversation started about personal topics. Slowly,<br />

Cecilia came out <strong>of</strong> her shell.<br />

Now, she’s not afraid to ask questions <strong>and</strong> participate<br />

in the conversation – in fact, she’s become a leader.<br />

Cecilia is a popular kid, <strong>and</strong> her comfort <strong>and</strong><br />

interest in the program encouraged her whole group<br />

<strong>of</strong> friends to join in. Vicki, the staff who runs the<br />

program, says that Cecilia likes to try out the tips <strong>and</strong><br />

strategies that they’ve talked about in Smart <strong>Girls</strong>.<br />

Then, she comes back to the next Smart <strong>Girls</strong> meeting<br />

<strong>and</strong> reports on how it worked out. They celebrate<br />

when things go well <strong>and</strong> talk out how to tweak the<br />

strategies if they didn’t go so well. Cecilia sharing<br />

her own experiences helps encourage other kids to<br />

give Smart <strong>Girls</strong> strategies a try. This is an important<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the program’s use <strong>of</strong> positive peer pressure<br />

to help all the girls make smart life choices.<br />


Twilight Education Project<br />

Helping whole families creates lasting change that<br />

can lift children out <strong>of</strong> poverty <strong>and</strong> truly give them<br />

the resources they need to open the door to a great<br />

future. In the Twilight Education Project, the Club <strong>and</strong><br />

its partners work together to help every member<br />

<strong>of</strong> low-income English Language Learner families<br />

succeed. Three nights per week, whole families are<br />

picked up from neighborhoods throughout <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Beach <strong>and</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> by the Club’s fleet <strong>of</strong><br />

buses. They come to Golden West College, where<br />

the entire family has the opportunity to learn.<br />

Parents take ESL classes provided by <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Beach Adult School, <strong>and</strong> interested parents get<br />

job skills training in childcare <strong>and</strong> early childhood<br />

education. School age youth get homework help,<br />

tutoring, <strong>and</strong> enrichment activities in nearby college<br />

classrooms, with staff <strong>and</strong> volunteers from the <strong>Boys</strong><br />

& <strong>Girls</strong> Club <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach City School<br />

District to help them. Younger children learn the<br />

fundamentals that will help them be ready for school<br />

12<br />

in the Robert Mayer Child Development Preschool.<br />

Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center <strong>and</strong> Surf City<br />

Rotary Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach help meet families’<br />

nutritional needs by providing healthy snacks <strong>and</strong><br />

backpacks filled with food to help families through<br />

the weekend. All <strong>of</strong> this is absolutely free for families.<br />

The program is incredibly successful in helping<br />

families meet their goals <strong>and</strong> become more selfsufficient.<br />

Not only do 100% <strong>of</strong> parents report<br />

that their kids are doing better in school, 42% <strong>of</strong><br />

parents report that they got a job as a result <strong>of</strong><br />

the skills they gained in the program. Another 25%<br />

report that they got a raise or a promotion at work<br />

because <strong>of</strong> their improved English skills. By making<br />

families more financially stable, kids are more secure<br />

<strong>and</strong> better equipped to succeed in school <strong>and</strong> in life.<br />

Carmen is a mom <strong>of</strong> three who has participated in the<br />

Twilight Education Project for four years. She started<br />

coming because she wanted to get the academic<br />

help for her kids that the program <strong>of</strong>fers. In order<br />

for children to participate, at least one parent is also<br />

required to participate, because the program aims<br />

to help whole families. It has worked for Carmen’s<br />

family! Her kids are doing great in school with all<br />

the academic support they get in the program. Her<br />

oldest, who came to Twilight throughout high school,<br />

is now doing well as a freshman in college. Not only<br />

are her kids doing better, so is Carmen. She has<br />

worked at a local fast food restaurant for 15 years.<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> that time, Carmen worked in the kitchen<br />

because her limited English made it hard for her to<br />

interact with customers. Since starting in Twilight,<br />

her English gradually improved <strong>and</strong> she was able<br />

to take on additional duties at work. In the last<br />

year, her manager noticed tremendous improvement<br />

in her English skills <strong>and</strong> Carmen was promoted to<br />

Assistant Store Manager. She was very nervous<br />

about this promotion, because it involved a lot <strong>of</strong><br />

paperwork in English. She wasn’t confident that she<br />

would be able to do it. But, her improved English<br />

skills have proven to be up to the challenge <strong>and</strong> she<br />

is doing well in her new role. When she does come<br />

up against challenges with that aspect <strong>of</strong> her job,<br />

she counts on the Twilight program for support. Her<br />

ESL teacher Sharon is always ready <strong>and</strong> willing to<br />

help her work through the writing process. As they<br />

work together on improving Carmen’s English skills,<br />

this helps Carmen maintain her job <strong>and</strong> support her<br />

family. With the better job that her improved English<br />

skills helped her get, Carmen is able to support her<br />

family <strong>and</strong> help pay for her oldest daughter to go<br />

to college at Cal State University, Long Beach.

Transportation<br />

The Club’s programs do amazing things for kids <strong>and</strong><br />

families. But, they couldn’t do nearly so much if kids<br />

<strong>and</strong> families didn’t have a way to get to our programs.<br />

That’s why the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

<strong>Valley</strong>’s transportation program is so important.<br />

Every day, more than a thous<strong>and</strong> children <strong>and</strong><br />

parents ride the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club’s fleet <strong>of</strong> fourteen<br />

buses. They bring kids to school in the morning if<br />

they participate in the Club’s before school program.<br />

They pick kids up from 33 schools in four local districts<br />

to bring them to the Club’s after school programs.<br />

They take kids from our branches to the ClubHouse<br />

Academy for performing arts classes. And, they pick<br />

whole families up from nearly 20 street corner bus<br />

stops for evening programs for parents <strong>and</strong> children.<br />

Why is it so important The Club serves working<br />

families. Most moms <strong>and</strong> dads can’t leave work in<br />

the middle <strong>of</strong> the afternoon to pick their kids up<br />

from school. Those with early starts to their work<br />

days need someone to take care <strong>of</strong> their kids <strong>and</strong><br />

get them to school in the morning. The Club’s bus<br />

transportation program fills that gap. And, 90% <strong>of</strong><br />

families in our evening programs don’t have cars,<br />

so free bus transportation makes it possible for them<br />

to participate.<br />

Running the transportation program is a bigger task<br />

than you might think. It requires a whole department<br />

with more than a dozen staff, so it’s a big part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club organization. The Transportation<br />

