Your Captains' Committee Members - Clublink Corporation

Your Captains' Committee Members - Clublink Corporation

Your Captains' Committee Members - Clublink Corporation


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The <strong>Members</strong>’ Handbook<br />

2013<br />

Glencairn Golf Club<br />

9807 Regional Road 25 | Halton Hills, ON | L9T 2X7 | http://glencairn.clublink.ca/

Table of Contents<br />

Table of Contents ............................................................................... 2<br />

<strong>Your</strong> Management Team .................................................................... 3<br />

A message from your Director of Operations ..................................... 4<br />

A message from your Golf Course Superintendent ............................. 5<br />

A message from your Food and Beverage Manager ............................ 7<br />

<strong>Your</strong> Captains’ <strong>Committee</strong> <strong>Members</strong> .................................................. 8<br />

2012 Champions ................................................................................ 9<br />

Men's Night ....................................................................................... 11<br />

Ladies' Day ........................................................................................13<br />

Tournaments and Member Events ....................................................15<br />

Tournament Policies ........................................................................ 25<br />

Junior Programs .............................................................................. 26<br />

Game Improvement ......................................................................... 27<br />

Course Care and Etiquette ............................................................... 28<br />

Club Rules and Member Information ............................................... 29<br />

Weddings and Banquets ................................................................... 33<br />

ClubLink Member Benefits .............................................................. 34<br />

Our Partners .....................................................................................37<br />

ClubLink Directory .......................................................................... 38<br />


Important Note:<br />

Great care was taken to ensure that the information contained in this handbook was accurate at the time of posting. For<br />

the most current and complete updates regarding news, events and announcements at your Club, please visit the<br />

<strong>Members</strong> Only section of your Club’s web site.<br />

<strong>Your</strong> Management Team<br />

Director, Operations<br />

Craig Cupido<br />

905-866-3666 ext. 2537<br />

ccupido@clublink.ca<br />

Course Superintendent<br />

Doug Davidson<br />

905-693-8536<br />

ddavidson@clublink.ca<br />

Beverly Maybury<br />

Clubhouse Manager<br />

905-876-3666 ext. 2536<br />

bmaybury@clublink.ca<br />

Executive Chef<br />

Mark Stone<br />

905-876-3666 ext. 2547<br />

mstone@clublink.ca<br />

Associate Golf<br />

Professional<br />

James Hill<br />

905-876-3666 ext. 2523<br />

jameshill@clublink.ca<br />

Event Sales Manager<br />

Tanya Grove<br />

905-876-3666 ext. 2535<br />

tgrove@clublink.ca<br />

Administrative<br />

Assistant<br />

Lisa Switzer<br />

905-876-3666 ext. 2521<br />

lswitzer@clublink.ca<br />

Corporate<br />

Events/Sales Manager<br />

Vytas Lenauskas<br />

905-876-3666 ext. 2538<br />

vlenauskas@clublink.ca<br />


A message from your Director of Operations<br />

Dear Glencairn <strong>Members</strong>:<br />

The golf shop staff and I want to get to know every Member better this season. If you are a new Member, take a minute to<br />

stop by and introduce yourself. If you have been a Member for a while, please drop in for a chat and let us know what’s<br />

new. We look forward to the chance to play a round with all of our <strong>Members</strong>, so feel free to ask!<br />

This year, ClubLink is celebrating its 20th anniversary. To mark this occasion, ClubLink has some very special membership<br />

offers. Be sure to take advantage of our Family Twilight Program, and growing Junior Program. At Glencairn, we are taking<br />

this opportunity to grow our family golf experience. Our new associate golf professional, James Hill, will run our Junior<br />

Days and this year there will be a strong commitment from the professional staff.<br />

This year is an exciting one for golf equipment and apparel. All the major manufacturers have outstanding new products to<br />

improve your game and give you a new look on the course and in the clubhouse. Have a look around the next time you’re<br />

at the Club and don’t forget our Member Value Pricing program means you get the best value anywhere on everything in<br />

our shop. No need to shop anywhere else for your personal or corporate golf requirements! If we don’t have it in stock, we<br />

are happy to order it for speedy delivery.<br />

On the driving range, our PGA of Canada-accredited golf professionals are more than happy to work with you to improve<br />

your game and get more enjoyment out of every round. We also highly recommend that if you are purchasing new golf<br />

clubs, that you get custom fitted. In addition, we can personally give you our expert, trained opinion.<br />

We take great pride in our food and beverage service. Whether you are grabbing a quick bite before or after golf or<br />

enjoying dinner with your family or friends, we strive to make every meal memorable. You have many menu options, from<br />

our “Best of ClubLink” selection to our own local specialties. And remember, our clubhouse is the perfect setting for any<br />

special occasions or business gatherings you may be planning!<br />

At Glencairn, we continue to strive for a world-class Member experience. We want to provide superb customer service and<br />

we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to help us continue to improve.<br />

Personally, I am very eager to start the season and I look forward to seeing everyone again and meeting all new<br />

<strong>Members</strong>. If you have any questions throughout the year, please feel free to contact me or my staff at any time.<br />

Please note the event dates in this handbook are tentative and subject to change. For updated and current event<br />

information, please regularly check our Club’s online calendar or speak to our golf professional staff.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Craig Cupido<br />

Director of Operations<br />


A message from your Golf Course Superintendent<br />

Dear Glencairn <strong>Members</strong>...<br />

Please replace your divots, fix ball marks, and rake bunkers…We will do the rest!<br />

Divots grow back faster when the actual piece of turf is returned to the spot where the divot was taken. We ask that all<br />

<strong>Members</strong> and their guests to replace all their divots, where possible, with the turf that was removed. When this isn’t<br />

possible, please use the sand and seed provided on the tee deck or on the pull carts or power carts.<br />


Use a pronged ball-mark repair tool (preferably), or a knife, key or tee.<br />

Insert at the edge of the pitch mark. Do not insert the tool within the depression itself.<br />

Bring the edges together with a gentle twisting motion, but don’t lift the centre. This will damage the root system. Try not to<br />

tear the grass.<br />

Smooth the surface with a putter or your foot. You are done when it’s a surface that you would putt over.<br />

You should always repair your pitch marks, but time permitting, you should repair any other ball marks you see.<br />


Aeration is an extremely important maintenance practice. Although it results in a temporary disruption of the green,<br />

aeration improves water penetration into the soil, reduces soil compaction, stimulates turfgrass root growth for a healthier<br />

plant, helps control thatch build-up, and improves overall growing conditions. Aeration generally is done once or twice per<br />

year, and sometimes more often if certain problems exist.<br />

Think of it like going to the dentist for your twice-yearly check-up. The same holds true for aeration. You can skip a visit to<br />

the dentist, but you will contribute to problems over the long term. You can skip one of the semi-annual aerations, but this<br />

can result in a faster turf loss.<br />

Similar to 2012 we will likely aerify the following greens in late May or early June: Leithfield 1, 2, 3, 7; Speyside 4, 5, 7, 8;<br />

Scotchblock 1, 2, 4. These are greens that typically have less than ideal surface drainage. Aerification improves water<br />

penetration and, ultimately, firms the surface. We will use a .300 inch inside diameter hollow tine. Aerification holes will be<br />

on two-inch centres. Greens will be brushed, cut, rolled, fertilized and watered immediately following aerification. They will<br />

be cut and rolled repeatedly in the following days until recovered.<br />

Occasionally, we will aerify greens that become water repellent throughout the year. These aerification events will be<br />

unscheduled. We will use a .25 or .35 inch outside diameter solid tine, depending on the severity of the problem. This<br />

cultural practice is referred to as "venting." Greens will be cut and rolled following aerification.<br />

We have scheduled the aerification of ALL greens for Aug. 6-9, weather permitting. If it is too hot, overcast or raining, we<br />

will be forced to reschedule. Our reschedule date will be the week following Labour Day or Sept. 4-6. We will use a<br />

.300 inch inside diameter hollow tine. Aerification holes will be on two-inch centres. Greens will be topdressed, brushed,<br />

cut, rolled, fertilized and watered immediately following aerification. They will be cut and rolled repeatedly in the following<br />

days until recovered.<br />

We have scheduled our second aerification of ALL greens for the weeks following our final Member event, namely, the<br />

Men's Night Closing. This will commence, weather permitting, Oct. 21. We will be using a .500 inch inside diameter hollow<br />

tine. Aerification holes will be on 1.5 inch centres. Greens will be topdressed, brushed, cut, rolled, fertilized and watered<br />

immediately following aerification. They will be topdressed, cut and rolled until they stop growing for the season and as<br />

weather permits.<br />

Remember to replace your divots, fix ball marks, and rake bunkers…We will do the rest!<br />


Have a great season.<br />

Doug Davidson<br />

Golf Course Superintendent<br />


A message from your Food and Beverage Manager<br />

Welcome to the 2013 season. Glencairn opened on June 4, 2004, so we now are in our 10th season of operation. It has<br />

passed by so quickly!<br />

To celebrate our anniversary, may we suggest just 10 of the many ways you can make the most of your Glencairn<br />

experience<br />

In no particular order:<br />

10. Fifteen imported and domestic drafts on tap<br />

9. The famous Skillet Breakfast<br />

8. The elegantly appointed Wine Room for special occasions<br />

7. A fine selection of single malt scotches<br />

6. The Courtyard with three outdoor fireplaces … Enjoy a liqueur with dessert and coffee.<br />

5. Bring your own wine, something from your own cellar or enjoy one of more than 45 wines from around the world.<br />

4. Lobsterfest, Ribfest, Evenings in the Courtyard…Enjoy with family, friends and fellow <strong>Members</strong>.<br />

3. The “After Five Menu”, a fine-dining experience created by Executive Chef Mark Stone and his culinary team<br />

2. The Atrium with a wonderful view of the course<br />

1. A welcoming atmosphere with great attention to detail and personal service<br />

Join us often this season to experience the greatness that is Glencairn Golf Club. A great round, a great putt, a great meal<br />

with friends!<br />

Cheers,<br />

Beverly Maybury<br />

Clubhouse Manager<br />


<strong>Your</strong> Captains’ <strong>Committee</strong> <strong>Members</strong><br />

Title Name Email<br />

Men’s Captain Al Duncan adunc@bell.blackberry.net<br />

Ladies’ Captain Shelly Marineau shellymarineau@yahoo.ca<br />

Men’s Vice-Captain Al Trivett atrivett@ymail.com<br />

Ladies Vice-Captain Phyllis Roy p_proy@hotmail.com<br />

Men's <strong>Committee</strong> Brad Campbell bcampbell@hpaulin.com<br />

Men's <strong>Committee</strong> Mike Bondy qopmike@bell.blackberry.net<br />

Handicap Chairman Mike Bondy qopmike@bell.blackberry.net<br />

Handicap <strong>Committee</strong> Frank Wetselaar frankwetselaar@yahoo.ca<br />

