Rawabi Holding Magazine Issue 31
Rawabi Holding Magazine Issue 31
Rawabi Holding Magazine Issue 31
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QUARTERLY magazine<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
01 Making a Difference<br />
14 Business newS<br />
24 Powered by PEOPLE<br />
26 Events<br />
<strong>31</strong> EXIBITIONS &<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees<br />
donate 30,600ML of blood<br />
this year<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> organized its fifth blood<br />
donation campaign which was held on<br />
Sunday and Monday, December 9 th and<br />
10 th at the <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> head office<br />
in the Saudi Cancer Foundation. This<br />
year’s theme for the campaign was to<br />
present each donor as a “hero.” After<br />
giving blood each donor would receive<br />
a sticker mentioning that they “Saved<br />
a Life Today”. The campaign is part<br />
of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Corporate Social<br />
Responsibility “Corporate Community<br />
Service” program wherein the company<br />
provides opportunities for employees to<br />
volunteer and support various causes<br />
in the community. <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s<br />
Mr. Sami AlBouri, Group Personnel<br />
Unit Head has led the initiative since<br />
Continued on Page 2...
Making A Difference<br />
“Leadership is<br />
the capacity to<br />
translate vision<br />
into reality.”<br />
- Warren Gamaliel Bennis (1925--),<br />
American scholar<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
employees donate...<br />
(Continued from page 1)<br />
its first year in 2008, coordinating with<br />
the Dammam Blood Bank to set-up a<br />
collection station in our offices. Over the<br />
years <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees have<br />
shown commitment and dedication to the<br />
cause. This year a total of 68 employees<br />
successfully donated 450ML of blood<br />
each for a total of 30,600ML.<br />
Over the past five years,<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees<br />
have donated a total of<br />
132,710ML of blood — that’s<br />
enough to save the lives of<br />
over 1150 people. <br />
The transfusion of blood helps save<br />
millions of lives every year — each donation<br />
can help up to four different patients. It<br />
can help improve life expectancy and the<br />
quality of life for patients. Donated blood<br />
حياة<br />
أنقذ البطل<br />
كن و BE A HERO.<br />
SAVE A LIFE.<br />
is utilized for premature and pre-term<br />
babies, newborns with severe jaundice,<br />
patients with leukemia, thalassemia and<br />
anemia, road traffic accident victims,<br />
and other patients suffering from lifethreatening<br />
conditions. It also supports<br />
the successful completion of complex<br />
medical and surgical procedures. Healthy<br />
adults between 18-65 weighing more<br />
than 50Kg can safely donate blood. Each<br />
donor is given a quick medical checkup<br />
to determine their eligibility and fitness<br />
to donate, and once given the green light,<br />
around 450 ML of blood is drawn. This<br />
consists of less than 8% of one’s total<br />
blood volume and the body replaces it<br />
in a short amount of time. Donors can<br />
give blood every 2-3 months, which can<br />
actually be beneficial to donor’s health as<br />
it stimulates bone marrow cell production<br />
and decreases blood viscosity.<br />
Cover page photo: <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees<br />
donate their blood at Saudi Cancer Foundation<br />
in <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> head office<br />
Photos (right): Proud look of the <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong> employees who were heroes of the day<br />
بالدم<br />
للتبرع الخامسة روابي حملة RAWABI HOLDING 5 th BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN<br />
ظهرا ً<br />
2 الساعة إلى صباحا ً 9 الساعة من ديسمبر 10-9 : التاريخ القابضة<br />
روابي شركة مقر في الرابع الدور السعودية، السرطان جمعية : المكان When: 9-10 December, 2012 @ 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM<br />
Where: Saudi Cancer Foundation, 4 th Floor of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Building<br />
2 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Making A Difference<br />
Saudis pledge to donate<br />
their organs<br />
“Fortune favors the<br />
brave.”<br />
- Publius Terentius (195/185–159 BC),<br />
Romanian playwright<br />
November 18, 2012 - One thousand<br />
Saudis sign ‘organ donor’ form at<br />
“Together We Give Hope” campaign<br />
in Dhahran Mall, organized by the<br />
Saudi Foundation for Promoting Organ<br />
Donation (Eithar) in coordination with the<br />
Saudi Center for Organ Donation and the<br />
Health Awareness Division of the King<br />
Fahad Specialist Hospital in Dammam,<br />
sponsored by the Annual Charity Run.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong><br />
Events<br />
Youth<br />
Empowerment<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Internship<br />
Program<br />
succeeds in<br />
equipping<br />
KFUPM<br />
engineering<br />
students<br />
KFUPM engineering interns Fawzi Muhammad Mudawar (right) and Mohammad Tammam Hussain (left)<br />
October 15, 2012 - Two KFUPM<br />
engineering interns were recruited to<br />
work on a unique product development<br />
project at <strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety<br />
Services, Limited (RUSS), a joint venture<br />
between <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> and United<br />
Safety International, a leading provider<br />
of H2S Safety Equipment, Breathing<br />
Air Safety Systems and H2S Safety<br />
Specialist expertise in the regional Oil<br />
& Gas Industry. Supervised by Eng. Ihab<br />
Khayat, Business Advisor of <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>, the project involved configuring<br />
a second-generation gas detection system<br />
(the Guardian II) that had been originally<br />
designed in Canada.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Service<br />
Appreciation Awards 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Service Appreciation Awards Ceremony for the year<br />
2012 took place at Holiday Inn Al Khobar Corniche, last<br />
December 27, 2012. Three hundred eighty four (384) employees were<br />
honored for their years of service at <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Group of Companies.<br />
Event presenters:<br />
Nada Badgaish,<br />
Misha Mahboob<br />
and Waseem Shabana<br />
4 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Chairman Opening Speech<br />
I am honored to open the<br />
ceremony today in recognition of your<br />
efforts during the year 2012—a strong<br />
motivator for you to continue to give<br />
and overcome obstacles to success. One<br />
year ago we stressed the importance of<br />
transparency in order to strengthen our<br />
bonds and respect our relationships. <br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> was recognized<br />
this year for being one of<br />
the “Best Saudi Companies<br />
to Work For” by AlIqtisadia<br />
Newspaper and Team One<br />
Consultancy. This competition<br />
allowed us to streamline our<br />
ongoing efforts under the<br />
umbrella of “enhancing our work<br />
environment”.<br />
Day in and day out our employees<br />
report to work and give their all to<br />
making our company what it is today—a<br />
company that strives to be better with<br />
every step we take. Better with our<br />
customers, better for our partners, better<br />
in our industries and better for our<br />
communities.<br />
Today I have the opportunity to thank you<br />
for being part of the thirty some years of<br />
growth, putting <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> on the<br />
map as one of the leading conglomerates<br />
and fastest growing companies in the<br />
region. As we grow, we continue to move<br />
forward in our approach, and recognize<br />
that we must remain dynamic in order to<br />
attract and retain the most valuable of<br />
our assets: our employees.<br />
Today I would like to touch upon three<br />
main components that set <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong> apart from our competitors: our<br />
focus on people; on people development<br />
and corporate social responsibility. The<br />
Internal Communications Department<br />
plays an active role in organizing a<br />
variety of different activities. This<br />
year, we continue to prioritize internal<br />
communications to maximize employee<br />
comfort and satisfaction, while also<br />
introducing a range of different initiatives<br />
to continuously move this effort forward. <br />
This year’s newly launched Lunch with<br />
CEO initiative has made it possible<br />
for employees across the company<br />
to attend an informal meeting with<br />
top management, allowing for the<br />
free-flowing of information and ideas.<br />
Another effort to ensure that voices<br />
are heard and employees of different<br />
levels are given a chance to experience<br />
decision making and strategy setting is<br />
the establishment of the Shadow Board<br />
of Directors. Other measures are ongoing,<br />
such as mandatory orientation sessions<br />
for all employees and a company-wide<br />
re-orientation session, conducting various<br />
visits to all business units near and far,<br />
and continuing with our employee events<br />
such as this one today, as well as the<br />
Open Days for employees and beyond. <br />
May I just take one moment here to<br />
remind you that your opinions and<br />
suggestions are the root of company<br />
activities. The work environment is only<br />
as comfortable as you find it, so I urge<br />
you to communicate your concerns and<br />
ideas to those who are responsible for<br />
executing them.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s Human Resources<br />
