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Keep out of reach of children<br />
Active Ingredients: 120g/litre bromoxynil and 120g/litre ioxynil as the octanoate esters and<br />
360g/litre mecoprop-p as the butoxyethanol ester in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate.<br />
Selective herbicide for broad-spectrum broadleaf weed<br />
control in cereals, ryegrass seedcrops and turf grasses.<br />
Net: 20 Litres<br />
6.1D, 6.4A, 6.5B, 6.8B, 6.9B, 9.1A, 9.2A, 9.3C<br />
This product must be under the control of an approved handler<br />
during use.<br />
This product must not be used for any purpose, or in any<br />
manner, contrary to this label unless authorised under<br />
appropriate legislation.<br />
• Harmful - may be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed<br />
through the skin. May cause eye irritation. May cause<br />
sensitization from prolonged skin contact. May cause liver,<br />
kidney and other target organ damage from repeated oral<br />
exposure at high doses.<br />
• Very toxic to aquatic organisms. Avoid contamination of any<br />
water supply with product or empty container. Very toxic to the<br />
soil environment.<br />
• Beware – apply this product carefully. Spray drift may cause<br />
serious damage to other desirable plants.<br />
• Store in original container tightly closed and in a locked, dry,<br />
cool area away from foodstuffs, seeds and fertilisers. Store in<br />
accordance with NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals.<br />
• Stores containing 100L require secondary containment and<br />
signage, and more than 100L require emergency response<br />
plans.<br />
• Avoid contact with skin and eyes or inhalation of spray mist.<br />
• When handling wear eye protection, waterproof gloves, boots<br />
and overalls. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using. Remove<br />
protective clothing and wash hands and face thoroughly before<br />
meals and after work.<br />
• Apply using well maintained and accurately calibrated<br />
equipment.<br />
• Cleaning – flush spray equipment thoroughly with clean water<br />
after use. If equipment used to apply <strong>Image</strong> is to be used to<br />
apply other chemicals to sensitive crops, it must be thoroughly<br />
decontaminated using procedures recommended for phenoxy<br />
herbicides.<br />
• Triple rinse empty container and add rinsate to the spray tank.<br />
Recycle empty container. Otherwise crush and bury in a<br />
suitable landfill.<br />
• Dispose of product only by using according to the label or at an<br />
approved landfill.<br />
First Aid:<br />
If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. For advice contact the<br />
National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON (0800 764 766) or a doctor<br />
immediately. If splashed on skin remove contaminated clothing<br />
and wash affected skin with plenty of water. DO NOT SCRUB THE<br />
SKIN. If splashed in eyes flush with running water for 15 minutes<br />
and call a doctor.<br />
Weeds<br />
Black nightshade, catchfly, chamomiles, charlock, chickweed, cornbind, corn gromwell, dock<br />
seedlings, dove’s foot, fathen, field buttercup, field forget-me-not, field poppy, fumitory,<br />
geranium spp., groundsel, hedge mustard, mayweeds, mouse-ear chickweed, mouse-ear cress,<br />
oilseed rape regrowths, oxtongue, parsley piert, pennycress, red root, scarlet pimpernel,<br />
shepherd’s purse, sow thistle, spurrey, vetch, wild radish, wild turnip, willow weed, winter<br />
cress, wireweed<br />
Calandrinia, catsear, cleavers, daisy, field madder, field pansy, hemp nettle, henbit, nettle,<br />
nipplewort, Onehunga weed, pearlwort, plantains, red dead-nettle, speedwells, stagger weed,<br />
trefoil, twin cress<br />
Bladder campion, Californian thistle, cape daisy, clovers, dandelions, docks (established),<br />
hydrocotyle, storksbill, yellow gromwell<br />
Spillage:<br />
Wear appropriate protective clothing and prevent material from entering waterways. Contain liquid<br />
spills, absorb with inert material and place in waste containers. Wash area with water and absorb with<br />
further inert material. Dispose of waste safely in a suitable landfill.<br />
Transport:<br />
Do not carry this product on a passenger service vehicle.<br />
Record Keeping:<br />
Records of use as described in NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals must be kept if 3 litres or more<br />
of <strong>Image</strong> is applied within 24 hours.<br />
MIXING: With the agitation system operating pour the required amount of <strong>Image</strong> into the half-filled<br />
spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and agitate thoroughly while mixing, spraying and when<br />
restarting after a stoppage.<br />
COMPATIBILITY: <strong>Image</strong> is compatible with most other pesticides and foliar fertilisers in tank mixtures.<br />
Check the label instructions of products used in tank mixture with <strong>Image</strong> and follow any compatibility<br />
directions. When using <strong>Image</strong> with foliar fertilisers, do not exceed 1.3L/ha <strong>Image</strong>, and add <strong>Image</strong> to the<br />
tank first and mix well before adding the fertiliser.<br />
When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for 2 years from the<br />
date of manufacture. Contact your supplier for further information about the use of any product that is<br />
older than this.<br />
<strong>Image</strong> will control a wide range of broadleaf weeds in cereals when applied between the 3rd leaf and the<br />
2nd node stage of crop growth and in ryegrass seed crops when applied between 3rd leaf and tillering.<br />
<strong>Image</strong> contains three active ingredients. Ioxynil and bromoxynil are primarily contact herbicides with<br />
leaf penetrating ability, that act by blocking photosynthesis. Mecoprop-p is absorbed by foliage and via<br />
systemic action disrupts cell division and growth.<br />
Action is rapid and effects are visible within 2-4 weeks.<br />