Director develops <strong>and</strong> manages routes to make sure<br />

Club buses are on time every time for school dismissal,<br />

<strong>and</strong> families waiting at bus stops throughout the<br />

area know exactly when to expect their buses. That<br />

requires coordination with the local school districts<br />

<strong>and</strong> frequent radio communication between buses<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Club’s locations. Safety is, <strong>of</strong> course, the<br />

transportation program’s biggest priority. To make<br />

sure that the kids we transport are safe as can be,<br />

the Club’s buses are pr<strong>of</strong>essionally inspected every<br />

45 days. All bus drivers are certified by CHP. In<br />

addition to background checks <strong>and</strong> drug <strong>and</strong> alcohol<br />

screenings, each driver also participates in training<br />

throughout the year to ensure that they are in top<br />

form when they take the wheel.<br />

The Club’s fleet is aging, with buses ranging from<br />

1985-1997 model years. However, thanks to support<br />

from the Orange County Transportation Authority in<br />

<strong>2012</strong> <strong>and</strong> 2013, the Club will be able to revitalize its<br />

fleet! OCTA is helping the Club purchase seven br<strong>and</strong><br />

new buses to replace some <strong>of</strong> the oldest buses that<br />

will no longer meet EPA st<strong>and</strong>ards after 2013. Thanks<br />

to their support, the Club’s transportation program has<br />

a secure future <strong>and</strong> can continue to meet the needs<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach <strong>and</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> families.<br />


We’re Building California’s<br />

1 st <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club on a College Campus<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is making<br />

history! We are building California’s 1st <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong><br />

Club on a college campus.<br />

Our new <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club will be located at Golden<br />

West College, a community college in <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Beach. We call the campaign to build this new Club<br />

“Building Dreams” because it will help make families’<br />

dreams <strong>of</strong> great futures come true!<br />

This exciting project is already well underway. BGCHV<br />

completed the first <strong>of</strong> three phases <strong>of</strong> the Building<br />

Dreams campaign in January 2011 with the gr<strong>and</strong><br />

opening <strong>of</strong> the Robert Mayer Child Development<br />

Preschool. Two years later, the preschool <strong>and</strong> the<br />

kids we serve are thriving!<br />

Now, BGCHV is kicking <strong>of</strong>f the next phase <strong>of</strong> the<br />

campaign to raise an additional $5 million to build<br />

a Club for school age kids <strong>and</strong> a gymnasium. When<br />

complete, the new <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> Club complex will be<br />

a “Family Campus” within the Golden West College<br />

campus. In addition to preschool programs, the new<br />

Family Campus will <strong>of</strong>fer: before <strong>and</strong> after school<br />

care for school age youth; full day programs during<br />

summer <strong>and</strong> school holidays; sports leagues <strong>and</strong> fitness<br />

programs; <strong>and</strong> family support services, including the<br />

Club’s award winning Twilight Education Project.<br />

Whole families will benefit from the new Club. And,<br />

the location itself will enable parents to go back to<br />

school <strong>and</strong> inspire generations <strong>of</strong> kids to go to college.<br />

To date, the Club has raised $4.7 million toward<br />

the campaign’s $10 million goal, with an additional<br />

$200,000 in pledges due over the next two years.<br />

With the first phase <strong>of</strong> the campaign fully funded,<br />

the Club is excited to embark on the next two phases<br />

<strong>of</strong> the campaign.<br />

We’d like to thank all <strong>of</strong> the donors who are helping<br />

make families’ dreams <strong>of</strong> great futures come true.<br />

You can see a list <strong>of</strong> the generous supporters who<br />

have come together to raise the campaign’s first $5<br />

million. If you haven’t already joined in the campaign,<br />

we invite you to learn more or get involved by calling<br />

the Club at 714-309-4962.<br />

Phase II:<br />


Gymnasium<br />

Phase III:<br />


School Age Club<br />

14<br />


Child Development Preschool

Building Dreams Campaign<br />

Dream Builders:<br />

$1,000,000+<br />

Kingston Technology Company<br />

Legacy Builders:<br />

$500,000 – $999,999<br />

Bo<strong>and</strong> Family Foundation<br />

Orange County Children<br />

& Families Commission<br />

Robert Mayer Corporation<br />

Tradition Builders:<br />

$250,000 – $499,999<br />

McDaniel Family Foundation<br />

Weingart Foundation<br />

Vision Builders:<br />

$100,000 – $249,999<br />

Hurley International, LLC<br />

Pacific Life Foundation<br />

John Rich<br />

Surf City Rotary Club<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Dream Makers:<br />

$100,000+ In-Kind<br />

Hoxsie Builders, Inc.<br />

LSA<br />

Lusardi Construction<br />

TYR Inc.<br />

Westberg + White<br />

Foundation Builders:<br />

$50,000 – $99,999<br />

Aera Energy Fund -<br />

Kern Community Foundation<br />

Chevron<br />

Mike & Michele Haynes<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Firefighters<br />

Charity Corp.<br />

Ronald McDonald House<br />

Charities <strong>of</strong> Southern<br />

California<br />

Hope Builders:<br />

$25,000 – $49,999<br />

Alex Accetta<br />

Resa Evans & Dave Theil<br />

Kiwanis Club <strong>of</strong><br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

