Front Booklet 13 - Camp Morasha

Front Booklet 13 - Camp Morasha

Front Booklet 13 - Camp Morasha


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WELCOME TO MORASHIA 20<strong>13</strong>!<br />

From the dawn of <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Morasha</strong>, three days and three nights have stood out from the<br />

rest. Three days when campers and staff join together to play, sing, create, learn,<br />

produce, and compete. Three days when campers and staff infuse the camp with<br />

creativity, athleticism, and harmonies. Three days known as MORASHIA.<br />

You will play, you will learn, you will compete, you will sing -- but most of all you will learn<br />

what it means to be a member of a team. As you stand together with your band of<br />

brothers and sisters, nothing will stop you from attaining your true goal: Internalizing the<br />

values and messages of your theme and emerging from this fight a stronger, more united<br />

camp. But remember, Morashia is a CAMPER event. Sportsmanship and proper decorum<br />

are placed before anything else!<br />

Let the games begin.<br />


Jeremy Joszef<br />

Rabbi Ira Spodek<br />

Rabbi Aryeh Yudin<br />

Rabbi Yitzi Kessock<br />

Shani Norman<br />

Rabbi Natan Farber<br />

Paula Spodek<br />

Rabbi Shmuel Hain<br />

Rabbi Lewis Wienerkur<br />

Atara Yudin<br />

Rabbi David Friedman<br />

<strong>Camp</strong> Director<br />

Executive Director<br />

Assistant to the Director<br />

Director of Operations<br />

Director of Programming<br />

Assistant Programming Director<br />

Registrar and Office Supervisor<br />

<strong>Camp</strong> Rabbi<br />

Educational Director<br />

Girls’ Head Counselor<br />

Boys’ Head Counselor<br />

Daniella Baratz<br />

R’ Natan Farber<br />

Dovi Fischer<br />

Laura Fruchter<br />

Jeremy Joszef<br />

Yitz Mendlowitz<br />

Leah Moskovich<br />

Shani Norman<br />

Yoni Pollock<br />

Melissa Rothwachs<br />

R’ JZ Spier<br />

R’ Aryeh Yudin Color War Committee<br />

Rabbi Lewis Wienerkur<br />

Scoring<br />




Jessica Alvaro<br />

Chavie Balsam<br />

Yehuda Balsam<br />

Daniella Baratz<br />

Gabriel Baratz<br />

Lisa Baratz<br />

Tzippora Baratz<br />

Amy Berger<br />

Leslie Berger<br />

Jacob Bernstein<br />

Chanan Bina<br />

Esti Bina<br />

Moishe Birnbaum<br />

Aviva Bock<br />

Ariel Cohen<br />

Mike Cohen<br />

Miriam Cohen<br />

Ronit Cohen<br />

Jannah Eichenbaum<br />

Natan Farber<br />

Tanya Farber<br />

Dovi Fischer<br />

David Friedman<br />

Marla Friedman<br />

Simi Friedman<br />

Beth Fruchter<br />

Laura Fruchter<br />

Michael Fruchter<br />

Mo Fuchs<br />

Rina Fuchs<br />

Millie Gittleman<br />

Leora Goldberg<br />

Michael Goldberg<br />

David Goldfischer<br />

Yael Goldfischer<br />

Tamar Groner<br />

Rebecca Gross<br />

R' Shmuel Hain<br />

Adam Hertzberg<br />

Alyssa Hertzberg<br />

Ron Hirschhorn<br />

Shmuel Hoffman<br />

Art Jones<br />

Jeremy Joszef<br />

Miriam Kalter<br />

N'tina Kamensky<br />

Pnina Kanarek<br />

Yosef Kay<br />

Jenna Kershenbaum<br />

Shira Kessock<br />

Yitzi Kessock<br />

Michael Kirshblum<br />

Burry Klein<br />

Danielle Klein<br />

Joe Klein<br />

Cindy Kravetz<br />

Dan Lamm<br />

Devorah Lamm<br />

Tina Lamm<br />

Aleeza Lauer<br />

Benjy Leibowitz<br />

Shifra Leibowitz<br />

Jenni Levin<br />

Aileen Mehlman<br />

Lauren Melzer<br />

Yitz Mendlowitz<br />

Leah Moskovich<br />

Shani Norman<br />

Chani Oratz<br />

Joshua Ottensoser<br />

Jonathan Packer<br />

Karen Perl<br />

Yoni Pollock<br />

Tami Prus<br />

Volvie Reich<br />

Avi Resnick<br />

Shalom Richter<br />

Sharon Richter<br />

Vivian Rosenberg<br />

Simee Rosner<br />

Eitan Ross<br />

Chavia Rothwachs<br />

Melissa Rothwax<br />

Aliza Schachter<br />

Jonathan Schachter<br />

Madison Schechter<br />

Kenny Schiowitz<br />

Shira Schiowitz<br />

Sammy Schwartz<br />

Joey Shatzkes<br />

Adi Shulman<br />

Barbara Simon<br />

Bashie Simon<br />

Tamar Siri<br />

Steven Soffer<br />

Yakira Soloveichik<br />

JZ Spier<br />

Ira Spodek<br />

Paula Spodek<br />

Shimmy Steinmetz<br />

Rachel Sterman<br />

Dov Stokar<br />

Ira Tannenbaum<br />

Esti Traub<br />

Shana Wagner<br />

Chaye Lamm Warburg<br />

Penina Wein<br />

Alisa Weinberg<br />

Moshe Tzvi Weinberg<br />

Erin Weinreich<br />

Janet Weiss<br />

Matan Wexler<br />

Penina Wiener<br />

Lewis Wienerkur<br />

Penina Williams<br />

Aryeh Yudin<br />

Atara Yudin<br />

Eram Zaghi<br />

Deena Zimmerman<br />

Benjamin Zirman<br />

20<strong>13</strong> Theme.…………………………... 3<br />

Boys <strong>Camp</strong>us Activities………..…… 5<br />

Girls <strong>Camp</strong>us Activities………..……. 6<br />

Presentation & Projects……..………. 7<br />

Divisional & Art Projects….…………. 9<br />

Shiria….......………..…………………... 12<br />

Rules & Regs...………………………… <strong>13</strong><br />

Schedule……..……………….............. 16<br />


MORASHIA 20<strong>13</strong>: HA’HEM VS. HA’HU<br />


Introduction<br />

As <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Morasha</strong> celebrates its 50 th year, we look back on five decades of an<br />

outstanding history: Torah, friendships, achievements, fun, learning, and personal growth.<br />

We look back in appreciation for those who worked so hard to enable us to have the<br />

amazing <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Morasha</strong> we have today. We also look to the future, to further growth<br />

and development, friends and achievement, personal and religious development for<br />

another 50 years and more! Our past is important, but it is only a prologue to our future.<br />

Past and future are important values in Judaism. We are the products of our ancestors,<br />

their commitment to Torah and sacrifices for Jewish continuity. We are the key to the<br />

future, as a vital link in the chain of our masorah that links the Revelation at Mt. Sinai to<br />

ketz ha-yamim, the messianic future. And so the teams of this year’s Morashia- Ha-Hem ,<br />

the past, and Ha-Hu, the future.<br />

The past is about memories - ימות עולם בינו שנות דור ודור ‏:זכור the memories of the avot<br />

and imahot, of great tzaddikim and rabbanim, and of ordinary folk who lived and<br />

worked to ensure that Jewish values and mitzvah observance would continue through<br />

their children and grandchildren. We have memories of miracles, great and small. We<br />

celebrate the highlights of our history with the holidays of the Jewish calendar and often<br />

recite the bracha:<br />

. We value the lessons of those who preceded us and<br />

בימים ההם בזמן הזה<br />

‏.שמע בני מוסר אביך ואל תטוש תורת אמך them: understand that we must learn from<br />

The future is about dreams, dreams of a better world in which everyone comes to<br />

recognize the One God and lives spiritual, ethical, peaceful, and godly lives. A dream of<br />

ואמר ביום ההוא הנה אלקינו and ביום ההוא יהיה ה'‏ אחד ושמו אחד promise: the fulfillment of the prophetic<br />

‏.זה קוינו לו ויושיענו<br />

The past is the memory of מצרים ‏;יציאת the future is the dream of מגלות ‏.יציאה The past<br />

עומדות The past recalls ‏.בשובי לירושלים the future is the vision of ‏;בצאתי מירושלים is the lament of<br />

‏.לשנה הבאה בירושלים הבנויה the future is the hope of ‏;היו רגלינו בשעריך ירושלים<br />

Mitzvot<br />

The mitzvot related to ‏,ההם our Jewish past, are those of memory as well. There are six<br />

fundamental ideas/events we must remember constantly: Shabbat, the Exodus from<br />

Egypt, the attack of Amalek, the Revelation of Torah at Mt. Sinai, the sin of the Golden<br />

Calf, and what happened to Miriam.<br />

The mitzvah related to ההוא is that of anticipating the redemption. According to the<br />

צפית Talmud, one of the questions God asks each of us on our personal day of judgment is<br />

did you look forward to redemption We emphasize this idea when we say in the ‏,לישועה<br />

אני מאמין באמונה שלימה בביאת המשיח...אחכה and when we repeat כי לישועתך קיוינו כל היום Shmoneh Esrei<br />

But it is not enough to believe in a better future, we must work hard to bring ‏.לו בכל יום שיבא<br />

it about. Thus, ההוא celebrates Yehoshua’s conquest of Eretz Yisrael and ההם celebrates the<br />

founding of Medinat Yisrael and the Zionist dream of building a better and safer future for<br />

all Jews.<br />

Our dual commitment to both the past and the future is seen in two major statements of<br />

Jewish life: Shabbat and the Shema.<br />

שבת בראשית Shabbat observance bears witness to God as Creator. The observance of<br />

reminds us that in six days God created the world and on the seventh He rested. It draws<br />

us back to the first verses of the Book of בראשית and the divine voice, which created us out<br />


יום שכולו שבת of nothingness. But Shabbat observance also reminds us of that future era, a<br />

a taste of the future in the ‏,מעין עולם הבא Through its zemirot and tefillot it is ‏.לחיי עולמים<br />

present.<br />

The Shema Yisrael has many interpretations. The Talmud tells us that these were the<br />

words that the shevatim declared to their father Yaakov (Yisrael) on his deathbed: Listen<br />

our father, Yisrael, your God is our God, He is One. So too, when we recite the Shema<br />

twice a day we recommit ourselves to the God of Yisrael Sabba, our patriarch Jacob<br />

and all of our ancestors, to Elokei Avoteinu. Their God is our God. Their lives, our past, is<br />

the prologue of our biographies. Yet, the Shema Yisrael is also a declaration about the<br />

future. According to Rashi the passuk is read, Listen Israel, Hashem Elokeinu, who right<br />

now is only our God (i.e., the God of the Jews because we are the only ones who<br />

recognize Him), Hashem echad, will one day be One, recognized and believed in by the<br />