policies rely heavily on measuring<br />
employee responsiveness to training and<br />
development programs. These efforts<br />
aim to improve the performance of all<br />
employees and offer compensation to<br />
employees based on merit, eliminating<br />
all discrimination based on gender or<br />
nationality. <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> encourages<br />
employees to pursue higher education<br />
and offers scholarships to outstanding<br />
performers.<br />
This year, our training program has<br />
expanded to offer a total of 370<br />
training hours. We recently launched<br />
the company’s Health, Safety and<br />
Environment committee which will<br />
further the amount of training and<br />
knowhow employees have across the<br />
group. We strive to ensure that our<br />
employees are given opportunities to grow<br />
within a safe and secure environment and<br />
continue to move forward in areas that<br />
allow us to do so. <br />
Last January we were placed in the<br />
top 20 of 115 companies in the<br />
Saudi General Investment Authority’s<br />
Responsible Competitiveness Index<br />
(SARCI) and it secured the #1 spot in<br />
the category of Building a Nationally<br />
Competitive Workforce in the prestigious<br />
King Khalid Award for Responsible<br />
Competitiveness. This award was in<br />
recognition of our efforts to empower<br />
both our employees and youth as a<br />
whole. <br />
Finally, I want to touch on one of the<br />
company’s core values: corporate social<br />
responsibility. <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> is unique<br />
in its encouragement of employees<br />
to participate in corporate social<br />
responsibility activities empowering<br />
them to become active and responsible<br />
members of the communities in which<br />
they operate. 2012 has seen much<br />
advancement in this realm. We continue<br />
to encourage and support employeeled<br />
initiatives such as the Annual<br />
Blood Donation Campaign and various<br />
environmental initiatives such as the<br />
National Day “Pick It Up” Event this<br />
year. We are also proud to continue to<br />
support the empowerment of youth in our<br />
community.<br />
CSR in <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> has gone beyond<br />
pure philanthropy towards contributing<br />
to sustainable development. We have<br />
cooperated with the HRDF to train many<br />
young Saudis and participated in the<br />
Second Annual CSR Forum in Riyadh. <br />
Our sustainable community contributions<br />
focus on youth programs that help them<br />
discover their passions and focuses on<br />
youth between 16-24 years old through<br />
various activities and programs. Since<br />
its inception, our Annual Talent Exhibit<br />
has reached over 21000 students across<br />
the country—bringing youth a few steps<br />
closer to making more informed decisions<br />
about their future through career storytelling<br />
and exposure.<br />
Our internship program has expanded<br />
and evolved to be one of the most<br />
competitive and exciting for youth in the<br />
region. The experience of two students<br />
is particularly important to be shared.<br />
It is no secret that the successes of<br />
our CSR efforts are dependent on our<br />
employee contributions. Our CSR team<br />
continuously monitors, measures, and<br />
enhances the program in order to focus<br />
on making a sustainable difference and<br />
this also plays an essential role in the<br />
success of the internship program.<br />
This year’s 2012 Summer Internship<br />
Program witnessed a 48% increase in<br />
the number of interns hosted across the<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Group, over last year.<br />
Furthermore, 90% of the Group was<br />
involved in the training and development<br />
of the summer interns - 37 young men<br />
and women. From day one, the interns<br />
worked at the company over a two month<br />
period as if they were ‘employees’ as<br />
opposed to ‘interns’. <br />
Two KFUPM engineering interns were<br />
recruited to work on a unique product<br />
development project at <strong>Rawabi</strong> United<br />
Safety Services, Limited (RUSS). The<br />
project involved configuring a secondgeneration<br />
gas detection system (the<br />
Guardian II) that had been originally<br />
designed in Canada. The set-up was<br />
complicated as it involved 3 electrochemical<br />
sensors, a microcontroller,<br />
wind monitor and sensor, lights and siren<br />
alarms, and GSM and Radio Frequency<br />
communications.<br />
The majority of the parts were imported<br />
from Canada, and the interns were<br />
required to assemble 8 systems,<br />
debug integration and communications<br />
problems, add features, install a<br />
fully functional system per client<br />
requirements, and produce all<br />
engineering documents, all in a time<br />
span of 2 months. One computer<br />
engineering intern proudly remarked “this<br />
was such an important and rewarding<br />
exercise for me personally, knowing that<br />
this Guardian II gas-detection system<br />
is a more sophisticated system than its<br />
predecessor, the Guardian I and will be<br />
placed near the Saudi Aramco residential<br />
compound at drilling sites to identify and<br />
alert a response unit in the unlikely event<br />
of a gas leak; it’s an experience I will<br />
never forget”.<br />
Thank you to our employees for sharing<br />
your know how and experiences with<br />
the employees of our future. It is by<br />
harnessing our collective strength,<br />
experiences and know-how that we<br />
can build momentum and capture<br />
this moment in our history. You have<br />
represented the opportunity that<br />
our company has to create unique<br />
opportunities for development and<br />
progress for years, and I am proud<br />
to be part of this family. Thank<br />
you for your dedication, and I truly<br />
look forward to working with you to<br />
shape our future success.<br />
6 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Service Honorees 2012<br />
5<br />
Infrastructure<br />
Development<br />
Company<br />
Ahmed Khan Masam<br />
Ajantha Udayakumar<br />
Aminur Hossain Ali<br />
Babul Rajdhar Miah<br />
Chhutahar Das<br />
Fawij Ahmed Deen<br />
Hasim Uddin Ali<br />
Kamal Bazlr Rhman<br />
Mahfooj Mohammed<br />
Mohammad Reza<br />
Mohammed Naeem<br />
Mohammed Nawaz Assi<br />
Mohammed Sali Maira<br />
Shohid Mondal Jahangir<br />
Suneer Khalid Khalid<br />
Upali Andegoda<br />
Uthaya Kumar<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Abdul Hamid Chohan<br />
Abdulaziz Ateeq<br />
Abdulrahman Al Sofyani<br />
Adel Al Mehmadi<br />
Adrian Faraon<br />
Ahmed Hamed Al Hazmi<br />
Ahmed Hussain Shaik<br />
Alexander Abustan<br />
Anwar Hossan Malisin<br />
Anwer Al Sobhi<br />
Arnulf Gala<br />
Arshad Ali Ajmed<br />
Bajara Abdul Sathar<br />
Basanta Kumar Lenka<br />
Bilal M. Ashraf<br />
Cirilo Vr Casil Cagata<br />
Cresenciano Reyes<br />
Dario Plata<br />
Edwin Navarro<br />
Efren Buisan<br />
Eliseo Balisong<br />
Faiyaz Ahmad<br />
Genie Gardiola<br />
Gerardo Paningabatan<br />
Herman Casas<br />
Jammil Ahmed<br />
Jerome Dela Cruz<br />
Jerry Mercado Ilgan<br />
Kadir Alam<br />
Kashimshab Shaik<br />
Kavppiah Vasu<br />
Limwel Padilla<br />
Maksood Ansari<br />
Marlon Ramirez<br />
Mohammed Abdul Mubeen<br />
Mohammed Mansuri<br />
Mohammed Ismail<br />
Mohammed Jahid<br />
Muhiu Ddin Shehab<br />
Murtaza Alam<br />
Naimul Haque Ansari<br />
Nazar Hamed M. Khalaf<br />
Noushad Ali<br />
Obaid Allah Al Subhi<br />
Ramon De Chavez<br />
Remar Escarez<br />
Romeo Pacifico<br />
Ronald Sagario<br />
Ronilo Arnaez<br />
Roy Fadriquelan<br />
Sahid Haque<br />
Salvador Bacatan<br />
Salvador Borabo Jr.<br />
Samdar Lal Jangir<br />
Sanjay Prasad<br />
Shaikh Faizur Rahman<br />
Thomas Lunar<br />
Valeriano Higum<br />
Victor Ramos<br />
Wasim Raza Khan<br />
Zia Ur Rehman<br />
Gregorio Alcantara <br />
<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Noaf Abdulaziz Ali AlTurki<br />
Mohammed Zaheeruddin<br />
Ayman El Ghattas<br />
Yaseen Al Hashim<br />
Ali Hassan Al Basha<br />
Basma Bakhsh<br />
Burt Pereda<br />
Fadel Al-Manasif<br />
Fahad Al Faihany<br />
Hamad Al Marri<br />
Hassan Ahbail<br />
Hassan M. Alsakkaf<br />
Khaled Al Khateeb<br />
Mohammed Ali Hussain<br />
Mohammed Al Atiyah<br />
Mohammed Alhezam<br />
Mohammed Abdulraza<br />
Nolito Arranguez<br />
Omar Al Qashqish<br />
Rabie Al Dawood<br />
Redah Al Saegh<br />
Rico Bautista<br />
Sajid Ali Khan<br />
Salah Uddin Muslem Uddin<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Abdur Rahman<br />
Abdullah Al Rababi<br />
Abdullah Al Hamoud<br />
Allan Oliver Villanueva<br />
Alvin Nasayao<br />
Arnold Baculo<br />
Ashok Basel<br />
Cyril Gerale<br />
Dharm Raj Ray<br />
Dilip Kumar Ray<br />
Dipendra Kumar Dhanuk<br />
Gir Bahadur Sarki<br />
Gore Dammay<br />
Harendra Kumar Pasman<br />
Joseph Philip Kannamkulam<br />
Kannam Philip<br />
Lal Bahadur Mandal Kewat<br />
Mathai David Kattunilathu<br />
Roberto Gantuangco<br />
Rudra Bahadur Thapa<br />
Santos Katuwal<br />
Sultan Al Ruwaid<br />
Sunil Kumar Majhi Tharu<br />
Syed Mohammed Alam<br />
Tulasi Prasad Mishra<br />
Willie Aradanas<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
and Contracting<br />
Adel Al Naser<br />
Jhahar Darji<br />
Masood Irshad Kazi<br />
Mutalaq Al-Ruwaily<br />
Ram Babu Yadav<br />
Sudhesh Kumar Kapad<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Enclosures<br />
Ajay Kumar Yadav<br />
Ajim Shekh<br />
Asad Hafeez Raja<br />
Babu Latif Shek<br />
Binod Kumar Mandal<br />
Dev Raj Kapar<br />
Freddie Celestial<br />
Ful Abdul Kashem<br />
Havez Ahammad Rahman<br />
Ibrahim Bhuiyan<br />
Ibrahim Alhashem<br />
Jasawanta Mandal<br />
Jayson Nitura<br />
Mohammed Sabur<br />
Nagendar Mandal<br />
Ram Nath Thakur Barhi<br />
Ram Pukar Mandal<br />
Shiv Kumar Mahato<br />
Shyam Kumar Yadav<br />
Sonny Elcano Cardosa<br />
Taleb Al Oufi<br />
Emec<br />
Abdel Hamid Shahin<br />
