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<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> <strong>COMPETITION</strong> <strong>SPONSORSHIP</strong><br />
Opportunities for Partnership<br />
Participation as a sponsor <strong>of</strong> the WSU Business Plan<br />
Competition is mutually beneficial in a number <strong>of</strong><br />
ways and allows for various levels <strong>of</strong> interaction with<br />
students. All sponsors are eligible to choose a judge<br />
for at least one round <strong>of</strong> competition. Sponsors also<br />
are recognized in competition materials and can host<br />
banners, tables, or giveaways.<br />
Program Vision<br />
There is currently no sustained funding source for this<br />
critical program. The Business Plan Competition was<br />
developed to complement the existing entrepreneurial<br />
program and position WSU and the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Business<br />
as leaders in this field in the Pacific Northwest. The<br />
success <strong>of</strong> the Business Plan Competition is key in<br />
rounding out academic and outreach efforts—bridging<br />
theory and application for students who participate.<br />
WSU has taken this competition beyond the Pullman<br />
campus and has included regional, national, and<br />
international competitors, thereby enhancing the<br />
experience for all participants. The success <strong>of</strong> the<br />
program is essential in advancing the educational<br />
experience for all entrepreneurship majors. The Business<br />
Plan Competition is a vital part <strong>of</strong> that program and a<br />
way to showcase student learning to the business world.<br />
Levels <strong>of</strong> Sponsorship<br />
Crimson Sponsor<br />
$10,000 and above<br />
• Place a judge at preliminary and/or<br />
championship competitions<br />
• Sponsorship level recognized in news release,<br />
collateral materials, and website<br />
• Name a student league<br />
• Company logo and/or name displayed on table<br />
at the awards ceremony<br />
Silver Sponsor<br />
$5,000 to $9,999<br />
• Place a judge at preliminary and/or<br />
championship competitions<br />
• Sponsorship level recognized in collateral<br />
materials and website<br />
• Name a student league<br />
Angel Sponsor<br />
$2,500 to $4,999<br />
• Place a judge at preliminary and/or<br />
championship competitions<br />
• Sponsorship level recognized in collateral<br />
materials and website<br />
Investor Sponsor<br />
$1,000 to $2,499<br />
• Place a judge at preliminary and/or<br />
championship competitions<br />
• Sponsorship level recognized on website<br />
Awards Dinner Table Sponsor<br />
$500<br />
• Company logo and/or name displayed on table<br />
at the awards ceremony<br />
Distinctions<br />
Since its inception in 1995, the Center for<br />
Entrepreneurial Studies has provided education and<br />
training in the critical skills essential for business<br />
creation, innovation, and leadership. A survey by<br />
Entrepreneur magazine and The Princeton Review ranks<br />
the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies as one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
top 25 entrepreneurship programs in the nation in<br />
the undergraduate category.<br />
“Our business plan competition is among the best in the country. It is<br />
designed to enable participants to learn firsthand about new venture<br />
creation and to launch their new ventures, as well.<br />
In 2013 we will be hosting the 11th<br />
annual Business Plan Competition. So<br />
come and join the celebration. We look<br />
forward to seeing you all.”<br />
—Saonee Sarker, Ph.D.<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> the Center for<br />
Entrepreneurial Studies
Organization <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Competition<br />
The WSU Business Plan Competition is set up in two<br />
phases with the preliminary phase held in the fall<br />
semester, usually the first week <strong>of</strong> December, and the final<br />
competition held in the spring semester, usually late April.<br />
The two-phased competition encompasses an educational<br />
objective while encouraging participants to pursue their<br />
entrepreneurial ventures.<br />
• Phase I: The first phase emphasizes feasibility<br />
analysis as students brainstorm and choose which<br />
ideas they will pursue. In conjunction with<br />
educational modules and mentoring opportunities,<br />
students assess the technical merits, operational<br />
logistics, legal ramifications, consumer needs and<br />
demands, team skills and abilities, and financial<br />
viability <strong>of</strong> their proposed innovation. In Phase I,<br />
teams create video entries and also make quick<br />
