Clusters are individuals - VDI/VDE-IT

Clusters are individuals - VDI/VDE-IT

Clusters are individuals - VDI/VDE-IT


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Monitoring and evaluation system<br />

The program is evaluated every 24 months.<br />

The following indicators <strong>are</strong> used to monitor the performance<br />

of the program:<br />

Beneficiaries <strong>are</strong> monitored by regular written reports prep<strong>are</strong>d<br />

by the beneficiary, by regular meetings with the program<br />

owner and regular independent evaluations.<br />


Output<br />

• Number of new products and/or services<br />

• Number of PhD projects beneficial to private sector/cluster initiative in the region<br />

• Number of spin-offs<br />

• Qualitative measures: measuring of the economic value of the above mentioned indicators<br />

Results<br />

• Number of cooperative/joint projects between companies<br />

• Number of triple-helix projects<br />

• Total number of companies actively participating in projects<br />

• Average number of participating companies in supported projects<br />

• Participating companies matching grant: private vs. public funding in per cent<br />

• Total amount of international grants/funding received (competitive calls for example)<br />

• Average budget of supported projects<br />

Impact<br />

• Number of jobs created linked to cluster initiatives<br />

• Number of spin-offs/start-up companies<br />

• Effect on unemployment rate<br />

• Qualitative indicator: perception of benefits (participants, stakeholders)<br /> Context of the program<br />

Although the program is an important regional development<br />

program of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism,<br />

it is of rather medium relevance in the context of the<br />

overall national policy setting.<br />

According to program officials the coordination of the program<br />

is neither weak nor strong. However, improvements in<br />

terms of effectiveness and efficiency of the program might<br />

be achieved through an improved coordination.<br />

How important is the cluster program in relation to… 0 1 2 3 4<br />

…the overall economic/industrial development strategy • • • X •<br />

…other R&D/innovation programs • • • X •<br />

0 = not important at all ==> 4 = very important<br />

Table 32: Relevance of Vaxtarsamningur in the overall policy setting<br />


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