‏.ביום ההוא יהיה ה'‏ אחד ושמו אחד world: entire<br />

The duality is also seen on Rosh Hashanah: Mussaf contains both זכרונות (memories of<br />

‏.(והיה ביום ההוא יתקע בשופר גדול)‏ שופרות things past) and<br />

Personalities<br />

נביאים are our parents, our Rebbeim and Morot, the ההם The personalities that personify<br />

and ‏,חז"ל as well as us. We are the bearers of their lessons. Those that embody ההוא are<br />

children and students, as well as us. We and our future generations ‏,משיח בן דוד ‏,אליהו הנביא<br />

are the guarantors of the continuity of Torah and the Jewish people.<br />

Conclusion<br />

One day Choni Ha-Me’agel was traveling on the road and saw a man planting a carob<br />

tree. Choni said to the man, “How long does the tree require to grow [and produce<br />

fruit]” The man answered, “70 years.” Choni said, “do you think you will live for 70<br />

years!” The man replied, “I found the world with carob trees; just as my ancestors<br />

planted for me, I too am planting for my children (Ta’anit 23a). We are the children who<br />

benefit from the love and labor of those who came before us. We are the planters who<br />

plant the seeds for future generations.<br />

In reality there is no conflict. There is no future without our past. The chapters of our<br />

history laid the foundations for our beliefs and values. They are guide posts to how we<br />

should live and for what we should strive. אבות סימן לבנים ‏.מעשה But without a future the past<br />

מקום הניחו לנו אבותנו vain. is meaningless. Those who lived and sacrificed will have done so in<br />

our ancestors gave us the tools and opportunity to take their achievements of ‏,להתגדר בו<br />

yesterday and to use them as the building blocks for an even greater tomorrow. So<br />

enjoy the “war,” but when all is said and done, remember בימים ההם (our past) is linked to<br />

future! a great and glorious ‏,ביום ההוא (our present) in order to bring us to בזמן הזה<br />



DAY ONE<br />

DAY TWO<br />

ACTIVITY 1 ~ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM<br />

Nitzis Softball 9 Center Field<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Right<br />

Newcomb 8 Volleyball Court (2)<br />

Soccer 7 Back Football Left<br />

Hockey 8 Cage<br />

YS Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym<br />

OS Softball 9 Shtili Field<br />

Basketball 7 Upper Left<br />

Hockey 7 Left Court<br />

Ilanot Soccer 9 Back Football Right<br />

Hockey 8 Right Court<br />

Paintball 8 Paintball<br />

Tennis 2 Tennis Courts<br />

Gim Basketball 8 Lower Right<br />

Hockey 8 Tank<br />

Football 8 <strong>Front</strong> Football Right<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Left<br />

Alufim Basketball 8 Upper Left<br />

Football 7 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Right<br />

Yachad Lake Swim Lake<br />

ACTIVITY 2 ~ 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym/Cage<br />

YS Basketball 8 Lower Left<br />

Water Polo 8 Boys’ Lake<br />

Handball 7 Tank<br />

Tennis 4 Courts (Doubles)<br />

OS Soccer 8 Back Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 8 Beach Right<br />

Football 7 Back Football Right<br />

Ilanot Basketball 7 Lower Right<br />

Football 7 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 8 Beach Left<br />

Gim Softball 9 Center Field<br />

Soccer 7 <strong>Front</strong> Right<br />

Paintball 9 Paintball<br />

Ultimate 8 Boys’ <strong>Camp</strong>us<br />

Alufim Softball 9 Shtili Field<br />

Hockey 7 Right Court<br />

Water Volleyball 6 Boys’ Lake<br />

Yachad Newcomb Volleyball Courts<br />

ACTIVITY 3 ~ 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM<br />

Nitzis Water Polo 8 Lake<br />

Kickball 10 Center Field<br />

Newcomb 7 Volleyball Court<br />

Handball 7 Back Football Right<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Left<br />

YS Softball 8 Shtili Field<br />

Hockey 8 Left Court<br />

Beach Newcomb 9 Beach Left<br />

Tennis 2 Courts<br />

OS Handball 8 Cage<br />

Water Volleyball 9 Lake<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Right<br />

Ilanot Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym<br />

Manhigim Hockey 8 Right Court<br />

Handball 8 Tank<br />

Football 9 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Right<br />

Alufim Paintball 7 Paintball<br />

Basketball 8 Lower Right<br />

Ultimate 8 Back Football Left<br />

Yachad Line-Up Lower Left<br />

ACTIVITY 4 ~ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM<br />

Nitzis Softball 9 Center Field<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Right<br />

Newcomb 8 Volleyball Court (2)<br />

Soccer 7 Back Football Left<br />

Hockey 8 Cage<br />

YS Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym<br />

OS Softball 9 Shtili Field<br />

Basketball 7 Upper Left<br />

Hockey 7 Left Court<br />

Ilanot Soccer 9 Back Football Right<br />

Hockey 8 Right Court<br />

Paintball 8 Paintball<br />

Tennis 2 Tennis Courts<br />

Gim Basketball 8 Lower Right<br />

Hockey 8 Tank<br />

Football 8 <strong>Front</strong> Football Right<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Left<br />

Alufim Basketball 8 Upper Left<br />

Football 7 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Right<br />

Yachad Lake Swim Lake<br />

ACTIVITY 5 ~ 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym/Cage<br />

YS Basketball 8 Lower Left<br />

Water Polo 8 Boys’ Lake<br />

Handball 7 Tank<br />

Tennis 4 Courts (Doubles)<br />

OS Soccer 8 Back Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 8 Beach Right<br />

Football 7 Back Football Right<br />

Ilanot Basketball 7 Lower Right<br />

Football 7 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 8 Beach Left<br />

Gim Softball 9 Center Field<br />

Soccer 7 <strong>Front</strong> Right<br />


Paintball 9 Paintball<br />

Ultimate 8 Boys’ <strong>Camp</strong>us<br />

Alufim Softball 9 Shtili Field<br />

Hockey 7 Right Court<br />

Water Volleyball 6 Boys’ Lake<br />

Yachad Newcomb Volleyball Courts<br />

ACTIVITY 6 ~ 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM<br />

Nitzis Water Polo 8 Lake<br />

Kickball 10 Center Field<br />

Newcomb 7 Volleyball Court<br />

Handball 7 Back Football Right<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Left<br />

YS Softball 8 Shtili Field<br />

Hockey 8 Left Court<br />

Beach Newcomb 9 Beach Left<br />

Tennis 2 Courts<br />

OS Handball 8 Cage<br />

Water Volleyball 9 Lake<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Right<br />

Ilanot Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym<br />

Manhigim Hockey 8 Right Court<br />

Handball 8 Tank<br />

Football 9 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Right<br />

Alufim Paintball 7 Paintball<br />

Basketball 8 Lower Right<br />

Ultimate 8 Back Football Left<br />

Yachad Line-Up Lower Left<br />

ACTIVITY 7 ~ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM<br />

Nitzis Softball 9 Center Field<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Right<br />

Newcomb 8 Volleyball Court (2)<br />

Soccer 7 Back Football Left<br />

Hockey 8 Cage<br />

YS Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym<br />

OS Softball 9 Shtili Field<br />

Basketball 7 Upper Left<br />

Hockey 7 Left Court<br />

Ilanot Soccer 9 Back Football Right<br />

Hockey 8 Right Court<br />

Paintball 8 Paintball<br />

Tennis 2 Tennis Courts<br />

Gim Basketball 8 Lower Right<br />

Hockey 8 Tank<br />

Football 8 <strong>Front</strong> Football Right<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Left<br />

Alufim Basketball 8 Upper Left<br />

Football 7 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Right<br />

Yachad Lake Swim Lake<br />

ACTIVITY 8 ~ 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym/Cage<br />

YS Basketball 8 Lower Left<br />

Water Polo 8 Boys’ Lake<br />

Handball 7 Tank<br />

Tennis 4 Courts (Doubles)<br />

OS Soccer 8 Back Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 8 Beach Right<br />

Football 7 Back Football Right<br />

Ilanot Basketball 7 Lower Right<br />

Football 7 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 8 Beach Left<br />

Gim Softball 9 Center Field<br />

Soccer 7 <strong>Front</strong> Right<br />

Paintball 9 Paintball<br />

Ultimate 8 Boys’ <strong>Camp</strong>us<br />

Alufim Softball 9 Shtili Field<br />

Hockey 7 Right Court<br />

Water Volleyball 6 Boys’ Lake<br />

Yachad Newcomb Volleyball Courts<br />

ACTIVITY 9 ~ 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Water Polo 8 Lake<br />

Kickball 10 Center Field<br />

Newcomb 7 Volleyball Court<br />

Handball 7 Back Football Right<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Left<br />

YS Softball 8 Shtili Field<br />

Hockey 8 Left Court<br />

Beach Newcomb 9 Beach Left<br />

Tennis 2 Courts<br />

OS Handball 8 Cage<br />

Water Volleyball 9 Lake<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Right<br />

Ilanot Dodgeball All Boys’ Gym<br />

Manhigim Hockey 8 Right Court<br />

Handball 8 Tank<br />

Football 9 <strong>Front</strong> Football Left<br />

Beach Volleyball 7 Beach Right<br />

Alufim Paintball 7 Paintball<br />

Basketball 8 Lower Right<br />

Ultimate 8 Back Football Left<br />

Yachad Line-Up Lower Left<br />







ACTIVITY 1 ~ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM<br />

Nitzis Dodgeball All Mercazia<br />

YS Kickball 7 Tennis C<br />

Pin Dodgeball 7 Pargod<br />

Soccer 6 Girls Field<br />

BBK 5 Upper Court<br />

OS Softball 7 Far Field<br />

Handball 6 Lake Field 1<br />

Soccer 7 Lake Field 2<br />

Kickball 7 Close Field<br />

Ilanot Basketball 19 Lower Court<br />

Newcomb 12 Right Court<br />

Handball 9 Lake Field 3<br />

Manhigot Races All Coliseum<br />

Alufot Hockey 7 Old Rink<br />

Handball 7 Lake Field 4<br />

Tennis 2 Tennis A<br />

Line-Up 14 New Rink<br />

Yachad Swim Pool<br />

ACTIVITY 2 ~ 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Kickball 9 Far Field<br />

