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.<br />

By $ilia kagkrski<br />

wonday morning the people of<br />

this c~mmuqity woke .up to a cold<br />

northeast w~nd blow~ng. Around<br />

8 o'clock the snow started coming<br />

down, and by mid-afternoon<br />

there $as about one inch of sno:v<br />

on the ground. The Coiiistock<br />

school was disnlissed at 2:30<br />

that afterhoon. and trdrel was a<br />

bit difficult. '<br />

A Fifth Generation<br />

dr. and. Mrs. James Proskocil<br />

an4 Donnie rece~red word Mar.<br />

4 that their daughter and son-inlaw,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burson<br />

of Lafayette, La., had became<br />

the parents of a baby girl that<br />

day, She was named Kimbeiiy<br />

Ann and weighed 8 pounds, 1<br />

ounce. The Bursons have another<br />

child, .. Keviv, who is 2% years<br />

old<br />

~)le other grandparents are the<br />

Harold Bursoils of <strong>Ord</strong>. Great-<br />

. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Joe Kainarad of Cornstock and<br />

Mrs. Anton' Prsokocil of Sargeat.<br />

Furniture<br />

The baby also has a great-greatgrandmother,<br />

Mrs. Joe \Vsldmann<br />

of <strong>Ord</strong>.'<br />

The Proskocils left Friday after<br />

school for Louis~ana to sce<br />

the new baby. -<br />

--<br />

Mrs. Tvrdik Hospitalized<br />

Mrs. Calvin Treptow and llrs.<br />

G. L. Lutnlan took hfrs. R u t h<br />

Tkrdlk to Buruell Mar. 2 to consult<br />

her doctor. He admitted her<br />

to the Burwell hospital for furth.<br />

er tests. The next day Mr. acd<br />

Mrs. Calvin Treptow called on<br />

Mrs. Tvrdik at the hospital; and<br />

on Mar. 4 Mrs. Margaret White<br />

of Omaha came and took her<br />

mother, Mrs. Tcrdik, to the<br />

L~ninanuel Hospital in Oillaha for<br />

more tests.<br />

Mrs. Tvrdik's address at the<br />

Omaha hospital is: Mrs. Ruth<br />

Tvrdik, Im~nanuel Kospi)al,<br />

Rooin 378, Omaha, Neb.<br />

Lengthy Vacation Ends<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellersick<br />

drake to Grand Is i a n d<br />

Emil Ceplecha, Executor of the Will of Frank Ceplecha,<br />

deceased, will sell at public auctiorr all of'the personal items<br />

of household furnishings and goods of the late Frank Ceplecha<br />

the residence located Y2 block squth and 2 blocks east of the<br />

artin-Miller Clinic on<br />

( Friday, Marc<br />

Thursday, accompanied by Mrs.<br />

Ellersick's sister, Mrs. R. V.<br />

Walford. In Grand Island they<br />

picked up Mrs. Einina Bilka at<br />

the bus depot and brought her<br />

hoi~le to <strong>Ord</strong>. She had spent five<br />

months with her sons in Florida,<br />

where they are stationed in the<br />

senice.<br />

Brother Is Sick<br />

{Vatson Woods of Greele caille<br />

'Sunday and had dinner an8 spent<br />

the afternoon with his sister and<br />

her husband, h4r. and Mrs. Clint<br />

Dye. Mr. Woods brought word<br />

that their brother, Harmoil Woods<br />

of Napta, Idaho, had become 111<br />

with pneumonia, and had been<br />

taken to the hospital. Later wo~d<br />

was that he was about the wine<br />

with little in~pro\einent.<br />

Lodge Meeting Set<br />

The Z.C.B.J. Lodge is holding<br />

its monthly meet~ng Sunday at<br />

the Nation.31 Hall, starting at 2<br />

p.m.<br />

Brass acco~ilyallictl Ly t 11 c i r<br />

friends of Sargent lef't for Los<br />

Vegas, Nev. for a few dabs Ther<br />

plan to be back by this ueeken~l<br />

Mrs E G. Brass is staking In<br />

the Brass home caring for he<br />

t ~ grandddughters, o<br />

nho go Lc<br />

school.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Allbright<br />

were Tuesday evening guests of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paider.<br />