Abdullah Mahmoud<br />
Ahmed Asy<br />
Ahmed El-Ghabarawy<br />
Ahmed Ahmed Aly<br />
Ali Abdel Selim<br />
Hany Attia<br />
Hasaan Ali Eid<br />
Ibrahim El Gharabwy<br />
Jamil Ahmed Bashir Ahmed<br />
Khalid Farrag Gad Mohamed<br />
Maged El Hawary<br />
Mahmoud Farrag<br />
Mashaal l Mehsen<br />
Mohamed Mohamed<br />
Mohamed Elzayeit<br />
Mohamed Sabry Azab<br />
Mohamed El Falah<br />
Reda Mohamed Tohfa<br />
Sherif Mohamed Hassan<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United<br />
Safety Services<br />
Alfread Daison Louis<br />
Ali Al Nasser Almatrook<br />
Anthony Lawrence Rebello<br />
Cecedinio Foyo Jr.<br />
Dave Brian A.Palanca<br />
Hari Bahadur Nepali<br />
Jerico Padrones<br />
Maxim Sunil Sequeira<br />
Misfer Abdullah Shadi<br />
Mohammed Al Matrook<br />
Mohammed Iqbal<br />
Mohammed Kashif Ali Malik<br />
Muhammad Imran Sattar<br />
Nazal Latif Islam<br />
Prem Chhiri Sherpa<br />
Rajeshkumar R. Balakrishnan<br />
Rehan Ghouri<br />
Renen Gemillan<br />
Suvarna Narayana<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial<br />
Support Services<br />
Samer Khaleel Al Basha<br />
Yazeed Fadel Qundos<br />
Abdulaziz Al-Nishama<br />
Abdullah Hijji Al-Matawah<br />
Ahamed Sheriff Zafurulla<br />
Ala Hassan Raja Hamdan<br />
Amal Kumar Roy<br />
Arif Yousef Al Khalifah<br />
Ashoka Narayana Mogaveera<br />
Ayman Okleh Migdadi<br />
Balakrishnan Rengasamy<br />
Charleeh Bon L. Felicitas<br />
Efren Flores<br />
Elmer N. Gache<br />
Felipe Hitgano<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
Hussain Ali Al Mohaimeed<br />
Joel Reroma<br />
Julius Sabangan<br />
Kallu Yadav Jogi Yadav<br />
Khan Mohammad Nafees<br />
Leo Mandapat<br />
Madubalan Rengaraju<br />
Maitham Abdullah Hokro<br />
Mark Francis Baguio<br />
Mohammad Al Hazmi<br />
Muayed Al-Mogarrab<br />
Naidubabu Kasireddy<br />
Narayana Singapuram<br />
Noel Camo Osorio<br />
Othman Hekmat Alodat<br />
Rajnish Mahindurabhai Ghandi<br />
Ram Pyare Singh<br />
Ramchandra Deshmukh<br />
Richard Romulo Ramos<br />
Rolando A. Cabading<br />
Saed Mohammad Al Awadat<br />
Sriniwash Rao Kudupudi<br />
Younis Ahmad Al-Hashem<br />
Younis Hossain Al-Jeerani<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corossion<br />
Technology<br />
Alan Valenciano<br />
Eric Quines<br />
Hashem S. Al Shakhory<br />
Ramil Ocampo<br />
Rodrigo Ramos<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Hot-hed<br />
Ali Rajab<br />
Belgacem Benzidane<br />
Khalid Al Milad<br />
Muhamad Al Mubarak<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Frank’s<br />
Syed Imran Alam Shah<br />
Khalil Tahsin Al Khif <br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> NGNS<br />
Milan Jovancic<br />
“Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a<br />
tragedy.”<br />
– Robert Half (1918-2001), American businessman<br />
8 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Abdul Awal Sheikh<br />
Abdul Aziz Abdul Hai<br />
Abdulwahed Khowaher<br />
Anowar Abdul Samad<br />
Arif Mugbul Hossain<br />
Asir Bahadur Rai<br />
Aynal Hossain Antaz Ali<br />
Bake Sonar<br />
Bala Ram Ghimire<br />
Bham Bahadur K.C.<br />
Bisnu Sarki Bal Bahadur<br />
Dhal Bahadur Khahtri Man<br />
Dukhjya Yadav<br />
Erwin Velasco Cama<br />
Faruk Hossain<br />
Hazrat Ali Jahirul Islam<br />
Jashim Uddin<br />
Khagendra Budhathoki<br />
Meshal Al-Juwairah<br />
Minhaz Ghbaruddin<br />
Mofizul Islam Bari Mondl<br />
Mohammad Jangsher<br />
Mohammed Ripon Joj Miah<br />
Mohammed Abdulkareem<br />
Monir Hossain Rahis Miah<br />
Montaj Laheri Matijani<br />
Motalef Sakimudding<br />
Murshid Miah Abul Motalib<br />
Nazim Joyenuddin<br />
Netra Prasad Panthi<br />
Perfecto Alvarez Umblas<br />
Raghu Bir Sha Kalawar<br />
Rajeshwar Thakur Barhi<br />
Ram Bahadur Pariyar<br />
Ram Phulas Yadav<br />
Ratna Bahadur Magar<br />
Rekha Bahadur Thapa Magar<br />
Riyasat Ali<br />
Romulo Corporal Dianela<br />
Salim Bhiuyan Bhuiyan<br />
Salvador Belleza Borabo<br />
Samad Miah Late Montaz Miah<br />
Shah Alam Ramjanmiah<br />
Shahjahan Farid Miah<br />
Shankar Bhujel<br />
Shansulhaque Mohar Ali<br />
Sikendra Yadav<br />
Siya Ram Dashtatma<br />
Solaman Shamsuddin Mollan<br />
Tajul Islam Mannan<br />
Yam Bahadur Mahatarao<br />
Yousef Ali Al Yaseen<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Abdul Khader Parambil<br />
Nestor Obing Lovendino<br />
Tej Bahadur Thapa Chheri<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Badr Al Sandl<br />
Berwyn Magura<br />
Hisham Hussain Al Suruj<br />
Hussein Ali Bu Sendah<br />
Ronaldo Aton Pio<br />
Varghese Aleyamma<br />
EMEC<br />
Abdulkader Al Shamrani<br />
Hassan Ali Aburashed<br />
Ehab Mahmoud Sharara <br />
Ali Badawi Ahmed <br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Enclosures<br />
Roy Nicolas Nasrallah<br />
Om Prasad Damai<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United<br />
Safety Services<br />
Densil Mark D’costa<br />
Mark Albert D’souza<br />
Mathai K.G. Mathai<br />
Rajan Pillai<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corossion<br />
Technology<br />
Armando J. Logronio<br />
Francisco M. Cruz<br />
Mohammed Akbar Ahmed<br />
Sheikh’s Villa<br />
Erlinda Manio Quiambao<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
and Contracting<br />
Haitham Bou Harfouche<br />
Infrastructure<br />
Development<br />
Company<br />
Kunjumon Kal Parakavum<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Abdul Hafiz<br />
Abdulbasheer Kayilan<br />
Abdulnasir Mirayan Khan<br />
Alavi Kutty Vally<br />
Alfredo Bagiolod Caratay<br />
Ali Asgar Ansari<br />
Am Bahadur Pun<br />
Bhupinder Singh Jamwal<br />
Ceasar David Macapagal<br />
Charinjayathu Divakaran Sini<br />
Easo John<br />
Eppala Narsaiah<br />
Gregorio Gonzales Decena<br />
Ghulam Toheed Abdulrahman<br />
Ishityaq Ahmad<br />
Jaganathan Sarangapani<br />
Joshua Abraham<br />
Juancho Espena<br />
Khaleel Nahaboob<br />
Mahavir Prasad<br />
Maria Michael Lalitus<br />
Md Sakur Rain<br />
Mohammad Zakir Ansari<br />
Mohammad. Kafil<br />
Mohammed Gufran Ansari<br />
Mohanan Balakrishnan<br />
Nazakat Ali Khan<br />
Nestor Bautista Payumo<br />
Rajendar Kumar<br />
Saidalavi P. Chankat<br />
Samir Regk Ayoub<br />
Shakir Ali<br />
Shekha Nasar<br />
Shuja Ur Rahman Khan<br />
Surendran Mpil Nanoo<br />
Thomas Mathai Easo<br />
Udaya Chandra Paudel<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Venunaida Naidu Natuamuni<br />
Vinancio San Pedro<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Abdullah Al Sayed<br />
Mohammed Ali Al Marri<br />
Antony Thomas<br />
Mathew Thomas<br />
Muneer Abdul Gafoor Cp Palat<br />
Shaik Zahid Hussain<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Ali Abdul Baqi Al Sadeq<br />
Jaladharan Dasan<br />
Jayaprakash Rajappan<br />
Joseph Mannaruparampil<br />
Kochukunju Sasi Kumar<br />
Munishamappa Amaresha<br />
Raju Jacob Arakkal<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
and Contracting<br />
Manoj Meprathu Cherian<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Archer<br />
Nadeem Shahzad Khan<br />
Sheikh’s Villa<br />
Gurudev Mandal<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Franks<br />
Ali Saeed A. Shali<br />
Hussain Al Bahrani<br />
EMEC<br />
Mohamed Abd El Sabrin<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United<br />
Safety Services<br />
Munawar Aziz Uddin <br />
Danilo V. Sumalabe<br />
Bank Relationship Senior<br />
Officer of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Danilo “Danny” Sumalabe,<br />
who joined <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> on<br />
June 22, 1992, is known to be<br />
kind hearted and humble. He<br />
is always quick to participate<br />
in social activities and is very<br />
passionate about serving the<br />
community. Very well-liked by<br />
his peers, he is always standing<br />
ready to take photos.<br />
Ali Hussein Ahmed<br />
Purchaser<br />
of <strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric<br />
Ali Hussein Ahmed joined<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Electric in March<br />
7, 1987 in the Electrical<br />
Department. He now works in<br />
the Procurement Department<br />
and is described as a<br />
dependable, positive and well-<br />
liked colleague. He is known to<br />
always go out of his way to make<br />
things happen.<br />
“Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”<br />
– Zig Ziglar (1926-2012), American speaker<br />
10 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Events<br />
Guest Speaker<br />
We were pleased to host our guest speaker, Mr. Jamal K.<br />
Aldabal, who shed light on the importance of employee<br />
volunteerism within an organization. <br />
Mr. Al-Dabal is a Senior Consultant of the Saudi Aramco Educational Partnerships<br />
and Advisor to all major contributions of Saudi Aramco to the community. He is<br />
member of several national organizations and is a big supporter of volunteer<br />
organizations. He has been a motivator of youth in the Kingdom through various<br />
community initiatives and organizations such as the King Khalid Foundation, the<br />
Dammam Corniche Social Development Organization, the International Science<br />
and Engineering Fair and the Saudi Mathematical, Physics and Chemistry<br />
Olympiads. His recent focus has included a mission to spread awareness about<br />
the need for improvement in the Saudi general and technical education systems.<br />
Volunteers who<br />
helped organize<br />
the event<br />
1. Abdullah Al Sayed<br />
2. Abdullah Izzat<br />
3. Ashfaq Siddiqi<br />
4. Blas Dalumpines<br />
5. Carlo Crisostomo<br />
6. Dayana Teodocio<br />
7. Emad Ghussaini<br />
8. EV Nazeer<br />
9. Fadel Manasif<br />
10. Faizullah Baig<br />
11. Farah AlGhamdi<br />
12. Farouq Qayoom<br />
13. Fatima Manasif<br />
14. Ghaleb Ghoutani<br />
15. Hassan Al Ahbail<br />
16. Hassan Al Hakim<br />
17. Hassan Jaroudi<br />
18. Hussain Al Hakim<br />
19. Hussain Shurafa<br />
20. Jeffrey Aquino<br />
21. Jessie Cacafranca<br />
22. Joey Anatalio<br />
23. Julio Cacho<br />
24. Mario Foster<br />
25. Misha Mahboob<br />