Pin Dodgeball 12 Tennis C<br />

Soccer 6 Girls’Field<br />

Newcomb 8 Left Court<br />

YS Soccer 8 Lake Field 2<br />

BBK 8 New Rink<br />

Kickball 11 Close Field<br />

OS Races All Coliseum<br />

lanot Dodgeball All Mercazia A<br />

Manhigot Basketball 7 Lower Court<br />

Volleyball 7 Right Court<br />

Hockey 7 Old Rink<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 1<br />

Alufot Basketball 8 Upper Court<br />

Volleyball 8 Pool Court<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 3<br />

Yachad Gaga Pargod<br />

ACTIVITY 3 ~ 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM<br />

Nitzis BBK 9 New Rink<br />

Pin Dodgeball 16 Tennis C<br />

Soccer 10 Girls’Field<br />

YS Dodgeball All Mercazia<br />

OS Softball 9 Far Field<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Court<br />

Soccer 9 Lake Field 2<br />

lanot Soccer 7 Lake Field 4<br />

Newcomb 8 Right Court<br />

Handball 6 Lake Field 1<br />

Basketball 8 Lower Court<br />

Manhigot Softball 11 Close Field<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 3<br />

Hockey 8 Old Rink<br />

Volleyball 9 Left Court<br />

Alufot Races All Coliseum<br />

Yachad Line-Up Pool Court<br />

ACTIVITY 4 ~ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM<br />

Nitzis Dodgeball All Mercazia A<br />

YS Kickball 7 Tennis C<br />

Pin Dodgeball 7 Pargod<br />

Soccer 6 Girls Field<br />

BBK 5 Upper Court<br />

OS Softball 7 Far Field<br />

Handball 6 Lake Field 1<br />

Soccer 7 Lake Field 2<br />

Kickball 7 Close Field<br />

Ilanot Races All Coliseum<br />

Manhigot Basketball 9 Lower Court<br />

Volleyball 9 Right Court<br />

Handball 10 Lake Field 3<br />

Alufot Hockey 7 Old Rink<br />

Handball 7 Lake Field 3<br />

Tennis 2 Tennis A<br />

Line-Up 14 New Rink<br />

Yachad Swim Pool<br />

ACTIVITY 5 ~ 12:00 AM - 12:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Kickball 9 Far Field<br />

Pin Dodgeball 12 Tennis C<br />

Soccer 6 Girls’Field<br />

Newcomb 8 Left Court<br />

YS Races All Coliseum<br />

OS Soccer 8 Lake Field 2<br />

BBK 8 New Rink<br />

Kickball 11 Close Field<br />

lanot Dodgeball All Mercazia<br />

Manhigot Basketball 7 Lower Court<br />

Volleyball 7 Right Court<br />

Hockey 7 Old Rink<br />


Handball 8 Lake Field 1<br />

Alufot Basketball 8 Upper Court<br />

Volleyball 8 Pool Court<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 3<br />

Yachad Newcomb Pool Court<br />

ACTIVITY 6 ~ 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM<br />

Nitzis Races All Coliseum<br />

YS Dodgeball All Mercazia<br />

OS Softball 9 Far Field<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Court<br />

Soccer 9 Lake Field 2<br />

lanot Soccer 7 Lake Field 4<br />

Newcomb 8 Right Court<br />

Handball 6 Lake Field 1<br />

Basketball 8 Lower Court<br />

Manhigot Softball 11 Close Field<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 3<br />

Hockey 8 Old Rink<br />

Volleyball 9 Left Court<br />

Alufot Hockey 9 New Rink<br />

Dodgeball 16 Tennis C<br />

Soccer 10 Girls’Field<br />

Yachad Newcomb Pool Court<br />

ACTIVITY 7 ~ 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM<br />

Nitzis Dodgeball All Mercazia A<br />

YS Kickball 7 Tennis C<br />

Pin Dodgeball 7 Pargod<br />

Soccer 6 Girls Field<br />

BBK 5 Upper Court<br />

OS Softball 7 Far Field<br />

Handball 6 Lake Field 1<br />

Soccer 7 Lake Field 2<br />

Kickball 7 Close Field<br />

Ilanot Basketball 19 Lower Court<br />

Newcomb 12 Right Court<br />

Handball 9 Lake Field 3<br />

Manhigot Races All Coliseum<br />

Alufot Hockey 7 Old Rink<br />

Handball 7 Lake Field 3<br />

Tennis 2 Tennis A<br />

Line-Up 14 New Rink<br />

Yachad Newcomb Pool Court<br />

ACTIVITY 8 ~ 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM<br />

Nitzis Kickball 9 Far Field<br />

Pin Dodgeball 12 Tennis C<br />

Soccer 6 Girls’Field<br />

Newcomb 8 Left Court<br />

YS Soccer 8 Lake Field 2<br />

BBK 8 New Rink<br />

Dodgeball 11 Mercazia B<br />

OS Races All Coliseum<br />

lanot Dodgeball All Mercazia A<br />

Manhigot Basketball 7 Lower Court<br />

Volleyball 7 Right Court<br />

Hockey 7 Old Rink<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 1<br />

Alufot Basketball 8 Upper Court<br />

Volleyball 8 Pool Court<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 3<br />

Yachad Newcomb Pool Court<br />

ACTIVITY 9 ~ 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM<br />

Nitzis BBK 9 New Rink<br />

Pin Dodgeball 16 Tennis C<br />

Soccer 10 Girls’Field<br />

YS Dodgeball All Mercazia<br />

OS Softball 9 Far Field<br />

Basketball 8 Upper Court<br />

Soccer 9 Lake Field 2<br />

lanot Soccer 7 Lake Field 4<br />

Newcomb 8 Right Court<br />

Handball 6 Lake Field 1<br />

Basketball 8 Lower Court<br />

Manhigot Softball 11 Close Field<br />

Handball 8 Lake Field 3<br />

Hockey 8 Old Rink<br />

Volleyball 9 Left Court<br />

Alufot Races All Coliseum<br />

Yachad Line-Up Pool Court<br />







BRACHOT BEE: <strong>Camp</strong>ers will be tested on the following brachot/tefillot: Borei Nefashot (1 point), Al Hamichya<br />

(2 points), Asher Yatzar (2 points), Modim Derabanan (3 points), Tefillat Ha’derech (5 points), and Hamapil (5<br />

points). In addition, all divisions will be given a list of foods for which to memorize the bracha rishona and the<br />

bracha achronah. No partial credit will be given. The Brachot Bee will take place sometime following lunch<br />

on Day III – see schedule for details. There will be a different judge for each division who will be sitting in front<br />

of the bunks on campus to judge the brachot bee.<br />

CAPTURE THE FLAG: This summer, every team member of Morashia will be sent on a mission. Once again, there<br />

will be a challenge running throughout that every camper and staff member can participate in. A special<br />

flag has been hidden in an undisclosed location in <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Morasha</strong>. A clue hinting to the flag’s hidden<br />

location will be presented at each meal during Morashia. The clues will become progressively easier as<br />

Color War progresses. The team who locates this flag first and brings the flag to Yitz Mendlowitz or member<br />

of the CW Committee will be awarded a significant amount of points.<br />

CHEER: Each team will present a team cheer at the dinner of Night I. The cheer should be to an exciting,<br />

upbeat tune and contain original lyrics dealing with your color and theme. Points will be awarded for overall<br />

presentation, shtick, appeal of song (catchiness), creativity & originality, and camper participation. Musical<br />

accompaniment or stomp components by team members is encouraged and impressive but not required.<br />

Yitz Mendlowitz must approve the tune and lyrics of the cheer by Lunch of Day I and will be available for<br />

advice.<br />

CHIDON: The Chidon will consist of a set of questions based both on material that will be distributed and<br />

general knowledge trivia. Each team will select one boy and one girl per division (Nitzi, YS, OS, Ilanot,<br />

Machzor Bet, Yachad). Each division will have the opportunity to answer questions in a JEOPARDY game<br />

format. Once the questions are answered, the next division comes up to play. Staff will participate in the<br />

final round. Chidon will take place on the morning of Day III. A roster of participants must be given to JZ Spier<br />

and/or Melissa Rothwax by the end of Dinner on Day II.<br />

DANCE: Girls <strong>Camp</strong>us will present a dance presentation in the Mercazia following the Maccabia on Day II.<br />

The dance presentation should represent your theme. The dance presentation is to last a maximum of four<br />

minutes, and include a minimum of 20 participants (Staff can be included). The dance must include at least<br />

2 people from each division (Nitzanim, YS, OS, Ilanot, Manhigot, Alufot, & Yachad). The dances cannot be<br />

provocative in any way and should reflect the values of this camp. The chosen music MUST be instrumental<br />

versions of songs (may not include any lyrics) and MUST be approved by Jess Alvaro before the dance is<br />

made. The actual dance will then have to be approved by Jess Alvaro after lunch of Day II in the Aerobics<br />

Room. Each team will have to give the technical staff a recording of their music before the dance. Each<br />

team’s music should be on an iPod or laptop. It will be judged on overall presentation, creativity, costumes,<br />

camper participation and choice of music.<br />

D'VAR TORAH: Each morning of Morashia, the entire camp will daven together and each team will present a<br />

team D'var Torah. The D'var Torah should explain what the theme means, how it will be developed, and its<br />

relevancy. It can be presented by either a staff member or camper and may not exceed three minutes.<br />

Team Ha’heim will deliver their D’var Torah at Day I Shacharit and Team Ha’hu will present theirs at Day II<br />

Schacharit. All Divrei Torah must be submitted to Dovi Fischer by the end of the night prior to the D’var Torah.<br />

The "D'var Torah" project will be judged on (1) Content (2) Presentation (3) Development of Theme.<br />

FISH-OFF: Two boys (1 Manhigim, 1 Alufim) and two girls (1 Manhigot, 1 Alufot) from each team will compete<br />

in the Fish-Off. A complete list of all participants must be submitted to R’ David Friedman by dinner on Day I.<br />

Points will be awarded based on type of fish and size of fish. A bonus will also be awarded to the team that<br />

catches the most overall fish. The Fish-Off will take place at 5:30 AM on Day II at the Girls’ Waterfront fishing<br />

dock. Latecomers will not be allowed to compete.<br />

REVERSE VIDEO: In Morashia 20<strong>13</strong>, each team will be challenged to create a 3-minute “Revers Video”<br />

depicting your color or theme in a creative and entertaining way. Your mission is to create a video of<br />

different events which will then be played in reverse, resulting in a unique and cool video. A solid amount of<br />

your team should be in the video. Be creative, use props, and go all over the camp! You have complete<br />

creative control over your project. Confused Don't worry. We're here to guide you as you go viral. Your<br />


concept must be approved by Yitz Mendlowitz by Dinner of Day I. Yitz Mendlowitz will be the advisor for this<br />

endeavor. Your project must be completed by 4:00 pm on Day III. The reverse project will be judged on:<br />