R.J. Mayer<br />

Glen & Lorene Richardson<br />

Robert Koury Properties<br />

A Snail’s Pace<br />

Excellence Builders:<br />

$10,000 – $24,999<br />

Ed & Dixie Arnold<br />

Bernadine Clancy Trust<br />

Bob & Tanya Hoxsie<br />

Independence Bank<br />

Mangiamo Gelato Caffe<br />

Occidental Petroleum<br />

Corporation<br />

Success Builders:<br />

$5,000 – $9,999<br />

AES <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, LLC<br />

Dave & Karen Barr<br />

Brian & Theresa Bassaline<br />

Ed & Marlene Blackford<br />

Keith & Elizabeth Bohr<br />

Alan & Shirley DeCarr<br />

Fountain Bowl<br />

Al & Pat Guidotti<br />

Kevin & Kelly Morrissey<br />

Orange County Register<br />

Tom & Kathy Ross<br />

Robert & Mary Taddeo<br />

James Walker <strong>and</strong><br />

Louise Callens<br />

Elaine J. Weinberg<br />

Success Builders:<br />

$3,000 – $4,999<br />

Bob & Shirley Dettl<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Community Foundation<br />

Ken & Eileen Jacobs<br />

MJZ Productions<br />

Rainbow Environmental<br />

Services<br />

Surf City Cyclery<br />

Success Builders:<br />

$1,000 – $2,999<br />

Kazuto & Shelley Augustus<br />

John Bishop <strong>and</strong><br />

Barbara Nieto<br />

BJ’s Restaurant<br />

Melinda Callens<br />

Cars 4 Causes<br />

CIM Group, Inc.<br />

Curtis & Cathy Farrell<br />

First Class Pizza<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

Life Insurance Company<br />

Lotte Gopalakrishnan<br />

Donna Gray<br />

Art & Kyla Groeneveld<br />

Mike Grumet & Family<br />

Cheryl Harris<br />

Heritage Memorial Services<br />

JMG Security Systems<br />

A L<strong>and</strong> Lovers’ Garden Club<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Harbour<br />

McKenna Volkswagen<br />

Jerry & Vanessa M<strong>of</strong>fatt<br />

Patrick Lewis Investment Group<br />

Cindy Picquelle-Gibbons<br />

<strong>and</strong> Lee Gibbons<br />

Ruth Pruitt<br />

Ralphs Community<br />

Contributions - Kroger<br />

Debra Schroeder<br />

John Schroeder<br />

Bruce & Carrie Shuman<br />

Youssef & Nancy Sobhi<br />

Mike & Robin Sullivan<br />

Taste <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Vince & Sue Tjelmel<strong>and</strong><br />

United Technologies<br />

Whole Foods Market<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Derek & Sue Wimmer<br />

Success Builders:<br />

$500 – $999<br />

Amstar/Red Oak<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, LLC<br />

Michael & Patricia Bielonko<br />

Ken Bourguignon<br />

Wes Bryan <strong>and</strong> Terri Zwick<br />

John & Barbara Collins<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Living<br />

Magazine<br />

Carm & Barbara Gullo<br />

Kiwanis Club <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Kohl’s Department Stores<br />

Ray & Beverly Kromer<br />

Lee’s Maintenance<br />

Gene & Bobbi Lim<br />

Mercer Demo & Surplus<br />

Steve & Nina Nagel<br />

Network for Good<br />

Nancy Park<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>orma<br />

Jim Roache<br />

Sam’s Club<br />

Bob & Mary Lou Shlaudeman<br />

Evie Tanner<br />

Linda Thomas<br />

John & Heather Trommald<br />

*We apologize for any<br />

errors or omissions<br />

$10 Million Building Dreams<br />

Capital Campaign (2007 – Present)<br />

Revenue to date<br />

Board Giving $1,884,790<br />

Corporations $1,366,850<br />

Donations $577,555<br />

Grants $831,435<br />

Interest Earned $42,787<br />

Total Revenue $4,703,417<br />

Expense to date<br />

Construction $3,734,835<br />

Fundraising $36,908<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Fees $155,375<br />

Relocation Expense $134,192<br />

Supplies $15,412<br />

Total Expense $4,076,722<br />

*Unaudited<br />


Accountability<br />

Revenue Expense Age <strong>of</strong> Members Ethnicity <strong>of</strong> Members<br />

Program Related<br />

Revenue<br />

Program Services<br />

to Youth<br />

6-7 years:<br />

18%<br />

0-5 years:<br />

17%<br />

8-10 years:<br />

31%<br />

11-13 years:<br />

27%<br />

Asian/Pacific<br />

Isl<strong>and</strong>er: 24%<br />

Hispanic/<br />

Latino: 26%<br />

Caucasian:<br />

42%<br />

Membership<br />

Dues<br />

16<br />

Special Event<br />

Fundraising<br />

Revenue<br />

Program Related Revenue $4,731,798<br />

Contributions $338,168<br />

Special Event Fundraising $540,601<br />

Membership Dues $74,089<br />

Total Revenue $5,684,656<br />

Expense<br />

Program Services to Youth $4,238,126<br />

Management & General Operating $553,234<br />

Capital Improvements & Repairs $280,080<br />

Fundraising $149,719<br />

Reserve-2013 EPA Compliance $168,000<br />

Depreciation Expense $241,055<br />

Total Expense $5,630,214<br />

*Unaudited<br />

Contributions<br />

Depreciation<br />

Expense<br />

EPA<br />

Compliance<br />

Fundraising<br />

Families in need received $340,610 in scholarship<br />

assistance thanks to generous donors in <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Capital<br />

Improvements<br />

& Repairs<br />

Management<br />

& General<br />

Operating<br />

4,000<br />

3,500<br />

3,000<br />

2,500<br />

2,000<br />

1,500<br />

1,000<br />

500<br />

14+ years: 7%<br />

0<br />

Membership Total = 9,302<br />

3,407<br />

3,029<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Kingston Branch<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Branch<br />

