Petition to Shea- comments[1] - Alexandra Morton

Petition to Shea- comments[1] - Alexandra Morton

Petition to Shea- comments[1] - Alexandra Morton


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February 3, 2010<br />

Dear Minister <strong>Shea</strong>,<br />

Many people are concerned about the state of wild Pacific salmon and whether your Ministry is<br />

doing enough <strong>to</strong> maintain these fish. The reports that the Fraser sockeye maybe infected with a<br />

retrovirus is disturbing and alarming. We, the undersigned, believe your Ministry, Fisheries and<br />

Oceans Canada (DFO), has the responsibility <strong>to</strong> do everything possible <strong>to</strong> identify what this virus<br />

is, where it came from and if its’ affect can be reduced. To that end we are writing <strong>to</strong> inform you<br />

that we want DFO <strong>to</strong> do a genomic analysis and appropriate tests on farm salmon, both Chinook<br />

and Atlantics, for retroviruses. We also ask that you do everything possible <strong>to</strong> confirm the<br />

identity of this potential virus. Fraser sockeye are an important food source <strong>to</strong> thousands of<br />

people.<br />

This is the only responsible action that you can take. There is no good reason <strong>to</strong> avoid this<br />

investigation. We need <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> move past this. I let people know they could join me in<br />

making this request <strong>to</strong> you. Below are their signatures and their.<br />

No open net pen farmed salmon<br />

Jobs are not worth the sacrifice of salmon.<br />

Let science be our guide<br />

Something has <strong>to</strong> be done about the Salmon diseases before it is <strong>to</strong>o late.<br />

great work, let's keep the pressure on.<br />

Do it!<br />

As a taxpayer, voter, and painter of coastal art, I demand that you do everything in your power<br />

<strong>to</strong> protect the BC coast and its human communities and ecosystems from the ill effects of fish<br />

farming. This is your responsibility!<br />

thanks<br />

do the study- good or bad we want <strong>to</strong> know<br />

blessings and thanks for your good work<br />

Thank you!<br />

It is high time for the general public <strong>to</strong> get more info

Please do not risk losing out salmon. For Aboriginal people it is essential <strong>to</strong> their lives. for the<br />

rest of us it is a gift from the sea.<br />

It is crucial <strong>to</strong> the survival of several different species of animals including Human Beings that<br />

we know the truth about what is happening with Farmed Salmon feedlots. All Records from the<br />

farmed Salmon Industry in B.C. need <strong>to</strong> be available for scrutiny By Dr Millerf.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong> should resign<br />



I find it appalling that the scientists who are studying, and moni<strong>to</strong>ring our oceans are not given<br />

ALL the information relevant <strong>to</strong> their research. Our civil servants need <strong>to</strong> protect our oceans and<br />

all the things living in the oceans on behalf of the citizens of Canada.<br />

I joe the public would like <strong>to</strong> know more<br />

keep up all the good work<br />

We should have knowledge fo everything that happens in our waters--the Government should ask<br />

and receive all information that is known<br />

Thanks <strong>Alexandra</strong>!<br />

Please address this issue immediately.<br />

You have the right <strong>to</strong> sleep at night knowing that you have done everything possible <strong>to</strong> protect<br />

our wild salmon resource for generations <strong>to</strong> come.<br />

We expect DFO and our government <strong>to</strong> provide leadership in the scientific community. As the<br />

elected and hired professionals appointed by people of this country <strong>to</strong> protect and manage our<br />

precious resources we expect no less.<br />

We need impartial scientists testing for any and all microorganisms that threaten our native wild<br />

fish s<strong>to</strong>cks.<br />

Salmon farming has turned out <strong>to</strong> be a bad idea. The Scientific needs <strong>to</strong> be gathered <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p the<br />

virus now not try <strong>to</strong> contain it later.<br />

Thanks<br />

Things need <strong>to</strong> happen on this subject, so I sign this petition even though I do not live in BC, but<br />

in Europe, where the fishing industry also has enormous problems. This connects us all in the<br />

fight!<br />

Our Oceans need our diligence<br />

Thanks for doing this<br />

Farm inland: clean the water before returning it!<br />

s<strong>to</strong>p fish farming in our oceans

US citizen that east salmon twice/week. Will not eat farmed salmon. We must do everything we<br />

can <strong>to</strong> save wild salmon.<br />

hope this works!<br />

I’m really really really sick of bureaucratic wing-nuts looking after our fisheries. S<strong>to</strong>p Atlantic<br />

salmon farming on the west coast. Who’s got a vested interest in this stupidity People should be<br />

going <strong>to</strong> jail over this.<br />

Please, do the right thing.<br />

Why is our government so willing <strong>to</strong> take the risk. There should be no question that the right<br />

response is <strong>to</strong> ensure our countries natural resources are safe now and for future generations.<br />

That is a critical responsibility!<br />

Do the right thing<br />

why is it so hard <strong>to</strong> get the government <strong>to</strong> do the right thing<br />

This is so important....lets s<strong>to</strong>p the greed for money & start paying attention <strong>to</strong> the scientists etc<br />

who actually know whats going on in this industry.<br />

I am alarmed and very frustrated by these Ocean Feedlots in our waters of British Columbiaa<br />

frustrated by these foreign multi nation<br />

Thank you <strong>Alexandra</strong> Mor<strong>to</strong>n for all your efforts. I believe you made the right decision <strong>to</strong><br />

decline the NDP invitation. I believe you can be far more influential by working as you have<br />

been.<br />

the public wants and deserves quick action on this issue. PLEASE ACT NOW. Thank you<br />

This is a very important matter.<br />

I strongly support this issue.<br />

Greed is being replaced with abundance.<br />

What do the companies have <strong>to</strong> hide<br />

save the wild salmon<br />

There should not have <strong>to</strong> be a petition <strong>to</strong> ensure that this necessary assessment is carried out.<br />

The mandate of this and all Ministers of the Crown is <strong>to</strong> protect the public interest.<br />

Needs <strong>to</strong> be done<br />

Thank you for all the work you are doing<br />

Please take this seriously!<br />


Please help our wild salmon!<br />


Time for fish farms <strong>to</strong> be regulated for the benefit of wild fish and other sea life.<br />

Please ACT now...let's s<strong>to</strong>p this farming practice while we still have wild s<strong>to</strong>cks <strong>to</strong> save!<br />

You gotta do more <strong>to</strong> protect our fishing industry<br />

The lack of interest the DFO is showing <strong>to</strong>wards the West Coast Salmon Fishery is disgusting.<br />

Please support the health of our native salmon!<br />

Evidence from around the world suggests that these salmon pens are destructive <strong>to</strong> all marine<br />

life on any coast where they have been. Thank you for researching this issue fully.<br />

Save our wild salmon their worth more than farmed corporate fish.<br />

Access <strong>to</strong> disease information is vital for if fish farms are not a problem or the problem we need<br />

<strong>to</strong> find out what is. Removing the cloud of suspicion over them is important as we seek <strong>to</strong> save,<br />

protect, and enhance our wild salmon populations. I assume the minister is interested in saving,<br />

protecting and enhancing our wild salmon populations<br />

We need action now, <strong>to</strong> do otherwise is contributing <strong>to</strong> the destruction of British Columbia's<br />

most precious resource<br />

end Salmon farming<br />

check fish farms for viris<br />

Do the right thing for the people of Canada<br />

When you mess with Nature you will lose, which in this case, means humanity.<br />

dont let our wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>ck died like the norwegian did<br />

We have <strong>to</strong> get rid of Gail <strong>Shea</strong> as Fisheries Minister. She appears <strong>to</strong> be disinterested in British<br />

Columbia's salmon, only the East Coast seals!<br />

Do not hinder the science.<br />

Please DO what is RIGHT!<br />

Thank you.<br />

Now that the federal government has brought the aquaculture industry under it's jurisdiction it<br />

needs <strong>to</strong> ensure that all environmental regulations are being adhered <strong>to</strong>. The virus issue needs<br />

<strong>to</strong> be fully investigated. As a voter and a concerned resident of B.C. I firmly believe that our<br />

Pacific Salmon needs <strong>to</strong> be protected and have grave doubts that the aquaculture industry's<br />

impacts on the wild salmon is negligible. Remember that a federal election will be soon and for<br />

me this is a <strong>to</strong>p issue.<br />

Alex you are a saint!

This is is one of the most important issues of our time. Please identify where this virus is coming<br />

from.<br />

keep up the good work!<br />

start by getting rid of the Atlantic salmon first on the BC coast someone should be held<br />

accountable for this mistake<br />

It's criminal that the salmon farms are being allowed <strong>to</strong> withhold information related <strong>to</strong> disease<br />

and parasites when our so much is at stake with our wild s<strong>to</strong>cks. It's an irresponsible and<br />

destructive industry, and they are being allowed <strong>to</strong> call the shots in our waters.<br />

I am not confident that environmental protection for the ocean and our salmon is a priority of<br />

our government or that the government even understands the critical imperative <strong>to</strong> control<br />

salmon aquaculture activity in our ocean.<br />

thank you <strong>Alexandra</strong> for your very important work<br />

Time <strong>to</strong> wake up ...<br />

Cheers<br />

Get Norway out and s<strong>to</strong>p these destructive farming practices.<br />

This issue is not going <strong>to</strong> go away. Please address it. Take the opportunity <strong>to</strong> show that the<br />

Federal government does give a damn about the environment.<br />

Fish farm production should only be allowed ON shore<br />

Press on. I believe we can win the battle particulary with the progress being made on closed<br />

cotainment fish tanks<br />

Keep up the great work. The salmon of Clayoquot are depending on us all.<br />

I hope that you can address this urgently pressing priblem!<br />

Your Government promised openness; So did the BC Liberals. We need <strong>to</strong> have access <strong>to</strong> the<br />

facts regarding our fishery resources. If private fish farms use our public waters they must<br />

account for themselves with true facts. If they refuse, they should be kicked out.<br />

keep up the pressure<br />

It saddens me that the Fraser river sockeye could be affected by this virus. I would encourage<br />

all farm salmon lots have this testing done on a regular basis. In our community, most of us do<br />

not eat 'farmed salmon' and everyone wants our WILD salmon <strong>to</strong> remain healthy!

Please remove salmon farms from the ocean <strong>to</strong> land so that the farmers won't contaminate the<br />

water for wild fish. Salmon are a resource for the province that needs protecting. Thanks.<br />

long live wild salmon<br />

This is a very important issue for our province and the ocean waters that surround us.<br />

I strongly support this petition for allowing science <strong>to</strong> do its work!<br />

If there are no viral traces <strong>to</strong> be found, then the farming industry will have nothing <strong>to</strong> hide (as<br />

would counter ISA virus infestations in Chile, Scotland, and New Brunswick); otherwise, positive<br />

results would explain the industry's refusal <strong>to</strong> reveal its ongoing disease records -- as just<br />

happens <strong>to</strong> coincide with the recently revealed 4-year prevalence of a potenial new virus strain,<br />

source yet unknown. What would they have <strong>to</strong> hide otherwise<br />

Keep up the great effort!<br />

To DFO: This is my backyard, my industry (<strong>to</strong>urism) and my life. Get control, or get out of the<br />

way! I do not support Canada's waters being abused by international companies!<br />

better <strong>to</strong> be safe than sorry especially for future generations - we are already killing this planet -<br />

please s<strong>to</strong>p this and help our own coast<br />

better <strong>to</strong> be safe than sorry especially for future generations - we are already killing this planet -<br />

please s<strong>to</strong>p this and help our own coast<br />

Why would we put the wild salmon at risk<br />

If there is a disease in feedlots and it is allowed <strong>to</strong> spread , how is that good for the the<br />

economics of the farmed industry and the wild industry as wellThe wild salomon are not just an<br />

industrial resorse for us <strong>to</strong> exploit for our gain. They are connected <strong>to</strong> the health of the planet .<br />

That is a big responsability. Do not take this lightly. You have been entrusted with this task. We<br />

of the world are counting on you <strong>to</strong> do the right thing <strong>to</strong> ensure that the balance is kept. Good<br />

luck dear . Truth will prevail always.<br />

It is shamefull that polititicans operate as if they are legally unacountable for thier actions while<br />

in office . The science is has been there for decades ,the people have spoken ... big business<br />

should not rule our political system .Willfull neglect of duties should be subject <strong>to</strong>o prosecution<br />

buy law ...Al B.<br />

healthy planet, Canada's long term economic well being and wild salmon, they are all part of the<br />

same equation. DFO please don't do the same <strong>to</strong> the west coast as you did with the cod.<br />

When will common sense prevail<br />

Only by full access <strong>to</strong> fish farming sites and moni<strong>to</strong>ring of their operations will we be able <strong>to</strong><br />

confirm or otherwise the damage that fish farms are causing <strong>to</strong> wild salmon and the marine<br />

environment<br />

Wild salmon are essential food for so many species (bears, eagles, ravens, cougars, humans <strong>to</strong><br />

name just a few); signature animals of BC; animals both on the coast a far inland; the loss of<br />

wild salmon populations effects the entire ecosystem from <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m. It is hard <strong>to</strong> believe that<br />

in this day in age we are not protecting our wild salmon with every possible resource, study, and

law. Wild salmon are the basis of the food chain in BC ... we will be greatly diminished if we do<br />

not protect them with all the science we have would be unconscionable stupidity.<br />

This is so important!<br />

Would like <strong>to</strong> be on mailing list if it's operational for the U. S.<br />

your work is of crucial importance <strong>to</strong> the future of our fishery - thanks for your extreme good<br />

works alex ~<br />

guardian watchman<br />

Wild sustainable salmon only PLEASE!<br />

Staying vegan until we s<strong>to</strong>p killing the planet.<br />

There are clearly more questions than answers re BC salmon, and here is a simple way <strong>to</strong> get at<br />

least one answer. Test feedlot salmon.<br />

Whose safety<br />

good work<br />

have gail shea adopt some of alaskan philosiphy <strong>to</strong>wards wild seafood and the support of the<br />

commercial fishery and sport industries<br />

Give wild salmon a voice!<br />

Protect wild salmon<br />

NOW IS THE TIME !!<br />

give them shit!!<br />

If there are no viral traces <strong>to</strong> be found, then the salmon farming industry should have nothing <strong>to</strong><br />

hide (as would counter the experience in ISA virus manifestations in Norway, Chile, Scotland, et<br />

al); positive results would explain the industry's refusal <strong>to</strong> reveal its ongoing disease records --<br />

as happens <strong>to</strong> coincide with the recently revealed findings of a 4-year prevalence of a potential<br />

new virus strain that is devestating Fraser River s<strong>to</strong>ck, source yet unknown. What should they<br />

have <strong>to</strong> hide otherwise<br />

Good work. I will help all I can.<br />

I won't accept anything less than enclosed pens with waste water treated on shore before being<br />

discharged in<strong>to</strong> the ocean.<br />

It is apauling <strong>to</strong> me <strong>to</strong> think that a government would not see this issue as essential. Anything<br />

that endangers wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks endangers the health of the coast, the health of the people and<br />

ecosystems that thrive there. I urge you <strong>to</strong> fund this research so that the health of the coast can<br />

be maintained. I do not have any faith in any government that does not see these environmental<br />

issues as paramount.

S<strong>to</strong>p playing Russiona Roulette with our wild salmon and the communities, human, forest and<br />

wildlife, that depend on their survival. There is no excuse for mismanagament born of<br />

wilfullignorance.<br />

please make salmonfarmers come clean<br />

end open net cage salmon farming<br />

We musn't destroy this amazing resource that is so much about BC and the Pacific Ocean. We<br />

have already destroyed the East Coast cod fishery! How can our governments be so blind<br />

you have no choice!<br />



YOU ALL<br />

Land locked salmon farms only - like at Swift Agriculture in Aggazis<br />

Protection for the free - do testing!!<br />

get the fish farms on<strong>to</strong> land where they can be controlled<br />

profit for Marine Harvest does not trump the West Coast eco system<br />

It is unconscionable that in 2011 our government is choosing <strong>to</strong> ignore pleas <strong>to</strong> save our wild<br />

salmon - and possibly other species of wild fish s<strong>to</strong>cks. It is embarassing <strong>to</strong> think that our<br />

country, one of the most progressive in the world, is continuing <strong>to</strong> turn a blind eye <strong>to</strong> this<br />

pending disaster and is allowing a foreign run company <strong>to</strong> lay waste our pristine waters and<br />

food s<strong>to</strong>cks. Shame on the Canadian Fisheries and government.<br />

I follow Dr. Mor<strong>to</strong>n's studies and recommendation and agree that we need <strong>to</strong> manage our<br />

Salmon fisheries better. The Norwegian run Salmon farms in BC must be held accountable.<br />

Salmon farming must be restricted or s<strong>to</strong>pped until we are certain it does not affect our nature<br />

salmon runs. The government has a bad record of managing fisheries as proved with<br />

Newfoundland Cod .<br />

How much more can the global environment take before a <strong>to</strong>tal worldwide collapse happens. the<br />

same excuses are bein used as when global warming was an issue. Now global warming has<br />

been around so long that it seems <strong>to</strong> be an accepted fact of life. I am sorry ALEX but there seems<br />

<strong>to</strong> be no peaceful way <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p this <strong>to</strong>tal worldwide attack. It makes you wonder what the ulterior<br />

motive of this action is.<br />

Dear Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, As a British Columbian and as an archaeologist, I recognize that salmon<br />

have not only sustained people but is a source of commerce and even more importantly, Salmon<br />

nuture and feed the entire coastal forest eco-system. Marine proteins are a significant soil<br />

component miles from any salmon bearing streams and this is supplied by the migrating salmon.<br />

The wealth of our wild salmon has huge implications for the whole province and must be<br />

protected at all costs.

Transparency is required on this issue that threatens wild salmon and all the jobs that they<br />

sustain here.<br />

.<br />

honest poatichions would not mind taking a polygraph<br />

There's simply <strong>to</strong>o much at stake with our wild salmon populations <strong>to</strong> not sufficiently fund<br />

thorough assessments and testing. Thank you!<br />

Please remove theses salmon farms before it is <strong>to</strong>o late. They have destroyed the environment<br />

everywhere they have been set up.<br />

support closed containment<br />

Salmon are a vital part of the ecosystems of our country.... please consider this research<br />

seriously.<br />

I have seen great negative changes in salmon populations here on the coast where I have lived<br />

for 17 years.<br />

I do not believe that either the provincial liberal government of BC nor the federalconservative<br />

government are showing any stewardship of the west coast marine ecosystems. If I can't appeal<br />

<strong>to</strong> your sense of conservation why I don't I just appeal <strong>to</strong> your basic and crass political instincts.<br />

Show us that you care!<br />

Health of the salmon population, both farmed & wild is tied directly <strong>to</strong> the health of the<br />

individuals that consume them. Look after your people, and they'll look after the country. As an<br />

elected representative of the people, its not only expected of you <strong>to</strong> perform this as a task of your<br />

continued employment, it should also be as a matter of concern for your own health & that of<br />

your family!<br />

save salmon habitat<br />

Your department wiped out the Atlantic cod fishery; PLEASE, do not do the same <strong>to</strong> the Pacific<br />

salmon.<br />

great work we are all in your debt.<br />

Great job Alex. Keep it up<br />

Let's work <strong>to</strong>gether for the health of the salmon and ultimately our beautiful BC coastline.<br />

Its about time we learn the truth about the impacts of salmon farming!<br />

This issue will influence how I vote<br />

We want test results!<br />

If you cannot do the job resign and allow someone that cares about our wild salmon before you<br />

create destruction like the East coast cod. Farmed salmon are unconstitutional and have not<br />

gone through any consultations with First Nations or the people that depend on them. Step aside,<br />

do the honourable thing, please...

save the sockeye!<br />

Tenacious and committed <strong>to</strong> protecting and ensuring the survival of wild Pacific salmon!<br />

Can't s<strong>to</strong>p til we win<br />

Why not test It just makes good sense...<br />

It is shameful that we have not been kept informed on such an important matter<br />


Please test the farmed salmon for disease.<br />

do the right thing!<br />

Please help save a precious and crucial part of our planets ecosystem!<br />

shut down in ocean fish farms , for sure<br />

The public need this information and so do the sockeye.<br />

dont mess with mother nature<br />

good work<br />

let's go<br />

appreciation of the work A.M. is doing.<br />

Our wild Pacific Salmon are a treasure that has nourished this coast for thousands of years. This<br />

gift from Nature and the sea is worth Millions of dollars as it feeds people animals , orcas, birds,<br />

and the streams and forests of this coast, the coastal communities, the First Nations,and a huge<br />

