Florida Region - Clublink Corporation
Florida Region - Clublink Corporation
Florida Region - Clublink Corporation
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<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Region</strong><br />
Southeast Cluster<br />
Pricing Guide<br />
Rules and Regulations<br />
Nov. 1, 2011 to Oct. 31, 2012
Membership Fees<br />
member guest fees<br />
Gold Clubs 2nd Level Pricing 3rd level pricing 4th level pricing<br />
1st level pricing Principal/Corporate Principal/Corporate Principal/Corporate Spousal<br />
Club Family* Principal/Corporate (2nd and 3rd addition) (4th and 5th addition) (6th + addition) Evening<br />
Woodlands + $5,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,400 $1,750 $750<br />
Platinum Clubs + 2nd level pricing 3rd level pricing 4th level pricing<br />
1st level pricing Principal/Corporate Principal/Corporate Principal/Corporate Spousal<br />
Club Family* Principal/Corporate (2nd and 3rd addition) (4th and 5th addition) (6th + addition) Evening<br />
Heron Bay + $6,000 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $1,000<br />
* family – Includes husband and wife, and up to two children 18 years and under. Children have access to Home Club privileges only<br />
unless the child joins as a full ClubLink Member.<br />
+ Premium Daily Fee with membership<br />
Gold Clubs<br />
Woodlands regular Opportunity Twilight Junior<br />
Dec. 16 to April 8<br />
Mon. – Sun. $65 $50 $34 $30<br />
April 9 to May 13/<br />
Oct. 31 to Dec. 15<br />
Fri. – Sun. $55 $45 $30 $24<br />
Mon. – Thurs. $45 $30 $24<br />
May 14 to Oct. 30<br />
Fri. – Sun. $40 $35 $24 $24<br />
Mon. – Thurs. $35 $24 $24<br />
Platinum Clubs<br />
Heron Bay regular Opportunity Twilight Junior<br />
Dec. 16 to April 8<br />
Mon. – Sun. $69 $55 $39 $34<br />
April 9 to May 13/<br />
Oct. 31 to Dec. 15<br />
Fri. – Sun. $59 $49 $34 $24<br />
Mon. – Thurs. $49 $34 $24<br />
May 14 to Oct. 30<br />
Fri. – Sun. $44 $39 $24 $24<br />
Mon. – Thurs. $39 $24 $24<br />
Additional memberships: When a Family or <strong>Corporation</strong> purchases a membership for two or three family members or executives at the same time, the<br />
membership fees are reduced to second-level pricing for each new Member. If four or five memberships are purchased at once, the membership fees are<br />
reduced to third-level pricing for each family member or executive. If six or more are purchased at once, the membership fees are reduced to fourth-level<br />
pricing for each executive or family member. Once a family or corporation owns six or more memberships each additional membership is purchased at<br />
fourth-level pricing.<br />
Definition of Family Addition: Immediate family members who are the spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter,<br />
grandson, granddaughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in-law or mother-in-law of an existing ClubLink Member.<br />
Spousal Evening: This membership is designed to introduce the non-golfing spouse of a ClubLink Member to the game of golf. This membership involves<br />
instruction, explanation of the rules of golf and etiquette. Spousal Evening Members have access to all courses 30 minutes after Twilight.<br />
Membership fee financing: New Members may finance their membership fee from 60 to 100 monthly payments interest free.<br />
Carts are included in all prices above. Cart Fee for Members not on a cart plan is $24 per person.<br />
Regular: Opening to noon every day in winter season. Opening to twilight Mon.-Thurs. and Opening to 12 p.m. Fri.-Sun. including holidays, in other seasons.<br />
Opportunity: 12 p.m. to twilight everyday in winter season. Fri.-Sun. including holidays after 12 p.m. in all other seasons.<br />
Twilight: Everyday after 3:30 p.m. in summer and shoulder season. After 2:30 p.m. in winter season.<br />