1,864<br />

ClubHouse Academy<br />

254<br />

Oak View Branch<br />

251 224<br />

Robert Mayer Child<br />

Development Preschool<br />

Learning Center Child<br />

Development Preschool<br />

273<br />

Twilight Education Project<br />

African<br />

American: 1%<br />

Multi<br />

Ethnic: 7%<br />

18,852<br />

Other Youth Served

Club Leadership<br />

Board Members <strong>2012</strong><br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Staff<br />

Officers<br />

Chuck Thomas<br />

President<br />

Alex A. Accetta, CPA*<br />

Vice President<br />

Mike Haynes<br />

Tom Ross<br />

Co-Treasurers<br />

Donna Gray<br />

Secretary<br />

Shirley Dettl<strong>of</strong>f*<br />

Past President<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

Dr. Kazuto Augustus<br />

Dave Barr*<br />

HB Council Member Keith Bohr<br />

FV Mayor John Collins<br />

Carolyn Craft<br />

Resa Evans<br />

Brig. Gen. Al Guidotti (Ret.)*<br />

Cheryl Harris<br />

Bob Hoxsie*<br />

Ron Kupferstein<br />

FV Police Chief Dan Llorens<br />

Kevin Morrissey<br />

FV Council Member Steve Nagel<br />

Dave Reynolds<br />

John Rich*<br />

Glenn Richardson<br />

Cathy Schulte<br />

Dave Shenkman<br />

Bruce Shuman<br />

HB Police Chief Ken Small<br />

Paul Sorrell<br />

Brian Ton<br />

David Truong<br />

* Past President<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Governors<br />

Ed Arnold<br />

Brian Bassaline<br />

Laurann Cook<br />

Richard Cook*<br />

Senator Tom Harman<br />

Bill Holman<br />

Ken Jacobs<br />

Clay James<br />

Ray Kromer<br />

John Maruska<br />

R.J. Mayer<br />

Tom McDaniel<br />

Ann Meyers Drysdale<br />

Linda Moulton-Patterson<br />

George Scott<br />

Assemblyman Jim Silva<br />

Dr. Emile Wakim<br />

Dr. Paul Wakim<br />

More than 170 trained individuals comprise the pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff<br />

at the <strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. Listed below is<br />

our Administrative Leadership Team. Not included are our Program<br />

Directors, Preschool Teachers, Recreation Staff, Office Managers,<br />

Office Assistants, Bus Drivers, League Coordinators, Sports Referees,<br />

Special Projects Staff, Contracted Performing <strong>and</strong> Fine Arts<br />

Instructors, <strong>and</strong> Facility Related Support Staff.<br />

Tanya Hoxsie<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Art Groeneveld<br />

Executive Director<br />

Kim Nguyen<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> Finance<br />

John Pham<br />

Director <strong>of</strong><br />

Administrative Services<br />

Laura Portier-LaLumiere<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> Development<br />

Gricel Mendoza<br />

Unit Director<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Kingston Branch<br />

Tim Nolan<br />

Unit Director<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Branch<br />

Casey Campbell<br />

Unit Director<br />

ClubHouse Academy<br />

Chelo Loshak<br />

Unit Director<br />

Learning Center<br />

Child Development Preschool<br />

Susan Bixler<br />

Unit Director<br />

Robert Mayer<br />

Child Development Preschool<br />

Rebecca Sanchez<br />

Program Director<br />

Oak View Branch<br />

Twilight Education Project<br />

CP Palazuelos<br />

Transportation Director<br />

Jamie Hauer<br />

Asst. Director <strong>of</strong> Development<br />

Michelle King<br />

Graphic Designer<br />


Thank You, <strong>2012</strong> Donors<br />

Thank you to everyone who helped kids open the door to a Great Future!<br />

$100,000 +<br />

Orange County<br />

Transportation Authority<br />

$50,000 – $99,999<br />

Mike & Michele Haynes<br />

JMG Security Systems<br />

Kingston Technology Company<br />

McDaniel Family Foundation<br />

$25,000 – $49,999<br />

Bo<strong>and</strong> Family Foundation<br />

<strong>Boys</strong> & <strong>Girls</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> America<br />

Crescent Heights<br />

Hurley International LLC<br />

Kevin & Kelly Morrissey<br />

Orange County’s United Way<br />

Surf City Rotary Club<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

$10,000 – $24,999<br />

Mohamed Ayachi &<br />

Josette Ajroudi<br />

Change a Life Foundation<br />

Enterprise Fleet Management<br />

Hyundai Motor America<br />

Kiwanis Club <strong>of</strong><br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Ron & Merri Kupferstein<br />