26. Mohamed Shablaq<br />
27. Mohammad Bagdadi<br />
28. Mohsin Al Salim<br />
29. Nada Badgaish<br />
30. Raymond Teodocio<br />
<strong>31</strong>. Rex Noblejas<br />
32. Rey Gindap<br />
33. Sami AlBouri<br />
34. Waseem Shabana<br />
Lunch with the<br />
Group President<br />
& CEO<br />
When: Monday, Oct 15, 2012 <br />
Where: Mercure Hotel, Al Khobar<br />
He holds a degree in Computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts,<br />
Amherst and an MBA from the University of Hull in the UK and is currently<br />
pursuing his PhD in HR Development from Texas A&M University. He has<br />
published several papers and spoken in many forums about IT, Energy, Strategy,<br />
Leadership and Education.<br />
12 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Business News<br />
Business News<br />
Contracting<br />
& Industrial<br />
Services Division<br />
Management Team Visits Yanbu<br />
Promotion<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s joint<br />
venture with Haytak FZE<br />
Mr. Abdullah AlSayed was<br />
promoted to Deputy General<br />
Manager on October 20, 2012.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> and Haytak FZE, Dubai<br />
UAE, have signed a joint venture (JV)<br />
agreement to set up a manufacturing<br />
facility for starch and starch derivatives<br />
in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.<br />
With over 30 years of accumulated knowhow<br />
in extrusion manufacturing and<br />
product development gained in Germany<br />
and the US, Haytak FZE established<br />
the first and largest drilling starch<br />
manufacturing facility in 2003 in the<br />
Middle East, specifically for supplying to<br />
the Oil and Gas Industry.<br />
Traditional starch modification<br />
processes have been replaced with<br />
modern computerized extrusion<br />
technologies resulting in high quality<br />
products, allowing for greater flexibility,<br />
consistency and variety. The proprietary<br />
system is designed to be able to adapt<br />
to all types of starches and product<br />
requirements, as per customer need.<br />
The plant will be operational early 2013<br />
and will be supplying the Saudi and<br />
regional markets.<br />
The JV has resulted from a successful<br />
relationship over the past four years,<br />
where they have been supplying Saudi<br />
Aramco with drilling starch.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
New Projects<br />
• RSC has been awarded by Nesma<br />
& Partners a value of SR 5.4M.<br />
Project Title: Epoxy Coating<br />
Work for King Abdulaziz Finance<br />
District.<br />
• RSC has been awarded by Marafiq,<br />
Yanbu a project with the value<br />
of SR 28.2M. Project Title:<br />
Concrete Corrosion Repair and<br />
Rehabilitation Works. The scope<br />
of work: Three years (3) Contract<br />
for Concrete Corrosion Repair and<br />
Rehabilitation.<br />
Our GP & CEO Mr. Osman A. Ibrahim<br />
together with Mr. Hassan Ramady – VP<br />
for Contracting and Industrial Services<br />
and Mr. Abdullah AlSayed – <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
Specialized Contracting (RSC) Deputy<br />
General Manager paid visit to Yanbu last<br />
December 14-15, 2012. They exemplified<br />
the company’s slogan “Powered by<br />
People” as they engaged in dialogue with<br />
RSC employees .<br />
The Yanbu team gathered in the Movenpick<br />
Hotel, where Mr. Osman Ibrahim strongly<br />
expressed that <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> will fully<br />
support the Yanbu Team in developing<br />
business in Yanbu Area. HSE Officer –<br />
Mr. Crisologo Bibat presented measures<br />
on improving safety procedures. Budget<br />
presentations for 2013 were done<br />
successively by Engr. Mohammad Abdul<br />
Quadeer – Saudi Aramco Mobile Refinery<br />
(SAMREF), followed by Engr. Mustafa<br />
Kolothumthodika – Aramco and Engr.<br />
Khaled Khan for MARAFIQ.<br />
The management team later visited the<br />
RSC employee camp and recognized the<br />
“Employee of the Month” Abdul Basheer<br />
Kuyilan and Marlon Britanico for their<br />
exemplary safety awareness. They later<br />
visited the president and CEO of Samref<br />
Mr. Suleman AlBargan.<br />
Congratulations<br />
Congratulations to Mr. Ibrahim<br />
Ghannam, Project/Planning<br />
Engineer in RSC for successfully<br />
completing the requirements of<br />
Project Management Professional<br />
and PMP Exam Preparation<br />
(CERTCC02) from 4-15 November<br />
2012 at the CHANGE Consulting<br />
& Training Center, Jordan.<br />
Photos: <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Group President & CEO Osman Ibrahim with Peter Mekailian, Haytak FZE<br />
Vice President - Sales<br />
• RSC has been awarded by King<br />
Abdulaziz Port Authority at<br />
Dammam a project with the value<br />
of SR8.9M. Project Title:<br />
Rehabilitation and Re-installing of<br />
3 Gates at Dammam Port.<br />
• RSC has been awarded by National<br />
Guard Health Affairs – a Government<br />
awarded project having a value of<br />
SR 349,000. Project Title:<br />
Water Proofing Works for Raw and<br />
Portable Water Reservoir.<br />
Top photo: Group President and CEO, Osman<br />
Ibrahim with Yanbu Projects Team presenting<br />
the Budget and Project Plan for 2013<br />
Photos to the left: <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Group<br />
President and CEO Osman Ibrahim, Group<br />
Vice President Hassan Ramady and RSC<br />
Deputy General Manager Abdullah AlSayed<br />
in an open discussion with employees from<br />
RSC Camp<br />
14 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Business News<br />
Business News<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial<br />
Support Services<br />
RISS has recently added Advanced<br />
Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) to our line of<br />
business activities, in addition to the NDT,<br />
PWHT and CP/Corrosion Control activities.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial Support Services’ latest<br />
projects include several different projects<br />
including:<br />
1. Advanced Ultrasonic Testing (AUT)<br />
works for Arabiah Hasbah On-shore<br />
Project.<br />
2. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Works<br />
for several different clients including<br />
Saudi Yanpet Refinery Project<br />
Hydrocracker Package, Saudi Aramco<br />
projects in Shaybah, Sadara, Saudi<br />
Kayan and Wassit, several Yanbu<br />
Tanks Projects <br />
3. Post Weld Heat Treating (PWHT) works<br />
for Jubail Export Refinery Project,<br />
Ghazlan Power Plant and Qurayyah<br />
Power Plant<br />
4. Cathodic Protection (CP) system<br />
maintenance projects at Sabic and<br />
Saudi Aramco, in addition to supplying<br />
CP personnel to Sabic/Sadaf<br />
5. Other services such as Radiographic<br />
Testing (RT) services in Yanbu;<br />
X-Ray inspection of Box-End Annular<br />
Connectors, the supply of Aluminum<br />
Anodes of various sizes to Marafiq<br />
and a project involving rectifying<br />
underground pipelines at Sabic/Sharq.<br />
Supply of Aluminum<br />
Anodes<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial Support Services<br />
Cathodic Protection division, formally<br />
known as “<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corrosion Technology<br />
(RCT)” won and supplied 57 metric tons<br />
of aluminum anodes of various sizes to<br />
one of our valued customers in less than<br />
one month for seawater application. Since<br />
merging RCT with RISS, RISS now has<br />
full-fledged resourcing capacity including<br />
Cathodic Protection system surveys,<br />
design, material storage and supply,<br />
installation, supervision of installation,<br />
QA/QC, testing and commissioning<br />
capabilities including equipments,<br />
preparation and reports submission.<br />
Presently it operates in KSA and has<br />
recently finished one of the contracts<br />
with Kuwait Oil Company for long term<br />
maintenance and monitoring of GRID<br />
pipelines within Kuwait. We are optimistic<br />
about the future of our operations as we<br />
expand across the GCC.<br />
oilfield Division<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
& Contracting<br />
Latest projects<br />
• <strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading & Contracting a<br />
Subsidiary of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>,<br />
signed a trade agency agreement<br />
with Peach Valves-Korea. RTC will<br />
promote and develop the Sales<br />
and after Sales Service for Peach<br />
Valve products.<br />
About Peach Valves<br />
Peach Valve was established in<br />
1975 as Woon–Yong Enterprises<br />
and they have been renowned as<br />
a high quality dual plate check<br />
valve manufacturer. They were<br />
renamed in 2005 as Peach Valve<br />
and since inception they have<br />
acquired local valve manufacturers<br />
and broadened the production<br />
range to Globe, Gate, Swing Check<br />
Valves along with “New” Cavity<br />
free half ball valve – the world’s<br />
first invention which is expected<br />
to be an added advantage to<br />
food, cosmetics, drugs and fine<br />
chemistry industries.<br />
Peach Valve is an ISO9001, API<br />
Q1-Spec, API 6D, ISO/TS and CE<br />
certified manufacturer. <br />
• <strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading & Contracting<br />
signed an agency agreement with<br />
QICC (a Nexans company), this<br />
Month (December 2012). RTC<br />
will represent them in KSA for<br />
their product range and anticipate<br />
great outcomes with this new<br />
representation.<br />
About QICC<br />
QICC (Qatar International Cable<br />
Company) - is a joint venture<br />
created by Nexans, in Qatar as<br />
its first manufacturing plant in an<br />
Arabic Gulf state.<br />
Nexans, the worldwide leader in<br />
the cable industry, has an extensive<br />
range of cables and cabling<br />
systems. The group player in the<br />
infrastructure, industry, building<br />
and local area network markets.<br />