member guest packages<br />
Weekly Pass $250<br />
Unlimited golf in a seven day period.<br />
May be purchased for a maximum of four weeks per guest, per season.<br />
Booklet of 10 passes $500<br />
Note: Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times. Member guest packages are valid at all Southeast <strong>Florida</strong> locations and may be purchased<br />
at any golf shop. Carts are included in all prices.<br />
annual dues (Nov. 1, 2011 to Oct. 31, 2012)<br />
Gold Clubs Family Single<br />
Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Spousal Junior Junior Optional Optional<br />
Club Family Single (19-25)* (19-25) (26-30)* (26-30) (31-35)* (31-35) (36-40)* (36-40) (41-45)* (41-45) (46-50)* (46-50) Evening (12-15) (16-18) Cart Plan Cart Plan<br />
Woodlands – Full $5,550 $3,330 $2,295 $1,295 $2,775 $1,665 $3,330 $1,995 $3,885 $2,330 $4,440 $2,665 $4,995 $2,995 $1,200 $300 $500 $1,950 $1,700<br />
Seasonal – Six month** $4,900 $2,940 $2,205 $1,323 $2,450 $1,470 $2,940 $1,764 $3,430 $2,058 $3,920 $2,352 $4,410 $2,646 N/A N/A N/A $1,700 $1,500<br />
Seasonal – Three month*** $3,450 $2,050 $1,553 $923 $1,725 $1,025 $2,070 $1,230 $2,415 $1,435 $2,760 $1,640 $3,105 $1,845 $750 N/A N/A $1,200 $1,050<br />
Platinum Clubs Family Single<br />
Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Spousal Junior Junior Optional Optional<br />
Club Family Single (19-25)* (19-25) (26-30)* (26-30) (31-35)* (31-35) (36-40)* (36-40) (41-45)* (41-45) (46-50)* (46-50) Evening (12-15) (16-18) Cart Plan Cart Plan<br />
Heron Bay – Full $5,700 $3,420 $2,365 $1,340 $2,850 $1,710 $3,420 $2,050 $3,990 $2,395 $4,560 $2,735 $5,130 $3,080 $1,250 $310 $510 $1,950 $1,700<br />
Seasonal – Six month** $5,030 $3,020 $2,264 $1,359 $2,515 $1,510 $3,018 $1,812 $3,521 $2,114 $4,024 $2,416 $4,527 $2,718 $1,100 N/A N/A $1,700 $1,500<br />
Seasonal – Three month*** $3,525 $2,115 $1,586 $952 $1,763 $1,058 $2,115 $1,269 $2,468 $1,481 $2,820 $1,692 $3,173 $1,904 $800 N/A N/A $1,200 $1,050<br />
* Family: To determine the age of the family we take the average age of the couple as of Jan. 1 of each year.<br />
** Seasonal six month is valid from Nov. 1 to April 30.<br />
*** Seasonal three month is valid for 90 consecutive days. Member chooses start date.<br />
Notes: Most major credit cards are accepted as payment.<br />
All prices in this guide are subject to change without notice and do not include applicable taxes.<br />
The <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Region</strong> does not have a food and beverage minimum.<br />
Cart Plan<br />
Cart Plan Single Family<br />
Full $1,700 $1,950<br />
Six month $1,500 $1,700<br />
Three month $1,050 $1,200<br />
Annual dues do not include the use of a cart. Members may purchase the cart plan or be charged at the time of use.<br />
Payment terms and annual dues<br />
• Annual dues for the 2011/2012 season (Nov. 1, 2011 to Oct. 31, 2012) shall be payable on or before Oct. 1, 2011.<br />
• An installment plan is available for three, six and 12 month Members, subject to an installment fee and as follows:<br />
– 12 month Members - Six installments payable on Sept. 28, Oct. 28, Nov. 28, Dec. 28, Jan. 28, Feb. 28.<br />
– Three and six month Members - Four installments payable on Sept. 28, Oct. 28, Nov. 28, Dec. 28.<br />
Nov. 2011<br />
Nov. 2011
membership policies within<br />
SOUTHEAST florida cluster<br />
Silver Members have access to Silver, Gold and Academy<br />
courses without a reciprocal fee and subject to availability.<br />
Silver Club Members have reciprocal access to Platinum<br />
Member Clubs for a reciprocal fee of $25. In the event a Silver<br />
Member introduces three paying guests at one time, the<br />
reciprocal fee is waived when playing at a Platinum Member<br />
Club. The reciprocal fee is also waived at a Platinum Member<br />