MACCABIA: The entire camp will participate in a number of challenging and wacky races and competitions<br />

following the second day of Morashia. Rosters for the races must be given to JZ Spier by dinner.<br />

MATMON SEFORIM: Each team will select three boys and three girls from Machzor Bet to compete in the<br />

Matmon, which will take place during Shiurim on Day II in the Library. All rules will be explained at the<br />

Matmon. Rosters must be handed in at breakfast of Day II to R’ Lewis Wienerkur.<br />

MBP - MISHNAYOT BEAL PEH: Each team will choose 3 boys and 3 girls (one from younger, and 2 from older<br />

Shtilim for a total of 6). These campers will memorize and study five given Mishnayot relating to the theme.<br />

The judges will randomly choose 2 of the Mishnayot to be explained and recited. The testing will take place<br />

at 2:30 PM on Day III in the Library. They will be tested for the Brachot Bee at that location as well. A list of the<br />

campers must be handed into R’ Lewis Wienerkur by Lunch of Day III.<br />

RABBATTON: Ilanot & Manhigim/got will be divided into eight groups per team. Each group must be assigned<br />

a counselor. There should be a total of eight counselors per team. Each group will be assigned Bondis at the<br />

start of the event. At each Bondi the group will have three minutes to complete an assigned task and then<br />

will have fifteen seconds to proceed to the next Bondi. Rosters must be completed and handed into R’ JZ<br />

Spier at dinner of Day I.<br />

SIMON SAYS / MUSICAL CHAIRS: After dinner on Day II each division will go to a different location to have a<br />

division-wide Simon Says or Musical Chairs competition. The final three campers left at each location will<br />

advance to the Super Simon Says / Musical Chairs championships, which will kick off the competitions in the<br />

Mercazia. The locations for each division are:<br />

Nitzi Boys: Beach Pavilion<br />

Nitzi Girls: Girls’ Pavilion<br />

YS Boys: Boys’ Shul<br />

YS Girls: Girls’ Lower Courts<br />

OS Boys: Girls’ Upper Courts<br />

OS Girls: Pargod<br />

Ilanot Boys: Mercazia<br />

Ilanot Girls: Mercazia<br />

Machzor Bet: Mercazia Yachad: Bondi 3/4<br />

Nitzanim/Shtilim and Yachad will be competing in Simon Says competitions while Ilanot and Machzor Bet will<br />

be competing in Musical Chairs. The divisional competitions should end before 8:10 pm so that we can start<br />

the events at 8:15 pm in the Mercazia.<br />

SPELLING BEE: On the night of Day I, we will be holding the first ever <strong>Camp</strong>-Wide Morashia Spelling Bee! Each<br />

team will send up one contestant from each division (i.e. one Nitzi Girl AND one Nitzi Boy, etc.) to participate<br />

in the bee. Teams will also send up one counselor (boy OR girl) and one specialty staff member (boy ORs<br />

girl). Contestants will be eliminated from the bee when they spell a word incorrectly. The bee will continue<br />

until one camper remains standing. Words will be age-appropriate. Points will be awarded for the last three<br />

campers in the bee. The Spelling Bee roster must be submitted to JZ Spier by dinner of Day I.<br />

STAFF GAMES: Staff games will take place each night of Color War. Only those staff members that have<br />

participated or will participate in a Morashia event (e.g. coaching a game or working on art) will be<br />

allowed to play in the staff game. Below is a schedule for the staff games:<br />

NIGHT 1 Mens’ Basketball<br />

Mens’ Football<br />

Womens’ Basketball<br />

NIGHT 2 Mens’ Hockey<br />

Mens’ Soccer<br />

Womens’ Volleyball<br />

Boys’ Gym<br />

Boys’ Fields<br />

Girls’ Courts<br />

Boys' Courts<br />

Boys’ Fields<br />

Girls’ Courts<br />

Rosters must be handed into Miriam Cohen and R’ Jon Schachter at the dinner before the game.<br />




Each team must choose five Nitzi bakers, and assign a counselor to supervise the group in the Baking<br />

Room. Each team will receive a pre-baked cake from Aleeza Lauer. They will have 1 hour to decorate<br />

the cake using raw materials. The cake should deal with the team’s theme and/or color. The bakeoff will<br />

take place at 3:00 PM on Day I. The final products will be judged at the night program of Day I. Cake<br />

decoration will be judged based on:<br />

1. Creativity<br />

2. Theme<br />

3. Cleanliness & Cleanup<br />

4. Non-waste of materials<br />


We're looking for new editors for the <strong>Morasha</strong> Shalhevet! Our Younger Shtilim campers have been hired<br />

to complete their very own color war edition for this week’s issue of the <strong>Morasha</strong> Shalhevet for the entire<br />

camp and parent body to enjoy. Each team is required to write and design their team’s pages. Each<br />

team must complete 2 pages:<br />

• Page 1 - Highlights: This page should include, but is not limited to, The Roving Reporter, riddles<br />

and/or jokes, highlights of color war, and a short d'var torah on your team's name. All the<br />

articles and text should be hand-written and laid out neatly by the Younger Shtili campers on<br />

one 11x17 white piece of paper. Page 1, in its completion, must be submitted to Jess Alvaro by<br />

Dinner of Day II.<br />

• Page 2 - Collage: Each team should use an iPod Touch to take photos of their team. Each team<br />

must take all their pictures by dinner of Day I and have the counselor print the photos on their<br />

team’s printer. Once they’re printed, each team should design a collage with the pictures they<br />

took on a standard 8 1/2 x 11 white piece of paper. These collages should only include<br />

photographs and no text/illustrations. The completed collages must be submitted to Jess Alvaro<br />

by Dinner of Day III.<br />

This project will be judged as ONE project together. This project may only be worked on by Younger Shtili<br />

campers with staff guidance. Failure to comply by this rule will result in an automatic 50-point penalty.<br />

This project will be judged on:<br />

1. Quality of the Articles<br />

2. Appearance & Layout<br />

3. Creativity<br />


“What time is it” “Is it time for the next activity” Our “time” in camp is precious. It gives structure to our<br />

entire daily schedule. The Older Shtilim well help all of our campers keep track of the time in camp by<br />

constructing beautiful wall clocks to be displayed in our new canteen. Each team will receive a large<br />

circular piece of wood, with working parts for the clock. The rest of the design is up to your creativity! The<br />

designs of the clock DO NOT have to match the theme of your team name. Ideas for the clocks must be<br />

approved by Shani Norman by dinner of Day I. The clocks must be completed by Dinner of Day III. We<br />

WILL be allowing OS counselors to help with this project, but part of this project will be judged on<br />

camper involvement. The clocks will be judged based on:<br />

1. Overall Aestethics<br />

2. <strong>Camp</strong>er Participation<br />

3. Overall Creativity<br />


This year, Color War finds itself in the middle of the summer. But, as we know, time flies in camp, and we<br />

will soon find ourselves on the last night of camp, saying goodbye to the summer of 20<strong>13</strong>. To celebrate<br />

the fantastic summer that we’ve experienced together, and the 50 th anniversary of <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Morasha</strong>, we<br />

will be holding a huge celebratory banquet on the last night of camp. To make the banquet even more<br />

special, the Ilanot will be tasked to create centerpieces. Each team will be required to design 15<br />

centerpieces. Each centerpiece will reflect a day of <strong>Morasha</strong> 20<strong>13</strong>. Each centerpiece must include the<br />

provided styrofoam base, wooden stick, and image from the calendar. Everything else is up to your<br />

creativity. Ideas for the centerpieces must be approved by Amy Berger by dinner of Day I. The<br />

centerpieces must be completed by Dinner on Day 5:40 PM of Day III. The centerpieces will be judged<br />

on: This project may only be worked on by Ilanot <strong>Camp</strong>ers. Failure to comply with this rule will result in an<br />

automatic 50-point penalty. This project will be judged on:<br />


1. Overall Aesthetic Aesthetics Appearance<br />

2. Creativity<br />

3. <strong>Camp</strong>er Participation<br />

4. Depiction of event / day<br />

5. Durability as a Centerpiece<br />


The New <strong>Morasha</strong> “Beach Pavilion” is used by hundreds of campers each day as a makom t'filla. To<br />

help enhance the beauty of the space and kavana in our t'fillot, the Manhigim and Manhigot will be<br />

constructing a molding around the top perimeter of the building. Each team will receive planks of wood<br />

to create a large wooden banner/molding. Each banner will prominently display a different pasuk,<br />

which must be centered on the banner and drawn with the provided stencils. You must leave 6-inches<br />

on each side as “safe-zones” as either side MAY be trimmed down to fit the desired space.<br />

The Ha’Hu team will be displaying the following pasuk:<br />

The Ha’Heim team will be displaying the following pasuk:<br />

No nekudot should be used for the banner. The sketch for the signs must be approved by Yoni Pollock<br />

by Dinner of Day I and completed by 5:40 PM of Day III. This project may only be worked on by Gim/Got<br />

campers. Failure to comply to this rule will result in an automatic 50-point penalty. This project will be<br />

judged on:<br />

1. Aesthetic Appearance<br />

2. Creativity<br />

3. Clarity of pasuk<br />

4. Appropriateness for a Shul<br />


A major camp highlight every week is the gathering of all our campers and staff in the Mercazia on<br />

Friday Night with a beautiful davening to usher in the Shabbos. In order to help enhance the beauty of<br />

that tefillah, the Alufim/fot will be tasked with constructing a Bima exclusively out of rolls of duct tape<br />

and duct tape sheets. Using your Ductigami skills of “rip, flip and stick” and 1/4” - 1/2” overlap. You will<br />

create Bima cover that will be hung from a rod held up by poles. The design should relate to your<br />

theme, and the design can be geometric rather than representational. To explain your design, each<br />

team MUST provide a WRITTEN paragraph to the judges at the presentation. The design must be<br />

appropriate for a makom tefillah.<br />

Chaye Lamm Warburg will be the advisor for this project. Project coordinators must meet with Chaye in<br />

the New Staff Dining Room after breakfast for a project orientation. Chaye will be available at both<br />

team bases to advise, guide, and answer questions. Your initial ideas and sketch must be approved by<br />

lunch of Day 1 by Chaye, and your final sketch must be approved by dinner of Day 1 by Chaye. Please<br />

be sure to review all rules regarding materials, safety and cleanliness and organization of workspace.<br />

The project must be completed by 3:00 pm of Day III. The Alufim/fot Bima Cover will be judged on:<br />