Handicap <strong>Committee</strong> Don Curzon doncurzon@bell.net<br />


2012 Champions<br />


Men’s Champion – Paul Gortnar<br />

Ladies’ Champion – Sally Fitzpatrick<br />

Senior Men’s Champion – Paul Morrow<br />

Senior Ladies’ Champion – Alice Donaldson<br />


Men's Gross - Tim Southcott<br />

Men's Net - Brad Campbell<br />

Ladies' Net - Amy Chung<br />

Men's Doubles - John Scott and Brad Gleeson<br />


Peter Christiansen<br />


18 Hole - Aileen Bell<br />

9 Hole - Cyndy Johnston and Deb Bratten<br />


Craig Watkins and Mark Caffrey<br />


Shelly Marineau and Jenn Kornacki<br />


Stuart Peetoom and Bryan Devries<br />


Bill Guest and Aref Munshi<br />

Amy Chung and Donna Moore<br />


Michael Panno and Lyn Jauncey<br />


Men - Bruce Robertson and Lou Pelletier<br />

Ladies - Alice Donaldson and Cyndy Johnston<br />


June - David and Jeffrey Clarke<br />

August - Ken Duncliffe and Jason Hines<br />


Craig Cupido and Stuart Kidon (Professionals)<br />

Al Duncan and Al Trivett (<strong>Committee</strong>)<br />

Paul Gortnar and Craig Watkins<br />

Dave Clarke and Brad Campbell<br />

Don Curzon and Gary Temush<br />

John Dzeko and Raj Birring<br />

Terry Tombs and Craig Cumming<br />

Steve Berneski and Paul Donaldson<br />



Craig Cupido (Professional)<br />

Al Duncan (Captain)<br />

Paul Gortnar<br />

Paul Ho<br />

Mike Bondy<br />

Klaus Hagenberg<br />

Jim King<br />

Tim Southcott<br />

Eddie Do<br />

Ken Duncliffe<br />


Shelly Marineau (Captain)<br />

Tien Le<br />

Lisa Do<br />

Amy Chung<br />

Alice Donaldson<br />

Barb Cromb<br />


Men's Night<br />

A qualifying event for the ClubLink Men’s Night Championship<br />

Men’s Night will continue to be a 2:30 p.m. shotgun on Wednesdays. To sign up, please call the golf shop at 905-876-3666<br />

ext. 2523 or email glpro@clublink.ca.<br />

For our 2:30 p.m. shotgun, we will use 27 holes. All players will play 18 holes. We are using a net Stableford system as<br />

described below. All participants will be divided equally into two flights by handicap. The A flight will contain the lower<br />

handicaps and the B flight will contain the higher handicapped players. The player with the highest point total in his flight,<br />

no matter which course combination he plays, will be the net winner. First, second and third in each flight will be awarded<br />

prizes every Men’s Night. There will be no “gimmes”— everything must be holed unless it is more than allowed by your<br />

equitable stroke control. If you are about to score more than net double bogey, we ask you to please pick your ball up in<br />

the interest of pace of play.<br />

To start the 2013 season, a Men’s Night handicap has been established for all members based on your men’s night scores<br />

from the previous 12 months. The handicapping procedures follow the guidelines of Golf Canada, therefore, your handicap<br />

will fluctuate based on your weekly scores throughout the season. This handicap will be used for Men’s Night competitions<br />

only. If you do not have five rounds played on Men’s Nights, your current Golf Canada handicap factor will be used to<br />

calculate your handicap.<br />

Points are scored on each hole as follows;<br />

Net double bogey -1 points Net birdie 2 points<br />

Net bogey 0 point Net eagle 3 points<br />

Net par 1 points Net double-eagle 5 points<br />

Tees: Men's Night will be played from the blue, blue/white, or white tees without approval by the Men’s <strong>Committee</strong>. The<br />

only requirement is that the tee you select will be the tee used for the entire season. A handicap adjustment of -1 will apply<br />

to anyone playing from the blue/white tees and -2 for the white tees. This is made according to the Golf Canada tee<br />

differential calculation.<br />

Year-End Men’s Night Champion: The year-end Men’s Night overall champion will be determined by calculating each<br />

participant’s best 14 Men’s Night scores over the entire year up to and including Oct. 9. The top 60 will be awarded prizes<br />

at the final Men’s Night.<br />

Entry Fee: The cost to compete each week is $12 per player: $8 goes to prizes that evening, $2 goes towards the closing<br />

Men’s Night, and $2 goes towards the year-end shootout for two trips to Glencairn Men’s Night in Las Vegas.<br />

Dinner: Buffet dinner for $19.95 will follow play each night, with various themes throughout the season. A soup and salad<br />

option is available for $11.95. Please let us know at check-in if you will be staying for dinner. Opening and Closing Night<br />

dinner prices may vary.<br />

Guests: One guest per Member is welcome each night with the exception of Opening and Closing Nights. Maximum<br />

number of guests per week is eight and guests are allowed to participate twice a year. Guest fees are $125 and which<br />

includes the $12 Men’s Night fee. Guests may not participate in any of the Men’s Night competitions.<br />

Skins Game: A $10 gross skins game each week will be available at registration. The skins participants will be divided into<br />

two flights by the Men’s Night handicap. The A flight will contain the lower handicaps and the B flight will contain the higher<br />

handicapped players. The money will be divided in two and all the money will be prized out that night in the way of<br />

individual skins.<br />

Closest to the Pin and Shootout: During each Men’s Night, there will be one closest-to-the-pin on each nine. The three<br />

weekly winners will receive a prize and qualify for a shootout on the first Men’s Night of the following month. The closest to<br />

the pin during that shootout will earn a spot in the shootout finals held on Oct. 2. The two players closest to the pin on Oct.<br />

2 will win a trip to Las Vegas, in our Men’s Night goes to Las Vegas event, held in November.<br />

June 5, July 3, Aug. 7, Sept. 4 and Oct. 2. Finals will be on Oct. 2 following the Shootout.<br />

New! Men's Night sponsorship opportunities! Cost is $600 and includes three guest fees, four cart fees, four dinners at<br />

Men's Night, four hats, and signage.<br />

Men’s Night Retreat: On Sept. 20, we will be taking a trip to an undisclosed golf course.<br />

There are three ways in which you can qualify for this trip:<br />


Be one of the top 26 attendees at Men’s Night over the course of the season.<br />

Be one of the top six in the standings at the halfway point of the season.<br />

Be one of the top six in the standings for the second half of the season.<br />

The halfway point is up to and including July 3. The second-half points and the attendance will be up to and including Sept.<br />

11. For the scoring, we will count your top seven weeks in each half. In the case of repetition in qualification, the “Points”<br />

qualifiers are selected first, followed by the top attendees. This is not a bus trip and qualifiers will be the only invitees.<br />

Beat the Pro: On the last Men’s Night of each month, we will have a Beat the Pro competition. The cost to participate is<br />

$20 and you will automatically receive one ticket for the draw. If you beat the pro, you will receive two more tickets for the<br />

draw. We will award two winners that evening. The first ticket drawn from the box will be awarded a trip to Las Vegas in our<br />

year-end Men’s Night in Vegas trip. If you cannot attend, you may also buy a ticket through Brandon Furness at<br />

bfurness@clublink.ca. Dates are May 29, June 26, July 31, Aug. 28, and Sept. 25.<br />

Beat the Pro for Canadian Cancer Society: On the second Men’s Night of each month, we will have a Beat the Pro<br />

competition with all proceeds going to the Canadian Cancer Society. The cost to participate is $20 and you will<br />

automatically receive one ticket for the draw. If you beat the pro, you will receive two more tickets for the draw. We will<br />

award one winner that evening. Prizes will include a threesome with one of the Glencairn professionals at elite private<br />

clubs in Ontario. If you cannot attend, you may also buy a ticket through Brandon Furness at bfurness@clublink.ca. Dates<br />

are May 8, June 12, July 10, Aug. 14, and Sept. 11.<br />

Men’s Captain <strong>Committee</strong> Challenge: Each Men’s Night, a member of our Men’s Captain <strong>Committee</strong> and a Glencairn golf<br />

professional will play in a two-man net better-ball competition against two other <strong>Members</strong> who have challenged them. If the<br />

challenging team wins, they will qualify for a two-man net better-ball event at Glencairn on Sept. 22 at 8 a.m. The winning<br />

team of the final event in September will enjoy a trip to play a top-end private club in Ontario hosted by Craig Cupido,<br />

including guest fees, meals and gift. A fee of $25 will be charged to each Member who challenges the captain and the pro.<br />

Reserve your day by contacting Craig Cupido at 905-876-3666 ext. 2537 or ccupido@clublink.ca.<br />

ClubLink Men’s Night Team Championship: The four players on the Men's Night championship team will consist of the top<br />

three players on the point’s standings (top 14 scores) after Sept. 4 plus the men’s captain. The Men’s Night Team<br />

Championship will take place at Wyndance at the end of the season. The format for the championship is aggregate, net<br />

better ball.<br />

Million-Dollar Shootout: The winner of the closest-to-the-pin competitions on the Las Vegas Beat the Pro Night will qualify<br />

for our year-end shoot-out on Sept. 4. It will take place on the ninth hole from the 150-yard marker. The winner of this event<br />

will move on to compete in the Million-Dollar Shootout at Wyndance at the end of the season.<br />

Long Drive Competition: An open long drive competition will be held on Sept. 11 at 1 p.m. The winner will qualify for the<br />

season-ending ClubLink Long Drive Finals at Wyndance.<br />


Ladies' Day<br />

Thursday afternoons are once again set aside for the enjoyment of our ladies, starting at 2 p.m. on May 2. The cost to<br />

participate in Ladies’ Day is $10. There will be prizing, great food and a season-long competition. To sign up, please call<br />

the golf shop at 905-876-3666 ext 2523 or email glpro@clublink.ca.<br />

Format: Each week there will be a different format for the game. The competition will be on 18 holes. Prizes will be<br />

awarded to weekly game winners during dinner every Thursday. A rules sheet will be attached to every scorecard for every<br />

game.<br />

Prizing Details:<br />

Four-Person Game – Top team will receive ClubLink merchandise certificates<br />

Two-Person Game – Top two teams will receive ClubLink merchandise certificates<br />

Individual Game – Top three individuals will receive ClubLink merchandise certificates<br />

Closest to the Pin – Two winners will each receive ClubLink merchandise certificates<br />