Tourist and Sport fishery. How can Canada allow this amazing resource <strong>to</strong> be threatened with<br />

disease, pollution of their habitat with chemicals, antibiotics,parasites, hormones, effluent, and<br />

escaped non-native fish <strong>to</strong> profit the foreign owners of open net fish farms in our waters If this<br />

was a safe industry they would be doing it in Norwegian waters. They are banned there , so why<br />

let them foul our waters and destroy our wild Salmon Only closed containment with all residue<br />

properly processed <strong>to</strong> sterilize it should be allowed.,<br />

Dear minister: please do your job<br />

We have <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p the salmon farm industry<br />

Why has this vital scientific information not been made public Why haven't test results been<br />

made public what testing was done <strong>to</strong> reach the conclusion that a virus was present in B.C. fish<br />

farms and that it may pose a serious threat <strong>to</strong> wild salmon<br />

Strong Supporter of Anti-Fish Farming Movement<br />

Open net fish farming in British Columbia needs <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p, for the survival of our indigenous<br />

westcoast salmon

Leave no s<strong>to</strong>ne unturned<br />

get over your political stripes. I would normally vote for your party but you are losing me<br />

quickly over this issue. Don't make me a FORMER supporter!<br />

Please get the fish farms in BC out of the water. It is causing our salmon <strong>to</strong> become diseased<br />

from disease. Get the Norwegian inves<strong>to</strong>rs out of our waters. They have been forced out of the<br />

European waters because they have polluted their ocean and their oceans are dead zones.<br />

Please listen we are wanting <strong>to</strong> have lots of faith in our leaders.<br />

The condition of our animal population worldwide affects us all, please be careful for the sake of<br />

all<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>. Please Do Not let Canada be a LATE follower when it comes <strong>to</strong> protecting our<br />

wild BC salmon. Take notice and learn from other countries issues with fish farms located on or<br />

over migration routes.<br />

Testing for diseases would appear <strong>to</strong> be a necessity rather than something requested of private<br />

fish farms in public waters.<br />

We do not trust this industry <strong>to</strong> self-regulate<br />

Common Sense Needed<br />

Please, no more farm raised salmon which greatly imperil wild salmon.<br />

keep at it<br />

Does the government represent the people or corporations Who should the People support<br />

if the farms are not closed containment systems they should have dfo moni<strong>to</strong>rs/biologists on<br />

their sites<br />

do the right thing!<br />


Aquaculture in natural settings require explicit transparency, intensive moni<strong>to</strong>ring and reporting<br />

and above all - accountability. Please do your part <strong>to</strong> make this happen.<br />

thank you<br />

wild salmon is immensely important <strong>to</strong> my overall health--wholistic health.<br />

Good Luck<br />

bring the wild salmon back <strong>to</strong> the Brough<strong>to</strong>n - fish farms out!<br />








I am disturbed by the nature of the recent pro fish farm t.v. advertisement<br />

I might have signed before - I can't remember but I really think this needs <strong>to</strong> be investigated<br />

Let the wild salmon flourish & please do not allow this fish farming <strong>to</strong> persist an cause a decline<br />

in the wild salmon population and leave human.<br />

I stand in solidarity with First Nations' people and for protection of Earth and its creatures.<br />

Thank you for representing the people and our future<br />

I think this would be the least the gov't could do!<br />

Fish farms must be out of the ocean and on land in closed containers. BC residents will keep on<br />

fighting you until you do this. Do it soon.<br />

Please protect our wild salmon.... i will never eat farmed or GMO<br />

Perhaps Minister <strong>Shea</strong> doesn't want the results of the study. They may not fit with her plans <strong>to</strong><br />

significantly increase farms on the Pacific Coast.<br />

Protect the wild salmon<br />

Thank-you!<br />

As a building contrac<strong>to</strong>r, if I drop one branch in<strong>to</strong> a fish bearing creek I will have the ministry<br />

all over me. Why are foreign companies allowed <strong>to</strong> dump millions of pounds of effluent directly<br />

in<strong>to</strong> sovereign Canadian waters<br />

Farmed fish are eating the food of the people of other lands and killing our food and lively<br />

hoods.<br />

I am in full support of this petition and request immediate action, if we are not <strong>to</strong>o late.<br />

Think about the Salmon! For God's sake, won't you think about the Salmon!<br />

Please follow through on this request. Thank you.<br />

Let your staff do their job properly and protect wild salmon.<br />

There absolutely must save our wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks!<br />

Demand funding of fish farm investigations especially concerning above mentioned virus.<br />

this virus is serious

Pleas, for the sake of not only the salmon but the whole ecosystem that depends on them.<br />

How can Fish Farms operate without DFO acting in the best interests of wild salmon rather then<br />

the corporations<br />

I am angry that my own government has hidden such important information - all the incredible<br />

work and efforts by thousands of people caring for our wild salmon is not supported by our own<br />

gov't!!<br />

Please help save our wild salmon<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> create a Green-Blue Belt for Fraser River & tributaries and Coastal Salmon<br />

mitgration routes <strong>to</strong> protect Wild Salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks and conservation areas.<br />

please allow testing!<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p pandering <strong>to</strong> the will of big companies; listen <strong>to</strong> the people whom you are supposed <strong>to</strong><br />

represent!<br />

What else are they hiding<br />

Thank you<br />

Consistently good work. Our children need <strong>to</strong> believe adults are transparent, honourable in<br />

their behavior and actively creating a healthy "whole" world. The work being done here helps<br />

them <strong>to</strong> feel that some adults are reliable and trustworthy. Thank yout,<br />

Thank you once again Alexanda for continuing <strong>to</strong> face these challenges. Minister <strong>Shea</strong> you must<br />

heed the wishes of the people <strong>to</strong> protect the wild salmon. It is inconceivable and unbelievable<br />

that this struggle continues.<br />

Urgent action must be taken on this <strong>to</strong> protect salmon and other sea life. We demand<br />

transparency and accountability!<br />

When government employees, particularly scientists, see that very important information is being<br />

suppressed and have the courage <strong>to</strong> stand up and make it known, that is the equivalent of whistle<br />

blowing. The Government has stated that whistleblowers should be protected. It will be<br />

interesting <strong>to</strong> see how your Government handles this situation.<br />

Isn't it DFA or DAFO In any case, it's TIME for all good DFO staff <strong>to</strong> separate completely<br />

from <strong>Shea</strong>'s Department of Aquaculture.<br />

Please allow testing of the salmon<br />

I noticed this report in the paper and wondered if and when we would see the details released <strong>to</strong><br />

the public. This is directly related <strong>to</strong> the issues that I care very deeply about - our fish and their<br />

habitat. We want an open and frank discussion about the causes of the salmon s<strong>to</strong>ck delcine.<br />

This is a critical issue that "must" be fully explored.<br />

Please save our salmon n ow

Sickening. It shows great reason <strong>to</strong> distrust any claim that DFO is supposed <strong>to</strong> be working for<br />

the people of this country.<br />

We must keep up the pressure on Minister <strong>Shea</strong> and her senior staff who choose <strong>to</strong> ignore how<br />

important wild salmon are <strong>to</strong> the people of the west coast.<br />

We should know if this virus is caused by the fish farms.<br />

Minister, It is time <strong>to</strong> do your job and protect the fish and not the business of fisheries. Your<br />

inaction could prove <strong>to</strong> be disasterous for the entire ecosystem of the entire west coast.<br />

Please protect one of BC's most valuable responsible.<br />

you will not be happy until you have watched the extinction of all wild pacific salmon species on<br />

your watch. you should be very proud............<br />

salmon farms have done nothing good for earth or BC, get rid of them NOW<br />

Please allow DFO <strong>to</strong> do the work they are mandated <strong>to</strong> do as per the Fisheries Act. S<strong>to</strong>p<br />

silencing Canada's government scientists!<br />

In light of released information about salmon being infected with a virus that is not yet<br />

identified, it is imperative that salmon feed lots be required <strong>to</strong> release their virus infection data<br />

<strong>to</strong> the public.<br />

One has <strong>to</strong> wonder why this ongoing need <strong>to</strong> advocate for the survival of our natural resources<br />

with our own governments continues <strong>to</strong> be necessary<br />

Many thanks <strong>to</strong> <strong>Alexandra</strong> Mor<strong>to</strong>n for her orofessional and tireless work assessing and reporting<br />

on the increasingly challenging situation facing the wild salmon population of BC.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, do the right thing!<br />

Keep up the great work alexandra! I sign all these petitions =) you never send <strong>to</strong>o many emails<br />

If this information has been collected, access <strong>to</strong> it must be allowed <strong>to</strong> a third party for scrutiny<br />

<strong>to</strong> ensure that outside, self serving interests are not <strong>to</strong> bury something that threatens our<br />

indigenous species, and puts <strong>to</strong>urism, fishing, and our ecosystem in danger<br />

This is <strong>to</strong>tally unacceptable for this <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> be ignored<br />

We must not allow the mismanagement of our natural resources <strong>to</strong> continue.<br />

What will benefit BC's salmon will also benefit the east coast atlantic salmon that are also at the<br />

mercy of the acquaculture industry.<br />

It's time for the government <strong>to</strong> take this issue seriously. Do your jobs - protect Canadians and<br />

our oceans.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, this situation is shameful. Please allow your own Ministry's science <strong>to</strong> function!<br />

Please, this is urgent.<br />

If you cannot be transparent, you should not be in the public services

This information is vital-not only for salmn but for all that depend apon them. theo job of our<br />

gouvernment ought <strong>to</strong> be <strong>to</strong> support (financially and otherwise) the basic research needed <strong>to</strong><br />

understand thoe world we live in so that we can make informed decisions. No oter interests shold<br />

stand in the way. Our enrironment is more important than the financial interests of salmon<br />

farmers.<br />

Please listen and DO the right thing - move salmon farms out of the sea before its really <strong>to</strong>o<br />

late!<br />

Let us lift our heads out of the sand<br />

As we see it here in the Brough<strong>to</strong>n, all fish farms should be tested for all viruses and bacteria or<br />

any other kinds of diseases, this should not be a question <strong>to</strong> ask but should be part of the<br />

regulations and/or the licence concitions, Gilakasla, Hereditary Chief Robert Mountain.<br />

It is time <strong>to</strong> make our government officials more accountable <strong>to</strong> the public that must live with<br />

decisions made under the influence of corporate greed.<br />

this is of utmost importance<br />

This is an appalling lack of responsibility <strong>to</strong>ward the people you are supposed <strong>to</strong> be serving.<br />

Please act in this matter now <strong>to</strong> protect the pacific coastal ecosystem<br />

Disgusting Liberals<br />

This is outrageous<br />

Go get 'em<br />

It is time <strong>to</strong> prioritize this problem and ACT!!!<br />

It's high time that DFO demonstrated some functionality, other than selling our fish for votes.<br />

This is very important for Government <strong>to</strong> address!!<br />

We urge you <strong>to</strong> act <strong>to</strong> identify this threat a.s.a.p.<br />

FOUR years they've had this information What else are they hiding<br />

Please do your Job and save our Salmon<br />

Thank you.<br />

Shame on your delay<br />

Better management of our world famous fishery must begin now. This resourse is not only<br />

precious <strong>to</strong> British Columbians , but <strong>to</strong> the world!<br />

thanks for doing this

Gail <strong>Shea</strong> needs <strong>to</strong> step down if she refuses<br />

Better not<br />

It would seem <strong>to</strong> me that the DFO/Gov't are afraid of what they might find out. It is the DFO's<br />

job <strong>to</strong> protect salmon, not look after the interests of Norwegian fish farm opera<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

Please give Dr. Miller access. It is vital that we save our sockeye salmon fishery.<br />

go girl<br />

Please remove the feedlots from BC waters<br />

The government(s) have hidden this information from us for 4 years!!!! What the fuck!<br />

This government should s<strong>to</strong>p putting it's head in the ground and realize it's responsibility <strong>to</strong> the<br />

people of Canada and not <strong>to</strong> the corporations multi national at that.<br />



I am glad you stayed out of politics and will therefore continue with an independent voice of<br />

impartiality, although I am an NDP member.<br />

This is a critical issue!!!<br />

Keep up the moni<strong>to</strong>ring. You can do better here rather than possibly sitting in the Federal<br />

House of Commons.<br />

When the salmon are infected and can no longer serve as food, which species will we next<br />

target<br />

When the salmon are infected and can no longer serve as food, which species will we next<br />

target<br />

Shame on you - Do we really want our salmon <strong>to</strong> go by way of the East Coast Cod<br />

It's very important that wild salmon not contact virus from feedlot salmon. Please let us find out<br />

what's really happening with this virus. Thank you!<br />

I fully support the goals of this petition. Protection of our priceless wild salmon heritage should<br />

be the <strong>to</strong>p priority of DFO. Unfortunately, the wording used in the petition is inappropriately<br />

aggressive. To "demand" and "instruct" a minister of the crown <strong>to</strong> adopt new policy simply<br />

spawns resentment and resistance. "Urge" and "strongly suggest" would be more suitable<br />

terminology.<br />

The DFO needs <strong>to</strong> GO<br />

I remember as a young child viewing the salmon run; we cannot let a rampant virus kill off what<br />

is our Canadian right - our right <strong>to</strong> keep our wildlife and wild spaces alive and healthy!<br />

The founders of the IPSFC would be rolling over in their graves if they had any idea how their<br />

combined efforts would be dashed by extremely poor management, and even worse political<br />

interferance.<br />

Transparency is essential for credibility of all aspects of the Cohen Commission's work.

This is extremely important.<br />

give them hell, Alex<br />

We cannot lose our salmon. it will be the beginning of the end for all of us if we do!! all<br />

creatures will suffer the loss of salmon. please please help them.<br />

It is time for you <strong>to</strong> be open and forthright with all information pertaining <strong>to</strong> the aquatic life on<br />

all coasts of canada. Hiding this information in order <strong>to</strong> benefit industry should be criminal!<br />

Allow the truth about the newly discovered virus affecting the crucial Sockeye salmon industry <strong>to</strong><br />

emerge, including testing of caged Atlantic salmon, so that remedial action can be taken.<br />

It is imperative that any and all information held by fish farms be turned over immediatley in<br />

order <strong>to</strong> verify the virus and its origins<br />

It seems obvious <strong>to</strong> me that fish farms have a detrimental effect on wild salmon numbers - look at<br />

the fiords in Norway with fish farms as opposed <strong>to</strong> those without fish farms in them<br />

If you are concerned about Canada then take this action . If you are concerned about your own<br />

ignominy then take this action. Whatever your concern this action is the best action you can take.<br />

Keep slugging<br />

Canadians should be ashamed for allowing the DFO <strong>to</strong> carry on in such a Facist manner. <strong>Shea</strong><br />

and her crowd have <strong>to</strong> go!!!!<br />

keep up this essential advocacy<br />

What is wrong with our so-called leaders that they do their job of looking out for our interests so<br />

badly. It raises the question, and not just with me; "Is someone getting paid off by the fish farm<br />

people And who else pays off our politicians" It's no wonder people are becoming increasingly<br />

cynical about politics.<br />

support wild fish<br />

Lets hold the gov't accountable <strong>to</strong> our environment and our resources, otherwise we won't have<br />

them for much longer!<br />

Dear Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, I also demand your resignation.<br />

Come on Folks, it's in Canada's interest <strong>to</strong> be on <strong>to</strong>p of these issues... What aare waiting for<br />

WIKILEAKS <strong>to</strong> get the info out.<br />

Act now<br />

Withholding this information is criminal.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong> needs <strong>to</strong> resign and let someone competent manage our fisheries.

No <strong>to</strong> Liberals and Conservatives<br />

Thank you!<br />

Why is this not being looked after Minister <strong>Shea</strong> Why are you and your ministry letting politics<br />

get in the way of good science Why do you want <strong>to</strong> destroy a sustainable wild fishery letting<br />

I love our traditional salmon and want <strong>to</strong> see it for my children and grandchildren SAVE OUR<br />

WILD SALMON NOW, for us and our future PLEASE!!!!<br />

No <strong>to</strong> Liberals and Conservatives<br />

I had hoped that the control of government by corporations and money was an American<br />

phenomenae. Apparently not.<br />

Keep up the good work!<br />

Listen <strong>to</strong> what <strong>Alexandra</strong> Mor<strong>to</strong>n is trying <strong>to</strong> tell you!<br />

As our elected representatives, you are in office <strong>to</strong> address our concerns. This is an extremely<br />

important concern, with huge economic and environmental implications. Please allow Dr.<br />

Miller immediate and unfettered access.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, you have been asleep at the wheel for far <strong>to</strong>o long now and the shit is about <strong>to</strong> hit<br />

the fan. Stand up and be counted for a woman of integrity now or suffer the consequences when<br />

your failures come in<strong>to</strong> public scrutiny. You need <strong>to</strong> place your immediate attention on this issue<br />

and stand for the people of BC or get the hell out of your office and surrender the responsibility<br />

<strong>to</strong> someone who will serve the people of BC.<br />

Very distressing news for a number of reasons. Salmon are so integral <strong>to</strong> the health of many<br />

species it is paramount that both provincial and federal governments take every action possible<br />

<strong>to</strong> protect their health<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong> is still asleep at the wheel over here. What on earth are we paying her for IS she<br />

ever going <strong>to</strong> be counted as someone who actually served the country or not. Doesn’t seem like it<br />

<strong>to</strong> me.<br />

I am as<strong>to</strong>unded you care so little out wild salmon and will go <strong>to</strong> great lengths <strong>to</strong> protect salmon<br />

farmers. What are you thinking Does salmon farming provide you with a benefit that wild<br />

salmon cannot<br />

keep going on...<br />

I consider Minister <strong>Shea</strong> a criminal for having neglected this issue that we have been telling her<br />

about for years. I feel Minister <strong>Shea</strong> should be brought up on charges for neglecting her job. Her<br />

performance level is appalling. I resent as a tax payer that I have <strong>to</strong> pay her <strong>to</strong> play with her<br />

fanny and trip around the world at our expense ignoring our problems until its <strong>to</strong>o late <strong>to</strong><br />

recover from them. Shame on <strong>Shea</strong> I say.<br />


Lets get the truth in time.<br />

Not sure where you get all the energy from <strong>to</strong> continue but I hope it continues. Thanks.<br />

We, the people, have a right <strong>to</strong> be informed about an issue of this magnitude. Virus in fish has a<br />

devastating effect on all areas of life.<br />

Get fishfarms out of our oceans<br />

Deplorable<br />

Dear Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, please be true <strong>to</strong> the principles which your government campaigned on and,<br />

thereby, which you are mandated <strong>to</strong> uphold -- namely, practicing transparency. If you continue<br />

<strong>to</strong> fail in this practice then we must conclude you have acquired your seat based on a false<br />

promise and thus it is not the case that you practice transparency but in fact operate in secrecy<br />

which reflects deceit on the pat of your government. Please remedy this concern through acting<br />

honourably. Many thanks. G. James.<br />

Access <strong>to</strong> feed lots and heir disease records is essential<br />

Please allow Dr. K. Miller <strong>to</strong> do her job.<br />

How on earth can we be sure that farmed salmon does not endanger wild salmon when the<br />

company's involved refuse <strong>to</strong> disclose their stats, except <strong>to</strong> scientists who are "in their pockets",<br />

Make a decision that gives you peace.<br />

Please help science do the work it needs on this very inportant issue. Remember the FRB!<br />

Do the right thing!!!<br />

The DFO MUST release all data and reports <strong>to</strong> the Cohen Commission. NO excuses are<br />

acceptable.<br />

When the fit really hits the shan, there will be no one in a higher position than you. It is in your<br />

power <strong>to</strong> do the right thing. Exercise the power the PEOPLE have given you and follow the path<br />

we have laid before you. There is not one thing that needs protecting more than our wild salmon,<br />

because without our wild salmon, we have nothing left <strong>to</strong> protect. No more games. Please, read<br />

your mandate and stick <strong>to</strong> it. Protect our wild fish.<br />

This is unbelievable. I am sickened by the lack of accountability being demonstrated.<br />

<strong>Shea</strong> You are F*@#ed, you and Gordon Campbell deserve a bucket of sea lice thrown on you...!<br />

There have been <strong>to</strong>o many secrets for <strong>to</strong>o long!!!<br />

Feedlots out now!!<br />

Please deal with this.<br />

Our Government should be doing everything possible <strong>to</strong> account for the loss of Wild Salmon---<br />

this is their job as our representatives

Show that you care, please. Humans are not alone on this planet!<br />

This is appalling!<br />

Just another example of how our (LMAO) government serves the interests of the rich and<br />

powerful. "Talking about a revolution....."<br />

I am so disgusted with DFO and the governments I'm afraid all I have <strong>to</strong> say is our country is<br />

run by corruption.<br />

I read the newspaper article on the virus in salmon and am very frightened by this. the salmon<br />

are the life blood of this province. please please do research <strong>to</strong> assure that fish farms are not<br />

causing or making these viruses more prevalent. please.<br />

I am appalled that Fisheries, once again, is not acting on behalf of wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks.<br />

Please check the pens for the Virus!! It only makes sense.<br />

The BC government must respond and must force farms <strong>to</strong> reveal disease records, by law.<br />

Please do it soon - we are counting on our Government <strong>to</strong> save our salmon<br />

Life imitating art! "I have seen the enemy; he is us."<br />

We must get <strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>m of this immediately, help us please.<br />

This issue has serious implications for Canada's neighbors. Please move forward on the<br />

research and testing.<br />

This is very important.<br />

I am Regional Direc<strong>to</strong>r for the area, all of my constituents are behind you Alex, especially our<br />

local Streamkeeper group who work <strong>to</strong> repair and improve spawning creeks on Lasqueti<br />

I am at a loss for words. If the DFO knows of this retrovirus why don't they want <strong>to</strong> know more<br />

about it After their decision making on the east coast wiped out that fishery why would they<br />

want the same thing <strong>to</strong> happen out west Once the west coast wild salmon are destroyed there<br />

would be no need for a DFO any longer. Isn't this a most mysterious agency suicide Who's<br />

getting paid off here<br />


OUT ENTIRELY!!!!<br />

Urgent<br />

For the love of the salmon, please look in<strong>to</strong> this!<br />

Coming from Salmon Arm, we are very interested in the problems with the wild salmon. Surely<br />

the government must realize that fish farms may very well be a big part of the problem and must<br />

allow access in order <strong>to</strong> test for the virus.

