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(Pw 6) QUU, <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr., Thursd~y, Mar. 5, 197Q<br />

I' -<br />

Po~.erful Litchfleld, uithout a<br />

~eilior in its starting Ilnedp, turned<br />

back the best challenges this<br />

area's Class D team; codd offer<br />

last \+eekend as lt sd\ailced t3<br />

within one s~ep of the sLa,e ioar.<br />

nsment.<br />

The Trojans Herc easily the<br />

class of last neck's district t~urnainent<br />

at Scotla, hi1 in: 'ce~lev<br />

than 50 percent of their I~eld.g~rl<br />

tries in three stra~ght kiccoile,<br />

After opening the nlczt \ciill an<br />

83-44 trlumph over Greclcy, Jhej<br />

turncd back a ~pirit~d zss~u t by<br />

Wheeler Central, 71-61, arid thcn<br />

wallopped Arcxila, 76.50<br />

h chfield Mas to face Overt3f.r.<br />

'h<br />

~hic ivon the championship of<br />

its dlslrlct meet plagcd at CUL d,<br />

in a regional pla~off last night<br />

(Wednesdaj) That game was to<br />

be plaged at Broken Bowr, wrth<br />

the ulnntr adkancing to next<br />

ueekend's state tournanlent at<br />

Lin~cin<br />

The finals et Scotia proved to<br />

be dnti-tlirntctic after tuo pulsating<br />

semlfinal games thz night<br />

before. In tho>e sernifjnal contests<br />

htchfield trailed most of<br />

the way before corning on strong<br />

in the fourth uarter to whip<br />

Wheeler central and Arcadia<br />

performed ueil ib the clutch to<br />

upset second-seeded Wolbach, 55-<br />

51<br />

In the championship contest,<br />

howeier, Arcadia proved no<br />

match for the s~nooth - worklng<br />

Trojans as it lost to thein for lhe<br />

third time In as many mecfiiigs<br />

this year<br />

JunYor Duo Pace Champs<br />

The two victories gake htthfleld<br />

an 182 record to csrrj illto<br />

its regional Iajoff nilh Or erio:l,<br />

A. pair o! srcel!ent big men,<br />

63 ~unlors John Bacus and D~vc<br />

Rasrnussen, wcre the keks to<br />

Litchfield's extraordinsry success<br />

Their fine inside play<br />

meant that the} and their te-rnmates<br />

rarely had to shoot froin<br />

outside, and that in turn meant<br />

that thelr chances of postlng a<br />

good field-goal percentage here<br />

much better than their opponents.<br />

In addit~on, Bacus and Nasmussen<br />

dominated the backboards<br />

as they plucked off 26 rebounds<br />

in both the tourney semifinals<br />

and flnals. In the cham-<br />

Pionship contest the Trojans<br />

uere so domineering In this de.<br />

artrnent that Arcadia could get<br />

gut four offensi~e rebounds (two<br />

In each half).<br />

Arcedia, uhich had recelkcd a<br />

f!ne all-around effort in the semifinals<br />

nhen lt beat Wolbach, reverted<br />

to pretty much of a twomall<br />

outfit in the finals. Tim<br />

Hurlburt scored 28 points and<br />

Paul Dietz 12 as they collected<br />

*Where to now Ed Gogsti of Arcadia has a rebound. but at the 40 of their team's 50 ~oints ,-----. The" -.--<br />

rnome"t he's not quite s;~e what to do with it. The defender is Roy were the only Huskies to scori<br />