Year-End Champion: Points will be awarded each Thursday to the top five individual Stableford scores. Points will be<br />

accumulated throughout the season and will determine the 2013 Ladies’ Day champion.<br />

Dinner: Starts at 7 p.m. each night with the buffet or soup and salad as the only options available. Buffet is $17.95 and<br />

soup and salad is $10.95. Please let us know if you will be staying for dinner at check-in.<br />

Ladies’ Captain-Pro Challenge: On the second Thursday of each month, Captain Shelly Marineau and the Ladies’ Day<br />

professional will play in a two-person net better-ball competition against two other <strong>Members</strong> who have challenged them. If<br />

the challenging team wins, they will qualify for a better-ball event at Glencairn on Sept. 19 at 2 p.m. The winning team of<br />

the final event in September will enjoy a trip to play a top-end private club in Ontario hosted by a member of the<br />

professional staff. The day includes all guest fees, meals and gift. A fee of $25 will be charged to each Member who<br />

challenges the captain and the pro. Reserve your day with Shelly Marineau by contacting her by phone or email.<br />

50/50: There will be a 50/50 draw every week with 50 per cent of the money going to the winner and the remainder going<br />

towards Closing Ladies’ Day. (One ticket for $5, three for $10 and eight for $20)<br />

Guests: One guest per Member is welcome each night with the exception of Opening and Closing Ladies’ Days. Guest<br />

fees have been reduced from our prime rate to $95. Guests are also subject to the $10 Ladies’ Day fee which will allow<br />

them to participate in closest-to-the-pin contests. Guests may not participate in the Ladies’ Day competition other than<br />

closest-to-the pin.<br />

NEW for 2013!<br />


New for 2013 is “Business Ladies After 5.” It will run on Tuesdays at 5 p.m., starting May 7 and will be a nine-hole<br />

event. Business Ladies After 5 is open to all female <strong>Members</strong> of Glencairn including spousal <strong>Members</strong> and spousal twilight<br />

<strong>Members</strong>. The cost to participate in Business Ladies After 5 is $10. There will be a social atmosphere following golf and a<br />

season-long competition with prizing at the closing event. To sign up, please call the golf shop at 905-876-3666 ext 2523<br />

or email glpro@clublink.ca.<br />

Format: The format will be an individual Stableford game using full handicap.<br />

Points are scored on each hole as follows;<br />

Net bogey 0 point Net eagle 3 points<br />

Net par 1 points Net double-eagle 5 points<br />

Net birdie 2 points<br />

No handicap necessary to participate. The golf shop staff will help all new ladies understand how to correctly maintain a<br />

Golf Canada handicap factor..<br />

Prizing Details: $8 of the $10 entry fee will be donated to the 1st Tee Golf Charity. The remaining $2 will go towards the<br />

year-end prizing.<br />


Year-End Champion: Three points will be awarded each Tuesday to the winner and one point to each person for<br />

participation. Points will be accumulated throughout the season and will determine the 2013 Business Ladies After 5<br />

champion.<br />

Dinner: Starts after the round and will be casual with orders coming from the menu.<br />

Guests: One guest per Member is welcome each night with the exception of Opening and Closing Ladies’ Days. Guest<br />

fees have been reduced from our twilight rate to $35.<br />


Tournaments and Member Events<br />

Opening Men's Night<br />

Date: Wednesday, April 24<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 2:30 p.m. Shotgun start<br />

Format: Quota Points<br />

Entry Fee: $40 includes entry fee and dinner<br />

Registration in golf shop: April 24<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> Only<br />

Ladies' Wine and Cheese<br />

Date: Thursday, April 25<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 6 p.m.<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> Only<br />

Opening Ladies' Day<br />

Date: Thursday, May 2<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 2 p.m. Shotgun start<br />

Format: Solheim Cup (6, 6, 6 – Better Ball/Alternate Shot/Scramble)<br />

Entry Fee: $36 includes entry fee and dinner<br />

Registration in golf shop: May 2<br />

Sign-up details: Everyone will sign up as singles and the golf shop will create four-person teams. Contact the golf shop at<br />

905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> Only<br />

Opening Business Ladies After 5<br />

Date: Tuesday, May 7<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 5 p.m. Shotgun start<br />

Format: Stableford<br />

Entry Fee: $10<br />

Registration in golf shop: May 7<br />

Sign-up details: Everyone will sign up as singles and the golf shop will create foursomes.<br />

Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> Only<br />

Mother's Day Brunch<br />

Date: Sunday, May 12<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: Various seatings from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.<br />

Format: Brunch<br />

Cost: Adult $40.95, child six to 14 $18.95, child five and under free<br />

Sign-up details: For reservations contact 905-876-3666 ext.2534<br />

Additional information: Prices subject to applicable taxes and service charges.<br />

Opening Field Day and Silent Auction<br />

Date: Saturday, May 18<br />


Additional information:<br />

Golf: 1 p.m. Shotgun start Gala: 6:30 p.m. Dinner: 7 p.m. Fireworks: 8:30 p.m.<br />

Format: Killer Scramble<br />

Entry Fee: $55 (includes cart, prizing and dinner) Guest Fee: $85 (includes cart, prizing and dinner) Junior Guest<br />

Fee: $70 (includes cart, prizing and dinner)<br />

Dinner Only Tickets: $46.50++<br />

Registration Online: May 13<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Everyone tees off and the preferred tee shot is selected. Everyone then plays from the selected<br />

shot and continues with this format until the team reaches the green. Once the team reaches the green and has an opportunity<br />

for a birdie or an eagle, everyone on your team has the chance to make the putt. Therefore, a team can go as many<br />

as four under par on a hole if all four birdie putts are made or eight under if all four eagle putts are made. Once a putt for<br />

par or higher is holed, no more shots need to be played on the hole. Pairings will be selected by the professionals in order<br />

to make things fun and fair.<br />

Men 0 – 5 handicap play from the gold tees,<br />

Men 6 –12 handicap play from the blue tees<br />

Men 13 handicap and above play from the white tees<br />

Ladies play from the red tees.<br />

Guests are welcome and encouraged.<br />

Dinner will be served marche-style buffet with cocktails to begin. Live entertainment and dancing to follow.<br />

Silent Auction – All proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society<br />

Items include a day at Glencairn with three guests (lunch and dinner included), playing lessons, full set of Callaway golf<br />

clubs, two Lobsterfest tickets, two Ribfest tickets, 10 caddie rounds from the staff, series of five lessons, 10 prepaid golf<br />

carts, Men’s Night and Ladies’ Day guest fee passes, and much more.<br />

Lucky Draw Raffle – TaylorMade package<br />

Tickets go on sale Opening Day. One ticket for $20, three for $50<br />

Match Play Begins<br />

Date: Wednesday, May 22<br />

Additional information:<br />

Format: Men’s gross, net, and doubles. Ladies’ net doubles<br />

Prizing: First: $300 with trophy. Second: $200. Tie for third: $100 each<br />

Entry Fee:<br />

Men - Gross $20, Net $20, Doubles $10 per player<br />

Ladies – Net Doubles $20<br />

Registration Online: May 21<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the Member Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Players may play matches at courses other than Glencairn as long as both players agree on the<br />

venue. In single matches all players will receive 100 per cent of their handicap as per the Golf Canada manual. In doubles<br />

matches, all players will receive 80 per cent of their handicap as per the Golf Canada manual. Matches will be played off<br />

the lowest handicap; the lowest handicap in each match will be deemed to be a zero handicap. All of players will receive<br />


their strokes based upon the difference between their handicaps and the lowest handicap. Men’s matches will be played<br />

from the blue tees, ladies’ from the red tees. Draws will be seeded for all flights by handicap.<br />

Each player must supply two dates when they are available to play before each match deadline. All matches must be<br />

played by the cut-off date or the match play committee will flip a coin to determine the winner. All matches must follow prescribed<br />

play-off format. Matches will be posted in the locker room.<br />

Gross match-play finals will be a 27-hole event.<br />

Men's and Ladies' Interclub Qualifying<br />

Additional information:<br />

Men’s Dates: May 15, May 22, May 29 and June 1<br />

Ladies’ Dates: May 16, May 23 and June 1<br />

Format: Quota points<br />

Prizing: The teams will go on to represent Glencairn at their respective ClubLink-wide interclub matches and receive a<br />

continental breakfast and lunch. The men’s and ladies’ teams will also receive team uniforms, one night’s accommodation<br />

and dinner at a ClubLink resort for the finals held in Muskoka during the fall. You must be prepared to travel to other facilities.<br />

Cost: Men $25 for first attempt, $20 for second attempt, $15 for third attempt. Ladies $10 per attempt<br />

Sign-up details: Check in at registration table.<br />

Additional information: The men’s team will consist of four qualifying <strong>Members</strong>, the men’s Club captain and the head professional.<br />

One Member and one alternate will qualify from each date. Men will compete from the blue tees using 80 per<br />

cent of handicap. Qualifying will be held during Men’s Night. An additional qualifying event will be held on Saturday, June<br />

1, at 8 a.m.<br />

The ladies’ team will consist of the ladies’ Club captain and the top lady from each of the qualifying dates. Alternates will<br />

be the runners-up from each qualifying date. Ladies will compete from the red tees using 80 per cent of handicap. Qualifying<br />

will be held during Ladies’ Day. An additional qualifying event will be held on Saturday, June 1, at 9 a.m.<br />

Points are scored on each hole as follows;<br />

Net double bogey 0 points Net birdie 3 points<br />

Net bogey 1 point Net Eagle 4 points<br />

Net par 2 points Net Double-eagle 5 points<br />

Men's Member-Member<br />

Date: Friday, May 24<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: Lunch noon, golf 2 p.m. Shotgun start<br />

Format: Six holes scramble, six holes alternate shot, six holes best ball<br />

Cost: $170 per team. (Includes registration gift, BBQ halfway lunch, dinner, prizes and more)<br />

Registration Online: May 20<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> Only<br />

Lobsterfest<br />

Date: Saturday, June 1<br />

Additional information:<br />


Time: 7 p.m.<br />

Format: Dinner and live entertainment<br />

Cost: $95 per person, includes two drink tickets<br />

Sign-up details: Tickets on sale April 1. For reservations, contact 905-876-3666 ext. 2534<br />

Additional information: Prices subject to applicable taxes and service charges.<br />

Molly McGuire<br />

Date: Sunday, June 2<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time 9:30 a.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Two net better ball. Four-person team<br />

Cost: $40 per male<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email shellymarineau@yahoo.ca<br />