Even though I am from out of the province I feel I must support this petition. Whatever negatively<br />

effects one species affect us all. Please act on these recommendations.<br />

Save wild salmon<br />

The time is NOW <strong>to</strong> maintain and res<strong>to</strong>re BC salmon runs for the BC communities that depend<br />

on healthy salmon (commercial fisherman, sport fisherman guides, outfitters, <strong>to</strong>ur vendors,<br />

<strong>to</strong>urists<br />

Time <strong>to</strong> test and act<br />

I'm not surprised, but very saddened!<br />

Why does Canada not have a law making it manda<strong>to</strong>ry for salmon farms <strong>to</strong> report disease<br />

Please, let the scientists examine all possibilities pertaining <strong>to</strong> the salmon downturn. Then<br />

maybe there can be a solution it there is any political will<br />

Typically egregious<br />



Great need <strong>to</strong> continue insisting that information about farm salmon be available and<br />

transparent so we can protect our ecosystem and indigenous species<br />

I fish in BC and spend thousands.<br />

Why do we have <strong>to</strong> go through these hoops, This is more important than the HST...We need more<br />

information by having it corrected NOW!<br />

Once again the PMO silences scientists!<br />

Unbelievable the apparent incompetence of DFO!<br />

Spending money on 5o new aquaculture jobs before giving adequate $ and staff <strong>to</strong> investigate<br />

this virus is ridiculous!<br />

Gail <strong>Shea</strong> and the DFO, are a complete failure, insofar as management of this great resource is<br />

indicated<br />

We need B.C. coast minister as well as Atlantic minister<br />

Please act NOW!<br />

This all started in the 80's when aquaculture was introduced. Please s<strong>to</strong>p this now. Wildlife<br />

will thank you.

Would the CBC News help by exposing this issue<br />

Retroviruses are the scourge of our age and everything must be done and done soon <strong>to</strong> identify<br />

and s<strong>to</strong>p the spread of this possible new one.<br />

This commission’s duty is <strong>to</strong> gather every bit of evidence as <strong>to</strong> the tragic state of BC Wild<br />

Salmon<br />

Please show you care<br />

This needs <strong>to</strong> be a funding priority<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> see all of the disease records from salmon lots so that any potential issues can be<br />

worked on by other scientists and non-industry people. In order <strong>to</strong> gain our trust in salmon feed<br />

lots we require transparency<br />

Once Again DFO is Guilty of withholding valuable information about salmon disease from us.<br />

This MUST not be allowed <strong>to</strong> continue and I for one will be voting for a change of Gov’t at the<br />

next opportunity. DFO MUST allow access <strong>to</strong> all data and ensure that Feedlot salmon are<br />

tested.<br />

It is time for the government of Canada and British Columbia <strong>to</strong> practice transparency in all<br />

aspects of government but especially and whole heartedly concerning the plight of the Pacific<br />

Wild Salmon<br />

DFO needs <strong>to</strong> do their job<br />

Where is the prom transparency we should expect from government<br />

We demand the government <strong>to</strong> take a leadership role in saving this natural resource<br />

This is truly an important issue and warrants immediate attention. thank goodness we have<br />

people with integrity like Dr Miller willing <strong>to</strong> investigate this . Full cooperation and financial<br />

support should be made readily available <strong>to</strong> her. I say thumbs down <strong>to</strong> DFO!<br />

Absolutely, this must be done. Please continue <strong>to</strong> press this issue at the Cohen Inquiry. Thank<br />

you.<br />

we need truthful answers<br />

I support the further research<br />

Get on it!<br />

We are concerned at the lack of good objective scientific research going in<strong>to</strong> fisheries and fish<br />

farms in BC<br />

Just do it.<br />

I heard this on CBC on January 13, 2011. Having listened <strong>to</strong> the IDEAS show only days earlier,<br />

I was gob-smacked with the clear link <strong>to</strong> feedlots. What a despicable business not <strong>to</strong> protect our<br />

habitats and natural resources

Again you put Canada <strong>to</strong> shame as an ecological disaster withe the work sustainable jsut that -<br />

just another word <strong>to</strong> absolve yourselves of greed<br />

The Canadian Citizens like and need <strong>to</strong> know the result of it all. I am asking that the result being<br />

published across Canada.<br />

Please take this petition <strong>to</strong> heart and act accordingly!<br />

Just another way <strong>to</strong> clear the Fraser River of Salmon so the private power can really expand and<br />

cash in.<br />

Strongly support this!<br />

Standing by while fish die doesn't seem <strong>to</strong> me <strong>to</strong> be good governance<br />

This is outrageous <strong>to</strong> treat our salmon companions any differently than we treat the outbreak of<br />

flu virus' in the human population. The salmon could be more important overall <strong>to</strong> the health<br />

and wellbeing of the Planet.<br />

It is sure time <strong>to</strong> clean house at the DFO in Ottawa and Vancouver. They are a disgrace <strong>to</strong> our<br />

country and <strong>to</strong> the Federal government .<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p killing the planet for dollars which are already dead.<br />

The implications of this are far reaching. We need <strong>to</strong> act based on long term results not short<br />

term gain.<br />

It will be of great help <strong>to</strong> find out where these viruses are coming from<br />

It is long past due for DFO <strong>to</strong> step up <strong>to</strong> the plate and make every effort <strong>to</strong> protect our wild<br />

salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks!<br />

When is this "<strong>Shea</strong>" going <strong>to</strong> get off the pot has anyone checked <strong>to</strong> see if she is a real live person<br />

and a Canadian citizen!!<br />

Take the Salmon Feedlots out <strong>to</strong> our ocean and watch <strong>to</strong> see how this helps our Ocean Salmon.<br />

I would submit that the many environmental committees and organisations could find a manner<br />

of combining forces without losing their identity and beacon.<br />

Why was your attempt <strong>to</strong> cross examine on the leaked memo refused by the Cohen Commission<br />

The sooner, the better.<br />

GO<br />

Non-disclosure of disease and drugs from fish farms is completely insane.....<strong>to</strong>tally<br />

arrogant....and absofrickinglutely criminal!

The gov't has for <strong>to</strong>o long ignored the need <strong>to</strong> protect and care for the wild salmon. The farms<br />

have not been properly supervised <strong>to</strong> protect the waters for the use of all natural wildlife of our<br />

ocean.<br />

Soon before we have no wild fish left<br />

What on earth is going on at the DFO Let DR. Miller do her work and PROTECT these wild<br />

fish!!<br />

DFO does it again...<br />

You really gotta do something <strong>to</strong> save the salmon fishery , look out for the future fisher people if<br />

not for us now....<br />

Now that this information has become public, which it should have years ago, the requests<br />

above are self-evident. Please get on with it.<br />

Our future as coastal people is linked <strong>to</strong> the health of our wild salmon population. Please act <strong>to</strong><br />

assure their survival<br />

Let's get <strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>m of this issue. If feedlots are a contributing fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> wild Pacific salmon<br />

decline then something needs <strong>to</strong> be done <strong>to</strong> rectify the situation a.s.a.p.<br />

Why is it always such a battle <strong>to</strong> get those who are supposed <strong>to</strong> be working on our behalf <strong>to</strong><br />

speak for us<br />

Please listen <strong>to</strong> science not just profit margins.<br />

We need the government's help.<br />

Faith in government hinges on matters such as these.<br />

Please do the right thing before it's <strong>to</strong>o late<br />

Please, let’s have the open accountable Govt. we were promised by your party!<br />


Thanks Alex!<br />

You are doing a very good job keep up the great work.<br />

DFO is mandated <strong>to</strong> protect wild fish. Its stalling and obfuscation are unconscionable. Wild<br />

salmon are a keys<strong>to</strong>ne species in BC, and i INSIST that all major science be brought <strong>to</strong> bear <strong>to</strong><br />

discover the cause of their falling numbers.<br />

Save our Wild Salmon !!<br />

I wish I was surprised by how this information has been handled.

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, PLEASE rise above short term political motivation and lead your ministry and all<br />

Canadians through the difficult task <strong>to</strong> ensure the flourishing survival of wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks in<br />

perpetuity.<br />

Information = power <strong>to</strong> the people<br />

This is a deadly serious issue that calls for an immediate s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> any expansion of the fish farm<br />

Industry and that plans be put in<strong>to</strong> place <strong>to</strong> remove fish feedlots from the oceans in<strong>to</strong><br />

containment on land.<br />

Start <strong>to</strong> act like a representative of the people, Not a reckless corporate croanie with subversive<br />

agenda's that harm the environment and prevent viable, sustainably proven and economically<br />

prudent land based farms from operating and wild salmon from being impacted further with<br />

unknown virus that are most likely originating from open net fish farms. If not then let the<br />

science out in the open for all <strong>to</strong> observe. To date your actions are ethically irreversibly<br />

concocted <strong>to</strong> avoid accountability through transparency and sickens me <strong>to</strong> the point of calling<br />

your action criminally corrupt. Yours truly, Leanne Hodges, Former DFO Fisheries Gaurdian<br />

Please act now.<br />

PLEASE<br />

Please action responsibly<br />

Please take all necessary action as requested above immediately <strong>to</strong> protect the health of our wild<br />

salmon and all the animals, including humans that depend on them.<br />

It is important that we don't let a virus spread over the whole population of wild pacific salmon<br />

and other species<br />

In complete support of your request <strong>to</strong> the minister. Some independent observation is certainly<br />

needed as government and its agencies appear <strong>to</strong> be less than willing or able <strong>to</strong> investigate<br />

reliably on their own.<br />

I <strong>to</strong>tally agree with <strong>Alexandra</strong>'s concern re feedlot salmon having this virus. As well, it is<br />

amazing that the salmon feedlots seem <strong>to</strong> be "a law un<strong>to</strong> themselves".<br />

Our salmon must be protected!<br />

Critical information must not be kept from the people of BC and the Cohen Inquiry<br />

Get out, we want <strong>to</strong> have our salmon and resources <strong>to</strong> sustain for millennia again.<br />

Salmon farms are a serious threat <strong>to</strong> BC salmon populations and so ought <strong>to</strong> be banned.<br />

Corporations don't care - governments must.

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>: Allow Dr. Miller <strong>to</strong> test the feedlot salmon for this unidentified virus. DFO<br />

cannot be allowed <strong>to</strong> muddle this as they have sea lice.<br />

DFO and the federal and provincial Govt' must s<strong>to</strong>p protecting the fish farm industry at the cost<br />

of our wild salmon!<br />

May I remind you that you and yours work for us and thus, we are entitled <strong>to</strong> all and any<br />

information gathered. And in addition, you are obliged <strong>to</strong> inform us in a timely manner.<br />

Anything less brings shame <strong>to</strong> all of us.<br />

the truth MUST BE TOLD !!!! the sooner the inspection , the better . if the government<br />

stalls on this , well , what are they afraid of the TRUTH E.K.<br />

You have an obligation <strong>to</strong> act, on behalf of all Canadians.<br />

I am a commercial fisherman and i am not pleased that you people are withholding vital<br />

informaition from us this is not right you are messing with my livelihood thanks alot !!!<br />

I am outraged at the Conservative Government and Ministries withholding information from<br />

their employer, WE, the Canadian citizen. Arbitrary decisions on the climate and environment<br />

MUST s<strong>to</strong>p. You are forming your legacy, but damaging our futures.<br />

The National Non Profit Party http://nationalnonprofitparty.ca/ suports this petition<br />

I honestly don't know or trust DFO now or ever did<br />

I would like <strong>to</strong> see more transparency.<br />

this is appalling and has <strong>to</strong> be s<strong>to</strong>pped - 4 years of doing nothing! ARG!!!<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>'s FIRST PRIORITY should be our wild salmon. Not investing her time entertaining<br />

Farmed Salmon enterprises!!<br />

How do we cause an uprising of people that will upset parliament Meanwhile, how about a<br />

full page ad in a mainstream newspaper saying, "When the Foxes are in charge of the<br />

Henhouse, don’t believe their research that says foxes are good for hens", (contributed by my<br />

brother on behalf of Friends of Friends of Wild Salmon.)<br />

I agree. We need <strong>to</strong> know what threats there are <strong>to</strong> our wild salmon--- These salmon are a<br />

resource belonging <strong>to</strong> the people and therefore anything affecting them should be public<br />

knowledge.<br />

Yes I agree---It's about time that the Government becomes responsible <strong>to</strong> the resources that<br />

belong <strong>to</strong> the people rather than <strong>to</strong> the multinational corporations.<br />

Honourable Minister <strong>Shea</strong>. Canadians are respectfully demanding your attention <strong>to</strong> this vital<br />

matter. Fund this properly and guarantee unfettered access <strong>to</strong> salmon feedlot populations. This

is a heinous disregard for the survival of wild salmon and the Treaty Rights of the First Peoples<br />

who, through entering in<strong>to</strong> Treaties with the Crown, and through the Marshall Decision of the<br />

Supreme Court of Canada are entitled <strong>to</strong> fish for these most generous sacred wild fish as they<br />

have for thousands of years before contact with the Colonials. They and the next seven<br />

generations have this fundamental right. Forever. Keep the Salmon Wild.<br />

save our salmon<br />

I fully endorse this request<br />

Please be vigilant and thorough in protecting our salmon!<br />

The salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks are vital <strong>to</strong> our daily, seasonal and yearly culture and economy on the west<br />

coast. Any actions that support the WILD fisheries of BC will have my complete support as an<br />

active participant in democracy.<br />

the government is <strong>to</strong> be working for us as people... listen <strong>to</strong> our voices and practice due diligence<br />

in your ministry<br />

Thanks for prompt action.<br />

This needs <strong>to</strong> happen if we are <strong>to</strong> properly manage our wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks. We cannot allow<br />

another debacle like the east coast Cod fishery.<br />

DFO needs <strong>to</strong> be avised that farmed salmon industry is <strong>to</strong>o biga threat <strong>to</strong> Wild Pacifci Salm and<br />

the Pacific Northwest ocean envirnament and these ocean feed lots need <strong>to</strong> be move:ot dot be<br />

pulled<br />

Please think hard about future of your kids and grand children.We can do something about it, if<br />

we WANT <strong>to</strong>.<br />

DFO needs <strong>to</strong> be instructed that farmed salmon industry is <strong>to</strong>o big a threat <strong>to</strong> wild Pacific<br />

Salmon and the Pacific Northwest ocean environment, and that these ocean feed lots need <strong>to</strong> be<br />

moved on<strong>to</strong> land for closed system operation. A full public inquiry is also required in<strong>to</strong> DFO's<br />

mamagement as it concerns grossly insufficant protection of Pacific Northwest's natural marine<br />

environment and wild Pacific Salmon, and <strong>to</strong> use this latest reported virus <strong>to</strong> proactively intiate<br />

this much needed public agency policy, management restructing with "true and responsible"<br />

defaulting <strong>to</strong> protecting the marine environment and wild Pacific Salmon - now!<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p the secrecy!<br />

Government owes the constituents this access.<br />

Get er' done<br />

There should be no fish farms but if they are <strong>to</strong> remain they should be inland only and a closed<br />

loop system.<br />

Take the fish back from the Jimmy Pattisons of the world

DFO must act responsibly and transparently in dealing with a potentially devastating virus. Test<br />

farm salmon. Allow Dr. Miller <strong>to</strong> comment. Fisheries and Oceans Canada is mandated <strong>to</strong><br />

protect aquatic ecosystems. Please do it.<br />

Why are our politition's and DFO constantly ignoring all this sound sience There must be some<br />

huge payoff's from the fish farm producers.<br />

Wild salmon are vital <strong>to</strong> our future<br />

I have been a salmon fisherman all my adult life - the wild salmon support our amazing coastal<br />

ecosystem and the livelihood of many up and down the BC coast<br />

Atlantic salmon can never replace our wild indigenous Pacific Salmon -- our government is<br />

morally bankrupt if it fails in this regard. Please do more than lip service and help protect this<br />

vital resource!<br />

Declining Pacific salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks impact our economy and the marine and mammals who subsist<br />

on them. This is a serious situation that our federal government needs <strong>to</strong> deal with now. Please<br />

show some leadership here.<br />

let's save the salmon<br />

This issue is extreemly important <strong>to</strong> deal with NOW in an honest, open and scientific way.<br />

Please act now <strong>to</strong> open up the scientific investigation NOW!!!<br />

keep up the good work<br />

please consider the importance of this possible problem of a viral infection<br />

thanks for doing this Ms. Mor<strong>to</strong>n<br />

The DFO does not appear <strong>to</strong> have the public in mind when it comes <strong>to</strong> protecting our food<br />

source.<br />

none<br />

don't ever give up<br />

The wild salmon of BC are a natural resource that must be protected. Fish lots are not natural<br />

and are harming the wild salmon. Please do what is necessary <strong>to</strong> protect this resource for future<br />

generations and the ecosystem.<br />

The wild salmon are an invaluable resource of BC. They must be protected from the fish farms<br />

and antibiotics and sealice. The wild salmon are a resource that must be protected at all cost for<br />

future generations and the health of the ecosystem.<br />

THe wild salmon of B are an invaluable resource. The fish farms are not natural and harm not<br />

only the small fry but also the environment. We must protect the wild salmon for future<br />

generations and the helath of the ecosystems. Ellen

save the salmon<br />

I just read about this potential virus in the news on MSN. This doesn't bode well for both people<br />

(consumers) and the wild salmon. This is dangerous terri<strong>to</strong>ry and something needs <strong>to</strong> be done<br />

about it a.s.a.p. I would greatly appreciate this situation is dealt with diplomatically so that all<br />

parties are involved: government (federal & provincial, biologist(s), and DFO).<br />

Put the "farms" on land where they belong!!<br />

Why is it that the salmon farming industry always has so much political support<br />

I am inspired by your dedication, and respect for our environment.<br />

We need free and open access <strong>to</strong> all disease and virus records kept by salmon farms. They<br />

cannot be allowed <strong>to</strong> operate with disregard <strong>to</strong> their effects on wild salmon and other ocean<br />

species. Thank you<br />

Get the fish farms out of the water. The time <strong>to</strong> represent the people’s interest is now.<br />

There is no time <strong>to</strong> lose.<br />

This virus poses a tremendous risk <strong>to</strong> wild salmon throughout the Georgia Basin. As such it is<br />

the responsibility of your agency <strong>to</strong> do everything in your power <strong>to</strong> understand the source of the<br />

disease and take appropriate measures <strong>to</strong> intervene. This is just another piece of evidence that<br />

the salmon farming industry needs <strong>to</strong> be moved on land both for the benefit of wild fish and the<br />

long term viability of the industry. Please don’t delay!<br />

This needs <strong>to</strong> be done now!<br />

We must investigate this -- Sockeye are susceptible <strong>to</strong> many viruses - this is one of the reasons<br />

they can not be raised effectively in hatcheries!<br />

This is an essential step <strong>to</strong> protecting this vital resource. We simply must take every step possible<br />

<strong>to</strong> determine what is happening <strong>to</strong> our salmon and how <strong>to</strong> rectify it. Fast!<br />

Protect Wild Salmon<br />

Data and funding must be made available so that this question can be settled.<br />

In the Bay of Fundy we have driven the wild salmon <strong>to</strong> the brink of extinction with DFO backed<br />

salmon Aquaculture! Please do not let this happen in BC. Free your scientists <strong>to</strong> do the work<br />

they are paid <strong>to</strong> do by the Canadian tax payers!<br />

Thanks for your hard work <strong>Alexandra</strong>. Please stay at it.<br />

This should be of grave concern across the country, from the cod-free Atlantic through the<br />

walleye-challenged Great Lakes<br />

(http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.phpshow<strong>to</strong>pic=40672) Thank you for caring....<br />

I think it is crucial <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> the bot<strong>to</strong>m of this issue.