Dugan of Wolback.<br />

in the first half, which ended<br />

with Litchfield in front, 30-221.-<br />

Press Bothers Huskies<br />

Hurlburt hit five of his first<br />

six shots and helped Arcadia eet<br />

out to an 18-12 lead as the first<br />

quarter ended. But. the IIuskies<br />

could scme bnt four points in the<br />

second period as the team fro111<br />

southwest Sher Ian County out-<br />

'gunned the~n, 18-4.<br />

In the third period the Trojans<br />

slapped on a full-court press, and<br />

that gave Arcadia eren more<br />

roblerns. The Huskies did hit<br />

Better themsel\es that quarter<br />

but their repeated turnovers and<br />

poor defense enabled Litchfield<br />

to score a whopping 27 points.<br />

Thus, by the time the third peliod<br />

ended, Arcadia was out of it as<br />

Litchfield led by a 57-44 score.<br />

Fouls hurt Arcadia as the<br />

club's top play-maker, Dennis<br />

Ohme, collected three in the<br />

early going and sat out inost of<br />

the second quarter when his tea111<br />

surrendered the lead. For the<br />

game the Huskies were gullty of<br />

24 infract!ons compared to only<br />

15 for L~tchfield. Ohme elentually<br />

fouled out, and three of his<br />

teammates finished with four<br />

vrolations apiece.<br />

Litchfield wak quite cold on<br />

free throws in the first period<br />

when Arcadia took its lead, but<br />

toward the end of the second<br />

griod the Trojans began to hit<br />

om the charity line. That's<br />

when they really started to put<br />

some distance betfieen them.<br />

selves and their foe.<br />

Four Seniors End Play<br />

Getting close shots from tlie<br />

field, itchfield hrt 31 of 58 attempts<br />

during the game. That<br />

gake the Trojans a field-goal ac-<br />

Four llicadia seniors - Diefz, ante! sttark with fcur men edg.<br />

D n Hurlburt, Tim Hurlburt, apd i:ig 13.0 doitie fi&ircs.<br />

Ohine - closed tnelr hlgh sl h ~ ~ i<br />

baahetball care~rs in the cont:st<br />

Ton Mjors and Gene S,rh-<br />

.i Arcadla f~ns reh3sh the<br />

1nci:~ led ~r,.' Rrinr.os ~ i 12 ~ h<br />

points each. They ucre suppcrt-<br />

the Iiuskies led a11 the ~v ~y fol-<br />

7; 111.: an e.r~y' 2-2 ue, ~ J L the<br />

margin was nekcr highs then<br />

clg:~: po1111s and w&s freq~enily<br />

duan t~ two or tnrce Once, esrly<br />

i!I \he fourth quarter, it I hs d2v .I<br />

to one at 41-40.<br />

Ezch tlme \'olbach p llled<br />

close, hov,~ er, som2one came<br />

thiough for the Hi~:kle; Ihe l at<br />

time - an3 coils:q~entiy the<br />

m>>t inpor.&n! - it bias Dletz<br />

W,th 30 seco:lds to ga afid Archdia<br />

le~diiig by three poinrs, he<br />

gibbbed a rebo~nd dnd st.uffed it<br />

t.irough for a blg fl~e point lezd<br />

th,t Wol'odch could not o\ trcome<br />

Murray S%' , ~nes<br />

If there' was an 1ndi~Ld~s1<br />

sta1:doht 111 tlxs csntest, it w~uld<br />

hale to be P ~ IIurra.. L The 6-2<br />

hucki jc~nio~ earilcd his fame<br />

prl>i.ipa:iy ~11th some fine defensivz<br />

work on Wolbach's touted'<br />

Steve tirossxt.<br />

After letting Grossart hit his<br />

first four s!lots of the game, Murray<br />

tightened the noose aiid limi!-<br />

ed stror:g :I by Serti Pktrick,<br />

with 11, and Bi!l Sch,,\~l;ke, vvi.h<br />

11. Chuck E rt. k ;nd J e r r y<br />

C hl'ders, a p;ir .cS s-.nlors<br />

i.;l r.rd ~im f g:i.ing the t21ler<br />

BAci13 ;nd :i~srn.~is-n uid:r th<br />

b2:.rd-, eich t.Jiiecl 8 to conlpl.:e<br />

th,, Er~zco scorin;.<br />

I:I ~dditioil to B:rt.i!c a d Chi:-<br />

ders, thc. gziile U,~S F~EO the 1~st<br />

high schnc! cage corL1pe .ition for<br />

Majors.<br />


WHLR. CEN. (61) . L'FIELD (71)<br />

Pat CK<br />

Majo ;<br />

Bfr :i:iri;l action at the Area's Class D basketball<br />

Totals 31 14 76 tournament in Scctia. Actually, Bacvs snd 6ene Srb weits of Wheefer Central Loth got their hands on a<br />

Arcadia - 18 4 11 17-50 leose tall, bbt Schmeits was in position to th~ow tie Litchfisld star over his shou!der and to the flow.<br />