With an industrial presence in 40<br />
countries and commercial activities<br />
worldwide. On June 2, 2008,<br />
Nexans announced it has signed<br />
a joint-venture agreement for the<br />
creation of a company producing<br />
in Qatar. <br />
<br />
The related new manufacturing<br />
plant is Qatar’s first cable plant,<br />
employing around 200 people,<br />
QICC is fully managed by Nexans<br />
& its head quarter is located in<br />
Messaieed.<br />
<br />
QICC production capacity covers<br />
the following range:<br />
1. LV underground power cables<br />
(0.6/1kv)<br />
2. Service cables<br />
3. Distribution cables<br />
4. MV underground power<br />
cables(18/30kv)<br />
5. Land High Voltage cables<br />
(115kv)<br />
6. XLPE insulated<br />
7. Other MV power cables<br />
8. Airport cables<br />
9. Indoor energy cables<br />
10. Signal and data transmission<br />
cables<br />
11. Special Cables<br />
12. Systems, Accessories &<br />
Equipment<br />
• RTC has signed an agency<br />
agreement with Meggitt, and RTC<br />
will promote and develop Sales &<br />
service portfolio for their Vibration<br />
monitoring system in KSA. <br />
About MEGGITT<br />
A leading supplier from Switzerland<br />
of sensing and monitoring systems<br />
measuring physical parameters in<br />
extreme environments.<br />
Meggitt Sensing Systems<br />
have operated since 1927<br />
under the names of Ferroperm<br />
Piezoceramics, Lodge Ignition,<br />
Endevco, Sensorex, ECET, Vibro-<br />
Meter and Wilcoxon Research.<br />
Today, they are integrated under<br />
one Meggitt division, providing<br />
complete systems from a single<br />
supply base. <br />
A leader in producing a wide range<br />
of extreme temperature vibration,<br />
dynamic pressure and leading-edge<br />
microwave sensors and designs<br />
innovative software and electronics<br />
monitoring systems for aerospace<br />
and land-based turbo-machinery. <br />
“Optimism is the<br />
path that leads<br />
to success and<br />
nothing can be done<br />
without hope and<br />
confidence.”<br />
- Helen Keller (1880-1968),<br />
American author<br />
16 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Business News<br />
Business News<br />
retail<br />
A Closer Look<br />
at the Importance<br />
of Art for Your<br />
Child’s Emotional<br />
Development<br />
By: Vanessa Gallo<br />
Gymboree Play & Music Program Developer and Trainer<br />
One day, Cecilia, a toddler in my<br />
Gymboree Arts class, wanted to<br />
paint with only the color black.<br />
She also made several large, brisk<br />
strokes with her brush and went<br />
through more paper than her<br />
peers. After class, her mother told<br />
me that Cecilia was very upset<br />
that morning about something. It<br />
became evident to both of us that<br />
Cecilia was expressing her anger<br />
through her artwork. In fact, it was<br />
just what Cecilia needed to relieve<br />
her emotions and get on with her<br />
day.<br />
Children, as young as 18 months, begin<br />
to express “self-conscious emotions” that<br />
include complex feelings such as pride,<br />
embarrassment and shame. Regardless of<br />
age, we all need outlets for the emotions<br />
we feel. Many adults read or write to<br />
escape. Some exercise, go for a drive or<br />
talk with a loved one.<br />
Young children are limited in how they can<br />
express their feelings. At the time they<br />
begin to show more complex emotions,<br />
they do not have the vocabulary to express<br />
them. Children primarily showcase<br />
feelings through facial expressions,<br />
gestures and movement or, as in Cecilia’s<br />
case, through painting.<br />
Art experiences are important for your<br />
child’s emotional development. Not only<br />
is art a vehicle for emotional expression,<br />
children also discover how their actions<br />
make an impact on their surroundings.<br />
The process of art provides a great<br />
channel for you to support your child’s<br />
emotional development especially when<br />
you experience art together.<br />
Look What I Can Do<br />
Being able to make an impact on your<br />
surroundings – and know it – is an<br />
important step toward building confidence<br />
and independence. Confidence and<br />
independence contributes to a healthy<br />
self-esteem later in life and the ability to<br />
make better decisions.<br />
Stanford University Art Professor, Elliot<br />
Eisner, has identified several benefits<br />
children gain from art. The first is the<br />
realization that one’s actions create<br />
consequences. He states, “The first<br />
thing that very young children learn is<br />
something that we often take for granted...<br />
they can, in fact, create images with<br />
material and that the activity of making<br />
such images can provide intrinsic forms of<br />
satisfaction.”<br />
Repeated experiences with the same<br />
art materials reap new skills. Using a<br />
paintbrush to apply paint in a new way<br />
or rolling a ball out of dough for the first<br />
time is only achieved through experience<br />
with simple and familiar art materials.<br />
The more your child freely explores with<br />
crayons, paint, and dough, the more<br />
competent he will be.<br />
It is also important that you praise his<br />
processes, not the end products – say,<br />
“I like how you move your paint brush”<br />
instead of “you made a nice picture.”<br />
This, in turn, will support developing<br />
competence.<br />
Art activities should also include several<br />
materials of the same type. For example,<br />
provide plenty of paper and multiple colors<br />
of crayons for your child to choose under<br />
your supervision. Active children may need<br />
to switch out colors often and use a lot<br />
of paper. Your flexibility will support your<br />
child’s need to discover the outcomes of<br />
her actions. The more materials provided<br />
during art activities for toddlers, the better<br />
the experience for expression.<br />
Saving your child’s art and posting it<br />
up – not just on the refrigerator, but in<br />
frames and other important places – will<br />
indirectly communicate that you value his<br />
art creations. Using the work to decorate<br />
cards or gifts will communicate this<br />
message, too. These simple actions on<br />
your part will reiterate the importance of<br />
your child’s ideas and contributions.<br />
There’s Meaning in Mess<br />
Let your child explore with paint. It sounds<br />
easy enough, but for many parents, it’s<br />
hard to let go and allow for mess. The<br />
mess factor involved when young children<br />
create is important and can reveal a lot.<br />
Messes can teach parents about children’s<br />
emotions and can be used as a bridge for<br />
communication.<br />
Often times, the mess children make<br />
results from their excitement as they<br />
engross themselves in the art activity.<br />
It’s also possible that mess making is an<br />
indirect sign of frustration or unhappiness.<br />
By allowing your child to freely explore art<br />
and observing the methods she uses in the<br />
process, you can gain useful information<br />
for opening the doors to communication.<br />
Comment on how she applies the paint<br />
or on the pace at which she colors, and<br />
expand on her reactions – and eventually<br />
her words.<br />
You can minimize the “mess stress” you<br />
feel by ensuring your child has plenty<br />
of room to move. Cover work areas with<br />
newspaper and make available wipes or<br />
towels. Provide child-appropriate utensils<br />
like chunky paintbrushes, shallow paint<br />
containers and large sheets of paper that<br />
support your child’s physical capabilities.<br />
There are also “ready for mess” art<br />
programs you can enroll in, like the<br />
Gymboree Arts program, that provide a<br />
developmentally appropriate place for you<br />
and your child to explore art together.<br />
Sharing in Art<br />
Children aren’t the only “players” in the<br />
game of education. They get more out<br />
of art experiences when interacting with<br />
others. You can expand on your child’s<br />
ideas and introduce new tools when it’s<br />
time for more challenges. By engaging<br />
in child-parent art programs, you add an<br />
important layer of learning to your child’s<br />
education.<br />
Not only is the learning experience<br />
enhanced when children and adults solve<br />
problems together, it is also enriched<br />
when children are actively engaged with<br />
each other. Many children need to observe<br />
each other first before feeling comfortable<br />
enough to try a new art process. It can be<br />
difficult at first when your toddler begins<br />
to express his newfound independence,<br />
especially in a group setting with peers.<br />
However, it is the group setting that allows<br />
opportunity for your child to “socialize.”<br />
Art activities provide tangible tools for<br />
expression. Toddlers enjoy expressing<br />
their independence and use objects to<br />
do so when in the presence of others.<br />
For example, when coloring, the process<br />
of holding onto a crayon as a personal<br />
possession is just as enjoyable as<br />
discovering what it can do. Rest assured<br />
that even if your toddler decides to hold<br />
onto a crayon instead of coloring with it,<br />
he is satisfying an emotional need and<br />
learning something through observation.<br />
Learning to leverage independence around<br />
adults and eventually collaborate with<br />
peers is critical for toddlers. Art provides<br />
a perfect arena to build skills needed for<br />
social competence. Plan opportunities for<br />
you and your child to create with others<br />
and make sure there are plenty of supplies<br />
to go around.<br />
Whether it’s your child’s need for<br />
expression to discover the magnitude her<br />
actions make, or to exert independence<br />
with the materials she selects, art<br />
experiences influence a child’s emotional<br />
development in a unique and valuable<br />