Unbelievable! Bannana Republics manage their resources with more open communication than<br />

our "Democratic" representatives<br />

make them release the study reports<br />

hurry<br />

Lack of transparency on this issue at this critical time will not be helpful <strong>to</strong> the salmon or those<br />

that depend on them.<br />

keep up the good work!<br />

There is <strong>to</strong>o much at stake <strong>to</strong> ignore scientific information. We hold DFO accountable for the<br />

future of our wild salmon.<br />

I appreciate all of your good work on the behalf of the salmon, the health of our coast and our<br />

world. Thanks<br />

Wild Salmon are the main food source of the Nuxalk Nation. Generations of Nuxalkmc have lived<br />

on all marine life. D.F.O. needs <strong>to</strong> save our salmon <strong>to</strong> prevent the demise of the Nuxalk Nation.<br />

As go the Salmon, so go the Nuxalk.<br />

The intentional suppression of information regarding disease on fish farms is an outrage, and an<br />

insult <strong>to</strong> the people of British Columbia.<br />

This is your job. As one of the many who are signing your paycheque, I would like <strong>to</strong> see you<br />

actually doing it for a change.<br />

go<br />

We stand for live salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks forever in BC ocean<br />

Please listen <strong>to</strong> Dr. Mor<strong>to</strong>n. She is well researched, has studied the subject for many years, and<br />

has no hidden agenda or conflicts of interest.<br />

Please find the cause !!!<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p this madness! Protect our natural salmon!<br />

Please allow science <strong>to</strong> properly inform policy.<br />

Support wild salmon<br />

I would expect future populations <strong>to</strong> be as critical as developing adequate tanks for AgriMarine.<br />

Please ask Sustainable Development Technology Canada <strong>to</strong> invest in everyone.<br />

Our salmon are suffering! We deserve <strong>to</strong> know the truth. If it is within our grasps <strong>to</strong> understand<br />

and make a difference, then it must be done!

I feel that DFO are more interested in protecting the fish farm industry than in protecting the<br />

wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks.<br />

Please do everything in your power <strong>to</strong> keep the salmon from extinction. They are so important<br />

and must be protected.<br />

This is important. Do not sell out our environment.<br />

I'm a Canadian citizen and former BC resident.<br />

Please do not make a decision that will rob our future generations from fishing, seeing and<br />

learning about British Columbia's wild Salmon.<br />

I agree with the letter <strong>to</strong> Minister <strong>Shea</strong>.<br />

Let's save the salmon! Forget the politics! Forget Norway!<br />

Save salmon from the dead fish office<br />

We can't afford <strong>to</strong> waste any more time<br />

Please help s<strong>to</strong>p the spread of this virus.<br />

I wish <strong>to</strong> help saving the Salmons<br />

Keep up the pressure!<br />

Please s<strong>to</strong>p farming salmon for a few years <strong>to</strong> see what effect it has.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p Open Net Fish Farming<br />

Save our wild salmon from the diseases spread by farmed salmon.<br />

Every effort should be made <strong>to</strong> remove all open pen fish farming from all Canadian waters.<br />

Wild Salmon First.<br />

This MUST be addressed IMMEDIATELY.<br />

Do for the salmon what was not done for the cod<br />

Your primary responsibility is <strong>to</strong> the people of Canada. The interests of corporate fish farms<br />

must be secondary <strong>to</strong> this responsibility.<br />

Please do not ever give up - we need you and will support you always.<br />

The DFO should have the protection of wild, natural resources as their primary concern, with<br />

income/profits, even local employment, being subordinate <strong>to</strong> protection of natural resources.<br />

Let's get real!<br />

thanks, <strong>Alexandra</strong><br />

Surely the public have a right <strong>to</strong> information about the salmon feedlots and related health issues.

please support transparency in all salmon issues<br />

BC's natural resources belong <strong>to</strong> BC; fuelling the greed and profit for a multinational<br />

corporation should never supersede local inhabitants. Pease use the precautionary principle, for<br />

me, my daughter, and generations <strong>to</strong> come.<br />



Let's DO it!<br />

leave our SALMON WILD<br />

Well done !<br />

Thanks once again for putting this out there, <strong>Alexandra</strong>! May the truth and justice prevail.<br />

Thank You<br />

is dfo competent<br />

Your management of commercial fisheries and aquaculture is disgraceful. Fortunately, thanks <strong>to</strong><br />

the continued work of ballsy environmentalists and a new era of information sharing; comes a<br />

new generation of passionate and well informed conservationists…and we will come after you<br />

with the same persistence and dedication for many decades <strong>to</strong> come.<br />

Let us have all of the facts on this issue.<br />

time <strong>to</strong> be honest with the people of this country<br />

test the fish - make results public<br />

Let's be responsible Stewards of our Natural Resources!<br />

It is time for you and your ministry <strong>to</strong> start protecting our natural wild salmon. It is your duty <strong>to</strong><br />

the people of Canada and I expect it from you, as an elected official.<br />

Save our fishery!<br />

Sadly, more efforts from the government <strong>to</strong> prevent science from solving problems they don't<br />

want <strong>to</strong> know about.<br />

Time <strong>to</strong> control fish farms and their ecological harm is long overdue.<br />

TEST NOW not after the Salmon are lost.<br />

It would sure be nice if politicians could prove they were not corrupt and/or useless without<br />

requiring a petition.<br />

Look at what happened in Chile due <strong>to</strong> Virus that Marine Harvest and Government were <strong>to</strong>o<br />

slow <strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong>. Face the facts that feedlots don't belong in the ocean and support the

scientists who are looking at the genetic change in Salmon and require Fish Farms <strong>to</strong> release<br />

all disease and treatment data immediately. This "salmon flu" virus seems in every way parallel<br />

<strong>to</strong> avian and swine flu, which is caused by over-crowding in industrial agriculture feedlots and<br />

overuse of antibiotics and a chemical regime for the maintenance of penned animals.<br />

Keep up the pressure...persistence will prevail...<br />

As a former salmon farmer, I once supported this industry. As one becomes wiser <strong>to</strong> the truth as<br />

<strong>to</strong> what is happening on these farms and the interaction with the surrounding waters I no longer<br />

support the industry. We need <strong>to</strong> come clean on what is really happening out there and above all<br />


The Fisheries Minister needs <strong>to</strong> protect the natural fish, streams, rivers, lakes and oceans of that<br />

country before anything. Introducing foreign species with their associated preda<strong>to</strong>rs and pests is<br />

not part of the natural surroundings of our pristine waters. S<strong>to</strong>p the POLLUTION that you as the<br />

Fisheries Minister is allowing.<br />

Sincere wishes that wild salmon will be protected for all time.<br />

Thank you<br />

Why are you hiding this information, Minister <strong>Shea</strong> I have been a Conservative supporter all<br />

my adult life and had hoped that with a Conservative Government things would change from the<br />

succession of Librano minister. It is most distressing <strong>to</strong> note that as far as this outlaw industry is<br />

concerned, it's business as usual with your Government! Please make these people accountable<br />

and get the salmon farming feedlots out of our coastal waters NOW!<br />

I am not a relative of <strong>Alexandra</strong> Mor<strong>to</strong>n. Gail <strong>Shea</strong> you are responsible <strong>to</strong> the people of this<br />

country, not just the multinational corporations. Make your mark on the side of caution!!!<br />

I urge our federal and provincial governments <strong>to</strong> cease supporting salmon feedlots and address<br />

the real issues leading <strong>to</strong> the future demise of our wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks.<br />

If there is nothing <strong>to</strong> hide, then there is no reason <strong>to</strong> not release the info<br />

Only through unhindered scientific investigation do we have a hope of managing our marine<br />

resources effectively.<br />

Keep up the fight<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> know the facts that will come from scientific testing for this virus<br />

Good for you<br />

DFO -please wake up before it's <strong>to</strong>o late!<br />

It is time <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p deliberately decimating the wild salmon species on the west coast. Get rid of the<br />

open ocean, open net salmon farms. Enforce the testing.

The Minister must act respond with a positive approach <strong>to</strong> this<br />

get it <strong>to</strong>gether<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p killing our native fish!!<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, If there was any doubt about the virus coming from the salmon feedlots, why<br />

wouldn't you test them Can anyone say "follow the money".<br />

All Fish Farms must be removed from the BC Coastline <strong>to</strong> protect our wild salmon!!<br />

Think long term, Think Positive Change<br />

Only criminals hide the truth<br />

Don't trust commercial feedlot bumph<br />


I fully agree with the above statement<br />

Ministers work for Canadians not foreign interests or do they Money talks<br />

Time is running out!<br />

Do The Right Thing!<br />

Let's get serious about the health of both farmed and native salmon, and the overall marine<br />

bioscape<br />

Keep our oceans healthy--we gave you that task. We can take it away.<br />



Concerned dual/ global Canadian & U.S. ciitzen ...<br />

Put the "farms" on land where they belong!!<br />

I fully support your efforts <strong>to</strong> get the facts out so the public can be involved, also the industry<br />

needs <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> contained fish farms on land.<br />

I fully support your efforts <strong>to</strong> get the facts out so the public can be involved, also the industry<br />

needs <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> contained fish farms on land.<br />

Get rid of Hopeless Harper and <strong>Shea</strong> ,you get rid of the lice<br />

Get with it!

Take care of our fish.<br />

thank you for all your hard work!<br />

thanks for your efforts<br />

Please s<strong>to</strong>p salmon farming unless they are inland!<br />

thak you<br />

test our salmon!!!<br />

shape up <strong>Shea</strong>!<br />

Please proceed with honesty and integrity.<br />

what happened <strong>to</strong> DFO's proclamation of 'science excellence' if they muffle scientific<br />

observation<br />

Yes, our fish must be tested<br />

This step is essential. Failing it I would like all Salmon Farming on the coast closed down<br />

immediately. Private enterprise has no right <strong>to</strong> endanger the ecosystems we ALL depend upon<br />

for our health and well-being. Please put the public and environmental needs above profit<br />

considerations. Thank you for your consideration and prompt action on our concerns.<br />

Future fish s<strong>to</strong>ck depends on this<br />

Salmon disappeared in Sechelt inlet coincidentally with the arrival of salmon pens. We want our<br />

salmon back!<br />

Please address<br />

Wake up....make a name for yourself in his<strong>to</strong>ry and DO SOMETHING besides what big money<br />

and their followers want. Do it for the planet....STOP this killer cancer NOW< PLEEEASE<br />

it's the "ostrich" approach ... hiding until the danger passes ... and we know it won't. It is time <strong>to</strong><br />

do something positive in ending fish farming<br />

You can fool some of the People some of the time but you can't fool all of the People all of the<br />

time<br />

Wild salmon are SOOOOO important -- economically, socially, spiritually. Please do the right<br />

thing.<br />

Keep up the good work<br />

"This site is spawning lies and killing wild salmon: - http://www.bcsalmonfacts.ca/<br />

Keep up the good work<br />

These companies have been receiving preferential treatment from both Provincial and Federal<br />

government. How is it that they have been <strong>to</strong>tally free <strong>to</strong> refuse <strong>to</strong> allow their records of disease

in their farmed fish <strong>to</strong> go unchecked by Government scientists. This could not happen with any<br />

other animal products which might be harming the environment in which the animals are<br />

produced. As a citizen or Canada, and a voter, I <strong>to</strong>tally disagree with Government inaction and<br />

silence over the past years that this controvery has been occurring !!!!<br />

why ruin our environment, incl. our fish the income from farmed fish is short term compared <strong>to</strong><br />

what the lont term expenses will be, both monetary and the health of our oceans, but then<br />

governments are known for their short term planning.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, please start representing Canadian people, not corporate interests. Thank you,<br />

Rong<br />

Help save our Wild Salmon!!<br />

I lived in BC for a number of years and hope that this problem is taken seriously. Your fish are<br />

everyone’s future.<br />

All information about farmed and wild salmon should be given <strong>to</strong> the public. There should be<br />

no secrets.<br />

good science over corporate profits ... our environment and children need us <strong>to</strong> be responsible<br />

humans.<br />

Save OUR fish!<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> know and have a right <strong>to</strong> know if such viral contagions are present in farmed salmon<br />

feed lots. The Chilean fishery was devasted by viral infections and we need <strong>to</strong> protect our wild<br />

salmon from any possibility of infection that may devastate wild populations.<br />

Do something!!!!!!!!!<br />

Our wild salmon need protection. The secrecy around the feedlots is wrong. Release the<br />

information on viruses in the salmon farms of B.C.<br />

Let the fish farms come understand the same scrutiny that farms with mad cow disease had!<br />

save wild salmon<br />

please act<br />

Please, believe the scientists, they have superior cunning and knowledge that comes from years<br />

of study. Please listen <strong>to</strong> them and <strong>to</strong> not allow them access <strong>to</strong> information is criminal...What is<br />

being hidden.<br />

Fish farms will only be acceptable on land and with closed systems<br />

I am so glad you are spearheading this.<br />

It is time that we take back our planet. It is us, the people and all the critters around us that<br />

must live here. Corporations do not breathe air, eat food, raise young. Let us act accordingly.<br />

I believe that what you are allowing <strong>to</strong> happen on these salmon farms is criminal. They must be<br />

very big financial supporters of the Conservative Party.

Farmed salmon should ONLY be raised in inland, closed containment ponds. This will ensure<br />

that wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks will not be affected by commercial interests.<br />

This is an extremely important issue.<br />

To not explore every possible fac<strong>to</strong>r that might affect wild salmon health is criminal.<br />

Minister, fulfill your obligation <strong>to</strong> do what is right for your people!<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p the damn fish farms<br />

What do you have <strong>to</strong> hide<br />

Can't think of anything true and polite.<br />

save our salmon<br />

Dear Minister <strong>Shea</strong>,<br />

The fishing off our waters should be s<strong>to</strong>pped!<br />

The salmon need a champion Thank You<br />

Because we do not inherit our home from our ances<strong>to</strong>rs, but rather borrow it from our children.<br />

This is our children’s future, I want <strong>to</strong>tal transparency when it comes <strong>to</strong> our food, be responsible<br />

<strong>to</strong> the earth and it denizens<br />

everything is said now take action!<br />

This is a serious issue and it is very important that be dealt with fully and with full public<br />

disclosure.<br />

It’s all about control of the entire food system<br />

Our oceans are in decline the environment around the world is seeing rapid changes which<br />

appear <strong>to</strong> be , or at least may be, the result of human activity. To expand on any activity which<br />

may be a contributing fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> these changes is <strong>to</strong>tally irresponsible. Please take the politics out<br />

of decisions of which impact the environment and let the science be the deciding fac<strong>to</strong>r. Where<br />

the science has not been completed the only responsible course is <strong>to</strong> do the science first then<br />

proceed.<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong> has an extensive background in aquaculture---- isn't it time <strong>to</strong> get the fox out of<br />

the henhouse<br />

Failure <strong>to</strong> provide access and testing as requesting above can only be described as negligent and<br />

a criminal act.<br />

I have little hope anyone will listen.<br />

The way that this precious resource has ben mis-managed is ismply inexcusable. The people of<br />

this great province deserve better and we want action NOW.<br />

Holding back of this information is undemocratic, not <strong>to</strong> mention lacking in transparency. I<br />

expect better from my government.

Why does Canada give one of our national resources <strong>to</strong> offshore companies<br />

Safety First!<br />

keep up the good work<br />

Salmon Farms out of the ocean<br />

Suppression of information cannot be <strong>to</strong>lerated!!<br />

Get rid of them any way possible<br />

I applaud your dedicated efforts. I love this coast<br />

Best of luck!<br />

Thanks!<br />

I am very concerned that not enough has been done by fisheries <strong>to</strong> study the impact salmon<br />

farming has done <strong>to</strong> B.C.<br />

Shame on you Norway.<br />

We have <strong>to</strong> get these fish farms out of the B.C. waters as they are poisonous <strong>to</strong> our salmon.<br />

Please don't let us end up as they did in Atlantic Canada<br />

Please s<strong>to</strong>p the salmon farms before they kill off all the natural salmon!!<br />

Please, please, please show leadership in this vital area...of concern <strong>to</strong> us all.<br />

The final result must be on land sites only.!<br />

Dear Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, We would remind you Minister that you are elected <strong>to</strong> represent the people<br />

of Canada and their interests, NOT by Norwegian fish farm companies! Yours sincerely Philip<br />

Lake<br />

Why are our govt reps so hesitant <strong>to</strong> protect our essential resources<br />

Get these Fish pens on<strong>to</strong> dry land, and give our wild salmon a chance.<br />

Open net fish farming must s<strong>to</strong>p, Foreign inves<strong>to</strong>rs are ruining our coast!!!<br />

Think of the children!<br />

As has been said wild Pacific salmon are the backbone of the BC coast. This resource is far <strong>to</strong>o<br />

precious and vulnerable <strong>to</strong> be further impacted by this virus. Please give free access and allow<br />

your scientists <strong>to</strong> research whether or not the virus exists in the Atlantic salmon net pens. The<br />

precautionary principle should be extended <strong>to</strong> every situation where wild Pacific salmon can be<br />

harmed or impacted on by human negligence!<br />

I am amazed that this government would not understand the importance of salmon <strong>to</strong> this<br />


Save BC from foreign interest<br />

thank you for organizing this petition<br />

All Good<br />

Wild salmon are an absolute necessity for the whole ecology of the Pacific northwest. Please do<br />

the right thing, and work _with_ us <strong>to</strong> sustain the wild salmon, which will require enforcing<br />

environmental regulations around the salmon farming industry.<br />

A newly identified virus has been found as the probable infectious agent <strong>to</strong> cause heart and<br />

skeletal muscle inflammation outbreaks in framed salmon (PLos, July 2010). As the authors of<br />

this report point out, this new virus poses a major threat not just <strong>to</strong> farmed salmon, but <strong>to</strong> wild<br />

salmon populations as well. Our wild salmon populations must be protected first and foremost.<br />

Canada is one of the few remaining nations with wild salmon runs. Wild salmon fit in<strong>to</strong> a vital<br />

ecological niche sustaining life for many other animals and providing enjoyment for sports<br />

fishermen and a living for First Nations and commercial fisheries. Our government should be<br />

providing our own research scientists with the needed <strong>to</strong>ols <strong>to</strong> get out in the field and identify the<br />

full impact of this new threat <strong>to</strong> our wild salmon s<strong>to</strong>cks. Complacency will not sustain our wild<br />

salmon. Please take action as this petition urges!<br />



<br />

There's a msg on the youtube video (propaganda video) put out by the fish farming companies.<br />

The comment states "get your dirty diapers out of our ocean". I <strong>to</strong>tally agree. When will elected<br />

politicians start listening <strong>to</strong> "we the people" who elect them, and s<strong>to</strong>p licking the hands of the<br />

corporate lobbyists We DO NOT want fish farming in the waters of British Columbia!!<br />

When the salmon are infected and can no longer serve as food, which species will we next<br />

target<br />

We have <strong>to</strong> get full disclosure from the Salmon Feedlots. It's criminal <strong>to</strong> let them continue<br />

without us knowing what they are doing <strong>to</strong> our coastal waters.<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> protect our wild salmon at all costs<br />

That you as Minister of Fisheries would not only condone but promote an industry that puts our<br />

wild salmon at risk is disgraceful - if this were lobsters in :PEI you, I am sure would be acting a<br />

little different.<br />

Honourable Minister <strong>Shea</strong>, of the Government of Canada, you are responsible <strong>to</strong> Canadians<br />

first, before Norwegian companies and their shareholders. Canadians are counting on you <strong>to</strong><br />

protect wild salmon in British Columbia waters.<br />

Do. Your. Job.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>p the salmon industry, now !