1. Creativity<br />

2. Aesthetic appeal<br />

3. Appropriateness of design for a Makom Tefillah<br />

4. Quality of workmanship<br />


In the age of Google Maps, and GPS’s, we’re always looking for ways to find our destination. <strong>Camp</strong><br />

<strong>Morasha</strong> is a big place, and gets bigger every year -- not only in numbers, but also in landscape.<br />

Newcomers to camp often have a difficult time navigating the ins and outs of our beautiful campus. It is<br />

for this reason that we are charging our staff to create a 3-D map/model of camp to help give our<br />

campers and staff a “lay of the land.” Each team will be responsible for creating a 6’ x 4’ model of one<br />

side a side of our campus. Each model will be enclosed in a special glass display case and will be<br />

displayed in our brand new canteen. ANY materials can be used to create your model… the only rule is<br />

BE CREATIVE!!! How will you create your mini-Mercazia A miniature sized Dining Room A model Lake<br />

It’s all up to you!<br />

Amy Berger will be the advisor for this project. Project coordinators must meet with Amy in the New Staff<br />

Dining Room after breakfast of Day I for a project orientation. Your initial ideas and sketch must be<br />

approved by lunch of Day 1 by Amy, and your final sketch must be approved by dinner of Day 1 by<br />


Amy. All required supplies and materials should be communicated as early as possible. <strong>Camp</strong> Project<br />

will be judged on:<br />

1. Detail of Model<br />

2. Creativity in the use of Materials<br />

3. Accuracy of Model<br />

4. Durability<br />

5. Overall Quality of Workmanship<br />


While our camp is rich in history, with thousands of different campers and memories, we are still one<br />

camp with one mission. To depict this, this summer’s shelet will be presented and designed in the form of<br />

a Photo Mosaic from previous and current <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Morasha</strong> digital photos. Through the use of different<br />

digital tinting tools, each team will create a 3’ x 6’ landscape designs, made up of smaller tinted printed<br />

photographs. The large scene should embody symbols associated with the themes of the teams in a<br />

creative, original, and striking way. Each team will receive a computer, photo printer, and photo paper<br />

for this project.<br />

The Shelet Committee from each team will meet with Amy Berger, Penina Wein, and Yael Goldfischer<br />

during the morning of Day I to discuss theme presentation, and an orderly work schedule. The Shelet<br />

Committee should come to these meetings with several ideas and sketches ready in the event that one<br />

is not practical, materials are not available or the idea is not time efficient. The meetings will take place<br />

according to the following schedule:<br />

Ha’Heim (Art Room): 10:30 AM<br />

Ha’Hu (Ductigami Room): 11:15 AM<br />

A final sketch must be approved by Amy Berger and Penina Wein by dinner of Day I. Any changes<br />

made to this original sketch must be approved by Penina Wein. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW ALL<br />


the Mercazia will be judged as a display. Creativity and originality of design and concept will comprise<br />

a large percentage of the points earned for the shelet. The shelet will be judged on the basis of the<br />

following:<br />

1. Artistic appeal<br />

2. Quality of workmanship<br />

3. Representation of theme<br />

4. Originality of concept<br />

5. Durability<br />

6. Presentation. The presentation is to consist of a detailed and creative<br />

explanation of the shelet and how it relates to the theme. It may not exceed 3<br />

minutes in length.<br />

The shelet will be presented on the night of Day III in the Mercazia.<br />

Supplies Provided<br />

We have provided the following supplies at each team base for your convenience:<br />

- Sketch Paper (8.5 x 11 & 11 x 17)<br />

- Pencils<br />

- Pens<br />

- Paint<br />

- Paint Brushes<br />

- Erasers<br />

- Bowls<br />

- Rulers<br />

- White Oak Tag<br />

- Staplers<br />

- Scotch Tape, Masking Tape, Duct Tape<br />

- Scissors<br />

- Glue<br />



Each team will present two songs. The songs will be judged on the basis of clarity and precision, harmony<br />

and arrangements, knowledge of words and overall participation. ALL SONGS AND ARRANGEMENTS MUST<br />

BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE OF TEACHING by Danny Shatzkes & Leah Moskovich by the end of breakfast of<br />

Day II. For complete instructions, please see below.<br />


Each team will choose two Hebrew songs with the same lyrics, one old and one new. The “old song”<br />

must be from the 20 th century [Prior to 2000] while the “new song” must be from the 21 st century [2000<br />

and later]. Your presentation must start with the “old song” and songs may be fast, moderate, or slow in<br />

rhythm. The “old song” may have already been used in <strong>Morasha</strong> Shiria or Color War but the “new song”<br />

must be new to Shiria or Color War. Shiria leaders are responsible to compose their own harmonies with<br />

assistance of the Music Department. The song selections must be approved by Danny Shatzkes & Leah<br />

Moskovich by Breakfast of Day II.<br />

The music staff is there to assist in the development of the song but will not initiate harmonies and<br />

arrangements. This is the primary responsibility of the leaders assigned to Shiria by their teams.<br />

The song will be judged on:<br />

1. Clarity & Precision: Do the voices blend and are the words sounded in such a fashion as to<br />

be easily recognized If there a clear division between the melody & harmony Is there<br />

“singing” or “screaming”<br />

2. Arrangements: The layout of the song’s presentation. How many creative uses did the team<br />

find in presenting the song (Solos, a cappella, readings, repetition, modulations, use of<br />

dynamics, volume changes, creative intros, creative endings…)<br />

3. Original Harmonies<br />

4. Blending of the two songs<br />

5. Overall performance<br />


We look forward to hearing the Alma Mater - a song written by each team, reflecting on the <strong>Camp</strong><br />

<strong>Morasha</strong> experience in conjunction with their respective Color War theme. What does the <strong>Camp</strong><br />

<strong>Morasha</strong> experience mean to you, what does your Color War theme mean to you, and is there any<br />

connection between the two This song should be powerful and sentimental. The song selection and<br />

lyrics must be approved by Danny Shatzkes & Leah Moskovich by Breakfast of Day II.<br />

As we reflect on our <strong>Morasha</strong> history, and look towards our future, we encourage the team’s Alma Mater<br />

to include your own original English lyrics to the tune of “Anu Bnei <strong>Morasha</strong>.” While this is not required,<br />

your creativity and originality of incorporating the <strong>Morasha</strong> history is recommended.<br />

The music staff is there to assist in the development of the song but will not initiate harmonies and<br />

arrangements. This is the primary responsibility of the leaders assigned to Shiria by their teams.<br />

The song will be judged on:<br />

1. Clarity & Precision: Do the voices blend and are the words sung in such a fashion as to be<br />

easily recognized If there a clear division between the melody & harmony Is there<br />

“singing” or “screaming”<br />

2. Arrangements: The layout of the song’s presentation. How many creative uses did the team<br />

find in presenting the song (Solos, a capella, readings, repetition, modulations, use of<br />

dynamics, volume changes, creative intros, creative endings…)<br />

3. Original Harmonies<br />

4. Lyrics<br />

5. Overall performance<br />

It goes without saying that each team should be careful to adhere to the halachic standards of our<br />

camp throughout the Color War experience. The camp’s current policy vis-à-vis Kol Isha reflects the<br />

varied communities in which our campers and staff are coming from. <strong>Camp</strong>ers under Bat Mitzvah can<br />

sing solos. <strong>Camp</strong>ers over Bat Mitzvah must sing in groups of three or larger. No female counselor should<br />

be teaching songs during practice alone.<br />




AND DHs - BEFORE PROCEEDING TO MORASHIA EVENTS. It is the major duty of all counselors and generals<br />

to encourage all work to be done by campers. Counselors are to serve primarily as advisors.<br />

Sportsmanship: Stress is not on competition but on emphasis of the themes delineated and<br />

sportsmanship. All activities should be conducted with the spirit of good sportsmanship. To win is not as<br />

important as to compete to the best of your ability. Therefore, all counselors are requested to make<br />

certain that all campers, no matter how weak in athletics, shall participate. Individual judges may<br />

recommend an award or deduction of up to five (5) points per incident for attitude, spirit,<br />

sportsmanship, supervision etc. Discussions and protests of controversial decisions should never be held<br />

in the presence of campers.<br />

Bunk Clean-Up Schedule: Bunk inspection will be done by the division heads or head counselors. Points<br />

may be deducted at the discretion of the inspector.<br />

Coverage: Bunks MUST be covered during the morning cleanup, rest hour, evening preparation and<br />

bedtime. Responsibility for this coverage will be divided among the teams such that each team will be<br />

responsible for a set number of bunks. A list of the covering counselors is to be presented to the<br />

Coordinating Committee each evening by 10:30 PM. Severe deductions will be made for any bunk left<br />

uncovered.<br />

Tefila: In the Bet Knesset, campers and counselors will sit by bunk. Baalei Tefila will be chosen according<br />

to the regular rotation. No camper or counselor may absent himself/herself from Tefila.<br />

Structure of the Teams: Each team is required to designate coordinators in the areas of Art, Sports,<br />

Chinuch, and Swimming.<br />


All generals, staff members, & campers must remember to have fun!<br />

Wake Up: Each team will be responsible for waking up the camp on specific days. Below is the schedule<br />

of when each team is “on” for wake up. Penalties of up to 100 points will be assessed for failure to wake<br />

up the campuses on time.<br />

Boys’ <strong>Camp</strong>us<br />

Girls’ <strong>Camp</strong>us<br />

Day I Ha’Heim Ha’Hu<br />

Day II Ha’Hu Ha’Heim<br />

Day III Ha’Heim Ha’Hu<br />

Changes: All activities, rules and regulations are subject to change without prior notice at the discretion<br />

of the Coordinating Committee. This will be done only if unusual circumstances indicate the necessity for<br />

such a change.<br />



campers and counselors may be allowed an extended curfew. Their names MUST be submitted on a<br />

special curfew extension form to the Coordinating Committee on Day I and Day II by 7:30 PM. Extended<br />

curfews will be until 12:30 AM for a total of four Manhigim/got & four Alufim/fot campers per team.<br />

Lieutenants have a 12:30 AM curfew. A total amount of five staff members per team may have an<br />

extended curfew until 2:00 AM. Generals (and Generals ONLY) are not subject to curfew. Late curfew<br />

cards will be distributed and must be held by those who are granted late curfew. <strong>Camp</strong>ers may not be<br />

out of their bunks past curfew (may not be in the music room) and staff may not be off campus.<br />

Dining Room: General decorum must be maintained and the teams will be judged accordingly. All<br />

generals must be at each meal. The team bases will be closed during all meals and no camper,<br />

counselor or General is to be absent from any meal without the prior permission of the Head Counselor<br />