way. In the words of Elliot Eisner, “Art is,<br />
ultimately, not for art’s sake; it is for the<br />
sake of all of us.”<br />
Vanessa Gallo, Program Developer for<br />
Gymboree Play & Music, holds an M.A.<br />
in Developmental Psychology. In addition<br />
to her role at Gymboree Play & Music,<br />
Vanessa serves as a guest lecturer at<br />
San Francisco State University and<br />
has recently published a piece in The<br />
Macmillan Psychology Reference Series:<br />
Child Development. As program developer,<br />
Vanessa led the development of Gymboree<br />
Arts, in addition to other curriculum.<br />
Have you tried<br />
Gymboree yet <br />
Contact us today to book a free trial<br />
in Art or one of our other wonderful<br />
sessions.<br />
Phone us at 038686224<br />
or via our website<br />
www.gymboreeclasses-ksa.com<br />
where you will also find a link to our<br />
Twitter account and Facebook page.<br />
We are also now on Instagram<br />
– find us at Gymboree Khobar and<br />
ask to follow us today.<br />
18 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Team Contributions<br />
Team Contributions<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Employees Want<br />
to Hear From You!<br />
By: Hanaa Almoaibed<br />
Group Corporate<br />
Communications<br />
Manager<br />
When we take a moment to reflect on the massive amount of<br />
information that surrounds us it can be quite overwhelming.<br />
I got a funny e-mail forward the other day reminding me to<br />
“respect old people—they graduated college before google!”<br />
When I think about that statement I actually get a bit nostalgic<br />
for the pre-Ethernet world of information; people used to have<br />
longer conversations and really listen to one another. Today,<br />
there is so much background NOISE that you can hardly get<br />
your message across. This challenge has never been more real<br />
to me than in the past year. As a corporate communications<br />
department it is essential to be the information link in the<br />
company. We exist to communicate what is going on across the<br />
company to everyone inside the organization and outside of it.<br />
However, the problem we are faced with every day is that in<br />
today’s fast paced world, capturing people’s attention is hard!<br />
From our experience trying to activate our<br />
internal communications effectively over<br />
the past year, and from what we know<br />
from effective communication strategies,<br />
there is one kind of news that still<br />
captures everyone’s attention: news about<br />
people and places we know, love and<br />
trust. So in Corporate Communications<br />
we strive to communicate news that you<br />
(our employees) share with us to everyone<br />
else across the group. However, this is a<br />
bit difficult, because, well, we often feel<br />
like we are talking to ourselves.<br />
Our communication covers new business<br />
news, coverage in the media, social<br />
initiatives, employee accomplishments,<br />
and other social news. Employees across<br />
the group, however, need to tell us when<br />
these things happen. I cannot express how<br />
happy we are to receive an e-mail from an<br />
employee telling us about a certificate he/<br />
she got or when one of our business units<br />
sends us a letter of recognition received<br />
for outstanding service. We truly thrive on<br />
the information we get from our people<br />
across <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> because we are<br />
INSPIRED by how great our people are.<br />
Do you know what our communications<br />
inbox looks like Let me show you:<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> employees:<br />
this is sad.<br />
There are only four real e-mails in that<br />
screenshot. The rest is spam. Please<br />
give us news to report! Please share<br />
with us because we love to share your<br />
accomplishments with others. Our<br />
campaigns are employee led. Our<br />
announcements are not about us, they<br />
are about you.<br />
How much of the<br />
following are you<br />
aware of<br />
In our effort to enhance our internal<br />
communications, we have launched<br />
several campaigns and events; the<br />
Lunch with the CEO events, groupwide<br />
re-orientation sessions; the Let’s<br />
Talk Business campaign (in which we<br />
consistently reminded all employees of<br />
different channels of communication).<br />
We have modified our internal e-mails to<br />
include all announcements on a weekly<br />
basis rather than bombard your inboxes<br />
with announcements and reminders.<br />
We have made an effort to gather more<br />
feedback from you that helps us plan<br />
events and decide on gift items. We are<br />
making more on-site visits to our business<br />
units and departments. We are increasing<br />
our efforts to add more relevant visuals to<br />
our emails. Are we missing something <br />
Please do tell us <br />
Why does it matter<br />
As employees of the same company, we<br />
share a common bond and are working<br />
toward many common goals. We believe<br />
that we are strengthened by each other’s<br />
accomplishments and need to share<br />
our achievements so that we remain<br />
motivated, challenged and engaged. We<br />
have to take the time to get to know our<br />
company, our visionary management,<br />
and the efforts that are exerted every day<br />
to make the company comfortable and<br />
challenging so we can both appreciate<br />
where we are and push to get closer to<br />
where we want to be.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> means something a<br />
little bit different to each and every<br />
one of us, and as a team, the corporate<br />
communications department would like<br />
to represent <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> through the<br />
various lenses that the company is seen<br />
through. Your colleague’s new baby may<br />
not be your biggest concern, but since<br />
he/she spends most of his/her waking<br />
hours at the office (maybe now only halfawake<br />
hours ) it would be nice that<br />
his/her work family congratulate him/her<br />
on the new joy at home. Perhaps a new<br />
contract in Yanbu is seemingly irrelevant<br />
to you, but your colleagues have been<br />
giving 120% effort to ensure that we won<br />
over our competitors, and they deserve a<br />
pat on the back. Your colleagues deliver<br />
exceptional quality, give blood, clean up<br />
our environment, inspire youth and act in<br />
the most professional manner every day.<br />
We are not an ordinary company, and we<br />
are not a group of unrelated employees—<br />
we would like to share your extraordinary<br />
efforts and achievements so everyone can<br />
be reminded of how cool it is to be part of<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
“When people talk,<br />
listen completely.”<br />
- Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961),<br />
American author and journalist<br />
20 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Team Contributions<br />
Team Contributions<br />
Sojourn in Egypt:<br />
The Land of Pharaohs<br />
By: Rex N. Noblejas<br />
Secretary,<br />
Group HR Department<br />
Amazing! The exact word to describe our<br />
feelings seeing the country with wonders<br />
of the world built during ancient times.<br />
Egypt is the travel writer’s heaven. The<br />
material for a destination, human interest<br />
and information article swarm in at you<br />
from every direction.<br />
Honestly, this trip for me was a dream<br />
that became a reality! Who hasn’t dreamt<br />
about seeing the Great Pyramids of Giza,<br />
not to mention the famous Sphinx, I know<br />
I have! And I blame it all on the movie;<br />
The Mummy. Ever since the fearless<br />
Brandon Frasier; I mean O’Connell, raised<br />
the infamous Imhotep from his grave.<br />
I knew that one day I would visit this<br />
magical land filled with adventure, peril<br />
and romance. Of course, a couple years<br />
later I unfortunately realized that The<br />
Mummy was a phony. For starters it wasn’t<br />
even filmed in Egypt; not one scene! Not<br />
to mention the story itself, although it was<br />
believable and very entertaining, came<br />
nowhere near the actual Egyptian legends.<br />
Dreaming didn’t stop me from wanting<br />
to visit this country to experience true<br />
Egyptian culture and to visit one of the 7<br />
wonders of the ancient world. <br />
My trip began with winning the raffle<br />
draw at the <strong>Rawabi</strong> Excellence Awards<br />
last April 26, 2012. The prize was a trip<br />
for two to Cairo inclusive of a 5-star hotel<br />
accommodation. Having the air ticket<br />
and accommodation would not complete<br />
our visit in Egypt. Fortunately, a vacation<br />
during Eid Al-Adha worked for our planned<br />
trip so I booked a four-day tour for me and<br />
my friend through Memphis Tours. At first<br />
I was afraid of becoming a victim of online<br />
reservation scams, there is no safe place<br />
anymore as many reviews will warn you.<br />
Prior to completing an online reservation<br />
for the tour, others suggested that we just<br />
“wing it” and visit Egypt and look for our<br />
own tour guide. When I visit a country, I<br />
like to learn about the people and their<br />
culture, and what better way than to have<br />
an actual citizen be your guide. It was<br />
“iffy”, but despite all the scam warnings,<br />
we were accommodated as Kings of the<br />
Memphis Tours, a company you can trust. <br />
Day 1 - Upon arrival in the Cairo<br />
International Airport, we were fetched<br />
by our hotel hired chauffeur. In just an<br />
hour of rest and setting up our room, we<br />
headed to our first activity, the dinner<br />
cruise in the Nile, one of the best tours<br />
we found in Egypt. We floated for 2<br />
hours and along with people of different<br />
nationalities enjoyed a tasty meal,<br />
excellent entertainment featuring Tanoora<br />
dancers and a belly dancer and an<br />
