Condenser Dryer - Baumatic
Condenser Dryer - Baumatic
Condenser Dryer - Baumatic
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Other clothing:<br />
Programme<br />
MAX<br />
weight<br />
Toweling Underbathrobe<br />
wear<br />
For cottons and colo ured made of cotton or<br />
Socks<br />
linen.<br />
Bed<br />
linen linen Towels*<br />
Table Terry Tea<br />
Towels/<br />
Hand<br />
towels<br />
Light<br />
Cotton<br />
Standard<br />
7.0 kg<br />
Iron<br />
Extra<br />
For non-iron was hing made of synthetic and blended fabrics, cotton.<br />
Light<br />
Synthetics<br />
Standard<br />
Extra<br />
3.5 kg<br />
Delicate 3.0 kg For machine-washable woollen textiles. Textiles are fluffier, but not<br />
dried. Remove and hang up textiles when the programme ends.<br />
Quick 3.0 kg For washing which is to be dried quickly e.g. made of acrylic fibres or<br />
for individual small items. Also for subsequent drying.<br />
Warm / Cool<br />
3.0 kg For the timer programme, delicate textiles made of acrylic fibres or<br />
(40min/20mi n)<br />
small items.<br />
* Some jeans and large towels are difficult to dry due to the<br />
absorbent nature of the materials. If you find they are still wet<br />
after a drying programme, you should use the WARM<br />
programme to dry them again.<br />