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1 - Ord Township Library

1 - Ord Township Library


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(page 2) QUIZ, OrJ, Nebr., Thursday, Mar. 19, 1970<br />

Lcrtest sprii$ ~aihibdi<br />

* ..<br />

~brqdeci<br />

At. V.F.W. Auxiliary Sfyle show<br />

Suddenly it mas spring - in<br />

fashlons and hair styles at leezt<br />

- 83 models appeared on stsge<br />

Th~usday at the Veterans Club<br />

h e r leiel searing the best iil<br />

tp to the minute finery. The<br />

sneak prekiekv of 1970's spring<br />

fnshlons was brought to more<br />

thn 300 fashion-minded spectators<br />

by The Carousel and Linda's<br />

Beauty Salon. 4<br />

Mrs. Jean Smlth and Mrs. Pat<br />

Eenda acted ad commentators<br />

for the show which was spon-<br />

sored by the V F.!y. Aulullary<br />

of <strong>Ord</strong>. Special musLc WaS provided<br />

by the Melody Morns, a<br />

singing group made up of Lois<br />

Zlornke, Sharon Fuss, U e e<br />

hleese, Phyllis Rasmuss$n, Charlene<br />

Schaqer, and Iieloike Uresley,<br />

wlth Kay Green a$ pianist.<br />

\ Wh~le the guests sipped coffee<br />

and nibbled cookies during<br />

the mld-show intermission, Susan<br />

Jacobs shoued fun in st 1-<br />

ing a sjnthetic wig, hleanahl!e,<br />

the vIelody Moms sang, ''I Enjoy<br />

Being a Girl."<br />

The many models included<br />

teen-agets, young marrieds, and<br />

matron,. They uere Alice Hoon,<br />

Jackie Belgram, Janet Blelia,<br />

Pierma Tcdsen, Jean Nelvlancl,<br />

Kathy Eoilesen, Nary Marshall,<br />

Bay Goodsell, Velma Hornickel,<br />

h'aomi Sue Jones, Adeline Urbzns'ii,<br />

Juanita Connor, Karen<br />

&Tees, Vick!c Smith, Charlene<br />

Clement, Julie Winterfeld, Clera<br />

Jones, D o r o t h y Osentowsk~,<br />

Jojce Wadas, Jan Goodsell, Eva<br />

Koll, Clara Kokes, Carol>n IIa.<br />

~ek, Ruth IIanscn, Pat Bruha,<br />

Ruth Smltli, Garnet Walkouiak,<br />

Lorralne lie, Doiothy IIolnies,<br />

Gertrude Wozniak, Carol Sir~lpson,<br />

vIildred French, Marlea Kittle,<br />

Shirley Walker, Valilqs<br />

Sears, Florence Janda, Ed i t b<br />

Kunz, Belerly Mlller, Val French,<br />

Tcrr) Hjde, Sharyl Jones, Carla<br />

- .-- -1<br />

Collins, Carkl ~obson, Froney<br />

Klanecky, Dorothy Collins, Alnln<br />

Cetak, hIlldred Gre oly, Beity<br />

Jacobs, Giager SICTI, Delores<br />

Hgde, Be~erly O'Neal, Delores<br />

Babcock, Er elyn Rq bln, Mary<br />

Ferguson, Alice Woitalelvicz,<br />

Jeanette Peters, Linda Connor,<br />

and Michelle Jacobs.<br />

Door prize uinners were hr..<br />

nounced as follows: Elva Freeman.<br />

Nancv IIonkins. Darlene<br />

swanson, ~ianita 'Chris'ti6, Eunice<br />

Markley, I-fattye Sautter, Madelqn<br />

Anderson, Kathy Boileselr,<br />

Mary Connor, Dorothy Greenway,<br />

Jessie, Wright, Mrs. Chad<br />

Miller, Janice Zapp, Carol Van<br />

Nordhejm, and Irma Klanecky.<br />

AS a s0rmise finale to the<br />

show, Sue jones, a soon-to-be<br />

briGe, appeared in a traditional<br />

whlte nedding gown. At her side<br />

was little Michelle Jacobs appropriately<br />

dressed in flower<br />

girl attire - a short crisp froc!~<br />

of cool pink. The b!idal Line<br />

and wedding plannlng is the latfst<br />

service of The Carousel.<br />

Chalr~fiati of this ob\iouslv<br />

successful style show was ~ r i .<br />

Jean Smith with Mrs. Wilma<br />

Kroeger as coshairman. Fro.<br />

cetds will go toibard the pdrchase<br />

of new Chairs for the Veterans<br />

Club dining room.<br />

-%<br />

Not Botliered by Strike<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hajeuich and<br />

