P˘a-prefixation on verbs and auxiliaries in Lhaovo (Maru) Language ...

P˘a-prefixation on verbs and auxiliaries in Lhaovo (Maru) Language ...

P˘a-prefixation on verbs and auxiliaries in Lhaovo (Maru) Language ...


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pyuF-rĕ-reL pePF-tsoL-TA-cøH-TA-loF-vaH-TA<br />

man-ACC-also beat-eat-&-reach-&-come H -REALIZATION-RLS<br />

‘(The tiger) even kills <strong>and</strong> eats up men.’<br />

<br />

Păy-muNL<br />


Nă-nāūNH-HaF<br />

I-PLR-TOP<br />

myiHthoNF-loNH<br />

even<strong>in</strong>g-time<br />

sakHkeNF-phyoL-meNF<br />

tree-top-LOC<br />

kātH-TA-tōL-TA-TA-raH<br />

make-&-put-RLS-ATTR-RA<br />

kyeNH-meNF-tsaL<br />

rest<strong>in</strong>g place-LOC-<strong>on</strong>ly<br />

Pă-lāūNH * 15 -TA-phoNF-TA-yapF-TA<br />

PRF-always-&-run-&-sleep-RLS<br />

‘So it is that we always run up to the rest<strong>in</strong>g-place <strong>and</strong> sleep <strong>in</strong> the even<strong>in</strong>g.’<br />

• That the first <strong>and</strong> the last sentences of the paragraph are Pă-V sentences shows that the speaker expla<strong>in</strong>s the<br />

sitati<strong>on</strong> patiently.<br />

• If these sentences were not Pă-V sentences nor Pă-AUX sentences, the nuance of explanati<strong>on</strong> would not be<br />

so clear.<br />

(24) yoNL-pamF-HaF myiHthoNF-loNH sakHkeNF-phyoL-meNF kātH-TA-tōL-TA-TA-raH<br />

he-PLR-TOP<br />

kyeNH-meNF-tsaL lāūNH-TA-phoNF-TA-yapF-TA-TA<br />

always-&-run-&-sleep-RLS-ATTR<br />

Pă-kōH-TA .<br />


‘It is that they always run up to the rest<strong>in</strong>g-place <strong>and</strong> sleep <strong>in</strong> the even<strong>in</strong>g.’<br />

3.3 Compar<strong>in</strong>g Pă-AUX sentences with Japanese noda sentences<br />

<strong>Lhaovo</strong> Pă-AUX sentence -RLS/NEG-ATTR Pă-AUX -RLS<br />

its ‘truly attributive’ versi<strong>on</strong> -RLS/NEG-ATTR ruF ‘th<strong>in</strong>g’ NatF ‘COPULA’-RLS<br />

Japanese noda sentence -PRES/PAST(ATTR) * 16 no ‘NOMINALIZER’ da ‘COPULA’ -PRES<br />

3.3.1 Core <strong>and</strong> derivative functi<strong>on</strong>s of noda (Ishiguro2003)<br />

1. Core functi<strong>on</strong>: to <strong>in</strong>dicate that <strong>in</strong>sufficient recogniti<strong>on</strong> (of situati<strong>on</strong>) preexist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> either the speaker or the<br />

addressee has now become sufficient (underl<strong>in</strong>e by SH)<br />

2. Derivative functi<strong>on</strong>s (i.e. functi<strong>on</strong>s derived from Core functi<strong>on</strong>):<br />

• suppleti<strong>on</strong>: to <strong>in</strong>dicate that the deficiency of the speaker’s/addressee’s recogniti<strong>on</strong> is filled up<br />

• correcti<strong>on</strong>: to <strong>in</strong>dicate that the speaker’s/addressee’s err<strong>on</strong>eous c<strong>on</strong>cepti<strong>on</strong> is corrected<br />

• shar<strong>in</strong>g: to <strong>in</strong>dicate that the recogniti<strong>on</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>ally possessed <strong>on</strong>ly by either the speaker or by the<br />

addressee is shared by both<br />

• presuppositi<strong>on</strong>: to <strong>in</strong>dicate that the sentence is set as the presuppositi<strong>on</strong> of the follow<strong>in</strong>g sentences<br />

*13 We shall call <strong>verbs</strong> which follow <strong>and</strong> modify the ma<strong>in</strong> verb ‘modifier <strong>verbs</strong>’. thoNH c<strong>on</strong>veys the mean<strong>in</strong>g ‘... up’ as a modifier verb.<br />

*14 loH <strong>in</strong>dicate the completi<strong>on</strong> of a change as a modifier verb. Incidentally, H <strong>in</strong> gloss means that the goal of deictic movement is home<br />

positi<strong>on</strong> (<strong>in</strong> its extended sense) for its theme of movement. (Sawada2003)<br />

*15 We shall call <strong>verbs</strong> which precede <strong>and</strong> modify the ma<strong>in</strong> verb ‘pre-modifier <strong>verbs</strong>’. Though lāūNH ‘always’ does not functi<strong>on</strong> as a ma<strong>in</strong><br />

verb, we certify it as a member of verb class, because it can take prefix mă- <strong>and</strong> Pă-.<br />

*16 Except copula da, Japanese tense end<strong>in</strong>gs also functi<strong>on</strong> as attributive end<strong>in</strong>gs.<br />


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