& Coordinating Committee. Failure to comply will result in a deduction of points.<br />

Entries: Complete written lists of starting and substitute players in games must be submitted to the judges<br />

before the start of the game. If entries are not submitted on time, the event may be forfeited at the<br />


discretion of the judges. Entries may be changed only upon the consent of the judges. Any camper<br />

may be barred from participation in events by the medical staff.<br />

O.D.: The O.D. schedule will follow regular rotation. Generals may make substitutions only with permission<br />

of the Head Counselors.<br />

Morashia T-shirts: Morashia shirt collars may not be cut to an inappropriate length. If any other part of<br />

the shirt is seen as inappropriately cut (wider collar, no sleeves, etc), he or she will be forced to go back<br />

to his or her bunk to change and will lose a SIGNIFICANT amount of points for his or her team.<br />

Preparation & Promptness: Teams must report to activities promptly. Failure to be prompt may lead to<br />

the forfeiture of points. All campers in the division must be present at the activity of their division (unless<br />

the camper is taking part in another supervised activity). Participants should wear, wherever and<br />

whenever possible, the team color.<br />

Prorating: A modified prorating system will be used for all sports except where otherwise noted. 20% of<br />

the points will go to the winner. The remainder of the points will be divided on a percent basis. In case of<br />

shut-outs, or wide point differences, certain adjustments are made in the prorating system. The Scoring<br />

Committee may be consulted for details.<br />

Protests: Protests must be submitted in writing, signed by the counselors supervising the activity, and<br />

countersigned by the General. The protest is to be submitted to Natan Farber by the mealtime<br />

immediately following the event in question.<br />

Scores: Judges should submit scores to a member of the Scoring or the Coordinating Committee at the<br />

conclusion of each activity. Where no judge is assigned, the team responsible for equipment is also<br />

responsible for scores.<br />

Supply Runs: There will be supply runs by a camp driver daily. Each team will be able to send two staff<br />

members of their team on a supply run each day of color war. Each team will have a $300 budget for<br />

all purchases throughout color war. This includes art supplies for the shelet, shtick, decorations, etc...<br />

Paint will not be included in your budget. We will check out each team separately and keep a running<br />

tab. Private cars may not be used to acquire supplies. Below is a schedule for shuttle runs and when the<br />

supply request forms are due:<br />

Day I Departs after lunch Shuttle leaves at 2:15 PM<br />

Day II & III Departs after Breakfast Shuttle leaves at 9:20 AM<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


The Ha’Heim team will be working in the Art Room while the Ha’Hu team will be working in the<br />

Ductigami Room.<br />

All work, other than wood-cuttings, should be done in the respective art locations. Each team will have<br />

a scheduled time to have their wood cut.<br />

<strong>Camp</strong>ers cannot miss any shiurim, meals, night activities, or sports activities to work on their divisional<br />

projects. They may work on projects during clean up, rest, preparation, team times (2 boys and 2 girls<br />

per division), apache relay (2 boys and 2 girls per division), and swim meet (2 boys and 2 girls per<br />

division). The Coordinating Committee will grant special permission for campers to miss sports<br />

activities upon request on a need-basis. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in a loss of points.<br />

Each project has a specific advisor. No work may be done on any project without the approval of<br />

the advisor specified for that project.<br />

The art locations will be opened at 11:00 AM and be locked during lunch. Each night, the art<br />

locations will be locked at 2:00 AM. No one is allowed in the art locations past this time! Points will be<br />

deducted for any person found in an art room past 2:00 AM.<br />

Both teams will be responsible for their art locations, keeping it clean and maintaining the condition<br />

of all tools and equipment. The art locations will be inspected at 9:00 PM on Day I and Day II and at<br />

6:30 PM of Day III. Points will be deducted for any graffiti or rooms not properly cleaned.<br />

Generals will appoint Project Coordinators for each Color War project. For divisional projects, the<br />

coordinator should be a counselor from that division. That counselor should choose the campers that<br />

will work on the divisional project. ONLY CAMPERS FROM THE APPROPRIATE DIVISIONS MAY WORK ON<br />

THE DIVISIONAL PROJECTS! Points will be deducted if staff members work on divisional projects!<br />

All projects MUST BE COMPLETED (if necessary) by their specified time. The projects must be ready to<br />