hlr, and Mrs. Jack Koll returned<br />

late Fliday night from a tour<br />

khich took then1 to Las Vegas,<br />

Nev. .They left Lincoln Monday<br />

ornlng by jet w~th a group of<br />

N perio*s. and were in Las<br />

Vegas durlng the nationally publici~ed<br />

strike of ei~lployees on<br />

the Strip. Although they saw<br />

the pi kg , lines, the Orfi residents<br />

ktd hotel reservations in<br />

downtown Las Vegas and were<br />

no$ inc"oos\ enienced by t h e<br />

strike. They reported, howeb cr,<br />

that tour members who had reserved<br />

rooms along the Strip did<br />

Sharyl Jones looks striking in a<br />

tailored beige color ensemble.<br />

The neat looking dress and lined<br />

jacket are a "must" in any gal's<br />

wardrobe.<br />

--<br />

Mrs Pete, Duda and Mrs. Jdo<br />

Michalski vlsitrd Mr. u ~ d Mrs.<br />

Ed Jablonski Saturday afternoon.<br />

Visitors cf Mrs. Eminn 9;nrr-n<br />

at the LeBow home Sund~y were<br />

Miss Eqma Larsen, Mrs. Maggie<br />

Henry, and Mrs. Ida Steffen of<br />

Grand Island. Mrs. Steffen is a<br />

niece af Mrg. Itansen.<br />

not fare as well, since those ha-<br />

- , di tels were operating without Doug Ackles,<br />

I wish to express ~3 sine . cooks, chambermaid,s, etc.<br />

studellt at the<br />

th~iks lor the flowers, gr$t<br />

~iiiersi@ 'df; Nebraska,, spe~t<br />

\laits and cards while I was a<br />

the weekend in <strong>Ord</strong> vlsitlng hls<br />

~atient in the <strong>Ord</strong> ~os~5tal. A ' SHQP AT HOME! family, the Charles Ackleses.<br />

special thanks to Dr. ~arkley,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