unforgettable evening of stargazing along<br />
the Nile banks. <br />
The Great Sphinx stands on the Giza Plateau<br />
Day 2 - Our second day of touring in Cairo<br />
began with a drive south to the recently<br />
rediscovered city of Memphis. Not the one<br />
with Elvis but the one with Ramses II. It<br />
was rediscovered recently when a resident<br />
of the town dug a foundation to build a<br />
coffee shop and discovered a huge statue.<br />
He called the authorities who excavated<br />
the site. That statue of Ramses II is now on<br />
display in a building that was built around<br />
it at the place where it was found. Around<br />
the site are some of the other artifacts<br />
also found at this site. Most of the objects<br />
are in remarkably good condition. The<br />
sphinx in the middle of the site is known<br />
as the Alabaster Sphinx since it’s made<br />
from alabaster. There are also two large<br />
matching statues of Ramses II.<br />
Our trip included a visit to a trade<br />
school where girls as young as twelve,<br />
with flashing fingers, wove carpets and<br />
tapestries of pure silk.<br />
Mr. Sherif, our tour guide, stunned us<br />
with his eagerly shared knowledge of every<br />
facet of ancient and modern Egyptian life<br />
while we were visiting every spot. Our last<br />
stop was to visit the three main pyramids<br />
Mr. Sherif, our tour guide, with the Great<br />
Pyramids of Giza standing majestically behind<br />
us<br />
of Giza, the pyramid of Khufu (the great<br />
pyramid), Khafre, and Menkaure. The<br />
Great Pyramid is awesome and even<br />
taller and bigger in real life. Our next<br />
stop was the Sphinx. My friend and I had<br />
our picture taken and we got a little bit<br />
of information from our tour guide. We<br />
made a quick stop at an Egyptian papyrus<br />
store. It was very educational. They<br />
walked us through the process in which<br />
the plant becomes the paper. We and I<br />
were convinced to buy some of the master<br />
pieces that has a touch of Egyptian art<br />
(they were pretty expensive, but I can see<br />
why! They’re handmade and beautiful! We<br />
then visited a cotton factory where shirts<br />
made of 100% Egyptian cotton were on<br />
sale, and we bought a few pieces.<br />
Day 3 - The next day was a more relaxed,<br />
non rushed day, a day of a long drive to<br />
see the beauty of Alexandria, the secondlargest<br />
city of Egypt, with a population<br />
of 4.1 million, extending about 32 km<br />
along the coast of the Mediterranean<br />
Sea in the north central part of the<br />
country. Our first visit was in Catacombs<br />
(meaning underground tunnels) which<br />
lie in the district of Karmouz to the east<br />
of Alexandria. The area was called Kom<br />
El-Shouqafa or a pile of shards. The<br />
cemetery dates back to the 1 st century<br />
A.D. and was used until the 4 th century<br />
A.D. It was discovered in 1900 when<br />
by pure chance, a donkey drawn cart<br />
fell into a pit. The façade of the main<br />
burial chamber is decorated with some<br />
Greek elements, such as the shield of<br />
the Goddess Athena, on top of which is<br />
the head of Medusa, and as we know,<br />
according to the ancient Greek myths,<br />
Medusa was able to petrify anyone who<br />
looked into her eyes. The representation<br />
of Medusa here was to protect the tomb.<br />
Under Medusa is a huge serpent with a<br />
double crown. Once we enter the burial<br />
chamber, which was completely cut into<br />
the rock, we see 3 large recesses, each<br />
one containing a sarcophagus. The burial<br />
chamber has a vaulted roof supported by<br />
4 square pillars whose capitals take the<br />
shape of Papyrus. <br />
Our next stop was Pompey’s Pillar; it is<br />
the biggest memorial column in Egypt. It<br />
is made of red granite, its total height is<br />
about 27 meters, diameter at the base of<br />
2.7meter and 2.3 on top. The memorial<br />
column was erected in honor of the Roman<br />
Emperor, as a sign of gratitude. Of course,<br />
we didn’t passup on the opportunity to<br />
take pictures of every historic subject we<br />
saw in that area.<br />
Then we headed to the city proper to<br />
visit Citadel of Qaitbay. The Citadel is<br />
situated at the entrance of the eastern<br />
harbor on the eastern point of the Pharos<br />
Island. It was erected on the exact site<br />
of the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria.<br />
The lighthouse continued to function<br />
until the time of the Arab conquest,<br />
then several disasters occurred and the<br />
shape of lighthouse was changed to some<br />
extent, but it still continued to function.<br />
During the 11 th century an earthquake<br />
destroyed the top of the lighthouse and<br />
the bottom was used as a watchtower. A<br />
small Mosque was built on top and said<br />
to be the old Mosque in Alexandria. About<br />
1480 A.D. the place was fortified as part<br />
of the coastal defensive edifices. At a later<br />
date, a castle looking citadel was built<br />
as a prison for princes and state-man.<br />
Currently, the citadel is now a Maritime<br />
Museum. <br />
After yet another sumptuous lunch (which<br />
we waited an hour for), we headed to our<br />
last stop, the Library of Alexandria, known<br />
as Bibliotheca Alexandrina. No. It is not<br />
the original Royal Library of Alexandria,<br />
Citadel of Qaitbay<br />
but a revival of it. According to our tour<br />
guide, the Library contains more than<br />
8 million books and a reading area with<br />
2000 seats. <br />
Day 4 - The Last day of our journey started<br />
as early as 9:00am to visit the Egyptian<br />
Museum. This museum is just packed<br />
full of every Egyptian treasure you can<br />
imagine. Mr. Sherif gave us a quick basic<br />
tour of the first floor, then we were left<br />
on our own to visit exhibits such as King<br />
Tutankhamun’s golden mask and tomb<br />
treasures and the mummy room (I bravely<br />
saw 11 royal mummies preserved ). The<br />
whole second floor (or almost all of it) is<br />
dedicated to the treasures found in King<br />
The giant statue<br />
of Ramesses II in<br />
Memphis weighs<br />
83 tons<br />
Tutankhamun’s tomb. Its amazing to see<br />
how much possessions he had and he<br />
was only Pharaoh for approximately 10<br />
years, imagine if they found a closed tomb<br />
for a Pharaoh that lived his whole term;<br />
40-50 years somehow, they will need<br />
15 Egyptian museums just to display all<br />
his possessions. The Egyptian Museum<br />
is something that is well worth the<br />
entrance fee and is a must see for every<br />
tourist, like us! A quick visit to old Cairo<br />
was made possible like Mohamed Ali<br />
Alabaster Mosque which was designed by<br />
the architect Yousif Boushnaq, a Turkish<br />
man who came especially from Istanbul to<br />
build the great mosque for Mohamed Ali,<br />
the ruler of Egypt (1805-1849) who ruled<br />
over 45 years. <br />
Like most of the tourists do in visiting<br />
the country, shopping should not be<br />
deleted from the itinerary. We visited the<br />
1000-year-old bazaar Khan El Khalili of<br />
Cairo and its staggering array of shops.<br />
Everything from lamb, herbs, spices and<br />
shirts to artistically crafted 18k Egyptian<br />
gold. Egyptians are very friendly, and at no<br />
time did we feel threatened, in spite of the<br />
country’s situation. Go, and be enthralled.<br />
Our amazing and enjoyable sojourn in<br />
Egypt ended as we boarded the plane at<br />
5:30 in the afternoon of 28th October<br />
2012 back to Dammam, Kingdom of<br />
Saudi Arabia.<br />
Our tour in the “Land of the Pharaohs”<br />
was a remarkable one, one should not<br />
miss. It was more than reading the history<br />
as written in the books. Being there is<br />
such a wonder.<br />
22 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
New Employees<br />
Powered by People<br />
The people of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> are at the core of our company. As a united team, we boldly reach for the sky while respecting what<br />
holds us firmly to the ground.<br />
It is our people who enable us to tackle new challenges, extend our services and actively add new offerings to our growing portfolio.<br />
The personal sense of responsibility each employee feels fuels our hard work and determination and helps make us a success each<br />
and every day.<br />
We welcome all new members and wish them a successful journey with <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
It is our hard work<br />
and determination<br />
that creates results.<br />
We are<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>.<br />
Powered by dedicated,<br />
talented and<br />
committed people.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Mohamed Kandil<br />
Oracle ERP HR Consultant<br />
Ahmad Elfadeel<br />
Chief Accountant – Delocalized<br />
Finance Unit, RSC<br />
Ezzuldeen AlSaud<br />
Accountant – Delocalized Finance Unit,<br />
RE<br />
Lina AlTamimi<br />
Administrative Assistant<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Swiber<br />
Offshore Services<br />
Tikhonov Vadim<br />
Port Engineer<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Specialized<br />
Contracting<br />
Anu Pillai<br />
Estimation Engineer<br />
Arun Kangara Mani<br />
Estimation Engineer<br />
Lijo Pappachen Thomas<br />
Design Engineer<br />
Abdul Haleem Jaffar Ali<br />
Sales Engineer<br />
“When people show you who they are, believe<br />
them the first time.”<br />
Marriages<br />
Congratulations<br />
to Alaa Albakri,<br />
legal coordinator<br />
of Group Legal<br />
Department, who<br />
“tied the knot”<br />
with Mr. Wessam<br />
Al-Shehabi on 27 th Dec 2012. We wish the<br />
new couple a happy married life.<br />
Personal News<br />
We would like to<br />
congratulate Mr.<br />
Hassan Ghani,<br />
Maintenance<br />
Supervisor at<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>, on<br />
the completion of<br />