COMPARE.<br />

This is an appalling situation in which narrow, dead-end corporate interests are allowed <strong>to</strong><br />

trump, or even eliminate, sound science. It should end now!<br />

I wish our government had the foresightedness <strong>to</strong> value our wild salmon and do everything in<br />

their power <strong>to</strong> ensure their existence. as a canadian citizen I want my elected officials <strong>to</strong> be<br />

forthright and honest about what is happening <strong>to</strong> our wild salmon.<br />

The farm salmon lots are killing our natural salmon population<br />

"When will they ever learn.....<br />

Please consider this.<br />

we shouldn't even need <strong>to</strong> ask for this test it should be your porogative <strong>to</strong> test the fish regularly<br />

and protect our natural ecosystem<br />

common sense please<br />

Our salmon are depending on you and I am hopeful that you will comply with our requests.<br />

thank you.<br />

We must do everything in our power <strong>to</strong> protect the fish s<strong>to</strong>cks in our country and in the world.<br />

thank you<br />

Minister <strong>Shea</strong>-This will be an election issue. Dr. James Lunney will feel the impact of your<br />

inaction.<br />

We want these farms off our coast and WE WANT OUR FISH BACK !<br />

Please do not be conned by this organization and do the right thing. If they are importing<br />

viruses in<strong>to</strong> our ocean they must be made <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p before we go the way of other areas they have<br />

infested.<br />

Demonstrate some backbone.<br />

Transparency, unless you have something <strong>to</strong> hide. Nothing less is acceptable.<br />

As we kill various species, we are killing ourselves. This testing *must* go forrward. Please keep<br />

me posted.<br />

If there is no problem with the feed lots then any kind of testing should not be a problem. If there<br />

is something <strong>to</strong> hide then we do have a problem. This is our province,our waters and our fish.<br />

Please get these fish farms and their destruction packed up and move them back <strong>to</strong> Norway.<br />

There is way more money in natural fish and their economic benefit <strong>to</strong> the province,just look at<br />

the impact the 2010 Sockeye run had. The benefits reach very deep in<strong>to</strong> the province and puts<br />

money in<strong>to</strong> the pockets of thousands of Britishcolumbians. This is where it belongs and we won't<br />

rest til we have back what is ours!!!

Noted Farm Fish Association newspaper add suggesting a one-<strong>to</strong>-one feed <strong>to</strong> pound of edible<br />

fish. I guess that's after the fish food has been refined from gathered 5 or 6 lbs of material<br />

gathered from the sea has been trashed.<br />

Please remember your oath!<br />

Let the scientific method reveal the truth !<br />

Thank you minister for your attention <strong>to</strong> this matter<br />

I will, and I suggest all others as well, email their MP's <strong>to</strong>o on this issue!<br />

Salmon Farms must not be allowed <strong>to</strong> hide their disease and virus statistics from the public.<br />

This information is needed for the public <strong>to</strong> know what is going on and for those in charge <strong>to</strong><br />

make informed decisions.<br />

I do not support open net salmon farming in British Columbia and will not vote Conservative this<br />

year because of the stance of the Federal government on this issue<br />

Please resign<br />

Do we really need more tests <strong>to</strong> decide if we should support farm fish<br />

How about a petition <strong>to</strong> simply ban fish farms.<br />

This Government and the BC Government is corrupt. We need the TRUTH!<br />

Charges must be brought <strong>to</strong> bear against Fish Farms that refuse <strong>to</strong> give data <strong>to</strong> DFO on request<br />

or refuse <strong>to</strong> allow F&O Canada <strong>to</strong> board & inspect the fish therein for deleterious organisms<br />

and /or chemicals<br />

please listen <strong>to</strong> the citizens.<br />

We need <strong>to</strong> get rid of the ocean fish farms!<br />

It's about time that the Conservative Gov't and DFO put a s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> these open net fish Farms.<br />

Let our salmon swim freely!<br />

Get with it!<br />

get the fish farms out of BC<br />

Protect our wild salmon<br />

Enough of this travesty!<br />

Strongly support your action <strong>to</strong> ask the Gov’t <strong>to</strong> DO THEIR JOB.<br />

I await your response<br />

Get rid of all feedlots, wild is the only way <strong>to</strong> keep it sustainable.

Salmon underpin much of the wealth of biological diversity in our UNESCO designated<br />

bioshere. Under the International Convention on Biological Diversity <strong>to</strong> which Canada and<br />

British Columbia are signa<strong>to</strong>ries your government is obligated <strong>to</strong> actively pursue every available<br />

avenue <strong>to</strong> remove threats <strong>to</strong> the integrity of biosphere and maintain functioning ecosystems.<br />

Please start telling the truth<br />

No open net pen farmed salmon<br />

Abata Mary Jo Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Abbott Keith Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Abbott Matthew St Andrews New Brunswick<br />

Ablitt Michael Salt Spring Island B.C.<br />

Adair Clea Merville BC<br />

Adams Megan Priddis AB<br />

Adams Dennis Burnaby British Columbia<br />

adams lyle campbell river bc<br />

Addison Nick Ladysmith, BC<br />

AGRO Ross Port Moody BC<br />

Aikman Chris Hornby Island BC<br />

Ainsworth Kathryn Vancouver BC<br />

Air<strong>to</strong>n Granville Courtenay b<br />

akins marka Simoom sound BC<br />

Alcock Roland Sooke BC<br />

Alfaro Argumedo Gerardo Burnaby British Columbia<br />

Alford Patsy Magna Bay BC<br />

Alger Cynthia (Cindy) Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Allen Huguette Lumby BC<br />

Allen Bonita West Vancouver BC<br />

Allen Carson Hazel<strong>to</strong>n British Columbia<br />

Allen Rick Duncan BC<br />

allison michael courtenay bc<br />

Anand Rampersaud Vancouver BC<br />

Anderrson Eric Telkwa B.C.<br />

Anderson Merrick Lasqueti Island BC<br />

Anderson A.Carol Heriot Bay B. C.<br />

Anderson Carl Calgary Alberta<br />

Anderson David Prince Rupert B.C.<br />

Anderson James Langley B.C<br />

Andreen Anderson Vancouver BC<br />

andrew karen vancouver bc<br />

Andrews Marnie Mansons Landing B C<br />

Andrucko Danny Campbell River BC<br />

An<strong>to</strong>ne Leslie Fort Langley BC<br />

Appleby Clive Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Arbess Bobby Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C<br />

Ardis Larissa Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Argyle Angus Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

armstrong andrea agassiz bc<br />

Armstrong Anne Roys<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />


Arsenault Darlene Sayward BC<br />

Aspinall Colin Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Assal Wayne Quathiaski Cove BC V0P 1N0

Atchison Doug Burnaby B.C.<br />

Ather<strong>to</strong>n Paul Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Atlas William Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Auringer Cole Kingcome Inlet BC<br />

Avery Lorne N. Saanich BC<br />

Bailey Jolan Vancouver BC<br />

Bailey Cynthia Duncan BC<br />

Bain Nancy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Baker Alexis Sointula BC<br />

Baker Mikal Roberts Creek BC<br />

Baldwin John Vancouver BC<br />

Bale vicki Hornby Island B.C.<br />

Ball Elizabeth Sidney BC<br />


Banks Janet Abbotsford British Columbia<br />

Baptie Barrie North Saanich B.C.<br />

Barker Brian Vancouver BC<br />

barnard sonja salt spring island b.c.<br />

Barnes Steve New Westminster BC<br />

Barnet Sandy Mission BC<br />

Barnett Bronwen Vancouver BC<br />

Barnscher Walter Langley BC<br />

Barroll Catherine Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Barry Marlene Sooke B.C.<br />

Barry Ron Sooke BC<br />

Bars<strong>to</strong>w Charles Steves<strong>to</strong>n B.C<br />

Barthel Don Vancouver BC<br />

Bashford Lucy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Bauer Marcel Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Baugher Scott Charlotte NC<br />

Baxter Mary Ann Edmon<strong>to</strong>n Alberta<br />

Baynham Janice and Bob vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Beale Elizabeth Vancouver BC<br />

Bear Alan Comox BC<br />

Beattie Barbara Coquitlam BC<br />

Beaulieu Katherine Bowen Island BC<br />

Beaven Arthur Parksville BC<br />

Beaven Mark Whistler BC<br />

Beck Joan Williams Lake BC<br />

Bedard Linda Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Bednard Margaret North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Beedle Mary Coquitlam B.C.<br />

Belford Hannah Smithers BC<br />

Belin Darrol Mississauga Ontario<br />

Bell Louise Denman Island B.C.<br />

Bell Kim St. John's NL<br />

Bell MD Warren Salmon Arm BC<br />

Bene Veronica Chase B.C.<br />

Benn Stacey Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Bennett Hannah Simoom Sound BC<br />

benson wayne Chilliwack bc<br />

Berck Brenda Vancouver BC<br />


berry sharon vancouver bc<br />

Beshara Gloria Lindell Beach B.C.<br />

best gregg duncan bc

est anne duncan bc<br />

best lawren vancouver bc<br />

Best, Florence Florence Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Bianic Janit Union Bay BC<br />

Biersteker Robert Abbotsford BC<br />

Biffert Wayne Williams Lake B.C.<br />

Bilash Rae Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Bill Davidson Saanich BC<br />

Binnersley Sylvia Campbell River BC<br />

Birch Karen Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Biver Heather Salt Spring Island British Columbia<br />

Black Robert North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Black kathy North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Blackburn James Comox BC<br />

Blackmore Maggi Vancouver BC<br />

Blainey Adam Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Blair Robert Surrey BC<br />

Blair Janet Powell River B.C.<br />

Blakesley Jessica Vancouver BC<br />

blanchette greg Tofino BC<br />

Bland Charlie Horsefly BC<br />

Bland Charlie Horsefly BC<br />

Blaney Darren Campbell River B.C.<br />

Blom Robert Halifax Nova Scotia<br />

blomme gerald kerameos B .C<br />

Bloom Laurie Sechelt BC<br />

Bockman Neil Denman Island B.C.<br />

Bodaly Alicia Mission BC<br />

Boden Juergen Oststeinbek Germany<br />

Bohlin Ron Surge Narrows BC<br />

BOMBEZIN Georges Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Bona Byron North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Bond Doreen Prince Rupert BC<br />

Bonin Doreen Vananda B.C.<br />

Bonney Meg Comox B.C.<br />

Bonometti Robert Winchester VA (USA)<br />

Boorman Nancy Surrey BC<br />

Borek Elizabeth Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Bosch Anne North Vancouver BC<br />

Bosomworth Dave Lumby British Columbia<br />

Botel Sandra Port Hardy B.C.<br />

Botel Ruth Port Hardy B.C.<br />

Botel Carl Port Hardy B.C.<br />

Botel Gerry Port Alice B.C.<br />

Botel Ron Port Hardy B.C.<br />

Botham Barbara Parksville BC<br />

Botting R Powell River BC<br />

bouchard therese <strong>to</strong>fino b.c.<br />

Bouillet Dan Surrey British Columbia<br />

Boulding Melanie Nanaimo BC<br />

Bourne Bill Edmon<strong>to</strong>n AB<br />

Bowell Judy Cloverdale BC<br />

Bowers Chris Gabriola Island BC<br />

Bowman James Comox BC<br />

Boxall Lawrence Vancouver BC<br />

Boyes, Robert Sointula B.C.

oys brian vic<strong>to</strong>ria british columbia<br />

Bozzet<strong>to</strong> Steven Vancouver British Columbia<br />

braden les Vancouver BC<br />

Braden John Vancouver BC<br />

Brading Jill Leeds West Yorkshire, UK<br />


Bradley Barry SurreyB.C. B.C.<br />

Bradshaw Jim Maple Ridge BC<br />

Brady William north saanich bc<br />

Brady-Jones Denise North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Brandon Matthew Delta British Columbia<br />

Brandon Hannah Delta BC<br />

Bray Jefferson Hagensborg British Columbia<br />

Bray Margaret Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Bregani Graeme Saturna Island British Columbia<br />

Breiddal Brian new westminster BC<br />

Brend Paul Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Brennan Casey Fernie BC<br />

brettnacher gary heriot bay bc<br />

Brettnacher Janet Heriot Bay BC<br />

Brewis Bev Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Brice Alan Coleman Alberta<br />

Brierley Shelley Langley BC<br />

Brigham <strong>Alexandra</strong> Vancouver BC<br />

Brise Richard Telkwa BC<br />

Brittany Peter Quadra Island British Columbia<br />

Brooks Jean Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Brothers Kendra Zeballos B.C.<br />

Brown Grant White Rock BC<br />

Brown Doug Kelowna B.C.<br />

Brown Lindsay Vancouver BC<br />

Brown Terry L Powell River BC<br />

Brown Sarah Prince Rupert B.C.<br />

brown david r campbell river BC<br />

Brown Neal Sointula BC<br />

Brown Bronwyn Coombs BC<br />

Brownlee Eleanor Pender Island BC<br />

Bruce Tawnya Garibaldi Highlands BC<br />

Brunke, Shirley Shirley Burnaby BC<br />

Buchanan Stuart Courtenay BC<br />

Buchanan Jacqueline Courtenay BC<br />

Buckley Sandy Friday Harbor WA<br />

Budnyk Carol Pender Island British Columbia<br />

bull ray VICTORIA BC<br />

Bullen Carol Vancouver BC<br />

Buller Juniper Whistler B.C.<br />

Burckhardt Jeanne Cowichan Bay British Columbia<br />

Burgess John Surrey BC<br />

Burke Paul Salt Spring Island BC<br />

Burke Sophia Salt Spring Island British Columbia<br />

Burkholder Mel Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Burkholder Ross Qualicum Beach BC<br />

Burkholder Gerry Port Alberni B.C.<br />

Burkmar Dawn Cobble Hill BC<br />

Burkmar Richard Cobble Hill BC<br />

Burkosky Robert Qualicum Beach BC

Burns Richard Delta BC<br />

Burr Michael Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Burr William Vancouver BC<br />

Burrows Carmen Sointula B.C.<br />

Burrows Rita Courtenay B.C.<br />

Butler Gillian Nanaimo BC<br />

Butterfield Oona Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

But<strong>to</strong>n Roy Maple Ridge B.C.<br />

cackette Wm. vancouver b.c.<br />

Callas Marion saltspring Island B.C.<br />

Callow Robert Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

cameron sandy and maggie salmon arm, B.C.<br />

Cameron Kathleen Saska<strong>to</strong>on Saskatchewan<br />

Cameron Ian Coquitlam BC<br />

cameron ronald n.vancouver b.c.<br />

Cameron Greg Surrey British Columbia<br />

Cameron Ronald K. Merville B. C.<br />

Campbell Farlyn Sonora Island British Columbia<br />

Campbell Jackie Maple Ridge BC<br />

Campbell Lori Golden B.C.<br />

Campbell John Gabriola island bc<br />

campbell Margaret Vancouver B.C<br />

Campbell Colleen Gold River B.C. VOP 1GO<br />

Campbell Laura Vancouver BC<br />

Canpbell Colleen Gold River British Columbia<br />

Capponi Robin Calgary AB<br />

Carey Sean Vancouver BC<br />

Carlson Judy Port Alberni BC<br />

Carlson Christine Williams Lake B.C.<br />

Carmichael Emily Abbotsford BC<br />

Carpenter Kathryn Maple Ridge BC<br />

Carpenter Simon Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Carr Diane Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Carr Peter Sooke BC.<br />

Carron Bruce Courtenay B.C<br />

Carson Philip Qualicum Beach British Columbia<br />

Carson Dorothy Powell River BC<br />

Carter Rodney Kings<strong>to</strong>n Ontario<br />

Carter Ashley Whistler BC<br />

Carter Chris Courtenay B.C.<br />

Carter Linda Chemainus BC<br />

Carter Susan Duncan BC<br />

Cartier Cynthia Gabriola British Columbia<br />

Cartwright Diane Courtenay BC<br />

Case wendy Sointula BC<br />


Cassandra S<strong>to</strong>rey Vancouver BC<br />

Casselman Alan North Vancouver BC<br />

Cathro A. Diane Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Caulfield William North Vancouver BC<br />

Cave William Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Caverhill Peter Port Moody BC<br />

cecill b Gibsons Bc<br />

cesonscill b gibsons bc<br />

Chan Thomas Burnaby BC<br />

Chan Tom Vancouver BC

Chapman Ruby Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Chase Richard Vancouver BC<br />

Chatwin Nikita Squamish BC<br />

Cheadle Norman Sudbury Ontario<br />

Cheatley David Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Chesluk Martha Vancouver B.C.<br />

Cheu Linda Courtenay British Columbia<br />

Chitty Stephen Surrey British Columbia<br />

Chodeck Carolyn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Chomica Alan Nanoose Bay BC<br />

Christie Jack Vancouver B.C.<br />

Church Larry Courtenay BC<br />

Churcher J Vancouver BC<br />

Cirillo Susan New Westminster British Columba<br />

Clark Jean Enderby BC<br />

Clark Rob Qualicum Beach B.C.<br />

Clarke Martin Bowen Island BC<br />

clarke <strong>to</strong>ve parksville b.c.<br />

Clarke Elizabeth Coquitlam B.C.<br />

Clay Kirsten Delta British Columbia<br />

Clemens Richard Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Clements Bradley North Vancouver BC<br />

Clifford Beverley Ladysmith B.C.<br />

Clin<strong>to</strong>n Sue Sydenham ON<br />

Clouthier Suzanne Vancouver BC<br />

Clutesi Carol Pember<strong>to</strong>n B.C.<br />

Cochrane Richard North Vancouver BC<br />

Codding<strong>to</strong>n Mieke Heriot Bay B. C.<br />

Cofell F L Lethbridge Alberta<br />

Colberg Edward Calgary Alberta<br />

Cole Howard Jackson Wyoming<br />

coll mary Sooke BC<br />

Collins Russ Lumby British Columbia<br />

Collins Gillian Vancouver B.C.<br />

Collins Michael Vancouver B.C.<br />

Constant Monique Vancouver BC<br />

Cook Jenna Nanaimo BC<br />

Coolen Wendy Port Mou<strong>to</strong>n Nova Scotia<br />

Cooney T. Vernon BC<br />

Cooper Barbara Port Alberni BC<br />

Coram Sally Vancouver BC<br />

Cornelia Christine Sointula British Columbia<br />

corrigan barry port alberni bc<br />

Corry Corrine Refuge Cove BC<br />

Cosgrove Oli Ottawa Ontario<br />

Cosman Mary Fernie BC<br />

Cotgrave Janet Halfmoon Bay B.C.<br />

Coughlin Rhonda Qualicum Beach BC<br />

coulter robert gibsons bc<br />

Coutts, Gina Maple Ridge British Columbia<br />

Couture Jennie White Rock BC<br />

Couvrette Anita Gibsons BC<br />

Cowan Al Nanaimo BC<br />

Cowan Sara Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Cowling John Deryck Nanaimo BC<br />

Cowling Linda Nanaimo BC

Cowling Allison Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Cox Wes<strong>to</strong>n Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Cranmer Donna Alert Bay BC<br />

Cranmer Gwantilakw Alert Bay BC<br />

Cranmer Roy Alert Bay BC<br />

Creasey Donald Hope B.C.<br />

Creech Richard C Sidney BC<br />

Creigh<strong>to</strong>n Phyllis Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Critchlow Margaret Sooke BC<br />

Crow John Duncan BC<br />

Crowther Brad Mission B.C.<br />

Crozier Alan Nanaimo BC<br />

Cunningham Brad Delta BC<br />

Cunningham Joseph Baldwin Wisconsin, USA<br />

Cupido Andrew Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Curry Hugh Orangeville Ontario<br />

Curtis Pauline Armstrong BC<br />

Dahl Ed Salmon Arm BC<br />

dahlin betty quadra island BC<br />

Dahlke Dietmar Cumberland BC<br />

Dalgleish Faye Chilliwack B.C<br />

Dal<strong>to</strong>n Jane Salt Spring Island B.C.<br />

Daniel Edwin Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Daniel, Brian Parksville BC<br />

Daniels Yore Calgary Alberta<br />

Daniels Karen Bend Oregon<br />

Danneberg Nancy Port Alberni British Columbia<br />

Danyluk Richard North Vancouver BC<br />

D'Aoust Jo-Anne Ardoch Ontario<br />

Darcus Jack Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Dare Valerie Parksville BC<br />

Darling Kovanic Gillian Bowen Island British Columbia<br />

daughtry alexander vancouver BC<br />

Davey E G Burnaby British Columbia<br />

David Nelson Parksville BC<br />

Davidson Chris Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Davidson Don Vancouver BC<br />

davidson loris enderby BC<br />

Davidson Cecilie Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Davie Heather Duncan BC<br />

Davies Sally Surge Narrows British Columbia<br />

Davies Morgan New Westminster BC<br />

davies paulette Denman Island BC<br />

Davies Colin Skidegate B.C.<br />

Davignon Lyn huntingdon que<br />

Davis Wendy Sointula British Columbia<br />

Davis Barry Ottawa Ontario<br />

Davis Andrew Powell River BC<br />

Davis Caspar Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Davis Shane Cowichan Bay BC<br />

Davis Sharon North Vancouver BC<br />

Dawe Richard Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Dawson John Sointula BC<br />

Day Kristine Squamish BC<br />

de Haan Margaret White Rock British Columbia<br />

De Martin Michelle Harrison Hot Springs B.C.