be picked up from warehouse at their specified time on Day III.<br />




Layla Appel<br />

Ettie Berger<br />

JoJo Blank<br />

Charlotte Blinken<br />

Shira Bock<br />

Raylie Bodner<br />

Laura Brandwein<br />

Mia Drazin<br />

Adina Eisenman<br />

Mia Fand<br />

Emily Feit<br />

Leah Goldfischer<br />

Abigail Greenberg<br />

Lea Grunberg<br />

Michelle Kirschner<br />

Eve Lawrence<br />

Leah Levin<br />

Julia Levy<br />

Adina Markowitz<br />

Mia Mordowitz<br />

Daniella Noah<br />

Tali Norman<br />

Lily Petak<br />

Rivki Piontnica<br />

Sophia Purow<br />

Batya Rogoff<br />

Yakira Schonbrun<br />

Minnie Schwartz<br />

Zahava Shatzkes<br />

Avigayil Simon<br />

Kira Solomon<br />

Rachel Susman<br />

Naomi Wiener<br />

Elisheva Zemel<br />



Talia Adler<br />

Ayelet Aranoff<br />

Rachel Bodek<br />

Kira Erber<br />

Naomi Feinberg<br />

Daniella Glas<br />

Shevi Glaser<br />

Meirav Grajower<br />

Nicole Haller<br />

Emily Haller<br />

Millie Helft<br />

Cory Hiller<br />

Miri Jonas<br />

Noa Kalfus<br />

Inbal Katz<br />

Eliana Kravetz<br />

Sonia Leventhal<br />

Abigail Lyons<br />

Samantha Maryles<br />

Jacqui Myers<br />

Talia Osrof<br />

Kayla Seidel<br />

Yonina Semer<br />

Eliana Smith<br />

Olivia Weinstein<br />

Eliana Weinstein<br />

Tara Willner<br />



Emily Abraham<br />

Yael Berger<br />

Lindsay Brandwein<br />

Naomi Butler<br />

Leora Cohen<br />

Meira Cohen<br />

Jocelyn Cohn<br />

Lela Fand<br />

Sarah Feder<br />

Anna Friedman<br />

Eden Garber<br />

Aliza Meller<br />

Rivka Nassimi<br />

Brooke Newman<br />

Serena Perl<br />

Rachel Piontnica<br />

Daniella Rothman<br />

Jackie Rubin<br />

Tzippy Schein<br />

Yakira Schreiber<br />

Talia Skorski<br />

Kayla Wienerkur<br />

Danyela Zuller<br />



Ayelet Aharon<br />

Noa Attias<br />

Emily Cohen<br />

Rotem Cohen<br />

Sarah Cohen<br />

Liat Cohen<br />

Allison Davidson<br />

Sarah Gabay<br />

Julia Holtz<br />

Eva Ingber<br />

Yael Kaszovitz<br />

Dalia Katz<br />

Leora Kimmel<br />

Grace Klein<br />

Julia Klein<br />

Dana Komsky<br />

Kayla Kranz<br />

Esti Kreinberg<br />

Elly Lapin<br />

Aliza Lerman<br />

Talia Lisker<br />

Gabrielle Posner<br />

Alessandra Schertz<br />

Sasha Schreiber<br />

Rose Schwartz<br />

Chana Sigman<br />

Chani Simon<br />

Sarah Tessone<br />

Lexi Thall<br />

Shoshana Wallach<br />

Sylvie Weinstein<br />



Deenie Ackerman<br />

Emily Berger<br />

Aderet Brenner<br />

Danielle Burbank<br />

Kyra Fischer<br />

Jodi Fishbein<br />

Ruthi Glaser<br />

Alison Kanefsky<br />

Miriam Kazlow<br />

Lauren Kirshenbaum<br />

Stephanie Kirshenbaum<br />

Charlotte Leventhal<br />

Chaya Levin<br />

Jordana Lichter<br />

Talia Lifschutz<br />

Eliana Lubofsky<br />

Adva Morgenstern<br />

Deena Motechin<br />

Isabelle Oliner<br />

Nina Ottensoser<br />

Rachel Sacks<br />

Tamar Samson<br />

Ana Scheidlinger<br />

Kayla Silverstein<br />

Esti Steiner<br />

Tal Ullmann<br />

Rachel Wasserman<br />

Rebecca Weinberger<br />

Zahava Wiener<br />

Atira Zeitchik<br />



Yakira Cohen<br />

Jordie Cohn<br />

Alyssa Cooperberg<br />

Leora Fadlun<br />

Sari Herskowitz<br />

Kayla Leifer<br />

Talia Levi<br />

Shani Mehlman<br />

Rachel Packer<br />

Atara Paul<br />

Lauren Sand<br />

Atara Schonbrun<br />

Dana Schwartzstein<br />

Emily Shafran<br />

Sofia Simantov<br />

Avia Sinai<br />

Aliza Skolnick<br />

Becky Steinmetz<br />

Daniella Strauss<br />

Chana Waintraub<br />

Eliana Wienerkur<br />

Leora Wolkoff<br />

Talya Zuller<br />



Max Blinder<br />

Max Blumenthal<br />

Joseph Botnick<br />

Jacob Burstein<br />


Yosef Dahan<br />

Chaim Dovid Cohen<br />

Benny Frank<br />

Ben Freundlich<br />

Eitan Fuchs<br />

David Gellis<br />

Benjamin Gettenburg<br />

Yehuda Gur Arie<br />

Sam Hilbert<br />

Kobi Hirt<br />

Jonah Hornblass<br />

Joshua Katz<br />

Samuel Kroll<br />

Yoni Kwestel<br />

Michael Lerman<br />

Jonah Mandil<br />

Jared Mark<br />

Daniel Marks<br />

Shragi Medetsky<br />

Matthew Mizrachi<br />

Max Orbach<br />

Isaac Osrof<br />

Ethan Penstein<br />

Simon Pinter<br />

Sammy Portnoy<br />

Eitan Seewald<br />

Avi Shachter<br />

Nate Sholomon<br />

Daniel Singer<br />

Aharon Solovetchik<br />

Jack Speiser<br />

Yoni Tocker<br />

Judah Volodarsky<br />

Ezra Wallach<br />

Jacob Weinstein<br />



Noah Applebaum<br />

Sam Bendheim<br />

Eitan Chasman<br />

Noah Chesir<br />

Gabriel Cohen<br />

Aryeh Dynken<br />

Akiva Feit<br />

Ilan Frenkel<br />

Isaac Fromen<br />

Eitan Gutenmacher<br />

Jacob Hershenoff<br />

Azriel Ifergan<br />

Tani Koenig<br />

Menachem Kravitz<br />

Josh Mehlman<br />

Reuben Melzer<br />

Ozzie Motechin<br />

Nathan Orbach<br />

Caleb Pollan<br />

Evan Salamon<br />

Isaac Schertz<br />

Yamin Semer<br />

Judah Shanzer<br />

Yitzi Sokol<br />

Yedidya Solomon<br />

Solly Wilkowski<br />

Max Zakheim<br />


*ET DUBIN<br />

Jackie Glaser<br />

Jacob Glasman<br />

Adam Goldfeder<br />

Israel Gulko<br />

Akiva Hain<br />

Elie Jarashow<br />

Caleb Koppel<br />

Oscar Kule<br />

Benjamin Leifer<br />

Ezra Levi<br />

Josh Levine<br />

Alex Lyons<br />

Chaim Medetsky<br />

Josh Pcker<br />

Jack Reinhart<br />

Shalom Rosengarten<br />

ZJ Saks<br />

Adam Schwartz<br />

Natey Simantov<br />

Binyamin Tannenbaum<br />

Sammy Volodarsky<br />

David Wolkoff<br />



Coby Ackerman<br />

Sammy Burekhovich<br />

Evan Chesner<br />

Josh Erber<br />

Benjy Feintuch<br />

Jason Folkman<br />

Kenny Friedman<br />

Oren Goldberg<br />

Alec Goldstein<br />

Daniel Goldstein<br />

Michael Gul<br />

Efraim Herstic<br />

David Lewis<br />

Eli Litwin<br />

Zecharia Marks<br />

Eitan Mehlman<br />

Simon Perlow<br />

Josh Pfeifer<br />

Daniel Portnoy<br />

Ido Schertz<br />

Jeremy Seidel<br />

Gary Slochowsky<br />

Moshe Strauss<br />

Ariel Torjmane<br />

Aaron Wernick<br />

Josh Wiener<br />

Andrew Wolf<br />



Josh Appel<br />

Adam Auerbach<br />

Seth Bodek<br />

Gilad Bodner<br />

Sammy Bruh<br />

AJ Chesir<br />

Jonah Chill<br />

Meir Edery<br />

Eli Fishman<br />

Evan Goldstein<br />

Josh Goodman<br />

Gabriel Greenbaum<br />

Danny Gur-Arie<br />

Adi Ifergan<br />

Zach Lyons<br />

Jason Mishkin<br />

Donny Moskovitz<br />

Johnny Newman<br />

Ben Portnoy<br />

Yonatan Potash<br />

Aaron Purow<br />

Ryan Schwartz<br />

Yair Slasky<br />

Spencer Tropper<br />

Josh Weisel<br />

Dovi Weiss<br />

Josh Wertenteil<br />

Sammy Wietschner<br />

JJ Zakheim<br />



Rafi Appel<br />

Eytan Aryeh<br />

Josh Chesner<br />

Jakob Deutsch<br />

Yishai Freund<br />

Tzvi Gettenberg<br />

Eitan Hain<br />

Paul Heisler<br />

Jordy Hirschfield<br />

David Itzkowitz<br />

Zev Jarashow<br />

Eli Lauer<br />

Gabe Leifer<br />

Judah Levine<br />

Daniel Levy<br />

Gabriel Miller<br />

Gabe Perl<br />

Willie Salamon<br />

Jonathan Seidel<br />

Gavi Smith<br />

Jonah Waldman<br />

YACHAD<br />


Abe Abali<br />

Liora Benga<br />

Ruchama Broyde<br />

Rafi Dayan<br />

Yehoshua Fineberg<br />

Jacob Gross<br />

Suri Lustigman<br />

Tomer Mandelbaum<br />

Ronit Peerless<br />

Chaya Schwartz<br />

Yehuda Sorkin<br />

Sarah Ungar<br />

Riffy Wolpert<br />





Noah Adelsberg<br />

Louis Ades<br />

Jordana Appel<br />

Bayla Bach<br />

Talia Baratz<br />

Aaron Berman<br />

Abigail Bibas<br />

Natan Bienstock<br />

Rena Bierig<br />

Isaac Blinder<br />

Harry Block<br />

Akiva Blumenthal<br />

Hannah Chicheportiche<br />

Gabriel Dechter<br />

Bobby Dratch<br />

Deena Drazin<br />

Chani Dubin<br />

Avery Englander<br />

Gabriella Fadlun<br />

Joshua Fagin<br />

Avi Faitelewicz<br />

Tehila Feinberg<br />

Yoni Fenster<br />

Dani Folkman<br />

Tamar Forman<br />

Grant Fox<br />

Dana Frenkel<br />

Michael Fruchter<br />

Avi Genachowski<br />

Noam Genet<br />

Isabel Glickman<br />

Racquel Glickman<br />

Michael Goldberg<br />

Yonatan Goldberg<br />

Akiva Gottlieb<br />

Kayla Gottlieb<br />

Rami Greenspan<br />

Joseph Greenstein<br />

Rebecca Gross<br />

Sera'h Guez<br />

Jacob Gurstein<br />

David Gutenmacher<br />

Chani Hirschey<br />

Michael Hirt<br />

Eden Hoffman<br />

Aryeh Isaacs<br />

Eliana Isaacs<br />

Jacob Israel<br />

Seth Jacobovitch<br />

Eitan Kahane<br />

Aaron Kaminas<br />

AJ Kanefsky<br />

Rachel Kirschner<br />

Zachary Kirschner<br />

Shira Korman<br />

David Lauer<br />

Avi Lent<br />

Amalya Levi<br />

Izik Levi<br />

Chaya Levinson<br />

Jacob Levy<br />

Aryeh Lichtman<br />

Miki Liechtung<br />

Leora Litwin<br />

Zevi Litwin<br />

Itamar Lustiger<br />

Ezra Magder<br />

Samuel Marcus<br />

Ally Margulies<br />

Racheli Matis<br />

Alex Mermelstein<br />

Nomi Mermelstein<br />

Jessica Myers<br />

Samantha Myers<br />

Sammy Myers<br />

Daniel Nissel<br />

Shuey Ofman<br />

Eliana Ogorek<br />

Jeremy Packer<br />

Jonathan Packer<br />

Tzvi Perin<br />

Jessica Pinter<br />

Maayan Rockland<br />

Avital Rosen<br />

Simee Rosner<br />

Amanda Rubin<br />

Jacob Saks<br />

Madison Schechter<br />

Jennifer Schertz<br />

Jared Schiff<br />

Leora Schiff<br />

Orah Schlanger<br />

Shayna Schwarzberg<br />

Amanda Shapiro<br />

Eliana Shields<br />

Lara Siegal<br />

Caleb Siegel<br />

Tamar Siri<br />

Steven Soffer<br />

Rebecca Spett<br />

Shimmy Steinmetz<br />

Yonatan Stern<br />

Rebecca Strauss<br />

Tamir Sugarman<br />

Jeremy Tabak<br />

Amira Tepler<br />

Efraim Tepler<br />

Jacob Tessone<br />

Jocelyn Thurm<br />

Elyse Tripp<br />

Esty Turner<br />

Goldi Weiser<br />

Amy Weiss<br />

Rikki Weitz<br />

Renee Wietschner<br />

Kara Winter<br />

Eram Zaghi<br />

Akiva Zimmerman<br />

Yehoshua Zirman<br />

Jonah Zrihen