Club if the Silver Member’s Club is closed for a non-Member,<br />
full-shotgun event.<br />
Platinum/Gold Members have access to Platinum, Gold,<br />
Silver and Academy Clubs without a reciprocal fee and subject<br />
to availability.<br />
Academy Members have reciprocal playing privileges at<br />
other Academy courses within the region.<br />
In order to protect Members’ access to tee times at their<br />
Home Club, Golf Operations at each property will designate<br />
enough tee times for Home Club Members and their<br />
guests during peak times. Peak times are generally defined<br />
as Monday to Sunday prior to 11 a.m. Peak times may<br />
vary and are defined by the Home Club Members’ playing<br />
patterns.<br />
Members have seven-day advance booking privileges<br />
(exceptions may be arranged for special circumstances<br />
through Home Club Golf Operations). Tee times at all<br />
courses may be arranged through LinkLine (ClubLink’s<br />
centralized tee time reservation system) to a maximum<br />
of two tee times per phone call. For your convenience,<br />
a LinkLine courtesy phone is available at each ClubLink<br />
facility. When booking tee times, Members are required<br />
to provide the name of each person in their group in<br />
order to eliminate double bookings by Members (thus<br />
leaving valuable tee time inventory for alternative Member<br />
bookings).<br />
This membership is designed to introduce the non-golfing<br />
spouse of a ClubLink Member to the game of golf. This<br />
membership involves instruction, explanation of the rules of<br />
golf and etiquette. Spousal Evening Members have access<br />
to all courses 30 minutes after twilight.<br />
Juniors are defined as 12 to 18 years of age and have<br />
access to Championship Courses outside of peak times<br />
upon payment of the applicable junior guest fee.<br />
Juniors have access to Academy courses at no charge.<br />
Children under 12 have access to Academy courses only.<br />
Children under 12 are not permitted to ride on a golf cart<br />
and Juniors must have a valid driver’s license to operate/<br />
rent a golf cart.<br />
Through LinkLine, Members are able to reserve up to<br />
three guests. Subject to availability, requests for additional<br />
golfing guests may be made by contacting Golf Operations<br />
at your Home Club. This applies at your Home Club or for<br />
reciprocal play. Guests must be accompanied by a ClubLink<br />
Member at all times unless prior arrangements are made<br />
with the golf shop.<br />
Non-weather related tee time cancellations are required no<br />
less than 24 hours prior to play. To cancel a player or an<br />
entire tee time, Members are required to contact LinkLine<br />
directly. In the event the cancellation policy has not been<br />
adhered to, a $25 “no show” fee will be charged to the<br />
Member who made the reservation.<br />
Members enjoy access to all clubhouses.<br />
Complimentary for all full-golf Members within the <strong>Region</strong>.<br />
Golfing guests also receive complimentary access prior to a<br />
round of golf.<br />
There is an additional fee to access the night range at<br />
Heron Bay.<br />
Members must check in at the golf shop prior to using the<br />
golf amenities at any ClubLink Club, and must carry their<br />
membership card with them at all times. Members must<br />
present their membership card when making any purchases<br />
on their ClubLink account.<br />
Alcohol Policy<br />
Members and guests are strictly prohibited from bringing their<br />
own alcohol onto a ClubLink property in accordance with all<br />
applicable liquor licensing regulations.<br />
CART PLan<br />
Program is valid for any Member using a cart within their<br />
region.<br />
1-800-661-1818<br />
MembershipSales<strong>Florida</strong>@clublink.ca<br />
Nov. 2011