nurses and all of the hospital<br />

st. ff. Bless you all.<br />

AIta Wigent<br />

We wish to thank all obr<br />

friends and relatives for the<br />

focd, cards and visits and expressions<br />

of s~mpathy during<br />

our recent loss apd my hospital<br />

stay. A special thanks to Dr.<br />

Zlomke and Perrin and the<br />

hospital staff. Your kindness<br />

uill never be forgotten.,<br />

Golden Valley Frozen<br />

24 02. Bag<br />

I -<br />

OnIr 2 Left - Turkey' Rolled Box<br />

Bnls. Roasfs $3.99<br />

1 kegelabler . 99c<br />

I -- Gal.<br />

Tissue ;..... 39; / Plums ..... 69c<br />

Roman & Mary Lech<br />

& family Golden Valley 6 For<br />

I Our 'arn~ly Grapefruit ,or 46 Oz.<br />

The North Central Associa-<br />

\i>n for Retarded Children<br />

wish to thank the J.C. EtteS<br />

for acting as hostesses for the<br />

Y o ut h A.R.C. ' Art Show<br />

brought to <strong>Ord</strong> and sponsored<br />

by the Local Associal~on for<br />

Ketarded .Cluldren. .<br />

I wish to thank my friends<br />

fat. their visits, cards and<br />

rlfis wiille I was in the hosultal<br />

and at home. The Christlan<br />

Church for the .iio\lers<br />

arid our pastor tor his calls.<br />

.Z!c9 the doctors and, the<br />

nurses for their excellent<br />

caie.<br />

Veda Nlller *<br />

*--+ ** f:J :4;24:+id >,+. ,<br />

spc.c$l thanks to Dr. Martin,<br />

arid the nurses-of the Val-<br />

ILT~ Coijllty 'iiospital for the<br />

'<br />

rt ondel"f~ 7 qre' * I .recei\ecl& l,-<br />

\% hge ifi the h@~pibl(. Afs~, for ~<br />

t II cardi , bfts, pra, e.rt and ;<br />

\ls\ts , . - ><br />

I<br />

' t<br />

. r,ucil'a, ~Gs'tCr +<br />

"Think Pink" is a popular slogarr Mrs. Froney Klanecky looks at.<br />

for Spring. Pretty Terri Hyde tracfive in this two piece dress of<br />

models a dainty daisy-covered charcoal and white seersucker.<br />

frock of pink sheer. She's also This easy-care cottan will make<br />

wearing a stretch, synthetic wig. for "happy days ahead."<br />

I<br />

Beetles<br />

and Wanda Svoboda gave the<br />

The Beetles 4-H Club met f& speeches that they will prese~it<br />

their third meetirg Mar. 10, at the 4-H Speech Contest, and<br />

Keith Pa'ulsen gave a demon- all members and adults present<br />

strqtion on how to make a lure, judged dairy cattle.<br />

Mike Decker read some of the It, was decided to have<br />

notes from his spcech. an old-fashioned box social at 8<br />

Brad No11 is a new member p.m. on Apr. 10 at the Haskell<br />

of the club. The next mceting Creek School for the purpose of<br />

will be held Mar. 24 at the <strong>Ord</strong> raising nzoney.<br />

High School, Room 209.<br />

Tab Scofield, News Reporter<br />

Steve Palser, News Reporter<br />

Real Wranglers<br />

Clever Cuties<br />

The Heal Wranelers 4-H Club<br />

The year is starting for the met af the home-of Handy and<br />

Clever Cuties 4.H Club. Mar. 10 Chris EenLen RIar. .15. Randy<br />

the members met at Linda Ras- Benben took over dutles as presmussen's<br />

home. Officers elected ident, replacing Dak id Dak is,<br />

were Susie Severson, president; who is moking to Seattle, Wash.<br />

Shannon Grove, vicu-president; The main busmess of the dby<br />

Laurie Campbell, secretary; Csr. was choosing a Rub Lace Lola<br />

Van Nordheim, news report- cust tree, to be pranted and<br />

er; Cathy H>de, song lezder; cared for in the North. Loup<br />

and Carrie Kerchal, recreation Park.<br />

I<br />

19ader. The projects will be cho-<br />

8 Susan Thompson led the lessen<br />

at the next meeting which son oh Animal Nutritions. Ranis<br />

Mar. 31 at Sisie Severson's dy Benben gake a demonstraho<br />

Carla tne.<br />

porter<br />

Van Nordheim, News Re- tions. Handv Benben gd!e a<br />

I<br />

Mrs. '11 'PsrLos returricd hoixe<br />

Sal~:l.da, after spe:ld:ng a ir eci:<br />

111 Omaha ~cith her mother, JIrs.<br />

+nna Yondraeek of Sargent. rho<br />

is a paiie~~t in the Clarkson 110spilal.<br />

al1c::d >d a dinner noting Febrtlary<br />

13irllida:;s in lee Cars~n fanz-<br />

114'. Their hostess was Mrs. Alice<br />

At!derson. a sister of 3lrs. Fern<br />

Czrscn, and' the dilincr u-as held<br />

at her rehidence in Cozad.<br />

- Weekend in Lincoln<br />

Mrs. Frank Ko1a11k and<br />

Duane sent to Llncoln Frlday to<br />

slt-nd the stdte basketball tourn-<br />

srnc!,t LVhl!e in the . C~oitol . Citv<br />

' tflef., Lv'2ye' fiiz~,t g%esis -<br />

3Ir. and LIr. Xdslp!~ Hosek anc<br />

farnil. and also visited. the Eu-<br />

~\ard IIosek falnil).. They re.<br />

turned- borne Saturd:ty. l:lgl~l, Ac.<br />

col:~~)ailjih~ thq Ko\.rjli~ 10 Lii~<br />

coin i'er,e ije'tly'kelson~ola Nel-<br />

Mr. and 3irs. J~so:~ L3thr~0 4Ir, and hirs. John Gregory son, Don Sedlacek, Dm Chick,es.<br />