de Vita Peter Toron<strong>to</strong> ON<br />

Dean Elsie Burnaby BC<br />

Delisle Jason Chilliwack BC<br />

demeduk vienna vic<strong>to</strong>ria british columbia<br />

dempster mike vic<strong>to</strong>ria british columbia<br />

Derby Donald Salmon Arm BC<br />

derkson howard campbell river british columbia<br />

Derrien Bonnie Sidney British Columbia<br />

Devai Adriana Vancouver BC<br />

devic<strong>to</strong>r olivier london uk<br />

Dewell Doreen Surrey BC<br />

Dexter Gregory Vancouver BC<br />

di Giovanni Ruth Montreal Quebec<br />

Diba Dorothy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

dick harvey alexis creek british columbia<br />


Dickson Rian Gabriola Island British Columbia<br />

Diener Mike Mission BC<br />

dietterle ben parksville B.C.<br />

Dignan Lawrie Sidney BC<br />

DiMeola Meredith South Amboy NJ<br />

DiPasquale Carol West Vancouver BC<br />

Diver Sibyl Oakland California<br />

Dixon Mally Vancouver B.C.<br />

Dmytruk Zane Gabriola B.C.<br />



Dobie Nancy Sechelt BC<br />

Dodd Mark North Saanich BC<br />

Dodge Stella North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Doherty Beau Ottawa Ontario<br />

Doll Tom qualicum beach B C<br />

Donald Doug Comox BC<br />

donald david campbell river BC<br />


Douglas Fred Burnaby BC<br />


Doyle Laura Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Doyle Kathryn Ladysmith BC<br />

Drayson carson surrey bc<br />

Drumm Darrin` Binbrook Ontario<br />

Duchene Gael <strong>to</strong>fino BC<br />

Duenner Peter Duebendorf Zurich<br />

Duley Kathy Fruitvale BC<br />

Dunae Alex Courtenay BC<br />

Duncan Robert North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Dunn Barry Sidney B.C.<br />

Dunsmore William Rosedale BC<br />

Dunsterville Richard and Valerie Vancouver BC<br />

dupont laura port coquitlam bc<br />

Dupuy R.M. Salt Spring Island B.C.<br />

Dwyer, Louise Louise Cowichan bay BC<br />

Dyke Margaret Nanaimo BRITISH COLUMBIA<br />

Early REed Duncan BC<br />

early erin whistler b.c.<br />

Elander David Langley BC

Elina Kurahashi Abbotsford BC<br />

Elkin Bruce Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Elliott John Burnaby B C<br />

Elwood M. Maureen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Emde Karl Salmon Arm British Columbia<br />

Emerson Frank Monterey USA<br />

Emery/Wilson Maryann/Rob Golden BC<br />


Endischova Anna Ile Bizard Quebec<br />

Eric Lorenz Vancouver BC<br />

Erickson Manuel Mill Bay BC<br />

Eriksson Opal Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Etzel Gudrun 75378 Bad Liebenzell Germany<br />

Etzkorn Yvonne Sointula BC<br />

Evans Dorothy Twisp Washing<strong>to</strong>n, USA<br />

Evans Susan Saltspring Island B.C.<br />

Evans David Surrey British Columbia<br />

Evans Marg Willoiams Lake BC<br />

Everatt Robert Kelowna BC<br />

Everatt Bob Kelowna BC<br />

Everest Elise Surrey British Columbia<br />

Evich Richard Everson Washing<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Ewert Vic<strong>to</strong>r Hedley BC<br />

F. K. Langley BC<br />

fagan carol vancouver bc<br />

Fairhurst Carol Prince George BC<br />

Fairweather Jan Vancouver B. C.<br />

Fall Mike Ladysmith BC<br />

Fall Brian Ladysmith BC<br />

Fall Julia Ladysmith BC<br />

Fall Helen Nanaimo BC<br />

Fawcett Lawrence Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

fearn bob reds<strong>to</strong>ne bc<br />

Fearn Lynn Courtenay B.C.<br />

Felske Robert Port Alberni BC<br />

Ferguson Ian Courtenay B>C<br />

Fernback Anne Surrey BC<br />

Fetterley Shawn oOrth Vancouver British Columbia<br />

field iris Sointula BC<br />

field Robert Sointula BC<br />

Fieldwalker Corbie Vancouver B.C.<br />

Fife Sue Vancouver BC<br />

Fikart Alena Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Finch Joanna Cumberland BC<br />

Finlay Joy and Cam Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

fisher wayne cowichan bay BC<br />

Fisher-Bradley Stephen Port Alberni BC<br />

Fisher-Bradley Jen Port alberni BC<br />

FitzGibbon Pamela Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

fitzpatrick Pamela Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Fitzpatrick Donald Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Fitzsimmons Thomas Courtenay BC<br />

Fitzsimmons Miriam Courtenay BC<br />

Fix Stuart Edmon<strong>to</strong>n Alberta<br />

Flagel Gary Prince George BC<br />

Fleming Gail Lasqueti Island BC

Floody Eileen Tofino BC<br />

flook donald kelowna bc<br />

Forbes Rachel Vancouver BC<br />

Ford Mary Lansdowne Ontario<br />

Forssman Godfrey West Vancouver BC<br />

Foss Maureen Lac La Hache B.C.<br />

Foster Gillian North Vancouver BC<br />

Foster Doris Falkland British Columbia<br />

Foster John Vancouver BC<br />

Foulkes Erica Vancouver BC<br />

Fournier Marie Alert Bay BC<br />

Fowler Ron Vancouver BC<br />

fox gerald ladysmith b.c.<br />

Fox Ellen Huntsville Ontario<br />

Frake Rita Kelowna BC<br />

Franks Colin North Saanich BC<br />

Fraser Andrea London Ontario<br />

Fraser Catherine V. Vancouver BC<br />

Fraser David Vancouver BC<br />

Fraser William Williams Lake BC<br />

frazer gerald powell river bc<br />

Frech Lidia Surrey B.C.<br />

Fredericks Shanna Vancouver British Columbia<br />

FREEMAN TERESA Surrey British Columbia<br />

Fretwell Chris Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Frid Alejandro Bowen Island BC<br />

Friedenberg Ellie Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

friedrick bill abbotsford bc<br />

Frishholz Mia Quathiaski Cove B.C.<br />

Frith Shelagh Belcarra Brithish Columbia<br />

Frketich Ashley Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

frost gunnar nanaimo bc<br />

Fuller Colleen Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Furnes Karen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Gabriel Louissa Sidney B.C.<br />

gadsden Chris chilliwack British Columba<br />

Gagnon Claude montreal qc<br />

Gagnon Marie-Josée Sechelt BC<br />

Galick Susan Langley BC<br />

Gall Olivia Vancouver BC<br />

Gallop Norma Vancouver BC<br />

Galt Alexander Chemainus B.C.<br />

gandy mark squamish bc<br />

Gapsis Gene Coombs BC<br />

Garcia-Meredith Lorraine Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Gardner Eddie Chillwack British Columbia<br />

Garner Lynne Prince George BC<br />

Garvey Lydia Clin<strong>to</strong>n OK<br />

Gaskins Christine Gibsons B.C.<br />

Gaskins Bruce Gibsons B.C.<br />

Gaudard Donna Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Gaudard, Donna Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Geer Wayne Vancouver BC<br />

Gensick Pauline Surrey British Columbia<br />

George Chris Notch Hill British Columbia<br />

Gibson John St. John's NL

Gibson Marlyn Hornby Island British Columbia<br />

Gibson Ronald Vernon BC.<br />

Giebelhaus Darryl Hanley Saskatchewan<br />

Giesbrecht Walt Surrey BC<br />

Gifford Harvey Delta British Columbia<br />

Gilchrist Ron North Vancouver BC<br />

gildersleeve mike mission bc<br />

gilker ki north vancouver bc<br />

Gillespie Robert R. Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Girard Graham Coquitlam BC<br />

Girard Amy Burnaby BC<br />

Giroday Carol-Ann Mission B.C.<br />

Gitlitz Paul Nanaimo BC<br />

Giuliani dorothy Burns Lake B.C.<br />

gjerdalen greig north vancouver BC<br />

Glaser Wesley Surrey b.c.<br />

Glendenning Chester Langley BC<br />

Gloag, David North Vancouver BC<br />

Glover Richard Sayward B.C.<br />

Godfrey Samuel Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Godley Elizabeth Vancouver BC<br />

Goldsmith Carole Chilliwack BC<br />

Goldwater Bram Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Good Linnea Summerland BC<br />

Goodman Alena Chilliwack BC<br />

Goodson Muriel Prince George BC<br />

gordon grant Comox Valley RD BC<br />

Gordon Ellen Sooke British Columbia<br />

Gordon-Firing Eartha Lillooet BC<br />

Gorgopa Lynda Richmond BC<br />

Gorrie Marg New Westminster BC<br />

Got<strong>to</strong> Jill Whistler BC<br />

Gould Howard Saint John New Brunswick<br />

Goulet Melanie Vancouver BC<br />

Gracewood John Yahk B.C.<br />

Graham Craig North Vancouver BC<br />

Grant Steve Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Grant Bruce Delta BC<br />

Grantner Eric Nanaimo BC<br />

Grass Pat Lions Bay B.C.<br />

Gray Tom Fanny Bay BC<br />


Gregory Dexter Vancouver BC<br />

Gregr Edward Vancouver BC<br />

Griffin Gary Monc<strong>to</strong>n New Brunswick<br />

Griffiths Frances Abbotsford BC<br />

Groff Joanne Kaslo B.C.<br />

Groothuis Margreet Echtenerbrug Netherlands<br />

Gross Dagmar Duff<strong>to</strong>wn Scotland<br />

Groulx Launa Coquitlam BC<br />

Grube Anne Kamloops British Columbia<br />

Gumplinger Peter Vancouver BC<br />

Gunn Kathleen Vancouver BC<br />

Gustafson Anna Salt Spring Island BC<br />

Gustafson Terry Cobble Hill B.C.<br />

Gustason Brian squamish bc

Gustavs Ulf Sooke BC<br />

Guthrie Gary and Sherril Abbotsford BC<br />

Guy Brendan Vancouver BC<br />

Gyongyosi-King Aggie Vancouver BC<br />

Hadwin Gertruda N. Vancouver B.C.<br />

Hagan Lawrence White Rock B.C.<br />

hagedorn robert roberts creek B.C.<br />

Haig William Pender Island BC<br />

Haines Raymond Comox BC<br />

Haldane James Burnaby BC<br />

Hamil<strong>to</strong>n Sanford Burnaby B.C<br />

Hamm Mike Burnaby BC<br />

Hammill Judith Gibson's Landing BC<br />

Hampson Robert West Vancouver B.C.<br />

Hancock Dawn Vancouver BC<br />

Hand Kelley Louise Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Haney Allison Oliver BC<br />

Hangaard Dorthea Orillia Ontario<br />

Hansby Robin Qualicum Beach BC<br />

Hansen Anne Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Hanson Dina telkwa BC<br />

Hanson Sandra Freeport NS<br />

haras jill gariola bc<br />

Harbor Amie Summerland BC<br />

Hardacker Diana Chemainus B.C.<br />

Hardinge-Rooney Ken New Westminster BC<br />

Hardwicke Ronald Coquitlam B.C.<br />

Hardwicke Linda Coquitlam B.C.<br />

Hardy Michele Cochrane Alberta<br />

Harley Richard Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Harper Murray Mission BC<br />

Harris Frank Vancouver BC<br />

Harris Marilyn North Saanich BC<br />

Harris Gord North Saanich BC<br />

Harris Lorne Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

harris Fred gabriola british columbia<br />

harrison elizabeth new west bc<br />

Harrison Dean Sicamous B. C.<br />

Harvey Ed Vancouver BC<br />

Hastings Jan Nanaimo BC<br />

Haufe Jeannette Berlin Germany<br />

Havelaar Hubert Whale<strong>to</strong>wn B.C.<br />

Hawley Bryan G. Ottawa Ontario<br />

Hayden William Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C<br />

Haynes Toby Nanaimo BC<br />

Healey Jon Salt Spring Island B.C.<br />

Heather Barnfield Whitehorse Yukon<br />

Heaven John Mission B.C<br />

hebert rod vancouver bc<br />

Hebrard Stacey Valley Springs Ca USA<br />

Heibein Nancy Ladysmith B.C.<br />

Heiberg Rolf Christina Lake B.C.<br />

Heidger Anselm Munich Bavaria<br />

Heidrick Bill Zeballos BC<br />

Heighway Dave Whistler BC<br />

Hein Jill Coupeville WA

Heitzmann Roderick Courtenay BC<br />

Hemingway, Carol Santa Barbara California<br />

Hemphill Robert Port hardy Bc<br />

Henderson May Salt Spring Island B. C.<br />

Henderson Graham North Vancouver BC<br />

Hendricks Norman Invermere B.C.<br />

henn <strong>to</strong>dd calgary alberta<br />

Henn Harold Ladysmith BC<br />

Hennessy Meaghan Vancouver BC<br />

Henrich Soren Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Henry Nancy Peachland BC<br />

Hepler William Vancouver BC<br />

Hepper Katherine Langley BC<br />

Heppner Chris<strong>to</strong>pher V BC<br />

herbert leigh montreal/ kingfsher quebec/b.c.<br />

Herbert Caroljyn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Herbert Carolyn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Herndon Laura Burbank CA<br />

heslop david vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Heuring Bruce Coquitlam B.C.<br />

Hickey Lynn Ladysmith BC<br />

Hill Judy Chilliwack BC<br />

Hill Kathryn Nanaimo BC<br />

Hill Leslie Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Hill Vanessa Port Coquitlam BC<br />

Hill Charles Nanaimo BC<br />

hillis peter rossland bc<br />

Hiltz Timothy Chester Nova Scotia<br />

Hindmarch Sofi Vancouver BC<br />

Hink Lena Yunesit'in BC<br />

Hird John Comox BC<br />

hitch teresa salt spring island bc<br />

Hlina Jordan Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Hoar Tony Mill Bay BC<br />

Hobson Daniel Kelowna BC<br />

hodge carroll Gabriola island BC<br />

Hodges Trudi Parksville BC<br />

Hodges douglas Parksville BC<br />

Hodges Stephen Parksville BC<br />

Hodson Brooke kamloops bc<br />

Hoeg Audrey 108 Mile Ranch BC<br />

Hofer Sandra Fanny Bay BC<br />

Hoffman Ross Prince George BC<br />

Hogan Miles North Vancouver BC<br />

Hollingsworth Adele Campbell River BC<br />

hollis<strong>to</strong>n jack lake cowichan bc<br />

Holy Sandra G North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Hopkins Delane Vancouver B.C.<br />

Horn Franklin Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Horner James Whistler BC<br />

Horricks Barbara Sointula British Columbia<br />

Houlihan Tim Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

How Wan Burnaby BC<br />

Howard Lisa Beaconsfield Quebec<br />

howe jeff Fort Lauderdale usa<br />

Howe Nioma Comox BC

howey paul rr#3 powell river b.c.<br />

Hoyer-Wood Christine Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Hudson Kathleen Roberts Creek BC<br />

Hudson-Lunn Paula Nelson British Columbia<br />

Hughes Neil Fort Saskatchewan AB<br />

Hughes Billie Fort Saskatchewan Alberta<br />

Hughes Denis Vancouver BC<br />

Hull Margaret Surrey BC<br />

Hull Ralph Sooke BC<br />

Hunchuk Dianne COurtney British COlumbia<br />

Hunt Anthony Alert Bay BC<br />

Hunt Carla Vernon BC<br />

hunt thomas port hardy bc<br />

Hunt Carl Edson Alberta<br />

Hunter Craig Squamish BC<br />

Huntley David Burnaby BC<br />


Hutchings A.T.David Qualicum Beach BC<br />

Hutchinson Marie Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Hutchison Robert Bruce Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Hutchison Stan Maple Ridge BC<br />

Hut<strong>to</strong>n Allison Oliver British Columbia<br />

Hut<strong>to</strong>n Thomas Halfmoon Bay BC<br />

Hut<strong>to</strong>n Janet Halfmoon Bay BC<br />

Idle Paul Christina Lake BC<br />

Inness Donald Port Mou<strong>to</strong>n Nova Scotia<br />

Irving Loren Bend Oregon<br />

Ivan Doumenc Vancouver BC<br />

Jackson Sharon Duncan BC<br />

Jackson Carol-Ann West Vancouver BC<br />

Jackson Rick Gabriola BC<br />

Jackson Bonnie Salmon Arm B.C.<br />

Jacobson Laura Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />


Jacobson Patricia Qualicum Beach B.C.<br />

Jaggers Jim Austin USA<br />

James Gilbert Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

James Berry Squamish BC<br />

James Malcolm Lindell Beach B.C.<br />

Jamieson Ruth North Bay ontario<br />

janney sharon parksville bc<br />

Janz Grant Winfield BC<br />

Janzen Joan Vancouver British Columiba<br />

Janzen Scott Burnaby BC<br />

Janzen Alison New Westminster British Columbia<br />

Jarvis Louise owen sound Ontario<br />

Jarvis Warren Masset B.C.<br />

Jasman Sherry Ladysmith British Columbia<br />

Jefferson Charles Ottawa on<br />

Jeffries Joy Hornby Island British Columbia<br />

Jenkins Lorraine Honeymoon Bay B.C.<br />

Jenkins Jim Honeymoon Bay B.C.<br />

Jennifer Meilleur North Vancouver BC<br />

Jensen Leona Pender Island British Columbia<br />

Jeric Mitzka hornby Island B.C.<br />

Jessen Mary Jane Gabriola Island British Columbia

Johansen Nadeen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

johansen chris qualicum beach b.c.<br />

John Callas Salt Spring British Columbia<br />

Johnson Dawn Pember<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

Johnson Sonja Sidney British Columbia<br />

Johnson Marilyn Courtenay British Columbia<br />

Johnson Viviane Gabriola BC<br />

Johnson William Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C<br />

johnson jeffrey wuikinuxv b.c.<br />

johnson bernard vic<strong>to</strong>ria british coumbia<br />

Johnson Les Alkali Lake british Columbia<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>n Christine Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>n Astrid Port Alberni British Columbia<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>n Robert Squirrel Cove B.C.<br />

johns<strong>to</strong>ne myna lee saltspring island BC<br />

Jolie Benjamin Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

jolly katherine comox bc<br />

Jones Tyler Vancouver BC<br />

Jones Bernie C BC<br />

Jones Stephanie San Diego california<br />

Jones Deborah Delta BC<br />


Judd Priscilla Lumby BC<br />

Jurchuk Danielle Vancouver British Columbia<br />

kaatz patricia kamloops bc<br />

Kagi Othmar Mission BC<br />

Kaller Elizabeth Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />


Kanes Kristen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Kapala Greg Sointula BC<br />

karagianis gerry vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Karagianis, Ronald Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

karras george vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Kartar Alia Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Kean Shelley North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Keating Michael Coombs B.C.<br />

Keeler Shirley Parksville BC<br />

Keenliside Thomas Vancouver B.C.<br />

keir andy thetis island bc<br />

Keith-Ferris Jeanne Calgary Alberta<br />

Kelgard Daphne Cranbrook BC<br />

Kelly Neil Sicamous British Columbia<br />

Kelly Stephan Comox B.C.<br />

Kempo, Olga West Vancouver B.C.<br />

Kendrick Bryce Sidney BC<br />

Kennedy Linda Vernon B.C.<br />

Kenny Ross North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Keoughan Ben Sechelt BC<br />

Kergan Carol Kelowna BC<br />

Kerr Catherine Vancouver British Columb ia<br />

Kerr Stacey Mississauga Ontario<br />

Kerr Hugh Garibaldi Highlands BC<br />

Kerr Eva Sidney BC<br />

Keyes Cornelia Rosedale BC<br />

Kidd Alice Lillooet BC<br />

killin pam vancouver bc

Kincaid Daryl Whistler BC<br />

King Reid Black Creek BC<br />

King Bryan Vancouver BC<br />

King, Colleen Prince<strong>to</strong>n British Columbia<br />

Kipp Darryl Hope BC<br />

kirkland scott north saanich bc<br />

Kirkpatrick Michael Gabriola BC<br />

Kis-Toth Peter Chemainus BC<br />

Kittleson Grady Duncan BC<br />

Klassen Jenny Telegraph Creek BC<br />

Kleiss Angela Chilliwack B.C.<br />

Kleshinski Frank X. Jeannette PA<br />

Klockars Aragorn Campbell River BC<br />

Klompas Kenner Delta BC<br />

Knight Robert Vancouver BC<br />

Knott Tom Hornby Island British Columbia<br />

Knowles Samantha Bowen Island BC<br />

Knowles-Gruft Isaac Vancouver BC<br />

Knox Charmalee Toron<strong>to</strong> ON<br />

Knutsen Finn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Knutsen Candis Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

koch angelika quadra Island british columbia<br />

koenders lyle vic<strong>to</strong>ria B. C.<br />

Kohut Ken Calgary Alberta<br />

Kondra Donna Mission B.C/<br />

Koning Norma Oegstgeest ZH<br />

Korbutt Lornekorbutt Surrey BC<br />

Kornelsen Fern Sonora Island B.C.<br />

Korshak Yvonne New York City NY<br />

Koshure Nicole Whistler BC<br />

Kosiancic Christina North Vancouver BC<br />

Kosior Eileen Black Diamond Alberta<br />

Kosteriva Donna Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, BC BC<br />

Kotilla Wendy Courtenay BC<br />

kotyk philip north vancouver bc<br />

Kowalski Brian Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Kowalsky Nathan Edmon<strong>to</strong>n Alberta<br />

Kozak Steve Abbotsford B.C.<br />

kredba Ronald Surrey BC<br />

kroeger ed nanaimo bc<br />

Kroning Angela Gibsons BC<br />

Krystle tenBrink Squamish BC<br />

Kublik Lori Merville BC<br />

kuhn bruce aldergrove b.c.<br />

kukec gord vancouver bc<br />

Kulai Ron Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Kyle Cathryn Surrey B.C.<br />

Lacy Craig Shawnigan Lake BC<br />

Lague Lise Fanny Bay British Columbia<br />

Laicher Alfons Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Laird Duncan Port Coquitlam B.C.<br />

Laird Sharon Campbell River BC<br />

Lake Philip Salt Spring Island British Columbia<br />

Lamarche Lucille Salt Spring Island BC<br />

Lamm Susan Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Lamont Marilyn Surrey B.C.