Additional information: Each lady will select three lucky guys or the Club will pair three guys to play on her team in a fourperson,<br />

two net better-ball event. Ladies are welcome to provide their team with on-course beverages (non alcoholic) and<br />

snacks. Lunch will be provided in the halfway hut. Each ladies’ team captain will provide three prizes not exceeding $10<br />

per prize for the prize table. Entry fee for the guys goes towards the Ladies’ Fund, which helps make each ladies’ event a<br />

success. Both men and women play from the red tees.<br />

Men's Ryder Cup Qualifying<br />

Date: June 12 and June 19<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 2:30 p.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Quota points<br />

Prizing: Qualify for the Ryder Cup team versus Blue Springs on Aug. 24 and 25.<br />

Cost: $20 per attempt<br />

Sign-up details: Check in at registration table.<br />

Additional information: The Ryder Cup teams will consist of 16 Glencairn <strong>Members</strong>: Two captains, two professionals, club<br />

champion from 2012, senior club champion from 2012, gross match-play champion from 2012, net match-play champion<br />

from 2012, doubles match-play champions from 2012, and six qualifiers. Players will qualify for the team through Men’s<br />

Night play. Three members will qualify from Men’s Night on June 12 and another three members from the June 19 Men’s<br />

Night using quota points.<br />

Best Ball Championship<br />

Date: Saturday, June 15<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 9 a.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Two-ball net best-ball<br />

Cost: $30 per person, includes BBQ lunch and prizes<br />

Registration: June 10<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> only<br />

Father's Day BBQ<br />

Date: Sunday, June 16<br />

Additional information:<br />


Time: Various seatings from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.<br />

Format: Regular and specialty menu plus live entertainment.<br />

Cost: Adult $33.95, children six to 14 $14.95, children five and under free<br />

Sign-up details: For reservations contact 905-876-3666 ext. 2534<br />

Additional information: Prices subject to applicable taxes and service charges.<br />

Nine and Dine/Mixed Member<br />

Date: Friday, June 21<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 5 p.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Nine-hole, two-person scramble<br />

Cost: $10 includes cart fee and prizes. Guest fee $30<br />

Dinner: $36.50++<br />

Registration Online: June 17<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Each team must consist of a male or female Glencairn Member. The format is fun. Men: Handicaps<br />

of six and under will play gold tees, seven to 11 will play blue tees, 12 to 16 blue/white tees, 17 and over play white<br />

tees. Ladies: Red tees<br />

The winners of this event will represent Glencairn at the ScotiaMcLeod Mixed Member Championships presented by West-<br />

Jet. Refreshments and dinner to follow in the Courtyard.<br />

Generations Cup<br />

Date: Sunday, June 23, and August 18<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 1 p.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Two-ball scramble from two generations<br />

Each player hits their ball from the tee. The team chooses the best drive and both players hit their second shots from that<br />

location. This format continues until the ball is holed out. Men play from the white tees. Juniors under the age of 15 and ladies<br />

play from the red tees.<br />

Entry Fee: $30 per person which includes prizing and BBQ following golf.<br />

Guest Fee: $20 for junior guests (under 18), $65 for guests 18 or over. Carts not included<br />

Dinner: BBQ following golf<br />

Registration Online: June 17<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Each team must consist of players separated by at least one generation (e.g., father-son, motherdaughter,<br />

grandfather-grandson, mother-son, father-daughter, etc.).<br />

The winners of this event will represent Glencairn at the ScotiaMcLeod Generations Cup.<br />

Senior Club Championship<br />

Date: July 6 and July 7<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 8 a.m. tee times<br />


Format: Gross and net stroke play<br />

Cost: $30 per person, includes lunch and prizes<br />

Registration Online: July 1<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Two-day event, 18 holes per day, with the lowest 36-hole total being declared the senior Club<br />

champion. Players must be 50 years of age or older as of July 6.<br />

Flights:<br />

Men’s A Flight – 0-9.9 (Blue-white tees)<br />

Men’s B Flight – 10.0-15.0 (White tees)<br />

Men’s C Flight – 15.0 and up (White tees)<br />

Super Senior - All competitors over 60 years of age as Friday July 5, 2013 (White tees)<br />

Ladies Flight – 0 and up (Red tees)<br />

Men’s and ladies’ champions who are over the age of 55 will represent Glencairn at the GAO Senior Champions of Champions<br />

Event in 2014.<br />

Men's Member-Guest<br />

Date: Friday, July 19<br />

Additional information:<br />

Registration: 7:30 a.m.<br />

Golf: 9 a.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: 27 holes<br />

On Speyside, the format will be alternate shot. Both players hit tee shots and take the best drive; the player who did not hit<br />

the tee shot plays the second. The shots are alternated until the ball is holed. One score is recorded on the hole. Handicapping<br />

will follow the format outlined by Golf Canada.<br />

On Leithfield, the format is scramble. Each player plays a tee shot. The team chooses the preferred shot and they both<br />

play the second shot from that location. This is repeated until the ball is holed. Handicapping will use 35 per cent of the low<br />

handicap and 15 per cent of the high handicap for nine holes.<br />

On Scotch Block, the format is best-ball. Each player plays their own ball and the best score for each hole is counted.<br />

Handicapping will follow the format outlined by Golf Canada using 80 per cent of handicaps. The holes that players will receive<br />

strokes on are dotted on the scorecard.<br />

NEW THIS YEAR: Playoff format starts immediately following the 27 holes.<br />

There are four different ways teams will qualify for the playoff. Team score for 27 holes; team score for nine-hole scramble;<br />

team score for nine-hole better ball and team score for nine-hole modified alternate shot.<br />

Qualifying for the playoff<br />

Lowest Overall Score – Bye to final playoff hole<br />

Second and Third Lowest Overall Score – Bye to second playoff hole<br />

Lowest and Second Lowest score in each format (team scramble, team better ball, team modified alternate shot) – Start<br />

on the first play-off hole * Ties will be decided by using the team 27-hole score.<br />

The playoff will be a three-hole true alternate-shot format. Nine teams in total will qualify for the playoff. A player’s handi-<br />


cap will determine which tee deck they play from.<br />

Handicapping for play-off tees<br />

Gold tee: 0 to 5 handicap<br />

Blue tee: 6 to 14 handicap<br />

White tee: 15 handicap and above<br />

The first playoff hole will include the six teams that qualified via team scramble, team better ball and team alternate shot.<br />

On the first playoff hole, the four teams with the highest score will be eliminated. The second playoff hole will include<br />

the two remaining teams from the first playoff hole as well as the second and third lowest 27-hole scores. On the second<br />

playoff hole, the two teams with the highest score will be eliminated. The final playoff hole will include the two remaining<br />

teams from the second playoff hole as well as the team with the lowest 27-hole score. The winner will be the team with the<br />

lowest score on the final playoff hole. All ties will be decided using a putt-off where both players on each team will attempt<br />

to be the closest to the hole.<br />

All competitors must have a valid handicap. A maximum handicap factor of 36.4 will be allowed as per Golf Canada.<br />

Entry Fee - $535 per team (includes guest fees, carts, registration gift, full breakfast, lunch, dinner, wine, complimentary<br />

on-course drinks and appetizers and prizes)<br />

Registration Online: July 1<br />

Sign-up details: Competitors from 2012 have until June 1 to confirm their spot. After June 1, entries will be available to the<br />

rest of the membership on the waiting list. We will be playing in foursomes this year. There will be a maximum of 94 team<br />

spots available in the competition. Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

The winners of this event will represent Glencairn at the Nike Men’s Member-Guest Championship presented by ScotiaMcLeod.<br />

Ladies' Member-Guest<br />

Date: Thursday, July 25<br />

Additional information:<br />

Registration and lunch: 10:30 a.m.<br />

Golf: 1 p.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Two-ball net best-ball<br />

Entry Fee - $310 per team, includes guest fee, cart, registration gift, lunch, dinner, prizing and on-course offerings.<br />

Registration Online: Thursday, July 1<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: A maximum handicap factor of 40.4 will be allowed as per Golf Canada. Eighty per cent of handicap<br />

will be used for this event. There is a maximum of net triple bogey on each hole. There will be lots of on-course competitions,<br />

refreshments and appetizers.<br />

The winners of this event will represent Glencairn at the ScotiaMcLeod Ladies' Member-Guest presented by Nike Golf.<br />

Club Chamionship<br />

Date: Aug. 3, 4, 5<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 7:30 a.m. tee times<br />

Format: Gross and net stroke play<br />

The Club Championship is a flighted event. The event is three rounds over three days. Tee times will be based on flights<br />


and will alternate from Round 1 to Round 2. No exceptions. Half of each men’s flight will be cut after Round 2. Ladies and<br />

juniors will not have a cut. Ladies’ B flight will only play Sunday and Monday and will use the Stableford scoring system.<br />

Juniors will only play on Sunday and Monday. All competitors must have a valid handicap.<br />

Men’s Championship Flight – 4.9 and under (Gold tees)<br />

Men’s A Flight – 5.0-7.9 (Blue tees)<br />

Men’s B Flight – 8.0-10.9 (Blue – White tees)<br />

Men’s C Flight – 11.0-14.9 (White tees)<br />

Men’s D Flight – 15.0 and up (White tees)<br />

Ladies’ Championship Flight – 14.9 and under (Red tees)<br />

Ladies’ A Flight – 15.0-19.9 (Red tees)<br />

Ladies’ B Flight – 20.0 and up (Red tees) Sunday and Monday<br />

Junior Boys – (White tees) Sunday and Monday<br />

Junior Girls – (Red tees) Sunday and Monday<br />

Cost: $30 per player, includes prizes and BBQ lunch on Monday, Aug. 5.<br />

Registration Online: July 29<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Caddies are permitted. All players have the ability to declare one flight above five days in advance.<br />

Players must be 18 years or older to compete in the men’s or ladies’ Club Championships. Men’s and ladies’ champions<br />

will represent Glencairn at the GAO Champions of Champions event in 2014. The top four competitors from the<br />

men’s championship flight will represent Glencairn at the 2013 GAO George S. Lyon Team Championship.<br />

First and second place in the Men’s and Ladies' Championship Flights will represent Glencairn at the ClubLink Tournament<br />

of Champions Event sponsored by Bell in 2014.<br />

Nine and Dine<br />

Date: Friday, Aug. 9<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 5 p.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Killer Scramble<br />

Cost: $10 includes cart fee and prizes. Guest fee $30<br />

Dinner: $36.50++<br />

Registration Online: Aug. 5<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Refreshments and dinner to follow in the Courtyard.<br />

Ribfest<br />

Date: Friday, Aug. 23<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 7 p.m.<br />

Format: Dinner and live entertainment<br />

Cost: $42.95++ per person<br />

Sign-up details: Tickets on sale June 1. For reservations, contact 905-876-3666 ext. 2534<br />