&nil Ir, and Mrs. Dlllo Tro~cr $perit Siinda!. in Ceiiiral City tcr, and Neil Yaalsen, xiio sliyucre<br />

dinner guests of 1Ir. anli \nth .Ir, and Mrs. LVayne IIedg- ed with relatives and frie~~ds in<br />

31~s. Tcrry LVkrrell of Far,r:l at F;. The ladies are sisters. the city.<br />

the Elba club S3t1ir!l).. Jlr;.<br />

I - - - - - - ,<br />

{Varrell will be remerti';ei-td :;.; %rr, ajld >lrs, \fyron ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ k<br />

. ,<br />

IVSLU~!~~.<br />

Grace 'Bblckifinl;. a former Or~l of ~~~~d ~ ~ soellt tho ~ a.ec!;. ~ ~ d<br />

--<br />

end in <strong>Ord</strong> visi'ting rcieti~es.<br />

.!.ley sere house guesls of her<br />

Debra IYoocls, dsughtci of ,\.ii5. skter, Jo TVozniak.<br />

ai\ii 1Irs. Kos \Vood of Kearl~ey, -<br />

arri\ed 1Iar. 11 for a visit with<br />

her matrrisl graii~ipareii!~, 511..<br />

and Xrs. Gearge Knecht. LVhile<br />

hew she celebrated her 11th<br />

G:rthday. 31~s. Wood ca:lle after<br />

her daughter Safurddy.<br />

---<br />

IIr, and Mrs. Gslen Dulilz and<br />

son of, Ogal!dla spt.;:t the week<br />

end with his parenf-s, hlr. and<br />

31rs. Herb D~ilitz.<br />

---<br />

Xrs. Adeline Urb3nski and<br />

daughter Xiarieiie, and Mrs. Emtinuel<br />

LVcdls spefit the weekend<br />

in Omaha and Jliilard. They<br />

were guests of Mr. and Xrs. Jerry<br />

Bosse at Millard. Leo:m-d Urbanski,<br />

a patient at the Veterans<br />

Hospital, was able to join<br />

theti thcre. llrs. Li'adas also )isited<br />

another daughter, 32rs. Jim<br />

Shilnek, and ht.r husband in<br />

Oinaha.<br />

JIr, and Mrs. Do~i Tap!cy and<br />

fami!y of Spencer u-ere weekend<br />

guests of Mr. and lirs, Wayne<br />

Xattern.<br />

Lonna Axthelm, a student at<br />

Kearn~ Stte College, spent the<br />

weekend wilh her parent., hlr.<br />

and Mrs. Don Axthelm.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cetak, Mr.<br />