Lander Philip Roys<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

Lane Gerry North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Lang Alison Winlaw BC<br />

Langer Shirley Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

lansall wanita vic<strong>to</strong>ria b.c.<br />

Lansdowne Philip Sointula B.C.<br />

Lapka Kelvin Maple Ridge BC<br />

LaRochelle Marly Hollywood Florida<br />

Larson David Hazel<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

Larson Kathy Hazel<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

Latta Alex Kitchener ON<br />

Lau Joming North Vancouver BC<br />

Lau Edgar Vancouver BC<br />


Laver Mark Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Law Jane Gabriola BC<br />

Law Chris Port Alberni BC<br />

Lawrence Terry Surrey BC<br />

Lawrence Gary Vancouver BC<br />

Lawrence Kathy Surrey BC<br />

Le Faive Annette Calgary Alberta<br />

Le Monnier Sandy Port Coquitlam BC<br />

Leaf Apryl Gibsons BC<br />

Leakey Mathew Prince Rupert B.C.<br />

Leanne Hodges Quathiaski Cove BC<br />

Lebeau Connie Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

LeBlanc Shannon Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

LeBlond Daniel North Vancouver BC<br />

Lederer Desiree Whistler B.C.<br />

Ledingham Jo Belcarra BC<br />

Lee Pamela Thetis Island B.C.<br />

Lee Lesley Nanaimo BC<br />

Leibik Susan Vancouver B.C.<br />

Leis Cory Whistler BC<br />

Lengyel Pam Fanny Bay British Columbia<br />

Lepitre Gaby Duncan BC<br />

Lepofsky Dana N. Vancouver B.C.<br />

Lerner Julia Saltspring Island BC<br />


Les<strong>to</strong>n Christine Burnaby BC<br />

Levy Gillian Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Lewis Glyn Maple Ridge BC<br />

Lewis Catherine Salt Spring Island B.C.<br />

Lewis David Crof<strong>to</strong>n B.C.<br />

Lewis Gordon Coquitlam British Columbia<br />

Lewis 4 Allan Squamish BC<br />

Lewko Jason Delta BC<br />

Li Aries Vancouver BC<br />

Liebrock Chuck kelowna British Columbia<br />

lilly diana galiano island bc<br />

Lindsay Corene Gibsons British Columbia<br />

Lindsey Pollard Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Lin<strong>to</strong>n John Courtenay BC<br />

Lipcsei Michael Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Lissimore Timothy Gabriola BC<br />

Little John Sidney BC

Littledale Colleen Langley B.C.<br />

Litwinowich Jack Steves<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

liz harrison new west bc<br />

Lloyd Percy Summerland BC<br />

Lloyd Ian North Vancouver BC<br />

Lloyd-Jones Clay<strong>to</strong>n Terrace BC<br />

Lloyd-Smith Georgia Vancouver BC<br />

Lockhart Pamela White Rock BC<br />

Lodge Graham Kings<strong>to</strong>n Ontario<br />

Lofkrantz Eric Coquitlam British Columbia<br />

Logan Gene Vancouver BC<br />

Loiselle Maureen Thetis Island BC<br />

Long Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Revels<strong>to</strong>ke BC<br />

Lousier Daniel Coichan Bay BC<br />

Lubzinski Terry Surrey B.C.<br />

lum Sally chilliwack bc<br />

Lund Ken Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Lundquist Boyd Courtenay BC<br />

Lussin Ursula Enderby BC<br />

Lyle Perry Vancouver BC<br />

Lyman Eva Celista BC<br />

Lymworth, Bhavana Vancouver BC<br />

Lynn George Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Lyster Tracy Mission BC<br />

MacAdam Byron Port Coquitlam BC<br />

MacBride Laurie Gabriola BC<br />

Macdonald Robert Vancouver B<br />

MacDonald Mary Prince George BC<br />

MacDonald Heather Mission BC<br />

MacDonald Pamela Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

MacEachern Ruth Anne Courtenay BC<br />

MacFron<strong>to</strong>n Jeff Powell River BC<br />

macgillivray annie courtenay bc<br />

MacGregor Ian Burnaby BC<br />

MacGruther Gary Sointula British Columbia<br />

Mackay Nicole Port McNeill BC<br />

Mackay Donna Port McNeill BC<br />

Mackay William Port McNeill BC<br />

MacKenzie Ian Kamloops B.C.<br />

mackenzie conor <strong>to</strong>fno bc<br />

Mackworth Alan Vancouver BC<br />

MacLeod Bruce Horsefly BC<br />

macleod violet ottawa ont<br />

macmillan janet west vancouver b.c.<br />

macmillan don vancouver b.c.<br />

MacNay Alexander Whistler B.C.<br />

Maconachie Bill Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, B.C.<br />

MacPherson Cameron Ucluelet B.C.<br />

MacR Diane Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

macrae stephen vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Madsen Ruth Kamloops B.C.<br />

maginot richard duncan bc<br />

Magnuson Janis Naramata BC<br />

magrill barry richmond bc<br />

MAhar Ken Index Wa<br />

Maher Cheryl Brentwood Bay BC

Maidman David Burnaby BC<br />

Major Thomas Delta BC<br />

Major Samantha Tunbridge Wells Kent<br />

Makepeace Lyn Ladysmith BC<br />

malcolm stewart london ON<br />

malcolmson samuel <strong>to</strong>ron<strong>to</strong> ont<br />

Maley Leif Port Moody B.C.<br />

Mallett David Sooke BC<br />

Mallinson Anthea North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Malone Maureen Vancouver BC<br />

Mankelow Edward Chemainus British Columbia<br />

Manry Kathryn Calgary Alberta<br />

Manson Diana Mansons Landing BC<br />

March Elena Surrey BC<br />

Marchant Kim Campbell River B.C.<br />

Marckx Scott Port Townsend Washing<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Maria Gunkel North Vancouver BC<br />

Markle Josh Lethbridge Alberta<br />

Marks Chris Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Markwart Carl Surrey BC<br />

marque jess sointula bc<br />

Marr Andrew Vernon B.C.<br />

marra eugene kamloops bc<br />

Marshall James Quesnel BC<br />

marsters candace wasa bc<br />

Martens Shari Belle River Ontario<br />

martin kyle bellingham washing<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Martini Kati Tofino BC<br />

Martins Tina Delta, British Columbia<br />

martinson louise vancouver bc<br />

Mary Christina Horsefly B.C.<br />

Maskery Caragh Vancouver BC<br />

Matches Jack Kamloops BC<br />

mathauser jacob squamish b.c.<br />

Matthes Spencer Calgary Alberta<br />

Maxey Nelle Winlaw BC<br />

Maxwell Melanie Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Maxwell Sue Whistler BC<br />

May Ian North Saanich BC<br />

may brenda north Saanich bc<br />

Mayer Richard Delta BC<br />

Maynard Liam White Rock BC<br />

Mayzel Michael Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

mc donald mary ann gabriola british columbia<br />

McAlister Carie Gabriola BC<br />

McArdell Maureen Heriot Bay B. C.<br />

McBain Don North Vancouver BC<br />

McBain Ammon Mission BC<br />

McBride Lynn North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

McCARTNEY Robert Powell River BC<br />

McCarvill Liza Vancouver BC<br />

McConnell Sheila Parksville B.C.<br />

McConnell Amy Burnaby B.C.<br />

McConville Janette Vancouver British Columbia<br />

McCracken Leigh Langley B.C.<br />

McDaniel Neil Vancouver BC

McDonald Cecilia Shawnigan Lake BC<br />

mcewen pat lillooet british columbia<br />

mcfarlane w bruce vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />


McGeary, Irene Duncan BC<br />

McGlenn Stephen Lethbridge Alberta<br />

McGuire Pat Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

McIntyre Stephen Langley BC<br />

McIvor Gillian Ganges BC<br />

McKeachie Shelley Denman Island B.C.<br />

McKechnie Stephen White Fox Saskatchewan<br />

McKee Robert Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

McKee Marilyn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

McKee Charles Vancouver BC<br />

McKendrick Diane Powell River BC<br />

McKenzie John Duncan BC<br />

McKinlay Brian Vancouver BC<br />

McKinney, Aimee Delta BC<br />

McKinnon John Comox B.C.<br />

McLarty Mia North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

McLaughlin Elizabeth Saanich BC<br />

McLennan Don Sidney British Columbia<br />

McLennan E, Adair Delta B.C.<br />

McMillan Jason Surrey BC<br />

McMurray Dave Langley BC<br />

McMurray Hilarie Steves<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

McNally Diane Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

McNally G. Scott Kamloops BC<br />

McNamee Sandy White Rock BC<br />

McNeill Deirdre West Vancouver British Columbia<br />

McPhail Selkirk Port Alberni B C<br />

McPhedran Duncan Vancouver British Columbia<br />

McPhie Judith Vancouver BC<br />

McQueen Deborah Garibaldi Highlands BC<br />

McRae MaryLou North Saanich BC<br />

Medd Jennifer Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

mehling chris<strong>to</strong>pher <strong>to</strong>rrey utah<br />


Melloway Terri Gold Coast Qld Qld. Australia<br />

Mendes Rose Anne Brooklyn New Yprk<br />

Menghi Wendy North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Mercier Yve Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Merrill Lori Terrace British Columbia<br />

Michaelchuk Michele LAngley BC<br />

Michaelchuk Alden LAngley BC<br />

Michaelchuk Leah Langley BC<br />

Michel Gerald Lillooet BC<br />

Michelson Richard Sointula BC<br />

Middle<strong>to</strong>n Mary Ann Surrey BC<br />

Mikaelsen Debbra Vancouver BC<br />

Mike Richardson North Vancouver BC<br />

Mikkers Willem Vancouver BC<br />

Mikus Jeff Tofino BC<br />

Mikus Suzanne Tofino BC<br />

Miller G Port McNeill B.C.<br />

Miller Richard Nanaimo BC

Miller Barbara Duncan BC<br />

Miltner Chessi Galiano Island BC<br />

Mitchell Susan Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C<br />

Mitchell Melissa North Vancouver BC<br />

Mock Laurice Duncan BC<br />

Mock Ben Nelson BC<br />

Moehr Jochen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Moen Sue Black Creek British Columbia<br />

Molchan Patricia Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Montgomery Nita Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Moody Gail Bella Coola B.C.<br />

Moody Jason Bella Coola BC<br />

Moore Richard Vancouver BC<br />

Moores Paul Burnaby B.C.<br />

Moravec Paul Chilliwack BC<br />

Morgan Paul Vancouver BC<br />

Morgan Randy Maple Ridge B.C.<br />

Morris Jack Comox BC<br />

Morris Star Squamish BC<br />

Morris Dr. Ray Salmon Arm BC<br />

Morris John Comox BC<br />

Morris Anne Salmon Arm British Columbia<br />

Morris Mike Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Morris Ray Salmon Arm BC<br />

Morrison Bruce Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Morrison Donald Pickering Ontario<br />

Morrison Brian Peterborough Ontario<br />

Morrison Cheryl Abbotsford British Columbia<br />

Morrison Michael Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Mortimer Tamara Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Mor<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Alexandra</strong> Echo Bay BC<br />

Mor<strong>to</strong>n Elaine Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

mor<strong>to</strong>n Christine Cranbrook BC<br />

MOUAT Gil Salt Spring Island B.C.,<br />

Mounsey michelle summerland b.c.<br />

Mountain Robert alert bay bc<br />

mountain, robert alert bay bc<br />

Moysiuk Mary-Ann Vancouver BC<br />

Mroc Dpon Duncan B.C.<br />

Mumford Diana C. Gabriola BC<br />

Mummery Bob Squamish BC<br />

Munro Ian Richard Cherryville British Columbia<br />

murdoch bruce campbell river bc<br />

Murphy Michele Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Murphy Daniel Toron<strong>to</strong> ON<br />

Murray Deborah Port McNeill British Colombia<br />

murray dan vancouver b.c.<br />

Murray Anne Delta British Columbia<br />

Murray Donald Parksville British Columbia<br />

Murray Dayle Tahsis BC<br />

Muscroft Nicole Kamloops BC<br />

Mutter Mary Ann Vancouver BC<br />

myron douglas <strong>to</strong>ron<strong>to</strong> ontario<br />

Nahser-Ringer Renate Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bc<br />

Nash Doug Bowen Island BC<br />

Nathan Fisk Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC

Naumann Andreas Vancouver B.C.<br />

Nawrot Tor Hornby Island British Columbia<br />

Nawrot Lori Hornby Island BC<br />

Nazer Christine Mission BC<br />

Needham Paul Vancouver BC<br />

Neff, Vic North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

neil robin Port McNeill BC<br />

Neilson Dorothy Ladner BC<br />

Nelson Nadeane Duncan British Columbia<br />

Nelson Dorothy Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Nelson Donald Fort Langley BC<br />

Nelson Vic Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Nenn Michael Abbotsford British Columbia<br />

Neratini Donald Campbell River B.C.<br />

Neratini Barbara Campbell River B.C.<br />

Ness Susan Sointula BC<br />

Nessman Graham Ladysmith British Columbia<br />

Nes<strong>to</strong>r Mike Denman Island BC<br />

Nes<strong>to</strong>r Caroline Courtenay bc<br />

Neville Rosamond Kitkatla BC<br />

newman kelly santa cruz,CA USA<br />

Newsmall Bonnie Mae Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

neylan maureen gabriola bc<br />

Nichols Vern Courtenay British Columbia<br />


Nicol Ruth Abbotsford BC<br />

Nielsen Eileen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Nievaart Suzanne Pender Island BC<br />

Nikolajsen Kim West Vancouver BC<br />

Nixon Evelyn Comox BC<br />

Nokes Frances Comox BC<br />

Norbury Judy Courtenay BC<br />

Nord Celia Chase BC<br />

Noringseth Inge inge Salmon GN.langley BC.<br />

Norman Per Kitimat BC<br />

Norrie Jamie Maple ridge Bc<br />

norrie jean maple ridge bc<br />

Norris-Jones Cam Sooke BC<br />

Nostdal Deborah Salt Spring Island BC<br />

Nuca Vasile Richmond BC<br />

Nuse Betsy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Nutt Leanne Langley B.C.<br />

O'Brennan Terre Delta British Columbia<br />

OBrien Douglas Parksville B.C.<br />

Ogg, Kathryn Kathryn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Olafson Joanne Edmon<strong>to</strong>n AB<br />

Olaussen Greg Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

oliver guy vancouver b.c.<br />


olsen dave lasqueti bc<br />

Olson Stan Abbotsford BC<br />

Olson Cliff Maple Ridge B C<br />

Oltrop Ryan Airdrie Alberta<br />

Omori Vivian Richmond BC<br />

Omori Richard Richmond BC<br />

O'Neill Ruth Gabriola Island B.C.

onesj gail cowichan Bay BCBC BC<br />

Opal Kathleen Cranbrook British Columbia<br />

Opdenvelde Bob Edmon<strong>to</strong>n Alberta<br />

Orchis<strong>to</strong>n George Powell River BC<br />

O'Riordan Molly Whitehorse Yukon<br />

Orr William Surrey BC<br />

Orr allan North Vancouver B.C.<br />

Or<strong>to</strong>n Nick Sointula British Columbia<br />

Osborne Nora Vancouver BC<br />

O'Shaughnessy Marie Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

ourvis ralph dallas tx<br />

Oxley Suszanne Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Page Claire Leicester England<br />

Palanuik Roberta Bentley Alberta<br />

palidwor dave pitt meadows bc<br />

Pan<strong>to</strong>n Ken Ottawa On<br />

parbery noreen abbotsford british columbia<br />

Park Kirily Vancouver BC<br />

Parker Dennis Ganges BC<br />

Parkinson Laurie North Vancouver BC<br />

Patenaude Theresa Nanaimo British Columbia<br />

Paterson Stuart Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Paterson Bill Kitchener Ontario<br />

Paterson Bruce Canmore Alberta<br />

Paterson Phil Vancouver BC<br />

patrick donna north vancouver bc<br />

Patt Judith Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Patterson Bonni Surrey B.C.<br />

Patterson Linda Shawnigan Lake British Columbia<br />

Pattinson Howard Comox BC<br />

Pattinson Lindsey Comox British Columbia<br />

Pattinson Margaret Courtenay British Columbia<br />

paull birtha vic<strong>to</strong>ria british columbia<br />

Payerle George Roberts Creek B.C.<br />

Peacock Adrienne Belcarra BC<br />

Pearlman Myra Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Pearson Margaret Sechelt BC<br />

Pearson Monica Vancouver BC<br />

Pedretti Marianne Peterborough Ontario<br />

Pellizzari Elizabth Lake Errock BC<br />

Peltier Dale Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

pember<strong>to</strong>n susan gibsons british columbia<br />

Penner Irvin Campbell River BC<br />

Penning<strong>to</strong>n Janice Winnipeg Mani<strong>to</strong>ba<br />

Penty Art Yellowknife Northwest Terri<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

Peretsky Leslie Denvet Colorado<br />

perrick ann north vancouver b.c.<br />

Perrin Janne Harrison Hot Springs BC<br />

Perron Stephane brackendale bc<br />

Perry Alissa Calgary AB<br />

perry john burnaby bc<br />

Persson R. G. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Pesochin Lee Vancouver BC<br />

Peters Dillon Surrey B.C.<br />

Peters Fred Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Peterson Ryan Vancouver BC

peterson Carl Quadra Island BC<br />

Petitclerc-Evans Yolaine Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Phaff Jennifer St Andrews Fife, Scotland<br />

Phillips Mathew Tofino BC<br />

Phillips, Moireen Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Piché Aline Cherryville BC<br />

Picher Sharon Papakura New Zealand<br />

Pignataro Elizabeth Richmond Hill Ontario<br />

Pillman Raymond West Vancouver BC<br />

Pinsonneault Kate Pt McNeill BC<br />

Piper Kelsey Vancouver BC<br />

Piper Heather Powassan Ontario<br />

Pivnick Ken Sachigo Lake Ontario<br />

Pleasance Murray Port Hardy BC<br />

plowe fred fred Armstrong B C.<br />

Poepel Ursula Pender Island BC<br />

Poirier Kim Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Politylo Cayla Powell River BC<br />

Polk Zephyr Surge Narrows BC<br />

pollock dianne comox bc<br />

pombert al langley b.c.<br />

popplewell margot fort langley b.c.<br />

Porter Barbara Bowser B.C.<br />

Porter Doug Burnaby BC<br />

Porter Aswea Gander Newfoundland<br />

Portner Lauren Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Poulin Bonita Quadeville Ontario<br />

powell christine vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Pratt Sheila Maple Ridge BC<br />

Pratt Steven Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Pratten Mohrgan Waterloo Ontario<br />

Prebble Douglas Sudbury Ontario<br />

Precious Sheila Courtenay BC<br />

Preece Claudette Courtenay B.C.<br />

Prendergast Ann Sointula BC<br />

Prentice James Vancouver BC<br />

Prentice Robert Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

Prentice john richmond B.C.<br />

Price Fiona Kelowna BC<br />

Price Robert Campbell River British Columbia<br />

Pritchard Heather Aldergrove BC<br />

Pritchard Monette Surrey British Columbia<br />

prosser tyson chester basin nova scotia<br />

Proudlove Raelynn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

puckett thomas mathew thomas 100 mile house b.c.<br />

Puga Peter Denman Island B.C.<br />

pugh frances brentwood bay british columbia<br />

Purdey Alice Burnaby BC<br />

Purvis Russ McBride BC<br />

Putman Deborah Surrey BC<br />

Quaglia Stefan Duncan BC<br />

Quane Lindsi Vancouver BC<br />

quitzau les pender Island BC<br />

Radawiec Maureen Winnipeg MB<br />

Radford David Comox Valley RD BC<br />

raftery samantha saanich<strong>to</strong>n british columbia

Raho Jim Courtenay BC<br />

Ramsay Anderson Cassie Los Angeles California<br />

Ramshaw Brock Vancouver BC<br />

Ramsoondar Oosha Maple Ridge BC<br />

Rancourt Fern Masset BC<br />

Rappaport Mark Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Rasmussen Patricia Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Raymond Maureen Chilliwack B.C.<br />

Razavi Roxanne Kings<strong>to</strong>n Ontario<br />

Razmpoosh Mehran Vancovuer BC<br />

Read Derek Vancouver BC<br />

Rebar Greg Whistler British Columbia<br />

Reed Gerald Ladysmith BC<br />

Reed Anissa Qualicum Beach BC<br />

Reed Cathy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Rees William Vancouver BC<br />

reeve danika powell river british columbia<br />

Reeve James Lyss Bern<br />

Rehwald Gaylene Courtenay BC<br />

Reid Brent Courtenay BC<br />

Reid Fairahn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Reid <strong>Shea</strong>ne Halfmoon Bay BC<br />

Reid Dennis Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

remmem neil halfmoon bay bC<br />

Rhodes Robert Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />


Richards <strong>Alexandra</strong> Mission BC<br />

Richardson Sarah Nanaimo British Columbia<br />

Richardson Gregg Vancouver BC<br />

Richardson Donald Vancouver BC<br />

riddle carrie telkwa bc<br />

Rigler Dean Prince George British Columbia<br />

Riley Teresa Vancouver BC<br />

Ripping<strong>to</strong>n Andrew Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Ritchie William Gibbons Alberta<br />

Robbins Bea Sicamous B. C.<br />

Robert Claude Saint-Hyacinthe Québec<br />

Robert Juffs Winlaw BC<br />

Roberts Deidre Vancouver B.C.<br />

roberts rod nanaimo b.c.<br />

robertson bruce powell river british columbia<br />

Robinson Nick Tsawwassen BC<br />

Robinson Keith Kelowna British Columbia<br />

Robinson Bradley Vancouver B.C.<br />

Robson Roberta Heriot Bay BC<br />

Robson Steven Richmond BC<br />

Roch-Cunill Carles Salt Spring Island BC<br />

roche george surrey bc<br />

Rockwell Laurie Summerland BC<br />

Rogers Lars Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Rogers Luke Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Rogers Glenn Parksville BC<br />

Rogers Scott Simoom Sound British Columbia<br />

Rogge Siegfried Nanaimo BC<br />

Rohloff Peter Burnaby BC<br />

Rohloff Elfriede Burnaby B.C.