Occidental Petroleum<br />

Corporation<br />

Orange County<br />

Community Foundation<br />

Pacific Life Foundation<br />

Pacific Premier Bank<br />

Robert Mayer Corporation<br />

Kevin & Alicia Smith<br />

18<br />

$5,000 – $9,999<br />

Angels Baseball Foundation<br />

Care Ambulance Service, Inc.<br />

City <strong>of</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

DCO Beach Walk /<br />

Province Group /<br />

Newport Equities LLC<br />

Disney VoluntEARS<br />

Community Fund<br />

Larry & Tina Domaracki<br />

Employees Community Fund<br />

<strong>of</strong> Boeing Company<br />

Enterprise Holdings Foundation<br />

Resa Evans <strong>and</strong> David Theil<br />

Faris Lee Investments &<br />

Fortus Property Group<br />

Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch<br />

O.L. Halsell Foundation<br />

Dennis & Debra Hashin<br />

The Haynes Fund<br />

Independence Bank<br />

David & Angela Lee<br />

Ken & Cindy Little<br />

Los Angeles Times Family Fund<br />

Mangiamo Gelato Caffe<br />

Tom & Pat McDaniel<br />

Mimi’s Jewelry<br />

Tom & Yvonne O’Reilly<br />

Orange Coast Memorial<br />

Medical Center<br />

Poseidon Resources<br />

Register Campership Fund<br />

John Rich<br />

Sakioka Company, LLC<br />

Southern California Edison<br />

Chuck & Jeanne Thomas<br />

Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A.<br />

Verizon<br />

Wells Fargo Foundation<br />

Yap & Little CPA’s<br />

$1,000 – $4,999<br />

Alex Accetta<br />

August & Stacey Accetta<br />

Therese Accetta<br />

AES <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach, LLC<br />

Medhi Ajroudi<br />

Alaska Airlines<br />

Alex A. Accetta, CPA<br />

& Associates, Inc.<br />

The Allergan Foundation<br />

AltaMed Health Services<br />

AMAG Technology, Inc.<br />

Anaheim Ducks &<br />

The Honda Center<br />

Anaheim White House<br />

Restaurant<br />

Angels Baseball<br />

Antonello Ristorante<br />

Ed & Dixie Arnold<br />

Kazuto & Shelley Augustus<br />

Bank <strong>of</strong> America<br />

Dave & Karen Barr<br />

Ralph & Charlene Bauer<br />

Lia Marie Bayraktaroglu<br />

John Bishop <strong>and</strong><br />

Barbara Nieto<br />

Pete Blaker<br />

Bradford Renaissance Portraits<br />

Craig &Jennifer Burrell<br />

Linda Callens<br />

In memory <strong>of</strong> Joseph R.<br />

Callens <strong>and</strong> Rene N. Callens<br />

Gisela Campagne<br />

Cars 4 Causes<br />

Chevron<br />

Children’s Bureau<br />

Michael & Laraine Christensen<br />

CIM Group, Inc.<br />

Citibank Business Development,<br />

Orange County<br />

Columbia Hospitality, Inc.<br />

Commercial Van Interiors, Inc.<br />

Lance & Kathryn D’Amico<br />

Perry & Brenda DeAugustine<br />

Bob & Shirley Dettl<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Disneyl<strong>and</strong> Resort<br />

Downtown <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Patrick & Deb Dredden<br />

Edinger Medical Group<br />

Facets 58<br />

Curtis & Cathy Farrell<br />

Larry & Nada Feiwell<br />

Felt<br />

Jim & Lynn Foster<br />

Fountain Bowl<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Regional<br />

Hospital & Medical Center<br />

G & M Oil Company<br />

Kelly Gibson<br />

Golden West College<br />

Golden West College<br />

Foundation<br />

Jesse & Gina Gonzalez<br />

Denise Goodwin<br />

Brian & Adele Green<br />

Adrian Griggs<br />

Al & Pat Guidotti<br />

The Habit Restaurants, LLC<br />

Cheryl Harris<br />

In Memory <strong>of</strong> Joe Hay<br />

Bob & Loretta Hoxsie<br />

Bob & Tanya Hoxsie<br />

Hoxsie Builders, Inc.<br />

Jay & Tiffany Hudson<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Auto Dealers<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Downtown<br />

Business Improvement District<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Elks Lodge #1959<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Firefighters Association<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Hospital<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Police Officers’ Foundation<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Executive Park<br />

Hyatt Regency <strong>Huntington</strong><br />

Beach Resort & Spa<br />

In-N-Out Burger<br />

Indian Wells Tennis Garden<br />

Jason’s Jewel Catering<br />

Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Eddie Johnson<br />

The Kite Connection<br />

Kohl’s Department Stores<br />

Karen Lau<br />

Lisack, Inc.<br />

Thorpe Logemann<br />

Los Caballeros Racquet &<br />

Sports Club<br />

Lusardi Construction Company<br />

David Mai<br />

Ken & Ivy Marden<br />

Jennifer McGrath<br />

McKenna Volkswagen<br />

Law Office <strong>of</strong> Mark J. Meyers<br />

John & Cori Mills<br />

Tom & Naomi Moon<br />

Richard & Jeannie Murrell<br />

Erik Myers<br />

Steve & Nina Nagel<br />

New Balance Athletic<br />

Shoe, Inc.<br />

Nike<br />

Steve Nordh<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Stephen & Diana O’Kane<br />

The Olson Company<br />

Orange County Register<br />

Pacific Electronic Enterprises<br />

Scott & Rebekah Pantel<br />

Patriot Environmental Services<br />

Alex<strong>and</strong>ra Paul<br />

Quaere, Inc.<br />

Rainbow Environmental<br />

Services<br />

Ralphs Community<br />

Contributions - Kroger<br />

Dave & Carol Reynolds<br />

Robert & Norma Rich<br />

Glenn & Lorene Richardson<br />

Mike & Shannon Roache<br />

Robert Koury Properties<br />

Rowley Portraiture<br />

Sam’s Club<br />

Mohindar S<strong>and</strong>hu<br />

Satori Law Group, Inc.<br />

Chris Savage<br />

SeaCliff Country Club<br />

Brynn Searson<br />

Seashore Pest Control<br />

Bruno Serato<br />

Bob & Mary Lou Shlaudeman<br />

Bruce & Carrie Shuman<br />

A Snail’s Pace<br />

Paul & Linda Sorrell<br />

Southern California<br />

Gas Company<br />

Specialized<br />

Michelle Thai<br />

Theory R Properties<br />

Theresa Fatato Foundation<br />

Therese Plunkett Foundation<br />

Titan Industries, Inc.<br />

Vince & Sue Tjelmel<strong>and</strong><br />

Brian Ton<br />

Toyota <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

TRI Pointe Homes<br />

TYR, Inc.<br />

United Airlines<br />

United Technologies<br />

Valero Wilmington Refinery<br />

Ed Vickery<br />

Shaun Voigt <strong>and</strong><br />

Gricel Mendoza<br />

Jeff Walbridge<br />

James Walker <strong>and</strong><br />

Louise Callens<br />

Walmart Neighborhood<br />

Market<br />

Walmart Stores<br />

Waterfront Beach Resort,<br />

A Hilton Hotel<br />

Elaine J. Weinberg<br />

Don & Priscilla Willis<br />

C.J. Wilson<br />

LeRoy & Jonni Wood<br />

Jon Woods <strong>and</strong> Rachel Silva<br />

Gary & Linda Yaghyazarian<br />

Yamaha Motor Corporation

$500 – $999<br />

Advanced PC Support<br />

Ernest & Paulette Alvarez<br />

Dianne Austin<br />

Anne Brady<br />

Terence & Rocio Brooks<br />

Gordon Brown <strong>and</strong> Lynn Keitz<br />

John & Mary Byers<br />

City <strong>of</strong> Anaheim<br />

Barbara Delgleize<br />

Farmers & Merchants Bank<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Body Works<br />