and 31rs. George Dworak, and<br />

1CIrs. Joe D~vorak went to Burwell<br />

Sunday for a visit with the<br />

latter's husba~d. He is a patient<br />

in the Burwell hospital.<br />

Gifts for Korey<br />

Mrs. Dan Johnson was sho~rered<br />

with gifts fcr her infant scn,<br />

Korey Lee, xt a party Friday<br />

elelling in the Joe Ruzicka home.<br />

Hostesses were Mrs Douz LYert<br />

31s recelit hospital stay was<br />

br,lghteiied conslc'erably by the<br />

thqu:htil.,l acts of so many To<br />

the Izdles of the Plain Valleq<br />

E'xtens~cn Club, the Does and<br />

niy friends and relati~es who<br />

reniembcrefi me alth beautiful<br />

floineis, cards, gifti, handkerchlels<br />

and praqerslI nish<br />

t3 say Thank' Yo>,", ~ k a <br />

special thanks to Y he7 Staplev<br />

G, sak who uii$e,d m'e it<br />

the Good Salnaritaa Itos$ital,.<br />

Mrs. Willialn J. Novosad, Sr.<br />

I<br />

We wish to lake thls means<br />

to thank Dr. Martld and the<br />

hospital staff for thelr kindness<br />

and In~lng caie wlille we<br />

uele at the hospital. Also<br />

tndnks to the friends and relstlLes<br />

for thclr bislts and glfCs<br />

--<br />

and Mrs. Larry .~oke< Ten<br />

Mr. 2nd-Mrs. Ellis Czrson, Mrs. guests attended with Mrs. John-<br />

I<br />

Mrs. Poger Arnold<br />

I<br />

Ferc Cqsson, and Vere Carson son. and Tirncthy Wayne ,<br />

were among 15 relatives who<br />

uill be held Apr. 3 at the ho111e<br />

of Richs1.d Peterson.<br />

Irece 1101 nlc kel, News Rek orter<br />

Valley lnvadet s<br />

The Valley Invaders 4-\I 'club<br />

held its third lrnceting war. Id.<br />

Marly Ifawley presided aqd gave<br />

a report on his dairy projcct.<br />

Discussions also were h,eld on<br />

the members' aniinal projects.<br />

The next meeting will bc held<br />

Apr. 14.<br />

i '<br />

Norine Hoevet, News Reporter<br />

Citizenship Ideas /<br />

The third meeting of the Sun-.<br />

shlne Sallles and Sassy Salns 4-H<br />

Club was held.on Mar. 7 at the<br />

home of Max Staab. The mectillg<br />

was opened by the president,<br />

Caroljn Staab. Two new members,<br />

Debbie and Becky Sahlie,<br />

were recognized; and a discussion<br />

was held on possible projects<br />

for citizenship. The girls in<br />

sewing talked about appropriate<br />

material and patterns for 'Ih*r<br />

projects.<br />

After the meeting was ailjourned,<br />

lunch was served by the<br />

hostess.<br />

- I<br />

YOU MU<br />

1. 14 you carai~ge addresses<br />

<<br />

2. 14 you change your name (e.g. fhrsugh marriage<br />

) C ,<br />

I 3, 14 you wish fo change your par3y affilidion I<br />

Orange juice 39e demon st ratio"^^ on preparing a<br />

Charmin<br />

Hunt's 46 Oz. Can<br />

...<br />

I . NO. 2 Lne. Can<br />

The Suzie Qs<br />

'~. Silzie Q's, is the name a group<br />

cf young inl!jses selected for their<br />

nelvly organi~ed 4-1-1 Club. Kel!><br />

Sehrs, vice president, presided at<br />

the Feb. 27 meeting when, six<br />

Pineapple Z5c<br />

rnembers ansuered roll call by<br />

--<br />

Old H~me<br />

2 Pkgs.<br />

Raisin Bread 2:;<br />

B~IO~ Matijle~ 25e Farm Fresh<br />

Doz.<br />

Pure .<br />

Eggs.. .....<br />

. 45c<br />

Ground Beef 5 9 ~ King size<br />

Saef t @edle;s<br />

.... .",."PO.<br />

T I D E<br />

e~plaining cooklng utens~ls. Two<br />

guests were also present as uas<br />

JIrs. Don Sears, leader of the<br />

cldb.<br />

The Timely Topic Speakin2<br />

Colitest was explained by Junior<br />

Leader Rita Wojtasek. Mrs.<br />

Sears and Miss Wojtasek show.<br />

ed the group how to measure ingredients<br />

and Mrs. Sears also<br />

checked each member's food<br />

chart.<br />

Allother meeting is scheduled<br />

Members<br />

for Mar. 27 are at Lori to practice Ackles' home.<br />

ing cocoa and cinnainon toast<br />

mak-<br />

Becky Schern~kau, reporter.<br />

Oranges $1.09<br />

Apr. 9.<br />

1 - 4 4 . "<br />

North Loup<br />

F THE JUNGLE - S&H O&E$N STAM& ' ,<br />


Little Warner1 4-W<br />

The Little Women 4-11 Club<br />

met at the home of Renee Eelgram<br />

Wednesday, March 4.<br />

The girls d~scusscd the goals<br />

balanced breakfast, uhlch his sister,<br />

Kathy, appro~ed after eating<br />

the breakfast.<br />

r e next meeting will be Apr.<br />

h h the home of Susan Thomp-<br />