Additional information: Prices subject to applicable taxes and service charges.<br />


Nine and Dine<br />

Date: Friday, Sept. 13<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 5 p.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: Shamble<br />

Cost: $10 includes cart fee and prizes Guest fee $30<br />

Dinner: $36.50++<br />

Registration Online: Sept. 9<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Refreshments, live entertainment and dinner to follow in the Courtyard.<br />

Auld Country Classic<br />

Date: Saturday, Sept. 14<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 9:30 a.m. Shotgun<br />

Format: 27 holes. Men’s and ladies’ divisions<br />

On Speyside, the format will be alternate shot. Both players hit tee shots and take the best drive; the player who did not hit<br />

the tee shot plays the second. The shots are alternated until the ball is holed. One score is recorded on the hole.<br />

On Scotch Block, the format is scramble. Each player plays a tee shot. The team chooses the preferred shot and they both<br />

play the second shot from that location. This is repeated until the ball is holed.<br />

On Leithfield, the format is best-ball. Each player plays their own ball and the best score for each hole is counted. The<br />

holes that players will receive strokes on are dotted on the scorecard.<br />

Men play from the blue tees, ladies from the red tees<br />

Cost: $30 per person, includes lunch and prizes<br />

Registration Online: Sept. 9<br />

Sign-up details: Login to the <strong>Members</strong> Only section and find this event in the Member calendar to sign up. http://glencairn.clublink.ca.<br />

For further information, please contact the golf shop.<br />

Additional information: Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> only<br />

Gryphon Cup<br />

Date: Oct. 4, 5, 6<br />

Additional information:<br />

Qualification:<br />

Players qualify for the Gryphon Cup throughout the 2013 by accumulating points. Points are earned two ways:<br />

Participating in events and placement in events<br />

Points will be taken after the Generation Cup #2.<br />

Registration:<br />

There is no formal registration for this event. All Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> who participate in Member events are eligible.<br />


Closing Ladies' Day<br />

Date: Thursday, Oct. 3<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 1 p.m.<br />

Format: Five-Person Pro Scramble<br />

Prizing: Year-end prizing is awarded<br />

Dinner: $30++ Mandatory<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: Year-end prizing will be awarded along with Ringer Board and Birdie Tree. A gift will be given out<br />

to those ladies who participated in 12 or more Ladies’ Days throughout the year. Glencairn <strong>Members</strong> only for Closing Night<br />

Closing Men's Night<br />

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 16<br />

Additional information:<br />

Complimentary Lunch: 11 a.m.<br />

Golf: Noon<br />

Format: Four-ball two net best ball<br />

Entry Fee: $20 cash<br />

Dinner: $28.95++ Mandatory<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional information: A gift will be given to those men who participated in 14 or more Men’s Nights throughout the<br />

year. The elimination draw, which will take place after golf, will include three trips to the ClubLink International Pro-Am in<br />

Florida, and the year-end prizing will awarded after golf.<br />

Christmas Dinner and dance<br />

Date: TBD<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: 7 p.m. reception, 7:30 p.m. dinner<br />

Format: Live entertainment and festively decorated<br />

Cost: Dinner buffet $48.95 per person<br />

Sign-up details: For reservations, contact 905-876-3666 ext. 2534<br />

Additional information: Prices subject to applicable taxes and service charges.<br />

Christmas Brunch with Santa<br />

Date: Sunday, Dec. 8<br />

Additional information:<br />

Time: Various seatings from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.<br />

Format: Scrumptious buffet with seasonal favourites<br />

Cost: Adult $39.95, children six to 14 $14.95, children five and under free<br />

Sign-up details: For reservations, contact 905-876-3666 ext. 2534<br />

Additional information: Prices subject to applicable taxes and service charges.<br />


Tournament Policies<br />

Players can choose to play the blue, blue/white, or white tees without approval. This option will be available for all Member<br />

events that are handicapped, as well as Men's Night and Ladies' Days.<br />

However, strokes will be deducted from your handicap from the tee you choose to play. If you play blue tees, no strokes<br />

will be deducted. If you play blue/white tees one stroke will be deducted. If you play the white tees, two strokes will be<br />

deducted.<br />

This is in accordance with Golf Canada guidelines in Section 9-3c of the handicap manual.<br />

All scorecards must be signed and attested. Submitting an incorrect scorecard will result in disqualification.<br />

All events will take place rain or shine. No exceptions will be made unless the golf course is closed.<br />

All rounds played in competition must adhere to the Golf Canada Rules of Golf.<br />

Each player must carry no more than 14 clubs. All clubs must conform to Golf Canada guidelines.<br />

In stroke-play competition, every ball must be holed out, (i.e., no mulligans or gimmies).<br />

If any decision is unclear on the golf course, play two balls and the rules committee will judge accordingly. (The two-ball<br />

rule does not apply for match-play competition).<br />

The Golf Canada Rules of Golf will govern all play. The Handicap and/or Captains <strong>Committee</strong> shall have the final decision<br />

on all claims and disputes. The competition is deemed to have closed when the trophy has been presented to the winner<br />

or, in the absence of a prize ceremony, when all scores have been approved by a member of the professional staff.<br />

Tournament entries must be received a minimum of 72 hours prior to the event.<br />

Handicap factors are frozen as of 72 hours prior to any event.<br />

Guests playing in any event must provide a valid Golf Canada handicap factor at least five days prior to the event or they<br />

must play off a zero course handicap.<br />


Gross Competition – Sudden-death format will be used for all gross competitions. Players will return to the 18th hole for<br />

the playoff. If still tied, players will proceed to the first hole and continue play until a winner is declared.<br />

Net Competition – The aggregate playoff format will be used to decide the winner if there is a tie for first place only. Players<br />

will return to the first hole and play three holes. The player with the lowest total net score for those three holes will be the<br />

winner. If still tied after three holes, extra holes using the sudden-death format will be used, continuing from the last hole<br />

played.<br />

Match Play – All match play will follow this playoff format (net or gross). Players will continue their match after the 18th<br />

hole to the first hole and play sudden-death until a winner is declared. If a match is played during a shotgun, the playoff will<br />

commence on the next hole, (e.g., if you start the match on the fourth hole and finish on the third, the playoff will<br />

commence on the fourth hole and proceed on successive holes, if needed, until a winner is declared.) All handicap strokes<br />

will be used, matching the original 18 holes.<br />

Darkness - If either player decides it is too dark to continue the match, the next hole in sequence will be a shoot-out from<br />

150 yards, closest to the pin for men, and 120 yards closest to the pin for ladies. Alternatively, both players can agree to<br />

reschedule the match as long as they can finish it before the deadline.<br />


Junior Programs<br />

Junior Day<br />

Begins: Sunday, May 26<br />

Time: 2 p.m. registration and instruction. 3 p.m. golf<br />

Cost: $5 per junior Member<br />

Format: Net Stableford quota points<br />

Lunch: A junior lunch special will be available in the pub following each round. The cost will be $9.99. Please let us know if<br />

you will be staying for lunch at check-in.<br />

Guests: One junior guest per Member is welcome each day. Junior guest fees have been reduced from our regular junior<br />

rate to $30.<br />


Ages: Five to14 Cost: $225<br />

Instructional stations include introduction to rules, etiquette and conduct, golf fundamentals, full swing, short game and<br />

putting.<br />

Four-Day Sessions 9 a.m.-noon<br />

Session 1: July 8-11 Session 2: July 15-18<br />

Session 3: Aug. 5-8 Session 4: Aug. 12-15<br />

For more information on all our junior programs and camps, please contact Richard Stark at 905-876-3666 ext. 2540.<br />


A Family Twilight membership provides spouses and children under 15 of principal <strong>Members</strong> access to Glencairn or any<br />

ClubLink academy course one hour after the start of twilight time. Family Twilight <strong>Members</strong> are able to book tee times,<br />

receive membership cards, and charging privileges.<br />

At Glencairn we are taking this new program a step further. We are introducing a FREE FAMILY NIGHT!<br />

FAMILY NIGHT will run every Sunday the first hour after twilight and includes a complimentary instructional clinic each<br />

night prior to golf! Perfect for beginners looking to learn more about the game and have fun in the process.<br />

Date: Begins Sunday, May 26<br />

Time: May 26, 2 p.m. Every subsequent Sunday, the first hour after twilight<br />

Format: None! This is a night to have fun with the family<br />

Cost: FREE!<br />

Guests: Guests are welcome! Under 15: $30 Over 18: $45<br />

Sign-up details: Contact the golf shop at 905-876-3666 or email glpro@clublink.ca<br />

Additional: Refreshments and dinner to follow golf<br />


Game Improvement<br />

2013 LESSON RATES<br />


(45 minute)<br />

Single<br />

45 min.<br />

Series<br />

of 3<br />

Series<br />

of 5<br />

One 30 min.<br />

playing lesson<br />

Comprehensive<br />

Package<br />

(five 30 min. lessons +<br />

one 30 min. playing lesson)<br />

Seasonal<br />

Coaching<br />

(15 30 min. lessons)<br />

Director of Golf, Director of<br />

Instruction or Teaching<br />

Professional<br />

$85 $215 $320 $275 $500 $1000<br />

Associate Professional<br />

$75<br />

$180<br />

$285<br />

$250<br />

$475<br />

$950<br />

Assistant Professional<br />

$65<br />

$140<br />

$215<br />

$220<br />

$400<br />

$900<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

2 Students 45 min.<br />

$/person<br />

3 students 1 hr 30 min.<br />

$/person<br />

4 students 1 hr 30 min.<br />

$/person<br />


Director of Golf, Director of Instruction or Teaching<br />

Professional<br />

Associate Professional<br />

Assistant Professional<br />

Single $80 Single $70 Single<br />

Series of 3 $180 Series of 3 $165 Series of 3<br />

$65<br />

$165<br />

Series of 5 $255 Series of 5 $230 Series of 5 $225<br />

Single $65 Single $60 Single<br />

$55<br />

Series of 3 $150 Series of 3 $130 Series of 3 $130<br />

Series of 5 $220 Series of 5 $205 Series of 5 $200<br />

Single $60 Single $55 Single<br />

$50<br />

Series of 3 $120 Series of 3 $115 Series of 3 $100<br />

Series of 5 $180 Series of 5 $170 Series of 5 $165<br />

PRIVATE GROUP CLINICS* (5 or more persons) – 5 one-hour clinics<br />

Director of Golf, Director of Instruction or Teaching Professional<br />

Associate Professional<br />

Assistant Professional<br />

$210 per person<br />

$185 per person<br />

$165 per person<br />

HST will be added to all prices. For customized coaching packages, see your golf professional staff.<br />