The couples spent the eveillrig<br />

watching wrestling on television.<br />

Lunch was sen ed by Mrs. Paider<br />

after the show.<br />

A weekend gyest in the Gayle<br />

Lenstroin hoine was Deb Jackson<br />

of Danaebrog<br />

Mr. and 3frs. John Koncel and<br />

Wesley Koncel mere Monday afternoon<br />

guests of ilr and llrs<br />

Charles Paider.<br />

Janet Lenstroili, daughter "f<br />

Mr and Mrs. Gavle Lenstro,~,<br />

nho was accoinpauled by ~ebbie<br />

Johnson, a classmate from Kearney<br />

College caine hoinc this<br />

Thursday and Friday evening tu<br />

attend the basketball games in<br />

<strong>Ord</strong>. They were o~ernight gussts<br />

of Janet's parents.<br />

Tuesday Charles Paider a1.d<br />

Jim O'Neill were dinner gutsts<br />

in the Louis Nanorski ho~ne.<br />

Wednesday aft~rinoon, Mrs. G.<br />

L. Lulman was a visitor of i\lrs.<br />

Calvin Treptow.<br />

Mrs. Gayle Lenstroiil was 'ill<br />

with a sore throat the early part<br />

of this week.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stelha<br />

Services on Friday<br />

Vopnt and Vic(or.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John \Yells, hlr.<br />

and Mrs. Edna~d Paider and<br />

Ilr and Mrs. Louis Pesek Sr .<br />

of <strong>Ord</strong>, ueie card and lunch<br />

guests in the Charles Fader<br />

dl Ck3gel in <strong>Ord</strong><br />

home Wednesday el enin2<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bossen of<br />

Arcsdia were Sunday erening<br />

\For Edward B~arki .<br />

supper guests of >fr and Mrs A 1tfe.lcng resident of Valley<br />

Calviri TI eptou and fan~llq County, duard Britha,, 84, died<br />

Early e\ening \isitors of Jlr Mar. 4 at the <strong>Ord</strong> vest Home<br />

and liilrs. Louis Nagorbkl and uhere hc had resided the past<br />

sons Wednesday mere hIr and eight years.<br />

Mrs, Louis Pesek Sr and Mr Funeral sen ices were htIQ at<br />

and Mrs. Edbtard Paider. They 2 o'clock Friday cfternoon st the<br />

mere later guests - of the Charles IIastings-Pearson Chapel in <strong>Ord</strong>,<br />

Paider's.<br />

the Rev. Kenneth Bunnll cffi-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles Paider ciating. Mrs. Sharon FQss siilig<br />

and. Mrs. Louis Nagorski, Da~id "The Old Rugged Cross" and<br />

and Dennis accompanied lfr. "Beyond The Slunset." Shz was<br />

and S'Irs. Lumir Bruha aiid chil- accoinpa~lied by orgaiilst Xrs.<br />

dren to Grand Island Fridav Zola Schudel. !nteriilelit u3s in<br />

:vhere Mrs. Paider cons~uitid~ h& the <strong>Ord</strong> Boheiniaii Cenleterq ~cith<br />

doctor. They all were eieuing Ron Ilulinsky, Eldon Bruha, Edkisitors<br />

of the Bruha's.<br />

wip Volf, Joe Bruila, Jr., Loddle<br />

Mr. and Llrs. Frank Visek have Bruha and Bob Uruha as pk!1-<br />

received word that Mrs. Vis~ek's bearers. ,The soil of Josi5ph and Anna<br />

skter, Mrs. Josie Dohnal of Inman<br />

has been hospitalized since Beran Bruha. Mr. Bru'la was<br />

last Fridsy at O'Neill.<br />

born Jan. 1, '18813. lie had been<br />

John Kagorski and soil .lohimy a farmer during al! hls ivorking<br />

left for home in Grand Is!l;nd years.<br />

Tuesday morning after spci~dinq Ills iminediate sur\i\or is a<br />

blonday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis sister, Mrs. Agnes Volf of rjrd,<br />