SO n<br />

'Susan T#qmyson, Nebs Repqterr<br />

The 4 11 Clolers met at 111-s<br />

Joe Banzhofs on Mar. 12. Roll<br />

call was how many recelpes \re<br />

prepalred slnce the last meeting<br />

Demonstration was giLet1, on<br />

"Ho\J to make cornbread by<br />

Pam Pr'olosad and Julle Leggett.<br />

The lesson on sewlng Mas<br />

the thlngs be need to sew w~t!i.<br />

We are to each make a seming<br />

basket Mrs Rosalie Leggett<br />

mas a guest. Our lunch cons~sted<br />

of the fresh baked cornbread<br />

and tang. Next meeting hi11 be<br />

Nancy Ringleip, News Reporter<br />

, --<br />

School Secrets<br />

The Practical Princesses 4-11<br />

Club met Friday ~t ths home of<br />

Da~id Lange. President Nancy<br />

Peterson called the meeting to<br />

order, and the 18 members pres-<br />

they uould habe for the fo1lo~~- ent hnswcred roll call by telling<br />

ing year. They made a tlip to what they did or did not like about<br />

the Fabric Shop and Mi:. school. A roller-skating party<br />

Axthelm explained !hq ddferent was planned for Apr. 10. T he<br />

girls also decided to t2ko an<br />

Easter egg tree to the rest holi~e<br />

on Mar. 20. The next meeting<br />

kinds of mater~als to the girls.<br />

The next meeting wlll be Ap,ll<br />

1 at the hoille of Sherl Grove<br />

Debbie Ackles, Nens Reporter<br />

Or$, Nebr.<br />

Last day for voter registration-<br />

)<br />

2nd Friday preceding any election<br />

March 27 for City election on April 7<br />

May 1 for Primary election on May 12<br />

-.!%xvmW -64Jem1 ~b*W>AW::,~%t.~-dFsa<br />

w-~-l<br />

Thursday, March 19<br />

Pha~~e 728-3283<br />


1<br />

" ' 1<br />

, .<br />

I<br />

l<br />

1<br />

I<br />

I .<br />

. $'Jet.$ uf +,<br />

ave af jt<br />

he -<br />

':Member gf Federal Deposit Insurance Cvrpordtion'*<br />

1<br />

I ; "We ~dve ~rokn<br />

by Helping Others Grow"<br />

Mrs. Davis Speaks<br />

A joint mreting of the Kings<br />

of Cloker and Foft IIartauff 4-1I<br />

clubs was held Mar. 10 in the<br />

basement room of the Catho1;c<br />

Church.<br />

The Kings of Clo~er held a<br />

business meeting, at which roll<br />

call was ansaered by, giving bird<br />

calls the members habe learned.<br />

The Timely Topics speech contest<br />

and reclu~lements of the<br />

project lesson, ' Study of Birds, '<br />

ucie discllssed,<br />

C<br />

A special guest, Mrs Mary Uavis<br />

of Noit11 Loup, gabc a lesson<br />

on recognition of birds, and<br />

bird calling. Mls. Davis is an<br />

ardent bird lover<br />

There were 21 4-H membcx<br />

present, plus selen guests. Lunch C.<br />

was sene& by members of the ,<br />

Fort IIartsuff club, with Mrs.<br />

Kene Dubas as chairman.<br />

Dale Wojtasek, News Reporter<br />

Skating Fun<br />

The Loup Valley Lilestock and<br />

Busy Bees 4-H Clubs held a roller-skating<br />

party at the North<br />

Loup Community Building on<br />

Bfar. 6. A shprt business meeting<br />

was held afterwards, followed<br />

by refreshments.<br />

Sharon Petska, News Reporter<br />

Two New Members<br />

The Happy Circle Juniors 4 H<br />

Club met Friday ln the home of<br />

Tab and Shernl Scofield with 11<br />

meliibers ans15ering r o 11 call.<br />

Mltchell Snow and Danny Kluna<br />

were risitors and later became<br />

new members.<br />

New officers were installed in<br />

an appropi late ceremony, and<br />

minutes of the last meeting were<br />

read and approked.<br />

Wanda Sboboda gake a report<br />

on the ."basic four" for .the<br />

"Let's Cook" plaj~ct, and Sanda<br />

, ,<br />

.I<br />

that an Oids represenfs.<br />

Take this big, exciting<br />

cate that quite a<br />

Delta 88, for'bxample. It starts<br />

out with a surprisingly modest<br />

of their reach. They think it cosis a lot more price. Add to this the features that make<br />

than it really does. Resu!t Many people it sucll an outstanding value-extras that<br />

buy an ordinary car and end up with a lot are included in the modest price: Regless<br />

car arid value for their money. ular-gas Rocket V-8 Power Steering<br />

It's so unnecessary, too, because Olds- Power Brakes, front discs p Nylonmobile<br />

has many models that are priced loop carpeting u Bias-Belted Tires<br />

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