Craig Cupido – 905-876-3666 ext. 2537<br />

James Hill – 905-876-3666 ext. 2523<br />

Richard Stark – 905-876-3666 ext. 2542<br />

Brandon Furness – 905-876-3666 ext. 2539<br />


Course Care and Etiquette<br />

Enjoying the game of golf is a shared experience. It is important to respect your fellow <strong>Members</strong> and the course by<br />

always doing the following:<br />

• Please replace all divots with the displaced turf when possible; otherwise fill with sand and seed that is<br />

provided on carts and par-3 tee decks<br />

• Rake bunkers thoroughly<br />

• Play “ready golf.” Know when it is your turn and be prepared to hit your shot.<br />

• Adhere to daily cart rules and the guidelines given to you at the first tee by the starter.<br />

• Be aware of the time par for our course and communicate pace of play expectations to your guests.<br />

• Fix ball marks correctly<br />

• Do not drive carts in fescue and avoid areas that have been roped or staked<br />

• Carts must be FULLY on path near all tees and greens<br />


As you leave the tee on the cart path on all par-4 and par-5 holes (par 3s are always cart path only), you will notice<br />

an entry post beside the path. As soon as you have passed the entry post, please enter the fairway immediately and<br />

remain on it until you see the exit post close to the green. Please exit the fairway as close to the exit post as possible<br />

(not closer to the green) and return directly to the cart path. Both entry and exit posts will be moved on a daily basis<br />

so the cart traffic patterns can be monitored and resulting wear patterns minimized.<br />

All <strong>Members</strong> and guests will be reminded of the Cart Traffic Control Post Program by the starter and it will be<br />

monitored by course staff, including player assistants. <strong>Your</strong> cooperation is anticipated and appreciated.<br />


Club Rules and Member Information<br />

All ClubLink policies are explained fully in the <strong>Members</strong> Only section of your Club web site.<br />

The following is for general reference only.<br />


<strong>Members</strong> and guests are strictly prohibited from bringing their own alcohol onto a ClubLink property in accordance<br />

with all applicable liquor licensing regulations. ClubLink’s Responsible Alcohol Service policy is posted at each<br />

alcohol service location and available for review. All alcohol service staff are fully trained in the proper alcohol<br />

service techniques and are supported by management while doing so. Any violation of these policies may result in<br />

suspension or termination of membership.<br />


Cell phones are permitted on ClubLink courses and in clubhouses. <strong>Members</strong> and guests are encouraged to exercise<br />

discretion of use such that golfing/dining experiences are not diminished for other <strong>Members</strong> and guests.<br />

CHECK-IN<br />

<strong>Members</strong> must check in at the golf shop prior to using the golf amenities at any ClubLink Club, and must carry<br />

their membership card with them at all times. <strong>Members</strong> must present their membership card when making any<br />

purchases on their ClubLink account.<br />


Appropriate golf attire must be worn at all times, both on the golf course and in the clubhouse.<br />

Appropriate golf course attire includes collared golf shirts, turtlenecks, or mock-neck shirts and golf slacks or golf<br />

shorts. Shirts must be tucked in at all times unless the style of the shirt dictates otherwise. Caps can be worn with the<br />

peak forward. Golf shoes or any athletic shoes without spikes are required while on the golf course.<br />

Inappropriate golf course attire includes jeans of any kind, gym shorts, track or sweat suits, beach wear, ripped or<br />

frayed clothing of any kind, shoes with metal cleats or spikes.<br />

Jeans may be worn in the clubhouse, provided they are not ripped or frayed. If you are unsure about your attire,<br />

feel free to speak to a manager at the club for further direction.<br />

If you are unsure about your attire, feel free to speak to a manager at the Club for further direction.<br />


The purpose of the Golf Canada handicap system is to make the game of golf more enjoyable by enabling players<br />

of differing abilities to compete on an equitable basis. The system provides a fair Golf Canada course handicap<br />

for each player, regardless of ability, and adjusts a player’s Golf Canada handicap factor up or down as the<br />

player’s game changes. At the same time, the system disregards high scores that bear little relation to the player’s<br />

potential ability and promotes continuity by making a Golf Canada handicap factor continuous from one playing<br />

season or year to the next. A Golf Canada handicap factor is useful for all forms of play.<br />

Every golf club that issues Golf Canada handicap factors to its members must appoint a Handicap <strong>Committee</strong>.<br />

The committee is responsible for ensuring that Club <strong>Members</strong> who enter handicapped events have complied with<br />

the Golf Canada handicap system. <strong>Your</strong> handicap factor is the number, to one decimal point, beside your name in<br />

the handicap computer in the golf shop. Handicap factors are used to ensure, as close as possible, a level playing<br />

field for all entrants in handicapped events. (Most Member events use the handicapping system).<br />


To ensure that your factor accurately reflects the quality of your play, you must enter ALL the scores you make<br />

during the active golf season into the handicap computer. (Scores can also be entered online at www.golfcanada.<br />

ca) In the Ontario/Quebec Region, the active season extends from April 15 to Oct. 31. Rounds played out of<br />

season in Ontario are not to be posted. If you play outside of the Ontario handicap season where golf is in season<br />

(e.g., our Florida Region), the scores for those rounds must also be posted. Please visit www.rcganetwork.org for<br />

more information on posting out-of-country scores.)<br />

It is important that you enter your scores on a timely basis, ideally immediately after each round, but no later than<br />

six days after completing a round.<br />

You must enter scores for partial rounds as well as complete rounds. If you play more than six holes but fewer<br />

than 13 holes during a round, a nine-hole score should be posted. If you play 13 or more holes, an 18-hole score<br />

should be posted. A procedure exists for “completing” partial rounds. If you do not know the procedure, contact<br />

one of the committee members or the staff in the golf shop.<br />

There is a new Equitable Stroke Control system in Canada, starting in 2012. See the end of this section for an<br />

outline of changes. Please ask your golf shop staff for details or visit www.golfcanada.ca.<br />

A number of Club events qualify as tournaments. Scores for these events are posted separately from regular<br />

scores. If in doubt about the status of an event or of how to post these scores, check with either a committee<br />

member or the golf shop.<br />

The Handicap <strong>Committee</strong> will meet regularly to review the scores you have posted. <strong>Your</strong> scores in handicapped<br />

events will be compared to your scores in regular play. A check may be made to see that you have entered a<br />

score for all the days on which your name appears on the tee sheets for all ClubLink courses. If discrepancies are<br />

noticed during our review, you will be contacted by the committee for a review of your handicap factor.<br />

If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the handicap chairman or the director of<br />

operations.<br />


If Home Club <strong>Members</strong> wish to entertain Non-Home Club <strong>Members</strong> in Home Club designated tee times on<br />

Saturday, Sunday and holiday mornings prior to 11 a.m., a 1:1 ratio of Home Club <strong>Members</strong> to Non-Home Club<br />

<strong>Members</strong> is required. In the event a Home Club Member wishes to entertain additional Associate Club <strong>Members</strong><br />

in an applicable Home Club designated time, a ‘non-compliance fee’ of $60 will be charged to the Member making<br />

the reservation.<br />


Our time par is listed on our scorecards for your reference. The role of our play coordinators is to ensure a proper<br />

pace of play, which results in a more enjoyable experience for all golfers. Please respect their role and cooperate<br />

with their efforts to ensure an enjoyable golf experience for all.<br />


Always check in with the golf shop prior to using the practice facilities. Please obey posted signage and stay within<br />

the space allocated and only hit in the direction of the targets provided.<br />


By golfing from tees not suited to their driving distance, many amateur golfers end up playing yardages that,<br />

if compared proportionately, would intimidate the best players in the world. If you’re an average male midhandicapper<br />

playing from 6,700 yards, that’s like a PGA Tour pro playing from 8,100 yards!<br />


The TEE IT FORWARD initiative is aimed at helping golfers have the best possible experience on the golf course<br />

by playing from the set of tees best suited to their abilities, determined by their average driving distance. Initiated<br />

by the USGA, PGA of America, Golf Canada and the PGA of Canada, TEE IT FORWARD is endorsed by ClubLink<br />

because of its many benefits:<br />

• Faster rounds, improved pace of play<br />

• Experiencing the course at the same relative proportions a PGA Tour or LPGA player would<br />

• Using mid-irons for approach shots instead of hybrids and long irons<br />

• Better and more realistic scoring<br />

• Fewer lost balls, less time spent looking for them<br />

• Fewer shots, less frustration<br />

• Overall increased enjoyment of the game<br />

The following are TEE IT FORWARD guidelines for selecting tees based on a golfer’s average driving distance:<br />

Driver Distance<br />

Recommended Yardages<br />

275 yards 6,700 - 6,900 yards<br />

250 yards 6,200 - 6,400 yards<br />

225 yards 5,800 - 6,000 yards<br />

200 yards 5,200 - 5,400 yards<br />

175 yards 4,400 - 4,600 yards<br />

150 yards 3,500 - 3,700 yards<br />

125 yards 2,800 - 3,000 yards<br />

100 yards 2,100 - 2,300 yards<br />

For more information on why you should TEE IT FORWARD, ask in your golf shop.<br />


Non-weather related tee-time cancellations are required no less than 24 hours prior to play. To cancel a player or<br />

an entire tee time, <strong>Members</strong> may contact LinkLine or the golf shop directly. In the event the cancellation policy has<br />

not been adhered to, a $60 “no show” fee will be charged to the Member who made the reservation.<br />


Silver <strong>Members</strong> have access to Silver, Gold and Core Daily Fee* Clubs without a reciprocal fee and subject to<br />

availability. Silver Club <strong>Members</strong> have reciprocal access to Platinum Member Clubs for a reciprocal fee of $55 and<br />

Prestige Member Clubs for a reciprocal fee of $80. In the event a Silver Member introduces three paying guests<br />

at one time, the reciprocal fee is waived when playing at Prestige and Platinum Member Clubs. The reciprocal fee<br />

is also waived at Platinum Member Clubs if the Silver Member’s Club is closed the entire day for a non-Member,<br />

full-shotgun event.<br />

Gold <strong>Members</strong> have access to Platinum, Gold, Silver and Core Daily Fee* Clubs without a reciprocal fee and<br />

subject to availability. Gold Club <strong>Members</strong> have reciprocal access to Prestige Member Clubs for a reciprocal<br />

fee of $80. In the event a Gold Member introduces three paying guests at one time, the reciprocal fee is waived<br />

when playing at Prestige Member Clubs. The reciprocal fee is also waived at Prestige Member Clubs if the Gold<br />

Member’s Club is closed for the entire day for a non-Member, full-shotgun event.<br />