Lltchfield . ls 27 19-76<br />

He did so and gst a dressing-down frc~n the referee. .<br />

Fouled Out Oi-nie<br />

The roles are reiarsed as Arcadia's ate defcudzr, Pat Murray, turns<br />

shooter, and Wclbach's premier gunner, Ste~e GrosS~rt, turns dnfender.<br />

The i~dividual battle between the two stars was almost as<br />

goad as the tzam battle their squads put cn in the semifinals of tile<br />

Class D meet at Scotia.<br />

inal Regular<br />

Youth and experience each B o t h boys had outstanding<br />

had its place Friday night as the nights at the frec-throw line as<br />

<strong>Ord</strong> Ch~nlicleers came within a Kovarik hit 9 of 11 and New.<br />

pcint of winning their second t3n 11 of 15.<br />

s~rzight game Over a physically Kovarik, a sell!or like &[artin,<br />

superior foe. They failed, how- also hit 5 of 12, field-goal tries<br />

ever, as Ainscvorth scored on d for olle of !,is best performalleek<br />

desperation shot with time run- ,f the year.<br />

ning out.<br />

Klanecky, who was la ing on-<br />

The loss, by a 65-64 Score in ly his third game wig The hear.<br />

overtime, meant that the Chants sity, scored 17 points to rdnk<br />

closed tileir regular SelSOll w-lth second to Kovarik, He also shot<br />

a 5-13 leccrd.<br />

h-ell from both the field and t ,e.<br />

Greg >!artin, a senior who has free-th1.0~~ line, hitting 5 of 1<br />

rf~~s~d to get lost in the transi- from the former and 7 of 9 from<br />

tion to a youth doininated c1;lb the latter, Surprising1 he was<br />

1 Coach Ken Trubeg has his team's rebound fkader t p 'i ~<br />

inzde ddring the latter half of with rune.<br />

tlic season, scored five points in Another surprise in the ga~ne,<br />

the overtime and gave his team was the return to action of Bill<br />

a one.point lead with just sec- Plliller. A 5-11 senior who h4d<br />

c!~ds to go.<br />

becn the team's second leadldg<br />

Then, as Ains\vorth brought scorer through the first six<br />

the ball d o w n c o u r t, Darrell garnes of the season, Miller con.<br />

E'arm~r stole it for <strong>Ord</strong> and it tracted a severe case of enceph.<br />