Nagorski and sons.<br />

1\11. Bruha was prc~cdei in death<br />

LJ his parents, four sisters and<br />

Wednesday evening and OJ er- f.;~,i brothers,<br />

night guests of Mrs. Stazie Vopat<br />

and Victor were. her grandsoil<br />

--<br />

and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kob- Sit~gs ici College Choir<br />

ert Kolha Jr. of Carter, S.D. A Xorth Loup girl was ainong<br />

the student members of the 75-<br />

volce Miltcn College chon of<br />

Annivgrsar y Surprise<br />

Milton, Wis. who appeared, Satllr<br />

and Mrs Robert Slch \i7e1e urday erening, in a Concert at<br />

pleasantly surprised Saturday the .campus aduitoriuim. She was<br />

-<br />

. .- D~ug ~ikles, a student at tb,e '<br />

Unlbersity of Nebraska, spent the<br />

.OPA PeNottn! @,a . ueebend uith his parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Charles Ackles.<br />

Mr, and lfrs. Don Axthelm<br />

went to Kearney Sunda and had Nr. and Mrs, Harold Lclnnett<br />

supper nith their daugiiler. Lon- were in Cotesfield Sunday for a<br />

na, a student at Kearfley Sl~Iei \isit uith her brother, Mr. anti<br />

and Rick Straatmann of .tute:l Mrs. Ed~4arcl Lassen.<br />

I Time 1:30 P.M. I J<br />

"The Best Step You' CUB Take"<br />

Crosley Refrigerator<br />

Electric Range<br />

Chiome Dinette Set.<br />

Zenith 21" Color TV, 1967'<br />

model<br />

Platform Rocker<br />

Davenport<br />

6, Odd Chairs<br />

Writing Desk<br />

2 Beds, complete<br />

Chest of Drawers<br />

End Table<br />

2 Small Chests of Drawers<br />

1 Metal Tier Serving Table<br />

Large Floor Fan -<br />

10 inch Fan<br />

Antique Sewing Ma c h i n e,<br />

Chest of Drawers and Dressers,<br />

Oliver Typewriter<br />

Lawn Folding Chair<br />

,New Metal Ironing Board<br />

Clock Radio<br />

conventional Maytag Washer<br />

Lamps<br />

3 qf. Pressure Pan, Food<br />

Grinder<br />

Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Silverware<br />

4 h.p. E!ectric Motor, new<br />

New Wafer Puma<br />

Swivel Rocking hair<br />

Mail Box<br />

4 fires, 7-17-5 6 ply<br />

16 inch Wheel and Tire<br />

Antique Radio<br />

Roil of Cribbing Wire<br />

Garden Cultivator<br />

Breakfast Table<br />

Terms: Cash. All items at buyers' risk.<br />

I<br />

I ErniI ceple'chq, ~xecbtor<br />

C. D. Cummins, Auct. Babka & Schoenstein, Clerks I<br />

Personals<br />

Sunday, afternoon Mrs. Nor-<br />

JI<br />

lnan Kriss and Dougie accom-<br />

Happy Easter dessert. Delightful party treat. Pangburn's<br />

panied Mr. and Mrs. Jainee Kriss and daughters drove to Wood<br />

finest confections in big, luscious, molded Easter Eggs.<br />

t,o Arcadia where they visited River Thursday evening where<br />

wlth Mrs. Wanda Erks . and they attended the Sargent a 1 d<br />

daughters.<br />

Hastings St. Cecilla basketball<br />

Eldon Hulinsky attended )he game. IIaslings won by two<br />

Sunday afternoon Knights of Co- points.<br />

lumbus initiation in <strong>Ord</strong>. T h a t Paula Treptow was a weeltend eten~ng, when a gloup staged a Kerry Fuller, an alto singer.<br />

evening Mr. and Mrs. Hulinsky at- guest of Kathy Chalupa<br />

Kerry is the daughter of Mr. and<br />

in thy e~ening, uhea a group staged a<br />

Mrs. &fen~o Fuller,<br />

tended the Knights of Columbus Ednin Chalupa hoine in Sar- party. in celehation of thelr 20th<br />

banquet and dance held at the gent. n edd~ng annil ersary. The unex-<br />

11 Phone 128-3271 1<br />

ected guests included Mr. and<br />

<strong>Ord</strong> Elks Club.<br />

Wednesday evening i\ir 2nd<br />

Mrs. Adelin ~rban&i apcol.1-<br />

R<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Malon Granger, Mis. Calkin Treplow and Handy<br />