Prestige and Platinum <strong>Members</strong> have access to Prestige, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Daily Fee* Clubs, without a<br />

reciprocal fee and subject to availability.<br />

*Excluding Glen Abbey<br />



What Scores Do I Post<br />

If 13 or more holes have been played, you must<br />

enter an 18 hole score. If 7 to 12 holes have<br />

been played, you must enter a 9 hole score. In<br />

either case, any holes not played during your<br />

round shall be scored as the par of the hole plus<br />

any handicap strokes you are entitled to receive<br />

on the unplayed holes.<br />

Tournament Score<br />

Should the score you are entering be designated<br />

as a tournament score A tournament score is a<br />

score made in a competition organized and<br />

conducted by a committee. The committee in<br />

charge shall determine and announce in<br />

advance whether a score posted from the<br />

competition shall be posted as a tournament<br />

score.<br />

Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)<br />

Incomplete or Conceded Holes<br />

If you did not complete a hole or were conceded a<br />

stroke(s) on a hole, you must record your most likely<br />

score for that hole. The most likely score consists of<br />

the number of strokes already taken plus, in your best<br />

judgment, the number of strokes that you would need<br />

to hole out from that position more than half the time.<br />

There is no limit to the number of unfinished holes you<br />

may have in a round. This concept allows for you to<br />

post scores made in Match Play where conceded<br />

strokes are common.<br />

9 Hole Rounds<br />

9 hole scores must be posted. A 9 hole score will be<br />

combined with another 9 hole score that is not older<br />

than the oldest 18 hole score in your scoring record. If<br />

there is not another 9 hole score in your scoring<br />

record, your 9 hole score will remain in waiting for<br />

combination with your next 9 hole score.<br />

Have you adjusted your gross score using Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) ESC is the downward adjustment of<br />

individual hole scores for handicap purposes in order to make Handicap Factors more representative of a<br />

player’s potential scoring ability. ESC sets a maximum number that you can post on any hole depending on<br />

your Course Handicap. There is no limit to the number of holes on which you may adjust your score.<br />

Course Handicap<br />

9 or less Course Handicap<br />

10-19 Course Handicap<br />

20-29 Course Handicap<br />

30-39 Course Handicap<br />

40 & over Course Handicap<br />

Max on any Hole<br />

Max of 2 over par<br />

Max score of 7<br />

Max score of 8<br />

Max score of 9<br />

Max score of 10<br />

For more information, consult the Golf Canada Handicap Manual or<br />

contact your provincial golf association or Golf Canada at (800) 263.0009.<br />

Did you know... you can post your scores online, read<br />

the latest golf news and access member's only offers at<br />

the #1 Canadian golf web site:<br />

golfcanada.ca<br />

Love the game. Grow the game.<br />


Weddings and Banquets<br />

Warm hospitality and an outstanding facility<br />

combine to make your Club the perfect choice for<br />

a memorable day. Our beautiful grounds provide a<br />

stunning backdrop for your wedding photos. We offer<br />

a unique all-inclusive menu as well as the ClubLink<br />

a-la-carte menu to meet all your wedding needs.<br />


Whether it is a corporate meeting, your child’s communion, bar or bat mitzvahs or your special anniversary, we<br />

provide the perfect atmosphere for your event. Allow us to customize your menu and room layout to ensure your<br />

special day unfolds just as you imagined. We take pride in providing attentive friendly service and high attention to<br />

detail. We also offer fully catered events for any size of function.<br />

Please speak to your food and beverage manager to learn more about how we assist you in planning your special<br />

day and give us the pleasure of hosting your event.<br />


ClubLink Member Benefits<br />

As a ClubLink Member you are entitled to a long list of benefits and amenities not available through a traditional<br />

golf club membership, including:<br />

• Reciprocal access to all Member Clubs<br />

• Preferred tee times at your Home Club<br />

• No assessment fees<br />

• Guests are welcome<br />

• Interest-free financing of membership fees<br />

• Access to more than 230 golf courses, business and athletic clubs worldwide through our ClubCorp affiliation<br />

• Discounts of up to 35 per cent off soft goods and 20 per cent off hard goods at ClubLink golf shops<br />

• Intra- and inter-club leagues and competitions, tournaments, pro-ams and other special events<br />

• Organized trips, special offers, and discounts at ClubLink Resorts<br />

• Professionally trained instructors<br />

• Banquets, weddings, meeting room and corporate function discounts<br />


TravelLink is an innovative Member benefit that enhances the ClubLink membership experience through reciprocal<br />

access to Clubs in both our Regions: Ontario/Quebec and Florida.<br />

To learn more about this program visit the TravelLink section of www.clublink.com or email<br />

membershipsales@clublink.ca.<br />


ClubLink offers a full-range of corporate merchandise. Whether you’re looking for clothing, clubs, balls, hats… We<br />

can get it for you and, because of our buying power, we will get you the best price!<br />

Ask in the golf shop for more information.<br />


Check with your local AMJ mover for a special ClubLink offer.<br />


Cleveland Clinic Canada, ClubLink’s official health-care partner, is an outpatient clinic located in the heart of<br />

downtown Toronto. Offering a variety of OHIP and non-OHIP services, Cleveland Clinic Canada helps patients<br />

prevent disease, improve their health and enhance their overall well-being. Whether you need a head-totoe<br />

medical assessment, have a family history of cardiovascular disease or want to improve your physical<br />

performance, Cleveland Clinic Canada can help.<br />

ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> receive a $200 discount on physicals.<br />

For more information, contact John Danson, VP Business Development, at 416-507-6761 or dansonj2@ccf.org.<br />



The Cambridge Group of Clubs is a collection of unique, luxurious health and fitness clubs in North America,<br />

including the Adelaide Club, Cambridge Club, and the Toronto Athletic Club in Toronto, as well as the Club<br />

Sportif MAA in Montreal, Quebec. The Cambridge Group of Clubs also offers members the use of more than 120<br />

reciprocal clubs all over the world, including Canada, United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia.<br />

ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> receive 50 per cent off the initiation fee.<br />

For more information, visit www.cambridgegroupofclubs.com, or contact alarsen@cambridgegroupofclubs.com.<br />


Talk about stay and play! Stay at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Hotel and Convention Center and<br />

receive 25 per cent off Marriott’s prevailing rate. After relaxing in a luxurious room, enjoy a variety of dining<br />

experiences, and take advantage of the fitness centre, pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, biking and jogging trails. Adjacent to<br />

the hotel, play ClubLink’s famous Heron Bay Golf Club, site of six of the PGA Tour’s Honda Classics. For more<br />

information, visit www.marriott.com or call 1-800-311-8018.<br />


Take off in the morning and tee off in the afternoon! ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> receive a 10-per-cent discount off any<br />

published fare WestJet has from any WestJet Gateway in Ontario and Quebec. For more information contact Merit<br />

Travel Group at 1-800-268-5940. Next stop: The first tee!<br />


Just 15 minutes from ClubLink’s Sun City Center courses, The Resort & Club at Little Harbor, a full-service, AAA<br />

Travel Guide three-diamond resort and conference centre surrounded by the waters of Tampa Bay, offers a wide<br />

array of accommodations for individuals, couples, families and group, mouthwatering cuisine, and just about every<br />

beach and water-sport activity imaginable. ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> receive 30 per cent off the published rate by unit<br />

type or the best rate available, guaranteed.<br />

For more information, visit www.staylittleharbor.com or call 1-813-645-3291.<br />


SCOREGolf offers golfers the best news coverage and informational resources to enhance the game of golf.<br />

ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> in our Ontario/Quebec Region receive a complimentary subscription.<br />


Along with professional advice and personalized service, Member Value Pricing ensures that you receive<br />

tremendous value on golf products in ClubLink golf shops.<br />

“<strong>Members</strong> Only” pricing allows ClubLink to be more than competitive with off-course outlets and discount stores.<br />

All merchandise in ClubLink shops will have a regular retail price displayed; the applicable discount is applied to<br />

this price for ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> only.<br />

As a ClubLink Member, you receive the following MVP discounts:<br />

35 per cent off soft goods (i.e., shirts, sweaters, pants, outerwear, and other clothing)<br />

20 per cent off hard goods (i.e., shoes, headwear, and accessories)<br />

Best market price on golf equipment: We guarantee the lowest price on all current and in-line golf equipment.<br />

If you should ever find the same product for less, we will match or better that price.<br />



ClubCorp is comprised of a collection of private golf and country clubs, business clubs, sports clubs and alumni<br />

clubs worldwide. ClubCorp’s nationally recognized properties include Firestone Country Club in Ohio, Mission<br />

Hills Country Club in California, Capital Club in Beijing, and Metropolitan Club in Chicago.<br />

ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> may enroll in ClubCorp’s Signature Gold Unlimited or Signature Gold Dining program anytime.<br />

Signature Gold Unlimited provides complimentary benefits, special services and one-of-a-kind experiences as<br />

you travel. Benefits include complimentary green fees at more than 200 country clubs across the United States;<br />

complimentary cuisine at private business clubs; complimentary TaylorMade loaner clubs at U.S. ClubCorp clubs;<br />

30-day advance tee-time reservations; access to the best tickets (sports events, concerts, theatre, Las Vegas<br />

shows), and much more! Signature Gold Unlimited annual fee for 2012: $895.<br />

Signature Gold Dining provides complimentary dining privileges at more than 65 business clubs. Benefits also<br />

include preferred hotel accommodations; 10 per cent off the best available room rates or packages at resorts;<br />

tennis and athletic access at participating clubs; 20 per cent off golf shop apparel merchandise, and much more!<br />

Signature Gold Dining annual fee of $560.<br />

For more information, contact a ClubLink membership consultant at 1-800-661-1818. Please note these prices are<br />

for first-time enrollees only.<br />


We may not be able to guarantee you a hole-In-one…but we’ll insure it! All ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> and guests who<br />

score a hole in one on a ClubLink golf course will receive a plaque to commemorate their accomplishment. In<br />

addition, golfers and non-golfing ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> who are in the clubhouse (up to three guests only) during<br />

the one-hour period following the completion of the round played by the Member or Member’s guest who scored<br />

the hole in one are entitled to one complimentary celebratory beverage. Beverages limited to non-alcoholic,<br />

beer, house wine, and bar stock (house) mixed drinks. This is a cost of $7.50 to each Member per year, and<br />

automatically appears on every Member’s annual dues statement.<br />


TaylorMade Performance Labs are able to provide golfers with “Golf’s Ultimate Fitting Experience” utilizing the<br />

same revolutionary advancements in motion capture technology. The custom-fitting experience is conducted in a<br />

friendly, relaxed atmosphere and includes driver, fairway woods, hybrids, irons, wedges, and putter. It is beneficial<br />

to men, women, and junior golfers of all ages and skill levels.<br />

<strong>Members</strong> receive a 20-per-cent discount on fittings at the TaylorMade Performance Lab, at Glen Abbey Golf Club<br />