APPLICATION: Complete even coverage of weed foliage is important because <strong>Image</strong> works primarily by<br />
contact action.<br />
Ground: Apply through any standard crop sprayer calibrated to give an even coverage from the correct<br />
boom height. Use a spray volume of 200-400L/ha. Use higher water rates after the mid-tiller stage of<br />
the crop and if weeds are dense. Low spray volumes should be achieved by changing nozzles, not by<br />
increasing ground speed. Use a minimum spray pressure of 200kPa. Select nozzles to give medium<br />
spray droplets. Coarse nozzles or low-pressure jets are not recommended.<br />
Aerial: Application may be made in a minimum of 150L water/ha.<br />
VOLATILITY: Under certain circumstances vapour drift from mecoprop-p may occur after spraying.<br />
<strong>Image</strong> is not recommended for treatment of cereal crops adjacent to susceptible crops or home<br />
gardens. For cereals use alternative formulations such as Bromicide MA, Duplosan Super or Duplosan<br />
KV.<br />
UNDERSOWN CROPS: <strong>Image</strong> may be applied to cereals undersown with grasses when the grasses have<br />
reached the 2-3 leaf stage and are growing vigorously. Do not use on cereals undersown with lucerne<br />
or clover.<br />
It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exeeding the relevant MRL in the New<br />
Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards.<br />
Temperature and Humidity: Spray in warm weather when weeds are at the seedling stage and growing<br />
well. Do not treat at the beginning of periods of severe cold, particularly on cereals at a late stage of<br />
growth (jointing) in winter. Do not treat when large temperature variations (e.g. very low temperatures)<br />
are expected within 3 days of treatment. Best results are obtained when application is made above 5˚C.<br />
Do not treat in drought conditions or when temperatures exceed 25˚C.<br />
<strong>Image</strong> is most effective when humidity exceeds 70% and light intensity is low.<br />
Rainfall: Light rain occurring soon after foliage is dry should have no negative effect on expected result.<br />
Crop Safety:<br />
<strong>Image</strong> is selective to most cereal and ryegrass seed cultivars. If unsure of cultivar tolerance check by<br />
spraying a small area first. Application during hot, dry conditions particularly in rapidly growing spring<br />
sown crops, may cause transient crop scorch.<br />
Very young seedlings<br />
(Cotyledon - 4 leaf)<br />
0.8-1L/ha<br />
1.3L/ha<br />
Growth Stage<br />
Young seedlings<br />
(Beginning of development<br />
of secondary shoots)<br />
1 - 1.3L/ha<br />
1.75L/ha<br />
1.75L/ha (suppression only)<br />
Developed plants<br />
(Formation of<br />
rosettes)<br />
1.75L/ha<br />
Not recommended<br />
Not recommended<br />
Cereals:<br />
Growth Stage<br />
Winter Sown Cereals: wheat,<br />
barley, oats, triticale, ryecorn<br />
Early: from 2-3 leaves to 1.3L/ha<br />
beginning of tillering<br />
From beginning of tillering 1.5-1.75L/ha<br />
to full tillering<br />
Late treatment from end of 1.75L/ha<br />
tillering to 2nd node stage<br />
Spring Sown Cereals:<br />
wheat, barley, oats<br />
0.8-1.3L/ha<br />
1.5-1.75L/ha<br />
1.5-1.75L/ha<br />
Ryegrass seed crops: Use 1.0-1.75L/ha when weeds are small and actively growing.<br />
Apply after the crop has 3 leaves but before jointing. <strong>Image</strong> is selective to most<br />
ryegrasses, however if uncertain, check on a small area first.<br />
Turf Grasses: Use 1.5L/ha (15ml/100m 2 ) when weeds are small and actively growing. Do<br />
not apply to newly sown turf until the grasses have at least 3 leaves. In established turf a<br />
repeat application 6 weeks later may be required to control newly emerged weeds.<br />
Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. P5951.<br />
See for registration conditions.<br />
Approved pursuant to the HSNO Act 1996, Approval Code HSR000377.<br />
See for approval controls.<br />
Bromicide MA ® is a registered trademark of <strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited.<br />
<strong>Image</strong> ® is a registered trademark of <strong>Nufarm</strong> Australia Limited.<br />
Duplosan ® is a registered trademark of <strong>Nufarm</strong> B.V.<br />
If you open this container you will be deemed to have accepted the conditions below.<br />
The results from use of this product may be affected by factors beyond <strong>Nufarm</strong>’s<br />
control, including mixing, use, climatic conditions, time of application, crop or crop<br />
stage and the possible development of resistance to the active ingredient, even though<br />
the product is reasonably fit for the purposes stated in this label, and even though label<br />
directions are followed. <strong>Nufarm</strong> will replace, free of charge, any product which is found<br />
to have a manufacturing defect. To the extent permitted by law, all other warranties,<br />
guarantees, representations and conditions, whether expressed or implied by law, trade,<br />
custom or otherwise are expressly excluded.<br />
When you use this product, you agree that neither <strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited nor any manufacturer<br />
of any component of the product will be liable for any damage, injury or loss including<br />
consequential loss which arises in any way from the storage, handling, or use of the<br />
product. This exclusion of liability includes loss caused by negligent acts or omissions of<br />
<strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited or any supplier or manufacturer of the product or any of their employees<br />
and agents.<br />
(contains bromoxynil, 12%; ioxynil, 12% and mecoprop-p, 36%)<br />
9<br />
Batch No.:<br />
D.O.M.:<br />
Marketed by:<br />
<strong>Nufarm</strong> Limited<br />
6 Manu Street, Otahuhu<br />
Auckland, NZ<br />
Telephone 0-9-270 4157<br /><br />
UN NO.<br />
3082<br />
2X<br />
<strong>Nufarm</strong> Emergency Phonelink: 0800-651 911 toll free 24 hours<br />
III<br />