Irs Joe Hosek apd Sandra, Mr. panied Mr. and Mrs. Dafrell<br />

and Mrs Leonald Sich and chil-<br />

Sandy and Charles were Wednes- wele guests of Mr. and Mrs<br />

S~n,ith to Omaha Wednesday She<br />

dren, hlr and MIS James Slch,<br />

day morning business callers in IIarkey Krahulik, 1<br />

\islled her son Leonard who w;s<br />

Broken Bow.<br />

Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sich, Alr recenlly transferred to the Vet-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles I-'aider<br />

Mrs. Eldon Hulinsky and chiland<br />

Mrs 3Iel Masin, Mr and erans IIospital in Omaild. lfrs<br />

were Thuisday dlnlier and slip- Mrs. Larry Mdsin all of <strong>Ord</strong> and<br />

dren attended the misic concert<br />

Urbanski stated that Leonard is<br />

per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mr. and 3115. Ben~iie Sintek of<br />

held at the <strong>Ord</strong> High School Sunstill<br />

undergoing physic~l exarrlln-<br />

Nagoiski and sons.<br />

Noith Loup<br />

day afternoon. Lyle IIulinsky<br />

ations and has coinmenced his<br />

Friday<br />

Van Vopat afternoon of Kearney \isitor of 'was nis<br />

a<br />

and The elening of card plaqing<br />

sang in the varsity choir.<br />

by the a well-c~ishels.<br />

late lunch aas arranged<br />

therapy treatn~ents.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Malon Granger<br />

were in <strong>Ord</strong> Saturday on business.<br />

diother and brother, Mrs. Sta~ie<br />

Usa QUIZ want qds<br />

Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Clint<br />

Dye drove towards Taylor, where<br />

they were guests of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Clarence Ilarvev. The Harvevs<br />

were former residents in Com-<br />

WE<br />

stock.<br />

Sunday afternoon Lawrence<br />

GlVE<br />

Waldmann was a visitor of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Edward Kriss.<br />

Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Willia~il Reckling were guests of<br />

Mr. .and Mrs. Clint Dye.<br />

Friday evenin Ervin Gribel<br />

Good<br />

TF.e Right To<br />

was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Thru March 14<br />

Limit Q~tuntitier<br />

Edward Kriss.<br />

Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Clint<br />

WE<br />

Dye drove to <strong>Ord</strong>, they stopped<br />

for Mrs. Charlie Burdick and<br />

GlVE<br />

later the three of them had dirrner<br />

at a cafe in <strong>Ord</strong>. After dinner<br />

they all droke on lo Burwell,<br />

I where they visited with Mrs. Ella<br />

Parson and Mrs. Bess Leggett, THIS WEE,%'$ FWfURL:<br />

at the Buruell Plaza.<br />

Bread & Bui+.zr FaAYES<br />

Tuesday afternoon Orville Bli. wo Cctuporlr! NO kjmiir 1 I Q8LY<br />

lus of \Ellwood was a guest of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward- Kriss.<br />

WE<br />

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Den~iis<br />

USDA Choice Boneiess PS wi~h TVT<br />

Summer Sausage Lb* .p9' Rump R@ait ~~~$;LBoneies<br />

~b 98t t&;tiLgfe Ste3kr arebee 1.09<br />

btma ,R@$ofid St~:kc 6.99~<br />

USDA Choice Boneless PS with TVT<br />

Tcq Rpwd St&& 11,. $1.09<br />

~Sb~~hoice Boneless PS w\thTVT<br />

Sirloin TiD ~eror~02s, h, 11.09<br />

GlVE<br />

.-<br />

Vavra's<br />

:,$;Ie 49C Hamb. Buns 2 8 sax. 53c Summer Sausbge :z6 $1.29 Pineapple Crushed, Sliced, &,, 2 9 ~ WE<br />