Rolke Gerald Surrey BC<br />

rolls denis whitehorse yukon<br />

Romaniuk Anita Vancouver BC<br />

Romilly Douglas Langley BC<br />

Ronne Jana Vancouver BC<br />

ronyecz rich qualicum bc<br />

Rosenkotter Barbara Deer Harbor Washing<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Rosgen Janice Sointula BC<br />

Ross June Nanaimo BC<br />

Rothe Paul Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Rotheisler Simon Vancouver bc<br />

Rothschild Edward Vancouver BC<br />

Rourke Les Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B>C.<br />


Rowe Bill Sun Prairie WI USA<br />

Rowlands Jane Calgary Alberta<br />

Rubin Kate Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Rudd Warren Tofino BC<br />

Rudischer Daniele Gabriola Island British Columbia<br />

Rudischer Gisele Gabriola Island British Columbia<br />

Rudischer Gunther Gabriola Island British Columbia<br />

Russell Mary Port Hardy BC<br />

russell derek vic<strong>to</strong>ria b.c.<br />

russell thomas port hardy bc<br />

Rutman Debra Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Ryzak Waine Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Saari Sue Cranbrook BC<br />

Sabau Julie Vancouver BC<br />

Sabey Rodger North Vancouver BC<br />

sahlmann wendy rosedale bc<br />

Sailor Tony Sechelt BC<br />

Sampson, Vern Sointula B.C.<br />

Samson Davin Sechelt Bc<br />

Sansom Holly Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Saplairoles Laurent Burnaby BC<br />

Sather Allan Maple Ridge BC<br />

Sawchenko Terrence Port Coquitlam British Columbia<br />

Saxifrage Carrie Vancouver BC<br />

Saxifrage Barry Vancouver BC<br />

Schacht Stephen Duncan BC<br />

Schaerer Detlef Saanich<strong>to</strong>n B.C<br />

Schley Lorna Quesnel B.C.<br />


Scholze Karl West Vancouver B.C.<br />

Schreiber francis Durango Colorado<br />

SCHRUDER Sandra Campbell River British Columbia<br />

schultz ron prince george BC<br />

Schwartz Stephen Vancouver B.C.<br />

Schwartzentruber Tamara Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Scianna Maria San Jose CA USA<br />

Scott Andrew Sechelt BC<br />

scott don langley bc<br />

Scoular David Maderia Park BC<br />

Screech guy vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

seaman Ben Vancouver BC<br />

Secco Dave Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC

Seiple Barbara Philadelphia `Pennsylvania<br />

Semchuk Sandra Vancouver BV<br />

Seville Peter Calgary Alberta<br />

shaneman john vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Shannon Patrick West Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Sharp Larry Vancouver BC<br />

Shaw Christine Sechelt BC<br />

Shepherd David Vernon BC<br />

shepherd leah lake errock bc<br />

shepherd bryce lake errock bc<br />

Shepherd Shannon Nanaimo BC<br />

sheriff andrew vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Sherwood Bob and Deb Osoyoos BC<br />

Sherwood Chris Vancouver B.C.<br />

Shewchuk Stephanie Calgary Alberta<br />

Shields Mary Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Shiels Dolores Sointula B.C.<br />

Shipway David Mansons Landing BC<br />

Shira Ahava Salt Spring Island B<br />

Shively Daniel Indiana Pennsylvania<br />

Shuttleworth Dianne Qualicum Beach British Columbia<br />

Sidor Jacquelyn Aberdeen United States<br />

Sierra Claire Denman Island British Columbia<br />

sigmund larry prince rupert bc<br />

Siider Crystal Sointula BC<br />

Siider Calvin Sointula BC<br />

Simeon Ana Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Simkin, Yvonne Surrey B.C.<br />

Simmins Marjorie Halifax Nova Scotia<br />

Simmonds Maureen Powell River BC<br />

Simon Charlene Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

simons robert lions bay b c<br />

Simpson Janet Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Simpson Deborah Vancouer BC<br />

Simpson Heather Quathiaski Cove B.C.<br />

Sinats Andy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Single<strong>to</strong>n-Polster Ben Vancouver BC<br />

Skarsen Todd Nanaimo British Columbia<br />

Skipper Wayne West Vancouver BC<br />

Skipper Peter Nanaimo B.C.<br />

skoda ken hope bc<br />

Skwarok James Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Sky Patricia Burnaby BC<br />

Slater Catherine Heriot Bay B.C.<br />


sloan patti qualicum beach bc<br />

Sloan Marla Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Slobodian Sandy Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Smart Heather Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Smart Rosemary Bella Coola BC<br />

Smith Mark North Saanich British Columbia<br />

SMITH Barry Summerland bc<br />

Smith Janet North Vancouver BC<br />

smith bruce pentic<strong>to</strong>n B.C.<br />

smith dennis campbell river bc<br />

Smith Faye Qualicum Beach BC

Smith Robert W. Ladner B.C.<br />

Smith Dale Mackenzie B.C.<br />

Smith Lorna New Westminster BC<br />

Smith Karren Vancouver BC<br />

Smith Suzanne Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Smith William Vancouver BC<br />

Smith Cecily Lethbridge Alberta<br />

Smith Gayda Port Coquitlam B.C.<br />

SMITH james Surrey B C<br />

Soanes Sally Parksville BC<br />

Sockeye Sammy Vancouver BC<br />

Sonoff Amy Coquitlam BC<br />

southworth neil surrey BC<br />

Speed Ryan Saanich BC<br />

Spencer Scott Mill Bay B.C<br />

Spencer Maurice Cres<strong>to</strong>n B.C.<br />

Spicer <strong>Alexandra</strong> Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia<br />

Spies Rudy Nakusp BC<br />

Spragg Derek Vancouver BC<br />

Springford Gabriole Nanaimo Bc<br />

Sprungman Ethan Chilliwack Bc<br />

St.Cyr Shilo Vancouver BC<br />

Stacy Ron Summerland BC<br />

Stafford Alexis Nelson BC<br />

Stanger Doug Maple Ridge British Columbia<br />

Stanley Jessica North Vancouver BC<br />

Stanley Kathy Edmon<strong>to</strong>n Alberta<br />

STAPLES RHONDA Vancouver BC<br />

Starr Jaynie Parksville BC<br />

Starr M. Haisla B. C.<br />

Stat<strong>to</strong>n Samantha Mansons Landing BC<br />

stclair suzan duncan BC<br />

Steele Kevin Comox British Columbia<br />

Steele Margaret Grand Forks BC<br />

Steele Herbert Kamloops British Columbia<br />

steele jack new westminster b.c.<br />

Steer Norma Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Steeves Jennifer Gibsons B.C<br />

Stensland David Bend Oregon<br />

stensland stian Oslo Norway<br />

stensrud glen kamloops bc<br />

Sterritt Lisa Armstrong BC<br />

Stevens Larraine 70 Mile House BC<br />

Stevenson William Stanwood Washing<strong>to</strong>n state<br />

Stevenson Elizabeth Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

stewart mary jane vancouver bc<br />

Stiff Howard Gabriola BC<br />

Stirrett Russell Vancouver BC<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ckdale M. Judith Enderby B.C.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ckdale Mary Vernon BC<br />

s<strong>to</strong>nehouse william powell river b.c.<br />

s<strong>to</strong>nehouse george hornby island bc<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ut Susan North Vancouver BC<br />

Strachan Daniel Röschenz Switzerland<br />

Strand Steve Campbell River British Columbia<br />

Stretch Martin Whistler BC

Strgar Vincent Vancouver BC<br />

Sturgis Judy Gardnerville Nevada (former B.C)<br />

Suds Karla Whistler BC<br />

Sue Saari Cranbrook BC<br />

sullivan james vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

Summers Steve Vancouver BC<br />

Sumner Len Campbell River B.C.<br />

Sumner Maureen Campbell River B.C.<br />

Sundvick Dan Langley BC<br />


Sutherland Kate Vancouver BC<br />

Sutmoller Sarah Courtenay BC<br />

sveinson thomas salmon arm b.c.<br />

sveinson <strong>to</strong>m & Helen salmon arm b.c.<br />

Swain Martin Port Moody BC<br />

Swerhun Donna Nanaimo BC<br />


Syrette John Nanaimo B.C.<br />


Tait Derek Ladner B.C.<br />

Taksinrote Worapol Vancouver BC<br />

Tani Claude Burnaby BC<br />

Tanner Sharon Sointula BC<br />

Tarasoff Clarice Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Tasker James Sudbury MA<br />

tatham Joe North Vancouver BC<br />


Tausche J. Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Taylor Lynn Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Taylor Susan Courtenay BC<br />

Taylor Ken Ladner B.C.<br />

Taylor Lorne Comox BC<br />

Taylor Barney Summerland BC<br />

Taylor Heather Ladner BC<br />

Taylor Barbara Vancouver B.C.<br />

Tebbutt Pete Powell River B.C.<br />

Tebbutt Nikki Lund BC<br />

Terlingen Hans Kaslo B.C.<br />

Terry Daniel Denman Island BC<br />

Therrien Deni New Westminster BC<br />

Thibault Evelyn Richmond B.C.<br />

Thiessen Ron Mission BC<br />

Thirlwell Pat Sherwood Park Alberta<br />

Thom Andrew Vancouver B.C.<br />

Thomas Gary Ladner BC<br />

Thomas Daniel Burnaby BC<br />

Thomas Doris Paf Bayern<br />

Thompson Gwynneth Delta B.C.<br />

Thompson Lindsay Vancouver BC<br />

Thompson Bonnie Pender Island BC<br />

Thorn Larry Port Moody British Columbia<br />

Tibbetts Elisabeth Duncan BC<br />

Tissing<strong>to</strong>n John Devon Alberta<br />

titter<strong>to</strong>n renee gabriola bc<br />

<strong>to</strong>bin sheila quathiaski cove bc<br />

Tolley Kathleen Qualicum Beach British Columbia

Tolson Kathie Denman Island B.C.<br />

Tomlinson Lynn Qualicum Beach B.C.<br />

<strong>to</strong>nina<strong>to</strong> john Campbellriver B.C<br />

Toohey Robert Sechelt B.C.<br />

Toporowski Glen Vancouver B.C.<br />

Toriel J-M Vancouver BC<br />

<strong>to</strong>rres maria bellingham Washing<strong>to</strong>n State<br />

Toth Christina Abbotsford BC<br />

<strong>to</strong>wle Desiree Prince George B.C.<br />

Traynor Jim Lillooet B.C.<br />

Traynor Sarah Vancouver BC<br />

Treiberg Anders Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

trelinski debra fanny bay bc<br />

Trenholme Sylvia Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Tritschler Robert Parksville BC<br />

Tuck Tony Shoal Harbour NL<br />

Tuffs Robert Vancouver BC<br />

Turner Bunny Florence Hubley Nova Scotia<br />

Tur<strong>to</strong>n Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Vancouver BC<br />

tuttle kim saltspring island british columbia<br />

Tyson Hugh Salmon Arm BC<br />

Uldall-Ekman Maureen Vancouver B.C.<br />

Underwood Colleen Cowichan Bay BC<br />

Underwood, Barry Barry Oliver BC<br />

Unger Steve Sooke BC<br />

Unger Chloe Sooke BC<br />

Unger Finn Sooke BC<br />

Unwin Sharon Campbell River BC<br />

upper david bowser b.c.<br />

Upward Ted Vancouver B.C.<br />

Upwards Andy cochrane Alberta<br />

Urquhart Jess Merritt BC<br />

Usher bernard Comox B.C.<br />

Utley Celia West Vancouver BC<br />

Vadas, Jr. Dr. Robert Olympia WA, USA<br />

Vagela<strong>to</strong>s Stefanos Whistler BC<br />

Vagela<strong>to</strong>s Nicholas Whistler British Columbia<br />

Vajda Stephen North Vancouver British Columbia<br />

van den tillaart susan Armstrong bc<br />

van Empel Walter surrey bC<br />

Van Schilt Charles Campbell River B.C.<br />

van Slyke Jeffrey Bruce Vancouver BC<br />

Van Wyck Rob Thunder Bay ON<br />

Varcoe Lillian Vancouver B.C.<br />

Varcoe Neil T. Nanaimo B.C.<br />

Varcoe Neil Nanaimo B.C/<br />

Vasile Nuca Richmond BC<br />

Vea Lawrence Coquitlam BC<br />

Vera Felipe Richmond BC<br />

Vernon Philip Salt Spring Island BC<br />

vigurs lillian coquitlam bc<br />


viola pina burnaby bc<br />

Vipond Chris Dawson Creek BC<br />

Vitaly Barbara Abbotsford British Columbia<br />

Vogler Stephen Whistler British Columbia

Volling Kathleen Antioch Illinois<br />

Vroegindeweij Peter Oona River BC<br />

waddell Allan Pender Island B.C.<br />

Wadden Holly S. Surrey BC<br />

Wade Gabrielle Pentic<strong>to</strong>n British Columbia<br />

Wagner Gloria Salt Spring Island BC<br />

Walker Jewel Burnaby BC<br />

Walker Moira Vancouver BC<br />

Walker Janet Calgary Alberta<br />

Walker Darren Tunbridge Wells Kent<br />

walker fern sechelt B.C.<br />

Wall Ronald Duncan BC<br />

Walsh Nancy Sointula BC<br />

Walsh Linda Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Walters Al Nelson British Columbia<br />

Walters B.Merle Abbotsford B.C.<br />

Wapp Bessie Nelson BC<br />

Ward Elizabeth VANCOUVER BC<br />

Warner Stephanie Vancouver BC<br />

Warren Clifford V1c<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

Wartenberg Helmut Cres<strong>to</strong>n British Columbia<br />

Waters Bob Blind Bay BC<br />

Watkins Dave Chilliwack BC<br />

Watkins S. White Rock BC<br />

Watson Stephnie Lethbridge Alberta<br />

Watson Hugh Campbell River B. C.<br />

Weaver Rose Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B,C.<br />

Webb Loraine Nevada City CA<br />

webb steve vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Webber Wally Beoolalla C B.C.<br />

Weber Jennifer COURTENAY BC<br />

wedel bonnita Mount Lehman BC<br />

Weech Shari North Saanich BC<br />

Weiss Dixie Parksville B.C.<br />

Weland Marilyn Duncan B.C.<br />

Wells Gloria Qualicum Beach British Columbia<br />

Welman mairi vancouver bc<br />

Welsh Catherine Vancouver British Columbia<br />

Westarp Nicki Gabriola BC<br />

Westergaard Kathleen Campbell River BC<br />

westmacott erica north saanich b.c.<br />

Wes<strong>to</strong>n Margo Vancouver BC<br />

Westren, susan Susan Quadra Island British Columbia<br />

Wey Neil Chemainus B.C<br />

wharin emily whistler b.c.<br />

wharin jim whistler b.c.<br />

wharin erin whistler b.c.<br />

Wheeler Bruce Savannah Georgia<br />

Wheeler Lynne Fanny Bay B.C.<br />

Whitaker Reg Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

White Cameron Calgary Ab<br />

White Eileen Surrey BC<br />

White Ken Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />

White Jacqueline Austin Texas<br />

Whitehouse Kelly Kelowna B.C.<br />

Wickland Wendy Salt Spring Island BC

Wicks Lesley Saanich<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

Wicks Eileen nad Trevor Qualicum Beach B C<br />

Wickstrom Donna Qualicum Beach BC<br />

Wiersema Jon Sointula BC<br />

Wigen Nancy Salt Spring Island B.C.<br />

Wilbee Linda Quesel BC<br />



Wilcox Gracie Shawnigan Lake B.C.<br />

Wilkinson Chris West Vancouver BC<br />

Wilkinson Tom Summerland B.C.<br />

Willard Dan Nanaimo B.C.<br />

williams jeremy powell river bc<br />

Williams Robert surrey b.c.<br />

Williams Gloria Albuquerque, New Mexico U.S.A.<br />

Williams Linda Sechelt BC<br />


williams barbara conroe tx.<br />

williams robert stephen parksville B C<br />

williams michael Roys<strong>to</strong>n BC<br />

Williams Roger Vancouver BC<br />

Williamson Jim Nanoose Bay B.C.<br />

Willis William West Vancouver B.C.<br />

Willson Susan Vancouver BC<br />

Willson Don Port McNeill BC<br />

Wilson Bill Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Wilson Mark North Vancouver B.C<br />

Wiltshire Rob Denman Island BC<br />

Wing Petrina Gibsons BC<br />

Winn David Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Winter John Langley BC<br />

Witala Rick: Oliver British Columbia<br />

Witt Helen Abbotsford B C<br />

Wolver<strong>to</strong>n Jane Galiano Island British Columbia<br />

Wong Todd North Vancouver BC<br />

Wong Carla Toron<strong>to</strong> Ontario<br />

wood lorraine vavenby bc<br />

Wood Barbara Vancouver BC<br />

Wood Evan Vancouver BC<br />

Wood David North Vancouver BC<br />

Woodard Douglas St. Catharines Ontario<br />

Woodley Kathleen Zeballos BC<br />

Woods Twila Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Woods Clover Guelph Ontario<br />

Woods Cathy Vancouver B.C.<br />

Woodworth Sabra North Vancouver B.C.<br />



woolf lois burnaby bc<br />

wootten nathan west vancouver bc<br />

Worster Juta Vic<strong>to</strong>ria B.C.<br />


Wrench Calvin Sicamous BC<br />

Wright Jim Richmond BC<br />

Wright Eleanor Lillooet B.C.<br />

Wright Thelma Vic<strong>to</strong>ria British Columbia

Wulff Darlene Nanaimo BC<br />

yachuk andrew port coquitlam british columbia<br />

yacub ernie courtenay bc<br />

Yaeger David Nelson BC<br />

Yaki Gustave Calgary Alberta<br />

yeend susan gabriola B.C.<br />

Yeo William Salt Spring Island BC<br />

YEREX DAWN PRINCE GEORGE,B.C. British Columbia<br />

Yokota Nachiko North Vancouver BC<br />

Young Cameron Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Young Gerald Parksville B.C.<br />

Young Robert Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

young jon north vancouver bc<br />

Young Doug Coquitlam BC<br />

Zaikow Elizabeth Powell River B.. C.<br />

zensen marilyne dijon france<br />

Zetina Shandon Vancouver BC<br />

Zilker Sibylle Vic<strong>to</strong>ria BC<br />

Zimmerman Mark Calgary Alberta<br />

Zimmerman Karen Salmon Arm BC<br />

ziner Joe Courtenay BC<br />

zol<strong>to</strong>wska joanna m. vic<strong>to</strong>ria bc<br />

zosiak lisa pitt meadows bc

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