his daughter Rahna<br />
the class of XII at<br />
International Indian<br />
School Dammam<br />
with a very high<br />
score of 94.2%.<br />
Powered By People<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety<br />
Services<br />
- Maya Angelou, American author<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
and Contracting<br />
Nasser Hussein Al-Mahdi<br />
Mud Engineer<br />
Mazen Alzahrani<br />
Warehouse Coordinator<br />
Muhammad<br />
Imran Khan<br />
Site H2S Specialist<br />
Salman Ahmed<br />
Khan Ghouri<br />
Site H2S Specialist<br />
Iqbal Mussarat<br />
Site H2S Specialist<br />
Althaf Saheb<br />
Kota<br />
H2S Specialist<br />
Ali Javed<br />
Assistant H2S<br />
Specialist<br />
Malek Ouda Jaza<br />
Shammary<br />
Material Planner<br />
Abdul Rehman<br />
Saeed<br />
Service Technician<br />
Zohaib Ali<br />
Service Technician<br />
Imran Muhammad<br />
Akram<br />
Administrator<br />
Newborn Babies<br />
Abdullah<br />
Son of<br />
Saad Awadat,<br />
Sales Engineer at<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial<br />
Support Services,<br />
born on 16 th<br />
December<br />
Jori<br />
Daughter of Isam<br />
Al Tamari, Support<br />
Services Officer at<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial<br />
Support Services,<br />
born on 22 nd<br />
October<br />
Mohammed<br />
Son of<br />
Basheer<br />
Mohammed<br />
Mahmood,<br />
HR Coordinator<br />
at <strong>Rawabi</strong> RSCC<br />
Yanbu Area, born<br />
on 7 th November<br />
Eilidh<br />
Reese<br />
Daughter of<br />
Rex N. Noblejas,<br />
HR Secretary in<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>,<br />
born on<br />
9 th November<br />
An unexpected<br />
blessing is always<br />
the best gift!<br />
Babies are the most<br />
beautiful gifts from<br />
God.<br />
May your small one<br />
grow strong and<br />
happy under your<br />
care and love.<br />
24 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Events<br />
Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
Open Day<br />
Where: Fazran Oilwell Area<br />
When: Thursday, 29 th Nov 2012<br />
A Day to Remember<br />
By Nada Tahir<br />
The <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Open Day held on<br />
29th November at Sunset Beach promised<br />
an entire day of fun and relaxation by the<br />
sea for all female employees. However,<br />
it turned out to be all that and more as<br />
the gorgeous weather and scenic locale of<br />
the AlTurki chalet only accentuated the<br />
festive atmosphere and mood of the event.<br />
Since it was my first time attending the<br />
open day, I went in a little apprehensive<br />
about the program and whether or not it<br />
really would be as<br />
enjoyable as the<br />
itinerary suggested<br />
but came out<br />
simultaneously<br />
delighted and<br />
touched by the<br />
day’s activities<br />
and the warmth of<br />
those present.<br />
From an amazing<br />
beachside lunch<br />
under a cloud cover<br />
and conversations marked by laughter to<br />
plenty of snacks and food to boot, the<br />
day began on a high note that never once<br />
dipped with time. My favorite part though<br />
remains the boat ride that was so fun we<br />
took it twice. Lasting about an hour, the<br />
experience was made even more charming<br />
by the absolutely amazing weather that<br />
we were lucky to have on that particular<br />
day and needless to add the excitement<br />
on the dock was contagious. Surprisingly<br />
though, instead of tiring us out the<br />
cruise aptly rejuvenated us for what was<br />
to follow: games! Be it Taboo, Jeopardy<br />
and Charades or a hilarious ice breaking<br />
session and bridal dress competition, the<br />
games had all of us squealing, shouting<br />
and laughing throughout. Everyone<br />
participated and had a good time which<br />
for me, made this the perfect way to<br />
end a day marked by great company. I<br />
left the beach incredibly happy that I<br />
came and extremely touched by everyone<br />
present there. A special mention for the<br />
Corporate Communications Department<br />
for organizing the amazing day, Ms. Noaf<br />
and Ms. Rana for opening their home<br />
to us, everyone who came and made<br />
it so enjoyable and Muneera for single<br />
handedly devising the most fun and<br />
exciting games ever. It then goes without<br />
saying, I simply cannot wait for the next<br />
Open Day and a special note to all those<br />
who could not make it this year, do NOT<br />
miss it next time!<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>’s<br />
5 th Annual<br />
Get-together<br />
By Rex Noblejas<br />
In its fifth consecutive year, <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong>’s Filipino employees once again<br />
gathered last 26 th December 2012<br />
to celebrate the holiday season. The<br />
event which took place at Gulf Darbar<br />
Restaurant in Al Khobar gives them a rare<br />
opportunity to get acquainted with other<br />
employees across different business units.<br />
Another objective of the get-together is to<br />
share a part of the funds with the victims<br />
of typhoon “Pablo” in the Southern<br />
Philippines. <br />
Continued on Page 28...<br />
26 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Events<br />
Events<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s 5 th<br />
Annual Get-together<br />
(Continued from previous page)<br />
To keep the excitement going, a raffle<br />
draw was organized giving away tons of<br />
gifts to the attendees. The winners of the<br />
major prizes are:<br />
First prize: 32” LED Backlight TV - Ruben<br />
Briones<br />
Second prize: Microwave Oven - Willie<br />
Aradanas, RE<br />
Third prize: Electrical Oven - Kyle<br />
Padcayan, RISS <br />
A singing contest highlighted the event<br />
wherein representatives from different<br />
business units showcased their singing<br />
prowess. Judged by Mr. and Mrs. Primar<br />
Asuncion and Mrs. Maika Galinato, only<br />
three made it to compete in the finals. The<br />
winners are:<br />
First place: Christian Dave Zoleta, RISS<br />
Second place: Arvee Denuevo, RISS<br />
Third place: Joe Alfanta, <strong>Rawabi</strong> Hot-Hed<br />
The winners received cash as their prize.<br />
The get-together was organized by<br />
Primar Asuncion, Acting Chief Financial<br />
Controller; Jose Rey Gindap II, Accounts<br />
and Office Coordinator of <strong>Rawabi</strong> Trading<br />
and Contracting; Jerry Ravanera, Executive<br />
Secretary - Office of the Group President<br />
& CEO; and Raymond Teodocio, Corporate<br />
Communications Coordinator. Special<br />
thanks to Mr. Blas Dalumpines for lending<br />
his MediaCom Videoke Sound System,<br />
Joey Anatalio for taking photos and Rex<br />
Noblejas for hosting the event. <br />
Our deepest gratitude to the <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong> management for the financial and<br />
moral support they always extend as well<br />
as to <strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial Safety Services<br />
and <strong>Rawabi</strong> United Safety Services<br />
management for the financial support.<br />
Everyone in the event left with a smile and<br />
wonderful experience to share with their<br />
loved ones.<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Training Sessions<br />
Recently, several in-house training courses were conducted at <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> in order to<br />
enrich the knowledge, skills and experiences of our employees.<br />
Time<br />
Management<br />
Skills<br />
Session 1: September 29-30<br />
Session 2: October 2-3<br />
Session 3: October 6-7<br />
Session 4: October 9-10<br />
Session 5: November 6-7<br />
Session 6: December 4-5<br />
Congratulations to <strong>Rawabi</strong><br />
<strong>Holding</strong> Basketball Team<br />
October 21, 2012 - <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong><br />
basketball team emerged as champion<br />
in the concluded 12 th UFBF Fahd Alireza<br />
Engineering Consultants basketball<br />
tournament held at the Al Qadisia Sports<br />
Club, Al Khobar. <strong>Rawabi</strong> Team won their<br />
final match against Gubat Team (82-79)<br />
to claim the Junior Division D-B trophy.<br />
There are 8 participating teams in this<br />
division. The company sponsored team<br />
is composed of <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong> Group’s<br />
employees.<br />
Congratulations to each and every team<br />
member on this success!<br />
“Don’t ever confuse your life and your work. The second is only part of the first.”<br />
– Anna Quindlen (1952-present), American author and journalist<br />
28 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Events<br />
Exibitions & Conferences<br />
Team<br />
Building<br />
Skills<br />
Session 1: November 20-21<br />
6 th Middle East<br />
Nondestructive<br />
Testing Conference<br />
& Exhibition 2012<br />
When: October 7-10, 2012<br />
Where: Gulf International Convention Centre,<br />
Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain<br />
Presentation<br />
Skills<br />
Session 1: December 11-12<br />
HSE Training<br />
Session 1: December 5<br />
Session 2: December 6<br />
Session 3: December 8-11<br />
“It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers.”<br />
– James Thurber (1894 –1961), American author<br />
30 <strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
<strong>Rawabi</strong> News <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>31</strong> Oct-Dec 2012<br />
Exibitions & Conferences<br />
Abu Dhabi<br />
International<br />
Petroleum Exhibition<br />
and Conference 2012<br />
<br />
When: November 11-14, 2012<br />
Where: Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC),<br />
United Arab Emirates<br />
Please email your articles and/or suggestions to<br />
communications@rawabiholding.com<br />
P.O. Box 79800, Al Khobar <strong>31</strong>952, KSA<br />
Tel: +966 3 864 9909 Fax: +966 3 894 1943<br />
info@rawabiholding.com www.rawabiholding.com