Nikki Burbank<br />

Tikva Epstein<br />

Miri Fein<br />

Ruthie Feinberg<br />

Lizzie Friedman<br />

Shayna Friedman<br />

Ellie Ginsberg<br />

Adira Greenwald<br />

Perri Hoffman<br />

Talia Horn<br />

Shiraz Itzhaki<br />

Kira Jacoby<br />

Hannah Katz<br />

Ayelet Kerstein<br />

Atara Klein<br />

Leora Konig<br />

Rachel Kranz<br />

Lily Leventhal<br />

Jordan Levine<br />

Sarah Lewis<br />

Gabi Mogilner<br />

Jillian Moldovan<br />

Abby Newman<br />

Molly Norman<br />

Liat Polinsky<br />

Shoshana Pomerantz<br />

Maia Purow<br />

Hannah Rothner<br />

Suzana Ruben<br />

Meira Rychik<br />

Sarah Schwartz<br />

Shira Siegler<br />

Mia Spira<br />

Kira Tepler<br />

Lily Waldman<br />



Kyra Appel<br />

Maayan Cohen<br />

Molly Feder<br />

Milla Gitlin<br />

Emily Goldstein<br />

Bella Ingber<br />

Yael Jungreis<br />

Tali Kimmel<br />

Shelly Koppel<br />

Rachel Landsman<br />

Penina Levin<br />

Grace Madeb<br />

Shoshana Markowitz<br />

Shayna Orlow<br />

Aderet Paul<br />

Sophia Reich<br />

Orlee Rosen<br />

Racheli Schachter<br />

Aviva Schlanger<br />

Sarah Sigman<br />

Shira Silverstein<br />

Esther Simon<br />

MalkaRena Skolnik<br />

Rachel Skurnik<br />

Ariella Stefansky<br />

Ashley VanAmerongen<br />

Tikva Zimmerman<br />



Talya Alexander<br />

Abigail Appel<br />

Tova Ben-Ami<br />

Jordana Berger<br />

Sophia Bruder<br />

Shira Cohen<br />

Ayelet Deutsch<br />

Lilly Fuchs<br />

Reut Gare<br />

Emma Greenbaum<br />

Serena Jacobs<br />

Tamar Leiser<br />

Emily Packer<br />

Adina Roth<br />

Emma Rubin<br />

Daniella Rubin<br />

Hallie Sober<br />

Nina Tepler<br />

Emma Tropper<br />

Ariella Wang<br />

Zoe Weinberg<br />

Rachel Yudin<br />

Leah Zakheim<br />



Leora Adler<br />

Caroline Altman<br />

Ariella Apelbaum<br />

Ellie Berger<br />

Michali Betesh<br />

Daniella Brody<br />

Rachel Cohen<br />

Emily Ellison<br />

Arielle Epstein<br />

Sophia Feder<br />

Emma Frank<br />

Ahava Friedman<br />

Jenna Friedman<br />

Joely Glass<br />

Talia Guttman<br />

Ava Hornblass<br />

Michal Jungreis<br />

Ayelet Kalfus<br />

Zoe Klein<br />

Atara Langer<br />

Liana Lapp<br />

Mahlia Leventhal<br />

Fortune Manopla<br />

Shoshana Noah<br />

Arielle Polinsky<br />

Donna Rebibo<br />

Elly Schanzer<br />

Russie Schreiber<br />

Mia Tuchman<br />

Michelle Weingarten<br />

Rebecca Weiss<br />




Aliza Butler<br />

Michal Engel<br />

Talya Gellis<br />

Tamar Glaser<br />

Miriam Hatten<br />

Arielle Herman<br />

Michal Horn<br />

Shelley Horowitz<br />

Zahava Isaacs<br />

Rachel Kellner<br />

Rebecca Klein<br />

Sophie Kule<br />

Arielle Landes<br />

Rebecca Meller<br />

Lauren Melman<br />

Molly Ottensoser<br />

Chantal Polinsky<br />

Evie Pollak<br />

Arielle Rothman<br />

Shira Rothwachs<br />

Rebecca Saffra<br />

Gila Schein<br />

Noa Silverstein<br />

Tess Simon<br />

Adira Tannenbaum<br />

Sara Weitz<br />

Alex Winter<br />



Rebecca Alexander<br />

Yael Baratz<br />

Sophie Blumenthal<br />

Daniella Bock<br />

Razel Bornstein<br />

Sarah Cohen<br />

Rebecca Feder<br />

Rachel Feinberg<br />

Emily Greenberg<br />

Talia Kirshblum<br />

Sami Kirshner<br />

Emily Klein<br />

Emuna Korenblit<br />

Sigal Levine<br />

Kyra Libin<br />

Lily Madeb<br />

Ashley Myers<br />

Abigail Rosenberg<br />

Jordana Schwartz<br />

Avigayil Shapiro<br />

Leora Spitz<br />

Nicole VanAmerongen<br />

Lizzie Wallach<br />



Pinny Balsam<br />

Yonah Ben Ami<br />

Daniel Berger<br />

Jamie Berger<br />

Isaac Berry<br />

Noah Birnbaum<br />

Ethan Davidson<br />

Logan Feldman<br />

Joseph Gettinburg<br />

Daniel Groner<br />

Leo Gulko<br />

Noah Guttman<br />

Judah Hain<br />

Ethan Hirschfeld<br />

Jonas Kahan<br />

Daniel Kopolovitz<br />

Nate Leiberman<br />

Ari Leifer<br />

Judah Leifer<br />

Solomon Lerman<br />

Zachary Levy<br />

Jacob Mandil<br />

Ethan Marom<br />

Amichai Miller<br />

Ely Neuwirth<br />

Benjamin Newmark<br />

Ashi Norman<br />

Ben Orbach<br />

Jacob Pfeifer<br />

Aiden Polinsky<br />

Noam Rychik<br />

Meir Shochet<br />

Chaim Simon<br />

Daniel Simon<br />

Ari Smith<br />

Uri Stefansky<br />

Avery Stepner<br />

Avi Teppler<br />

Benjamin Tocker<br />

Gabriel Warshaw<br />

Tzvi Yudin<br />



Ari Baruch<br />

Tzvi Block<br />

Yoni Drazin<br />

Evan Kinches<br />

Rafi Lewis<br />

Judah Rolnick<br />

Ben Bodner<br />

Jacob Berry<br />

Joseph Forman<br />

Isaac Horowitz<br />

Brian Parness<br />

Yoni Samson<br />

Avi Weitz<br />

Eli Almo<br />

Josh Cohen<br />

Gabe Einhorn<br />

Jacob Edelstein<br />

Danny Kroll<br />

Ben Perl<br />

Ezra Shapiro<br />

Jason Aranoff<br />

Joseph Gross<br />

Yehuda Sokol<br />

Noah Warshaw<br />

Dan Weinberger<br />

Nathan Rosenberg<br />

Yitzi Fishman<br />



Jay Blinken<br />

Zevi Cohen<br />

Aiden Englander<br />

Jaron Feldman<br />

Matthew Ganchrow<br />

Coby Goldfeder<br />

Josh Goldfeder<br />

Ben-Zion Goldstein<br />

Joseph Greenberg<br />

Yonatan Groner<br />

Daniel Hirsch<br />

Coby Kranz<br />

Ari Mitchell<br />

Alex Papilsky<br />

Max Parness<br />

Yisrael Richter<br />

Jonno Rosen<br />

Nicky Schlanger<br />

David Schwartzstein<br />

Yonah Seewald<br />

Yonatan Sokol<br />

Moshe Sopher-Harelick<br />

Manny Srulowitz<br />



Jonathan Aranoff<br />

Ariel Attias<br />

Charlie Bendheim<br />

Lev Cohen<br />

Elie Cohn<br />

Shmuel Eisenman<br />

Adam Frenkel<br />

Gideon Freund<br />

Alex Fuchs<br />

Elan Goldberg<br />

Josh Hirt<br />

Max Kenigsberg<br />

Jeremy Klein<br />

Drew Korn<br />

Noam Kuritzky<br />

Yosef Linzer<br />

Jonathan Mehlman<br />

Stevie Paul<br />

Elie Roz<br />

Dani Roz<br />

Yoni Sapadin<br />

Sammy Sokol<br />

Jack Stepner<br />

Jacob Verschleiser<br />

Daniel Weiss<br />

Max Wiederhorn<br />



Ethan Abraham<br />

Joey Azizo<br />

David Baruch<br />

AJ Druck<br />

Adam Duitz<br />

Joshua Edelstein<br />

Eli Gelfand<br />

Josh Geliebter<br />

Andrew Giller<br />

Nissin Guez<br />

Shlomo Korsinsky<br />

Isaac Laifer<br />

Aron Leiber<br />

Dan Leichtung<br />

Daniel Lichter<br />

Joey Mogilner<br />

Avi Orlow<br />

Jeremy Purow<br />

Zach Reich<br />

Yoni Saks<br />

Noah Schwartz<br />

Eli Shapiro<br />

Jacob Silber<br />

Moshe Simon<br />

Avi Tessone<br />

Ari Warshaw<br />

Ben Weinstein<br />

Solly Weiser<br />

Ahron Yudin<br />

Amram Zeitchik<br />



Charlie Altman<br />

Ezra Appel<br />

Zev Ben-Ami<br />

Jeremy Brody<br />

Yoav Deutsch<br />

Jojo Fishman<br />

David Fleshner<br />

Ariel Forman<br />

Yehuda Freund<br />

Jonah Ganchrow<br />

Benjamin Greenberg<br />

Alex Gross<br />

Zach Horowitz<br />

Shlomo Kassai<br />

Benjy Lamm<br />

Judah Lyons<br />

Gabe Perl<br />

Abie Perlow<br />

Evan Polinsky<br />

Matty Reinhart<br />

Josh Rosenberg<br />

Shimmie Socol<br />

YACHAD<br />


Ruchama Broyde<br />

Devon Collins<br />

Zev Diamond<br />

Lane Kerner<br />

Annette Krinberg<br />

Benny LaDue<br />

Sigal Miller<br />

Deena Moskowitz<br />

Gitti Perman<br />

Tamar Schlanger<br />

Fraida Schnepps<br />

Yosef Taubes<br />





Raizy Abittan<br />

Rachel Ambinder<br />

Rebecca Appel<br />

Gabriel Baratz<br />

Jeremy Barth<br />

Elizabeth Berger<br />

Zachary Berger<br />

Ralph Betesh<br />

Diana Bienenfeld<br />

Mitchell Blitman<br />

Jeremy Bock<br />

Daniella Bodek<br />

Nicole Bodek<br />

Deena Borenstein<br />

Jacob Braun<br />

Anna Cappell<br />

Barbara Charikov<br />

Danielle Chesir<br />

Maxwell Cohen<br />

Erika Davidoff<br />

Eitan Dechter<br />

Yolly Dratch<br />

Gabriel Dubow<br />

Elisheva Fadlun<br />

Ariella Freedman<br />

Elle Fried<br />

Simi Friedman<br />

Yoni Frieling<br />

Deena Fuchs<br />

Jack Ganchrow<br />

Millie Gittleman<br />

Avery Goldstein<br />

Joshua Goldstein<br />

Nicole Greenbaum<br />

Hadas Gross<br />

Jordana Gross<br />

Jacob Gurstein<br />

Dena Hirschey<br />

Alex Hirt<br />

Esti Hirt<br />

Leeza Hirt<br />

Max Hoffman<br />

Matan Holtz<br />

Jessica Hopen<br />

Talia Kaszovitz<br />

Jenna Kershenbaum<br />

Joseph Kestenbaum<br />

Ariel Kirschenbaum<br />

Michael Kirshblum<br />

Pamela Klahr<br />

Jason Klein<br />

Joe Klein<br />

Itai Knafo<br />

Yakir Knafo<br />

Eliora Korenblit<br />

Yoni Kram<br />

Chesky Kwestel<br />

Ezra Kwestel<br />

Devorah Lamm<br />

Jacob Lazaros<br />

Eli Lefkovitch<br />

Tzipora Leiser<br />

Gabriella Levine<br />

Jason Levine<br />

Tara Levine<br />

Michael Levy<br />

Yair Lichtman<br />

Levi Light<br />

Eli Mallin<br />

Ian Mark<br />

Devorah Merkin<br />

Chaim Metzger<br />

Joseph Miller<br />

Zahava Moskowitz<br />

Aryeh Norman<br />

Esti Novoseller<br />

Joshua Ottensoser<br />

Lauren Packer<br />

Zachary Perl<br />

Ben Pimentel<br />

Ilan Ramras<br />

Aviva Redisch<br />

Rebecca Reich<br />

Carly Reinhart<br />

Avi Resnick<br />

Maxx Rimberg<br />

Samuel Rochlin<br />

Micayla Rosenbaum<br />

Hudi Rosenberg<br />

Shmuel Rosenthal<br />

Talya Ross<br />

Natalia Rothman<br />

Shani Rothwachs<br />

Alexandra Rubin<br />

Shoshana Rubin<br />

Jason Salamon<br />

Daniel Schein<br />

Jared Scher<br />

Maxwell Schertz<br />

Seth Schlussel<br />

Adi Shulman<br />

Marci Schwartz<br />

Jordan Schwartzstein<br />

Danielle Silber<br />

Jonathan Silverman<br />

Jamie Simon<br />

Ayden Sopher-Harelick<br />

Eliana Soskin<br />

Tali Spier<br />

Miri Spitz<br />

Eitan Stern<br />

Benji Stokar<br />

Hannah Tessel<br />

Avraham Wein<br />

Andrea Weiss<br />

Jono Wietschner<br />

Meir Zeidman<br />

Rivkie Zeidman<br />

Rivka Zimmerman<br />

Benjamin Zirman<br />

Nicole Zweiter

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