lboked for an instant as if the alitis late in January and little<br />

Chants were going to have a more than a month ago 'was<br />

64-33 victcry to savor during fighting for his life. It had bgeo<br />

th.ir 105-mile trip home. But as assumed that he would not play<br />

Farmer tried to pass the ball any more this season, but his<br />

off to a teammate, it was inter- father-Dr. Otis Miller-said he<br />

cepted.<br />

was so determined to play again<br />

Don Shifferiniller dribbled that it was impossible to keep<br />

briefly, just long enough to get hlnl 011 the sidelines.<br />

the ball across mid-court, and Miller plaled part of the third<br />

then fired in a desperate 'at- and fourth quarters, and all of<br />

tempt to beat the final buzzer the overtime.<br />

He did, and the ball fell<br />

through to gike the Bulldogs<br />

ORD (64)<br />

fg-Fga ft-fta<br />

thelr 63-64 triumph.<br />

Bcchbil . . 1 1 1- 1<br />

The score had been tied at Kovarik .......... 5-12 9-11<br />

the e ~ d of regul2tion time, 57-<br />

Ma~kley ... ...<br />

Falmer ... . . 32: 7 i:<br />

57 <strong>Ord</strong> got fibe of rts sekeil K!anecky ........ 5-11 7. 9<br />

OF el iimc points cn free throu s, Marlin .. .... 2- 4 3. 4<br />

2s llartin hlt three for-three and<br />

Jchn ......... .. . 0-.2 1. 2<br />

Miller ........... 0- 4 2- 4<br />

sopholncre Tom Klanecky, a --<br />

member of the y~uth brigade,<br />

I t\+o fol tno Martin's fleld<br />

goal accounted for the other<br />

tno pcinls.<br />

A ~chcpping total of 56 fouls<br />

uere called in the gsnle, 27<br />

against <strong>Ord</strong> and 29 aglinst Ains-<br />

rrorlil Both tePms plased the<br />

oi erliine L+ it hout thew leading<br />

srcrcis, as Duane Ko~arlk bent<br />

to the bench in the fourth quartcr<br />

after scoring 19 points for<br />

<strong>Ord</strong> ar.d Rich Ne\\ton exited after<br />

scorina 17 for Ains\$orth.<br />

fp-fga<br />

Sh!ffermlllcr 3- 9<br />

McNaiiy 0- 2<br />

NC*ton _ 3-10<br />

Baker 1- 1<br />

Bartholomew 3-1D<br />

GraEf . 3- 8<br />

Stuckcr 2- 7<br />

Cat r 0 2<br />

Johns011 4. 3<br />

Kczicrk - 1- 6<br />

Case 1. 5<br />

-<br />

rep P; +g<br />

5 5 19<br />

6 5 7<br />

4 3 8<br />

9 4 17<br />

3 3 7<br />

5 4 1<br />

4 1 2<br />

---<br />

37 27 :64<br />

Totals 18-49 28-40<br />

AINSWOR TH (65&I reb pf :tp<br />

ft-fta<br />

0- 2<br />

3- 3<br />

11.15<br />

3- 3<br />

1- 1<br />

1. 1<br />

2- 2<br />

0. I<br />

0- 1<br />

2- 4<br />

1. 2<br />

Totals 21-65 23-35<br />

<strong>Ord</strong> 17 12 11<br />

Alnsu orth 19 9 14<br />

Chant Reserves Stumble<br />

By 70-54 Score in Finale<br />

4 2 6<br />

1 5 , 3<br />

11 5 17<br />

0 2 5<br />

6 3 7<br />

3 5 7<br />

4 4 6<br />

1 0 0<br />

6 2 8<br />

1 0 4<br />

2 1 2<br />

---<br />

39 go :6j<br />

17 7 4 4<br />

15 &65<br />

~liiishing their season like bounding in the latter stages.,<br />

they st~rted it - with a loss - While <strong>Ord</strong> was cotllinitting 85<br />

the <strong>Ord</strong> reseries bowed Friday fouls, Ainsworth was being callpd<br />

night to Ainsworth, 70-54. for 18. The Bulldog yiolatio s<br />

gabe <strong>Ord</strong> shooters 26 trips<br />

Sand\\iched in bel\+een that<br />

to tpe<br />

game and a season-opening defree<br />

throw line, but they con~ertfeat<br />

ed only 14 of them.<br />

b> Cozad, houerer, were 10<br />

~ictoriea in 13 othkr , contests. Andrcesen's 20 points was by<br />

That means the Chanticleer re- Ear his top scoring perfornlan$c<br />

serves can boast of a 10-5 season of the year, easily bptteriag Yis<br />

rcccsd<br />

rebious high of 14. His bigg t<br />

Relp was provided by hlelkyn<br />

The fourth quarter was the bad Sich, who scored 12.<br />

one for <strong>Ord</strong> in the finale. In that Tops for Ainsworth was B'11<br />

i<br />

period the Chants were outscored,<br />

24-10, as Ains\vofth great-<br />

Carr, whose 23 points included 3<br />

free throws. The 5-foot, 9-in h<br />

ly widened a two-point le,ad it junior shot 17 times from the<br />

had carried into the final eight charity line.<br />

minutes of the season.<br />

Fouls mere a serious handicap ORD (54) A~SWORTH ~ 0 )<br />

ds <strong>Ord</strong> nas called 23 times fur f9 ft tP ff 2);<br />

infractions, gi\ing Alns\rorth 39 .@fi* : 34 :,";irn , rl<br />

flee thlou s The Bulldogs made sen 20 DuJ.sol, Jo<br />

24 of them S~ch 5 2 12 GKazisek 3 0 6<br />

The f~uls also blought about vancura 2 0 4 hi~azlsek 0 O; o<br />

eari) de artures for three mein. gF2$ ggi 13G3<br />

1 2; 4<br />

bers of tie <strong>Ord</strong> lineup. including 1 1 1 3 Baker 2 7<br />

tcp scorer Jiin Andreesen Others Todsen 0 0 0 Dw J'sen 1 0 12<br />

getting the boat uere Dean Van- , : : Et:2n : I;;<br />

cuta and Lank Wells The de- Schaicr o o o Pliare o 0, 0<br />

pal tui~<br />

of \VClla caine in the third -- -- See, '1 0 2<br />

qunrtcr and hl~~t the Chant :P- To'"15 " l4 51 O ~ O<br />

Those Wheeler Ce~~iral boys are t~srgl, but this time looks are ds- Tota!s 23 26;70<br />

teiving. It appears that Jerry Childsrt, left, of Whcolar has iurt The proi~p-horned antelope is Or" - --- lo 21 l3 10 45<br />

18 15 13 2g70<br />

landed a goed iudo chop on Mlrrin Beck, hut that wer~~'t the ccsc. the fsstest mg1nn1al in North<br />

A~~~~bpy':~Mdreercn, ,,an:ura,<br />

Actually, this wiis just spclrit3nsouo ;i~ticil in a rcboirid baitla. America. iTolts, kuli~e,<br />

.f<br />

-<br />

--.--<br />


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