Condenser Dryer - Baumatic

Condenser Dryer - Baumatic

Condenser Dryer - Baumatic


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Maintenance and cleaning<br />

IMPORTANT: The appliance should be disconnected from the<br />

power supply and allowed to cool before commencing any<br />

cleaning process.<br />

Control panel and machine cabinet.<br />

IMPORTANT: Do not use any abrasive<br />

cleaner or household polish on either the<br />

control panel or operating parts.<br />

o Wipe over the control panel and the<br />

external surface of the machine using a<br />

brand new damp cloth with warm<br />

water.<br />

The lint filter<br />

o The fluff and debris which accumulates on the filter will block the<br />

air circulation which will cause the drying time and energy<br />

consumption to increase. Therefore the lint filter should be<br />

cleaned after each use.<br />

o To remove the filter, open the condenser dryer door and locate<br />

the filter at the base of the porthole opening. Pull the filter<br />

upwards to take it out.<br />

o Clean the lint filter by wiping<br />

which have accumulated on it.<br />

off the scrap threads and fluff<br />

o Reinstall the filter.<br />

o IMPORTANT: NEVER operate the condenser dryer without<br />

the lint filter in place.<br />

The container drawer<br />

o As this appliance is a condenser<br />

utilised during the drying process.<br />

dryer, some water will be<br />

o This water will be collected in the container drawer next to the<br />

control panel. It should be emptied and cleaned after each use.<br />

o To remove the container drawer pull it gently away from the<br />

machine. Extra care should be taken to avoid any water spillage<br />

as up to 5 litres<br />

of water can be held in the container drawer.<br />


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