(Oakville, Ont.). To book appointments, call 1-800-668-9883 ext. 4 or visit www.taylormadematt.ca.<br />


ClubLink <strong>Members</strong> enjoy the benefit of hosting a banquet, wedding or corporate meeting without the added cost<br />

of a room rental fee. A standard room set-up fee and minimum food and beverage expenditure may be applicable<br />

based on your requirements and is determined at the individual Clubs. To book your event, please contact your<br />

Club’s catering representative or call 877-622-4196.<br />


Our Partners<br />


ClubLink Directory<br />

ClubLink Corporate Office (Canada and U.S.)<br />

15765 Dufferin Street, King City, Ontario L7B 1K5<br />

1-800-661-1818 | www.clublink.com<br />


Blue Springs Golf Club<br />

R.R#1, 13448 Dublin Line<br />

Acton, ON L7J 2L7<br />

Tel: (519) 853-0904<br />

Fax: (519) 853-1404<br />

Golf Shop: (519) 853-4434<br />

Caledon Woods Golf Club<br />

15608 Regional Road 50<br />

Bolton, ON L7E 3E5<br />

Tel: (905) 880-1400<br />

Fax: (905) 880-2498<br />

Cherry Downs<br />

Golf and Country Club<br />

2110 Concession #7<br />

Pickering, ON L1Y 1A2<br />

Tel: (905) 649-5991<br />

Fax: (905) 649-1682<br />

Golf Shop: (905) 649-5990<br />

The Country Club<br />

20 Lloyd Street<br />

Woodbridge, ON L4L 2B9<br />

Tel: (905) 856-4317<br />

Fax: (905) 856-2577<br />

DiamondBack Golf Club<br />

13300 Leslie St.<br />

Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A2<br />

Tel: (905) 888-9612<br />

Fax: (905) 888-9605<br />

Eagle Creek Golf Club<br />

109 Royal Troon Lane RR#1<br />

Dunrobin, ON K0A 1T0<br />

Tel: (613) 832-3804<br />

Fax: (613) 832-2955<br />

Eagle Ridge Golf Club<br />

R.R.#4, 11742 Tenth Line<br />

Georgetown, ON L7G 4S7<br />

Tel: (905) 877-8468<br />

Fax: (905) 877-0766<br />

Emerald Hills Golf Club<br />

14001 Concession #5<br />

Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5<br />

Tel: (905) 888-1100<br />

Fax: (905 888-1674<br />

Golf Shop: (905) 888-4653<br />

Club de Golf Fontainebleau<br />

1 Boul de Fontainebleau<br />

Blainville, PQ J7B 1L4<br />

Tel: (450) 434-7569<br />

Fax: (450) 434-7761<br />

Glen Abbey Golf Club<br />

1333 Dorval Dr.<br />

Oakville, ON L6M 4G2<br />

Tel: (905) 844-1800<br />

Fax: (905) 844-2035<br />

ClubLink Academy:<br />

(905) 844-1902<br />

Glencairn Golf Club<br />

9807 Regional Road 25<br />

Halton Hills, ON L9T 2X7<br />

Tel: (905) 876-3666<br />

Fax: (905) 876-0496<br />

Glendale Golf and Country Club<br />

401 Mount Albion Road<br />

Hamilton, ON L8K 5T4<br />

Tel: (905)-561-0660<br />

Fax: 9(05)-561-5536<br />

Grandview Golf Club<br />

O’Meara Course<br />

245 Grandview Drive North<br />

Huntsville, ON P1H 1B4<br />

Tel: (705) 788-9978<br />

Fax: (705)788-9166<br />

Inn Course At Grandview<br />

939 Highway #60<br />

Huntsville, ON P1H 1Z4<br />

Tel: (705) 789-4417<br />

Fax: (705)789-2611<br />

Reservations: 1-877-472-6388<br />

Greenhills Golf Club<br />

4838 Colonel Talbot Rd.<br />

London, ON N6P 1H7<br />

Tel: (519) 652-5033<br />

Fax: (519) 652-5035<br />

Golf Dome: (613) 652-8500<br />

GreyHawk Golf Club<br />

4999 Boundary Rd.<br />

Cumberland, ON K4B 1P5<br />

Tel: (613) 822-1454<br />

Fax: (613) 822-3150<br />

Golf Shop: (613) 822-1725<br />

Greystone Golf Club<br />

9689 Dublin Line<br />

Milton, ON L9T 2X7<br />

Tel: (905) 875-3808<br />

Fax: (905) 875-3435<br />

Club de golf Hautes Plaines<br />

75 de la Citadelle Ave.<br />

Hull, PQ J8Z 3L1<br />

Tel: (819) 770-5557<br />

Fax: (819) 770-1138<br />

Heron Point Golf Links<br />

2787 Dunmark Rd.<br />

Alberton, ON L0R 1A0<br />

Tel: (905) 304-0313<br />

Fax: (905) 304-0500<br />

Golf Shop: (905) 304-1414<br />

Highland Gate<br />

21 Golf Links Drive<br />

Aurora, ON L4G 7Y4<br />

Tel: (905)713-6400<br />

Fax: (905) 713-3938<br />

Club de golf Islesmere<br />

1199, Bord de l’Eau,<br />

Sainte-Dorothee<br />

Laval, PQ H7Y 1A9<br />

Tel: (450) 689-4130<br />

Fax: (450) 689-5964<br />

Kanata Golf and Country Club<br />

7000 Campeau Dr.<br />

Kanata, ON K2K 1X5<br />

Tel: (613) 592-9417<br />

Fax: (613) 592-1216<br />

Golf Shop: (613) 592-1631<br />


King’s Riding Golf Club<br />

14700 Bathurst St.<br />

King City, ON L7B 1K5<br />

Tel: (905) 713-6875<br />

Fax: (905) 713-0845<br />

Golf Shop:(905) 713-0479<br />

King Valley Golf Club<br />

15675 Dufferin St.<br />

King City, ON L7B 1K5<br />

Tel: (905) 841-9262<br />

Fax: (905) 841-2773<br />

Golf Shop: (905) 841-5464<br />

Lake Joseph Club<br />

1072 Elgin House Rd.<br />

Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0<br />

Tel: (705) 765-2000<br />

Reservations: 1-800-291-9899<br />

Fax: (705) 765-2032<br />

Club de golf Le Maître<br />

650 Rue Grande Allee<br />

Ville de Mont-Tremblant,<br />

PQ J8E 2L8<br />

Tel: (819) 425-9888<br />

Fax: (819) 425-9889<br />

National Pines Golf Club<br />

8165 10 Sideroad<br />

Innisfil, ON L9S 4T3<br />

Tel: (705) 431-7000<br />

Fax: (705) 436-4188<br />

RattleSnake Point Golf Club<br />

5407 Regional Rd. 25<br />

Milton, ON L9T 2X5<br />

Tel: (905) 878-6222<br />

Fax: (905) 693-1900<br />

Rocky Crest Golf Resort<br />

Rocky Crest Golf Club<br />

Hamer Bay Road, R.R.#1<br />

Mactier, ON P0C 1H0<br />

Tel: (705)375-2240<br />

Fax: (705) 375-2210<br />

Reservations: 1-866-323-3305<br />

Rolling Hills Golf Club<br />

12808 Warden Ave.<br />

Stouffville, L4A 7X5<br />

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 489,<br />

Gormley, ON L0H 1G0<br />

Tel: (905) 888-1955<br />

Fax: (905) 888-9561<br />

Sherwood Inn<br />

1090 Sherwood Road<br />

Glen Orchard, ON P0B 1J0<br />

Mailing Address<br />

P.O. Box 400 Lake Joseph<br />

Tel: (705) 765-3131<br />

Reservations: 1-866-844-2228<br />

Fax: (705) 765-6668<br />

Station Creek Golf Club<br />

12657 Woodbine Ave,<br />

P.O. Box 489<br />

Gormley, ON L0H 1G0<br />

Tel: (905) 888-1219<br />

Fax: (905) 888-0101<br />

The Club at Bond Head<br />

4805 7th Line, P.O. Box 300<br />

Bond Head, ON L0G 1B0<br />

Tel: (905) 778-9411<br />

Fax: (905) 7754854<br />

Club de Golf Val des Lacs<br />

300 des Cedres<br />

Ste. Sophie, PQ J5J 2T<br />

Tel: (450) 476-9001<br />

Fax: (450) 476-9002<br />

Wyndance Golf Club<br />

450 Durham Road 21<br />

R. R. #1 Uxbridge, ON L0C 1A0<br />

Tel: (905) 649-8545<br />

Fax: (905) 649-6400<br />



Caloosa Greens Golf Club<br />

2205 East Webb Drive<br />

Sun City Center, FL 33573<br />

Tel: (813) 633-3958<br />

Club Renaissance<br />

2121 South Pebble Beach Blvd.<br />

Sun City Center, FL 33573<br />

Tel: (813) 633-1015<br />

Fax: (813) 634-9974<br />

Golf Shop: (813) 642-9192<br />

Falcon Watch Golf Club<br />

1000 Kings Blvd.<br />

Sun City Center, FL 33573<br />

Tel: (813) 634-3038<br />

Fax: (813) 633-6695<br />

Heron Bay Golf Club<br />

11801 Heron Bay Blvd.<br />

Coral Springs, FL 33076<br />

Office: (954) 796-2010<br />

Golf Shop: 796-2000<br />

Toll Free: 1-800-511-6616<br />

Fax: 344-6322<br />

Kings Point Golf Club<br />

202 Cambridge Trail<br />

Greater Sun City Center, Fla. 33573<br />

Tel: 813-634-6261<br />

Palm Aire Country Club<br />

2600 Palm-Aire Drive North<br />

Pompano Beach, Fla. 33069<br />

Tel: (954)-975-6225<br />

Sandpiper Golf Club<br />

1702 South Pebble Beach Blvd.<br />

Sun City Center, FL 33573<br />

Tel: (813) 634-3377<br />

Fax: (813) 633-4994<br />

Scepter Golf Club<br />

1226 New Point Loop<br />

Sun City Center, FL 33573<br />

Tel: (813) 634-4393<br />

Fax: (813) 633-6695<br />

Woodlands Country Club<br />

4600 Woodlands Blvd.<br />

Tamarac, Fla. 33319<br />

Tel: (954) 731-2500<br />


Lake Chesdin Golf Club<br />

21801 Lake Chesdin Parkway<br />

Chesterfield, Virginia 23838<br />

Tel: (804) 590-0031<br />

Fax: (804) 590-0035<br />


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