Fred’s Mexican Cafe<br />

Michael & Sloan Gallipeo<br />

Lotte Gopalakrishnan<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong> Hyatt San Francisco<br />

Art & Kyla Groeneveld<br />

Carm & Barbara Gullo<br />

Don & Sara Hansen<br />

Ed & Barbara Hitchcock<br />

Chuck & Lonnie Horn<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Central Park<br />

Equestrian Center<br />

Hyatt Regency Indian Wells<br />

Resort & Spa<br />

Ken & Eileen Jacobs<br />

JDV<br />

Zeke & Haley Jenkins<br />

Joe Schmoe<br />

Michele King<br />

Kiwanis Club <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Lee’s Maintenance<br />

Larry & Debbie Lipman<br />

Live Nation<br />

Main Street Wine Company<br />

Marbella Country Club<br />

Robert & Tara Mayer<br />

Thomas & Peggy Mirabal<br />

Monterey Country Club<br />

Tony & Hue Nguyen<br />

Nirve<br />

Ian & Janine Noble<br />

Nancy Park<br />

Patrick Lewis Investment Group<br />

Cindy Picquelle-Gibbons<br />

<strong>and</strong> Lee Gibbons<br />

Ken Popp<br />

PRP Wine International<br />

Quiksilver<br />

Renaissance Esmeralda<br />

Norma Rice<br />

Norman & Teri Rockmaker<br />

Tom & Kathy Ross<br />

George & Sue Saffarrans<br />

Santa Catalina Isl<strong>and</strong> Company<br />

Schools First Federal<br />

Credit Union<br />

John Schroeder<br />

David & Dawn Shenkman<br />

Shorebreak Hotel<br />

Tim & Shelly Skaggs<br />

Kent & Frances Small<br />

Gene & Jacque Smith<br />

Joe & Penney Stergios<br />

Surf & S<strong>and</strong> Resort<br />

Surf City Cyclery<br />

Sue Taylor<br />

Tomy Corporation<br />

Van Wormer Resorts<br />

Kathleen Waddell<br />

Whole Foods Market<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Weikko Wirta<br />

Yakult U.S.A. Inc.<br />

Yorba Linda Country Club<br />

Richard & Alice Zamboni<br />

$250 – $499<br />

20th Century Fox<br />

Daniel Agriesti <strong>and</strong><br />

Summer Young<br />

Brian & Susan Anderson<br />

Frank & Kathy Andruss<br />

Ramesh Arasasingham <strong>and</strong><br />

Dina Edwards<br />

Prem Balani<br />

Clark Bevans<br />

Keith & Elizabeth Bohr<br />

Steve & Pat Bone<br />

Wes Bryan <strong>and</strong> Terri Zwick<br />

Charles & Margie Bunten<br />

Kent Campbell <strong>and</strong> Gail Hiduke<br />

Joe & Valerie Carchio<br />

David & Diana Casey<br />

Catalina Passenger Service, Inc.<br />

Chase Community Giving<br />

David Chu<br />

Clevel<strong>and</strong> Golf<br />

Chris & Tristin Cole<br />

Carl & Cindy Corbin<br />

Steve & Carolyn Craft<br />

Denise Denny<br />

David Dodwell<br />

Dove Canyon Country Club<br />

Duke’s <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

Endless Food & Fun<br />

Howard Feldner <strong>and</strong><br />

Lindy Cohen<br />

Sean & Madeline Flynn<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Police Officers’ Association<br />