face-to-face presentations <strong>of</strong> their business plan to<br />
the judges.<br />
• Phase II: Culminating with the actual competition<br />
in the spring, this phase is devoted to preparing and<br />
presenting a sound business plan. Specific courses<br />
are available in the spring semester to complement<br />
business plan development. This time is <strong>of</strong>ten used to<br />
create working prototypes and models to bring ideas<br />
one step closer to potential commercialization.<br />
The two-day competition is organized by leagues.<br />
Judges for the competition are experienced<br />
executives, entrepreneurs, bankers, and venture<br />
capitalists who provide feedback to the teams and<br />
determine winners. The top winners earn recognition,<br />
prize money, and opportunities to represent WSU at<br />
regional and national competitions. Teams whose<br />
ideas warrant further exploration for patenting or<br />
actual business startup are coached and encouraged<br />
through the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and<br />
the Innovation Assessment Center.<br />
An award ceremony to celebrate the college’s<br />
entrepreneurial spirit is held after the first day <strong>of</strong> the<br />
competition. Those who are moving on to the second<br />
day <strong>of</strong> the competition will be notified at that time.<br />
Commitment to<br />
Quality Education<br />
Innovation and business creation are essential for<br />
global competitiveness in the 21st century. All premier<br />
entrepreneurial education programs feature a business plan<br />
competition, but most are regional and primarily at the<br />
graduate level. The <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Business at Washington State<br />
University believes a business plan competition is critical for<br />
developing the skills and experience necessary for our worldclass<br />
entrepreneurial program.<br />
In 2012 the competition celebrated its 10th anniversary. In<br />
celebration <strong>of</strong> this milestone, Dr. Samuel H. Smith delivered<br />
the keynote address. Forty-six teams presented their plans<br />
to a panel <strong>of</strong> judges from the business community, with the<br />
winning teams sharing cash and prizes totaling $150,000.<br />
A gala awards ceremony concluded the event followed by a<br />
reception sponsored by Washington Trust Bank for judges<br />
and event organizers.<br />
This year our keynote speaker will be Maury Forman, from<br />
the Washington State Department <strong>of</strong> Commerce. Maury<br />
brings a broad perspective <strong>of</strong> how entrepreneurship is<br />
bringing vitality to our region.<br />
The competition is open to all WSU students in any major.<br />
Interdisciplinary teams from across campus come together in<br />
a unique forum to showcase their creativity and hard work.<br />
The competition includes a high school league to encourage<br />
younger participants, and international teams from our<br />
campuses at the Southwestern University <strong>of</strong> Finance and<br />
Economics (SWUFE) in Chengdu, China, and at University<br />
Center César Ritz in Brig, Switzerland.<br />
As we continue to build internal and external relationships,<br />
we are fostering economic impact, where outcomes can<br />
include intellectual property agreements, new patents, and<br />
venture funding.<br />
“The business plan competition at Washington State University<br />
drives new entrepreneurial ideas in our marketplace. Students<br />
are getting a first class education while also being tested in a real<br />
world environment by industry pr<strong>of</strong>essionals.<br />
This face to face interaction will prove to be<br />
one <strong>of</strong> the most valuable experiences students<br />
have in higher education.”<br />
—Douglas A. Cox<br />
Vice President/Commercial Lending<br />
American West Bank<br />
Summer<br />
Work with<br />
internal and<br />
external<br />
partners to<br />
create inventory<br />
<strong>of</strong> good ideas<br />
Fall<br />
Teams<br />
brainstorm<br />
and choose<br />
ideas; conduct<br />
feasibility<br />
analysis; virtual<br />
competition<br />
Spring<br />
Business plan<br />
development;<br />
prototype/<br />
models;<br />
Business Plan<br />
Competition<br />
Spring/<br />
Summer<br />
Launching new<br />
ventures—<br />
funding,<br />
coaching,<br />
networking<br />
For more information please contact:<br />
Jeff Pilcher<br />
Assistant Director <strong>of</strong> Development<br />
509-335-8906<br /><br /><br />
or:<br />
Lael Gatewood<br />
Business Plan Competition Coordinator<br />
509-335-5319<br /><br /><br />
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