GlVE<br />

7 Seas 16 Oz. old ~ome 3-Diamond NO 2<br />

Russian Dres~inq,,~~.<br />

or Electric Pel k<br />

WE 1<br />

GlVE<br />

i<br />

1<br />

Higher &afeMlUh. Year after year. NO other car in Chevrolet's field gives<br />

you as much back on your initial investment.<br />

2 h p d 0 Vd~e. ~<br />

set of fenders hcep Chevrolet looking good longer.<br />

3 %l~oth,~tlo~th ride. ~eca~cse of ChevroletS conlputer selected spring.,<br />

Full Coil suspension and advanced body mounting s)stem.<br />

4 hlpESSke *lingrn The impression is that it's an expensive car, if you<br />

want to maKe an impression. ,<br />

5 fissh<br />

in'kd0l'Srn<br />

Exclusives Ilke flush-and-dry rocker panels and an edr ,<br />

Result Koonl to stretch out 08 to sit tall. Chevrolet Crixo<br />

has more fr~nt leg room than any other car in its field.<br />

0 Side-guard beams. chevrolet puts more between you and the outside.<br />

Steel beams built into every door.<br />

Assorted Flavors<br />

TV<br />

~asli<br />

ORANGE Pot Pies<br />

5 For $1 fish Fi!!ets Cod,Perchor 0-Sea hozen<br />

wh,!,ng fig.<br />

Nestle's<br />

Piifed<br />

Candy Burs 10 pkg. 3 3 ~ Ripe Olives $!e 39c<br />

JUICE<br />

GC...~<br />

Fkg<br />

'lb. 63c<br />

Fmzen From Florida ,Bba& no wlule ~ at$3i l Apgbssuce 2; 19c<br />

Pure Vegetable 3-Lb. $3 Linie, Cherry, Orange, Raspberry or Strawberry<br />

Slrortetdng<br />

Can<br />

&w Jell-0 1-2-3 2 'f" 59i<br />

Jumbo Pak Gum<br />

Cade~ Drops or Orange Sker "" ~kg. 49c<br />

f iddie F&dd!e ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ i ~ h i p l<br />

3 2;. $1<br />

Cherry<br />

Pie Mix<br />

\<br />

w<br />

kf Stew $kiLn~lew<br />

I Afinish that lasts.<br />

': 59~<br />

11,s unfortunate other cars in Chevy's field don't have<br />

Irrstant ht~es<br />

a Magic-Mirror finish because it sure keeps its shine. -<br />

Bwtter nut :.b',ekE,";:Y 2 i: $1.81<br />

Wlure or Assorled<br />

8 &CeptiOM~ engines. Chirolet's standard 350-cubic-inch VJl runs OD Gff ee ~~$e~[~L,k 3 it $2.67<br />

B a t !<br />

regular fuel. Plus there are five more engines available.<br />

9 Tiremendous be~ection. it c01o;s. of accerrorier. of engines. of trans.<br />

IGA Pun Apatl<br />

Stokley's W.K. or C.S.<br />

bmissiohs. Of fabrics. And of models. There are nine big Chevrolets alone.<br />

Gokn Corn<br />

10 Arnetica'sfav0ritto. Something a new "something else" can't claim. It<br />

BaEsin Brmd 1..<br />

Asscr~ed<br />

actions speak 1oud.e~ than uords, doesn't this say something to you<br />

Per POP, Flavors 4 ';FP:. 55c ,<br />

For Salads<br />

Dog IFd2$c. $<br />

8<br />

15:2 bqt Wery Hearts family~~i- fach 45 arty w,,kwnesap 5 tsr $1<br />

,<br />

0%-0~ 5 9 ~<br />

Can vine cb. 2% ~arrofs 2 Pkas. 2 5 ~<br />

T ~ U<br />

v1<br />

llb<br />

Fig,<br />

39c<br />

1 P U 4 ig! $1<br />

Brown & Serve Rolls 3 ~kgs $1<br />

' IF"iist Pick Oil<br />

Reg, Super or Unscenled<br />

Loaf Ea 2%<br />

or Cook~ng 3:ti 79~<br />

Hail Spray i:d;9.v.1ue I",, 5%<br />

WE i<br />

GlVE<br />

WE ',<br />

GlVE<br />

WE ',<br />

GlVE<br />

WE I<br />

GlVE<br />

\YE<br />

GlVE<br />

amps every We

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