Gisela Gamboa<br />

Kathryn Goddard<br />

Golden West College<br />

Associated Students<br />

Frank Govern<br />

Donna Gray<br />

Mike & Ying-Ma Grumet<br />

Gulfstream Aerospace<br />

Corporation<br />

John & Chris Hay<br />

Heritage Memorial Services<br />

Bret & Peggy Holloway<br />

Homewood Suites<br />

by Hilton La Quinta<br />

Jeff & Barbara Huss<br />

Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe<br />

Hyatt Regency Newport Beach<br />

Back Bay Golf Course<br />

Hyatt Regency Scottsdale<br />

Judy Johnson<br />

Marty Leavelle <strong>and</strong> Lori Jarry<br />

Sally Lee<br />

Larry & Marion Lepson<br />

Paul & S<strong>and</strong>i Licata<br />

Joe Lisack <strong>and</strong> Keeli Scott Lisack<br />

Joel & Karen Longoria<br />

Los Coyotes Country Club<br />

Patrick & Lisa Loyd<br />

Mako Matt’s Marine<br />

Manchester Gr<strong>and</strong> Hyatt<br />

San Diego<br />

Ron & Jani McLin<br />

Hugh Moran<br />

Museum <strong>of</strong> Science<br />

Michele Neri<br />

New Balance South Coast<br />

Plaza Store<br />

Cormac & Teresa O’Connell<br />

Warren & Ann Owens<br />

Christopher & Jennifer Perkins<br />

Dat & Ngoc-An Phan<br />

Nathan Phan<br />

Laura Portier-LaLumiere<br />

Michael Privia<br />

Richard & Mary Radecki<br />

Jerry & Cathy Ramirez<br />

Tim & Marilyn Rich<br />

Bob & Carla Rose<br />

Kristen Schroeder<br />

Scottsdale Marriott<br />

at McDowell Mountains<br />

SeaCliff Realty -<br />

Debbie Docherty<br />

SeaWorld Adventure Park<br />

Christine Serrano<br />

John C. Shaw<br />

Stephen & Mary Smith<br />

Don & Zoe Solsby<br />

Myrlyn Sopher<br />

Staples<br />

State Farm Insurance -<br />

Jeff Baker<br />

Surf City Bank<br />

Ken & S<strong>and</strong>y Tokita<br />

Mark Trumbo<br />

Bob Wilder<br />

Derek & Sue Wimmer<br />

Darrin & Tracey Witt<br />

Sam Wong<br />

Gordon Wrubel<br />

Wyl<strong>and</strong><br />

Darrin Yamamoto<br />

$100 – $249<br />

320 Main<br />

Greg & Julie Abadjian<br />

Tony & Ting Aguilar<br />

Phil & Paulette Alvarez<br />

American Girl Place<br />

Pete & Lita Amico<br />

Frank & Dee Dee Angotti<br />

Atlantis Casino Resort Spa<br />

Jeff Bader<br />

Mariah Belcher<br />

Fred & Laura Benson<br />

Fil & Carol Bernal<br />

Chet & Karen Bernhard<br />

Brian & Jennifer Bielicki<br />

John & Susan Bixler<br />

John & Dede Boldin<br />

Matt & Gina Brady<br />

Lee & Cheryl Brothers<br />

Jeff Brown <strong>and</strong><br />

Maria Hall Brown<br />

Pamela Burket<br />

Captain Dave’s Dolphin<br />

<strong>and</strong> Whale Safari<br />

Captain Jack’s Prime Rib<br />

& Seafood Restaurant<br />

David Cavano<br />

Barbara Charlwood<br />

Kevin & Gretchen Childe<br />


Thank You, <strong>2012</strong> Donors<br />

$100 – $249<br />

Anthony & Linda Chung<br />

City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

The Comedy & Magic Club<br />

The Container Store<br />

Corky Carroll’s Surf School<br />

Melissa Corona<br />

Larry & S<strong>and</strong>ra Cr<strong>and</strong>all<br />

Tim Davis<br />

Alan & Shirley DeCarr<br />

John Denworth<br />

Dave Dereszynski<br />

Elizabeth Derry<br />

DoggieTown USA<br />

Driscoll & Associates<br />

Ignacio Duarte<br />

Carol Dumas<br />

Dale L. Dunn<br />

El Cortez Hotel & Casino<br />

Employees Charity<br />

Organization (ECHO)<br />

<strong>of</strong> Northrop Grumman<br />

Karen Farrell<br />

Five Crowns Restaurant<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Community Foundation<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Firefighters Association<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong> Skating Center<br />

Alex Franco<br />

John & Jayne Frixione<br />

Frogg’s Bounce House<br />

Mike & Donna Frye<br />

Rick & Ann Fuller<br />

Nancy Gallagher<br />

Garden Grove High School<br />

Faculty Club<br />

Dave & Denise Gibbs<br />

Connie Greyshock<br />

Hamboards<br />

Aaron Hamilton<br />

Tom & Eugenia Haney<br />

Jean Hardy<br />

Annette Harman<br />

James & Linda Harper<br />

Jamie Hauer<br />

Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines<br />

Hilton Sonoma Wine Country<br />

20<br />

Larry & Sally Hoover<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Surf & Sport<br />

Jacque & Susan Johnson<br />

Joseph Phelps Vineyard<br />

K1 Speed<br />

Kingston Branch Parents<br />

Kitesurfari Kiteboarding<br />

Steve & Kathy Knight<br />

Thomas & Carol Krenek<br />

Ray & Beverly Kromer<br />

L.A. Area Combined<br />

Federal Campaign<br />

La Mirada Theatre<br />

Lamppost Pizza<br />

Carol Langston<br />

Janeen Laudenback<br />

LEGOLAND California<br />

Matt Liffreing<br />

James Ligman<br />

Gene & Bobbi Lim<br />

Frank & Nan LoBasso<br />

Lorin Backe Photography<br />

Lucy’s Tailoring <strong>and</strong> Tux<br />

Jerry & Carol MacFarlane<br />

Madame Tussauds Hollywood<br />

Mahe Restaurant<br />

Mark & Michelle McCurdy<br />

Bob & Cathy Meschuk<br />

Charlene Miller<br />

Miracle Springs Resort & Spa<br />

Matt & Jeanette Mogensen<br />

Jim & Rosemary Moreno<br />

Lizet Munoz<br />

Mary Ellen Musgrave<br />

Tauric & Natalie Myrick<br />

Newport Beach<br />

Surgery Center<br />

Quan & Pauline Nguyen<br />

Billy O’Connell<br />

OC Chocolate Festival<br />

Orange Coast Winery<br />

Orange County<br />

Sheriff-Coroner Department<br />

Tina Orr<br />

Pacific Chorale<br />

Pacific Symphony<br />

Pala Casino Spa Resort<br />

Avani Patel<br />

Elaine Perez<br />

PIER 39<br />

Rachel Ramirez<br />

Carlos & Jan Ressia<br />

Macario Rincon<br />

Robert Mayer Child<br />

Development Preschool<br />

Parents<br />

Rosarito Beach Hotel<br />

Rosy Dental<br />

Salon Canvass<br />

James & Cathy Schulte<br />

Andy Serrano<br />

Shaun White Supply Company<br />

Vicki Shroyer<br />

Chris & Kristal Slama<br />

Ken & Susan Small<br />

SoCal Tri-County CFC<br />

South Coast Repertory<br />

Vanssa Spang<br />

Dr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Warren Stirling<br />

S<strong>and</strong>y Suarez<br />

Sunset Hair Salon<br />

Surf City Comedy Club<br />

Jim & Josette Taglieri<br />

Talega Golf Club<br />

Evie Tanner<br />

Target <strong>Huntington</strong> Beach<br />

#2051<br />

Jim & Debbie Templin<br />

Adam Tjelmel<strong>and</strong><br />

Trader Joe’s<br />

David & Mimi Truong<br />

Cody Tubbs<br />

Universal Studios Hollywood<br />

USS Midway Museum<br />

Vans Inc<br />

Catherine Venturini<br />

Sean Victorino<br />

Volcom Inc.<br />

Jerry & Celia Wheeler<br />

Jose & Dolores Wilson<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>on Yankosky<br />

Stephanie Young<br />

$50 – $99<br />

Iosefa Al<strong>of</strong>aituli<br />

Cynthia Alt<br />

Applebee’s<br />

Corwin & Renee Bales<br />

Mary Behrens<br />

Boomers <strong>of</strong> Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Brewbakers Microbrewery<br />

Dave & Margaret Carlberg<br />

Carpenter Performing Arts<br />

Center CSULB<br />

Center for the Arts at<br />

Pepperdine University<br />

Cerritos Center for<br />

the Performing Arts<br />

ClubHouse Theatre Parents<br />

Complexions Day Spa<br />

Michele De Palma<br />

Dream Dinners Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Olivia Falcon<br />

Erin Fitzgerald<br />

Fountain <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Police Department<br />

Bree Frontczak<br />

Juan & Kathy Garcia<br />

Kathy Garcia<br />

Garden Grove Edcation<br />

Association<br />

Garden Grove High School<br />

Cheerleaders<br />

Jenelle Godges<br />

Betty Gordon<br />

Tom & Julie Grable<br />

Glenn Gr<strong>and</strong>is<br />

Peter & Cathy Green<br />

Green Spot Cleaners<br />

Beth Hambelton<br />

Harrah’s Laughlin<br />

Fritz Hirt<br />

Hornblower Cruises & Events<br />

Samantha Hour<br />

<strong>Huntington</strong> Beach Art Center<br />

Naresh Idnani<br />

Irvine Lanes<br />

Laguna Art Museum<br />

Tom Livengood<br />

Lyon Air Museum<br />

Janet Marlow<br />

Eddie & Sonia Marquez<br />

Megan Marumoto<br />

Judy McGowen<br />

Faye Naples<br />

Naples Rib Company<br />

Nee’s Salon<br />

Newport L<strong>and</strong>ing Whale<br />

Watching<br />

Newport Rib Company<br />

Michael Norman <strong>and</strong> Rosa<br />

Berumen<br />

O’Malley’s on Main<br />

Olive Garden<br />

C<strong>and</strong>y Plichta<br />

Terry & Jane Pupa<br />

Gilbert & Andrea Ramirez<br />

Ruby’s Diner<br />

Salon M<br />

San Diego Museum <strong>of</strong> Man<br />

San Diego Zoo Global<br />

S<strong>and</strong>y’s Beach Grill<br />

Miles Satterwhite<br />

Silky Sullivan’s Restaurant<br />

Spreebird<br />

Damodaran Sri-Ramulu<br />

Roger Stanton<br />

Paul Stimson <strong>and</strong><br />

Dawn Anderson<br />

Stonefire Grill<br />

United Way California<br />

Capital Region<br />

United Way <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Inl<strong>and</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>s<br />

USAA Real Estate Company<br />

William Vu<br />

Melissa Watson<br />

WD Foundation<br />

What A Lot A Pizza<br />

Fred & Tracy Wilson<br />

Spencer & Stephanie Wilson<br />

Denise Winn<br />

Yard House<br />

Z Pizza<br />

UP TO $50<br />

Anthony James Albert<br />

<strong>and</strong> Scot Crisp<br />

Barbara Alex<strong>and</strong>er<br />

Lani Amoh<br />

Nathalie Anaya<br />

Linda Balani<br />

Big 5 Sporting Goods<br />

Black Angus<br />

Stephanie B<strong>of</strong>fa<br />

Stephen Bollinger<br />

Build-A-Bear Workshop<br />

Buon Gusto<br />

Callaway Vineyard & Winery<br />

Everardo Carvajal<br />

Izabelle Castillo<br />

The Children’s Museum<br />

at La Habra<br />

Claws N Paws Day Spa<br />

Dave & Buster’s<br />

Irvine Spectrum<br />

Mark Dixon <strong>and</strong> S<strong>and</strong>y Fazio<br />

Escrip Sale Rebate<br />

Sherwin & Bonnie Gillman<br />

Albert Guidotti<br />

Harbor House Restaurant<br />

Finn Harnby<br />

Adrian Hong<br />

The <strong>Huntington</strong> Library,<br />

Art Collections<br />

& Botanical Gardens<br />

Inka Cantina<br />

Joe Kagel<br />

Alan Kaufman<br />

Zlatka Kirilov<br />

Michael Koch<br />

The Lazy Dog Cafe<br />

Learning Center<br />

Preschool Parents<br />

P. Rachel Levin<br />

Chelo Loshak<br />

Lucille’s Smokehouse<br />

Bar-B-Que<br />

Kimberly McGlaughlin<br />

Natalie Mendoza-Wong<br />

Mike Grumet Insurance<br />

Dianne Miley<br />

Sylvia-Fatmah Mohammad<br />

Outback Steakhouse<br />

Keith Petersen<br />

Debra Phillips<br />

Quizno’s #6335<br />

Real Mex Restaurants<br />

Regal Cinemas<br />

Richard Nixon<br />

Library & Birthplace<br />

The Ronald Reagan<br />

Presidential Library<br />

& Museum<br />

Kathy Sampson<br />

Steve Sawyer<br />

Daljit & Rajwinder Singh<br />

Souplantation<br />

Chris Stehman<br />

Ronald & Darrilyn Story<br />

Angela Thoele<br />

TK Burgers<br />

Br<strong>and</strong>i Uehli<br />

Patricia Ulloa-Montezuma<br />

United Way <strong>of</strong><br />

San Diego County<br />

Van Thu Vo<br />

Michael Ward<br />

Zubie’s Dry Dock<br />

*We apologize for any<br />

errors or omissions

Thank You to everyone who made this year GREAT!


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